The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 01, 1895, Image 3

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Daily, 1 ct a day; 25c per mouth; 3.00
per year, in advance. 30c per month not
in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10
per cent added if allowed to run over 3
Wbkilt. $1.25 in advance; $1.50 at end
of year; $1.75 for second year; $200 for
third and preceeding jear when not paid
in advance. Club of five new subscribers
for $5.00.
For Waists.
Vram fortv rents fn tl 10
-n snow window for a fer of the patterra.
Mohair Effects.
A few new pieces, eight dollars to twelve
and a half per pattern.
A 20 Foot Tali
2d ward Gillis, a member of the bridge
gang of the O. C. & ., wa working on
the bridge yesterday afternoon when he
toot a tumble that fortunately only end
ed m a sprained ankle. He was prying
k timuer up wun acrowDar wiien it slit
pea ana lie went to the ground twenty
feet below. Keeping his equilibrium he
struck upright, but in such' a manner as
to sprain one of his ankles. It was a
wonder he did not strike on his head.
He was taken to the Russ Honse, where
Dr. Maston attended him. Today Mr
Gillis left for Portland, where his home
ia. It will probably be a month before
he can work.
Married. Mr. Collin? Elkins and
Miss Mamie Johnston were married in
Ashland today at 11 o'clock, at the resi
deuce of and by Rev. S. E. Meminger.
Mr. Elkins is the popular secretary of the
L. E. Blain Clothing Co., of thiscity.and
is one of Albany's solid young men ; " Miss
Johnston is a niece of Mrs. Rev. Memin
ger and resided in Albany two or three
years, going east three or four years ago,
where she resided until recently. She
has the love and esteem of many 'Albany
people, Mr. and Mrs. Elkins will have
the best wishes of hundreds of friends
through the valley. They will leave for
Albany on tonight's overland.
Fatal ExplaUaa.
Londos. 29. n expl.sion, sap
posed to have been c:ued by escaping gas,
wrecked a house, reducing it to atoms on
New CburcO court, strand, this eveniniy. 1
T'lirteen persona were believed to have
been killed and many injured The tnild- j
iii ir consisted of three Doors and the ten
anU were mostly Coveut Garden market j
Bags Arrr-lrd
Medfokd, Oct 29. Sheriff Samuel
Parker, of Pierce county, Waih., arrested
here George v. Boggs, ex treasurer of
Tacoma. The sheriff was armed with re
quisition papers, aid started with his pris
oner for Tacoma-. Boggs is proprietor of a
saloon, and is also engaged in mining en
terprises, in Southern Oregon.
The; CosqcEST of Chisa- Au addiess
on this subject wi.l be given ut the Bap
tist church at 7:30 p ra. Thursday by Rtv.
J. M. Foster, or Swatow, China. Ail are
cordially invited.
The Prespytery of the Willamette hat
been in eeieion at Ibe Presbyterian church
in this city for several days.
The Farallon will sail from Taquina
Sua Frareisco next Saturday.
Halloween Night.
I u suffering1 with stomach trouble.
and procured a bottle of Hood's SarBapa-
niia. it neiped me so much tnat I nse it
for every ailment.' R, K. Simpson,
Gooseberry, Ore.
Hood's Pills cure a I liver ills.
Former Linn county people pay taxes in
Jackwin county on property as follow: W.
H Brook, 12.490: J. H. Lame, $2,045:
V7. K. Price, 13,815. Taken from Jackson
ville Timei.'
- 95 cents on the dollar paid for jurors and
witnesses fees in criminal cases, at the store
ot P. Cohen. .......
Mis Helen Crawford elocut on class
meets on Monday, Tuesday,-Thursday and
Friday cf each week at her residence. Lor,
5tb an 1 Elewortb.
For Prescription Uawson'i.
Gick and Nervous
You may be easily an& Quickly cured .
by fairing
Ayer's Pills
lmve hnfin a victim of terrl-1
lie headaches, and have never
found anything to relieve them
quickly as Ayer's Pills. Since
1 berjan taking this medicine, the
attacks have became less and
Vss frequent, untik at present.
jfioutns hav .fsisfteu since
luivo had one." C. 1". Newju
Uug pur, Ya.
Mlaving used AVer's Pills with o
great success for dyspepsia, from j
which x Buuereii mi yc.h,-, x j
solved never to lw without them e
in mv honselioliL '1 hey are in.
deed effective." JIr. Sallie J
Motinis, 125 Willow St., Ptiua
Uclphia, l'a.
i alwava us" A T'a rills, and
think theiu exw.-iiiit." Mrs. G.
P. Watkous, Jw;kioii, ila.
Ayer's Pi lis I
Received H?s!l:,s Awards
Circuit court convened this mornitg
with Judge Burnett on the bench.
Bailiffs, Wm O Tweedale nnd W II
Warner in the courtroom : A B Woodin
in charge of the grand jury
The grand jury waB selected as follows :
M O Gill foreman, Frank Crabtree, VV II
F Hamilton, P A Poindexter,- Thos Hop
kins and O F Moist.
The following business ws transacted :
Marv Coueill vs Farmers & Merchants
Ins uo, recovery ot money, rsonsuit on
motion of defendant.
Toplita & Co vs Mary Oougill, recovery
ot money, msmisseu aa to garnisnee
Geo J Branner vs Mary Cougill, rec of
money. Dismissed as to garnishee.
Mooney, Valentiue c Co vs Mary
Oougill, rec of money. Dismissed as to
M Casev vs Jacob Thompson, motion
to correct judgment allowed.
Sarah J Elder vs J A McBride, contin
ued. ' .
Jas Nanny, et al, vs Louisa D Settle-
mire et al, continued,
Laura A Caldwell vs Ella C Caldwell,
et al, continued.
Will & Link vs W H A II J Maple,
J R Tv Irvine vs Michael McTeigh,
H M Stone vs School Bist No 109, con
tinned. S Z Taylor vs R C Roller Mills et al.
Nonsuit as to defts Stockman, Iaoni and
Farmers A Merchants Ins Co vs Henry
Gerhard et al as admr. Settled.
Esberg, Bachman & Co vs Harrisburg
Mercantile Oo, recovery of money, at
tachment. Settled.
Henry W King & Co vs Harrisburg
Mercantile Co, recovery of money, at
tachment. Continued.
Stewart & Sox vs S W Moore, recover v
of money, attachment. Settled.
Leopold Hirsch vs Harrisburg Mercan
tile va, recovery 01 money, attachment.
J M Ralston vs X G Rice, recovery of
money. Settled
D J Switzer vaLC Parrieh,. recovery
cf money, attachment. Judgment by de
fault. Snell, Heitshn & Woodard Co vs Geo
C Stanard, recovery of monev. Judg
ment by default
Frank Bros & Co, a corjwration, vs D
E Gormley et al, recovery of monev, at
tachment. Settled.
Henry Lyons vs O'Conner A Barr. re
covery of monev. Continued
A Senders vs Red Crown Mills.
confirmation. Confirmed.
