The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 18, 1895, Image 4

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Attorney a'. Law. Will praeUc In alt court of the
uta. Spatial i ttnlion given to matter in prob-t
aaatoto.ieauon. uniiiii-iDiiii
Attorney at Law Solicitor in Chaooery. Col
Jona mads on ai I point. Loan negotiated on
table term. Albany Oregon
Attorney at Law, Albany. Or.
AI! leal matters will receive promrt at-
ent'on. Office, First National Bank
uildmg, up stain.
Attorneys at Law.
Albany, Oregon.
R. J. I.. HILL.,
Phjdcian and dorjroon, OFFICB Cora
f7 streets. Albany, Oregon.
hitv located In the Daaocatt fllce, eoraer
2nd and Broadalbia streets Albany. Or.
Beats and Collections a specialty.
rs. H. E. and O. K. Beers.
Physicians and sun-eons, post office!
block. Albany, Ore. . Hoars 10 to 12 a. m.
z to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence corner
5th and Calapooia sta. Special attention
given to diseases of women .
Office on Ferry St near cor 8rd St. Offio
hours, 7 to. 9 a m. 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m,
tsoecial attention given to chronic case
and eye diseases. -FMRST
Vloa Preatdent
Caahier ..
ACCOUNTS KEPT abject to -heck.
SIGHT KICHANG K and tel Taphie tram r, aoW
New York, Saa Francisco, Chicago and FwttaaV
.O.-t'flO.'r' ADS 09 tatorabl wbi
Tocaa K .W a
Bunt. L. Fumrt
Caw a a f . Sox.
W. CPICtt v ':.,B tXaKR
or ataaitr. oawsoi..
fRAKSACT general Banking ustne.
DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on New fork, Saa F
-co and Portland, Oragan:
LOAN MONEY on approved s-enrity.
RKCErVB deooait subject toeneca.
OOIAR2TIONS autde oo taryrah.- Lara'
INTK REST paid on time dsxsl
in Yous Own Locauty
made easily and honorably, wlticat capt
al. daring yoor spare hours. Any man
oman, boy, or girl can do the work hand
-T, without experience. Taltins: un-
necessary. Nothing like It for iaaf
making ever offered before. Our workers i
always prosper. No time wasted a
learning thj bushress. We teach yea te
a night bow to succeed from the fir
hour. Ton can make a trial without ea
pciiss to yourself. We start yon, furnisV
everything needed t carry on tbe buy
DUiS srjccessf ai , and gnarantee j.
p gainst lailare if yon at follow vat
fOmplc, plain instrncdons. Beadba", V
you need of ready money, ar
vr?ai to kaow all about the best ravin fc
c-siness-jpefore the public, send ns yo'1 1
aw.tress, and we will mal yen a o.-t.
xueut giving you all the particular
".RUE& CO., Box 400
Augusta Malnda
write letters ? Of course you do, and what
is nicer san gmootn Jetrer paper and envel
opes for easiness corresponding. We make
speeU-tfy of neat commercial stationary.
on saoa! 1 .
of in atom ml sm ths fin q-nlity an
extra lev price. Next time yoa wan
some inquire
Fne a
prompt answer and aa bonest opinion, write to
f 1 1 n k , win nave na nearn
experience in tbe natent bnameaa.
'lonastrlctlveonfidenttal. A liana' bosk of io
fonnation oonoerrjuig Patents and bow to ob
tain them sent free. --'"gT1t ft nrtr-ii-ical
and "dentine books sent free.
Patents taken tbronch Mann A Co. reerrrs
tpecisl notice intbo -Vientifle America a. and
tbna are bronzbt widely before tbe public wlta
mt cort to tbe in Ten tor. This splendid paper,
beaed weekly, elegantly illustrated, baa by fa r tbe
ancee. circulation of any scientific work In tba
world. f3 e year. Sample copies sent free.
Bnlldlni Ertition, monthly, Slio a year. Bintia
eopies. 'ZS eema. Every number eontains bean.
tiltu piaiea, to eolora, and pbotoRrapb of new
fcouaes, vitb pians, enablimr builder to abow tba
jalf-t (ipltrr. and eocure contracta. Address
. CO. Saw roua. 2t Bit WA
to the EAST via the
IMon Pacific System,
Through Pullman Palace sleeper
Tourist sleepers and Kew Reclinin
Chair ears
Trains heated b ,. and cars light
ed by t'intsch Light.
Time to Chicago Z days, time to
New York 1 days, which is many
linnrs quicker than all competitors.
For rates, time-tables and full infor
mation, apply to
CoERK.t & MoNTEiTir, agents, Albany,
jOr. Or
P. W BixTON, C E Bbowh,
Gen'i Agent, Diet Pass Agt
136 Third St, Portland, Or.
Caveu- and Trade-M arlct cbtainea, and all Pat
ent h-sam conducted fur koenTc reca. J
am Km-t i AMiwirf ( t. virmrOmeli
f and we can accur patent w lea toM atiaa Ikas.
. iriujwMw. ......... 6 . m
ttnr. We sd-iae, if patentable ar not. free off
cnaTjre. Our ice not due till nr taot la secareA,
m-Miei . anww, or niou wna ouu id..
A Fancier. "How to Obtr a Patent-,- wtta
nost ot ujae in ths U. & wd Axeiga ooiinuis-i
a agXjgggRgg&UW'''B'n a-a-B-s-Basa-sB-anw waJna-aa-ta)
teat tree. Address,
Opv. Patcmt Orrtce, Washington, ft. C-
TVtih -an 'itf'Al a as &
For Skin Tortured
And Tired
la Om
Application of
itteira :
Bmidt Cnai TuilTHlXT. 'Warm bath
with CtrrtrraA Soap, gentle . applteaUoojof
emctma (ointment), and mild doeee of Otm
ctnu EuoLTurr (the new blood purifier).
eu ia- mtumt tba nU. British Orat T. Stw.
mi asm, I. King Bdwarav. Lojjon. Tam
-Dave an t;a. u?ir pm. rret . e.
TIm rosiest seller on the market for
diseases of the Llver.Kidneysand Con
Pleasant to take bv old or young. No
TKa mnt cf tha Livertne plant is exf en
lively used in Norway for the cure of Piles.
Sold by all first class druggists
Wholesale -aanufactores,
Lebanon, OjJ
Star Baker j
rerSreadalkla smd rirt Sta.
asiBeol Frail fa
((si Heata
11 r leal Frwlln.
1 0 SMl,
CIkat .
everything that is kept in a
good variety and pro
eery store. HigH
en prke paid
Dealers In
: Wheat
and Oats.
We have had more thoroegk training in
all the branches cf insurance loan any
other agent in Albany, and can give you
more genuine insurance for your money
I man any ouwr agent in in city.
