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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1895)
mi A mi II 11 M III 111 II VOL XXXI. eium4 at rst a Albany. r. ecaaw-riaas Hail Halter t ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, r. p. iittikc, rekiuacr ea. Prnin for Infants "Cjutorl is so well adapted to children tht I recommend it as superior to any pnocriptk "owa to me," H. A. Aacaxa, U. D., . ill So. Oxford St, BrooWyn, N. Y. "The use of Castoria' is so universal and ft merits ao well known that it senms a work of. supererogation to endorse It. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Caaios Xasrtx, D. JX, New York CSty. University of Oregon- 18951896. The University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, offers free tuition to all students toung men can obtain board, lodging, heat and light in the dormitory f or 2 50 per week. Room em furnish their own linen. Young women are provided with board in private families at $3.00 per week. Yonng women desiring hoard should address Prof. John Straub, Kugene, Oregon; or Secretary Young Women's Chris tian Association, Eugene. The University offers three baccalaureate decrees Bachelor of Arta, Bachelor c? Science and Bachelor of Letters witli corresponding courses of study. The following shorter courses are aleo offered: An English course leading in two years to a business diploma and in three years to the title graduate in English ; an advanced course for graduates of normal schools leaaing to the degree master of pedagogy ; a three years course in civil engineering leading lothe degree of civil engineer; a course of two years for teachers of physical edu cation leadicg to a diploma and the title director of physical education. The University charges an incidental fee of ten dollars which is payable in advance by all students. Students holding diplomas from the public schools and those having teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without examination. Those desiring information regarding the preparatory department should address the Dean, N. L. Narregan, Eugene. For catalogues and information address U.H. Chapman, President, or J J Walton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. ' - Best Work FRINTIJTO . Office Stationery A Specialty Give us y oar Patronage. ALEAPIY Gb Bu The Buffet Car Route. r fltfitf' Shortest and Quickest Line BETWEEN PACIFIC COAST POINTS, ST. PAUL AND THE EAST, Crosses both the Cascade and the Rocky Mountains in DA YLIG1 I. affording passen gers an opportunity of viewing the GRANDEST SCENERY IN AMERICA Two trains dailv frjm Portl.ind; one al It a. m , via Seattle, and one at 8:55 p. m.. via O. R. 4 N. and Spokaio, Runs superb equipment, censisring of dining cars, buf fer library cars palace and uphoKtor-d tourists sleeping car. The buffet library can are marvels erf elegance, and eo-nfort, containing ba; h room, barber shop, eay chairs,etr. THE MAGNIFICENT Twin steamships, "Northwest" and "Northland," leave Dulutb every Monday and Friday for the ?oo. Makinnc Island, Detro. Cleveland and Buffalo in connection with the Great Northern Rai'wav. Have your tickets read via the NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY and enjoy a delightful ride f-ee from the beat and dust. For ticket and general information call on or address R C. STEVENS. G. W. P. A., A. B. C. DENNISTON, CP T. A 6 12 Front St, Seattle, Wash. 122 Td St., Petfood, O This it the wheel that was illustrated n.Barings Ibe Cycling Aotnority of Amn n, "Januarv 25tn. 1895. ovr the following title: "The handomet Model Shown a e recent National Cvde Etbibition " l' i the WavBRLy 8oCtCHB and Is lb oat admired and talked of high grade bicvele in tb- world today. Want a bicc e. ustrated Catalogue free. Ihdiana Bictclr On. Indianapolis, Indiana, U. S.A. E. E. Goy, exclusive agent for Albany ' )iv,'tt, i:i." b u " v.' .:..'!:. Jigsaw '. oil -..'3 ;.llr-.,.; .) - I U tit J. '' r ' ii-itii vfni ii Iishi'kjo iJZIV . ji.i(i'Atfi f!j: vfc" fj IrirA nit , ni.1 . "W ,. . .-..1 I i. iiii-.-i 'it li'mi " A Wki'U ,li' .tjUio jji e'lM-jinnii K'jifti uldpnoBcn it'. ltu.,Hiii:in and Children. Castoria cures Ootlc, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dt gesttoo. Without Injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended 'Castoria,' and shall always continue to do an, a it has invariably produced henanrial reaulta." Edwix T. Pajssxs, H. IX, 12Sth Street and 7th Aee New York CSty. The Cbitac Compaxt, TT afuajuy Stbxxt, Krw Yoaut CtTS. Promptness TT - BOOH GRECO... Stqte jol Scrjoo department auu Bbouj x i v?www Anufemii-ninnea. i 'H't'. ""'- Academic courses, TheDirawwiof one to teacfelhilafly the sb bof entitles conntyTu;"i i& State ... . . 5;.IjL1! ,-.:ifr -JJ c-i Wltnout iunntg-MmixittiitfijBr Tl Board and Lodging, dtxfcMiflivl Miiaitien, $130 per year. BmtoituLM bi..Sialthful location no saloons. There is ft in .a'gooddetrWlWtramedliJrtFf rRflj .'teachers. Oatelogua. cheerfully senton teachers. CaUlogueACteerlully J i aoblication. - Address - : '- 'l;A.W1W.-TTr PL. CAJfa-Wur ... III l) .wt Httrttery-', rreicaen 4 trawaaamarxlb vi!lew l"" -J'4--.t iiinEtOifnMt'ilyru.t rnli.' lrt-4-, I mil TT fiy5 M; m ftliil f I ' J I ""a alaiuwul t!iw .ivi"i k ' - '' The Man Who Sliot Judge Terry. David Neagle and wife of San Fran cisco, have been in the city for a few days. Mr. Neagle was here to shoot Chinese pheasants. He and W. L. Moore dropped thirty-five birds yester day. Mr. Neagle is a fine shot. It was he who dropped the celebrated David S. Terry a few year ago and had his name in every paper in the U. 8. He did it as justifiably probably as when he killed the pheasants. In the capacity of Dep uty Sheriff he pulled the trigger, and the man who killed Broderick in a duel over forty years ago, fell expiring, afterwards from the abet, the circumstances of which are familiar to most of our readers. Mr. Neagle is an unassuming gentleman, seeking no notoriety from his connection with the noted case. He has had a hunting