The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 18, 1895, Image 1

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    iS fT!ll(irTillf
KUre4 at Ike rait 9ee a llbaay. r. lecsaa-Clais Mail Ballet t
r. r (VITTIlC, Pabllabrr aB;rrrtet
NO 12
for Infants and Children.
"Caatorlaiaaa weD adapted tochOdrea that
V recommend it as superior to any preacriptioa
10wntomo." H. A. Abchxb, M. IX,
111 So. Oxford St, BrookJjm, N. T.
"Tha use of 'Castorta' !a so unlrersal and
ft merits so veil known that it aenms a work
of uprerogaiioa to endorse it. Few are the
tsncigrat families who do sot keep Caatoria
Withia easy teach.
Ciaima Mtgrat, D. IX,
New York CSty.
University f Oregon-1895-1896.
par week. Roomers f urnish their own linen. Young women are provMed w th
XF?"??'00 Per- Young wWn desirinKrd should
lj.,SuM?.0,5s11 Yoanc Women's Cliria
Ri!!rC,faA?' ln8nf Th.e-Univeraity offere three balanreate decreet
cnfitn with orte8D23tog
STi!.r The following shorter coareea are also offered: An English
course leading in two years to a business diploma and in three vears to the title
rr?"a?L,n English ; an advanced course for graduates of normal schools leaciinir
1 Jh t mr of three 5 ears course in civil engineering leadtal
o the degree of civil engineer; a course of two years for teachers of physical eX
ation leading to a diploma and the title director of physical education. The
hwnT Charg incidentl of ten dollars whicfiii TpavaDle in advar."
by all students. Students holding diplomas from the public hools and ?ke
Ji?g tochers' certihcatea are admitted to the preparatory department without
examination. Those desiring information regarding the preparatory department
should address the Dean, N.U Narregan, Eugene. ' ueparcment
i or catalogues and information-address u. II. Chapman.tPreaident, op J. J.
VV alton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. , a
Best Work
JOI3 - X.3E3G5-L3Li -BOOB
Off C6 Stationery A Specialty
Give us yoar Patronage.
The Buffet CarJRoute.
fi.vt'A3r3t1oiytest and Quickest Line
Crosses both the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains in DAYLIGHT, affording passet.
gero aa oppor unity of viewing the
Two trains daily from Por; one at 1! a ra , via Seattle, and one at 8:55 p. ra.,
via 0. R. & N. and Spokaao. Runs superb -sqnipment, censis.ina' of dining cars, buf-fcj-library
cars pUaee and upho!tcrd t-urit sleeping cur-- The b'iffet library can
are marve.'a of elegance and vvaf-trt. containing haf h room, barber shop, easy chairs,eU.
Tin t.!nh"tr., "Northwni" an'l "Northland, leave Du!atb,every Monday and
Friday fo-tbe "?oo.'' Making Inland, Detrot, Cleveland and Buffalo in connection
with the Gnat Northern Rai'way. have your tickets read via the NORTHERS
STE VMSHIP CCMPANY and enjoy a delightful ridefee from the beat and dust For
tickets and eeoeral information call on or address
r c. s rsjvKsa. a. w, p. a.. 4- b, c i)esniston. a p. a t. a.
Q12 Front St, Seattle, Waah- 122 Td St., l-tliind 0
This ti the wheel that was illos'ra'sd nj" Bestirs the Cycling Autnorltr of Amer
a recent Natin Cxle KxHiWWx i' " Tfj I j w--, . KilV
U admire I aid tlkl of hih gr-de biccla in 'h. world today. JVant . bicycle
narrated P.ltalo'JTl
E E-&.exiJusive ant for Albany
at .a. t-
Caatoria curat Colic, Constipation, "
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Erudition,
Kills 'Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di
gestion, WU&out injurious medication.
"For several years I have recommended
Castorla, and shall always continue to do
so, as it has Invariably produced beneficial
Enwta F. Paaon, X. DH
lata Street and 7th Ave New York City.
Tes Cccraca OowMiKr, TT Xcaaav Srasnv Ksw York Crrr.
Monmouth. Or. A training school for
teachers. Complete eight grade training
department and strong Professional ana
Academic courses.
The Diploma 'of the school entitles
nna to teaeri in any count in the state
without further examination.
Rrrrl And LodeiniE. iooks and tu-
itinti t!to Aer ye2t.' Beautiful and
tieallhful location no saloons. There is
a vwirlAmanrl for well trained teachers
there is an over-supply of untrained
teachers. Cataloeue cheerfully sent on
application. Address
7 J.A. Wann PL. CaWPBSIX.
SecreUrY Prebiden
(J. N. Pnnean. county JuJir;
1 U. Vt-4i s
4.w. ruga, voaumauoiMra.i
The court, adjourned yetonlay after
noon after transacting the following bus
iness :
Bill of Luther Elkins, (list atty, $5
Part of tax of E F Wyatt remitted.
Continued bills, Oregon agt Hannah,
Bill of II. Kinxer, roads $10.00 con
tinued. A. S. Powell resigned as stock inspect
or. Accepted.
Continued Dill in Oregon agt Lottie
Hiatt, 166.50.
In application of A. H. Yost et l for
county road, viewers were appointed.
In application of John Craft et al for
countv rood, viewers appointed to meet
Oct. 26; Jos. Settle, J. B. Thompson
and al. Wesuall.
Certificates of tax sales of certain lands
sold at delinquent sale, in estate of
A E Carrie, were ordered transferred to
J K Weatherford.
The following bills were allowed :
S C Uardman, deputy sheriff $ 10 00
J A McFeron, board prisoners,
$fi.41,8tamp8,$6l0,jail,$7.. ni 05
J C Morgan, lumber
... oi 00
.. 18 75
A II Freerksen, transcript
Charles Young, work on
ment roll ,
J M Waters, roads
Geo Billner, roads
A 3 Crandle, work on assessment
roll.......: :
J A McFeron, sheriff ......
N Jseednam, clerk
D F Hard man, recorder
Judge Duncan, judge
P G Morris, treasurer
A R Rutherford, superintendent.
F M Redtield, deputy clerk
44 00
.17 68
4 00
50 00
166 65
166 65
160 00
100 00
83 35
50 00
83 55
Q E Propst, deputy sheriff
John Usher, janitor
Train & Whitnev, oriuting. . .. . .
66 65
10 00
SO 50
17 00
5 60
10 S2
74 15
6 75
47 35
9 50
26 75
9 40
59 17
7 50
5 00
15 00
65 05
FP Nutting..
