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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1895)
V f .JfT JjT li jtL ss ti VOL, XXXI. Entered at the Pact me a Albany, wr., aeesad-CIsss Wall Mallei t ALBANY OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9 1895, r. r. MITTHS, raklfafcer a4 Prawriesart i j. 'I for Infants CaatorU is so well adapted to children that trroommend it as superior to any prescription wwntOBM." H. A. AacHca, M. D., Ill So. Oxford SU, Brooklyn, N. T, "The use of 'CaatorU' b so unlTersal and t meriu so well known that it seems a work ot Kipererogation to endorse it. Few are the fatallieent families who do not keep CaatorU within easy reach." Cuua Xabttx, D. IX, New York Ctty. Best Work Promptness PRINTING - Offxe Stationery Give us yoor P SMI AieflBV THE NEW n$S andO.RH.CO Tall?Piata Washing . Idaho, ia Montana Dakotas.1 Minnesota, and the East ill Points in tte United States, Canada anil Inropa. The tfreat Northern Railway i a new transcontinental line. Rons buffet-Uorarj observation care, palace sleeping and dining; can, family tourist a'eeper and 6rst a no second c'asa coaches. Having a rock ballast track the Great Northern Railway is free from dost, one of chief annoyances of transcontinental travel. Round trip tickets with stop oer privilege and choice of return rou'ev For further information ca'l upon or write, P. J. TOtaej, G. f. & T. i St. f isi, flina O Jiiih. i-tirsl iiat, 12J Third SiJjt, Pjrtlni. O. This L f.9 n 1 t'nt wu ? ' ' ea," Janjarv25 b. 13). otr'n ; v. i; heRjent Nfiontl G'dy Et it iiii " most aLnir:d and tt'kal of :ii i n l i Llustra'e J 0 itdo t t p'-. I r v lit.; E. E. Gof. exclusive agent for Albany FORTMILLER & ffiYING .w rE KfcEP constantly on hand a full line comna. Also burial ubes and suits, !n broadcloth, satln,cashmrr-, e c which will be old at The I .owes! Uwlwg Prwflt. EMBALMING nd ,1,e projt-r care of the dead a specialty. MASONIC TEMfLB NO EXTRACHARCE FOR 333 O Insure your property, unless you take apolicy in a Company that you are pe- fcetly satisfied will deal honorably with you, and will pay you promptly, and liberally if jou have a osa. IF YOU EVER WANT It is Just after yon have been burned out, and must rebuild, and you cannot lave any doubt about it. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA has paid out to irons, over EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS, and has plenty more te pay all aets with -FOUNDED IN J792, financial panics cannot harm it; see J. W SEN FT District Special Agent, Albany, Or, OFFICE over Read Peacock & Co s store R - I - P - A - N- ONE GIVES RELIEF. and Children. CaatorU cures Colic. Const ipatlon. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, ElUa Worm, sires sleep, and promotes dl gestion. Without Injurious medication. "For several Jreart I ham recommended 'Cutaria, and ahall always continue to do ao, as It has lnTariablr produced beneflclal reaulta." Eowni F. Pasoix, X. D.. 13&th Street and 7th Are, New York City. Tmt Cettac Comtaxt, T7 Xcaaav Swot, New Yosjc Cm. ir. - BOOK A Specialty Patronage. fan En ORECOK. WAY EAST IJHES-Tlie Short Route -Thraaaai Tiekots Sal'" Cbloasro. St. Louis, To and from Wasbinjrtnu, Philadelphia, New York. Boston, ar J I it U :' i -i 1 1 n ' I' i : f i 1 1 1 : ! .r i l 1 . ! lit ui.ii i 1 1 1 of tneulic, clotn and wooocasseu anu ALBAST 0EEG01 HEARSE OR SERVICE Sto Jotfinql School Monmouth, Or. A training school for teachers. Complete eight grade training department apd strong Professional and Academic courses. The Diploma of the school entitles one to teacn in any county in .the state without farther examination. Board and Lodging, books and tu it ion, $150 per year. Beautiful and healthful location no saloons. There is a good demand for well trained teachers; there is an over-supply of untrained teachers. Catalogue cheerfully sent on application. Address . A.Wasn, f. L. Campbell. rJccrelary. President IST B7 MONEY its pa-honest A Ska Ltox a Yaqims a. Sunday there was a good deal of excitement on the bay caused by a baby sea lion crawling upon the rock near the city, about twenty feet from the liih sidewalk. There are plenty of seal in the lav but sea liont are rare, and tins one nan oeen tnjurea Dy the surf and seemed to be in distress. Quite a crowd gathered and the ladies and children were as delighted aa at a circus, to be so near such a sea monster in a state of nature and a free show at that. The fellow wanted to throw a rock at the baby lion soon found that the in fant ot the sea had friends in the crowd who objected at such rudeness. Then the man came with a ride to kill it and the remonstrances were still louder. Some went so far aa to say that he had no right to kill such an interesting visit or who sought shelter of the bay in time ef storm. A dead sea lion is worthless except for the man with the ride nad to desist. The lion was about six feet long and a light fawn color, as graceful as a greyhound. As we went to take a snap shot with our "handy" cam era, it slid off into the bay, occasionally coming up to take air. The man with the rine took a parting shot at it and it disappeared. We did not leant whether he hit it or not. There is not much sense in killing all these creatures that are pro tected in San Francisco harbor and else where, to the great enjovment ot all who visit summer resorts. The Newport city council should not allow them shot. Journal. Important Sen. Hon. Thos. H. Ton cue of Hillsboro and J. C. More land of Portland came to the city by last night's overland and the probability other prom inent lawyers will come up this morning, as there is an important case to be ar gued before Mie supreme court today ,one a every county in tne state is in terested. There are really two from Judge Shattuck's court in Portland and one from Judge Burnett of this dis trict, but hotn involve the rime ques tions and both involve the same briefn. One is a case against the sheriff of Mult- i notuali