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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 13, 1895)
ElThfcHFOBD A WYiTT Attorney at Law. Will practice In all eonrtt ol lbs stats. Special tttln given to matters In prob-te sndtoto.leetions. OFFICE In th Funn block , w R BULYEU Attorney at Law ud Solicitor In Chanoerjr. Col 'Jems made on all point. Loan negstiatsd on -able terms. Albany Oregon ... Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. bttCKBURfl & SOWERS A1TORNETS eVT LA'W, All legal matters will receive prompt st ent' on. Office, First National Bank uilding, up stairs. TJONTAM YE HACSLKHAN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. JQR. J. L. HILL, Ptaydetananddnrireon, OFFICE Corn Ferry meets, Albany, Oregon. EO. W. HARRIS, JtlSTICn OF PEACE, la new located in the Dsaocaw olBae, eoraer e 2nd and Broadaibin streets Albany, Or. Beate .and Collections a Specialty- D rs. II. E. and O. K. Beers. Physicians and surgeons, post office block, Albany, Ore . Hoars 10 to 12 a, m ., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Residence corner 5th andCalapooiasts. Special attention given to diseases of women. DR. C, U, CIIAT.1BERUN aoaxoxioPi Office on Ferry St near cor ?rd St. Offic hours, 7 to 9 am, 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m Especial attention given to chronic case and eye diseases. ST Hint hatiojal bank. OF ALBANY, ORSOON resident . . Vioe Pmiaeut .... Cahier ...... . LFLnm .. 8, K.TOUNO , W. LANG DOS rSAKSACTa A OKI KRAL ban king 1oa1-i ACCOUNTS KKPT aublect to EIGHT UCHANOB and tet -raphio tram r, yotd Kewrork,8an Frsnoisco, cnicago ana rotund 'eKoa .OSvtOUOSi wADSoa fatorabls era Yoca " l.' Final a mm KVAf . SOX. Vf. CC4ICK St CttB&R&KR OF ALBANY. OUTOON, fHAJf S ACT a general B&nktnr wanes . DBAWSIOHT DRAFTS on Nw Yrk. Ban F teoand Portland, Oregon-. LOAM MONEY on appro red security . OOLLECTtOJiS made on mtoraaia terms ISTKiUEST paid on time is ici I i '.f ii. !; t!ff.' ORTHERN lili PACIFIC R. R. u J Palimaa Sleeping Uars, Elegant Dims g Cars, Tourist Sleeping Cars' St Paul Minneapolis Iuluth Fargo, TO Grand forks Crooketon Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKETS,..,, " TO Chicago Washingtou Philadelphia New York Boston and all Points East and South ye nformat ion, time cards, laaps and tickets call on or write C G Borkhart, Agent. Albaii7, Or. Or A D Charlton, Ast Gen Fam Agt Portland, Of fri lo)aF K. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE 6rurtucHoici ot TvVO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES CHEAT UNION nOlsTHERH PACIFIC VIA VIA SPOKANE DENVER ?ISKAPOlIS OMAHA AXD A5D ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY (.OWK'TK T.'iAi L ZtSTJEKN clflEi O 'KAN srEKdEH-4 EAVK Himn.AM) EVERY" 5 DAV8 SAil FRANCISCO Yi,t til 11 rit-tile call on Ci'Akaw & Mo'TaiTH, Aloany, Or OR ADDKIUOl: WHHUBLBUR1, Gcn'l Pah . Aom PORTLAND, OE. tCevei.tJ eidTredo-Marlrt i JOUR Or--T IS l-PFOrr v. . r- , and we c-ii atcure patent ia la "n han ibass. i rrafste frfa Veihinfftoo. 1 Oun Art;t is Cpposits l TI"J !ES- 1 .. ,. .,r rarnt la Idi U1A lUfi lABSS. jaend m jdel, drawing or photo., eTIta deeenp. !ciuL-r Oui leonotduetiitpr UMtUaecsred, I ' MM a, , A f .M, . U-tMltK.'- ttSB iwsl otar.-ue ia the U. & wt Aircigacodattis sen', f rte. Address, CA.SF.OW&CO Orr. paT-KT Office, wmsHinoToe). ft. C. t w EAST rstr .. . e.vee icura WORKS la corlns torturing, disfiguring, hu miliating humours of the Skin, Scalp, and Blood when all else fails. SoUtfcieeibSBtthevorM. BrttUb Depot i F. NsV mi a Sox. U Kb advam-at, London, ronaa Osno an Cant. Oaar, So Prose, Bostea. U. a A. The greatest seller on the market for diseases of the Li ver.Kld neys and Con stipation. Pleasant to take by old or young. No piping. The root of the Lirerine plant is exten sively used in Norway for the core of Piles. Bold by all first class druggists. Wholesale Manufactures, ANCHOR S CHEM ICAL CO. . Lebanon. 0r e fixed w beats beaitli by ta ttSsS Osf SHAUEITS V:- Compound Cod Liver 01 Capsules t'nanrpassed ae w remedy for Cos. sumption. Asth ma, Bronchitis Conhs. Uebility. aadajl usiin- lisaars PcrfecCy tasteless. Th e r -5r sck-ni:fir rrmedy by baHdinff as) cjo re. i.-ns t;-.- !.ijr and renewing watts .u. r.'xis- uinl cintrors disease trrnsa, TuctMui ;'u- j.rist Cod Lirrr Oil comb wed hwhin :iJ Tnr: p'.eiunt and easy ts Uk.,(casnni1.iv :nd boccstlx coaposmsVst by a pmcticxl ;:hurmacist- You can prt thin.' ONLY BY MAIL, pTS paiil to yc on rex- :jt of S5c, pr box. f rr arrtl .Vr fer i. i II AI'EE, CHtimr. .v State St., ChKjga, Kts BEHOVE THE CAUSE Mini tne Rr- f -tnis will disappear It yon t ... accomplish by naing SHAUERS CATARPiH And THROAT SPEC!F!C mm tocomrtsrablc Thront.. Xcr for diacsUT of th t.ii Month. A certain. .ti "Srxrtivc cur for QtorH. rr, C rvria. Ccinsy Sera TbraC. H fecatfi.. tt CanVed Vovt an Tonya t. BsUilj VBsrti. tji;.k to rrltetc. po!tiTe cure, tlwtri j"dy, tn..-il1 in price. Doa't vail tffl too tis-.g it .- t it aw SBSTtiM.V U M " I'frra ' rrvx!ot IRECOH CENTRAL Et EASTERN YAQU1NA! BAY ROUTE- Connecting at Yaquina Ba irith tae San Francisco and Yaquina Bay Steam ship Company Steiij "Faiali" AM and first claw in every respect J Sails lrom Yaquina lor San F-anciaco about every 8 days. Passenger accommodations lunsarpass ed. Shortest route between the Willam ette Valley and California. Fare from Albary or points west! San Francisco Cabix .. .il2.0t Stkkbagx 8.00 Cabin round trip good 60 days. . . 18.0 For Sailing Days apply to H. L. WALOEN.Agt, Ca.ia. CL.VRK.Supt Albany, Or. Corvallis, O Edwhi Stosk, manager, CorvallU, Or. DO YOU write fetters? Of course you do, and what ia nicer than smooth lefer paper and envel opes for business corresponding. We make speciality of neat commercial stationary. ou should BUY ENVELOPES of us at once and sea th So qitlity an extra low prices. Next time you wan tome inquire Or SMILiKY, THE PRINTER COPYRIGHTS. CAM I OBTAIN A PATEHTf For promo answer sod sn bonect opinion, writs to m u n n oc ;r., wno nave naa ! N Ar I who hT nearly fifty years' experience In tbe patent business. Communica tions strictly eonlldenUal. A Handbook ot In- i urination ooneerninc fatenfs ana now to Ob tain tbem sent free. Also a cataloga of aiscbao. lesi snd dentitto books sent free. ?i"!mfL.ten tbrotiBh Mann Jk Co. neeire pedal notice In tho HricntlDc American, snd SJS Jrbt widely before the public with out east to the Inrentor. This eolendld paper. t"weekly. elegantly Illustrated, fass by far ths fewest circulation of anrsclentiao work in tbs wr'd-.. J7emr- Sample ooplne sent free. Bulldlnf Edition, monthly, iw s year. Stngls rery Dumber contains bsun- tlfm pistes, in colon, snd photocrepbe of new bouses, with plans, ensMtnir builders to show tbe l" A C1- flaw VOUK. Dir Aril CHIOKEH tuisma pays if you use the PetshMa lBcebsters a Brawler. Make money while others are ...tinir 1 time oyo si t I Catalog tells ail about it,ana aescnoes every arucie neecea jot ponltiy business The "ERIE" mechanically the best .wheel. Prettiest model. we are Pacific Coast Agents. Bicycle cata- aEucmauca ireceivcB toll description .prices, etc., aqkicts WAjrran. FZTALUlsA IHCUBATOR oFetaluma.CaL Bbamcu How, 3i H Main bt., Los Angeles. