The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 11, 1895, Image 1

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    if ft mm
HUrti at Ike rs a Albany. Or.
Seeaad-t'lais Mall Halltti
V. r inmiC, rnMlsner a;rrsrtetrC
ZLZ -a. 'v-r m a. a -a. I v J 1 w
- 1 1 1
for Infants and
I recommend it as superior to any pnacriptkw
aowntome." H. A. Aacnza, St IX,
111 So. Oxford St Brooklyn, H. Y.
The nse of 'Castoria' la so uniTersal and
ft merits so well known that it sewns a work
f supererogation to endorse it. Few are the
Intelligent famOie who do not keep Castoria
within eay reach."
Cuuos JUam, D. IX,
, ; Sow Tark City.
UniYersitff Oregon -1895-1896.
1 0 University of Oreeon. Entrene. Ommn nftn (, i.,;;n
an men can obtain board, lodging, heat and light in the dormitory for
erweek. Roomer furnish their own linen. Young women are provided
l)V5i.nrE!lraieJV,e8 J3-00 Per week.
r. a v OOTU ure?on;
Ti V , v . ' Tru6cllt:" -uw umversity oners three baccalaureate decrees.
f?' f.enoBand Bachelor of Letters witilsgSg
iuo ituuui; suuner
in o years 10 a easiness
.--b - ...u iuo uuo
Ci'iTf T I car8ef a" wcidenul fee of ten
J oiuueuia noiains ainiomas
j . y ; r - u win years to Hie VI tie
Knghsh ; an advanced course for graduates of normal schools leaaine
1 J86 mF of P3': thre years coarse in civil engineering leading
o the degree of ctvil engineer; a coarse of two years for teachers Sf physical edu-
havuig teachers' certificate are admitted to the preparatory department without
!Snn- Those desinn,! informaUon regarding the preparatory department
should address the Dean, N. L. Karregan, Eugene. J
K r.uogues ana iniormation address
Walton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon.
Best Work
Office Stationery
Give us yoar
The Buffet CarlRoute.
rt" vtxui tuob u. uu. uxumvii xiuu
Crosses both the Ox-ad; and the Rocky Mountains in DAYLIGHT, affording panec
gers an opportunity of viewing the
Two trains dailv fr m Ph-lan-l: one at 11 s m . via Seattle, and one at 8:55 p. m.,
via 6. R. tt N. atld Spok'inn. Ran 'rapprb
te' ubrarycara palace anl upboistcrtd tKintts tieeping earj. lhe bonet iiiKary can
are marvels of elegaaoe and comfort, containing bath room, barber shop, easy chairs, eU
r T: -t. 1. "V'u 1" .J vrflil..J loop. Itnlnth vrw Vnndav and
Friday for the "r'oo Makiosc Island, Detrot. Cleveland and Buffalo in con nation
with tYir fSrrnt Korthivn RaiiwaT. tiara voar tickets read via the NORTHERN
STEAMSHIP CCMPANT and enjoy a delierhtfal ridef-ea from the beat and dost. For
tickets and general information call on or address
R. C. STEVENS. G. W. P. A.,
612 Front St . Seattle, Wash.
'This i tbe wheel that was illuslra'ed In
n "J anuarr 2StnV 1895. over tbe following
e recent Nations! Cycle Exhibition",
ot admired and talked of htgri grade nicycie in mo wor.u " -"i w.w v-w
ustrated Catalogue free. Imdiama Bictclp Co. Indianapolis, Indiana. U. S A
E. E. Goy, exclusive agent for Albany
-B25 -.
- il . la ' ' -
Caatorla cures Colic, Constipation,
Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation,
Eflla worms, fires deep, and promotes di
gestion. Without Injurious medication.
"For several veasa I have recommended
'Castoria, and shall always continue to do
so, as It has Invariably produced beneficial
Emm F. Passes, X. D,
ISSta Street and Tth Am, New York Cfty. .
- Tn Cktrcaca Oowjjrt, T? Xcbbat Brsxn; Krw You On.
provided with
Young women desiring hoard should
Secretary Yoang Women's Chris-
aHinwa are ottered: An
diploma and in three years to
the title
uuwiot oi ciivaiou eaucation. The
dollars which is payaole in advance
imm thn nnhliK vhivJ. j .1
U. H. Chapman, President, or J.
A Specialty
-uipraent, ceosis.inir of dining cars, baf-
A. B.C.
122 rd St., Pj tlaad. 0
"Bearings tbe Cycling Authority of Amet
titlej "The handsome. Model Shown i a
li U the Wavmlt Sxchb an4 Is the
Stlte JTotriTiql Sctjoo
Monmouth, Or. A training school for
teachers. Complete eight grade training
department and strong Professional and
Academic courses.
The Diploma of tbe w-hool entitles
one to teach in any county in the etate
without further examination.
Board and Lodging, books and tu
ition 150 Tier rear. Beautiful and
healthful location no saloons. There is
a gooddemand for well trained teachers ;
there is an over-supply of untrained
teachers. Catalogue cheerfully sent on
application. Address
J.A. Wakm PL. Campbxli..
Secretary Preiden
- A-SS!"
Fair Gkocxos, SALM,0r.,0ct. 3rd.
To Democrat, Albany, Ore.
Linn county was awarded first premi
um for county exhibit this morning. One
hundred Albany residents here are jubi
lant. C. W. Watts.
The report that the first premium had
been awarded to Yamhill county was an
error. Yamhill will have to be satisfied
with second premium. Linn county will
thus receive 9200 in cash, besides the
benefit of the advertising and the name
u will give our county. Air. watts and
those who have labored with him in pro
ducing a very creditable exhibit are en
titled to great crtit for the result,
' Hurrah for old Linn.
Those medical plants collected bv Dr.
Hill undoubtedly helped to do she busi
ness. The whole exhibit was a good one,
but this was something novel.
Besides the county exhibit Albany
creamery batter took first prise, and on
onions first and second Drites were award
ed to Linn coantv onions, among them
being some fine ones furnished by J.
