The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, September 13, 1895, Image 2

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Cholera in Honolulu suggests that
Pacific coast ports should keep their
eyas on vessels fron that place.
Prof. Parvin proposes to give the Alba
ny Conservatory of Music a name in the
Northwest. Stand in witk him.
Visit the schools. That is what the
teachers desire. Keep track ot the man
ner in which your children are baing
The H'alla Walla chinaman who mar
ried the white woman on general princi
ples is entitled to the sympathy of the
L:nn county will take a hand in the
slate fair this year, and then we will ap
preciate the fact that it is a state fair in
fact as well as in name.
The mines are said to be panning out
much hotter than many realise. Just
how well of course is not public proper
ty. If the syndicate wishes to buy in
other claims it will not be very apt to
ay very much. Who would?
The chief of police ot Spokane has
been summarily removed by the city
council because of the stupidity of one
councilman, who wanted to vote in the
chief's favor but really voted ' to oust
him, which decided the matter and will
result in another man for chief of police
in Spokane. If more conncilmen wonld
make similiar mistakes it would proba
bly be better for the people. K. O.
Much interest attaches to a new inven
tion of an arrangement of floating tubes so
constructed as to prevent boats from sinking-.
Th3 tubes are run along each side of
the boat, and they will not only keep it
afio&t, even when capsized, but will sup
port all its occupants, if need be, who can
readily lay hold of them. When the boat
is capsized the tubes come to the level of
the water, although it is claimed that the
mere adjustment of the tubes makes cap
sizing almost an impossibility.
The following from the pen of a phil
. osopher is well woith thinking over: No
man ever succeeded in anything under
taken solely for spits. If you have no
higher motive than Bimpiy getting even
with somebody, you may rest assured
that your business wil". not prosper and
you will never get even. Set your mark
bigb. take deliberate aim, and fire when
your enterprise is laudable and honor
able ; but if spite is the motive power
you might just as well bang yonr harp on
a willow tree and go duck bunting.
The Pendleton t. O. laces the moi:(
as follows: An observing man in tbis
community makes note and comment of
the fact that the population of Umatilla
county has decreased in the. last fonr
years. Pendleton is more or less affected
by this decrease of population, and be
expresses himself as bein In favor of
concerted action towards an increase in
population and a re-settlement of lands
which have fallen into the hands of the
mortgage holders. This suggestion ia a
good one and we hope to see something
come of it.
Washington Letter.
Frcrn our regular Cornspoadaat.
WAsnncGTOK, S -pt. 2nd, 1895.
Secretary Carlisle will go to Kentucky
and take the stump for Colonel Hardin
and the whole state ticket. He ia too
good a democrat to countenance the fight
which has been mistakenly made upon
Colonel Hardin, because of financial
opinions wLich everybody knew he beld
before lie was nominated for Governor,
and which are not a legitimate issue in
the 6'. ate campaign, anvway. Secretary
Carlisle will have but one object in view
ingoing into this campaign, and that
will be to bring about party harmony
and lhe election of the state democratic
ticket and a democratic legislature-
Air. LienjatKin Harrison goose is
cooked, sj far as bis being a presidential
candidate is concerned. That at least is
the opinion of many of the longest head
ed republicans in Washington, some of
whom want Harrison nominated badly
Boss Quay is the man credited with
blocking Mr. li'a ambition. Had be lost
bis fight in Pennsylvania he would have
ceased to be a factor in the national pol
itics of his party, but by winning it he
obtained virtually the power to cast the
sixtj-fo ir votes of Pennsylvania in the
Republican Convention and a strong in
flaeai e over votrs from otber states.
His opposition to Mr. Harrison was un
availing in '92, because Mr. Harrison
had tie Minneapolis convention packed
with Federal office holders, but it will be
effectual in '96, so effectual that Mr
Harrison will have the good sense to get
down in order to eave himself from be
ing knocked down.
Q lay'd triumph in addition to forcing
Mr. Harrison out of the running has giv
en Tom Reed a boom for tbe nomination
But as this boom has no better founda
tion than Quay's expression in favor of
Seed several months agj it wonld not
be advisable for Mr. Seed to lean too
heavily upon it. He would better trust
the bicycle be had made to order; the
strength of that has been tested. Quay
bavinj; got a copper riveted cinch on
those sixty-four votes will now proceed
to dicker with those who want tbem,
and if McKinley will make a better trade
than Reed, ot Allison or Morton than
itherof the others it is senatorial toga's
to horse cover's that be can get them
The probabilities all point to Reed, how
ever, simply because lie is in a good po
sition to offer a dicker which may land
Quay on the winn'ng tide, which is
where he wants td be. It is generally
admitted that Reed will hare tbe solid
New England Delegation and a number
of scattering votes from other states If
he can add to those Pennsylvania's sixty
our votes he will en'er the convention
with more than any otber candidate.
Hon. Win. H. Clop too. of St. Louis, D.
8- Attorney for the easterr district of
Missouri, is in Washington. He is
credited with always keeping posted on
democratic sentiment in bis section. In
tbe course of an interesting conversation
be said: "The present agitation over
silver wi.l do the democratic party no
harm in Missouri. The state will be
overwhelming democratic in 1896,
There is considerable talk out out way
about the candidacy of Colonel Wm. B
Morrison. I Ibink that lie has the call
in Missouri ovtr any other democrat
who has been mentioned in connection
with the presidency. Morrison's long
and honorable public career, his unspot
ted personal character, his coneervatiem
and his straight democracy are points in
hie favor not to be overlooked He is
available from every standpoint, and he
- is popular throughout the entire country."
Lake CreeklHappenlngs.
Halset, Sept. 9.
Today is cold and cloudy. Hop pick
en are scarce in this locality.
During the week tbe days were bright,
clear and warm. The heavens are
brightened at night by the many straw
piles that are being burnt. The valley
is once more clear from smoke, for
which blessing we all feel truly thank
ful. W. L. Armstrong baa taken the con
tract to pick the fruit on Samuel Daw's
large prune orchard.
George Ward, baa a badly crushed
finger caused by allowing it to remain
between two logs, while they were being
jammed together.
Many families are at the hop fields
more for an outing than with an idea of
any financial gains.
John Clemens was summoned to Al
bany to appear as a witness before tbe
circuit court Sept. 10th, in the case of
Coftman, assignee for mith instead et
al v a D. M. Oeborue & Co.
Cbas. Gibson who has been on the
sick list all summer rusticating at Soda
ville hai returned.
As an evidence of good times coming
A. M. Reeves, the genial and acorn mo
dating postmaster at Haisey says that
business at his office is rapidly increas
ing, and if that ia any criterion indica
tions point to booming times tbis fall.
