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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1895)
I THE KIMQ CURE OVER Y RHEUMATISM, W EiTht,KFOBD fe IT V ATT Attorney at Law. Will practice In all court o( the state. Specialt lention given to matter to probte and to co.leetions. OFFICE In the FUnn block K BIILYEC Attorney at Law Solicitor In Chancery. Col Hons maae on all points. Loans negotiated OB -rable terms. Albany Oregon J. J- WHITNEY Attorney at Utw, Albany. Or. iLAGKBURfi & S0F.1ERS AITORNETS -A.T LAW, All legal matters will reneive prompt at entf on. Office, First National Bank uildinp, np stairs. . M O XT AN YE efc HACHLEHAN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. D It. J. Li. HILL, Physician and dnrgeon, OFFICII Cora Fsrry streets. Albany, Oregon. EO. W. HAKRIS, JUSTICE OF PEACE, la now located In the Bsmochit office, corner Siuil and Broailalbia streets Albany. Or. Bents land Collections a Specialty. De.'C, U, CHAMBERLIN JSOBIOXI Oj Office on Ferry St near cor 3rd St. Offic boars, 7 to 9 a m, 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m Esuecial attention given to chronic case and eye diseases. IRST NATIONAL, BAKES, OF ALBANY, OKKGON resident.. ....-..i. VI oe President .... ."Wiier.... , . . , ..LFLHIS 3, E,YOtTNJ K, W. LAJNGDOK rRAXS&CTS A GENERAL banktaglusiasss ACCOUNTS itEPT subject to check. KHT XX.CUANGK and tl Taphie transf r, sow Sew York, San Francisco, Chicago and Pwtas. O , 5T!OV dADSoa -favorable eras srtSCTCAJ Tqces ,W sawsoa Bl, L. Tim Eawtas I. Sex. w. regies k oattisa er OS ALBANY. ORISOlk. fRASSACT s centra! Banking irstness . DRAW SIGHT OBAFTS on Now lurk. F rcoand Ponlana, Orern. LOAN MONEY on approved security. RECSrVE deposits subject to check. COLLBOTIOSS made on taroreaie terw DTTEREST paid on tints dsooal ALBANY COLLEGE, WZXTY-SIXTH TEAE.) THE COLLEGE "TCTLL OPEN SEP I tember 11, 1S95, under favorable aufr pices. Kegnlar Collegiate and Aca demic instruction The Commercial work will be given special attention tnis year. Such young men and young la dies as are looking forward to a business career should not venture it without lav ing a good foundation with us. The College will also establish a Conserva tory of Music, under the able and effi . cient management of Prof. Z. M. Parvin. Unusual facilities offered for students desiring to become proficient in music The Primary Department will receive especial care. Information cheerfully given WALLACE H. LEE, President l Cavc--u snd Trade-Marks obn'ned. nd all Pat-j lent b-iesscoatiuded fur "ocwaTr rrca. i t ow Aevtr it rposrrr 1 . Parcirr Orpre t and we an iecure patent inks "me manlhas. l remote ITlT'a Wsshinftoo. Scad nvjdel. iriwx( or pho3, nta dewrlp-e .i , We ad-ise, u patentable or not, tree oil icasrze Oncfee not cue till pr teacjasecsrad, ! A FaavHtrr, "How u Obe J Patents,- wrail cost of eras in tiis V. S. tua AireigBOMWrtisI sent free. Address. C,A.SHOW&COi Cheap Wod Sawing. 0l to bard times J. N. Coombs will saw wood cheaper than ever. Mixed wood twite 'n two, iio cents; oak grub, twice. earns; ence in two 30 cents; single cords 40 eont; J cord, 2-5 cents. Orders left at vv . T. Woriey's grrcerv store will receive prompt attention. AT R-fVLROBESlTSGFI'S FEED STORE ia a full assortment of food for man and beast; also oil meal, grass seed, cement and fertilizers, also Wilbur's Seed Meal, a sure remedy for the ailments of horses and cows. All CHEAP FOR CASH. i:; erV MsdMtrMT of U1) lifcXkito-L.' nnr (Jr. T'aiis. nnxsirm bo ehmmm of diet w a nJitrm. lac rcur. H or prjtryiMSM rvetV a psZx leu to M ibken LatenaAUif. sf iam :iSSS AS PaVESTIVE WNiviM ,Tatl6tte; but ia th of i - I, tayr rtdy VrorruwmM Arrucnu JtuaMm nrZ s3s srrila sod Gleet, wm KusrB or aDAHS, V9 CuBici Blcek Filling t,nd extractinv; of teeth withoa nain asoetialty 350 Pairs Boots. Klino. Dulruille & Co., sold last .fall and winter, 350 pairs of boots on a warrant and tlKy are proud to saj not one pair came back. Ihey carry the same- boots thin year and have on hand a very larpe stock. AUo ail kinds of shoes, r&eircbil dren BcVitml nbces are the very bet. Th-ir fadies find slices are the finest and tip to r'ate on style. They are tne only ere'usive boot atd bu e store in Albany. Oive them acsil. JR. 31. II. ELLIS, Physician And Surgecn. Albany, ' Oregon. Treats the dit eases of the rye and ear. bpectacles accurately mtea. z-i ALL FOR is w fixed wheat E health by taa use of SHAUEITS Compound Cod Liver CI Capsules. Unsurpassed M , remedy for Cam- sumption, Asth ma , Bronchi ti Coughs. Debility, and all wasting disease. Perfectly tasteless. This trrly scientific remedy by building a and revlring tne body and renewing- wast visur. resist and destroys disease girni , contain the purest Cod Lirer Oil combined wltt eechwood Tar; pleasant and easy to taki, reasonably and honestly compoaaded by a practical pharmacist. Yon can get them ONLY BY MAIL. Fra. paid to you on receipt of 85c, pr bos. mprnTfi si.clr by G. G. SHAVER, Che vis-r, 39th & State Sts.. Uatoao, Ms BEHOVE THE CAUSE nd the symptoms will disappear This yon witl accomplish by using SHAUERS' CATARRH A,id THROAT SPECIFIC mm Incomparable remedy for disease of tha Throat, Nose, ana Noma, a ccnais, impie and effectiTe care for CaUrrk, Ks Fw, Dipbther-a, Oobiw er Tttrsat. fssl rears, Uiosrstea or Car-ksrsd Hosts and tense. Basfly need, qnick to relieve, positive alwara ready: small in price. Don't wait tfll yonaiaxt hare it frrt it now. SBNT OMLY BY MAIL, prepaid o-- Oc. .Prepared toiely br G. 0. 