P J Smllev
P V Crawford
P VP Spinks, lumber
F M kixer, roads
H arris bure Lumber Co, roads. . .
VV U Hogue, roads
BC Carlton, roads
Yes Burrell
J C Goodale, roads
Calbert Patterson, bounty. ......
M H Ellis, acct insane. :
Albany Water Works
Oregon agt Wm Sievies
A S Powell, stock inspector
Irwin Hudson Cu. stationary
6 25
S 25
A R Rutherford, stamps 5 00
Albany Electric Light Co 23 60
Santiam Lumber Co 4 23
Aid Mrs Clark$6: Cox family $7: Ken-
wor'hv iamilv $3; O T Lubker 3; Alma
Vail. 3; Sarah Hines, $3; Robert Gil
lock. $6: Maflie Taylor. $10: Oren Wat
son, (5; Powers family, $10; Mr and Mr
Barnard. $5: NeUie McDonald, $7: G F
Junkey, $3; Henry Meyers, $5; James
Larew, S4; Airs Ale A Ulster, ft; liacken
burv family, $3; W L Coon, aid Alberts,
$9; A F t-towe, $2;by CEBrownel!.t4.55;
Mary E Davis 1 10: Claik. 6:Gillock.
$6; countv poor kept by Crow, $52.63.
wn H liaTia, acct insane S 00
Ex. E L Walker for insanity 17 00
Oregon agt A Blaker
34 00
Peth Mttcnell
WC Havocs
14 80
1 00
5 35
60S 60
46 26
13 00
I 25
IS 00
5 00
15 00
IS 00
35 15
21 00
7 00
6 55
8 11
30 35
104 00
35 00
4 00
38 00
21 60
33 30
44 00
D F Hardman, recorder
W F Deakens. assessor
J A Wilson, deputy sheriff
J M Keenev "
J S Van Winkle, deputy sheriff. .
m urenner, " . .
W E Gillet, aid Kellog 1
John Chiswell " '
Mrs ME Kidder "
Albany For. Co. "
Oregon agt James Murrv
Marion, ihrgert Co., books
E T Rshei
Fred Dawson, acct poor
J A McFeron, telegraphing
Oregon agt Fred Wagner
Geo D Ridinger, bridges
W A Gilderman. roads
John Agnew, aid
Dr W li Dav.s, aid Agnew
Albany Iron Works, bridge
W F Desk ins, postage
Richard Warner, road surervisor
McPberson Post, aid N T Moore
15 00; J D Breed, $25 00; W II
Revl, $4.00; O Peper'ing, $10
under indigent soldier fund. . . .
54 00
21 65
48 45
306 00
13 40
10 00
51 25
Foehay & Mason, miscellaneous. .
Oregon asrt Oscar Williams
Train & Wuitney, printing
J H vi aters, as commissioner ....
Geo D Ridinger, bridge account.
Uurran &, acct poor. . . .
A Jcst YsTtDicT. The Fiester morder
case took up the time of the court last
weex till rriuay about taree in tne slier-
noon, when it was given to the jury atter
long and exhaustive argument had been
made by R.G. Smith for the defense and
Messrs. Bensor and Wade for the prose
cution. It only took 15 minutes for the
ury to brine in their verdict, "Guilty as
charged in the indictment." The prison
er who bad hoped to get off on the plea
of insanity, flew into a rage and cursed
sneain mau ana several oiners wno aia
not suit bim. A stay f proceedings wsa
asked for 15 dys in crrier to give the de
fense a chance to n.ake a motion lor a
new trial. Today (Thursday) at 2 o'clock
J odge Hanna will sentence the prisoner.
There is but one sentence, according to
law, and that is death. Grant's Pass
Pass Courier. Fiester is the roan who
drowned his wife in a puddle of water,
and it any one in the U. h. ought to bang
it is Fiester. Hanged 1 He ought first to
be held in a puddle pf water ton an boar
i' j . t
gna tnen pangep
Y. M.C. A. WoB .in Y. M. C. A.
f the PaoificNorthweeb Oregon, Wash
ington. Idaho, and British Columbia
a ill meet in three days' session in balem
next week, beginning the evening of
Thursday, the 17th. The session will be
held in the new Baptist chnrcn. There
are about 100 delegates and several inter
esting papers and addresses are to bl tue
order oi tne program. Among tne nota.
ble workers of the organization that win
be present are J. A. Dummett, travrling
secretary of the Northwest; O. .K. Ober,
of Chicago, an international secretary ;
G. B. Hodges, of New York; Dr. Rasmus,
Portland Orace M. cburrb : and Dr
Hill, of the Presbyterian church, Port
land. On the afternoon of Thursday, the
19th, a gymnasium exhibition will be
given by the local association in the ball
of Willamette Uuiverstty and among the
amusements is to be a basket ban contest
between the teams from the associations
oi Seattle, Portland and Salem. SUts-
baby growth
The baby's mission is
growth. To that little bun
dle of love, half trick, half
clream, every added ounce
pi flesh means added hap
pjness and comfort ! Fat is
he signal of perfect health,
comfort, good nature, baby
Scott's Emulsion, with
ItiiTlitne eas
ist fat-food baby can have,
in the easiest form. It sut
plies just what he cannot
get in his ordinary food,
and helps him over the
weak places to perfect
Scott & Bowss, Chimiats, Xtw York, joe. and $i
A day
perfect in climatic conditions
(V greetrxl the
Knielits Temulars. A.
F. and A. M. on their arrival in Albany
today. Albany greeted them in a hos
pitable manner with a profusion of Amer
ican flags and maltose crosses. Com
mandery No. 3 in full uniform greeU-d
them on the arrival of the three noon
Fully one hundred Knights Templars
from the six commauderies of the
state arrived to participate in the pro
ceedings oi the grand com mandery, ac
companied by a large number of friends.
A une was formed and the visiting
knights were marched to the hall. After
dinner, at 1 :30 o'clock the procession
formed in front of the Temple with Com-
A rl TVery Jto. 3 in the lead follow
A. IN U ed by Oregon No. 1, Ivan
hoe, No. 2 and De Molav No. 5 in a body
and delegates from Malta Vo. 4 an. I K.
U. o. 6. An interesting march throuuh
the princiital streets ended in front of
the Temple.
At the public square in front of the
court house a drill of much interest
was given by the De Molays, of Salem,
many maneuvers being gone through
with, displaying their great proficiency
in military tactics.