Knanp, Barrel! A Co vs James H John
son, coolirmaticn. Confirmed.
S Froman A H F Mcllwain. a execn-
tore.vs A -Hackleman. reooverv of monev.
S Froman A U F Mcllwain. as execu
tors, vs Olney Frv, Jr,recovery of money.
S Froman A H F McHwaia. as execu
tors, va D B McKnight, recovery of
money, attachment. Settled.
H Bryant vs J M Keenev and C L
Beach. Continued for service.
The following cases are drawn for
trial: Casey agt F A M Ins Co, Rails act
F A M Ins Co. Weaver act Uohn. Shields
agt Young, Lane agt Lawler, Holster agt
Smith, State agt Boulin, State agt Iwm,
State agt Reed, 2 case?, McFarland agt
Capital National Bank vs W F Crosbv.
nonsuit by plaintiff.
Sarah M Shields vs A M Yonni et al.
Trial by jury. Nonsuit granted ou mo
tion ot deft at close of plaintiff's case.
Robert Crawford vs Linn Conutv Ag
ricultural Association.reeoverv of monev.
Judgment by deJaolt.
Sol Abraham vs E W Achison A Co.
recovery of money, attachment. Settled.
Geo Bell vs E W Achison A Co. recov-
ety of money. Attachment. Continued
oy consent.
Emil Schneider vs James S Raines, re
covery of money. Continued by cr.ntent.
Oregon vs Arthur Johnson, obtaining
money by false pretenses. Dismissed on
motion of district at torn t v.
The Isom trial was begun this after
noon. Xbe securing of a iury was slow
work. Prosecuting Attorney McCain
and J. M. Somers appeared for the state
and Hon. W. R. Bilveu, Weatherfi.rd A
Wyatt and Whitney A Newport for the
The grand jury is reported to be at
work on the Hannah case, and it is
probable will make a report betore the
court adjourns tonight.
David Carey vs F A M Ins Co. Jury
trial, judgment, upon nonsuit for plain
tiff for 2o00. Bill of exceptions to be
filed before Dec 2.
GW Smith vsFAMIna Co. Jury
trial, verdict for plaintiff for $59.60 atty
fees and $715 princ'paL
G B Haieht. admr vs B M Pavne.
admr, De-Bonis-non. Trial set for Nov.
Wm A Lane vs W B Lawler. Settled.
Electa J Phillips va H Barnes et al.
recovery of money, attachment. Non
suit as to E E Parker. Default earah O
Barnes and II Barnes.
Albert Rices vs John Leedv, recovery
of money, attachment. Settled.
State of Oregon vs Jas G Boulin, sell
ing malt liquor without license. Ver
dict of guilty after trial. Will be sen
tenced Nov l, at v a. m.
Rev. Edward Davis Speaks.
The Rev. Edward Davis has been beard
from in reference to the reported engage
ment of him to Miss Fayne Strahan,
formerly of this city, denying the same,
and tells how the report happened. There
is pretty good authority for the fact that
Rev. Davis at least proposed. The Ex
aminer's Oakland correspondent savs:
The Bev. Edward Davis, pastor of the
Central Christian church, in this city, is
somewhat disturbed over reports deny- j
ing his engagement with Fayne Straban,
a Portland belle and a daughter of the
late ex-Chief Justice Strahan, of Oregon.
He Bays that ha has a vast amount of
work to do in order to build up his
church, and to this he is going to devote
his entire time. While he has much ad
miration for Mis Strahan, he has not the
least idea of marriage. The Bev. Mr.
Davis is not at a loss, however, to know
how the story of the engagement got in
to print, lie has a brother who is a
newvpayer reporter, and to him he con
tided tbb fact that be had met Mies
Strahan at Portland and appreciated the
acquaintance be bad formed. lbe
brother took it tor granted tnat tne
young preacher would marry the ladv
and assumed the authority to promul
gate the engagement.
I lie statement xuaue ny udbb cinuau
that no engagement exists between ns is
correct." said the Kev. Mr. Davis today,
Her mother is in Georgia ana Knows
nothinsr about the allair. 1 am very
very much pained over the false pub'ioa
tion. bat I deemed it my duty to remain
silent. When the announcement was
made of an engagement 1 thought that a
denial could not properly come from me,
much aa it migbt have Deen aeaireu dj
the voune ladv. Her statement is cor
re, that the announcemen tls not war-
"n mv return from a recent trip in the
North I incidentally mentioned to one of
my brothers an appreciation of the ac
quaintance with Miss Strahan, but what
then seemed to be mere interest now ap
pears to have been a reportorial pump
ing. The arrangement of the engage
ment and date was an imaginative flour
ish of the p-a. I thought that my re
porter brother could discriminate be
tween a newspaper story and a fraternal
confidence. Of course the whole thing
is to be regretted, and I for the sake of
the young lady, as well as my own, am
very soiry that any publication was
i lie jnoacrn licauty )
ibnves on good food and sunshine, with
plenty of exfcrcise in tie open air. Her
form glows with healU. and her face
blooms with its beauty. It her system
needs tbe cleansing action of a laxative rem
edy, she uses the gentle and pleasant liquid J
Fell by the Wayside.
The Misogamistic clob ia gradually de
creasing in numbers. They held a fart
well meeting Saturday night at the res
idence of Mrs. Houck, where a banquet
was tendered Mr. Collins Elkins, pre
vious to his withdrawal from the club.
The repast was a delicious one. Toasts
followed of a high order, eloquent and to
the point. Mr. Elkins left on the over
land, for Ashland, where he will be united
in marriage on next Wednesday to Miss
Mamie Johnson. Those present were
Mr. Collins Elkins, tne hero of the oc
casion, P. A. Goodwin, Luther E.kins,
Dr. Geisendorfer. Carlton Sox and S. E.
and J. O Irvine.
Remarks were made by the Brethren
arter the repast as follows:
The Past, P. A Goodwin, G. M.
act heaven itself upon the past has
But what has been, has been, and I
have had mv hour."
The Future, C. W. Elkins, A. M.
''There's a divinity that shapes our
ends rough.
Hew them how we will."
Celibacy, S. E. Irvine, C. M.
"A single life's no bnrden; but to draw
In yokes is chargeable."
Degeneration, O. E. Sox, M. M.
"How are the mighty fallen !'
Uncertainties, L. Elkins, S. M.
"Who thinks that fortune cannot
change her mind
Prepares a dreadful jest for all man
kind." Matrimonial Delusions. J. A. Geisen-
dorffer, B. M.
"Charmed with distant views of hap-
But near approaches make the pros
pect less."
Our Constitution, J. 0. Irvine, F. M.
"Tne anion, the constitution and the
Enforcement ot the laws." ,
"And so without more circumstances
I hold it fit that we shake hands and
Assessor Ted Parker, of Toledo, is in
the city.
O. P. Coshow, of McMinnaville.wiM ia
the city today awhile.
