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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1895)
"l a r r xrvrvrr .. . . ' ' " ' : ' - , ". ' 111 : i : - . . 1 Jlj AAA1. Kaisre at the e Alftaay. Or. Beeaad-dass Mall Naitn i ALBANY OREGON, FKU)A, SEPTEMBER 20, 1895 r. r. 11TI96, rablUhrr rravrleterf SOS 5 t for Infants "Castoria la so wc adapted tociUHren that I recommend it as superior to any prescription swmtoiM." II A. Aicmm, M. D., 1116a Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "Th rae of 'Castoria' fa so universal and 11 merits ao well kmn that It seems a work f superorogaaou to endorao it. Pew are tha Intelligent buaOies who do not keep Castor rit n easy renco." Cxos ILutrrx, D. D Now York City. Best Work PRINTING Office Slationery A Specially Give us -year AUJAfiY - GBTr0ti The Buffet Car Route. MnBTHt41 the r fiAiShortest and Quickest Line BETWEEN PACIFIC COAST POINTS, ST. PAUL AKD THE EAST, Crosses both the Ca9cad and the Rocky Mountains in DAYLIGHT. affording- pae& Iters an opportunity of viewing the GRANDEST SOENER'2 IN AMERICA Two trains daily from Port lan J; one at 11 a. m , via Seattle, and ont at 8:55 p. m.. via O. R. & X. and Spokano, Rons superb equipment, censUiinof diningr cars, buf fr library cam. palace and upholster-! tonrisU sleeping cars. The buffet library cars are marveb of elegance and comfort, containing bath room, barber shop, easy ehairs.etr. THE MAGNIFICENT Twin steamships, "Northwest" and "Northland,' leave. Dolntb every Monday and Friday for the "f oo,'' Makinac Island, Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo in connection with tbe Great Northern Railway. Have yoor tickets read via the NORTHERN STEAMSHIP COMPANY and enjoy a delightful ride f'ee from the beat and dust. For tickets and general information call on or address R. C. STEVENS, G. W. p. A., A. B. C. DESNISTON, CP Jfc T. A. 612 Front St , Seattle, Wash. 122 d St., Portland. O This i tbe wheel that was illustrated In, "Bearings the Cycling Aathortv of Amer n, "Jamar 2St. 1895. ever the following title: "The handsome Model Shown a e ec-m Nalin Cvele Exhibition" U is the Waybklt SccacHER an I Is th ot admired and talked of high grade bicycle in tbe world today. Wan' a bicycle. Iustrated Catalogue "ee. Indiana Bicyclv Co. Indianapolis, Indiana,, U. S.A. E E. Gf. exclusive agent for Albany -Jaf-- University of Oregon 1895-1896. The University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, offers free tuition to all students Young men can obtain board, lodging, heat and light in the dormitory for (2.50 ter week. Roomers furnish their own linen. Young women are provided with board in private families at $3.00 per week. Young women desiring hoard should address Prof. John Straub, Kugene, Oregon; or Secretary Young Women's Chris tian Association, Eugene. The University offers three baccalaureate degrees, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Letters with corresponding courses of study. The following shorter courses are a!eo offered: An English course leading in two years to a business Graduate in English ; an advanced course to the degree master of pedagogy; a three years course in civil engineering leading to the degree of civil engineer ; a course of two years for teachers of physical edu cation leading to a diploma and the title director of physical education. The University charges an incidental fee of ten dollars which is pay a Die in advance by all students. Students holding diplomas from the public schools and those having teachers' certificates are admitted to the preparatory department without examination, lliose desiring information should address the Dean, N.L. Narregan, For catalogues and information address Walton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. 1 ONE GIVES RELIEF. and Children. Castoria, enraa Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, DiarrhcBa, EroctatioD, Bs 'Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. "For several years I hare recommended 'Castoria, and ahaH always continue to da so, ss it has invariably produced bmnnrlal results. Envoi F. Pabdxs, JL D., 135th Street and Tta Are, New York City. Ths Came Cokpaxt, 7t Kcaaar Stkzst, Nrw Toax CUT. Promptness Patronage. ORECOn. JlonmoiiJi, Or. A training school for leache.-g. Complete eight grade trai n in g department and strong Professional and Academic courses. The Diploma of tbe school entitles one to teach in any county in tbe state without further examination. Board and Lodging, books and tu ition, tldO per year. Beautiful and healthful location no saloons. There is a gooddemand for well trained teachers ; there is an over-supply of untrained . teachers. Catalogue cheerfully sent op application. Address J.A. Wash PL. Campbkix. Secretary Presiden diploma and in three years to tbe title for graduates of normal c-bools lean in a regarding the preparatory department Eugene. U. II. Chapman, President, or J. J The races announced for today will take place tomorrow promptly at 2 -.00 o'clock on the fair ground rain or shine: There will be three trots tomorrow, as loiiows : 1st 2:20 pace. Entries, Analene, Stanwalk. and Ferns.. 2nd 2:30 trot. Entries, D'Linn, Nettie Ham and Huso. 3rd. 2:40 trot, Kittie Kisber, Win nilla and Goldust Wilkes. Saturdays' races will be announced to morrow. Polk County. The assessors returns this year show many interesting figures. The following from Folk county is interesting. Population 9,193 Males j 4,888 Females 4,:7 Legal voters 2,440 Pounds of wool 133,108 Sheep 27,038 Hogs Hum Horses 5,205 Mules 1.13 Cattle 5.574 Acres land tinder cultivation... 