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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1895)
Such ills as SORENESS, STIFFNESS, and the like. Attorneys at Law. Will practice In aU court of tha stats. SpeaiaU tentlon given to nutters in probte andtoao.iscuons. omOS-Ia the riina block K BI1LYEO Attorney at Law Solicitor In Chaneary. Ool lorm made On all points. Loana nejalUUxl on sbla teraia. Albany Oregon j. ! WHITNEY Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. gLAGKBURFi & SOHERS A.o.'ToitisrE-srs .o? xw. All legal matters will receive prompt st ent on. Office, First National Bank mlding, np stairs. fOXTASIE HACKLKH AN, Attorneys at Law. Albacy, Oregon. JJB. J. I. OIL1., Phydctan and Surgeon. OrTICg Corns Ferry straws, Albany. Oregon. EO. W. HARRIS, JUSTICE OI" PEACE, k innM in th Dnoon corner gnd and Broadaibin stmts Albany. Or. Bents and Collections a Specialty. DR.C, U, CHAF.1BERLIF. Bcoaxozi opj Office on Ferry St near cor 3rd St. Offic hours, 7 to 9 a m, 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m Especial attention p-iven to chronic case and eye diseases. FIRST NATIONAL, BANK, OF ALBANY, ORISON resident . Vice President . Cashier - LFLINN S. R.YOTJNG , W. liAJUlKJ FUAKSACTS A GKNKRALbanamgfcnaloaaa AfWlrTXTa KKPT anhfect ta chock. filOHT EXCHAKOE and tel Taphie traarf r, told New York, Saa Francisco, CSJcago ajsn fiuiM qroa O jCCiTTIO daJDSoa aorabie arms xucroas Tocss ,W unor- BbAm, L. Funrl gBWAaal.Sox. J W. COLICS aC CO., BASHER or a&bany. oeo. fRAKSACT a eeneral Banking usiness . PRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New ' on Saw York. 8an T eeo and Ponlano. OrerMa; LOAN MOKKT on aporored isenrlty . RECEITS deposits subject to check. COLLECTIONS made on fararahia tarose. INTEREST paid on time daoosl Caveats and Trade-M rki obtained, and all est b-nujess conducted nin Am.. t OMUEIII S and we caa secure patent ialcy'ae thin lw Scad mode), drawing- or pbotaL, wftfl daertn 3.- . u e advise, u patentaoia nr not, me cxn7 Out foe not due bit pr lent ia tea J a. p.amLrr, Mott to Obc aPatena, I cost of scse In the U.S. tad agacM (aecciree. Address. ;c,a.sfjow&co Skin Eruptions and similar annoyances 31- rxosed by aa impure tlood, which will result in a more dreaded disease. Unless removed, slight impurities will develop into Scrofula, Ecze ma, Salt Rheum and other serious results of Bad Blood I have for acme time bCcj a sanerer from a severe blood tronbie, for which 1 took marry reipedies that did roe ua good. I have tor taken four bottles of f f.iJS-JS withtheinostwwnderfnl results J 2222 Am enjoying the best health I 7 f-vpr i rwtr havp ffained twenrv ever knew, have gained twenty gv Inenes sav tnev never saw t me as well. I a feelin? quite like a new - JOHN S. EDELSX, Goremaegt f.Hrmg Office. VMiiagloa.D.C Csi Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC C0 Atimta, Ea. r iim, Cnsick Block Albany, Or Filling end extracting of teetb withon nain asnecialty R. 31. H. ELLIS, Physician And Surgecn. Albany, Oregon. Treats the diseases of the eye and ear. ispectacles accurately fitted. 2-1 D1SSCLURI0S KOTICF, Notice is hereby given that the ccpart-neri-hip of Hodges & McFarland has been dissolved, O. C- McFarland retiring. All accounts due previous to Oct. 8 are due and pay 0. C. McFarland. A. J, Hodges. 0. C. McFablaxd. JEOEFIH THE PLUMBER Tin roofiing ) and plumbing, the opera house. Opposite rssims Prof. A. ST ARK Of Will & Stark. Optical Specialist (Irsidoate of the Chicago Opthalm" Oolite. ; I iiuj prepared to examine scientifica and accurately, by the latest and improved methods of modern science, any who de sire to baw their eyes tested. , Cuxick Block, Albant, Ohegoh. 350 Pairs Boots. Kline. Dubruille Co., sold hist fall and winter, 350 pairs of boots on a warrant and thay are proud to s not ne pair came back, ihey carry the siu iwots this year a"d have on hand a very lawe stock. Al.-o all kinds of Mhoes. - fueirchu dren school shoes are the very bet. Their ladies fine shoes are the finest and. Up ta ' ate on Bt;le . Tbey are tne only exclusive I oot and shoe store in Albany. Give them a call. Pavr HoosnaTE rcca. m p.ttwt oi laa lOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi ST. JACOBS OIL WIPES OUT Promptly and Effectually. it. te fixed wheasa health by tas mi of SHAUER'S Compound Cod Liver CI Capsules. t'naurpaased aa a remedy for Coa eumntloa. Aata. V'SttS ma. Bronchitis. r V Coagha, Debility and all -wasting dieasrs. Perfectly tasteless. Tha tr-ly scientific remedy by building aa and reviving the body and renewing wast tissue, resists and deatroya diaeaae gi i , contalna the purest Cod Lhrer OH combiaed leiU; eechwood Tan pleaannt and eaay ta tak-; rtaaonnbiy and honeatly compounded by a practical pharmacist. Yon can get them ONLY BY MAI I Pre. paid to yon on receipt of 85c, pr box. rrttmred lultl.r n.r G. G. SHAUBR, CHaviaT, 39th & State Sta REMOVE THE CAUSE and th symptoms will disappear . This yon wit accomplish by nainf SHAUERS' CATARRH THROAT SPECIFIC aal incomparable remedy for diaeaaea of Ik Throat, Noae, ana jaonu. A ttnan, aimple and cflectiTC cur for Catmia. May Htt. WphHiwia. Qulaw Sora Thrtat. M ftiath.Ucaralaa wCa-frl WontaaaS Taaaaa. BaaBy nsed, quick to relieve, positive cmra, always ready; small ia price. Doat wait tfil yon muat hay It get it now. BNT ONLY BY MAIL, prepaid Of receipt af Oc. Prepared eoiel.r hr U. li. MiAl r.K, ITarsilST. gr.te A 2ath Sta.. Chicago, Slav RIPA-N-S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. The Acalemj of Our Laiy Oi Perpetual Help, Altoy, Or. A boardiiia? and dav school conductea by the Benedictine Sisters will resume studies Aug. 27, 1895. Every facility will be offered for thor 3 ough courses in scienunc, normal, com mercial and elementary branches. An able teacher of piano, violin, guitar and vocal music will have charge of the musical department. Drawing and paint ing win, use music, De tangnt as extras. Lessons in plain and fancy needlework. For further particulars call at the Acad emy or address Sistek Sctkkiobess. r.tifi' Vi.