county on an agreed statement of facts, in which the court held the salarv law of 1S95 (the Butler bill) valid and that the sheriff was entitled t3 no other compensation for the service of papers than such as therein set forth. The other is a case against the clerk of Linn county for a writ of mandamus command ing him to file acorn ptaint upon the pay ment of a statutory fee of 10 cents, which he refused to do until the filing fee pro vided by the law of 18S3 should be paid. Judge Burnett refused the writ of man damus, hence the appeal. It Will be seen that the two cases will test the val idity of the original act of 1893 nroviding for salaries instead of fees, and the Butler act of 1S95 amendatory therof. States man. Ax KAfU) Convict. The foot race between Cameron and Whituev an nounced to Uke place at this city' next Saturday will probably not come off. Here ia the reason : A year r.go a man named Charles F. Philpot escaped from the state penitentiary at Deer Lodge, Montana. A reward of $200 was offered for his capture, '-'onstable Dan Linton, of Eugene, got it into his head that Whit ney w as the man, the description was exact. He waited until setting sufficient evidence, and last evening arrested M lutner. lie admitted that he was the man, and will be taken back to Montana, lie had been imprisoned in the Montana penitentiary for four years on t wocharces of burglary and had "served two years and three months, aud was a trust t w hen he escaped. So do not go to the track next Saturday, aa Philpott will not w weu enougn to run. An omcer trora M or tana will probably reach Eugene by that day after him. Biggest Lie or the Season-. J. A. Waddle, Mrs. E. D. Baker, A. A. Bowen and Fred Washer arrived in Eugene from Foley springs last evening, and went to their homes in Portland this mornin?. The gay genial and handsome Al Waddle proved to be a ereat sportsman. While absent he killed 17 "mountain ect." elk, 2 grizxly bear, 7 catamounts and a nnmber ot smaller game. He also caught 3215 trout, then he captured several fair dears. Al save he had a splendid trip and his three weeks' vaca tion passed away too rapidly. Eugene Guard. Good fob Rogers. M r. E. P. Rogers. assistant agent of the Southern Pacific railroad, pased through this city yes terday on his return from a trip to San Francisco. Mr. Uoeers. in comnanv wih Mr. Koehier, went to San Francisco two weeks ago to attend the funeral of General ManagerTowne. After the fun eral Mr. Rogers was busily engaged w ith the heads of the freight office in arrang ing me new ireignt tanns, ertective on the Oregon lines August 1. Mr. Rogers bad worked long and earnestly for these reductions and was greatly pleased when it was iouna tne could be made. 1'oet. Do Thet Wos't It. The Corvallis Gazette says: "The people of Crook county do not want a road for reasons that have been mentioned in the Ga zette." In another place an item makes it look as if they did want an extension, and we believe now that they do and badly, except a few peepie in Prineville: "Frank Conover and Roaco Bryson re turned Tuesday evening from a ten davs trip to Prineville. They traveled on ti cyles and the distance, as indicated by their cyclometers, from Corvallis to Prineville via the McKenzie route-, was 199 miles. They were in Prineville a week ago tonight, at w hich time the cit izens of that place burned power and made speeches in evidence of their ap- firohation of the decision handed down y the supreme court in the Oregon Pa cific matters." IUttrxep From Virginia. Hon. R. M, Pennington has returned from a trip to LyncLburg, Va., where he had been with several Eastern Oregon men with five car loads of horses, of which fifty horses belonged, to Mr. Pennington. They found a much better market for the norses tban they anticipated, clearing from 20 to $25 a head. Mr. Pennington reports a great improvement in times particularly towards and in the southern steles, where there has been a big crop of cotton, which commands a good price. Confidence seems to have beerrrestored in a marked degree. Mr. Penmnzton was gone about one month and attended strictly to business, not being on a sight wing inp, except as it came incident ally. Rest into a Trek. Tha Albany train was turning a curve near Crabtree yester day when a big two foot tree and some brnsb appeared directly before the engine on the track It was too late to do any thing, and the train banged into the ob itruclions. As strange as it mar appear the tree was swept from the track without throwing a sinitle wheel off the twek and the train was stormed without any damson There was rjuite a declivity below the tracK at th placj, and it was a wonder the whole train was not ditched. Both Discharged. Tuesday's train from the bay conveyed to Corvallis two unusually happy men. They were B. R. Job and Al. M. Davis, who bad been un der indictment in Lincoln connty for two years on a charge of "larcenv of public funds," and against whom the charges nan ueen uininieseu at tne present term of the circuit court in that county. The charge against B. R. Job was dismissed without trial, but in the case of Mr. Davis, all the evidence was submitted when a motion for non-suit was granted and the jury Instructed to bring in a verdict of "not guilty." Gazette. For Ji:l . The fees of the countv of ficers for July, the first month of the second year, under the salary system were as follows : County clerk 222 00 County recorder 112 60 Total. ...334 CO A GOOD SIIOWINf;. rcstal receipts are generally consider ed a good criterion of the business pulne of a community. Dctvessed times al ways cause a falling off and improved times an increase. The receipts of the Albany postoliice for July 1895 are 40 per cent more than they were for July 1894, a fact that speaks for itself. A Dry House Harriet. It was not much of a fire; but the burning of R. Veal & Son's dry house this afternoon was the most of a blaze for a long time. The dry house located near the chair factory was discovered on fire just after noon and an alarm given. It was full of chair backs, round and legs and made a hot fire. A couple of streams of water promptly put on extin guished the flames in a lew moments, but left the building and contents a charred mass. The loss is $200 or 300, with no insurance. Several S. P. Men Kitiud.