The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 15, 1895, Image 1

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    - -" "V
VOL XXXI. a.;.,-,.... q., , .. ALBANY OREGON, FR1DA1, .NOVEMBER J5, 1895. ,.,mnM.M QI6
a,,.,,,, ,,,.,.,,,,,,:,.,,,.,u I . BSDAY AN UNLUCKY BRIDGE. I WE WANT YOUR TRADE. I New Kind of FbloryT j HanfaLeaveningPowcr-Lat U.S. Gov't RrT" X-c Card.
f COUNTY COURTS ., ' , Wtowln5SlKN;K.w 1 i 1 IX
r y j---. i I 3 The first of the week the Democrat! thins la not 0. K. kindly let us know F.M. Fish. Joe Price. Mart A hi I 1 J JjZ fZ M lil
. now m
IWJnKPJ vjj n
'-" P -W "a- w "W I' ""a-" 3
for Infants
Castoria Isso well adapted to children that
recommend it as superior to any prescription
owutome." H. A. Aacma, M. D.,
111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y.
MThe use of 'Castoria ' is so universal and
Its merits so woll known that it Beams a work
f supererogation to endorse It Fenr aretbo
intelligent famHies who do not keep Castoria
within ear reach.
Cutux Xasxto, n. Dl,
Kew York City.
Best work
Office Stationery A Specialty
Give us yoar Patronage. L
University of Oregon 1S95-1S96.
The University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, offers free tuition to all students
Yonng men can obtain board, lodging, beat and light in the dormitory for 12.50
per week. Boomers furnish their own linen. Young women are provided with
board in private families at (3.00 per week. Young women desiring board should
address Prof. John Straub, Eugene, Oregon; or Secretary Young omen's Chris,
tian Association, Eugene. The University offers three baccalaureate degrees,
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Letters with corresponding
courses of study. The following shorter courses are also offered: An English
course leading in two years to a business diploma and in three years to tha title
ra'liate in English ; an advanced course for graduates of normal schools leading
to tne degree master of pedagogy ; a three years course in civil engineering leading
the degree of civil engineer ; a course of two years for teachers of physical equ
ation leadirg to a diploma and the title director of physical education. The
University charges an incidental fee of ten dollars which is pay a Die in advance
by all students. Students holding diplomas from the public schools and those
having teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without
examination. Those desiring information regarding the preparatory department
should address the Dean, N. L. Narregan, Eugene.
For catalogues and information address U. H. Chapman, President, or J. J.
alton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. -
ThU i ths wheel that waa illustrate In "Baring the Creliog Autnoritr of Aner
n, "Jiiarr 25th. 133. o.r th5 following title: "Tn hia.lo-.n?t Model Shown a
e re-vni Situm1 Otali Ecnibition " It tithe Wmur SocrfCHKR an Us tb
oit ad.nirnl aid talkjl of hun gr l hic.'cto in 'hi w.jr'd today. Want a bicje'e
mtrit-4 Ci.talo.gas f 'e-'. Isdian Bictcl Co. (n lUagpotii. Indiana, fj. S A.
& E. Gop, exclusive agent for Albany
GRtnr The BiilTet GariRoute.
flAiShortcst arid Quickest Line
'' Crosses both the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains in DAYLfGIT, affording paesen
' gers an opportunity of viewing the
Tun train dailv from Portland: one al 11 a. m . via Seattle, and one at 8:55 d. m.
via f T? Jtr N an Snokano. Runs superb
fe' library cars, palace and opholstered tourist sleeping cats. The buffet library car
! are marvels of elegance and contort, containing bath roouj- barber shop, easy cbairs.etc
Twin steamships, Northwest' and "Xisthland, ' leave Dulutb every Monday and
Friday for the "?oo," Makinac Island, Dettoit, Cleveland and Buffalo in connection
with the Gnat Northern Railway. Have your tickets read via the NORTHERN
STEAMSHIP COMPANY and enjoy a delightful ride free from the beat and dust. For
. tickets and genera! information call on or address
R. C. STEVENS, G. W. P. A., A. B. C DENNISTON, O. ? & T.
612 Front St , Seattle, Wash. 122 rd St., I'ortland J
ibmmwm, Jul
J. JOSEPH. Proprietor
- . .,.,.,.,J.,..,..,...,-.,., i Another Man Falls From No. 98. We are hero to please you. If every Alhanv flh li.r. m ., T r-l TT H
Cutoria curea Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
EEs Worms, gives steep, and promotes dl
Without Injurious medication.
"For several years I have -recommended
Castoria,' and shall always continue to do
so, as it has Invariably produced beneficial
Eownt F. Pabdxx, M. D.,
125th Street and Tin Atoow York City.
Tax CssTACm Cohpaxt, 77 Mckaay Stkxxt, Nzw Tons Crrr.
Promt cues
muioment. censigiinz of dining cars, but
Monmouth. Or. A training school foi
teachers. Complete eight grade training
department and strong rroiessionai auu
Academic courses.
The Diploma of the school entitles
one to teacn in any county in the state
without further examination.
Board and Lodging, books and tu
ition. $150 per year. Beautiful and
healthful location no saloons. There is
a gooddemand for well trained teachers ;
there is an over-supply of nntraini
teachers. Catalogue cheerfully sent on
application. Address
J.A. Wash 4L. Oamfbull.
Secretary Presides
(J. N. Dunoan. oounty judge
audJ.W. fagh, Couimiatlouan.)
The County Court adjourned last night
until next Wednesday after transac ting
the following:
The following bills were allowed :
Aid John Dobkins family $ 10 00
Hopkins Bros, jail 8 80
1I isher, acct surveyor and
W F Deakins, assessor
Train & Whitney, printing
J W Roberts, miscellaneous
vr v- ,i
15 00
453 00
5 50
2 50
1 25
IS 40
nwuuiiui, express
J M Waters, commissioner
Bill of Henry Kiser, Canada
jfiu uo continued.
Hodges A MeFarland aidKellog.$
Est A B Mcll wain, aid poor
K U Watson, aid Kellog.
Oregon agt Emma Hannah
K J Hendrick, railroad fare
Inquests Daw
H Kixer.removing Canada thistle
Irwin, Hudson A Co, books
Santiani Lumber Co, roads
Oregon agt Chas Cook. . .........
