BfttttttttttttttttTtttttt t Hosts of people so to -work in the wrong "way to cure a t wh.n St. .Tncnha Oil SfTZll & Attorneys at Law. Will practice In all court of th title. Special taction yiroa to matter In prob-te uxito to.lectioot. OFFICB-Ia th FUua bloek R BULTED Attorney at taw SoUdtor In Chaneery. Ool ticna mad on all points. Loan nageliatad oa -labtetarms. Albany Oregon . fj WHITNEY - . Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. mCKBUR?J & SOMERS A."XTOR3STB-SrS -eVT LAW, Al! legal matters will receive prompt at entfon. Office, First National Bank uildinp-, up stairs. OKTATSYE HACKXKHAN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. JTJR. J. I. HILL, Phyticlaa and duTreon. OFFICE Cora Fairy sueau. Albany, Oregon. QEO. W. HAKIMS,' JUSTICE OI1 PEACE, Is asw located in the DanocxiT ernes, eoraer 2ad and Broadalbi streets Albany. Or. Beats 'and OollectioBs a Specialty. DR. C, U. C11AF.1BERLIF1 Office on Ferry St near cor 3rd St Offic hours, 7 to 9 a m. 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m. Kspocial attention given to chronic case nd eye diseases. 7IKST M4TI09AL BASS. OV ALBAHY, ORROOH resident . i , .... Via President ...... O hier- - ... LFLIKN S, K,YOOKw .K. W. LAN O DOS rRAJiSACTS A egBLALhantmg'boslnam AOCOCKTS KEPT subject ta check. SIGHT EXCHANGE and tat TaphJa traaat r, votf New York, Saa Franebwo, Chteasw and F wtlaad -con .. -J .'..rjCTIOSi SADXoa torable arm Toes K.W Bun, L. Final Baa ass f . Sox. W. CCSICK dfc VMB.Br&KS OF ALBAHT. I)8. fRAKSACTaceneral Baakint ns)r.a DBAWSIOHT DRAFTS o Kw Vur. 8ai F too and Fortlana, Oregau. LOAN MONEY on spproTsd mcari'y . RECEIVE depon t subject to check. 0OLLESTION3 made oa aati Unas UmaESTnald oa Urn too) E, McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE GIVES TH CHOICE O TrfO TRANSCONTINENTAL R O UTES GREAT UniOfl K03TS.ERN PACIFIC via SPOKANE KIKKEAPOUS VIA DENVER OMAHA ST. PAUL KANSAS CIHSi LOW KATES TO ALL . eastern iciTisa. OCEAN STEAMERS EAVE PORTLAND EVERY 6 DAV8 SAil FRANCISCO For tall details call on CcS-ean & Monteith, Albany, Or or adbbewi: W H HtJBLBURT, Gen'l Pas . Aoan PORTLAND, OR. ORTHERH 111 PACIFIC R. R. a. IS N Pullman Sleeping Uars, Elegant Ding Gars, Tourist Sleeping Cars St Paul Minneapolis Duluth f argo, TO Grand Forks Crookston -Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKETS,,,, TO Cliitatrf Wssliiniitou Philadelphia New V.rk tinptoii huH all ptir' and fVmth tf ufxrmatiuu, lime cards, imhds and tickt-tH -II on or writ t; a Unrkhart, Ajit. Hmn7.0r. O- H' hiirltoo. At Men Ps Agt PoHliind, Or FOSHAY & MASON, Wholesale) A Retell DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSELLERS ALBANY, OREGON. PureDrugs'and the Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in the Market. n 'of gr ferJoifiio MM EAST ts fixed who km health hytha SHAUErTS Compound Cod Liver 01 Capsules I'ainrpassed as k reined r for Coav aumpuoa, A 8 th- ma. Bronehttif Coughs, Debility and all wasting dlacases. Perfectly tasteless. That rraly scientific remedy by balldlux ay and rtrhring the body and renewing; wast tissue, resists and destroys disease germs, contain the purest Cod Liver OO comMacd with Beech wood Tar: pleataat and easy ta taka; reasonably and honestly compounded by a practical pharmacist. Yob can jet them ONLY BY MAIL, FT. pald to yon oa receipt of 88c, pr box. Pnptrtd en'elr by- G. O. SHAUBR. Chbmist, 30th & Stat Sta.. CMcata. IN BEHOVE THE CAUSE mndtbt symptoms will disappear This yon wUl accomplish by using SHAUERS CATARRH THROAT SPECIFIC si baeona parable remedy for diseaae of th Throat, Nose, and Month. A certain, simple and enectire car for Caosrh, Ha; rsrw, Dtshtfcaria, Qui Sr Tkrss. Nal fH Hmsh I r Cskw Meet sad Tea, BaaOy weed, qaiek to reTleve, poaltire cars, alway ready; small in price. Doat wait tin yon atast hare it tret it now. NT ONLY BY MAIL, prepaid o-- rsceipt f SOc Prepared (oJcr fcr G. G. RHaIIKR. Chemist. 8t A 39th St Chicago, lb TtB AcaSemj tfOor LaJj'Oi Femeiial ffitD, Altai, Or. A boarding and day school condnctea by the Benedictine Sisters will resume studies Aug. 27, 1895. Every facility will be offered for thor ough courses in scientific, normal, com mercial and elementary branches. An able teacher of piano, violin, guitar and vocal music will have charge of the musical department. Drawing and paint ing will, like music, be taught as extras. Lessons in plain ana isncv neeaiewora. For further particulars call at the Acad emy or address Sister Scterioress. D- raLIX LE BRUI"3 sua m mwu fu tr the original and only F2ESCH, safe and rs habteeoxe on the markat Frio SLUUi aaot b tienoisa soil only by J. A. Cumming, soleagest, Albany COPYRIGHTS. CaW Y OBTATW A ATSWT f prompt answer and an honest opinion, writs to M V S 4c CO.. who bT had marly Sfty ran1 experience ta the patent hasmeas. Common tea ttona Btrtetle eonfMenUaL A Uailbatk of in- rormatMo eonoBHUaa Pataais and bow to ob tain taaa aant m. Aiseaeataiaiaaoi Im UMl glja hmta it fin Patanta taken thronch Una A Co. laMlis neeial notice Id the tteiaarlSe America a. and tbas are hraacnt wldelr before the poetic witn ess coat to the tnrentor. Tbt antecdid paper, tamed weakly, atasantly Wsatnted. ha by far the awceat cironlstioa ot any sewnttne work la the worsd. S3 a year. Sample eoplea ent tree. Bclidlnx Edition, monthly. slMI a rear. Blnsi a, SA eenta. Erery wanner eontatna beoa nwna to eoloia. and nbcaorraoba of new hoaeea, with patna, eaabiinc batidaa to abow the avaata' at diii and care eootfaeta. Addree "WW COw HEW yOBK. 31 B II REGOII CENTRAL & EASTERN , S..CO YAQU1NA BAY ROUTE nnnnpetine at Tannina Bar with tne San Francisco and Taquina Bay Steam ship Company Slemlip "Faialoi" A , A and first class in every respect r I Sails trom Yanoina lor San F-anciaco about every 8 days. Passenger accommodations 'unsurpass ed. Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albany or points wesrl San Francisco Cams..... 12.0o Steerage 8.00 Cases round trip good 60 days. . . 