The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 04, 1895, Image 4

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Famous College President.
Rev, Erastus RoMey Made Well by Paine's
Celery Compound.
As the school year opens, attention if
directed to the oft-repeated advice of
leading educators, warning teachers, par
ents and scholars against the fearful re
sults of exhaustive brain work among
young people.
To thousands of girls and boys, un
nerved bv the strain of school life,
Taine'a celery compound, (which was
first prescribed by America's greatest
teacher, Prof. Edward E. Phelps, H. D.
L. L. D., of Dartmouth college) has been
a blessing, making them well and strong,
feeding the brain and nerves, and en
riching and purifying the blood.
The recent recommendation of Paine's
celery compound by Principal Camp of
Xew Haven and the equally outspoken
rai(ae of this greatest of remedies bv ex
'resident Cook of the National Teachers'
Association, are two of the thousands of
such testimonials from parents and
teachers throughout the country.
Nothing in the world o strengthens
he weak, so readily restores lost nerve
Attorney at law. Will practice In all courts of th
elate. Special tt taction siren to mature ia prob-te
mad to to tectum. OFFICE la lb Man block
Attain y at Law .a Solicitor la Chancery. CM
".wwe nude on all points. Lcui aegataataa ae
able Mima. Albany Oraroa
ttorney at Uw, Albany. Or.
A!! legal matters will receive prompt at
it:on. Office, First National Bank
utldin?, op stairs.
Attorneys at Law.
Albany, Oregon.
Dp J
L. 13 ILL,,
Fbjddan rjtd dnr-eor,. OFFICE Cora
Fart? street. Albany, Oregon.
1 a-w aatd in the Dmocsit ofllee. eoraer
-2nd and Broadalbia streets Albany. Or.
Bents ani Collections a Specialty.
rs. H. E. and O. K. Beers.
Physicians and surgeons, post office
block. Aioany. Ore. Hoars 12 a. m.,
2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence corner
5ta and Calapooia srta. Special attention
given to diseases of women .
Office on Ferry St near cor 3rd St. Offic
hours, 7to9am.l2to2 and 6 to 8 p m;
Special attention given to chronic case
and eje, diseases.
Vux Prest-lral . . ....
-'.h.'jr M , ......
... mm
TU.nt.nt TU A UKBRALbaakl1nMlBaa
A ,iCNT!i F.rT ubjct to eheei.
ei'WT ti'HSBK an-1 1) Tapaie trans' r,old
f" fruieiaeo. Cbteaeo aaa F -Uaod
, .ri ,
-fi t1 1 iJi a Ut-i'ave ar-u
Ksviao f . Sox.
or Ar.BAifT. oaxook.
fRAMMACTa rwieral Ban kin? nutmal
fBAW SIGHT DBAPT.1 on Ne Vork. San 9
co and Portlano, Oregon.
LOAS MONEY sa approrad frenritT.
KF.CEIVE dejioait. aubject to chock.
COUeOT10SS mad on (avorah.a term
JNt:;ukT nald on tlm -!aoal
r. iric I
An agreeable razative and Frays Teams,
Bold by Druggist or sent by malt 25o 60o
and gllOO per package. Sample free.
rTrt TT1 The Favorite T8OTHNtI
UU ti.J fortheTeetliand Breath.2io.
f jrihy & Mawn. agents
5 Cavr.i
4 TmH .Mirk r.htainad. and all 1
s cooaucicu i
JOUR omoi- is rproinn. .
.and we on emre patent io lesiac Waal
i rrioote f rwn Waslnngtoo.
5 Bead tn del, drawiiiK or photo, wftn deaenp.
it)- We ad'ise, it patentable or doc free oi
Scaarya Ourfee not due till p ISBtiaaecarad,J
i rTi .'sst ?r"..:
rOSC OS biliC in tu We a. w mmtf
Stent tree. Address,
S Af. OrDCC, WASHtHOTON. ft. .
force, so surely makes the ailing and
peevish young woman or growing boy
well and cheerful.
And for the aged and infirm the whole
world know its wondeiful curative pow
ers. Rev. Erastus Rowley, president of
the famous Kentucky Female College,
writing to the proprietors of Paine's' cel
ery compound, says :
"I was for several years a sick man.
My sickness was attended by constipa
tion, with nervousness and insomnia,
and the least excitement would cause
palpitation of the heart. I have in the
last three or four years need several
widely advertised preparations. Final
ly. I took Paine's celerv comrxrand and
f regard it as superior to all otl ers.eeper-
uuiv ii useu stricuy as you direct. iy
using this I do not suffer from constipa
tion, inability to sleep, or from palpita
tion of the heart as formerly. I am still
using Paine's celery compound at times,
ana snail take pleasure in recommend
ing it to others. '
Ibe greatest seller on the Btarbet for
useaaea ot toe Uver.tvluaeysand lxn
Pleasant to take by old or youn;. No
The root of the Liverine plant is exten
sively used In Norway for the core of Piles.
Bold by all Erei class druggists
Wholesale iaioufactaree,
Lebanon, Or
.led wkeaia
sraltta by taa
Cod Liver CI
('Barpasacd aaa
remeitj for Coa
omptioa. Aata.
ma. Broaehitif
Coucha. Uetiility,
ia.:alt wwu U -aar Perfectly taetrltee.
Ttair KKntKe remedy by building aa
an.! retimg t'te and renewing waate
u.o'. ran'l oeatroy diacaae (cnaa,
contxtis: Ibe parrat Cod Lirer Oil coaabiaaa
witt rci h woirf) Tar: pleaaaat aad aaay ta
talu.. ftuonaiM.v and boncatiy compoaaW4
by a practical pliarmaciat.
Voo can get them ONLY BY MAXU Pre
paid to jua on receipt of 85c, pr box.
Jrtfrrtt miM? bj
G. 8HAUBI. CHawrrr,
ZKtb at Btata Sta.
and the symptoms will disappear
This yon wm accomplish by Uaicg
eat BBcoeaparablc retaedy for diaeaaea ot tka
Throat, Noec, aad Month. Aertaia,
aimple and effective core for
Catena, Her Faar. Dipfcarta. Qulna. (ere Tanat. fmt
watli. WceiaaX ar Cawfcre MocHi and Tmpi
BaaOj aaed, qnick to rIIctc, poaitixe rnre.
always ready; email ia price. Doa't wait
tfll yoa aiast have It get it now.
BNT ONLY BY MAIL, prepaid o.- receipt
f SOc Pnpmrtd moltly by
O. O. HM.t UEH, Cbimist.
Bt A 29th Hta.. Chicago, da-
vigor nm
Easily, ColeUy, Peraiaoeotly Restored.