Much interest was manifested in all
the proceedings by the presence of
a large number of our citisens, who
watched tho parade and drill from ad
vantageous points. Excellent music was
furnished for the occasion by the Albany
From 5 to 7 to-night Barailla Chapter
No. 16, wilt give a banquet at the hall to
visiting knights, at 8 o'clock a concert
will be Riven to knights and invited
guests, and at 10 o'clock a ball will be
given in the opera house.
Among the Knights Templars ore sent
are the following, including tht grand
Oregon Commanuery No. 1.
J B Cleland
B E Lippinco.t.
B G Whitebooae.
P 8 Malcolm.
J M Hodson.
R O Wright.
8 H Graber.
T H Eckerscn.
B W Dennis.
H WSitton.
Alex M airhead,
tiustaf Wilson.
G M D Stroud.
Ivanhoe, of Eugene.
J L Page, E C.
D V S Reid. G.
J C Church Prox, C G.
B D Paine.
W V Henderson.
W H H Miller.
W Preston.
0 P Hoff.
Ambrose WrJsh .
Darwin Bristow.
J F Robinson.
S M Yoran.
J M Hodson.
De Molay.of Salem.
II S Jordan.
M L Meyers.
J R Davis.
A S Brasnekl.
E M Croisan.
B F Meredith.
A BGiilis.
Wm Brown. Drill CVri.
Geo Bingham.
Geo H Burnett.
Lee Meiner.
Geo W Davis.
VV if Cherrington.
F A Turner.
F C Pernne.
Geo B Gray.
W Vandcrcook.
F A Moore.
Wm Miller.
Wm M Smith.
. R O Thomas.
Geo B DunsforJ.
J no Albert.
Phil Metcban.
R S Bean.
N W Clark.
1 S Stahl.
E B McElroy.
D 8 Cane.
J M Poorman.
Albany Temple No 3. The memler
ship is as follows: J P Galbraith, C B
Winn, J R Wyatt, D P Mason. F E Al
len, D C Bchell, F P VUler, E W Ijing
don, L C Marshall, E 1 Washburn. W E
Baker, D Cusick. J R Abbey. N II Al
len, John Adams, W B Barr, "W R Bil
jrea, 8 R Babbage. H Brvant, John Buck
ley, O Bo wen, J p Bergin, Jolm Butter
worth, G E Ciiamberiin.W P Conooway,
J L Cowan, J W Cosick, W F Crosby, G
W Cox. Frank Karrell, A II Freerksen,
John Fulton, V u, tirant, W 11 Garrett,
J A Gram, C E Hawkins, L I Hender
son, F U Hk-kuk, Geo Humphrey, E O
Hyde, E E Han. mack, J B llorner, Oti
Hopkins, D M Jons, Jos Klein, C D
Kennedy, P B Kelley, Daniel Large, A
B Matthews, Jeff Mevers, G W M anion,
J W Minto, J H McQ.iaid, J B R More
land, R Moses, Mark Montgomery, W F
E Mercer. Albert Pike. R R Parrish.
Will E Price.E R Prkhard, Wm Ralston.
Dr E ich, IS A Smith. A I Mom. Geo A
Smith, W L Smith, G F Simpson. J A
Shaw. Cornelius Sulliran. E J Selev. T
b Wallace, J K Weaiherfoid. C K Wolver
too. D T Wmia, J M Waters. U P
Warner. J!H Wait. H L Walden. J F
Yates, most of whom were In attendance.
The grand commandery of Knights
Templars held a business meeting yes-.
terday after the parade and drill attend
ing to (he necessary business of the order,
making reports, etc. Dunog the year in
the tt corotnanderies 32 new members
were received, admitted 7. demit ted 6.
died 10, net increase 21. The following
onicers were elected as fellows:
Grand commander, B. E. Lippincott,of
Portland; deputy grand commander.
Judge R. 8. Bean, of Salem; grand gen
eralisimo, L. C. Marshall, of Albany;
grand captain general, B. D. Paine, Eu
gene grand prelate, John B. Cleland,
PorLand; grand senior warden, J. P.
Galbraith, Albany; grand junior warden,
O. B. Winn, Albany; grand treasurer,
B. u. w bitebouse, Portland ; grand re
corder, J. F. Robinson, Eugene; grand
standard bearer, Theodora 11. Eckerson,
Portland; grand sword bearer, 11. 8.
Jordan, Salem; grand warder, W. T.
Wright, Union; grand sentinel, GuBtaf
W llson, Portland.
A vote of thanks was tendered 'the Al
bany commandery and Eastern Star.
Portland was selected as the place of
meeting next year. An elegantly gotten,
np banquet followed immediately after
tue ciose oi tue meeting.
The concert beginning at 8 o'clock was
one oi merit, eliciting much commenda-
. : Y. 1 . . . . r .
nou. xt waa tipuimi uy a seiecuoc irom
tbe orciitra "ver weady." a song
by the Corvallis quartet, N. L. Raber, J.
Fred Yates, H. it: Clark and J. r . Ful
ton, "We Meet Again, Boys," was en
thusiasticaly encored, resulting in
O'Grady's Goat." Miss Eva Simpson
displayed a marked talent in the recital
of "Judgment Day." Mrs. E. W. Lang
don delighted the audience in a vocal
solo, "MyLiOveand 1. 'jhe corvallis
trio of silver tongued vocalist. Messrs
Clark, Yates and. Fulton sang "Wouldn't
you" in a manner mat pieasea an, it
R. Clark of Corvallis''Neilie Dear,"
which met with a warm greeting which
was responded to by "I'll do as Much
Sometime for You." The Corvallis quar
tet were again heard, in "Toatt." The
orchestra cosed the program with ''Loves
Intoxication." After a social time the
ball ftt the opera house was opened at 10
o'clock. It was a uniformed affair, and
many beautiful costumes were noticed
among the la lies. A splendidly gotten
op sapper was served at the St. Charles
A Psccliab Acciuknt happened at the
depot this noon, A girl was standing in
tbe aisle in tbe train just before it start
ed when a brakeman pulled the ropo
I tbrourh the car on leaving car behind.
He did it with such force as to strike
the girl in the bead making a bai bruise
just under one of ber eyes and bounding
and breaking one of the lamps, .
we wan r your trade.
