cmoctat. WnshinRton Letter. Fitn our regulsr Corrassondsnt, Washingtoh, August 12, 1895. Secretary Morton believes in practic ing what he pieaches. Several weeks ago he publicly advised young men to buy farms in Virginia, because "of the cheapness of land in that state. To show that he considered that advice good he proposes to buy a farm in that state himself ,and to divide his residence after his return to private life between Nebraska and Virginia. Secretary Mor ton's good words for Virginia so interest ed some prominent citizens of the state that he was invited to deliver an ad dress at Manassas, near the famous bat tle field of that name. He has accepted the invitation and white there he will decide About the purchase of the farm in thatilocality, which is only 26 miles fromJWashington and connected by rail. A -great deal of silly twaddle was nip ped in the bud by the cablegram received by the department of State from trie U. S. Consul at Fort Louis, Mauritius, etat ing that he had made arrangements to send Mrs Walker, wife of the negro ex consul who is now serving a twenty vears sentence in French prison, and her children, to France, by the steamer leaving there the 20th mst. Of coarse the pathetic story of this woman and her children being left to starve in a foreign land will continue to be printed in the class of newspapers which prefer misstatements to facts all the time. Hon. Channcey F. Black, of Jfennsyl vania, who was in Washington for several days in connection with business of the National Association of Democrat ic Clubs, of which he is president, said of the republican fight in his state "The democrate, . while the funeral is none of theirs, are sincerely desirous to see Senator Quay triumph over the combine that is trying to compass his political annihilation. I don't think that democratic well wishing will be of any benefit to Quay ; on the contrary, it will add to bis load. Senator Cameron is another load, a good bit heavier one than the sympathy of the democrats. Thus handicapped Quay has a desperate fight on his hands, but my belief is that he will win. The character of the men fighting him ia enough to put the peo ple on Quay's side They represent all that is detestable and corrupt in modern politio. They are,an ungrateful lot too, for most of them are under the heaviest obligation to Quay." There is little probability that the vacancy upon the bench of the TJ. S. Supreme Court, made by the death of Justice Jackson, of Tennessee, will be filled before Congress meets. The po sition being too important to be filled by a recess nomination which the Senate might decline to confirm after the new Justice had taken part in tLe work of the court. The absence of prominent demo crats from Washington makes all the talk about a successor to the late Justice Jackion nothing but speculation, lie cause President Cleveland nominated Justice Whit?, of Louisiana to the last vacancy from New York, which ia of - ourse, more or less probable, but all the anie it is only a guess. Three members of the present Supreme Court, Chief Justice Fuller and Justices Sbiras and White, were appointed by Presi dent Cleveland and the appoint ment wtiicb the late Justice Mackeon re ceived in the last days o! the Harrison administration Ehould properly have been made by bim. Thus what Mr Eanison deprived him of Providence has restored to the President. Under stand, I do not mean to imply that the selection of Justice Jackson was not a good one. On the contrray, it was an excellent one, and might easily have been made by President Cleveland, who had daring his first administration made Mr Jackson a TJ. S- Circuit Jadge. Only it was not regarded as just the prop er thin for an out going republican president to fill surh an important place, belonging to the democrats, when be knew that the democrat selected could not take his seat upon the bench before a democratic president came in. Blessed in Oregon. Oregon is strictly in tbe swim accord ing to the ttatement of F. A. Alexander, who arrived Thursday from a three weeks trip through tbe eastern states. Mr. Alexander was in Ht. Lonis.Chicago, Cleveland, New York, Albany and many . other important cities, and in each cf - them he found many people anxious to know all about Oregon. "How is it that your crops never fail, and that your fruit is so mueh better than the California product?" was a question that met him at every turn, and the npshot of it is that Mr. Alexander returned home, proud of his state, and doubly assured tbat all of tbe fruit grown in Web foot will find in the East a ready market" at the top figure. It was in New Yoik that Mr. Alexander was, when there came to a commission firm from a Port land correspondent a telegram announc ing that a heavy shipment of Oregon fruit had been forwarded and it was from the commission men themselves that he learned that tbe whole shipment had been disposed of within a few hours after the recipt of tbe telegram. In every city be visited east of St. Louis he heard joyful expressions of tbe marked improvement in business. Fac tories everywhere have increased wages, pet on additional operatives and are running at full blast. Money is easy, there is plenty of confidence, and dealers are buying liberally for autumn trade. Before he left for the att Mr. Alexander had heard of tbe renewed industrial ac tivity, but was unpi pared for the extra ordinary bustle he fonnd everywhere manifest. The tad chapter in his trip, however, was the return bome.when the day after the recent heavy hai! and w'ndstorm in Nebraska, be pa?eed through the strick en district. It extended over portions of several counties and fields of corn and wheat were left crashed and prostrate, dreary and deco'ate, unfit even to cut for hay. Tbe scene was depressing, and in striking contrast with the heavy laden ' fields and bountiful harvest that he saw on entering Willamette. Corvallis Tim -s A correepondent in the New York T'iwh s aliaeka the Oreson Supreme Court and Kays that it is no state in which to loan mooy on account of the recent de cision in the Oregon Pacific case. The writer signs himself "Equrty'and is un doubtedly one of Mr.Coe's friends getting even with the state. Already wheat is being sold in small quantities to meet small debts. The door of tbe Democbat office is open, and who wonts Harder than tlie newspaper man for what he gets. "Yes we have a great trany interest ing experiences out in the Puget Sound country," said the New England man, lately returned from the State of Wash ington. ''I saw a big brown bear one day when I was six miles from the near est camp. He was about fifty feet ahead of me on the trail, and I was two