R. Douglas. .
Yamhill county is said to have been
quite hot.
Senator iiitchell is attlie State fair to
J. W. Morgan haa moved upon alarm
at Shedd.
E. W. Achison Las returned from a
trip to Lafayette.
Miss Helen Crawford recited the poem
Alaska" with fine effect at the Macca-
bee entertainment at the State fair.
H.Y. Kirk Patrick and wife, and Mrs.
S. M. Garland, left oa last night's over
land on a visit to California.
Ex-Sheriff Williams and wife, of In
dependence, have been in the city, the
guests of their children. Rev. and Mrs.
W. W.Haines and brother. J. A., of
Douglas county, left this moraine for
Illinois to visit their old home. Regis -ter.
Mrs. F. A. Watts, of Portland .has been
in the citv. the meat of Mr. V C. Tkawia
and f atnily. They were former neigh- !
uonai caeaa.
M. M. Fry, of Banners Ferry. Koote
nai Co., Idaho, returned to his home to
day after a visit with Linn connty friends
and relative. Mr. Fry is a brother of
Olney Fry, Jr.
W. Frank Hotman. a eradoate nf fi3.
paid the college a visit Monday. Mr.
Holman has accepted a position in one
of the leading drug stores of Albany .
uorvaiiis Uaxette. Mr. rred Dawson's
drug store is referred to.
The marriage of Mr. Collins Elkina.the
popular book-keeper of the L. E. Blain
Clothing Co.,and Miss Mary E. Johnston ,
is announced to take place at the home
of Rev. S. E. Meminger, in Ashland, on
October 30th.
Invitations are out for two prominent
events to-morrow evening, a reception
to Mr. and Mrs. Percy A. Yoons. who
arrived in Albany this morning, accom-
ymuiVU .'A 1 VH1HHI UH1 UW 1 i U
wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. E.
A delightful old peoples' party wa
given yesterday afternoon at the resi
dence of Mrs. S. W. Ross. A large nun
ber of old ladies were present ranging in
age np to 93 years. Mrs. Fisher carry ine
off first honors with Mrs. Fanning a good
I 7 I 1 . V
scuutni. ccTcnu noun were spent in a
very lively manner and a big repast
served, the table groaning with good
things. Long may all of them live.
Rev. E. Trumbull Lee. of Pueblo Colo..
formerly of Portland, a brother of Pres
ident . H. Lee, of Albany, has met with
aa unexpected honor in bein called V
the pastorate of the second Presbyterian
church of Cincinnati, Ohio, a church
ministered over by Dr. Lyman Beecber
and Dr. Geo. T. Hays. Dr. Lee preached
tn the church three Sundays last July
and was so well liked be was given the
call. Dr. Lee has preached in Albany on
several occasions.
t . nder ine bead, distinguished group I
gatheis inSalem'a border, appears the fol
lowing :-un me big reguter ot tbe vt il
ls met le were tounrt tbe familiar
signatures of Utile! Slates Senators John
11. Mitchell and George W McBnde.
with that of Hon. Bineer Harmann a
little farther down the pa ire. These were
supplemented by the signs-manual of
Attorney-General C. M. ldleman. Hon.
Thomas II. Tongue, Hon. Harry B.
Millrr and Judge li. H. Hewitt
TheenrUmmtinthe Corvallis scbotle
Tbe grand lodge of Knights of Pythias
m?eU in Salem on luasday of next week
F. ConpanT announce that tby will
give a ball at tbe opera boose on Thanks
M. B. Mosher of this citv received the
first premium at tbe state fair for the test
blacksmith work.
Mr. Geo. Richards has invented a barrel
chnrn that is attracting attention He tree a
common crock, which has tbe advantage of
being small and suitable for small dairies
Tbe error has been discovered and Jane
tion City's population, wilbin tbe corpora
tive limit", is now bon to be 70?.instead
of 207. as previously pnblixhed. Coburg's
popula ion is given tn at oos uuard.
Roseburor Review says: "Geo. W. Car
ter, the Canyonvilie merchant, bas recently
eceiTed a eonicnment of bne green
coffee direct from the plantation of Unas
and Isiac Manning, of Malagalpa, Nicara-
bop, and tbose who nave used it say tnat it
ij excellent. Th Manning boys were old
time residents ot uanyonviiie."
Everybody cordially invited to the
dance next Saturday evening.
Captain Nat Bowman is staying at
Gates at present.
Billy Creacel returned from hop pick'
ing last Tuesday.
Auenstine Forneir has purchased 40
acres of land irom J. L,. Berry and wife.
Mr. Peter Dikeman's family from
Michigan arrived at Berry Tuesday,
where they expect to make their future
Edwin V. Smith, of Munkers, has been
at his claim the past week digging his
Miss Clara Perkett spent a few davs
at Mahama and Lyons visiting friends
and canning fruit.
K. V. Case returned Tuesday evening
from Salem, where he was spending a
lew days.
' J. O. Berry and family returned from
Munkers last Friday where he was en
gaged in hop drying.
Anything taken in exchange for cedar
hop poles, poets, or snaxe. Address au
gustine Forneir, Detroit.
Phof. Sebbisq's Recital. A large au
dience attended Prof . Sebring's recital at
the Omgregational church last evening,
and were repaid by a program of merit.
The participants were Prof. Sebring's
former pupils, of Independence. They
performed with credit both on the violin
and niano.disDlaving the excellent train-
ins received. Many of tbe selections
wrrA difficult music and yet the young
neonledid their work faithfully. The
irrrm m was varied some. The orches
tra of piano, horn and three violins was
particularly good, and all the solos and I
duets were apprcu"n.
The Knight Kemplars will meet in Alb
any begining one week from today. Prom
inent Templars from a'l over Oregon will
We Get 1st on County Exhibit,
on Butter and Onions.
be in ine. city on tnat gay.