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powds? World's plr Highest AwarC . m Wonders V COPYRIGHTS. Oregon is no the greatest hop coun try in the world, and.the hops are ol the best quality. . Railroads are'appreciated more before they are gotten than afterwards. A country, though, is not much good with oat one. May the Defender defeat Valkyrie III' not onlj because her spars are from Ore gon; but because ete represents 'he Americano Eagle' Oregon is proud of Klamath. He has done great work in the east. Three straight heats at Buffalo. Only one de feat. It Salcm'wanta a cresmry it had better not bite off more than it 'can swallow If might be ab!e to swallow 13000 where iSOOO would choke it.and a 3000 cream' ery like Albany's is a splendid thing. A man who buys two pounds of butter is as much entitled to kick if be doesn't get it, as it be bar 18 pounds of sugar and only gets 15. most creamery butter only weighs I?,' pounds a roll, told for two pounds. A building in New York City collapsed, and six men have been responsible for the death of fifteen inmates. They put upaclieap building in order to save money. The wrong is an emphatic one Reliable men are needed in all fields. No cyclones. No blizzard No freeze ops, No sunstrokes. No earthquakes, No crop failures, No drouths, In the Willamette valley. People are surprised at the number ol men ho have because very wealthy in railroad f peculation where ao many roads are in the Lands of receivers. Ac cording to figures not many roads pay above running expenses and interest. Watered stock is probably what does it, and watering stock is just about as bad aa robbing a bens roost. Sir Robert Ball, the astronomer, baa been doing a Utile nguring.and squelch es the ambitious scheme for communi cating with the inhabitants of Mara, by showing that they would need a flag as large aa Ireland and a pole five hundred miles frog. He has not given any es limate yet on the cost of the fireworks that siould be needed for the night sig nal. The papers continue to yell about third term tor Clevland. Right here the Democrat will settle the matter by saying that Cleveland doesn't want it, The American people don't want him to have it, and he won't Lave it7 The ex ample set by Washington will always be followed. During the coming century no man will fi.ll the office more than two terms. That is enough. More farmers should keep more cows and take their milk to the Albany cream ery. Butter is now 50 cents and that means more for milk. Tbe creamery ought to be making a thousand pounds of butter a day and baa the capacity to do so. In connection with the creamery there should be separate stations estab lished. The Corvallis Gazette has settled the matter by declaring John H. Mitchell the greatest Republican in Oregon. Tbe Democrat Knows be is a very accommo dating one and courteous to all who write for favors; but wben it comes to greatness what w tbe matter with Mr. Harvey Scott, Mr. Hermann. Mr. Hcfer, Colonel Alley, Til Ford, Colonel Kelaay and Joe Simon? Albany Demoerat. The Broadave believes it can answer tbe question aa to what ia the matter with the 'grtatness" of tbe gentlemen referred to, as follows : . Harvey Scott's hat ia too small for tbe size of bis bead. Bioger Hermann has barnacles on him. Uofer ia "indigent of brain and affluent of mustache.' Col. Alley is dangling in thin space between blighted hope and a vaulting ambition. Til Ford is inflated with an overcharge of sweetened wind." Colonel Keleay has turned to an Egyptian mummy and Joe Simon's coat tails are too close to tbe ground. But the grevious wrong of the Albaoy Democrat, in this matter of classifying the great men of the Repub lican party of Oregon is that that paper ignored T. T. Geei, Tom Tongue and Harry Miller. Eugene Broadaxe. Geld and Silver. You might as well attempt to stop a western -ydone with a handkerchief as to stem the tide now rolling on in gath ering strength in favor of bimetallism. The demonetizing act struck doan at one blow one-half of tbe money of the country ; doubled tbe debts of the peo ple, and correspondingly increased the wealth of the creditor class. The phrase "sound money" was born long before Sherman. Cat lisle or Cleve land. It comprised both gold and silver from the days of Washington to the time when the plutocrats made war upon the liberties of the American people. H ot cen'uries gold and silver have been recognized as money metals They arc fo mentsoDtd in the Bible; they are recognized Dy the Constitution of the (Tniud Slat;, and they were put upon an equality and provided lit in the tint mint act panged by the American Con gress in 17i)2. Iu 1878 John U. Carlisle said: The movement to totally demonetize silver is a stupendous corspirary conceived by tbe monied iulert-tis of all countries to i nc i ease the value of one-half of tin world's metallic money by destroying the oilier I. all. The successful consum tt.oriolihat conepiracy would be more disastrous to the people of this world than war. pestilence and famine." A Cabinet office has silenced an eloquent tongue In the cause of humanity. Iu our own civil war it ia doubtful if tbe gold of New York and London did oot work us greater Injury than the powder, and It ad, and iron of tbe ene my. It was the most invincible enemy of tbe public credit. Gold paid no sol dier or sailor. It refused the national obligations. It was worth" most when our fortunes were the lowest. Lveiy iefeat gave it increased va!ne. It was in .ipen alliance with our enemies the J woi Id over, and all its energies were - evoked for our destruction. But as usual, when danger had been averted and the victory secured, gold swaggers to the front and asserts the supremacy. Silver Knight. A