Uistnct agents for tbe San. ot London,
established 17t0 A. D, Phoenix, of Lon
don, A- D., 1782 and "Continental.' of
Kew York, the only company issuing a
"Safety Fund Policy. "
M. SENDERS, Co., Mgrs.
Red Crown Milling Co
la now under the managemen Ea
ward Goins, X. II. Allen, Win. L. Vance
E. D. Barrett and Samuel E. Young.wbo
are now prepared to furnish sacks and
Receive Wh?at
on storage, and wiil pay Use highest
market price for the fame.
tember 11, 1895, nnder favorable aus
pices. Regular Collegiate and Aca
demic instruction The Commercial
work wiil be given special attention tnis
year, bucn young men and young la
dies as are looking forward to a business
career should not venture it without lay
ing a good foundation with ns. The
College will also establish a Conserva
tory of Music, under the able and effi
cient management of Prof. Z. M. Parvin.
Unusual facilities offered for students
desiring to become proficient in music.
The Primary Department wiil receive
especial care. Information cheerfully
WALhAtE 11. 1.EK,
is a full assortment of food for man and
beast; also oil meal, gross seed,,
eement aud fertilizers, also Wilhur's Seed
Meal, a sure remedy for the ailmenU of
horses and cows.
Cheap Wflod SawiDg.
Owing to hard times J. N. Coomlis w II
saw wood cheaper than ever. Mixed wot d
twice In two, 35 cents ; oak grub, twice, 41
cents; once in two 30 ccn's; slnt'le cords 40
cent"; cord. 25 centa. OrrW lf at W.
T. Vvor r' trr "-r a ie -ill 'receive
prouit tt tion. -
LADlKS do wit wnr
uk t"e original and only L lENCH , safe and re.
inblvcnrw on lb market. PrioetllUj aaat hf
as-1 Utuiuia oLi unly by ,
J, A. Curcmisg, sale agent, Allan
ehc gemorat.
Somj Cottage Grove people saw a pe
culiar ball of light in the heavens one
night recently. Probably drunk and
saw I lie moon while walking a rail fence.
The one aim of every business man is
to make Bales. The one aim of adver
Using is to bring business. The odb
kind of advertising that succeeds is the
ghtkind. That is the newspaper.
An exchange heads a marriage item
two made one." That may have been
tbe style yeais ago but nowaday! under
t ie new woman eta it is two made two.
All those old binding things like "obey"
havebeen dropped, ar.d a married
couple generally occupies two chairs-
"Instead of colds coming from atmos
pheric changes, as people generally sup
pose," says a note J physician, "tbey
generally originate, in my opinion, by
breathing impure air. Ninety-nine per
cent, of what are termed colds are noth
ing more nor lees than the poisoning of
thft mucous membrane ly bad air."
The San Franc'eco Examiner offers a
price of $1003 to the person guessing
nearest the number of words in the 32
pige Extminer of October 20, each
guesser being obliged to send the guess
on three coupon, from three different
Sunday papers. The Pcmocrat man
has made his gness and is already figur
ing on what he will do with the money
wheu he gets it.
Geo. W. Cable, novelist, electritied
a Sunday-school class of pretty little
girls by telling them that he bad three
children at home, half of them girls!
Rapidly scrambling through their mental I
arithmetic they fairly rost.ed with sur
prise at the startling sta lament and
then beard with an acJible sigh of relief
his explanation that the other half were
girls, too.
A caat gun built by Krnpp, when
being tested at; the Meppen proving
grounds recently, threw the project 65,
616 feet, or nearly thirteen miles, the
gua having an elevation of forty- four
degrees. ' The projectile weighed 474
pounds, tbe charge of powder 253 pounds
is, giving an initial velocity of 2099 feet
It is estimated that the projectile reached
aaatitudeof 21,456 feet, and its flight
occupied 7J.2.eecond,
If English dukes propcwe to marry all
of the American heireeees how will it do
for some American to marry some Eng
lish heiress in revenge. That would be
a maater.atroke for a fellow like Corbelt
But the men have two much sense Tot
that. It seerrs to be the women who do
such things. For instance, while white
men will cot marry Chinawomen there
ara plenty of women who will marry
Ccinamen. Ditto it, the case of negroes
A study of the military records of Eu
rope proves t&at in low me average
hiight of man was S feet 9 inches. Dar
in the fo'.lo ing 100 years this average
decreased to 5 feet 7' inches la 11QQ
the average was only i feet 6 inches, and
in 1S20 it was but 6 feet t -inches. At
the present time it is but i feit 3, it cbes-
From these data, a certain eibnoiogiats
have concluded that by tbe year 4t iba
human race will be a degenerated lot of
dwarfs Ex.
An eastern paper says :
Some farmers in Seneca Count-S. Y.
find their grape crop so plentiful and so
low pi iced that they will not harvest it.
Tber open their vineyards to all bo
wish grspee.aod tell them to help them
selves. ixw as gTapes are, however, it
is probable that a niaiket could be found
tor them at paying ra'es it railroad
freights were not so excessive. Tbe re
are many people doing without 'this
fruit wbo would be benefited by lid t.iey
could baye plenty of it. There is not too
much good frail of any kind in this
country. All that is ceedej is to enable
it to be brought where tbe people live
who cannot grow such fruit. There is
only a limited section where such grapes
can be grown as are grown in tbe grape
reagon of western tw Vork.
Two traveling met wbo were at tbe
Hotel Pendleton Monday evening were
"talking shop," and in tbe conrte of
their conversation cte of them said ;
"I have never seen competition on the
coast so keen as it is jot now. Duriog
the past six months our bouse has been
compelled to do more hustling than ever
before in hold its trade. It was not so
bad during the two years preceding the
six months, but aiace business has re
vived the wholesalers ha-ye been push
ing out for trade, and the man who sells
goods most get a wonderful move or
hi itself. The other day I was in Walla
Walla and there were ehcht grocerymen
of ns in town, making life miserable or
pleasant according to how you look ct it.
There wasn't uiiicb chance for a sleepy
man that dar, and I nter lived in a
josh house either." Pendleton f.. Q.
In New York city there are about 090
venders of sawdast, having a capital of
$200,000 invest!, and doing a business
12 000,000 annually. Forty years ago
tbe mills were glad to have sawdost cart
ed away ; twenty-five years ago it could
be bought for 50 cents a load : now it
brings S3 50 a load at the mills. It is
used at hotels, eating houses, groceiies
and other business places. It is wet and
spread oyer floors in order to make the
s eepirg cleaner work. Plumbers nee
it a great deal about pipes and buildings
to deaden the walla and fl-jorp, Soda
water men and packer of glass and
small articles of every kind use it, and
dolls are stuffed with it. Yellow pine
makes tbe beet sawdust, as it is the
least dustv and Las a pungent, healthy
smell. Bet any light wood will do.