We are here to please you. If every
thing is n.t O. K. kit dly li t us know
We are not wiling at cost but ni moder
ate profits. We can ' (nrnii-li you any
thing in the harnes liniat lowest prices
See our line of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips.
Norris Humphrey w ill clear $5,000 off
his 35 acre orchard says the Kngcne
Norris Humphrey will complete the
work of drying prunes on his thirty-live
acre orchard this evening. The orchard
consists of 28 acres of seven year old
trees and seven acres of six year olds.
Off of this orchard he has harvested 120.
0U0 lbs of dried fruit, and shiptied 81,000
lbs of green fruit. For the green prv
duH he received $840 and estimated the
dried fruit at 5 cents per pound he will
receive $6,000 for it, making a total of
$6,840. His cultivating snd harvesting
expenses will not amount to over $l,K0O,
which will leave him over $5,000 prolit.
This shows what fruit raising will pay in
Lane county wtien properlv hanutvd.
Lane county s climate an. I soil are je
culiarly adapted to raining the celebrated
Italian prunes, and thousands of acres
should be planted by our (lep'e to this
iruit, w n hii aiaays coin Ins IK'S a Ingli
price in the markets of the world. If our
farmers would each plant out ten acres
nf choice fruit l!iai coft would not l
noticed by them, hiie in a few vears the
same would pay more prolit than 610
acres of small grain. We are glad to Me
sucn men ai Mr. iiuuinhrev makms
money. They do not feel the pressure of
nam times, and mcy ought not to.
Hon. J. H. Peery, of IMyville is in the
city touay.
Miss Ina Holier I ton has returned from
a trip to Waiuburg.
Arthur Gamber has begun a term of
school near Sanderson ' bridge.
Guslav Wilson Danih vice I". S.
consul at Portland is among the Knights
in the city.
On aoount of tllnetw County Conimis
sioner Pugh is not present at the meet
ing of Uie county court.
Mrs. Allice II. Steele has gntie to
Quaruritle w hero she and Mr. Steele,
now there, will rek)e this winter.
The death of Ben C. Irwin, the well
known stationer of Portland, will be gen
erally regretted. Mr. Irwin was a man
highly respected. He was well knoan
in Albany.
The bench is well represented an ong
the Knights Templars, Judge Volver:
ton. Bwanand Moore, of the supreme
bench, and Jodge Burnett, bring among
the visitors.
The Parrosa. '-Natural Ga,"ave-y
live comedy, full of humor aterervco.
ner, was presented at the opera bxuse
last night to a In ge asdience. As Bual
Mr. Payton was great in bis part, lias
tebauni, Lucy Payton as "Oar Wildcat.'
displayed a talent in this very lively
part that is not cf ten equalled. She t
bright and graceful. Mr. Curt makes a
na: oral villain without overdoing hi
part. Loyd Fansher a the stuttering
Job Jenks made a hit. Mrs. Paytun was
in ber element a Martha Jane lkgr.
always funny. Mr. Mo'vneaux doea ilie
difficult pans of Old Gn'taiey and Rich
ard Morley w iih a comp'ete conception
of them. Mr. La wienoe's solos rv a
pleasing feature of Uie play. Tonight '
there til be no theatre wit tomorrow
night Trilby will he presented with the
following cast: Triily, Lucy Payton,
Madame Vinard, Iota Payton, 'Mr.
Bagot, little BiUie's mother, OorneHa
Curts, Taffy, F. C Molvneaux, The
Laird, D. E.:urts. Utile Bidie. Vina
Pay loo, Gecko. Loyd Fanher. Rv. Mr.
Bagot, Dick Lawrence, Zou-Zou,
Bonnette, Svengali, Senter Payton.
Saw a Mrrsna. A pretty sight was
witnessed bere jost after sundoan Mon
day evening by rome of oar resident,
who were fortunate in bring outdoors at
that time, says tbe Bandon Recoider. A
large meteor shot through the atmos
phere to the westward, leaving it coorw
marked bv a cloud, or streak of smoke,
that could he traced for a long distance
througn the atmosphere. At poinls
along the zig-zag coarse, Uie trail of the
aerial visitant as much more marked
than other plao-s, and when the meteor
seemed to go o:it or disappear a small,
white disk-haped cloud. prec-nirg
rather a red-tinted appearance, remain
ed visible for 20 or 30 minutes after the
phenomenon made its ?ppearance. The
track was xig-sag, and looked as If the
meteor bad traveled the nir in a manner
contrary to that generally pursued by
such phenomena.
Hu;n Pbiccd. Cots county, Oregon,
certainly is entitled to the premium for
outrageous charge, and it is no on.l-r
she is head over in debt. It is a
splendid section to ster clear of. A des
titute resident oi this county by the
name of John Bouckenheimer, whom
home is at Wallace, fell sick at Mar),.
held last fall ami was sent to the Mc-
Corniack hospital, which has a contract
to keep the county poor at robber s
prices. For 31 days keeping, including
medicines, nursing, etc., Lane county is
presented with a bill for $110.50," or
$3.25 per day This was no extraordi
nary case, as tiieotlicials testily that this
is the price charged Uiecounty'gencrallv.
In Lane county, Dr. Rusclf does this
same identical work for $3 per week and
is glad to have the job. Eugene Guard.
The assessor of Clatsop countv only
found $15,095 in that countv. and vet
sonio people say Astoria alone is full of
Dr. J. H . NelUeton died at Brownvi!le
yesterday. He was otly recently married
in the ea-t and came here lo res tie iu
bxly will be taken back for burial.
Ro eburg has jnthad the hottest oloction
in r bUlory I he subject was water; but
it was not a temperance tiunt It wa over
the water cik. and the water works got
Football is on the qui vivn at Corvallis
under the rustling management of Lieut
C. K- I lent lor A fine matched .nine by
picked men will be played on Knturday
afternoon on tho ) A. C. groundi at
Corvallis. As tliin is the tirat game unlr
tha new rjlm of 95 on interesting time is
I be board of railroad cnmintmiioncra
have just coropltted its full inpction
of all the railroad lines in tbe stato. Vhe
total mileage is n.nuly 1600. of which CM)
is operated by the Southern Pat-s ic. 600 by
the Oregon Railway & Navigation Com
pany, and the remainder by ti e Oregon
Central tatern. by wasnmg.on
Columbia River Railway, tho Norinern
Pacific, the Sumpter Valley, the Cofis 11 v
it Roneburg, the Rosuti River an l the
Mommoutb & Independence. The Suuttv
ter Vallny railway, Uaker City to Mc
Ken, is now th only narrovvgiiMgo ro.iil
in tbe state
Josephine county na a v.o-(i ource of in
come, 'lbs Courier Says; L. Ziegler, who
bett Lis wile a few weets ago and WHsttocd
$..0. repeated tho act last woek and chfer
fullv paid 1100 more to the county trca
urer. The faini'y left, for Roeburg lust
week, hoping evidently, to II nd some bourne
, 1 i- j . .