8IIACER. THBallST. ftt.te A. 29th Sta Chicago, li ALBffl nSDBUCE AGEHCY Dealers In Insurance. Wheat and Oats. 7e have had more thorough training in all the branches cf insurance than any other agent in Albany, and can give you more genuine insurance toe your money than any other agent in the city. District agents for the Sun, of London, established 1710 A. D , Fhoenir, of Lon don, A- D., 1782 and "Continental," cf Sew lork, tbe only company issuing a 'Safety Fund Policy. M. SENDERS, Co., Mgrs. FOSFAY & MASON. Tt tole .le A Retail DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSELLERS A LEA XT, OKKGOX. PureDrugs'and tbe Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. - ALBANY Reu Cioin Milling Cc Is now tinder tbe manaeemen Ea ward Going, N. H. Allen, Wm. L. Vance E. D. Barrett and Samuel E. Young.wbo are now prepared to furnish Backs and Receive Wheat on storage, and will pay the highee market price for the same. albany mam w ua'coxoiVes.Tza BaUimore Slock, - - - Albaoj, Ore FORM TO RE complete line ot UNDERTAKING in all ita branches EMBALMING a specialty. tenidence comer 3rd andCalspooia VIERECKS SHAVING AN DHAIRCUTTING PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR A Lead of hair or no pav. Cures al Address Box 421 diseases of the scalD tor uree Treatise on the tea I p. Razors Honea and Set and Put in der on Short Notice. Star Baker j Cor BrvBdalbfB and First htm. COKRADI MEYER, PROPRIETOR. -. Cm - I'staned fralta Glaasmare. Dried Fruits, 1 obaoeo Hngar '-n-(ffee -.' ? Canned Meat a Qnteaiware Vegetables, Cigar . Npleei, Tea, Et everything that is kept in a good variety and gro eery store. High est price paid for ALL iviJSL oUi?' i-KODL CE urooifs Brsiiio-Ceiert 0"M'Ven for Kerne or Hie Headache. Brain tjhaoetion, ti.eet.lea,ne7 i USar 7 general jC;.1 r'.Ttl' ' matiav rant a. ltfTJSZi renews. fric,ld,2SaBd&loaiuZ and -rt I... c JUteL-Wboeat. TKE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 151 1. Westers Jrssaas, CHICAGO. OTfc Si -if,.- ;i' Us5 War talk always helps tbe'gun buBineil Ex-Senator Edmunds has declared war against England- That settles England' hash. A young man never gets too good an education : but he can't live on foot ball after the fad has vanished. Another nuisance has passed from the public gaze. The Marlborough Vander- bilt wedding has materialized. No foot ball players will be allowed to compels in the chrysanthemum show for the prizes. Some things are forgotten in this world, that Uorr-Harvey debate for in stance. The editor of the Spokane Sunday Sun, an obscene sheet baa been sentenced to the penitentiary for two years. IS to 1 is a cood policy for business men, that is 16 ounces to a pound what ever it is, full weight, full measure. "Get out of debt and stay out ol debt,' seems to be the policy of a good many cities and counties in Oregon. A good one for people also. The papers have begun refering to C W. Fulton as Clatsona favorite son ; but this will not secure h'.m the nomination for Congress. Mr. John Bull will get bis fingers frozen if he fools with Alaska's boundary line. mar be a matter of only ten miles; but if he eets too close Uncle Sam will run an tele into him. That's what. This wasn't much of an election year after all. only thirteen states had eUctione of any kind and only part of them full tickets. Lets talk about something else, Reports from Ban Francisco say that Durrant ia looking "pale." Isn't that natural under tbe circumstances? Times Union of JacksonvMle Florida. The French Government fines tbe rail road Companies whenever a train ia ten minutes late. If that were tbe law in Oregon it would be costly business for tbe railroads. The tobaxco bill at tbe insane asylum wat'more than half as mnch aa the floor bill for'a single month. Bridger Lake, in Northwest Wyoming, has a queer characteristic, and one which cannot be claimed for any other body of water in America, aa far aa we bare been infoimd. It ba this pecu liarity : It discharges its waters into both the Pacific Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. During the average seasons tbe waters of Bridge Lake flow out through a small river which ia a tribu tary to tbe Yellowstone, and tbe water thus discharged finally reaches the Golf by nay of tbe Misoori and Mississippi rivers. During rainy seasons the level of the lake becomes so high that tbe waters empty through another opening also. Tbe waters which are discharged through this second chasm flow into Snake River, and thence to tbe Pacific Ocean through the Columbia. Repub lic Some one has laid tbe following on the table of tbe Dsmocbat, whether for per sonal pe ratal or publication, we do not know ; bnt give it to the public in either event: "The devil once bargained for tbe soul of a young man. Tbe devil was to furnish all tbe money that the young man could spend, and if he did not spend it as fast as it came in, his eonl was tbe forfeit. For several years the young man managed to keep ahead of tbe game by wine, women and fast horses, but finally tbe fiend sent him a tremendous amount, which it teemed impossible to get rid of, when tbe young wan, as a last resort, started a newt paper. At the end of three months the devil began to growl, and at tbe end of six months be was sav age; and at the end of nine months he was furions and at tbe end of a year he oirned np that he was broke. The news paper went up but tbe eoul was saved. Athena Press." Good Pointers From an Ex. Tbe hired man ia very often a tired man. A man always writes right when be rights write. A friend in need is a well, did you ever find one? Tbe conceited man is a weed masquer ading as a flower. The wind baa a great many airs and yet it is but wiad after all. To lim p is not al ways evidence of a war record, it may te doe; bite. Friendship is a splendid thing, but a good bank account is safer to bet on. A soft answer may turn away wrath, but not in tbe shape of a rotten onion. No man wbo wears a high silk bat with a rack coat ever became a statesman . If yon must confide in some one confide in yourself, and it is bardly safe then. Tbe poet's house is always a palace, even though yon cannot see through the windows. What a man wants in a woman is not brains, but a blind obedience to his slight est wish. Man and dog are alike in one thing, they both growl. Otherwise tbe dog ha tbe advantage. Men are more susceptible to flattery than women because tbey a-ow that they are less deserving. A woman's love is generally intensified by the knowledge that the man she is going to marry is rich. ' .