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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1895)
of Jlic 3cmcin;at. Tne Albany College. At the Synod of the Presbyterian cbnrchia Salem, Professor W . H. Lee, of thia college made the following very plain report: The president of the college presented a BtroDg f paper, showing the absolute necessity of the synod taking active and immediate measures to insure the per manent success of the college. President W. II. Lee spoke as follows in reference to Albany and the cause of education which the Presbyterian church la foster ing: -"On the 13th day of August I arrived in Albany after, a", three months' stay in the Vast, and at a meeting of the board of trnsteea of Albany college held the following evening 1 was elected prest- Unl On lh Tiert mnrnincp T trwrfr liolt) " in dead earnest to correct the uncertain rumors that bad been allowed to circa late concerning the college daring tbe summer, and Jby extensive advertising, and diligence in corresponding, succeed ed in bringing things to such, a pass that when the college opened on the 11th of - September twenty-eight days from the time of my election we had eighty-one students in, only three less than the year before. That camber baa ' now increased to about 123, including all parts of work. "I take pleasure in saying that from the standpoint of attendance.and internet and enthusiasm on thepartof tbe student and hearty sympathy and encouragement on the part of the men as and pastors of the institution, the prospects of libany -college, as a school, were never brighter There is a test and eagerness and co operation in the attitude of the students u .TulmklPnl nA rttfnehtniv Thar is a devotion and a spirit of eelf-abncga- -. tion on the part of the teachers that is f truly inspiring. "But when we same to view the in stitution from a Presbyterian standpoint, there are several things to say. For twtntv-eieht years Albany college has been a Presbyterian school, and ret in all that rime, the Presbyterian church has never came to its aid as it should Individual givers not all Presbyterians and mostly citizens of Albany have - given a large per cent of the money that has ever gone into permanent improve ments. "Id j not say this to cause offense. I do hope tbe ckurch will relieve me from each a thought. But! deem it merely justice to the citizens of Albany to say that the cash gifts from Albany alone, of which any record has been kept, have amonnted to $30,157. In addition to this not a year has passed since the inception of this enterprise in which the citizens of Albany especially the resident trus tees have not gone down in Uiesr pock' eta for small sums greatly needed, and it is safe to say that the $30,157, above, if facta were fully known, would be swell ed to over rr,000. Presbyterians on the outside have been content in tbe main to eiva vearlv to enrrent expenses. Many thanks are of course due for such aid, and without the college could nor, have existed. But 'these things ought ye to have done, and not have left tbe other undone." 'A word on the educational work of our' beloved church, on thia coaet. 1 liave been revolving a plan in my own mind for some time that I believe should be, put into actual operation by our church. I believe it to be a good word ing plan. The church should adopt some means by which tbe educational work would be unified and brought into cue grard system. "Let several academies be establish ed ia each state Washington. Oregon , California and one college in each etate. possibly two in California and one theological seminary for tbe coast. We already have established our theological seminary and tLree colleges and several academies. But, in our own state sup. pose we Lad four academies one for each Presbytery, and one college for tbe whole. Let there be a congress of tbe faculties of the existing schools, calt ed Presbyterian, in oar etate and let tbe a? arrange the curricula of all, so that the aeademi&s shall have tbs same bigb grade coarse each, aod the college take np tbe work where tbe academies leave ' off. The four academies Pendleton, G rant's Pass or Koeebnrg, Fortlaad and Albany shall all be articulated into tbe college, to be established wherever tbe cfauich and tbe liberal donors of tbe church see fit. "It U not necessary that tbe college be located a. Albany at all. Let that be settled at its proper time, but it seems to us that the property at Albany con servatively estimated at a valuation of $40,000 be taved to the cburcb, and tbe exact grade of educational work done there can be aettled hereafter. We be lieve that Albany is a stragetic point in tbe carrying out of any such educational system, and it can yet be saved by prompt measures. "I d not need to plead for any higher eiucatiou before the Presbyterian cburcb. It is assumed beforehand that if a man is a Presbyterian be believes u!!y and heartily in this; the history of pur beloved cburcb falls- confirms this. What shall we do. brethren, with tbe glorious heritage of such a past? Shall we be true o the very underlying and I essential principles of the grand old! Presbyterian church, or shall we be sat isfied with mediocrity, and rest on tbe ii.b'.e achievements of past centuries? "To show that promptness of action is neeessary juht now, I need only to say that tiie money now the debt of tbe college was borrowed from the irreduci ble school fund of the state, and the loan was secured by a mortgage The mort gage is now already being foreclosed. The papers are it tbe hands of an attor ney to oe brought before the proper civil court within thitty days. The payment of the interest will tnd this suit But shall we be content to stop there and have that aume thins; to face another year? Far better to allow the suit to proceed to its legitimate conclusion "LH the eburch arise to its great privil eges and raise the debt, and endow the school, at least moderately, and prove that Oregon Preahjtemns re mad) of the same stuff as our Scotch ancestors, "I hope I maybe pardoned in Kiring Uie synod leon in localcy. I have gleaned iho following facts am, figure from the re port ot tne Doara ot aid for college. A iiaiu U mce at the way the synods stand iy ute tniititutions within their b ends ro wels aomething to our discredit: J (liege. Givers. A biny 3 ISm-na Vista. la 74 Kmporia, Kan 145 ln(roiont., Colo........... 6tf 4Jolltkef Montana, iJeer., Lodge....... 