wnem lami'y quurreis uou i. mn no uiu
at in Grants I'asa. When the officer wnnt
to arrest Zisgler thn iHfcaii.l time. Mm. Z.
remonstrated and said "lt'r nobody's bnsi
nes if me and my old man full out." it
is said the monny p iid for fines bt longed
to bis wife. The pair have seven children.
ft. bt i ..Asarct tsaidRg FuwiZei
Moat Perfect Aln
. Very Dyspeptic,
The tlediiion of the judges in the
award of first premium in the county ex
hibits at the state fair was in favor of
Linn county. The award by the people
was to Yamhill. Not on ringle )ersn
have we heard say t hut Linn deeerved
tho nrst premium. The managers of the
fair were to dicgut. ted at thu awsrd that
tlievgave Yamhill $200 McMinnville
l . it.
The above makes one very sleepy. If
Yamhill got $200 it was probably through
Judge Galloway, president of the asso
ciation and because that county acted
very childishly. The St io Prets gives
the situation exactly.
"As we viewed the exhibits of both
Yamhill and Linn counties closely, we
cannot see how the awarding committee
could come to any other cowl union than
wmii iii'-y jm. iiuniii am sen anui;. w
Yrvsinisouic snowing, oui 11 on
did better tor she had a larger and more
varied exhibit and much better arrang
eu ior exin union purposes, in general
appearance and artiettc design, amhill
was ahead but Linn's exhibit was larger
aim more varied with proper labels on
eavh teparate part or parcel exhibited,
Lint of Patents.
(ranted to I'aciflc States inventors
tins week. Keported by C. A. Snow A
Co., solicitors of American and Foreira
patents, ojp. U. S. Patent otiice, Wsudi
n ..... l, t
W C Anderson. San Jose. Cal.. ma
chine for washing, pricking and spread
ing Iruit ; W lioolh, San Bernardio, Col.,
boiler-flue cleaner: M Deane. San Fran-
c:co, Cai.. ship's ladder; T Duffy, San
rraneisco, Cal., wave-power air-com-plexor;
H L tiarrier, Oakland, Cal.,
barbed w:re stretcher.; PH Flansburg.
Ixis llano. Cal., traction-engine; A R
Hamlin, San Frrncisoo, Cal., amalgama
tor J it Hendy, San Francisco, Cal.,
hydraulic giant; li II Henley, San
Francisco. Cal.. safelv-cuard for "cars; J
VV Jaimison, Valejo, Cal., portable elec
tric drill; OA Nemcomh.Riwrside.Cal.,
venlilati-e fruit-box; F K OJcll, G en-
lora, Cal., orchard d'.tcliinz-machine:
C T Pelton, ltivenn.Se. Cal.. wheel: F
a la the, Santa Paula. CaL. varnish and
producitg same; I E Shaw, Cloverdale,
Cal., door-bell; J P Simmons, San Fran
cisco, Cal., expanding lathe-arbor; CC
crtOerg, Almeda, Cal.. carpet-sea ine
mai-hine; J W Wheeler .Centralia.Wesh.
hit and lorce pump; A D Williams, La-fayetu-.
Cal., sklehill-plow; C A Wil
liams, New Whalcomh. Wab.. ratchet-
drill; S C Wo!!.,!!, Winters, Cal., side
bed pan.
L layer II T. Condoo, of Eugene, was
la she itv yesterday.
M r. J. W. Garland, of Rofa.aas among
u. I'aU'x-aiT a callers tod a v.
Mr. John Haley, of Lvons, is in the
Robert Dorris.a former Albanv lawyer.
has been in the city.
Born. Wednecdar. in this city, t.i tLe
wife of Geo. H. Waggooer, of Monrrje. a
on. Corvallis Gaavt-tte.
Col. N. B. Alley, of Pvurence. is in the
Citv tb o r.4rl f.f l,ia l.n.: 1. w V
J. Miller.
was isiil tvl iv for 1I19 m ir-
rias;e of Clarence McKnht and Helen
C. Haioon.
Mr. IVu-r SrhUisnpr. wife and son Har
ry went te Po-tiad Ibis utorniug s.-d will
visit tbe fair.
Licence has been issued for the mar
riage ol RoU-n L. IXrri and Alice B.
Townwcd, and George Bennetland Alice
Mrs. Ida Veal, who has hecn visiting
her parents, Drs. C!e, in this city,
for a few days past, retorred to ber
home in Albany vesterday. Scio Pren.
The handsome form of Dr. Hill, of Al
bany, pawd through our citv last Friday
evening on a w heel. At a distance, the
genial doctor bore a striking resemblance
lotrrover t. leveiand. Lebanon Express.
A. J. McMillan.and wife of New West-
minster.were intbe city to. 1st the guests
IVirgil Parker.while on their wavtothe
Mr. Jchn (irgg and Mis Marv Clav-
pool aere married la:Taelay morning
by Rev. I. Carlton. Mr. Grig is a piO
perous fatmer in the Iileny neighbor
bool and Miss I lavnool 14 the daaghur
ol Sam Ciaypiol Km., one 01 our most
rwpecieu cmiens. 1 ne young pt'ie are
starndicg Un-ir l.onerinoon 111 Altciny at
e bonu of the groom. L-.hauoa "Ex
The IV ton company p'afed Gold Kins
in Lehacoa nigbt.
The All American. nvWchar e of Com-
inky ad th- St i'auls are to play in Port
Und tc morrow
The new Scio a-hxJ booM will be reads
for u-e ihi Mondar. It is reported a
credit to tlecitv.
Don A. Sniilh and T. J. McC-ary have
Uti-n 1 ( the Alice mining claim in the
Sanluim dulrict.
"l"ne Murglar ' on. of the eelebrabd
pl.-ys of 111- tl.iy, will l p eaeated ia A
ban yy a firt oan company next week.
Fred Pardon, of Allany. has rented tbe
lc vtmnvi!!e truck and will soon hare a
siring of I orx in t.ainiag. He will make
it a permanent stab e McMinaville T. K.