Ex-Sheriff Jackson, and daughter were
at 3odaville during the week.
Mrs. R. A. Githens. and daughter
Allie, visited Harrisburg last week.
Miss Nellie Clark is at Portland visit
ing friends.
Every body reads tbe Democrat in
this community.
Mrs. Carter Allingbam went to Soda-
ville last week.
A valuable mare belonging to C. C.
Jackson died last week from some un
known cause.
Wm. H. Cross, ia nothing if not enter
prising. Last Thursday and 1 nuay tie
dried ail fruit brought to bis evaporator
at Ualsey free ot charge.
There waa blood on the moon laet
Thursday evening which affected tbe
bump of combativeneea on tbe beads oi
two ot waisey s citizens, a prominent
livery stableman and an attache of the
Villard House to such an extent tnat
meeting eacb other on the street they be
came engaged in a war ot words and
were just coming; to blows when sepa
rated by mends. ro arrests, but much
Mrs. Caleb Gray, of Haisey, is mourn
ing the loss of ber safety, stolen some
time ago by a deep dyed stoney hearted
villain. Sbe is inconsolable in her grief
as all her neighbors who have wheels
are enjoying the good roads and weath
er, while all she can d, ia to watch them
pass by with a "longing" sigh.
Roy Driver, son of Oregon's eminent
divine, of that name was "engineer" for
Clemen's hay-bailer till last Saturday
noon, when he made a plausible excuse
to enter an orchard near where be was
working; not returning his associates
became uneasy and began to look for
him thinking he bad either fallen into
the Muddy and drowned or bad met
with "foul play; after searching for
over an hour they came across bis foot
prints in the road and from their ap
pearance, they measured six feet apart.
He waa making a Jay-eye-eee stride for
Eugene. Wby he left so uncermonioos
ly is not known, as be did not stop for
his pay due, or say, "by your leave."
Death baa again found its way into a
household and taken a loved one away,
and it is with regret that tbe writer bas
to chronicle tbe fact, Mrs. Mi! ten Wilson,
who was injured in the runaway acci
dent which caused ber husbands death
died last Friday morning. She was tbe
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kirk
and was well and favorably known all
over Linn County. Mrs. Wilson leaves
a father and mother, sisters and brothers
three children and a host of friends to
deeply mourn Her sad and untimely
Last Thursday morning the writer ac
cepted an invitation to take a ride over
tbis part of Lina county and enjoy the
beauties ot nature exhibited in tfcis glor
ious Willamette valley. The morning
waa all that coold be desired, soft air.
clear sky, perfect weather and beautiful
ecenery, in fact tbe morning was as calm
and serene as an infant's slumber. It
was a lovely day for a ride and e took
in the towns of Peoria, Sbedds and Ual
sey, passing the ranches of many well-to-do
farmers. The air of general prosperi
ty surrounding them demonstrating the
rare advantage of this section for agri
culture. Many large orchards were
noticed, The fruit we sampled proving
a very high quality and proving conclu
sively that with proper attention and
diversification tbe Willamette valley can
be made as valuable as a fruit producing
cenntry as California. There were other
scenes to be looked at besides farms anil
orchards. A lover of nature will discov
er many things oi absorbing interest
which would not be not:ced by others
patch of noes, a gigantic oak whose
rustling branches, if thev could but talk,
might enfold to ns tbe eeciete of many
centuries. Tbe tiny chipmunks playing
along a rail fence, all are noticed by a
lover of nature, and tbe sunshine. Tbe
glorious, bright sunshine. How it sheds
a charm over tbe face of all nature. It
tips tbe laughing landscape with its
brightness and wraps it in a radiant veil.
It advent is welcomed by the feathered
songsters, and.enlivei.eJ by its rays man
goes fortb to revel 'mid its beamings.
Its robs pain of bait its tortnres and
shuts out the grief of bygone hours. It
inspires tbe poet as well as the artist
In fact tbe glorious sunshine brings hope
to tbe despondent and peace to tbe grief
stricken. It cheers tbe downcast and
brings love tj all of God's creatures. Bat
to deecribe the scenes and beaoties to be
found in the Willamette yallev would
take more than tbis one letter so we will
continue till a more auspicious time.
A Prolific Country.
Tbe Missonlian eays: Mr. E. L. Bon
ner, who returned from an extended bus
iness trip to the coast Thursday niglt,
reports that country as having passed
through tbe period of business depres
sion in most excellent shape, notwith
standing times are still doll there, as
elsewhere. He bas very liule to say con
cerning tbe new railway projects in
western Oregon with which biuiaelf, Mr.
Hammond and others are concerned, but
from outside sources it is learned that
tbey have already begun operations on
an extensive scale and that their plans
have been materially broadened since
tbey interested themselves there last
There is no question bnt western Ore
gon, particularly the cr.untry directly
back from the coast, is distired at no
distant day to develop one of the richest
regions on the globe. It is prolific of re
sources to an extent scarcely imaginable
to those who have not traversed it, rr to
superficial observers who bave. It has
Hast areas of original wealth in its lim
ber, in its coal measures and in its agri
cultural lands that in many sections
are yet untouched by tbe hand of indus
try. It is doubtless with full appreciation
of the measureless possibilities of the
country that Mr. Bonner and ' hi asso
ciates bave entered npon these ailway
projects-enterprises that, it is super
flaous to say, will bave their influence
in liberating a vast area from th) fet
ters ot commercial isolation and enable
it to lake its rightful place in the busi
ness and industrial life of th Pacific
It is said tbe board of regents of the
O- A. C will dock teachers whenever
( absent. Tbis is a new scheme in school
work; but if a teacher is absent on pon
tics be ought to have a double dock, be
sides a bang in tbe nose.
if. y ste's fsfcv 0&Zt'i -X ftfVrJs
Most Perfect Knim.
All America ia watching to see Defend
er defeat Valkayrie. Now Itia one to
Better than a circus is tbe sight ot the
m an who has just shot his first Chinese
A plsnt designed to roast and leach
low-grade refractory gold and silver ores
by a new process is being erected near
Kickee, Mon.
Mrs. Squires says all the Jefferson
ians are not dead ; we would like to have
her name a Jefferson tbe masses will
recognizelby that name.
The Mavor ot Chicago says that no red
flag shall be carried in any parade in
that city. That's business. The eta is
and stripes have just enough red.
A roan recently played a violin on tcp
of Mt. Hood, and the papers say it dis
tinguished him. Probably no more dif
ficult to play there than on top ot Peter
sons Butte, tie smashed bis violin going
down and that is about all it amounted
Charles Redfield ot this city is work
ing on a railroad in Jamacia, that boasts
of twenty eient tunnels in a little over
fifty miles. That will be a glorious
railroad en which to take ones best girl.
