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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1895)
fa Washington Letter. Fran ear regular Comspondsnt. "Washington, Sept. 9th, 1895. "Of course President Cleveland favors the election of the Maryland Stats Dem ocratic Ticket. He is a democrat, and the ticket was regularly nominated by a properly conetitnted democratic state convention. It eeems preposterous that any one should suppose it to be necee eary for President Cleveland to say that he wishes the regular democratic ticket in any state elected, but I find that there are people who either think or pretend to think that he must say so in this case in order to have it believed. You may be sure he will say so, as soon as he finds out his supposed opposition is being used by those who are fighting the tick et as an argument to keep democrats from giving it their cordial support." The gentleman who used this straight forward language enjoys President Cleveland's confidence to a marked ex tent, and never speakB without knowing just what he is talking about. He did not for reasons of his own wish his name to be used, but he assured your corres pondent that the President would soon let it be known that be favored the tick et, and expected bis friends to work and vote to elect it. ... Comptroller Bowler's opinion against paying the sugar bounty will have one good effect. It will get the question of the constitutionality of government bounties settled by the courts, as the decision of the Court of Claims, to which the sugar men are sent, will certainly be carried to the U. S. Supreme Court be fore the matter is ended. Democrats have always maintained that the whole system of government bounties and sub sidies was unconstitutional, and a Su preme Court decision will be welcomed by them. Senator Quay did not wait long before making use of his newly acquired power in a national way, and the first use made of it was to punish an enemy Repre sentative Dalzel, of Fenn , who didn't guess right in the late republican fac tional fight in that state. Although Representative Payne, of New York, was the ranking republican member of the Bouse Ways and Means committee in last Congress it has been generally un derstood in Washington ever Bince the result of the last Congressional election became known that Mr. Payne would not get the chairmanship of the commit tee in the next House, but that it would be given to Representative Dalzel, of Penn., one of the foremost Reed shoot ers in vongress. Senator tjuay, ac cording to his friends, served notice up on Reed as soon as he had won bis fight in Pennsylvania that Daxel'must not be given the chairmanship of the Ways and Means committee. This will place Mr. Reed in a very embarrassing position. Mr. Dalzel is his close personal friend, and many think that he has already been promised that chairmanship, but as Mr. Quay will control Pennsylvania's sixty four votes in the republican nominating convention Mr. Reed will hardly dare to act against his expressed wishes. It is also Eaid that Quay has decided that not single one of the present republican CorgreEsmea from Pennsylvania shall be renominated, if be can prevent it. Un less Le is being lied about by bis friends he is overdoing the boss business to an extent that indicates softening of the brain It eeems hard to realize the possibility of Texas voting any other way than democratic, but Texans who come to Washington exercised by the democratic managers in dealing with the silver ques tion. Judge Potter, of Gainesville, now in Washington,say8 on the subject: "We have made the finest crop on record, a radical and foolish course, turned the atate over to the populate. What vici ous resale would follow a populist reg ime in Texas, i-t the experience of Kan eas ana ixii.jr.-ulo tell, Ibat tbere is danger of popaliet success is apparent in he vastly diminished democratic ma oniy at latt year's election." Mr. John H.Terry, a Si. Louis business man, is one of those democrats who enthu siastically endorses Senator Hill's declara tion in favor of" some good western man", lie aa s : "We have tried candidates from the east so often with such poor results that it is now time to look to another section of the country. I know of no man who would do more to unite all sections and give satisfaction to all elements of the the party than Col. Win. E. Morrison. The East could find no fault with Morrison, for he is conservative, and does not pander to agrarian or populistic fallacies. He is bo demagogue. Looking over the situa tion carefully and dispassionately, be is certainly the strongest man that could be taken to head the national ticket, and if elected, I believe he would make one of the best Presidents we ever had.". Thomas VS. Carter's assertion in i recent interview to the effect that "ulti mate hope for Iree coinage rests with the Republican partv" means that the wily senator believes tbat free coinage bas no ultimate hope. When he cays that "!ien the time is ripe the Republican partv ril recognize the justice of tbe eilver cause and do justice to it," be ad vances the theory that tbe time will al ways be gresn. Senator Carter studious ly avoid any reference to the campaign of '9-J and continues ti p'eai for the loy altv to the Republican party regardless of ilia consequences of silver. He fain would feed tne voters on the invisible ml intangible wiuJ of uosupportsble prophecy. He woiihl repeat the old game of holding the voters in line for the Republican par'y by csjolery and misrepresentation and lead them on to further disappointment and chagrin by encouraging them in the porgoit of the ever vanUhing will o'lhe wisp of Repub lican promise. The people of Montana would be worse than blind, incompetent and stupid if they permitted themselves to again be duped and misled by tbe vague and indefinite assurance! of the Republican clarivoyants. Butte Miner. Mrs. Mary Leasa is after John G In gait in a very live manner. She fays: Mr. Ingalls' whole career before the public has been ooe of deceit and falsehood. Not only is he a political fraud, but he has built up his splendid repu'a'ion as an or ator by