18.0 For Sailing Days apply to H. L. WALDEX.Agt, CdAS. CLABC.Supl Albany, or. uorvaius, u Edto Stosk, manager, Corvall is, Or. NEV LIFE C2.ce. v anvil sssyx ass bzais si unxn i jnkl nnder poeitira written Kuanntaa, by mthonsed acenta only, to core weak Memory; . joaa of Benin and Kerre Power: Ijt Manhood, ' hiiekne: HiaM Loaves; Erd Dreama; Lack of Itfiaanf Power of thiUietierai-iTe Orsana in eithe aar. eaneed by orer-exertion, Yoathful Errors, o zoesne Das of Tobacco, Opinss r Liqnov which leads o Misery. ( onaumptl jn, Inaauiti and Death. By maiL f 1 a box; six for Vr. with written narantee to rare or sefond money. tiample package, containine; fire days treatment. with ruu inawuouona, nmi, um aunu amy sold to each person by mail. DO YOU write letters? Of course you 4, and what is nicer than smooth let'er paper and envel opes for business corresponding. Wa make speciality of neat commreial stationary, on should BUY ENVELOPES of us at once an 1 m the fine quality an extra Jott prices. Next time you wan some inquire OI SMlLKY, THE PRINTER 120 DOLLARS per norm. In Youtt Own Locality made easily and honorably, without capi tal, during your spare hours. Any man oman.boy, or girl can do the work hand .ty, without exj-erience. Talking un necessary. Nothing like it for morr tnaking ever offered bef ora. Oar worker always prosper. No time wasted ta learning the business. We teach yen Ic a night bow tJ succeed from tbe fir hour. Yon can make a trial without el pense to yourself. We start you, farnlsV everything needed tc carry on the bus seas successful!, and guarantee yo. against failure if yon ot follow out simple, plain instructions. ReaoW. 1 yoa are in need of rendy money, sta WMt to r" t nl uirtti:t ne oi,t paying cUMiueB uelote thti public, send US )"' audress, and we will mail you S Lt meat giving you all the particular CO., Box 400, ' Augustas Mains Rplimdid .jurstfv leant for Nemma or Slew ,liul cmtfrai NcDralch: .Ian Tor Ilk Itniiu f.haiuttfm. H;m,lM.n un-jt, Kidncr l'luordara, Acii lieu. A, A i u. 1.1- Aiitlduca for Ala in -:Uier tie.!-. l'riia,W,2liaiuia)eiul i.a'.v'MLont. TiiE HV0l0 CHEMICAL TO, COPYRIGHTS VsV Fori (Jorvallia has A Teddy Roievelt In Prose cuting Attorney Wilson. Pendleton is to have a woolen milt. It took rustling, and is very commendable right in the midst of the hard times. Times are certainly bettor, for nearly every paper in the Northwest says so; bat there is a big field for improvement. Albany's Woolen Mills took first prize at the Portland Exposition on general display. Another Albany victory we are all proud of. Thousands of people opened their eyes at the Linn county exhibit at Portland. It is ceed well sown. Linn county will certainly be heard from. Millionaire's eons die just aa easily as the sons of the hod carrier, and they leave nothing behind but their record, and that's what they take with tbein too. A suit begun fifteen years ago has just been finished by the courts in Seattle. Wasn't it Shakespeare who raid some thing about the law's delays? A Salem paper keeps telling about what Salem wants. If they would keep their gun powder dry they might kill a creamery and a few things like that oc casionally. The Oregon Bar Association is after the shysters in the business. That's right, clean them out. The profession is an ban orable one, and. mea should not be con demned for belonging to it because a few members of it in Portland are rascals. The true patriot is the one who hon ors the highest type of virtue. The vir tuous manhood and the virtuous wo manhood decide the character of the government. The true patriot will hon or his country's institutions. The true patriot will honor the Sabbath as a day of reet and worship. David M. Skitling, Presbyterian, Allegheny, Pa. The Kewberg paper says: The A O. U. W. gave another evidence of the great blessing it is proving to the widows and the fatherless of this country, by paying to Mrs J D Bell last week the sum of 2 000 This sum will serve to smooth many rough places in life's pathway, and we are glad that Mr Bail was wise enough to make such provision. The wisdom of such life insurance is yearly becoming more and more apparent. Ah, there, you fellows that declared that tbe Wilson bill favored tbe pauper sheep of Europe, and would stamp aut the wool and euttoo industry of tbe United States. The tacts are against you. and the pauper sheep of Europe are hav ing a harder time than ever before, American wool is aorlb from 2 to 3 cents a pound more than it was, when the McKio'-T bill was in force, and every miU iu the country is running up t its iull capacity the output is supplying the domestic demand and millions of yards of Toolens are being exported to Europe and sold right under the uoees of the paaper sheep of Europe this too. ith American labor receiving higher wages than they did in the days of Mc- Kinleyism and tteaJy work. Green Castle Star Press. Alter That 100,00O. At a sitting of Referee Woodcock Uon day afternoon in tbe O. P. matter, tbe following bills and claims were filed therein : Farmers' Loan and Trust Co., Turner, McCIure, Ralston and J. R Bryson, at torneys' fees, etc., $13,176, $14,176 and 4,000, additional compensation, $3,000; total, $41,352. J. W. W bailey .additional referee fees, beside tbe $4,000 already received by him, $500. John Burnett, attorney's fees, 11,250. J. R. Bryson, $548. Supplemental report of E. W. Hadiey, showing psyment on labor claims ac cruing ucder T. E. Hogg, $39,520. Claim of C. E. M. Rand, expert, $11,- 102 and interest. $1,650. Claim ot r. 41. Johnson, insurance commissions, $1,413. School district No. 0, for Benton coun ty, Oregon, tor taxes, $586. City of Corvsllis. for taxes from 1883 to 1892 3, $423. John Fay, attorneys fees under Receiver Hadiey, expense, $2,479 ; legal services, o,1aj Linn county claim for taxes, $1,050. F. K. Pedleton attorney fees, $3,000. Page & Eells attorney's fees, $4000. Claim of Niagara Mill Company ,$4,000, wacoD uaistead et al on receivers cer tificate issued by E. W. Uadley, $40,- 000. Cbas Clark, receiver, reports receipts during his ad Tin in ration from January, 1894, to October, 1895, $100,410; disburse ments f 100.224; leaving a cash balance in the Wok of $165. Mr Clark give detailed account of his acts as such ref eree closing his report with these words: "By the most rigid economy and tbe strict compliance with business priori pies, and tbe earnest co-operation of thof e associated with me, I have bn enabled to honor all my liabilities, and pay every cents indebtedness, to mr era ployes. and legal advisors, office rent. supplies, all and singular other liabili ties by me encurred and now bring into court a cash balance of $165." Oregon's First Census. The first census of