81,763 Bushels wheat raised in 1894 759,951 "ats 630,507 Kyt and barley 23,985 Tons of hay 1 18,837 Bushels of corn 2,i05 Pounds butter and cheese 172,955 Bushels flaxseed 6.12 Pounds tobacco 441 Pounds hops 2,041,0 liusneis potatoes , 142,601 Apples 94,828 Irunes and plums 13,238 Feet lumber 5,475,879 Roy Deroe. of El k Citv has been in Al bany on a visit. Editor Irvine, of the Corvallis Timet, was in the city today. Dr. and Mrs. Kitchen, of Stayton.were in tbe citv thn first nf the week the guesu of Hon. Jason Wheeler. Perci val Nash is making a trip throneh the Talley in the interest of the Portland Exposition. Miss Arnie Dumond of the Lebanon Millinery store returned this noon from a trip to Aberdeen, Wash. Mr. John A. Beard, chief inspector of the United States appraisers' office in this city, has returned from a 10 days' vacation. He spent most of tbe time near Lebanon, Linn county. He was very successful with the rod and gun. Telegram. Henry Brodera and Will Mack return ed last evening from their deer bunting trip loaded down with venison. Their total kill was five deer. Mack kil tine four of the number in one day. Dr. Davis, Dr. Leinenger, Dr. Uendnx and Joe and Ed Whitney were hunting for venison, but had not yet dropped anything. At Waltona Tom Peebler and several others had killed eight, and the Parrish crowd eleven, but they had been hnuling for some time. The fall catch cf salmon at Astoria has been begun. Forest Grove is to be bonded for S30.0CO for water wokrs. A call has been issued by Chairman Ramp for a pepulut convention on Sep tember 21 st. H. E. McGinn will probably socoeed Jndg Hurley at Portland. An appo'nt- ment will be rnaoe in a few diT. Altici Steela and T. F. Hick men have taken up '"the Steele" claim in the San- tiam district. It is the opinbo of hop men that the rain has not icjored bops, bat has been death to diseased hops. It would Uke a long rain to kill good hops. Tuesday's race between Defender and Va'kyris was given to Defender by the udges, on account ot me foul made by aikyne. i bat was right. Wbie buntioir in tbe mountains some one stole tbe fine bird dog of Wm. Mack, and was seen g ir; into tbe country with it He had better send it borne and rave trouble Col. Telfer. who has had charge of the easiness of Knapp, Burrell A Co., in this city for the past year, will go into the collecting department of the company and will travel in Eastern Oregon some for the company. C O. Trine ia now at Wcodbura. where be will art a trainer for Wm. Ray in the Rav Given footrace. Giveos ia recently from Ireland and is said to be a dead fast The race takes place cn tbe 21st fcr $250 a side. Register. Trine recently heat Ray in Albany in a 100 yard rce. In mentioning tha arrest of Wm. Sievies recent!; the Dimocbat staled that it was on complaint of Ube Peters. Tbe arret was made in namsburg, and tbe informa tion came from the Review. Tbe com plainant was John Meinert. Salem Building and Loan Association met Tuesday night and transacted the fol lowing boidness: $9i5 loaned at 85 months interest in advance; $700 loaned at 77 months interest in advance; S&J5 were paid n withdrawn stock. In the base ball contest yesterday Brook- Ivn defeated Baltimore 3 to 2; Washiogtoa Philadelphia. 10 to 6: New York Boston, 9 ta 5: Pirtabnnr Cincinnati. 6 to 2. fbe order of the clubs is Baltimore, Cleveland, Philadelphia. Brooklyn. Bo ton. Pittsburg, New York, Chicago.Cincinnati, Washing ton. St Louis, Louisville There are about thirteen more games apiece to play. In the southern league Nashville and Atlanta are uea lor nrsi puce. . uswiiw twenty straight games. WebWxia Oft. People who read the news from other sections of the world cannot complain. Hers s some thing that should make us contented : Agricultural reports from me Moscow, Idaho, part of this northwest country are very discouraging. Out of the variety of products raised in that vacinity, flax ia the only one that will be harvested or handled at all this year. All the wheat, oats, hops, etc., crops are total failures. a gentleman oi eaiem. in communica tion with that part of the country, in conversation with some friends yester day, said that tbe Vermont Loan & Trust k. had taken, either by foreclosure or by deed, fifty-nine farms. A recent is sue of a Moscow paper has several pages uevoieu to advertising larma lur saic. A Business Change. Hopkins Bros. have purchased the agricultural and im plement business of Knapp, Burrell & Co., and will hereafter run it. They have rented the store next door, used for several years as a harness ebon, recently by E. L. Power, and will nse it for tha implement department, cutting a large archway throueh from one store to the other just in the rear of Curran & Mon teiths office. Hopkins Bros, are success ful business men who will mbke the bus iness move. The chanire will all be made and the goods in their new quarters be fore tne idtn. Didk'tSat Good. The Journal has wired Bishop Thomas Bowman at As toria to ascertain whether he iomed in the rejoicing at the Methodist conference over the report of He v. Hansen who thanked God for cursing the hop crop with lice. ltev. i u. lletzier, the Salem bible missionary, was at the conference. and says that li'mhop Bowman did not say "Good," as reported. Rev. Hansen saiu ail til at was sunuuMw wj uiui, nuu the bishop asked "Didn't they grow?" But he did not say "Good," as reported. Other preachers did say, "Amen." Salem Journal. Jesse Irvine, of Wallowa county, a former resident of this county, is in the city the guest of his brother, Hon. R. A. Irvine. The U. P. Synod. Tho Synod of the Columbia, of the U. P. church, was ooened Inst sermon by llev. Jos. Alter, in which 'he showed with forcible arguments how the world has improved both in a material way and in Christianity. The procetnlings to day were of a biiM inesa nature. This afternoon Rev. T J. llson, of Eugene presided. The topics discussed were : Man's place in the Church, by Rev. W. A. Spauldinsj, of Spokane, Wash. Wo man a place in the Rev. A. F. kirkpatrick, of Tacoma, Wash. The Special Evangelist in .Union Meetings, bv