treat among our pheasants, and that was what he was her for. Hammond All Right. There has been considerable controversy in Astoria about Mr. Hammond, the railroad builder. The Astorian interviewed Mr. Lockey, a prominent neighbor of Mr. Hammond in Missoula Here are some of his answers : "I have had a warm ac quaintance with Mr. Hammond for 25 years, though I have not been associated with him tn business. Mr. Hammond. and hia large firm, have a reputation in Montana o carrying out to the letter all their obligations. They have had ample means with which to do so, and have never failed to make good their word in the past. I saw Mr. Hammond Fester- day, and he was feeling better, though he has been somewhat under the weather. He is expecting to return to Astoria in a few days. He is a very - busy man and has many interests to look after besides the Astona road. hue my conversa-1 tion with Mr. Hammond was only that I ot one lriend with another, ana ol a moot I general character, yet faom what he said I ha ia uni rt ct trt nn,S tka vnrV orilh vian, I and no doubt the contracts under consid-1 eration for the ten mile for which bids were recently called will be let in abort order. You will find one thing.however, that he will surely conduct his own bus- iness on his own plans and in his own wav. He and his linn always have done I so In the past and probably will do so I now. I X 'n tni 1 TTnnt xknliuliani I engaged in the grafting and culture of I i t:. . - ' a - . t . . . i iru in mis vicinity uormg me pan two I years, has discovered a seedling apple that promises to become a valuable ad- ditition to the apple family. The tree was found this vear ETowini bv the wav- side between Corral ha and Albany. Al- i though it has never had any rare, and is growing in the midst of a thicket of brush and rose briers, the fruit is large. highly colored and of an excellent flavor. Mr. Hunt intends to prone and cultivate the tree during the coming season, which will of coarse, nave a tendency to de velop its many excellent quasHies. The apple possesea a high color ,and in shape, It is a late fall variety and ia vet on- named. Gazette. Sometbisq to Tell. Lee Teutsch. the now olotr at PImm.. RotKah' .t. K.a a record for long distance bicycle rid'ing, n a vi rig gone to fcugene to Texas on a wheel, it was a Victor of 1894 patera. with double tube Urea. Mr. Teatech carried 15 pounds baggage. He was about .60 days on the roar. taking time ana going , vwit nis oia nome. iai- '"K m ." r morning to an jst yregonian reporter nesaia: a am fident a man can make an average of 60 miles per day, and even 15, all the way through from here to Texas. Were he to carry no baggage the 75 mile average could be made witti no great fatigue. I met several men who, through the ten- tral W est made averages of from 100 to I 135 per day on long distant trips and did l n in goou enape. yne snouia avoia rainy . . - - ' . . I Wf- 11 "",'- " lrmTen8 extracting gold; wheel through mud is very exhausting tarv steam motor: E L Ransom Oak- and no time can be made. Pendleton E, O. Mr. Teutsch is well known in Al banv. Tbe Drain Norma Scnool opened rith great enthoaiaaai and a big attendance. A Port'and mnn was fined 50 for selling liquor to am-n already drunk. A good example. Thiee bop yard near Carallishave not yet begun picking, and pickers are wanted as many as can de secured. The races at the fair ground were taking place this afternoon in very threatening weather. Uood races to-morrow and Satur day. Mrs. Ash by wishes to invite the ladies to call at ber store on Friday evening and Saturday and be entertained by examining her Fall stock of stylish millinery. AH new and tbe latest. Tbe Mineral Springs Seminary. Soda- ville. will open Oct 7th, 1895, with a larger attendance than was at brst expected. Firstrdasa instructors are employed. It is a good school and a healthy place. Base ball yesterday : Boston 8. Baltimore, 0; Cleveland, lO.Cincinnati, 9; St Louis 4, Louisville, 2; r-t Louis. 2, Louisville. 9; Washington, 5. Brooklyn. 3: PiUsbrg 6, Chicago, d. to be played. From 6 to 10 more games are j The Democbat recently published an item from tbe Eugene Guard giving an ac count of the death of Mira Anna Vaughn. who was aoadenuy shot several months ago. At tbe request ot a cousin in una city, the item was corrected and tbe statement made that it wa a cousin of Miss Anna. Now the Guard says: Tbe Guard a as rgbt when it published the item saying Mi s Anna Vangban, who war acddently shot a couple of mo it ha since bad died, notwithstanding the "cousin s statement. i welve hundred miles i a long distance to travel for tbe purpose of attending col lege, yet a young man of ninteen years reached Corvallia Monday, and camefrom Orange county, California, ... .. k-1 "t Agricultural College, ills name is U. M Hamilton, and be says the merits of the Oregon Agricultural College are well known in California. '.orrallis Uszerte Alter nearly five veers of farminir. Fred B. Sackett, of Granger, has concluded that he is better suited to mrrciat.tile pursuits in which be was engaged previous to locat- us to local-1 :n o- - . - t " i. v. , ir Sf i" y-,,ki icuiu, uinuiu ,, biubd piw;3. iurmuti of mre andiM in lffrann Morinn onnnlw and leaves shortly for that lis oazette. Tee medical department ol the Willam ette university .which for 30 years has been one of tbe educational institutions of Ore gon, was yesterday discontinued at the meeting of tbe faculty. The sct'oo of tbe faculty grown out of its inability to secure hospital privileges for clinical faculties for indents .and It u be ieved that tbe medical school Mil not be opened again very soon , ii aian. uregoiuan. Tbs dosing day- of the Fjiboafttoi at urn snowxior wnien liberal premiums are offered. Hiy-rtnw will be under the management cf the. Oregon Flower Assoc, aiiou, wJbicsvheld mchA snbnpwfni jruae sbow last J one. Tbeie are prizes for both ama tjuresand prufes ionals, and entries are lnviUKl irom growers of nowers ever- m. 