Think ot twenty eight tunnels in an
hour ride.
Home merchants are the foundation
of the prosperity of any town and they
should receive every support possible
This can be done by patronising them in
preference to sending money abroad for
the very articles that can be purchased
at borne. Baker City Democrat. The
same in reference to newspapers and
other home industries.
A child in Missouri put bis hand into
ben's nest and said tbe hen "picked'
him. The two other children ot the
family experimented with the same re
sult. The "hen was a rattlesnake. In
the resulting excitement tbe fourth
child felt into a well and was drowned.
Tbe other three died soon afterwards.
One insignificant pegnoaed medic
student down in San Francisco ia receiv
ing more notice nowadavs than all the
governors together. Governor Lord for
Instance, passed through Albany yester
day, and hardly any one knew that a
real live governor was around, bat when
Darrant goes ont npon tbe street thous
ands stretch their necks to see the notor
ious fellow with the heart ot stone.
AtPuget Sound in Washington the
ministers thanked God because tbe hop
louse had rained many bops. That was
very narrow, too narrow for these days
There is not a sign of alcohol in bops.
Would these men rejoice at the failure
or the wheat, barley and rye crops, mil
lions of bushels of which are uwd ia
making whiskey, or at the ruination of
the grape crop, which makes most o'
tbe wine ot .he world.
A dispatch from Near par of Sept. 5
tells of another girl entitled . to a monu
ment for her presence of mind: Miss
Martha M. Gorcee, the pietty station
agent at Mt. Ivy,N Y..on the New Jersy
and New York Railroad,saved a passen
ger tram from a serious accident yester
day by ber presence of mind. A passing
freight train set fire to the station with a
shower of sparks.
MusGurneeanl ber brother, almost
the only residents of Mount Ivv, were
there alone. Tbey removed the portable
articles in the station and some barrels
of oil from tbe freight bouse, which alto
took fire. Then Miss Cnrnee remember-
i . i , . . .
ea me ease neuna passenger train was
almost 3ue. The track in front of tbe
station was covered with debris and
there was risk of an accident. All tbe
flages was burned np in tbe fire.
Taking off ber red petticoat she sent
ber brother down tbe track with it and
he flaged the train. Miss Garnee was
offered by one ot tbj passengers $10 tor
tbe petticoat as a souvenir. She declin
ed tbe offer.
Assistant Chief Goode, of tbe United
States geological enrvey, who visited
Oregon last summer, says that tbe wild
est region of the entire United States ia
an area of 1000 square miles lying in tbe
moontaina between Roue burg and Cc-
qaille, in Douglas and Coos counties
He describes it as mysterious, undiscov
ered country, in which roams undis
turbed wildgfrne, and whose brooks
and rivers ane filled with wild fowl. It
is nearly all covered with a dense growth
of pine, fir, hemlock and otber trees.
w r . i .
aiunj oi me trees are oi enormous size
and so closely that it is difficult for men
to make their way between them. Wbeie
tbe trees are not so thick the heavy
growth of bodies of various kinds take
their place. It is a country tbat is fill
ed with all kinds o! wild game, includ
ing, as reported to him, elk, different
kinds of btar, mountain lions, deer and
otber animals, including Ijnx and ot
ters. There are also tbe varied kinds of
fowl. Tbe streams all bave an atund
anceof trout and other kinds of fish.
Be penetrated into the wilds a dozen
miles and saw things that filled him
with wonder at the vantness of tbe for
est and that any one shonld attempt to
live in it.
Just let any one make a comment that
affects Portland's interests and how the
papers there bowl, which of coarse is
human nature. It ought to be a lesson
to them not to be everlastingly bit ing
other sections, for instance Ysquina
Bay. Tbey can't say mean enough
things about Congressman Clark, ot
Here is something from tbe Welcom-:
Congressman Clark's talk here af-w
days ago was valuable or should be to
the business men of tbis city. Clark i a
chump and a ch'ap (ool, but such m-t
get into congress sometimes as we know
without mentioning Clark and there
they have some little "brief authority,
and some venomous influence. Chump
Clark's argument scarcely needs refut
ing. He is reported as starting out with
the proposition tbat no appropriation
should be made for a river above its
moult. That is the substance of it.
boy fit to gn into our high school could
tell this cheap, tramp congress nan that
the federal government owns, controls
and exercises absolute supervision over
every navigable stream in the United
States. Tbe same boy could te'l him,
further, that, in the eierciee of tbis
powerful, masterlul and undisputed
sovereignity it has been the policy of the
government, and of the Rfpublican par
ty of which Mr. Ciark is a tnemb-r,
of which the party must be ashamed '
to improve tbe rivers tbe waterways
as well as the coast harbors. i
Railroad commissions
roads, a significant fact.
suit tho rail-
Sunday at the Neis hop yard Rev. C. A.
Wooley delivered an excellent sermon.
In the other end of the yard a dance was
being enjoyed by a number. Eugene
Having paid a fine of $8,000, a fortune
to many men, Jim Lotan will now lie
in a condition to enter politics again. He
no donbt bas enough money left to buy
bread and meat with.
The Journal says there was a bill of
$676.50 for making an inventory of the
old towels and other property of tho asy
lum. No wonder they have to get along
without lady physicians.
Dr. Alfred X. Couture and Mrs. Ella
R. Baker were married in bloomers at
Oakland last week, and the Examiner
gives their pictures. Mrs. Baker was a
former resident ot Salem and a mem tier
ot the Presbyterian church ot that city.
We are drifting into dangerous places
in these davs ot bloomerb: "Maria!"
said the husband ot the new woman at
tho breakfast table, "the next time you
come home late from the lodge and put
your bloomers to bed and hang yourself
over the back ot a chair all night I'll go
right home to papa, so there ! fcx.
If every man in Salem will put np a
halt dollar, we will have a creamery.
We know some who will put up more
than that. Let's build it. Statesman.
USa see that would make f 1000 to $1500,
on the basis its of 3000 to 3000 men in the
city. The vote is generally less than 2000.
That is coming down from the $3,000
A hungry hobo broke into a freight car
and stole a five-cent watermelon the
other day at Grand Forks, North Dakota,
and got filled with buckshot, was ar
rested, and sent to the penitentiary.
Defaulting Taylor, of South Dakota,stole
537,891.50, and is now rusticating at
that state's summer retorts. Taylor was
n far-seeing man. hen he took that
50 cents, he was shrewd enough to take
tbe $337,891 besides. Post.
School teachers are employed from one
term to another. - When a term ia ended
the contract bas expired, and the dir
ectors have no right to consider the p
plication of an old teacher than a new
one. In the United States of America
one man is as much entitled to a job as
another, if he behaves hi maelf. In Mis
souri and Kansas it may be different.