Pugh A Muncy, lumber
Ohls & Somers, C H
Koonta A Power, roads
Geo MsHargue, roads
G W Young, roads..
Farwell A Boner, roads
A A Kees, lumber
M J Cameron, lumber
H G Harknes, O H and jail
B G Carlton, roads
B Erricson, roads
8 10
3 25
3 15
6a 50
23 75
10 On
1 &0
19 61
44 45
3 4
9 25
6 21
43 00
3 00
2 35
23 00
8 00
19 07
8 00
12 25
2 00
5 00
5 00
21 00
20 27
6 00
20 16
87 00
it blorens, roads....
HD Weddle, roads
John Chas tain, roads
More A Waters, bridges. . .
P W Spinas, lumber
M A Fitzgerald, lumber. . .
J H Weddle, roads
O W Watts, printing
li A Stanord, lumber. . .
107 97
Grand iurv and state witness fees al
J G Githens, miscellaooous I
A J Craudall, on assessment roll.
Chas Young, acct assessment roll.
J A Wilson, acct sheriff
; 3 60
62 00
.62 50
62 50
6 25
4 35
7 00
22 70
41 60,
169 35
30 25
6 00
19 55
27 00
2 50
13 00
12 00
a U Uonn,
J O Hardin, " "
CL Morris, "
JMKeeney, " "
Wm Brenner, " "
J A McFeron, " "
Parker Bros, acct poor
S W Moore, acct sheriff
PJ Smiley, printing
G V Sundisfa, acct sheriff
Wn Bassett, roads
W C Miller A Son, lumber
li v atson A Co, acct poor.
H Wadtly, bridge acct 69 00
P Cohen, acct jail 11 00
F E Alien, aid Kate Bry 4 15
Stewart A Sox H Co, roads 16 25
L E Blain Clothing Co, poor 10 25
D F Hard man, recorder 5 00
G D Ridinger, acct bridge 31 50
G W CaspelU acct roads 2 90
Fredlliock, roads 1 95
L M Archambaum, road work
39 00
Asp.ication of
road, granted.
A. H. Yost for county
In application of John Craft et si for
county road, viewers appointed to meet
Nov. 21, at Sanderson bridge. Viewers,
C. P. Glover, Frank Smith and J. S.
Fro man.
Property of Mamie Grisbam ordered
redeemed on payment of (5.80.
In application of H. B. Soreneer et al
for county road, J. U. Scott, Paul Annis
and Alfred Morgan appointed viewers to
meet Nov. 22 at H. B. Sprengers.
Have Appealed.
R. II . Graham and other labor credi
tors under the Oreeon Pacific receiver
ship have appealed to the supreme court,
and ask judgment against the plaintiff
in the original suit, the Fanners Loan A
Trust Co., for the amount of their sever
al claims, tne appellants are repre
sented by Geo. G. Bingham, of Salem,
and the Trust Co. by J. R. Bry son, of
this city. The appellants contend that
tne receiver is an omcer ol tne court.and
that the expenses of the receivership as
between the parties are disbursements
and these payment are to be provided
tor in tne same manner as other dis
bursements. That the receiver having
been appointed upon the petition ol re
spondent to preserve the property for the
oeDent oi reeponaent it is uaoie ior tne
payment of the expenses of the receiver
ship, and that the court has authority to
render judgment against respondent lor
tne payment ol tne receiver a expenses
as asked in petitioner's petition.Gaxetle.
Geo. P. Cramer baa gone to Qoavrtxville
to act as blacksmith for the Lawler Min
ing Co.
Mrs. R. Veal has returned borne after
visit of several weeks with friends
down the road.
Miss Artie Huston returned yesterday
from a trip to Goldendale and Portland,
after an absence of a month, or more,
Jir. A. L. Farrinirton. recently injur
ed by falling from the bridge at vV renns,
is gradually improving, with chances in
his lavor ot recovering.
Mr. George Stimpson, the W. F. ex
pressman, has been in Portland several
days. During bia absence Frank Stell
maker has been running tne wagon.
Speakiag of the O. A. O. entertain
ment last week the Garette says: Miss
Mary Cnndiff, of Albany, chose for her
recitation Joaquin Miller's "Cotno."
Later in the evening she recited an hu
morons sketch entitled "When Jack
Comes Late." Miss Cnndiff has good
conception and her delivery is very
clever. She greatly pleased the audi
ence. '
Miss Etta Beamer, "the Willamette
valley sons bird," went to Portland to
day .where she will join the Aamold con
cert company, luey will take tne
steamer ior The Dalles, and thence will
go to Spokane, where a concert will be
iriven. after which they will Droceed di
rect to the east. Miss Beamer will not
return until May .Salem Journal
The present ma?or. Judge Flinn. and
ex-Councilman C. G. Burkbart are being
mentioned for the office of mayor at the
coming election.
Mr. H. F. Mcllwain baa purchased a
large stock of new goods and will ojen a
store at the eld stand in a few week, as
ooo as new goods arrive and a6 placed in
position tor tne new business.
Judge Walton this morning harvested
his walnuts. He had over ten bunbels. In
a few years he will have sixty trees bearing
At present be has ooly two or three bearing
trees. bugene Uuard.
The jury, after being out a little over 2
hours, this afternoon, returned a verdict
for rlaintia ot zou and costs in tns slan
der suit of Mrs E A Driscoll vs Dr D E
Ruff. Both the part i( reside in Junction
City. The cage was hotly contested.
Eugene Guard.
Last evening there wm an increased xt
tendance at the revival services is lbs Uni
vtxxalist church. The subject treated w as
God's love and gift to the world. Services
this evening beginning at 7:30. subject.
The necessity of and Gods means for mans
salvation. On tomorrow evening Rev J
Bcwersox, of Salem, will be present and
will participate in the services.
GBEBswoon on Trial. Tbe following
from Walla waua is about a former Al
bany photographer: The trial of W. II.
Greenwood, charged with manufactur
ing counterfeit money, was commenced
in the United States court this morning,
One important witness for tbe govern
ment, Charles B. Deaa, cannot be found,
and Judee Hanford has issued a bench
warrant for him and declared his $300
bond forfeited. The only evidence to
troduced today was that of Police Officer
Johnson, to whose efforts were due the
discovery of tbe workshop of the Monro
boys and of Greenwood last may.