'J v Licensed l'nvuiAN--At, liie'but Lra,4 . j--. islature a law was it tliajr have aeinaix.ftiends. Eugene was provided that aplyib&a acd mmUinpH; . f.-i-s-. genns licensed under previous Jaws mnsf h I . obuin a certificate . w.a"py thereof from the secretary of the board of medi- c,BItlne ft1fiiSlrillL2!,.nty if.'f5 " 4 1- 1 "iriWrion VacticlrWeir snr- gery'-w-ithin this state alter abw irat day of April, 1895, without first having ob tained ine'iicense' nerein provtvea ior, dr eorttraTy- to me provisions o this 'act shall be deemed guilty of a misdeamor andnpdncwv1erloTriTliwretjl (tlnill be finwf not Jess!' than f.9 tjor tsfesthan $iro, 'br -by-imprisonment In Iriw-eOunty jail not less than ten nor more than nine ty days, or by both such fine and im- juii uoii 3oo ty .days, or b NEW ALBANY. RJUlor Democrat ; This is an off day for all the hop pick ers, it commenced raining yesterday morning about 8:30 a. n., and about 9 :S0 all hands were wet enough to go in t camp where they spent the remainder of the day keeping up fires and drying out. The rain continued to come down atftarlv all nicrht and it. haa rw,n aHrtivofw most all day, which is discouraging for hop pickers a well as the hop growers. Two camps pulled up yesterday and two today, but tuere are still 35 left and if it clears up all will be in the field picking tomorrow again, as happy as a big sun, flower. There was a social party given at the hop honse on last Saturday eve. About SO ot the young people attended and en ioyed themselves until about midnight It was pronounced by all who attended to be a success. Sunday morning was clear and pleasant and before noon sev eral old and familiar faces were seen up on our streets, among them were B. F. Ramp, Wiu. Parker and Mr. Mh idler and later on If. B. Millers jovial face was seen, and several others. Mr. Ramp was accompanied by his wife and family and two great big watermelons which the writer and family were invited to sample, and which they did with thanks to Mr. Ramp, Mum L. Miller, Mrs. Bertha Hawkins, Miss Stella Rankin and Mr. Frank Blod- gett, made a flying visit to Albany on last Saturday behind the flying team of Mr. Luderman with Mr. L. holding the lines and Stubba pushing They made the trip to Albany in the short space of five hours, returning on Sunday. Mrs. Hunter and daughter Mollie ac companied them to Albany to remain. Mrs. Shiftier left for Albany last Sun day. Miss Thomas will return to Al bany next Thursday and O. W. Harris ana lamtiy wilt return home, on next Friday. Four camps have pulled up and ieu tuts wees. There is no mould or lice in the Scutt- ultMrtn vara vet ami thia WMktr Mr 1 1 n H bard, of Salem, and Mr. W olcot and another gentleman, who are hop dealers and experts and have been examining (he hops through the country, examined the heme now dried in the bop house of Scott ft Gibson and claimed that they were the best and the cleanest hona tliev bad seen anywhere. They were picked Biiajuy oy Aioacy t tpie. -Jr. ocott is very lond of soda water. UOOa. . Kra'6 " Albany visitors on last Sun- rtav nmmii that k . il. ' "--- - 7 " " la ue next legis- 'lare prohibiting smoking cigarettes up- or,?ur,t,reeU - Oood. The ladies are having lota of fun at V. "Pen?e Good. Preaching here last Sunday and again tonight (Tuesday). There is about 10 dave picking here yet. Uood. sir. m. utbeon leit this morning lor Dixie where he has been eniraeed to ran a fruit dryer. Ex-Alsaxtttb. List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors thia week. Reported by C. A. Snow 4 Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. S. Patent office, Waah ngton, D. C. C E. Barling. San Francisco. Cal.. concentrating or separating machine for minerals; 1L C Behr, San Francisco, centrifugal pump; M. II Cook, San rranusco, leather-stretching machine; o Eyana, San FranciaeoT propelling al c-urieu, ran r rancisco, pipe coupling steering steamboaU ; A Fita Orerald. Iu- art Cal, hanging fernery M A Friedrich, con-lSan Francisco. anDaratna for drawimr and serving steam beer; II A Fry, Port land, electric railway system ; J Gould, Jr., Berkeley, Cal, machine for making and ntting tongues ol key-opening cans ; E E Kati. San Bernardino. Cal.. alarm clock; M L Mery, Chko, Cal., gas gen- era tor : G E M ill.ken. Monton-. Cl Ir - nrin. m..k:.. r i-ni-. . c HiwVMtuv, a itlklUKtVUa a 7aH Francisco. Amalgamating annaratna for land, Ca!.. mold : D S Regan. San Fran cisco, power transmitter; S Slay ton, San Franeisco, photographic shutter; II W nuuams, Masb., prepayment atuch ment for meters. Miss Minnie GilsoD.ot tail man, is in the J city. Mr- A. M. Caldwell of Lebanon, was in the city today. , Wade Davis, son 4 is. E. Davis, M this city is attending Vaslior College at Burton i asn. Fred Westbrook and others Lave re turned from the boo fields onoosite In dependence. J. L. Mitchell, the Home Forum or ganiser came ov-r from Pb Hornet h this noon. Last night he organised a lodge there with a meiiibershipof about thirty. Messrs Rage. Eng and Soiddon were in the city today laboring with the city council over the sale of 00 feet of hose to the city. , . The new members of the College were given a delightful reception last evening in ine rooms oi ine college, it was rh lowed by a serenading pa try calling on their friends. The editor of tbe Dkmo- chat acknowledges an inspiring song in uvui vi iui uuuie ana ine regular college whoop. Dr. W. H. Davis. Dr. Leinenger and J.R. Whitney, of this city, and George Whitney and Albert Hendrix. ot Entene returned last night from the rkxlas, where they have been hunting deer for several weeks. The Albany men killed one apiece, while the Eugene men killed two apiece, seven in an. Tuey report a line mountain experience. Th Gipsy, the O. R. A N. Co'a light draft steamer arrived in Albany at 6:30 last evening with the water at I.Z feet above low water, within five inches of iu lowest stage this season. It was in cnarge ot ine eupenmenaeni i . v . iee . . . i . i . n, . - . . - . ... . A previous attempt was maue out laueu