Gambling Decision. In refusing to dissolve the injunction asued in restraint of gambling operations at Harlem race track.Judge Gibbons has atruck a death blow at that vicicus nuis ance. The derision is final, and drives the gamblers from their last entrench ment. It there is a technicality of law behind which they can bide in pursuing future gambling operations it is not ap parent. In bis admirable opinion Judge Gibbons cut down to the heart of the matter in ruling that the law against gambling is too explicit and severe to admit of evasions upon technical or other grounds. The best hopes of the gamblers up to date have been built upon the presump tion that through eotte technicality of the courts that t e other state officials might be barred fron g iving the law !ts full effect. Tbey will now wake up in the toll understanding that there are ample means of making the law of this state effective. The law is i.ot a mock ery ; the state is not Inpotent to enforce its own commands ; the people have not lost their authority in the dictation of the restraint of criminal of dangerous institutions. The gamblers will obey the law. It they do not obey it they j will be considered as law breakers and treated accordingly. For a time at least this decision settles the question of race-tract gambling in Chicago There is no way of getting be hind Judge Gibbons' decision and evad ng the statute. The gamblers have been driven out of their last stronghold inHarlem,acd there is nothing for them now but to aeek other spheres of action. If ther want to persist ia making tbeir money out of the .pockets of deluded they will have to seek ont the clerks i and wage earners of some otter city. A Sydney, N. YM dispatch of Sept. 2 gives tbe folio a ing result of the bicycle erase : Silas Watson, a Sidney farmer, purchased a bicycle for his fifteen-year- old daughter last week and also gave btr money to buy a bicycle costume. When Miss Watson rode into tbe yard at'.ired in bloomers her mother was astonished. but the father was well pleased with bis daughter's appearance and ability as a cyclist. Tbe mother declared her daught er should not be allowed to dress like a new woman." After the girl bad re sumed ber ordinary drees and gone to a neighbor's, tbe mother took tbe bloom -ere, chopped them up and presented tbe pieces to ber daughter when she return ed, with the following note: Here ia what is left of yonr abomina ble bicycle suit, which your father en couraged yon to boy. No daughter of mine shall ever be allowed to parade herself in public dressed in articles of patch work aa a reminder of the folly manifested by yourself and father." Farmer Watson was so indignant at his wife's condoct that be immediately gave bis daughter more money to boy another bloomer costume, and assured her the ahonld henceforth be protected from a similar experience. Tbe Baker City Democrat knows how to hit the nail on tbe bead : The fake in advertising ia not aa suc cessful as formerly, although a good deal of money b slmost'entirely wasted in that direction. Advertisers are com ing to appreciate the fact that no mrney spent in advertising is so fruitful in result aa judicious advertising in news papers ot known circulation and acknow ledged respectability. Tha ad that U placd in a news paper ia seen aod read, whereas announcements made in gutter snipes, on dead wall posters and through sheets issued for gratuitous distribution are of doubtful utility. If yon wish to advertise select a newspaper that you know ia read. Then your announcement will be noticed and rtad. An exchange believes that the new woman intends to wear pants and hatch ber offsprings in aa incubator. She will give milk out ot a bottle with the Jersey label on it, She will lectoie and ride astride and never marry unless she wants to. She will have ber on bible and will fight man until be is extinct, and when tbe world comes Oen end and Gabriel comes to toot h'e final born he will only f nd a lot of rtd-beaded old maids ridicg on bicycles through tbe onesome world, with no berries in the patch, or fruit on the trees, no babies in tbe cradle and the man in tbe moon a bowling maniac. Tbe girl who indulges in the dicry waits will bear with interest that the heads of Washington and New York so ciety have decided' that Sitting out a walls next winter will be more fsahioi. ableythan dancing tbe ooly difference is you sit instead of dance. The man'1 right arm is around tbe girl's waist while bia left hand holds ber right band. Btr left band is placed lovingly on bis shcul der, and all you have to do is to listen to the music Now, that is something like it It is a nuisance to have to gallop a mile or two to get ali t!e bog or two A room full of people sitting around on sofas hoiking to music is more to our notion. Ex. The Portland exposition will be the best in its history the coming season There are man reasons w hy it will be. It is backed by the citizens of Tortland, and will be by ti.e people of Oregon. I. will contain live features. There will be nothing dead about it. It will be under a first class management Tbe exposi tion is the greatest of our industries o' any held in the North vest. More visi tors to the state attend it. It will be the great exposition of our interest", alter a harvest of magnitude. U'od for the Albany Cieaiuery. Every man who has taken milk to it is saiit- fied, and, a unanimous resolution is that it has paid better than anything else on the farm. That founds likj business and means a good deal for the future Inside of a ear there will be fivegai Ions cf milk taken there to ne no . All kinds of crops look better than ever before Apples, plume, roner, pbicher, potatoes, every thin,' in fact pre sents a t uperb arpearunce this jrsr. Sam Jones has jumped with botli feet on the two old parties ; but they had to be told about it in order to know of the fact. K(-Prrident Harrison's private sec retary killed a deer theo'ber !ay, and th fnct was telearaphed every where. a till i in i a j eollectloiis aie improv ing rapidly and in fn''t are good, which isasirHwin the rlicht direction. The-eare Ix'iiml to be better times. You couldn't ket-p tlx m back if you tried. '' W. C. P. Breckenrldge admits that he has retired fiom politic p. He bad to. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. This Saturday night closes a long va cation for school children. It is the same vacation that was bailed with sui h delight several weeks ago; now its ter mination is a matter of satisfaction. A vacation presents advantage and disad vantages. It is needed rest from study Too much study is too much of a good thing, and the rest is needed. Then on the other band children sometimes be come almost Arabs in their daily Uvea, and learu habits they wou'.d better never learn. The impressions of childhood are wonderfully lasting. A man may forget the intermediate period of life, but every thing from six years of age to twenty is remembered and has. a mould ing effect on character. The associations of childhood ate often of snch a charac ter as to foim the man that wears the striped ruit for a period of years. School life iuelf should be more than the "book lesming." Education without charac ter is a poor invettroent. One meets people who split hairs in life. It is a bad occupation. Better be broad and not technical. Picking hops is a favorite way of tak ing a summer outing, and it is ueed to quite an ixttut for that purpose, aawell as to earn some needed money. A good deal of money is put in circulation through the industry. mere u i.tue doubt that it will be a very good thing for Linn county to take a prominent and active part in the ciav ing state fair and Portland Industrial Exposition. The county is third in pop ulation in the state, centrally located, "nu ... . . tUV U 111- lUUUBLrJUl uiaui. 1VW is a good, lime with a great many eyes on this state, for old Linn to do some rust ling. In the long run It ill mean great er prosperity for our people. Geese may not hare much tense but when tbey fly south it mean something all the same. Tbey know enough to get in out of the cold, and that is a good deal. It may be observed that Albany's streets are being improved in a very ma tertal manner, t nder '.he new system in a very few years we will have streets that will be a credit to our city, streets that strangers will not make face at.and cot with sarcasm. Good streets speak for a city. Tbe Salem post is author of the fo! lovriog; Yesterday two philosophical old hayseeds stood before tbe iaree bird cage in front of Mel Hamilton's door. diecutiog tbe peculiarities of what tbey called ayoung Chinese pheasant which bad been plated in tbe cage among the canary b rde. Tbey both admired iu long legs, its fine feathers, its great abil ity, it beautiful symmetry . Then ther would branch out on politics, for they were both democrats, and when tbey' were tired of that they would return to tbe Chinese pheasant. One of tbe men was Jadga Davidson (farmer) and the otner William Galloway, president ot tbe board of agriculture- Mr. Galloway thought that the bird would be quite aa attraction at tbe slate fair. It would convince the people that Chinese pheas ants could le tamed. Mr. Davidsoa thought so to. anJ was about to ask Mr. Hamilton what be would sell the pheas ant for, vl.en a country man stepped np aod aai-i, "Ve'l.boye.thafs considerable of a turkey, Un't :t ' The truth then flashed on the minJs of the two disciples of tbe plow; and Mr. Galloway moved a ay to the fair ground to see after some stock while Mr. Davidson started for hie home murmuring as ha went along tbe street, "Welt by thunder t ought to know a Cbioeee pheasant from a gob bler." Galloway says he bat decided to make Mr. Davideoo coeof the Judge ot poultry at the coming state fair. An Albany man think 'e tbe following is a good joks on the editors.wben Har pers cs me rushing into the Democrat office very rapidly as if he had found a fotd mine, in order to show it. but the joke doesn't apply to Oregon editors, as wealaays Lave enough to eat here: Whatever may be the truth or tbe falsity of the stories thl are told of the scarcity of funds in a extuntry editor's pocket or the scarcity of food in his stomach, tbe stories are always told, and neither tbe progress ol education nor tbe growth and development ol the press teems to have any effect upon tbe crop. One .t the latest comes from Krntocky. where the mountain editor, at least, rarely devel ops into a Cm-ius or an Apiciis. and this or.e is concerning a mconUin editor. A suownber had remerabcred him very kindly, nod a day .1 or to later a visitor called at histf&ce, "Can I seethe, editor? he inquired ottheg.i ny little "devil" rousirgoo a high sto.l. "Ha'a elck." "Wiia.'s the matter with bim?" "Dun'no', said the boy. Oae of our subecriirs gave him a bag of flour and a bushe! ot parUters t'other day, and I rockon he's foundered." The ttniof phert or surroundings have a peculiar effect oc Oregon young people conducive to active brain work and ai a result Oregon students abroad atui-l universally lead. Here is another ct-r: Miss Amy Hirstal.a bright Oregon girl, has just achieved a mirk ofsoinedis Unction in San FranciUro educational circles. Miss Hir.-ttl Is the grand daughl. erof Court Crier Waldinan, in Judge gtearne court and to eay that Me. Wald maa Is proud id Iter success is putting it mildly. Mies U'rslel formeily lived in I'oilloiid but wen, to Sin Kruinco with h?r parents a few years ago. Ia a class of 85 p'tpih In the normal school there the young lady graduated with th first and only honors. There is a rule that the six highest graduates of the normal school be entitled to life positions in the public echoo's ol San Francieco,if tbey so d.'iire. Miss Hirstle io tha on'y one of a large clas?. The Wilson Tariff bill was on- ear old afowdaysago. Io commemo a. ion of tbe event the New York Worid pub lished a carefully prepared table showing the results in the industrial world under its operation. It was a unilorm sto.-y of an advance in wages of labor and a re duction in the prices of the necessaries of life. In contrast with this admirable showing The World also published, side by side, a table Illustrating the industri al situation after the McKtnley Tariff bill bad been in operation one year. Re sult, strikes, reduction of wanes, indus trial depression and increases in the cost of the necessaries of life. In each In stance the record was made up with names of places and ruling market quo. tations, and no mere haphazard asser tion without proof was attempted This ii an ohjcc'.