54 Occidental , 95 k L 8107 30', Km.rf .tati-tic. ofthufckijd. It atl begathcedupby saying that out the thirty-two Institutions which were remembered by direct personal gifts only two received less than Albany. "A careful view of the gifts reveal the fact that with only two or three exceptions, the gilts come from within the state. We have bean accustomed to a habit of looking outside for help in religious and education al matters when we would proudly and in dignantly repudiate the assertion that Or egon was one of the' weaker states of the Union. It looks wrong. "Thy speech be- trayeth thee.' This goes out all over the United States. What's the matter with Oregon claiming so much in climate, wealth, fertility what are the men doing with their monny ? Why don't they stand up to their opportunities in personal gifts and church offerings. They must oe toi lowing the scripture 'Lei not thy left hand know what thy right hand doetb Washington Letter. Frcjm but ngnlar Oortaniondut. Washikotok, Oct. 7th, 1895. Secretary Carlisle is still in doubt as to whether he will again speak in Ken tucky during tbe state campaign, with the chances against bis doing so, but he baa accepted an invitation ta deliver a financial speech before the Boston Re form Club, at its annual banquet, to be given on Saturday next. It is reported that Secretary Carlisle has about made up his mind to recom mend, in bis annual report to Congress, that $1 barrel be added to the tax on beer, which, it ia estimated, would add $32,000,000 a year to tbe receipts of the government. Whether tbe republicans would accept tins recommendation it it be made wilt depend upon whether the hifch-tariff-ortust republicans control the Hoase. If that faction gets on top the country will be in for another tariff agitation. Mr. Red, wbo will rnle the House with a rod of iron, only bending when he thinks lie can improve his chances for getting tbe presidential nom ination, ia credited with not wishing to touch the tariff during the coming ses sion of Congress. Secretary Olney declines to discuss re cent sensational publications concerning the action taken by this government to wards compelling England to respect the j Monroe doctrine in its dispute with Yen- ezuela about the ownership of certain lands, but I can stats on high authority that the astioo of the administration has been as yet. with the exception of re newing the saggestioo in ail e by Secre tary Uresbamthat the elites bescb mitted to arbitration, confined to gath ering facta to fortify it in the poutioo it will take later on, if it becomes neces sary to uphold tbe Monroe doitrine. Wbensver a man wbo is or baa been prominent becomes ill or dies tbe coun try is at once flooded with misstatements concerning bis life. The case of Ex Senator Mabuae, of Virginia, is the latest striking inataooe. from the time be was stricken down vita paralysis the misstatement mill Las bees steadily grinding. One prominent newspaper writer stated over his own njoatsre that Qen. llahone and bis family were blce btoodsd, F. F. Y. aristccrats, aud that to lonjraa be remained in the democrat- Prt7 b8 " W mnd prosperous in business, idolised for bis war record.and bis family tbe pets of tbe highest socie ty, bat that after be beeame a republi can he and hia family weie tociatly os tracized, hod Lis business discriminated against until be was gradually driven to bankruptcy. About tbe only true thfog in the whole arlicl is srbai ja said of hie war record. Tbe people ol Kootbamp ton county, Virginia, where Gen. Mar hone waa born, and where be has rela tives now living, would smile at bis be ing called an aristocrat, and old citizens of Petersburg where be has lived since the war would do likewise upon being told that tbe Mahooeti ever were social pets. Hah one was plebeian horn. Be waa a civil engineer and helped to boiUJ tbe Norfolk and Petersburg railroad, which was a part of the A. M & O. sys tem, of which he became president after the war, eta salary of $23,000 a year. He came oat ot ihm war poor, as be en tered it, bat bis war record mads him railroad president, and tbe boas of the democratic party of Virginia, wbicb por aition he maintained until forbearance ceased to be a virtue. About the time hia control of tbe democratic party was broken be also lost hia railroad job, Then came bis organization of tbe read- juater party, bis flop to the republicans and bia term in the Benat, He was credited with being a neb man and was lavish liver and a daring speculator, but since be le't tbe eVmate be bas been known simply as a lobbyist His bank ruptcy was tbe result of bad investments some of wbico merit shared by demo crats, .instead of their driving him to bankruptcy. In Petersburg (be social status of the Mahonea Is svs good as it ever was. Cr;n. Marions was a great soU dier and a brainy man. bnt when that much is said it is best to stop. After The Smoke jfs Cleared Away Editor Democrat : After the amok is cleared away the cause of tbe burniog is thought of and ascertained . It sras after tbe devastating famine of southern Russia, with its train of typhus to other horrors, that oae of its causes was dwh the drinking hab it and consequent laziness of th9 agricul turalists. It was who thechoters had committed 'ts lavages that s a'.istica choed the vlc toms were tbose wno ere in the habit of taking alcoholic stimuUnis including e v en the moderate drinkers. Aod turning back to a similar specimen of about thirty years ago, it was seaa that history was but repeating itself. Compared with tbose events, the mere fact of the outcome of the Yacht race between America and England seems but a minute orcurrsne. Still tbe same cause aod effoct on mana ahvaiana im shown. The New York gun speaking of the Yacht "Defender." crew, says; 'Some of the cw go ashore nightly. They crowd tne dri iking dUcts,'' of Val krrieeerew itsay:' The 100th barrel of bser consumrd by the English crew since their arrival in America was opened and drank. Is this race? why the"Vaikvries lost the Senator Palmer tells a ttory about an Illinois farmer who for several years bad been eellirg bim wood for six dollars a eord. "This year," says Senator Palmer, ' he came to me with a load, and I told him I did not aaot jt, He offered it at two dollars a eord. f ,U re'n.d. and fee wsn'-d ki.ow j n 4 A . k it at tu uuiiara, I iu d nim t was using nuu,. ui.cilior wdicu 1 pmd fl7 a ton. Veis ?rGo,hI'he c,!ned, 'I heard yon wss 6778 66 1 tryUl8 demonetize i'ver, and now m 747 00 re trrtD todefnelite wood.' " -f. . , t t . . . . . . . Tne wther for the past mnnih lim feAfi thm ftnMi tn I.I s- t . 