The first of the week the Dkmocrat
! gave an account of A. L t arrington fall
ing from bridge 08, near Wrenn, on the
O. U.iSt,, ou account of the frosty tiin
oers. Anotne? accident ol the same
character occurred at the same place this
. . II . T I . ...
morning, im xwugnerty was one ot tne
gang repairing the bridge. He was at
work on a frosty timber, when he slip
ped and fell to the ground twenty feet
below, striking on his head ami side
One of his arms was broken and his face
bruised. He was taken to a boarding
house then, and Dr. Maston, the road's
surgeon, left on the noon train to attend
A Stage Robber Held Up.
C. M. Gordon of Klamath arrived in
Grants Pass by Monday evening's train
having in charge a stage robber named
A. O. Prick, whom he had arrested Sun.
day morning while Prick wasat'emptiiiK
.i K I . . 1 L" 1 . IV- 1 1
w iwu uc ngvi mm cviaiuniu rails oiage.
Mr. Gordon and Prosecuting Attorney
nenson were inside passengers ou the
east bound stage Sunday morning at 4
o'clock, when the vehicle came to a stop
a uro looi oi a graue ano ice passengers
heard the words "Throw out the box."
Gordon said to Benson, It's a hold up;"
Benson said "I believe it is." Gordon
stepped out and the stage suddenly
started up as the horses were frightened,
and Mr. G. with his Remington shotguu
srere thrown to the ground. Frick had a
barricade of rails behind which he mas
concealed, and Gordon said "Come out
and throw up your hands." The robber
replied, "1 won't do it; yot throw np
your bands." They jaw ed at each other
in the bright mooniigut for a minute or
so, when Frick ran, although he could
have killed Gordon if, as he claimed, he
had a 44 Winchester. G onion ran after
him ,6 ring and two of the buckshot lodged
in Prick's arm. when he "squawked." as
he himself expressed it.
f nek is a tall, raw-boned, big-nosed
man of the "cow bov" class, about 42
rears of age and is well known as a I ear
ful desperado. He bad just escaped from
the Klamath Falls iad Friday mcht and
did not wait to be tried ever there for
horse stealing. Mr. Gordon was taking
him to Portland to be tried before the L .
S. authorities. The pair put up at the
Palace Hotel and seemed perfectly
friendly as thev went around together.
although Mr. Gordon carried his double
barrelled shot gun and brought up the
rear Grants Pass Courier.
From a Spokane Paper.
The following is from the Spokane
Chronicle and is pretty good evidence
that if W. W. Saunders is deporting him
self as a good ciiisenahip it is not in the
matter ot trutlilulness. we publish it
in order to show bow be is fouling Spo
kane people:
3 ewe was received this morning trom
Salem. Or., that Governor Ixrd has is
sued a full pardon to Wirt W. Saunders
of this city, who was given a conditional
pardon by Governor Peuooj ex bo re
quired that Le should leave the state.
This act restores Mr. Saunders to full
citizenship with the privilege of return
ing to uregon wnenever tie chooses.
The story of the shootm? of Charles
Campbell by Captain Saunders at Al
bany, Or., in October, 1S85, ba been
told so often as to need no repetition.
Saunders was editor of a newspaper at
Corvallis when the shooting occurred.
He was eniraired to marry Miss Minnie
Allison, a sister of Miss Slatue Allison,
and often visited her at Albany. Char
lie Campbell was attentive to Miss Mat
lie, but they quarreled, and Maitie com
plained that Charlie sent her threaten
ing letters. She sent for Saunders and
told him of ber trouble. The men met,
and according to the story told by Saun
ders and the girl, Campbell became en
raged wuen the captain warned him not
to bother Maitie any more and tried to
poll a pistol. Saunders drew his pistol
and fired, mortally wounding Campbell.
He was tried and sentenced to death ;
secured a new trial and received a life
sentence; served several years and final
ly, alter persistent efforts ot laitbiul
friends who were convinced that Saun
ders was acting, as he believed in self
defense while shielding the young wo
man from persecution, he was granted
the conditional pardon which is cos
made full and complete.
As Orxcox Five Assoaanox. Oregon
has a home fire association organized
after the mannt-r of the A. O. C. W.,but
carrying fire iut-a-ad of life insurance
Only detached property is insured, never
ior over SI.UW. un two-thirds of the
value, and losses are paid by assessment.
1 be name is the Oregon r ire Relief As
sociation. The bead office is at Mc-
Minnville, and O. H. Irvine, formerly of
this city, is president, F. J. Martin, sec
retary and Chas Grisset, treasurer. It
is reported a good many policies have
been written.
Revs. Wooiet ajcd Shacklkt. Rev. C.
. Wooley, of Fairmount. and R. H
Sharklet, of Eugene, were guests of Rev.
W. V. McGee last evening. Mr. Wooley
preached to a geod audience at the Cum
berland Presbyterian church at 7 -.30 and
baptized Mr. 'and Mrs. McGee's infant
child. Like Hannah of Bible times they
lent their daughter to the Lord as long
as she lives. Messrs. Wooley and Shack-
let are members of the board of trustees
of Mineral Springs Seminary at Soda-
villa. They have been to Sodavilte in a
meeting of tbe board and report the
school in good condition. Over eighty
pupils and still tbey come.
XBCTDEDLY Rich The beet paying
black sand beach mine that has been dis
covered on this coast, says the San
Francisco Mining and Scientific Press, is
near the Port Orford lighthouse. The
claim when first discovered, nearly 40
years ago, was yellow with gold for over
ZO feet in width and three teet In depth,
and paid 1200 a day to the man. The
claim is being worked this year for the
fourth time or leasers. The sand is
thrown on a grizzly, carried over amal
gamated plates to catch the gold, and
ever mohair cloth to catch the platinum,
which is worth f 4.50 an ounce.
Now, Act. Dr. Lamberson.of Leban
n, is in the city this afternoon for the
purpose of interviewing our busiress
men in reference to establishing a tur
pentine and essential oil factory here
This is just what we want because there
is a field for it. This is one of the kind
of factories we need. We had better get
a number ol small lactones here tha
will grow and be permanent than big
nes without a held that may survive
nd may not. Let our citizens act.