-Onite a little stir has been made on the S. P. bv the discharge of several conductors and brakemen. One conductor and two brakemen lost their positions on account of helping themselves to some ice cream being carried on the road ; another one was allowed to obtain a job e'sewhere on account of hitting a brakeman with his lantern, laving him np for twenty davs, for a trivial thing. The company very properly demands faithfulness and cour teous, gentlemanly conduct on the narl of employes, and a man has to lonuuct himsell in an exemplary manner to re tain h'u position. Will Tlav the Alba.vies. Th Al bany base ball club have receceived a challenge to play the Siuslaws, of Flor ence.and have accepted and will plav on Tuesday, Aug 12. Albany is willing to play for any price named The Sius laws have beaten the Newport and Si letz and are now are read-r to tackiu the club of this city The game is to be played at ewport. Passed Yaqcwa. The biir lo? raft haa been sighted passing Ya.uina bay and towing steadily. The Mineola flew' some signals which could not be made out. The tow seemed to be makine between three and three and a half knots. The raft is 528 feet lone. draws 22 feet 6 inches aft and 30 feet forward and contains about 2.000.C00 feet of saw logs. 700.000 feet of piling and a large amount of sawed lumber. Altogether there is no le than 10,000,000 feet board measurement in iu con tenia, or enough to load 20 average sized lumber vessels. The fastenings re quired the use of 53 tons of heavy iron chain. Mr. E. A Parker is confined to his home by illness. Mr. Wallis Nash, of Port'and. was in the city today. Mrs. Virgil Parker and children went to Yaquina Bay today for their summer outing. Jos. Watson, of the Tacoroa Iron Works returned home todav from a trio to Yaquina. s . Mr. R. Neal received a paralytic stroke this week affecting only one of' his anus; but confining him to bis home. Mr Will Lvon has accented i pwilion with a wheat dealer of Pullman, Wash., and will move to that ritv in a few davs to reside. E. L. Thomreon and family, of Port land, went to Yaqu:na t.lay. They were accompanied bv Muss Nona Irvine". of this city. Mrs. C K. Fronk an.! children. Mrs. D. P. Mason Mrs. B. W. Oindiffand daughters. Miss Josie Lasell and MiM Anna Benuey. went to the Ilav Tester- day. Sheriff Landis of Lincoln county passed throned Albany this noon for Satem.with John McDowell the old man who killed John McCaleb last winter. He doesn't look as if he would more than complete bis two years in the penitentiary alive. Some time ago a dispatch from Cen- tralia charged Rv. B. F. Fuller, former ly of Albany, now in the east, with ending a dynamite package to a woman in that city. Rev. rullerin a letter to the Oregonian denies the charges made in the dispatch in toto. Albany lawyers stand high in Lincoln connty. The recopl says: In present ing the law and evidence to the court and arguing the same in the action of Jones vs the Toledo Coal Company, Hon. J. K. Weatherford consumed three hours. Tne court house was crowed w ith people and many said it was the bet argument tbat they hau ever heard, the law and authorities j-n w-nlcd as applying to cor porations, show ing deep and "careful re search. The vfeekly Democrat tomorrow begins its Slit volume. Dr. Paine took charge cf the insane ay turn today. Dr. Rowland retiring. A bicycle was scld in Salem yesterday to satisfy a jurfnt and bid in at iI "When Hi Love Grew Cold" is tie name of a new book that has captured t he east. The semi annual state school fund an porliontment has been made. linn county will receive ti.bu aw, or si.uo lor each child of school age. The Daily Sun failed to appear today. It has upended. ihf recent reduction in price of the Oregonian crippled its busi ness, though it is said it baa always been run at aires. An attractive circa of lumber was seen on an O P. train tody bound for Biodgett. It was 16x12 inches and at leant 7o feet long, and aa even a piece of lumber as was ever sent out from a mill. The state stove works at the penitentiary have bten leased to Ixtwenberg. of Port land. He ptys the sum of 35 c nU per day for each convict an J a rental of 2,000 per year for the plant. The contract runs tot 10 years. The Corvallis Gazette boaxts of a sub set iber, L. G. Kline, since 1864. The Weekly Democrat is now HI years old, and there are a mod many subscribers on the lit ho KavA&ked the paper since it s I start ed. Some day we may give a list. Actording jo the Recorder it is estimated tbat the population of Bandon is 1350 at present, being more than a five-hnndred percent train since 1890. That health bearing breeze from the J a pane-e sea must have a wonderful effect on the procurative powers ot the Bandooians. News. KEIiOti .fT WEaTMEB SEKVIC2 Sommsry, Station, Albany, Or. Month July, 1893. Mr an tempera1 ore, (fi Maximum temperature, 99; dab-, lOib. Minimum tempt rtnr, f9; date, 3rd. Mean of maximum tm per store, 81.2 Mean of min main t mpwstore, 50 9 Total precipitation 0.37 meter. No. of dear days. 18 Nn. of na tlv cloudy days, 5. No. of cjoady days, 8. DaUs ol nei.t tro-t, U. Dates of killing frost, 0. Dates on whiou bail fell, 0 Dates on which sleet fell, 0. Dates of thunder Storm.29. Amoi as, 0 Prevailing direction of the wh d, N Kt-ntM T mpsratur Norma KaiifJ),0.!2 oa avorsgs 19 i ear, Job Baiaas, Volunteer Utssner. A Tame Opening. The look ed-f or rush on Thursday last when the Sileti reser vation was opened did not materialize. There were but three applications for entry filed at the land ollice here and thev refected on the around that the ap plicants bad been on the land, which is -.. .a 