Miss Ora McFarland went to Oorvallia
this noon to reenter the O. A. C.
Mr. Merrill Fish came from the Bay
this noon and continued his journey to
his home in Portland.
Seman Meyers was in the city Satur
day. He is now a resident of 'Oorvallia
where he works in one of the hotels.
Mr. Louis Speck hs gone to Port
land to reside. Mr. per It will ran on
the S. P. from Portland to Junction City.
Dr. Rich, of Taquina, has been ser
iously ill in this city. Capt. Bensall,
his brother-in-law aad Mrs. Rich are
both here attending him.
Mr. S. Farwell, who baa been lying
seriously ill at Plainview with typhoid
fever, is reported better, with food pros
pects of recovery.
Mrs. Mary Wade and daughter J ot
Trenton, Nebraska, are in the city the
guests of Henry Hopkins. Mr. W ade ia
a sister of Mrs. Hopkins.
Invitations are out for the marriage of
Mi. Will Lyon, now of Pullman, and
Miss Nina GalbraiUi, daughter of I P
Galbraitti, at the home of the britfe, on
Oct. 30.
Dr. K. H. Curl, the dentist, is now lo
cated in Albany, with his home in the
Nash residence on Oalapooia street. Dr.
Curl is a brother of the lawyer, L. M.
Mrs. J. S. Purdom, of Grant's rw,
who haa been the guest of ilim Mary
Reynolds, went to Albany this morning
to continue her visit with relatives.
A niong outside attorneys attending cir
cuit court are ex-Jode Reuben P. tioise,
of &alem, ex-Atty Gen Geo E. Chain U-r-laiu,
A. M. Cra ford, of Russburg; the
great aiui on v Ben Hay den, of Independ
ence, and S. M. Uariaad, of Lebanoo.
Mr. J. R. Stockman, recently sentenc
ed to one year in the penitentiary on ac
count of the Red Crown wheat ebottage,
is in the city and will appear aca wimi
in the Iscm case. Mr. Mock man secur
ed the required $1500 ban without delay.
Miss Jennie Saltmareh, who has been
connected with the Si. Charles for some
lime, weijt to Letanon to-lay on a visit
with friends and relative. One night
last week a party was tendered at the
hotel in her honor.
Miss Lou Burnett is temporarily em
ployed as bookkeeper in the irst Na
tional bank. No election of cashier in
that institution to fiii the vacancy caus
ed by the death of W. T. Peel, ban as yet
occurred. Corvailis Times.
Circuit couit week.
Attoria is to have three steam iacmiriss.
The board of equalization U ia session at
the cosrt htuse today.
Two car loads of machiitery are now on
its way into Ue mines.
The Roatburff local was delayed Uy'tj
about two hours Ca account of an accident
to a freight.
The lansea -in the Blue mountains are
said to be all dried np, making it rocky
picking for sheep.
1896 wil be a leap year. It is certainly to
be hoped it mult in the marriage of some
of Albany's old bachelor.
A representative of Marcos Daly, . tbs
Montana millionaire ku been iveli gat
ing the Santiam mines
A Home Forum was orgaaizad ia Eu
gene last week with Frank Savior, brother
of Mr. AJ Savior of this city, as president.
Joeh Reilly, formerly of the Albany ba
ball dob bu been engaged to play third
base for Chicago next year. He is one of
the bet in the V. S
An exebana-e says Coll Van Llere con
template moving bis paper tc Seattle or
down the Columbia. Taquina Bay people
khoold not permit that.
The Linn county exhibit at the er posi
tion will be shown is Albany on the ter
mination of the fair, the store room in the
Pfeiffr block beina used far the purpose.
This i entirely, proper, and will be appre
ciated by our citizens .
The nriae 6obt between CoTbett and
Fitzsimmotis ail! not come off is Linn
coonty. Judire Burnett nwtructed the jury
very implicitly on pnze Dgnung .
The trial of the case of the state against
John Irani will bevin tomorrow or Wednes-
dav It in probable the case of Oreaon at
Souun will be tried unit, to ue loiiowea by
the lsom case.
Or Charles Slade and May Howard
gave "a free religious lecture on spiritual
power" at the orera bonce lat night to a
biz boue. It confined of the nmiat cabi
net trick by Miro ilowurd, said to hare
been cleverly done, defying the clet
scrutiny of tbe committee Mr William
Vance and Ur Davit.
Foot Bai,u Saturday at Eugene the
State University eleven fairly wiped the
ground with the O. A. C. of Corvallis.the
score being 40 to o. mis indicates tnat
the U. O's. stand a good chance for the
championship. It will be a different
kind of a came tboueh when they elav
Portland. Portland deteaud Tacoma
to 4 in a very dusty game. Willamette
defeated Monmouth 44 to S.
In Advanced Tecs3
In gtrl
kg tks
. w w 1
etw 1 1 .a.irl
I n.w.. ! JUI
aaaaas iswsw
wwsUvsWssssrsi. Lesj ,k)
Has M tea wevw- n sa miii aw
Heed's OarcsjparffFa
Llverlne'a Success.
The manner in which Livorino baa
been spreading out over the U. 8. is in
teres ting, though the sale of it haa aa
yet been pushed only on this coast. An
order recently came from Ann Arbor and
two from Missouri. The following tes
timonial ia a sample of the manner in
which it ts meeting public favor:
Portlaso, Oct. 25.
Anchor S Chemical Co.,
Gentlemen : I have tried your Liv
erine while Superintendent of the In
valid Home, and was so well ploassd
with the action and result following that
I have recommended it to a frier d in the
east in charge of a publso institution, and
am in receipt of an enquiry as to lis cost
in 5 or 10 gallon iron kegs f. o. b. cars at
your place An early reply will greatly
oblige. Very truly yours,
AiiTFon Albas r asd Salbm. Among
the many lines on which Halsm and her
people are steadily advancing toward the
attainment of metropolitan advantages
may be mentioned the polite accomp
lishment of painting in oils, an art to
which many here are devoted. A States
man reporter had ths pleasure yesterdsy
of booking over an exhibition of 160
dainty examples from the brash ot Mrs.
L. G. Young, st her studio over ths First
National Bank. Her work ia wonder
fully comprehensivs, covering nearly
every department amendable to the
brush and pallette and reflects marked
credit not only for the widsraagsof Mrs.
Young's talents, but for extraordinary
nuenty asu consummate tecnaiqe she
has maintained throughout the whole
ensemble. Six of the beautiful pieces
referred to were hung in places of honor
at the World's fair in IKS and are ex
quisite reproductions of Oregon's fa
mous fruitage. This gifted lady ia ia
full charge of the art department ef the
Albany college, but will, tor quits a
period, divide her time between her S
leta and Albany clawes te the nnqnee
tionable ad vantage o( art atndenta here.