- Ttiaanbl an aa sraanmteo or b i , sista. IS cntrsa Incipient Couti Sad is tba bant Coiigti aod Croi- v . Feshy & Mason.agents L Stranejo Upholsterer X Ard Repairer Hair, wool and shoddy mattmtses rear rated and made over. Furniture of every description and Labi carriages re-upholstered and varnished. Drop a note in the P. 0-, or call at ? atreet, between Ferry and Br jadalbin, A hany.Ur. FAILING MANHOOD General ud.Nervoos Debility. Wealmeas of Body and Mind. Effects of Errors or Exeeaaes in Old or Young. Robust, Nobis Manhood fully Beatored. Bow to Enlargn and Strengthen Weak. Un developed Portions of Body. Absolutely id failing Borne Treatment. Benefit in a dav. from SO KtjLta mnA WMicm Countriea. Send for Descriptiva Book, ex plnniwtion and proofs, mailed (sealed tree. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y. Conservatory . of Mo?ic ALBANYCOLLECE, Z. M. Parvin, Musical Director, form fcriy of Willamette University, will have -.Large of this department of Albant College. Courses to graduation in the important branches of a musical educa tion. Kewest and best methods adopted Besx muAic rooms tor mnservatorv in Uie state. Tuition low for grade work. School begins Sept. 11th. Bend for circular and catalogue. Ad dress, Prof. W. H. Lee, A.M., President, aitany, or till &ept. ath, Z. M.Pabvin, Musical Director, Salum i'jyr.iKitetheFctaluB T fj-ii InreSf.-l A . . c ifi-.r a;.-ne-." w;siie others ere Vfaatsrg I CatsJorUlks-. 1 hlKuit j J 4-S Page W ... tLjl 111........ artv-le ueet'cc tor tittAji Catalogue pouluy buairivB.. w rues. The "ERIE" mechanically the best wueci. FmtiestmodeL We are Padfic Coast Agents. Bicrcla cata- loeuc.mailedfree.Errea Jdeaerfptfon .prices, etc. , aobwts wawtes. FIT ALUM A UTCUBATOE CO- Petaiuaa.CaL I Bach Hoosa, 131 a Main St., Los Angeles. COPYRIGHTS. CAW I OBTATH A PJITVMTt Fi a answer and an i azrjarifniAa In th. na.o.. " . . . , w n ma oaa MuirmMn Jlona atriotly eonSdanttal. nt bnsineae. Commnnlca. A Handbnak of In. tain them aent free. Alao a eatalosna or aukm. acai ana aotentlSo hooka aent free. Patents taken through Munn A Co. rsatUs mecui nottoatnthe Helen ttflc AmerlcaTarTS thus ,m brought widely beforsthe publle ilSS put onat to the Inventor. This aDlendld Drer toaned weekly. eleeaBUy llrnatraSedThai "br fiKhs "Sf SrcaUtloo of any aclentiso work In th! 9,'k?32ear- nPla eopiea sent free. Building IMition, monthly, slHJs year. &ns1a eryiaa. 1,1 cents, feraiy Duroher eon talus bsun. titut piatea, in colors, and Bhotoirranha ofnew fcotues. with p'.sru, enabling builders to ahow tha MSX SflF'X ud curs contracts. Addreas ran Men testif teill 1 Ml mmmm w aauiikinw.iiviukiiiniiiiiia , Talk ia very cheap hen other men do It is a abort time between eunmeand sunset these November days. Turkey deserves a good thrashing ; but who Is willing to use the whip. The ducks will now need to keep their eyes peeled. Tbe gunsjare being loaded for war. The air is full of Harrison, Reed, Al lison, etcetera,booms,but they are made of Btraw. It will cost $20 to get a set of "John Sherman's Recollectiors.' Reading matter is not scarce enough for such prices. Tbe republicans carried Kentucky by the help cf populists and A P A e. It was not a straight political fight between the two old parties. The two Roeeburg papers are not hav ing things their own way in their pen pugilism- The two Pendleton psjera are up in arms and everlastingly making tha fnr fly. Eugene Deb is about to start out on a lectnting tour. It will prove a great revelation to him and be an experience he will not forget, lie should begin though when walking ia better. Bill Kya is undoubtedly a bigger liar than Eli Perkins. He declares that be was not rotten egged, whereas the asso ciatcd press, the great truth teller, says he was. There wilt be some live contests in the citv election in the convention. Sever al are batching. An exchange says that with all tbe blunders boys make it never knew one to start for school on Saturday morning. Paderewaki, the noted pianist, received tt largest sum paid to any single per former for a nights work in New York City. He received 5,6j0 for a few hours' pleasant work recently. Because of bis activity in opposing tbe proposed Corbett- Fiusimmons fight, Rev. J. C. Schofield, ofDalUia, Tex., was forced to resign- His attitude was no satisfactory to tbe business men in bis congregation. In a school district in Kentucky aix school maims have married during their engagement as teachers in the past tbree years. Tbe last one employed had to sign a contract to forfeit all her pay if she married before the term expired. Energy and brains can do a good deal ometimes. Our correspondents ac count oi the tnocese of Mr. Daniel Best, a former resident of Albany is to tbe poiut and now hit daughter is to marry a rich banker of San Francisco, abich adds to the interest in tbe matter. John B. Bannon, of Yonngstown, O., recently fonnd pasted on a Georgia mel on the name of Miss Agnea Hillman, Benevclence, Ga. He at one wrote to the yonng lady. Aa the result of the correspondence the couple are engaged. Mr. Bannon will visit tbe Atlanta Expo sition and may return with a Southern bride. Perhaps Mike De Yonng wonld like to be Vice President. That may be a reason why he ia rustling so lively for tbe national republican convention at San Francisco. Tbe Examiner, though is doing more rustling than anybody. That ia business. Lverything nowadays seems to be a stepping stone to the stage. Even Grandpa Anson, of the Chicago b. C- has begun acting. The DsuocaaT editor remembers seeing Anson nearly twenty years ago, and be was no kid then, so be will not have long to serve, a pleasing feature of the matter. Tbe Salem Journal is going for Rev. Grannie, of that city .because be said the great sin of Eden wsa Inst, whereas tbe Journal declares it was ambitioo, and quotes Milton very freely to prove tbe fact. According to the Journal's version of the address delivered before tbe Y M. C. A. Mr. Grannie has a poor opin ion of married people. One strong republican city in tbe east did a good job in electing a democrat to office on Nov. 5. Rochester, X. Y. in electing Judge Geo. E. Warner, an old time personal friend of tbe editor of tbe Dimocbat, did an eminently proper thing. A man of clean record and great individuality, Rochester's 150.000 peo ple bave a man at their head who will permit no jobs and steals. 