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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1895)
' - ' 1 EiTbLicFORD WYATT Attorneys at Lew. Will prectlre In all oourU of the awte. Special tttentlen given to matters In proble and to collections. 0PF1CB In th FUno blook w it nm.Yr.Jj Attorney at Law vnd Solicitor to Chanpery. Col .inns made od all point. Ijamis neealiated oa "rabla terms. Albany Oregon J. J WIUTNKT Attorney at Law, Albany. Dr. I SOWERS .aTOitiTs-jz-a .a.t X.-A.-W, AI! leral matters will receive prompt at ent;on. Office, First Notional Bank mldinp, up stairs. M OXTANYK HACKLEH Alt, Attorneys at Law. ' Albany, Oregon. R. J. L. HILL, Phyeidan and dnrtwoa, OFTICK Cora Ferry street, Albany, Oretron. QEO. W. HARRIS, JUSTICE OF PEACE, Is naw located In the Diaocatr office, eoreer Xnd and Broartalbin streets Alban v. Or. Benta and Collections Specialty. D rs. II. E. and"b. K. Beers. Physicians' and surgeons, post office block. Albany, Ore. Hoars 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence corner 5th andCalapooiasts. Special attention given to diseases of women. DR. G, U, CliAfalBEIiLm iZOMOB OPATHIST OfSce on Ferry St near cor 3rd St. Offio hours, 7 to 9 a m. 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m, Especial attention .riven to chronic case and eye diseases. . -. . "w. . a . . a u . r Kinni xe& a mujmamj nanB ft.' OV ALBAS T, ORBflOH resident Vice President . L FUN'S .. 8. K.VOI7NO , W. LAKODON -TRANSACTS A GKNKRALbankintlxiataaai ACCOUKT3 KEPT subject to abaci. EIGHT EXCHANGE and tl Tannic tranat r, oM New fork, San Francisco, Chicago nod 1 ttlaad ron . - O :r!0"ii (DSoa titoraS! arm araacroa Toon E . MMtm Pun Lt. Twa. J VV-ilVll A ( I..B.XHKR or IMA:. .i-tHr. fRANSACTa renenU Rankin- vatiKa DRAW SIGHT DR AFTS ou V,jk. S T tcoand, Oreiran. IiOAH MOSKT on aporored arenritf RKCKIVK deDosiU subject to check. SOiEOTIONSmade on far.wa tmnm INTEREST paid on tia IcocM ALBANY COLLEGE, WEXTY-NINTH YEAR.) THE COLLEGE WILL OPEN SEP tember 11, 1895, tinder favorable aus pices. Regular Collegiate and Aca demic instruction The Commercial work will be given special attention this year. Such young men and young la dies as are looking forward to a business career ehould not venture it without lay ing a good foundation with ns. The Colleee will also establish a Conserva tory of Music, under the able and effi cient management of Prof. Z. M.Parvin, Unusual facilities offered for students desiring to become proficient in music The Primary Department will receive especial care. Information cheerfully given. WALLACE H. LEE, President Ptj cnrgHw iggnt far Vei vmmor&ick fi3vi:ciit, Brain Lilwsptioii, 8 lei naMvesm .rf-cu1 or peikera Nascralpia; ftlo tor Khe xn&Uni. Gent. KiijueT lJiaorA&rtu Arid ln- i epfeA. AHiL'iiiin. Antiaota Tor AJoono;w THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. W 1 ' 2 3. V- Hira jrsae, r HICAGO t3 ' O 7r r" Tnm ggX. Trit JlUldi ?ans, ntioirw at) cmaf of dirt ltd tftkca totmatJifa V. W. -in as pR&VEirnvE tfe AMadr Cnuiifiamt r ar" LA- U jsri 1 &ts KsSV W r- Wai Aca jrn A Cummlng, sole &nU Albany.1 E. McSEILL, Riceiver. TO THE ervas Tdx choick or TVO TRAXSCONTLSENTAL o UTES GREAT NORTHERN UNION PACIFIC VIA. VIA SPOKANE M1KKEAPQUS DENVER OMAHA ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW RATE TO ALL eastern xiTiEi. OCEAN STEAMERS PORTLAND EVERY 5 Dv.S EAVE SAN FRANCISCO For tall detail call on Cut RAN & Monteith, Albany, Or OR ADORKRS: ' W H HURLBKM, Uen'l Pah . AniM PORTLAND, OR. ALBASY FDEIW UU jrnTc-oJEo:A-a7Ux Ualthnare Block, - - Albany, &n. F OHM TO RE complete line ot UNDERTAKING in all it branchet EMBALMING atpecialty- Residence comer 3rd andCalapooia DISFIGURING HUMOURS Preranted by SOAP when all Else i Fails CCTICURA SOAP purifies and beautifies the skin, scalp, and hair by restoring to healthy activity the CLOGGED, Inflamed, Irritated, Sluggish, or overworked Pores. - $ BeH tkieaasoat Ik weria. Brfaia fepcti T. We. dona, 1. Eta Kavea&at, Loaeoa. Ponaa Dave a Cas. CoarSote Pieev, BoMoa, U. . A. The greatest seller on the market for diseases of the Liver.Kidneysand Con itipatlon. Pleasant to take by old or young. No griping. The root of the Liverine plant is exten lively used in Norway for the cure of Piles. Sold by all first class druggists. Wholesale Kanafactures, ANCHOR S CHEM ICAL CO. Lebanon, Or, COPYRIGHTS. CAW I OBTATW A PATKSTf form nmmnt answer and an hnaaal ODlnioa. write to M V S ! e CO wbo ban sad nearir Bhy years' experience In w patent amines! juomn none stnetly conSdentlaL A Handbook of In- Tormauon conoerniBaT rairnin hn sow w w. tain tbea aem free. Also a eetakigna Ql maxiiao- scai ana staenuna dooss sent iiuew Pstants taken tbroncb Mann A Co. inpaHo neotal notice In tbo Srieatinc Anerirss. and tbaa am brooxbt widel bamratna Dnbtte witik- ow eoss so uo nrcmor. i ms smetMMi papor. issacd weekry. etaasntly llrastrated. bas by far ai ii imi ctrcoJation of any scientific work tn riecjantly llrastrated. has by far ua world. 3 a year. MaieM conies sent noa. Bnildlna RiiiUon. noAt BHVttbiy, ug a year. ormiaa. 'A3 ci La. Krery nnmber onntaina baan- tifni puuea, in colore, and nbotrwrapbs of new oases, wit a puna, enaoiint Datioers to snow tn fcu desists sod secare contracts. Address HEW HARNESS SHOP HAVING opened a new harness "hop in the corner of Bchmeera livery stable I am prepared to make first-cla? a harnesses to order, and, do all kinds of repairing, all at reasonable rates. tjias. wagzer, ATTENTION TJNK SHOP. Cor. Setndai.d Fe. Sts., Albany, will bi:y rags, iron, bot ties and all Kinds of meu., hides, bone and tallow, tor cash. J. Ukocssteix A SOX- AT R.M. ROBERTSON'S FEED STORE is a full assortment of food for man and beast; also oil meal, grass seed, lime,hair, cement and fertilizers, also Wilbur's Seed Meal, a sure remedy for the ailment of horses and cows. AH CHEAP FOR CASH. rr li T7 Let Us Re VViVl H. gether! Is it not bet ter to buy yonr Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they use only the Best material why of coarse i is you dont want dyspepsia and yoal never get it by eating anything from on tore. - U. S. BAKERY. Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Vaxdtu. Proprieto NEW CROP OATS WAKTEO. I am prepared to contract for new oats and nave Backs on hand, which I will furnish to farmers at 5 cents. Call on me before making other arrangements. M. Hekdebs, The Ins. Agent of Albany Office opposite Odd Fellows building. A WINDMILL FOR 83500 W Crawford will sell yoa an 8 foot Aermotor for $35.00 12 foot geared Aermotor 75.08 All steel and galvanized after completed K. O. T. M Meets every Saturday vening in K. O T M. Hall. YiMtinir KnihU invited at tend. T. S. Yak W imkle .Com. )RICK FOR SALE.