She will give instruction in object draw- J
lug, " , t.uitri. p u ww
ere and marine scenes, in oil ; portrait
work in crayon, oil sad pastel; painting
on chins and tapestry ; landscape, flow
ers, game, and traits in pastel, and in
ait manner of decorative work on satin,
wood, china and cloth, aa wsll as in lus
tre work. Statesman.
A TaxarAM Casa. These tresspass
eases nearly always terminate in favor
ot the defendant. The Eagene Onard
gives one to the point: In the trespass
case heard before Justice Wheeler yea
terdav afternoon , wherein J. H. Smith
had "brought complaint against Fred
Taliatere, aged 14 years, for hunting on
his premises, was decided by a jnry
trial, the jury returning a verdict et "not
gnil ry, and we further find that action
was broaght without probable eanae and
maliciously." It seems that there is s
tend existing between the Smith and
Talialero families, both et which reside
at Natron, and that the trouble grew
from that. The costs in ths case were
taxed to the prosecuting witness.
The Prineville Review contains the
following personals:
E. A. Parker and family, of Camp
creek who have been visiting relatives
snd friends in the Willamette valley for
the past month, were ia lbe city last
Sunday on their way borne. Ed. reports
dull times in Albany and grain, hops and
fruits of all kind below par.
Frank Elkins, a brother of our popular
hardware man, arrived, in the city la.t
Sunday bom Albany. He Intends spend
ing the wioter in Prineville.
As IssMKca Here are a tew things to
make a note of sad arad to your frieude:
J. F. Frort, who came to Oregon nearly
lour years ago, and booght a nfteen acre
farm in Polk county, which ne has set
out in an orchard farm. He bringe us
three potatoes that weigh tea pounds
end two tornips that oeifh twenty
pounds. A cample of bard yelhw deal
corn that yielded.W bushels to the acre.
He has bout a new boose, does not owe
a cent, and has more then $000 in the
bank. He's over $1000 ahead on the
four years. Mr. Frost is 72 years eld,
las no help but his wile ho is a? g :l s
man aa be is. Journal.
A DtcASTSors Casks. A collector for
the Wrought Iron Range Co. was here
this week and while business was slack
be went on the war path. He discharged
a revolver two or three times and then
eccidesuy fell and sprained his ankle.
He is laid no for remits and will nmh.
ably tea cripple for lue. Junction City
The city election niotnleea to be as in
terest ing on a. Not many candidates
are new in the field but tbir appearance
is looked for. In the republican conven
tion there will be a coo ten for recorder.
Mr. Hentoa and Mr. C. E. Hawkins be
ing tbe rand idates. also for marshal be
tween W. E. Baker and W. H. Hnston.
The ouh candidate mentioned far the
emocratic ticket ia C. O. Lee lor mar
shal. Mabios Corsrr Cxsscs. Tbe Assess
or's cen?a gives the tcAsl population of
M anon county as 30.041. In 1890 tt was
2t,4o4. The census includes the inmates
the public inetitottions. Salem ia
credited with 10,il, while in 1890 it was
given as 10,432. The popnlstion given
other towns is: WoodWn. 1.004: iil-
verton, 830; Stsyton, 489; Ml. Ansel,
349; Jefferson .332; Gervsis. 301 ; Turner,
224; Scott's Mills, 250; Mill City, 114;
Aurora, Z1H: Mesare. 65: Detroit. 4:
Gates, 43; Mehama, 71, Minto, 17.
Places showing a decrease rrora 1890 are
Champoeg, Geryais, Mehama, Mill City
and inrner.
Tnsr KaLso Drcxs. Jefferson Mvers
and C. D. Gabnelson went to Port! and
Saturday morning aad thence te Sea vie '
island down the river at the invitation of
a friend who has hunting grounds there
on, and there they enioyed the finest
duck hunting ot a decade. They came
last night loaded with enthusiasm and
ducks; ducks of all kinds mallard, teal.
wood-duck ana widgeon which they
divided eenerouslr with friends. Thev
declare that tbe sport was delightful and
tne game very tine, as tbe owners of the
hunting grounds on tbe island feed the
game as regularly as hoosehoalders feed
their tame fowl. The two hunters killed
over 100 birds in a day. Statesman.
Tna Contract Lai. The contract for
erecting the new Broders brick on Second
street, was let last evening to I. F. Conn.
Consideration, private. There were
large number ot bidders. Tbe building
will be one story, of brick ; but it will
have a nine foot baxemetit reaching part
the center. Mr. Broders proposes hav
ing tne most complete meat market in
tbe valley.
Damon and Ptthiab. The nlar of
Damon and Pythias will be given in Al
bany in about three weeks by Salem
talent under charge of Mr. Rasmus. This
was recently presented in Salem and
made a great bit. It will bo sure of a
big audience in Albany. Mr. Rasmus
was in the city today making arrange
ments lor its appearance.
On the Divide.
Tuesday, Oct. 20
Mr. Simmons is visiting in Eugene
Anna and Zolo Grimes are spending
me week with their parents.
School is progressing nicely with Miss
Edith Kerns ot Eugene as teacher.
Rumor has it that there is to be
wedding in the neighborhood soon.
Mins Anna Campbell visited in Eugene
last weea.
Farmers are getting very anxious for
rain as the ground is now too dry to
Mrs. Genia Boon and children, of Pa -
louse are visiting witn the former's sister,
Mrs. John Grimes.
B. R. Holt expects to move to town
this week.
Mrs Mtelmacber is now improving
from her recent illness . . .
Mrs. Enstace, of Baker City, who has
been viefiing friends here, spent a few
ye of last week in Eagene.
Below we give a Hat of tax payers, pay
ing on over $10,000. Under the present
system the assessment is separate for
different districts, making it possible to
ruins seme of thosa whoss total footings
would be more than $10,000, and some
gave probably vary a fewjlollar.', but
are substantially correct. A new foaturo
of the roll this year ia the assessment of
the stock to the owners instead of a gen
eral assessment against a corporation.
The result ot this will be noticed in a
few instances :
If H Allen .....t 15.750
Albany Woolen Mills
Albany Canal & W Co
8 J Archibald
L K Blain
Sarah Barnes
Francis Bellinger
Bank ot Brownsville
L K Blain Clothing C
V H Caldwell
M Chambers
Geo 8 Cos, trustee
B W Cooper
J A Crawford
J W Cosick
John Uennr
Eagle Woolen Mills
First National Bank.rwel estate
L Flies
15 iwi I
J W Gaines
A Hackiemaa
M Hale
Set ft Johns
Est IL Knox
J Cess
T A Lane
E W Iegdoa
Ms A Hsnders
D sfentetth
T J Munkera
ft MeConnsll
Est A Mcllwain
N'Beil Bros
Est 21 P Payne
M Payne....
A Paarca
Chas Pfaiffsr
Read, Peacock & Co
O Rice
M A Rogers....,
John Settle
D Smith
P W Spinka.