Another fatal accident happened on
the O. C. & E. yesterday, fortunately in
a manner to cast no b.ame upon the
company. The train to the front was at
Kingston. John Skipton.the brakeinan,
attempted to pull a pin in order to let a
cat loose when he slipped ind fell. The
train passed over ma right leg, cutting it
off and terribly mangling his left leg. He
was Drought to Aioanv. Dr. Maston
amputated the right leg, but the young
man was unable to survive the loss and
died at 10:30 o'clock.
The cause of Mr. Skioton's death was
Internal injuries resulting in hemorrages.
w nen rescuing Albany he was beyond
permanent assistance.
The deceased was 27 years of aee and
had been working on the road only a few
weeks. He was a member of the Wood
men of the World, and resided at Cor
vail is, where his folks are well known.
The father, brothers and sisters of the
deceased man came to Albany this noon,
accompanied by a delegation of Wood
men of the World, and the remains were
taken to Corvallis where they will be
buried to-morrow.
Mrs. Hlatt's Condition.
The reliable information comes from
Jordan that while Mrs. Hiatt is yet alive
her prospects for recovery are very slim.
1 he calls are in far enough to cause fa
tal results and probably will. It has
been reported that Mrs. Hiatt said in
response to a question that Mir. Han
nah shot her. This is very doubtful. It
is a fact though, that when asked the
question she first responded.
And upon its beinz put azain awhile
A man," doing it in a manner to
show that she was talking incoherently
and did not know what she was talking
The opinion at Jordan is quite general
that Mrs. Hannah did the shooting.
Only evidence is what will count before
a jury.
State Fair.
The tree for all trot was won by Carl
Carney in straight heats, best lime 2 -.22.
Flora U. of this county was third. Sam
Lucas won the seven-ighth dash. The
2:33 race was won by Almax, Nettie
Ham second, Hugo third, best time
The mile bicrcle race was won bv
Bert Neat of McMinnxiUe. Cleaver sec
ond, Smith third, time 36 seconds. 1
mile class B- . W. champiooshiD was
won by Eli Winsett, Heweu second, Lee
third. Time 2:32. Ctaaa A. 2:50 class
was won by Townsend. of elem. Gritlev
second, Woods, of Albany, third. Time
Today was Woodmens day. and it was
a great event in the 10 days of the fair.
a. big delegation went from Albany,
more than dnnngthe preceedinar days
together- Many extra attractions were
arranged for the day.
About 600 Woodmen were at the fair
reeterdUy and they made their axes fly.
t was about the hvest day of the fair.
An ax chopping contest was won by
Oliver Hart, of Starton. Albany was
represented by J. M.Roberts. The Alb
any company bad the greatest number
present, 45, and will win the silver
service; Wood burn second.
In the races the one and a half mile
derby was won by Matlock's Dela in
2:44. Sophia R won the free for all
pace in three straight heals with 2:19
as the fastest time. The lorlonc
dash was won by Binum'a oinger in
The one mile class B bicycle race was
won by Eli Lee. Hewitt second. Backer
third. Time 2:39. One mile class A by
by Dr. Wright. Ritnri second. Ogle 3rd.
One mile class A YV oodmen. Card 1st.
Pearse 2nd, McMornes 3rd.
It was expected that hhere would be
a class B race in the bicycle contest at
the fair today fbut there was not. In
stead Charles bear of this city ran an
exhibition quarter mile in the very fast
time ol JX 3-d seconds, we tasteot time
made daring the fair, rars nndoubt
is.the equal of any rider in the slate.
WaI OX TBI StrSLAW. The Union fish
ermen mi the Rinalaw river have atrark.
The price the canneries offer for salmon
is 15 cents each for silveraides and 30
cents for Chi nook a. The fishermen de
mand 20 cents for silvers de and 40 cents
for Chinook. Fifteen union fishermen.
armed with riflt-i, are petroling the nvrr
between tbe llewl ot Tide and I oiot
Terace, and swear no fish shall be taken.
Several nets loun-I by tbe anion fisher
men set in the nver have been cut and
There are something like 120 boats on
tbe river and between 90 and 100 of them
have gone into tbe anion. Parlies who
arrived bere last night say no fish were
delivered at the canneries Monday. The
feeling la Quite bitter and it is feared
that the strike may recult in bloodshed
before it is settled. Guard.
A xw uold Saves. a new process
for saving float sold was presented to
our mining men last week by Mr. Under
wood of Portland. It consists of wire
copper screens, silver-plated and dipped
in quicksilver. Being suspended in tne
boxes all float adheres to them while the
travel passes below. Messrs Leaeie &
Palm alert for improvements and $ cap
tured the prize and gave it a trial on
lower Applegate last week. Tomorrow
they will go back and by the addition of
a srixslev the screens can be set lower in
tbe boxes and control a larger amount oi
float. Any thing that can be devised
to retain float gold will be a paying in
vestment aa a great amount of it exists
in all our streams. The projectors see
no reason tor silver agitation as they ex
nect to double tbe sold circulation ai
soon as they get in good working order,
At least their bones are nign. lor tne ex
penmeniAi trial was a success. jaeaieru
Gutties With Gold. From reports
from all Quarters of Oregon one may con
clude that this country litterally glitters
with gold. An exchange says: "Be
tween the mouths of the Salmon and
Silets rivers, savs a prospector. 30 black
sand claims, of about 20 acres each, have
been located. They He between the
briny deep on one side and a sand ridge
irom 10 to lOO leet bign on tne otner.
Assays of the black sand literally glitter
witn the promise ot twenty-dollar pieces,
and if tbe flonr-go)d can be saved when
the sluicing or milling is done on a large
scale, one acre of tbe black sand contains
a handsome fortune.
AsoTitkH That ftUQ.OOO keen
vanishing. The Newport News savs
The amount of taxes due Linceln county
out of tbe O. P.'s f 100,000 foots up the
sum of $20, 361 62. Judge S. V. Burt
went out to eaiem last week to employ
an attorney to present the claims ol the
county before the referee. About $5000
. . . l. ! I. 1 - . .u.. .
school lunds. Biiouid tbe county be a
warded the amount of taxes due. it will
with tbe taxes of '04, practically put us
out ot dtbt.