-14.0CO J brick for sale. Barguin first clan for cab. Call on P. J. Smiley. I irANTE J 3 ii4 'io do general bou VV work. Wood worth. Call at residence of D. O COMPETENT WOMAN wishes work by the day. Washing er houaecleaning Inquire firnt door west of the Baptist par onage, Fifth St. G. C. MOON. Opposite Rum Hnuee. Feed, bran, shorts, germ meal, buckwheat rye flour, hay, straw, potatoes, ice. LuttKtiS i. a good bouse with Hie urs the X of 16 acres of fine pasture. Rent 12,50 a month. Inquire at L. Viereck s Barber Shop. FOR RENT 5 room bonce near bustne center, $7.0 a nunth Inquire at L Viereck's. HAY STORAGE for the season. Call on M. fenders on Ferry between 1st and 2nd sts Albany Ore DRESSMAKING A competent dres maker wishe work by the Jay, charges reasonable. Perfect fit guaranteed. Call on 5th street, 2 doers from Baptist parson age DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Ruett ner & Conn, conaiatinr of Pter Bnettner and N. D ''cm., : n' iii-oived by oiutUud couaei.t. Ludi will continue in the old business, that of house moving. nEOEFISH U THE PLUMBER Tin roofiing and plumbing, the opera house. Opposite TTOR SALE. A good second hand car 1. nage. Apply to M. rayne, 4tb and Ferry streets Albany. corner tSonti one is doing come tall l)ing abir.1 that Texas fight. Rcall? it doesn't make very much dit ferei C what the Alaskan boundry is, it not )Q jnpjh to quarrel over. II alp make the Linn county txhibit the best at the state fair and Portland exposition. It can be done. With everything else Oregon can raise si'.k and prolitiely. It is difficult to mention anything that will not grow here. People who buy on credit are not care ful bnyers. There is nothing like the ca6b system. The hardest worked.nien in the world are presidents and governors. The strain on their brains is greater than the lifting of atnn physically. Albany business men generally are coming to the conclusion that fake ad vertising tramps aie not entitled to their support. Tom Reed tor president would suit Torn better than the masses. It is to be hoped no push calamity ever befalls the American people. Some more fake advertising schemes around. An absolute waste of money. fatronize home job printers and home papers, and not cheap John schemes that are mere fakes. The democratic disagreement on silver is a very mild affair compared with the republican fight over tbe came question, which although staved off this year is bound to come before the presidential election. Baker City Democrat. Lord Dunraven took a very strange course v. hen he offered tbe sailors of tbe Valkyrie pensions if they would beat Defender. Tbe sailors of Defender will need to keep their eyes peeled for break ers and tricks. That big jacbt race will cost each side about $2oO,000. A good deal of money jtut to see which of two pleasure boats is the faster. It has merit, though in being spent by men who can afford it, and it gives a good many men employ ment, and the papers something to shout about under big headers. A gentleman bv the name of Perkins, who bas at various times resided in sev eral of our leading penitentiaries.receot- ly broke icto the stale penitentiary of Connecticut and dole the warden's road wagon and fine team of horse. We wil oexvnear of bim robbing a policeman on duty oi hi coat and vest Ex. If ... IT.., -rw! mlt rl rtnak'a' bank, kindly left a large Chinese pheas ant en our table yesterday, evident'y in tended for I he whether or not, we hav appropriated it to our own nee. Tied to tbe bird's neck was a tag con taining the following language: ''This is tha only bird Setli Hammer left alive in Polk county. Salem Pott. Thin is bow a Kentucky jadge charged a jury the other day: "It yoa believe what tbe counsel for the plaintiff bas told you, your verdict will be for tbe plaintiff; if. on the olhtr band, yon be lieve what tbe defendant's counsel baa told you.yoa will give a verdict for the defendant. But if yoa are like me, and don't believe what either of them said, I don't know what yoa will do." The jury disagreed. A San Francisco exchange says: "Yesterday the crowd that tried to get into Jadge Murphy' court was larger than ever, and only the fortunate few who came early and waited long suc ceeded io passing tbe bailiffs at tbe door. Among tbe lucky few and the unlucky many were about as many women as men. Tbe women were more eager, if anything, and one of them wbo squeez ed into the crowded court room yester day held a babe in ber arms." When the Democratic Congress under took to repeal tbe McKinley tariff and to enact a reform tariff eliminating tbe robber idea of protection for protection's'ami'ies dire acd widespread were predicted by Republicans. Under Me Kinley's tariff labor and labor's wages; nnder tbe Democratic tariff business re vivals and activity bave taken tbe place of idleness and depreeeicn, and wages have been advanced, plenty of work furnished and thousands of additional men employed. Tbe record of tbe new tariff speaks for itself. Nashville American. A peculiar aee is told of by tbe Cor' vailis Times: Jack Gerhard and George Bingham are under arrest, and fine for violation of city ordinances stares each of tbem in the face. Tbe complaint waa sworn out by Chief Taylor ,and it charges them wiib disorderly conduct. Tbe of fense tbey are alleged to have committed transpired last Sunday afternoon, when a coon belonging to Bingham and a bull doe owned by Gerhard fought to tbe bloody death of the former on Main street near Nolan & Callahan's store. Some people wbo looked on at tbe affair think it was perbiissable, bat many others condemn it as horribly brutal. Tbe spectacle so impressed ladies on the Occidental balcony a decidedly inhuman that they retired where they could no longer see it. The men arretted claim tbe dog and coon got together by acci dent. Last n!ght Gerhard pleaded guilty to the charge and paid his fine of 110, and on motion of tbe chief of po'ice the charge as to Bingham was dismissed. It is pretty sure that a future industry in the Willamette Valley is to be silk culture says the Times. An intelligent and well educated Japanese bas a thous and mulberry trees growing on his tei acre