Est ft 8 Strahan
Mehsla Turner
Wa LVance
Keontx A Power ,
Wm Ledd
8 E Yeonf
70 430
11, 00
The Senthern Pacifie ft R was iirmrf
$350) a mile en deck, 35 miles, and
en rolling stock. on the main line,
$3000 and $465jS4 on 43.00 mites of Ore
gonian railroad an $3000 and $tno$4 on
lla miles of Lsbenon branch. The O.
C. A K. is assessed pro rate on $100,000.
for 30 miles, making $3",099.
Lawyer Tutsi ag, of Brownsville is in
the sity.
Mr. Sam May, of Harrisburg, is in the
city today.
Ex-Sheriff C. C. Jackson it in the city
today on business.
H. F. Merrill and family returned this
noon from a trip te Portland.
Mrs. John Briggs returned this noon
from a visit with relative in Portland.
Postmaster Stites has returned (mis
hit trip to Southern Oregon and North
ern California.
Mrs. Jessie Osrter snd Miss Nina
Laugh sad are visiting relatie and
friends in Albany. Saietn Post.
J. E. Bernett, of Salem, is in the citr
attending his brother William Bamelt.
Iv iu dangeroesly til situ hemorrhage of
the lungs.
H. W. Guff, a former brick mason ot
Albany, ia now in South Africa mioing.
Hon. Richard Wiliiains, of Portland,
has been in the rltv on lrwsl tuainesa.
Years aso Mr. Williams defended Hnn
dets in luiaeity for the murder oi Cbarky
Mr. P. Y. Dnncan rrtura last even
ing from Victoria, B. C. where Le has
been working at his irais four or fire
nioniLs. He id reaia-n ia Altniy dur
ing Uie inter.
A. Strsney snd Homer X.ubcll bsve
purrluksed the livery stable recenllv run
by Mr. W.L. Moore aal aid take charge '
of It OvemUer I. Mr. More and fami.v i
will leave l-jr California to nasi Je in a few
Prof. W. A. MvGUe and little son,
drove over troui Oakland, Katurvlay at
ternoun. retnraitisT in tbe sveairv. The
ance Ua year is far abead of any r.
vioos record. Ia three departments
there are over 17 pupils enrol i id.
Rosebnrg Review.
A man snot a sat this afteBca. The
crowd that fetaered etade thii gi toak a
if thkner bwoSkad bra r;xH.
Tooroirew saorainc at 6 e'ekek aa ex-
enrsiaa train will leave Asaiaed tar Po t-
laad. wttk fall cars. It wiU paa AlUauy
abowtCe'cJocs, awe tbe party wi. I be tsi by
Mr ssdrsa.
One Jobs T am pane was arret el lat
irbt by ntamhil Lee for obtaining' b3ard
fin AtfcVy and ecoes reealred of J. W.
Bestir aeriy two ym aco on a fUs
check. Ferwwat of proter evident be
ill probably be diecbarwed
AnotixT cabiaetie show was siren at (he
Opera Hoe-e last Bigot by S:se and Mia
Howard. Tats cranpeay i not at generous
a tbe Wajere. They Ml tbs ton of tae
rabiset even e the beys could ass the pro
ceedings taroegn the am t Up kote; hot blade
bad It covered. Hist Howard is quite a
genius at cabinet tricks.
Inmovso W it sat Ortxoox. Wheat
bee ssrende4 to 42 cents, a gain of 2
eeete. Tbe ontlook is good for a con
tinued bat slow rise, perhaps to 50 cents
atDuceurattts probable the sales ot
wheat will be general.
tWewsa a tea bat W teaa.a naiMu
te tee east anWi at Alaaa. Uu eneaty
IWt. M, 1396. ft, aaiUas for
tkaaa Wam a-a.t give loa wm wt.ioh
teey War asvnsttia.
Wm Baldwin, Eph Cameron,
r, JJickinson. Miss Alice Miller.
C L Pattteon, frank Pierce,
J O Pratt, H T Bidders.
T. J, Brrms, r M
Art Custom Tailoring.
Besides his regular business W. R
Graham is prepared to take orders for
high art enstom tailoring by a leading
house in New York, only nnion labor
employed and first class work guaranteed.
AU kinds of garments made trotn the
nrtt line of aamnlea ever seen in Al
bany. a fact easily appreciated by an ex
arainatlonot the sample book. Suits from
$16 op. .
Kati'a Clover Koet,tii great olood pu
fier f'vr fretti-vM and ceara. to th
complexion and c.- constipation,
OC, l.oo Feahay & Mason Agent.
Stdloh's Cuic. tne great cough and
croup cure, Is tn great demand. Pocket
bee contain twomv-nve aoan nniy 25c
Childfen 'ove tt. Sold by droggiiti.
Captain Sweeney, U S A. San Diego
Cat at v: "ShltoU' Caiarrn lie m ear
the ftrt medicine I hsve ever found that
would do me any gosd " Price 50?
Rfetstvt IWewn Wf1d' Pair,
CoH Me4al, Mtsrwrnter Pair.
ost Pfsfeet UU.
Wheat 42 centa.
Conn Or. liunton for groceries.
The best fresh groceries and produce at
Cono & HuKton's.
Try one of those fin auirar cured shoul
ders at Schultz Bros. market
Choice sutrar cured hams and bacon at
i Sbultz Bros, market.
Fair prices lend a charai O neat print
ing. Smiley the Printer.
NicMtt watches at French's jewelry nitre,
i $1 M, f 00 and $2 50.
Ladies the Utcxt faahi in in a M?,imlec
drea mod by Mrs. McLean
Wf hen you want good, pure, tweet lara
go to Shultz Bron market.
Good treatment at Cno nnd UubU)dji,
and thoir titxxU are tbe best.
Takfe advantage of the biu reductions in
the price of photos at Tinkles.
f butos all sizes and stvlea going at
greatiy reduced p.iies, at Tinkle.
Sottie e'egant dntfirftie in croi-kery ware
at low p i ut l unn and ll'utons
Jo. II Alber; and MU Jewio Da' rv ra
pe were mrri d at Salem tart ni lit.
20 ez. xavon Map at Parker Hroa. tor
only 6 ceata a bar. fbia is a world beater.
Fren h, tbe jeeer, ban 500 pin tuah
iuu oieuntod with ailver, at 10 ccdU each.
If you want a good ahine call on ea tbe
dou sane Shiner at Veruks barber shop.
, i ,
' " " 3
A larue and choice atock of jewe'ry. ail
ver ware, etc. Jut received at Will and
No matter what other say. Tinkle will
make photo cheap a anyone an-i guarantee
the best work
The moat elegant line of statuary ever
brought to Albany at ill andStsrk. In
acverai beautiful figures. .
Ir. Anrplusd, w; found guilty at Port
land, of aaaault with a daageron aeapoc
on Dr. Holmes.
Four hobos had a fight in the calaboose
but night. Tbey were greatly grieved be
caue Marahai Lee put a atop to it.
Tbe yooarf peoples societies of the city
will give a anion ancial fur member aad in
rited friend at the armory tonight.