Budget. The Deocbat disagrees with
the Budget. The old teacher is entitled
to the preference. It is not a good idea
to cliange teacher without an object.
In tbe first place no teacher should be
hired for lees than a year.
Five hundred dollars per month for
Charles Clark, receiver, and $130 per
month for W. S. McFadden, receiver's
attorney, were the salaries paid bv the
court during tbe receivership of Char':e
Ciark.tcom January 7,to December 22nd.
1394. Tiie information is vouchsafed in
an order byJudge Fullerton made Thurs
day approving the act ot Receiver Clark
in paying himself and bis attorney such
salaries. Attorney McFadden also re
ceived $250 for bis services in tbe Alice
Blanchard case in the L. . court at
Portland, and Page, Ellis and Wheeler,
San Francisco lawyers, received $50 on
account, for services rendered in tbe lit
igation over the Willamette valley.
Here is what an East Oregonlan re
porter claimed an old '49 er said about
tbe railroad : "Blast the damn thing. I
say, I wish it had never come into tbe
country. From the time the first train
went through 1 nave nt wen worth anv-
tning. .out 1 used to bave a pxraeuut oi
twenties all the time, and those were
good times. Every one had plenty of J
cash. Itcamceasvand went as euru
it came. It a fellow irot hard up. he
coold always borrow, and no one hesi
tated to loan. I used to ran a packtrain
of nigh on a hundred mules and some
times go from L matitia to Boise. -M'mey .
Why. I made slathers of it. But since
the neekv railroad came.l're been busted.
. -i .
l say, damn roe rauroaa anywav. a
wish everv car in tbe country would run
off the docks at Astoria when the new
road is built there, and fall into Uie Pa
cific I'd start out a pack train inside of
six days and once more tbe country
would seem like itself".
Having encountered tbe Angft of
Death a railroad President ex perirnced
bis first defeat and somewhat chagrined
thereat attempted to enter a pearly gate,
bet was stopped by an angel with white
whiskers. "Yon bave no treaore laid
op here,' said tbe angel. "But think
ot the treasure I laid np down below,"
aid the President. "That is what I am
thinking of," leplied Peter; 'aod be
sides the papers do not gi7e good accounts
of yon." "Yon onKht to know belter
than to pay any attention to the papers,"
rejoined the President, bot. "Just
bold tbe matter in abeyance until you
see the epitaph on mv tombstone."
However, Peter was obJorate. Ex.
There is a strung sentiment in favor o.
Wm. C. Whitney as the candidate of
tbe democrats for next year. Mr. Whit"
ney is a strong man, with an excellen
record, and is popular with the nae?sl
Pure Drugs Dawson's.
Buy your peaches at the P Jft office Gro
Plumbing and tinning by l. Lutl-vig at
Matthews k Vah burns, near P.O. .Albany.
BLEVINS. On Sunday. Sent. 8. at
Tangent, to Mr. and Mrs. Ueo, Blevins.a
HOWARD-On Tuesday morning.Sept.
10, 1SS5, to Mr. and Mrs, Jack How
ard, at the hop yard of A, h. Lamb, a
son. All doing well.
People who get the greatest
degree of comfort and real en
joyment out of life, are those
. who make the most oat
of their opportunities.
Quick perception and
good judgment, lead such
promptly to adopt and
make use of those refined
and improved products of
modern inventive genius
which beat serve the
necda of their physical
being. Accordingly,
the moat intelligent
and progressive people
are found to employ
the most refined and
perfect laxative to retr-
t ulate and tone up the
V stomach, liver, and
' bowels, when in need
of soeh sn sgent hence the great popularity
of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. These are
made from the purest, moat refined and
concentrated vegetable extracts, and from
forty -two to forty -four are contained in
each vial, which Is told at the same price
as tbe cheaper made and more ordinary
pills found in the market. In curative vir
tues, there is no comparison to be made be
tween them and the ordinary pills, as any
one may easily learn by sending for a free
sample, (four to seven doses) of the Pel
lets, which will be sent on receipt of name
and address on a postal card,
The Pellets cure biliousness, sick snd
bilious headache, dizziness, costivencss, or
constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite,
coated tongue, indigestion, or dyspepsia,
windy belcnings, "heart-burn," pain and
distress after eating, and kindred derange
menu of the liver, stomach and bowels.
Put up in glass vials, therefore always
fresh and reliable. One little "Pellet"
is a laxative, two are mildly cathartic
As a "dinner pill," to promote digestion,
take one each day after dinner. To relieve
distress from over-eating, they are tin
equaled. Tbey are tiny, sugar-coated
granules; sny child will readily take them.
Accept no substitute that may be recom
mended to be "just as good." It may be
brtlrror lhe dealer, because of paying him
a better profit, but he is not the one who
needs help. Address for free sample,
World's Dispensabv Medical Asso
ciation, 6$) Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y.
.1 !t.J
"V nw.lhr s
A reeallar 'aarse.
Nkw Youk, Sept. 10. Tbe statement
is made that Lord Dunraven offered a pen
sion of 30 shillings weekly to every mem
ber of tho crew of the Valkyrie should they
sucwed in winning the America cup. In
an address to the sailors and their com
mander he said :
"While I feel satisfied every man will do
his duty, I pin anxious to encourage you to
exert your services to the utmost to win the
remaining scries. With that end in view,
I desiie to say if tho cup goes back to Eng
land by reason of your seamanship, I will
pension every man for life and pay each of
you 30 shillings so long as each one of ycu
BpaMards Bealea.
Nkw Yokk, Sept. 10. A special to the
Wotld from Havana, nnder date of August
30, says:
There is a report about town tbat a great
battle has been fought in Puerto Principe
and that the Spanish have been defeated
and the capital captured by the insurgents.
It is said that a strong tone of Spaninb
troops left tho city of Puerto Principe to
make a bold attack upon tbe insurgents
who were besieging tbe town. Tbe insur
gent fled af'er making a weak resistance,
but it was only to draw the Spanish into an
Once in tbe trap tbe Spanish were at
tacked in front by General Antouio Maceo,
and in the rear by General Gomez. The
rebel force obtained a complete victory
and entered tbe capital triumphant, 14.000
Tbe Darraat Trial.
Sax FbaniIsco, Sept. 10. Another
week of the Durrant trial opened today,
after tbieflTlAys' rest. The court will sit
tomorrow and Thursday, and then will
probably take a recess until tbe following
Monday. Tbe witnesses today were alt of
the searching party, when the garments of
Blanche Laaiont were discovered .concealed
in nooks and crannies of tiio belrry of
Emanuel church, Policeman E. F. Somps,
J.J. MeUreery, E V. Herd andU.H.