lee ward of him, so I just went around him." "Why didn't you Bhoot him?"' "Well people that don't know the forest always ask that, even after I've told them I had only three shots left in ray revolver and no other gun along. I should have been in a mess if I had only wounded him, you Bee. When he scented -me, I was a long way off." "Didn't he run after you?" "Oh, those brown bears are ah much afraid of a man as a man is of them. Why, I knew a fellow who was going across a stream on an old tree once. The trunk of the big pine was about fivefeet up from the ground on his side of the stream and three feet on the bear's side, He was picking his steps and didn't look to the other side oi the water 60 feet or bo; when he got airly up on the log, there was the bear coming. They were both so dead scared they tumbled off into the water on dif ferent sides of the log." "What hap pened next?" "Nothing. They both swam ashore on their own Bides of the river, and put off through the forest. don't suppose there ever was a man and a bear more surprised or worse scared." Boston Cultivator. All of which makes the Oregon ian smile. The following on the school book question is at least interesting: "The Chicago Board of .Education has just discovered that the school children of that city are paying $5,000 a year more for their text books than is paid by the pupils of St Louis or Omaha. The aver age price inSt Louis per pupil is 87 cents, in Omaha 23 cents and in Chicago 70 cents. The low cost in the first two cities is explained by the fact that the books are delivered directly by the publishers at wholesale rates, and they are distrib uted by tbe school department. Two race horses were sold at public auction Ust Monday to Satisfy a mechan ics lien, for shoeing. The bill was about $3. One horse brought $50 and tbe other $10. When only two years old these horses were wotth $1,000. A Mr Pro ebetel the owner disagreed with the blacksmith. Mr M. J. Wirtx. over the shoeing, and when be learned that the law protected him, he the horses and sold them. The owner was not present at the sale. Port'andEx- The Twice-a-week edition of tbe New York World has been converted into the Thrice-aweek. It tarnishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, or eighteen pages every the old price oi one dollar a year. This gives 156 papers a year for one dol lar and every paper has 6 pages 8 col umn wide or 43 columns in all. The Thrice-a-week World is not only much larger than any weekly or eemi-weekly newspaper, but it famishes the news with much greater Ireqaenc and promptness. In fact it combines all tbe crisp, fresh qualities pf a daily with the attractive special features of a weekly . It and the Wesklt Democrat cin b- se cured for $2.00 a year in advance. The biggest liar on earth visited xur office the other day with a story about tbe storm. He eats the wind blew the bark out of his dog, the teeth from his harrow, the barbs from the wires on bia fence, tbe hole ont of a hollow log.spokes from his baggy wheels, took one side of bis whiskers, and one of the wheels of kin head. Ex. The same fellow told the same yarn around this town, only be made it a lit tle worse. Up here he said that it blew the curbing out of bis well, tbe tail from a cast iron bnll dog, and the wind oat of Col. Hofer.-Balem Pont. lie rcacuea juuuj, a bwiu uui streets were blown as smooth as pave ment, our bonded indebtedness out of sight,the moes)from our moss-backs, blew $20 pieces into all of our pockets, and puffed the price of wheat uo to $1. An unmarried man or woman of mar riageable age is something that is rarely seen in the Fiji Islands. The reason of this is not far toseek. The natives be lieve tbat if a person dies while in an n re married slate, hisor her soul is doomed to wander about through the endless ages of eternity in an intermediate region be tween heaven and hades. At the end of each moon they are allowed to look into heaven, bat are never per mi ted to eater. Such an idea ia Albany would no doubt cause several marriages that have been on the tap:s a number of years. An Albany minister says the world is growing worse, and that we are now in the very last daye, probably ill end this present existence. The editor of tbe DkktocaAT doesn't believe the world ia growing worse or tbat there is good Biblical proof that tbe wortd will end soon. Some of these men w!u do this kind of figuring seem to take the result and figure backwards. A man through years of training can educate himself to be contented with life. Governor Fletcher, of tbe Balem Poet, heroically says : Ws beg tbe Alba ny .Democrat that we prefer big ears to big feet. We have noticed that the whole negro population have big feet. Abraham Lincoln one of the grandest men of tbe sges t ad very large ears. Senator Daniels said tbe other day: "I will only say that I am a democrat, and, being a democrat, I could not help being for tbe solid, honest and ancient cold and silver moner of tbe democratic party. Tbe party of tbe people must stand for the money of the people, aid whom God bath joined together, plutoc racy shall not pat asunder." Bevs. Grant, Locke aud Boyd seem to have the inside track tt jth tbe Oregon -fan, and one would think there weie no other ministers in the city. Some of the others will have to change ttieir names to one sylable. Ibis from the Corvallis Times is very significant, and indirectly eraphacises the advantage that would occur from the overland going through the Willam ette valley in the day so it could be seen: Samuel E.Dale, for thirty years an attorney at Chicago, now engaged in making a tour of tbe Pacific coast, was in town Wednesday and Thursday, fie has been in every city of importance norh of ns, and left Thursday south bonnd. Fur yea r in i i i-ild lie hid liewiu ul me limuieue vwtley, and ex pected much, but freely acknowledged ity golden wheat fields, green meadows. and trees and beautiful rivers and streams made tbe region deligbtnl b? yond comparison. When the bigfams and big orchards are divided up, Mr Dale holds that Willamette should inn tain tbe richest agricultural population on the face of the earth . Never squeal until your toesare step ped upon. The beet place to put an advertisement is in the paper that enjoys the confidence of the community, says Pi inters Ink. Varina Davis, daughter of Jeff Davis, has written a novel of Southern life.said to possess considerable literary merit. Whether a young man is qualified be a good husband may be tested, it said, very effectually by getting him put a 14,l. collar on a 15 shirt. $50,000,000 this year for new bicycles Well, as a good deal is spent by people who can afford it why