An Oaxooif Soso. Prof. Chas. II,
Jones, principal ot the McMinnville pub
lic scnoois, uas written tue words and
music for a song. It is entitled "Ore
gon," and is dedicated to the public
schools of Oregon. It is published by
Wiley B. Allen, ot Portland, the profes
sor receiving a royalty. It has gathered
considerable popularity and is a good
piece of music, well adapted for use in
the schools. The sentiment is beautiful
and the tane catchy. - No better son?
could be used by the schools of Oregon
to instil state pride. McMiRrmlle T. R-
By using Hall's Hair Renewer. array.
faded, or discolored hair assumes the nat
ural color of youth, and grows luxurian and
strong, pleasing evvryboey.
Wo are here t platse you. If every
thing is nut O. K. kindly let us know
We are not selling at cost but at moder
ate profits. We cn-t furnish you any
thing in the hrnom !in at lowest prices
See our.line of 15, 20 and 25 cent whips.
Poweb & ToMLixao.
CopclttnJ Ahead Again.
For a good many years Ora Copeland,
oliaquina, baa knocked out all seal
hunters in the number killed. Th's
year he was ahead ajursual. He pasxed
through Albany for home the II rut 61 the
week. The Leader tells about his ex
perience as follows :
The Lincoln county seal huntets have
all returned home. The toys from here
that were on the Ixmis Olsen passed
through here Tuesday evening, as did
also Ora Copeland. Ora came up from
Newport today and is shaking hands
with bis numerous friends here. Ora
was on the British vessel Vera this year.
The Vera 'a catch was over 1,300 skins,
of which Ora got 262. There were five
hunters on the Vera which were said to
be the best that went out of Victoria.
The contest for skins was very close,
but the lowest man on the boat was only
seven skins lower. Ota got 3-25 per
skin this year. He will go to Victoria
in about a month or six weeks to ioin a
crew which will go around Cape Horn
to visit some newly discovered seal rook
eries on some islands off the mouth of
Rio de la Platte river in South America.
The roorkeries there have never been
visited but once, and if the reports are
true tho boys will be liable to make a big
killing. The boys from the Louis Olsen
claim that they believe they can
beat the case in the seizure of their
vessel. We hope the bovs will get out
all right, The Guilliama had to lake the
Olsen last year for their pav, and if tbev
lose her this year they will be in hard
Degree of Honor at Mill City.
Mrs. Gault, of McMinnville, Grand
Chief of Honor, instituted a new lodg
of the Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W. at
mui Lily last evening, r-he was tssisted
by a number of Albany ladies who went
np with her for that" purpose. The of
ficers of the new lodge are :
.Mrs. Kambo, 1. C II.
Mrs. Newlinds. L. of H.
Robert Shaw, Recorder.
Mrs. Goddard, Receiver.
Mrs. Ross, Guide.
Mrs. Garman, C. o II.
Mrs. Marnin, C. C.
Mr. New land. Financier.
Mrs Bills, Usher.
Mrs. Peckenpaegh, O. W.
There were 22 mem ber initialed and
2 or 15 others expect to ioin at an early
Mrs. S. II. Strabao. recently in Port
land, bas returned to Atlanta, Georgia,
to reside.
D. W. Wakefield came np from Port
land oa last nights overland to attend
the reception tonigbt-
A. B. Hamtnon.l, of railroad fame ar
rived from Conrailis ty carriage this
after noon and will take Ihe overland to-
ight for f-an Francisco.
C. II. KoonU. of Halsev. and K. L.
Power of Albany, are in the city visit
ing relat;ves and also taking in the stale
fair. The latter gentleman is broth r to
Ed Power, aasisiart at the O. R. A N.
Co's office in this city. Salem Journal.
There was a large attendance at the
Social Club's dance at the opera house
last evening. It was one of the club's
greatest successes. Excellent music was
furnished by the Elite orchestra of a-
iem, consisting oi can Denton, . c
McElrov, Charles Laurenson and Miss
Gertrude Denton.
In the foot race t tbe tta's hit Hay
again defeatei Girsnt. liUnc4 53raris.
ifubos are aeain dniuir ice vidHr
Eighteen or tenty were run out cf Ku
gene yesterday. Like tbe gmm rooat of
them are going khiIb.
The board of tate cbo A lnd corarois-
Moners have decided to pm collect i on of in
tent doe on tbe cbocl fandlanedthroh
cut tbe slate and will inttrort their
attorneys in the various canltes to bring
suits to recover the amount-.
Mrs. Hi .id man pre enleJ as an oranse
yesterday, picked from tbe tree in ber par
lor, l his tree is a proliac brarer. bavins
borne eleven oranges that ripened and new
blooms are appearing ids tree it small
and so are toe oranires and looks very
cote Lebanon Advance.
Henry Veaxie. cf raconiA. airl 23 has
made a snation bv msrninir Kiltie Ko-
gensmttb, 46, supposed until recently to be
bis stepmother. UI1 man euie bad gm n
all bis property ts ilenry. and tola the wo
man to KO, a he had never married ter
Tbe cento jmt taken by Aasewor Turker
gives Lincoln county 3,35 people-
Tsstetdav Cleveland won a second victory
gainst Baltimore for the Temple tup
Score. 7 to 2.
The merabars of the Peyton Corned
Company passed through Albany this noon
for Corvallis, where tbey will p ay toniybt
and totnorro night.
An 80 loot piece of li oilier stretching
nearly acro three fiat cars, being shipped
from Portland to MarysviHeCal. attracted
attention at the depot today.
William Smith, of Caniaa valley,
dragged and robbed of t!3 by tramps near
tbe depot at Koreburg last night, and tnen
nut on tbe blind bacirajre cf the north
bound overland. He was taken back by
the southbound overland, lie says tbe
tramps forcibly poured tbe drugged liqnor
down bis luroai.
