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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1895)
TERMS. Daily, 1 ct a day; 25c per month; (3.00 per yar, in advance. . 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Weekly. H.25 'n advance; $1.50 at end of year; 1 1.75 for second year; t200 for third and proceeding jeaw, when not paid in advance. Clubs of five rw subscriber for $5.00. I FILL TEETH I PULL TCETH I MAKE BHIQCE WORK. I MAXEG3L0CUVNJ. I MAKE LOGIN CROWNS I MAKE METAL PL VIES. I MAKE R033E3 PLATES. I SAYt THt KATU.1AL 1 EETH I MAKE REASONABLE CHARTS. J. C. LITTLER, Dentist Shoes for men. Shoes for Women. Shoes for Children. Lante stock, giod goods, reasonable prices. Over two hnn.bvd pairs of ladies tine shoes just put on sh!. Cloth top lnr.ry fly. need e and n -.rrow square too "3.00 per pair. S. F-. AOUNG. August Aamold. Hon. R. B. Anderson, TJ. S. ex-Minister to Denmark, ex-Prea. of the Wiscon sin Stale University mthnp f TS Life of Ole Bull, and an associate of Ole I Bull for ten years, writes the following 1.. I t- .n . ciier mr. icior i nrane,manager ot the Aamold Concert Co. Madisojt, Wis., Jan. 21. 1990. "I want to thank von for the verv. great pleasure I have enjoyed in hearing the performances of the members of the Aamold Concert Co. Herr Aamold's violin playing reminds me most forcibly ot tne good old days when I listened to my charming old mend Ole Bull. "Her Aamold's tone is pure, and his technique is simply wonderful. His rendering of the classics is superb, and I enjoyed immensely the Norse popular melodies played . by him. Once more thanking you for the pleasure I bave had from their music, I am, with hearty greetings. Yours faithfully, B. B. A.VDEKSOS. A the opera house next Saturday night. High Vrt Custom Tailoring. Besides his tegular business W. R. Graham, is prepared to take orders for high art custom tailoring by a leading house in Sew York, only union labor employed and first class work guaranteed. All kinds of garments made from the negt line of samples ever seen in Al bany, a fact easily apDreciated by an ex amination of the sample book. Suits trom f 16 up. Kir'' C over Koot.tle great olood pj !fier gives frehnes and c. earners to t h complexion and cures constipation, 35c oc, t.oo. Fohay it Mason A genu. - Worthy Your Confidence, The success of Hood's Sarsaparilla in CQqqneruig scrofula in whatever way it may manifest itself is vouched tar by thousand who were severely afflicted by this prevalent disease, but who now re joice over a permanent cure by Hood's Sarsaparilla, Scrofula mar appear as a humor, or it may attack the glinds of the neck, or break out in dreadful FUn ning sores on the body or limbs. At tacking the, mucous membrane, it may qevelop into catarrh or lodging in the Jungs lead to consumption. Come as it may, a faithful course of treatment with Hood's Sarsaparilla will overcome it, for working upon the foundation of all dis eases, impure blood, trie system ts clar ified and vitalised. a,od vir. strength ft$d hegl'h restore to the b Iy. Notice. TO all wboiuit may eonce-n. H iving separated from my wife til persons are e reby requested not tj trust her on my ac boont. as I will i-ry no debt of her con cracting. Orro Baecmlb. Ut-tfer tiWl Foi'iowit-g ta the list of letters reu.ii-ing iu the po-t. office at Albany, Linn county Oregon, Oct. 1 5, 1895. Persons call ins fo these leffe-r most give the date) on which they were advertised, AoDleeate.'7 I Allen, A Brossen, G Casklen; James Aodfsdn, Earl Oasteel. K li Davis,' O M ' . Heckman, II Harris, A J Hamblin, O Davis, Marrison. Haydon, W ' Harvey, Wm, Miller, Mrs O A. Turnindge, Jnp ffipp, Elvira T.J.Sttteb.BM gtoner, E C A IV1ARTYI? INDIGESTION Ay ersuarsa Word f Comfort to All wbe goffer from Pyspepsla, t MT?rv roiro T was sl mi4 tin all hone of ever finding relief, o As the complaint only seemed to o prow -worse instead of better, under ordinary treatment. At o last, I was induced to try Ayer e tomanarillA. and I hereby testify 0 that after using only three bot- tii I was cured. J.can,tnereiore, oj AioTifivrAnoTnmnd this med O! icine to all similarly afflicted.". FpXjtai ATP0 r a ktement 'be may Jake to V U triia.' W. 4. MAZWEtt, lrug- 1 ti'i yiatra viaol A vpr? Rarsana- CH rilla for general flebUity anaa j a blood-purifier, find it does ex- H actly as la claimed ior iw 4, Adams, Ezzell, Texas, rer'Soarsaparilla a J.(4-t ftnv Csnlbitioii AT THE WORLD'S FAIR Biggest in the World. I made the promised pilgrimage from Junction Citv down the old telegraph and stage road to Monroe, situated on the west bank of the classic Long Tom, says a correspondent in the Priueville Review. On this road some distance be low the "old Harmony" school house is growing probably the largest elder tree in the world. I am sorry 1 didn't stop and measure it, but I feel safe in saying it is over two leet in diameter, tno body smooth and straight and very tall for an elder. It was rather affecting, after an absence of twenty-nine years, to pass by and through places that were then fa miliar and note the changes that time has wrought. And the change in the people - is greater than the features of the country. The ioyous, happy school children bf that day are now grown old and hae forgotten the pioneer settiers of the land they now pos- At Monroe, the first mill of yore has long been burned and has not been re built. The prosperous Catholics about this place have built a fine church edi fice, which would be a credit to many larger towns than Monroe. 0 soon as I passed across the line in to Benton county I was pleased to find the roads much better. They of Benton understand making roads in Webfoot better than they of Lane. The reason ot this may possibly be found in the fact that Benton has' not imported a man from Kansas, "where they wear no socks," for county judg. Mr. Wallis Nash, of Portland is in the city today. C. B. Montague, of Lebanon, is doing Albany this afternoon. R. W. Moses, of Crawfordsvill,?, was in the city today. Hon S. A. Dawson went to Salem this noon on business. Miss FavneStrahan and friend return ed to Portland this noon. Mr. Murry Vaughn, wife and babv of Coburg, are visiting Albany friends." Mrs. Thomas Thomas and baby of Ya quina, have been in the city on a visit. A. J Alpliine ha? rented the farm at Rock Hill, and lias Ugnn m ving there to reside. Mr8.T J Black. of I-orilnml spent Snn day in Albany the guet of her daughter Miss Ida Black. Mrs. Will Ortel lft this noon to join her husband at Comstoec, where they will hereafter reside. Prof. Crawford, who will take charge of the Scio school next Monday is in the city this afternoon. Mr. H. G. Coulton, wife ancchild, of Portland, are in the city on a visit, the guests of