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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1895)
yEATb&KFORD A WTATT Attorneys at Law. Will practice In all courts of tht state. Special attention given to matters In probte and to to lectioo. OF f 10 B In tat Flian block R BI1LYEU Attorney at Law and Solicitor In Chancery. Col Mom mad on all points. Loans negotiated on Table terms. Albany Oregon EO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at la, and Notary Public Will practios In ail the court ot this state Special attention Hven to collections and matters In pre bite OBlce: Next door to Postofllce, Albany. Otrn . fJ WHITNEY,' Attorney at Law, Albany, Or, LACKBURrJ & SOMERS AITORNETS -A.1? X,"W, A'l legal matters will receive prompt at ent'on. Office, First National Bank uildinp, tip stairs. WALLIS HASH ATTOBNET .A.T JTSfT. Will practice in all the court of the state. Office Post Offico Block. Albany Oregon. H C Watson. Luther Elkins WATSON & ELKINS TTOB3STET3 XAJVT Office First National Bank Building Business intnsted to na will receive care ml and prompt attention. IfOKTAHTB HACELEHiN, It A Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon, QEO. W. HARRIS JUSTICE OF PEACE, Is aew located tn the Drmocht offlee, eoraer 2nd and Broatlalhin streets Alhanv, Or. Beats and CoUeetions a Specialty. D R. M. L. HILL., Fbyddan and dnrgeon, OFFICE Corae Far? streets, Albany, Oregon. D rs. II. E. and O. K. Beers. Physicians and surgeons, post office block. Aioany, Ore. Hoars 10 to 1'2 a. m ., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence corner 5th andCalapooiasts. Special attention given to diseases of women. DR. C, U. CHAF.1BERLIFI CJ3T vsuice uu f ciry oi xustr cur eru ct. uinc hoars, 7 to 9 a m. 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m Especial attention given to chronic case and eye diseases. tt" 17 O L O-J Dl nx. IK8T NATIONAL BANK, OF ALBAXT. OUMS resident . . Tie Praiaeut . Caaa!er .. LFLIKS .. 8, K.TOUKQ , W. LANODON f KAJ3ACTS A OENERALbankineJboeiDecs ACCOUNTS KEPT ab)ect to check. BIOHT UCHANGE and tel -nstle trust r, soM New York, Ban Francisco, Chicaco sad Putlaad joil . j SflONF dlOSoa (atorable arms. Too E M Bun, L. Funi BswsasI.Sos. .5 tv CITHICEdE CUB&X&EB or ACCAST. rRASSACTa eeaetal BauJria asinris. MlAW SIGHT DRAFTS on e Turk. 8aa F coo and PorUano, Oryo. LOAN MONET oa approTed security. RECEIVE deposits subject u check. uujnuasmade on taroraa, ISTKaMT Daid en time deooet 8 ANK OF KCIO, SOTO, OREOOB. . t Mtrsi .A J Job ALBANY INS. AGENCY The only first class agency in Albany mat can give vou iw cents wor:n or lnsur anoefor SI. 00. Besides giving you the best indemnity we have paid out in this commnnity dar ing the lust nice months for -oats" bought over $13,000, thereby benefitting the farm ers and every badness man. in considera tion of which we should receive the pre fere nee ever agents who send ont nearlv all ymi pay theui for insurance and bring in nouiing. We represent the only first class com pany making a specialty of farm insurance, on tb note plan, "The Continental," of New York. We a!A reoresent the Sun. Phrenix, Manchester and London, of Eng land, tne can being toe olden hre lnsua ance company in the world. , M. SENDERS, Mgr F0BCASE IT Wig NOT CUBE, An agreeable Ttratrve and Frwre Tokto. Bold by Drugiriata or sent by mail. gift, 60c aud jLOO per package. Samples tree. TFft Tift The Favorite SOOTH KWBn A. VI iiW for tbe Teeth aadiireath, 2io. f oshay & Mason, Agents. HI 9) 'v tl lituMratoi T;i, Cilicluguc . , -, .ii':v.-litcally tne best v.. '-'i pettiest aaodeL 'V,' J - 'I Ve tre Pacific Coast '. y '.xtfcis. Bicycle caU-iii.-- ljj;ue,uiaUeilfree,giTcs ': 'f-s .fir. .. AGENTS 'JTAIITED. IK': i Tf CC2 1 1 0 CO., Fetaluma,CaL . -j 1i MUbt. S3. Wain bt., Los Angeles. is nmn ttg ir.te- dt srijv fd Ua LbW ;cw af GuruUa-Uri&mry Or ,-7T7-:'a. rtrftiir.-; n ccjari.o 01 aiM Of f i y4K'..cUdisB; tun in tbeul - , . d-muj U vnwviiaTsi ivmjom . U -r. fnt- by r -H. iosrtf yaits. .