on account of a bar this side of Salem, which has been fixed some. The comp any will run four boats this season, the Gipsy on the upper river, the Modoc, Elmore ana itutn, a ooai to do dui.i Ixdshxndet Oanca or FoaasTxas. A 1 . .i.. i i... i. . . w.i .t "Kw court oi tun uiucuruucui viuc vi Foresters was organised in the G. A. R. h 11 IahtnAn I a at nisht bv Wm I 4U tbanOO, laSl nig III, Dy W Hi San Ml It c rt D Ih. fnl. r I UOJ OMU, A,, O. V. - , " ' Ohas. C Smith, Uourt Deputy. Wm. Robins, Past Chief Ranger. I. F. Settle, Vice Chief Hanger. O. J. Walters, Recording secreUry. J. F. Hyde, Financial secreUry. F. M. llickok, Treasurer. Geo. Bnhl, Chaplain. Wm. T. Hatten, Senior Woodward. J. A. Sturtevant, Junior Woodward. B. 0. Carleton, Beadle. Dr. W. H. Booth, Physician ; Geo. Lovelee. and S. M. Garland. Trustees. !Thb Cablton dariie Carlton Comp any closed their engagement at Parker s theatre last night wjth Dumaa t master- paece, "uanie.ajnrisioiv jas on previous nights they were well greeted and gave an excellent per lormance. t rank Kead- fc:g deserves special mentiwr-aaan actor 1 wen annnorttvi ttr an a,-ni len t tnmmnt an.! Aanaa tlicftv-shart-stav In iireno a Tin.. aA:iMirt.r-iJ,i-,--8--- tr-nl W-frf !.' i!,'.. chassofoOteotol hose. Three agentu are her, ia petaon And othora have bids lrfc The council is decidedly divided for I divers reasons. f I divers reasons. At a .meeting last even ' I ingiTTeywere unable to agree. When I man-eilung on the fence. - a l L . s I pti'Jou'jv Smith foe vupert -yeterinary j turxeon bat rnoyed his1 office ' to Mi1ler"& I TursJere stabled The 'Dr; Iran efficient than I in Ma business and hat given general1 iat- laiacvionriBrs.-1 " ' . i. . ,vrt k.' ; ; -jyifj-ji itit . it'a Y ! f t:. ."' ioV M'l,iii!l .'tpililllj WE WANT YOUR TRADE. We are here to please you. If eviry thing is not 0. K. kindly let us know We are not selling at cost but at modcr ate profit. We can furnish you any uinK t,ie harness ine at lowest prices L See our line of 15, 20 imd 2o cent whips. POWEB & TOMLINHON. iriRtXJDrsr Ty j Chinese Papers. The Celestial Empire, a 40 page paper and the Shanghai Oazette, a 4 page pa- S;r, uoui puuuaiieu iu ouuugiiui, on tlie mocsat a table by the courtesy of Rev. G. W. Hill, indicate quite emphatk-alty that tbe fi!im:uionif whites in China is that the United States and Great Brit ain have not done their duty in tbe pro tection of their subjects in China. The Celestial Empire is voluminous. The articles on "Tbe Siechwen Riots." "Th Chenghi Riots," "The Riot at Pao-ning-fu," and "Chingking," are marked. The paper says the reports of the Szechwen riots were bogus and that exaggerated reports have done much to incense the natives. The general contents, though, show a very serious condition of affairs there, and verify most of the reports of the riots there, and n fact substantially cover the same field as the telegraphic reports of a month ago. They are loo long to publish. On our editorial page we give an extract- shoaring the feeling there. Salmon are sa'd to Le running at Y. quina. The Liua County eibtbit mil, be sent to S-ileai next week Jaiue B. Wil ism i was en -"eJnediy appointed coaUnaster at Uuena VUa, Polk County, Ui . Tbe aakeaaon cento of Lion ounfy wiM show ever 5000 voters ia the county. A good increase over IS). Tbe total iuaefiurnt of Lincoln couolv ia 69$ 055. Yaquina laada with r2U,25i Newport, $1S2,30. Toledo SlOl.ftK, Tbe new A. 0. U. W. at Yaquina will be organized on Wednelay night of next week instead of to night. Ten or fifteen will attend from Albany. Bae ball yeaterda: Baltimore 14, Brooklyn 5: Boatoa 13.Xew York 5: Ceve- laad 8, PitUbcrg 3; Philadelphia 8. Wash-1 IUM-UJB O. IWUIOWV DAI XOK WHIXAM. OT the tail all right. Mr. Ricbard'oo. of Jeferv. hss tjite.l a variety store in Mr. Cbeahire't building. Mr. R. na been bere lefore and we are in formed has come this tim to U ; wt art glad to welcome Mr. R. a"d family in our midst Sodarille Cor. Advance. Tbe fol owing is fmn the tapreoie court proceeding ol vwrteniar: "In the mat'eroi the cams of tbe Vir,t National bank of Port land v. Lino County Natiooal buik. an order aas made upoattipulatioa, allowing appellant aotil IMober to n.e an I serve notice. Miaiuaia Al'-ingbam Keentiy died at ner borne at tooorg. r or a gol many earn xus Alitngbam was tbe ra ats corre-poodeot 'Cm tbe Soulbetn Boundary. Hercopy was alwava test to the printer without correction. It was neat,1 ceaa and correct, like the pr-i ad life ol ua aulbor. There is a deed m tl rec-jr-ers offi. for twciTtTnude tJtCJ. from th Oreg-n Centrtl railroad C. to the Oregon and Ualifoi ma Katlr jmd o birii I acun wity. It was made in the time of tot law requir ing internal revenue stamp upon legal die omenta It baa parted oron it rereaue stamp to tbe amount cf J-7o0.i5. Tbe deed t-at been recwdei in the co'-n'ie r4 Moltnomab. Ctarka'nas, Mario". Linn, Lane. Douglas. Kenton, Joacph'ne, Klamath, Coo. Curry and Yatabiit. -Mo MionviUeT. M. Kev. Meminger, of Ashland, is ia tbe city. Mrs. C. II. Dalrvmple is quiet tick at ber home on 6th street. Males Treasurer 1 hil Sletchan was in Albany this noon on bis way home from Corral lis. Mr. Will Galbraith, returned this noon from Yaqoina Bay. Dr. and Mrs Adams will be home next Tuesday. Rev. C. G. Harmon and family of Falls iuy. i oik countv are visiting county relative.. Rev. M. O. Brink, of Wilbur, is in the city on bis wav to the M. E. conference to be held in Portland beginning Sept. J. H. Hurst, representing the Eat- man Co.. of Rochester X. .. the bis-set dealers in photographic materials in the woria was m me city touay. Justice G. W. Harris and family re turned this afternoon from the hop vards of Gibson A Scott near Buena Vista, where the Justice has been preserving tbe peace ard picking hope for several weeks. A Goon Insa. The Anchor S. Cbem cal Co. will have a fine exhibit of their prodnrU at tbe sute fair and Portland Exposition. Following is a list of the producU that will be exhibited : Oils or cedar, hemlock, peppermint, jnniper anil myrtle; fluid extracts of casoara bitter- less and Oregon grape root ; oils of rosin, pure turpentine, two grades oi rosin large samples of cascsra bark and Ore gon grape root, and other botanical spec imens juuiKenous to unn county , atpu Liverine. All the manufactured goods were made in this city by Dr. I-amlx-r-son, manager ot the company. The comnanv will doubtless receive much benefit from the adertiiingdone by this exhibit. It will also be a good adver tisement for our town. Advance. A FoisrntR. An Albany firm pays a cent a dozen premium for clean eggs. Every farmer should wipe his eggs be fore Uking them to market. Butter neatly pnt up is always in demand. Fruits clean and well taken care of are worth a premium. Too little attention is naid in Oregon in such matters. Farm era and gardeners will do welt to think . . 