-lessou that Impresses the truth of the rcsxini that the people can not ba enriched by taxation. .'niicing ton Every Evening. HOME AND ABROAD Wheat 40 cents. Try Tinkle for Photoj. Tinkles photos are warranted to please. Fresh butter 25 cents a roll at P Cohen's store. Drop in at Tinkles Photo Gallery and see tbe new stylos of photos. See those Japan tea pota at Gradwohls Finest in the market. The collapse of a flue in the hop house of W. D. Prettyman across the nver canned tho loss of quite a quantity of bops. Parties wishing Ice Cream in quantities, or derir ng cream frozen for seasides, will do welljto get prices at Mrs. L. Viereck s. Ladirs wishimr treatment for acaln imtilil.i or dandruff, I will make sDeciai reduced prices, for 4 weeks obly, Louis Viereck. A fine line of fall and winter sailor hats just received by Mrs. Ashby. Stated Communication of Corinthian lodge no. 17 A. F. & A. M. tonight. Work in fellow craft decree . Miss Brouner's Kindergarten in W. C. . U. ball begins Mondur morn in rr at. ft o'clock, Sept 9. Thorough insirudisn. P. J. Flion. upon the arrival of tha noon train was arrested by Marshal Lee unon request by telephone from Marsbel Dilly of Salem. The Senter Payton Corned r Comnanv will twin an enirairernent at Oreaon Citv next Monday and will no doubt be in Al bany in a few weeks. Mr. Julius Gradwohl will triva tha fol lowing remarkably low prices, for net cash, iron stone china: dozen 7 inch plates, 40 cents; dozen cups and saucer. cents; wasn dowi, pitcner and cbamber, EI .35. Meat cheaner than ever at the Albanv Dressed Beef Co's shop, comer cf Second and Ellswortn sreoU. "Bill" Enerick will continue to slice the best meat to be obtained for you. II. F. Mcllwain has hU line of sample complete and can make suits to order from $10.00 and cants from I375.AI1 workman- snip ana nt guaranteed, call ana see samples. 3000 to select Ltom. The board of regents of tbe O. A. C. last evening elected tne following teacbers to succeed Profs. Letcher and wash burn: Gordan V. Skeleton of Iowa, mathematics. A B. Cordley. of Hkbiiran. and C. L. Johnson, ef Corvallis. assistants. A milk cow on the blocks of Dock k h etch urn to day weighed over 800 pounds dressed, said to be the largest cow ever in a ouicner anop nere Up to last Wednesdar nibt Q1 loads of grain had croaed tbe CorvallU ferrr. en route from tbe other tide of the V nUm ette to the Corvallis mills and warehouees. The aggregate was over 20.C00 busheU and there is a largn quantity yet to cms. Corvallis Times. Freight offerings on tbe Oregon Central are so Leavy that tbe employment cf another steamsbip is made necessary on tbe ocean division, and neKtAiations for a snip to enter tbe trade are now pending, with a prospect of settlement ia a few days. At tbe Corvallis station there is a 4ong str jijr of cars, all loaded with freight consigned to San i'riocisco. Tiroes MlSFtT- Major-Ge&eral Purler, in command of the advance brigade of God's regular army, composed of 13 men and women, arrived at Ashland from California for a extensive campaign in Oregon, and beg-in tbe battle aeainst sin in Ashland on Tburtday. having tent barracks establis- eu here temporarily. Mayor Adolph Sotro,of San Francisco, has the DcsiovmAT a thanks for a couple ot pamphlets, one beaded: "How Con gressmen are Iintwd.The Col ion Letters Declaration of Huntington that Con greesmen are for Sale ;'" the other : "Kob berr ot tbe Government bv the Pacific Railroad, as shown in the Minority Re port of Gov. Foilerson of Pennsylvania. inants, Aaoipu. Yaquina Bav baa tbe distinction of be ing the only place in the United Stale where water agate and rock oytter are found, and both ar cnnosiiie ao common here aa to excite no comment. People on the Atlantic though will hardly believe that there is men a'thinsr a ovsk lers in rocks or agatew containing water. The Corral! is Gazette tells ot a hunter with a remarkably big conscience : Joe Bergin went bunting Sunday and amused the pheasanta. Tbe law prevents one man silling more than 30 birds in one day, and Joe came back from bis trip greauvriisturbea. lie n anted an tour law yen and asked tbem their advice on one phase of tbe law. He wanted to know if having killed 19 bird he should shoot at another and by a pure accident kill two be could be liable to a fine. The at- tornev could not agree. Bui tbe report soon spread that Joseph bad violated the law and some of his kind friend were about to telegraph Mr. McGuire to come up and prosecute him. It seems, how ever, that Joe began debating the ques tion before he had fired a shot, and tear ful lest such a condition should arise, be immediate!? drove bark to town to get proper legal advice. lie vowa he wont go oot again until the' supreme court passes upon tne matter. Hie nerve have not yet recovered frvrn the fright caused by hi possibly narrow escape. s A Oostlt Rcsawat. John Klger paid a ten dollar tine Tuesday night, and a suit for damage is said to be in store for him, all the result of fast driving on Main street. Tuesday he traded team with Hurl Catoway, and in the afternoon used Main street oocaaionallv to show the speed of bia new It acquired stock. About i o clock Mrs. Wcvtfall attempted to crocs tbe street near olan A Callahan's when John and bis team bore down on her at a terrific put. She was caught between the tao burs-, both ot whom and the buggy passed over ber, doing considerable injury to her back, and bruising her up generally, it was mere ly a piece of good luck that she wasn't mained for life, or killed outright by the accident, and even if John has to pay damage and a fine he may thank his lucky etais that it is no worse. Kiger waa arrested by Chief Taylor, he pleaded guilty to the chargeof fast driving. There are more drivers that need a dose of the same medicine. Corvallis Times. Vkry English bit Goon. Four nice English girls, very English, gave an entertainment at the oera house last night. It was much more different from other ehtcrtainmenta than entertain ments generally are. The three Webling sisters are superior actors, in fact re markably good ; but they lack the voice and their enunciation is tuuillcd. Peggy's recitations contain merit only in the action. Her style ot elocution will not do in America, we can't stand that kind of shooting of words. Miss Lucy in her imitations is "simply immense, "and her voice is very swet a'nd pleasant even it not knowing what she says very well. Rosalind is very natural. Their per forming whether in dancing or character dolineation is splendid, all together they give an entertainment as enjoyable as one often attends, and certainly more unique. miss Konrick is an accomplished pianist with a very artistic touch. A Bov's Arrkst Wm. Sievies, a young man aged about 18 was arrested this week on complaint ot Ubbe Peters and was being