VVherv'a Thai SfadlraleT
WAfiiuxorox, Sept, 9. Tbe gold reserve
today waa further depleted by the loss ot
1.200,ou) withdrawn for export from the
New York subtreasury . ibis left tbe re
serve, at the c one of business, 1187,710,772.
Tbe treasury official have received no in
formation of contemplated gold deposits by
the New York bank, as reported, yet ther
bare no doubt tbat the syndicate very soon
will make good tbe losses blow SluO.OUU.
UW. Fur tbis reaxoa, w'jen questioned,
tbey say they bave n j apprehension for tbe
a Saa Jm Mar4rr.
S.. Jose, Cal.. Sept. 9. James Bry
ant, a negro, wa abut and instantly killed
this afternoon in tbarleKnapp's taWn by
r'red WenUei, the barkeeper. B.yaat gut
a guss oi beer atid pud o cent tor it. lie
tixta letoroed, and demanded hu caange,
saying be baa given ttenUcI 25 cent. An
altercation eaTued, and tbe barkeeper put
Bryant out. I'e returned to lhe saluon
and placed bis band on hu bip-puckst,tben
drew a piitol, and WeaUel grabbed a p i
tol and bred at Bryant, a bo dropped to tbe
floor and expired aimewt itu. Unity. Tbe bid
entered tbe brain. Wet it in jail.
A rrtblc rata.
Sax Fhiscmco, ipt. . Tbe City of
Sydney, hkb arrived from Panama to
night, brought fail particulars ot the cap
ture of I lorecno BatamnLs, one of Anto
nio Eteta' Uvariie lieutenant, by U:e Sal
vador autliontsen. It is sappeed by tbe
Stanih-American who came up oa tbe
Cay tf Sydney tnmtbe baa been torn to
pieces by an infuriated mob or publicly shot
in tbe atreeu ot tan Salvador long bebre
BecltfoaUtr Scaaatlaaat.
Sax Faiscwco, Spt. . An enmng
paprt print a anaalional Wy about tbe
detente which wid be oScnti in tbe trial of
Theodore iMrraut for tbe murder of Blanche
Latuont 1 be fuilowing tUSement i cred
it! to a person coocnted with tie de-
ibe aiibi will be t'jvag. lat the de-
feme ts wiuese to bow that Durrani
not only did cot cooionl the morder. but
will looicate a ho -lid commit u. Ibere
win oe mote Lbab one implicated ia the
Ulfc II.
Loi isviu.t, Ky.. SrU 9. Tbe 2J:h
encampment if the Urand Arcsy of tbe
RerubiM opeaeu with a parade on Use ar
rival of ComajioJ-r-in-C6ief Lrit-r and
Ul at 7 A.M. le tbe first carriage
wi'h Commao!er-in-Chif LawIct wee
Colonel S. W. Keiley, editor of tbe 1-ouis-
rille Commercial and commacW of tbe
Grand Army & the Kepubiic. department
ot bectucky, and chairman of the invita
tion and reception cooitmtWtf.
'1 be Lxmimiie legion aai a feature of
tbe parade.
-a4 far Baafcrr.
Pxs. tVpt. 9 At Bonb-aar tbe 21
boars t'icjct races wa won by Muret,
wbo taver-d Stl kilometers, 2W metres
(5J9 1 3 milt-M, which beats all previous
records for the time. Oa tbe Pari track
tiwrge Banker, wbo won tbe grand phx
offere-l by the French Cycling I'nion, eon
mcI. oflbe beat and final ei'y. dp:te
ne effort of the leading French cciM.
a Terrible Uatrr.
HoicuTox, Mich.. Sept. 8 Huge vol
umes of smoke stiu iue from tbe eioutbs
ot that's JS'os. I. 2 and 3. showing that tbe
awful & e wbih UrVd in the Oaoeola
copper mine shortlv before noon Saturday
it still raging fiercely. Tbe bodk of the
30 miners entombed are still lying some
where below the aurtnce. without a doubt
dad, mSjcaJed by smoke and gas. Be
id those reported jtaterJsy, K more
men are missing.
a Siaaaas rjelaae.
Ewrtsi.. Kan., Pent. 8. Ktnporia anj a vinti-d by a tornado about 3
P. M. 1 be worst damage was done at tbe
atate normal school ground". Tbe new
east wir.g of Ibe main building waa reduced
tea mam of ruins. This wing was re
cently bui t at a cof of M.MW. and was
lately dedicatee . The north gable end
gate way I rfure the storm and was blown
in. 1 hv roof was rolled up like paper and
carried ff half a block, 'i be entire inide
of AlU-rt laylor hall is open to th atortn
of lain.
A Tiala Vf reck.
Oiuiwxes, Kan,, Sept, 8. Furtfor par
ticulars of the wreck lat night of tbe wet
bound train on tbe Cherokee branch of ibe
Metnplsix road were Obtained today. Twen
ty perso a were more or less hurt. 1 he
wreck xrurred at Lightning creek, about a
mile west of Monmouth, and was tau-l by
the bieaking of an ale on the rear coatii.
Tbe breakdown occurred at a point 40 f i t
from tbe bridge. The car btoke loose from
the train after being dragged 'JQ0 feet, and
rolled over into tbe ditch.
A arelra (that.
DfBUtjCK, Iowa, fept 8. KJward Lat
shaw, a ktiocoutractor on the iroveruiuent
work on the Mississippi river, had 600
pound of dynamite stored away in the
cellar of a house at Speclit's ferry, 12 littles
north of here. Today hi son, while prac
ticing with a revolver, missed the target,
the bull entering the cellar and tiring the
dynamite, lhe house was blown to splin
ters and five persons were killed and three
rrauabty Sntak.
ilt'Rss, Or., Sopt 8. -Bodies sf armed
men are leaving this town and vicinity
daily, for the Stein mountain country, os
tensibly for bunting purposes, but tbe more
knowing ones here toink they are going
for a different purpose, and unlcm the
agents of these reservation Indian rec ill
them at once they will probably not have
so many Indian to cats for the coining
winter. All the cartridges and ammuni
tion have beea bought up quietly, and tie
town is out of these articles today.
Will Ffchl II Oai
Madrid, Sept. 8. A third army corps
of 20,000 is to bo organized asd be ready
to sail for Cuba in November, in case of
ueceuity. Official alvices have been re
ceived trom Cuba that the Hpaniph defeat
ed thi insurgents at Sebroul Friday. The
insurgents had ten killed, iind three of the
Spanuh were wounded. A bpanixb desert
er wui captured and shot.