0 . . . ... upon tnese iscts. It means sonieiiung for them and for Oregon. Both to Blamk. Oscar Williams wag tried in Justice Lovlee's court last Mon day upon the charge of cutting Oscar Black. The sUte was represented bv Denutv Prosecuting Attorney Elkins.uf Albany, and defendant by Attorney Gar- land, of this city. The squire held I defendant in S250 bonds to appear before next grand jury. The evidence against Williams indicated that he was not entire iv to blame and that he was attacked by Black in the first instance but thnt he possibly defended himself too vigorously with the knne. ex. i . , j. winw oca y a V s .asu wasawvaa vviiiiant avs players to be ia Albany next -wsekt-The 1 . jj.i. ..1 .A xi'i .1.1 iveauit n xnnuyniij iia; " m? im- iiiu tlieatre last night to a delighted audience. This great frontier drama was propuced bin an almost .laultlesj manner, and all the leadfng characters, were well sus tained.,, The company should have a Urge audience to witnees tbe production pi passion a 6iSYe.tOM,iii. .,. , , tn.Ut .. 1 . - U A Hot Cmasb.-Yesterday Sheriff Oath-1 art, of Roseburg, was taking F. II. inner Home irom waua v ana where had toeen arrestedi w hen he (amned P'e; from the closet wtadow. but was seen to I doaovnTHsttain.whlob was going thirty miles ah 'honri was stopped andSkinneti fiursoed a-idshot at, flnalh being caught ahara vervi hot chase. He wm nana - Icuffed and akentr; Roseburg in safety. .1 "M '.i-j.m J ... uv."l l-liill l until hui l?i!: !-i.:l.-.-i vl-if..! Brownsville. Sept. 18. 1805. Hop-picking is fast becoming a thing of the pavt.for this yer at least, and the weary hop-pickem, lalen with cash and nop stains, are wending their way home. The crop of bops in this vicinity lias been isrgn one ami ii growers ran obtain a fair price for their hard earned product uii ia wen, u not. vice versa. Geo. White, Brownsville's greatest ex pressman, had rather an exciting time Monday. He went to Halsey parly in the morning to meet the overland train, on which he expected bis brother to ar rive. While returning home some one wnose identity is unknown stepped out and attempted to hold up the gentlemen; but they were not to be held no. A shot was sent from the buggy and when the numu-ue niguwaytnan was last seen you could have played a game ol chess on his coat-tail He forgot hia mission and ran as though his Satanic lordship was a hasty pursurer. Pity the bullet had not fouad a place in his miserable carcass. , Prof. R. E. Micbner and wife have been visiting in Albany this week. An interesting indignation meeting was t.ul.4 1m l.u , 1 . 1 u vi,- vH-ra tiuuw ounasy evening. The caue was a disapproval by some of the city officials in regard to the saloon license. Mrs. Thos. PiiUbury, wife of ex Mayor PilUbury.acconpanied by her son Herbert, is making au extended viait with friends in I'ortlaud. Mr. Pillsbury. who is a man well kcown throughout the whoU country as a story teller, lias full lime now iu which to open varus, in fact we are told that the entrance to the lied Front Bazaar, of which be ia proprietor, has become impjesible on account of the yarn door and the Eagle Woolen Mills have engaged him to spin for them dur ing the next two months, provided Matt Farley will use the oil can freely and keep hia voice box in running trim." Dr. J. II. Nettleton and wife, of Kim-j ball. Nebraska, arrived in thia, fi,,- day and will make their future home in ! Oregon. I. Geo. U. Cox, whose place tbe former gentleman lakes, will start for Chicago m a short time. We wel come Dr. Nettleton and regret tbe fac'. that Dr. Cox is so soon to leave our city perhaj forever. A. Lebanon. Jo?. Hancard has gone to Eastern Ore gon to engage in distilling juniper oil from juniper berries. This oil is largely used in tl e taanufactute of gin. . T. flatten, recently of Eugene, has succeeded W. H. Clevet.ger in the black smithing business. Mr. flatten will hope they will find a pleasant borne. move bis lamity here tins week. We From llarrilorg: More than half o lr. Davis' field is picked, and tlie last half of the 50-erre Cartwrigbt yard is being eaveI Mr. Cartwrigbt has sold 60 acres of baby bops, and Dr. Davis has sold 85 bales. The price re ceived was 5,4 cent. The Chinaman's bulldog i no more. Lart Friday it went to the farm of Mr. Baltimore, near Snicer. ai-d killed a JO-pound hog, and in return got iu bead shot on by a shotgun At the residence of W. II. Keehn in Lebanon, Sept. 16, by D. T. Som- mervil.e. Mr. Elmer I Peebler to Mt Millie Itand, both of Sweet Home, in this countv. At tlie residence of Ben Barker in Leb anon, the home of 'the bnde, Sept. IS. lo, by D. T. Summemiie, Mr. John A. Inltam, of Florence, Oregon, to Uin Iolly K. tUrkcr. Tlie ceremony took place at 11a. tu in the presence of quite a number of invited gieM and was fol lowed by one of the old-time good wed ding dinner. htch was excellent in every sense, and made tue occasion a time of pleasure and great eociabiuty. Advance. Tbe races were poorly attended. Only one contest came off.the other being por.