4 V. . nwialilanll. n.nnl i. n. n , 1 CU1I II M I J w bile ji iniunii, a fi uvuabtu u in these matters. Probably Quite a num- : ber of entries were filed at Toledo, the nearest county seat to the land. uregon City Courier. Prof. "Wood, the blind violinist, wil glvs a concert at Lebanon tonight. A LONG FElT WANT. The public wants a better harne8 than the average harness being sold to day, and Tomlinson is supplying this want of the public by using onlv ti e Best Oak Tunned Leather, thus in- suriug tin- most duraMe and sa'.isfactory harnetts in every restMvt. His prices sre no higher than others ask for an inferior grade of work. Call at his shop on 2nd St., Albanv, and see him before purchas ing eisewuere. FEIDAY .Lebanon. Joe Ralston, of Albany, wa out here Monday on his wheel visiting somo of his young friends. Master Roy Wood, of Albany, was vis iting his cousin, Miss Pet Smith, a few days the fore imrt of the week. Dr. B. O. Fellow, of Waterloo, got one of his rita broke yesterday by falling down. Dr. Foley reduced Hie "fracture. There were a couple of deputy sheriffs nut bete Tuesday and Wednesday levy ing on property for delinquent taxex which people hold receijita for. We would suggest that a democrat be put in the sheriff's ollice. so that he may under stand the books. Mrs. Montague and children returned to 'heir home in Al'janr Wednesday, af ter a short visit with iriends in the city, and with her brothers, Luch and Ned Gilbert, at their ranch up in the foot hills. A couple of drummers revi vej a rather cold reception here the other day. Tiiey made a hasty trip here irotn Albany in a buggy, intending to spend their leisure hours in Aloanv instead of patronizing our hoU-l, and yet take orders from our merchants. Tuey were inlortiied that reciprocity was tiie go. and unless they could lueke it convenient to itronixe our people, Ihey cou'.d receive no orders from our merchants. Ex rvss. CorxTT S. S. Cowirrri' Arrange ments bare been made to hold a county Sabbath School convention in the full ed l'resbvte'tan church of Albany on Sept. 20th and 21st. Dr. J. L. Hurlbut, of New York, will 1 here and deliver an address at each of tha lite sessions. lr. Hurlbut is one of the ft-rem t riab- batb School workers in the country, and the convention w ill afford all intereeud in Christian work a good opportunity to hear lam. A full program has be-n pre pared, covering all points of the wotk. The committee in charge hope to pro vide free entertainment fur ail w ho at tend from the county, outride of Albany. L4kely a county organisation will beel-(ected- Kt-rp this convention in mind. A Iiki Pt rr. The Walla Walla Tuion of Wedne!av tavs of Wallace's circus to be here next Tuesday: Without ex ception, the cleanect. best and most thoroughly erjUirtwl rireu and mrnag erie tfutever rined Walla Walla pitched its mamtuouth tents n.-ar the O.K. A N. Co' depot early Tulay mrni:i and gave twohisluy pnushed prrtwmancs- one in the afternoon and one in the even ing. One thine which commend- Wal lace's Shows i the absence of the nosy. fighting criminal clai, toe- often found with the circus. The employes are courteous and polite to all. howinsthe efllect cjf rigid discipline, workine undrr me immediate supvrvwion ot Mr. v ai lace, who hi an eye oa every one from the humblest hts:ier t e -'ar per former. Mixed Up. Tboa. Monteith was serv ing tax executions in this place recently. He levied on proptTty for the taxes ol "JO county, school 'district and citr, when the'two Utter taxes had already been collected by the district and city, the circuit court in 93 having rendered a decision that they should collect their taxes tiiat year. The matter is badlv mixed up and a great deal of trouble wiil folio-. Then, too, property lias been levied oo in one instance" at least here the owner holds a receipt for county tax, as well as district and city. Some ol our citizens are not backward about expressing their indignation. Lebanon Advance. Post No B:t. The postal laws of the United Slates provide that postmas ters are strictly forbidden to place or per mit to be placed upon the walla, or otherwise for public exhibition, within the poet otlice or lobby thereto, rr on any of the post others premises, busine sards, circulars, placard, handbills, or advertisements of private husinea; and, also, pictures, cartoons, placard, hand bills or other documents or advertise ments of a political character. Al! such notices are promptly removed when found in the lobby to the ortice. The public should take notice of this fact. The proper place to advertise U in the local newaier. Twentv-fo-r Lawvkrs. Albany has the most lawyers it ha ever had.and can make a showing in this rwpect that will compare with any citv in Oregon for a like population. The fist cf thoe en- ?:aged in the business in this ciiy is as ohows, alphabetically arranged : Rilvetl, I Blackburn, Vvant, Curl, Cannon, Wi ry tuple, I j.lkins, Hinn, albrattli, uewiu, ii-.-nieman, iciuy, Jionvanye, ewpo fowell.Somet J. !iowe, atson Weatlieriord. Whitney. Wright, Wyatt and toting. That Kiwino. An interesting little anecdote not down on the docket occur red in the courtroom at this place last Saturday afternoon. Hon. Benjamin Havden, who if not a ladies man is nothing, in bidding an adieu to one of our most estimable ludies. let Iih gsllan- try and admiration for the fair sex get the better of his discretion, and planter a kiss on the lady's cheek. The lady fprnng back and planted her parasol on the spot on Mr. Hayden's head where nair is supposeu vo nave grown veers aao. The court frowned, the ladv re- treale-, the spectators laughed and the amorous and need attorney actually blushed, a thing he had not done Ix-fore for at least twenty years. Lincoln Conn ty Leader. Rather Peculiar. Here is a peculiar situttion. An Albany firm wibe to ship some things to Salem Were the boats running it could lie dene for cents a hun dred: the charges br express are ho cents by freight