1 . Wamak. thia item forth, benefit of our1 ader, not accustomed to good wUhe" Looking back and Ahead. EJitor tfemderati Halsev, Oct. 14, 1895. Summer has gone, at least.'so says the almanac, and the weather prophets and the oldest inhabitants can now begin their prophesies, and worry the life out of the pessimists, about cold winter.or a warm winter, a dry winter a wet win ter, just as suits their mood. Tbe sum mer that has passed has been an event ful one, in many ways. It has given us a Durrant and a Holmes, and a long- suffering public have been nauseated with the sensational stuff which the leading (?) newspapers have seen fit to tire and sicken their readers with. The summer has been a good one, too, but best cf all, it has knocked the predic tion of the "calamity bowlers" galley west, for Uncle Sam is still doing busi ness at the old stand, notwithstanding the cry "that he'd soon be a buated com munity." Business is increasing all over tne land, iaie men are Becoming scarce, wages are advancing, in fact, all indications are favorable to us. and that we will soon be the same prosperous, progressive, happy nation we were be fore the tide of depression struck us. And no that eu aimer has gone and winter ia almost upon us, and the cold mornings are causing iry shivers to run up and down our backs, it is lime to get out our flannels, and liver-pads, and luug planters and call on "Uncle' for our ulster and put away oar light sui's and straw hits, and we must ij-iit sitting on the piasx.i4 and stroMlaif through the woods of as evening, with our dear be witching, ever cl.ariuing summer girl but tne warm hearted, bright faced, con fidiog little wiuter beauty will soon be on the fceri,aud we w ill be just as hep py aud coniepud gtsing into her laugh ing eyes and holding her halt frozen fin gers wbile-our "two hearts beat as one,' as e were while lulling in the shade and loosing volumes into the languid sleepy eyes of the charmer that has just passed from our lives, and now that winter is near lb farmer's wife will have a little time for herself ; she'll not have a dozen harvest hands to cook for. nor little chickens to raise, and a bun dred and one other worries which sam- mei brings to ber life. The old people can sit by tbe fire acd groan over rheu matism and influenza and lament that they are not in California, and spin yarns about what bard winters they have seen: ''But this Is tbe hardest eince tbe fall of '49, and spring of '30. And the farmer: lie can ait around tbs bouse and grumble at bis w'.le and spit tobacco juice on ma's new carpet, and growl at the children and tbe dog, and the "pesky weather,' and he can go to Albany and subscribe for tbe Demo crat, and take it borne and read al tbe latest Beys to fc's good wife, while she is knitting, sewing or darning bia socks, and scolding the cbildrsn at the same time for making sneb a racket; in fact, there ia a host of things he can do, bat won't ; but ought to do And when w In tel geu bete we may expect rode wiuds, and cloudy wathjr and ttoriuy times generally; but don't fret, oof fvrry, bnt braca up and put your best foot for ward. Liugii acd make others laugh, for this is a good w or .d a best we're ever seen, and I, fa is short at best, and no matter bow severe the winter may be, summer will come again, to most of us, and with it tpnsbiue and golden weath er. II. T. The njwspaper publisher ts not btlWl ted on a bed of roses : in the eyes ol msoy readers he prints ibofe things he oogbt not to print, aod leaves onprinted those thiogs which be cogbt to print. Readers do nol take into roniuieratioe tie fact that the newspaper man cannot be omni present; that he cannot mike a note of things he does not see nor bsar, hence failure to do so is not criminal nealigenre Every wide awake newspaper maa bas a desire to catch on to the news and print it, ami be is al rays coder ob'igations to tnoe who gike bjin pointers leading to a news item. Ei. fays comet is said by astronomers o be beaded directly for the earth. Tbey are now making t he ui selves nervous by fignrinx opt it will s'rike directlr against tbe earth. We 4o hope it will hit China first. Several times astronomers bave said a comet would strifes at: bat U didn't, in fact didn't get close enough to be sen by I be caked eye. Tbe debt of the city of Seattle is $3,5, 003; that of Tscom f?,$,000. agaiost an asseJ yaloation of ilS.jjQSfOQ Portland's debt of every discretion, Is $3,130,000, against so sssesed yaloation of $31,000,000. I; will be eQ tbs tbs indebtedness is about a tint a of tbe ee3sinent,Tacom's being more than that. Albany is much bettor lived, her indebtedness being only about one n' tientb' 3ut it is enough, and some day we will bass to psy it Albany should by all means bave that turpentine factory. This county Is pe culiary well adapted on account of its va ried vegetation for a factory of tbe kind proposed, $94 if basinasa men appreciate tbe situation tbey v'U put it on its feet. The right kind of public spirit years ago would bave given Albany a baqdsom park lu front of tbe eourthouss, and now i wou d be coverrd with wide spreading abade trees, convenient seats, eui. a needed p'.aceforc!il:dren and oldr peo pie, a delightful resort, and just the thing for celebrations, sit too late. 1 m i. mj The celebrated "bottomless abyss" ol France is situated in tbe province ol Van eluse, and is considered one of the mod interesting geological wonders in the world. .t is called the Abyett of Jean Kauveah, and baa been known for cen turies. It is from a to 12 feet in diam eter and practically boitoiulcse. It is supposed to be tne vent of au ancient geyser, 4 friend of the editor id tbe Pk,ojhat ays be got tbe reputation of using worth mucn more than be really was b.cmin be always paid bis d'bla bro (:' This is worthy of consideration. the P. 1 ilaiii exposition is having the biggest t'Miwdx in its history, and right hia tbe middle ia the Linn county exhibit, adorned bv thousand. Jil lg.UlJLL Albany crekMieif bi)ttr )a tbe best in tbe state. That is hfc tli slaiS fair committee sa d, and tbose 1. 