using quotations stolen from trench and Spanish wr ters. His thefts irosi ilamilton have already Un ex posed, but other instances of hss literary tiieits Dave pot become general'y known He is the most erratic, inconsistent, con. tradictory.pitifol and contemptible figure in Kansas kiptory. If the siber money ot the w orld ex cept that in China.Indiiand the straits were dumped on the United S'ates we would not have $20 per capita. Daily Elate, jjirmiiiKham, Ala President Cleveland had belter think twice before he makes another bond issue. "Get out of debt and stay out of debt" is good advice an Eastern Oregon paper gives right along. At a recent term of circuit court at Hepner not a case was tried . A "slam" on the judge. The early bird catches the worm." That was true this year of the farmer who sold when wheat was 47 cents. The water in the Missouri river is said to be steadily decreasing ; but it is not at all probable as stated that it will dry up. A Los Angeles boy was killed by being thrown from a bicycle, another evidence of the unhealthfulnesa of bicycle riding. The Defender defended our titlo all right; but it is to be regretted it was not in a tuoie emphatic way in the last two races. The Democrat editor takes great pleas ure in saying that be has never read "The Heavenly Twins," and only three- fourths of Trilby. Some people think that they have a right to make any patent article for their own use, but they have not Damages may be recovered against them. Even if wheat is low farmers have been meeting the emergencies pretty well The times don't justify 10 per cent in terest. There's the rub. How long will Salem let Albany, with her $3000 creamery, poke fun at her be cause she has none? Says the States man. Start right and you can get one Set your mark right. They can't make the presidential cam paign too short. Were the nomination conventions held in September there would be plenty of time to tear a candi date's name into shreds. One man killed another in Chicago a few days ago over an imaginary griev ance. Such grievances cause a great deal of trouble in the world; in big and little cities and in the country every where. Let Defender and Valkyrie race acros the Atlantic or around the world. Then there will be something in it and a test of boats and seamanship. Ibese races amone a lot of pleasure boats are fias- coes. A horticultural man says there is 1100 . . . an acre in prunes, liai aounas gooa , out it depends. Whenever the prune market becomes reliable and all the money doesn't go to the commission men and railroads there will be money in prunes. A young man baa been arrested for kissing hit sweetheart in such a "loud, boisterous, felonious, malicious and un seemly manner" as to fiighten a livery team he was driving, causing a runaway and a damaged buggy. Ex. "Prompt payments make long fi tends" said a man to tbe editor of the Dkxocbax about twenty years ago, and that is tiae Outwardly a man may treat a debtor ell, but if be believes that be is delib erately trying to b eat him, he will be sure to think same nretty strong words about bim, and wbv : Few people know tbat there is a cro quet champion of tbe U. S.Geo. C Strong of New London, Connecticut is tbe cbampion'for 1895. The modern game is different from tbe one tbe editor of tbe Democrat slaved when a boy. In the championship game tbe ground is abso lutely level and very hard, the balls are solid rubber and tbe wickets are only an eighth of an inch larger. Tbe following extracts Are from exam ination papers recently Landed in at a public school in Connecticut: 1. From what animals do we get milk? From the camel and the milkman. 2. The ben is covered with feathers. With what ie the rat covered? The cat is covered with fleas. 3. Name an animal tbat bas four legs and a long tail. A mosquito. 4. Name two kinds;of not. Peanuts and for-get-me-nuts. Harpers. Nine men mnet be out of debt to every one that is in debt before times can by good- Then, and not sntil then, can the men that are in debt profit by bor rowing or working with other people's capital. Pendleton K. O. If the above is tree we bsve sever bad good times, for in a hundred years over one out of ten have been in debt. Many successful business men par interest continually. All tbe same, the Dsxo caAT would like to see nine in ten out of debt, both from a personal business point and on general principles. An exchange gives a good receipt for making moonshine . whiskey : Tbe pro cess is simple bat dangerous. All you need is a still in a lonely hollow, a few bushels of corn, a fe jugs and kegs, a sharp lookout for Internal Rvenua de tectives and an utter reekJeLsness heth- er you get killed or jailed in tbe eurt to beat the Government of a tax of $1 19 a gallon. Moonshine whiskey is so called because of the danger attending its man ufacture by daylight. Its most skillful and successful manufacturer tuajh pre fer to conduct their operations in tbe dark of tbe moon . Here are some very true things fiom Printers Ink: Hand-bi'.ls are all right In their place, but obseivation leads to tbe conclusion tbat their place is gener ally in the gutter. A gold mine ceases to pay tbs Instant you eease to work it. No ooe bas as certained when an ad ceases to psy divi dends. ' Advertising bas long teen considered the business magnet to draw trade But itseems not always to be understood tbat it is like the electro naif net : it draws proportionately as the current is strong and continuous. Tbe most crowded spot on the earth's surface ia tbat portion of tbe city of Val letta, Island of Myta, knwu a the "MafdfiViyfci., i:, un' Hhi.ieof Val letta tte proportion is 75.00Q human beings to tbe square mile, but in tbe Manderagglo tbere is one locality in which tbere are 2,574 persons living pn a plot of ground less than two acres and a balf in extent. This would give iiu less thsn 630 persons t the xquare mile or 1, 017.6 to the acre. In Liyerpool.tlie most crowded e'ty in Britain, the most densely portions have only 116 4 to the acre. . , . - Scientific Money. Truth, half-seen, is like the sun In a London fog. Scientific money is that kind of trutn. The stamp of the govern ment