WeaktMaa. Kervooenaaa,
ueDiiiiT, ana su tee uin
ot ertl Irom early errors or
later execaaee. the results of
overwork, aickueia, worry.
ttr.. Full strength, derel.
opmentand tone given to
every orgaa ana pomoa
of the bod J. Simple, oat
oral methods, loimrdl
ata imDrovement seen.
fall are fmnoexlble. .000 referent'ee. Book.
explanation and proof UK tied (sealed) irea.
mi WEDICAL CO.. Buffalo. NX
frite letters? Of conmeyoa do, and bat
is nicer rhan smooth let'er paper and envel
opes for bueinesa-correspontlintf. Wamake
speciality of neat cominerciai shttionury.
on should
of as at one) and sot Mi Hit qntlity an
entrain-" p-w Vst li m yiu wan
onie ii.iute
WANTSD. A No. 1 young fresh
milch cow, not over 4 years old and
must be gentle. Inquire atTjBrink'a
furniture store.
OrTHr Ice's Cream Baking Fowde
' Vorld's cafr Highest AwarC
3C7 a.. ,1 I
r wn
A. Bloody Prediction.
The following from the Monthly Senti
nel, a populist paper of Chicago, we
publish without comments ''The signs
of the times indicate that before the sun
rises on June 1, 1000, the great American
nation will groan and writhe in an agony
of revolution and the stAets will be slip
pery with blood hundred drops of
blood for each gem that flashes on the
necks of the rich and pampered women,
and ten dropa of blood for each tear that
has washed the faces of the poor. Every
election is carried by fraud and boodle.
Politics is so rotten that it stinks. Every
body knows it and nobody cares. Amer
icais no longer a Republic. It is a
plutoc.acy. The president is merely the
creature of the banks, or bank directors,
railroad kings and coal barons, and it is
the same with the governors of the states.
The poor whine about their poverty and
gnaw their crusts of bread; but can
always be counted on to vr-te for the rich
and shoulder their muskets and lay down
their lives in defense of the right of the
rich to rob them. A nation such as this,
in wbich one million plutocrats tyrannize
over sixty millions of tlavee, will either
be overthrown by a foreign power or
drowned iu its own blood or die of gan
grene. The various labor organisations
neither think together, vote together,
nor wore together, and they have ao
money to buy votes.iawyers and judges.
Soldiers and police shoot down laboring
people and are cheered on in their bloody
work by monopolistic editors, capitalists
and the clergy. But the day will soon
come when there will be a horrible dance
to death, lighted up by buiniag houses
and the music of cries and groans and
dynamite bombs. Rich idlers amuse
themselves at Newport and Tuxedo; poor
workers toil ceaselessly ia the darkness
at the mice and the din of the mill.
Young men and young women dawdle
over iced champagne and oyster patties;
old men and women pick rotten food out
of the garbage cans. Lap dogs ate
driven through Central Park to take the
air; children die ofoverwoik ia filthy
garrets. Piety in the White House "en
during"' the fruits of bribery infidelity
in the tenement house enduring the
punishment of uprightness. The&e are
the signs of the times in America to-day
3igns that point to calamities too
dreaful to imagine, but which nothing
can aver!."
Hibh Old Times.
Yon bear people tell abjot bo timt s
are getting worse. Read this from a
Milwaukee paper; Few people are avare
of the great change in drink habit of oar
country that has taken place in a life-
lime. When oar old men, were lads,
whisky or ram aaa served at donations,
rauiogf, ministerial meetings.towa meet
ings sod master. Every harvest field
was sapplied ; every boose, had it on
hand; fathers, mothers and children
drank it at home. Eyen as!ateaslS62
the writer saw the whisky barrel for
which there was no room in the bouse
standing in frout of the door with a enp.
fr-e to all comers. Many a man in this
e?nnly even will remember the discne-
jions when some one in his neighborhood
expected to have a raising and did cot
propose to supply vhisty, over the pro
priety of helpiog him. It was not at all
nnosaal for the barrel of whisky to be
ioriuded in the list of supplies for the
family. Beer was unknown as a common
drink. Whisky cost 12 to IS cents a
gallon and the barrels were piled np like
sa!t barrels in and a boot the warehouses.
When so mncb is said about the liquor
questiou, it is well to recall some of these
facts. It is only seventy-five years since
old Tale ceased to furnish Iiqnorattbe
college dinners. Liquor in those days
meant ram or whisky. vtrybody
drank.snd t J be slightly intoxicated was
not strange, unusual or objectionable in
any ordinary person. And yet we talk
of the good old times. They were high
old times.
The Business Th at Has
Drummers !
Editor Dem I :
It was chiefly bis ooUpoken utterances
on the tela pe ranee (or rather the intern
perance) question that lost to L- V. Pow-
derly the general mastership of the
Knights of Labor. He bas no ides now
of pandering to popular appetite, for the
sake of an office in the dim distance and
he is oat-spoken still. He said at the
Assembly Hall, Prohibition Park,r. T.,
the other day ; "The saloon keeper pro
fesses to have no drummer out, bat that
all bis trade comes in volantarily. It's
a lie. So business has co many drum
mers. Every roan who asks another to
drink is the unpaid drummer of the sa
loon. Don't ask another to drink. We
never ask a friend to take castor oil, or
shoes, or clothes ; bat we do ask him to
do that which will take the shoes off his
feet, and go through turn quicker than
castor oil. Those who receive the poor
est pay are the hardast drinkers. Why?
Because borne Las no adornment, no
cheer, and the workingman goes oat to
the ligtit and comfort and democratic
welcome of the saloon." L.
Webster Kiocaid, the 12 year o'd boy
of Secretary cf State bas written to the
Journal from Victoria, Ulling of his trip.
Here is some that is readable. We leave
Portland at 11 o'clock. The train start
oat for Seattle. We pass along the sheds,
wood pile, wharves, steamships and
factories of the city of Portland, which I
bopa someday will be as large as New
York, We passed Guild lake where
huudreJs aud maybe thousand. of Juiks
are raised and sold. Pretty soon e
passed the hornt-.mtat fatary where
they deal the deadly blows of a sledge
hammer on the poor horses' held?.
Then the horse Is dr'trgsd toanapatt
ment where he is placed with twochains
op his skin. Then the truck horse walk
away and d-aw his tkintiff aa slick a
grease. He is t.ien cat up, his flesh tor
steak, his hooves (or glue, his bones for
Kraou latin it turfar, and bis hide for good
horse hiiU leather, and I might state
that all -lowr class restaurants are
using horse tiak inetea.l of beef stake.