Mrs. George. omi er,i Seattle, formerly S. P. W. L. Jester, a railroad agent of near ttle, formerly S. P. agent at this citv. was in Aioany Saturday on business. License was issued today for the mar riage of A. J. Lay ton, over twenty one ana aiiss . r. Looibarrow, aged sixteen. J. A Gross, "mine host" of the Oregon at Ashland, is in the city on a visit. Mr. John Bryant is now living at the Oregon. Martin Panlsen left Ailany today on a canvassing trip for Browneil's nursery behind one ot Judge Duncan's speedy horses. Miss Marie Parrish, of Albany, will be the guest of Miss Clara Finger, of 382 East Sixth street, during the week. She comes to attend the Exposition. Oregon nian. Attorney A. C. Woodcock, of Eugene, went to Corvallis today, w here he will set for two weeks and adjust the distri bution of that $100,000, which so are after. Judge Flinn and daughter ,Miss Annie, W. W. Rowell, Peter Anderson, John Robson, W. H. Goltra, E. D. Barrett, Dr. Adams and wife, and others went to the exposition today. Mr. Julius Joseph returned from "the exposition today. Also Editor "Johnson of the Corvallis Gazette, who remarked that the city was jammed full and it was difficult to get a place to sleep. The Sunday Oregon ian gives the fol lowing account of a recital given bv Prof. Nash, now of Portland and Miss Bertha Ellis, of this city : Mr. W. Gifford Nasb. recently of Corvallis, gave a piano recital on Friday evening at the Auditorium, to a large audience 01 invited guests, tie was assisted by a very charming young debutante, Miss K. Bertha Ellis, of Al bany, Ur., who has many friends in this city and who made many more by the sweet, unassuming manner with which she is fortunately gifted. She has a clear. pure voice, sang excellent selections and made a very favorable impression upon her hearers. Mr. Nash gave a very elab orate pi ogram, comprising some of the best concert numbers. He cannot be said to have done himself justice, owing to the intensely nervous condition in which he was. He could not fail, how ever, to carry conviction to bis audien;e that ne is a thorough and scholarly mu sician. The Auqitonum was tested tor the first time as a concert hall, and was proven very satisfaitory. The acoubtics are very fine, the seating capacity go d, and the interior finish and decorations are artistic The program is given in full. Miss Ellis sang five times, "Moon light," "Thou Art so Like a Flower," "Hunting Song," "Should He Upbraid," and "Night Hath a Thousand Charms." The Salem telephone exchaogs has 106 telephones. Bam Veatch is now conductor on the Sa lem local, and Lee Hendricks and Fred Wall are running on the overland. AU promo tions. The population of the principal towns of Jackson county is as follow b : Ashland. 1900 Medtord, 1414; Jacksonville, ZIZ: CentraT Point, 321, GOld Hil 283. Mr A. E- Matson of' Ashland bas pur chased the Billiari parlor of Mr. Allen. recently run by Walter Biddell aid will take charge of it at once. Mr. Bert Van Cleve is acting the patt of Eoo Koo in the Mikodo at the Marques at roruand He 19 said to do bis wors well. Be is welcome to bis job. The Pay ton Company closed a weeks en- gageipent at the opera boos Saturday night befoie a large audience, presenting Tle Octoroon in a pleasing manner. They made many friend in Albany, and may alwajs depend on large houses here. E mer E. Swan was yea'erday dir:rred from Kliiabeth C. Swan, for desertion They were married in Albany, Or., am? lived in Portland for a number of years. The trial lasted but about thrte mimtle-. and tte defendect cid not srpear. in is a If Ue' -carrier in this city. Ore jonun It is WoNPERrtJL. The Oregonian speaks of The Burglar to be presented here Wednesday nitchtas fol'ows: With Mrs. Hodgson Burnett's famous story as a foundation it is-not surprising that such an exceedingly pleasing perform ance as that witnessed last night was presented, ine crowning wora was me marve.ous ease ana intelligence wun which little Gertie Carlisle interpreted Editha. In the scene witli the bur elar. she was absolutely wonderful, and the fact that she was a child was lost in the art with which she handled the part William Lewis, as the burglar, did most excellent wqk throughout, and rose to quite a dramatice height at the close of bis scene in tne library, rani wen ion, the editor, was very cleverly handled by Mr. A. Gordon Robinson. In fact, the company is well balanced throughput, and gave thorough aatisfactiop to the Jarge and critioai auajeno", Hut Rrwbnrir PiaijdValer ssvs the fol lowing placard appears at the doors of some of the stores t-f that city. Phumveks, Keep Got. Ncth ng Wanted Here. This is a slam on that city. In Alban business i reportid as improving slowly, and i bett-ar than a ago. One drum mer who has IxenHllover tne xnortn west says this valley U the l est situated finan eiany ot any parf. Tokv KLEis'n'ElijgRiENCE. Yester day A. Klein, of this city was arrested on charge of tresspassing upon the prem ises of Mr. Brunk, of Polk count; by hunting upon his grounds.and was taken to Independence for trial. P. II. D Arcy and Mr. O'Donald acted as his attorneys, and when the trial came off Mr. Klein was discharged. W. P. Wado manager ui mo vT6sirii union reiegrapn comp- pany, was summoned as a witness, and tne Doys an returned this afternoon rather elated over their success, though vue caao m luuicwum oi an annoyance, 'Journal. . 11 i , - Linn at the Exposition. Reports from Portland are that the Linn county exhibit is showing up In nne snape. attracting general attention Tn an art!rla in n.w. it - i?!iL'i?.?l,5i,?a, nme Linn appears conspicuous. ileaila th exhibit at Salem our manufacturing and mining interests are civen a nrominnnm The Albany Woolen Mills have a loom in operation, run by Frank Welch and give an elegant exhibit of the product in fabric and made up. Among the other manufacturing exhibits are chairs from the lactones 01 Veal & Son and the Sugar Pine A Fixture Co., and some hop furn aces by tho Iron Works. TheLawler Minning Co. have about a thousand pounds ol ore, some of Kenton's Sea Lion Polish, the Scio Mineral Paint Co. some of their product. Several Linn county pheasants are seen, sent by Chris Vandran. Morrow and Linn counties have tied on apples, each showing a 28 ounce apple. Vancouver has been spreading itself over some 13J foot corn. It had to lower its colors when it saw Linn county's 15 foot corn. Manager Watts has a big sign over the exhibit showing its record at the Stat fair, no doubt an eye sore to Yamhill county near by. Two Foot Races. Next Saturday afternoon at the fair ground at this city Ellsworth Cameron, of Corvallis, and George Givens, of Sil- verton. win run so vanla for Siuu a side. Hcnrv Williams of this city stakeholder. As Cameron has beat-n Tnne.Trine Itav and Givens the figuring should be in fa vor of Cameron ; but all the races have bean so close as to make it uncertain. On the same day Harry Metcalf and Riley Cook, of i'rownsviile, will run 75 yds a"l he same place. About $200 have al ready wagered on the contest. Tub Stock as Trial The trial of John U Stockman, charged with dis-p-wing of wheat while manager of the led Crowit Mills, in excess of that pur- has.