KiNCaSO Wok. In the circuii cour.
at Salem yesterday the plaintiff was non
suited in the case ot the wee ton slat
normal school against Secretary of Stat
&.incaid, commenced ior the purpose o
sompeiling payment of the full amount
f the state appropriation, 116,000. Kin
aid had refused to pay out any money
except on bills properly presented as
they became due. the secretary did
eminently right and is to be congratuliv
eu on winning tne suit.
EvAKOKuanc Msstino. Tomorrow
evening will begin a service of union gos
pel meetings wun tne evangelist nev.
A. Moidridge and bis singing companion
Mr. Dickson, in the Y. M. O. A. Hall
let an prepare to come. As far as nos
sible let other engagements be postponed
for the present, and let all unite in these
A Startling Hiscovkrt. Baldness
cured or no pay. Dr White's Great
Discovery is for sale at.Louia Yiereck'
barbea shop. It cures all diseases of the
scalp. Parties desiring to go into a con
tract I will guarantee a head of hair or
t ' , ; ... ..
no pay. aajuih vierocs, xonsoriai axil
We are here to please you. it every
thing is not 0. K. kindly let us know
We are not selling at cost but at moder
ate profits. We can furnish you any
thing in the harass line at lowest prices
See our line of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips
The Coming Musical.
A musical that will deserve the best
patronage of Albany people will ba that
of Mrs. Hollenbeck, Eugcne'sccomp
lished pianist, on Tuesday night, 2ov.
12, at the opera bouse. Mrs. Hollen
beck will be assisted by Miss Eva Simp
son, one of Albany's most talented and
brightest young fadies, by Miss Estella
Comstock, of Portland, a violinist of rare
genius, and by local talent. The Eugene
papers speak highly of Mrs. Hollenbeck.
To Miss Cooistork, the Guard pays the
following compliment:
Miss LstellaComstock appeared for the
first time before a Eugene audience with
a violin solo "Fantasie Ballet." and from
the first stroke of the bow held her au
dience in rapture. Her execution was
faultless and she showed herself thor
oughly in touch with the composer as re
gards expression.
the admission will be only 2o cents,
without extra charge for reserve
be secured at Hodges A Burkhart's.
A Big Job.
One of the biggest jobs undertaken in
Linn county for some time was the con
veying of the big boiler for the Lawler
alining company from Gates to Quarts-
ville, a distance of about twenty mile.
Mr. Smith of Salem was the man who
began the job. According to the re
ports Mr. Smith has gotten all of it be
wants, in fact has abandoned it. There
are to be five car loads in all. Smith be
gan on the big boiler, got it about half
way after several weeks work and dropped
the job. It was too much of an up and
down businfas, a block and tackle affair,
an aggravating undertaking at everry od
in tne trail.
Later. Mr Lawler came od from be
low today and says there is nothing in
the report about Smith abandoning the
contract ; that though it is a hard pall
ne w in msae it an right.
True to Xaturc.
Tbe ciitic of the Pekocsat reveled in
art this morning in the studio of Mrs. L.
C. Young, superintendent of the art de
partment of tbe college. A sufficiently
large display of studies is given to show
the Utgit character ol Mrs. Young's work.
Airs, l otitic does not use the shears.
speaking in newspaper language; but
gives original designs. I lor sketches
are all from nature, and their great
merit is evident at once from their nat
uralness. They are true to lite. Her
scenes are natural ones. Her straw berries
look exactly like strawberries and not
like pumpkins, her currants, berries,
peaches, plums and flowers are just
what they are intended for. A skillful.
correct brush, backed by an artistic
brain, has put vitality into them. That
is art. Mere daubiog is not art any
more than shouting is elocution. The
taste for the artistic is increasing at
lightning express rate, and one needs to
handle the brush, it only as an amateur;
but a good foundation is what counts.
and it i easy at a glance to see that M rs.
loung has the elements ol the work as
well as the finishing touches. Her lack
of exageration and the simplicity of her
designs makes this manifest.
lur citizens should do their own judg
ing by inspecting Mrs. Youn'gs studies,
firet door to the tight up stairs in the
Mrs. Young is here to give lessons at
reasonlable rates to everybody in A Ibany,
private citizens as well as students.
S. G. Reed the wen known capita litt. o
Portland, died at Pasadena, Calif , yester
The Tornado troop swept through Al
bany this noon on their way from Corail
to rale ai. o damage done.
Tbe San t law Acsde ny bat added an art
department with Mr. C G Harmon as
Mr. Iawler told a Salem paper that the
new mill would be crushing ore in Decem
ber. N e hope so.
Mr. Uoldredge baa retired from the firm
of lhbler. Shore Je Holdredge cf Sao. and
htrafier tbe firm will he ilibler k Shore.
An Albany man bad a car load of pr-ta
toes ready for shipping when it m dis
covered that quite a good many of them
were ruined by true.
Tbe four year old daughter of T. M
Kigg. of Mabel. wasreceiiUf burned, from
the effecta of which she died several day
At the slaughter bouse Monday morning
Mi We Weisner sras going to shoot a heep,
ben tbe gun accidentally went oil and
the bullet (truck his watch, which was
hanging in his vest on the wall, ruining it.
it was worth id5 or f. 0. Lebanon Ad
vance Tuesdar morning lacoh Soringer receiv
ed news cf tbe Heath of his mother at Med-
lord, from congestion of the brain "Mr
Springer and suter left the same evening
for Aleuford to attend the funeral. Tbey
ill remain there and Jake will work at
his trade with hi brother Aaron. De
ceased had iwen at Modford only a couple
of week. Lebanon Advance
A. C. Christensen was in Eugene yes
terday on business.
F. M. Dannals, of Scio, was a caller at
the Democrat othce yesterday
Mr. D. B. Monteith returned this noon
from a trip to Astoria and Portland.
License has been issued for the mar
riage of N. J. Kirk and Ida B. Nelson.
Mrs. Woodford is giving lessons in
short hand and penmanship in Astoria.
Mrs. O. D. Hutlon came up from Sa
lem vesterdav on a visit with her hus
band, ol the Albany iron n oris.