ranch back of the Portland Heights Multnomah county, and their thrift in dicates that they luust flourish in this climate, tie has also many thousands of silk worms, already in their cocoons, and at the Po.iland exposition will ex hibit raw silk of his own manufacture. Of the industry be says in tbeOregonian : "I am satisfied that silk culture will one day become a great industry in ihfs re gion, giving employment to f any peo pie who would tbewise be Idle. It is useless for anyone to say now that it cannot be made a success here, for I bave demonstrated tbe contrary. V. will afford employment to farmers wives, and many other women will Qnd in ii a means of Aa;n'ng a comfortable income. The sample oi taw silk which I propose It i exhibit, with otner skeins of my man ' .. fn..i u iiu,u In Bd HnvmtL nr. that s.i I " " " : ' " ever made any where." Better or Worse. Recently the Democrat ed'tor lies r J a minister in a sermon tell bow the world was degenerating, making it out much worse than it was years ago. This week he beard another minister onthesamo subject make the world out as improving in every respect, and the fact is un doubtedly well substantiated. The woild is better; bat it is bad enough, and much worse than it ought to be. In material things tbe progress is marvel ous, in steam and electric inventions, making all parts of the world easily ac cessible. The Optimiet believes these are instruments in the bands of Ood for increasing good, the pessimist draws out bis face nntil it is about a mile lung and aays.they aie being used by Satan as instruments for evil. Of course that would be the scheme; but the old tel low cannot be equal to God in the con- teat Right wilt prevail, wrong will eventually down. There is an element working in the world for good Mat has never before touched tbe world. As the trotter is made through several generations of fast blood so goodness is being transmitted. All this is a slow process, so slow that people differ ma terially as to tbe result, and sometimes even get aggravated because others can't see what they call tbe nose on a man's face; but nevertheless onward and up ward goes man's character. Men talk of evil tendencies so much they begia to really believe every thing is going to smash. It sort of becomes the fashion. Some of the worst growlers in the United States about bard timet daring the past few years bave been men working on salaries never reduced and wbo were getting their clothes and living at a re duction of at least 25 per cent. This il lustrates how it geta to be tbe fad for people to talk on the dark side of every thing. Distance lends enchantment to the view, and that is the way a great many people look at Cfty years ago; but the person wbo reads- history carefully and sees the warfare, brutality and de pravity of tbe centnries before us, oar rated in a alow way and in slow ages. and then look at tbe wonderful progress socially and industrially and the writer believes morally in an age when every thing ia ferreted out and flashed acroea the continent in a few momenta, one cannot belp being an optimist, even in an era of bard times conducive to bring ing out tbe very worst in a man . The Pen nsylvanla Democrats. Tbe following is a part of the plat.'otu of the Democrat of Pennsylvania adopt ed this week: -'The Democratic convention assembled, hereby renews its allegiance to and deciarts its faith in tbe principle of democracy a formulat ed by Jefferson and illustrated by Madi son, Monroe, Jackson and Cleveland. It congratulates the American people on the fiit fruit cf tbe democratic admin istration, which inherited from its re publican predecessor a bankrupt treasury and on wis fijaccial agreement, wbicb appear io widespread disaster And which, under tbe sagacious, conrageoun and patriotic lradersbip of its great president G rover Cleveland, led tbe people out of the slough of despondency to the high ground of substantial and increasicg prosperity. As viodicalibg the princi ple of tariff reform, to which the demo cracy is onalterably pledged, oe chal lenge etpecial.attenlicn to the fact that such prosperity and the consequent tut- erial iccrtatts of wages has bten most pronounced in tbe icdostriea w bote ex istence oor opponent claimed were de pendent neon high tariff duties. Tbe gloomy predict ioa that the iron and Heel industries of Penosvl rania would be de- troyed by a redoced tariff, Las been contradicted by their pmeat unexampl ed prosperity. W invite tbe attention of tbe waget arners to tbe fact thai tbe present voluntary inrreaee of wages of those employed to the manufacturing industries, amounting to co les than tSO.0OO,OU), was absolutely noknowo under tbe McKinley tariff. We especially reaffirm so moeh-cf the laat platform of the national democratic convention a relate to the oce of both gold and silver as standard money ; but tbe dollar unite of coinage of both metal mast be of equal intrinsic and exchange able value." Lawyer T G Fennel!, counsel for Robert Christie, a truck drive., convict ed of assaulting a charuberma'd at the Windsor Hotel in New York City, made a novel plea to Judge Fitxgeraid for clemency for bis client He said: This young man baa ocraional outcropping of fiendish character. They are out breaks beyond his control and contrary to tbe usoal tone ot hi nature. In fact, Yonr Honor, this man is the victim of a sad train of accidents producing a state of irresponsibility. Tbe man has been in so many accidents imperilling hi life that bis mind ba been affected. lie bas narrowly escaped death from the bite of a mad dog. Here is a certificate from a doctor of Bellevue Hospital, wLere Christie bas been laid op for a week af ter anothei narrow escape from death by electricity. He received a terrific bock. There are several other modes by which death has threatened him. yoong as be is. All these bave made an impression oo his mind and made turn in-responsible. Judge Fitzgerald re mabded Christie until Ls story can be investigated. The Star Press of Green Castle, Ind. says: Tbe next Democratic candidate for President should be from tbe "wild and wooly west;" good policy and a Spirit of fairness indicate the truth of this claim. The territory east of the Alleghaoies has hogged the Presidential candidate business of the Democratic party in the past it has furnished the candidates and States of the West and South , have furnished the large per centage of the votes cast for