-.t hy the company, will begin at' Saleui tomorrow. The prosecution will be conducted by District Attorney Mc Cain and John M. Somers, and the de fense hy George E. Chamliertain. Til Ford, and Kellev Curl. Hons. W. K. Bilyeu and J.J. Uitney also went to :aleru this noon to represent Mr. John Isom, under the same kind of an indict ment. A 51 Pocxd Catch. The largest sal mon ever caught in the bay. with a troll was captured Sunday morning by Norris ininn f it. :i : 1.1: . 1. wuovu, v. l 11 r, o laiJUl 111 ment, says the Coos Bay Xews. He booked the fish shortly after the brewery dock, and landed it after a hard fight. He returned to town immediately, and weighed the salmon in the presence of witnesses, so there would be no chance to raise the cry of "fish story." The salmon was a Chinook, and weighed 51 pounds. Aver'8 Hair Vigor, whic'a has outlived and Buperteled hundreds of similar prepa rations, is undoubtedly the most fashiona ble as as economical h r-dresfing in the market. Bv iu ue. the poorest head "f hair soon become? luxuriant and beacti ful. Human life is held too cheaply when the individual who needs a tonic for bis system seek to cover his wants by purcfcaing every new mixture that is recommend! to nira. Kernel .ber that Aver s banaparilla has a well ned reputation of fifty years etanaiog. JL? 0ES3D-A3T Probate Record. Accounts were filed in estate of Alon- so Ames, D V Michael, Isaac Witbeiite, S M Mcuoe, ancy Gray, John Brown, Earl Rrown, a minor. Richard Fox, H L Brown, P 11 Wigle, Nancy Biggers, F F Craft. Sales of persona! property approved in estates of Alonxo Ames, D V Michael, Isaac Witherite, John Brown, Weslry Down, Richard Fi x. Bond of guardian of Mary snd Katie Meinert approved. Citation ordered issued to Newton Crabtree, administrator in estate of Jas per Crabtree to appear on Oct. 14 and show cause why final settlement should not be made. Continued. In estate of Martha Ann White, in ventory filed: Real property $1,100. In estate of John Marcs, nnal account set for Nov. 4. Petition to sell personal property in estate of K Meinert. granted. Final accountintstateof Wesley Down set for Nov. 9. In petition 01 samuel U Burkbart for sale of real estate, citation made return able Nov. 9. In estate of Frum, amended final account filed. In estate Jacob Newman final hearing set for December. Final account in estate of John Fagan approved. inal account in estate ot H L Mover approved ; also in estate Jos nixon. In estate of Jos Pearl, real estate or- deted sold. In estate Olney Fry, Sr. sale of real property confirmed. Nov. 4 set for final account in estate of Moses Bland, in estate of John Marks Nov. 4, in estate of Wesley Down Nov. 9. Prof Tyree went to Eugene to-day. Dr J.M.Jones.of Sodaville is in the city Charles Cusick. of Salem, went up to bis Cascade ranch yesterday. J. C. Davis, of sbedd, has been appoin ted stock inspector of Linn county, Mr. Wyant, of the Salem Statesman is in the city the gu.est of his hrotberin law B. F. Ran) p. License was issued hy county clerk Needhaun last evening for the marriage of Willie Howell and Monty Dunaway. The Statesman gives a list of the noted and able men of the state stopping in that city. Among them are Geo. . Chamber lain, W. K. ttilyeu and J J. hitney. Dr.Rich, of the Bav. came over on the U. U. and t. yesterday, accompanied by his son W. . Rich. Di. Rich has been ill for several weeks, but is better and is gradually improving. B. F. Ramp, long of Douglas county now ot Albany, is in the city looking hale and hearty as when he stumped the county tor prohibition years ago. Kose Djrg flaindeaier. Mr. Homer Davenport, of the San Francisco Examiner, has been sent to New York by Editor Hearst to give his new New York paper a boost in the ar tistic part. Mr. Davenports great or iginality and natural geinhs wrl bring him to the front. ' Being a former Or- Eon Doy itis C3rct:f win in waiciin uu interest. M rarker and wife, Mrs. George Richard. Al. Thomas. Mr. Davis and Frank El kins, left yesterday for Crook county, with three wagons.two four horse teams and one two. air. farter ana family will go to the Hackjeman ranch, while Mr, Elkins will locate in l'rine ville.wlieie he will clerk for his brother Charley. New Blood And life hava been glvsn ma by Hood'i BarssparUla, in place ot impurin, w ordered stomach and catarrh. I Hood's Sareaparilla a most excellent tonlo and heartily eem mend It to alL" J. W. Jokkbox, City Clerk, Oakesdale, Washington. u-.,!). Dfl I a easy t buy assy tataka liooa s Pius stasasct ks, WjajMlM BkMa sWSKMsSj T Turpentine Works. An immense quantity of turpentine is used in Oregon. Instead of being brought here it ought to bo manufactured at noiuc. j t can oe, lor we nave 1 110 ur in immense bodies, containing the finest 1 . . , . . 1 J tui pontine in the world. A company has been organized and $1,000 put into it for tho manufacture and sale of tur pentine and other products. Iu order to put it on its feet $2,000 additional stock would be necessary, with probably half paid up at the start. The scheme is to not only manufacture turpentine, of which there is a large and steady de mand, but as well to n.amuacture and sell many other things, such as rosin, rosin oil, brewers pitch, caulkers pitch, axle grease, oil of luniper. oil of cedar. oil of hemlock, oil of peppermint, oil of Borgamot, oil of tansy, tluid extract ol cascara, fluid extract of grape, etc. It is also probable printers ink would le included in the list eventually. This would make a factory right in the line of our natural industries, with a demand from the very start for tho product. In fact the company already has oruers for 4 barrels of oil o'f hemlock, 4 barrels of oil of cedar, 4 car loads of rosin and one barel ot loein oil, without even a factory in sight. It is desired that a few reli able business men be interested in the enterprise. The people of Albany should make everything count, and this is one of the things that would bring a good deal of money here instead of Bonding it aray. Oakvilie. Mr. Christopher Rogers, of Kings Valley, called on us yesterday. W. H. Millliolleu returned from llas- kins, Benton county, yesterday J. S. Smith and Ike Jones went to Har- risburg Saturday. J. S. went to talk to the people with regard to how they s.iould act political'y. Mrs. Jayne, of Shedd, was visiting her sister, Mrs b until, this week Mr. K. B. Couey will move into the White mansion this week. Smith is filling up his woodshed and maaing repairs 10 ins iiouse, lie is pre paring for bin kole enm pe lua chuck alki. Klonas! The Populists ot Oakvilie met at the school house on Friday evening, they formed an organization and elected of ficer. President, Geo. D. Barton ; vice president, R. L. ttauth: secretary, J S. Smith; treasurer, L. Allen. They gav an invitation to every body to s;eak in their meetings and gave an opportunity to ail to become metuters. 