Rev. . E. Hawos, Portland Ore. The Special Evangelist in Denotni nation al Rev. W. U. M. Hayes, 1. v' V" " aiuiourg, atm. The l'astor ana tvangehstic Work, by Rev. H. F. Wallace, 1), I)., Portland, Or- To-night Rev. W. A. r-paulding will preside. The program will be: The Boards of the church. The Foreign, oy Rev. G. K. Henderson, Oakville, Or; the Homo, Rev. W. M. Howie, Seattle, Wash; the Freed mens, Rev. l. F. Wal lace: Education, Rev. W. G. M. Hayes; the Woman, Mrs. H. F. Wallace. Friday. Business in the morning. Afternoon. Rev. Sjwer, presiding. Subject, "The Baptism of the Spirit," to be discussed under diffeaent heads by Rev. Hawes, Rev. Kirkpatrick, Rev. Haves and Rev. Wallace. Evening. be Christian Endeavor, to he discussed in different phases bv Kev. i II. L. Hood, ot Shedd. Rev. Spaulding ana Kev. tiawes. Saturday. Business in the morning and conference work in the afternoon with addresses by Rev Alter on the ruung tuter and Kev. Hares on 'he Christian school. Caused Indignation. Considerable excitement prevailed in Corvallis today over a case of scarlet fever. A four year old child, tbe daugh ter cf a man from Montana. stor.Dintr at the Occidental, after being ill with a ar let fever died last night. No flag bad been rtut fin aa mnnirMil Kv mlinan and the fact had been kept from tbe pub lic Two or three days before the doc tor notified the city marshal Against the wishes ot the proprietor, and he is re ported to have paid no attention to it. It waa also stated that there had been another case in the hotel, w here the child recovered. People were said to be very indignant about the matter. Probate Record. In estate of J. G. McCure. account filed and approved and guaidian, W. R. tsisiiop discharged. In estate of Karsten Meinert. will ad mitted to probata. Bond tixd at 5,0U0. Intestate of Joa L. Dickson, final ac count set for Oct, 12. In estate of Joseph Tearl personal property sold for 1170.70. Citation issued returnable Oct. 12 for rale of teal prop erty. In estate of Isaac Wither! te. persona property ordered, sold. In estate of L. Gerhard, administrators were directed to make paymtnt to heirs. A Cow Towjt. TWe cow question came up at the last meeting of tbe citv council and it was miggeated that Marshal Kee- nan drive up ail tbe tonnes found at large daring the night and let the owners have them next morning without poond charges, by way of warning. Mr. Kee nan said he would have to obtain the as sistance of a force ct bocaroos. and this was not vouchsafed him. There was some objection to shutting up the cows, as one councilman sugiracted that num bers of poor people make their living on them and that it would be an injustice to shut them op the moment dark came, as the cow is of a con rival nature and fond of stopping to talk to a neighboring cow on her way home, and that it would be wrong to worry her owner ly fear of in carceration within tbe gloomy portals of a city pound. This waa conclusive and the town cow, with her sisters, brothers. cousins and aunts, has now the liberty of all streets and railroad tracks within the corporate limits tf the city of Grants Pass. Courier. Those are the same silly arguments ued in Albany, years ago, but they didn't work. You couldn't hire our people to return to cow days. Davos a"d Pttiiias. Statesman : The Knights of Pythias grand lodge for Oregon will meet in Salem for three da vs. beginning Bin, ana central looge o. 18, ot fcalem, is making eitensive preparations for the reception of 250 or more delegaaes. One of the features for entertaining visitors is the presentation of the great drama, Damon and Pythias" under the direction oi Mr, and Mrs. m. Ramos, of Portland. The cast ot char acters will coniiiru-e about lortv of the best local talent assisted bv others from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ramus are in the city and will soon commence the ar duous work of conducting rehearsals. Goon Tm Mark. Engineer Casev. of the Salem "Cannon Ball" is one of the best engineers on the road. Yesterd iv he left Salem twenty minutes late, and made the run from balem to oodburn. eighteen miles in seventeen minutes making four stops. V hen riding behind Oatey people need not fear arriving at their destination late if the start is de layed a trifle. Post. Mr. Caey is a ormer Albany man. Tbb Yacht Rack. A dispatch an nounces that both yachts started today, bnt the Valkyrie after going a short dis tance returned and the Defender went over the course alone. It was thought the action was taken on account of the interference of pleasure boats. The de cision of the judges is not known. Oakville. We visited the orchard of D. W. Mill- hollea last week and found Mr. M. and bit two sons busy budding apple trees in tbe nursery. Mr. M. showed us his prune trees! He has 300 trees that are loaded with fruit. They will have an averaga of two bushels to the tree, which is a good yield lor trees of their age. 1 1 is trees are low with limbs almost to the earth and be has raised a crop of vet' tables every year among the trees. This year he cultivated the trees without any other crop and the resulr is a large crip of prunes. He showed us some late peaches, which for size are hard to U-t wo sampled a few of them: Millhollen feels confident that fruit raising will be" remunerative, and to prove it he and II. M. Stone s re doing all they can, they are giving employment to many who other wise would be compelled to seek work elsewhere. Many of our people especially the young are away at the hop yards picking hops. We sometimes wonder why the ministers do not cry out against this great sin from the pulpit, but then we must consider that It is not policy for them to, besides if they did they would loose apart of their salary. Are thev not guilty if they do not speak agains't this evil? Are they not receiving as a part of their salary money that is obtain