1 the habit of eating it will eonenr. It is entirely proper that Linn, the best 'untj' xa t,,e v'!ey should be the center of attraction at the expoeition. Albany is quite a manuao nring city .after all, i,niri cdiii I- i H..nij i,. at.l li'iin at the l'uilloiid eano-itioii Are you 111 Lmr, Then yiU will win. MISFITS. Another bank has failed In Pnn.iMnn. a faro bank. College literary societies are now set tling a very momentous question. Here it ia. "Resolved that the United States should recognise the Cuban insurgents as oeuigsreius." The Euaeno Onard nernetratcs the following not verified by the records: The Smiths are not in it. The marriage recently took place of Chas. W. Brown and Ida Brown, at the residence of the bride's father, J. Brown, at Brownsville, by Rev. Geo. Brown. The best man was Fred Brown and the bridesmaids were Lottie Brown and Edith Brown. A decision has been rendered in favor of Mrs. Stanford in the b it tl5.000.000 case that affected the very life of the college. A dispatch from Stanford says : " hen the decision in the Stanford suit waa announced here at noon the greatest enthusiasm prevailed among the students in the dormitories. They went wild. shaking hands, hugging each other and yelling themselves hoarse. Steam whis tles were kept blowing and students with boras and cow bells marched about the campus making as much noise as- possi ble, A grand parade was held this even ing. The Walla Walla Union savs : "Next Saturday there will 1 fun galore and galorum as the opera house. Twenty- sex en pieces ot silverware will be given as a prise to the lady who can saw a 2x5 scantling the quickest with a buck-saw on tbe stage. Four competitors are al ready in the field witling to saw wood and say nothing. Thev will wear overalls on tins omission anil mere win ie 11111 tor the millions,' At the recent session of the a ran lodge K. of P., in Salem, an entirely new constitution was aioiUM. An import ant feature' of which is thsTriburo, con stating of three members, win we uu'y consists in deciding all disputes, anil questions of law appealed from the lodges. The Tribune consists of if. M. ('ake, an attorney if Portland: Hon. Jeff . Meyers, of Scio and Judge MoCollougliof Aloina. There is alro a National Tribune, the final c urt of appeal. An old soi.ojI mate of the editor the 1)bmochat fs a member of the National Tribune. Of course Portland papers like to hit the rotate fair. Perhaps the Welcome gives it the worn whack : Even the ealetn papers are grumbling about the late State fair being a failure. Doubtless it was; it always has been; and it al ways will te, aa long as it ia supported, even in part, by ttate fund. It is a cheap horse-racing jowst; thst is all; and the tax-payers ''put up" for it. It will be a delusion and a swindle just as long as it is so maintained. It is one of thoe little pieces of public folly of which tbe American people are so fond. Tbey must squander about so much, and give a lot ot buy fellows a chance for a "job," even 11 some 01 uie people go iiungry. ; Two weeks ago yeaierday. Miss Minnie, tbe 19 year old da tighter ol N.J. Stan ford, who lives at No. 345 Park street, left her home for the expressed purpose of visiting relatives and friends in Al bany, says the Portland Welcome. Since that time no word has been received from her by ber parent. For several iiy Mr. and Mrs. Stanford waited for some news from their daughter. Tbey were not particularlv Comoro! because of ber neglect to write, believing that she was so busy with ber pleasures Utat she had overlooked tbe fact that it was quite proper on ber part to ad viae her paoct; of ber destination. But as days rolled by and nothing was heard of Min nie. Mrs. Sianbyd wrote 2 ktter to her sister making inquiries. A 'reply was seceiyed two days later to the erfect thai Minnie bad uot kpea there. Investiga tion revealed the fact Uist Waiter Wag ner, a semi-drummer, bad Induced ber to run away with Mn 00 a protnire of marriage, which be did not ful tit I. Tbey are now ia Spokane. Wagner bas been 4icbnpd. The girl parents are almost diatractui fever t affair. The West Fide shows up the hi? ea pert as follows : Did vou ever have a lot of norm stampied? An interesting process. The inspector (a man w bo It red i bop kiln one season and picked bops another tabej a long knife and rips open a bale ot hops then threes a derrick tort into the able of tbe bale and ktvl$ cat a Un or fifteen pound pins of the contents, L iUki it down on a baterims tbe plug ana scatters seven-eigbus ol storeroom. lie Ihanshorc bis nose into tbe "sample. "looks thoughtful Jurns bis bead to one side and In order to lea v no doubt in 1 be minds of the rustic hop growers gathered round as to bis fitne to in peel, he proceeds to find fault with ua Lei, about aa follows: "These bona wte pukd too ereen.or tbey were Pwere too ripe, or uer have mould or they were snueesad In bailing." Sometimes to give variety tbe hop were slackdried, overdried. under dried, higbdried, or iowdried, or if no other fault can be found with thsm they were tramped in bailing, or saltpetre u used fir' 5 at used. Boil down soother bale of ths saie l,op dried In the same kiln, and lead the inspc;or W tbiok it cf a different lot. He rips, plugs, scatters, rolls biseyes.tursa bis bead toother side, looks thoughtful, enutnu the other cm and breaks into testacies a be exclaims ''tut of eight! Elegant! Fira:-c!a. MARRIEty. ORABTREE-4rF.lJCH.-At Ue borne 01 toe groom's lather. 13 Koglewood, Xalem, Sunday evening. OctoU r 13. 