1. The kindergarten develops the threefold nature of tbe child. 2 Its object is the formation of char acter by means of an harmonious devel opment of body, mind, and soul. 3. This is accomplished by means of play, childlike work, and constant exer cise in right doing. 4. The kindergarten recognizes snd seeks to develop the individuality of each child. . 6.- It furnishes bim with the compan ionship of bis equals, through whom be gets bis first lessons in citizenship. 0. It affords the best transition from home to school life . , . 7. It provides the best preparation for school life. ' 8. It strives to prepare the chi'd not only for , time, but for; eternity, by en abling hiin to grow into what be can be and what God meant him to be. Kath erine Beebe, in the Kindergarten Maga zine for June, 1894. . A broker on tbe Chicago. Board of Trade, who has a rich red mustache but nj hair cn bis bead, has offered 2,000 to any one who can grow on his barren top a shaggy growth of crimson hne. The Chicago man is not inclined to split hairs as to just hew it shall be done. Dazzled by tbe munificence of the offer, and anxious to contribute something to science, a New York specialist has under taken the job. Like the man in Conan Doyle'r story of the - "Red-Headed League," be has begun. aJvertielng for red beaded men. ile' offers $500 to the man who is willing to shed bis scalp and allow it to be grafted on the bead of the Chicago board of trade man.- Here's an opportunity for men who have a surplus crop of fiery birsu'e. Many a vagrant sorrel-top will prick up his ears at thic, chance to torn an honest penny, and the. man in New York will no doubt bave a glittering array of aubnrn capabeaves jvui bvuiaao at ECl ctlluu. C X , The Atlanta Exposition. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 10, 1805. It is a fairyland t" So spoke an old timer, world-traveled, blase and critical, familiar with the brilliant boulevards of Paris, and satiated with the far famed illuminations of Baden Baden. All this was in bis mind when he turned short, threw down his cigar, and broke off an earnest business talk to gase spellbound upon the unmatched loveliness of Pied mont Park. "I have seen Paris in 'SO, and the World's Fair, and the Centennial, but this beats them all." It was more than fairyland. Titania's sprites could plant a pearl in every cow slip s ear, but it was a greater Titania who caught ten thousand scintilling stars and brought them to earth as orna ments for architecture. The common opinion of all who see it is that the decorative ligbtiog at this Exposition has never been approached. It is a work of art done in fire, and it should make Luther Stieringer immortal as an artist. If tbe jury of awards did not pass npon this pictnre, they left out the greatest and best of all. It was Michael Angelo who combined art with architecture, and was great in both, and it is Stieringer who unites ait with ar chitecture, and calls down fire from heaven to glorify their nn'.on. Tbe electric fountain, another tri umph of this Exposition, is also the work of the great fire artist. Here again a new fairyland is opened. Tbe wheat sheaves might be the ones Joseph dreamt of, for somehow they have got mix.ed with the coat of many colors. First there is the golden grain, tall and wav ing, and bending under its bearded load as at harvest, then tbe field is turned to green, as if Joeepb'a bad brothers bad taken part in tbe dream, then there comes a dull red as of bloody thoughts. and then a violet is succeeded by mother- of-pearl, aa if dreams were fading into morning ! Take the Woman's Anoex as a point of interest. There is the Indian chief with a garment of seven hundred and fitly elk's teeth and a necklace of terrapin's claws, and nzb ! there is tl.e aame scoundrel with a trophy of a hundred human scalps. drieJ and buns to his wampum ! Tbe pictnre which attracts the most attention in the Art Gallery, ia Hoven den's "Breaking cf Home Ties." It is a famous pictnre, great in itself, but par ticular interest attaches to it because ol the recent heroic death of the paint er. Hovenden lost bis life a few weeks ago trying to snatch a child ont of tbe way of a locomotive. The child escaped bnt Hovenden lost his balance and fell under tbe engine where he suffered horrible death. We bave all hear J of the eradle of Democracy, bnt few bave sten it. The original cradle which rocked Thomas Jsflerson, is on exhibition ia the Forest ry building, and tbe United States Gov ernment vouches lor the authenticity of the story. Yon can see tbe place ia the side where tbe infant statesman eat Lit teeth, and on one corner he chipped off a big lot of wood where his wisdom tooth came through. Tne Midway is one eloogated and va riegated circus with tbe noisy hurly- burly of the merry -go-roond and the spielers. A eensalional feature is the skirt dance in the lion's cage, which Mr. Hoffbeimer, successor to Mr. ilagen- beck, has pnt on. Tbe lions get excited over the skirt dance and try to catch tbe step, to tbe keepers bave to be vigilant "Shooting the Chutes" is great sport. Tbe Phoenix Wheel takes yon skyward for a bud's eve view of tbe Exposition, and the Old Plantation entertains you with negro minstrelsy by real negroes. The Exposition is an asnnred snccees. The finaccial problem baa been solved, and the great enterprise moves on grand ly to its culmination. The people of Atlanta have achieved results never equaled, and the only candidate for sym pathy is tbe person who does not see this wonderfn! exbibil'on, in many respects, tbe most tbe world has ever seen. The failure of Williams A England tank, or brokerage honse at Salem, and the State Insurance Company, ia not surprising. It casts no reflection on Sa lem. Tbe problem as understood by tbe DsKoct at is a plain on . Tbe Sute did big business and took notes in payment of premiums. WHiams A England hand led tbe notes. Many of tbe notes were not paid, and some have become out lawed. Collapse was bound to follow. Tbe deposits of tbe bank are given as $120,000. As a matter of fact outside of the affairs of the Stale Iosurance Com pany they are probably not over $25,000. It has become manifest that a local in surauce