tried before Justice Freerksen and a jury at press time. Mr. Peters advanced the monev about $40 for Sievies to come to Oregon, and this he worked nut and he claims conridera bleover. He took a cart of Mr. Peters1 and went to Eugene where he sold it. He says his neighbors told him it would be the only way he could get his pay. It was for larceny ot the cart that lie was arrested. Sievies claims Peters forced him to sign a note for $(10 to cover the expense of coming nut here. Mr. Peters no doubt has a different vorsion ot the matter. The family of Dr. T. H. Fraker.ot Kan. sas City has been awarded $58,000, lite insurence, and immediately th Doctor turnrd op alive. $40,CC0 of it bad been paid.bnt suit was immediately begun for its recovery. . . The Doctors aa usual disagree on tha bicycle question. Will the patient die? At,, s crtaia oaidns; PowOcl Host Perfect THE YOUNG-GIBSON WEDDING Wednesday evening the Democrat mentioned the marriage of Mr. Percy A. Younof this city and Mis Florence Gibson of San Francisco. The Exami ner of Thursday morning, under tbe heads: "Marriage of a Pastors Daughter. Percy Althouae Young, of Oregon, and Miss Florence Gibson Wedded Yester day Noon," gives the following particu lars of tbe event: Yellow and white were tbe colors at the wedding of Percy Althouae Young and Miss Florence Gibson, which took place at I o'clock yesterday afternoon at the First United' Presbyterian chorch.on the corner of Golden Gate avenue and Polk street. Tbe groom ia the son of Samuel E. Young.a prominent merchant of Albany, Or., and a graduate of Stan- lord University. Ibe fair bride is tbe daughter of the Rev. M. M. Gibson, pas tor of the church in which the ceremony took place. Dr. Gibson has been a prom inent clergyman in this city for the past twenty-nine years. Miss Gibeon ia a graduate of the Irving Institute and very popular in church and society circles. The young friends of the bride showed their affection for her by the elaborate manner in which they decorated the church. Tbe pulpit and organ-loft were a nines of ferns, plants and flowers. Flo ral arches were tree tea at eacn sule ol the platform under which the bridal partv passed. Bunchea of asters and dahlias were placed on each side, and on tbe dealt was a targe bow ot yellow rib bon resting on a bed of asparagus ferns. Tbe monogram of tbe couple in white and yellow rose was placed over the organ. As 31188 b wan, trie organist, played the wedding march from "Lohengrin," tbe ushers, James Forrest and Charles Field of Alameda, entered, followed by the bridesmaids. Miss Violet Smeiirh. Mia Helen French, of Oakland, Mia Florence Bennett and Miss Kobenia LongwelL The maid ol honor, MUs Bessie McFar land, walked alone, and then came the bride, leaning on the arm of ber father and accompanied by 3Iiea Lmma Black, a beautiful little flower eirl. The eroom entered from the other side with his best man. Carl Sox of Albany. Or. Aa the organist played softly "Call me sal hv Dr. Giheon. assisted bv the Rev Dr. SlcCormack: of Salinas City and the Kev lr. Calhoun of Alameda. Tbe party then lett tbe church aa Mendelssohn a march was plaved. Tbe bride wore an elaborate gown cf white satin trimmed with nearl iiaMe- neoteric. The corsage was high and plain. Tbe veil was caught in tbe cou ture with a spray of orange blossoms. she carried bride a rosea. Misa McFar land wore a costume of white ailk, the waist high and trimmed with point lace. Her broad white bat was trimmed with white feathers. Two of the bridesmaid? were dreed in yellow and the others in white. Tbe gown were of mull, walking length. Tbeir bats were trimmed with lace. Tbe little flower girt wore a dotted Swiss, trimmed with Valenciennes lace. After the ceremony the bridal party was driven to tbe home ot the bride's parents at 1518 Fuiton street, where a breakfast was served, and then M r. and Mrs. Young left for Coronado Beach where the honeymoon will be spent. Tbey will then return to the city. The The Rev. and Mrs. Gibson will give them a reception at their residence on the evening of the 33th instant, which prom ise to be a brilliant anair. Cutting Affray. Lebasox, Sept.. 7th. Last evening a young man named Williams waa spend ing tbe evening with a daughter of K. R. Humphrey, near Waterloo. when a young man named Black havir.g a room np staiis kept guying tbem. Williams got mad and invited lilacc down stairs, tie came when Williams attacked bim with a knife cutting him in tbe face and two other places, in a eerkras but not ilicyer oos manier. No arrests have been ma-le. EiowsftriLLB. Mr. R. A. Murray and daughter who hav been visiting relative in the state of W asbington tor the past three months, returned borne one dar this week. Mr, Murray states that tbe bop in that state are literary blackened. a a result ot the vicious attack: made It li.-e. and also from the effect of mould. Mrs. Murray, although raised in Wash ington thinks Oregon far superior to that state. The teachers lor oor public schotle have ail been emploved, and areas fol lows: North Side school. Prof. R. E. ! rchen er . pri n-i pal ,M r. R. E. Michener, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. C'alder, assistants; Sooth Side. Prof. W. 1. Jackson, prin cipal and C. E. Smith, assistant. Tbe door will be opened immediately after bop picking, when a large attendance and a profitable term may be expected. Times. The fallow in stable-? will be represented at the Albany race Sept 12. 13 and It ; J Bear's. Geo Mianer'. Cbaa Woods, Var B De Luahroett. Wm Henry', M Schil ling. These added to our hval horses insure first-clas racing. iHd you ever think that you eancot bae good health without prtre blond? Health come by tbe tne) of Hood's Sarsapuiila, because it make the blood pore. Hood.s Pills have won high prabe for heir prompt and em cunt jet ea.y action $100 Eeward, $100, YV reader or this rper win be pleased to snara that ibeev is at lesx on- dreaded dtseas tbat scMoca bas bees able to care is u if. tan and tbat la Caurrb. Hall's CaiarW Cure is I he only poatu.-v curs wow ksosa to ane sncoiesA rrscernur. iiaTa netn- a cow HftioeuU disease, requires a consututioaal trealnasnU Hall s Cslarrb Cure is taken inter- aallr. actina-directly nooe tbe biood and ma- coaa surfaces of the system, thereby destying tbe toaadauon of the disease, and rrriae; tb pattern strenylh br buu.tincaplnecotks-:iuitiSi and asaistin natnre in d.mjr ita orl. Tb SropreUrs bST so much faita in Ita carat I rs nowers, that tbey oSrr One Hundred Dollars Inr any case tbat it fail to cure. Saadtoc But of testimonial. Address, V. J. CHESETtCO., Tole4SO Ad-Sold br trnfiis3s ia bea Baby was sfck. we rttw ber Cawvie. 