Oregon was taken in 1851 by Joseph L. Meek, U. S. Mar shall, and Dan 0':eil, deputy. As re cently published in the Orcgonian it is at follows: The county of Washington contained a population of 2j50; 417 houses; 3J4 farms under cultivation; (mills, and their wers 11 deaths during the year. , Yamhill county popul ation 1512: 243 houee ; 240 farms; 6 mills; 2 deaths. Linn county population 903; 178 hoifees , 192 farms ; 6 mills ; 2 deaths. Polk county population 1051; 190 bouses ; 192 farms;2 mills; 5 deaths. lienton county population 814; 150 houses ; 190 farms ; 1 mill 2 deaths. The above five counties were taken by Mr, O'Neil: the (o lowing, taken by Messrs. Joseph Culver and Bees, assia tants. Clackamas county population 1860; 368 houses; 238 farms 12 mills; 5 deaths Msrion county population 2749 ; 640 houses ; 365 farms 6 mills; 13 desihr. Clsik comity population 044; 66 houses; 30 laium; 3 mills;', 1 Uealli. Lewis cuntv population IW: 147 bouses ; 85 farrt s ; 4 inills; 1 death. Clatsop county population; 462; 91 bonnes : 40 far ms: 2 milts 1 5 deaths. ' j Total population, 12,323 ; 3278 house. The Nicaraugua Canal. Pacific coast people to a man see the necessity of the Nicaragua canal. There is no divisicn on that subject. We need it in our business. On the other side of the Rockies it is not so much a local ne cessity, hence when a paper speaks for it it is more effective. Here is something to the point from the Jacksonville, Flor ida, Times Union : A year ago the construction of a canal across the isthmus of Nicaragua and its opsration under the auspices of this gov ernment was a necessity to American commerce. Now it Is doubly necessary, for the changes ot the past year have been more important, In a commercial sense, than any that the world ever saw in so short a period. Japan has emerged from her war with China more progressive and mora ener getic than ever before. The energy that overthrew a nation nearly ten times her superior in population must now be turn, ed to ways of peace, and no nation today values trade relations with other nations more highly than Japan. China's shell has also been broken, and that vast empire, by the terms of tht treaty, is much more open to trade than ever before. Besides this, even China is capable of learning by experi ence. &be knows that ber deteat was dus to her exclusiveness, and tbat it she would become powerful she must culti vate European and American commerce. These two countries have a population aa great ae tbat of Europe and the Unit ed States combiued. The trade cf IoUia baa enriched Eog land. The trade, of China and Japan will give a new impetus to the commerce ot the world. By present trade routes England will come in for the lion's share ot tbat trade. England and France are nearer than the eastern coast ot the United States to China and Japan, and the products we would offer to tbese countries would be found almost exclu sively oa the eastern coast. Both China and Japan have a friend lier feeling tor the Uaited States than for any other country. Other things be ing equal, they would- prefer trading with tlas country, but transportAtioa charges would not b equal . Tb's hindrance would be changed to an advantage by the construction of the Nicaragua canal. By the routes of trade we would then be nearer than any Eu ropean nation to Chins and Japan, and we would command their trade. No country ever bad a greater oppor tunity than ours now enjoys. The Nic aragua canal is an essential part ot that opportunity, and its construction will nuke the United States the greatest commercial nation the world ever aw. Maoy a mother would be happy if she poaaesaed a boy with the spirit of the dg told about in the following from tbe Uuard: Messrs Loughmiller & Pttir ot this city patsess aa Irish setter which is endowed with more than the ordinary amount of canine intelligence. lie is not oaly an excellent hunter, but about the house is more dutiful and iodalri oos perhsps than tbe average small boy. Having been trained t j carry id stove- wood be keeps tbe cook in constant gaod hamor by keeping htr well supplied ilb wood. Is fact be is more industri ous than needs be along this liae. for when he bas tiled tbe wood box ioslaJ ot quitting, be continues unless stopped by closing the door, to make regular trips to the wood pile and would soon bave tbe floor flooded with this useful article. An Albany maa who bas been with tbe Indians a great deal, says there is no use talking yon can't make much out of tbers tv edacatioo. They may go to school sod learn something about books, tut be bas observed that in a short time tbey get back to there old babile. He knew one boy who was sent bvck east to one of the big Indian schools and obtained an excellent education, tie came back to Eastern Oregon and in a little while was running around with a blanket a round his shoulders like tbe rest of them Some of tbem get religion and stand by their profession, but most of tbem where the gambling season come aronnd turn ble into tbe pit. Here is soother Corbet t Kitxsimmous joks from New Orleans: Information from a private source, received in this city tonight, ears that the Choctaw tribe in the Iodian territory iotended to adapt Corbett as a member of their tribe tbat the fight may be brought off in their ns- lion. When asked what he woo Id do under the circumstances. Corbett said he would accept tbe honor. He further said he would paint bis face red, wear an eagle feather in Lis hair and do any thing to maka himself look like an In dian, iust so he could get a ensure at Fitzsimmons. Prosecuting Attorney Wilson, of Cor vsllis, proposes to protect the boys and young men of tbat city. Some one i accuse him of trying to enforce blue laws but there is nothing blue in laws that work for the beoifit of mankind. There has been evidence sufficient to convict Durrsnt in tbe opinion of the Democrat, snd we hereby fiudh'm guil tr and sentence him to be banged, but nevertheless, our prtdlctions continue o be that the jury a ill disagree. There is a general expression in favor ot a tew copious showers ot rsm. Do not for a moment doubt that we will get it, it will come crois lots in a few days in its baste, and it will keep r p the siege This will be a "wet" winter according to tbe predictions cf tbs Democrat. . If Dr. Parkhurst would attend mors diligently to ssvicg souls and less to pol itics he might do some good in the world Tom Piatt is a roixhty bad dog Trsy for such a reformer Tbe Democrat wou'd like to see Ore gon spend $1,(00,000 tor good roads Massachusetts Is going to do It, snd Massachusetts is only about twice the size of Linn county. II is as necessary for children to start right as lor the foundation of a house to be solid. That will be the issue of ths future. The responsibility reit- inii on the shoulders of parents is a ee vi-re one. A Glasgow University professor has letuallv constructed a flvina machine that has been operated thepty feet from the ground, flying in a very gracefu manner. , i Teople jump for'a tensatlonal piece ct ! news like a young'lady upon invitation to have some ice cream. J S'Tiie people sre younger at 40 than others at 25, hence it Is not always sate to make distinction In society. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS J The editor of a newspaper could bave more fun than a boy at a circus were he to publish all suggested to him ; but he would need a body guard and an under ground hiding place. The editor of the San Francisco Call in aa article in an eastern paper, which the Democrat has on the table, this Sat urday night, says be doesn't believe in coupon schemes, circus methods, lotteries, etc. by newspapers to get cir culation, lie believes in legitimate, straight forward newspaper work, giving the news in a cleas way. Ills head is level. The same may be carried into any line ot basinets. It pays in the long rnn to do a stratghtfoiward business without any prize elephants, etc., to draw trade. What the public wants is just dealing in all lines of business. Rafillas often become the rage. One hundred mn put a dollar apiece la a scheme tor a certain thing, and only one gets it, and a bnudred dollar article costs him only one dollar. Ninety nine men help him buy the thing. The Dsmocbat doesn.t want things that way. It bad rather buy the article right oat and bave the satisfac' ion of having paid for it all alone. During the week the defense rented in the great Durrant case, and the lawyers beitan orating. In a few days the cae will go to the jury, eleven tired out mea who have been making the ctte a basiy -nets for over too months. The tes'lmon in the case would fill an immense volume, most of it rot. A fact sugestexl to the Democrat is tbat it would be a good idea to make such crimes as rape an d others approaching it punishable by banging : that is, that the laws should be S3 stringent that the present looseness ot moral prevalent in society would be stopped. The subject opens a wide field for discussion, and certain it is that there should be more severe laws regulating aurb matters. There is good music ami bad music, high and low. All people nearly topy some kind ot music, but it generally takes a trained ear to enjoy the classical. There are maoy labyrinths to it, seem ingly intricate, bat plain, when under stood. Everv note means something It wss placed in position by the band of the genius for a curpoee. It Las to be struct. When the whole is given yon bave a musical structure that towers above the jingles of tbe day. Those tsiue Lawn . A great deal Is being laid about those old Connecticut blue laws. Here art some of them: No. I (curious rather than blue) Tbe Governor and Magistrates convict ed snd in geueral assembly are the su preme power under God of this indepen dent dominion." No. 2 "From ths determination of the Aetemb'.y, no appeal shall be made." So. JO No one shall be a freeman or give a vote unless be is converted and a member io full communion of one of tbe churches allowed in this dominion.' ho. 12 -"Each freeman tha'l swear by the bieeetd God t j bear true allegi aocs to this dominion, snd that Jesus is the onl king." No. 13 "No Qiaker or dissenter from the established worship cf this domin ion shall be allowed to aire a vote for the election of Magistrates or any other officer." No. 14 "No food ortodiiojr shall be afforded to a Quaker, Adamite or other heretic." No. 15 "If any persoo turns Qaaker bs shall be banished, and not suffered to return, under 'paic ot death." No. 16 "No priest shall abide in this dominion ; he shall be banished and suf fer death on his return. Priests may be seised by anyone without a warrant." 'No. 13 "No one sball ride on tbe Sabbath day or walk In bis gardes or slsewbere except reverently to and from meeting.' No. 19 "No one shall travel, cook victuals, make beets, sweep bouse, cut hail or shave on tbe Sabbath day.' No. 30 "No vmto shall ki bsr child on lbs Sabbun day or fast day." No: 21 "Tbe Sabbath shall begin at sunset oa Saturday." Mr. Newton- commenting, .d: "The tweoty-Srst blue law, making Sabbath begin at sun set was, of course, ths Isw of the New Haven colony, and the law of our fore fathers down io a compare live! y recent period. Under ths Mosaic law Sabbath begins at sunset, and such hst been the law of the Sabbath . since the evening and the morning ot Ibe first day " No. 22 "To pick no an ear of corn growing in a neighbor's garden shall be peemed a theft. No. 24 "When it appears that an ac cused ba confederates and be refuses to discover them he may be racked." This is about the only I eters blue taw to which Mr. Newton refuses ta give a foundation in fact. Ileays: "I do not find any indication thst this statement is true, and Trumbull says it ij false." Anyhow, it is by no means a mosttrons ly blue U as compared with some of ths black aad-blua ones already quoted No. 27 Whoever publishes a be to tbe prejudice ol his neighbor sbali : in the stocks.or be whipped fifteen stripe iNO. S3 so milliliter shall keep a school." No. SO Men stealers shall suffer death. ' No. 31 Whosoever wears clothes trimmed with gold, silver or bone lacs, above two xhillings by ths sard, shall be presented by the Grand Jurors, and the selectmen shall tax the offender at 300 pounds estate." No. 33 Whosoever sets afire in ths woods snd it burns a house shall suffer destb ; and persons suspected of this crime shall be imprisoned without bens fit of bail.' No. 31 U hosoever brings csrds or dijs int this djui'mioa shtll pay a flue of five pounds. No. 35 "No one shall read c. mi toon prayer, keep Christmas, or Saints' day, make ruince pies, dance, play card, or play on any instrument of music, except the