- The '.value in a material way of the lata Professor Pasteur's researches in bacteriology is shown In the; decline and recovery of silk culture in France. In 1875 this silk industry prodaced a reve nue of 130,000.000 francs; in twelve yean it fell by disease in silk worms to 8.000.0CO francs. The chemist Dumas applied to Pasteur, who had never band ted a silk worm, to find a cause for the disease. After careful study Pasteur found that the germs that caused the silk plague were present In all stages of tbe insect, eggs, worm chrysalis and moth. He showed that thay could essily be detected in the moth, prescrib ed the selection of healthy moths for propagation and tbe wholesale destruc tion of those infected, prophesied re sults and restored iu a few years the silk industry of France and made himself a national ' benefactor. It is in achieve- 1 m-nt o this kind that the dieama of H e scientist become realities that bless roani kindPortland Oregonian I Photos all sizes and styles going greatly reduced piices, at Tinkles. at An exchange thinks it Inconsistent (or woman to klckat a .tnan's hat when it is caved in and yet wear one herself knocked out of shape. The republican plurality in New York SUte was decreased 00,000 and jet was CG.000. That certainly is a democrat ic straw. S55S The only redeeming feature about the Marlborough-Vander bilt weddinar as th fact that 1400,000 was left in this country in getting up the circus. According to some Oakland ministers tbe world is to end in 1896. Better fig ure on something else. Yeu will never bit it on that proposition. It is claimed that Maryland went re publican because tbe people are tired of Germanism. New York state should have gone democratic because the peo pie are tired of Platism ; but it did not. A Tacotna cashier has been arrested for making false entries in order to de ceive the bank examiner. Such fellows should be pushed into the clutches o( the law and kept there until justice is done. The popnlista polieU only 10 per cent of the votes cast in Mississippi. Where the populists had 25 members of the last legislature, they will only have 8 in the next. Their loesee were great. In Ohio the populists vote fell off 15X00. Tbe populist loss ia Kansas is big. Albany needs all the small factories it can get. the more tbe better. Like a town they grow. Now ia the time for the people of Albany to labor for every new industry, no matter how small, that can be secured. Big factories that burst are backacttnar. Washington has relics of boom cities that are lamentable sights to see. Big bricks entirely empty, broken spirits flat pocket-books. Everything was over done, and the result was inevitable. It is pleasing to contemplate tbe fact that Albany never had a regular boom. Its development was gradual and sale, and now our c:.ty is it a flourishing condition when the prevailing times are coasider- ed. There is not a town in the U. S. where tlu Durrant case is not known about Here is something from a Florida paper, WOO miles away : Two of the most sen sational murder trials ot tbe present de cade are now going on tboee of Durranti in San Francisco, and Holme, in Phil adelphia, The probabilities are that the counties in which tbe trials are held will have toauffer an expense of many thous and doi'ars before verdicts are reached As a result ot tbe latest election re turns, tbe republicans gain 5 United S'Alee senator 2 from Utah, and one each from Kentucky, Ohio and Mary landand the democrats kae 3 senatort- 1 each from Maryland, Kentucky and Ohio. None of these changes become effective, however, until March 4, IStfT, except in the cast of tLe Utah senator. wbo wi I take their seats as soon as chos en. John Lemely mistook bis brother for a deer near Priest Lake, Idaho, this week and shot him, killing him instant ly. That makes nt hot. Such incidents taise our ire. When we read of a man's mistaking another for a deer we always feel aa if we would like to see him shot all over the U. S. from a catapult When the Democjat gets in tbe legis lature it proposes to labor day and night to seen re a law making It a crime to shoot a man by mistake. Durrant has written a sketch of bis life. Here is a paragraph in it; most people after reading it will believe bim be sides being a murderer to be the biggest hypocrite in existence. "But, after alt be says, "this world is only a temporary trial, to prepare as for another and bet ter world. Tnia existence consists of only a few troubles and painlnl years at best, but there we will enjoy eternal happiness in company of the angles of God. We have" the assurance of the holy Scripture that riches and prosperity here are impediments to beppinesa hereafter Tbe beggar Lazarus is shown to ns in the midst of everlasting bliss, while the ricb man Dives, who had supported bim for years by tbe crumbs from hia table, and was clothed in purple and line linen, is represented to ns as burning in ever lasting bell. Another thing wa might remember ia that it ia leas difficult for 'a camel to pars through the eye of a needle than for a ricb man to enter the kingdom of heaven; so we may, therefore, I think. rejoice in our difficulties and afflictions, for we are told that 'those whom the Lord loveth be chastenetb.' and, Here fore, we can see that tbe more wretched we are hers upon tbia earth in the love and trust in onr Lord, tbe more assured we are of tbe delights of an everlasting heaven. How to Use Silver. Hon. Henry M. Baker, recently made a speech on "How to Use Silver," before the New Hampshire Club, at Youngs hotel, isoston Mass. As some one has taken the pains to send it across tbe continent we give M. baker's sugges tions: First. That the American silver pro duct be coined to the extent of our pres ent mint capacity, owners of silver bull' ion to deliver it at the several mints and receive ior it ill market value in coined silver dollars of present weight and fine ness. If such bullion is not of standard fineness, the owner must pay for assay ing the same. Second. That a sufficient duty be placed upon foreign silver to prevent its presentation at our mints for coinage, and that proof of origin be rt quired in all esses. Third. That (he Secretary of the Treasury be required to cancel and not reissue tbe "legal-tender" and "Treas ury" notes in or received by the Treas ury to an amount equal to tbe silver dol lars paid for bullion and the silver own ed by tbe Government upon which cer tificates have not been issued or in lieu thereof to the amount nf the certificates issued on such silver dollars. No new notes to be issued lor less than five dol lars, and none of any denomination ex cept as may become necessary to replace woru or mutilated notes uncancelled but destroyed because not