Ijot His First Case. Ned Carleton,
alio is studving law in Albany, bad bis
lirei iv.. a nimrt tunc g. A man was
arrested in the ea"ern tmrt of the coun
ty tor snooting and killing anotrcr man s
cow, and the deputy prosecuting attor
ney sent Ned ro prosecute the case.
There was no question about the defend
ant shooting the cow, but because the
prosecution failed to show just where the
bullet entered the animal the "aouire"
discharged the prisioner. Ned is dis
gusted al the ruling whereby he lost his
ursi case. Advance.
lUTiinosK OincEKB hollowing are
the otlicers elecUnl by the Rathbonee, at
the grand lodge in Salem, for the coming
vear: Grandchild, Mrs Ella Hons-on,
Rosebiirg; gn.nd senior, Mrs Hattie
Aitken, Huiitington ; grand junior, Mrs
Fanniu G. ('urns. Forest Grove; grand
manager, Mrs lol.i KoouU, La Grande;
grand M of R and C, Mrs Alice Richards.
Albany; grand master of tinance. Mrs
Unto Weathcrhee, Baker City; grand
protector, Mi-s Clara Steusluff Salem;
grand guartl, Mrs Marv Greer, Hillsbore
supremo representative, Mrs Maggie a
itewitt, Albany,
$1900 A compromise has
been effected between the administrator,
K. U. Will, of the estate of John Camp
bell, deceased, and the O. C. A E. rail
road company, and nineteen hundred
dollars has lieen turned over to the es
tate in settlement of the damages. This
information is gleaned Irom a supple
mental inventory hied by t tie adminis
trator Tuesday afternoon, which states
that said sum waa paid by the ompany
under the provisiou of section 271, 11 ill a
Oxle, as damage for the killing of said
John Cainpliuti by accident April 2U,
IHH.1. Gaxette.
Home Forum has been organised by J.
L. Mitchell at Sweet Home with 29 mum
bers. Following are the otlicers: Pres
ident. H G Fi-her: vice president, Je-
mne Skulton ; secretary, Mrs J R Green ;
treasurer. Mrs R Malone: orator. Josebh
Prry; assistant orator, Miss Nellie
Keenev : historian. M as Terry : I G, J R
Green; OG, B F Burnett; L E Phys.,
Dr Torrv; trustees, II G Jye, K u row
ell and J II Green.
Tiiie Mmsa Mux. Tho 100 tons of
machinery for the 40 stamp mill is ex-
ment to th?J mine. It "i be set up and
Highest of all in Leavening
w heat 39 rents.
Bis bargain, n waHhes at Froi ch'.
See the new Matt Photoes at llukles.
The enrol'nieot at IheO. A. C. is 331'
The total aitemlanre t (In Sle n schools
Trilby watch giur.'.s at French
re .
jewelry I
Big re:uctifn ii
. : ' . .
P.ices then! ninety
J a : ti .L - t- . .
it will pay you tltee. Tinkle and get his
Photis! Photos! Photos! any size, shape
or cjIoi at trices from to ceou to 50. at
lu a big mitake if r a tbink. Tinkle
does not mase the best and cbeapot pbo-
tos !
Geo W. lluatck, of Ueatoo cojn'r. dr- :
ried t000 insurance, abtch has already
been paid
A meeting of the m nisterial union of
this citv is hereby cilled fr donl.iy, Oct
li, at z o clock.
Pn. II. E and Olive K. Beers offices in
post office block. Residrtice totxer 5th and
Calapooia sts. Albany Or.
A supply of Prejervaiine has just been
received by Ilodgvs & McFarUnd. It
prwerves rui'.k. These whj have leen
waiting for it will tike notice
The manner in wbicb Albany people ran
tarn oat uat when they want to ie same
tbing was i!lalrjtrd in lrilby. 4 SO tirk-
eU were sold to it.
Aamold, the violinUt, will be in Albany
next Saturday anl give an enterta'nment
ander the ancpicei of tbe Y. M. C A.
Mr. Aamold is a vio'initt of tare gieaia.
Through a mistake at the recent reerpticn
at Mr. Youngs two white cashmere shawls
were exebang-d. Tbe party who got the
wrong kbavi will confer a faior y having
it exchanged at Mr. Youngs residecce.
Wheat is coming np s'owly. 11 has now
reached 40 cents a boabel ia this ci'y and
the outlook smois tavorabie for a further
naa. The retiew llere it wiil rearh 50
cents beJore Ian. 1. Jffferou Review.
Ca'-eb Iui. I. D.Johntun axd J W.
VVaJkvr. anp rii-ers of the eta!eof I'ryoy
Scotl. dM-it. have filed with tbe clerk
liseir int-otcry of tbe roperty in tie ea
Ute. The valuatiocs areas fohows: Real-
estate. $10.95): live stock. (405; notes
1650; loUl. -t.0u9. Cervaliis Time-.
M. M. Davis. aignee of the carriage
factorv, retBrnl yesterday from a bat-
ts trip to Lagene. All work tc tbe fac
tory waa laid cl jesterd&y afrnojn and
ail employes are idie. About !53ri;ttre
yet toue irimrsed and painted, bat they
ill be ask. wed to rrtna-.n to an nnibcd
stst cntil tij-rc is demand lot tix-rn. Cor
vallis Time.
1 Iiok Bullet.
-peaking of the death of Mrs. Hiatt
Use Scia Press avs :
Bv order of Justice of tbe Peace Jar-
nigan Doctors Huntet and Kitchen wade
an aotopy of the body at tbe reeiience
of T. J. Hannah. A thorough examina
tion revealed the fact that probably bat
one bullet (track the bead of the de
cease!. It had apparently been find
from behind the victim and when Uie
ball struck the skull it split into two ii
not three pieces. One of these pieces
was removed several dava prior to Uie
leath. and the other was found on the
left side of the head having passed en
tirely through the brain. Careful search
fat ed to reveal any other bollets or the
trare ofanv. farther than the scaJp
woand as both ballet botes merged into
one when the scalp waa removed
Coroner J ayne may not have thought
a poet mortem examination necessary
and it may not have been, but the bulle't
now in the possession of the prosecution
is of the same calibre (32) as tbe pistol
taken from Mrs. Hannah and forms a
link in tbe chsin of circumstantial evi
dence that wiil land the prisoner in the
penitentiary for life or possibly at tbe
gallows. It may not have been neces
sary, yet the public in this vicinity will
leel ranch better that the examination
was made.