ed direct from breweries? Can a minis ter preach against the criuit of Intemp erance while he receives his support from the saloon . We would like to hear any minister preach from the words, "The drinking was according to law." If the common peoplo would read the bible more and act according to the pre cepts of Gods word, it would be but a short time till we would have better laws and laws that would be -enforced, hut as long as the brewers can av "Christian people raised the hops aid the children of christian parents picked them" just so long we will have thuj curse unnn n. mt , x . . . , - . xnen wny noi cry out against ft. Christ says: -uo ye into an the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Is It done? Amicus. we want your trade. We are here to please you. If every thing is n.t O. IC. kindly let us know We are not selling nt roHt but at moder ate profits. We can furnish yon any thing in the harm-si 'iuo at lowest price s See our line of h", 20 and 25 cent whips, TovVKll & Tomlixkon. riiD.jr TheU. P. Synod. iiinif last night, conducted by Rev. Spaulding, oi opoKatie. Tfe boards ot the church were discussed in an animated manner, the importance of each lieing fully estab lished, foreign by Rev. Henderson of Oakville, who displayed great lam it lanty with the miwtioii in India; the Home, bv Kev. llowiv. of Seattle, for. nierlyol Chicago; Church extension, by Rev. Stevenson, the Freed mens by Kev. W allace, of Portland; education by Rev. Hayes, and Woman's, the as sistant of all, by Mrs. Rev. Wallace in a manner tliat greatly pleased the audi ence. This forenoon was taken up in the transaction of chun h business, this af ternoon in short addresses on tho bap tism of the spirit,hv Revs. Hawes, Kirk patrick, Hayes and Wallace. The meeting tonight will be of gen?ral interest to young people and it will ihv all to attend. The Christian Endeavor will be the theme, Rev. Hood will tell of itt relation t the church. Rev. Spauld ing, its weak and strong points, and Rev. Hawes of the meetings at Boston and Columbus, which he attended person ally. The session of tho synod of the U. P. church last evening was presided over by Rev. Howie of Seattle. The Y. P. S. C. E. was the subject and ft proved of much interest. Rev. Hoc! talked on tbe re lationship ol theC. E.and church. Rev. Spaulding on its weak and strong points and Rev. Hawes of Portlaad told of the National C. E. at Beaton arid the U. P. young peoples convention at Columbus, one of the moet entertaining efforts of the synod, eloquently presented. The synod adjourned this noon after a morning session devoted to business and the discussion of different topics. To-morrow a svnodical comniunicn will be held a fur the morning service. Miss Lilly Robertson left yesterday for Tacoma to resume Lcr work in the public schools. Mr. Sam Coin and Mi? VAhh Cbi wtll and I.iriie Farrvl, of Albanv, were among Scio's visitors, last Sunday. Stio Press. Postmaster Smith of Lelonoa was witness for a marriage license this wc-k. The lEMocttr inadvertently gave him as the fortunate man. It is about time any way. Mr. Geo. J. Jackson, representing the Singer Mfg. Co. is in the city. Mr. Geo. Haggin wul have charge of the Singer company business tor Linn and Benton counties. Mrs. Lory U. Addtton, of Mt. Sentt, forraerhr of Corvaili, baa Imh made a national lecturer of the W. V. T. I', and will go east this winter. While, there she will also lecture on Oregon,, Dr. G. W. Maston went to Yaiina City this noon to examine twenty-three applicants for admsc&ion into the new A. O. I. W. lodge recently organized there by Mr. A. l. Baker of this city. Miss Sara Brown .the talented teacher of elocution in Willamette lniverity, who recently went eat on socount of the illness of her mother, will return to Salem and resume her position in the university. Clarence Purdiwn vll Wednesday evening for Grant's Pass, where he wi.l accept a position with father in the Sothcrn Pacific dej J. S. Purdoro. who is railroad agent at that place. ITeir City Enterprise. Misses Helen and LUUe Crawford, of Albany, are rusticating in visiting rela tives in this city and lor amusement or profit, we have not leen able lo figure out which, are picking hops in the Nopens yards. Scio I'rvaa, Hons. J. K. Weatberford, of Albanv, and W. E. Yates, of Corvallis. members of the Ioard of regents of the state agri cultural college at Corvallis, were in this city yesterday for the purpose of trans acting legal business and bearing the ar gument in the Weston normal school case. So far as Hie latter is concerned these gentlemen had their trip for naught. Statesman. The following from a San Leandro. Calif., paper will I read with interest: An interesting meeting was held last Min- day in tbe M. K. church in behalf of the woman s roreign .Missionary r-ociety. Mrs. Taylor of Oakland delivered a tin a-ldress. Mrs-. Woodcock of Oakland also made a few earnest remarks. Miss Kra Simrwnn of Albany. re cited a selection from lngfellow'a "Le gend Beautiful." The succeeds of the meeting waa due to the eiiorts of .Mrs. Conklin, the president of the society of this place. For?n Aftm 40 "ras. Engineer A. I Brown, of the Salem Oregon Water Company, has been the means of bring ing mo correspondence near relatives w bo have been unconscious of each other's existence for many years. Ho met an old gentleman named Frederick Loose, through drawing a check in a business transaction and inquired of him if he had an v relatives in Iowa. He didn't know but said he had younger brothers and sisters, but did not know what had be come of them. Then Mr. Brown wrote to an acquaintance, Mr. Chas. Gray, of Ies Moines, who detailed the iacts to B. F. Loose, a nephew, who is now in re ceipt of a letter from the Salem man say ing that he was his uncle, and a brother to John l-oose oi Anaeny, iowa. jir. Iiaib's relatives all