not? The Demo crat never feels like objecting except when a man neglects his just debts. People who formerly were antagonistic to Quay of Pennsylvania are now his friends because a mors rottea gang is camped on his tracks, and Quay in com parison is a model man. The two doctors who had the duel in Portland have been accused of adminis tering bad medicinr.but it seems to have worked pretty well. Among other things it opened the Portland hospital to view, so one can see something of the internal organs of the institution . The Democrat editor will not take his outing at Coronado beach, Calif. An Albany man who has just returned from Southern California and visited Corona- do says the hotel only charges $1.60 meal. That wculd be about $0.00 a da? including bed. A tent or cottage will do very well for a newspaper man. The following bill was recently actual ly presented by a viewer in Clay county, ind., and we give it as a sample for Linn count? viewers: Far viewing one day $1.50. Walking through mud and water $.75. Getting lost going over $.37, Getting lost coming home $.27J. Doing without dinner $.69. Making neighbors angiy $ Oti.V Total $3.CSJ. The Florence West editor taias good sense in the following: There is evi enough in man. uod knows: But it is net the mission ot every yonng man and woman to detail and report it all. How pleasant it would be if all the world were to love Uieir neighbor, and '' the rest of mankind" would stody to be quiet and to cind their own business. The Hollanders are not fond of lazy people, and they have a good way of cur ing persons who can but won't work If a pauper who is able to work refuse to do eother put him in a cistern, to which a pump is attached, and torn on a stream of water. This stream flows into the cistern just slow enongb to en able the laity person by lively pumping to keep the water from getting over his head. Bishop Cleveland Coxe hss a bitter dislike to the riding of bicycles by wo men. Some one began to speak to bim lately of "a lady on a bicycle," bul he said inipatientlv : "'Sir, you never saw a lady on a bicycle, and never will." If Bishop Cleveland said that he is a Crst class liar. Some of tbe finest ladies in the world ride bicycles, women ot clean characters aid possessing all the womanly qualities. Down on tbe nar row minded cranks. Tbe women of Indiana are fast gaining their rights along some lnes ' least. Females are employed in Indiana as fol lows: There are 7,74 farmers and 561 agricultural laborers, 9,432 teachers, 31,- 093 domestic servant", 3.17S laundresses. . 2,467 bonse-keepers, 1,937 I boarding housekeeper 1 .5C clerks, 707 523 merchants and saleswoman, 236 stenographers and type writera,H0 telegraph and telephone operators, CS shoemakers and repairers, 8,115 dressmakers, 2.371 milliners, 5,083 teamtresses, t, 132 tailors. An Eastern woman tells how to keep flies sway witbcot screans: "I buy five cents worth ol oil of lavender at the drug stoie and mix it with th same quantitv of water. Then I pat it in a common glass atomizer and spray it around the room wherelhe flies are apt to congregate especially in f.he dining room, where I sprinkle it plentifully over the table inen. Tbe odor is especially disagreea ble to flies, and tney will never vecto re 'n its neighborhood, though to most people it has a peculiarly fresh and greatfu'. smell." Detroit Free Press. The editor of the E. O. cccasiocally gets very sarcastic. Here is '.one of his throats : The gigantic intellect in charge of the Astorian, published in tbe town tbat is going to have a railroad, is very much alarmed less immigration will not flow into Oregon because of the "silly articles'' publisbtd in some newspapers. We feel that if this paper which this wise Journalist has control over circulated widely there uigb. be some ground for bis fears; bat since no ore reads it bat a few fi-'iermen and real estate owners and speculators in and around Astoria, we think the young man ia more scared than the occasion seems to justify. Doubtl.-ss the yonng man has a few "New Astoria" lots which he has taken in exchange for advertising and which be desires to dispose of, hence his tale of woe. A Washington dirpatrh says that Ex Senatot Butler, of South Carolina.called tod7 on Senators Jones and Harris, members of the executive committee appointed by the recent democratic s'iver conference, and tsuggented the following propositions to be advocated by the sil ver democrats: First Repeal the tax on state bank circulation. Second Admit silver to coinage at an equality with gold at the tatio of 16 to 1. Third Retire nil greenbacks and coin cert'ficates. Fourth Iteq'iiie national banks to surrender their charters and permit them to take out state charters under national supervision. Filth Taae tha government entirely out of the brnking business. Sixth Stop the insua uie of I ng time bonds by the government. The rev enues should be enough to support the government; but if it is necessary to ssue bond, they should be of small denomination, so that otiro.yn peiph may invest their savings in them The runs of threshing crews are much larger than last year, in this county, a 1 fact that indicates that the yield is much I larger. There is no question on that piint j Khou'd knee breaches come into sty!e ( ptntially it will no doubt causea new in 1 du!ry,that of leg straightening. MISFITS. After reading of the antics of Corbctt and Fitz8immonB one may bo justified in remarking that John L. Bnllivan hits been thoroughly vindicated. He is quite a gentleman. A good deal is said alwtit Hoke Smith in the east; but keep your eyes on our Hank Smith up in the Santiam. Hois solving the gold question out of eight in a practical way. Judging from our exchanges Newport is full of belles this season. Nearly every city claims the honor. This belle busi ness by the way is as smoky ns the Wil lamette valley has been. The reason why the Salem band broke up before the end of the season is now freely discussed, and the names of the parties in the Bcandal are openly handled by the Portland papers. Of course New port had to have a scandal before the end of the season. It lias had nearly everything but the sea serpent. A Christian Endeavor young man in Michigan forged checks lost year to raise funds to attend the national endeavor convention at Boston. This year an other Michigan endeavorer ran away with his neighbor s wife and took her to Boston. Jbx. lino caso a year out of 30,000 or 40,000 is certainlv a splendid j showing for the Y. P. S. C. E. i Junction City Times has made the fol lowing tit for use in Oregon : A married woman in Lugene got the best ot her husband the other evening. When he same home