company can't keep op. The Sute ia entitled to credit for doing it better than any other company in tbe northwest. Debt is a canker worm. Tacotna is being gnawed In a lively manner; bat not Tacotna alone; many other towns are in hot water. In business men must borrow money. That is a part of all kinds of commerce ; few merchants buy for cash, and few farmers pay all down for a farm. 1'hs tronbie lies in doing too much, going to fast, in otber words, "cntting off more than can be chewed.'' The treasury report of changes in cir culation during October is eloquent of widespread and general business im provement. There was a net gain ot $13, 265,897 in circulation, net counting national bank notes, which are increased by $1 025,099, making a total gain in paper circulation of 114,301,700. There was also an increise of $3,207,505 in the circulation af standard silver dollars, but this was offset by the cancellation of 8berman notes and represented only a demand for small money. Ex. The Peqdletou Tribune has now gotten down to personalities and is trying to prove the editor of the Salem Journal an Irishman, calling him 0, Iiofer. Noth ing out of to 3 way in being an Irishman, if you are honest snd pay your debts. Another prize fighter challenges tbe world. He ought to be snuffed nut be fore he gets to blazing too much, Th e country has just gone through a war of words and columns of descriptive rot and bloeks of scenes, and much more of the stuff will cause the common people to rise up sod quell the diaturbance. According to Prof. Barnard, there is no ground for the supposition tbat the rings of Wat urn are closing upon tbe planet, as bis observations show tbat no changes have taken place since tbe first system atic measures were msde. ; This is the last day on which Chinese pheasants can be sold, and they can only be killed until Dee. I. :.The Celestial is to becongratulated, what is left o'( him DnPrl'rCrearaBakiri Powder World's Fair Highest Award. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. The readers of this column this Satur daynlght will pleBss prepare themselves for a blue subject. Some time sgo tbe Dkmockat published what purported to be the "blue laws of Connecticut." We have always supposed they were in real ity at one time the laws of that com monwealth. We are completely satis fled this Saturday night of a melancholy Novemberjjday, that they never existed at ail as the laws of Connecticut. In fact, tbey are merely fiction, emanating from tbe brain of one Sum Peters, who wrote a general history of Connecticut over a hundred years ago, after return ing to England from the United States. Peters was a tory refugee in England during the revolution, and in order to land well with those fighting the Unit ed Slates, 'made np the whole blue law business, hardly one being founded up on facts-CXt the time it was not consid ered worth refutation in the U. S ; bnt it was allowed to stand, until like many such things, it began to be accepted as a tact and even a part of history. Now, whenever it is sought to enforce a strict law like that of a decent observance of Sunday it is referred to as a return to tbe blue laws of Connecticut. There were undoubtedly strict laws in the early Puritan days of New England; but there is no question that the so called blue laws were mere fabrication, spite work. At tbe very time tbeie were laws in England itself very Puritanic, a sample being one that made absence from church punished by imprisonment and even death, eating meat on Friday was punishable b; imprisoamentlaws agaiost witcbcralt, etc. In Virginia, far away from the Puritans of New England a law made swearing punishable by tbe throat ing of a bodkin through tbe tongue, and npon a third offense by death ; one law compelled every man to attend church twice on Sunday, a failure being pnmsb aote by fine, whipping or for tbe third offense by death ; another law made the killing of a neighbor's bog punishable by death, and laws regulating wearing apparel. Ia New York state there were as narrow laws. So also Connecticut bad narrow laws in the spirit of those days; bnt not tbe ridiculous so called blue laws, tbe fabrications of a spiteful tory. Th DaktocatT is glad to be able this Saturday night to put its readers on the right track in this matter. In connec tion with tbe subject it may be suggest ed that laws are made for enforcement, and should either be enforced or taken from tbe books. During the week tbe air has been fall of talk about the approaching city elec tion. There is enough in the air to in dicate several live coo testa, one in the republican convention over recorder, one over marshal in the election, which will undoubtedly be between the present official, C O. Let, and ex-post master Thos. Monteitb : one over mayor, the indications are now, bet vein the pres ent mayor and ex-Cooncilmso C. G. Borkbart, and probably ooe in each ward over couociimen. Therefore, i! there ia not a veiy fail vote it ill not be betaose of a lack ot interest. Here is an episode from real life wLicb cleaily Jcmooatrs'.ts the oosmopolitian character of the American metropolis An Italian tent an American lad to 1 Chinaman for bis laundry. The Ameri can gave tl.e Chinaman a filty-ceot pieci. John bit 00 Hand said: Coun terfeit, Yon rettee in Uoobie. Me keepee," and put it, in bis pocket. The Italian then called and started to give the Chinaman a beating. A Greek Uft bis OTSter stand to act as peacemaker. Tbe Italian drew a razor, -and tbe Greek shied a bottle of cayenne pepper at him, which struck a Hebrew . A negro who was passing shouted, and an Irishman in the uniform of a policeman arrested tbe fighting congress of nations and took them lo court, which was presided over by a German jnstice. J. B. Eidy still bails frtm Pendleton. He lives in Portland and "hails" from Pendleton for political reasons. Jim Eddy ia in politics because it pays. Tbe people support him the same as if be drew a pension. Men supported in this wsy are largely responsible for hard times. They ar always putting their bands ia the peoples flour barrels and clothes chests without ever doing any thing to replace what they take ont. Pendleton E. O. If there is any one in Oregon