dirpct 81 cents. The pjods can be sent to Portland and back fo Salem for 25 cents. A teamater arcn to take them for 20 cents a hundred, and thut is proba bly how they will go. . The railroad in re ducing its rates bas net yet touched all the buttons. They Will Go Back. The San Fran cisco Examiner of Tuesday publishes an excellent picture of Rev. and Mrs Hill and son Chester, together with a letter received by Mrs. Hill's mother, who re sides in Oakland, from her. It gives substantially the account of their exin-ri ence as published in the Democrat from the Shanghai paper Rev. and Mrs. Hill intend to return to the mission sta tion and rebuild their home as soon as the trouble subsides. Heavy Costs. The district attorney has tiled the cost bill in the caw ef the mtato vs. McDowell. The aggregate of the bill is $992. The sentence ugin-t Mc Dowell also included the costs of the action and Mr. Brown informs us thut he will seek to recover the costs from Mcltowcll's property. Toledo leader. Born, August 1st, to the wife ol W. 0. Peterson, adaughter. This lathe fourth girl one ahead of the president. Advance. OUTING NO. 2. Editor Democrat: Sodaville, Aug. 1. Yesterday, for a change. I visited Waterloo and saw the sights. The first was the spring in a sin nil hole or crevice in a rock. There were two boys and a man standing by it with whom I had some conversation.. The man was a stranger in the town, but the boys are residents and thorough Waterlooites. If 1 hail never before seen any boys that knew it all, I would have been astonish ed at tin) nrofunditv of their wisdom They informed me that the water of the n aterloo snnne is far stronger than that of Sodaville. I disputed the statement except in the matter of salt, asserting that there a twice as much saline mat ter in one cup of Waterloo water as there is in two of that of Sodaville. One of them admitted that the water at Soda ville was originally the stronger of the two; but he positively aMerled twice that it hail been "monkeyed with" and had lost its atrencth. Here we separated. each of the came opinion as before the coirversatiou took place. t rom the sprinir I went to the woolen mill. On the dour is a notice. "No Ad mittance." A young man, who was near, advised me tosee Mr. Kay. I did ao and was granted permission to go anyplace I pleased. I went through the whole establishment and saw tbj wool passing tiirougn tne d.nercot processes neces sary to con vet it into cloth. Two men were aeparatinz the cood from the not good. Others were waabihg and dyeing it. Then it went into the carding ma chine and was carried from one machine to another until it came out vara. Some of this was stretched on looms and some wa spooled. Then came the weaving into cloth, and last of all the preparation for shipment. The mill runs day and night and finds ready sale for all its products. There are about fifty persons employed; men, uov, anu giria. r rom the mill I w ent to the camptne grouod in a grove near the river. The boys al the spring told me there were thirty-five camp. I could find but twenty-one. 1 thinL I know how to count ; but the jbovs were iust aa positive in regard to tha number of camps as thev were about the quality of the water. 1 than turned my steps towards Sodaville and soon pas?d nut of sight of the great town of Waterloo. In looking back. I can see in my minds eye, in addition to the objects of interest already mentioned a liquor saloon, two hotels, a sign read ing "meals, 10, 15 and 25 cents, two stores, a meat market, a blacksmith j shop, a church, a schojl bouse, and sev- j eral dwelling nouses, which f did not count. T me WaterW, as a place for an out ing has jtiM one attraction, and that is, the Sautiam, with its .tear, beautiful water The Mint Saloon, one of the devil's devices for the destruction of raeu's soul and bodies, with iu concom itants, is aduvrwee to the town; and so is the Sunday horse racing; and no micro-monoliippic town that tolerates such institutions will ever receivw any support from me. even if its mineral spring is the best in the state of Oregon. As long as 1 am ot a sound mind, l wu: never spend a Sabbath in Waterloo dur ing the racing season. I was told by one w ho talked as if he had been there. that tle sum of three hundred dollars was taken in at the Mint saloon on Sun day for the vile stuff sold at its bar, and it tat tne next Sunday the amount was I2M0. Tho? who wish may take their outing at Waterloo, but I never will, un less a change ; made for the better, it is a myttery to me that christian parents encamp at ucn a place and allow their children to come under such infiuenoes. If I could not find a place, five from such surroundings, for an outing, I would remain at home. Belter far new to Lake an outing than to Uke it where the joong are brought under such influences. One more word, and then 1 am done. If the christian people of Waterloo will Uke the devil by his club foot and drown mm in tne c-anuam, iney can own weir town a desirable plaice for christians to Uke an outing and at the same time be the trainers bv it. Aa it ia now the devil gets the lion's share. Caelebs. R. L. Burkhart bas gone to . pper Soda for an outing. Miss Hattie Warner has accepted a position in the Drain Normal school. Miss Brown, of Ohio, arrived in Albany this noon on a visit with her relatives. R. M. Robertson and Umily. O. B. skinner and family have re turned from a trip to Nebraska and re joice at being in Oregon again. Mr. Willis Dunniway. private secre tary of Governor Lord, and wife, were in the city this noon on their way Itooie from i aquiua. Dr. John tieisendorfer. of Arlington, arrived in Albany this noon, and after visitin? nia uarents in the country, will go to aquina for an onUng. Miss Etta Wrenn. a school teacher. of Joseph. Wallowa countv. arrived in Albany tins noon on a visit wun ner . ... .". . -. ft . sister, Mrs A. K. Mrvoy. D. S. Smith is having erected a reei-1 lence on his farm five miles from this