The Corvallia TImee looks at wheat
shortages in warehouses: This ware
boutemsn's act is a sort of left handed
theft. The wheat was shipped out with
out the knowledge or permission of its
owners to be sold and the proceeds pock
eted. So likewise without the owner's
permission or knowledge is the suit of
clothes swiped by the burglar at night
from the bedpost, but the lay look 3 at
'the two acts differently Mott men,
howtver, brlipvi them to lie about tlif
I same tiling, and the bixicer the amount
taken, the better and blauner the thief,
be it by warebuubs-aiaii, tramp or tradesman,
(100 is offered by an Eattarn pnblish
ng house for best name lor the fol
lowing poem composed by Ardennes
Foster. The Tacoma News is authorized
to receive names and forward them.
The award will be made Dec. 1 :
White child of Briton's womb, Colum
bia! Famed New World sovereign, and the
world thy guest,
Nor walla but walls ot Peace to sentry
Nor jeweled crown more mighty than
thy crest.
Nerred, steel-winged eagle, -and In
vincible, To emblem thee at thy majestic shriue
Of science, sweeping ken, enlighten
Where Liberty end Progress intertwine.
Columbia 1 recurring pregnant mind.
And bosom throbbing with ripe harvest
Till multitudes from thy flesh garners
And on thy shorts Creation's races meet.
Qiand nations pay thee homage: 'tis
their will.
Whose people knock at thy broad harbor
As ships tif inight come in,saluting thee:
And writ in water are the racial hates.
Puissant kings disarm before thy doors,
Nor war-dipped javelins touch thy
Whence earns the sons of Hr.uian Broth
erhood, And laid the vanquished war-god in his
Once-blood-wet-Lsttle-fields take teeH
And burst with rank on rank ol festal
Inwoven till thy Irow if garlanded :
Mr poets share the laurel in thy reign?
Queen, chaplet-erowned, bright gem of
Proid victor iu the world's momentous
That tribes of Gcd might rally with thy
And know the franchise of thy stripes
and stars.
A val'.ey exchange tells of
a very
healthy indication aa follows :
Oregon is going through a course of
pablic as well as private liquidations.
V hear that the finances of Jackson
county, which owes abent $230,000, are
in such shape that the newly issued
warrants are now eeliiug for 97 cents
though they have fuar or fire j ears to
run. They have before been down to 90
cents and below. Douglas county, which
owes a large sum, bas so economized and
managed that ber warrants now go at
par, so we see by an item in one of the
ItOeebqrg papers. Tillamook county's
warrants, which have been away below
their fa.are worth nearly par, and will
no doubt very soon tell for 100 cents on
the dollar. Marion county, si though
she has a debt ot half a hundred thous
and or so, finds her warrants eagerly
Bought after, sometimes at s shade above
par. The papers at The Dallee say Was
co county's paper goes at iu face.tnougb
the debt is. s considerable one. This is
a healthy indication. We bope it pres
ages the time when alt thewe coa o ties
will get oat of debt entirely and stay
out quit paying interest for good
Here it is again the same ol 1 story
The Corvailie Timee tells it :
fbe wind list Bill Hart lets has spent
alkiog insurance to the psoplaof Bentoo
and surrounding counties, once g-slber-together
wouU mV' a cyclone, comper
ed to which the ordinary Kansas article
would only be a summer sepbyr. He bas
shed more cold perspiration in rustling
insurance than he ever di lin lubri
cating the republican politics in Benton
oonty, and the sequel is that his oa o
building borned Monday, and bad not a
cent of iceq ranee on it. II is loss arms
William with a spansiog rgucjeot for
future insurance work, bat must st the
same time, make him willing to admit
to hla customers that be bas made a
goose of himself, and that goose too, a
plucked one with its tail feathers sone-
A photograph twenty-six sod one
fourth feet long and three and five-sixths
wide, giving s view of ?he recent annual
show of the Bojal Agricultural Society
st Sydney, baa been produced by the
government printing ofiice of New Sooth
Wales. Jt wss taken on eight plates,
fifteen by twelve inches in s.j, and en
larged on bromide paper. The picture
ia good, and Ibe photograph is claimed
to be the largest ever produced, suc
ceeding s view of Sydney, twenty-four
feet long, wbich the same office exhibit
ed at Chicago, as the largest.
Every American in his heart will wish
tosee Cubs free from Spain. But, real
ly government by Cubans won".d be on-
stable, perhaps less so than ender Spain
There are few poorer govern menU in the
world than ftpain.
The Demockat man would be ready to
retire from business if administrator ot
the Fair estate, just on tbe legitimate
fees. Daring six months the receipts of
the estate were $3,000,000 and the dis
bursements $3 ,200.000, leaving 1380.000
on hand.
A subscriber who ha taken tbe Wkkklv
Democrat since it started over thirty years
ago, says he considers it the best no since
it started, a compliment appreciated. But
people always differ on such points.
The Pirpatch ssjs McGinn's appoint
ment was the reward ot infamous ring
politics, and Governor Lord made the
As soon as the state fair Ie over the
Salem creamery is to be built. It will be
something else then. The way to build
a creamery is to build one
A New York World special train made
the run from New York to Syracuse. 149
miles In 130 minutes, 08 3 miles an hour,
trie fastest long distance run on record.
A hot election is on iu New York
state, boseism and increased taxes un
der republican government will be a
great hlng in producing democratic vic
tory. An exchange rails the Emanuel church
murder "I he Crime of the Ceniury."
Wbat'e the matter of the demonetiza
tion of silver in 1873.
The bloody shirt has been buried for
ever. It was s master piece of work.
Let the orator who attempts to wave
one look out
Some dogs and ponies are brighter than
many men who walk the tree's of well
oine other city than Albany.
The Wild West shows (ha ve reached
Salem. What is the matter of a Wild
East show.
During the week another state fair hat
been begun. It is like most of the past
state fairs, only it has some improve
ments, the most noticeable being the
presence of W. J. Bryan, the celebrated
silver tongue tipped orator from Nebras
ka, and a Linn county exhibit. State
fairs should be supported liberally by
the people. They deserve being kept
op. In a way a fair Is a wonderful edu
cator. It is true that fairs generally are
being run into horseraces; but never
theless there Is enough ot a smell ot
pumpkins and big hogs to make the ag
ricultural part a school for light seen.
This year particularly Oregon is prepar
ed to show some of the finest cereals,
vegetables aad fruits ever to form an
impression on an optical nerve. Let
the band play.