Married by Rev. McVicker at the
grooms home in x osier, vciooer ;w,
imd. Mr. js. ryruzanu airs, uuuir.
Hearing, of Sweet Home.
II. M. Perry ,of Blewitt, Wash., arrived
in Albany yesterday and will remain in
this county during the winter. Mr.
Perry lias been mining there.
Toledo boasts of being the best off of
anv city in Oregon financially. It is out
of debt with :W0 in the treasury. Good
for Toledo; but then Toledo is not Al
bany or Portland.
Albany is welcome to the fun she is
having at our expense; but Sa'.em will
have a creamery yet. Don't you forget
this. Statesman.
Dr. II. E. Beers, who was recently
taken ill at Waco, is rapidly
recovering and with Dr. Mrs. Beers who
is with him. will return to Albany ti e
first of next week.
Messrs. O. E. Push. John Morris, L,
J. Peterson and Mr. Bass returned from
a deer hunt up on the Mackenzie river,
above Springfield last Sunday night.
They killed four deer; Mr. Pugh killing
three, and Mr. Morris one. A. J.
Roberts, of Springfield, was in the party.
They report a fine trip. Lebanon Ex
press, Avoid Pneumonia, diphtheria and
typhoid fver, by keepii g the blood pars,
,.t ami i ha VwvtMv
vigorous by the use cf Hood'a Sarsaparilla.
",.. ... . .
ana inn
iuuu .... t ..
tneu prouipi auu oiuwiDuu ju bbojt
Albany fish liars will please read
louowing irom tne Newport news:
F. M. Fish, Joe Price, Mort Abbey.
Frank Priest, Gus Babbidge and Charles
Doncaster. who returned to town last
Saturday fiom a 10-days' hunting and
fishing trip in the Siletz river country,
with blistered hands and sunburned
noses, tell an a-w-f-u-I fish story : "As
they were quietly paddling down the
river cowa were noticed standing in tbe
water close to shore. As their boat came
up to tbem a queer looking varmint was
observed sucking one of the cows. When
they had recovered from their astonish
ment, a gaff-hook was slipped in the
water and what proved to be a 20-pound
salmon was landed. - The body of the
fish was swelled out to an abnormal aim
and upon being opened was found to
contain a four-pound cheese in prime
condition." We give the story lust as it
was told to us by Mr. Fish, and as the
rest of the members of th nartv hv
heretofore borne exemplary characters,
we have no reason to doubt the truth of
it. By the killing of this fish a great
mystery lias been solved in this section.
The creamery closed down a few weeks
previous owmg to a scarcity of milk, and
the oldest inhabitants were unablatn
explain why there should be a diminu
tion in the supply of lacteal fluid. Now
the thing is clear as mud.
Probate Record.
Accounts filed and approved In estate
of Harvey Shelton.;
Personal Property ardentd aril. I in es
tate of Jennie Vineyard.
John v httaker appointed administra
tor of estate of Samuel Daw. Bond 1800.
Final accounting in estate of I With.
erite set for Dec. 7.
In estate of J. L. Dixon, rxvlnta nf
distributees filed and executor discharged.
Final accenting !n estate of Fred M pa-
pelt set for Dec. 7.
Final accounting in estate of Ilenrv
Worrell set for Dec. 9.
Final accounting in
at 1 p.
of Benj
m. Brenner set for Dec. 12.
Military Order.
IJcADqrAiTras 2so Ren. Inrrr. O. X. G.
Eugene, Or., Nov. 7, 1895.
Order 58. Private John M. Cooklin.
Jr., Hospital Corps, 2nd Reg. O. X. G.,
is uereoy appointed steward of the Hos
pital Corps to rank as such from this
date. He will be respected and obeyed
accordingly. By order of
II. T CosDOS, Cou Geo. O. Yoba.
1st Lieut, and Adju Comdg 2nd Reg.
Postponed Two Weeks.
Sas Fbascisco. Nov. 6. 2:30 d. m.
The sentence of Vheodere Durrant, con
victed ol the murder of Blanche Lamont,
was postponed until Friday.
Nor. 22, 1
when it will be pronounced.
At Astobja. Three sales just made in
Astoria are a good indication for that
city. Tbe Astortan gives them as fol
io s:
The first transaction was the sale to J.
O. Hanihora of Lou 6 and 10, in Block
iust across) the street from Herman
Wine's store on Bond street,. Tbe con
sideration paid was 119.000. He intends
building a brick on it tn tbe spring.
D. K. Warren purchased Lot 10, in
Block oS'-i, on Cwtnrnercial street aeax
CooptJt's'ttore for 7,000. A splendid
tmilding will be commenced atooce bv
Mr. Warren, which when romplet ed will
be occupied by Kosa, Uiggtn A Co., the
enterprising grocers.
Lot 4, in Block li, now occupied by
Chas. Wirkala as a saloon, was sold to
August Knot ion, the Portland saloon
man. Within thirty days Mr. Erickson
will begin the erection of a first class
51x95 loot three-story business) block
on this well known corner. The ground
floor will be occupied by himself aa a
concert ball.
Thb Scio Pkdmi disvossea the Red
Crown Mills case as follows: The iailure I
of the jury in the leom case to agree, is I
not at all satisfactory to the people. Mr. I
isom was either guilty or not guilty oi
ill! rnmc lit; was socuvni, auu uie jury i
oughttobaveso decided. As the matter I (Stockman) was only guilt v I
i-u cwiaiuati - I
technaiiy aa be oniy new one snare tn
. i i r r CaJ .v A I
a, mt iL As aw-t. U k on tawam war a a-. wVa-isat I
viavniiT rrTuiuT-wj w .nr. inuui uvu uc ur- i
Stockman was alone guiltr. As a matter
offset nearly 50,000buahels of wheat I
usn wj -ajstam 5w.frn uvui uic rviitr. suiui.
nm i. .U nt t. kino It '
- -; .
thelese leom has owned tbe major por-1
Hon of tbe mill lor years, we Pel i eve tie all mhn h.n had
control of the mill, for he has but little
to do in managing the mill affairs, other
than installing tbe two different mana
gers. A Socth Araicax PaitrHLrT. Dr. J.