drum, trumpet and jewsharp." No. 40 "Adultery shall be punitlnd with death " No. 43 "No man shall court a maid In person or by letter without first obtain ing the consent et her parents; five pounds penalty for the first offence; ten pounds penalty tor ths second, and for the third imprisonment during the pleas ure of the court." No, 44 "Married persona must live to gether or be imprisoned." Correct. Ni 45 "Every male shall have bis baircut round according to a cap. In conclusion and self-contradic'ion, the lawyer frankly admitted that the "blue laws of Peters, are for the most part, a reasonsbls correct statement of the law snd practices of our forefathers of New Haven. Some ot tbem are ex aggerations; a few are fictitious, but probably not intentionally so. "Ex. MISFITS.' The claims for legal services alone out of that $100,000 are over $00,000. Enonxh boats are to rnn on the up per Willamette this winter, according to reports, to make the river speckled. The horse is not entirely knocked out. An Albany tailor has -lust traded a bi cycle for a horse, whose ribs can be seen, and a cart. "Schemlemdammalfoneyer" is the word, in one ot the northern Indian lan guages, for "Jove." That would never work with an Albany girl. The fishermen recently had a strike on the Siuslaw; The fish fllUl the bay for three nights, then got disgusted and skipped out and hardly a salmon has been caught since. A subscription was taken up in La Grande to reimburse a man held up and robbed. Mighty bad example that. Make it a practice and there would be nothing but bold ups. Every man has to take his chances in life in such mat ters. Mia T.jvinorr! Van f nr-t s.t Toaak,. ....... . u .' V , l- Vt . V 1J was married vesterdav afternoon to Lard Bennett, of the English peerage. This kind oi Dusiness is getting so common as to hardly attract attention. A few days ago Hon. O. N. Denny, of Portland, received a present of several Denny pheasants, a bird introduced, by him in Oregon as everybody knows. It is a peculiar fact tbat this wss the first recognition in like manner he bas ever received in tbe matter. Ex-Governor Fletcher, ot the Salem Poet, has returned home from a trip to Dakota, and now we shall look for those bngbtand sententious squibs so individ ual to the Governor. Sail in, Gov., and slash things. Yamhill county knockd Linn county out in one tiling, it lurnisbed three out of four couples married in public at the exposition, it is welcome to tne honor. Linn county young people have too high an idea of getting married to permit a ceremony to be presented in the form of atcircus. Most of the valley papers bsva msde comments on the ked Crown Roller Mills wheat case trided at Salem. Tbe opinion is almost universal that courts ot justice should make exam plea in such cases oa account of the gnat trusif aimers bave to place in warehouses. Police Judge James Campbell, of San Francisco, has experienced religion and joined the Salvation Army. He doesn't intend to so about selling Wsr Cry or join in the big drum parades ; but be prwpoees to support it. Now if the army will get bold of Governor Bodd it will do a great thing for California, Railroad trains are getting np a speed thst fairly makes tbem fly. Some day they will strike some thing and then tbe splinter will fly. Ye-eterviay a train ran from Chicago to Buffalo, 510 mUes in 41 minutes and 7 secordt, including stops, or 470 minutes, 10 seconds actual i unning time, 64. W miles an hour. Some Albany young men would have their hands ftul if a Kansas ruling were in force here. A court there ha held that a man who calls upon a woman reg ularly snd takes her to entertainmenu occasionally is legally engaged to marry ber. The ruling to not without a grain of sense. The bop crop this rear was one-toarth less than last year. The yield for the whole world is84J0O0 tons or 1,008,000 bales. 23 P-'r cent less than last year. Tbe crop is said to be 100,000 I -ales leas than the annual consumption. Tbe out look is for moderate values. Tbe Demo crat gefS these tacts direct from Thomas A Miort ol London. Albany is probably unique asenr.g cis- les oljta sire on the coast, it pro poses to do business on a cash feasts. that is. not to nave work done oniees can pay for it. Most cities lesp in the dark. Albany did that and as a result ran in debt over $20,000. T acorn a has been diong that, and it is said will soon lefanlt ita interest on ssknds. Albany's indebtedness wilt be easily bandied tor it is comparatively small, and if it is not allowed to increase tbe city will be all right financially. We have a verr absent-minded editor on our paper. The other day ne cupped . ..... a an article from an exchange, with the remark, "That's a mighty fine article." After he ban published the piece, and read it again be remarked: "Well, goll dam my skin, if that ain't the very ar ticle 1 wrote my sell a week ago.' iiis sbeent-mindedness is almost equal to thst of the man who cut a large hole in his door to permit bis pet cat coming and going at will ; then in order to give her kittens a chance to also paes tbe door he cut five more boles, one for each of the kittens. PosU A well-known farmer of this section, says the Riddle Times, came into town with a load of apples, and after he had disposed of them be drove up in front of a store and left his team. Seeing a crowd over on the other side of tbe street be went over to see what was the trouble. On arriving there his curiosity was aroused by a phonograph, as he bad never seen one. For the fun of the thing and to get reckless be blowed in a nickel and placed the tube to his ears. After listening a moment he msde a dash across the street, exclaiming : "Gosh ! A brass band's a -com in' an' I left them there grey mares onhitcbed '." Congressman Hermann continues to keep his scythe sharp. The Grant's Pass Courier says: Congreesnan Her mann spent a day or two in Grant's Pass last week, meeting his friends and looking up matters pertaining to his bus iness. In company with J. W. Griffith he drove out to Orr Brown's, near Wild er ville, and visited old Hoeea Brown, the pensioner of 1812, now in his 104th year. Mr. Hermann was tuainiy instrumental in getting Hoeea his present stipend of $5iper niorth and tbe centenarian was found well provided tor, not being able to move without asstatance though cheer ful and even witty in