believed that he had been murdered, during tho go!d fever days in California, where he went to seek his fortune over forty years ago. The uncle is now about 70 years old and will be delighted to hear from hU new found relatives, from whom a pleasant corres pondence ia anticipated. Iowa State Register, BayASisOimsox. Hon. Jeff Myers, ex-senator from Linn county, came to 1'r.rtlnnil this lnoriiinir from Salem, but will return this evening. For some time Mr. Myers has been in correspondence with Hon. W.J.Bryan, congressman from Lincoln, Neb., who made the fa mous 10-hour speech on the currency question. The purpose of Mr. Myers was to make satisfactory arrangements with ("onirressninn Brvan by winch the latter would visit ralem during the state fair and deliver one or more addresses on the currency question, llio corres pondence resulted satisfactorily, all ar rangements bavins been consummated. Mr. Myers Is in receipt of a letter from Bryan, which bears date of Salt Ijike, September 6. in which he states that be will visit Poitland soon, boing then en route to this city. Mr. Bryan expects to reach Portland this evening on the 5 o'clock train. However, he is on the wing, and will not remain here for any length Of tune, crom ncre no win pro ceed to Seattlo, and from there to San Francisco. He will then return to Og' den. and thence to Nebraska, lie is ac companied bv his wife. On reaching his home in Nebraska, Mr. Bryan will start at once for Portland. Hois booked to be at the state fair on the 27th and 28th of September, and to make two addresses. His first address will bo oil tho subject of "Coinage" and the second one will be 1 on "Taxation." Telegram. A Portland man puys a licence on fifteen dogs, rrotty good aog unys inese SOLD FOR $500,000. The American Banker, of New York of September 4, one of the most reliable papers published, contains I lie following very important mining item : Horace L. Hatehkiss t Co., have sold a gold mine prorerty located at Quartz- vnie, iinn .,o uregon on a basis of val uation of X100,000. That means 1500.000 for tha minH being devoloped under the management of . B. lawler. It speaks for the proe- HAa't iImsiIh tnl.l:..t I I .t. . ' and is a very strong point for the future oi me mines. A Chn Dbt of Progra in. Sevr ml weeks ago the Democrat men- uoncu w,e lact that Mr. Khas Faulkner, of Spieer, was hunting for a wife, one who would l a mother to his five chil dren A w idow was desired, and in lact determined upon. Mr. Faulkner had two or inree chances to get young wives, but at that time his heart was set on a wioow; now, having failed to find a iuow lie nas determined to marry a young woman if one can be found. Aa soon as nop picking is over be intends to tog up and never stop until he finds a ue. a letter addressed to Mr. Faulk. tier at Spieer will find a prompt response, and no long courtship. Delinquent Tax Sale. When the sheriff offered forsalili property of delinquent foe afternoon thirty five men were present, some out of curiosity and some from per sonal interest. There was only one speculative bidder, a representative of J. n.. .Maney, who took some pieces to which the title had been previous! . amined. I'nder the system the count bid first and anyone lo get the property raised it. Most of the property went tn the county. About one-third of the property advertised had been sold pre vious to ! he sale. Lebanon. Miis Abbie Fry einecls 'tit Imw iw lav for kugene, where sl.e will enter the university. Ben Wight, who waa clerking in M- A. Miller's pharmacv, during the summer vacation, returned to Albany last Satnr- day evening, to attend school at tho Al- tiany college . Mr. Don Swan, one of Linn county's bright young men, will enter tbe Albany college Monday morningand take op the normal course oi study this term, ill many friends join with us in wishing him success. Mr. A. Strong, a prominent resident of Salem, and Mr. R. F. F rick .a substantial ft MiMw.rt.ri, spent a few days in our city this week. These eentlemen were here looking over the ground, with a view to starting a bank Mr. Harry G. Everett and Mm Lulu Weetfall were united together in the holy bonds of matrimony Wednesday morn ing at 8 o'clock .at tbe borne of the bride's father, in this city; in the presence of a few intimate friend of the contracting parties; Kev. J. H. Beattie officiating. Mr. Everett ia a member of the firm of Ialffkib A Everett, and is a young man of curling qualities. Mia Lola Wet tail is tbe oldevt daughter of our fellow townan, ti. M. Westiail, and ta an ac- complisbed and ttc-med young lady. loved and respected by i who know aer. Kx press. On account of lice and moul I. threw hop yards In this vicinity were not touched. They are tbe yards of Messrs. Brewster, Ha and Swank. Advance. A PtccKT Wos.ts. A woman passed through San Bernardino Saturday morn ing, w ho had crossed the deaert on a hrakebe&m. Her name is anknownnd tbe place from which site started is also a secret. She was discovered two davs ago near Dagxett, by the crew of a freight train, on which she was stealing a ride on a brakebeam. She was dressed as a boy. but as soon a tbe trainmen brought her from under the car they were con vinced site was a woman, w hicb she fin ally admitted. She refused to disclose her identity but said her husband bad been living in an eastern city, and bad deserted her, taking with him their little girl. She heard be was in Oregon and had p.aeeu the girl in an orphanage, be ing w iihoul means, she started out to beat her wav. As coon as the trainmen harJ the woman's story, they sympa thized with her and she was taken o Los Angeles in a caboote. Site is a woman about thirty-five years old, has blue eves and a fair com fie lion, short hair, and is of courageous bearing. It Wiu. Cb Sport. The finest place on th cnast for the exciting sport of sal-' mon trolling is on