Black walnnt sawdust will not sell and
is burned-
The Cor vail Ts Times says some of its
subscribers have been getting mad be
cause dunned. That is not the expert
ence of the Dxmocbat. It sends om
statement t once or twice a year, and al
most universally the fact is treated cou:t,
eouelT. Iu many rases it is a favor to
the receiver. The Tiroes among other
comments on the subject says: News
papers, legitimately conducted like any
other business must pay for what thev
get, and are entitled to pay for the ser
vice they render. The Time happens
to be a paper of the sort that p.ty lor
what it gets, and it expett pay for what
others get from it. Printers must be
paid.for strange to say, they eat victual-,
weai clothes and have necessities just
the same as the rest of hnmanuy. The
paper on which the Times is printed
don't drop drtrn as mnnnit frmn lit avert,
out comes out of a paper uctory i
takes gold in big lunii i to buy 1 Rent,
light, wood and water are necessities in
a newspaper office.
Bismarchaia cold.
W here Is 8y Wetter Pennoyer ?
Gen. Mahone died at Washington on
Gov. Culberson
belt now.
certainly wears the
Patriotism nowadays
spelled pay triotiam.
is frequently
One live man is often a tower
strength in building up a town.
That Syndicate made a clear profit of
$3,093,025, a pretty good 'peculation.
Grover Cleveland should come to the
Northwest if he wants to do some fish
ing that is fishing.
Most people say there is an improve
ment in times, not a big one, but a
steady, reliable one.
It does one good to read a Klamath
Falls paper, for in it wheat is quoted at
00 cenu. That sounds well at least.
The pot is being put on for (be city
election, to take place the first of De
cember. It promises to boil in a lively
' A first street business man has given
out a eoattndruni, the answer to which
is, ''because there is a thief on each side
of him." The conundrum can te guet
It is ridiculous to rati any one a pop
ulUt because one favors bi-metalism.
Ui-meta'.isai was the rulo previous to
1873, years before the populists were
heard from. It is decidedly a democrat
ic doctrine.
The new state bouse in Khode Inland
is being built of Georgia maple, which
is not good enough for Georgia, which
is building a state bouse of Indiana
stone. People like to send away for
things, yoo.e.
Illinois boaau of a pnoipkin viae ,132
feet long with tjenty seven pumpkin
on it. Lets bear troin tbe ASbiauJ
ridings, also on the potato question, no
U g repodltaa tbeCaloradtJ ne nelh
ing 8o pounds having been reported
from there.
The murderer of Frank Lena, tbe bicy
clist, baa not been revenged. One of
ot Lena's cards given tbe DnuocaaT when
ha passed through here in Nov. 1S92 is a
reminder ot tbe fact, that bis murder if
ever found ought to be hanged to the
highest tree.
Pr. Patkhora, wbo haa been pretend
ing to be reformer, is swallowing Tom
Plait. Ihi DsMocaiT editor heard him
peak about twenty -five years ago. tie
was a ptetiy sensible kind of a man then ;
but be haa been degenerating until now
he is a boss and demagogue.
General Grant and Jefferson Davis
were cousin. Grant'e middle came was
Simpson. Grant's mother was Mitt
UannaJ Sipipeon, daughter of John
Simpson, and granddaughter ot Wiilium
Simpeon, ot Buc't county. Pa. John
Pvis married Ann Simpson, John Davis
gnd Jefferson Davis were from the some
family tree, and Grant's moh.r and
John Davis vi'e, Ann Simpeon, were
from tbe tame tree. Though bo'.b tbe
Ursa: and Davis character" are aui gen
eris, tbe blood of the Simpsons and o!
many other good people aoorsed and
courses through the veins ttf each. There
are mere than 600 descendants in the
United States at the present time, ho
are about equally related to Ge-eral
Grant and Jefferson Davis. Ex
Mary Walker, aava a dispatch from
Oswego, V,. has bought a tar-a con
taining ISA aarea of land wven mi'-et
west ot that city and prrpoaea o farm a
colony in which man bat no part. Only
emalea wbo will biod themielvs to a
life ot celibacy while members ct the
eomaaanity and to wear bloomers for life
are to be eligible They will work the
farm in all its detail, plant and harvet
tbe crops, dispose of them in market and
take care of the etocx. Geveral acres of
land bare been ue-l in raising the fa
mous Oswego cr.'nnty strawberries.
Thee is a fine apple orchard, several
hunerrd pear trees and fonr acres to a
vineyard. t a a beautiful plce, and
unless all plaes ".twill be a perfect
garden of Eden.ltut ai'hont an Adam.
these are the roles far treating d;
pepeia as prepared by the officer ol
Anti-Sedentary cldb of New York:
."'Never eat a meat when you are tired.
Ei'her ait down or lie down ten or fif
teen minutes to rest before eating, if
you have been walking pr doing any
thing of an exciting nature, Ha'.f of the
Cases of dyspepsia are due to nervous de
bi.ity. Eggs, if eaten three times a day
for any length of time, wiil produce bll
icojnets and often dyspepsia. Never
goto bed with poldfeet. Gentle exer
cise before retiring is coadaoive to sweet
slumber and a healthy digestion. Exer
cise a little before breax'ast ami never
eat oatmeal wilh so-ir cream. Avoid
stimulants, for thsy only give a false ap
petite and no relief. Do not swallow
tee water hastily. Better not nse ice
water at all. Never eat in a hurry.
Avoid quick lunchee. Exercise moder
ately every day in the open air and
healthy digestion will drive away dys
pepsia.'' Ti e report of Ih j adjutant general td
the Grand Army at louisville shows
that there were 3y7W names on the
muster-roll of that Qrganijca'lou on 30th
of lastjnne. As the membership re
ported for June 30th, 1894. was 371,553.
there has been a loss in membership in
one year of 13,010. This is not so large
a U3S as was given for the previous
twelve monll.r, which was 25,078, but at
a steady decline has been shown in the
Inst five reports, this feature of the
Grand Army reports has doubtless be
come permsnent. The organisation
reached it largest membership in l&tK),
when 409,489 names fare on the muster
rolls. For ?i years it had grown stead
ily apd then the recession began which
will continue until the last member Is
mnstered on the camping ground.
The beet attainable information shows
that about nn half ot the men recruit
ad lor the Union armies efill survive.
The nnmlx-r o men rnlirted during the
w.i- ii mpt'Ofed to have been a little less
In excess ot 2,000,000. and as 400,000 of
tieae died In the service and after dis
charge hut before the war ended, ar.d
60(1,000 have died dining the past 30
years, th re are probably now about 1,-
000,000 men surviving who took pnrt in
the war. The average nge of the ex r in 1803 was about 20 years,
I which would
make the average age of
' veterans now about 60 yer.--Ext
It is bad enough to be a murderer.
That is the arme of badness. Perhaps
one of the worst murderers in the his
tory cf the U. 8. is he who killed Blanche
Lamont and Minnie Willlstus. There is
no doubt that Durrant Is the man. Dur
ing the week the man has been on the
stand himself, and it is very plain that
besides being a murderer without a
conscience he is alio the biggest and
most unmitigated liar in the world. lie
should have been kept off the stand.
Speaking of murders Linn county will
havea'very peculiar rase-to deal with
at the next term of court, that of Mrs.
Hannah for the murder of Mrs. fliatt.