fit for use. All notes under five dollars to be first can celled, and no notes of less denomina tion to be issued to national banks. In In u of such notes silver certificates to be issued as cow authorized by law in such denominations as the Secretary of tha Treasury may direct. Fourth. Tiiat the duties on imports from countries where duties are payable in gold be required to be paid in gold only; from all other countries in any moneys ot the Unltsd States. ' SATURDAY NIGHT TUOUGIITS. These Saturday nights come so fast one can hardly realise week has gone. Tbe busier one is the faster time flies. K a man; wants to live a long time io feelings he had better get a job of doing nothing, u When a man does nothing a day seems like two days ; but to the man who is so busy be hardly knows where his bead is a day passes like an hour. Tbe moral of this might be: Do noth ing; but it is not, it is: Do all you can Why, because there is more satisfaction in a day of activity than in a week of lethargy. Again the busy person is gen erallyout of mischief. The lazy man should always be set down on ; but one might as well try to sit on a humming bird as on a busy man. Even the flies keep off him. The past week has witnessed an off year election. This Saturday night the DauocBAT will not fill its colom witb excuses for the result It is one of the ups and downs of politics. The game bas been a sesaw one and will probably continue thus. It takes but a little for the balance of power to swing from one aide to another. A small thing becomes enlarged upon, appeals like an elephant and the boat tips. Right here it may be remarked that state elections should be held at the same time. An election could easily have been held in Oregon this year, to far as the weather was con cerned. We have just read of an American girl getting a divorce from one titled bus band, who is already making arrange ments to marry another. She is cer tainly entitled to a visit from the fool killer. Forty-oue Nebraska people are swoop ing down on the Willamette valley look ing for home. Wa believe this is tbe place for them if thry have some money, some "sand" and have borse eenee enough to know it takes rustling to make a living in any fi-id. Oregon, though, doesn't want any more kickers and growlers wbo come here without anything, expect to find an edn and are grieved because everybody doesn't jump to give them a job. People wbo depend opon legislation to secure prosperity will get left every time. It takes more than legislation. Everlastingly a class of people are bowl ing about fcjw if cet tain laws could be passed times would be good. The fact is all these things settle nothing. Uood laws are to be desired ; but there is such a difference of opinion on what good laws are, tbe matter always baa been and al ways will be one to be regulated aa well the conduct of tbe people as by lass alone. A combination ia what will do tbe business Tbe people as a mass are all light and wiU bring the ship through in safety. The Negro here. Tbe Negro Africa. in Eiih r k as vrat : lhe whole country bas Lad i's indig nation roused on the butrbery of a negro in Tennete oo lee than oo the levo't that occasioned the lyncli io. Itapp at tbeta'ti oigh the (aosaloocs wers cloeed In tbe little town at.eie the mob gathered, tbe leaders bad gathered from other points and had been drinking. Tbey dominated the mob, and mutilated the negro. Accordi rg to tbe Rev. 3, C. Pt ice, one o! the leading representative of the ce gros in tLe south, says four fifths of the banged are shown by the court records to have committed their crime while ouder tbe influence of liquor. Mr. Forbonc (formerly of Texas) Editor of "The Age New York says that these outrage cases and tbe rowa that follow them, mostly occur on Satnrday. Every body knocks off work in tbe r-oontry and goes into the towns for liquor, witb tbe result of trouble. Pity, that the example of Kbimt tbe cbrietiauueJ kingof the.saTsge tribe ol the African Bamangwate'a cannot Le followed over here. He aays :"1 fear Lo Bjozula (his greatest enemy) less than I fear brandy." He never gives me a sleepless night Kut to fight agairst drink is to fight against demons. Drink puts devils into men, and destroys both their souls and bodies forever. Its wounds never heal. I pray your honor never to ask me to opeo even a little door to tbe drinks. After a quarter of a century Kbama bas succeeded and it has b en goorl tcr tbe country, gMOd for the natives an J good lor trade. Curiousiy enouju tlu hun dre.l of ploughs imported there are Ameiu-ao make. L. Rather Interesting. The P. adletou Tribune is quite a com' pilar. It has taken tbe pains to find ont whi-t editor Uofer, of the alem Journal raa thought of by his fellow representatives. We give some of the com me ts simply because readable, though aa a matter of tact there is noth ing in them more than the rsual legisla lure raillery; Cogswell, democrat, of Klamath sndXake, interrupted Holer in bis speech nominating Secretary Kincaid for the senate because he feared that the demise of Mr. Kincaid would be report ed before tbe man from Mar'on fiui-iied his speech. Smith, republican, of Josephine, had an Idea that Uofer could save the state considerable money by having his vol umtnous speeches printed and laid upon tbe desks of the members, "not becacse we want to read them, but because we would be spaied the agony of a forced listening to Hofer." Long, republican, of Multnomah There are some things in this life that make me tired, and one of tl-em is the gentlemac from Marion, Mr. Uofer. Seblbrcde, republican, ot Dotigli The gentleman from Multnomah has said that there are some things in this world that make him tired, and 1 believe that one of them is this institu tion from Marion, called Hofer. Only yesterday he told rue to sit down when 1 was speaking. Today he told me to shut up. His actions are indecent and unparliamentary. On the second day of the bolt from the caucus, and the first day of the Joint assembly, Hofer was one of the leaders of the riotous crowd whose uproar was only quelled by the firmness of ('resident Simon, who threatened to "clear the gal leries if there was power iu the state to enable h'm to do so." The most peculiar and remarkaoie an imal in the world is the ornitborynchus paradoxus, the famed egg-lying mam mal of Australia. It it ahapped like an otter, has fur like a beaver, is web-foot ed like a swan, has a bill like a duck and a tail like that of a fox. It ia the only known fur-covered creature that lays eggs. A corresponding oddity among feathered bipeds would be a bird that brought forth Ita young alive. MISFITS. Jaek Frost ia getting In hia work pretty lively these Govern November nights. .n.n. e,"LanKe ' speaking of a runaway L.y..r i.ranP wa driving a horse that was slightly intoxicated." A COrreannmlun r.l 41.