Had To Stop. The Yaqnina Bay
creamery made its last run of the season
last Tuesday. Tbe supply ot mux nss
fallen so low that it did not pay toopei
ate it longer. The cows of this country
have been brought up to giving n.iik
only during the summer months, and as
a consequence the supply of milk has
fallen verv raoidlV ouiinn me last
month. The creamery books show that
for the past five months the creamery
has manufactured 9.526 pounds of butter.
The average price received for this
butter for the whole ffve months has
been about 19 cents per pound, and tak
ing out the cost ot manutacture ana com
mission it lei ves the farmer about 14
cents per pound for the five months they
delivered milk to the creamery. Since
the 20th dav of Auaust the butter has
been sellintr for 50 cents per roll and the
demand could not be supplied. The
creamery is a grand success for the
farmer. Toledo Leader.
Tub Caush. The Scio Tress gives a
good account of the Jordon tragedy. In
reference to the cause it says: W e are
told that Mrs. Hannah was very jealous of
her husband, and this jealousy was dir
ected towards Mrs. Hiatt, but for which
there was no known cause. Owing to
the fact that Mrs. liannan nad a very
hiuli temner and of known jealous disnoi
si tion, some lniachieviouBly disposed per
son in the neighborhood, by writing
notes to her, had arouBed her passions to
a high degree, and which culminated in
the tragedy. There does not exist in the
minds of the people a shadow ot doubt,
but what the right party has been ar
rested. She hat practically admitted her
guilt to several parties. , ,
Mr. JuliuTdradwobl will give tho fol
Inwino- remarkably low prices, for net cash.
iron stone china: down 7 inch plates, 40
cents; doaen cup. and saucers. 40 eenU ,
wash-bowl, pitcner ana cnamuer, ,.
Preparations for the meeting of the
urand commandary of Knights Tem
plars of Oregon in Albany on Thursday
October, 10, are being made, which
speak lor a big time in the city. Most
oi tne knights will arrive on the noon
train. At 1:30 there will to a parade
starting from the temple and marching
.iiiuuitii it anumguin, rourin, Broadai
bin, Hecond, Lyon and tirst to the
temple, llie procession will to in six
divisions, formed by the commanderies
in nut order: Temple No. 3, Oregon No.
I, Ivanhoe No. 2, De Molay No. 5, Malta
No. 4, E. O. No. 6. The parade will to
totiowed by a drill by the De Molays in
front of the court house. Visiting ladies
win IK) entertained bv llnmll, I htnli
No. 16 which will conduct a Via nnnt Imm
, fi to 7 p. ru. At 8 o'clock a concert will
tie given in the hall t- Knights and East
era tsiars only, except by invitation on
account of limited room. At 10 o'clock
a uail will be given in the opera house
with a supper at the Kt. Charles.
Albany will undoubtedly do credit to
tue occasion.
List of Patents.
uranted to l'aciflc States inventors
mis week. Keported by C. A. Snow &
Co., solicitors of American and Foreign
patents, opr.. U. S. Patent office, Wash-
gum, v. j.
A 1 Uray, Los Gatoc, Cal., sash fast
ener; TJ Daniels, San Francisco. Cal.,
awning-operating mechaoUm; II Hol-
Drook, couperviile, Wash., tnneamatic
device for raising or lowering car-windows;
F A Lobert, National City, Cal.,
compoend for serving timber. E E Kal
isbury, T acorn a. Wash., combined dis
trict telegraph and telephone system ; G
M Urie, fan Francisco, Cal., amalgama
tor. SOCIAL AND Hr.kONAl .
license has been imued f'r the mar
riage of C C Beebe and Lixxie Patterson.
Mr. Hankma. of tbe Industrial Herald
of Oregon City, was in Albany vesterdav
on bis way to the Bay. He resided in
Cloverdale a dozen years ago.
W m. C. Tweedale bas retarned from
hi trip to Ihe meeting of the Grand
Lodge I. O. O. F. at Atlantic Citv. N. J..
and reports a splendid time.
Few events in married life contain
more entertaining features than a tin
weddin?. It nlarar offers a mmhina.
tion of fun and serWaneea. It touches
people where the tomp of humor hes
terhaps hjaviwt. That was the eas in
the tin wedding anniversary ol Mr. and
Mrs. K. E. Ooff. held at the'ir handsome
home, on Third street last evening. It
was a happv crowd that was present, and
all declarwl tbe event one woithv of long
remembrance. A feature was the cere
mony. The happy couple appeared
blooming for the occasion. The groom
was noticeable for his high tin collar and
big tin caffs. Kev. Coartwright per
formed tbe ceretcony in broken English
to the great edincat'on of the company.
A tin marriage couldn't Goff better.
Excellent rnuic was f'jrnished Cry the
Apollo club. Miss Laura Tale and others,
and a delicious lunch was served. Tbe
presents were many and mutable, some
useful, some to lock at. Tbe following
were present: Rev and Mr Coart
wright, Wm Fortmiller and wife, Mr and
Mrs C E Browne!:. Mr and Mrs H J
Hopkins. Mr and Mrs Biumberg, Irand
Mrs Littler. Mr and Mrs Geo Acheson.
Judge and Mrs Whitnev, Mr and Mrs C
n sears, Mr and Mrs K Langdoo. Mr
and Mrs F M Rednekl. Mr and Mrs N II
Alien, Mr and Mrs C C Hogu, Mr and
Mrs D P Mason, Mr and Mrs Arch Ham
mer, Mr and Mrs Ed Cusick, Mrs J M
Irving, Mrs D B Monteiih, Mrs Hart,
Mrs K J Tate. Misses Fortmi'ler. Minnie
and Maggie McFarland, the Mtseee Gal-
brailh. Una Allen. liaUte Ball. Laura
Tate, Flora and Vesta Mason, Velle Ir
ving, fciixabeUi Carethers, Messrs C
Bloom. Una hears. W ill Uaibrailb, J
Sen ft, J E Brown, A P Rutherford, and
S N Steele.
a ED D img snxmox.