1805. ilies Belt Crabtreu, of bcio, and U. H. Webtb. Rev. J. Bowerman.of the Free Methodist cburcb of Xortb Salem, officiating. KTJTHE BRIDGEFARMER. By the Rev. T. P. Havnes, near Tangent, nt the residence of the brides' father, Mr. Geo. W. Kutba and Misa Imogene Bridgefarmer. Mr. Kuthe ia one of Linn county's most esteemable citizens, and has taken to himself one of Tangcnt'a choicest young ladies. "Their boat is launched fpon tLa tide." May the matrimonial rzea blow tofijy fjr them forever. Dr. PIERCE'S Golden Medical DISCOVERY ! Cvns Ninety-light per tni. .f ell ' eatet of Consumption, la mil lu Earlier Stages. Although by many believed to be Incura ble, there ia tbe evidence of hundreds of faring witnesses to the fact that, in all its earlier adages, consumption is a curable disease. Not every case, bnt a large per cenfagt nf eatet, a4 we believe, yV p.) Per rent, are cured by Jj)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, even aftr tbe disease baa progressed so far aa to induce repeated bleedings from tbe lungs, severe lingering ougis tt itb copious expectoration (includ ing Xubercuiaf Jt'attcr), great loss of flosU and extreme cmacLiUii and weakness. po you doubt tliat hundreds. of such cases nported to us as cured by ".Golden Med (cat Discovery " were genuine cases of that dread and fatal diaease ? You need not take our word for it. 'tkef bave, in nearly every instance, been so pronouttcd by tne best and most experienced boms physicians, who bave no Interest whatever in mis representing them, and who were often strongly prejudiced and advised against a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery," but wbo have been forced to confess that It surpasses, in curative power over this fatal maladf, ptj ptber medicines with which tbey arc acquinte4. Nasty cod liver oil and lu filthy "emulsions" and mixtures, had been tried In nearly all these cases and had either utterly failed to bene fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for a short time. Extract of malt wbiskev. f no various preparations ot tne n- 1 preoarationa of tbe nvDonboa. pu-iea naa also oeen laitnruiiy tnea in vain. The photographs of a large number of thuue fund of consnmption, bronchitis, ... . t m ... - - - . ( lingering tougus, aatnma, cnronic nasal vuiaim ana jctnarea msiaaies, nave been 'skillfull reproduced 'lrl a book of 160 pages wbicb will be' mailed to you, on re cefpt of address and sis cents in ; stamps. Address fur Book, World's Dispensary aUdical Association. ButTalo, N. V. TELEGRAPHIC. Lot r Claim. Corvaixas, Or., Oct. 15. A. V. Wood cock, lefeice in (he Oregon Pacific matter, held a sitting of ourt yesterday afternoon The claims tiled up to this time aggregate nhout $1,250,000. Of this sum, $20, 551 12 is due Lincoln county for taxes; iU),4t0 63 to Benton countr, and $7,04'J 97 to Marion county. Other claims for taxes, union which is that of Linn county, have not yet been file 1. Several claimants ask ed for further time, and the referee after consulting the wishes of the attornoy pres ent continued the time for filing claiink un til .Vonday next. Armcalaa Slaualcrril. LosnoN. Ocf . 15. A disduleh to the Daily News from Constantinople says: Keliable news has been received mat M) Armenians were killel, and a number wounded at Althiwiar, in tbe viltayet of Adin, on the Anatolian railway, by a Mos lem mob. The similiter occurred on October 9, which was market dcy, wbea many Ar menians had gathered from adjacent vil lages. Kurly in the tnornimr, a Turkish rough, finding that the Armenians were not armed, nicked a quarrel and snot one of them. Tuere was tbea raised on ull tides the cry. "Why hesitate to massacre the inutielsi" A 1110 j ot lurnit, artneu with revolvers, then looted the market and niusittcerd tbe helpteits Armenians. ('at aae. a Week San Fkancisco. Ojt. 15. The trial of 1 beodore Durrani was today continued un til next tiond.ty, on necount of the iKneas of Attorney IMiprey, leadinir! for thedcfensH. While the prosecution made no objection to Hie motion to continue. Judge ilurpliy S'bs reluctiiut about giving Consent, and announced thai the trial would be rojmed text Monday whether Deuprey should have recovered or not. ti-mi br flat'. LiTTi.K Kik K. Uc. 15. (i-i.eruor l'lurk' determination toktop tiw 'orbtt r itMimmoiia coiitott wo ted to dar in the preem of Uenrral Taylor. hnica.lur flit nil 01 the Arkat.tas Uie gUJrd. who wan Diimiuoned here by tele graph to ixrnfer with the troverntr. in 10 gard to the at rvntflli of the tate uuiili Ueneral Taylor ia coiifereiH-e witb Uovernor Clarke, for an hour thu morn ing, and wtnm een by a reporter was pre paring to Uke tbe sriu for Hot Spring General Taylor aaid tbe fight would no. occur. JaUlce la a Wra War. Bt-rcBistsojs. Kan.. Cvt. 15 Thia morning Howard Steve, who Uvea at Ar lington, 2U miles wet of here, drove with bis u.ter to tbe farm ot James Lewis and demanded that John Mullen, employed by Lewi, marry tbe girl at oice. (.burning imu Munen nau seduced ber. Mullen re fused, aod Steven, waiting until bia bart waj turned, shot him, tbe ball entering bis tide. As Mullen tea Steven snot again Mullen ill die. Stevens got away and posae is in puruit. Wilt t fala4. Sak i'aasriMTi. OcL 11. The trial of Theodore Durrani for tbe murder of HUncbe I-aniout did not go on tbu morn ing. Some of tbe jurors am bainM men, and thu being collection day tbe cttirt ad journed until tomorrow. It is not unlikely that tbe coutt will to morrow morning tke a further adjourn meet Attorney Ifeuprey. leading ccuruel for tbe defense. i conSned to hi bed with rheumatism, and bU associate will bate this aa a rraaon for cootiRoaoce for reral days. Tbe trial will not bkely be resumed beiore neit Monday. ICgrr Ikaa Meprr4 Sas Faasrisro. kt It. Tbe Pacific Coat Stt-aoj.hip Company, owners uf rbs WiJlametie Valiey, baat!at received al tetter from Captain Von iie!m. of that i steamer, giving an account uf tbe torm which swept tbe xat of Mexico and near ly dtrwd La Pa. Captain Von lleJoii' letter iadtdfed that tbe destruction caed I . . uy L.e uurrianc wj rar mere general than might have ben irierrsd fptn the ij.-fTL.ic u.pii'!. 