I K Hkleacr Arrealea
ItosKBUWJ, Or , Sept. 10. P. It. Skin
ner, wbo a short time ago was iu Rose
burg representing a building and loan as
sociation of Seattle, Wash., and whe
' beat" several roraons around Honshu rg
out of $300 or 400 and "skipped," was to
day arrow ted in WoiU VaHu Sheriff
Cat heart left tonight to bring Skinner back
to Uoseburg.
We Charge Upon Disease.
and put it to flight. That ia the mission
of the greatest of modern knights Medi
cine. The physician prescribes the med
icine, but the druggist prepares it. The
value of a medicine, aside from its being
the correct remedy, for which the phy
sician is responsible, depends entirely
npon its being properly compounded of
absolutely pure diugs. No one fact is
better established than tbe purity of our
drugs and tbe high character of our pre
scription department. It is alsu well
known that we carry all the standard
preparations, toilet and manicure arti
cles, etc. J A linfllSG.
Star Baker)
er Breadalblh n si llrii Me.
-aaaira ta
Van wed I'm He
Dried Fralla,
at car
Canned II eat
Cigar .
everything that is kept ia a
good varieiv and gro
eery store. Uigh
et price paid
CiUimore Dlota, - - - Albanj,
complete line of
in all its branches
EMBALMING specialty.
Reaideoea sorter 3rd aad Catatonia
teuiber 11. 1893, under favorable ant,
pice, ttegnlar Colleciate and Aca
demic instruction Tbe Commensal
work will 1 given special attention tins
year, t-'uch young men and roans; la
dies as are looting forward to a burines
vareer should not venture it without lav.
mg a good foundation with as. lite
College will aleo establish a CVMSerra
tory of Music, nnder the able and effi
cient management of Prof. Z. M. Parvin
I nuraa! facilities offered for student
deeiring to become proficient In music.
inemmary irpartment will receive
especial care. Information cheerfully
ConseiYatory oi Masic
Z. M. Parvin. Musical Director, form
erly of Willamette University, will bave
charge of this department of Albany
College. Courses to graduation ia the
important branches oi a musical educa
tion. Newest and best methods adopted.
teat niojtc rooms lor toiisrrratorv n
the state.
Tuition low for grade work.
School begins 6epU Utb.
Send for circular and catalogue. Ad'
dresa, Prof. VV. II. Lee, A. M , I 'resident,
a i nan v, or till tert. Vtb,
Z. M. Pabvis, Musical Director, Salem
A preparatory school for all colleges on
normal department g.-auuates receive
state and life diploma. Music, art
bookkeeping, t or address,
. A. lUsDUt, A. M.
nhaleanle A Retail
Pure Drugs and tbe Finest and Largeat
Stock of Stationary and books
in tbe Market.
is a full aortment of food for man and
beHst: also oil meal, (rmsa aiyad,
cement and fertilixnrs, also Wilbur's Seed
Meal, a sure remedy for the ailments of
horses and cows.
rf J T? Let Va Reasrn To-
VJ 1V1 12, gethorl Is it not bet
ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Rolls, Oakes,
etc, at a reliable store where they use
only the Rest material why ot course i
is you dont want dyspepsia and you'i
never get it by eating anything from ou
store. U.S. BAKERY.
Be Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. .
C. D. Vaxpvan. Proprieto
HEW CMP '. 7
I am prepared to contract for new oats
and nave sacks on hand, which I will
furnish to farmers at J cents. Call on
me before making other arrangements.
Tbe Ins. Agent of Albany
Otflce opposite Odd Fellows building.
Cboat seed for sale or trade. Free de
livery. Telephone No. 51.
R. N. MorrU, Mgr.
Cor. Snd and Main Sta.
Have a specialty. We bave several. Just now we are showing tbe Best
lino of Infants and Children's Cloaks ever brought to Albany and at
prices less than the same goods could be bought for in tbe piece. We also
have a beautiful line of Ladles Capes and Jackets. Call and see them
before tho assortment is broken. Don't forget that we are showing all
the novelties in Dress Goods at bed rock prices.
Yours for business,
The Latest and Most Complete Display ever made of the Beeources, Industries,
Commerce, Business, Agriculture. Foreeta, Mines, Fruit. Fieberies, Manufac
tures, and Transportation Facilities of tbe Great Pacific Northwest.
Fine Music, Special Attractions Every Day. Reduced Rates
on all Transportation Lines.
Single Admission 25c
Children Under 12 Years 10c
Season Tickets ;i.OO
E. C M ASTEX, Secretary
l KEEP conatantly on hand a full line
Coffin. Alao
.icH aii be sild at
The Uwrat
EMBALMING nd rro'"'
is the remarkable record, tbat tbe
presents to tbe people of Linn county, as
Isn t Uus Ue company tiiai you want to place your besanea! with, think it over.
J. W SEXFT District Special Agent, Albany, Or.
OFFICE onr Read Peacock A Co s store
My sn as is how tcvi. or naiT-CLAs; fcexitubk, consisujc
of bi no (. ehau, oaajaa, atr.s hieh I will trf) at
Xhos. Brink
J. JOSEPH. Proprietor
The only first class agency la Albany
'bat eaa rire yon 103 cents worth of insnr
anoefor M.00.
Besides firing you tbe best indemnity
we bave paid out ia tbis community dar
ing tbe last nine monthi for "oata" bought
over 113.000. thereby benefitting tbe farm
rs and errrr basinesa man. in coendera
ioo of which we should receive tbe pre
ference crer agents who send ont nearly
all yno pay tbem for insurance and bring
in nothing.
We represent the only first class com
pany making a specialty of farm insurance,
on tb note plan. -The Continental." cf
New York. e 'alao represent tbe Son.
Phoenix. Manchester and Loodim. cf Fng
land, tbe Sun bein? tbe cJ le-t Ere inur
ance company in tbe world
Prof. A. STAHK
Of Will Stark.
Optical Special....
Graduate of the Chivaco OHbalm
Collesre, 1
I am prepared to examine c:entii.ia
and accurately, by the latest and impmrrd
methods of modern science, any a ho de
sire to hare their eye tested.
Cuaick Block, Albaxt, Oreoos.
WliolBsa'e Commission Merchant,
215 and 217 Davis St. Cot. Commercial.
Rah FnaKcisco, Cat,
We pay tbe highest mark, t
wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, ap
ples, poultry, hides, wool and gen.
eral produce.
It will nav von to writ n on. I L. ..t.
sd. - - - - rr-r
Liberal advances made on consignments.
( San Francisco Produce Eich.
( San Francisco Fruit Exchange
A and Belknan
mountains on tt-a mu';..:. 1
will nnd it to their advanUge to bnj th
ii ' , -,i 1 loelr supplies ot Sbum
si Walterville.siifeen miles east of Eugen
proaa, ah goods so'd at Ett
Gn&NtiKR. Sept 10, iS95.