An event of the week was the ending
ot tl.e proeecution ol a small sized wan j
in San Francisco ior murder after near
ly seven weeks since the beginning or
the rase. The eyes of the wcrld are on
it and people are wondering whst the
outcome will be in s case in which nine
teen out of twenty are positive the de
fendant is guilty, ell on circumstantial
Right here let it be said that circum
stantial evidence is just as gojd as any it
the chain is complete and the links
Good for the Women. There are near
ly one thousand employed in the banks
ot the U. 8., and there bas never been a
defsnlter aniorg them. That's woman's
style, and besides she likes to psy her
debts, and who won't bless her tor that.
It is a pity some men are not women.
The man in Benton county who bas
filed on lorty acres of land occupied tor
years by two farmers, for which they
haves deed, but probably not a good
one, the Dsmoosat would hate to have
tor a -.eighbor. That is a poor way to
get property.
Probably never in the history of the
world has there beer, to much smoke for
so small a fire a over the proposed Cor-bett-Fitssiremons
fintit. The New York
papers have been fu'.l of Illustrations,
while down in Texas the Uorernor is go
ing to call s special sess'on of the legis
lature to pass a law prohibiting the fight
In the meo time Corbet t is said to b
knocked out by dissipation. All smoke.
If the want to fight let them steal away
aod do it In the old bare konckle style.
The Exposition.
The Dispatch speaks tor the Exposition
as follows, bringing out eenlentioasly
eume rood points for il.ptrLsps exagger
ation things s little when it says that
every man, woman and child will visit
the lair daring the season :
The citizen of Portland ae assisting
ia every manner potaille to make the
coming exposition a success. Not only
have the wealthy men of the city sub
scriUd liberally to the enterprise, bat
the business men have giveo of their
abitance liberally too, aod the laborer
ie aiding in the movement by words of
encouragement atd good cheer. Ti,is
is Portland's fair exclusively. Every
dollar invested is of Portland money,
every man employed is a Portland man
and every cent expended will be retimed
to Porltasd people. It should be.and in
tact is the pride of our people, and we
will make it so iovitieg that our country
friends w ill come from far and near to
se the sights and leant by observation
the extent ol Oregon's prodaiJU,reources
and her la'.u.-e. Every county of import
aor in the sUte will be represented by
exhibits. Every erterprite of note in
the state wiil have its agent aod its pro
ducts lhre tor inspection. Eety msn,
woman and child in Oregon will visit the
fair daring the season, and friends and
Laeighbors 4 lung and start duration
will met here for convenience, aod re
A Remarkable Justice Case.
A county official at the Dalles received
the following letter which tells of a very
remarkable case :
Dear Sir: To what limit ran a jus
tice of the peace run costs, and the
county be compelled U pay them? Tbe
case in xiew ttut up here this morning
and is as follows: The justice of the
peace aod h:e son committed an a-sault
on s lady, a by-sUnder interfered,
whereupon they turned ou him a-d had
slew hasty words. Tbe j-j slice in tbe
digoilvof his might, appeared belore
bimseli and swore out a complaint, bad
tbe if a a arrested, sat in the case as
jacge. took the stand as witness, put
J qqe,tj09 lo i.imaeif as prosecution at-
tornev, o" jected to the tame as aiioroey
forcVfrt: !.mt, decided them as judge,
answered ij.ero according o his own
dictate, and ecr.t defendant to the
county j til. Now w hat I vant to know,
is: l x?a he get costs as justice of the
peace? Does he get costs as itnes?
Dies he get paid as attorney for the
state? And does he get costs as attorney
for defendant? He certainly i entitled
t the latter as ha appointee himself as
such attorney and argued the drfend
ants' side of the cae and beside had
his sons on as witnesses, and clerk of
the court Where d we tax payers get
Bismarck's head, says a correspondent
of Y'Aothropoloicie, has lieen carefully
measured according to the rules of an
thropometrics, by the sculptor 3chaph(
ol Berlin, who made the statue ot Bis
mart k set np at Cologne. The measure
ments prove i tint Bismarck has a head
of extraordinarily I trgs six-. Measured
horizontal from O.e frontal bone to the
ocsiput, Hi) he I is 212 railliiiieteri.or
more limit 8 33 1 -li inches. The distance
from temple to temple is 1?0 millimet
ers, or a trifle over 6.69 inches. Big
marck's cranium has a cspadtj of 1,1)63
cubic centirueterr, and his braii. should
weigh 1,807 grammes.
These Pgures become especially n'uni
ficant when compared with the measure
ments of other heads. Of 25'X) heads
measured in Baden 'Haden only one.ex
ceeded 200 millimeters horizontally from
front to bock, and that one measured 205
millimeters, or six- millimeters less than
Bismarck's. The mean measurements
of thirty members of the Natural Science
society a. Csrlsrhue were 103 millimeters
from front to back bv 153 millimeters
from temple to temple. The largest of
these heals measured 205 by 102 mil 1
limMer. Theecubio measurement ot 215
German heads was nearly 500 cubic cen- .
timetera under Bismarck's, while the)
estimated weight of B einarck'a brain ia
35 per cent above that of the average
aJult Kuropean brain. In fact.Bisuiarck
II a man not only of blood and Iron, but
as well ot brains,
i'0ingnMI7,an, B7fln aIdat Salem:
"Take Pnrlhin,! nA tll r
and Oregon will stand, another Portland
but t k f totaxe iiieir places;
i-reu tun farmers out Ol
Oregon, and grass will grow in the atreeU
r r . ",,u you win nave noia-
An ex flAve tfiaf. a T,i- Irt .l .
man lias imported from Chicago expert
r0i ,.atl"8 waiters, and has convert-
eU till l r A it :.... i
iiieee waiters noiselessly and awiftly
elide about tho tablea and into the kitch-
cuunuoui again, and with s graceful
swoop and flourish denosit a tiii f
foupon the table instead of into your
lap. Jt is a grand scheme.
M. M. Pcerv. W. Tt TTi!,.
ton and John Cary, of Kcio, have re
turned from a tilirhunt !
- f. -... ... a.v HluuuMiUI
The Press givea them away in a heartless
urn vi a uiainiLT. une uay ttiey got
upon the track of an elk and followed
it Until thev hal th animal m,trwn,,w,AA
The men Stood reajlv with tlmir o,mI
when the game was driven from some
bushes. It was s cow.
Judire Condor. f ,1
huntinir tlia niliap n.l l.'n A I
r. , mu fcuw uwr auu
dog, w hile in hot chase, ran against a
, an ung uuui. rr nen trie judge ar
rived on the scene, some of hia neighbors
hsd the deer skinned snd were prepsr
ing to skin hia dog, says the Tillamook
A show was advertised, by dodgers, to
take place at Wilson's hall yesterday af
ternoon. It waa a flat failnro nn !;.
ence appearing, snd the disgust show
uicu ion ou uie unit ireigm train.