20 Jos dell ao was badly dauwfsd. and MaMtbu. uf ered tbs torm by anchoring in Maj ialen bay. ooatiiT. im uidisi :e 1 ai;- nrawM Ta SlM UN Urtlrr. Xbw Youk, Oct. IS. Tbe World priots IS CTttrcing tbe following dUnatch from I'oo-Cbow. iJOH tjsu 'Tuesday ) miming: "A a reu!l c-f lbs liritUb gatuat't ia Icrview with him, the vioeroy bas arnwd to escaw i'i mar vetariaa aonuod of murdencg miiooarie. immoiiaUly. The connils and tbe taolai (maglttrate) ate eoipoaered to paav actence hiwafter witi osi r-fe.en. to tbe xictmj. Tb con Han miM due to tbe preweoe bere of five tfn'tUh men -of-a at. ? It rsaTrMle Xw Yous. O-t. 15. X tpecial to the licrald flora Kjenj Ayre. ay: A telegram from Para, linuil. baa bwa rowiv'd in Itio ot Jacciro ctating that aa armed Hriltoh forte i tearebiort Uoougb UraziliiB territory. Tbs objcUi pwoi cf the tody is that pirt of Veowiela Claim ed by the Itrituh roveromeot. Tbe army fas already croued the Catoa river. Will ftikt It. S4S KntNitM-"!, (iA. H. Ths SMi'.bera IViSc H ulay I'-.iupjny tUy brought rait in Judtfe iicKfiiia's court 10 prevent tbe rate schedule making en 9 pr coot cut. rccenUy drafted by tb" nilroad oomtni ion. going into operation, and cites among other reasons the democratic platform of Iht hjil municipal election, in which bulb Larue and Vtanion 'yt to n;akeacutof 25 per wot in ni&. ' ' - re Srtlvc Twteaaan. Sas FejistciKco. Oct- 14 Tbe rrmue ",'tier Commodore Perry h.v return -d from Tbe honisero sea. where the baa t-n con fronted evvTy nlgbt for w. b a gigan tie line ol QirnM. As t j;;uio .Smith ei pred it. lhe devil's rokers have be?n stirring up the ub'erranean tea of flames IhiA i uppotd to lie thou m l of feet bei low iiebilng s bed. and s a MWoeouenee fully '.A cf Uie present vdcanoeg Ja tbe Aleutian chain are now active. ' flaw SrUar. Tacom . Wah.. CVt. 12 Cuitom In spector It. F. Joe this altemo)n captur ed 80 pounds of opium of the lient Victoria make, and valued at IIt-10. While fund ing on a comer, be mw two men gi by bearing a heavy pckagp, wrapped in blankets lie started to follow them, and hia u-plcioas were arouaed. when ther turned into a side street. jut after a ihrifl whii-tl.-. a; parenlly coining from a look out Wten ' stopped the men nfuei t. open lh packsge, telingJon-vy heeuM optn it tSf lpm. As he reached fr lu gun. the men' Jled le red. Tl' thi.;k be hit one of them, but could rot folio Jor tear ifjeif fas would ci the "dope 1 t(T lw tfaier- Ohroo Cur, Oct. 1.1. -Hie w ilHmUe river is below the xro mark here, which it, lor than it ha been before for five years, and k'eamlxHitmen experience trouble in gelling up the Clackamas rapid. All ex cept lr?Q jf the boats bave had to "limf up" over the rapids for leyeral 'jays pt. 80 "mall is the volume of wafar jpoisg over the falls that men may walk around the brink of tho ctfnrart without getting their feet wet, All Meaa Frlval. San Atonio, Oct. 13 "It is folly to think the tight can bs pulled off in Arkan sas," said James J. Corbett lat night after reading tho telegram from Governor Clnrke, quoted jn Friday night's dii-pa'ehe, which readied bim tod.iy. He added: "It i very evident Governor ( 1. k can. and will, slop it. I 'have aUitiiord all hope of baying the Oght thpre In 'net, it bsgins' to pook as if it wi'l have to I c pull ed oft in pj-ivalc, jf at all. ' A al Huyprumtnf. WAaBJNOTOOct. l:.-John I . Thom as, attorney-gonurul tor llw potoffice do- Sutmsnt, baa ruae'e hia annual report to ia postmaster general. Of the operations of his c Rice he nays that (hiring the year 218 "fraud" orders were ie&ued. prohibit ing tbe delivery of registered packages and the payment of money orders to certain companies and purti s mini -d. li e orders were issued against 5F lotteries, cp nitcd by so-called bund investment con.panics; ijjtigaiiiKt avowfld lotterieri 21 ftterjN of a miscellanetma character and lilO auheiiiax I. . ' I devised to defraud the public. 1 Fowr Htm Drewaed , Oaltimork. Uct 13 rot'r men were drowned today by tli capsisinir of u pleas ure boat in the middle of the i'a lapsco river Thev were: Harry rjlinnor, aforryinan: Fred Valk man, a barlsnde'; VVii'itim A. linker: James Huston. . PAKE'S CELERY COMPOUND. in Absoluts Co For the Worst Cases of Rheumatism. The Plain Language of Mr. Oscar Pike The Greatest or All Reme dies Accomplished Ills Cure After Many Months of Weakness and Suffering No Tedious Waiting for Improvement Paine'a Celerv Compound ia the one known specific for the cure of rheuma tism. The effect of this best of remedies is straightway felt. Aot a week goes by before the puns of rheumatism diminish. Thousands of men and women have told of the days and nights of rain and leehlenesa exchanged in a few weeks for activity and strength. l'aina s celery compound has won the reputation of being the remedy "that makes people well." Its good worka ex- 4 I I . . . . . w iciiu irum wictou 10 Maine, in everv state in the union there bas been piled up in the newspapers and medical jour nals, a tremendous amount of indisput able evidence of tbe curative power of Paine'a celery compound over all forms of nervous debility and diseases f the blood. It cures aftr nature's plan, by affording nutrition for every part of the body, overhauling the worn-out tissues, and supplying new brain and nervo ma terial, seeding pure blood through the voins, invigorating the whole system, and removing the cause of disease. Mr. Oscar Pike, a well known resident of Princeton, Maine, recently sent the following unsolicited letter to tbe pro prietors of this wonderful remedy. 'Two years ago I was taken iclc with what the doctors culled -be grip. I wa improving lieu 1 t-iok on a violent cold and chill. Then ilieumntism set in, flrnt in the joints ! nir ahoul.l.-r, then down my baud and arm, then ail over. Peet, hands and leg eilil. I roul-l not put my hand to ui head ; c tuld not throw the clot ties oil Ironi me; could liotdreM or undreas niveelf. nor et out of my chair without del p. For a vear ant' a half I tried all kinds of me-jiciire and earsaparilhts, with little or no relief. 1 waa i 'i years old. home one told me to try Pame's celery compound. After I bad taken tbree bottles 1 lound a mark ed improvement. I have now taken twelve bottles, and tbe result is I eat and 8eep well, do my own work, and go about as usual, getting in and out of my carriage without help. I have been tempted to put put an article in tbe lo cal paper for tbe benefit of tbose that are afflicted as I have been." Mr. Pike is well known in this locality. He is the founder and president of the I North Washington Agricultural Kocietv 1 j and Trotting Askk iatioti. When be 1 trara for bia mail, he un. neonlit ftW him what bs has bven doing Utat he is improving so of late, and be answers as do thousands of others throughout tbe countrv paine'a celery compound bas made me wen: For Mother Inspection .... - . ... . ; 1 m ctii u 14 nothing up tbe trr n.ausrea agrees with brr that it's piett ihyr Una r.ght end mamma aiKl tb j tutta girl tuaa find in cr frtoc any oumbe. 