them. Tne Democrats of the West and South liAve power to nominat) the man of their choice, if tbey will bat stand together and present a united front. More es pecially Is this true now, because of the fact that tne Western States have the best, the ablest and the tr ost available Democratic timber ott of which to make good President. Industries which were strengthened by tbe business depression of the last two years are now feeling the stimulus of resumed activity, and, like water that bas been dammed op, the tide of bus! ness is flowing all the stronger for its temporary restraint. Structural iron mills in tha western p t ot the State are nnable to ktep np with their orders, and nn concur p, the Carnegie Steel Company, now refused to bok order unless delivery can be delayed longer 'dan thres month rutUilolphla Bui-h-toii, . " The Portland exposition will be the best in its history, and Linn couuty will t 1.1 L t t . I : I . nave me Diggest sou ueet uispiay mere in it history. The newspapers are the great detec tives of tbe see. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. Men are bound to disagree this Bator day night on many things' It's human nature from top to bottom. Let two men look at a runaway from the same point, and they ill tll a diflerent story ;n an hour. How much more will they be likely to dipsgree in a matter of opin ion. Hence it never sounds well to call people numskulls because they look at matters in a different light from you The Orft week of the public echoola has emit d. One metis a few people in the world who are afraid to send their children to public boI.ooU on account Of the cosmopolitan character of the stud ents, all kind", you know, bad and gcod. Well, the great men and women of our country came up through our public school. That's where even tbe minis ten gft their start. Children should not be allowed to sow wild oats; but they must see evil and be made to shnn it. Perhaps it has been noticed that children who aie kept like house plants or like a in a bandbox die young and succumb most easily to temp tation. In every parents mind is the question o! how to rear the child so as to make the best maa or woman,comiog np with bright minds and pure hearts, and t is no wonder ones bead almost cracks sometime alien the responsibility is weighed. Ad no general rule covers the subject onehas to proceed according to the circumstances of the inlividual case. It has been announced during tbe week that Senator Bryan would discuss the silver question at the itaf fair. The Democbat would 'Jke to bave Mr. Bryan talk on silver in Oregon, for be is per haps tbe ablest exponent of it in the U. S. But it Is a bad idea to allow anything of a political nature ia state fair address es. A Young I'octcss. The following poem published by re quest, was composed by Nannie L. Alex ander, of Millwood, Or., at tbe age of only 14 Team. Tbe girl is a niece of Misa Jennie Clayton, ot tbiacuy, and certain ly possesses a rare talent. Tbe poem was written upon request of a soldier at the oldier'a Home : The da baa dawned when we will go To graveyards tar and wide. Where lying low are pat note vt here Grt they fought ana aiea. And many grand old veteraus now Are steeping id by side. Oar gr at grandsire long ago Against the Uritiah lougbt. When for sweet freedom to this land And equal rights thtysoaght; But now we feap tbe grand reward For hie h our graedtirea w roaght. And later on in ISIS Oar honored brave grandcires Were called to light tbeir hatred's spark To flaming, aindliog fires. They with art hearts and many wi"l i'olMlled their keen deturrs. And when tbe coare of Empire moved, And weetcard took its may To tbe t bores of fair Pacific, w here Tbe w iid red men held sway. And aero the paths of emigrants They often chanced to stray. Twa then the grand old pioneer With firm and wi'.lirg hand, To clear tbe :td men from tbeir path Acd f kiehl that littte band, Cue itn their valorous heart and true To O.-egon' fair land. To dangers fierce were they exposed, Their enffrricg nooe doe know. Who fooht to save our own free elate From that fierce savage fue. Ibeir works are marked on every tree And valley, bifth and low. Again io 1S51 The bu;!e lood!y blear. And Lieculn called for volunteers Of loyal, brave and trae. And then our fathers bravely foe g tit For the red, lute and tloe. Tbey marched and foaght at Gettysburg, On maay a plain they camped, la Southern climts, through marshy swamp. The weary sentinel tramped. And oft around tbeir smouldering fires The cold, dry hardtack champed. At Sbilob, 'mid the battle' frav, Tbey braveir fought and fell. Charging amid the battered ranks lib cannon ball and shall : And oft about that fearful strife Cl've beard my father tell. Yrt, be was there amid that fray, Oue of tliote heroes tine. And when our fieinrn he tel'. 1 hi oming store through. Of how he fought .tod comrades ft II And bogles !o-il!j hlew. I rever shall forget that day As long as on tbi earth I hear tbe patriotic cheers Of young folks in their rnmb. When at that time at Sbiloh there Oar food to a was dearth. 'We heard the cannon's booming i-jicd On both tbe left and right, A by our guis we ralmlv alcod, Striving with main and trtght To drive the enemy from their rank j And put the rebs to flight. "Oo Sunday we were driven back. Yes, altvost from the field. But still cur stubborn forces there Reluctant were to yield, Aod nnread were oar hearts an.! minds As it He's firmly sealed. "But Soi. lay in the battle's heat, The reliel' leader fell. Their f;cs too would weaken tl en We a'l knew very well, And ali" that the coming day A diflerent tale would tell. "But oh, that dismal, rainy night, I never shall forget, And rar, wooi-ded comrade' groan I seem to hear them yet; But ai for being there that night I cannot now regret. "Tbe. next day Buell to the field With reinforcement came. Lew Wallace also came with help, All honor to his name. And Generals Grant and Sherman too No people shall defame. , On Monday they were driven back, The table thus had turned, Foiced to evactite the field Oar forces they had learned ; W were tired, weary, bleeding but O jr victory was earned . "And thin at Shiloh close J the scene. Thus closed the batte there; We were exulant in the strife And even in the air Seemed born our j vaus shouts and cheers Which we could not forbear. "Bnt oh, opon the battle field Tbe dead and wounded lav, Brave men who wore the suits of blue And