city, and will move into it in tne tail, j Mr James iiannais naa tne convracv. M ra. Fife.of Pittabunt.Pennwas in the city yesterday and today with ber brother, ICev. llixxl, ot liaisey. aney www wc guets of R. M. Robertson. Mrs. William Henderson, sister of Mrs. Will Pfeiffer, after a several months visit in Albany, left on Ian nights overland for her home in Oakland, Calif. Young & Dav is the name of a new firm -f lawyers," who have located in the P. O. Block" in this citv. Mr. Young is from Portland and Mr. Day from the Sound. N. M. Newport was in Saleru yester day and heard some of the arguments in the supreme court in the county officers salary Vase. A point made that may re sult in the setting aside of the law and the return to the fee system is that the bill did not originate in the lower house as all revenue bills must. The SVio Pi ess compliment a former prominent candidate for countv clerk as follows : Our populsr fellow townsman, O. S. Mav, has accepted a position at Seattle, Wash, with the Eagle Woolen Millacnmnanv. He left us on the 20th. O. S. is one of natures noblemen. Up right in bis dealings an 1 competent, be is sure to give satisfaction to hia em ployers. Eli Lee and Watt Sbipp will participate in the Spokane bicjele races this wees. Th Insurance war is over and hereafter full tariff rotes will bo charged by all the local companies. About thirty Albany Maccabees snt Wednes av evening with the Corvallis Maccabees. II. R. Clark ha been elected printerand Prof. G W. Shaw, professor ot chemistry, in the O. A.C The Porllsnd Sun reported suspended appeared today all the same wun Hugh McUuire as asMgnee at the bead ot it. Jss Lotan and Peid Black have been de - niod a new trial and will probably hare to wear ktripes, and liOtan wat once a poiiti cal boss. A man from Wisconsin wants a sample copy of the Dmocat in order to get the names of out land dealers. W ell he could not find any in it, so it would be useless for that purpose. The board of rgenta of the O. A. met .1 - . fwoiiii. viwii.r.lnv. but postponed tie eWtinn of successors to Profs. Washburn and Letcher for two weeks. An Albany ninn is said to be booked lor tne latter place see. A busy placs in Albany is the bop of II : T 1. Tk. lliw fillmi, nr. . wnrlr tor Portland. Salem. Scio and other valley towns, includ - iug a handsome tinlal tor tue new city nan tjresseu aiBj. maraei, ai -wnu ju at Siilsm. besides several orders for hop worth stieits never complain of poor qua! 'pipes &c ity, and the price is always the lowest. Highest of all in Leavening a v. mm m. m m w mm mm L W C SATTJEDA HOME AND ABROAD Wheat. 46 cents. Tirik'e for photos. Go to Tinkle the leader in fine photos. Buy yoor peaches at the Pxt office Gro cery. You can get fine little photos for 7JcU a dozen at Tinkle'.. See the new styles in phi.t-vs just finubed at Tinkles. Cbocoiateand Vanilla ice crea u at Mr V wrecks tomorrow. Klamath won the 2:11 tr-t at Cbtteland on Thursday, Vt time 2.-09. Plumbing and tinning by M. Lud vig at Matthews ic tVabbums.near P.O . Albany. A fine line of new sailor hats junt receiv ed at the Ladies Bazaar. 25 cent and up wards. Th . close season for deer ended July 31 ; but they cannot be killed in the night time. Tie big raft tbat paswd Yaquina recent ly arrived in Sin Francisco Th-irsdaj night, ft contained 67.000,000 feet. A Salem birtcJe i ider ran square into a baby carriage and over the baby. Neither the baby or birycli-t a injured. The tatter sneakel away unknown- Holt k Berry Have Urn hi the Albany Dressed Beef Co. 'a bitcber shop of Kinney k 1 urner and will hereafter run it with Bill" Emenck at the block. If you are compeiled to live cheaply and wish to snpply 5 our table with the beat tne market affords i'.j all mean patronize the i'otofiice Grocery. 1 he Eugene Guard predicts the Florence base ball club will defeat the Albania, at 1 Newpo't. probably basine it prediction oa the A ibanies' record tr the season. Ia the rare at Portland Watt Sbipp rode two raiks in 5:10 1 5, winning the race i-nd fc.Ii Lee won the to mile open m :4-i. Lee and 3hipp went to Spokane Prof . Edward UcClore of Engene has figured out that Ml. Adams is 12.402 feet high. If so Aaama is 197 b et higher than Hood, which hitherto has always earned off the botK rt on height. Meat cheaper thin ever at the AlbaaT Brewed Beef Oo'a shop, eonser cf Second and LUswortb sTeet. -Bill" Emenck will coot icne to 4ice the best meat to be oUained for you. Only ladies and gent Semen are employed by the Great Wallace Show and ail guextt are treated as soch. The universal courtery extended revery bod i alwat comment ed oa i or aa etnp ore to give an uncivil ans rer means hU imtuedia'e dircharge. Con McQoilloo who died at Peadlet' Wt m e-Uie of IUV). mniutinz or 1250 m ecu and a bo e ot tHO. the expenses fonted rp to &5i7 66. though the admini tratien was abwiutely simple. The K. show that kind of t-aitnes up in the right way. Toe foiWwing real evUte sties cc erred in Benton eoonry during the week: J. B. Coci'itoM.E t'ogi!l.69acr two miles northwest of AlWr. Si.-Tj). C- G Schraw m anl wife tj L. W. 40 acre. 2 miles tooth cf Albany. I2.60O. One lot, block 122.l!acleman's addition to Albany, belonging to the Red Crown Mills Co . was sold at Sheriff's sale toiay and bid in by ibe Plaintiff. May and Sen- er, of Hamburg, at 1 tj . 1 heir j aug ment was for 12.070 V Ad. Harmon, a former Albany man. ad vertises in the Rcseburg Review as follow: for sale, or will exchange f 3t Douglas connty property . 