- poned on account of the rain. Tbe 2:20 pace had three entries I. C. Mothers Analine. W. M. Henry's An- netta, an i J. Misner's Ferna. Annetta won the first heat and Analine tbe next two heats and race. Tbe track was muddy and slaw, and the time conse quently slow. Tlie2:.T0 trot was twwtpone-I until to day. A 2 :0 trot and 2 :30 pace were also lo come oil. Thc LrnxoN Bask. Mr R. II. Finck and Mr. A. Strong, who were bere last week with a view ol starting a bank. telephoned Mr. Pugh yesterday, ttey have decided to come u they ran gel the building. Mr. Pugh informed them they could, and the will be here in a day or two. Mr. lngb also received a letter from J. R. Nixon, of Iowa, stating be would start lor this place tbe ZSth, but in a telegram, said not to hold the build ing for bun. Ilrinck and Strong open up, Nixon will probably not. Express. Tna Lrs Cotxtt S. S. convention ws opened at 2 o'clock today in the L. I clinrvh. with a fair attendance, with Rev. Little, chairman presiding. The program was substantially canted out. The feature of the afternoon was or. Hurilmt'a address on Wages. Mr. Hurl- but is one of the most talented S. S, workers in the U. S. and his splendid reputation will Im sustained in his ef forts bere. Tonight lb. Hurlburt will speak on "Wherein the Average Sabbath School Succeed." He should be given a full hotiFe. A SraA!i Cask. W. II. Pool, of Eu gene, has been tn tbe habit ol spending evening with Or. L. . Brown, 01 tnai city. lie was there as usual Wednesday evening; but he will not go any more. About 10 o clock they separated in a bloody condition. Pool claims that Dr. Brown got on and getting a club came un l-ehind lam and begau beating him Or. i'.rown claims tno same thing anout Pool. Toeres tlie funnv part of it. Pool got all the bruising all the same and Dr Brown was held tn 11,000 bonds lor a aault with a dangerous weapon. Lxwino Nkbhaska. A statement of fact that is a cruel arraignment of the state of Nebraska comes from Ashland There arrived at the latter place last week twentv-fivu immigrants from e braaka, who have come to Oregon to go into the farming business, in the crowd was the countv ludge. county attorney and tao county commiasioners of Hooker county. Nebraska, all ol whom actually deserted their otnees 10 gel oui 01 vne state. The inborn hankering ot all men for the honors and emoluments ol puuii office is ad oitted : and Nebraska must indeed bo a hard state that tnese men would not stav in it, even to suck the pap of official position. Ex Orandma Loonev. aceil 88 years. mnihnr of the well known lyooiiov broth ers near Jefferson, is first on the gronud with tent and housekeeping arrange menU, her daughters, Mrs. FrankieCor nell and Miss Pauline Looney has never iqisaed a state fair since the; were nrst Instituted in Salem and is well .enttitleil to a seat of honor on all festal occasions. -Statesman. 1. 1 fount the boit viola of hop" on tlie' IVcifiioaaM,. if not in the world. i Ijwrt'j ed froiftths el tsm . . Pprmgneio. Ime'couuty. : The yard cufaiiif 2Ccre and from it have been gathered .W W)1) pounus, beaidea 1.200 btxe i thtil were Jett on. luw nqia unpiraeu or arwnui. in tie ui ctmnigeine:t W W, r1-"iS,T ; ? U'-al P 0C0 nOunds . over a.tXW.bou'id Aft tbe.acra. n -Jt..T f. .! .. 1 iiomer fliiiniv,!! .fuii juuiiiiiqvnMors .P,J5wMW? tle,.b,Hl. .K twooi Aioany apouyiariigOTniemou,tw''.,, , .... j . ....'., j .. weiwdoing tbe hop-yards near thia city this week, i xiie nova ibtveoeennavirtg j jolly time; and mad many friend1 while1 1 il.'- Thev left for home Veatinsfd'-. hlarrisbtiteview., ...;',,, J.V!' and RhUgc4.(, , k.Usiir.JIaA''' - - '.l 111"-. . ., ,,. , Vhi) i.u l' X " T l , Highest of all in Leavening Power. Li w cy GRAHAM'S VERSION. Tl,ii I.aI W T Po.t triti I GralmiiTaT UoVvaTli. has ' excued greii 1 interest in Albany. A good many have expreesol a desire to know Mr. Graham's ! version of I he affair. The Time gives it as follows : Thursday afternoon Mr. Graham aro-e and dreed himself, bu. after live min-i of the Soldiers Home, and formerly see ntes bis heart began to show eigns of retary of the Albany Water Wrks, is in failing and he was immediately put to bed. Then the treatment with stimu lants that haU been left off for several hours was again applied, and was kept up nntil yeterday afternoon. The pa tient has not Vrt recovered the free use nf his limbs, and his legs in walking are ami ano ma step is uuau-auy awi irreso lute. It is not certain just how much longer he will be detained in his room. To two or three friends to wliom he haa arwiri,i nn tt4 aiitiiM-t fr flrthttm says his dose must have been nearlv an ' iu1 Lucnllus ipdge of this city in an of ounce. According to bis version, given ficial capacity Thuwday evening and de- theeetuends since lie has rallied from the effects of tbe drug. Mr. Graham's part in filling the graduate for tbe draught consisted only in pouring in the ginger. The graduate Mr. Graham wash ed and passed to Mr. Peet, who stood between him and the tirandv bottle, in tending for Mr. Peet to hold the vessel or fill it as be pleaded, while Mr. Graham got the ginger. When M-. Graham re turned with the ginger 31 r. reel stood ttu the graduate already tilled with the brandy and into the vereel he poured the required amouot of ginger. Mr. Peet al once took a swallow, and quickly re marked that it was awiutiy strong ol ginger, or words to that enect, lo show his customer that it was not stronger than usaal, Mr. Graham took tlie grad uate from Mr. Peel 8 hand, and in order not to be burned by the ginger swallow ed down what remained in the ghueat one gulp. It was no sooner down than he realized the mistake, and a glance at the label on tL-e bottle told tlie dreadful It was not until inuraoay morning that Mr. Graham was considered strong enough to be told of the fate of bis 'Xni- panion in tbe terrible anair. The intel- igence wa communicated tobim by Dr. n. Avery and it proved to le a ter rible shock. He upbraids himself for allowing Mr. Peet access to the bottle at all, but as Mr. Feet was a Irequeni tui ferer with the ailment and often helped himself to tbe bottle, Mr. Graham's po sition in l lie matter it of course seen to be blameie. COUNTY S.S. CONVENTION. A large audience were great! v favored last evening at the county Sunday School Convention at the I. P. church. Rev. D. T. Sommernile spoke on the Sunday School and Character." Ir. Horibut then gave an address, on Wherein the average Sunday Scnool Succeeds." A synopsis may be of in terest to Ibe many is S. workers not nreaeni: The sonoay r-cuooi suoreeus oecause : 1st. It gives christians eouieibing to do, and a christian men work to be a good christian. There are a million Sunday School teachers in the L . S. and they are a wonderful strength in Christianity, be cause they are worsen! . 