is one requisite of money, and is often assumed to be the only requisite by writers on the science of money, wbo just begin to see thj light darkly. Real money must be redeemable in debts and taxes and nothing else, and whether it is good meney.or not, will depend upon the quantity. It is not only necessary to have enough to maintain stability ol general prices. Money, is a medium of exchange and a measure of time con tracts. No matter of what material it is made, if it does not perform these funct ions fairly ,it is bad money. The volume of money in circulation and the property for sale are reciprocally the supply and demand of each other. Money, there fore, measures by quantity, while other things measure by weight and length. The important consideration in a yard stick is the length; aa equally important consideration in money, as a measure of value, is the quantity in circulation, be cause the value of each dollar, other things being equal, depends upon the number of dollars in circulation. Those wbo advocate that the stamp of the government will make good money are utterly caufounded by the numerous examples of paper issues, without any limitation of quantity, which have pro duced disaster. The printing press, creating money, without following the general range of prices for limitation of quantitr is like a steam-engine turned loose with a full head of steam, wuh no engineer on board. To condemn sciectific money, on ac count of the freaks of printing-presses, wouU be like . abandoning steam-rail roads, because a locomotive is unsafe without an engineer. Every thought ful man must admit that the material of which money is made is a mere matter of convenience, and bas nothing to do with its Quantity aa money, for that de pends upon its quality or volume Wbr. then, do we advocate the remo- netizatioa of silrer? Because, the quan tity of gold is insufficient, and the re duction, of the quantity which consist ed of both metals, to oas metal, was in stigated by the deadly virus of anarchy, born of avarice. If it should so happen with the present and probable output of the mines, that there should be enough of gold and silver from which to manu facture money to create a volume of standard money which would maintain stability of prices, gold and silver coin would be, aa long aa general price could be ro sustained, scientific money. The world is educated to suppose the previ ous metals are the material out of which standard money can be &a4e,and before they can be uneducated and taoght that material is of no consequence, this civil ization will be destroyed, by contraction aad selling prices which have sounded the death knell of al 1 preceding civiliza tions. In other woras.ine restoration of silver to the place occupied previous to the crime of 1873, is the only possible s'ep that can te taken with a view of di verting the slavery of mankind from the conspirator who now controls tbe fi nances of the United States and Europe. i?i':ver Knight. Tbe Dexocbai's correspondent at QaUey "spreads himself" in a manner to entitle bis thoughts a place in tbe edito rial column of the Democrat. He says: Did any of the readers of the Dmocbat ever lay awake at night and listen to tbe gentle pattering of the rain drops on tbe roof? Did they ever bear any sweeter sound ? If you are drowsy here is the most delicious sleep music; it you are full ot energy and action, here ia music tbat will lead you a merry dance. How it finds us. in whatever mood! It changes a gloomy night into one of cheer fulness ; it lingers in our ear ULs a song heard in come happy long ago. As we listen we forget tbe present and are once more back in childhood's happy days. We can bear onr mother's voice as she sings a sweet lullaby j our cbildtsb arms are stealing around ber neck ; we feel ner kiss upon our brow; ber eyes are gazing into onrs, beaming with a love that none but a mothers can give ; we hear the pattering of little footsteps; we bear tbe voices of sisters and brotbei we hear a dear one softly calling us, but no . it is only tbe ecbo oi voices in a dream. All these cqe can faintly and brokenly bear in the softly dropping ot the rain drops on the roof. Some one, just who, is not known bas written the following modern version of Maud Mailer; Maud Muller on a sum mer night went out on ber bike in the bright moonlight. She pedaled around from 8 to 10 on a trip that would fag tbe strongest men; but ber heart was light and ber spirits gay, for it wasn't work, 'twas nothing but play. Next morning, however, she'd a pain in her bead; she was all played out and stayed in bed, while ber mother bnstled in the kitchen btlow not to ride a wheel, but to make things go. Though the morning was hot and she worked by tbe fire, she didn't collapse, with a punctured tire. Alas for the girl and the womtn, see? Things are not as they used to be. Ir ISiJ a tout lacer named Seward, of London, ran 200 yars in 19 seconds. This may aot seem an int'$stipg item ot news in 1SI-5, lot ancient as it is this historical item cost James Crawford just five dollars. After the foot race of Thurs day everybody was talking races, and Mr. Crawford declared that no one bad ever rnn 200 yards in less than 20 sec onds and Sergeant Lewis bet him five dollars that better time bad been made and the 1847 time woo tbejjioney for the sergeant. Vancouver Independent Alexander Hamilton in 1791 said: To annul the use of either of the metals as monev is to abri47 'he quantity of cir culating medium, and Is liable to all the Objections which srire from a compari son of the benefits of a full, with the evils of a scanty circulation . Don't try and build yourself up by te ring down some one else. When you see a man in any business doing that look cot for a tumble. The iran be hind the gun will be kicked backward on', of si ut, and ought to be. Perhaps all this gold is leaving the country for foreign butbsuds. A good many have been bought. . Emperor William has one thousand snits of clothe, while the Dhhm:kat man has one aud a half or thereabouts. ibat's too unequal. The government own postage stsuirs. manufactures its It usfJ to let it out to tbe lowest bidder. A milking machine invented bv Scotchman milks tweptyvfive own lnl twei ty minutes. . Albany will be tbe trading center for the Santlam mines. Oakville. I Rev. T. E. Maughlin, of Colfax.Wash , reached here last Sabbath. Mr, aughlinwaa a school mate of A. Y. and James N. Smith. He took dinner with them at the residence of their fath er. This is the first meeting in 22 years. Mr. M. is a good minister and tries to make his influence felt outside of the pulpit as well as in it. Mr. Maughlin is one of four ministers of different uenoni inominations that attended common school together. From the same school three M. l's and one lawyer took their first lessons. There is a great rush now in the prune orchards. The wind and rain has caus ed a great many to fall off. Mr. Stone will start his drier today. 