men who wore the gray ; And life still lingered In a few Who soon would puss away." And now they sleep beneath tho tuii, Brave men who wore the blue. Brave heroes who came to the field With toyal hearts and true, To fight and die in freedom's cause Their valor to renew. Yes, other battles have been fought, And other heroes bled ; My fattier fought in Vicksburg when Ilis comrades' blood wa shed, Aud marched with Sherman to tin tea Wltbglad and gallant treat. Those battles are all over now, Tbe long march to the sea Was ended many years ago When young and strong was he: And young and old now dwell Jheoeath That banner of t!.e free. And now the people every year Strew flowers on each giave, and floating proudly o'er them does The flag of freedom wave, A recompense ot honor for The lives they gladly gave. MISFITS. Webfoot is ruling just now in the Wil lamette valley. Two Baker Oity cucumber were 42 and 40 inches long. It is now in onier for the Ashland Tidings to claim atraw berries as long as that. 3 The Salem Journal says McGinn ia en tirely unfit for the oflice of Judge. Mr. Hofer was in the legislature with Mc Ginn and is posted. McGinn was mere ly the tool of Simon. If that's true, Judge Lord will do well to herniate be fore appointing i im. - The great yacht race ic almoet a local matter, certainly of local interest. It is over and ia very unsatisfactory in its ter mination. While tbe contest proved the Defenders superiority, it is to lie regret ted the last two races were not repeated until entirely fair. The doctors in attendance at tbe Miss issippi Valley Medical Association con demned bloomers and Dr. I. N. Lone, of St. Louis, said : "Let us protect against it. It is a blot on the landscape. It is inartistic, disgusting and revolting, and we, as physicians, should protest against Albany pays a fourth of the taxes of Linn county. Certainly tbe county should pay the interest on its own war rant even though made under peculiar circumstances and assumed bv the city. All cities in the county should be treated alike, nnder like circumstances. Isn't that reasonable. A buffalo escaped from tbe Wild West show yesterday morning in Portland .and the cowboys displayed marked horse manahip in capturing the animal jturt aa be waa about to run down a crowd of women and children. So says the Tele gram, but it reads a if it were part of an ad vertising scheme. Another meeting has been held to raise funds to present a 110,000 memento to tbe battleship Oregon. Much better usee could be made of 1 10.000 now. al though of course Oregon ia prood of tbe uregtm. Two wagon loads of people ieaed through here this morning from Nebras ka bound for Florence. Tbey had been on tbe road over 5 months and looked aa if they were desirous of a rest. At Flor ence they can lire easily, even if they do not work muclu Engene Guard. Flor ence most be a Utopia. How ia that, DTouier Aiier. A young man in one of the bop yards has learned that cigarnte smoking and gun-powder don't go hand in band, lie had a bottle of gun-powder and show - mg ma extrtnes in smoking the cigarette, when there waa an explo sion and the yoang man was severely burned and scorched about the face ; but fortaBateiy nut ere were uninjured. Moral Don't monkey with twa danger ous tilings at once. McMinnvilleT. R. The Eu srene Guard says the following from the Wood burn Inde'pendent is a lie : "It is reported that three of the prof e surs in the rotate University are confirm ed drunkards. If it is true, it is a blot npon the fair name of the institution ttiat tbe trnateee shoo Id loe no time in removing. Tbe time is gone by, if ever it was present, for a sot to have charge of the education of oar youth. We would be gtad to see this matter investigated. The Salem creamery bas gotten far enough for the Stales man to star: "Let the talk stop and the work begin.'" That's right and it was Albany's style. Whan we wanted a creamery we built it with out much notoriety or blow, and we built a 13.000 creamery, one that do the business in splendid shape, and if Salem will surf, on the same layout it will hare a creamery; but it never will on tbe 4,000 proposition. Her it is at last : The name of Lord Dunraven' yacht is pronounced Val-ki- nv. with tha IHnt nn that ntfvm.t avlla. Htooncea ai-m-1 the second svlla- bie. The word signifies "chooser of the slain. It comes from the Icelandic j Valkyria, more familiar in the German I form, Walknre. In the Norse rnvthol-vv ! it means one of the virgin attendants of Odin, who carry to Valhalla heroes slain in battle. Taronia has another elephant on its band. A dispatch save that "A millton doliar mortgage was bled with the aud itor, being given by the Tacorua Land Company on its Tacorna property, valued at over ffi.OOO.W, to the lYovidcQl Life Jk Trust Company, of Philadelphia, to se cure a loan "i $1,000,000. The proceeds are being need in the construction of a 20.000-ton wheat warehouse, the pur chase and filling in of a portion of the Tacoma tide flats and dredging of water ways. The loan ts evidenced by an is sue' of 1000 bonds, running for 20 years, and bearing 6 per cent interest." Tbat means fjO.WJ a for year interest, enough to break op even a big company. Items like the following are going the rounds of the prva: Daring the past fnMP ivmnlita nrl.Cl ........ 1. . . - difficult to obtain, we hav .inied to be very lenient in our collections, not car ing to distress any of our friends. Judg ing from all appearances and report bne inees will be good and money plentiful. and we shall aek that every past doe ac count on our books be paid" in full. Hare earned ue Duruendui ing llicnard time, and feel that our request is not out ol character. Have You? Ever tried the City Laundry? Tbe ex cellence of their work is a household by word among thecitiaensof Allan v. First class trade solicited. Opp. St. Charles. Phone 49 Reasonable prices in millinery and dress roakng McLen & Baeumle. An elegant stock of the latest style cares and jackets can be seen at the Ladies Ba- saar. If yoa need lint ordrnse come and s e us, we wiil pleare yoa at f he new store. McLean A Baeumle. Drop in at Tinkles Photo Gallery and see the new styles of photos. See thorn Japan tea puts at Gradwohls Finest in the market. A Giie Hoe of fall and winter sailor bat just received by Mrs. Ashby. Meat cheaper than ever at tbe Albany Dressed Beef Co' shop, corner of Second and Ellsworth street. "Bill" Eaerick will continue