2nd. Becaue it brine the truth to the individual conscience. While the pulpit deals with the multitude the Sunday School deals wilh ea h scholar separate ly. Tte teacher should know each scholar and bis needs, read bis fax and understand him. 3rd. It wields tlie mightiest weapon in all tbe arwnal of truth, the tword of tbe spirit. The Sunday School is a mighty weapon in learning ine worn 01 iruui. the Bible. Every Sunday 10,000.00 peo ple in the I . S. are gathered in tbe Sun day Schools, a wonderful power. The Bible, people ant to read it. Al least S.OUO.IVO are printed and circulated every year. W hen the revised version appear ed 2,000.000 copies were sold in eight da vs. Did anv other book ever sell that sir. 4ih. It 1 an Americanizing and chrra- Uaaixing institution, missionary in its nature. In the large cities it brings in the immigranta' children and through them reaches their parents. Ia this western country it is ihe first religious institution that "springs up in a loan. lr. IlurllMil is a very entertaining talker, in bis great simplicity and with peculiar ease drawing bis auuience to wards him. Today two sessions were held, the gen eral field ol Sundav School was covered bv local workers, teacher, pupils, par- en's, preparation, teachers meeting, primary work. Quarterly reviews, written tests, county ecbools, etc. Dr. Hurlbut spoke on 'The training of tlie teacher" in tbu morning and-uie leacners I rep aration" this afternoon. Tonight Rev. C. H. Mckee will speak on "The S. S. and Missionary spirit," and Dr. Hurlbut will deliver a popular - I .(Tk. C .1 TAmAIMM "All. WUI W VH All.. .... V. . tnjivi iv. , 'one our citizens generally should hear. Thc Races. Though the attendance was small Ihe races yesterday afternoon were lull of in terest. The track was n a better con dition than the previous day. The Brst race was a z:.w trot i nee were three starters. McKnight Bros. Hum won in three straight heats E. W langdon's D'Linn being second and Nettie Ham, DeLashmutt's horse which had won in Portland, third. Beet time 2:24lB, which lowered Hugo's record second. A 2:.10 pace was won by Deljwhmutt's Ferna in three straight heats. Bush's Nabob second and Mosher'a Peekaboo third. Best time 2 :34. A 2:40 trot was begun, but was not finished. McKnicht Bros. Winella. Nailor's Kilty Kislar and Henry's Gold Dust W il kes started. Gold Dust W ii kes won the first heat in 2 :3SS. The second heat was won bv Winella in the very fast time of 2:28 S,. placing her in the 2:30 class. This afternoon the best races cf the week were expected. The 2 :10 trot was to be finished, and among the starters were to be Alexis,2:18, Flora G, 2:21 and everal of those in yesterday s races. Fatal Gus Accident. The Dkvocrat regrets chronicling another fatal gun ac cident in 1-ane, the county ol latal gun accidents. The Times of Junction City gives the particulars as follows: Marcel lus Pitney lost his life this(Friday) after noon at about 1 o'clock by accident. He was driving up to his barn in great baste as a thunder and nan storm nad com menced. He attempted to remove his gun from the wagon when the hammer caught, discharging the gun. Mr. Pit ney recei veil- the 1 oon tents in his lower left breast, ranging upwrdswand ravd. through the heart. lie staggered back, a few feet w hen he ' fell and immediately '.xplretl." The only Jwitne was-'a little' ' though In hiost" ol t can bo felt very . ;..lj.i.i- . -...u I.e-.iin., ji H Pitney leaves a,.- wife, and faar- shildrvn w! w,imvi v-. -v!ts 1 ' ' , ., si air nartioa hoMino- bnr ticVai. i Lamb will pleas iafl 'on'tho underthued . L. it nai: t k..n. -i. I - .a . ilmv acroRa the. ..street. VflM, ttJiarva nt. Latest TJ. S. Gov't Report SBw ., mm SOCIAL AND KtKSO.XAl Saturday and Sunday fair and warmer. River 1 foot. T.. 1 T T v . tw vuifaii eui f turner Z 8pend aa1' wilh hw ".,., K- 8- Alixander, a prominent business maB of, 8an-. trancco hss been in the city and made a trip over tbe O. C. 4 E. Mr. Wallace Baldwin. ex-Commander the city. Misa Rai.-bel Deakins,asiterof Assess or Deakins and formerly a resident of Albany, was married in Tacoma Wasb. on last Sunday to Mr H. Hocberf Dr. Hurlbut, now in this city is a worker. Besides his platform work he edits eight periodicals with a total cir-cuU'io-. of 3,300,003 copies. Dr. J. L. Hill, of Albany, Grand Chan cellor uniguts ol rytbias ol Oregon vm- . cr2. "utrnu"8 ajureaa. Junction uity limes. Prof. W. E. McGbee, of Oakland, was in tire city today on a visit. He will be gin school again one week from next Monday, the opening day having ueen delayea on account of bop picking. Born, near Albany, Tuesday Sept. 17 to tbe wife of J. W. Swank, a daughter. Mr. W. J. McMeekin and wife went to Albany Wednesday to pay their respects lo the new granddaughter. iiarriurg ( Review. Mrs. E. S. Warren went to McMZon- viile this morning, to take charge of her newly purchased millinery store. Mr. Warren and also bis mother will leave for that place in a few days. By thu deal Brownsville lose three of her best citizens. Brownsviiie Times. The Times says that among those from 1 Alliany who attended the funeral of T. Peet were: 1- Flinn, mayor, and president of the First National' Bank, J., W. Ciuirk of the banking houeeof J. W. Ctrack A Co.. I. Conn. Jo, liaibraith. Clay Marshall, Harry Waldon.D. P. Ma son, . II. Allen, r rank Allen. Dr. U. . Maston. Frank Miller. E. Wahbarn, Al fred Freerksen. The delegation of Sir Knights was accompanied bv Mrs. J. K. Weatherford and Mrs. Dr. C. C. Keliey of the Eastern Sur. 