In the t'ig cities nowadays the papers
are the most aggressivu prosecutor of
criminal, particularly, where the evi
dence is sgainst the defendant, and
some of the best evidence is furnished
by the papers- In interior town the
papers genei ally dislike taking a course
that -rill prejudice the public so as to
make it difficult to get a jary. It is the
provioce of the paper though to give the
news, rite tacts in tbe Hannah case
will not all come out until the trial ; bnt
evidence is being gotten that points
s'rong'y towards Mrs Hannah. The
bullet in Mrs. Miatt'a head is Slid to Ot
the revolve, found on Mrs. Hannah. A
pair of Mrs. Hannah's shoe, matched th
tracks made by the murderer, undoubt
edly those of a woman; the site of tbe
person is said to be that of Mrs, Han
nah ; Mrs. Ilannah was a ay from home
that night; the hat found belonged to a
Hannah boy, etc. AH theee things if
pr-ven make a strong chain "f evidence.
Bat this is on'y one side. The onus ot
proof is cn the prosecution, and it will
have to be strong, particularly against a
woman. v as Mrs. Hannah jealous, and
did she have occasion to be Jealons; had
she been re ceivinj insinuating letters
from ananymoua burybsdies, etc., will
be questions to he answered. Tbe mur
der watev:dantly a deliberate one, that
is. the pretended bo it-keeper went to
the house ot Mrs. I'olman for that pur
pose. Ail these things make a raucb
more interesting rae thaa if the evi
dence ere direct.
The Dkmocbt ha read this week
that Amelia Rives Chandler, tbe au -
thoress, is getting a divorce from her
husband Her husband is to be con
gratulated. The Dsmocsat once read
one of her stories, full ot kisses from be
ginning to end and it was easy to guess
that tbe anibor of aucb a book bad a
frivolous heart. Most literary people
are poor life companions. If yoa want
to be happy never marry aa author at
authores. Draw the line with editors.
But never jnarry for the take of mar
rying. Take yoor lime. Don't do like
tbe coup'e back Eat. They married on
nothing and the wife committed suicide
in five or tix months on account ot their
It it the Daaocatr's verdict that times
are better thaa a year ago, that is, that
most businesses have improved, that
there ia more confidence and that the
tsndeury ia opward- ! is slow, though.
$20 pietH are not foua 1 on the corner.
It takes a hundred toot ladder tj reach
one, but nevertheless there is a silver
lining to tbe cloud. There are pessi
miste, thtcsh, who think every thing is
going to smash ciota lute, and that every
tiling ia so bid the world ill come to
an end soon
peakinj of the world coming to aa
end. it it very loo'-ish for people to wrack
their b-aint fibrin on that point. The
best way is to be about tbe Masters bu
siness, dio tsmeihing to help hamani-
ty, pouring oat tbt milk of huajaa kind
ness, dealicg fairly a itii all men. and
let tbe end of the world iJea,tske care cf
itself. Aleayi be ready, to that it will
Sod you at the post ot duty doing noth
iog yoa will be asbamej of.
The Stale fair.
The Dxmocbat believe ia slate fairs,
and would like to see Oregon's a tueee.
A a matter ot fact it i probacy more
i,f a success than many admit, and yet
U is not what it !ou!d be. Hi Ore
gon City Enterprlt locks at it thit way:
To an observing person it cannot but
be seen that the Ore 40a stats fair it in
its dec! ice. Each year, in spite ii the
best efforts tf the management, the ex
hibit au i altca lenc become em t ier
unlit it is no longer an indnstra' nr f
nancial suce. The era for fairs all
over the United Sta'es feenii to b- past. world's fair was the rn'm'nat-on of
the t pi 'i -of riralry and r da that . a
to sustain fairs; and sine the close of
that gratUst of all eff irts t'ie Interest ih
thettnvl Iocs! tairt ha a!eai-v decreas
ed. Fro-n ths best information obtain
able there ha not been a fair in the
United S ates thi year that he leen
( aucces and eqalled the intere-t that
such fain )n former years maintain
ed. Hit Aineric tn people are quick, emo
tional people, and they soon lire of a
diversion and war. I aoinelh'ng new.
Bisebitll and several other fads have
iad,' da.', and the farm and factory
exhibit-i having ceatad to be a drawing
card, horsa racing was made to I- a
lead in. feature of the mo Urn fair; vet
that now U ceasing to draw. Thera-i'ig
'aature has dvioled into a gainblio.'
device in which the f attest, hoisa tel. loin
wins, aud tbe evil effects of Hih pool
room and its attendant crowd of disrpn
ab'e and dishonest thoqgM, has driven
decent people away from thi Mce.
Another fealora in the deolii.a ot the
fairs is that year after year her U little
variation in their program) ; the public
have tired of them and are no seeking
other diversion. The Portland expo
sition it suffering from thit nail cause
The exposition is fully up to the average,
and haa in toy att nation ; ret to the ma
jority of the people thesa attrantions are
no longer an interest, tor they are
similar to what has been seen at foimer
expositions. Eithtr there will have to
be a radical change in the ina'av up of
our fairs and expositions or thev a ill be
forced to suspend by the restless rreire
of th peopU for new diversion and ea
With tbe failure of the state fair t.
accomplish the object for which it was
established, the 13,000 given to it by the
state each year it wasted. This, with
the amount given to the district fairs,
making a total of 10,000 a year that .he
taxpayers have got In d' ". anil the
return they ri:eiv0 for this hard earned
moner is ve.-y small indeed, Itwmild
be far better and be of more advantage
to he agricultural and manufacturing
interests of fhe s'ate if thi tl0,G0 wae
expended on the high way each year.
'A hi-ker that ore preniuturely gray or
faded should bo colored to prevent the Took
of age, and mickingham's dye excels
others in coloring broa-n or black.
Durrant has been on the' stand and
gives the version anticipated. He was at
the lecture. He fixed the gas, was suffo
cated. He knew King was playing, etc.
Sneaking of the finding of coal at La
comb the Scio Press significantly says:
Several of our citizens have had exper
ience in Lacomb coal mines. In fact we
believe we have some 20,000 shares of
the stock ourselves.
A young man and his wife appeared
before the county clerk yesterday in re
sponse to tbe postal of the aeseesor in
forming him that he had been placed on
the military list. He didn't like the idea
very much, particularly hid young wife,
of going into the army. A short expla
nation roaue mailers an right.
The supreme court has just held that
the bondsmen of Geo. E. Bloomer, the
defaulting county treasurer of Jackson
county, did not have to pay. Well,
whata the use of having bondsmen if
they are not to lie bound and are to get
off on technicalities.
Upon the urgent reoueet of the citi
zens of McMinnville lion. Binger Her
mann spoke in that city last night and
no doubt satisfactorily told what will be
done for Yamhill river, along the banks
ot which the citizens are urgently de
manding a deepening of the river. Mr.
Hermann is easily urged nowadays.
When he goes to Washington he will not
lie home until after the June election.