to slice tbe best meat to be obtained for you. Wheat 39 cents. " Try Tinkle for Photo. Tinkle photos are warranted to please. New sailors walking hats and caps at Ladies' Bazaar. A new line of school shoes at Read, Pea cock & Co. Umbrella and Peacock & Co s. Mitckctttoshes at Read, Ladies shoes and nnder wear just received at Read, Peacock & Co. Rend, Peacock & Co. have tbe t et line of children's coats ever in Albany . Buy a fur cape or jacks' cf Rdad, Pea cock k Co. before they are gone. Fine assortment of French millinery McLean & Baeumle. Dyspepsia. E. W. Jor Company Gentlemen : I have taken your Vegetable Saraaparilla and can say I have nfcver aeon nnvthina equal to it. I have suffered ten years wit h dyspepsia, not being able to eat anything but milk and brown bread. Life was nothing but misery for me. iinve a gooa appetite, eat any thing I wish, and feel no disagreeable effects from it. I wish I could tell all dyspeptics and urge them to try your VoiMit.l . L.' .-11 - (Signed) Ma. John Timothy, " Forbes town, Oa 3r. irv ite'a rwuB eucfnr Ptnrdct Host Perfect jfeuStv a. At a ! BroKAHE, Wash., Sept. 13. Old "Pap'1 Jennings', who died in old age and squalor in a s'jack here last night, was at one time a prominent citizen of Oregon. Hi son Charles was a steamboat captain on tbe Willimette river. Fe left other children wbo are well connected. The old man bad been on the downgrade of recent j ears, and it is said bis family disowneb him. Deaat r eat matter Held. Pendi.cton, Or., Sept 13. United State. Bean's court ha bn occupied two entire days in tbe examina. 1 7.:, rSAJ?rpat'-l august o. xne investigation is very searching, and arguments by counsel beard by the commissioner, who decided to hold Reynold for the United States grand jury, at Pottland. in the sum of II 200, lbe friend uf Reynolds bave put up the bail. A. l At frii i . 1 . , - . m . urn,jM, The KacaaaVsaeal aver Louisville. Sept. 13. So far as the veterans are concerned the 29th annual en campment closed tonight with as many at tractions as on the other nights ot tbe week. The ladies, however, will continue la suasion tomorrow. Today there were over 7000 at the old Kentucky barbecue aod tonight campnries were largely at tended witn the principal events at llaic ball. Phoenix Hill garden and National Park. Tbe annual meeting of thi Conirreiration. al Association of Oregon will be held in Oregon City on Sept- 24. Among the speakers will be Rev. Poling of this city. r. w. Parker, of Eugene, announce that he will close bis opera bonae on ac count of tbe high license, and tbe rt final ot toe council to reduce tt, Tbe railroad commissioners claim to have reduced freight rate in Oregon over iloO.- 000 the past yer. The comminaaoMra didn't do it at all. The railroads did it a a matter of business. These railroad com missioner generally suit tbe railroads. Handshaking may txt an art, bnt it i a senseless one- There is eft Lima more hypocrisy in a shake of the band than baa been dreamt of in yonr philosophy. Statesman. No, not senseless. It bas no more by- poency than the face or tongas. It bring people la touch with each other without the suggestion of carboiized roe water. It is a necessity in apolitical campaign and a part of tbe businee Don't stop tbe handshake and let it be a warm, firm one, and not snakieb. Jack Dmpey tbe victor of over sixty battles has nut more than bis equal Death bas given bim nearly tbe last blow. At his borne io Portland be is lying with but a few days of life abeaa . $100 Eewarn, fTOO. . BrWs of t Is paper win b plsaaee! to aaara tfeal larre U as least osrs dreaded due tarn scuars bas txen asia u car La all il and tbaa la Catarra. Hail's Caiaiv Cara is tb only paaiua car now kaowa l taw Mitral frataratty. Catarrh bate; a eow WUSarUoaal disease, renatraa a coeautatioaal Iwsriainit- Haii'a Catarrh Care is lake iata aaily. acting dJrtetiy apoa Ike Mood aod aa coaa BBrtace ot Ite syatui. thereby destnyiag lae toaadaUow ef tbe dtsnse. and pring la aatisut stfgagh by baildiDitttntKecoostuattam and ssaistma aatara ra etatcir lis work. Tha fwtrprcurs hate so nacb faiui ia its caraitss) BOsrera. that they offer Om Hundred boUara ae any caaa utal It una (O care, cx&d ' tut uf tesuaieniaJa. AVktreaa, V.J. CHE2TEY & OXa Tolcd, 0 surwoid by DracE '.ij. New Time Card. Fallowing is the sew lime carl of th Albany Street Railwaj: Tbe car will leave enrcer of First aid " ahingtoo street a follows: 4-20 a- m. for morning overland train. - " Lebanon train. Hiio " " Ysqaina train. 12:00 noon, train going w.h 12:35 p. m.. Kox-imrg train north bo una and vtat booad Yaquina train. 1 AS p. m O. C A- E. train, east toned. 40 - Lebanon train. 1 1 -35 ' Overland train going tocth. 4:00 " Orphan lloate. Tbe car will a!.emet all incoming trains on bnlh tho vw.iln P ,- .. , - h' nuirrau,- c- - Bcitan abt. recmaiy. uotfiers Read. Tbe prcprietort of SANTA ABIE hive authorised roshar A Masoa to refund roar mtoey if, after giving this California ktiag of Cough Cure a fair trial a directed, it fail to Live aatufaction fo. tbe core of roaha, cronp, w hooping cough and all throat and long trouble. ben tbe dia- eaaj agectt tbe bea.L anJ aaaurut tbe form ot caranb. nothing t n effective as CA Ll- FORSIA CAT-R-CCRK. These prepar ation are without equal a household rem- sdiea. Sold at 11.00 a racks ze. Three for A Timely Reminder. Each season forces npon our considera tion its own peculiar perils to health. The advent ot fall finds many redoced in sirengut and vigor, poorlv prepared to continn the business of life. The stom ach and bowels, the great highway of animal economy, is especially Liable to disorder in the fall. The nervous sys tem has also suffered in the struggle. Ty phoid fever and malaria in particniar find in the fall that combination of earth, air and water that mark thin season as especially dongeroos. The falling ieatve. tbe decaying vegetables, contribute their nare ol contain nation. Hood s Sarsa parilla furnishes a most valuable safe guard at these important point, and should be used in the fall before serious sickness has laid vou low. Srnsw Baby wa skk. wa raw ar Caa a4 When aba was a Child, ana cried for Castor. When she became XTtss, she chtng to Cams la. Whan aha had C&BJreD. she 4vtWsa Castors The best roast xiRoe in th otty at Co . d 4ayr a nae An Absolute Cure. The Original Ab(:tlne Ointment is o.ilv put u? In large twurninc tin boxo, and It an absolute cute for old sores, butns