'lOHi. AMI AHKtI Wheat, S3 cents. Satin crown sailer bats 49 cenU si the Ladies Bazaar. Soosaa great btol will be in Portland next eta nary. Harrv Templet on bas reen electel captain of the CoiverMty of Oregon football team. Mis Mamie Cnndiff gave a recital at HrriHrg Ian night, sustaining ber spiendid reputation as an entertainer. Tbe foot rare between Ray and Gltbexs. 75 yards. f-T a qar-e of )0 was to take plae at Woadoura tht aftcwoon. The high bea-ied bone of Hoa. J-ff VeTer ran away at Salem yesterday rai-h-ing a n-w l-uggy op su list f40 sras !fce C'-st nf fixing it. To make Ibe hair graw aaatnrai color, prevent baldnesa. and keep Use eaip bealthy Hail's Hair Reoevrr was invented, and bat proved itself -acefal. Ladies are cordia(!y invited to attend tbe opening of Fall Millinery at tbe Mimes Bail on Monday aa To! Sept..l and 24. The Farallon arrived at Yaquina yester day, and t-djy. expre broofCt qmte a qoantity of Ca'ifurni sweet polaicea grapes etc Dr. Smith tbe V. S. has jnt done a gord job in caring the cow of W. H Ktmsey from a siege of milk fever, ia most case men ting ia deatn. Tbe bovi e has entire ly recovered. The work cf rebuilding tbe O. C. k E br'dgw was begun this niomiag. the irawl large pile driver being t-H to pounding. The two aide spans wiii be leoinairucted. Tbe center draw is ail ri-ht and will re main sufacUntially as at pre-nt Tbe Carlton company of p yer will be in Albaav next Mood-v : nd lueu-iy evening. The Roeeburg aj.d !.agene paper peak ii the trocget ianaage ot the company t acting l be troop is good is all its parts 'wenSv acres of lar-d in thej. Q. Tiwru ton donation laod ciaiui, in tbe north western portion of Benton went o the bigbest bidder lat Sa.1ir.iay. under mort gage sale. I- S. Strat'on of lton i ee porcbier.nd tbe pi ice paid was $761.- 75. limes. Tbe exhibit of fruit for tbe countv ex bibit collected by tie committee and super- . . . .... , nteoaeoi n aus nas ueen a targe one- Some ebscanl apple were Keing packed ior Miipuieoi uu aiieruoou. i ue exmou will I in food quarter and take np qa'le a space. This a'ter noon at 3 o'clock the Albany Dramatic Compw Pieeented tbe beaotiful drama of "Sarahs Young Men." ia O'Briens opera hence, (a barn) near the Christian church Tbe Parker. Oavtoe. O'Brien. Meyer, and other chi idem were the star per former. It was a real play and was artist ically presented, the audiance. including coar'e yung UMOCRa-T representative were deligh'ed f UiVJOYO Both the method and results when Sjrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing tothe taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Howels. cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and curea habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tlie stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most lieal thy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo made ittho most iiiitinlaf remedy known. cent twttleii' L v "iSL' leadinf; 'dry J iV" "7" "i. ; V'UTC iriata. Anv reliable druffffist Who - ' jaay not havo i ott'hahd WtU'ryrr i i cum i& pren wmheato trr . I T. ! ! ii-j ll ii4 , , ... ' 'CiuFQuNIA FIG STKUP CO. n - "aim ftAacotntllntt: " ' n 11 ull! "J.' L tJ . ;.. . - - r d r s I'iew Time Card. Following is ibe new time carJ of th Albany Street Rail raj : 1 be car will leave comer of Fir-t aiid Witbingion treeU an follows: 4:20 a. m. for morning oretland train. H;t0 " llanon train. 11:15 " " Yaqnina lrin. 12XJ noon, train itmnft oulh. 12:35 p. m., Roaelmrg train porti. and wtat bound Yaquina train, 1 .-05 p. m O. C. tc K. train. eatt I oa d. 4) " Iebanon train. 115 ' Oterland train goiupr oi . 4)0 " Orphan's Home. The car will aUemeet a'l incoming trains on both the Smtheru PaciSc and O. f. k K. railroad. C. G. BtRnn tRT. Secret ai y s . SlMrVIONSV R EGU L AfORj?f;il header, did yon ever take biaoioss I.i .eh Kbgct-ator, the uKrsa op L:vF.:t Medicfxks ?" Everybody needs take a liver remedy. It isaslnisb or cLaeaaed liver that impairs dTgestkin and causes eonrtipation, when thc waste that 6boald be carried off remains in th body and poisons tlie whole system. That dolL heavy feeling ia doe to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache, Ma aria and Indigestion ara all liver diaezaes. Keep the liver active bv an occasional dose of Simmons liver Reg ulator and you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the -whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is Bfcrra-jt thas Pills, It does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. Every package has tbe Red Z ftanp on the wrapper. J. IL. Zeilin & Cov, FTiilartelpbla. rbe greitst e'er tfce market for iiea of the livcr.Kidnysaal Con ttipation. - Pleasant to Like ly d or jjsr.;. No (nping. Tbe rwt cf tK Lirenne plant is extea- veiy used in Norway f ; Ue eor? of Pit. Sold by all Erst ciais dmgiU. Wholesale Jacaf jctnres. ANCHOR S CHE I CAL a. Leban"tt.Cr. FIRE HISURAiiJ : In?ure vur proptlrt V Ta': i.. OM Hartford. TUK N r. A YORK UNDERWRJ AflKXCY, or any oae tr- other reliable t !i lne panirs he represent s. i.--taken and plentr t:"- eiver for pavmen' m insurance. Allbuines ed witl. !um wiil be vrw aif nded to. OFFiCF, p: O. BIcck, Albanv. Mexican nimenf for Burns, Cakr4 & Inflamed Udder.' Pile, Rheumatic Pain?, . s Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints. Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, i . Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Ijisect Bites, ' ' Ml Cattle Ailments, . m AH Horse Ailments, Ml Sheep Ailments, . Penetrates Muscle Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat ol Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rm l In' Vigorously. Uiiw t-t n,- -' - ' ,n .w.stawiUninient conquer Pain. tAt ik iJHakes 'riaa or Beast well. aNvtuts l" i-H'i-q ol tiit il ': -btiSVu't saw !!.'' tiL.t iiilfi t M-ia 'il'" mi I i;