late, as was his custom, and rang the door bell his wife went to the door and whispered through the key hole: "Is that you, Jim?" Her hus band's name, of course, was not Jim, and now he stays at home every night and sleeps with one eye open and a club un der Ilia pillow. A new wav of colieetinir old debts is being introduced in Maine towns. The introduction of the scheme is a novelty, too. A young woman of alleged great) attractiveness is the advance agent, and ; bet ween her own attractions ana those of her scheme she is said to be a wry ! grdW. bui'.t in this city bv J. Let hers ex complete success. She calls on the local nriM. thi. ra,;si ,n,i .1, in the new agency A few davs ; after her departure there appears - T 11 Z i .V1. Louis Bilser. of Portland, aire 1; John M?lTbK;T h?fVtthef -'cWnl-.rgert of this city. W 17. and lars of old debts and debtors from Krank Midows, a printer of .his ci;v. members and then proceed to call on the ' victims. The contract provides that Hie ! " masaw. horribiv conspicuous collectors halt! Kossavao. Or.. Au. 19. Sheriff G make Id calls a day on each debtor, j p. Cat hart is iuk:n an energetic effait meeting him anywhere and everywhere, lompiurt Hie Coo liav staiterobbtr.aud The most of the debtors are glad toitii IVputv i-:. E. Hodsou, ha spent make a prompt settlement rather than several davs near the scene of the hold have the whole neighborhood see them up and has i-ucceeded in fioJ-mr tcrae haunted by the green coated spevter. clues w hich point lo the robber'a id-n-The Democrat knows Albany men whom tity Ayocngman named Wood, who it would serve right to have an army of ; .pent some time in Koebn-g, and fin green coated men after. j i!y moved with some friend to !a)la j to engage in placer mining, is suspected In his sermon yesterday morning Uev. of being tbe oue highwayman. Abbett told of an interesting incident ! A fa), arclrfrat. that happened in his native state that ' . . .. dervee a place in the coin mns of the Astvaia. Or., Aug 1 9 -Early tais nrvmiT It ia in ! niormnir. whti ndinon bis veloc;tetle. . , , mark! manner mhnt a IhiIa ri!l do sometimes in shaping the cours; of mens lives. A voucg man had been teaching school in a very backwoods dis trict, when one evening just before clos ing he asked three boys to remain after school. They expected a scolding for something they had done; but instead he said to them: "Boys, 1 want you to go to ColJege." and had an interesting talk with them on the subject. They parted saying they would think about it. i-everai weeks afterwards they a?ain re mained after school and told their teacher thev had decided to go to col legs, a biave determination, as they were sons of very poor people. Thev "went. Not long ago, vears aiterwards, the teacher shook hands with the three in Indiana!- olie, when one was president of the state senate, one Fpeaker of the house and tbe otlier one of lh wealthiest mercbanta in that citv. A will to do something in the world 'all from a little word from school teacher had place.! them among ' eime.t at 5!2,tf . with .a) irwar tbe nraininent men of their iat I anee 1 he brv-raao fid hiui work to w Wheat Quotations in Alharv the other' day were 47 cents. At ffalcin, twenty-j live in ura nearer i oruanu, -m rents. .i- tnr haj. a amr.jini:r..l Uni-hK ,T .V. i-r." " ITrT The M abington News in a renunis- cent anicie on uenerat urant's ursgon rZsZ,rJ'ri. --.t' VJ Lane.andJun Nesmith. It is narrated br Jadge Noah on tbe authority of an army officer that on one occasion liolli.lav. orani, ingaus, ana .eaum en$r3l in , a game of poker which lasted twow-ks Lask Mimssw.uka. N Y.. Aag 19. night and day. At this juncture It rv-) F.i-Associate Jiutke Hronir. of tbe United curved to Neemith that he ha4 left hia ; f'lat Mtpreme cart, diett boreal 2:10 tti wife at home, some bundreti miles awav, ! aftercrvui. "I be es jottce w broach! to but with little in tbe larder and no Ike Mmnewaka several werks ao uf money, and tbe unwelcome thought i ferine from a ci' xTction of Wog flashecl acits his mind that he bad gone ' etAnUicc- His system was yem w awav to be absent onlv a couple dav. s al vraf'y weakened ly a fail down a and in the interval it was quite probahk- . I . t - .... ( t , itiai jirs. eercim uaa run tne u-nKi;i . I . . 1,1 1 - . ... m uer uouaeuom supplies, was out rti ; ur jiwn? . uvuit ii uu m irioimjai. mi evkli irti: Mirm papers ue the i'X money and possibly being cared for by I tjte, from wbah be rallieei cn'y at J pression in tbe same way. As hog rais the neighbors. The thought was har "inteivals inc it the Uyt paving indu:rv in lire- rowing, and be vainly sought to banhdi ITrr.lVe inMrsl. g.n to.!av the matter sl.noM bb taken it from his ntind. but faihnztodo .o, rmt tita nprvo altltA nl.v a.1 uitl. ti rnnaiderable mnnir t Issi lwmir- desperate, he Irani I v stated the case- and announcei nig determination game and return home Ben Holliday, who was not sweetest temper w hen und. and lift hliirusl mir "If v-.ii want in intn l, i... elared and savagely retorted : "Jump tbe game! Jump the game! Whv, we have lxen playing here two weeks, niglH and day. llow long dor-s a man have to play poker with you lefore be can decently jump the game? Vouare th biggest poker hog, F-n Ilolladay, I ever knew." , MARRIED. GIBSON ACIIESON. At the resi dence of and by Kev. A. H. 8kni?irs. Christian minister, Junction City, (r., r-aiurnay j i in, A. A. Uiljson and Miss Maud Achison, all of Lane Co. The brute is a sister of Mr. K W. Acliison. H-pochondr;caf, despondent, nerv ous, tired out" men -those who sufier from backache , weariness, loss of en ergy, im paired mem ory, dizzi ness, melan choly and the re sult of ex hausting dis eases, or drains upon the system, excesses, or abuses, bad habits, or early vices, are treated through cor respondence at their homes, with uniform, success, by the Specialists of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. A book of 136 large pages, devoted to the consideration of the maladies above hinted at, may be had, mailed se curely sealed from observation, in a 1 plain envelope, by sending 10 cents fa one-cent stamps (for postage on Book)to the World's Dispensary Medical Association, & the above mentioned Hotel. For more than a quarter of a century, physicians ' connected with this widely cele brated Institution, have made the treatment of the delicate diseases above referred to, their sole study and practice. Thousands, have coi suited them. This vast experience his naturally resulted in improved methods aud means of cure. don't you say so like a man, and not give ; ' re f'fn-Bg that portion of tee build any such flimsy excuse and lay the r.v- ,B-., A," ? dead