wounds, ch ipped hands and all skin erup tion. Will positively cure all kinds of pile. Ask tor the Original bietine Ointment. Sold by Foshav & Mason a 5 cent per box, by mail So cent. iscrvous Prostration. E. W. Jor Company I have suffered from nervous prostration from financial losses. Can say Joy's Vegetable Sarsa parilla has cured me. My liver, stomach and bowels have been very inactive, bat since taking " remedy I am entirety well. All business men and women should use it. Please publish. (Signen) Mr. Wm. Hexry Jo.sks. Butte Montana. Backache, diainess, tiredness give way to Joy's Vegetable Saraaparilla. Karl' Clover Root.the great nlmvl mi. '.fier give freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation, ate. oc, t.oo. Foshay & Mason Agents. SUAEKMNEARK Ommooir Jilt nnh iiBiiwi j o pages eacn I une tjotnedv o- i a . - . . . t traud s and The Merchant Prince; Two new plays by Doctor Crowe; author of the Tragedy of Abraham Lincoln ; The Rise and Fall of Jeff Davis Ul vases Third; The Mockery ot Justice; Misce- generation ; Ben Thar; and other plays. For copies of each hook send ten cents in stamps to Dr. ts, W. Crowe, 217 W. 4tth St. . Y. City. Decidedly the choicest Literary Mor sels ot the age. Critic Parties wishing los Cream in Quantities or desiring cream frozen for srcisbles, will do well to get prices at Mrs. L. Viereck s Mr. Julius Gradwohl will give the fob lowing remarkablv low price, for net cash. iron (tone china: dozen 7 inch plates, 40 cents; H dosenrup and saucers, 4ti cents; wash-bowl, pitcher and chamber, $1,35. TELEGRAPHIC. The Syaaieale Makra a Keawrt. New York, Sept. 13. This day was an exciting one, and for a time bid fair to be a critical one in the financial field, and it wa feared that it might pass into history as a small reproduction of the Black Fri day of years ago. But tonight tbe dis turbing element are better nndentoodnd A'VOTor ""."r m " """K-""-- IWainty as to tbe intention of the government bond andicete to maintain tbe reserve at the ceatury mark and as to its ability to do so bad disturbed tbe mon eyed interest increasingly throughout tbe week. Tbe syndicate deposited some gold It Is aflw4. Loxdox, 8ept. 13. The conclusion of tbe international yacht race for the Ameri can' cup furoiKiied a text for articles ia all the London afternoon papers. In general tbe pre upholds Lord Danraven in his refusal to sail over tbe course yesterday without a guarantee that it would be kept clear of excursion steamer aod other cratr.. in a leader the Pall Mall Gazette says tbe result ia unfortunate and will be deplored qiite as deeply by sporting men in Ameri ca as by tbe same cUas in England. A ftlg Bctfactiaa. Sax Fbascuco. Sept. 13. The Cali fornia railroad commistion today adopted yommiMioner Stanton's resolution reduc ing the freight rates on tne Southern Pa cine on an average of 25 per cei.t. Next 1 ueaclay the work of preparing a new freight tariff schedule will be commenced and tbe new rate put in force a soon a possible. The redoced gtain rate will probably bs made operative at once. A Big larthsjaahe. New York. SerA. 12. A aneciufrom Tegucigalpa, Honduras, say tnat reports received from letaoan are that a severe earthquake has occurred ia that section. It is estimated that the loas of hie will be 25o, and the loss of property nerbaD II -- 000,0X). lite earthquake commenced Son- aay, ana lasted during the day and night. inoosano ot person nave been driven from the mountains. Monday sheets of flame were noticed on the horizon, adding to th) alarm. By Tuesday morning pub lic confidence bad been restored ana the mountaineers had started for their home. But fate that night the oaake wa again beard, and the people returned to the sub urbs. At midnight the tower of the chinch tell, kuumg 10 persons and wounding a a score or more. Shortly before daylight another severe shock wa noticed. Many person were killed by falling rock. ill Cieaewc. Watebtowx, N Y., Sept, 12. A ter rific thunder storm visited this secioo last night, and wire are down in all direction. I he storm was of such force as to actually swamp passenger cars on t;.e Rome, Water Iowb u Ugdeuaburg railway, near Rich land. Hind and tigfatniag accompanied the deluge of rain. The cyclone struck tbe village of Cape Vincent jat aa a large excursion, home ward bound fit ra the Jeffersas coonty fair al WatertowD, were abaot to take the boat for Kingston, Ont. The Hawailaa Chabrra. Sax Ibaxcuco, Sept. IS. The steam ship Aoatrclia arrived this evening from Uooululo, bringing tne following adt kes. oxea noauiaia, beptemoero: forty ace case of cholera have been re ported op to dtte, witn 35 deaths. Tne disease attack only native. Every effort is being nude to stamp it out. No islaad steamer are allowed to leave port without first remaining in quarantine fur five nays. Ls-defesdexck. Or.. Sept 12. It is impossible to foliy estimate the damage done to the bop crop by the recent raiaa. Report obtained this from tbe gro'sers differ greaUr. One geaUemaa, wbo has ft) acre, says there no perceptible dam age in bis rard. Pickers went back ia work at 9 A. M and have been picking ail day. another grosrer state tnat ia ci fi acre, tbe damage wilf reach a qcaruar of the crop, and it may be one-third. an la-alKfartary Ytrlary. New Yoag. Sept. 12. Tbe internation al series bet seen Defender and Valkyrie III for Lbe American's cup i ended. On the whole, it ha been aa extraordinary eries, and, while the result is satisfactory to the American pec pie, two at ieaat of the contest which made np the match were cot. Def ender won ia a dean race Satur day. Tuesday but she crossed the line be hind Lbe English boat, but wa awarded the race on a foul. Today she cad a walk over. Will C their aey. Salem. Sept. 12 In the case of State Railroad Commissioner Eddy vs. Secretary of State kincaid. to enforce the payment cf salary, which derided ia favor of the commissioner some urne ago. the su preme court today re.'ajed to grant a re bearing. Tbe opin oa was by Chief los-1 tioe Baa. Ike avwrraal Trta. Sam Fn-Asctico, Sept 11. Tbe trial of Theodore Iturrant ia becoming more inter esting. The district atturaey proved the death of Blanche Uuiuui, i.d una es UMiaked that the body found in Uie te!fry of Emaaoet church wa her and that the clothing hidden us the ratters ot tne edi fice was worn by the girl oo the day she disappeared. The prosecutioa is now put ting in evidence connecting the prisoner