He is now very sagaciously doing work
for next year.
Every little irregularity or mistake
nowadava means a lay off or dismissal
from service, no matter how faithful an
employe a man has been or how long he
has served, loung tiau some trouble
with Billy Goldman, a drummer, at this
place recently, and Goldman had a war
rant sworn nut for his arrest (or assault,
but there are not manv wbo believe that
this incident had anything to do with bis
discharge. There i a good deal ot feel
ing against Goldman, some going so far
as to charge him w iKi being a spotter. Review. The Democrat does
not believe Goldman had anything to do
with the discharge ot any ot the con
Watson, of Sitaon, formerly connected
with tbe geological survey service, ears
the hhasta Courier, hai a special contract
to take a lady up to the summit of Mt.
Miacia on horseback, and have ner and
the horse photographed there. For this
service he is to receive (500, and he is
determined to get the coin. Tbe lady to
go up is Selected, and witnesitea are to be
taken alocg to make affidavit that tbe
rode all the way up. Wateon it familiar
with tbe mountain, but will not go up on
me Mason side.
Portland by all means should have a
curlew taw. ne recent item in tue
DxiforaAT about Albany's curfew law
with tbe printed conjenl crenared bv
Marshal Lee has been oopieVl in many uf
tbe valley papers. Jue iuegiain com
menung oo it ears ! i.unr ring at
:30p. m. in Albany, Or and all boya
lound on the street alter ttiat hoar are
arreeted it they are not able to prove
that their absence from home is with
parental sanction. This curfew ordi
nance is a good tfainr, een if it does
hamper the city with responsibilities
that should be carried alone by tbe nat
ural guardians of youth. In this big city
ot Portland, where nocturnal vice is
much more open and flagrant than in
Albany, boya of tender year and in
preasionable minds are to be seen at all
hours and in all torta ot objectionable
place, and the police are without au
thority to reecne them from the danger
to soul and body in which parental neg
ligence has placed them. At Portland
is rt rangier than Albany in U-m rotation to
commit wickedneea. its need ol a enrfea
Ijjw it proportionately greater,
A diapatch from FlalbrookviKe, Peon.,
tells the following:
Partner Lewis Beam says that be de
tected a eey.-n-toot tU-cktnake stealing
egg! from hi old speckled tea's boadotr
He killed the thief. He aayt U at an
autopsy of the diahooett reptile revea'ed
the presence of half a dcxen ch.aa neat
eg gt inside of the tnaif . He alto eaya
that two lit thick wic aboat to peck
their m ay out of a couple ot rggt that had
1) -en swallowed by tbe snake, the pro
6e of incubation, having been carried
ea by lb inUanal drpar'taeot ot the
repli:e. Up went the protest flag.
Belter ruadt it what we want in Ore
gon. Let e.-ery cointy coart in tbit
state de some ruttiiitg in the line of bet
ter roattsj well rounded roads, full of
compact gravel, McAJsiu roads if possi
ble, roalt that w ill dry quickly and in
w hich a team will ocjI be loot when the
muddr )0 ucco's.
$100 Eeward, $100.
Tfc ts-A-i of tht paper w21 be plea-ej t
Vara that tber is at lea on- dreaded dlnea-w
trrstsca-acw haa been aoe w care ia aU tw.
yry sod taaA i Catarrh. H Ail's Cat r-
tr-1 the only -kwiu.-w ear bow known
trie a-aJirai trateraul'. Catarra being a eoa
SthaUcnal disease, reqwire a roaatitatAmat
Ire-latent. Hail . Cat a.-r fore la Lakrn Inler
tallr, ecUof directly upon ib blood and isa-
boos snrfacr of lb srstetn. tber-by deer.-OTTnsf
toe foaadalion of lb dtseaae, aasf c-iny thf
Latitat atresctli br tmiidincep tbecOfMUtutlea
Sad aast-UBg natarw la doing I La work. Thw
proprietor hsv so mucn latin la It ctiraitrt
tower, , that tasy odor Om itiodnd Dolla-a
Ins any ea-w that It taiia ta otrs. gawd V
li-i of ta-aimAiiala.
tMr, f. J. t HKSKT ACO-i T-4e,0.
arnl. tf Dras-sr
bm its a big advantage to him to wear
well laundried shirts and nndeniothing.
The Albany Steam Laundrv, Richanls A
Phillips proprietors, uake a specialty of
gentleuiena work. Free pending for
men besides the first class laundry wora.
A superior high gioea finish totlnrta,
collars, cuffs, etc.
Julius Grndwoiif Will Give, You
the ffest Uarf-ains in the City.
I wish to iqform tho pubU: that I wil
reduce my large stqck ?' crockery, glass
ware, China ware and silver ware, and
will eel) out my entire stock of holiday
goods at coet. What I say I mean. Come
in and pie my goods and I will prove
to you that I ii) not deceiving yon, but
mean busineaa. . J, GaAuwoiit;
E. W. Jov Company Gentlemen : I
have taken your Vegetable Sarsaparilla
and can say I have never seen anything
equal to it. I have suffered ten years
wtlh dyspepsia, not being able to eat
anything but YnBk and brown bread.
Life was nothing but -i)isrry for me.
Now I have a good appetite, eat any
thing I wish, and feel no diaagreoable
effects from it. I wiah I could tell all
dyspeptics and urge them to try your
egetable Sarsaparilla.
(Signed) Ma. Jonie Timovhv,
Forb.'itown, Ca
BR AM WELL. On Monday, Oct. 7,
18U5, at his home above Rowland,
James Henry Bramwell.aged 82 years;
The decease is an old pioneer resident
of Brownsville, having followed the car
penter's trade while here. Yjmcf. :
SMITH. At her home pear Browne
yille.qo Thursday, Oct. 1.0, fS9o,Leptis
(aiiiito, aged 13 yearg.
The deouaaed it the daugjitr of Vf. B.
Smith, of Brownsville,
IRVISK -In McMinville. cn Thursday,
Oc 10, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. If.
Irvine a bov.
A girl and boy now furnish uioiio for
the Irvine home.
Married, on October th, at the resi
dence of Daniel Hart, M r. E. G. Ma rea
son and Miss Lutitia Hat, both of Linn
county, Rev. C. It. Lamar officiating.
Mr. Eldridg3, who now has a bakery
in H trrisburg, will soon move to Leban
on and open a bakery here. A bakery
ought to do well in this place.
Some freighting by team was done be
tween this place and Portland recently.
Tbe South b.ys and Margason boys
hauled their flax crops to Portland and
brought back with them six tons of salt
for B. M. Donaca.
Jas. Munsey, a former well-known res
ident of this place.died in Portland a few
days ago. lie had an attack of fever and
had recovered so as to be able to be out,
when he hail a relapse, which proved fa
Mr. Itindman and Mies Martha Has
lett and Ida llindman arrived the first of
the week from Camp Polk, Crook county.