01 aniimi lua. a dentins 10 ii re a j that one. iiaadssme wail paper every thing in a bone and wbea the price is cniy IS out a ro 1 and cp. there's no Ireatoo wby every room ia town shouldn't be made attractive. We show hundreds of different paiterai and we are prepared to pet up v ilao t delay any papers oor patrons may JU I'M -,. RIPA'N'S The mod era stand? ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common everyday ills of humanity. to ths KAST via tbe Union Pacific System, Through Pullman Palace aleeper Tnarlat sleepers and New Reclioin Chair ears DAILY PORTLAN'hTO CHICAGO. Trains beatd t m and cars light ed by 'intscb Light. Time to Chicago i Sew York 4 davs. day, time to hic'i is many b"rtrs qii5, Jtcr-tlin all competitors. For raVs, time tables and (nil i infor CyuHfiK k Mo.s-ts;itii, aseojs, AHny, Or. (r RWnToM. CSBaows, Grf'l Agent. Dist Pass Agt 135 Third St, Portland, Or. ALBANY COLLEGE, WESTY.N1NT1I YEAR,) T UK COLLEC.E WILL OrEN SEP- torn ber II, 1805, under favorable aus pices. Hinnlar Oulliutate and Ara. dcoiic inMructlon The (.VjmniPrJal work will 1 given special attention this year. Such young men and young la dies as are looking forward to a business career should not venture it without lay ing a good foundation' with pa The College will also establish ' a Conserva tory of Music'undcr the able and effi cient maSinjfciiK'pt of Prof. Z. M. Parvin. Unusual futilities offohjd for students desiring to become proficient in music. The Primary iK-uartinent will rpwixe esjwcjal care InfortiiatiQn cficprfully given. WALLACK II. LEE, President LOST Ott STOLEN. A white EnffMh poipteraboutoneyearold with lem on colored sot9, nsprg to name of Bruce, supposed to have been taken ou . of twu Sunday evening by two men who went north or east on horseback, any in formation leading to his recovery will be suitably rewarded. Leave word'at 1)km ocrat oilice. totpwuj ok; 'nt j )UipiN pw R0 sapway JSpAVOJ 2UUVQ UIV343 S.WJJd 'J(J mm ami' i a a- Special Attractions. Monday, Tuesday A line of Ladies four large button kid gloves in tans and browr a, all new goods ' 75 centa per pair. All wool serge, all staple colors, 35 cents per jard. Featherbone Corsets and Waists; Correct Shapes. Best Materials. Latest Styles, Most Comfortable. TRADt-UARK REGISTERED. Dre-Makers say: "Tbey p'j tbe best fitting corset on the market-" Merchants cheerfully refund tb money after 4 week's trial if not satisfactory. CsH toe than at the stores. FEATHERBONE t CORSET CO. KALAMAZOO. MICHIGAN. FOR SALE BV 8. E. YOUNG, Albany, Oregon. FORTMH.LER & 1EY1NG t t TE KH.EPcoolnlly cm hand a f-jli VV co oo. Also buna! ion and wl.tch wi l be sild at Tbs LsshI EMtALMINQ 'e proper 11S0J1G TEMrLE ' - - SfS jf-1 HO EXTRAGHAI.G FOR HEAHbf OR SERVICE EXPOSITION PORTLAND, OREGON Tbi Latet and Most Complete Iip"sy ever ma-le of ihe Reurcs, Indoftriee, Commerce, Easiness. Agricsiture. Forests, Mines. Fruit. Fisheries, il an n fac tored, and Transportation Facilities ot tbe Great Pacific Northwest. Fine Music. Special Attractions Every Day. Reduced Rates on all Transportation Lines. ADMISSION J Single Admission 25c Children I ruler 12 Years lrtc Reason Tickets (:iAXJ E. C M.ISTEX, Secretary NEW e sn lot b RK iS M ST rCLL OF ITft5T CLAS nu'MU. 3ai a. smana. ate. rbb BOTTOM ALBANY CiGAR FACTO; tY J. .FOMil'Il. Proprlclor r.j 1 1 PTTTTTagTrnTa1 Hill t1 riaiaigiaw r o 1 2TAl J 3 1 a rr I 9.1 V 1 3 I av-rrvMia aa. Wa 3 1J.11SHJ "jlll "-llV P"" It aaafi-! I .VH1 A , , -Jf-T - -'' !, laipntewr ai Tl. K'l:prrtlilM I milr-saVToWri AjcTil.T.r - . . i'M Mil Conservatory of Hasic ALBANY COLLEGE. Z. M. Parvin, Mnsical Pirector, form- r v of w lUamctte University, wilt tiavs charceof this department ' of Albany ColUy. Conrst'S to graiuation in tbe important branches ol a musical educa tion. Newest and best n et'tods adopted. tteat miuio rooms lor vomervatory m tbe stats. Tuition low "or grade work, cchool Iregins Sept. 1 lib. Send for circular and catalogue. Ad dress, Prof. V. II. Lee, A. M., President. Albany, or till St-pt. 9th, . Z, M. Parvix, Musical Director, Si lem FOSHAY & MASON. ttholwavle Retail DRUGGISTS AND B00KSELI ERS Af BASY. OBEQOJt. Pup Props aud tbe Finpxt and Larger Stock of Stationary and Uooas in tne Market. WANTED-AN IDEA? IWnf to patent t Pretaet roar tdas : the may fe'?,nrt.Jro,LM,tb- rte JOHN WKDDKK- iJ. G, for their tlJW prlao oflii? IF William I Stretch, lately of Mill City Oregon will communicate wh Fred Rice South Bend, Wa'uinifton, informa tion of mtrst to said William I. Stretch will be given. ' ' ' 1 EPAlRc,' BICVCLKS.-Prajik Pick- tv repair bictcVs liromntle anil in h firt class manner ' lU-euk. vunctered tires eto tixed ojrrectly At hoi iiiat west f Y. M.O. A. halt. HAY STORAUE-for the seaa-'n. CaM on M. Senders on Ferrv between 1st anu su'j sis Albany Ore NOTICE. The sutacritiprs bste clofl their blacksmith busineaa in Ailuiiiv A II parties iniUbted to them are mjuett-d to call and settle at once, and save costs. A li ii ink Uhos. aJia P tW asSsjSIH 'ld SVfaV "2POi 2uprcn DWJ3 f.tOrJct 'JO and Wednesday. Oentlemcn s natural underwear, fine quality, worth $1.00 to $1.25 per "if, only 75 cents per gait. A bottle of Gilt Edge polish given to each lady purchasing a pair of our Trimby and Brewster fine shoes i"?5ee display in window. , Read, Peacock &Co. Recommended by wbo wear tbeau tine of n.d c, 1. o r casket asMl siH, la ui . l Llslac IrtBI . care of the ctad a apecial'y. 1 mm 1 OPENS Octs 5th For Exhibit Space apply at the kxpo!uton Buikling to C II. HUNT. Supcrlntendcr-t. FV UMrt fiF, 1 -l at SJS1.KP PRICES. Thos. Brink raaaTUa.4f at rt'rt(r. iT-uanarfy a VluOitr. K.aUr Est. ana araaur aiia n eaaara er aetata DOoaaasa, la sa taaac vtpnnni .1'. - - .acrr, IK.OuKS a McfAKLA-SU. Iwassua. Gp To Hopkins' Bros. Sqcccssotfs o Rcapp Burrell & Co lo Buy Your Genuine OLIVER CHILLED PLOW. All Extras sold eisevvliere ia Albany fcr same are counterfeit. ALBARADIMCO. GROCERIES and FEED0F ALL KNpa Cheat shh! for sale or trade. Free de livery. Telephone Xo. f 1. K. orri. iHgr Cor. 2nd and Main Sta. S.M4. Cusica Block TV Al'ry, Or rilling ind extractins; of teeth without nin a iw; -ialty OREGON, LEBANON SANTIAH ACADEMY. A prenaratorv school for all miUoann the coast. ' ' Normal department g.