'Tins industry will give employment to a (treat manv otherwise idle hands. Mr. Hood, the famous base ball Ditch er had a serious time keeping his hat on tbe top ot his bead last baturday even ing as ne was returning from Albany with some young ladies. Hood is ail right but he dont Know us ! 1 Since Mr. Barton has gone to Alhan v the organ has become sadly out of tune. (This is reported to us.) Mr. Berry Cummings of Lake Creek called on us yesterday. He reports a large crop of prunes in his vicinity. The wood saw is running now and the farmers are sawing a big lot of wood ex pecting a cool winter. We hope riot. The fall term of school will commence next Monday. Prof. J. S. binitu is teacher. Smith has some larra corn, rerhans the largest in the county, Mr. Barton will take a sample of it to the state fair. tie has collected a line assortment ol fruits ot various kinds. We think Oak ville should take some of the premiums. uy notr amicus. Sunday In Sew York. EJUor Democrat; Although tbe press generally informs us that chief ot tbe New York police con siders the Sunday closing law a bad one ; tbe real motive for the threat enforce ment of it is to prove its badness, with the idea of getting Its repeal at the next legislature ; and further that it was only enforced for tbe sake of tbe collecting ot fees by "Tammany, yet it will, I hope, have good result in the future. It is making history for itself, aa is seen by many such head lines as In the New York Sun of Augusts. "Bjlle vone's Prison Ward Empty" under which was the following: "From Thurs day night until yesterday morning-tLe prison ward at Bellevoe Hospital had no occupants. According to tbe record kept at the hospital it was the first time in more than tea years that the prison ward bad teen vacant. Yesterday morning two men who had been injured while fighting were received there.' This must surely be caused by tbe Sun day closing of the saloons. A contractor for labor that I used to know often found that the Sunday carouse would often but far into the week, and many of t :e men were not fit to come to work again till Wednesday. L. If Mr. Bryan talks on taxation at the state fair tbere will not need to be much politics in tbat. I mMtau Saratoga. Sept. 17. The state repub lican convection elated its session tonight after closely following the work tnainvd out by its leader. It named this ticket for presentatioa to tne people of this tUle in ftoyemoer next: For secretary of state, John Palmer, of Albany: controller, Jic;m K. Robert, of Erie; state treasurer, A. B. Colvin. of warren; state engineer, C. W. Adam, r.f Oneida; jadge of tbe court of appeal. Col onel Ura K. Martin, ot uroome. Ice platform demand enforcement of the Sunday honor law, and the preserva tion of the Sabbath." The M cat her, Wednesday bad Thorsdav clear weather . nearly siatiooary tempciWrs, Hirer 1. 2 above low wsteC F M Fret-ch, L isarnun. COME ONE, COME ALL. Juhu GraJtrohl Will Give You the Best Bargains in the City. I wish to inform the public that I wil reduce my large slock of crockery, glaes ware, China ware and silver ware, and will sell out mv entire stock of holiday goods at cost. What I say I mean. Come in and price my goods and I will prove to you that I am not deceiving you, be t mean business. J, GaAPwout. Pnor. C. W. SKBaiKo.violin and piano teacher ha locaed in Albany permanently and those wishing infraction ontiolin. piano er organ. soon Id avail tbemnelve of tbe opportunity at once. Prof Sebrinx i an instructor of experience, and a perform er of superior ability Tbe profeor can be found at tbe Conrssational parsonage. corner 4th and Ferry t. after Wednesday Sept. 11 1S95. For Pills and Plasters Dawson See Tinkles 11.50 Photos. For the bast Urt)g4 Qawwa's. BORK, STEELE. On Wednesday morning, Sept. 18,1895,to Mr. and Mrs. S.N. Stee ;ie a boy. All doing well . DIED. KLLOtr.?r-Ia Albany on Saturday, Sept 14, of typhoid feyer. Mrs. Albert Kellogg. Mr. Kellogg is also ill with tbe aam disease. A small child has been kindly taken care of by friends. Mrs. Kellogg was a woman of estimable character, highly respected. The family have the sympathy of all in their loes. THE BUSINESS A'ANS LUNCH. Hard Work and Indigestion go Hand In Hand. Concentrated thought, continued In. robs tbe stomach of neceutary blood, and this is also true of hard physical labor. ' V.'hen a five home-power engine i made to di' tcjf jhorne-power work something i going to breaki' Very often the hard worked man cemipg from the field or the office will "bolt" hi fd w a few min utes which will take hour to digest. Jhcn too, many foods are about as uwful in the tomach as a keg of nails would be in a fire under a boiler. The ill-used stomach refuse to do it" work without the proper stimulus which it geta from the blood and nerve. The nerve Pf? Z nd "ready to break," because tney 36 not get the nourishment they require from the blood, finally the ill-ned brain i morbidly wida ayake when the overworked man at tempts Lo find rest in bed. The application of common sense In the treatment of tbe stomach and the whole system bring to the busy man the full en- Ioyment of life and healthy digestion when ie take Dr. Pierce' Pleasant Pellet to relieve a bilious stomach or after a too hearty meal, 4 Dr. Pierce' Golden Medical Discovery to purify, enrich and vitalize the blood. The " Pellets " are tiny