C. Littler baa iut received from H. W
Goff, in South Africa, a fifty page pam
phlet entitled Tbe Guide to Johannes
burg. It is a splendidly gotten op book,
containing thirty-eix elegant illustra
tions. The pictures abow some fine
buildings in that city, equal to those in
our northern cities, irescnptiona are
given of the different routes to that place.
far in the interior, reached by rail and
stage after a fifty-four boors trip
from Cape Town. The scenery la trop
ical and unsurpassed in the world. Noth
ing tbe Dewopkat baa ever seen gives
one as goxTan idea of that much talked
of oouutry, on account of tbe great min
ing craze prevailing.
A CAarittss Gcs AcciPEXT.-Just one
week aso last Saturday. Perry Bilreu, ot
Asotin, wash., arrived at tne home oi
his mother, Mrs. L. J. Bilreu, of Bilreu,
Den-, to visit tbe home toika. on Wed
nesday of last week he was monkeying
with a Winchester rifle and for some un
accountable reason, assted the muzzle of
the gun on tbe too of his right foot.
While in that position the gun was dis
charged nearly severing the toe next to
the great toe from his foot at the juncture
of the toe and loot. Vr. riyde thinks lie
will be able to save the toe. Scio Press.
A Sscosn Trial. A. Klein, of this
city, and W. F. Wade, manager of the
Western Union Telegraph othce. were
tried yesterday afternoon in tha justice's
court for Zen a precinct on the charge of
trespass while hunting. W. w. Kuiiin
being prosecuting witness. 1 no case is
one growing out ol a similar action
against the defendants in which Mr.
Brunk figured aa the prosecuting wit
ness and which waa tried at Eola a few
davs ago. A iurv trial waa bad. result
ing in a disagreement after four hours'
deliberation by the jurors. Statesman.
Will be Exhibiibp.--Beginning to-
morrow afternoon the Linn County ex
hibit at the State fair and Portland Ex
position will be on exhibition opposite
Foshav A Mason's, in their old store,
and for three davs. On account of some
of the fruits and vegetables having per
ished the exhibit will not be complete;
out win be made aa attractive as pos
Conuhess MrsT Act. Mr. John Butcr
worth waa circulating a petition today
for the opening of the strip of land along
the O. 0. A K 45 miles long now in
cluded in the Cascade reserve. It will
be sent to all P. M.'s in the valley and
then forwarded to congress, and cong
ress is bound to act on it. It is nothing
less than ridiculous to keep this tract oj
land Irom settlement.
Dr. Whites New Hair-growing System
i for sale bv Louis Yiereck, Albany, Or.
Sole agent for Linn, Lane, Benton, Ma-
'rion, Lincoln and Clatsop counties. Add.
cox i, aiusnr,ur, iur ireo pampniei
. on ijaiuness and scain rrouDiea
1 1 w cy
Mr. Pete Abbey, of Newport, baa been
in tbe city for a day or two.
L. L. Van Nortwick, tbe barber, is in
Southern Oregon with a view to locating.
Mr. Harry Sacrey has been in Alsea
several days looking afier bis store there.
Mr. Walter Holman, of Salem, was in
the city today on his way to San Fran
cisco, by way of Yaquina.
Hung Chuck, Jim Weetfall's son-in
law. who went to China two years ago,
returned today, making glad the heart of
M. S. Neugrasa is now receiver for a
embarrassed business firm at Eureka,
California. He has been so engaged for
several months, and is accompanied at
Eureka by his wife. Corvallis Times.
Mr. Morse, coach of the Willamette
foot ball tram, who was in Albany last
fall with tbe Stanford-Berkley glee club,
Chester Murphy, captain, and a couple
other Willamette's went to Corvallis to
day to witness the O. A. C Forest
Grose game.
Dick Vincent, the 13 year old boy
globe trotter.mentioned in the Democrat
several days ago aa approaching from
the south, was in the city yesterday on
his way north and thence east. He pot
np at tbe Rues House.
Wheat 42 cents.
Conn & Huston for groceries.
Tbe best fresh groceries and produce at
Cona k Huston's.
Another invoice of capes and jackets jos
received at Lad is Bazaar.
Fair prices lend a charm Ui neat print
ing. Smiley the Printer.
Ladies the latest fashim is a seamless
dress made by Mrs. McLean.
Good treatment at Conn and Hustons,
aad their goods are tbe best.
Take advantage of tbe big reductions in
we price ot photo at Tinkles.
Some elegant deaigoes in crockery ware
at low priors at Lonn and Uoatoos.
Plaid waut ready made in the late it
style 1.75 at the Ladies Bazaar.
O. N. G- bora are much pleased at tbe
prospect of aa encampment next year.
Tie assessor cent gives Astoria a pop
ulation ot i.'Jt and uatsop county ii.HM.
20 ex. savon soap at Parker Bros, tor
only 5 cests a bar. This is a world beater
Kid gloves for evening wear in 20 button
lencths very stylus, at tbe Ladies Bazaar.
If you want a good shine call ca leas tbe
Boss Shoe Shiner at eruks barber shop.
Ladies shoes a specialty.
A targe and choice stock of jewelry, sil
ver ware, etc, Jut received at ill aad
bUrka. t
The most elegant tine of statuary ever
brought to Albany at A ill and Starks. la
several beaaulol hgurea
Pay your dog tax before Dec I. or tbe
dog will suffer the full penalty of tbe law,
By order oi marshal.
Toe Young Ladies Missionary Society of
the U. E. lourca will hold a Ooiis Bazaar
is tbe opera booe, some tune la Dec
Sperial meetijgof Beclah Rebekah lodge
No. 35. Saturday evening. Nov. 9. for
drill. All member are rouoeeted to be
The chrysanthemum show baa been in-
deaaitely postponed, aad probably will not
begien. A good many of Albany s best
chr"oemnmi were ruined by the fronts.
A car load of fine timothy bay was ship-
pad to Portland yerterday. fo net was re-
Iceived tor it according to the inlormauoD
given toe i'liucui.
Tbe county exhibit was being inspected
lm mimlMi nl Mon t ti. ,Mrtn.Kin
tv ,k a,nit . u.i i nf tk
fi, periston it is large enotuk to speak
I ILrf JW.
v '
. , w v - tr
,PT9 feqawtsd to be present
f rPif1 T1'" .J1"
I " cuosioereu . wrv. v.