l aquma Kay at New port. Mr. Kdwin Stone, the manager of tbe Oregon Pacific, who was in Portland Sunday, reported mat me neavy iii run of' salmon at Yaquina is expected any da v now. He has arranged with Mr. 1 Koehler, the manager of tbe Southern Pacific, to extend tbe limit of the regular summer excursion tickets from Portland and the valley points to Yaquina and re turn to cover'the time of the great sal mon run at the coast. Large delegations j from Silem and other prominent points 1 have already arranged to go Yaquina to enjoy the span ol salmon fishing, ami nimrods trom rortiana wui aisotase ad vantage of the opportunity. Sews. Dows tub Rtvxa is a Boat. J. B. Pcrrott, P. S. Hansen and J. D. Hart, employes of the S. 1. Company at Port land, who arrived here a day or two ago left in a skiff on a hunting and fishing trip down the Willamette this morning. They took five dogs with them and pleuty of guns, ammunition, fishing tackle, etc, and will move leisurely down the river, camping at places were hunting and fish ing is good .Guard. TueCoi-stt Exninrr. The committee on the Linn county exhibit will meet in Albany tomorrow to complete arrange ment for the exhibit. There is only a short time to tbe lair and it will take rustlinir to tret no an exhibit that will surpass those ol other counties. It must he systematic in its arrangement and cover this field. Some excellent speci mens have already been secured and no doubt when all parts of the county are heard from the collection will be a large one. Races Postponed. On account of tho continued bad weather the races were postponed until Thursday, Friday aod Satmday ot next week, when the fast horses hero and others will bo entered Lowell Jones, ol Sola ville, is in tho city. Van B. Delashmutt ex-mayor of Tort land, and a well known horse man, is in the city. Lyle and Clavton Spccr, of Warm Spring arrived in Albany today and have reentered the college. T. W. Potter has been appointed su perintendent of the Indian school at Chcmawa. Mrs. A. B. Matthews and daughter will leave tomorrow night for Temple, Texas, where they will toiti Mr. Math cws, taking with them the best wishes of many Albany people. Wednesday nitrht the order of Eastern Star, of which Mrs. Mathews was worthy patron, show ed their appreciation ol her in a very en joyabfe reception. A prog nun was ren dered consisting ot introductory remarks by E. D. Cusick, a piano solo by Edna Allen, recitation by Mary CundifT, a so lo by Rev. Poling and song by the Apol lo Club, refreshment and appropriate speeches by J, K. Weatherford, Judge Duncan, J. R. Wyatt, F. M. Redfield, Mrs. N. II. Allen and Judge Hewitt, re sponded to by Mrs. Matthews. A Linn County Sjnlay School Conven tion will bo held in Albany Sep. 20 and 2l Highest of all in Leavening Power.- ABSOLUTELY PURE SATTTEDA HOME AND ABROAD Sal in crown tailor ba! 49 cents at the Ladies Bazaar. A oivoro has U en eranfe.' Mrs E. E Ayers, of Asaland. Some fine hicvJe races will lie a feature of the stat ftr thi year The T-ledo Pnxt a train ari'ar with fV.1 YanCleve at tho head. Tbe Atoria public schools oiiened this week with an attenHnce of 1,013. Anaie E. Cain has begun a suit f, di vorce agai tut her hatband Tum. It Cain. A large court of th Independent Orcer of Foresters U being organized in Lebanon being organized in Lebanon Tbe Toledo Leader Btves tb f .llowinzjto Pennsylvania about a week ago. was among iU rel estate sales: Cbaa Metzser and wife to Parser Brothers; 2 acres in sec. 33-ll-ll:cun. $20. Tbe Mechanics Band will be reorganized nxt Tuesd-iy night- A first lass cornet player has concluded to locate in Albany and will be a great addition to the html. I. T. Smith, ass ign cf tbe estate rf J . Tcwnaend, gives notice in tbe Newburg Graphic th be will make a final settlement of tbe estate in October. Ijaa. weaton. a salvation army man. tell the A.torun that the Seattle canal scheme is a colossal f ke. and the Astoriao devote Jaa. Weston, a Salvation Army man. tells nearly a column to it, on the word of one man alone. The exscitive committee of the board of regents, L". of O have ordered apparatus to the amount of i'MHJ for Prof Young's room. Prof. Young holds the chair of politkal economy and history. Eugene Guard. City Peeordtr B F DorrU ami Attorney I E ounjr left this mornin fir the 3ioe Ri ver mine where Ux-V will mead two or three days. Attorneys Bi'.yeo A Young have re cently purchased a mine in that district and Mr. loonggoes to that place tc Uke a look at lL Logene Guard. The recital to be given by Mias Eva nmpooQ will be pretested at I he op-ra bouae cn r"nday evening, Sept. 27 Slit Simpson will be assisted by Albany mu-ic- al talent. Ths entertainment will be ooe deaiiit.g a large patronage. Otcar Williams, tbe ynnng man who as ra ted Mr. Biack at R. R Humpheys "neuter night with a knife, was arrmted TeefJtrday and placed in the ealaVxwe at Lebanon last nitrot. He will be ciamined aeit Mood-v. A bdegtam frou S i l- rascuco eJer- Lry afternoon aocooncesthit a new stpiru ship is e petct ta be ready to go ints servke cn ti- Yaquina route in a day or two. It is wy'cotoe newt to the Oregon Central and Eaern management, as the jam cf freight on tbe rJ is the biggett in tbe line's history. tunes. OS six and one half acres J. U Gray of Lace coon! v. snM at t cent rr pound 65.