Guard. Any business advertised on tbe
dodirer Dlan mav ba tTill n LM( 1 fa s?HswVTa
johu one.
Th ''nolo anJ comment" column on
Cvll tit -Mat TVClfMB alf ll.U fSAia;.. I
dull enough to auit the "deadeei" mosa-
uac in tjregon. to resa it si most takes
the energy out of s man and gives one
the Willamette valley fever, which slows
down every nerve. Pendleton E. O. A
mighty good fever to have.
At tbe M. E. conference in Portland
Dr. Hard, secretary of the loard of
church extension, made the following
statements : " You have 1 19 churches in
your conference. 97 of which Lave be?n
aided by the money of the board I rep
resont. In donations yoa have received
121,350, and by loans, $23,500. Your
contributions in 28 years amount to
l&ioO that is, you have received $13,000
more than you have sent to the board."
Tbe Portland Telegram says that Com
mercial travelers coming from Pendleton,
Tne Dalles, Baker and Boise cities, La
Graade. Union snd other places of that
ixe, tell wonderful stories of fast return
ing prosperity they find in all these
place. They say that evea for two
years before tbe bard times set in they
did not have so Utile complaint there ss
Uiey now do. Business men are cheer
ful and the present elate of affairs buoys
them np with additional hope for s much
increased good condition in the near fu
lure. Several commercial men said last
night thai they do not remember tbe time
when so many interior rnerchants were
prepared to uiacount their bills as st the
A new freight tariff on the
lines of tbe Southern Pacific railroad
company has gone into effect which
covers the wheat traffic. Tbe rates are
from O-egoo points to Port Costa, Benkia,
Jjouth Vailejo and Stockton, California,
and tre claseifiod as follows: From
points bet aeon Portland and Woodville,
Oregon, inclusive, and all ststlwns os the
Wovdbarn - Springfield and Lebanon
branches, $- per ton; from Gold Hi'J,
Tolo and Central Point, M.S0: from Med
ford. Phoenix, Tangent and Ashland,
H-W : and from the aperegated points to
Han Francisco, Oakland wharf and Oak
land (16th street) $-5.30, $5.10 and $4.80
wt ton, respectively. Carloads are
wd on a minimum weight o( 40,000
pound. Ex.
A Chicago poet says t
An' father set tbe tellers thet has notb
in' else tn do
But set around and talk and on
things that don't come true
Had better ret s "move" on them and
look for "kingdom come,"
Fer a ben tbe crops begin to move
Hard times in all they talk about, and
how it "used to be"
Before Chicago bad lbs Fair jo eighteen
Bat father sea aich Ulk as that i hollow
ss s drum,
Fer w hen the crops begia to move
l will
Wheat will need to go above 38 cents
before they hum here.
The following story tells how, 32 rear
Lmatiila House at The Dalles, which be
n, owned ana managed ever since that
time, says s paper there. The colonel
came down from the mines, and stop
ping st the old hotel, complained to the
proprietor, Mr. Newman, that the bed
baps ha! driven him out of hia room ,aod
that he had taken bis blankets and slept
in the hall to get away from them. Mr.
Newman listened patiently to tbe tale of
woe, and when it was concluded, re
marked :
"it you think you ran run this bouse
any better thaa 1 am doing you had
better take iu
"All right," said tbe colonel, "What
are your terms?"
An offer being made that the colonel
thought reasonable, he accepted it, and
although he bad but $40 he closed the
bargain and took rwesession.
Time of Delivery.
Our delivery wagons will make trips
as follows, leaving the streets st time
mentioned :
First, in the morning at 8:13.
Second, at 10:15.
First, in afternoon at 2 iOO.
Second, at 4 :30,
Parties wishing thsir meats snn other
goods on time should thus order early or
the evening before.
Stellmakxr Bros.
.Nervous Prostration.
E. W. Jov Company I nave- suffered
from nervous prostration from financial
losses. Can say Joy's Vegetable barsa
ruirilla has r.imxl m. M livn- iinn.k
and bowels have been very inactive, bat
since taking Vrrnr remedy I am entirely
well. Alt business men snd women
should use it. Please publish.
(Signcn) Mr. W. Hesbv Jokss.
Butte Montana.
Backache, dixsinesa, tiredness give way
to Joy's Vegetable Sarsa peril la.
Waee) Baby was skk, we st t Cwt.vte.
1aajo was a CalW, aha crUsJ tot Castorta,
Wbea e became Khw, she clung; to Castorta,
Wb sho b4 Cu0drea.sU garetWm Cssaorsa
Shlloh's Ouie. me itreat coUtfh and
croup cure, Is In great demand. Pocket
lie contain. twentv-Ave doses only sec.
Children love It. S0ld by drueaUts.
HECKER RYAL8. Mr. B. J. Heeker
and Miss Ada Uya'.a, daughter of Wm.
Kyals, were married on Wednesday,
Kept 25, 05, at the home of the brides
parents, in Benton county a few miles
from Albany.
They have the Dkmockat'b best wishes
well as those of many friends.
College Notes.
The Erodelphian society met last even
ing and elected officers. The young
ladies mean business.
The bicycle track Is s much used source
of enjoyment.
Tho course of the A. C. L. 8. is about
ss strait as the river Meandre.
Certain juniors think Analytics be
neath their notice; we bope they will
pass in examination.
Prof. Courtright makes a fine teacher
especially in chemistry.
Look out for the bowlings of a secert
List or Patents.
Granted to Pacific States inventors
this week. Reported by C. A. Know &
Co., solicitors of American and Foreign
patents, opp. U. 8. Patent cilice, Wthh
ngton, D. C.
A J Arnold, National City, Cal., fish
ing reel. C A Boyd, Drain, Oregon, cut
ting device. F Cavaliaro, Kan Jose Cal.,
cleansing sink or drain pipe. W H
DieKtcihorst, Kedding, Cal., dredger. W
L Dinsmore. Portland. Orevon. maz-hine
for affixing stamps. A Gschwend, Port-!
mnu, uupiox piano atooi. It r Holland,
San t rancisco, furnace for roasting ores.
K Jscoby, Los Angeles, tailpiece for ban
jos It T Joy, Tacoms, lawn sprinkler,
fsetii Kell, Los Angeles, baby walker. E
B Millert, WfJIa Walla, Wash., tempo
rary binder. O II Nims, Los Angeles,
adjustable window-shade holder. II F
Norton, Seattle, fish or seal spear. B F
bpringsteen, San Franciscc, water band
age. In its iesus o! Sep'emoer 20 the Rocky
Mountain News contained an interview
with Professor J. L. Wortman, ot Col
umbia college. New York, in wbich the
professor related bis thrilling fiod of the
bones of the "missing link'' that lived
and moved 150,000 years ago. The re
mains of the origioal man were careful
ly wrapped in cotton aod transported to
the fireproof museum in New York. The
priceless booes were found by tbe pro
fessor snd a psrty of scientists near the
hesd of the historic Bitter creek, near
the Wyoming-Colorado line. The pro
fessor's interesting find has caused in
tense merriment smong the old t:me
cattlemen of that section, ss it is well
known thst the bones were the skeleton
of a pet monkey owned hr nwlmn
hich died about 12 years ago.