sugar-coated pills made of highly concern trated vegetable ingredients which relieve the tomsch of all offending matters easily and thoroughly. They need only be taken for a short time to cure the biliousness, constipation and lothfulnes. or torpor, of the liver; then the "Medical Discovery" should be taken in teaspoon ful dose to in crease tbe blood and enrich it. It bas a peculiar effect upon the lining membrane of the stomach and bowel, toning up and strengthening them for all time. The whole system feel the effect of the pure blood coursing through the body and the nerve are vitalised and strengthened, not deadened, or put to sleep, as the so-called celery compounds and nerve mixture do but r'efreafied and d on the food they need for health. If yen 'suiter- from indf. gent Ion, dyspepsia, nervousness, aud any 'of the ills which coine from impure irtood and disordered stomach, you can cure ymirtttf with Dr. Pierce's CToWen Medical Discovery which can be obpilaed at soy drug store in the aountry. TELEGRAPHIC. The Darrant Trial. Sax Fhancisco, Sept. 17. Theodore Durrant bo been taken by hi prosecutor Hght up to the scene of the murder of lllancbe Lamont in Emanuel Baptist shurch.' Today's triul passed him beyond the church gate. He was with a young latiy April U. The day before Mrs. Clo sett hod left him at the corner of either Twenty-first or Twenty-second street and Valencia, going toward isortlett street, with a young lady. Today, Martin Quin Ian took him past tbe corner of Twenty second and Iturtlett streets, still with the young lady; and then Mrs. Caroline S. Leako told of seeing bim pas along the front of Emanuel church, and enter the gate at the side of the church toward t wenty-third street. He opened that gate and let the young lady he was with paw in ahead of him. i . A Silver Caeveatlea. Chicago, Sept 17. Leaders of the va- j riou free-silver movements were in session at the Auditorium today, endeavoring to agree upon some plan of unity of purpose and action, lhey represented a dozen dif ferent organizations of bimetallic forces, 1 and three ot national character. Judge Miller, presided. (JeaeralA, J. Warner represented the Bimetallic League, ana Colonel Merrill, of Montana, the Bimetal lic Union. W. 11. Harvey advocated tbe consolidation. Judge Miller was the prin cipal advocate ot separate organizations. Tkehlcrm. San FBAjirisco, Sept. 17. Tbe Ha wiian mail was landed from the steamer Itio de Janeiro today, bringing the follow ing advices from Honolulu, dated Septem ber 8: fifteen new cases of cholera have been reported since tbe departure of the Austral ia, making a total of 59 cases to date. Eight death have token place in tbe me ti me. Forty- si x deaths have occurred si nee the scourgw broke out. 1 wo white people were attacked yesterday, and have since died. Bis Threat Cut Pexdlktox, Or., Sept. 17. Ed Klyne, an Irishman wbo came from Colfax, ha been m town during tne week past drink ing excessively. Tan afternoon he come to the saeriff 's ofiica with hi throat gash ed teanuii? by two cut. Hi windpipe was punctured, tie said two tramp fol lowed bim out of town and tried to rob bim a mile east of Pendleton; that he struggled with one, wLo drew a knife and attempted to kill Hun. War Talk Xew Youk. Sept 1". Senor fVrmtr de Lome, the panib minUter at Washing ton, wbo is in this rity, say the revolt in Cuba will be crushed in let than six months. He njs he has received from General Martinez de Campos a personal letter la which the fall campaign ogaint the revclationiet is fully outlined. Gen eral Campo wgl conduct tbe campaign in person. No active operations will be on- dertakee, the minister said, until tbe ex cessive beat is over. ' Draakra laStaa. IDEl E.xDK5f E. Or.. Sept. 16. Yester day ww not the usual uivt Sunday in In dependence. Tbe town wo crowded with Teople, and tbe stores ail did a good busi ness; the saloons ain bad plenty of cutom- er. Sunday night II drunk were run in: A fibt took place over the river opposite here Sunday niiibt anion? tbe Indian bop- . . Posers, i wo vi wem were oauiy using a ibird. Frank Isaacs, a Grand Bonde In dian, stepped in to separate them, whew Billy 13, a SSilMt Indian, turned and stabbed him with a knife, one wooed be ing very near tie heart, iiiiiy lm bai been arrested and taken to Saktn. le aVs4 laswe. Xsw YeR, Sepi. 16. Assistant Treas urer lourad X. lordan -.t in relation ta the piloted story about the probable issue ot government bonus: 1 fegve been a party to no ductusioa on tbe subject with Mr. Curtis D-T anyone ele. except in an infurmi! goipy way. and have not at tended a f urmal conffreoce. A great many of t or feading financiers, including J. l'i-r- poct i.ori-an. ao not a new gov ernment Us adi,Ue at thu time." Taw I r. Atiustic Citt, X. !.. Sett- 16 Tie sovereieu grand lodge, Independent Order 01 Old reiiows, assemble 1 this morning in thi city. iJr. W. H. Ixard, of Camden, acted a toaster of cereuton'e. tlepotts were read from tbe grand secretary and grand treoMirer. fbe report show 730, 75 member and 'ii",l-5i liebekabt. Be lief paiditJ,S3,Sll. lj killed. Lrscnia-RG, Va , Sept. 16. SU perwt were killed ax a remdt of a railroad cross ing accident at Lawler's tatioo, 1 1 mik Ulow fare thi afternoon A vehicle containing six pewons, supposed to be Joseph CaJlahan, of Kustbartf, Campbell county, Va.. and two women, a girl of about 16 and two (mail children, was cross ing tbe tracks of the rulroad. when it was stautk by tbe engine ct a southbound pas senger train. A S'ssd Exasspt. nnTK, X. Y.. JSept. 16. Tbe u bcialel bank of Rochester today hirrJ to the assistant troutum at New York $-30Mv in gid. snd will accept in return lgni tender. This artjoo op tbe part of tbe banks wo takn in the hope thai bant in o;h'-r part of the country may do like wise, and from their stock of idle gold tare over to tbe national trewury an amount that will oUtei the present shipment abroad. a BasMrrw Wreck. Bsnux, Sept. 10. -Tbflre wo a vague report current here that a North ta.