- t. t Waterloo says the organ was not placed n the church for the young people to learn to waltz by. The Salem Post says: Linn county, it appears, did exceedingly well at the late exposition. Linn county always does wen. Ljnn is a good county and her people are alive. That's the reason she Buvxecua, A Doctor from a neighboringr town spent lat night in Albany unde the naat of March, and that is not all ac cording to tha story being told. A man was seen a few days ago riding; -.v;vre nuui x unittiiu into tne country with a coffin stranned tn the bicycle. A new use fur the machine,and ""my raiuer 01 a spectral one. Last week J. J. William ar?nt Has n it,,. big oak tree in front of hia reaidno and in ite heart a foot from the surface and eight feet from the ground found a wa gon nut. Tbe tree has doubled in diam eter since he moved to Dallas twenty-one yearn agu. laiias iiemizvr. A terrible fad baa struck the east. It ia spreading like wildfire. It is "nothing less than the wearing of a gold safety pin on the Jancl of ones coat. Even the Duke of Marlborough wore one when married. A few years ago a young man or woman would blush at the eight of one; bnt now well, this IS a funnv world. Portland now claims another diet no tion. Joe Da 'rtie there, a ear ortwoagosljCrtowodi thi celebrated U H. Holmes, at the time not realizug that he waa folk, t;u ...a footatena of no distinguished a man. Our friend Thorp keeps adding to the name of his paper, which now read, "Cottage Grove and Letnati Echo Leader." If he tacks on any more name he'll have to turn over tbe leaf to get room for it. Hereafter, in order to save pace, when we clip one of the pareon's spicy paragraphs we'll not give credit, but swipe it outright. Fossil Journal. Tbe Express of Lebanon says that Iiev Ross, in his lecture Monday evening said : "All the democratic partr ever gave the people waa whukey and bard times, an.l tne republican party (rave uaw times and whiskey." Our genial postmaster says be thinks Itoas gave oemocrata vue prviersnce aa tuer gave tne wtusaey urt. The Salem editors should stand in Al bany at an early hour morning and see the string of wagons loaded with big tin cans, going loo ana trom the creamery. and then tney would urge tbe citizens of that city to get in and do something be sides talk creamery. Albany ia proud of her 13,X0 creamery. Democrat.. Yes; and she baa a right to be. Utit, Brother Suiting, don't be twitting us about it. We leel bad enough without being jibed atiuut our lack, ol enterprise. talent Port. The Mayor of a Willamette valley city has recently received the following 'tetter from the east, which is very rich : Please to let me know the weekly an-1 monthly deth slatistick of your city and w hat they died of and what the favorite dis-es of your climate is and where they prevail tits worst and how meaner result io fatal deth. Also the high and low tcmperatu and inrvvardstothshigh wind blowing an at what per cent pet mile it blows an if rlycloces are frequent enough to be unpleasant an what pre caution neccesary to escape from Wing blowedawav. Anythirgek about your climate an dieae wilt be thankfully re ceived. A very peculiar incident and rasher on the senealiooal order waa an occurrence which happened the other day on the farm of Jcph Houghton, who resides near Milton, Oregon. Mr. Iloiattin the soil, be unearthed a human akeleton. supposed to be that of an Indian. What wema to be still more curious ia that it was found in a sitting position. A large indenture is said to t just above the iignt ete, a no ute neani i a very peoa- uar anape. ihe roar ol tne scoil seems to be twisted considerably to the left and the face to the right. The skeleton wa in a perfect stale of preservation, most of tbe bones being neatly petrified. Old settlers informed a L'uion reporter that it used to be a custom among the In dians of this section to bury their dead by placing tbe corpse in the grave in a silting position, facing eastward, and it ia presumed tbia was done so that it could behold the sun as it row in the morning. Portland must have rone back to fron tier days according to the following: Numerous black eves give evidence of a lively free for all fight which occurred a few nights ago in the Richardson ball in loer Albina. A party waa given in the Richardson ball, which waa largely attended by the young people from Al bina. During tbe evening, a lot of young fellows came over from the West Side. and it was not very long before the two elements became very aggreesive towards each other the East and the West Mders. It did not take verv much to precipitate a free fight with' the West Side gang. It was vry lively for awhile. a aozen or tiHKe were slugging each other in the Uum-e hall amidst the wild est confusion. There was considerable excitement, as everybody who did not wih to get involved' in the row tried to either get outside or out of reach. A young man who was present said he tried to get out of the surging crowd by climbing on a bench, but presently the bench was turned over, and be found himself in the thickest of the row. He then sailed in and hit the head of every West-Sider he could reach. Two women bad a row over a hen in Multnomah county and it wan carried before a juatice of the peace with the re suit that it cost the county 175. It is just such jus ice"andofflcialiim as this that causes hard liuie. Vhen the peo ple pay out money and get nothing for it a robbery has been committed that falls in the end upon the poorest and weak est, because under the existing taxation system all such expenses are borne by industry and enterprise, and the strong er industry and enterprise throw it off upon the weaker to the extent of its sub. stance and ability to pay. Pendleton E. O. Hereafter all roods Durchaaod of Juliut Gradwhol will be delivered free of charge. sso one win oe allowed to uaoerseli bim. self-help You are weak, run-down." health is frail.strength gone. JJoctors call your case an- eemia there is a iat-fam-ine in your blood. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil, with hypophosphites. is the best food-means of jrettintr your strength back your doctor win ten you that. He knows also that when the digestion is weak it is better to break up cod-liver oil out of the body than to burden your tired dierestion with it Scott's Emulsion does that. Scott a Bowxs, Chsmlrts, Nr York. toe.od$l.eO Real Estate Sales. IT S to Chas B Cochran, 610 acres, patent U 8 to Andrew J Fitzwater. 160 BCJes natent E 8 I'.arzee to Mary L Hughes, 40 acres 8E4 ,. $ Wru Hughes to H D Uond'yj ' 40 acres, same Lane Lumber League to J M Ab- - - r 500 800 rams trustee, lot 2, bl 6, Goltra Park 200 E A Hale to J O Averill, 2 lots in Brownsville oao I J M Preisa to E A Hale. 4 lots I 1 000 ' ' Brownsville. Christian Traxell to Arnold Wink 160 acres 9 4 Henry Lyons to Gibeon Myers, I lot Lyons W T Gray to Gibson Myers, 100 acres 9 E 3 W G Wood and H 8 Warner to II W Laasell. 64 acres 659 100 800 16,000 B II Cable to Almira Armstrong, 2 iota urownsviile Thos J Edwards to J D I vim, 40 acres 14 w I Andrew J Fitz water to Edwar J Myers, 160 acres llwl II Minlestadt to John Leedy, 160 fiOO 1,000 510 acrea 10 E 3 500 U S to E F Wyatt, 42 acres patent a vj iiausman to 11 Uaule, lot in Brownsville 50 A J Pitner to A M Stafford, 360 10,000 Ida M Turner to J W Turner, 90 acres 11 w 4 A A Tnseing to Sarah A SanderS lota Brow nsville R A Sarders to Sarah A Sanders 3 lots Brownsville C L Brush to A B I's x ton, mining claim eantiam district Stephen Yiewson to W E Mc pherson, power of attorney Geordon Robertson to Htepben Yiewson 4 lot B's ad Albany. . W U Gulliford to Jacob S Itani- tey, 79 acres 14 w 4 M L Hotraa to John Dodge, 3 ac. DLC Wm A Peterson CHColtontoSA Nickersoo, 2 lota Lebanon 900 500 100 1 ICO 3,000 60 290 J It Pearl to estate Joseph Pearl, 404 acres Geo W Morrow to Eward Uivens, 1 7 lota bcio 75 S E Murray to 31 E Kellogg, min ing clam 5 C S to Timothy A Riggs,640 acret paten U S to John M Jevely, 2-9 acres, paten t Goina to John ti uoins, 7 lota Scio 350 P J Baltimore to Jno Baltimore, w4 lot 4. bl 6, and lot 4, bl 113 IPs ad Albany 1,000 1,000 First National Bank to Robt Han son, 40 acreeDLCBF Whit eon Jno W Geary to Harriet Smith, bl 32 tiaisey E Goins to A J Johnson, one-half interest tjcio mill property A J VYigle to Wm A Lane, 140 acs 14 w 3 Martha A Drinkard to Wm A Lane, 160 acres 14 w 3 J J Whitney to S W Marks, llojj' acre 12 w 2 1,000 6,000 1,630 2,1 SO 2.150 U to alter S Cline, 164 acres paten 11 A Johnson to 5 W Keattr, w acrw 10 W 2 17$ A J Pitner to J P Carter, 6 lots Albany , 850 Wm BaAsett to J P Carter, 39 arret 14 w 4 781 t h to Jno M Frost, 1 ) acres patent K iioneca assignee to lavid Andrews. 231 acres and lot in tweet Hume S A Devaney toO 11 Russell. 2 lota Foerter ..." 400 100 Ktrstso. A rvjereepoodentof the Ore gonian from Srio, kicks as follows: The game wardens and commission, have been notified time and ajain a lout tbe violation of the law in this vicinity, and they pay no attention to it. Hardly a day parses but what teams go through our town with bounds following them,oo tbeir way to the mountains to chase deer and elk. Then they leave part of the earv-ae in the a-wi. uch things osghtto be looked a?tt-r by the game law oaimisfba if it ba any regard for the laws of our land. Then there are some parties in the milling boines who pay no regard to tbe law prohibiting throw ing ol sawdust and shingles into the creeks and rivet-e. This also ought to be looke after. of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors t this wreck. Reported lv C. A. i-now & vv. solicitors of American an-1 Foreign patents, opp. t . l atent o&ce, asn ngton, D. 0. F W DoU-l. San Francisco. Cal. ad- instable eight for firearms; G A Doyle, Penis, Cal, irrifation-hvdrant ; J W Gentry, Oakland, elevator; A P Hays, Los Angeler, Cal., combined dental bite and impreiou cup: J O Douneil, San Francisco, Cal. car-fender; F L Piatt, San Francieco.Cal, dental mouth-mirror; P J Scharbach, Woodburn.Ore, machine for making clothespin; R A Simpson, Ferndale, Cal. batter molding and cut ting machine; G D Worswkk, San Jo Cal, ventilating fruit-box. The kralarVy Etcctlsa. Lorrerrujc, Nov. 8. TSe Evening Post tay tbe general assembly will he a tie and the election cf a successor to Black barn ts a matter of conjecture Tbe deni ci .its bare 63 vote, and, with oee democratic-populist vote 69. The republicans will have 6, and one republican alliance vote, making a total of 69. Tbe Shakfrs have made a great hit Tbeir Digestive Cordial is said to oe the most successful remedy for stomach troub les ever introduced, it immediately re lieves all pain and distress after eating, builds up the feeble sytem and niakes the weak strong. Tbe fact is, food properly digested are better than so called tonics. " The Cordial not only contains food already digested, but ia a digeMer of ether food. Food that is not digv-sted does more barm than good People who use tbe Cordial insure tbe digestion of what food tbey eat and io this way get tb benefit ot it and grow strong. Tbe I ttle pamphlet which the Shakers hae teat druggist for free distribution, contain much interesting information on the subject of dyspepsia. Laxol is not a mixture of dregs It is nothing bnt Castor Oil made palatable. HOWS Tills? V offer One Unndred Dollars Sesrard ior any cam ot Catarrh that cannot be cared hy Ball's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY Jt CO., Props.. Toledo, O. We th Bbderoiirncd, hve knows f J Cheney for the last years, and belters "hin perfectly Lonnra jlo in all business transactions and fiDancjal'- aV.e to carry out any obligation snade by their ttm. Wst a Tur - Wuolosale- Tvrnceista.lva- rt Wau1!ro. Ki? A Mvav?leDS2: fists. T- 'p to. O. lVI-.