1 1 Mr. Bartou is preparing to plant a large nursery this fall. Amen. SevMBur Brav-co The two year o d son of Rev. II. S. Shangle, of Oakland, met with a serious accidentTuesday laat. He had been left alone a few minutes, and getting too near Ute fire, his clothes caught in the flames, burning bis hick very badly before bis mother could reach him. Mr. Shangle was in Coos county, but hurried home on receipt of the news of the accident. The little suf ferer is getting along as well as couvd be expected, and is thought to be oat of danger. Rosebors Review. Rev. Shan gle resided at Albany three or four years ago. The Salem papers occasionally men tion the proposed civamery in a weak kind of a way; but sine the man w bo was in the city for the purpose of getting it np was arrested in Albany for non payment of his board bill, there has not been much enthnsiasm. Build a good (3,000 creamery and run it to its full ca pacity rnd you'wiil be all right. Mr. Sa letn. Don't monkey with an f-4.000 prop osition. It wont go. The Astoria Budget seems to have its hands full attacking Mr. Hammond and I'rol. Wright, neither of whom seem to fret much over the matter. ibeasor oetuusof rurthuiJ cir that city 1 1, 342. There is a Kfosiise fisherman's :r on the Siuslaw. The UniTerwty cf Oiem-o and O A C foot ball elevens will pjy in Eu,r; 00 Oct. 26 The Sugar Pins Milt acd Fixture Co. hare about one thousand chairs ready to put together for tne Snidiicg tvches. Some fine bird dogs are owned in this city. Several have bees stolen, and the result 1 that our Nimrods are getting not." There should he a conl-icted effui made to stop this low kieo of thievier . The Supreme court has derided thai SUm Brown, who killed Alfred Kim-aid ! Oikland 00 Aug. 13, 194. murt hacg. He was sentenced to be halved en Frh 15. aut a stay of execution was obuiaed on ppeal lie will he resentenced when court eocvenes. berroan Hares, who has poBt:y ULlUhed himspll as atfeut fur Phil Nei t Co .hop merchants of SaJem. irlrdar bought the fvlbwingaops; fcheMey l!r.. Pieasant Hill, 41 bak-; air llamiuitt. Mohawk. 57 bales; and "3 bale- of the Keener Bros . Gosben. For the almve Mr. Have paid 6 cents a round. KiiireM Gard WED Ttn --tT-A T CAL AND Pr.KMJA M. fioeers. of Harrisbutir. Kas licrn in tne city ior a day or two. Mr. and Mrs, I. D. Miller returned this noon front a trip to the Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Blackburn, of Brownsville, are visiting in the city. rive Salem men. inninr tlirm MM Hamilton, killed 73 pheasants around Brownsville yesterday. Post Master T. J. Stites left on last night's overland for the Klamath Hot Springs where he expects to remain a month. W. F. Ambler, manager of the bis Co u Block saw mill, was in the city ves- . 1 tl - 11-: 1 1 1. 1 " , tciunjr. air. n 111 vrvei is atvping uooaS for the mill. Mr. D. S. Smith and family began moving upon their farm a few miles from this city. A new residence has just been erected, and tbey will bave one of the nicest farm homes in the county. The Democrat a few days ago asked where ex-Governor Pennoyer was. The Salem Post says : Ex Governor Sylves ter Pennoyer.accompanied by his former private secretary W. M. Mhnley, were visitors in the city today having business m, me court noue. Dr. Hal (1 Fellows was iu the city to day, Di. Fellows expects to devote hi energies hereafter to pushing his patent medicines. He has three, one for liver troubles, ont a pain killer and an oint ment, ail said to bo superior for the things intended. Recently the Demoat mentioned the departure of Luther Elkins and Anderson Cannon for Great Falls, Montana, to lo cate. Upon their arrival there thev found the outlook very blue, so thev went to Butte, and from there back to 1 Oregon. Mr. Elkins Is now at Tillamook, where lie tuny locate, but probably not. Mr. Cannon is in this county. - Gov. Fletcher, well known in this sec tion as the first lieutenant governor of the state and a tormer resident ol banta Clara just over the line in Brown county, has been in town a few days this week. He is now a resident of Salem, Oregon, where he is the editor of the Evening fest and Weekly Independent. He speaks very highly of his home on that typical coast, and of the fruits which grow there in great abundance. If some body don't take charge of him and keep him quiet, some of our citizens ar apt to follow hint bome.-7-Brittop, (8. V.) Day light. A good deal of complaint is made among raisers of flax seed at the treati ment received from the Portland house buying the seed for manufacture into unseed ou. Jast year one farmer was docke(i considerable on acconnt of dirt. This year be cleaned his seed thoroughly and out ol zo.uuo pounds shipped was docked more than last year, 2000 pounds. mis Kino 01 a iiiiHinefs does not set well with producers, of flax. Try Tinkle tor Photo t. Tor the bust Drugs Dawson's. HOME AND ABROAD The Burglar. Wheat 40 cenU, Big wuhhes at French's Pee the new Mutt Photoes at TinkUs. Trilby watch gnurds at French's, jewelry st re. 75 stud -i,U enrolled this Week al RimIs ville college. The machinery tor a new mill ut Uaes arrived ia Albany today. Big reduction in p. ices the next ninety days at Tinkles the photOirrai.hor. If you want a good shine cull on ps the Bos Shoe Shiner at Veri.ks bather shop. Parmer, if you have your pictures irm-'e it will pay you tjiee Tinkle and get his prices. A large and shoice stock of jewelry, sil ver ware, e'e, Ju t received at Wih ui.,1 Starks. , Phot-! Thotos!! anv sixp. sli.inA or olor ut j. rices fro f cems to 60. at Tinkles. Its a if miKtako it yju think Tinkle and c'leupeht pho- does not uiase the hot tos. The most elegaut lii.e of cta'uary brought to Albany at ill audSiuik-. ever s. In several beautiful ugura Dn. II. E. and Olive K. lleera offi.