who does as little for tbe pay re ceived as Eddy we would like t i gaze upon bim as a cariosity. wup ni tne Milwaukee bt!s uses a busbel of potatoes a yea?, one at a time, for pen wipers on the detk in the office I" . - . . . every morning a potato as big as an apple is pnt in a compartment of tbe pen box, and after 24 hours the potato ia removed and another is pot in. Pens in pen holders are stuck into tie potato, a obii mi-n at a time, giving it ttie ap pearance of a porcupine. It ia claimed by thoe who pretend to know all about potatoes and pens that a potato pen wiper is the best preservative against rust and mild-i that can be seemed for tl.ep-ns. Kate Field ssjs that'wnire she an In England she was asked in good fith whether the language taught in the pub lic schools of the United Ststes was Eng lish or American. '"Ob, Araenran,' I replied," says Miss Field. "English is a dead language. Itiscnly learned by niversity men who go in for classics." An exchang remarks that a graphic Idea ot the immense size ot Silieria may be gleaned from the follow'ng compar lsoa: All of the States, kingdoms, principalities, empires, etc., of Europe (except Russia), and all ot the United States, including Alaska, could bs placed side by side in Liberia, and yet bnt lit tle more than cover that immense coun try. Well, any way, the democrat didn't get snowed under anywhere as badly as the populists in Mississippi. Even with the assistance of republicans, tbe pops couldn't carry a single county in the state. Two years ago they elected 25 men to the legislature. Last Tuesday every one of their candidates was de feated St. Louis Republic. All indications sgree that less than ten miles below ns a red heat is attained and within twenty a , white heat. Ten miles above us we have the pitiless cold, far below zero, of interplanetary space. To what a narrow sone ot delicately- balanced temperature ia life confined. It fakes good financiering to run a city government nowadays. The members ol a city council should be good busluess men. The Journal Is boasting about tbe rustling , qualities of the Salem bog. Why not put his snout under that cream ty proposition. MISFITS. A" quack doctor is said to be doing Linn countv and Clirino- nnnnla Vtu a plaster on the back and bringing all tne ills of the body out by the sore. That beats boils. An exchange says Dr. J. L. Hill will bo nominated by the Peoples rrty for congress. The Dr. would have more fun runuing for congress than any man in Oregon. . The Beethoven Organ Co., of Wash ington, N. J., is mailing to many Linn county men pretended dispatches over tne central Union Teleirranh Cos wirM. ,Amnan I. . . . .. ct . UlJOU OreanS at vcrv low ru-icna. Tha dispatches are of course fakes, and the style ot business not a straightforward one. A man and wifo rr tmfh fVr the payment of a newspaper which is taken and read in the family. An Iowa judge lately gave a Judgment to the Ger uiania Publhthimr Comnanv auainst. Mr. and Mrs, Dirk Haying for a subscrip tion bill of sit) on the grounds that a newspaper is a household necessity. Encourage the vouncr men to r.lav font-' ball. It will help make men of them. Bye-and-bye they may go to work for a living, and a vigorous constitution is a nice thing to have lavinir around handv. Salem Journal. People don't get vig- ous constitutions from overexertion, but from Emersonian exercise. A man is lucky if he has much of a constitution left after one of the fights. The DeyocBAr a few days ago predict ed that in the foottall game tomorrow at Portland between Portland and the State University elevens, Portland would win. The Guaid says: "Bro. Nutting, ?ou will be badly footed when vou hear rom the result st Portland." The Dem oot at hopes it will be fooled, for it mott certainly desires to see the U. O.'s win ; bat it was baiting its prediction on its judgment, which bus not changed. A'f-alem paper has been charging that the boys at tbe Indian school were being starved, llie manner in wbicli. tnev were starved is shown from tbe fact that during the months of June, July and August they consumed tbe following things : 15,?$ pounds of meat. 17,850 pounds 01 nour, l.sio pounds 01 sugar. 4.410 pounds of beans. 125 pounds of tea. lib pounds of coffee, 36 bushels of pota toes, 1,WJ pounds ol cabbage, l,ro8 pounds ot carrot. 400 pounds ot peas. Zo pounds of pears, 307 pounds of turnip. 04 pounds dried peaches, 340 pounds dried prunes, and 913 pounds of rice. Clinton R. Morse, coach of the Wi! lamettes, in the Journal gives a forecast of the game being played with the O. A C.'a this afternoon. Ho says: "It is plain that the boys are determined to win in spite of their ill luck, and it ia lust this resolution wbicn makes me think that before night folds tia dusky mantle over ns tomorrow, there will be eleven men in Salem who can rightly be worshipped as heroes. ' Tbat does) make one tired. A spirit is displayed in the aive trial is makun? tna American peo ple a very disgusted community. The loeaot worsntpptng tne winners o a foot ball match aa heroes is so prepos terous as to make one some from bead to fwt. In a speech to the news boys of Chi cago, Mere Brodte, Uie famous bridge jumper, now a saloon keeper gave tbe following splendid advice lor boys gen erally : Don t think evert bodv is against you. Everybody is with you. The gov ernor of Connecticut was a newsboy once and there are lots of famous men that were newsboys. The question is. How are you going to get famous and become rich? lou don't have to jump oi a bridge to do it, or to do murder to do it. There are just three things you most do keep your minds clean .your conscience clean and your bodiee clean, and you will become famous. Professor Payne of the Klamath In dian school, h'as been removed for in competency and Prof. John Carter, of the Warm Spring Italian school of Wasco county baa been appointed to take his place. Professor Payne was ect oat from the east to take charge of the Klamath school. He came to this coast with his eastern ideas and knew about as much of the Indian naiur as a rock oyster. lie was going lo Christianise tiiem, peaceably if possible, but violent ly if necessary, ana accordingly be un dertook to make a young