conversation. Deputy District Attorney J. H. Wilson ot Oorvsllis, is after gambling and the opening of business bouses on Sunday. In a long article in the Times be says i The older residents of Oorvallis will re member a time when some ten or fifteen ot the brightest boys of the place were corrupted, some becoming totally ruined by just such influences as lead young men to become gamblers. This plight entered many of tho homes of Corvsllis ten or fifteen years ago. It has cost large sums of money and much sadness in dif ferent directions, and all of this came from one corrupting influence which led to gambling, and this has come near to many persons in Oorvallis. And yet when I say that tbo law shall prevent the young men and boys, whom we in vite to the city, to attend a college, as well as our own boys belonging here, from being corrupted by this, the great est of all evils, I am chaiged with malice ! If there were more people charged with the same kind of malice, and less cow ardly about the Tiger's enmity, state taxes would be less all over the country. What I do desire to do, and intend to accomplish, with the assistance that has come to my aid, is to prevent the boys ot this city, and the boys who are sent here to college, from being under a con stant influence which has a tendency to corrurpt their morals far more rapidly than any collegecan educate their minds. or churches and mothers their upright ness anu integrity. Notice. TO all whira it may concern. Kavin separated from my wife all neisons a ereby requested not to trust her on my ao re houut, as I will pry no debts of her con erecting. Otto Baeumlb. A Mother's Day. Yesterday afternoon rooms 7 and 8 of the Albany public school gave tn enter tainmcnt entitled "Mothers Day." There were recitations, essays and songs. The program was as follows: Recitation Mothers Day, Clara Brow nell. Address of weicomc Edith Rowell, chairman. Instrumental music Laura Dannals. Essay Vernon Ramp. Recitation Jessie Clifton. Quotation Birdie NeUon. Song Eva Milloy. Recitation Claude Lambeon. Recitation Bessie Tyree. Quotation Mable McCoy. Eieay M. Miller. Instrumental music Lottie Ketchuin. Recitation Minnie Merrill, liecitation Carrie Bur k hart. Song -Retta Stuart. Quotation Anna Marshall. Hong Home Sweet Home. The entertainment closed with a short address by Prof. Tyree. A Big Scheme. Washihotos , Oct. 25. The suggestion that a great exposition, marking th-? close of the present century, be held in Wash ington, in VJW. is meetina- much favor, Besides commemorating the close of a cen tury, such an exposition would mark tbe centennial anniversary of the founding of tne seat ot government in tbe Uutnrt of Columbia. In June, 1890, the public of fices were transferred to Washington and opened on the 15th of that month. The Swad Crawlng. Sah Frascisco. Oct 25. The fund for the republican national convention grow rapidly. Today $11,000 was added to tbe amouut, making a total of $47,000. Next week a mass neeLin ir. onder the ansricea of the Union League Club, will be held, at which permanent organization will be ef fected to bring the convention here. see Araaealaa Atrsdtlea. Cosstastwople. Oct 25. Fierce dis - turbances. accompanied br serious blood. shed, are reported at Erzingea, where 60 Armenians are said to hare been killed. The Turkish government has aa it a circu lar note to the rcpreaeatives of Ibe powers and to iU representatives abnud. rorc- sootiDg that the outbreak was provoke! ly tne A r men iad. Prof. Adams, a Portland teacher ar rested and tried for whippinz'Cari Wolfe. a small boy in a cruel manner was ao 3uitted. Nevertheless there was un oubtedly cruelty. In tbe future gov ernment in tbe school room the whip should be han-sbed Children who can nut behave themselves in a reasonable manner should be sent borne. All chil dren, though, like older people, bave their lanits, and a big allowance must be maae lor them, uovernment though there must be in the school room : but can't it be had itbout the rod. An Ohio minister by the name of Ho ler recently acknowledged that be solic ited a bribe ot $15,000 for hi vote for senator. The name of II of er seems to be almost as despicable in Ohio ss it is in Uregon. Pendleton Tribune. That's a small personal hit. The name Iloter not only has an honorable place in history, but the If ofer of tbe Salem Journal in tended to be hit is a man of clean per sonal record, whatever his peculiarities, lie poascsstj an assnessiveaees and in dividuality the Trirne editor murht well emula'e. Tbe Democrat bas ala avs felt kindly towards him fur helpiae to defeat Dolph, as well an for many excellent per so&ai traits qi cxiaracter. :.. -. . - - ldvertirtcg is a cood thing lor trade; but square dealing should be a tcocicg mate. We wouU like Io look into the pleavant face cf some one who ha nerer Lad an derangement of La digttive organ. We see the drawn and unhappy facts cf dys peptics in every waik of iue. It is our na tional diseasr, ana cearty ai coropiainU spring irom this source. Eeme the stomach ditfkcltv aad the wcrk is dose. Dyspeptics t.-d pale thin peopie are lit erally ttarrirtf , tveaua they don't !iset their t-md. Coatumptioa bever oevel 'p in foj4e of roUut and normal diesuoa. Correcs, tbe waving and Io of flesh and . J . . ... r v - i e i.imr. iiv lull lia li.iu. t , t . , TV. it;. rf:.. rws.i , - J'-haiuuer.sjn.c.f -i i j. -j . j :. - j: i fod at tbe same time. I:s effects are f-it at once. Get a pAmpolet of your drugeut and learn a boat lL Laxol is Castor Oil made a sweet a hooey by a new process. Children like it Hows t IUS( TV offer One Hundred DoHar Eeward tor Say caa of Ca!arr& that cassot bs cared by stall's Catarrh Core. T. J. CHEXET A CO.. Props.. Toledo. O. We tl abdercjraed. hara kaowa F. J, Cheney tor the lat .5 ;rara. and be Here him perfect y bosoratie in a-i " trftias Bad Enaacil- able to carry oat aay obUgatiDSI sud by their 6na. Wart a Tar - x. WW.? Draryitts.TOedo.0. Waukvo. Kit 3d tarts, Wnnlnai Dra P. Toledo. O. Htii i Catarrh Care is tskm fsterwatry, at fna directly at-x the blood and cocoas nr tecs of t he TsciO. P- TSc. per botUs, (Mai S7 au ujla---. t COME ONE, COME ALL. Julius Gradtvohl Will Givt Tou the Best Bargains in the City. I wie-h to inform the publk that I wil reduce my large stock of crockery, glass ware, China ware and silver ware, and