- -C " 1 i' . ttrW,t. t- iZC for $& '''inunli.e, o -K"it. Albany, Caeick Block Al!ny, C'r Tilling anl xtractin of teeth witho pain a specialty :;-r b - I - vwr m i,,ini. 11 irfEPPK The greatest seller on the market for diseases of the Liver .Kidneys and Con stipation. Pleasant to take by old or young. No piping. The root of the Liverine plant is exten uvely used in ftorway for the core of Piles. Sold by all first class druggists. Wholesale Manufactures, ANCHOR S CHEA1 ICAL CO, Lebanon, Or A Sovereign Remedy & Qsu&$ Colds, La Grippe and til Affections of theThroat Chest awl Lungs. 50ds.&$-1S2 OtUD TOR FRmuc APiETiNEto.aOMlle.CaL Feshav & Mason, a gen ESTABLISHED .1S63 FH Hammer. Wholesale CommiSaion Merchant, 215 and 217 Davis St. Cor. Commercial, Sax Fhakcisco, Cai. We pay the highest markit pried for wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, ap ples, poultry, hides, wool and gen eral produce. It wilt pay yon to write ns and keep post ed. Liberal advances made on consignments, f San Francisco Produce Exch. Kember: j ( 3a n Francisco Fruit Exchange LAD Qi JX LE BrVJ"3 sim m wmjL nj am the original and only E TENCH, cafe and rev uabtocnreoa Um maiket. frioa iUUi sent b tw QeoaiiiaacAtoiil; bj , J A Crmmina. ao'e s-'. Albany, AT R.M. ROBERTSOH'S FEED STORE is a full assortment of food for man and beast; also oil meal, irrass seed, ement and fertilizers, also Wilbur's Seed Ileal, a sure remedy for the ailments of horses and cows. All CHEAP FOB CASH. HEW CROP OATS WANTED. I am prepared to contract for new oats and nave eackB on4tand, which I will furnish to farmers at b cents. Call on me before making other arrangements. M. Bexders, The Ine. Agent of Albany. umce opposite uua reuows building. A WINDMILL FOR $3500 W. Crawford will sell you an 8 foot Aermotor for (3.5.00 IB foot geared Aermotor 75.00 All steel and galvanized after completed COMES, Us lleasrn To- er ! is it not bet ter to buy vonr Bread, Piea, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they use only the Best material why of course h ta you dont want dyspepsia and yonl never get it by eating anything irotn on store. U. S. BAKEKY. Bet. Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd bt. C. D. Vandyke, Proprieto ATTENTION. IUNKSHOP. Cor. Second and Ferry Sts.. Albanv. wilt buy rags, iron, bot tles and all kinds of metr.!, hides, bones and tallow, tor cash. J tiROONSTEIX & tOX . PARTIES VISITING THE FOLEY and Belknap springs, or crussii.g the mountains on tire ilcKinzie wagon road will Und it to their advantage to bnv their advantage to bur their supplies of Shumate at waitervilie, suteen ir.tieseastof busrene on tue stage road. All goods so'd at Eu gene prices. R. O. T. M Meetsevery Saturday vening in K. O. T M. Hall. Vinitincr KnikLU lbvited to at end- I. S. Vajt wisklk .Com. 11EO E FISH V TH K Pl.TTMRlTP Tin roo&imr and nlurahinc. Opposi the opera house. FOR SALE Pure bred S. L Wyan dotte fowl for tlilfl at a. Imrmin 1 have to sell for want of room. Albany Poultry Yards, 4fh and U U h Albany, Or. Joni Bursa. TAKEN.-out of a box in. T. Brink's furniture store, some bedding, and the parties are spoiteu ana if not returned thPre will be trouble. FOUND. In the Willametle, a skiff, nearly new. Owner will please call on E. B. Davidsnn for information. -. , .. ..emu the river and pica yuur blauc berries for only 2 cents a pound. TO TRADE. Three young well trained horses, one or all for hay or oat, or will sell for cash. If you want a barguii all on F. H. Pkkiffeb. T70R RENT 5 room house near busines V con ter, $7.t0amonth Inquire at L .s7T m ' "iiereocs. Or. Price's Cream risking- Powder tvarded Cold AMal M'dA War Fair, ban FrancUs Who would reap , must plant the seed Truth ao plain who runs may read ; Plant your field with ads, and till it Harvest rich shall surely fill it. The DkMOcxAT has heard no complaint at the confirmation of the sale of the Oregon Pacific to Bonner & Hammond. The general sentiment is that the public is willing to run all the risks there are in the change. California detectives continue to be just about on the eve of capturing Brady. It is quite likely Brady is not in Cali fornia at all. II he is he ought to be caught. It is just as reasonable to sup pose he passed through the Willamette valley several months