According to the railroad report the
shipment -f froiu haa increaaad wonder
fully is tbu valley ia the paat tw-i years.
A large liimVt of Chinese pheanant are
being shipped oat of Oregon for breeding
parpewes. Nearly every uts ia tbe U- a
la trying to raise some.
A brilliant meteor shot through the
seavtn hut evening and west aUahisg in
to Benton covsty arrow the river according
to appearance.
Remember th chkVen pie supper at the
W.C.T. 0. Hail Wedoeaday Oct, 30.
Sapper will be served from 6ve to eight
Prire o sapper 25 cents children 15 centa.
We have made tome very pretty Wedding
AnooacenabL Reception Card etc. re
ceetly. We have ths lateat styles, all ericas.
ParttM ia need of goo 1 printicar should see
Smiley the Printer.
Capt. X. B. Ii3.aplirey, hi been ep-
rHBted deputy proaacur4a attorney fjr
tea csxinty aad will bate hi cffioi with
JdJe How-it. Ibe appointment give
jvri atlMfaUwn
1 v Oiegua br sue in the r ces at
Loa Aaara'ea Moaday. la tbe 2:13 ctasa.
paries, pane JI.COO. i'atb mount woo.tiaie
3:10; i.2 cbua. padog. pane $1,000, I ra-
ret a crebalu won. lime. 1J.
Ia order to be op to date Too will aeed
to ee fahner Cot' tweaty I jar bute
Brosaiet. Tbey wiu pleaw kbit grwwa feo-
pie sad deiifcfii tbe uu e Ida. At Lbs
Orera Hoaas r'rulaj evening, Nov. lt-
Tbe Srt ecno of tbe Babut Convention
at Eu.-eee. bev. Mr F atoa return mi
notary frjm Sailow, Cbiua. wit. dehver
a ttiuatooary addrea at tba Baptist cnurch
of tbu cilj. Tooraday 7; ; p tu. Cor Jul
laviiatiwa s extenJea to ail.
Maj. Peat, at bead ot toe imeromeot
workofUeN. .. haj returned to Ore
gao from Va-bm-too wbere it coutterti
with tbe cOi miUre Uul rvceouj
gated Y.qjta tiay . It i Mid a favurabte
rrport recumtucaduig farther iut)rueuicnta
will te mads-
Tbe play cf Damon and Pythias to be
given la Atuaoy in tbe near future u ai-rra-lj
caatinjf favorable ooeuneot. 1 te
leading part wilt be takes by Wm. Raa
mu and if e and a couple jl Salem peo
t le. Tbey wul be aitel by Albany
ktigbt and ttathtmw ataters
It waa Mated yelevday on good aatitori-
r l ora rail-
j rxd magnate, with a special par'y of oth
er capital iU. will be ta Aatoru abeal tee
tune Mr. Itaminonj return, to ktok over
Actorta' facilibc for Uoiaeaa. Aatorian.
W. II.Futer, of Crook coonty claim to
bate baes the tirt white married in
Oretfoa. Tbe crenior waa performed at
Urern City, on An. U, lsi Tbe bnde
wa Mary Brown, wbo ha beee dead tnirt;
year. Mr. r o-tT reiies at raunaa wiut
fcu in-law. J. T. Faulkner, a former
Lian county man, and i 7 j year t ag.
G. A. R. Ectertaiaei'nt at the G A R.
Halt, oa SatuHar. Noveaibr I. lsM.
Doa't rail to come, it will be neb, rare aad
racy. I to and ee bow the old Veteran
acted en tbe "rented Field,' and bow
they were punuhed under militarv law.
Tbey will alio give Ton a taate of ' army
grub' cufTrc. baketl bean and hard tack.
AU br tea crnts.
Bound to Sec Foot Rail.
Three Orvallis bovs were determined
to ere the foot ball game at Eugene at
all hazards without anr money out.
Thev reached Engene. "The Times tells
of their return as follows:
Tbe trio, at 11 o'clock the mgbt after
the game, mounted the blind baggage on
the S. P. overland freight at Eugene,
bound tor home. They got into an emp
ty box car, and after having three negro
and five white tramps for companions,
their ear was set out n a siding st
Shedd. They succeeded, however, in
catching another car on the same train,
and reached Albany at 3 a. m. There
the nigbtaatch eepied ihi-m, and in the
belief that they were tramps wsrned
them to get out of town quick or they
would be shut np for vas. The students
didn't wait tor a second bidding, bnt put
the Albany bruize between them and
thd belligerent policeman with all haste
and then struck out afoot for Corvailis.
Thev reached home in the erav dawn of
the morning footsore and sleepy, and
though the trip was inexpensive enough
to siit, they will attend the next game
via another route.
Itcconiins a Farce.
lteferee Woo-lcook has set Monday
Not. 4, at 2 p. tn. as tho limit ot the time
for filing objections to claims against that
$100,000. Objections have already been
filed against the claims of Lincoln, Ben
ton. Linn and Marion counties for taxes,
on several grounds. A new claim is that
of Turner. McClure and Ralston for 18,
.76.which they claim waa audited by or
der of J mt m) line. Thev also claim an
additional compensation in assisting tne
conrt and its officers since July 1893 ot
$10,000, $f.000 for the eastern fino, and
$5,000 lor J. R. Bryson. The Farmers
Loan & Trust Oo . are very modest in
their claim of 110.102 as trustees, which
thev claim aa audited. John P. Fays
claim as attorney for Mr. Hadley is only
7.606. V. K. Pendleton, a New Y'ork
attorney, who helped him, will be satis
fied with onlv $3000 It. O. M. Rand.the
New Yorh expert, sent out by the bond
holders, the gentleman wnomet v m. 01.
Hoag in a aerio comic duel with a pair of
shears, thinks $12,752 will be about right.
Tli(. Mrvices are claimed to have been
done for Hadley, but Hadley it is claimed
was not receiver until afterwards, and
Rand was supposed to represent the
This whole business ia l-eootning de
cidedly funny.
A 14-year-old boy was arrested in Lane
county recently and presenieu to tue
grand inrv for indictment on a criminal
charge. Investigation proved that the
charge was maliciously brought, "the
outgrowth of a family feud.' Tbe legal
prosecution of the child through malice
is one degree more heinous than the
brutal castigation of a child in anger
Eegene has had a recent exhibition of
the one and Portland of the other. Tbe
grand lury in both instances did its duty,
tboneh the result in each case fell far
short of justice." Oregonian. The boy
hails from uan county instead ot ine,
The Eastern Stars gave a very pleasant
social at the Corinthian hall last evening.
Mrs. F. Shultzand Miss Sbultz return
ed last evening from a trip to Vancouver
and Portland.
Mr. George Furry, 01 Seattle, is in the
city, having been subptienaid here as a
witness in a case in the circuit court.