Mr. llindman wia soon return to t hat
place and spend the winter there. Ad
vance. Tkilbv Xo work of fiction of tbe
present day haa attracted more attention
than Trilby, so much bo that there are
Triihy everything, hence it wa. not sur
prising to see tbe opera house packed
last night on the presentation of the
dramatizotion of tbe story. Tbe Pay tons
put it on in good shape, receiving com
pliments lor the excellent work done.
Miss Lucy as Trilby displayed an excel
lent conception of this difficult part. Mr.
Payton, as in all bis acting did splendid
work as Svengali, the moet unique char
acter in modern fiction. Miss Vina
Payton represented Little Billie well and
the other parts were sustained in a cred
itable manner.
Fanchon the Cricket was presented
this afternoon and the Octoroon will be
given tonight. The company will leave
on Monday lor ban r ranciaco by way ol
A 290 WeDDtxo. During the latter
part of Last month requisition paper
were tsaued on the governor ot Minne
sota for tbe turning over to the officer
sent from this state. Lieutenant Henry
Lueraaon, O. N. G.. who was wanted at
Roeeburg for the crimeof seduction. The
papers were properly served and Loere-
on wa brought back to Oregon. lie.
was put on tbe train and started for
Koeebury. tbe scene of bis crime, and
where resided the victim of bis wile
When arrested Luersaon signified his
willingness to return and marry the girl,
ts he knew that was Lis only way out of
the difficulty. Tbe train waa Umnled at
Drains, a station thit tide of Roeeburg,
by the young ladv and her father, Rev.
Buck ner, and while en route to the Utter
city tbe couple were married, the father
performing the ceremony. The affair
cost tbe state ot Oregon ti0. Poet.
Ix Gooo Hasps. The executive com
mittee of the Soldiers' Home today aud
ited expense bill of that institution
amounting to (750.23. At the quarterly
meeting, in Roeeburg la-t week, (.15.43
in billa were peeved upon, making the
total expenditure forSetrtember, (V76.71.
l.Ms uicludea the travtelmz expense of
the committee to and from Hoeeburg.
There are now US inmate of the Home.
Bv virtue of United & tales statute pro
viding for the maintenance of veterans
kept in a home protided V-y a state,
aboeit 50 of theee are entitled to (100 per
annum. Tbe expense to far baa teen
sept wiuiin tree liuwi per month appro
priation, and the committee expert to
preserve unueed the government fundi to
tbe end of the year. This wiil leave a
stipend of about (-3000, with which a hos
pital for the borne aui probablv be built.
wa "
A Foot Ranr Exctixs THiM. Drjwns
vi lie aetmt to be tbe lit rsxrinz center
of tbe valley. The Times save : A num
ber ol our port-loving alliens bare been
availing themtelres ot the opportunity
to make a fortune, afforded them bv the
race between Harry Metcalf and Riley
Cook. More than ( 100 a.-iie Iiati alreadv
been wsjrered oa the cult,and it it more
than probable that this amount will be
doubted. The race it scheduled for Sat
urday afternoon. Oct. 19. We have been
informed that Uook ba been tent to Cor
vallia to be trained, and that efforts are
being made to have Trirrecome Lore and
do the training act tor Metcaif.
A Goon Asr. Dr. J.W.Geary took
a spin this week to the Blue river mines.
where he has an interest in a ledge, tor
bis own e-ati-iartion, be selected about an
avenge quantity cf ore from the
dump and had an assav made on it. Tie
assayer in tnaking bis report placed the
amount per loo at fJ6. 11 is free milling
ore ana in large deposit, me lfr. 1
very hopeful of great reatills from hit
mining priority, Uar.Uburg Review,
A Sr-aixraa. Last evening afarcbal
Lee arreeted a tramp, or rather was
about to conduct him out of tar utr a ad
send him smith, when tbe fellow end
denly took leg bail and made one of the
laset runt down First street ever seen.
It wa afterwards learned that he bad
stolen a hat at the Charles belonging
to henrv Kers, engineer at the brewery,
to Marshal Le hunted him up and put
the hand cuff on htm at tbe depot. The
fellow gave a "disireee" sign to Mr,
Kert. and he refused to proeecute him
and besides made him a present oi the
tiat, ana be was rent lrom the city.
The Modern Beauty
Thrive on fo-ti food and anb:ne, with
plenty of exuviae in Ue etn air. Hey
Iwm glows with healtt. and ber face
bloom with its beauty. It her svttem
need the cleaning action ol a laxative rem
edy, sue nse the jreti'Je and p'etnt liquid
ax tire Syiop'of fig.
When a pcrx n is looking fietdi and wast
tngaway there icanef-r alarm. Netting
to worries a physician. Cooomptive
woo Id D-ver die if they could regain their
usnal weight. In fa t there would be no
consumption f there vft no wasting- cf
t ie st stem. The cauae of this lost c-f flesh
is a tail- re to pro.t-rlv dige-t the food
eaten. Nine-tenths of al our diseaee
date bacc lo some derangement f the atom
aci. 1 be Shaker ligetive e.'ord a will
stop this waatina of the twdy. It act by
canting the food we eat to lie digested so
aa to 00 good, for undigested food does
more harm t ban good Tbe Cordial con
tains food alnMdy digested and a digter
of food a well.
Every mother hate to make ber children
take Castor Oil. Laxol is sweet Castor
A Timely Reminder.
Each season forces upon our considera
tion ita own peculiar perils to health.
The aui vent of fall find manv reduced in
strength and vigor, poorlv prepared to
nrau-'i' ie Business pi uie. 1 no stom
ach and bowels, the great highway of
animal economy, is especially liable to
disorder in the fall. 1 The nervous svs-
em haa also tunered in the struggle. Ty
phoid fever qnd maiaria in particular
find in the full that combination of earth.
air and water that mark this season as
especially dongerour. The falling leaves,
the decaying vegetables, contribute their
share of contamnation. Hood's Sarsa
parilla furnishes a most valuable safe
guard at theee important points, and
should be used in the fall before serious
eickness haa laid yon low.
Wnert Baby waa akk, we re-- h.-
wTieashe was a C-1W, aba cried tor Caatorla.
When ho bream. Silas, ah chiog to Cstoria.
WWen ) had gaverWn Catorta
High Vrf Custom Tailoring.
Besidet hia resiilar businnsa W. K.
Graham is prepare to take orders for
an tg.-wiii tailoring oy a leatimg
house in New York, nnlv
employed and first class work guaranteed.
411 kinds of garment! made from the
neat litis of samples ever seen in Al
bany, a fact easily appreciated by an ex
amination of the sample book. Suits lrom
(16 up.
Karl' Clover Koot.tne great nlood pu
Ifier give frethneta and c eames to it.
complexion and cures 'constipation, a-c
oc, 1.00, Fothay A Mason Agents.
" far Waahlaslwa.