A 14-Ye b-Oij Girl. The fotloaing
from the E. O. is about a niece of VV. R.
Kirk, of Prownsviilo: A 14-year-old
daughter of T. J. Kit k, of Athena last
Thursday left ner borne on boreeback
and as she struck out for the John Day
country was followed by a band of a
dasen horses. She proceeded to Kitter,
where James Stamper, an an officer of
Athens, found her Sunda evening. Mr.
Stamm-r arrived in Pendleton Tuesday
evening with Miss Kirk, who refused to
say about the trip or to give
any reason whv she went on this strange
expedition, she told the officer who
overtook her at Ritler that she a as de
sirous that he proceed to attend to bis
own business and leave her alnc. Mr.
Stamper has taken ber ho . e to her par
ents in Athena. Miss Kirk passed over
roads wbich were very dangerous and
showed considerable pluck in making
the trip unaccompanied.
Asothkh CttABta Ross. A reward of
$100 is offered for information leading to
the recovery of the son of P. Kiphat of
Scolia, Humbolt countv, Cal., who was
stolen on Nov. .3, 1SSH. The boy has
been traced with his abductor to Central
Point, where they were about Novemlier
30. 1894. The name of the child is Ar
chie, is 5 years oid, light complexion,
brown hair, blue irniv eves, has a scar on
his right hand made bv "a burn, which is
very plain, ma nana neing suguiiy
drawn from the effect. The above re
ward will be paid by the authorities of
Humbolt. county, Cal., for the recovery
and return of the child. The man who
abducted the child was traveling horse
back and carrvirg a new canvas covered
gun. The horse was packed lefore and
behind the saddle. The man is about 52
years old, 5 feet 8 inches tall, heavily
built and looked to be a German, has a
sear running frotu left side of his nose
under his left eye, which has the appear
ance of being done with brass knuckles.
Takk.s Seriovslv. This military lt
business seems to be proving a very ser
ious thing with many people. It is just
the same as for years past, with the ex
ceptioti that now the assessor has b) no
tify every person on the list of tho fact
bv postal. Therein lies the fun. A dav
or two ago a young man who recehed
one of the pastal cards, came to Albany
with his father. The young man didn't
like going to war so he called at an Al
bany doctors to get a certificate disab
ling him on account of catarrh. The sit
uation was appreciated and some fun
had out of the young man before he was
informed as to the true situation.
T . , -ar ? V V ' 'making lUeir -headquarters in Waco,
Dr. Aubrey is boiiding a la-ge and Texas. " y
handfiome residence in the First ward. ! r T . D . . j- v
. ... . I B. F. Ramp went to Rosebtrrg to-dav
If you want a good shine call en leM tbe;0n business, if r. Ramp disclaimed ft
Boss Shoe Hbmer at cri ki bather shop. I being a congressional trip.
Farmers, if voo have your pictorrs mae I Vrr.t 1 . mw ; c,iJ, .mmii;..
m. f, . . . ,
"na one on accounioian acciueni. aikuii
dy cu tho derk om tor l11""
" i -
1 nree men irom uruwnsvuie sent in," . , - ;. j .:ii
ctrt ilieates asking for exemption from mf not hav0 ? &andiU P"
n.ii;iiF..inir tinnn iwiinnini laorin I euro it riromntlv for anvone who
Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
Merrill Fish of Portland is in tbe city
on a visit.
Miss Nora May, of Harrisbar, is vis
iting Albany relatives.
Mr. Frank Spergcr, theS. P., has
returned from a trip eart.
Mrs. Newbury left yesterday for her
li imc at Pendleton.
Mr. Anderson Cannon returned from
Montana this morning.
I air. iiepner. ineiotinwroi nepner lias
i oeen Jrowniie irus week.
. , M. .
I v-
, the Presbyterian Synod, and laboring ia
'the interest of Albany college.
Wm-FortmilWrlnmt fmm,-
r:i mti., -i, h hal tn
r-nWm the tmlr nf Ilr Vnlryn
jni,n AVm rtnzoA VMr. ..iv;n .
Krogstad s drug store last Monday, and
on Tuesday lft for Portland. TrAt-An
.... inrt i-i....r .- 1
uvu v fcusfr fiw,vw, 1 1 limb D MIC I
matter of Linn county getting a slice
A. If. Igan and Olive Mtrootm were
married laet Sunday near Marquam
"Doc" is in this city receiving the con
gratulations of his fnends. Jefftrson Re
view. 31 r. Fred Howland, one of Seat ties
most proepetous milk men, is in the city,
fcr a dav or two. Mr. Howland and the
editor of tbe Dehoolat, were school mates
to-gether back in New York state twenty
five years ago.
An afternoon tea was given from 3 to
6 o'clock yesterday by Mrs. L. E.
Hamilton at her borne on Sooth Ferry
street. Mrs. Hamilton was assisted by
Mrs. Percy Young. Miroes Annie Flinn.
Flora M x-on . Mildred Bcrmester and
oilier. Between fifty and sixty ladies
enjoyed the occasion, a social event of
ninch pleasure.
The Y. P. S. C. E. of tbe U. P. church
gave the first of a series of socials in the
eld church building last evening. Be
sides games and a light lanch a abort pro
gram of marit was rendered consisting of
a song by a quartet. Messrs Achesoo,
Barton, and E. and C. Irvine, a recita
tion by Mies Mary Cnndiff, a rrading by
Mis lna Rober?n,a vocal duet by Miss
Barmester and Mrs. Nutting, a recita
tion by M rs Redeker and a song by the
A Nights Treat.
Arranjeuieou are le'.cg made for a
four nigU lecture and musical fi-stival
at tbe M. E. church, which will be a
treat in U.U line. Our people should show
their appreciation of by giving it a
hearty STspport. It wiil be as follows.
Tctsdav evMung, Oct. 22. Ijectcre bv
Rev. ti. C. WiMr, of Vancouver, To
Britain ami Back."
Wednes!ay evening. Oct. 23. Lectore
bv IUbbi Eloch, of fort land, "Legends
ol the Talmnd."
Thursday evening, Oct. 24 Lectore
by Rev. M. C. Wire. "Sand."
Friday evening. Oct. 25. A concert,
conducted bv Prof. Heritage, musical
director of Vilamette University and
Prof. Winkley, pianist.
College Notes.