Mr. Cyrus Shepard and Mies Snsan
Down were unite! in marriaire in Ore
gon on July 16, 1837, which completely
contradicts the roster-Brown claim ot
Mixs Catherine Coeswell. the actrem.
who haa been in Euuene several months
on a visit with her ister, lett today for
New York Oty, where she has a profes
sional ergttgetuent.
' . A childrens party was tendered Miss
Georgia Moore last night at the residence
01 1. 31. French, previous to her depart
ure for California. She will take with
her the good wishes of a large number of
school mates.
Mr. Will Lyon arrived in Albany this
noon from Pullman, Wash. Tonight he
will have reason to be happy in leading
to the alter one of Albany's best young
ladies. Miss Nina Galbraitti.
President C. H . Chapman went to
Salem today and tonight will deliver a
lecture before tbe Unity club in that eity
on the comedy ot Shakespeare, "As You
Like It." Guard. Theee lectures are
aaid to be very entertaining, and Albany
lovers ol Shakespeare should secure them
the coming winter.
Mr. J. F. Ilantteuiau, residing beyond
Fosters, was in the city today. Mr.
Hantleman retmlee only ten miles from
where placer tuiuiug ia being carried on
in the bautiaui and twenty-two miles
from the Saatiaui mines, lie re porta a
ruad in contemplation into the tuiuet,
and says one wxiid be built et,ily that
would not be affected by anow in the
winter. I lis section ot the coonty is
building up fast.
Judge Kelaay, of Corvailis, waa 76
years of age Oct. 23. Some of his former
students presented him with 'an um
brella and cane. Tbe Times says that
after the judge bad ex pressed his thsnks,
complimentary speeches were made by
Lieutenant Deotler and J. Fred Yates.
calling attention bhe Judge's record not
only as an Indian war veteran, but as an
advocate at the bar for more than fifty
years , and a judge upon the supreme
bench. Those present were: H. L. Hol-
cate. Lieutenant Dentler, J. Fred Yates,
Joseph If. Wilson, Brady Burnett, A. L.
Mcrsdden and L. V. Eberhart,
a QrauBCrui at am Day rAa-rr.
A party was tendered Mr. Carlton Sox
last evening at the residence of Mr. E.
F. Sox, in honor of his 21st birtbdtv. It
was also n.ade the occasion for rejoicing
ovrr me use ournday 01 .". cuot Irvine,
Miss Mamie Cundiff and Miss OJya
Hewitt, all occurine between Oct, 22 and
Uct. JSt. by whom Mr. Sox was assisted in
entertaining. These four youns Deo Die.
of the same age, have spent most of their
lives ia Albany, hence tbe occasion was
an uncommon one. It waa duly appre
ciated in the good will that prevailed
Interspersed through the sociability of
the evening a program was rendered con
sisting of a piano duel by Mrs. P. A.
Young and Mie Mildred Barmester, rec
itations ty Misaes fcva Suupeon and
Mamie Condiff, a vocal duet by Miss
barmester and Mrs. N uttingnd twenty-
one sentiments ironi sulbore.endinf witb
an original poem on the quartet. A de
licious lunch waa eerved and it was after
midnight when the happy company ad
journed. Tboe present aere: Mi see
Mamie Cuodtff, oiga Hewitt, Flora Ma
son, Lida Galbraitb. Alice Porter, Edna
and Mollis Luper, Ethel and Clara Da
vis. Sadie and Laura McBride, Mattie
Anderann R i lUait- in w .
Nona Irvine, Lena Man-hall, Alma and
Edna Breckenri-Ljv, Nellie Blodgeu, Iaa
McCulloch, Miidred Burmeeter, Anna
Flinn, Helen Crawford, Ins Robertson,
Gertrude Coortarigbt, Hatue Bail.
Edith Smkk, Litiie ILart, LUiel
Redhrld, Mary Williams.Ava Baltimore,
UOie Bailumore, Bertba Ellis, Mae Pol
lock, barah Aithouse, Marv Stewart,
Emma hox, Flo Nutung. Rct. H. L.
litiod, ProL huUicrlorJ, Louis Smick,
LuUwr FJkins. Cariten Sox, S E Irvine,
J C Irvine, Claud Vunk, Stanley and
Edgar Stewart, Freak Steilmeker, LvSe
Speer, John Aitermatt. Mr and Mrs E D
t ueick. Mr snd Mrs FC Avers, Mr and
Mrs W B Peaeuck, Mr and Mrs Ed Biod
gett, Mr snd Mrs Van Wibon. Mr and
Mrs Percy A Young, Mr and Mrs E F
Sox, Mr and Mrs S E Young, Mr and Mrs
L E Blain, Mrs Miller and Mr and Mrs
A Bxas Sroav. Bear stories are al
ssrs readable. Here ia one particularly
eo : A Lake cieek rormpoodent of the
MM ford Monitor gives the fallowing ex
perience of Measrs Han ley. Singer entt
Downing, well known residents of that
section : "Last Friday when riding on a
plateau on the mountain near Mt. Pitt a
small shepherd dog that bad followed
them came rushing tewards them and
immediately at its heels was a she bear.
One of the party, when the bear waa not
more than 15 steps away, drew a 32
Colts revolver and fired, hittinc her: she
turned and after her went the do, Han
ley Slingcr and Downing, crowding ber
so close that she took to a tree, and aa
the bovs parevi under her she sprang
from the tree, nearly knocking Ilanlev
off his borse, but alter her again went
the quartet pressing ber so hard and
their unearthly yells and the nips of the
little dog forced her again to climb a tree
which they surrounded and five shots
from tbe 32 Colts revolver in the hands
of one of the party brought ber to the
ground dead, ever'v shot having taken
effect. Hanlev aad Slinger now have
the hide as evidence and a trophy ot the
New Time Card.
Fallowing 1 Uu new tiaw card
of th
Albany Street Railway:
!be car will leave corner of First
Washington strertayu follow:
4 :30 a. m. for morning overland train.
SK " " lbannn train.
llu'fi " " Yaquina train.
120 noon, train going south.
12:3i p. ra.. Kfwhurg train itorth bouud
and weat bound Yamuna train.
1 Km p. in., O. C & t. train, east bound.
40 ' Lebanon train.
11 -S5 " Overland train going south.
40 " Crphan's Home.
The car will aloe meet all incoming trains
on both the Southern Pacific and O C. It
E. railroad. C. G. Bitrxhart.
Worthy Your Ccnfidcncc.
The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in
conquering scrofula in whatever' way it
may manliest itseii is voucnei lor uy
thousand who were severely afflicted by
this prevalent tlieai, but a ho now re
joice over a permanent cure bv Hood's
Sarsairilla. Scrofula may apiear as
humor, or it may attack the elands of
the neck, or break out in dreadful run
nine sores on the body or limbs. At
tackinir the- mucous membrane, it may
develop into catarrh or lodging in the
lungs lead to consumption, uome as tt
may, a faithful course of treatment with
Hood's arsansrilla will overcome it. for
working upon the foundation of all d ur
eases, impure blood, the system is clar
ified and vitalised, and viitor, strength
and health restored to the body.