eiwa&h attend divine service bv physical force. The re sult was, "Mr. Injun" was an allaround athletic, and a fight ensued, and the si wash proceeded to do tbe Professor np. As soon as tbe authorities learned ot tne affair, thev bad but one alternative, and that was the Professor's removal, not for fighting but for getting licked. Grants l as Courier. Becently the people of Lebanon listened to two able lectures delivered by a couple of clergymen. One upon the subject of Jvtucauon by the Rev. G. M. Irwin, Uie other on Theocracy by Rev. Roes. Both of them switched off into politics, but they differed widely. The former in de scribing the advanced state of this na tion raid among other things in substance that the people of the U. S. bad more money among them than any other na tion on earth. Rev. Rosa said that he himself was in contact with great num bers of people and was prepared to say tbat the amount of monev in circulation was exceedingly small. Now who shall decide between the two Dr's? Lebanon Advance. The problem ia easy enouph. Rev. Irwin is a state olficer, gets a good salary and expense account, associates with state oiticiais witb lull pockets, while Rev. Roea is an evangelist and de pends on 66 cent collections for a living. Gilts er Receiver. Mr. E. C. Giltner today forwarded his bond as receiver of the Mate insurance com pauy to juuge Hewitt, ot Albany, in the sum of a50, 000. ile presents aa sureties Phil Met- rchan , state treasurer and president of the btate Insurance company. J . ft. Albert, Capital National bank and E. M. Croisau. As soon as accepted the re ceiver will be prepared to transact bus iness. Accompanying the bond is an ap plication fnr an order authorising him to employ assistance and counsel. Journal. BORN SA VAG E. On Thursday, Nov. 14. 1S95, to .Mr. and airs. v. L. fcavage a son. The denial deputy assessor will now have a live assistant fiddler. MARRIED. COCHRAN WARREN. In McMinn- Ville, on Nov. 14, 1SH5, Mr. m Coch ran and Mrs. II. M. Warren. Mr. Cochran, an old resident of Brownsville, is 82 years of ago and the bride is over 60 years old. They left this week for San Jose, their future home. May they livs to good old ages and pros per. KIRK NELSON. On Wednesday ,Nov. 13, 1S05, at the residence of the bride's patents, near Holley, N.J. Kirk and Ida K. Nelson, Squire McDowolt, offi ciating. DIED. HILL. In Halsey, Tuesdav, Nov. 12. jojj, turn, mil, nee una. xseei, a pio neer of Oregon . SPICER. At hor home near Browns ville, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 13, 1895, at 7:30, Mrs. Emily Spicer, aged about 60 years, - aiBisiri MiKittrr. Wheat, 41c Oiili c Fbur, IJ.50 r,-. Butter ah . : ; Eggs25f. - VV Y ' ;i Lard, 12 to 15c Pork hams, 12 to l&c, shoulders 9 o 10c Sides II to 13o Hay Baled f&.OQ CHANGE YOUR INSURANCE. State Ins. Co. policies will ha faten In exchange for insurance in any of the first claei companies represented by me. I represent tne nun ot London, Continen tal of New York, and several others and will guarantee thhem. Call on or write. M. 8cnoebs. Tbe leading agent. Worthy Your Confidence. The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in conquering scrofula in whatever way it may manifest itself is vouched for bv thousand who were severely afflicted by this prevalent dioease. but who now re. j joice over a permanent cure by Hood's e-arsapanua. Scrofula may appear as a humor, or it may attack the glands of the neck, or break out in dreadful run ning sores on the body or limbs. At tacking the mucous membrane, it may develop into catarrh or lodging in the lungs lead to consumption. Come as it may, a faithful course of treatment with Hood's Sarsaparilla will overcome it. for working upon the foundation of all dis eases, impure dioou, uie system is clar ified and vitalized, and vigor, strength ana neaitn restored to tne body. r-r Pure Drugs Dawson's. Dyspepsia. E. W. Jor Comfaxt Gentlemen : 1 have taken vonr Vegetable Sarsaparilla and can say I have never seen anything equal to it. I have suffered ten years with dyspepsia, not being able to eat anything but milk and brown bread. Ldte was nothing but misery lor me. now i uaye a guou appetite, eat any thing I wish, and feel no disagreeable effects from it. I wish I could tell all dyspeptics and urge them to try your i egeiaoie earaapanwa. (Signed; aia. Jons Tixotht, Forbestown, Ca The ShaJc?-s have made a discovery w hich ia destined to accomplish much good. IteaJizing tbat three fourths ot all our suf ferings arise from stomach broobies, that the country is literally filled with peopls wbo cannot eat and digest food, without snbamuently suSenog pain and distrea. and that many are starring, wasting to n-re skeletons, because their food does them no good, they have devotes, much studv and thought to the subject, and the result is this discovery, cf their Digestive Uordial. A blue book can be obtained from your druggist that will point out the way of re lief at once. An investigation will cost nothing and will remit in much good, COME ONE, COME ALL. Julius Gradwohl Will Glvt You the Best Bargains In the City. I wish to inform the public tliat I wil reduce my large stock of crockery, glass ware, China ware and silver ware, and will sell out mv entire stock of holiday goods at cost. What I say I mean. Come in and price my goods and I w ill prove to you that I am not deceiving yoo, but mean baeines. J.Gaaowoau A MAN'S A MAX, P.ut its a big advantage to him to wear well laundned shirts and nnderclotbing. Tbe Albany Steam Laundrv. Richards A 1'biiiips proprietors, make a specialty ot gentlemens work. Free mending for men besides Uie fcrst c!ag laundry work. A superior bigh gloss finish to shirts. collars, cues, etc. Uigh Irt Custom Tailoring. Besides bis regular bc.siaess W. R. Graham ia prepared to take orders for bigb art custom tailoring by a leading house in New York, only onion labor employed and first class work guaranteed. au ainas oi garments maae irom me nest line of samples ever seen in Al bany, a fact easily appreciated by an ex amination of the sample book. Suite tram 1S up. Still ih'a Cute, t-ic great Cough and croup cure, ts iu great demand. Pocket atse conta'-ditwenty-nve dotes only 25c. Uilljien oe it- soid br druggists. Captain 5eeney. U S A. 5sn Ulrgo Cal savs: "Shlioh's Catarrh Rrme-Jr it the 6rt rceddBe I have ever found that wonlJ do me any good." Price 50c Nervous lrtcMiauoK. E. W. Jot Gompasy I have suffered from nervous prostration from financial losses. Can say Joy s egetabie barsa- parilla has cured me. My liver, stomach and bowels have been very inactive, bat since taking Vonr remedy I am entirely well. All business men and women should use it. Pteae publish, t&gnen) Ma. Wx. Ilxxav Josss. Butte Montana Drs. II . E. and Olive K. Beers offices in pot-t oSce block. Kesideuce corner 5th and ...v .. tSSur. received by Hodpn A McFarland. It preserves mi!k. Those who have beea waiting for it will take notice. Dr. G- W. Ms.