B-jzzABD'f. Bav. Mast., Oct. 11. There
it absolutely nothing in th6 report circu
lated lata last night that President Cleve
land bad been assassinated. The presi
dent and Private Secretary Thorber left at
5:30 o'clock tonight on board tbe Oneida,
Commodore E. C. Benedict 'a steam yacht,
bi & arrived here yeaterdty for tbe pur
poae of taking tbe president to Washing
ton . With favorable weather the party
sho-jld reach there Monday. Mrs. Cleve
land and children leave Gray Gable for
the White House next week.
Tbe atlaak.
Xew Youk,0ct. II. BradstreeU't to
morrow will say:
Cooler weather has stimulated a season
able demand for dry guods, millinery and
clotaing, and jobbers in tbeae line in all
parts ot the count. 7 feci tbe improvement.
relatively, toe moat general demand baa
been made at tbe South, where in improve-
me nt is reported in ail line. I oterior mer-
rnanu are placing more liberal orders than
lor several years, and the large distribu
ting centers report sale of a-ood to the
cotton belt, and collections therefrom ex
ceptionally tree.
Intro Jew teaaealaa tallies".
UwsTaariHoPLi!, O. 11. It it stated
on autbonty that tbe total killed, wound-
ea ana miaeing Armenian up to date,
Vrl recent nprt-iLg, u over
Additiooa! advices today from Trebi-
xoria, Armenia, show that Maaxulmans at
tacked the C'bnctian quarb-r of that town
ana xniei manp Armenunt. Otberi
sought refuge ouuide. The Kaaoixn gor-
"uu"' u aeciuea to tend a warship to
Vlhsleaale Pwlawwta;.
Carta! a. Shaly. Oct. 11. A woman
known aa Gaeatoa Stomoli baa been arrest
ed here for the wholesale poisoning of
children with vbwpborus. She adminia
tered tbe poisoa by mixing it with wine
and prevailing upon tbe children to drink
1- Her victims already number 23. Ilia
fated that they died in fearful aaoov.
Tbe woman baa oonfessed to having com
muted the hd. and offered aa am exnlana.
ticn that be wanted revenge for tbe death
of her twj children, wbo had been be
witched. A crowd of peoj le attempted to
lynch the woman, and acre prevented with
gTCa. UlUlCUiiy.
" a Caw are.
NtW YoBK. OcL 11 A rem t -.;.
ed wide circa lation Ihrcugh the coon try
at aa early hour til (Frwiayl mornieg
UAt l'restdent Cleveland bad been aa-assi-nated
at his borne at Gray GaVles, near
flozzaid't bay.
1. ii impoattibte to ctablih telegraphic
or teN phonic communication with the
Cleveland borne this early in tne aiorcing
Lieutenant Cunutock. wh is in charge of
the New Bedford police etaUoet, said:
"! have beard twtbicg of the report .and.
to tbe bet cf raj knew led,", tte raxcr is
.. Will u0 It.
Hot Srarec. Oct. 10. After having
opened court tci morrung. Judge Daffy
aked for hherif Hanpt. .be judge stat
ed to bim that be bad been informed that
aa attempt would be made to bring tbe
CotbeU-l itzrimraons fight ol in Hot
Spring, and be wished to call his atlen-
tioo to tbe fact that both principal would
be breaking tbe laws of tbe state and out
raging the dignity ot the stele of Arkaa
saa. rbe jodge stated to Mr Haapt thai
be bad a right to call a posse comitate
and that it would b a vtoikuoa of the law
for a eitirn o i'.ed anon to refuse to re
spoo 1
A slant asj tet4 .
WASHtsoTOS, Oct 10. Judge Brady,
of the district rcprene coort. tcdiy order
ed the dich-rge from custody of taptaia
lieoree A. Artaes, arrested on the order of
fAeoteoAfit-Getteral Scnoaeld n before
tbe Litter' recrement from Use com maud
of the army, for baving wnttea him aa in
soltioy lerer- JatljT? Bradley cbaracter
tzad tne action of U-e ld genera! a un
lawful, tirasiiical an& nr-icio3. The
jodse-adrocate geoerai't oSie of tbe war
derw-tmest has deermiced to take aa ap
peal from tbe decision of Jadare iiradiey.
wsy twat Blatlag.
UaaerroaD. Conn.. Oct. 10. P. J.
Berto, the pixieioaal bitydi, made a
new worid't record for a mile, firing start,
coverirjg tbe dittaoce in 1:46 4-5. Tbe
former record, 1 :47 3 5, wa made by
Harry Tyler, at Manbsjttaa beaeb tbu sail.
r!e was caced by bis new oamtrnnie- The
quarter was ia 2i second, the half in i
5- 4 . and three-quarters lb 1 :20 WtDdle,
bo held one of the watches 00 Bslo, then
west for tbe same mark, and reduced the
former mx-rd by 1-5 secoaL Both wiil
try again toniorrow their in taction to low
er Use rect-rd to 1 .-42.
A L:ar aw4 Warcrer.
?A3t FajtsctjiX), V. IP, Un-iex tbe
rigid crrrsi examination of Dbtrict At
twnoy Barnes today. Tbeo-lore Dor-acl
made a n juU-r -f aiuwera thl are regard
ed a deiled'y iocrieunjt.r.g. inasmuch
as Ibey .prtemr lo be ia dir-rf coj3.ct with
welt eitauiisfced f-es He grre as ex
pin.itiun of a c'at' tt are h La
moat's dlKappearaajr 1,, , ,r, Sen re-t-iv-l
by hiai thet w s. it-'piy a tab
hood that er-i j body it tbe ixuttroon
lauglietl a!o-jJ.
aitveva I rwarwl Tea deary
Xew Yoa a. Oct. 10. T-e upward teed
eercy of tbe market for tilver is afracting
dvwe a-ieation both here and in Eurofe.
rbe headqaarten of toe speculation ia sil
ver it in London, bat it price, anxug
other influence-, ka a distinct touring np
on secant iew of several oe oar railway sys
tems, as wei' ai tfa jf the Mexi-an line
t he r: in .ivcr. if coauo-ed. would af
fect tbe lat-aienUoned prcperties.
at of r EtorU. Oct 9. Salem be'ooOTd to the
Knigbta ot Pythias today, it was in
tended to bold the eSectioB of otS-ers to
morrow, but, being op with buiines. tbe
election wa hetd t xuy with tbe following
Supreme rrpreaestative, J A Waddle, of
Portland; vice George H HocbstedSer.term
expired; grand chancellor. Dr. Ueary. of
Medlord; grand vice chancellor, lamer
Oliver; grand prelate, 0 Pat tenon. Uepp
ner; grand keeper of records and seals.
Oeorge r JtcConnell. A-bland; grand
master of exchequer. E at Sarseat Port
land; master at arms, I R Greer, Hill
boro; grand inner guird. tfarry Scboop,
Portland; grand ottr guard. Char ea Fe
hJPortiand; Dr J L Hill, tnis'ee. vice
- a viuiuwu, term exptrea.