aw I et-r Uutury sponsibility on your wife?" anJ renier.the proprietors; al t.n.. Nesmith olareti m IT,.1li,liv- ' rfwk. tl.eday c'fl'k and lU ru-bt clerk. Saw TELEGRAPHIC. a Irair t;mii. Washington, Aug.20, The gold syn dicate today prevented tho gold reserve from fulling below the $100,000,000 mark. A bout 2 o'clock, the treasury department was informed that $2,850,000 in gold had been withdrawn for export from tbe sub treasury in Naw York. As tho gold re serve at thn clone of business today stood at $102,527,140, the withdrawal would have reduced the reserve to $!M,G77,1 IS. A few minutes afterward, however, Acting Secretary Curtis received a telcffram, say ing that Pierpont Morgan, of the syndi cate, had deposited "2,000,0 0 in irold in exchange tor greenback. Th s deposit swelled the reserve to f iui.tx (,hs, ltigali WllIlD. Chicago. Aug.20' Ex-Senator John I. lnga'.U, of K'limis, is in town. Aftod if he would a;ain be a candidate for United States enutor, he replied: '"It has been generally under to jd since my defeat in lr!)l that if 1 returned to Fublic life my ambition was to beijin where left off, and resume my old utvt. There is gratifying unanimity anions Kiisas republican in favor of my return to the senate, and 1 am sure if they see fit to honor me again I would accept it. A le cr Capture Losu Bkach, Wash, Aog.20 -A. J. Luak, an embezzler to the tune of $SO,0OJ , is on his way to Portland in charge of Tnittd SUites Manual tirady, who has been on his trail since last June. Tho ar rest wan made here by Deputy Marshal Harry Morgan yesterday, and is tho cul mination of a e'ever piece of detective work. Lusk, who was cashier of the First National bmk of Wicbita, Kan., robbed that institution of some $80,000 two years ego. Two of hi confederates were arrest ed and convicted. He was nlnaraught and eseatied for the time being on u technicali ty, flying to San Francisco. Thre lira Dm ward. Astoria. U. 13. During the regatta today, while the sloop nice wis on. a uiot ,litrrinu mvidrtnt occurred. Th Mono- men were drowned. There was I7,all told, on board. The oth-T U were rescued. The 1 t iift-iirniMi nrn I invtion Foreman DwiijOt Ditliaan. of the llwaro IUilway A' Nank-ation Companr wa run over by an engine and received injuru wide j rrwilted in his death h.h-r in the day. I !.- morning was thick and fogy and hlnman did c.4 bear the approaching train. I be engineer could not the man. and was nut aware of bis beintr on tlie track. When t jo Uie. the tijrureof Hicinan loom! up through the ruit jat ahead ot the engine. The ciah came and liiuman wa thrown front the trark. One leg was completely svveri.. I below tho knee. M curonn. Cr.. Auz. 19. Tbe public I ' scho-4 I uiMins ia this cit v borne 1 to the I iTf8'1 0,54 BKirnm Mw-n 1 and 2 'o clock, rue Sre swmpJto have started n tbe, Wensect ao j tbe entire buildiojr burned at once. Tbe gerjd scpjwutioo ,0,jt ", Sr hH 60:0 "nJ c . the bot;d;njr a! the tame tin.. I he loss tiie fvwihern Mi-tbodit church, wbich i atood ;:it aro tHe street. 4 tt'.mm Affair. ' t.. a . . .t 1 I . ...i vit. auk i . i. . l . . i il:.iiT1Jiul,-' .m'"r... ..u,w. Vrr;:- i"rr --"",r; , j aiTsdaviw in sappart cf a new ciiMisn for i coange KBU ."3.a' : crC'TiV rriV.I ' it is sid they will en leavor to bate j Koa selected at the scene of the trial. j rrsBl steal Sis Dra4 , h'ubt c-f tirs at hi hoaie in a.hink-:on l ... . i . ... ' t . ; I r.iwi t w ibwuiot t;u r.ui ci sinnu I . ! I . l . , . !: . . . ; r- n -n . u.,.. ; Xo. 1725 U !,.( uwreoce nivei. was,' . . . . ( ... t. i.. . , . ... .., "r v " " " : the en'ira force cf eir.pioe-e w'r'f whom I as I en bund. At 2 AO a in ti have been accoiint-d for. six being f.rjl).i!ly fatally injure! au I the ret lew seriously -xm aftir the eijmMon the night cl rk was berd to rviiMrk that 70 gue-t l ie in tbo hone. The lit of ser vant .ll not exceed 10, making a p!ih!e dedh 1 tof oG. Mar D.nar4. Ot-::N)sta, Md . Aug 13. By tbe ovir lra.'u:" of a xinail pleasure bout, an entire family w;u drowned, and to other f.unil- n ;.re in mourning. A party of farmers frwiit'e neiirliborr.oul of Frank furl and !l;' .. ;!le, I VI.. ha l a fihfrr on tirey's cm-t. a hranrh of the Isle of Vight ly, wi h i i.tliinp. hsliin; and other ainu e menis. William liumlsoa carried a r-'r,y A nine cut muling. Knd as the n-s alout t come bick fie women of tho p-ty jmrped screaming on ihe high sid . cjj sizing tlw little CTAft, which was scarcely Urge enough to carry five pesons. 4 Bo rrsbabty klllrrJ. Sas 1' Aur. IS Cliarlcs King, a I Vyear-old boy, will probably die of an accidi-ttt whi-h happened to-day in the Ualilon Uale 1'tirk. His horse Lecanie frighteuctl by a wlieelman who daahod bv too close to him. Young King received his injuries while trying to control the horse. That Dogwwwr- T40oi.t. Aug. 19 ' Owney" the ponta' clerks' famous dog, who hiw traveleil all over the United Mates, sails at 4 o'clock to-morrow on a trip around the world from Tifonia. Karloy in Jilly "Owney'' came to l'acouia and made a trip to Alaska. Keturning lie iimpec'ed a t'hina sbwnier lyinir at .uo dock and seeuiod uiuih inter es.ed in it. 'ibis led to Assistant I'ostiiiiintei' Stockton making nrningfiiiicnU for him to go around the world. He will goto Hong Kong on tho Northern Pacilic i-teamer Victoria, ns tho guest is Captain John Pan bin. A Rrroid llrokre. Siiokakb. Amr. 18 iJohn Slaver ot Portland, today lowered tbe Pacific North west record for three miles llewaspiced by a tandem, and went the distance in 7:15 4-E. 'I he first mile wns made in 2:25, the second ia 2:'J7, nnd tho last in 2-2:1 4-5. The mile made b Campbell yesterday in J.04 wns with a Hying stait. 4 Kl" fa aCrjurfb St Joskph, Mo., Atiir. ' IS, Tin-re was a riot at .St PcU-r and St Paul's Catholic church to day, nnd as it result one mnn was fatally injure)) and six othem are bad ly used up, tha injuries of two lein? serious There is a faction of the church opposed to tbe priest.nnd lie-e men attempted to break up the ser vires. Several nriosts bae been nmdj. to quit the o ,he Keview. oraokv. half ThU ancered u":.l'ui,u"f-. siw, hh dkHie iarkaa. ewotistic. t. a man oi tne s f -- , . , , s jaunaicvr.1 tniici.e, etc. r . ! .fnirftin t: .1 n .. (!nrn Mrifn a I Ha ? . .V ' er excitement, ! u"1" -" " '-u 7"u " " " 'J ' i of tberu mat have tu kiitcL a well as i hotel eir.iioe-e who mmM This extra ordinary Ko Juranator is the morl wonderful discovery of the age. It hta been en dorsed by tbe men of Kurope and Ameri-a. Hurjyao Sa CSS? veg Hu4)t ti Praiturinrss "f tho d ; . charge In -JO .Jars. Otres r A a Constipation, 1'lzziuen, Falling Hen tailons.Krrv. oustwlichlng of the eyes aud other puts. Btrecstbcns, t xi V I k orates and touts the entire ijrktrai. Hudtaa can's Ieb 1 1 1 1 y, Kervousnas. Emissions, anddtvek)!'