- a o i t f
I . . . , tin
' grana wot a "
I v- a . www a, -i a ktobi u-,
I secured the famoo bMnneraoce lecturer.
I Howard Carieton Tripp, of Kingsley. Iowa,
who will lectors ttruoghont the state in
oebalf sf tbe temp-vance cause.
Tbe Gardner Mid Co. is tbe heaviest tax
parer in tiouglas county, except the rail -road,
paying en $66,150. next M trk A
WaHeoburg.160,790: S Hamilton.30,lli5;
Pol A bra bam 2J ,-. a. r Urown. -,
470; Indue J. C Fullerton. 16.205; VV. A.
Smick. 94.435: E. G. Young k Co. VO,
lo a talk with James Abbert we learn
that the condition of affairs in the Paloose,
Wash., country is in a gloomy condition
He says that land that brought readily a few
years sinne trom xxj to Sou per acre
ran be oorchaced now for from 17.50 to
$la per acnt. He thinks that at least cv
per cent of the farmers of that entire sec
tion will lose tneir farms on account of
QHirtATajes before many months roll around.
Eugene Guard.
A Burns dispatch says that two of the
six Jordan brothers being held there in
' for csifstealing. housebreaking, etc..
broke jail Toewlav night and made their
escape, toe probabilities are that tbey
wilt bgbt It overtaken, as tbey were both
convicted bat not sentenced at the term of
court now being held there. Im escape
are John and Bob, and both have done
time at the Salem penitentiary heretofore.
John one term aad Bob two terms
Hundreds ot people in the Willamette
valley remember E. P. Uonnor, who,
several years ago taught writing school
throughout the valley. He is now at
Redding, Caufornia. and the thing that
calls atttentioa to him is that he his
just struck struck a very rich gold mine
in that vicinity. Three years ago he
struck a "pocket" in the satna neighbor
hood, irotu which h took o,juu in gold
in a lew weeza. ucrvauis Times.
Twekty Years Aoo. Just twenty
rears ago. Nov. 5th. occurred the wreck
of the steamer Pacific in the Straits near
Victoria, in which 273 persons lost their
lives. A Salemite in the person of Bar
ney Pompellier had the good fortune to
misa the boat and was thus saved. Jour
nal. A cousin of the editor of the I'M
It. UnrHitrt nf Rnrkscll I
Uari WM on. who did not miss the
boat and was on board. Mrs. Hurlburt
resides in her old home in Broome coun
tv. N. Y.. where the writer aid her i
visit shortly alter tne uisaster. rorvewrs
she hoped in -vain that her husband
might have been saved. She received
one letter from the coast a tew years ago
stating that he had escaped from the
vessel and was in an insane asvium. .nu
another one from Milton in this state,
claiming he waa living there with his
mind gone from the effecta ot getting
away from the vessel; but there was
nothing In either. One was evidently a
scheme to get some money.
What It Cost. The expense bill ot 1 cent bottles by all leading drog
M1.20 in the case ot the sute vs J. R. . gists. Any reliable druggist who
Stockman, the Albany warehouseman , may not have it OB band will pro
SnlSu it prompUy for anyone who
. j,. . i ! wialiAS ti trv it TV not anwnt an
amount. The witness fees footed up
$220.20 the district attorney's bill waa
$l6 ;nd . (eo of $4
I jOIlrnai
tor tne ciera, eaiem
For the beat Drugs Dawson's.
Damon and Pythian.
On Friday eveninir of next week the
play "Damon and Pythias, or the test !
of friendship, " will be presented at tbe
opera house, under the auspices of Lau-
rai 1 xylite K of P. and directorship oi
Prof. Wm. Rasmus. It will be cbaac
terized by elegant costumes and food I
.Mini, tAllnB'in i m 1. a rr ol r.f aTkovam T
....Wm. Rasmus
D. V. Poling
. . . .A. 0L. vaunon
..Jaa Van Winkle
.11. A. LeLainger
Joe Sternberg
David Gottleib
Mrs Wm. Rasmus
Pythias Servant..
Ua lan the.
Miss Lillian. Crawford
Damons Child
.Master Willie
12 senators in following order: H. H
Hewitt, H. C. Watson, Luther "Ikins,
C. G. Burkbart, J. L. Hill, C. C. Hogue,
Geo D. Young, J. A. Cummicg, J. R.
Wilson, A. U. Freerksen, Ed. R. Huston,
N. D. Conn.
12 Guards in following order: Jas.
Hunter, E. J. Upbam, William Conn. L.
Gottlieb, Stephen Riley, Martin Paul
sen, ireorge long, A. Skaar,r L. tiuinn.
t. U. H Ul, P. A. Goodwin, W. M. Par
ker. Executioner, P. H. FarrelL
Admission .reserved seats, at Hodges A
Burkharts 50 ceate ; gallery, 35 cents.
The Coming Musical.
Following is the program for tbe mu
sical to be given at the opera bouse on
next Tuesday evening:
Violin, Scene De Ballet, Ch. De Ber
iot, Estella Comstock,
Reading. A Bar Harbor S'orv. Banner.
Eva Simpson.
Piano Higoietto, erdi Liszt, -Sirs.
Rose II ollebeck.
iolin. Mazurka de Concert, Ovid
Mssin, Miss Comstock.
Reading, Mammy s Lil Boy, Edward,
Miss Simpson.
Piano. Grand Paraphrase de Concert,
Rive King, Mrs. HoUenbeek.
oca!. "A Drtasa of Love. Spenser.
Mrs. F. P. Nutting.
Reading, -Chariot Race, Wallace,
Miss Simpson.
Violin, "Polish Dance," Wienisanski,
Misa Comstock. 25 cents. Reserved seats
without extra charge.
At the residence of Prof J S Smith, a
son, eleven pounds. Another Smith'
Another populist : !
Mr Patterson, of Spokane, is visitiug
relatives in WeetOakvilie,
We have aaamle of potatoes raised
by Mr Alderson. two of them weighed
lour pounds and a hail ; one measures
ten and ooe-baU i aches and the other
twelve inches in length, Thev are of tbe
Borbank variety. Mr A. baa several
more almost as large.