There seems to be two possible wa
of totally eradicating diseas;. One ie
to dietroy all the bacilli : the other ia to
ao strengthen the system as to enable it
successfully to resist their attacks.
Neither of thsse plans can probably be
carried out folly; our safety lies ins
jodic:oas combins'Joa of thorn.
It is said that there are in the State of
Kansas twenty well-built towns without
asingle inhabitant, and tha'.Saratoga. in
that Slate, now absolutely uninhabited,
bas among other buildings a $30,000
$100 Bnrard, f 100.
TVs teacVre of this pane win h pleee4 ts
Maat o dreaded diaeasa
taa eoraoe haa been a&le to rare la aU ar
a ii mow ,na aa -mMm SU) I caAarvm
Care ta law ooljr pouu.e rare aow ksowa ta
taw ajedlcai fraternity. Catarrh beinc a eeasT
autwuoaai dmwee. reqalrea a coar..-taUeaas
treat-went. UaU's Catarrh Core ie taaca utter
aalir. din aporj ibe stood and Ba.
twa is rtaora af Lb tyvm. Utembdeetn-iaa;
taa hwadatioa of Xhm disease. aaaT rrna taa
fleat atrewth h-balkliBeapUia coaatoLatiaei
M easmiaa aatare la daina rte wars. Taw
S"'a'Miis kare ao nca taita ta ita cwratiet)
cowers, that Utey oOcr Oaa Haadred Dc4iars
Inr ear case that tt faiia to cars, cVead te
Satof teatuaawiais.
-Vtireaa. . j . CBE3TET A CO, Tudp, J.
aWTwaU by Vnsxia '.a-
Julius Gradwoh! WiU Glv You
the Best Bargains to the City.
I wiali to inf.jrm the pob'k that 1 wil
reduce my Urge s'ock of crockery, gUes
, i.4,iaa mare taa mver ware, and
will seil out mr entire stock of holiday
goods st owl What 1 say I mean. Come
tn and price my goods and I will prove
. w a uu bus oeoeiving voa. but
mean burincss. J. GaAbwoat.
E. W.Joy CWaw Gentle-ien- 1
have Uken your Vege:at4e SarsaparilU
j ue?veT sexen an vtiung
ei)aal to it. 1 have suffened ten " years
nth dyspepsia, not being able to eat
anything but milk and brown bread.
Ltfe was nothing but misery for me.
ow1 h,ve PPrti"t. eat any
thing I wish, and feel no disagreeable
effects from iu I wish I could tell all
dyspeptic, and urge them to try your
eatable iarsaparil!a.
(Signed; M. Jonx TiicoTBy,
Forbeslown, Ca
O Loaves of Breaa lor $1.00.
Let ever body come to the Star BikeM
and iret 4o loaee of hesb bread far ft 00
cash. '
A Srasruita rw ov iwv-Baldness
?"rej or res pay. Dr White's Great
thscovenr is for sale aulouis Viereck's
barbea shop. It cures all diseases of the
scalp. Parties desiring to go in'o a con
tract I will truarantee a head of hair or
no pay. Louis Viereck.Tonsorial Artt
SnAcxsi-KAaJt Ot-rsHoox. Just pub
lished ! W paeeseach ! The Coroedv o
Frsud ; and The Merchant Prince: Two
newplaysby Doctor Crowe; author of
trie 1 raped- of Abraham Lincoln : The
Rise and Fall of Jeff Davis; Ul vases
Third; The Mockery of Justice ; M'iow.
generation ; Ben Thar; ami other plavs.
r or copies of each hook send ten cents' in
sumps to Dr. s. W. Crowe, 317 W. 49ih
St. . Y. City.
(Decidedly the choicest Literary Mor
sels of the age. Critic.
. P?op': - w SKBarwu.vioIin and piano
teacher has locsed in Albany permanently
and thorn wiRhino inat Aw. rinli.
----- as, a rv- avrsis Vu S lVntU
piano sr organ, should avail themselves of
oe opportunity at once. lYof Sebrinx is
an Hutrorlnr AfarnAriAHM ...1 . r
er of superior ability. The professor can
be found at the Congregational par-onsee,
corner 4th and Ferry st. after Wednesday
oept. tt 3iM.
High Irt Custom Tailoring.
nBeeides his regular business W. R.
Graham is prepared to take orders tor
high art custom Uiloring by a leading
house in Nur Vnrb nni. 1. 1 "
em ployed and first class work guarantee.).
SI! IrinH. .1 . . 1 .
... ut icarmenu matie irom the
nnest line of samples ever seen in Al
bany, a fact easily appreciated by an ex
amination of th amnla lt- c..;. .
r"-wi, uuihiiuui
16 Up.
All of the nmirhhrtr wliA I :
i mo Bisia lairan " Woodmen's .lav 1
Oct. 3rd. ahnnl.t noli at .r. - .
. Burkhart at onoe and njake arranjre
ments for your tickets, lira, vrkiin.t
trip fi.xt.
Kr,, Cover Koot.the great Dlood pur-
iresnness ana C earn ess to the
complexion and cures constipation, asc.
oc, t.oo. Fo.hay A Mason Azent.
S .
Mr. Julius Gradwohl will give the fol
low! mr remarkably low prices, for net cash,
iron stone china: ' doaen 7 inch plates, 40
oenU; H dosen cujis and saucers, 40 cents:
wash-bowl, pitcher and chamber, $1.35.
auiASr iwAatitrr.
Wheat, 39c
Oats r
Fbur, liSO
Whf to Uc, ouhWs, to 10c1
Hay Baled b.00 )
Wm FlKht Tassaaaay.
New York, Sept. 27. The state de
mocracy organization met tonight and for
mally adopted the report made by the Hon.
C. H. Fairchild, of the treatment of the state
democracy delegate at the Syracuse con
vention. The report jrehearses st lentrth
the proceeding before the committee on
credentials and on the floor of the conven
tion. The only part not known to tbe pub
lic is the report on what grounds the com-
m.ti,,..A - . 1. J 1 A - . t
uiiuro was aaaeu ui recognize toe urgani
SaaaJs Warlike.