10 acres beererdam land, Keaverton. Or , 8 mile from PortJand, 4 room dwelling' bout, barn and chicken house. It is the fines' onion land in O'e- goo and will produce 8300 it $400 worth of (.mens per acre. The Northwest Inssrasce Associatioa r cow a factor ia the boine- of Oregon and Washington. Alfred Sutlman. for many years connected with the Pacific Coast Un ion bas been elected manager Hereafter all inmranue agents will be required to send heir daily reports to the sapervunr's office at Portland, where they will be sUraped and forwarded to the repecti ve head offices. DnwHARCED S. P Mkx. Receniiv the DtMortAT stated that several S. P. con ductors and brakemen hadheen sam rasnly discharged, tor eating ice cream, fighting, etc The Roehurg Review rives the particulars : This week Con doctor Bristow and Brakeaien Taylor and Winslow, on the Portland-Junction freight, were let out, ami brakemen Ab. Hamlin and a night operator at Salem got a thirty days lay-off each. This crew earned the "displeasure of the offic ials by eating some ice cream that was shipped back to Salem from a picnic at Turner. The boys no doubt Uiought, as it had been left over from the picnic.that it wouuki be of no account. Freight Conductors C. E Happersett and . C. London were indefinitely suspended on some charge that was not very fully ex plained to them. It seems that now the dismissals come from the general of fice and employes are not given the least opportunity to defend themselves against anonymous accusers, it is a T.ouceaoie fact that the company are pulling every body who applies on the extra lit,giving tnem worR almost irom tne nrst. tins causes a good many people to think that the scheme is to make a surplus of rail road men in order to be prepared lor a strike, when they get ready for general reduction ot wages. Messrs London and Happersett were among the best em ployee on the road, and the loss of their positions is a matter oi general regret here. Another Bub BrcEET Item. The Epi gram comes to the front with an entirely new theory regarding the los of the famous Blue Bucket mine, aaid to be in Malheur or Harney county, savs the Gazette. Its informant isofeMr. Teter. He savs tbat away back in an early day two. Frenchmen came on the old emigrant trail, found the Blue Bucket mine and were run out by the Indians; but before they left they obliterated the grave which marked a day's travel from the mine.and made another grave many miles away, marking it with the original hetdston'o, to throw any subsequent searcher off the trail. Nothing was said as to what be come of the two Fredehmcn, but we pre sume that it is safe to add that the ghost of Mary Jane Cummings, whose last resting place was so ruthlessly blotted ou!, arose in righteous indignation and haunted the two gentlemen of frogeating proclivities to an early grave, and thev died sole possessors of the knowledge ot ' that renowned diggings, w here ten to " fifty dollar nuggets could lie picked up by blue bucket fuls. Mas. Baldwin Dkad. Mrs. Lester P. ' Baldwin, mother of Wa'.la?e Baldwin, ! and for many years a resident of Cor vallis, died at the home ot her daughter, Mrs. Sam Center, on the Sileta reserva tion at 10 o'clock Thursday morning. The deceased was a sister of Mr. J. K. I Bay ley, now of Newpor, but for many ' : l . r 1 1 years a pioneer resident of Corvallis, . She came to Corvallis from Ohio in 1865. A husband and several married cnildren survive her. Wallace Baldwin now of the Southern Oregon mines, passed over ie 2?a ytrday bound for I IBB OUCia, illllCB. ! Those who get their meats at the Linn Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report aicasn SOCIAL AND PKRS3NAI Gov. Lord went to the Bay today. Col. Van Cleve came over from the Bay this noon. Rev. B. F. Fuller and son Krnest, re turned May from the east. QMark Twain will lecture in Portland on Friday evening of next week. Grand Chancellor Dr. Hill has been in Salem an I Portland this week. Jcd-e Wolverton and niece, Miss Edna Price, ca ne up fiom Salem today to spend Mrs. Jay Blain and children of Port land, are in the city visiting Albany rel atives and friends. Miss Protzman, daughter of Porte lands P. M., came op this noon on a vis it and is the guest ot her grandmother Mis. Lisle. Mr George Furry and family, of the Seattle Hardware Company, are in the ciijr vmiuug introus. Jir. r urry resiueo :.n Albany about fifteen years ago. Among those wbo returned from the Bay today were Mrs. W. Q. Stewart, Mrs. Anstyn. Miss Birdie Anslvn, Miss Minnie Ehret and Miss fiallie Marks. Mrs. Dr. Davis went to Albany Wed nesday. She will return in a few days ana a company ber parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Hendrex on a month's outing at Floreaee. Harrkburg Review. ' J. W, Beutley.our genial boot and shoe dealer, is more than usually pleasant the last few days. His wife and two daugb teers came 'down from Albany the other day and will visit with hitn here several weeks. Independence Enterprise. Hon. C. A. Johns and family of Baker City, passed over the Oregon Central Wednesday, enroute for ewport to spend the summer. Mr. Johns was one of the defenoant's attorneys in the Schmidt case, now attracting so much attention on account of the enormous fee exacted by plaintiff's attorneys. f-5,500 was the amount of Uis extraordi nary fee, and its immensity is illustrat ed bv the fact that the fee of Mr. Johns and bis colleague in the same case was roOO. Mr. Johns was once rot ntv judge of Polk, but is now a ir-mber cf a lead ing law firm ot Baker City. He leaves Newport for Baker City this morning, but returns later on. Times. CITY COUNCIL. Upon receipt of a dispatch that the $20 WO paid for Albany bonds, had been deposibM to the rredit of Albany, In San Francisco by I Steinhart, Mayor Flinn called a special meeting of the city coun cil last evening. The matter of payment of interest on the bonds was considered , and a resolu tion was adopted providing for the pay ment of all warrants made previous to Jar. I and interest on all warrants since Jan. A.l.4. This will probably ex-baa-t the S20.6ti0. Aa holders of warrants have expected to rucesve interest from the date of the warrants and many of them were pur chased with that in view, the resolution will cause surprise. Toe situatiou is a peculiar one. It has lvn supposed that the old warrants bore interest ; b-it as a matter of fact there w as never any each provision in any of