'Wbeai.'rf, was a CV1W. abe cried f Coslarla. Warn she became KlaR, the duns to CfeKorbv WLea sbe bad CfciMrmiebe gate tbem Pastnat Karl's Clover koot.tte great olood pur ifier give freshness and c earnets lo the complexion and curt constipation. 5C. oc, t.oo. Fo-hay A Mason Agent, Kri't C'CVcr R-VU will n-irlftf rou bll, ciet y nr c-vnplexlon, res'ulnt your Ihsc'i t-. 1 nt ike vour head clea as a bell, gee. t ic. and Jt e Good Health. And a good appetite go hand in hand. With the loss of appetite, the system can not long siktain iUef. Thcstha f.wrifi. cations of good health are broken dowa and tbe syvtem 1 Table to attacks of dis ease. It is in such cases tbat tke medi cinal powers oi Hood's Sarsaparilla are clearly shown. Thousands whobave taken noou oarsapnniia t&stity to its great mer it as a ruritier of the blood, ita powers to restore and sharpen the appetite and pro mote a healthy action of the digestive- or gnns. Thus it is, not what we sav but what Hoods Sarsaparilla doe that fells tha story and constitutes the strongest recotn mendation tbat can beurgsd for any med icine. Why not take Hoods SarsanariHa nowy Mothers Read. The proprietors of SANTA ABIE hsve authorised Foshay & Mason to refund your money if, after giving this California King of Cough Cures a fair trial as directed, it fails to give satisfaction for the cure of coughs, croup, whooping cough and all throat and lung trouble. When the dis ease agecU tbe head, and assumes the form of catHtib, nothing Is so effective as CAL1 F0RNIA CAT-R-CURE. These prepar ations are without equals a household rem edies. Sold at $1.00 a package. Three for $260. ; Ths best roast soQs In th oity at Cent a v aleyara TELEGRAPHIC; Frlres Were To Hlb. r- K,E,T,rYK:,r,SePt- 6 K- G- Dun k Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade says: There is no real reaction in busings. Gainrwhich were recognized as temparary are vanishing, but there remains a decided increase over last year, although price average 8.8 per cent lower than a year ago. it needs no keen observer to see that the reaction against the rapid advance of prices is strong. Hides were tbe firrt to rise, but a decided break has come. Wheat jumped over 20 cent to 84 cents, hot ia now alow of sale abor rot u'nl late in rising, but ha lost about an eighth rijf "I110 tvent Price. within the pass uiiu.gui. nun sun rates. Will Kf Tla riale CLeVKLAXD. Sept. 6. Th CnrJab manufacturers in tnis city say tbe big ad vance in tbe price of steel has kil-ed tbe tinplate industry, and that in a few months every mill in the country turning out that iuuu win wi cioved. J. w. Enttoo, president of the Brittin Tinra(A Wwk. said today: ' I here is in the neir.lilY-tt,--1 rjt tin 000.000 invested in tbe Id mill at present " uiu coun'ry, and lrom zv.UUO to 30,000 men are employed. In four months from now. not be running The raaal After Chlle(e. Obecox ClTT. Kent. TK OrtrOn City tire department has istned a challeagn to the Vancouver team to run any race of the recent tournament at Vancorver at ary piace orume named by the Vancouver boys, other than the home of either com pany, for 2u0. Tbe conditions are to be the same as those prescribed at tbe tourna ment. w ten's That ) ad Irate? asuisctok. Sept. . A tetemm re ceive.! at the treasury stales that 1,600, 000 in gold had been withdrawn for export irom ue suoireasurv at rtew York- rkxne gains, however, were made at Chicago and other points aggregating 13S.Uu0, so the true amount of tbe reserve at tbe close cf buttoe was $98,51329. Tbe cah bai- ance waa $11.577, 1C. Beclareal t seaaUllsUJaalei. WasmxoTOX, Sep 8. B. B. Bowler. controller of the treasury, today rendered an opinion in the now celebrated Oxnard sugar-bounty claims, in which he holds. firrt, tbat be, a controller, ha jariadition oi tne case. and. vcond, in his opinion, the act of March. 18), making tbe eugax bounty appropriation, is unconstitutional. He. however, decided thst the pipers ia the caae should be sent to the court of daiics tor the rendition of a judgment, in order that there may be furnished a precedent for the future action. CatirseataaMile. Silew, Or.. Sept. 5. TieSakm woolen mills are now running day and night. lbe are sixteen doJi and four blanket looms in operation, requiring a force of 76 employes. Order are being filled for the Pacic coatt and Eacbern trade. The Man dei Bros are having a btankzt made that ia labeled, "Tbe California BUnket.'' An order for Hale Bros, ia labeled, "Bale Bros. Store. San Fraacueo. An order is also being filled for a New York firm, which accepts the brand of tbe Salem wool en mill. A rswt-auta lire. FOKTLAXD. Sept. 6. Th Ornrov Ie '. company s stAMcs, at the comer of Tenia and IrriGff street, boraed down in leas taaa JO minute soon after o'clock this i rnciaT) morning, and 14 horses were cre mated ia their stall. Two bousn cn Tenth street, belonging to Kobert Uringt&oe, of the OregooJ saviruragv company, caugtit are because of proximity, and were nearly deairoyed. Tbe occupant were able to remove few of their effects. The origin of tbe fire is unknown. The total loss will pro'jaU.'T reach li.0OO. last TrwtUas GiU-'Brw, IIL, Sept. 5. Arcta went a remarkable mile today against Lis record of 2:055. He was driven by Andy Me Dowelt, with the runner Ferdinand, dri-e by Dan Campbell, to force him oct Tbe tint quarter made was in 0:2f.j and the baif ia 1 :0IS- la going the tnird quarter Azote faced a cool wind and reached the pole in 1 4. Coming bom be made a fine port and crJ ths wire in 2:00.. Mc- lweU was nnwsjl and scarcely able to on re. A Wests Stss rv Sa riltnrn 1 S 1 . U Momm. tbe jaaitres cf tbe school at the southwestern edge cf tbe city, was en rout to th- city hail today, three men -in a bog gy overtook her- 1 bey held ber op. Ste bad some mocev in her poc&et and 150 tickets far school children to obtain admis sion to the mechanics fair, now in pro gress here. The rubber secured tie pLk s?w cootainieg the tickets, tat tbe woman madesucn an outcry tbat tbe footpads made eff befure gvtiiag any of tbe mooev. Ine robbery was on a traveled tao'yic fare. law Frwdletaw aiu Pexductos, CV.. Sct. -Checks drawn on tbe ssistant tr-a-nrer of tbe United State in New York cuverix.g tbe second per eect dividecMl on proved claims against tbe