The Erode! phian society held its sec
ond meeting of the year yesterday. A
very interesting program "was not ren
dered. Tbe A. CL. S. met last evening to
The "we the people of the U. S." went
north lv-1 night to investigate tbe condi
tion of tbe earth's axis.
Albany college will have at least two
representatives at the . M . C. A. con
vention in Salt-m next week.
A certain senior thinks that the law
of diminishing returns affects his brain.
Jumped and Tel.
Mr Harlan Uulburt met with an acci
dent this noon that was a close call to a
serious termination. He was riding
home on the motor. At the Episcopal
church feeling athletic he jumped off.
tie was struck by tbe car and knocked
insensible. Several friends picked bim
up and took him home in a carriage
His side was bruised and he was other
wise disturbed, but, very fortunately re
ceived no serious injuries.
The K's of P. Salem papers hive the
toiiowng m i heir reports ot the K. ol P,
meeting there: Pr. J. L. Hill, 'of Al
bany, grand chancellor, responded to the
address 01 welcome in short but glowing
terms G:.i:ul Orator D. V. Poling was
next introduced and held the audience
spell-bound for a half hour, whil he pic
tured in clear and concise terms tne or
igin, growth and history of the noble or
der. . Dr. J. L. Hill in the chair caused a
great deal of merriment bv his profound
knowledge of parliamentary law. When
ever he got a tride mixed "at his rulings
Dr. Ilill s ready wit straightened things
ut again.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and ref resiling to tho tasto, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and liowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, di$els colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duce1!, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles bv all leadm? drucr-
Any reliable druggist who
wisnes to try it. lo not accept any
substitute. .
. " itMJ
New Time Card.
Fallowing is lha near timj card of tb
A I bany Street Rail waj :
t he ear will leave eoriier al .Firt and
Washington streets as follows:
4:20 a. ra. for morning overland train.
8 .-00 " Lebanon train.
11:35 " " Yaqnina trsin.
12:00 noon, t-aio going south.
12:35 p. ro., ltoseburg train north bound
and wckt bound Yaqoina train.
1 M p. m O. C. tc E. Irain, east loui.d.
4J0 ' Lebanon train.
11.35 " Overland train going sotth.
40 " Orphan's Hoaie.
The ear will alsemeet all incoming trains
on both the Southern PaciSe and OCA:
E. railroads. C. G. BcKKnuar.
jtm ynwi m - a.'aiyii 1
Reader, did you ever take Snotora
' Lives Medicix ra ?" Everybody needs
1 tike a liver remedy. It ia a sluggish or
that should be earned off remains in
the body and poisons the whole ryscem.
That "dull, heavy- feeling; is dee to a
torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active by an.
occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg
ulator and you'll get rid of these trou
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver
Regulator is better thax Pills. It
does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly
refreshes and strengthens.
Ivery package bas the Bed Z
ttamp on tbe wrapper. J. IL
Zeiliit & Co., Philadelphia.
Aa Slraney
Hair, wool and stoddy aatlpf- ttm'
vatoi axd made over.
Faraitore of every desaiptioa ar c4 t thy
carriages re-upholstered and tsnieht-.
Drop a nit the P. O . or ca-'l at
-trxt, betwea Ferry aal Boalai'-io. A
tar a.
fer tj.
- - ' t . r Xca
tf . . :. ..i"K. Arta-
-. -:n..-if
C irt. tTltl;ty.
' - .f -r'Jr rauctraa.
. -. .-c It
- -i-.-.. -, rrccrH.g wacta
Ei-il .'---r-. T iLxaae j
.. n: .:.-ii.'.4!.t.-TOa CDabcacat
? var.fv T,t: ta3xjt aatf away tai
' J - .ci.;-E:.wr hoacstly cospocssr4
V.. can rt tSsrm O.VLT BY MAIL, Pis
pmzA to roc oa rt tf S5c pr boa.
Frz rr-f - !w r
G. C- Sll AVER. CHsnrrrr.
-V St.te Omagt. Sis
and tae sjrr- --f tus truliSsappesr
Tbss yoa tr. accomplish by caing1
aa asroopatrmblc rcsoolY for diaraa- of
Tkroat. Soar. rS Mr.mb. a rrxtaa.
srmplc a J cfechrc cvTw
W Fr. Pia-Ki Cr n RraC. Fast
UobsM er Cat'Bl tort ant T nam
aDy wsrd. qexk to rrtirvc. poartivr cn,
always rrady: small ia price. Daat -nit
tSU yoa araast fcaTC it grt it shw.
XTUM.T BY MAIL, prrpaij o-- racviBt
SB 50c Frrpmrrd to-rl r br
G. O. SH. I'ER. rtwST.
Kta Si 29th Sta- Ciucaso, Els.
Easily, Quickly, Penaaaeatry Bestcrei.
wm , srvsnsMi
rMIIiv, aad aa tha traia
of ertat froxn aar r errors or
later excesses, tea raaaits ot
overwork. sickaas, worrr.
etc. rail streccta. denl-
epmcstaad wac (trra to
ICTery orraa and oortlut
etththo&x. SlmpWuv
aral BMtikoda. lotav-iW
at hnprovcsral cern.
Falivr taitnsaib. l.ffl rrfewms. E x .
nyianartAa aad pnol s ms Uad tsralc trac
Vli IIECICU CO. Boffala. H.T.
Fire Insurance.
la tbe Old Hartford, the Xew Yk Tn
derwriters Airency or any one of the reli
able old line companies be represents. JCotes
taken and plenty of time givvn for payment
on farm insurance. All tnim?8 will be
promptly aitended to.
Tie AcafiEHij eFte LaSy Gi
Perpetual Help, Amaiy, Or.
A boarding and day school conductcu
by the IVnedictine Sisters will resume
studies Aiiit. 27, 1S05.
Everv facility will be offered for thor
ough courses iu scientific, normal, com
mercial and elementary branches.
An able tcaehe. of piano, viotin, guitar
and vocal music will have charge of the
musical department. Irawing and paint
ing wilt, like music, be taught as extras.
Lessons in plain and fancy needlework.
For hither paiticulars call at the Acad
emy or address Sister Si rx'iionrss.
K. O. T.M
Meets every Saturday vening in K. O T
M. fall. Visiting KniuhU ii.vitsl at
6 Bi. I. S. VaJI WlSKLg .Com
Dr. Price's Cream Bakinj: Powder
Awankd Cold MU1 SlidwiaMr Fair, Saa Friaceca.