-. in post oBice block. Itosideuce torter 5th und Calapooia t. Albany Ur. Some ttanipt stole a pig from AV, W. Crawford, of Law-ton, a few data ago, and it is supposed, bad a barbecue Last Saturday at Woodburn lUy de feated a slranitsr named Johmon in a race for J00 by ouly aobort distance. The Orvallu steam laundry co-dimies to remain idle, and the l ium'suys $"0 to "i a nun:h out jf the city a a re sult. A big excursion consisting tf 1"H eop, a' I told passed through .Mbjny this noon on a trip to the wipogitsun. The round tn,' ouly J.50 fr.'m Kebjr G. M Irwin. ?aieutl. of mIhwIs i.l e -ture to the s u.l-uU ut the -od ;lle ; rge on Pue;di Oil. ut okbt p m. trtkrp. r.v.fjlwd united, lyclure I i-e. Mr. Peter liitlur, of edd "Ad a fioH span ol uUc'i horw. hvir vear. old. to an Ai'oria man Ijt 1 i In y weighed 3160 pnoni!. A supply of Prejcrvalin h i jM u-en received by H.kIl-.m ic Mct-aruml. It prwerves milk. Tbi-w wnj have iu waiting fur it will ttke notice To r&tore gray Lair tj iu natural co!ur as in jooth.cxuse it to e;rjw abundant and strong, iher is no better prjKr!i n than Hill's Hir Rioesw. Aamold. the great Norwegian violinist, will eppear Saturday night iu t:e Uimts House. He is ably auted by a iuiit and Vli-ss Etta Beamur voiaiul. Mis Helen Crawford elK-ution clan meets on Monday. TuerJy. Ihunday and Friday cf each week at t-r rmidence. tr. 5th and Kit worth. Ben CleUn while nuriticgoo theSdntum testerday shot a large grj eigle. txeAing a wing. He brnogbt 11 U this cit.-, where it contiaoe to live I . iueasare teven Ket trom tip to tip The I-adieJ Aaxiiiar of tl Y. M. C. A. are preparing to rive a Cbryvantuemum sbost aboat the midd'e of Novemoer. fre- mium will be given for teverai of the best eiiuUU. so care for the n.'rysaa(beuiuas ana work lor a prpaiiuoi. The memWrs of the Ln-!i Aaiiliarr are requeued to c.eet at tbe r.u-4, r 01 tne 1. si. t,. A ibuncar iIi-t'i a! s four o'clock to discuai Uii ctirvintii''u.::u , K.W 1 fntl .IimuI.ha. ' - . 1 . . . . I I . i order of Pres. Mrs E E.Wjf. Since Ala Moshir, who wa ioijrtd l.v the cars. Lad bis artn amiitatrd ceiir tee bouit)-T. this being tbe v&rnl crwratioo. yuong uian wnn to I a prrf.-t g-ct:jn and sajs that tbi a bs km cJtetnpt to teI a ride, as Le bad :Sc. J tb e:.i;re distance from AMau I Kugvtx Uoard. A peca iar case I sa bwa decided in Lin coln coantv. licoaiui;neprprtTownM bv I' li. H.'e and odim U tr. th a art has iot tlw idel UOon-vd to tii. u - ernaiect. though ike jJ t. HjJ? r-t si haJ town fir an" lor a 1-00J oonmserit ion. A LitKT!n eoai.y man lustufdia'eiy fi.d opon the property .Xh r ' tfcwojjtt to lt tgood prx'r-ily ia ike m:nr hl.I tt.c Uc is uii i,c?ec-d. Alhatiy Cullc. IVCni.e arrangements hae been made to open a new derpartment of the college. Mrs. L. C. Young, recently of Portland, has been secured to U?rh pat latins and drawing as lollows: Vl-j.vt drawing, perspective drawing, landscape tn on. fruit in oil, flowers m oil. marine o.n in oil. fiirure and portrait in crayon, oil and fastel, China painting, Undcape In j paiiui, loers in (win, pmc .u nun in pastel, tapestry ra.ttling. and all kind of decorative work, such as paint ing on satin, wood au 1 cloth, an I lustra painting. This is an opportunity that should I improved. This wint. r war thus bv made not only a profitable one. but may be made to resilt in tbe cultivation 01 j tli better and more refined tastes, and - . ... it in the beautifying of our homes. in connecuo i with the opening ot tms department, there will be an art exhibit. free to all, and a popular addrew 00 the subject of Art by Mrs. Young, to which all are cordially" invited. tbe following is oneot macv testimon ials concerning Mrs. Young's work. "I take grvat pleasure in stating that I have had an opportunity on everjl oc casions of admiring the artistic work of Mrs. L. C. toung, and an free to say that 1 consider her an artit d except ional ability. Her painting are true to nature, and ber studiei are always se lected with excellent taste. I bave three of her paintings in my !ioum and they are always spoken of bv visitors in hu:i terms. One of thee 1 would not part with for any sum." (signed) R. K. Wauke. The O. P. Claim. The Times gives the following account of the tiling of about 35 claims with the referee of the t. r. on Mondnv : Receiver T. E. Hogg filed a .-ulumtnous report covering summary statements of his administration from d-tober S'lli, 1SU0. to March 5th. m.. It shows the amount of bis labor indebtedm to lie 127,841.44. Voucher acrount, materials, etc, at,4Q2.3. Receiver's ccrtilicates issued and ou,tlanding, including inter est, receiver's compensation, etc," fti", 589.67, making a t tul indebtedneiM td 11,058.8:13.50. Receiver lladley's indebtedness is, labor and material, a!out ttl5,(Xi0, nnd certificates issuevl, includiny interest, about $100,000. Addtil to these amounts are the fol lowing items of tuxes: Benlon county, 30.6KU0; Lincoln, (20.554.12: Marion, (7,0(11.78 This swells tho indebte-tnefs to one million and a quarter dolhirs. This does not include, however, the compensation asked by Mr. Hailley, nor ins attorneys; nor noes 11 lncuiue tne cx and claims of tho trueleei, th Farmers Loan and Trust company for executing me trust imposeu upon ii, nor us attor neys, Turner, McClure and Rolston, and It. Uryson. Geo. S. Coe and Wm. M. Hong, as as signee ol the Oregon Development Com pany have presented claims lor depot rents, aggregating about (.'l.nOO. T. E. Uogp, receiver, claims to have received (12,000, but acks that a claim for a bal ance of (5ott.l2 be paid. 1. 1.. iiogg also gave notice that lie will claim nnd urge the return ui, the (25,000 deposit made by Zepliii Job when tbe road was tirst st Iu, WcttkSt Mission nt the Catholic Clnn ch. The Rev. Fathers Newell and O'Connor of San FranclBco, two eloquent Domini cans, arrived here last Saturday for tho purpose of giving a mission. The ser vices are held at St Mary's Catholic church at 8 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. everv day. Catholics are earnestly requested to avail themselves of the opportunity and to attend regularly the course of instruc tion which will close with the Sunday services, Oct. 20. Everybody is cordial ly invited. Indies wishing treatment for seiilptMubl 1 or dandruff, I will tnaks special reduced prioes, for 4 weeks only, Louis Vieruck. LAKE CREEK HAPPENINGS News from Halscy, Shedd, .Peoria and Other Places Halsev, Oct. 14th. Mrs. Allia Hover contemplates remov ing to Portland in the near future. Mrs Vonie Clemens and daughters Edna and Jennie will go to Monmouth next week on a visit to her sister Mrs. John Walker. Robert Blue lina moved to, and leased, the farm ol MrsT. J Black near Halsey. Miss Rosa Ray, of Eugene, is visiting relatives at Halsey. Miss Hattie Geary, of Halsey, who has lieen attending school at Eugene is at iiome on a visu. Samuel Ramsey, leaves Thursday for Soduville to attend school during the winter. Martin Kcmtz, the popular merchant of Halsey, left today fur Portland on bus iness and will incidentally take ia the exposition. Hub Cross