James Morgan and W D Millholien
returned last week from their fishing ex
cursion. Jim's beard had grown so long
that his best friend's didn't know him
until be spoke, Thev tell of a wonder
ful adventure tbey 'bad with a deer, it
seems that tne deer was about exhausted
and Wesley caught it by the rear limbs
and held it for Jim to cut its throat, but
Jim is not need to dears necks aad bis
hand was not solid enough or the knife
was not sharp anf tbe deer got tired of
the foolishness and kicked away from
Wesley. If this is not right ask Jim, he
can tell tou all about it.
Dr. Hill called on ns yesterday, he was
out on a professional visit.
H M Stone rMnrned?rom Portland
yesterday. Ho wants to buy two or
three car loads of prunes. He has dis
posed of bis and will buy all be can get,
he says there is not much in fruit at tbe
present prices but there is more in rais
ing prunes than wheat. Amiccs.
Son Lake Tax Patls. Following
are some of tbe heavy tax papers of Lane
county with the amount of their assess
ment: First National Bank, $60,000;
C W Washburn, 139.840: E Stewart.
33.190; G R Chris-nan, fcfi.415; J H
McClung. 32,7S5; A G Hovev A Co,
130,00): S H Friendly, fcH.Sio; B F
Harding, $24-610; Rufus Mallorv, $25.
475; Meek estate. $21,630; Jas Sanford,
$.25,4'; Willamette Real Estate Co.
$20,265; M T Awbrev, $12,655; Eliza
beth Coneer,, 100; Martha W Cooper,
$21,810; Chas Lauer. $17.06; J D Mat
lock, $11,475; Geo M Miller, $12,475; A
and E Sharpies, $19S5; Sternberg A
Venders $12,700: ex-Oongreseman John
W Whiteaker, $14,580, F M Wilkins,
Soldi En s Home. The auditing com
mittee of the Soldier's Home met ve
terday and audited bills for the month of
Octobir, during which a very satisfac
tory showing was nude. The total ot
bills presented was $9S0 and of this $90
were for permanent improvement, mas.'
ing the expenses for the month $$) or
$310 lees than the appropriation. This
with over eixtv inmates is considered
very economical work. Statesman.
If the hair has been made to grow a nat
oral color on bala heads in thousands f
case, by using Hall's Hair Renesrer, why
will it not tn your case t
Both the method and results -when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
aad refreshing to the taste, and acts
ecntly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and isowets, cleanses vne sys
tern dk-ctually. dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and curea habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the
only remedy of tta kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tbe taste and so
ceutable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
I brrop of Fics is for sale in 80
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
iowsnuE. r. afaj rot;
Following is the new tirnj ctrl of Ih
Albany Street Rail way :
the car will leave comer of First and
Washington streets as follows:
4:20 a. m. for morning overland f ruin.
80 " " Lebanon train.
11.9 " Vinnin, (rain
14 .M l..- ....fV.
j 12:35 p. m., Roseburg train north bound
and west Donna laqutna tr.nn.
1 4& p. m O. C. ic E. train, eat round.
4:00 " Lebanon train.
11 .35 Or rland train going socti.
40 " Orphan's Home.
The ear wilt a'ae meet aH incoming trains
on aoth the Southern Paci5e and O C.
E. railroads. C. G. Bckkhart.
!ii2f'2-"Ty i - m c v
f :r,i J2SAi--r-
'r"r -r.'e
I ... -j' I -
3v t .l- s soae laxative
u: t r.'Ssi and keep the
-4,-ho take SlMJIONS
r;: .wuid or powder)
-sera ttili and pleasant
t - z LvJt rurifies the blood
-. i the v.-htle system. And
Ztil 'rc"V
Jwn pjs: 5i.n.ONS UVER REGU-
L Vt CR ;e "- 'tss t.e Liver, kseps it active
a.iil ha and v.ia the Liver is la
t x-1 ttw.:.-i you fni yourself free from
MaiK'nu iy- kv-ntsss. Indigestion, Sick-hsi-c-r
Constipanoa, and rid of
tha: .? -fJt and debilitated ferng
1 hrs" - i "- cj-js1 by a sluggish Liver.
C-. J J."r','.r-: anJ frtsdoa from stomach
ro. c: s on':v ts had when the liver
i ; r rcr-cri .- ei -avVIc. If tt-oubled with any
i.'.-t dzrt : J t-v SDUHONS LIVER
F;.i.:.TC1f. I'm K'ir-.z cf Liver MeS-c.i.-.
i, - U Litter iii&n Pilis.
j lUa 2 Stamp in red on wrapper.'
J. VL Zeilia & Col, PhiXs-. Pa-
The greatest seller on tbe market for
wiseaaes of the Liver.Kidneysand Con
stipation. Pleasant to take by old or young- No
The root of the Liverine plant is extea-
sveiy used in Norway fee the cure of Piles.
Sold by all first dasa druggists
Wholesale !inafacare,
Lebanon. Or.
md itidrr r.t: wrsen e-incu Cf
wnaorimi avc&ui ocy. ti care na Jl-tsary.
jo of B,ti: si c r Fir I ? jcaatocd
Kzt t3e: S rSt Inm Enl D.-iss: Lack ol
wo! rv.r ;htj-jifcwT vsi sa tiom
Ai?;-:ij I rooacoo. l .nap cr m;oo
KaO .o Mserr. (trattM. Ir-CTBB),
S D--s l'i " f 1 a . vj.: mx t-tr vtta
c ' - to cars e e?isa ocMjr.
lit to pcruB kr tuaii.
z3XTXt3r XI OSr
Office and residence, 4:h and Cala-
pooia streets, Albnny, Or.
A preparatory school for all colleges o
the coast.
Normal department g.-aduates Teceivo
state and life diploma. Music, art.
bookkeeping, i or catalogue address,
Fire Insurance.
In the Cld Hartford, the New York Un
derwriters Agency or any one of then? li
able old line companies he repre-ents. Notes
taken and plenty of time given for pajrrent
on farm insursoce. All business will ba
promptly attended to.
BU iOT CO., Patent Attororjm, Wssliington,
XI. iX. f"r Lhoir ILiW prise otter.
Tin roofiing and plocbing.
the opera house.
frg ME W