-rman Lloyd steamship had sunk and 160 roo drowned. The rumor doe not !.ite the name of the vesel or tbe locality of the ac cident, but inquiries are being mod. At last rbalera Sas Fkascisco, SepL 15. Tbe Iota! health officers are seriously considering the establishment of quarantine ttations at the north and satnh hue? of the jta.e along tbe railroad, Tbe plan will b considered et the joint metinff of the IoJ bord o health, the sunreon of the United States marine . rviee and tbe state board of health, to be held next Tuesday. Those whose duty it is to look after the sanitary condi tion of rl.e city and prevent the introduc tion and spread of epidemic are thoroughly aroused to tbe dangejr which it Uif;!eied to ths ciy and state bv the tloe proxira ty of Asiatic cliottfs,. A Salable Eveatt LiiAiTANOooA. Sept 15. Under tbe guiding bond of the Kcrelary ot wai. act ing under the authority of congress, Cli. t Unooga and tbe notable battle fields sur rounding it have been preparing for a na tional event witnout parallel Great throngs of veterans who fought against each other are crowding into the city to take equal pari, undnr national enact ment, in the dedication of the tields which their piogreM nia'a memorable, as a na tional military ptrk, wherein the move ments and achievements of each side have received impartial &1 tout ion. Very Dry. Nbw Yov.k, Sepf. 15 For the first time hi the history of New York a drink could not bu hod at the bars of the princi pal cluos today. The action of President itoosevelt und the police commissioners in to stop, so for as they were able, the sole of intoxicating, drinks in the clubs in violation of the law, met with general success, almost all of them, through tbe board of governor, instructing the em ployes not to 0c.i the bars today . tat aad Dried Paratooa, N. Y Sept. 15 The tkktt that will be put in the held by tbe stute republican convention win Judgo court cf appeal, K. Martin, of Binfrlminton; secretary of state, J. 1'aliiitr, of A ibauj j controller, James A Roberts, of Buffalo; ttute treo-mrcr, A. l Colvin, of tjilens Fallsi attorney-fioncral, Theodore C. Hancock, of HyrncuMj; state engineer, C. 4. Adams, of Utica. Sasw la reaanrivaala. I'niT.ADEi.t'iiiA, Sept. 15 Tho weather has btxin riuinrliubly cool for this teoon of the year, Tho tlitrinomfU'r ut 4 o'clock this morning rcpintcred 45. In one purt of West l'biiaitctphM n slight fall of snow was reported. HoiUtown and other plucei show hettvy frosts. The lliBale t hlaamrs. BiiANoiut Spt. 15.Chiuese 'officials at Ku Cheng are proving olwlinate over the resulU of tho inquiry into the outrages upon rrtissioniuiea 'and are unwilling to ... 9 . . . sentence the guilty.' Tbey' offer one life for each European that wai killed, and no more. MOST PEOPLE Have a specialty. We have several. Just now we are showing tbe Best lino of Infanta and Children's Cloaks ever brought to Albany and at prices less than the same goods could be bought for in the piece. We also have a beautiful line of Ladles Capes and Jackets. Call and see them before the assortment is broken. Don't forget that we are showing ail tho novelties in Dress Goods at bed rock prices. Yours for business. EXPOSITION PORTLAND, OREGON The Latest and Most Complete Display ever commerce, uuamess, Agriculture. ore is, Mines, ruit, fisheries, Aianuiac tures, and Tranejiortation Facilities of tbe Great Pacific Northwest. Fine Music, Special Attractions Every Day. Reduced Rates on all Transportation Lines. ADMISSION Single Admission 25c Children Under 12 Years. ... llc Season Tickets $3.00 E. C, M ASTEN, Secretary FORTMILLER & 1RTING WE KEEP constantly on hand a full line of metallc, clotn and wood casket and coffins. Also burial lobe and suits. In broadcloth, vatin.cashmrr. ee t.lch will be sold at The Lwweet Livlag Profit. EMBALMING snd the proper cote of the dead a specially. - U TESrLB NO EXTRACHARCE FOR EIGHTY MILLION DOLLARS, is the remarkable record, that the OLD 1NSUBAHCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, present to tbe people of Linn county, as having been paid out in tosses since its a. nr filiation. Isn't this the company tbat you want J. V SENT!" OFFICE ovrr Read NEW : : : FURNITURE. M i- sa ee is kow rcu. of FiasT-cLAss; furxitlbe, eoNsisi.f, ol bad roosrMU. ebaiis, oaaWt, c. ahtca I m;'. seil si BOTTOM PRICES. Thos. Brink ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. JOSEPH. Proprietor - atr4 wkcaka trallh kj tSs) SHAUEITS Compound Cod liver 01 " r-apsules "xn-rpasarS '-if lor Co. . ..ft ma. ta- Rroscfetta C-Kbs. livtnlily. ;crtrcCjr tastesrso. -r4f by tmBdias mp t rrr.r wla waste t ircrt etsease g 1 1 as, ... I I -r Oil eotnta4 . i If --.- I aad sy tp - . i .,., co Hi posters' . i t. . cLI tv MaJX. on r.r.,t 5e, pr boa. . -r- I , il .-. -1, l "in. Chi "OVE THE CAUSE ... . Hi- i-i.'iim wio'iaappear . v-i-i n ... timtmpllah by usinf CATARRH A..d THROAT S.tClFIC . .-i''.lc fcir.nlt f..r diseases of Ska . -,tt. Sox. and Month. A ecrtaia. " !mp:T aou rnu( rasa lor frr Qaiaw Un Tanai. NJ - , isciW W fM lay ' v..-l ..dlt k ts rrllre. positlv eanw a la price. Doat wait ' .. Ih,ll 'l (ft It BOW. i M H.. prepaid os vvcaffpt ,! ' SM -t Ki:. Chijistt, ''i'lli St a.. Chicago. Da. is a mattnr for Immediate attention, the fooaer treated, the easier cured, the mo ment yu are ill, call aooc'ot, wnen ne nas nre cnbed for vou have vour prescription 6llei at tbe Guruming frut Store. We avoid mistakes in compounding medicine because we exercise the moit scrupulous care. Tbe superiority of our medicine lies in the absolute purity and uniform freshness of oar drugs. This is the buia of our claim to public conldence. It's also well to re member that our stock ot perfumes and toilet waters is the largest and choicest it) the city. - , J A DM HI KG. The modern stand ard Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. vatse" Read, Peacock & Co. OPENS 10(1. 5th made of the Resources, Industries, For Exhibit Space apply at the Exposition Building to 9 an. HUNT, Superintendent. ,-E'SStAV Aum OIEGQH HEARSE OR SERVICE to place your business with, think it over. District Spedal Agent, Albany. Or. Peacock k Co a tJre Star Bakerj er r rea !!)