-ltt-ni, 1 . ( VH t?i,rKl,y ' 1 luHi r-i mucous f sees of the av-teu. Prira KtjjT. n.Xl by ail lruijii..i. - ....... uw. ... Nervous Prostration. v . Joy Uompasy I have suffered from nervous prostration from financial loesee. Can say Joy's Vegetable haraa- iriiui nas cureu me. my liver, stomach should use iu Please publish (bignen) Mr. Wm. IIcnbt Jonxs. Butte Montana Wnea Baby wa sick, we ear W Ca. via. knho was a CklM, she cried for Castorle, When she became Miss, she ehmg to Cutoria, WW she bad ChlW ren, aba gare I Wen Caatoraa CO.ME ONE, COME ALL. Julrna Gradwohl Will Give You tne ucst uargatns in tne uty. I wish to inform the public that I wit reduce niy large stock of crockery, glass ware, China ware and silver ware, and will pell out mv entire stock of holidav goods at coat. What 1 say 1 mean. Come in and price my goods and I will prove . . i i - . j : v to you uiai i am not uecciving you. jui : 'w weis unve oeen very inactive, bnt since Uking ?your remedy I am entirely Well. AH business mnn anil mean business. J. Gkadwohi. I TELEGRAPHIC. I Will Be !;. CstCAOO, Nov. 8. The Evening Post says tbe Nicaragua canal is to be built; that New York and London capital will foot the bills, and American contractors will do the work. It is also said Chicago engineers and drainage-canal contractors will have a leading part in tbe construction, This bas been brought about by inveetiga- tion. made ky the leading spirits in the Nicaragua scheme, into tbe work being carried on in tbe shape of tbe t30,000,00u Chicago drainage canal. Let Tarkey lawk Oat Los dow, Nov. 8 A dispatch to the Cbroatcie from Rome says the Scorn r del Mattino, of Naples, baa advices that the Marquis of Salisbury ha confidential ly proposed to the powers tne dismember ment of Turkey. A dispatch to the Times from Rome, re ftjrring to tbe gravity of Turkish affairs, siys liiat Italy is in perfect accord with bngiand, and that the Italian fleet is ready to co operate with the English fleet when ever the interest of European peace may need it. lias Chicago, Nov. 8. Tbe Daily Nes Washington special says: Senator Gib son, today, dictuin the subject of his defeat, said: 'there nas been no exaggeration in the statement that the fight was against Sen ator Gorman. The election ot iiurst was bat an incident in the great battle. The fight was between those who favored the W llson bill and those who believed tbe senate did right in changing the measure; out tor urn tight tbe state would have gone democratic. rUaa Beaat I: Chicago. Not. 8. A cdccuJ to the Recoid, from Indianapolis, says: ins indication are that within tne next month the populist party onranization in this state will disband. Tbe men who have been carrying oo tbe agitation for tour years tare about decided that there is no future fur the party in this state and that tney might as well abandon it. E. . uumminga, has tendered his resigna tion. Ihe officers and members ot tbe state committee, it is said, will follow the example set by the secretary. a Olsrea Maa glerUew. A lb ax v, N. Y.. Nov. 8. James C Matthews, colored recorder of deeds in Washington in President Cleveland's first administration, has been electea judge of the recorder a court ot tins aty, wbich office carries with it powers ot a superior counjaage tin majority laovexzuuu, lie was elected on the democratic ticket It is the highest judicial position ever held by a man ot bjs race in Lu country. S SLllara. Detroit. Nov. ".The work of rescu ing the bodies of the victims of Wed day s explosion in the Journal budding sent stea lily on all day aaa tooignt. 1 be list of missing abjut OuTaDona- with tbe dead bodie taken out. uver 30 dead bodies bare now been recovered and idea tiSed, but the number changes frequently oa accouot of the new and gactly diacovet its brought to tight ia the rata. lbs number of dead will approximate 40. To day's dtvtttopaaents demonstrate that neg ligent care of tbe boilers waa tbe caose of tne accident. A Bt St Sa'-e-CLEVeXAXD. Nov. 7. An erening pa nts: la tbe quiet town of Ramapo, a stupendous railway transaction w a -J- ded yesterday. The vast Erie sys tem, -a. ,td to C. H. Coster, Louis A. Fuxgera,d and An toon y J. Thomas, the rwe-gamaalioo committee, for fA),0u0 over and above the bonded indebtedness of toe road. TbemAtter was keptatxret, and noae but tne high omctals knew tbe time and p ace of sale. For many moctbs tbe Erie has jast ataa- agea to sarugve sung under a debt of nearly W.i.VM 000. Tkey are Kaeaaraa-eet. Borro. Noy. 7. The majority against municipal suffrag for women was 77.000 Ihe Ti2ragite, represented by Mr Kenrj B. iUackweJl. say they are mnch encoor aged by this resu't, tx-andenzig tbe small amonnt of money which tbev cooid me and the short time for work. The "yes vote of l'.T.OOO reveals to them thousands of new friends, they say, and they will begin at once the org-iaixataoa c new dais to carry oa tbe agitation SI- U t lavs Tarka. CoxsTASTtsorLE, Nov. 7. A direct warning has been given saltan that Europe will in terrene to restore order in Armenia unless the Toskish government act prompt- ly. The minister of foretga affairs has promised to Eire a definite r-CDlr withic ta-odaysasto what steps the porte in tends to take for the restoration of order ia Armenia, and t provide for the protectioa. of Christian ia teat part of the Turkish expire. rrabaMr Cottage Gaovs. Or , Nov ". R. J. Noaka, aa old Grand Army nu.n. wa lound dead this morning' wan a beliet Itole through hia bead and a revolver ia his right hand. He left the N dier'a Home some time ago and cam bore. Since then he bas followed boot and shoe repairing, tie was addicted to drink, and, it is sup posed, grew despondent and committed suicide. He was OS years of age. - fne EatrSJsas. PoBTXAXD, Nov. 7. The republican victory was even greater than was at first supposed, it extended into Utah and Ken tucky. This was not only the case as to tbe state tickets, but to the legislature as well. This insures two new republican tenatars in the next senate, and the defeat of Blackburn, wbo will retire ia 139?. with Gibson of Maryland and Bnce of Ohio. Tbe official returns are ia from no state, but sufficient is known to teU everything excepting the exact majority or pluraliry, as the case may be. Ia all states tbia will be swelled, witn the possible exception of Ohio, i be only state democratic are Virginia aad Mississippi. The latest figures given out as to majorities or pluralities were: Massachosetta.. 