A Ship Wieck,
DETROIT. UdL 9. A a-wi.1 fm-
Stoke Bay, Ont.. reports indicate
uuai uie cu-ame? amc. oruwen sound.
u rust ua aui on ooara. n nmai a
crew ot eight and had 'J6 passenovrs.
Tha 11. -.l .k- iT
- .... wju ' 7 evarweser yrexu. Ol
toronto, were on Lake Huron bound up
-. im wi 1 rum tjweu toqna lilat Aionday
night The Severn finailv fetched un nn
tue ueaca uyo miles nortl) 01 tajyal island.
ouo uecarae total 108. the trew were
saved oy some naoennen, after being in the
. r i
"fk'"ll -V dour.
A acaaaitaaal Mrpn,
WASHISUTOlt. Oct. 9. Kit-acts from
the pamphlet printed by Lord Sackvil re
viewing his diplomatic career ia thi coun
try, which ended in his being summarily
gtvea bis passports in the fall of l,after
the publication of the March isou letter.
Lave attracted great attention here. It is
thought that perhaps Minister Bayard,
wbo was so severely score 1 in tbe puolica
tion, mar ak the t'ate treoa-tmetitto make
complaint against Lord Vackvilld
ara4 la Baaia.
RoeKBinto. Or., Oct 9- News wat
brought here at midnight last night that
the charred remains of Isaac Leunherr,
who lived on the East L mpqua, five miles
from Peel rxttorSce has beta found in tbe
debris of a bgrned barn Sheriff Caibart
and Coroner Miller leij here for' the teene
at S o'clock thit morning, and tbe particu
lars cannot be obtained until they return.
Lennheir't ranch is 32 milea' from here.
lbe supposition now is that Leunherr was
foully dealt with and the body thrown into
the barn, huh as set on fire to conceal
6lv f hlMrea aeaetl Is Beaih.
Twkkd, Onbvrio, Oct. 9. A fire. al.
fended with terrible results, occurred last
pight at Snythw, !j0 miles north of this
place. A house, occupied by Thomas
Lindsay, his wife and ll children, waa
burned, and wx children wat burned to
death. lanJsay waa badly borned and al
most suffocated bv smoke in
. aave the children. r
Connecting at Yaonina ;tv. n.
8an Francisco and Yaquina Bay Steam
ship Company
SteamsMp 'Wi"
A A ami first class in every re.perti
X Sails lrom Yaquina lor San
P-ancieco about every 8 day.
Paseenger accommodations Minsurpaee
ed. Shortest ronte tetweec the Wiiiani -ette
Valley and California.
Fare from Albaey tr points west'
San Francisco
Caaia. ......... . ........ ,(12.(H
RT-zaAca 8.00
Cabis round trip good tX) days . 18.0
For Sailing Days apply to
H. L. W uer, Agt, Cbam. CAax,i5rtpe
Albany, Or. Cor vail u, O
Eowur Srosre, manager,
CorTaHis, Or.
OF THri.
Southern Paoific Co.
CalnVa-iia Tiaras
-e-rft. ifr
I noa ikM 1.
t se. a. 1 1
a,, fw
in a a I
UMa a I Ar
14 a w
r a
Above trajoa rnj a Ei' P r-l tni
Oregon Cit-. Vtxt Hri', t .1 m f irn-r
Manoo. JeffT-!. Abinf ,- J.-u-t s
t00. Tn-rn. Shed I It i .- ra.--ne.
Creswed, Drain, nni w'l t-;j-i. fr-jia
Roteborg ruWi to aa I -!a I t-t t.Van I
sal , eau-t
Ifttaa I V
aivaai .
er -.
; it
i . J
I'B'I I bV
fcX'ra Ar
L ! San.
at t -r
i.. " -
t la 4r
tv. n I U
tUUJiULr BOrTrr SirEPCti.
Oi.iincr Cars on Cfi-a Rowtw
AUacJaca ts ail Tbr-aa-h TswJwa
area wc. st-tsw.
iTW rata rwmiw t raatata.a
Bast eat aa-tna
ti I Lr
Expresi raiadrilv apt SntdUyjat
Albac and 'ijrvaj U ti-v-rt w?li r-ali of
O CAE. Py.
t-aer a
I ar
Thronph Tiobe t-.
an a-awt fca tbe
la iiaa b ra-aiswd
rrswb. Anmt Atawav.
. aoxHLxr
asaat ra-ca. trs as,
r-t ac4
lilU'raore Biota,
eomplete lia; ot
ia all it bra ay he .
EMBALMING aeperxaity.
Reaidenc eoraer 3rd aad Calapooia
w w fT-ow wa it
Fshy t V-oB.agtb
V-ViiVl LL tether! Is it not bel
ter to buy yonr Bread. Pies, Rolls, Cake,
etc, at a reliable store where they use
only the Beat material why of couree i
a you dant want dyspep-ia, and yonl
never get It by eating an vCirti lrom oa
store. U.S. BAKERY.
Be Ellsworth antl Lyoa 2nd St.
C D. Yandtkk. Proprieto
ts. t e. TS5T3 8-iv S3 xsi3 irirgr-
i iA aadM- paaiti-w aretlree ir-an to, t
tathorra-ai a-aia -su. tn eure Wak 3ar-cTt
as of Brain ard Nerve iN-. lest HaaMt
airaaew; Xurbt Losses: tJ Dnsso: Lack ol es; Merrvwanesa; Larwstqdi.; all Drains:
boasol lNrawa(ta.tieeraA'-wJrKsainmt!
ez. eanwad b ver-.xertsa-. Tttb f-ti Errors. .
gavinsi-s is ot Tobaocw. 0,ii k r L
a a.c-fc read vo Mi-en. I vritxrt w. lr.uii,
and Death, hf avul Al a box; -lz K-r with
wmtea ar-aral-w to, e re or -efunl tauaey.
tiapj rvlLajr.cruuci--$ rda- trt-aat.
Wa lull insiracuev a e -- .
-- J sol to sab pciwuB to biii.
I UN'S SHOP. Cor. Sevxmd and Fe
St.. Albany, will txjr rrgt. iron, hot
ties aad all kinds cf inei, bide, bone
and Vtllow, tor each,
J. ijaocNSTBia A bos-
. Mtb-
w-i at
Sit. r-v-;:w
kiax ft lu'l
V5 V 'OSVC'i'tVS
a t !t ;tWatv'r-"-..-.-rt-Sra-t
M 'B'-sVN.oAi v--a- - Wafrai
-l-5e. -. jrjth
Watt waar,-t t". i aj.- -
. put W rt.;- . .s .
Office at Miller A Turner's stable at.
baoyOr. Kesideri.e 5th and Moiit om
tn-. '
- : j- jao? e saaoaT
Alii mi asrN -
p c
Sp.t Aw'rt , mn Ses--r.. r
iiea!i-'-, hnxiu st:-a-t--a.ta, w. .
aV. AataWauai-. JtMtfr-iO-w r- a . f,.
tVI It 1 rT Utraaawa-al 1 -..-. tvi . 1 , .
131 S.'awtrn;w4i. f !CA0