Wasuisotos, Sept. 27. There is no
advance nor change in the status of the
Venezuelan question, so far ss can be
learned from all avaiUUe official sources in
Washiniftsn, including the Venezuelan
minister. Notwithstanding this fact,
there has been much rjeculation. on the
subject in toe last few days, some being of
a warlike tendency, indicating a determi
nation on the part of tbe administration to
adopt vigorous steps in aasertiiur the Mon
roe doctrine as applicable to Venezuela.
Is a EaMUed Te It.
Salem, Or., Sept. 27. An effort is be
ing made to have Governor l-ord restore to
citizenship William Wirt Hanndere.
renders served part of a life sentence in
the Oregon penitentiary for killing a mad
named Campbell, in Albany, and by commutation-of
Governor Pennoyer was re
leased in December, 1894.. Saunders is re-
nnrtMt aa rrnu..iul t U - ! i t.
r - .iui a wcii-auu-vo law
hrm in Spokane, Wab., aad as deporting
himself creditably.
A iiereraar'a Wife.
Chicago, Sept. 27. "If Texas wsnts a
prizefight, let them have it, I say," said
In.Chariea A. Pnllunn v.w i.;.
Chicago today for Texas. Vrs. Culljerson
is iue wue ot uovernor Culberson ,ot Texas,
and with hr mntl.A. u u : -
, ma. uuia, uas
been North for tbe summer. She continu
ed: "What is the use ia poor Charles work
ing himself H death to prevent something
tbe wbcle state wanU? At least nine men
out of every ten in Texas want the prize
fight. llda We4 ajreaeed.
Gbast's Pass, Sept. 28. FJda Wood
was arrested about 4i miles from here this
morning, and brought to this city, arriv
ing at midnight, cWged with having rob
bed the stairs between Rnmehnr tA fm
bay in August hut. It will be remember
ed that a note was found nailed upon a tree
neir toe scene ot Uie rookery, signed K1&
Wood, and threatening death to any one
Aa wrrae ajasraes.
.SaxJotk. Cal.
Sept. 27.-7116 race
meeting here this week Las been prolific for
record- breaking, and today f rank Fraziers
Cbehalis cUpped one and a half seconds r.f
the Waldo J. aeasoa record of 209, made
yesterday, and Cbehalis won further Ian
rels by pacing the third beat ia tbe
fastest third beat ever paced or trotted ia
the state.
A aVraaaea ataa s BVew.
Desveb, fept 26. A special to the
News frrxa $tvJrsn t...
down from Trail creek. B. C.. rerjort a
h(?rrihle crime at that mininfrcamp. or
ris O'Connor, a wnwrlnr nvm.. mwom .1
claims, took B. Cook, a minina-esDert. to
look at them, lie and Cook camoed out
oa a mountain, aod dunnjr the night
O'Connor, who had been drinking beavtiy,
arose, aod. taking np a pica, be drove it
deaa through Cook 's brain, pi lining bis
head dOWH tO th mriul K thai rw.a.v
ed aa ax txA unikbed bis hloodr dadbr
cacainj cts VKltra ta a lumtae "i-t
A aXaras Tteaes.
Kaw Toax. Sept 25 A third local
ticket, to be placed in the field by a uniua
of mnat of Uut mm wkn -m . tlw. kA
of the reform rnovecoent laU year, will nn-
aououaiy ne toe resoit ot a ooclereoce beid
st the Lawyers' Club this arteraooa. 1 hose
preeent were: Charles S. fairehiid. leader
of the state deniorrcyj Elihu fLtyA, Cor
nell os X. EUiss, Gtijerai Samael Thomas.
Cbsrles II . Paxkhorat, L"irl Schurx and
Jacob H. Schiff. who have beea idewtiSed
with the Uermaa-A-oencaa Reform Uaiota.
Saawlel Staas tajwaj.
Grant's Pass. Or . Sept. e6. Tomor
row the trial of Charles Feister. tbe aeif
onfeaaed wife-rnurvkrer. will be cornmenc
ed. 1 his i the case where aa o'd maa
beid hi wife's head ta a pool of water
akwsr tbe railroad track until she) was
drosraed. laaaaity will perhaps be the
pVa of the defen-e.
etVUI Saealaate.
TasxTow. X. J., Sept. 98 Tbe demo
cratic state roovsouoa met here todav aad
cho as their aoounee for governor the
ichaaoellor of state. Aiexaader McOiil, of
rJadaon county. Tbe coiventioo. as cora
paredwiib that beid here a wee ajro bv
the rrpoblicaBS. whirh se'ected Henry "'.
Uriinrs as their standard bearer. fa taste,
altboegh there was aa lack of ialetett ia
We work- t'haareisor Mciiil's g- mini
lion was a foreiruao cuoc:oioa.
X V ta Waaaiwssaw-
Washisotox. Sept. 26. Rev. Dr.
TalAAa-e, ot BrooiUn, ha accepted a call
to be co-pa4or of tbe First I'roin Unaa
churvhl ia this city. lr. T.lonice is to
have e-ual authority wi;n It iDdr;aad
aad prooaoly will preach h .lf of the arr-
SBOns, teguiaiBg aoday, (X: --r 27.
X- T. BtewaacsYv
Stkvcvsk, Sept Tbe decKxratic
cenvestios aaisbM its work today by Dominating-
toes ocers:
cecretary of state. Horatio Kin?. Brook
lyn: controller. John B Jadson. G lover a -
ville; state treasurer, D Cr Dow. Coble
skill ; attorney general. Norton Coase, Al
bany: state eanerr, Ras-eli R. Stuart,
Stmcose: iu-.ta.e wt the court oi anrewla. J.
D. Teller. Auburn.
It tlwa adorttjkd a aw ina r.f MilntM
and its platform of principles.
Within two boors after the dose of the
COO Ten Lion, the deleralrw had bdnn mnlir
aad special trains for home, aad tonight
the town is deserted.
t r.s Kawweal.
WitritTitn W..K Snt ot TV.
postoSce at Wallula was broken into last
uigui aaa toe swe openea ana sjtw in rssn
and !OJ in stamps stoiea. This mnrning
when I'otmaater Reed opened tbe door of
tbe postoffice be found on tbe Boor several
feet of fuse, a can oi powder aad a number
oi blacksmith's tools. Tbe thieves effected
aa entrance to the building by breaking
open the back: door. They did not use tne
powder or tools, but opened tbe door of tbe
safe by tbe combination. It is supposed
the postcu aster, when he closed early in ths
evening, did not turn on tbe night combi
nation, aad that the thieves had no trouble
in opening the safe.
lasarsrats aw ret wan.