will sell out my entire stock of holiday goods at cost. What I say I mean. Come m and price my goods and I will prove to you that I am not deceiving you, but mean business. J. GkJUwonu A MAX'S A MAX, Brit It a big advantage to him to wear wen laundried shirts and undert-iothme. The Albany Steam Laur.urv. Richards & Phillips proprietors, make a specialty of gentletnens work. Free men. lint:' for men besides the hrst class laundry work. A superior bich glees finish to shirts. collars, cuffs, etc. The Board of Equalization. The Board ot Equalisation for Linn county, Oregon, will sit on Mondav, October 28, 1S95, at theofneeof the coun ty clerk of said county, and there public ly examine the assessment rolls of said county tor said year, and correct all er rors in valuations, descriptions or quali ties of the lands, lots or other propertv. Said board will continue in session one week. All persons interested ara her. dv notified to appear at said time and P'sce. w. r. DcAKiNK, Assessor for Linn County, Or. Nervous Prostration. E. W. Joy Company I have anfTrd from nervous prostration from financial losses. Can sav Jov's Vegetable isarsa. parilla has cured me. Mv liver, stomach and bowels have been very inactive, bot . v MMiug .timi, jcuicuy a ant entirely well. All business men and women should use it. Please publish. (Signen) Mr. Wh. Hkkry Jones. Butte Montana BORX JAM LS. On Fridav nicht. Oct. 25. 1895. in Albany, to Mr. and Mrv. D. it. jaraes a boy. Weight, between 9 and 15 pounds. ""died.""" BRL NK. At his residence near Eola. Polk county, at 5 :55 p. m Wednesday, iciouer S3, iw, Harrison (trunk, aged 83 years, 8 months and 6 days. Deceased was one of the old pioneers of Oregon, crossing the plains in the nays oi lie was a well-to-do cu- isen and farmer of Polk county, hie real estate possessions being quite extensive. Statesman. - SHERWOOD. At the family home In North Salem at 4 :30 o'clock Wednes day afternoon, October 23, 1895, Daniel H. Sherwood, aged 67 years, of betu moraoea of the bowels. Mr. Hherwood was born near Berna- dotte, Fulton county, Illinois, in 1828. In 1871 the fainilv removed to Oregon settlins in Linn county but removed to Salem a tew years later where they re aided tor over twenty years. " TELEGRAPHIC. Will Km Blast afehlaley. 25. -A special News from Washington says that Senator aePe tut years, will in all probability be an active participant in the republican national convention of 1893, 1 he role will be a new one tor tbe senator. in tne conventions of lm 184 and 1888 of bit party, be was a candidate for presi dent titber active or passive, and of ne cessity did not attend tbe conventions. U 'u rL7 1 Difure ,n tbc proceedings of iJZ. His announcement now that be i ?u .'ca!,d",ate on account of bis year-; that be has at last given up tbe ambit ion ot bis life, and is now outspoken for Ae K.w.ey is mad for a purpose. Twa Ma. a Whipping. Seattle, Oct, 25,r-Miss Hortense Ayrea. a teacher in the public scbools of m '' barged by the board of directors today fornieerely whipping Allen flexible bp. The hoy bad refused to olwy a demand of the teacher. She took him tetore Uie principal, whipped him there, and struck him on tbe Ims afterward, making a number of bruises. Tbe board, in discharging Miss Ayres recommended tnat tne prosecuting attorney be requested to ta-e such action as be may deem advis able with a view to prvt cting Uie children in the future. A Peaeietaa SesaaUeau PEXDLeTOjr, Or., Oct. 2T,. There was a deeded sensation in court this moraine, when the grand jury made its final report. It Landed in 40 indictments The 40 in dictment, soil is generally understood about the courtroom, are against gamblers and persons owning buildings in which gambling games are allowed to run. The names of those indicted have been careful ly concealed and beach warrant have been aeoea lor tue arrest of the perw.-ns named. Ibe arrests of those who own buildings ued for gambling purposea is a new fea ture in criminal prosecutions is this coua ty. snd the announcetnect of this action can ed toatiderable commotion. Arcwlag The Case. Sau Rraxcisco. Oct 24. Assistant Dirtrict Attorney Piexoto today msde the opening argument for the prueecuUon in tbe Durrant trial. He diacoed the evi dence in the case from the time Durrant accoaipan-ed Hiss Lamooi to school tbe morninit of April 3 until be appeared be fore Ortfanirt Kinri in Emantu.1 Piir cbuich. at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, pale, trembling and excited. He closed ty ask ing the jury to nphoIJ the laws of Use sUfe oy renaenng a verdict ot guilty and fixing the penalty at death. A Taraaaa Baa., CmcA Tacoma. Oa. Hi. The Colomt,; Na tional back was doted a tittle before 1 o clock this sf.'n,joibT!!a5i Exvmoer Car, under oi ,L- of Ct-tl-r r-w. This action results from the back's failure to meet toecitra demand fcr casa early last ereelr w.n . - j . ---- wvwtj wtfaieu io meet an inter jt urmnt in X VnrV Tie bank refused to pay tbe aty'a deposit of $104,043. on tbe ground that ex-Treas - urer ooggs sad deposited turuU which are now found to be illegal. Kasala v Japaa. Losdox. Oct, 24. A special from Shanghai says a Raatian equadroa of 15 ships has left Vladivostoek for Chemulpo and Fu Saa. The Japanese fleet in For mosan waters, it is aisn stated, has bees recaiel. ant it is aunoanced em excellent auf-oriry that severa British warships hate oor-i .t tared to sail for Cores It u staled at Shanghai tbat the Japan ese reply to the demand of Roaria thai tie lormer evacuate Lorea is couched is pacihe but firm language. Ibe Shanghai dispatch also save the sit uation u moat grar. And preparaUoos for the expected uroxsie ar vu-.bie on all sides. Bat it is b .p-d the solution of tbe diScoiiy win be found is Rcbix andja- i' " ;iccutg to aivioe ivtrea A Staiiriad Acrl4cat Altocjta. Pa.. Oct 24 Oa tbe Inn O I rania railway rt Newport tbu morning a duabled car oa aa east-boosd freight train jumped the trick jast as the mail tnii reached that point. "Ifce locomotive and tender were hurUd into the cuaL and the portal and freight car piled op over the track. Eturineer i;till and Fire man tiaines were instantly kilW.anj tipht r icn fvtxi iJtru were injured. C A. ELamtr, r.f Mm&k,. . . i , tataliy Injured, toot mail nnt tnrJ 4n ! V , wllh Ur8 "wont of mail, were burned. at B a Skiver Baa. Chicago. Oct. 24 A re-nl Washington eajs: In his stiver aews- r - , ctmwi otcaarc maxes tne an - coaneement, with I he ocrarre-nee rJ ator Teller, that the re: ubiicaa wlrer men will support on'.v a uluer candidal lor the pr-ideney j, blievd to be the tret time Ser-.alo, Te!ler has road this eta'emeot uo.qaivo, !