! and I In I la. CO. RAD KEYER, PROPRIETOR. .est rrwlia VISMSNBSirsN trie! rrfalla, 1k)Mw - ffe He ( Bsstd Reef a Qaec-Bftssar-. Vegetable. -sTr . pie, Teas. El everytbiofr fcat is kept in a aood varieiv and frro eery store. High est price paid for ALL KINToOF PRODUCE ALBANY INS AGENCY Tbe only hrst das agency n Albany bat can give jou Ha) cent wor'b of insur anoefor M.W. lleaide giving you the best indemnity we have paid out in this community dar ing the last nine month for ot" bought over 113.000. thereby benefitting tbe farm ;rs and every business man. ia considera tion of which we should receive tbe pre ference ever agents wbo send out nearly all you pay them for insurance and bring in nothing We reprint the only first class com pany making a specialty of farm insurance, on tb note plan, "The Continental," ot New York, w 'also represent the Sun, Phoenix, Manchester and London, of Eng land, tbe Sun being tbe oldest fire insur ance company in the world U. SENDERS, Mgt Conseryatory ol Mnac ALBANY COLLECE, Z. Tkt. Parvin riiB;rol n;. t erly of tllamette University, will have charge of this department of -Albany College; Coursee to graduation in the important branches of a musical educa tion." " - i i . ea-eet and lest methods adopted. Best niujic rooms for Consvrvatorv in the state. . Tuition low for grade wprk. School begins Sept. 11th. 8end for circular and' catalogue. Ad dress, Prof, W. II. Leo, A,M , President, AHaiiv, or till Sept. 9th, 2. M. Pabvix, Musical Director, Salom. FOSHAY k MASON. -Wholes! Itetall DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSEl! EUS ALU NT, OBItOOJf. Pure Drugs and the Finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Boots in tbe Market, ALBANY- EMM 11) Baltimore Blotk, - - Albany, Ore. FURNITURE complete line of in all its branches. EMBALMINQ a specialty. Residence eoi ner 2rd andCaiapooia - VIERECKS SHAVI NGANDHAI RCUTTI NG PARLORS. HEADQUARTERS FOR -V. Writes tca a neaa ot tiair or no par- Cures all diseases of the scalp. Address Box 421 for Free Treatise on the .Scalp. Kazors lioneo and et and Pot in Or- er on Short Notice. - Prof. A. STAKE. Of Win ft Stark. Optical 8pecialis. Graduate of the Chicago Ortholm College. 1 am prepared to examine voenunca and accurately, by tbe latest and improved methods of modern science, any wbo de sire to bare their eye tested. Cutkk Block. Albaxt, Okeso. OREGON, LEBANON SANTIAH ACADEMY. A preparatory school for all colleges on tne coast. formal department graduate receive state and life diploma. Jiustc, art bookkeeping. For catalogue ahire, S. A- Basolc A. M PrincipaL A WINDMILL FOR $35.00 WT Crawiord will sell yoa aa V V , 8 foot Aer motor for l&JK 13 toot geared Aermotor 5J00 All steei and galvanised after completed AT R.F.I. ROBERTSON'S FEED STORE is a full assortment of fxd for tiaa and beot; aUo oil mal. gr&.t a. Iime,hir. semest aad fertilira-s. sis) Wilbor's SeeW UesJ. a sure remedy for the ailment of bones and cow. AH CHEAP FOE C AS U. ALBANY TRADING CO. GROCERIES and FEED OF ALL KINDS. Cheat seed for sale or trade. Free de livery. Telephone No. 51. R, X. Mon-ia, Msr. Cor. Tad and Main Sta. rf X r? Let C Reasrn To- V-W i l H, gether! Is it not bet ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Roll. Cake, etc, at a reliable store where tbey use only the Best material why of course i is vou don l want dyspepsia and yon, never get it by eating anvCing trorn ou store. U.S.BAKEKY. Ber Ellsworth and Lyoa Snd M. C. D. Vavi.vcb. tViprieto HEW CROP OATS WAKTE0- I am prepared to contract for new oats ana nave socks on Lanu. wbicn 1 will furnish to fanners at 5 cents. Coll on me before making other arrangements. M. Skxdcxs, Tbe Ir.s. Agent of Albany OrEceopwite OJJ Fellows building. NOTICE TO C3KTKACT0SS- CaANGER. Sept 10, iS93. Did will be received for building a school house in district No. 6 Benton coun. it, Oeon. Plan can be seen at Saw Pine Poor Lomber Co' office on Moo da. Septal 6. Bid to be sent iu to Henrv Hector, clerk of oid district on or before Sept 21st. 195. Tbe contract wil be let to tbe lowest responsible bidder aad the right 1 reserved to reject any or all bids. Hkxkt Uectok, Clerk. JOSEPH .T SMIT H Office at Scbmeer esUble, Alba a v. Or ATTENTION T UNK SHOP. -Cor. Second and Fe I Sto., Albany, will bi.v n. iron. hot. ties and all Kind of ruets.'. hide, bone and tallow, tor cash. J. BkOcsstsux & tsox. CiTf IREASURL8S NufiCE. Notice is hereby give Chat there are funds on hard to pay all outstanding war rants of the issue of ISqS. Interest ob all endorsed warrant not previously called ta, will cloe with the da'e of thi notiie. Albsov, Or, Aug SO, 1S95. E. A. PRKKR,city tieasurer. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the nndor ighed adminlst'raUjr of the estate of Ileery Bear deceased ha fili his final account with ihe clerk of iha County Coait for Linn cuuntv. Or, and the Coiia'y Court has 6xed iturday the 7th d-y of Sspietnber fjr hearing objection to said accoqqt if any, "d the set'-le-meat of the estate, Waltrk MoIlrek, A'bninis'raUw lMii Viereuk has secured the sole right of Linn. Marion and Benton Co. for tbe sale of Dr. White's Hair Grower. Parties desiring trjatment will do welt to consult hint at his place of business or address bos 421, Albany, Linn Co., Or. JEO E FISH " TUB PLUMBER Tin roofung and plumbing. ti opera house, Opposite 8t7ROBO SUMMONS. In the Cneuit Court of the State of Oregon fox the County of Linn The Anglo American LanJ Hong? and Agency Com- Plaintiff, pany, Limited, a corpora tion. vs J Anna Hollida his wife; and tbe Lombard In vestment Co. a corpora 'ion; and J P Reclor.W W Adam nd Ah Foo,achinman.aod tbe Alliance Truu Co. a Mis- Defendant ourl corporation, and A B Matthews and Edward tVasbbura, partners doing business under the 6rm name ei Matibes and ash bare. To tbe Lombard Investment Compear. corporation, p Rector. W Vf Adanu.Ab roo. a chinaman, four of tbe above named defendant: IN THE NAME OP TOE STATE OP OREGON : You and each of yoa r hereby required to aopear and answer tbe erose complaint of the defendant, tbe Alliance Trust company, a corpora ion. ie tb ahovoonfiHed court in the atv entitled suit u on file with (be e'erk of said eourt on or before tbe 28th day of October, t'i; ! J yo end each of vou are herebv notifte.i that if yoa fail to appear and