63.000' Kentucky.. 15,000 New York 66.935 Mississippi SO.000 New Jersey '6. 96 Ohio 100,000 Pennsylvania ..169.gMi Iowa Tti.000 Uaryiand 19,?l5jUtaa 2,438 The figurea given for Massachosetta, New lork. New Jersey. Pennsylvania and Iowa are pluralities. The others are ma joiitie. Sakdstoks, Minn-, Nov. 6 Word reached here from r ox bora, Via.. this orternoon, of a terrible tragedy enacted there last night. Three bears broke into a bed of Mamn's place, and after feasting on some deer hanging there, killed David Fasen and Michael Maguire, woodsmen, and badly injured Frank Burnett and Th mas Grady, who beard the noise and went to see what it was. Tarhey ts be eetasdtdU Losdos, Nov. 6. Editorial in the morning papers dwell upon the gravity of the announcement from Rome that the powers had decided to take mint action in & anueuia. The Post, conservative, aays: rbe am bassadors incurred a terrible responsibility, and have hinted a threat that means noth ing less than the occupation of Purkey. Is England ready to acquiesce ?" ratal X v rire. Newokx, Nov. 7. 3 A. M. Fire started oo the first floor of the tenement at 311 Van Burnt street, Brooklyn, soon after 1 this (Thursday) morning, in which a family of six person lost their lives, Tbey were: Charles Ryan, aged 49; Mrs Ellen Ryan. 45; Johanna Kyaa. 20; Sarah Ran, 17; Magifie Ryan. 14: Lixxie Ryan, 12. The cause of tbe fire is unknown. Tie property loss will probably not be large. tie tar Bias. Tacoma. Nov. 6. Cashier W. G. Peiera ot tne tailed toiumoia ixauonai oanK, waa arrested late this afternoon oa a warrant sworn out by Benk Examiner Charles Cleary. It charges him with making a fal!e entry in the individual deposit ledger October S, thereby crediting City Treasurer ... . ., v ; ., ' Aictyauiey wiw mating a special deposit of 110,000, when, in fact, no such deposit' waamaue. it is alleged that his object was to deceive the controller of the curren cy. Karl's Clover Koot,the great olool pu tfier give trethnet and cieamesa to th complexion and cures constipation, 95c oc, 1.00, Foshay & Mason Agent. THE GREAT CI) Works wonders in cur ing torturing, disfigur ing diseases of the skin, scalp, and blood, and es pecially baby humours. Cnrni Rsamrss are saUl Snseraaet 8m wnM. Ixm a Caaa. caw- a vvjr- i ruvan s o CAW I OBTAI9 A IMTaTSTf Tnt a aroeiipt answer sad aa boost oputtoa. writs to M ti Y CO. wso hare as4 aeartr Sfty rears' rpaneneatal&e patent bosmea. Coamratriea 'mxm wmeUj emMem tl. A Hssssms of la Sorsutioa eoateiaiag Pafeais as bow to os tsia taeas sent frea. A sea eaiaicasSaaebao lesl sad settottAc books seat tree. patents takes tkroosb Mana A Co. laser woat aotteala the frieatiae Asssriraa. sn4 tbas are broawbt wMei kefirs tbe MMlewtta- at cost to tba brrestor. Thrs snieulia istpee. Isssm weekly. eMsssur tllestrsma, be by far ts aweat eireoJaOo of ear seteatiae work la tas worid. S3 a t BaUdrna IVfitioa. awjithlr. 2-S a yetf. em?!e ettM mmtt fraa. avj rthlT. ?. a rear: Bsi miiss. eeavta. x err vonber antral beaa tital p siiua kn eeeors. sad a-botis-rapb of aew !a,itB Sana, enaotin bealder to chow tba boesa sweJt Wroa sad aecare e&caraeta. Araeess A CO. Saw 1'JH.K. Ml Ba v;-R 4a Siratiey Upholsterer s jtfl d'Afd . Repairer . Hair, wool and shoddy mattmuea rear rated aid made over. Fornitore of every rksxaiption and labs, carriages re-apholAtered aaa vsrrEshca. Pr p m note is th P. 0-. or cait at 7 nf. beta-eea Ferry aad Bra-lalt,ia. A haxy. Or. 1AMLY VIGOR ONCE MORE ia bsraiisy with tact wnrid.2aOO completely ewred aoea are atagsnc nappy praises loe est and most aao. cestui ewre for sex- Wat weakness and. aostTtanr knows to merliral at Viae. Aa lacrimal of tabtaw' aVrfai ehseoeerw, la book form, wita ref CTeneea and proofs, will be sent, to suf fering nrs sealed) fret. Ttli oaaly eiaor nemaaeaUy riatmul Failure tmpoaauas. ERIE HEB1CAL C0BUFFAL0,S.1f . RIPANS e modem stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. c a 13 a M I leAcauSsj cfOur Laij Oi Perpeiial Help, lEaij, Or. A boarding and dav school eondnrtm by the Benedictine Sisters will resuma studies Ant. 27. ISStj. Every facility wiil be offered for thor ough courses iri scientific, normal, com mercial and elementary branches. An able teaches of piano, violin, guitar and vocal music will have charge ol the musical department. Drawing and paint ing will, like music, be taught aa extras. Lesson? in plain and fancy "needle work. For further particulars call at the Acad emy or address Sisixa if-rjrcjuoBxsa. a. - saw It ia ankl nn at senntM r-v gist. Xk cjnxea facip en,istAecnwCeush sni Crew Fhy A 120 DOLLARS PER r.0NTH In You Own Locality made easily and honorably, wUtcat cape tal. during yoar spare hours. Any man Ionian, boy, or girl csu do the wort haai iy, without experience. Talking un necessary. Nothing l;ke it for mcvy making ever oi&red before. Our wor iters always prosper. No "3 roe wasted et learning the business. Ytt teach yxa ic a night bow ;j ss?ceed from the fir hoar- You can make a trial wHbout ex peuse to yourself. We start yon. furnisV everything needed ta carry on the bos' ecs saccessfai f. and guarantee ya. against failure if you -it follow oci simple plain Instructions. ResaW, V yon are in need of ready money, aiv yrvit to know all ahout the best paying nostneas before the public, send us jV sudrass, and we will bw1 yon a &-t tneut giving, yon all the particulars 1RUE& CO., Box400u Aurjusta, Mairry GHIOKEH PUSIJiu FAYS t; yoo use the T-etalaai ai.ike auHiey w:uie fX oieer are wasius- Catalog te:: sit uboui If! l-see i I 1 ns-atot 1 1 Caiatosat 4j KKSB. it ami describrs e -rem ... article Bcecal 5or U:iie,X-; The "ERIE mreh !e!ca!tv tne best .wbeifc Prettiest model. We are Pacific Coast Ajrenta. Bxrrcie cata- fdejerlptioei oricea. etc., itoirirrs wawtsb. faTAXUMA DtCUiATOE CIWaUBaa.Cal. aju ue. mailed tree.rms iwct ji aiaia be. Lo Aagele. LAD il Sii' Sa?J"3 r m. ehd mmu ill bra th original nod rnj- . CH afea.idr. tlabl enr oa th - ma. k - i iii & t& s'ot br Saa1 UonauiKsoat uttlr 0 .A Curomicg. ole agent, Albany K. O. T. M Meets everySaturday vening in K. O.T M. Hall. Visiting KniKLU invited at end. J. S. Vas Weseu .Com. RE L 11 1 ls.aK isc.: ISXaaad, I nWBottaOSJi OneceatadosBVS aCvT.C rvV TSa?:..- s rsxv,' u