National bank oi Pen dleton, and are beine delivered to claim ants by Ctaries S. Jacksop. receiver. Spain Sean ktaslaess. Havaxa. Sept. 4 A banquet was riven tonight at the Casino Kspanol bv the regi mental societies to the Spanish erbce Uteiy arrive-! in I'uUa, which was presided over by Mavhal Campos. Seoorlrozmaa made a patriotic speech on the theme of sovereignty, which he said could not exist without force. He said: "Spain has a right to nse force to carry her resolution to retain tuba. Spain bas sent SU.UUU ot the newer ot ber army and is preparing to send 5,000 more and still more, if necessary, to crush the rebellion." A srrlkte AceMeaf. SpRrsoFiKLD. II!., Sept. 4. A horrible accident occurred at the state fsir grounds this afternoon. The west tower on ma chinery hail, which is now bein? roofed. collapsed and fell in, burying several men ueoeia ius ruins, manes ucbsoaand James barker, both plumber of Lincoln. eb., and lames Patk. a rJumber of this city, wno were at work on the grc ubd floor. were killed. 1 bey were covered with sev eral ton of brick and mortar. Five others were injured, one fatally. Park ha.l nnlr on (uameu two wees. wde Iseath. Rosebcbo, Or.. Sept. 4. John Gilder- weeve was found dead about 6 o clock P. M., id a room in the Depot hotel. He bad been complatninir for several dan. Ahont a o clock tbe landlord was in tbe room, and gave bim a piece of watermelon which he ate. On going to the room aa hour later, bo was found dead, sitting upright on a lounse, and noldinc the st.ivenr.ker ni uenuy oaving just opened the stove door. r . r in woicn a nre was burning, before death came. Use risrMi. JaCKSONYILI.S. Fla . fVn A -mlsre Turner, of the Jacksonville fruit exchanira. estimates tbe crop of otangee in the state at not over lOO.OCO boxes, against 5.000.000 the season of lSJtt W. The creater por. tton ot the crop this year will com from the Vauatee river section on the gulf coast where the freeie of last winter did com- oaratively little damage. Cincinnati fruit dealers have already bought the entire stock of the region. The Athlete In Aaaerlea. New York. Sept, 4. The Enirlish ama teur athlete, who will meet the New York Athletic Club team this month, and those of Cambridge, who meet the Yale team October 5, arrived this evening on the Ao rania. There aie two teams in the party that of the London Athletic Club and the Cambridge team. They are ait uu&er the direction of Montarrue Shimiian. of the London AJiletic Club and vice-pre- ldent ol tbe Amateur Athletic Aawvintlr.. and under the training ot the veteran ath lete, .lack Wjte. There are 17 men in the Canibndtre team and 10 in th Tn.i. VMMMVMM team. StiU FUhllas St. Pstersbubo. Snt A4V- Yremya correspondent at Vladiyostoek write mat lormosaa insurgents are con ducting a suwxsdul warfare against the Japanese, in which tbe women share equal- w 1 . "ougn tne army is deci mated by sickness. The Japanese will grant no quarter, and nam niifsw w-mnv - , -I J " ' '1 - T VAAt,AA auCwmiurcoa fiatTf aim off bfcnr jwrwdeT. s1b4 nras tea- pooetolm ot rOTTOlsfcSK a4nlir traDr Brlil tboroofbijr anzawl; thm v44 wfxWrni Bulk to wnf ioak ; kn4 tl-'ir roll earl ro9t It if a taett tjifc - . - -I wrth wbaH beavrwt cvttser. Ptae t,f-'." 3r ga 0wmmm4 , a4 bavk rj fs for Hftsvsn e. tventf manejtsw. Trw h-yrmA -JmU4 b ftd-wfce-rto brows toss irvt oi smvix rrv a exywi ; iu tbrv ttm tut aybam 1 Us secret of socce ia this re city?, as in others, is to use bat wm uivan twcMhirds ss much Cottoleue as you ..Acd to use of lard. will make tbe biscuit light, deli cious, wholesome. Better thzn sny biscuit you ever made before. Try it. Be sure and get gen nine Cotto lene. ScJd everywhere in tin with trade-marks " ColtoUiu " and steer's head in coUtm-planl wreath ' on every trn. the n. a. yam bass comar.SL Us. tsasMMaaasksM It lane id. on s raE3tis gists. It eon x-.?-t- -sisfhabea Coaxal aV Fiuivl '-Ia-jx .-cts EAST AND-SOUTR VTA THE SHASTA ROUTE OF THE Southern Pacific Co. Cb3vaa Cve UaUy r5 JA 1. 1SS f se4 8 tee. a. I Lt Fjrossd AikMr Sss fmn 4r ttaAaal Ls tatasa m Ar Ar I ( S s a U'tari Above trains op at East P rtlani Oregon Citv, Woodbum. Sakm. Tomer Marxii. Jeffirso", Albany. Albaay Junc ttoa. Tansent. Sbedd. Halser. Zofeoe. C re we I. Drain, nnd all starion from Koseburg sooth to and iwctadaig An 'anJ SSBab Lt liter m I Lr irW- tAr sr Kra t 1 w sr r n l. I is- a Aibssr H.'HU Abair trjiiwir Irl S)s Art -r . ! IV S.Man I Ar tv: t a I L iFUr A3VD Dinine Cars on Ogdm Eaute SECOND-CUSS SlElPiNS CURS AttaeAVad) ts all TsjrawaW Tralu Te : HttOM. wart etuv rtTUia Ai isttaitn an. raai aaoitKscescSwaea; a t Vt l:lrn Ar Ar I Lei I IS Ei press rain daily (except Sanday)ak A'.bauv and CorraJ i connect wttU rH cf 0 C k E. By. rr I L T.Sral Ar FerCana SesuanvB-e Le ! .sc a T utet m lb Santera tuiwl be cbKaiaad a lsk,Aewst Atbaaf. . KOBRLKI tfi.srr V fMrt atj Orsw . ran to the EAST via the Union Pacific System, Through Pullman Palace a'.eeper Tourist sleepers and New RrcMnin Chair cars DAILY PORTLAND TO CHICAGO. Trains heated b and ra-s light ed by Pintsch Lisbt. Time to Chicago Stj days, t.n.e to Kw York 4t( days. whicH ia many hours quicker than all competitors. For rates, time ubles aod full iator mation, apply to CvaaS-t A AIoSTKiTii, stents. Albany, Or. O' R W Baxtox. C !J Baowa, Gen'l Agent. Dist Pass Agt 135 Third St, Portland, Or. m ew ?w jjks J C m p-rrtpi3 Pr tif- Irt x fq V 2n3 PF.EYtrrrr-.'H L1 rv '3 W e n !M. r, 1; SSeV., SS onM)ll4.: w m4 p.WM-a MJMMJ ij ,v , .. , m-c-tm mmmm .MMMmmMM Mwwal Mitn nu.M. W &Vdbdl Sir. .. u.-. A Cummlng, sole -jj-n. .y Snnr LIFE Ct. S. & TSSTC kssti m niar n urrare is W aader poeitiea written roan ft, bjr wnbonsen aasuta onljr. to ears Weak Memory; joes of Brain and Karn ISir- I ui Alanbuod ' tairkneas: Nixht Ummi Eti! Drwems; Lack of V TVII 1 1 I , I ..1.1 t IUV . MMMM MS . Lossnt Power ot thlreoe.-miT Orcnas in eiia awe eaosod by OTerirtiot, Yuatltful lirrors. Axosssiea TJs ot Tubaoeo. Optus er tiqa'j Wbteh leada .a Htsarr. ( emaai-CiMi. lnsaH. and Death. By mail SI a box; x for S"h ttft written uarantee to ears or sefnad money. Hamprs packaws, eontalnin tint deja' traauneai. wttsi full inatrnctiuBa, TA rnv Oua au' a. sokl to aaaa narsua ia uaaX. J A Cumming, sole agent, Albany ATTENTION TTJNK SHOP. Cr. Second abd Fe. Srs . Alhanr. will biiv raS. iron. 1ml tie and all kinds of met:-, hidts, bene and tallow, tor cash. J, CBOrsSTEIS t bos. rua Bottle-g? Q , i : n On cent a dasa. a .V yi- THROUGH Ti KETS