E. W. Jot Oomtasy Gentlemen t 1
have taken your Vegetable. Sarsaparilla
and can say I have never seen anything
equal to iu 1 have suffered ten years
?.i , . . . 1 .1., . ....
W1I41 dyspepsia, not living auie to eat
anything but milk and brown bread.
Life was nothing but misery for me.
Now I have a good appetite, eat any
thing I wish, and feel no disagreeable
effects from it, I wish I could tell all
dyspeptics and urge them to try your
Vegetable Sarsaparilla.
(Signed) Ma. John Timothy,
Forbestown, Ca
Wheat, 42o
Oats c
Floor, 12.50
Butter 20s
Egts 12
Lard, l 'J to 15c
Pork ham, IS to 16c ahoulders, 9
Side 1 1 to 13o
Hay Baled $MK
jej's for the waded and
Health, tor all KuUiia.
laaMdafront t
bet ba, and JT T
coauina bo I I
ties tbronKli
proper chan
aela. Joy's
lac ra I y
edlr 1
care Iya.
b r wale
ear partita
raaa tbe
Uw4 of all
l'a i a pari
ti,' aad
Jtf Teg etable
prevsnts Ured fsal
iefs, staggaruig ao
satiaas, paipiauion
ef aaert, nak ot
Wood as tne kead,
llswaeatingini in
ears, aaoej aafoss ths
aaadadia, bit-
sroaia, niaaplas
faea,kWy aad ttmb,
dorliaeafaerve fares
diawy srslls,aatat
rsaiia, oala, tiaauay
fae seal kak. sew
tlttse iabgaa, ia
seaaaia, 4 aU Sia-
ftvoraad kaJaaya"'1'
teya SaaMtao kv
artilaaa4 by a(t
SrirMa, nafaaaa
abatltwaa Wkaa jm
9! tm UtlwaaiW
SHEEP. 130 to let on shares all tnyHh
r or ia smaller lots. Call on i. Y.
rrontman, drayman, Albany Oregon,
WANTED. A reliable, active gentle
man or lady to travel for reliable,
established bmue. Salary $789, payable
$1$ weekly and money advanced for ex
penses. Situation steady. References.
Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope.
n. ai.-c, i reeiaem, Vmcago.
HAT STORAGE for tbe seas . Call
oa M. Senders on Ferry between 1st
andZBlsrs. Albany Ore
PIANO for rest or for
the DaMocaAT office.
Call at
t tv fcig price u paid for qainite
oece, f&3 an eunce. think uf that; new for
eta IJodge Jt Sic Far land wiii ell joq
enoagh to kaotk the malaria from a whole
'f i y - Their atock of good i Srt da
aed Ineir true low. AU caUaaten treatea
keep your ee on thi fact and afco bear ia
mind kat C. E. brow ell will aappiy your
wants is r&e grocery uae creufer :ban any
competitive bouae la tbw city
Farm Loans.
! have a lttmt-d aaonnt cf moaev te
loan oa good farm land ia lino and ad
fiaiff code'y On vers fa'jrsUe terms.
interest parable aanaaJiT- Cell or wnte
at once a u amount I tare for ioanina
will b be note.
Albany, Uregon.
Buy y ;or pejebr
at toe Pj office Gro
Idie wistini treatment for tcalctrccb
or daadra. 1 aui n-ke cpecial reduced
prt'ea, fer 4 weeks only, Louis Viereck.
Fob Saix. A aecond biad lumber wa.
roa srd tcsiebodv ir wood. Icouira to
Sila Cooey or Geo. S. Acbesca.
Far Pore Drugs Dawson's.
fswrvoos Prxmrasaoo.
E. W. Joy Cost AST I have sagejad
from ncrvona proatrstioo from f narvial
losers. Can eav Joy's VegeUble Sarsa-
rarilla has cored me. My liver, stomach
and bowels have been very inactive, bat
since taking Nrr remedy I am entirely
welL All bnsinese men and women
sboald new it. Pleae paMtsh.
(Signen) Ma. W. Hekt Jojob.
Boue Montana
Vae. m w a CaBd. aba a far Caatarkv
waa eVa aaa CaQdkoa. saa awteS
Dr. G. W. Marina, pbyician aad aur
g-os, Albaay Or. Call answered prompt
ly ia city or country.
Hereafter all eoo-bt nurchaaeJ of Jnlini
Gradabol will be delivered free of charge.
00 one win ce aiKraed to nnderseU nim.
!i 1 m w 1 r, hi m vf m w rr$ !ii iimf
k4 KMn-
er awwsts, waiaa in
eaatas. fbei
Don't Get Tired
of talks on Clothing It cant be Helped We've rot to
talk to yoa about clothing, and for your own good too. It
fa never
Played Out, .
The subject its very near our heart anJ rour'a too.raiihl
you, you can afford to buy good ckvhing for you can't
afford to go without that's logic pore and cold. If
Your'e Weary
of hearing about it-attend to it and then it won't fret yoa
any more.
JUST IN New Lines of
They Are
Are You Coming ?
L. E, Blain Clothing Co..
The Leading Clothiers.
01 r
This Week
Sale for
Coaitj Yerrzsti
SeU., KisUb
Physician And Surgecn.
Albany, Oregon-
Treabvthe diseases of the eye and ear.
spectacles accnrately fitted. 2-1
FIR EXCHAXGE. fO acre of im
proved frm land witkia fsdr mike of
Albany, all ia cultivation. iDti&dirg 4
acre of trait, for city reiience rreperty.
J. U. k' -ecey.
Cnakk Block
Albany, Cr
FUlhrg and extracting ei teeth witben
oaln asvecialry
;tnaol Ran bier, on easy tanas. Call
at DsnocaaT oice.
DRESSMAEIXG -A competent dress
maker wiebe a few mere places to
sew bv the dav. Charges reasonable. A
perfect fit guaranteed. 1st street Pearce
block, Room 33.
IF TTUIUm I StrebJ;. lately of Mifl Catr
Oresoa will commosicate wtih Fr.-d
Race South bead. Wa&bincton, ixnrm
tjoa of interest to aaid WiLiam I. fitaaton
will be given.
NOTICE Tie snbarribfr avedosed
tbeir blacksmitb bosii ess i A bany.
All parties indal-ted to then are f-qaes-al
r:and tetUo atcsce, u swy: coots.
KEEPER. ith referenoes. who has
i-ilXO ca?b to loan, for a year on ample e
enrity. aad take steady Oaition as book
keeper and manager, on a salary of $1C0
per month, for a well known, long estab
lished, good pavine cwBpaay at Fort la ni.
Address "L." 706 Marqoam Baiidtai.
Portland, Oregon.
n r rtt m th hi t inti w u i:!tnint?
Black Dress Suits
Boys School Suits
AU Wool rante-in winter weights-2.25 to $3.0.
aaauve ejr'up vi iiK