A reception was tendered Mr. and
Mrs Percv A. Yonng last evening at the
home of Mr. and Mis. S. E. Young, one
month after their marriage in San Fran-
isco. It was well carried out in all the
details. The bride and groom received
tbe large number ot guests in the front
parlor in a manner mat put tnem into
the good graces of all. The rooms were
tastily decorated with flowers and au
tumn leaves. A delicious lunch was
rerved in the dining room, where orange
ribbons hanging from the ceiling and
looped upon tbe table suggested the na
ture of the event. Those present were:
Mavor and Mrs Flinn, Drs. 11. E. and
O. K. Beers. Rev. Little. IV. Ellis,
Messrs and Mmea L. E. Blain, E. F,
Sox, L. t, Hamilton, John Aitiiouse, u
H. Stewart. H. FIMemll. R. M. Robert
son, an ilson, bd Blodgett, r. l
Power, W. C. Davis, F. W . Biomburg,
I W ... Km Am!. nn k u
French, A. R MoCoy, E. S. Redeker. E.
W.Langdon, E. D. Cusick, John Hy
ntan. W alter 1'eaox k. U. R. Sbultx. L.
C. Marshall, til Barton, J as. Nannv,
Mmea, 11. A I! house, b. U lmne. k.
J. Tate, Merrill, Dana Burmester, Eiixa-
toth Blain. W. S. Miller, B. W. Cundiff,
tlenrte.ta Brown, fc. L. Thompson, D,
W. Wakefield, Misses barab, Anna. Kate
and Marv Altbonse. Mildred Barmester,
Clara Blain, Ethel and Clara Davis,
klhel Uednekl. elle Irvinic. Alma and
Sue Breckenridge, Olga Hewitt, Nellie
Klodectt. Alary Miuams. nora and
Vesta Mason, Addie George. Annie and
lna Mccormick, bdith hmicc, lena
Marshal. Eva Simpson. Mae Pollock.
Mary tedgwick, Annie Fortmiller, Ina
McCullocli. Lillie Hart. Mollie and Edna
Lnper, Belle Bodine, Bertha Ellis, Nona
Irvine. Bertha and Lilue Dodder, Ella
McCoy. Ava Baltimore. Annie Flinn.
OUie Baltimore, Acnie Mc Bride, Julia
Tavlor. Annie Yantis. Lida and Nina
Galbraith and Elisabeth Irvine, Presi
dent W. H. Lee. Messrs Phil Goodwin
S. E.and J.:. irvine. W. N. Miller,
Samuel Worrell. Lewis Smick, Samuel
Bodine. William Fortmiller. Collins bl
kins. Ivan Marks. Lvle Sneer. Frank
Stellmaker, John Altermatt, Star.ley and
hd fete wart, Mr. and Mrs. tuning and
John Campbell was killed in an Oregon
Central wreck, and the Pay ton Theatrical
Co. was tn town and its band played at
his funeral. John Skip ton was the next
victim of accident oa the Uregon central,
and the Payton company arrived in town
the dav of the funeral. The two facts
make a queer concidence. Corvallis
A Vido Range.
A preparation which
enriches and purifies the
blood and assists nature
in repairing wasted tissue
must have a wide range
of usefulness.
Such a preparation is
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
liver Oil with Hypophos-
?hites of Lime and Soda,
he uses of Scott's Emul
sion are not confined to
wastingdiseases,like con
sumption, scrofula or
ana;mia. They embrace
nearly all those minor ail
ments associated with
t1oss Df fleck
s. Z'v
Scott 4 Bowks, N. Y. MIDnggitts. 50c. and $1.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 w I l 1 I 1 r i"f Ta si
Wheat 39 cents.
Try Case Bros, new barber.
See tbe new Matt Photoes at Tinkles.
W oodman pin and buUout at French's.
Bia' reduction in D.ices tbe next ninetv
day at Tinkles the photographer1.
You cau buy all the llt pins ai:d buckles
you wast at French' jewelry More
Farmer, if you bav sour Diiturc ma 'e
it will pay you tares Tinkle and get bis
prices. , -"
Pbotis! Photos! Photos! any kize, share
or color at trices from 5o cent U $50. at
Its a biz mUtakeif vou tbir.k Tinkle
does not make the best and chepet pho
tos. Yoar 10 cent initial pins at French's
are the very beat you ever raw for the
Go to French's iewelrv stera if vou want
a lady's Dane trimmed with solid silver tor
loo !
Every mother hates to make ber children
take Castor Oil Lnxol is sweet Castor
10 cent initial pins. 10 rent ChrUtain i
Endeavor pins, 10 cut belt pins a r reach's i
jewelry store, j
Dr. II. E. and Olive K. Beers oSces in i
post office block. Residence corner 5th and
Calapooia sta. Albany Or.
Regular rneetimr of Corin.rian lodire 17
A F and A M this evening. Work is 3rd
degree. A f u II atieiJnoe desired.
Ibe pUv ''Damon and Pytnias" will be
preaenled at Siem next week durinz the
meeting of the Kaigots uf Pythias.
Remember Dr. Clark's lecture in tLe
Univeraaiict church to-morrow eveoina' on
the "Occult Power of the Mind . "
Hereafter all iroods purchased of Joliai
Gradabol will be delivered free of charge.
ao one will be allowed to gnceraell mm.
Ben Clelud and Oscar Zeyie yestrrday
killed 33 Celestial in a few boars, indi
cating that this popular bird is yet alive in
ice Betas.
A sappty of PreservsJine has jost been
received by Hook-e Jt McFarland. It'
preserves milk. Tbcie wbi have been
waiting for it will tike notice
The reailar nv-etinz JL the Ladie Aid
Sonets will be bed at tbe resideocecf Mr.