-ton, pejnaan and eur peon. Albany Or. Calls answered prompt ly in city or country. Ladies wishing treatment for scalp trjub or dandruff. I will make special reduce prioe. for 4 weeks only, Louis Viereca. Karl's C over Koo,tie great oiood pa 'fier g'ves freahnets snd clearness to th complexion and cure constitution, 35c oc, 1 .00. Fokhay A Mason Agent. Hereafter all goods purchased of Jnliui Gradwhol wilt be delivered free of charge. No one will be allowed to undersell bira. Dr. Whites New Hair-growing System for sale by Louis Viereck, Albany", Or. Sole agent for Linn, Lane, Benton', Ma rion, Lincoln and Clatsop counties. Add. Box 421, Alhanv.Or. for free pamphlet on Baldness and Scalo Troubles If the hair has been made to grow a nat ural color on bala beads in thousands of case, by nsing Hall's Hair Rencwer, why will it not in your case bea Baby was sick, w gav W Oa Aa TOieasho was a CaUd, she cried for Castor. VThenshx became attaa, she clung to Castorta. ttu..ii., 1irrl-ltrm r-,,,, And Rtiil They Comk. Initial pins at r rench's iewelrv store. Over two tlwuiaatwl sold since June 1st. Price, 10c. Children ail hate to take Castor Oil. bnt not Lnxol, which is palatable. 1 A StABTLINQ DimcOVKBY rtnl.lnoa. cured or no par. Dr White's tiia Discovery is for sale at.Lnttia Vivi. barbea shop. It cures all diseases ot the scalp. Parties desiring to go into a con tract I will guarantee a head of hair or no pay. Louis Viereck, Tonsorial Artt Miss Helen Crawfords' elocution nan meets on Monday, Tuesday. Thursday snd r riday of each week at her residence. Cor. 5th and Elesworth. 4-6 Loaves or Bread lor 91.00. Let everybody come tn Ifca Slur Rlr and get 40 loaves of fresh bread for fi.oo cash. , , : .., . . . . C Mavat. Plkabx Pay Up. Our been placed in tha hands oI.G.-W. Wright for collection. All persons ow ing us are requested to call upon him and attend to the same. : . Au-mstBaoa. Backache, dizziness, tiredness give way to Joy's Vegotablo SarsaparUL. TELEGRAPHIC. tSW BUI led. Lokdos. Nov. is. A Tim a;u from Erzeronm columns in length, dated NovemWer 13. folly confirms the accounts previously pub- ucu uuDceroing tne massacre, i dough tne writer says it is impossible to ascertain tbe number of killed. Some assert it will reach 2000 Perhaps 100M is not far from the total. Was to he Seated. Leximotok. Kv.. Nov. 15. In tha con test oi wood, republican, for the seat in mo legislature or nauziman, democrat, a discovery bas been made which without doubt gives Wood the seat, and will there by give toe republicans a clear majority on joint ballot in the legislature. It has been discovered tbat Kviffmaa was a can didate while holding office as a city coun cll?1? TbU ' contrary to tbe statute, and Wood will be seated without further protest. I.I to Led are. CniCAOO, Nov. 15. Senator Hill, of New York, is going on the lecture nlat form, and Chicago will be tbe city of bis debut. This somewhat srn-orisinir bit of news was made public todair bv tiut call of a young man at the office of the Aodito nam to secure a date for the New York statesmen. Senator HU1 will make bis first appearance in Chicago the nignt of Fn day. December 6, at the Auditorium. The subject of his lecture will be "Liberty. asrled at Sea. Saw Fbascisoo. Nov. 15. The steamer Lous Kay, which arrived this morning i rom tne eoauj, Dad on board an eloping couple from Salinas City. Tbey were Miss Jennie LI unor Anderson, said to be the daughter of wealthy parents, and Clarence Arc me udeu, an attorney ot Salinas. The pair boarded the steamer tester day. and were married by Captain Duggan, while at Very AUly ladrei, Kaw Yorx. Nov. 15. Inclement weath er caused a dropping off in attendance at the horse show today, bnt tonight Madi son-square garden was crowded. The Duke and ihicneas ot Marlborough were present, and the nsual crowd of carious spectators surrounded the Vanderbilt box. The couple left the garden early, and as they departed the band played, "God Save the tjueen," amid the enthusiasm of the as sembly. A Clrt St. PrrEASBCKG, Nov. 15. Tbe 1 oopchement of the czarina occurred at o'clock this evening, and a daughter was born to tne czar and czarina. rxAn raotucr and child are doing well. lourt physicians in attendance at tbe accouchement of the czanaa report tne cnua 10 oe a nanasome gin. ana tney sua tne mother is rapidly recovering are Exeeattoas. N ew Yoke. Nor. 14 A special to the Herald trom St. raters ourg says: gmcial dieoatchea from Viadimainrk to the N'ovoe Vremya say that owing to the presence of the British fleet at Foo Chow the viceroy has executed eight asnssins Another question baa arisen in a misun derstanding between the Engtiah and the Japanese. It has its origin in the illegal examination of a Enu&n merchant ahin by tne Japanese, wno were awking tne fugi tive tuuet ox tne iack riags. Traaskte stoewtag. Bona, Nov. 14. A dispatch from Bey root 4s all are anxious bacaass of the cruici stt-vdioa in Stria. At Lebanon coniheu between tbe Druses. Kurds and Circassians are feared. The inhabitants of Darcnt are also greatly frightened, and the authorities are reported to be powerless ia the face of contradictory orders which have been isned. a Qalr. Dallas, Tex , Nov. 14. Mrs. Daisy Ortieio. wife of Alex Urtieib, a prominent merchant, while oot walking with ber 6-year-old son, was attacked by two negroes in the residence district. She was knocked down and robbed of her parse, coalmining three diamond rings worth (600, a pair of earrings