. and restore weak organs falna In Ike tack. IosmI b v a a v or MANHOOD J .'yte', nil In stopped nlclclr. Over 5,000 private endraenienta. Freuururencaw means lincou-m-T In Hie tint staao. It Is a symptom of snnluai weaknets and barrenness. It can be ttopw! In W days by tbenseof Hudran. The new discovery was made 'jf the Hoertat. lrUoftUold nunoosHuiltoa Meeloal lasMwts. It la tha strongest viuuizer made. It ss very powerful, but barmlesa. Fold fur SI 00 a pack are or packages for SS.OO'.plaln sealed boxes). Wrltlea guarantee given for a cure. 1 f too bny six boxes and are cot entirely cured, six Dim will be sent to yoo free of ail charge. bend fir drrular and UstimnnUls. Addrae Hl'DSON MEDICAL, IKSTITITK, J cacUob fttoektdn, .nrkel at Ulls St Man Krmfic-lro. Ca.1 Subject to Entry. Uxmcn States Land Orpin; Oregon Citv. On , July 21th. 1895 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT tbe approved plat of survey ot Fractional township 10 south, ruige 9 aet, Frac Township d south, range 9 wet. Frac tional Township 9 south, range 9 west. Fractional Township 10 south, range 10 went. Fractional Township 10 south, range 11 west. Fractional Township 7 south, rantre 11 west. Fractional Town ship H south, range 10 wet. Fractional Township 9 south, rane 10 west. Frac tional Township 6 south, rang? 10 went, have ln received from the surveyor general of Oregon and on Aiijrnst 2Hh. 1S95, at 9 o'clock a. in. of said day said plat will be filed in this office and the land therein embraced will be subject to entrv on and after said date. Bobcbt A. Mii lbh, Register. l'rTta P.o.rrr, Iieceiver. Tbe car will leave the corner ot t ir- and Wasbiriflon 4'eeU oj. M ows: Si a- rn. for orarlasd gom-i DoMh ii1' 7-5 1 135 II to O i . irate c ids rjf. Lrtanoa trw a n"4ju tr.;e C-'og BOtt. outs' Lebsn n rin: or.-r an.' iroini to it" j .V-r ' 12.15 ' 41 j V-Ti ! 9 lltltl MtBklT. Wheat. 47c Fiw. r,m Ircs vz jkrA. I.'to ISe l"or Kk., 12 to i; SiJs It to ISc Hay BaJed V -0i , fliou!Jrs. 9 to 10c ', rv t . , .. a ... , ... I OC Ccnj. MCKItAS i file.. IiepoeiM 45.; loans fM0. r.'aiJcp capital .O.OUJ. its loan -rm "ito haw Iwn very inju-lictouslv made, a VOT ,nj , w-orl,j 05 a: that. A ! caU for onlv -.000 fr.m a Tacoma tank' e the ramel baci, evidently In jutf-ice to the medical profession of Portland, it is being asserted) positively that the physiciars of that city do not as a rule carry rerolwr. An "important fact with intendios patients. Oar ad vice, thotigh, is to run no rifts, bnt pa.: rwmio Albany physicians, among the best ia the e!aV, as they lo nt carry re volvers. j Reference to the Salem h2 is f roiaent ' . . .. . . . j iv ntsvle "lur lun. a the small bov sav I - , I ihl!oeoihical!v. In litvl v.-s tlni:.-h the i j Review rerntiy refrrrc.l 'o rkhip, I , biki p orreixntuT.t in tiio I iaimieater. . i - - - ... . . ; sicn nir l.imweU Xaleiuite. 1U thdit.v lemented. rapuhx-io, a Tbe aletu Post mrut have leen ril ing up a party the war the Washinton bails are written up, Iwfore thev occur. It says : It appears that The Post made a mistake ytertay in publishing the notice oi ttie lawn partv iiekl at tlie rev idence of Captain and Mrs. I. D. Dickey, as it wa n: a lawn social, but a carpet sewing be--. There set" no ccntlemen th-re at all, only ladies, and mostly nsar- nei. o cam-piaying was indulged in. and a preat many persons represente.1 as leini there in yesterdav'a notice wore not present. Itecentlv alter statinit that the stu dents of the O. A. C-. pav no tuition the I tEMix-iiAT remarked: "The enple pay lor it. liio limes in a verv nice man tier tikes it up, and shows bow much poo.1 it does helping poor young men in getting an education, even if the people io pav tor it. llus opens the out ques tion of whether the government should priy for any higher education than that offered by tho common schools. It has U-en oilcn discussed, and lh 1buockat w ill not continue the itisi-ussion ; but it may le said candidly tbat if any school dew-ves it, it is such a college as the O. A. V. run in tho interest ot the poorer Ciassc!1. lloUaar t'sablaa .jrSAk-FaAncisoo, Aug. 20. Tbe South ern i'aciiic Company has entered into a contract in London which makes it cow IKWfiibla for a passenger to buy a ticket around tlie world from any point on any of the lines which have become a party to tlis agreemont. The agreement is in effect an important combination between several railroads and steamboat companies in order to control tbe lion's sbn'-e ot the round the world passenger traffic. eves DrawaeJ Buffalo, Aug. 20. By thecapsiiing of a small pleasure yacht of Kunjf Hroj,' this evening seven men of tlie 17 on board were drowned. That there was not a greater loss of life was due to the reiirnt'si cf the tug Maitbam and tbe quickness of the life saving cicw in reaching the scene. The dead are: Frank Buggman, Jacob Iiuumnann, Henry fc-ehindler.Charles Giescher.Thomas Cannon, nnd a lirecian and a stranger whose names are unknown. Th memliers of the party were employene of the East HuliolostosRyard. The Deaver Ulre Dkkveii, Aug. 10. Sixtcn botliesso far have teen taken out ot the ruins of the Uumry betej, and it is evident that the death roll, when complete will contain '24 1 or 25 names, posnihly more. Work on the ruins war suspended ami tho search for bodies discontinued till evening, till tlie walls which threatened to topple aniibury the workmen could he pulled down. It is believed that there are at bast eiohtnr r.jno bodies yet in the ruins. Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Hwi4's Fair Hisst Msdal and Plplcaaa. "KM FORTMILLER & 1ETING WE K fcEP constantly on hand a full line of m .M..K ,,ur,l''b" and .efts, In which will be sold at 'lie Low en t Living I'roflta. EMBALMING and he proper care of the dead a specialty. MASOXIC mm 3 HQ EXTRA CHARGE FOR ALBANY CIGAR J. JOSEPH. mM A Message J I Through Potlmaa PaUe "'etper by bird mail j a delightful novelty. ; Tourist s!eepers and N-w Rn- iniD Tliere are any number of i U-a:r.? novel- J Chair cart ties in our stock of cp-lo-dat stationary. n. rr v Fw, VI 1r, rn'rii Ixn"t allow ycurlf to for a UAIL TOa I-MTO CQ.CAGO. uiotnect that stationery issiatiorisry, for j Trains beaten x., .,.., j&icars ligbt it isn't. On the contrarv, it'a decidedly ' ed hy sint-h Light, prtyresrive and full to the brim of new ! Time to Chicago days, time tc ideaj". new styles, and artistic freshness. 