-aduatce receive sute and life diploma-. Music, art. bookkeeping, or catalogue address. , A. KASDUt, A. M., Principal. FURNITURE SUMMONS. Ithe Circuit Court ot ti. Slate 0 Orefon for the County of Linn The Anglo American Land Kongssreand Agency Com- Plaintiff, sany, Limited, a corpora tion. vs J L.TIoliida.and Anna Hollida bis wile; and the Lombard Id restmentCo. a corora!ion; and J P Rector.W W Adams tnd Ah Fx,a chiosman.and tbe Alliance Tro Co. a MU- IVfendants sonrl corporation, aod A B Matthew and Edward nasbbnro, partners doing; business under tbe firm name si Matthews and VsiLburr. To tbe L-miWd Inves'ment Company, a OrporaUon. f P Hector. W W Ada Ab Poo. a chinaman, fmr of tbe abve named defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: yon and each of you ar? hereby required to anpear and answer tbe cross iono plaint of the diendant, tbe Alliance froH company, a corpora i -n, ia the above entit'eil coort in the atiot. entitlrd ,uli n on file ittt tne e e'k of said ?oor v ur before ibe 28tb "ay A October, IfeSo; end jo and cacb of yoo a e tereby no -bi ll 'bat if yoa a 1 to appear ard an -r p id comprint aa bertby repaired .the crom i.wtaptainant. tne A nance irnst coot- !'. i'i apply to trecfrti'i for ibe reiief innat, ld 'n said cro eoroplaint. too it ' For a t'rcee o this coart, tbat d Alli ance Trust company, a corporation, mav Have arwl aoqo're judrrnrnt rMr-t its 30-dtfeodtD S J LHo'irda ar.d Ant a Hof i ia. for te som of ' o tbrernd and ity dollars (i'AAA) wi'b in rt 'sim'. the rute of 8 p r e m , t u nm front Ite firtt "sy ! -?.. rtO, and foe lh further rra ktni-rl ioUar. (tiOj aa a rn. i t.", m-)V! e fHl tor cws and di-;."i- r. 're sd A liao je' rrcst -c:u,. n. rrt.--tion, herein f. i-e U1..1 .ui -u. jnorl decr a fo v'mirr ! it- t nrjii Icwi'Wd in Sal.1 ,-r , i. l l rMl pr . ir y '.n-it- -t - .- "'-ti !.-it: ievr (11), ! Ji-r- IS itun Fil.era ;i) ;i .. -, Y r, n 1, S"-li . K.rc V r -a of rbe V r M f - . : -: . nring; ai b N t w ., r ..f iic iH:rb east qaar-r ., g- . Ki.,B li)ad ranBiPg ih. v a l-l-tjo 0.631 chains; therm- i,m'kn l:t'JmM: broce West S i and l&-ny 6.j)c-as; Ornce ronn r itc 151 etia!& t . i- 1 lv flneins; alt bevtanw e tat r- and i loo 19 35 baits E, ot SiAj;h.r- o n..r of .aU -C ioo TeJ (.t ); and rannirj -tcc Ea t wenty 65-100 20 65) cbain v. Suvtneaa snracrof qui,te of k! ttKa ten o); tbence ?otb Fot (4o)c a n; u-aee West tweat and 65-1001' 2 tiy-t-?l. mr Soa'h Forty (40) cbaiBS o piac .f bertn alngacrpiiBU alwa So ' ea ' q tarter jf Soar bs est qaarter u! saU Section Eleven (11). cOPtaiaiag; in alt iit. Hawircd and twenty sis and 60- tow acres mkcr (., accord lag o government srve; b: a"i im the manaer prcacr&rti bv U cpoa tl rwt s,a by le Sheriff of saU Coact. p t-ij the alove CJt aecoitd by said a t je sad a reaaooabU- "aftr ar lee. sad casta, asxl laat ikr cwacreca -tU-'af froam each sa-e be appber : Fin to ie payaoem of the rau aid dawKincnuMs sf this suit aad -a the atturre s tee pra;e4 tor ia said cnaat compiat ot to hcodred collars (fzoo); SecooO: to tbe payment cf any j-3g- sieatinxt may rendered in fa Tjt of tbe said riefencaat the A" aaceTrast Company, a ccxporatksa. sod tbat the pEaiatiff tnd all cf the aid detendaats. eorptin the Ai.iuce Tract Coaapany, and ait persoa rUia.iag aader tbemx, or either ct tbem. te i i e'?r 9i-rel and iurevkised cf ail rig"a, Ule. and eqairy of r dcoipiion in, or to, said real pvoirty, w tor part thereof. Aid that if t.e prrT eecds arising frum &uch s at snn teat t pay aakl d-le. '. 'he l -Uance Tisut Cooipasv, i a laim. e era, ots bnnaamra'S and atency "s l. B saUi 'e teedaat The AliUace Tn Cocbpsv, have udmect il-j- ' endanls J. L. Ho! ia ji". Aora l.'oV ida tor such defideocy anJ tor execa uontisenrfor spaiast tbe prp-tvof 'te iefendiU J L Hollida aoJ A-eHoiliia ssd for sikii ot-er relief a to l--e coort ally wem just aod equitaUd. Tbi sm moBS is published by onkT of Horn. H H Heaitt.Jo.tgv of tbeCircait Conn of the sate of Oetroa fcr L'na coaaty. scaJe at -bambers July t, lt35. O.G ELLIS. Attaraey for the drfeddict.tbe Atlianc Vast Company, a arpeptioc SOlrililiS U .'V Ciraut Cotrrt Jor XUara Cc-mtj.Stai mi Oregsn: Ida . Siye f -tit-it TV Jot a W Vye hrfeswaset Ta John W. Xye. tbe aVjre named de fendant. IK1HEXAMEGF THE STiTE OP OREOOii. Toa are tsreb rwjairaJ sn pear'anl aaswes tbe compii nt ol te there Plaintiff, is tbeaaTearitledconr, ao on file with the tWi oi satd coart, by tif arst day of tne rsarntar term f ie abve titled a rt to Le he'd a- I ritr of Albaer, Lirn couaty. V . on tbe 2b day of Oc tober. 1335. a-d voa are attioed tnat if yon fail to appear aad aasa-r aiJ ora (Uini as here reqaire 1 tbe P ain iff will app'y to tbe coor" f r r5" riief avied tor ia he omp'aiot. tovit ritr a decree of bis bonorab!e court d:sjlrinir tbe boa la if not tri moor now exivn bt-trrn plaia- Uff and defend.t aad fv therarc.cato 'v ni control of their minor child. J-l-n P. Xe. acd for cost aad disarsexnents to be taxed. - 1 h's common I published by rb-rcf the Bon. H 11 Be-Ut Jde fibeaov4 entnled cpart, made at chambers oo the 14 h day of Acgnst, tS35- Vejltbeefosd ' Attornes for P aint l. 350 Pairs Boots. KUne. Dnbrnille & Co., sold lad fall and winter, Sod pairs of boots ma warra&t and tbey are proud to sy net cue j air came back, i bey carry tbe came boots this year and have on band a Terr tarts stock. Also all kinds of i-boes. Toeir ebil dren school shces are the very best. Their 'adies fine sboes are tbe 6net and up to date on style. They are tbe only exclusive boot and shoe store in Albany. Give them a call. - tarjtst Prof. A. STAHK Of Will 4 Stark. Optical Specially Graduate of the t"rl run. . l am prepared to examine n-'entlEoa and accurately, by the laet a. in'prvd methods of modern, argr w l de aire to haw their es tested. Cusick Block, Albanv. Okkook. J. 1. 2!thSTOy INSURANCE AND MONEY CoBEtr imuU tdagU acd tin, IJKO K n-n u THK PLUMBER Tin rooSipjf and p!n-vinf tkedpet, bouse. VP" BIDS WAXrED.-For 00 Joada rf sand at the Orphan's Home, bLad. Aid Society. Will be opened r riityOc? IX, at 3 p. m. Uy order of society, U