- 362 pounds of Italian to 1 Stiver prose. wBira amount to foS.02. la tuts tract ae yi t bttwsen thirtv and sixty basbels which t will dry. The trees are seven years of kg, and have bwn well cotuvstsd. He hat a few acres of Petite prune which bs will drv. Was Once a Captive. Mr. Jos. Svlvestcr, the Fraxier axle grease nun, is in the city today with n:s elegant span of grays and handsome car nage. Mr. Sylvester has had a varied expenen-e in life, one full ot tbnihng events. He was coming across the plains with his parents when a a.y small child, when the wagons were attacked and he was taken captive by the Indians. He lived among ihem several Years learning their language. When ten or twelve rears of age he was recaptured in a raid upon the Indians, at the time not know ing a word of English or even his own name. After some effort the relative of the bov were found and he was left with them at The kallea, but only remained a short time, having gotten the roving spirit. He resided at Albany in the early daysfor awhile with relatives, among the city s prominent citizens. Even now in conversation he shows some of the teach ings of hi capiive daw. He is a very efficient man in his business and serves Frazier faithfully and well. A Bto Thiso. Some time ago ex-col lector ot cusioms ot the Yaquina dii-trk-t. John Priest, discovered a process by which fir and other wood could be ren dered impervious to the toredo and the effects of decay. Mr. Priert obtained a patent on his discovery as easv as falling off 'n a log, and we learned 011 Tuesday thath e exported to sell tbe right for the L nited States, within a lew davs, to a company or syndicate for $20,000. Every body wbo knows John rnest will l pleased to hear of his good luck, for he is a very wortny gentleman, ananeeus this windfall jort now more than at any other period of tin life. Yaquina Poet". IIabbisbcbo. Miss CundifT, teacher of elocution in the Albany College, will give a recital in oar citv, under the auspice of the Christian Endeavor Society, Fri day, Sept. 20. Miss Cund iff comes highly reccora m ,'ndtM. Miss Lola Senders, who has been visit ing with relatives in Albany for the past six weeks, returned home ycstvsday, ac companied by her cousin, Mias 'Belle Senders. Miss Amelia Senders, of Albany, and Mr. Henry Klainburg, ot Ellensbtirg, are visiting with Messrs, May and Senders' families. Review. Was DukTiARtiro Adrian Comley, hop picker over in Merrill's yard, was arrested Wednesday charged with the larceny of two wash tubs, a washing ma chine, wash board and clothes line.prop erty of M-. and Mrs. Geo. E. Macaulay. The trial before Justice Irvine did not elicit sufficient evidence to convict an ! the court decided a.raiust the state. None of the stolen properly was found in pos session of the detend;tnt and it could not be proven that he waa connected with the theft. Independence Enterprise. Tu Cari.tos Co. The Carlton Comp any closed their engagement at l'arker s theatre last night with Dumas' master piece, "Monte Christo." As on previous nights they were well greeted and gave an excellent performance, r rank Kead ick deserves special mention as an actor ot more than ordiuary ability. He is well supported by au excellent company. tiuard. , B. Y. P. U.-Rov. Uilmnn Parker general missionary for Ore , will preach at tbe Baptint zhurch Sunday Sep 13, at 10 .30 a. m. MrO. P. Coshow, McMinnvilte, Ore. will speak in the evening at 7:30 p. m., subject "The Baltimore Convention". Mr. Jed Carlton of the Carlton com pany of players was in lbany today arranging for the appearance of the company here on Sept. 23. They have IiiBt closed a successful engagement in Eugene and the papers there speak in the highest terms of their performance, There is a big fight on over a successor to Judge Hurley. A great many Port land lawyers want Henry McGinn, while another crowd headed by W. T. Hume, are opposing him. Gov. Lord is thero- iore in wie miuuio 01 1101 water. That tired feeling should overcome at noe or it mty end most seriously. Take flood s Harvtpaxilla now and prevent sick ness. and suffering later in the season- Hood's Pills are tbe beat cathartio and ivnr median. Hariuloss, tehable, sure Latest U. S. Gov't Report Mini ft SOCIAL AND PERSONAl Judge Wol vert on comes nn from Salem this noon. Mr. L. W. Pomerov. of Scio. waa in Albany today. Judee M. L. Pipes, of Portland, is in the city. Judge Pi pea ia admistrator of the estate of Judge Strahan. k Miss Jane Morris, of the Salera public Schools returned this noon from Cal ifornia, by way of Yaquina, after spend ing the summer in that state. Hon. J K. Weatherford left verterdav for San I ranciaco by way of Yaquina, on buiniu Mr M.J. Montfdth aid also sail on the Farallon for Oakland on a visit with his mother. Prof. J. f: fiihann nn'nmnl rj lw. i Shedd schools, who returned from a trio !m the city today. ProL Gibson, who I wer "ast alone, was accompanied home ty Mrs. Gibson. ' E. Ramp and family, of Albany visited hi this city Sunday with Mr. and Mrs J. D. Irvine. Mr. Ramp is promt rent in unn county not onfv as a bun nees man but also aa a leader in the popuiisttc movement, ma name was prominent before the populist state con vention last year for congressman from f the 1st congressional district. Indrpen- ; jence Entwnri T Th. Degree of H Honor A. O. U. W. last evening eave Mrs. I Vie reck, one of the officers of the lodge, a surprise birthday party that was a success in every par ticular. Tb surprise part was neatly managed and waa complete. The even , ing was spent in games, sociability and partaking of a delicious luocb. Today is the 101st birthday of John J Durbin, of Salem, and he ia ceiebratng 'it WltK K SJ . . wl J.n-.ktM grandchildren and great grandchildren. He is the father of Solomon Durbin, who has been a resident of klartoo county since 145. H is yet in a bale and hearty condition for one an fir aJrarmul in years and tbe ptoepects are good of his passing another 12 months on this mun- dane sphere. Ex. Chxs. Schmidt, proprietor of the Occi dental hotel, of Corvallis waa in the city today. Thursday the Dekotwat men tioned the death of of a child in his bonse from scarlet fever, without any flag being pot out, probably contracted from a daughter of Schmidt who had had euuivtina in the house, which had len kept quiet. The Times devotes a column and a half to the case. Thi Linn Exhibit. Several members of the