1 New York 4 day, which ia many There's nothing new in writing papers boor qnicker than all competitors, that you haven't reen when you look at ' For rates, time tables and fail infor our Mv-V Whra Vd rnrr mrtliic?. IS mttion annlv Ia 'cover it. We miss colhia. tVe haven't j mlsMxi anything tiow, lt you'll taiss a great aeai you don t examine our sta- itionery exhibition. J I'MHl.VG. ' Star Dukerj CCKBAO MEYER, FRCPEIETCB. - L s ta. ' sosrd i uilw tdsssaarr. I'rfeal rrwlta. 1 obatf . o ojpr ee' Itr fsssfd Meat wsr, VexelwWlew, Clear iplee. Ten. El v.rjtUir.g 1 r U k. t in a odarie!t and cro eery store Kiii et pre- pai-t f- r ALL KIXD30F PRODUCE ALBANY jRed Grown MUliog Co. Is now under the manaemcn Td ward Coins, X. II. Allen, Wm. L. Vance. E. I. Barrett and Samuel K. Young.wbo are now j rcarI to furnish sacks and Receive Wh?at on storage, and will pay the highest market price for the came. SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY A f- u.-p -ure for Ra!(ner, Hair faKiug in. I sc.liuff, Vfa'y rr !,!rv rondtlioa otihe sraip, rally d' generation of the batr. rolilclrs or wny eruntioiis. seald besda, bl-ckhearl , et nidora. etc. I have erurwi the sole rt tits ror H- i.ton. Linn ami Marlon ooni.tleM. I'ar.ifa wishing! treatment cab consult tee at my place of t uslKaea or Aild.e-a Box 42t, Albsnv, T.inn Co. Or N. B. r cr. i, VltBECK Tie Acatleiay of Oar Of Perjeisal Help, Alky, Or. A boardinc and dav ahnol ...,,i..t.,.i by the bencHiictilie Sisters will r..... studies Aug. 27, 189o. Every facility will bo offered for thor ough courses iu scientific, normal, com mercial and elementary branches. An able teacher of mano violin and vocal music will have charge 'of the :u uriHtnuiviit. l'rawing and paint ing will, like music, be taught as eitras Uesons in plain and fancv needlework, rorfurtlier particulars call at. tha emy or addass istkh i?i i-eriorebs. Conservatory of Music ALBANY COLLEGE, Z. M. Parvin, Musical Director, form erly of Willametto University, will have charge of this department of Albany College. Courses to graduation in the important branches ot a musical educa tion. Newest and best methods adopted. Best tmuiti rooms for Conservatory in the state. Tuition low for grado work. fkhool begins Sept. llth. Simit 'for ir.Mil-lr anil Mlal.-u.tta A.l. dress, Prof. W. II. Loo, A. M., Presideut, ' Albany, or till Sept. 9th, Z. M.rARvrs, Musical Pirector, Salem, etallc, clotn and wood caskets and broadcloth, sstln, cashmere, e'e A! BUY OREC0.1 HEARSE OR SERVICE st3tc jNotfiriql School Monmouth, Or. A training school for it-ache". Complete eight grade training department and strong Professional and Academic courses. The Diploma of the school entitle one to team in any county ia the stat e without further examination. i,;Ia7,-.?nJLodSln8' Wk andto healthful location no saloons. There is a good demand for well trained teachers there is an over-supply of untrained teachers. Catalogue cheerfully gent on application. Address J. A. Wash pL, Hccrelarr . Camkbeli.. l'residen FACTORY Propriclcir .F.urr. arra. b a m v v a z a t . r. . . . WKL Sl(.rl,,, br pr!4. s3 Vi-rW Jnmnu. .. tor .1. ui. r.-. tKr w f , . ZUTlTri. ' V-l. . . "--rv n THRBUGH II.KE toU.e EAST via the Union Pacilic Systei. ! Ccaccx k MoXTEtTH, agents, A'baay, Or. O- tt isaitox. C Baows. Gen'l Asent. Dist Pass Agt lo5 Third St, Porthuid, Or. iajaa vecsn jecare T:eoc ta cssusaC Isula bcs4 sxi. Chj4 or rea cenp- . c svi-ts, li fAict-aj or eoc. tree ai aft raMftrr. toOt 1 pftCGC& - nM ler tzzc A iiiv CA-SNOWdtGO. a f. OREGON, LEBAHON SANTIAM ACADEMY.! the coast. " state and lite diplomas. Maio, rt, rnvklieepinj. tor catasogue a t.lrvss. . A IUm.le. A. M IVincipaL Nctice fcr Pubacation. Lasd Offh k at Outfox CrTT. Oh Aoeut 3.1S35. Notice i bereby iea Kt the W owir.p named seitler bas &ivd notice of bis in tention lo sra'se final prvW ia snroort of bis claim, ud that taU rro.f" wi I be made leftre 0 Cle'k of L;on Co. t At- Mr-.r. .- . -n . 16. iss.i. vis: Phi p A t: 'reil.H K. No, I'jTCS for tre S E J N E U 16. J X '-' and N V 4' S Sec 15 T? 10 S R 5 He nsmes toe following wstnese to prove nit conitcuoos residence BFon "i culti- vatian of, said land. v:t: Jarucw K Morrow. Janie L. Bemr. Jobn Kewrne. N'esl McKra. all ot Berry. O". EJwia V. Smith, bo filed cor U ft agwinst said entry is hereby specially no?i5ed to ap pear and show canoe why said eotry sboutd not be aUowed. ROBERT A. MILLER, KegUUr. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEnlENT Notice is hrrehy given thit the noder- nijnrd at the assignee ef the estate of W. K. tirabam an insolvent debtor has fil-3 his final iccoaniin aid assignment with the county e'erk of Linn county, Oejoo, ard will on the 9b dy of September. 1S95, at the hour of I oVock p. tn. of said day make application to the Circuit Court of 1-inn county, Oiegon. Department No. , (o have the saW account passed upon and allowed as his final account therein All person having any objections to tbe allowance of said account and the final settlement oi said insolvent eta'e are hereby notified to be present at said time and place and make theeinie. Dated this 2Wh dv of Jalv, - JOnH tSRICGS, Weatherford 4 Wyatt. Asisnee. Ally's for assignee. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given tbat the under signed aiminlstrator of tbeestiteof John Fagan deceased baa filed his final account with the clerk ot the county court for Linn countv, Oregon. aoi tbe court has fised the 7th day of October, LS3s, at tbe bonr of 10 o'clock a. ui.. for the bearing of objection to said account If any and for tlie settlement of the'ate. This the 14th dav of August, 1S90. YV. C Mom) an, Admr. Weatherford & Wyatt, Attys for Adra ADMIN STRATORS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the under sized administrator o the estate of Henry Hear decessed has filed his final account with ihe clerk of the Coun'y Cou't for Linn cHmty, Or, and the County Court hs tixeil Siturdy the 7th day of "September for hearing O'jec'ion to s.tid account if any, and the tet'-le-nicnt of the estate. VLTKR Mcll.RKK, Ad.ninis'raior. WILL PAY WARRANTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT have the funds on band and will pav all county warrants stamped nit paid for tbe wni 01 tunas previous to JuIt 5. lSoS Interest on the same ctoalng at thU date, Aug. tn, i&9S. r. G. Morris. County Treasurer, SUMMOliS. fn the Circuit Court nftiw. Stale ofOrtgon for At County of Linn The Anglo American Iand Mortgage and Agency Com- Plaintiff, pany, Limited, a corpora tion. vs J Anna Hollida bis wife; and the Lombard In vestment ijo. a corporation; and J P Rector, W W Adams and Ab Foo.a cbinsman,aad the Alliance Tru-i Co. a Mis- Defe.Klan's souri corporation, and A B Matthews and Edward Wasbbcrn, partners doing business under the firm name o Hattbews and Vanhbarc. To tbe Lombard Investment Com