Irving on Mcnav tbe 7th of Or, at two
m. A full attendance is desired as
there is work tu be done.
A band of 6S bead of beef cattle, from
lsta. paMed tbrooeh town the other day.
bound for Aloany, for shipment. Tbey
srere purcbaaed in Abea Valley by Scott
sad Berry of A-bany. and go 13 the Port
land market. Times.
Tbe Gypsy, tbe O R- ana X. company's
w teamer fur the upper Willamette
failed lo reach Aibany veaterday and re
turned to Salem list evening. hi little
boat succeeded in crossing the bar t the
mouth of the tiantiam saceessfnUr but was
nnable to cross a iarger on?, known av tbe
"Black Dog Bar" situated at a point in the
river abnut four miles above the month of
theSat-tiAm. aem Juornal.
R. R. Ryan has instituted a new snit
against the Southern Pad i Sc tare pan t for
ill, COO mm damagr sustained ly him in
being struck and injured by a locomotive
at the paasenger dVpot on lanuary'23. I9t;
for the some of $250 expanded f r medical
services; f yr medicine; and tltZt for
Bure hre lcir is the stead action of
f this character beeon by Mr. Ryan, toe
first having been noosuited cn two point.
Sa'-coi Journal
Bingcr Hermann Here.
Congressman Binger Hermann was in
tbe -ity this morning with that hand
shake referred to bv the Statesman. He
is doing Oregon learning the needs of his
dear constituency, and they are many.
Tbe DkworwaT suggests one to be the
permanent improvement ot the upper
Willamette bv actual work on the tors
where needed, as can to learned from
any river pilot, and not in surveys so
far ahead ol tbe actual work mat tbe an
nual chances of the river render them
useless. The probability of Mr Her
mann's being chairman of tbe commit
tee on rivers and harbors suggests a great
deal of good that can be done Oregon,
and Mr Hermann, as in the pa?t, will
undoubtedly do his level best for the
state as well aa for himself. Come again.
Mr Hermann went to Roseburg on the
noon train. He will return Monday or
Tueedav and go to the Bav to learn deli
niteiy ot its needs, tie can be depended
upon, the Democrat is informed, to do
his best for Yaquina.
Mrs. Hiatt Dead.
Mrs William Hiatt. the victim ot the
recent Jordan tracedv. died at the home
of her mother. Mrs (lolman, in Jordan
at 3 o'clock this morning. There had
been two bullets in her head. One was
taken oat by Dr Kitchen, the other re
mainedin her brain. Mrs Hiatt became
semi-conscious, and it is doubtful it she
made any rational statement in re'erence
to the shooting, lor wbicii Mrs tiannaii
will have to answer before tbe next
grand jury. This places upon Linn eoun-
ly .lie reepoueioiiiiy Ji uiuiuri nw,
and a peculiar one a mat, a woman tne
alleged murderer, the evidence mostly
if not ail circumstantial, ihe trial at
the court which convenes on October
23th will to one full of interest.
A Salem Jack THaRirria. Last even
ing a terrible scream was heard fro a the
room of Monro Toyo, a Japanese courte
san. Tho police and others rushed in
and found Toyo with her throat cut in a
frightful manner and bleeding to death.
She could not speak, but in response o
Questions indicated that a Chinaman did
it. The work was probably done in the
dark. The Jack the Ripper, whoever he
was made his escape complete. Tbe
woman's lover was suspected and found
at his home near the city, but escaped
after a struggle and the tiring ot several
AS?mall blake:. i ne residence occu
pied by Mr. W H Ueadley and owned
by Judire Wolverton. caught on tire in
the rear roof from the flue of the kitch
en stove. A bucket brigade headed by
James Murry attacked the flames right
where they were hottest and the fire was
extinguished by the time the depart'
menthad arrived.
The house was insured in the Man-
heater, M Senders, agent, and was
romptly adjusted at 3.
Bia Rbbvctios. The O. C. & E. has
made an important reduction on rates
between Albany and San Francisco.
Hera they are : Apples, from 30 to 25
t. . inn . . V... .
Cent jnJI iuv pvuimcj :nniinaij,
former rate 35c, reduced to 15c; hard
ware, in boxes, all kinds, former rate 30c,
reduced to 15c; marble, rough, in boxes,
15c, formerly 30c; canned goods, 4U0
pounds or more, lJyc: seap, common,
in boxes, 15c; fotmerlySOc; paper, com
mon wrapping, 5c, formerly SOc; max
imum charge, 60c, formerly 5.
After Dipthtria.
"A severe attack ot diptheria left me
with impure blood and a run down sys
tem. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa
rilla and now 1 am strong and healthy."
Clifton Butler, Albany, ur.
Hood's pills cure indigestion.
State Fair.
Encounter won the pacing race yester
day in 2:20 best time. Mr Moehers
Peekaboo was third.
Young Clever won the boys half mile
bicyele race in 1 :S4. Exhibition miles
were made by Wiiuett in 2:15 and
Wright in 2:18. Disqae won the conso
lation mile in the disgraceful time of
3:294; Class A was won by Shipp,
Wood third. Half mile Oregon cham
pionship was won by Wright, Shipp a
4iM, third, time 1 vX.
Today many articles were being taken
away, mat irom Unn coonty among
others, to the Industrial Exposition.
An interesting foot race was run in tbe
afternoon for the championship of Ore
gon. Ray. of Wood burn, T.ine, of En
irene, Neal, of Palem, Gray, of Portland,
and Farmer Brown entered. Ry won
ahead of Trine by two feet, in the very
last time of 10 seconds.
A HUi Bicycle Track.
The ideas of Geo M. Miller, of Eaeene.
con time to be of tbe flying machine or-!