and son Ut today for Leb anon on an extended visit with friends J. C. C x, W.J. Ribelin and D.J. Hayes, all of Halsey, were at Portland last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Story were at Tangent visiting rtflutives last week. . The fall grain is looking splendid in this vicinity, and will soon lie ready for pasturage. Geo. Ward and Geo. Thomas have gone to tbe lilue river country on a bunt ing and prospecting trip. Henry Githens, of Clackamas county accompanied y his wife and family were here last week visiting with his brothers Randolph and William. Martin and William Fruit returned Friday from a successful hunting and fishing trip t AIiea bay. Mrs. Hattie Kalar, of Junction City, ho nt at Ualwy I ant week vi-iling her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Ward, re turned home yesterday. Mrs. W. E. Githens, ho has been at A'bany attending her sick mother, has! Uvn uricken down with malarial fever and is in a very precarious condition. Autlin IV.n l, who lives a few miles south ol Halaey, m;t with a very sa l ac cident one day" lat wejk. While driv ing a spii ited team of young horses, be allowed them to gel the best of him, which resulted in a runaaray and iu con sequence be i 1 now suffering with a broken nose, an ear nearly lorn off. a badly hatured face and with a muchly bruised body. W.H.Cross shipped 4 boxes of fine dried pram-s and plums, cured at his HalM-y evaporater, to Ui3 Portland ex position, which will surely be bearJ from later. The H.m. J. K. Wcatherford, Albany's well knwa and popular attorney, who ought t i be representing this state in the I . S. senate, was in this neighborhood yeslerxlay shaking bands with bis many friends. Geo. Maxwell, of BvlUmie, has rented the large residence of Mrs. T. J. Black at Hahey, and will move into it ibis week. Riley Garrett, of Halsey. has leased the Holliday farm an-t will ocrupy it some lime ibis month, Mr. Hoi.L'ay ging 10 California. Wm. t'tutliforJ, of Hley. has retnrn d from a iriji to Eastern Oregon and he rrporis everything dried np in that part o the staje, and although he had a pleas ant trip Ife was gUi to get bark to old webfoot. . The x-ial given by the Christian En deavor Society of Halsey last Tuesday night was a gratifying success ia many particular. There aas a very Urge at tendance and the program of music and song., inter persed ilh ice cream was greatly enjoyed by lb e present. Mi lielle Ward, of HaUwy, who leaves the latter part of this week for Eugene to com p'tte her musical i-iu lion, will be ten icml a party tomorrow night by her many f rk-n-ii. ho are legion, and a good time may be expected. -Vrain has "Father Time" been nsing his nckle, this lime he has taken frcm us James Henry Bramweil, who was stricken do a last Monday at his home near KoaUnd. Mr. Bramweil was a pioneer, having come to this state in l&l, settling in IJr.n county, near Hal sey, in IS&I. and at the lime of his death waa in bis Skird year. He was dots in Jennings county, Indiana, near the town ol Vernon, and outlived three wives, from the fmt of which he leaves a laughter, Mr. William A'lingham. of Haleey.and from tbe last two sons, John an! Sokn, who are weli-knon in this county. Mr. Itramwell was an Odd Fel low for over 50 years, belonging at the time of hisdeaUi to Wiidcy Lodge No. oj, ot Halsey. and lo Halsev Encamp ment No "32. He was a Vast Noble Grand, and mas buried under tbe rites of tbe . O. O. Pine Grove cemetery near Peoria. Jamc Craa ford, a former resident of this vicinity, but ior the oast ten years in tbe harness bannests at Pendleton, is, with bis wife, visiting his bro'her John, of Mu-dJ, ami his sister Mr. George Gray, of Halsey. Haaav TuToat. Tho Mines. The new miil for the Lawlcr mines in the JSantiam was shipped from IVnvtr on Oct. ? and aill be in Albany this week and immediately forwarded to the mine. Thev are ready for it with a hit quantitv of h'neoreon band. Specimens oi ore have been taken fron the ground t!it would fairly make ones eyes bulge out. 1 here are about 75 men working in the mines. Enough provisions are being bought and will scon be taken in to last six month. It is an interesting fact that already (77.01) bas been spent on the mines, in the development and the purchase of new ctamt, about (10.1XK) having been put into the latt.T within a week or two. Superintendent Lawler has established .Mlwny as his headquarters and is doing his harness through this citv, having lotind our business men reliable and safe and this an advantageous point. The machinery arrived in Portland vesterday and will be. lie brought to Al liany tonight- A Fast Train. Next Monday a new eta will 1 inau gurated in railroading on the Southern Pacific. A lightning train, the Hiasta limited, will be put or., running on the steamer days, leaving raii h ranci.-o and Portland every five days, First-class rate, including Pullman, only (20; second class, im-lding sleeper, (10. The trip aill be made in just 24 hours, where it takes 38 now. Tiikv'rp A ix Ru;nT. The members of "The Burglar" troup arrived in Al bany this noon and will present "The Burglar" tonight. The Salem States man sues A hoiiKf. entirolv ilisnrooor- t ion nts "to the im rits of the Play and plavers, greeted "The Burglar" at the Reed last night, it was a sterling pro duction handled with the highest degree of finish bv cverv member ol the Anna Boyle Moore troupe. Those of Salem's playgoers who allowed this event to pass them, have certainly lost one of the dra matic treats ot a season that baa been prolific of good things, Awarded Hljhest HonorsWorld's Fair, Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair. DR; CREAM ArTIlTC Most Perfect Made. 40 Years th Standard. THE STOCKMAN TRIAL. Begun on Tuesday at Salem. Tho Journal gives the following par ticulars of tht opening of the Stockman trial at Salem : The trial of J. R. Stockman, indicted as manager of the Red Crown Mill for disposing ol wheat without consent of the owners, was begun this forenoon be fore Judge Burnett, of the circuit court. The chho is here on a change of venue from Linn county, as tho disappearance of about 40,000 bushels of wheat belong ing to farmers caused great excitement and the counsel asked to bave the trial of the case removed to Marion county , in or der that a fair and impartial jury might be obtained. The counsel retained in the case, are a remarkable array of legal talent and the caso is of unusual importance to mill men, warehouse men, but of most im portance to the farmers of Oregon. J as. McCain, district attorney, is assisted by his deputy, A. O. Condit, of Salem, and J. M. Sommers of Albany. The de fense is composed of x-Attornev General Chamtierlain, ana M. L. Pipes of I'ort- I I :, 1 - .... ' . . mnu, nimoa roru, 01 nau-ni, ana Attor ney Curl of Albany. J. R. Stockman was book-keeper for Isom & Lanning who failed, and then he was made manager of the mills and signed all checks. "Red Crown roller mills, J. R. Stockman, manager." It is charged by tbe state that Isom remained the real tiead ol the concern, and that Stockman was only the manager of the concern under ai alleged new deal. me trial jurors are as follows: John Neal, F. J. Wrightmanfos. Zimmerman, Robert Flohrer, Fred Hur.t, A W. Hunt, Chas. Henit, Cbas. A. Gray, Ab Hall, John W Harriu, C.J. Simeral. First witness for prosecution was E. I Barrett, w ho had knout 3300 bushels of wheat in the mills. There have been a remarkable aeries of failures of a similar character in Linr county. At Albany the Foster railts.the Montvith mills, then Isom &. Lannimr. and still later Stockman bad shortages ift wneat and failed for large sums. This trial will be one of the mcst hard fought legal battles in the history of the state and will be watched with keen interest. Some witnesses: J. W. Cusick, the banker Wm. Vance, the broker; E. D. Barrett, lessee and prosecuting witness; John Barrett, John Baltimore, John Isom, also under indictment. A live effort was made to have the in dictment quashed, the afternoon being spent in arguments, but the motion was overruled. After being out nearly two hours the jury in the btockman case brought in a verdict of guilty. Mr. Stockman will be sentenced at 9 o'clock next Monday. What They SaiJ About It. Tbe following is a version of tbe recent meeting of the Knights Templars in Al bany given by them aftr departing from our city and will be read with interest: On the morning of Oct. 10th, 1895. tbe beautiful city of Albany presented to tbe eyes ot the "early riser" a gala day ap peara.ce. Tbe buildings, both public and private had during the night and early morning hours undergone a Uantnormaiion at the hands of an enthusiastic people who vied with each other in their seal to decorate. The cross, the crown, the beauseant, and various Templar emblems together mith "Utd Glory" were displayed in pro fusion. Soon after 10 o'clock tho Sir Knights of Temple Commanderr No. 3 assembled in their aylom, formed their lines and ith band playing and banners flying, proceeded to receive and escort as the trains arrived the various oommanderiea. Sir Knights and ladies to their quarters. A 1 1 :') p.m. the procession was formed nnder direction of Capt. General Sir J. R. Wyatt of No. 3. First came Temple Commandery No. S with 50 swords, followed byOregon No. I. Ivanboe No. 2, le Moylav No. 5 and Eastern Otegon No. 6, and the Grand Commander acd other grand otScers in carnages. The processioc after psuwding several streets arrived at the Public Park, where tbe Grand Commander Sir Philip S. Malcalm 'and his staff of orti sers renewed the Sir Knights and wit nessed an exhibition drill by the Drill Corps of DeMolav No. 5, under command of Lm Sir H. S. Jordan, after hicb tbe lines were again formed and the grand officers and members of the Grand Com manderr were escorted to the asvlnm of Tempie No. 3. and tbe Ninth Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery of Oregon was opened for the transaction of oiuiness. mas mi. After the adjournment of tbe Grand Commandery the Sir Knights were in vited lutJ adaining banquet rooms where a siperb banqnet was provided and served by the ladies of Albany Chap ter of the order of Uie Eastern Star. The tboaghtful care and graceful service aaakened in every Sir Knight the beauty and justice of the symbol of ever botduia our swords ever ready in the defence of the noble wives and daughters of masons. At tbe conclusion ot the banquet au , again repaired to the asyinm where in vited guests were assembling to listen to a program arranged by tbe tn- i detatigabte Mason and his loyal asso date in which tvery happ ly) no speech- making waa permitted, and the numbers' on the program were called in "low breath." The exercises opened with an orchestral overture, followed by a quar tette of male voices from Corvallis, that captivated the van audience and called forth rapturous encore that would not subside until tliey responded again and again. A vocal solo bv Mrs E. W. Lang don, a recitation bv Miss Simpson and a vocal solo by Sir 11. K. Clark were all exceedingly well rendered and received witn great applause, t oe program 10m pleled, an hour was devoted to social in tercounn before the order to form in procession and repair to tbe opera bous to witness or participate in th closing event of this memorable occasion. Jllere, tv nights in tun unr.orm accompanied py their ladies and invited guests, joined in the opening graod march, led by Sir H. S. Jordan of IVMoUy No. 5. The spectacle was brilliant and entic ing, and many an old Sir Knight wished "to le young as he used to be" so he might "remain into the "wee small hours of the morning." Henceforth the hospitable character ot Temple No. 3 will be enshrined in tbe pleasant memories of Oregon Templars. Hkak wha; the eastern press sav-s of Mrs. Baxter who lectures at the M. E. church Friday evening : Mrs. Baxter is a woman of handsome and vigorous pin si ue, modest and becoming dress, anil clfar, deep and ringing voice. A vein of bright and sparkling humor ran through the lecture, which combined with a m.ignetic nnd charming manner, prevented it from being the least bit tire some. We shall be. glad to hear her again. Colchester Sun, Vruro, N. S. Spilt Orr. Dr. Bal.O' Fellows was starting for home today, when his hone, whirled at the P. O. comer tipping Mr. fl Vii n 1 1 a rt . I tt,A hltniftf -Tilth wheel oi a buggy occupied by a lady was caught and dialled, Wvvnderful are tl.e cures accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla and yet it is only bcanse Hood's Satsaparilta, th one pure blood purifier, makes pure, rich, healthy blrod. Hood's Pill for the liver and bowels, act a i'y. yet promptly and efficiently. The Modern Beauty , Thrives on food food and sunshine, with plenty of extrcise in te open air. Her form glows with health and ber fase blooms with its beauty. If her system nonls Ibecleansing action of a laxative rem edy, she uses the gentle and pleasant liquid a.ative Syop of Figs. ExcntsioK Fostio!tv-"fba special excursion to Portland for October 14th ia now postponed; until Thursday, Oct, bet 17th, anyone wishing to avail them selves of this low rata sliruil.l mm-liu. ! their tickets by Tuesday noon, October 19th, ot Kaspar Vandran at Depot Hotel. I : 0k Prtoe'a cream tfckins PowJet ' World's Pa IVrtost AvrwrsV f!7s for lbs Jadsd and 604 Health for all JfAaklnd. JOTS VEGETABLE f A8SAPABILLA. tsmadafrora 6 v herbs, and f j contains no I . 