committee on the county exhibit for the State fair and Industrial Exposition met at the Coart tlonse today to further the arrange menta for tte exhibit being pre pared. Dr. J. L. Hill was elected chairman and J ad Duncan secretary. Dr. Hid and S- X. Steele were appoint ed a committee to prepare and have printed suitable literature to ro with the exhibit. C. W. Watts and Jadze Dancan were appointed a committee to select and pre pare fruit for the exhibit, and make ar rangement for the necessary space at tbe State fair and Exposition." Tbe committee were urged to nse their best effort to have farmers bring io fruit, vegetables and cereals for the exh ibits. Twenty-five boxes were ordered se cured for a dried fruit exhibit. The outlook is all right for a big dis- P-ay. CiiASoro His Mixo. A. E. Weber. who mysteriously disappeared from home on Thirteenth and Jefferson stn hi street in Portland, and who, np to a few davs ago. was supposed to be lying at the bottom ot tbe illamette nver, returned to his home Wednesday nicht from Idaho. The fact of his be tne alive was evident b- a letter from him pub lished last Monday. Shortly after Weber reached home a friend called on him. He found him in pretty rood condition. but very mnch averse to speakicg of bis experience since so mysteriously leaving. Weber, however, stated that the" night he disappeared he jomped from the boat in which he was last seen on that occasion. into the nver, pnrposins to commit sui cide, a be had too much trouble to liive. After reaching the water be changed hi mind ami swam out. He traveled to Boise afoot, and ther j he concluded to bear the ill he ha rathe than fly to those he knows nothing about. Ex. Hhib Art Custom Tailoring. Beside hi regular business W. It. Graham is prepared to take orders for liign art custom tailoring by a leading house in New York, only union labor employe.! and first class work guaranteed. au Kious ot garment maae trom tne finest line of cample ever seen in Al bany, a fact easily appreciated bv an ex amination of the sample look. Suits trom tl up. Farm Loans. I bave a limited amount of money to loan on good farm lands in linn ana ad joining county. On very favorable terms. Interest payable annually. Call or write at once as tbe atneunt I have for loaning will soon be gone. C-G. BCKKHAWT, Albany, Oregon. Both the method and results 'when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta Ejntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fovers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most jwpnlar remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in fiO cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA HQ SYRUP CO. am nuacaco. cau iomviu. Mr. um rou. c Time of Delivery. Oar delivery wagons will make trips time as follows, leaving the streets at mentioned: I First, in the morning at 8:15. I Second, at 10:15. First, in afternoon at 2 :00. I Second, at 4:30, j Parties wishing their meats ann other goxis on time should thus order early or the evening before, Sttoxxaker Bbok, ?9" REGULyu0R7 Reader, did you ever take Snotoxs Liver Rbgcitoe, the "Krsa op Livek MiDicn.Z3 ? ' ' Everybody needs take a liver remedy. Itisaslnggishor diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes TOntipation, when the waste that should be carried off remains ia the body and persons the whole system. That dnlL heavy feeling; is due to a torpid liver. BiUoosnefca, Headache, Malaria and Indigestion are all liver disease. Keep the liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Beg clatorand you'll get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is BtriT i thaw Pills. It doea not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. Every package has the Red Z stamp oil the wrapper. J. IX. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammaticns, Stiff Joints, Harness & SaddJ Sores, .Sciatica, Lumbago, 5ca!ds, -listers, Insect Bites, Ml Cattle Ailments, UI Horse Ailments, 1 Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Musclt Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat cf Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Mgorousiy. MtLstaaj; Liniment conquer Pain, Uke fn or Beast well r-gaia. tuSf, Calcify, PerExacstJy Restart. Wsatriisaa, Harrow us, DwkUtty, and all ta nu a of trus lrom early arriK-9 ar latcr czracMS. tbc resort f venrorfc. wckara, vtoctt. CUT. ' U MmkM. v-. . cpmi eat and lace (tvm rerr mu arut porura ( las hedy. SuniM.Bat ral mJj oa. farcMoiU oft nral amiiau. iscMMt. at IBIITOTVOWI writ. FmUar Impossible. X.0TO rerTMe. Rx-k. -lr- -- ana proofs ct tied (sealed) tree t!E tSEOl&U CO.. Euffaio. H.T- DO YOU rite letters? Of coarse yon do. and what is nicerhan smooth let er p5vr and envel opes for bosiness corresponding. Vv make spjeU'ity of it comaisroial titHwry. oa shoal 1 " BUY ENVELOPE of a At tin 111 1 m th 31 1 jtiiS aa eitra lo v prii. Xett liu;? "v.a io some ininire OFSMILKY. TIIEPRINTEll MEW . t. e xssrs sssts n sins n ursast; is M-iil ontlw r--iure vntwn irB.m tv, bt withartsM amts ou,y. ti cons Mnl Mt-mory; ot Bin axi N-rr Hwr loot JJnutiwd. Jau-KDAw: Nurht Luecw: Kvd Irvat; 1 o, .oiitvtMO: NrvMinM; ltnd; all lmi?t&: IxiMinf luww ol Ifwt (TDmi: v CVr.'.iiH in niad vr. caoO hj averxvr:iu.'s Y,Uiful Errors, u. Ucrorir ". of Tcco. Ov'tuc r LiQao .ch lat vn Mirv. I obwiuju, insaait. M.d DoaUs. l: mil 51 a buxtaix fur i".;vit.- arietta auaranu-tt lo c-nr or spCuikI etoetf. &unile i(kwi. eont!ira uvwda;' tnatBMCt. tall in6truvitiA ri e mi . Ots srp" " sJil toaaaa pteua ui auul. A. Straney- Upholsterer a -jP" Aid Repairer Hair. ool snd shoddy dtattr-s fef rated ai.d made over. Furnitnro of every deoition an' ' ali carriages re-uohoUtered anu van ishiu. Pop a uota in tin P. O., or eall at 1 droe;, otareea Ktirry and Br jadalhia. A hauy. Or. Or. rrtce"s Cream Bakinc Powdi World's Pair lilsacst Aa-rC. VISOR mm fV. eP.-4 1