Her. Thn fVillnwino (mm ln-l -
might also indicate that Mr. Miller is
working in the interest of some lumber
yard: "Geo M. Miller has a model of a
bicycle track which he is confident if
pot into use would be of great benefit to
the bicycling fraternity. The track is
five feet wide, and is tkiilt on a frame
which is eight feet high and set on top
of the ground. A railing is also built on
each side of the track to prevent cyclists
from running off Th track can be
built for $6 per 100 feet, including ma
terial, labor and everything. Tbe mer
its which Mr Miller claims for it are that
cyclists can attain a high rate of speed
on it without danger of collision or great
fatigae, and that it can be traveled as
well in tbe wet season as the dry. The
track is to be built with an established ,
grade and will be raised high enough at
county roads to pass over them."
College Notes.
President Lee and Prof Coortright will
to absent the fim of next week attend
ing the meeting of the Presbytery.
We are informed that a man kicking a
borneu nest produces chemical activity.
Tbe man who tries it certainly is "base"
enough for them to act npon .
Tbe class in political economy will dis
cuss and settle tbe tariff question next
week. Last week they derided that
teachers were producer.
Tbe A. C. L. S. held its second regular
meeting of the Tear last evening. - The
society adopted a new constitution and
settled the question as to whether non
sense is preferable to commoasense.
Geoss D:eo Hkxbt Ptaslty. Land
lord J . A. tiroes of the Depot hotel had
the honor of dining no less a personage
than Hetuy M. Stanley, M. P.. the dis
tinguished African explorer, who waa a
passenger on the eooxh bound train en
roote to San Francisco and the east,bav
ing come serosa to Victoria. B. C-. and
southward from there. The famous au
thor of In Darkest Africa," a ho is now
a mem tor of the Ecglkh parliament, is
traveling "incog" and during this trip
has refused himjeif to all newspaper
reporters under the name of "L. M.
Henry." Conductor Jamieson, with
whom he rode irom Roseburg to Ashland,
says that Stanley occupied his waking
time with a book and wouldn't ac
knowledge his identity even by an or
dinary jungle story of ancient vintage.
Those wbo ogled him off and on the
train at the Ashland depot had their
cariosity satisfied in rinding him pos
sessed oi many ot tbe generri character
istics of facial features of lb ordinarv
human. Ashland Tidings. Mr. Grace
has dined many distinguished people and
once Mrs. Gross received an eiezant
watch from President Haves in recogni
tion of tbe elegant repast she served his
A Formes Accidxst. His traric fate
recalls the almost miraculous escape from
death of John Skipton during harvest.
He undertook to regulate the pampe of
a threshing engine as it moved along the
road, tie slipped and u-:; directly in
front of the ponderous drive v heel, which
caught his jumper, laceratirg his shoal-
der, and actually passed over one arm.
the latter to ing saved by the presence
ot tne crue stats on tne ure ot me wheel.
BaowKSvtLLr. On Sunday. Sept. SO.
1 S3o, to the wife of F. C. Standard, a
MeseersWm. Sanderson, of Portland.
and J. V. Pipe, of Alhany.areintherity,
endeavoring to organize an Independent
vrruer oi foresters, ibis is indeed a
good order, and it is more than protoble
mat tneee iwogenUe.-nn wm accomplish
vneir purpuee.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Power and Miss
Nellie Blodget came up from Albany hut
lastrruiay. t.. t and Miss Blodget i
turned the same day, but Mrs Power
remained until Tuesday.
SMIoh'a Cuie. fie great cuuglt sad
croup cure. Is In great demand. Pocket
sine contain, twentv-nve doc? only 15c.
cniidren oe it. old by druggtst.
Both the method and recruits when
Syrup of Fig3 is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acts
E?nUy yet promptly on the Kidneys,
ivor and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. : Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.'
Syrup of Figs is for sale In 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
I may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
mtsrus. ft. afar rotx ai
1 1
New Time Card.
Fallowing is the new time card of th
Albany Street Railway:
tbe car wilt leave corner of First and
Washington streets as follows:
4:20 a. m. for nKrniB a: overland train.
8.-00 " Lebanon train.
11:35 " " Yaqnina train.
120 noon, train going south.
12:35 p. m., Roseburg train i orth Uind
and west bound Yaquina train.
1 Ha p. m O. C. tc E. train, east 1 oud.
4:0 Lebanon train. '
1 1 J5 " Overland train going soctU.
4.-O0 " Orphan' Home.
Tbe car will alsemeet all incoming trains
on both tlie Southern Pacific and O C. tc
E. railroals. C. G. BcKkHsar,
Reader, did yon ever take SDO&xurs
Lives Regulator, the "Ursa of
LrvEH MEDicnres?" ETerybcdy needs
take a liver remedy. It is a sin ish or
diseased liver that impairs digestion
and causes constipation, when the waste
that should be carried off rernairts in
the body and poisons tbe whole system.
That dolL heavy feeling is due to a
torpid liver. Eiiioasneaa, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion are ail liver
diseases. Keep the liver active by aa
occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg
ulator and you'll get rid of those trou
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative Sisunons Liver
Regulator is better thax Ptllsl It
d. - not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly
n-frahes and strengthens.
Every package has the lied Z
fiamp on tbe wrapper. J. II.
Zeiliii & Co., Philadelphia.
The greatest fH er no the ciarket fur
disease of the Urer,Kidneysaad Con
Pleasant to take by old or yoang. No
Tbe root of the Liverine plant is extea-
avely used in Norway fcr the cere cf Piles.
Sold by all first dasa drsgguta
Wholesale )".aufactar,
Lebanon. Or
Cakri & Inflamed Udder.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Etiaf iolnts.
Harness i Saddis Sores
Insect Bites,
Ml Cattle Ailments.
Ml Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments.
Penetrates Musdt
Membrane and Tissu:
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub In Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment cooqturt
Jrlakea nam ar Beast wreH
Fire Insurance.
- with
In the Old Ilarttord, the New York Un
derwriter Asvncy or any one of the reli
able old line companies he represents. Notes
taken and plenty ol time given for payment
oa farm insurance. All business will be
promptly attended to.
L ill Fi fJti