1 I n ril V J ties ttirongh nauirs'sowa proper Cham nets, toy's Vegetable Sarupariita cmcs Iya Sepsis, h roalc L:tt Complaints and Sidney AOccUeoa. irifi or deadly pols- en. Joy's Vegetable ar partita robs tbe btuod of all Its Impuri ties, and eoursrs att toesc impurt- Joy'a TegetaMe Marsapartlla prevenU tired Heel ings, staggering sen sations, palpitation of heart, rush of blood to the head, dizziness, ringing in ears, pots before the eye, headache, bd iousnexs.coosti patka of bowels, pains la the back,melancholy, tongue coated, foul breath, pimples on face, bod and limb, decline ofnervs fores dizzy spslla, taint spells, cold, clammy feet and hands, sour risings, tatigna, in somnia, aod all dis rases of t be stomach, liver aod kidneys. Joy Vetetabie Sax apariUa as aoKl by all lnigriOL K e fase a subttioite. Wbca yoa pay for tne beat sec that yow get Uc best. Almst Anywhere you'll see black diagonal cloth ; office, street, theatre, parlor, church. It's worn by all good dreasera. The best is Clay's Worsted. Tbe cutaway is tbe standard coat, ith modifications each year, in length or cut. On these points we're as well posted as any tailor; better, perhaps, than some. linings, button, trimmings, all that they should be. By tbe way, oar Press Suits are not expensive; they lat for years. They're a necessity of a sotial investment that will' pay. We have them, when voo're ready to be "full dressed.' L. E. BLAIX CLOTHING CO., Leading Clothiers Tailors. A very big ptke was paid forqninite once, f-i mo juor-e. thick of it! ; new for 25 eta lludge & Mc Fariand will sell yoo enough to kn-xk the maUna from a whole fa-ui y. Tbeir stnek off goods is rt class and tbeir prnes low. AU customers treated alike A We have to boy gro ceries, produce and PROPOSITION brradstofisconstant Ir, not once a month That bat every day. These are what we live on. Pays It is a matter in which w should take pains, for a good deal of life's hap piness depends on having Good groceries. Fresh produce And well haked goods. A long experience has tasujht Albany people that they cat depend on what tbey boy of Parker Brotners. If ta are compelled to live enesply sad with to sopph your table with the best tne oarket affords By ali mean patronise tbe PostoSke Grocery. Bay year peaches at tbe Pjs office Gro cery. For Pills and Plaster O-iwson For Prescriptions Dawson's. F-w Pure Drugs Dawson's. Use Dawson's furniture polish. The Weather. Toeadav aod Wdoay fair ct tionary temperature. River 0.7 F M French. Uip)aymaa. Shiloh'a Cute, tne great couh and croup cure, fx in grar demand. Pocket slie contains t went v-ve doaea only 25c. Children lo. it. So'-d by druggists. Meat cheaper than Ter at the A than v Dressed Beef Oo's shop, coner cf Second andFllswortb s'reet "Bill" Eenck will continue to slice the best meat to be btained for yon. Moneyto Loan. - A limited amount cf money to loan on good farm security. S. N. Stkels & Co. Every man to His Business. Conn A Huton are ia the grocery busi ness 1 hiy run a grocery storm, and tnev keep the liet to l secuml. Fresh grocer isa, the latest pooduce sad f raits; ana if you want some nne crockery tney keep it ALBANY IS ALL RIGHT Keep your sye oa this fact and also bear ia miud 4hat C. E. brow ell will supply your wauts ia the grocery line cheaper than any competition bouse in the city. Farm Loans. I have a limited amount off money to I - 1 t I 1 - : . , - . J . vn un icvw ifm laiius id 1.1DD ana au joining county. On very favorable terms. Interest parable annually. Call or writs at once as the amount 1 have for loaning will soon be gone. C O. BCRKBAKT, Albany, Oregon. Hereufter all goods purchased of Julius Omdwhol will be delivered free of charge. No one will be allowed to undersell him. If you want a good and clean smoke buy cigars made bv tr Al bany cigar factory. l)uis Vieieek has secured tne soie rifrht of Lisa. Marion and Benton Co. for tbe sale of Dr. White's Pair Grower. Parties ( ctiririnir tieatmont win ao wen to consu l 1 A; (TT 421. AlWny.LinnCo.,Or. " Dr. fi W. Mast on. pbyrcian and ur sho". llanyOr. Calls anawuvd prompt ly n cify or country. i Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Wcrkt'a Farf Highest Award. Auction, Mciion, Auction: I (Commencing Oct. 21t the executors of the Estate of A. B. Mcllaain, deceas ed, will (mM tn . ,1 nnt.i;....U the entire stock of merchandise of the sata estate without reserve, said mer chandise consists of general stock and fixtures, and from now on alt goods aill be sold at auction prices. The entire stock most go. Call at the store, see stock and get prices. Special. The best brands of full roller floor and every sack warranted, 65 cents per sack. Special. Free with every purchase of JS rents or over, one paper of best matches See. long as match supply lasts. Special. 5 papers Arm & Hammer eo:a. 60 oz 25e " " " " 64oz25c K. C. baking powder, 23 oz 20c A. Schilling A Co's bak. pow. 16 ox. . .'-Cc Special. Best Graham flour, 23 lb sack. . . Beet breakfast mush, 10 lb sack. .. 20c Special. Mens best Bockford socks, per pr. . . 50c underwear, each " 50c ties " 2.25 shoes " fflOsnits - $2 hats I OS 30 25 1 EO 4 75 1 CO Special. Fairbenka best gold dust wash pow der. 3 lb papers $ 20 Our 50c spider leg lea. 5 lbs I 0 Do not mi- this oppertuuity, yon may never bave lie chance again when an er tire stork of ruerehandife a Hi told at auction prices. Call early ar.'J tecere bargains when yea can. Yocrs for basinets, Oct, 14, 1S93. H. F. Mclxwaix frraarn Fbowax. Executors Estate of A. B. Mcllwain. BMM, E. McSEHJL, IL-. TO THE EA crvts ram choice o TvVO TRANSCONTINENTAL RO UTES great union tsORTHERH PACIriG Vial via SPOKANE DENVE UIXMEAPOUS OMAiA asm tno ST. PAUL KAKSASCinr LOWEaTRS TO A! I eastern crns-. OCEiN STE4MEK-J KAVE PORTLAD ES"ERT 5 l' v .. so .. SAN FRANCISCO tor tail detmi . eat' Ccxaax & Moxrimi, AStNtiv, Or on annaavQ: WHHUBL8LK1. Gss't Pa? PORf LAND. OR. ORTHFRN PACIFIC R. it u Pullman Sleepiu Jar' Elegant Dining C v s, Tourist Sleeping O.trs St Pant Minneaoiia la!ath largo, TO iirand Forks Crookston Vinnipeg: He'enaanJ Bntte THROUGH TICKETS,,,,, TO Chicago Washington Philadelphia New York Boston and all Points East and South T jr nformation, time cards, taaps and tickets call on or write C Q Borkhart, A rent. AUny, Or. Or A D Charlton. Ast ien Faaa Agt Portland, Or LAIY OR GEN1LV5IAX BOOK KEErER. W ith references, who has $2000 cash to loan, for a year oa ample re entity, and take steady position as book keeper and manager, on a salary of K0 I lihed. good paying company at i'ortiand. lAddrJ.' lfc" H6 Marquam Buildinj, ; 1 ottland, Oregon ' ' " " : ; FOR EXCHANGE. 50 acres of im proved form land within fear miles of Albany, all in cultivation, including 4 acres of trait, for city residence property. J. M. Keeney.