with the crime. The wttiveasea tor the peo ple wiil be called ia chronological order, th; intention being to form a chain, tbe links of which wiil be teatiroooy showing the movements of the murdeted girt and toe defendant cu tui Latcful 3d of April. ratal Threshing AecMeat. Walla Walla. Wah.. Sert. 11. A report was received in this ctty this after noon of the accidental kilting of Joseph 11. hi I lot, a farmer living at Cop pel. 16 miles east of WaUa Walla, Tuesday afternoon. Elliott was engaged in feeding a tnreshing machine, when the cylinder broke into a thousand pieces, tearing out the end and top of the thresher and completely demol ishing the machine. Elliott was struck by the flying missiles and thrown from the elevated platform to the ground. He was dead when picked up. It Was Bat Nsw York. Sent. II. A newspaper printed aa announce meat that after a din ner on Monday night, Lord Danraven call ed the captain and the crew of the Valky rie together and toht tbem that be would give each 3) shillings a week as long as iney uvea u me aj stria won the cud. A reporter paid a visit to the City of Bridge port, on wnicn uoru ltunraven and his friends were lodged. A frenJeman who said that be was authorised to speak for uoru Atintaven, said: "It is rot, post- The Baheatta Sitae. Cottage Grovk, Or., Sept 11. A 10- stamp quarts mill arrived today from tbe i. i. nammona company, Portland, Or., tor me x.uampiou mine, at .Bohemia. An other quarts mill will reach here from inicago in a day or two for the Star mine. Bohemia is gradually developing into aa important mining district Tbe Annie mine, which for so long hes been idle, is now working quite a fore of uieu, and in a very rich grade of ore. reaasrlvaata tVnraeraU. WiLUAMsroRT, Ta, Sept 11. Tbe democratic state convention adjourned to night, after making these nominations: State treasurer, ex-representative Ben jamin F. Meyer, of Uarrisburg. by accla mation: judges of the superior court Har mon Yokes, of Buck county; J. S. Noyce, of Warrens P. P. Smith, of Lackawanna; Oliver P. Bechtel, of Schuylkill, and Chris topher Magee, of Allegheny, Cleveland was endorsed. gare Death Chicago, S?P- 11. Sentinel Jacob Kre. who shot Private James Coffey at Fort Sheridan yesterday a be was attempt ing to escape, used one of the new Krair- jorttenson rifles. Coffey is said to be the first maa killed in thi country by the new nfle, used by I mted Mates soldiers Cof fey was SO yarda away from Kre when he tired. The nickel-pointed ball passed through Ccffev's bead and went through a tree eight inches in diameter, and after wards buried itself three feet in the hill side o0 yards beyond. Ladies wishing treatment for scalp trouble or dandruff, l will make special reduced price, tor 4 weeks only, Loaia Viereck. Dr. Price's cream r-akine PowdeF aVaWrdtd riiwl r'iswa at.tfvAYtat Pair, baa ft-ihw In the making, of a pie. The making of a crisp crust depends j largely npon the shortening. Use j j Cottolene, the new vegetable! shortening, instead of lard, and i isoeeinesa will be an unknown! j element in your pastry. t should always be economically nseo two-taira as mncn cooo-: leue as you would ordinarily use i of lard or butter, being ample to J produce tbe moat desirable re-1 1 suits. Xne saying in a year rep- i ! resents cocsideimbie item. ; There are many imitation off Orttolene; yoa should therefore: : be esmal to get the genuine. Wold pe Imi sis ties, Hnti sMils; m" saa mrm- m emt l svsry ua. Hade oaiy by THE a. K. FAIS BASK COWPASY . St Laos. tea. ttssasazszzssz FIRE INSURANCE Insure jour property Vnh Joseph V Talt i.. fhe OldHartford, THE NEW YORlv UNDERWRITERS AGENCY, or any one -A the otiitr reliable c Id line 'x.m- panies he represents. Nojds taken and plenty if tirra givei for payment on fan i insurance. All business plac ed witL him will bs promp -v ended to. OFFICE .N P O. Block, Albany. Or. 120 DOLLARS PER f.10MTH In You? Own Locauty maoe easily and honorably, wither! opt sat daring your spare hocrs. Any m&fe "-omaa, boy, or pi i caj do the work harx .y, without experience. Talking n& necessarr. Xoriiiss. like It for mo? aiaking ever offered before. Orworae always prosper. So time wasted a learning the bushsess. VTe teach yea ic a nfht bow to Eorceed from the Cr-.-boor. Ton can cake a trul wwboct ej pens to yourself. We Kart you, farni-- everything Deeded tt Carry oa the ba ess njccessfaLf, and guarantee y.. against taOore it yon ot foUonr vet sanrpii j, ptain rcstrtxdocs. BeaoW. if yon ere ba need of ready money, aov vrvni to know all aboat the best partus Ewiness befo?s the pct4ie, seed B9 p" audresa. and we will n-i-l yon a d. mcst giyimj yoa til the pairUcclafS) 1 RUE & CO., Box 40a. Augusta, Klalnd. ALBANY Red Grown Ming Co Is now under Lbe managemen Ea ward Going, X. II. Allen, Wm. L. Vance E. D. Barrett and Samuel E. Young, wko are now prepared to furnish sacks and Receive Wh?at on storage, and will par tire highest market price for the same. ?;:?iewBf ?.rt-5 pvcf u . h.-j vc'isas-JiC It: ; x - " - u 3 t hiaV aMULatCSC. --t. 1 UC A.rv IE" swdutitsnr tae best Ioki. rrRUesiaodei. Nfe at Asest. Barvcie cata- rtraWimcea. etc, eers warns. Baaacjt Hocaw. si Maa St., Loa Asgaek halZn u vow rers rrnia, cai Us Acafeij cf Our La3j Of Perpelial Help, Alisasy, Or. A hoantinc an.) A, c.l,! ..1. ). " cvuwt v vuuuv m by the Benedutino Sistora rsnn. studies Aug. 27, 1S35. tverr faculty will be offered for thor ough courses in scientific, normal, com- uauau mi cirmenarr oranciies. An able tea-hkr rf m,TiA vlin milir and vocal music will have charge of the musical oepartment. j.rawing and paint ing will, like music, be taught as extras. Lessons in plain and fancy needleaork. For farther particulars eafl at the Acad emy or nddress Scmsm Srrasuoaiss. A M - . Feshy & Vason. sT-nts LAD , - .o . Sim m PESHYBOTJ. iU are tlaoTjriDrd and oo!y I "NCH fafaandra uabMeniw ua the market- I ma Ai.uuc aent h traaaia suit uabj by J A Ornminc. c!e a". Albany, Cavetits andTra)a.Markrtaia3ii.aadait Pat-i cocducted lit rotzT ma. Oua Omor ia OseoaiT t . raTtirT owe: anU wa can secure pi teat ia los "ui kiaaibassT rrsrotatrora Wasiungtoa. t Send mpdcl. drawiotT arpbotov, anta Seierip- J fchsrxa. !OurteaBotoOJwsws?.f A BaaraMtrr, -now to j oar a rm . -l eoat ot aua i tbs C. S. 1 arfeitaoe-auiss aaat tta. Afbhaaa. c.A.srjow&coi Asa- Curevwr Pane a. wMaHMtavaa. B. CA. I Si f v w- rr - r- I I ' f -.JA Mill s-maes Si aa aa aa a asr n as i aawaiaaaiaw I