Bids will be received for buiMfnr a
school house in district No 6 Benton coun
ty, Oregon. Plans can be seen at Sugar
Pine Door & Lumber Co' office on Mon
dav, 8ept;i6. Bids o te sent in to Henrv
Hector, clerk of said dUriot, on or before
Sept 21st, 1895. Tbe contract wil be let
to the lowest responsible bidder and the
right i reserved to reject any or all bids
II bskv II kotob, v. era . u
R. t). T. M
Meets every Saturday vening ia K. O T
M. Hall. Visitina: Knights invited at
tend. 1. S. Van WiNKUt.Com.
Read, Peacock & Go.
Oct. 5(h
For Exhibit Space apply at the
Exposition Building to
C II. HUNT, Superintendent.
of mrtaiic. clotn and wood caakeU and
burial lobe and atlt, in hroaJcloih. atin,cashmrr, ec
Laving I'rafltav.
cTe of the dead a pecfaity.
having been paid oct in losses since its
Notice is hrre5y ge tHat the onder
cigaed as tbe ataiguee of thetateof W
R. Orrabam an nso!ect dbor has
bia fin, account ia -aid aaeienment it
the county cerk ot Linn count. Owe",
aed will on tre 9b die of Sep'e-r.ber.
1933. at tbe n-iurf I o'clock p s.H said
day make application to tbe iresit
Court of Lmi eaanty. O eoe,
Depart(unt Xo. ?, to are tbe said
account paced opoo and allowed a his
Baal account therein Al rro- bartae
any oljectioas to tbe a:.otc - of aaid
account and tne final tftlesnt oi said
insntreatetfa'a arebrev tirlVd to be
fearot nt said rtt and piaoe and make
tbe came. Dated this ah dtr of July,
Jobs Bricgs.
Weatherford Jt yatt, Avi6nee.
Ally's for asimee.
Notice fjr Publicatioa.
Lxd trrt at Cascox Crrr, C.
Aajruat 3. 135.
' Notice ia here be (j:Teo tbat the fo.'kin
named settler baa fiied notice of bia In
tention to make final proof in support oi
his claim, and that said proof will be
made be'o.e Coanty Clerk of Linn Co, at
Albany. Or., oa STt 16, 1395. vis: James
L. Berrv. II. K. Ne. IC7U. for the S E
J S E J Sec, Id. S W t S l See. Is,
X W X W 1 SecSiXE JiiE I See
il. TplOSRSE. He names ibe lot
loving, aitnesses to prore his coetinooa
resnlence npoo an4 cnttivatiun of, said
land, via: P A Correll. John Kearney,
John Fotr-trty, Neil McRea, all of Berry,
Oregon .
KOiiEKT A. MILLER, Register.
Notice for Pablication.
Lasd OrrtcK at Oaxros CrrT, Oa
August Mb, iS33
Notice is berebv tiven thai the follow
)ng named settler baa filed notce of bl
ihtemion to make final nronf in annnnr
of bis claim, and tbat said proof will b
made before recisterand rervitwrat Ora
gon City, Oregon, on September i9, 1SU5
via: Cbariee A. DanleJson, H E No, 11137
for theS E Sec 35 Tp 1C S R 7 E. He
names tne followinir whneasaa to ro 01a nia
continuous residence upon and cupivaiion
"f. said land, vis; J AW Heidecke. Fred
W bUhlman. L W Smith Prank- WrW
all of IVtroit. Oregon.
ROBRC A. MILLER, Register.
Xotke is hereby risen that the nnder
aikaed administrator of tbe catate of John
Fsgan deceased has filed bis float account
with tbe clerk ot the county court for
t.Vui county, Oregon. arKl tbe court has
ited the 7th day of October, 15. at the
our of 10 o'clock a. m., for the hearing
ot objextions to said account If any and
for the settlement of tbe es'ate.
This the 14th dav of August,
W. C MoKOAS. Admr.
Weatherford & Wyatt. Attrs for A dm
Notice is hereby givea that there are
funds oa hard to pay all outstanding war
rants of tha issue of IS9.5. Interest on
all endorsed warrao's not previously called
In. will clo with the da'e of this notice.
Albany, Or. An SO, IS95.
K. A, Pakkkk, city t easurer.
have the funds on hand aad will par sll
county warrants, stamped m t paid for the
want 01 tunas previous to Aug. I,
Interest on the same closing atlhia date.
Aug. 8I.I89S. P.G.Morhis.
County Treaaarex
v. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awards CoU Madal aUowtatar Fan. Saa F-sadaau
in lhe CireiiU Court of the Stale ofOrtgo
fit the County of LUn
The Anglo American LanJ
Mortgage and Agency Com- Plaintiff,
paay. Limited, a corpora
J L nollida,sr.d Anna Hollida
bis wife; and tbe Lombard In
vestment Co. a corporation;
and P Rector, W VY Adams
and Ah Foo,achinamaa,and
tbe Alliance TruH Co. a Mis
souri corporation, and A B
Malt new and Edward
Wash barn, partner doing;
business nnder tbe firm name
ot Matthews and ashbnrc.
To tbe Lombard Investment Compact, a
corporation, I P Rector. W V AdanVAh
foo. a chinaman, Umt of tie above named
GKEGOS: Yon and each of you ar hereby
required t aopear and answer the cross
complaint of tbe dVfendaat, the Alliance
Trust company, a eorpora ion, ja the
above entitled court in the above entitled
suit now on file with f be e'erk of said
conf m or before tlie 2S:h eay of October,
ISS; -fad ja and each of yoa a'e hereby
mt!ti-d bat if yon fad to appear ami sn
saer sai l complaint as hereby reqaireddbe
cross o tuplainant, tbe Alliance Trust eon
paoy. wi apply to the coo't for the relief
demat 'rd in aaid cross complaint, to wit:
For a cVcree ot thu court, that sasd AI1W
an Trust company, a corporation, may
bave and acquire judgement against its
eo-defeadtnt J L lloiiida and Anna Hobi
da. for the ion of two tboaaand and sixty
dollar (I-2O60) with interest thereof .