HAV.utA.Sept. 25. Andres VfarUn Cas
tro, aide-de-camp and secretary oi the ia
surtrent leader Cartamnia- an.l 1
Olivia and FlorenUna Rabaxa have sur-
renaerM to tne authorities at Santiago dj
Cuba, and riven up their arm.
The nolicM Viavw (-antnn.1 mt fV 1 1
7 7 - ,.vv. ..ij aivMn.
plantation, in the province of Matantas,im-
ivruuu coneeponaen ot tne insurgent
K-auer oennuaea, neaioes a banner and
ouier property U tbe tnaurgenta.
sUs KIH KUItac
Oreoos City. Sept. 25. Alvls Russell
and Charles Knowlea had their bearing in
Justice Dixon's court today on th- charge
of wantonly kilting 12 elk near the head
waters of the Clackamas river. Tney de
clined to attempt any defease, and on the
rmvinv nl th. u..k nu.l avi
Tbey gave notice of intention to appeal to
tun cireuii court, peouing wuicu uey win
he released on londs.
a aus rtsw.
Foi acna, S. D.. Sept. SForty-fonr
buildings, containicff most of this city's
wealth, were destroyed by fire today. 'Ala
bama Kid," a notorious oharecter, was ar
rested, charged with starting the fires. An
attempt was made to Ivncb the prisoner,
but the determined stand of the officers de
feaed the mob.
ASjalalrUa BUas.
FobtSmitb, Ark., Set. 23 Lucky
Davis, Moama July, Sam Simpson, Ladts
the United States court this morning to be
Th, lVlnup .HI rH,-
uro 0Ma "w - - v-.. m ictfra ui
terror of Creek nation ia July and August.
What Every Family Ought to Have.
"r ,-. Pleased with
Hood's Klls and believe1 them to be
VrTO? "
inSgt "on)118 "' beadacha d
vv .
eawr babf whea toree weeks e4 was bad If af-
MV bM MM - I.
aaa aart everr yl la ber saoy was raw aaa
tHmnns- wbes euadedeS to try (arricra
aamt) aa4 Cctmxoa soar, aaa aier Uu pnt
aswaeeaoawecuaia seeaeaaas. Arte-wehaa
aaae Uwai ewe weak ewe ot the sores aee bealeS
eaUrerf . ao4 eeaeerl ta spread, la leas ttaa a
sooeta. ane wss free rroea aeaia sad Mewjabea. ana
to-ee- ase as lorerf akia aatf hair as ajir sbjlo.
Sea was ann at rae tiraase Vmtr. aaa ton a
pnaton aa the prett I- fcaby. erer Smn Mhm.
at a. M as. V A K K. Ketkrrtrw A raw aaa. Oty.
Swa erwj akaaa. rgrrii Daroa cans. CaaeM Sawaa.
Star Bakerj
Or ete-w.ttalblB cwel first f.
4 'Mates! Frail la
!- aire.
rieet Frsiila.
1 ofeau ro'
4 sTee
4 aaurel Ileal
Clg.r -Matlee,
everything' that ia kept ia a
aood reriev and am
eery store. Eurh
et prxe -ail
per r.'or.TH
j Ui Yotii Own Locaut?
I wia.l aaaffv atwt finnna?arJw wilWiv-w Mrf
j during yocr spare boors. Asy ataa
'orain, boy, or girl csu k the work bad
aeeetsary. Kotlacg like ft lor nw--aiakicg
ever offered before Onrwoncera
always Trosper. 3"o "Sme wnasted aa
learning the bankeess. We teach yvl Is
a night bow to succeed from the ar-
boar. Too can make a trial TstbowA ex
pens to yonnelf. We start job, mmiea
e-verythind seeded ta carry oa the boaf
bos rjccessfolV, and tmarsetee js
aeaiBSt ftilnre if 70a -st Xoikrw vrt
simple, plain instracdons. Beaded U
yoa ere tn seed of ready mostey. ssv
w-iai to kB9"r sQ aoovrt the best partw:
Mss loess belore the pontic, se-ad bs yo"
audreaa, aad we will ansa yoa a dI-
Beat giving yoa all the paavtc&lais
1RUE& CO., CozslCO.
Augusta, Maine-
! A. Straney
fid 6
Hair, wool sad eattjv-wiea roar
vated axd made over.
Farsitiin of every oWtiptioa aad lalj
tamaes rerbtered and varnished.
Drp a, aots ta th-s P. O.. or eaJI at 7
sftroii. b-tvraea Ferry aii Brwliibis, A
reiririi u-r-o '
w vwriruuni4 -
raw i osjTivw wmrt
M l S 4c Ct wa aavw aad amarr aft v j
aval aaa
laws are Hiwaiat waaeir eanwetaa ntbeana.
aaa trr tar law
firm saaaea. ta eatorm, asw aaotiwn
e naaia wits e'aaa. ejaaai t-aiaara
AOU. Kim Eaca. 3St Sa
Connect in if at Yaquina Ba r with tee
Pan Francisco anil Vaoiiina iiav Rmm.
Steaiis "Faialp"
A - J and first class in every respevt
X Sails trom Yaquina' tor Saa
Janctaoo about every 8 days.
Passor acrxunraodatiorts 'unsurnauea.
ed. Shortest route between the Wiilam
etM Valiey and CsJifornia.
Fare from Albaer tir rk-iinta w.wtl -
San Francisco
Cabw roand trip rd 60 days... IS.0
For Sailins Days apple to
II. L. Wuiax,Agt, Caas. Ouac.Sant
Albany, Or. Uorvaliis
Eowtx Stosb, mamtger,
Crjrvalhs, Or.
to the EAST via the
Union Pacilic System,
Thronvh Pnllman P.I.
a - -
Tonrist sleenera and . aaiinin
Chair cars
Trains hetei tav ,.. 1
ed by intsch Light.
Time to Chicago S days, time to
Newaork 4. days, wbie'i is many
hoars quicker than all competitors.
For rates, time tables snd foil iufor
mation, apply to
Or. . o
RWRArroit, CSBaows,
ven'l Aaeot, Diet Pass Agt
136 Third St, Portland.
I am nrenared to contract for new" at t
aad nave sacks on hand, which I wirl
furnish to farmers at 5 cents. Call oa
me before making other arrange met. t a.
The Ins. Agent of Allany
Office opposite Odd Fellows building.
X w. I
iw ,vv
rip awclr wsmwinl, A HaseVwk vtZ.
rurawli.w, eaweareaac Patewra awS Sew ta ea
thin.., a. r. -
worK. 3 traac Saw cr-c-ee am tree.
BwueayjaeaTtArr.SljSa?ajr. Sraswi
paa aa m
a b