worth 150, f 15 in money, a $80 deoosit check and other vil-nhLn Citizma and tbe mounted polka were notified, and ' in half aa boor bad tbe negroes ia 111 with tbe stolen goods found on their per una. Bastes rggcaL South Besd. Nov. 14 The trial of J. Gardener, Walter Bail. Story Noah, M. Meehan and S. U. Bell, on the charge of riot, ia assaulting with rotten eggs Rev. E. B. Sutton, an A P. A lecturer. Jane 27, began Tuesday. The examination de- j reloped a new name for the A. P. A. or- gamxation. One juror denied heiog aa A. j P. A but on further questioning admitted that be belonged to the "Atnoreaa" Socie- j ty, which be said, some people called the I A. r. A- lbe defendants Have aked In 1 separate trials. el Paso. Tex.. Nov. i -Dan stuart, j wbo had bees in El Paso since isat Satnr- day. arranging for a Untie ground on j which Corbett and Fitxammonconld meet bu'iat eontea "ro'ter to: 1 1 t a v.t. I a rt beUKtSmnd hred tfr managers that 1 will hang ap a puree of tSO.OUu for a Sniah contest between them, they to take the entire parse if I fail to carry out my part of the contract. I would name January 10, 1S96, as the data for the batue. anted Fin Pants, Nov. 14. M. Domergne, a wine merchant, suddenly became insane and killed a number of people. Hs shot bis wife and mother, and then opened fire npon people in the street, killing three, and wounding several others. Tbe saad man then barricaded himself in a boose and fired upon the grendarmes wbo sur rounded the buikhog. TesTtaas Crass. Sax Feaxcqco, Nov. 13. Captain Pe ter Lane, capitalist; Leon R. Meyer, capi talist, and Philip Rata were arraigned be fore Police Judge Campbell today to ans wer to a series of crimes which surpass any thing in tha annals of the local courts. Lane is nearly 80 years old, almost blind and very infirm. Meyer is 51 years oM, and apparently possessed of all his facul ties. Rata is a much younger man. The men are charged with outraging girls. Al ready the police have takes in charge eight little girls, ranging in age from 8 to 13 years, and they state that 22 mors girls of the same age will be called to testify against the men. at It WUt East la Kasaka, LoxDOx, Nov. 13. -Renter's Telegram Company learns in well-informed quarters that the Italian squadron may join the British squadron at Saloruca at vny mo ment. The Daily News this morning prints a dispatch from Vienna that it has bees officially announced that the commander-in-chief of the Caucasian army and the admiral of the Black sea hare defi nite instructions from St. Petersburg, ad vising them what course to pursue in the c ism or aisrupuon ot tne ottoman em pire. Was Kcfaaed. Coryalus, Or , Nov. 13. The petition of the saloon-keepers of this city praying the city council to reduce their annual li cense from 1500 to $400, which was refer red to the finance committee, met with an unfavorable report ftota a majority of the committee- Klectrecattw. Racine, Wis., Nov. 13. Michael Car roll, aged 33, was electrocuted here last evening He cliuied an electric light pole to adjust telephone wires, and caught hold of a lire electric light wire. He fell and bung on a croesarin, where he was baked to death in the presence ot several hand red people. The tire department was call ed out, and with the aid of hook and lad der companies removed the body. The Matter Set tied. Sam Francisco. Nov. 13 An Esamin. er special from Los Angelea says: Lord Sholto Douglas last evening threat ened to take tha life ot his wife. Ia the corridor of the Ardmour, at Sixth and Broadway. He informed Lady Douglas that if she entered her mother's rooms he would shoot her. Lady Douglass was cool and collected while all this loud talk was being made, and did exactly what he told hetnottodo. She went to her mother's room and talked with her. Lord Douglass did not shoot her, nor did he make any at tempt to. The matter was settled with the mother-in-law, and Lord and Lady Doug lass disappeared. DISFIGURING O HUMOURS SOAP when a!! Else 3 Fails CtrncsiA Soap rrfrifes and beautifies the skin, scalp, ana Mir by restorinr, to healthy activity the 'Clogged, UoUazn, IKIITATID, StOCGlil, OT OtUtWOKXLD POKES. "V f Skt watt? Ma tft t. Wwm. saar a anwa. . Sjr I is , i am, itorraa Sola ri ,. Sill.. O. S. A. THROUGH m to the EAST via tbe Onion Pacilic Through Pol'man Palace Tourist sleepers and New Chair cars TJAJXY PORTLAND TO ClIICAi Trains heated by .... , and ears ed by Putsch Light. Time to Chicago 3V dav. t New York 4i4- da vs. which is boars quicker than alleompetiura. For rates, time tables and full infor mation, apply to Ccaaax A Wort rye, agents, Albany, Or. O R W Baxtov. C 5 Baowa, Gen'l Agent, Diet Paaa Agt 135 Third St, Portland, Or. iREGDH CENTRA & EASTEBti YAQUIWA5 BAY ROUTE Connecting at YaqninaBar with tna San Franciaoo and Yaquina Bay Steam ship Company Sleaiij "Moi" AJ and first claw in every respect L Sails trom Yaquina lor San Francisco about every 8 days. - Pasnengcr accomiaodatioas 'piiorr-ags-ed. Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany or points San Francisco Casts Stszbacs Casts round trip good 60 days wesr" .. 8.00 .. 18.0 For Sailing Days apply to H. L. WAUs,Agt, CHAS.CutsK.Snr4 Albany, Or. Corvaiiia, O Edwts Stoxx, manager. Corvailis, Or. aasr is; aa. it C ?irmi. HO t i -. iusm mnORTHERH IU PACIFIC R. R. it. tr N Pullman Sleepiai Uars, El82Tailt DLlV " g CcaTS, Tourist Slepi-igCars- 5t Panl inrtearort !n:ath larvs TO tlrand forks Crook st on Winnipeg Helena and Batte THROUGH TICKETS TO Chicago Washingtou Philadelphia New York Roe too and all Points East and South ar nformat'on, time cards, taans and trek eta call on or write C G Borkhart, Agent, Albany, Or. Or A D Chariton, A an 'ien rasa Agt Portland, Or. K. McNEILL, Recent. TO THE EA SIT S3 TB CHOICE OS TVTO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES CHEAT UNiOH NORTHERN PACIFIC VIA VIA SPOKANE KINKEAPCLIS DENVER OMAHA A!tn AltO ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY low rates to all eastern tiTiK-i OCKANSTEMKKS PORTLAND EVERY 4 D.VS EAYB SAN FRANCISCO For tall details oil1 on CclAAX & MOWTEITH, Albany, Or ob annaass: " ... W H HURLBllKl, Gaa'i. Pas . Aaaai PORTLAND, OR. ' ,mc a . answ -j to HFC X. Vr. Pi SysjeiiLr let Reel 1 ST