-t. for this reason, and heraae- felier is leader of Uie republican tilvrr Lrce. the n- nounremect has turari 't-t ..est ot interest. A aVaperaie te-ll e Nxw Voas. Oct. C3. Report . oi a des perate battle in the San Juan ooff-e-grow- M Tai.ej, oetweea noiifuia and ikni. gua. were cooSrmed by dispatches receiced oy toe tuiiaa janla last nihi. Tbe forces ecgaged were led Ueaeral Antonio Ma ceo, with aX) Cubans, and treaenl Echa- gue, with bpanutrds. Only 500 cav alry defended tbe rear of the Cuban army ana sept we ?p40iird Irom advancing. Inefpanuj tixps beiUled at critical times and did not fight with the valor which distinguished their ancestors. About aw of their number were killed. The rtnt raat Trala. Portland, Oct. 23. Tbe first Shasta limited train of tbe Njuthan rV-iSc Com pany arrired yesterday morniDg from Saa Francisco, bringing 60 through passengers. 20 of whom occupied tbe two first-class sleepers and the others the tourist sleepers. Passenger Agent Rogers seems greatly pleaded with the business done bv tha first train, and predicts a steady incr-i-ie in the special uroegn business. Tbe train ar rived on time, and the 34-hour service b a great improvement over the regular over1 tana, so i at as time saved u concerned Waat It Bad. San Fbaxcisco, Oct. 23. The morninir newspapers of this city intend to have the national republican conventioo held in Saa Francisco, if offers of money will occomr.- liah anything. They have sarted to raise me fiuu.w.u or more it necessary to pay the expenses of the convention. Sometime ago the Call offered $5000, but nothing ever came of it Then the Examiner sub scribed clOW, and started a subscription list among tbe merchants of tbe city rais ing S-SOW the first day. Then tbe Call said its offer of $5000 still held good. The Chronicle has joined the procession by put ting up $7VK, and now the Examiuer goes the Call one better by raising ita offer to vww. The rreser Th'sg Cleveland, Oct. 23. The Cleveland chamber of commerce will, within a few days, send to the chambers of commerce ot SUU cities in the t nited states a circular, giving the action of the Cleveland body in requiring the reDubhcan and democratic national committees to shorten the time of presidential campaigns from six months to three months. The reason tnven for mak ing the request is that these campaigns in variably unsettle business and do aa actual amount of damage to commerce and tuan- utacturing. s-sally Talk. WA8HIN6TOX, Oct 23 The public mind has had an intimation that Secretary Olney intends to reign because he has not been supported by the president in his foreiirn policy. This is wholly discredited here, and persons close to the secretary in sist that tbere'ations him and president are of the most cordial nature and have been such since Mr. Olney began the ad ministration ot the state department the resw Very IU. Lacsaknk, Switzerland, Oct. 23. The Uaxette ueLausanne says although it is not true the pope is dying, it i learned his strength ha rapidly declined dunno the last few months. The paper is of the opin io. IV. , V. ;n . : . ,i . . r . ,, ,v iu in? waii iiui autvits) ioo wimer. ail his vitalt'y seems to be centered in bis bruin bhiloh Cuts, tue great cough and croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket sixe contain twenty-five doses only ate. LIII ... . . J vnuuren love it. aoia tj oniggtsu. mticu WORKS onaers la enrin; torturing, disfiguring, ha mfflatla; bamoars of the Skin, Scalp, and Blood when all else falls. T. I a So, 1. Rjac E4wiL. LmSat. Tmmm Dana ara Casa. Coar, Saw rrapa. Saw. O. S. A. rbe greatest el er on the market for iiseaoesof the Liver.bTidneytcuid Con stipation. PUasant to take by raI or j' nr -. No piping. Tbe ryt of the LiTerine plart i extea deely owed in Norway for U rare iA tUea. SoJJ by s'J first daaa dra?gb4A Whckfode JbanafACturea, ANCHOR S CHEJI .'CAL CO. Lebanon, Or Fire Insurance. INSURE YOUR PFCPERTY la the Old Hartford, the New York Un derwriter Aavncycr any cue cf tbe reli able old liae compaaie he rejjrretta- NotSi takes and plenty of time gives fT payment oa farm inorJinoe. All tnaeers wilt be promptiy attended to. OFFICE IX P. 0. EL0CK ALBANY. OR. ALBANY COLLEGE, WEXTT-XIXTn Y-EAR, I HE COLLEGE WILL OPEN SEP- tercber 11, 1S&5, under favwal'Ie aus pices. Regular Collegiate and Aca demic instruction The Commercial work will te given special attention tnia year. Such young men and yoticg la dies as are looking forward to a bc&irr-sB career should notveiitcre it without iay- irur a good foundaiion with n The College will also establish a Couservsi- tory ol jJuK-, under the able ana eia cient management of ProL Z. il. Pamn. Unusual facilities oered for students desiring to become protcient in muc The Primary IVrevrtroent will receive especial care, l&ioniiatioa cheerfully given. . 1 ALLU., II. Lt-L. Preadeut fK, -7-i sEser-; ghf an. ftM sm-fftmsr-fisiw roam wrw asm IfEIV 7 a. . It is aold oa a ruantnt'w v .. -gtais. It earse Inospwct ad, is tba bask Goosix aaA tix u;- Ffth.r k MascB.asrets R-I-P-A'N'S The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. a Si a c a z o VIGOR of m aeaSTaewat Harvwaa aeasMiitT, ana an the trala of artia troaa early errar er taker axraasea. the reaalts af rorwort, slckna, worry. etc ion streacth. Sweet- opmeat and tacw cteee to iery onaa (M portion afUMBody. 6unnM.BaiV. oral method. Immeafc- . t . lHTllll,MIIt ratlaro Imposaihla. 1000 re'erearee. Buuk. wjtanath-ia aad Drool ms tied isaatwtl trap. HUE UED1CIL CO. Butfela. K.1. K.. O. T.'M Meets every Saturday vening in K. O T M. Hall. Visitimr KnitLU invited at end. 1. S. Vast Wisklb .Coms A. Straney Upholsterer Ard Repairer - Hair, wool snd shoddy aiattrvsae rwr rated snd made over. Furniture of every description and lab?, carriages re-uphoUtered and vartishtu. Drop note in ths P. O., or ca'l ut 7 street, between Kerry and BrjaJal'.ia. A hany.Or. U 1 I w rap HIKE TT " to tVL asa lX1 w I'.Sl W m SMS I MM MSi -m- a, k, a akW V ' z. r.m mL, ::- ri-i . a t ma a 2rn I I PTi -'t.wcS I SI .r iitra sss, CHICAGO.