the ordinances. Some of the bridge wa-ranta,of which there are about specially specify interest, and yet it en doubted' !y cannot he collected aa there was oo autnontv lor it. to say notninx about there being no authority for isea- ing of the warrants in excess of what was allowed by the city charts. On Jan. 20, 1894, an ordinance was passed providing for the payment of interest on tutore warrants issued, and no reference was made to old warrants, which will onlv receive interest from Jan. 20, IS94 bv reason of the resolution of the city council. On the face of it it looks like a suit for in;rast previous to Jan. 3), 1894 ; but in all probability there wilt be none, aa it is very doubuni if it could ne col lected, besides it might put in jesipardy the principal itself. No letter instance of good fortcne com ing through sheer luck could be found, perhaps, than in the experience of i prospector r.amed Mahooev. near Kallia pell, Mont., recently. Having nothing whatever to do one afternoon he, out oi pure fancy, as an idle boy would throw stones at a mark, drilled a hole into ix-oieeting hunk of rock and put in a shot. i atending to blow out a ton or so of if it iust to see the things flv. When the blast was made he found that lie had broken into a treasure bouse. There was enough in sight to net Mahoney a hand- as the surface showing indicates he bas struct a bonanza. A year or two ago a Mrs. Wood worth made a big howl oo the coast and set the dav for the world to come to an end. She wa in Salem awhile and shouted in tent. Now she is in Iowa as a divine healer. Anything for business. a a i A 11 t VS. Blood Poison THE BANE OF HUMAN LIFE, Driven Out of the System by the Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla "For five years, I was a great o. sufferer from a most persistent ? blood disease, none of the various o medicines 1 took leinp of any c help whatever. Hoping tha't o chantre of climate would benefit me, I went to Cuba, to Florid:), and theu to Saratoga Springs, o where I remained some time o drinking the waters. Hut all w as no use. At last, being advised 0 by 8e vend friends to try Ayet's o SarsaparUla, I began taking it, and very soon favorable results q were manifest. To-day I con- sider myself a perfectly healthv o man, with a good appetite and g Hot the least trace of my former 0 complaint. To all my friemls. o and especially young men like myself. I recommend Ayer's Sar- 2 sanarllla, if in need of a. perfectly 0 reliable blood-purifier.1 Josk o A. Escobar, proprietor Hotel J Victoria, Key "West Fla.; rest- 2 dence, 853 W. lttthSU, NewYork. o -rho OftrftrinftrinA flVgf gonr 001580311113 TrwCerprinrYriHii a ontyoaioapatiua a w ' art mitt d tor Xshtbittea AT THE WORLD'S FAlU 3 III UiV 1 List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. lie ported by C. A. Snow ft Co., solicitors of American and Foreien patents, opp. U. S. I'aunt, Waah ngton, D. 0. J Pacher, Santa Mo:.-a, tVil., envi! ope; C M Bridges, Seatt.e, W:-tb., e!f-meai-urin? liquid-Unk; A Bmzrr. I) er Park Wash; A Chavanne,tim.s Va :er, Cal., nozzle-regulator; D C-x, -ata-mento, Cal., can-labeling mach ; W Cur lett, Sao Francisco, Cal., globe-valve; W H Daly, Eayonnf;, N J, water bag; TC Delvin, Portland, Ore , Ump attar-l i ig sealing machine; B E Douglal, River side, Cal., tree-prop bracket ; J W Ernest. Los Angeles, Cat., folding voting-booth; W E Howell, Los Angeles, CaL, lone can; H Kantorovitz,' Walla Walla, Wash., device for nieasnring garments; M L Mery, Chko, Cal., explosive Sngine; J A Moore, Lancaster, Cal., wave-motor; A J Murray, Unity, Ore., folding slock for firearms; R F ..hroeder .Sacramento. Cal., can-filler for ke-macbinee; W Y Shibau, Sn Francisco, Cal., teleplxne eqebange; J G Shultz, San Jacinto, Ca'., axle-setting device; E Thompson, Ssn Francisco, Cal., glove-fastening; G W Waltenbaugh, San Franciso, CkL. as engine ignitinz-apparatur. MMONS I VREGULATO k . .. Reader, did you ever take Siilmoxs Lives Regtlator, the "Krso op LrvEa Mediccces?" Everybody needs take a liver remedy. It is a slorish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when the wala that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling is due to a torpid liver. Biliousness, Headache Malaria and Indigestion are all liver diseases. Keep the liver active by aa occasional dose of Simmons liver Reg ulator aad you'U get rid of these trou bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. For a laxative Simmons liver Regulator is BSTTEEt thas Pill?. It does not gripe, nor weaken, bat greatly refreshes and strengthens. Every package has the lie! Z t.imp on the wrapper. J. II. Zeiliii & Co., Philadelphia. Mexican Mustang Limmenl for Bums, Zakr'i & Inflamed Udders. Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running; Sores, 'nflammations, Stiff joints. Harness Saddk Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, blisters, Insect Bites, Ml Cattle Ailments, H Morse Ailments, Ml Sheep Ailments. Penetrates Muscle Membrane and Tissu; Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy Rub in Vigorously. .Mustanj Liniment conquers Paha. Makes nan or Beast wcQ csaia. 14 LIFE if vkl eodr 43siiiT Trr-ttt-n ' wrhnT rfeivvsxs or.iy. tr ctin? 5s r.ori torn of Brriw Jttfrr I ji.Ti'xt ai kxtM: NmtH? Istwisw; I l Prr-ansv: ilwS; of ,vlUiTw: NrTiurHv; Ivsj--k1-: tvi imia; Ijostf tw7vr of ti.o "Civi'V viHTra tnucitfr vx. rawud t otwrrs r:tu V sH.uut ilrron.? v i DetaUw by m-it ?1 bt x; ii Ur i. wt5- vrtUm rMniuis t cure or wfuoti itkJtt. t mpiv) mctoiM fAv tai:u-)( vir ca' trf uaoL walk tall inntctiikaM. "i c riv Ou tmv i taid to wh rperfturi ly taaail. i rt t LAD !5 2aV- C'. le Sim m ps:!T"5u ri.8 '1 1 ;; li. rev Ujtrii rnre on tU - .',.,. !! 4T t 'old hv an drnxgt ifc. LE BBOH S vaaa. aa ' Zjk. SFT. T. " SffZJj Wnc nV ' tfi set t. caaC . SaCSv rMttr Ska UfcJ-- ' cut; .tl arx, v! t;. - A Cummtng, sole gent. Albany . Price's Cream Baking Pcwder AwvStJ CeU MeSai tfidwiaier Fair !wa F mciaj KM V V 1