pan y , eorporation, P Hector. W W Adss-.s.Ab Foo. a chinaman, four of tbe above named defendants: IK THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: Yoa and each of you or hereby required to aapear and answer the cross omplaint of tne defendaot, tbe Alliance frost company, a corporation, in the above entitled court in t he abov entitled t n file with tne e'erk of said o-ir i,k tf before tbe 2Sih ?ay of October, t'.f; and v m and each of yoa a'e hereby noi'ficd hat it yoa i to appear and n smer std complaint as hereby repaired 4 he crota c uiplainant, ihe A'Hance Inut cotr pant. r 1 1 apply tothecOQ't for the relief deniandt in said cross complaint, tott: For a Cccee of 4bU coort. that sasd Alli ance Trust company, a corporation, may have and acqo re judgemrrit against its eo-defendtgts J L Uoliida and Anna Hohi- da. for the sum of two thousand and siity dollar (20CO) with id ret '.hereof., at tbe rote of 8 per e-nt per annom from tee firt ta of Octofcrr. ift90. and for th farther sum of two t.unired doTar. ($23 as a reasonable attorney's fee and (or costs and dKbarseaxnts ot the said A'lunx Trust Compiny, a eorpora tion. herein to be taxed and thai tie wart decre a foreclosure of toe mortgage described in said cross com plaint, and 'hat the real pr&per'y 'herein dee'lbed. to-wit: The Soum et qurtcr yt r'yun Ta flo), and S"a't wis q..r n . f Sc tost Eleve (tt),snd Nottn r- q !r ..( S c tkm Flt'.era fn). all in I ,-i, ;. K-.-j 'rcn n4) So'.h IUbj- f-rr U of the WdUmct'e (In j.J.-i, ; u be rnnitig a". be Nirrt-i w c r f the Sou hritt qiir'tr l -j Kl r;g ,.Il);iad lOi-aine thcicr t"J a . 3-100 (6.63) cwsins; tbence v'f. r; i;b; 'nrnce wen sn anl fxi-i.t t iieice Nofth Fits- (S) c:i -t - - . - i-e-jiarfn.-; ! S gian rig; -wr 35 loo 14.35 Ea OI Soair--' c-t!i- oi.aid 1 c 100 Te- (i ); 1 ! .. E.t t weoij 65-1". (20 C$) tti;r I StHili east ajreef of soai..- qiuiterof sai-; -r i a te to); theme No-ih Fjtt (4o)efa ; i.Trt tt a"H 5-ioi..6$).T- h ce i eih F"i (40) eh tit o p: jc I zgia I'VW?'" aiwis Swiv q isrl -r if -Wij-fc-r'. q iarte- f Scrtion i-rvcB (It). oi'"lg 10 e!i f ivi hssre.1 sa 1 taienty -ix and 00-ion cm cs ras. accordiag io joverBmeni arTf. ; t-; pndia Sfce mister preacrihtrf b U - cpon x fctt:in by tbe Sheriff of a:d Cowr4 to a (T tl.e above e'e'st scccred b aairf asctg'je and a rezwreblr 'attcv seys ire, scd costs, ti at ihr prvred sralrg firm such sale fce arpben: Fir' to :he rsj twent of 'be com ar.d di9arsesBmta i tbw suit snd o the m'Iht e " fee pme4 far ia satO cross complaiat of to bKEfred ri!r ((2 10); Srcood: Co thepavment cf any "dg nent ihxt may rndrred hr.fii in fa vor ot the said defefxiaat the A l-accTrast Company, a corporaUuo. and tbat the pontiff set! all cf the said defendaats, eorptiec the Alliance Trssx CosBpany, and all person eixia-ias under them, or ei-'er ct t "n . be n-nti a?d fvc;-o-d of all rignt, trie, and equ!ty of redcmptuin in, or to, said real prosert , or anr part thereof. A-d that if tbe ' pno oeeda arising from fcuct sa e he not tclG dent t pa said drfexlat. tLe Kl litnce Trait C-otupaav, i s clain. e ssis, dts baneasests and at'orwej's fe-. !b sa'wt it. reads at The Al.icce Trust loasp-ay, hare jadmvnt aeinsr the 3e endants J. L. Hot'ida and Anna llo' uti tor .sen e-6cient t and tir execu tion tberef or againat the prcpe-tvof 'he s5efsadnti J i. HfVii J" 't -ni R awi fas -lira other re.ief a 10 t e -court oiysto jut and equiuWi. ThU r'sn aotrt U pobliabed by orJ-T of Hoo. H H Hewitt. Jo.Lre of tbe Circuit Cmrt of tbe state ot OnrirOB fcr L'nn oanty. r&aie at -Cambers July 133. O.G ELLIS. Att jraey for the deedxet, the Atiiance rast Compaay. a crp?rit:oa SQUM0X5 fm Ae Groat Comrt or- Lin Crmxfj.Staif at Gswgssv ldail.Nye Paiaill V John W. Sye Eiefesdcnt -r IA. iar V" . . . 1 I , I fecdant. I IVIBrVlVSOFTRF: ?rTT OP S OttRSOX. Yoa are fcero reqaired to ap- above PiaintiS, in thea'xyveeBtitled eturr, ow oo file with tbe cWt ot said coort, by tb rrt day of tbe regniar teraoftfa 't.v ro.i:!l eourt to Le he'd at tV cry of Albany. Lina coun'y. Or.. o- h- iis day f Oc tober. I35. and t . jr.- nraa.d t"t rf yoa fail to sprt al .aswer said cv-.m-pliim a h-rv- reqjtrett'i- P af iff will f?'-7 I tbe coor f-jr t.:e r-iief ak.d for in he .-omp aini. towit for a decree of lb: ho-or5 cour d'.s the bonds of matriasoor b-jw xi-' n? rtween piaia- tiff and defendsr.t and f r thecrr. ca'tolv ui coat-ot of theii w.innr child, Jo1 n P. Nye. an J for coet an. I dis -ursetu-nff to be axed WEATMERPonD A TATT. -Vt.-my Kr P'aiEt-ff. Notice forPublic&tioo. I sd Omci at Okeoos Cirv, Or. Augnn 3, IS35. Notice is hereby gives tbat ti e fo'low- ing-named se t'er has a!ed notice tf hi in'efitfon to make Eoal proof ia support of cis euro, na la' said proot will te made before the county clerk of Lion coun'y at Alb-say, Oregon, no Sep lo. 196, via: John Kearnev. H E No. IttKrO. for the X K H S W t4'. N S E V Sec, 13 aad N W S W c H Tp 10 S R 5 E. lie name the following witnesses to pror? his coa tinuous residence upon and cn t rsiion of, :ald Und. via: P. A. CorreJI. J. L. Berry, Nell McRea, of Berry. Ore. and J. O. Mackey of Detroit Oreiron Robert A Miller, Reji er; Notice for Publication. Lvkd OmcR at Oreoos Crrv. Or. Auftj.' 3. l9o. Notice is hereby g'vea that nefj!!oarioj named settler ha filed notice of bis In-, teattoa to make final proof it supfxrt of his claim, and that said proof will be rossle be'o e County Cletk of Linn Co. a Albany. Or., on i-T t 16, lS3a. Jaroea L. Berrr. H- K, Ne. lCTU. fiw the E i S E i Sec. 16. S W H S v t- jc. js; NWNWX'Sec2iXEiNE i See 21. TpldSRoE. tie names ibe tl-lo-ing witrtecse to prove his coulinoonv re'dence uroo and caltivatiog of, said land, vis: R A CoTel'. John Kexraer, John Fogarty, Nvil McRe. U of Eerrv. Oregon . KOtKT A. MILLER. Rcgis er. Notice for Publication Las-d Ofp-k atObtfos Citt. Or- . August &tb, iS9i. Notice laberebr irivm tharth f.illns. ng named settler ha filed aot ce of his tbtention to make final proof ii supicrt ot hSi claim, and that Mid Proof w,it be made before register and receiver at Ore gon my, UregoB. cn September i9, 1S85, via: Cbarlee A. Par-tetson, H E No. 11137. for tbe S E Sec 35 Tp 1C S R 7 K. He names the following witness 'o wve bis contiruoug rvidnce uryn and c-l iva'ion . f : 1 ... . . . ..... . i. aaia iana. vi: j a w tfr-nieclte. rreu WSUhlman. L W Stui'h, Fratk Wtber. all of IV'roit Oregon ROUiRT A. MILLER, RegMtr. CITY TREASURERS KGTICE Notice is hfeby given, tha" fund are on hand 10 pay city wrants No 222 to S37 inclusive, of tbe Issue of 1895. Interest on said warrant will cease on to date of the publication of thi ao'ice, Albany, Ore., Aug 5tb. 1896 . E. A. Parrrr. City Treaaurer,