at tbe rote of 8 per cmt per annum
afrom tte firt ray of Octo-er,
ad for the further sum of two bun Jre4
oNar, (t2o0) as a reasonable attorney's fee
and for coats and disbursement of the
taidAUiaax Treat Company, a corpora
tion, herein to be taxed and tbat the
soort decree a fnrc'oor! of the mortga
i 'scribed ia said crox complaint, and that
tbe real p ropery therein described, to-ait:
The S-JUtn east quarter ot Sector Ten
flo), aad a. rath wtM quarter -f Scctioa
Elevea (n),ind North east qiarer ot Sec
tion Flf-ea (15), all ia Towa-hip FouUxt
(la, Soatr. Raage Fear (V a of
tbe WilUmet'e Mridiia ; ai.d t
rOBingattbe No'ft wr enter A the
Sooth east quarter of said Ssri a Elraca
!ll);aad rnnaing theace E Six a-d6j-i
56.63) chains; ibenceooUf:rr (c)ctalaa;
hence West Sis and 63-ioo ( 6 63) raia;
hence North Fire (5) ehaias 1 1 p j c.J lt
iatia; a!o Seglaanig aiaeter-i ana 35 ion
i9.:jj iiaise Ea- of Soathaect corner of taij
fcriri rea (11); aad rsnnin; U-ce Ei.t
r e.' 65-ico (20 65) cbaia Li .Sou thrift
: of aoatr.arest quarter of said ec-ioa Vm
it) ; thence North Forts 4o) cha- n : Uiraee
Ve-t feat aad 65-100 Jj.6;cSa?!' are
ita F.vty (40) cham 10 ptaje cf b-;n-
Ufxvcepuag alwiya Sjetheasr quntr
I ii srea fill, caotaiaiasr ia all Fire hoadreJ
mi teenty U and 60-100 acres, aaor era leaa,
ac wdiag to government serrry; be so id ia
the maaarr prescribed br Ltr apoa ex
co iVm by Uc Sheriff of said Coantr 10
i la fy the store rest aecsred by "aaid
wrlg2e and a reasonable at'or
eys fee. aad Coats, and taat the precreds
ua4a trcm rh tale be appheti: firV 'o
he payscrot of tlx coats aaid disbartcnttfus
sf tfcia mh aed jo the a'tcreet s fee prated
for ia said crocs comf laiat of to hundred
dcl'ars (feco);
Second: To thepay-nent of any jcd
stent that may br rendered noria ia ia
; tor of tbe said defencaat the AUaaceTraat
Company, a corporation.
and tbat the plaintiff and a 1 cf tbe
aaid defendants, escepin; the Al iaace
Traat Coaapany. and all fwrson etaiokiag
andcr them, or either of them, be
;-- btr.-el and forecioaed cf
all rtgn!; trlr. and eqnity of redemption
in, or to, said real property, or any part
thereof. And tbat it ibe ' prr
eeeda arising from fcocn m e be nut lofS
eient ta pay said dVfeadaa'. Le
liance Tisut (VHupeav, i s claim, e s, Jrs
buneasea!S and attorney's fe. 'lire said e'e
iendant The Alliance T" lompsay,
naae judgment aginaf the de
endaota J. L.. Hollida and Anna liul
i!a to such deficiency and far execu
tion therefor against the peopiv of the
iefeodanU J L Hoflida and Aaaa'B!!idi
aad for sncb other relief a to t-e court
may seem jast and equitable. This ie
aaon Is published bv ord-Y of Hon. H H
Hewitt, J adgv of the Circuit Cocrt of tbe
atate of Oegon fcr Van county, made at
Cambers July h, 1SS.
Att jmey for tbe defendant, the Alliance
rmst Company, a corporation
'a tie Oraal Cutrt for Lm Cfntj.State a
Ida v. Nye P aia iff
Jot a W. Xye
To John W.
fend ant.
Xye. the abore named de-
OKEOOX. Ton are herebt reqoired U ap
pear aai answer Sbe ccmplavet of the
aboe Plain ti J. in tbe aVre entitled eeort,
new on & with Ibe e'erk of
aaid court, by tbe irst day of
Use regular term of the abnre entitled
snort to La bed at the city of Albany.
Linn county. Or., oa the 2sb day cf Oc
tober. 136. and von -t.- attined t' at If
yea fait to appear Cbd aocave aid com
plaint as fcerey rrqa re 1 1 Pain iff wil!
app'y to the coor f t tbe rvl:rf asked for
ia I t .-cmpUiat. toait tor a decree of
this honorable coon dtMajrirs tbe bonds
t "atrimoe. r wow ei-i n- Utareea plain
tit and defendatit and f r t"e rare, carta y
and eont-ol of their child. John p.
Xye. aed for casta and diaarsemt-n's t be
1 h:s rammona Is rubliitlfd It 1 Her of
the Hon. H li HeUtJadee of' -be abore
entud eoart. nsade at cbtntr co the
day of Aairast, iSS3-
Auorneya for P-aint ff.
Nctice for Publication.
Laxd Orrica at Obkgos Cttt. Ok
AnQt S, 1SS5.
Notice is bereby eiren that the fol owing
named eeitler has filed notice of his in-
tentioo to wake nnat pnW in snpoort af
bis claim, aad that saU proof wtfTje
made before Co Clerk of Liai Co. at Al
bany, Or., oa Sept, 16. 1S35. vu:
Pbi.lp A.Correll,H E. Xo. for
tbe N E N E t4' Sec 16. wX V
and N W S f Sec 110 SR5 E
He names toe fblkwingritnesea to prove
his cooOauott residence apoa and culti
vation of. said land, vis: Jamea it.
Morrow, James L. Berry, John Eeareev,
Neal McRea, all of Berry. O: Etwia V.
Smith, who filed cor list azaintt said
entry is hereby specially :'no"iSed to ap
pear and show cause why aaid entry
should not be allowed.
Notice for Publication.
lasn Orrica at Oasoos City, Or.
August S, 1S95.
Notice is hereby given tbat tbe fa'lon-ing-named
settler bas bled notice rf bl
intention to make final proof ia support of
his claim, and that said proof will he made
before tbe couaty e!erk t-f Linn couniv at
Albany. Orevon. on Sent 16. I800. vis:
John Kearney. H E No. 10699. for th' N
K H S W4. N 4 S E V See, 15 and S W
H S W J bee. I4 Tp 10 S R 4 E. He emea
the following witnesses to prov- his con
tinuous residence upon andcu'HTaiioo of.
-ad land, via: P.A. CorreH. J. L. Berrv,
Nell McRea. of Berrv. Ore, and J. C.
Mackey of Detroit, Oregon.
nonsRT A. Muxsr., Re later 1
Notice is hereby eiven to all whom it
may concern ibat the undersigned execa
irix bas filed ber find account in the coun
ty court of Lmn count r. Oregon, ia the
matter of the estate of H E Stover, de
ceased, and that said court bas set the 7th
day of October, lt&5, at tbe boor of one
oclo.'k p. ni. of said day a the time fur
hearing all objections to said final areoant
and for the settlement of the same, there
sare all persons having any objection to
said account are hereby notified o file the
rmeoa or before said time tp ec'&tsl
Dted tbis SOtn day of Aoeut, 195.
Mas A B Joukox
Exe n rix.
WANTED. Cirl tj do general Louse
work. Call at residence of D. O
Wood worth.