o er id complsint as hereby required .the ero r in plain ant, tbe A'Hance Trust tow- pony. wil apply to the cou't for (be relief demanded in said cross complaint, towit: For a (ecee ot thi court, tna ad Alli ance Trust company, a corporation, may nave and acqo'rs itidemrt aaainat its co-defendtni J L lloliida aad Anna Hotii da, tor the cam of two thousand and sixty dollar (S20GO) with tatmt '.beteot. the rnte of 8 p-r c nt i-er n,nm from tne first "ay of OHotet, t&0, and for tbe farther samoftvo tun-iiet dollar, (I'AX) a a reasonable attorney's fre and tor cost and disbursement of tbe sold Alliance Trust Com pan v, a corpora tion, herein to be taxed an-1 tLa the eourt decree a foreclose re of tbe mortae Jcnaed ta said ere complaint, and inat the real propery tbereindeer1td. to-wit; Toe bouui cast qaarter yt Section Tea (lo), and suatb snt qur er ! Seciro Elevew (ll),aod North east qwrer of Sec tion FUvera (15), all ia Towathip Fourteen (tV, Soath Rang-; Foar (41 at o! tbe WdUawtte Meridian ; si.d be rtnuing at tbe Norfi wcs oner of th south east qiarur of said Sechw El-rn !I)?utd ruoning tbeace East Six -cty-ioo (6.63) Chains; ibenceoatb five (5) ctaiae; 'Jienoe w est isx aad UJ-100 1 6 6:j catas: '-bene North Five (5) chains to p-sct ttt be BEing; also beginning ni3e.ea and 35-100 I'Jio crioia Ea oi boatneJ ovstf of ai4 i c-ion Tea (.10); and ranning trce a.t Tent 65-lco (20.65) etuis l- Southes wraer of Sooth west quarter of said section tea 10); tbeoce North Forts (4o)cCa b; these Vet feot 1 and 6j-toci(ij.o5)ciauns7bwca vo.b Fnrtf (40) cnim 10 place ct btcia Vnaeacrtiag oisy Sw-'ieav qjartrr af Soesstst qaarter oi saii Section Eleven (1 1). caotainiaj in all Five StaadrcJ and twenty six and 60-100 acxe,aoreor !- secordiag togovemmeot sorvc;; be anidia the manner prescribed bv law apon ex ecution by tbe SberiS of said Coonty to satisfy tlic store tie X fc.cuiiii by said ssswlg'se and a reasonable at'ar sey 1 fee. aad casta, sad tbat the pracreds sraung trosa soch sate be aprlieG: Firt i he payawsl ot the coM aad dssaarseasscu f this suit and U tbe arturve fee pnied lor ia said cross complaiat ot to huadre4 d!artt3GO); Second: To theoavnsent cf an v ind? I sent that ma be noered bcrin in fa vor of the said defendant the A't,ace Tract Company, a corporaiioa. and tbat tbe plauitiS aed all of the said deiendaats, esceptiag the Aliiance Tract Conpany, and alt persons rUinisg aadcr them, or eier of be :-;'-- 1 -? I and fore;iosed of ill rig n. ttie. and equity of redemption in, or to, said real property, cr lt part thereof. Ad that if ibe pro eecds arUjna; from soch sa e e not sarS dent t ray said d-te2ar.f. ike Al liance Tat Coniftasv, i ciat.-n. et. c: 5 boreea:s and attorney's fe". said dt fordssi 119 AluBce Trus: Compicy, have judgment agis; !he lis endants J. L. Ho?!kia on4 Anna Iio ids lor soch deficiency and for cxrca tioatberrfjr against tbe propetrof 'be aereodaaU J L Hoiilis aod A"na Bol'ija aad for such other relief at to l"-e court may seem jast and equitable. Ttii um moa is pablubed by ord-T of Hon. H H Hewitt, jade of tbe Circuit Coart of the ate ot Oeg-M f- Una county, made at -fcamber July n, 13Z. O.G ELLIS. Att jrney for tbe defendant, the Alliance rra4 Company, a corporation SnMH3X3 In (ie CtrrmitCowtt far Lin Cc-mlf,Stmtt or Ida If. Kye Pie iS v John W. Xye Defeihlnt T J John W. Xye, tbe boe named de fendant. IX THE NAME OF THE STATE OF O&EGOX, Yon are beteov required ta ap pniranj answer rb compia et cf tie tbQ re Plaintiff, ia the aVve entitled court, o on ie with tbe elerk of said court, by ibe first day of the regular term of the above entitled onrt to be be d at - city of Albacy, Line coonty. Or . on tbe ifcb day cf Oi tobir. lito. and ou are a iliSed that if yoa fail io appear and anrer said com plaint a hereby twpiiettae P'aia'iff will spp"y fo tbe coun fW the relief askrd for ia ' .omp'ainL toit f-r a decree of tfa! boncrabie court diss.4Tiag the bonis f n-afrimony now existing betweea plain tiff and defendant aad for the care. euto !y sad control of their minor child. John P. Xve. and for cost anl dU'mrsementa le te taxed. Thi summons I published bv t Her of the Hun. H II Het-t Jadge of the ibme tn tilled court, made at chambers oo tie Wh day of Angust. lSi- Weathkkford A ttt. Attorney tor Plaint ft. ADMINISTRATORS K0T1C:. Xotice is hereby gives that the under tned administrator of the estate of John F?i" deceased has filed bis fiaai actxunt with the clerk oi the cocCry court for Etna county , Qregoa. aat the coprt bi Sxed tbe 7th day of October. lt?s. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. for the bearing at objections to said scconst it aay and i tbe settlement of the ejtate. Tkis tbe ltth day of August. 1890. VT.C. Morgas. Ad r. estl eifcrd & Wvatt. Ais for A dm KOIlCECFflXAi, SETTtEfc-EST Xotice Is hereby gi'en to ail bo it may conoem that the undersigned rxecu trix bas filed ber final account in the coun ty court of Liua county. IIsoj., i0 the matter of the estate of H E Stover, ile ceesd, and ifiat said court bas e; the ? h day of October, lb5, at tb hour of one e'ckK-k p. m.of sid dy a tbe inie K hearing all objections 10 ta'd final account and for the settlement of tbe same, theie re all persons hsvinj any ohectOB o said account are hereby notiSed 10 file the trre on or before said time spec'Sod Dsted this 30th day of August. 18S0. Mrs A ti Jobnsox. Exe u'rix. WILL PAY WARRANTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES 1 H T have the fund on hand and will nav all county warrant stamped t paid for the waaioiiuBUs previous to Aug. 1, IS95. Interest on the same closing at th date. &uB. 01. 1?95. r. u. MoBiua. " County Treasurer 8I3S WANJEp! Having adoptet plans and sreciticaiioaa for tower and windmill at Orphan Home we now ask for bids on tbe satre. bids will be received up to 3 o'clock Saturdav, Sept. 21st. 1S96. See plans at Hopkins broa. ilfis. T, Hoi'iiixs A. Martin, A. VVfatberfotd, M. Biain. Building Coiniulllce. NEW HARNESS SHOP HAVING opened a new harness shop in tbe corner of gchmeera livrv stable I am prepared to make first-clasp harnesses to order, and, do all kinds at repairing, all at reasonable rates.