ago as anything. Perhaps he did, and perhaps he didn't. "Chautauqi'ar Its Aims and Influence' is thcjtitle of an exhaustive article by Pro fessor Albert S Cook, of Yale University, in the August number of The Forum. He describes the Chautauqua system of education,-explains its aims, and tells of the far-reaching influence it is exerting, not only in the Unitad States, but through the world. The following frcm the Salem KtaUa man indicates that the paper has not very much confidence in the de Moss family as an advertising medium : The long-haired de Moss family, the self styled Oregon bards, from all of Eastern Oregon and Idaho, who are now in the East singing "Sweet Oregon" may be aweet singers but Oregon could havo a better advertisement than long-haired men and ae Moss. We have too much of de Moss already. An exchange has copied the following from the headlines ot one's day's dis patches: Eastern States Storm Swept Five Persons Killed and Many Injured Near Backenstack. X. J. Clasping Her Dead Child in the Ruins 'of HerUome One Fatality in New fork City Two killed at Woodhaven, L. I. Destruction of Silver City Entire Town Wiped Ont by a Tornado or Cloudburst Thirty Lives Reported Lost Telegraph Lines Down and Railroads Destroyed, So that But Meager Details Can Be Obtained. The person who would not be contented with Oregon after reading theee ought to be shipped .to the North poleaud given ice without cream. The fact that Mrs. Lolaod Stanford, widow of the California Senator, will dis pose of 1,000,000 gallons of brandy from her ranch for the benefit of the Stanford University is not pleasing to the clergy of Chicago. ' Her excuse thjt It will be used for medicinal purpose it a mack,' declared the Rev. G. E. Mitchell, of Cal vary Presbyterian Cbnnh. "A nice col lege, indeed, to eend young men to! IV) you think any profeesor would dare ad vocate temperance there? I most cer tainly would oppose sending aay Christ ian youth to a college supported by the sale of liquor." Dispatch to New York World from Chicago. And yet the gov ernment of the U. S. is kept up by money from the liquor traffic. What dot the Chicago men have to say to that. An Astoria paper publishes the name of a couple of basinets men who refused to subscribe for a regatta or. the river. That is narrow jouinalicm. A man has a right to subscribe or not. He shook! be public spirited ; but with a subscrip tion paper under one's note almost every day, it is a matter of cell defense to re fuse sometimes, and every ryal Ameri can cit:zn has a right to nse Lis own judgment as to whether the case at is sue is the proper one. a newspaper stoops to personality and soite when it names uea woo muse lo give away their money against their inclination or judgment. There is a growing spirit of independence in such matter. Business men sbonld not be penurious; but they must be careful. Papers will begin telling how soon the O. P. will be completed lo Boise City and many columns will be used op in items invented for the purpose. The road is bound to go into Eastern Oregon, it has to ; bat do not bnild it ic a day orfa year; jast take it easy. It is all right to keep up peoples' hopes, bat it is not right to deceive. Already one valley paper has the road running throcgh the capi tal citr to 1'torie, all on wind. The public gels tired of beicg fooled with. What they want is truth and not mere speculation. There is an almost nniver. sal satisfaction wth the result of the confirmation of the sale. It makes the outlook much better. The public ha confidence Bonner Sc Hammond are well backed and will extend tl e road as well as branch out, but acts speak louder than words and onr confidence in the new purchasers will increase as we see theui verify the statements rrade in the past ati'l actual things are done. The f orld gives another eviilence of bet ter limes: National bank statistics for th laKt lineal year reflect the improvement in the country's batineta very encouraging ly. During tli first six months of the fiscal year viz , from Ju'y to December, '804 there were only twenty-one applica tions for new banks, with a capital of $1, 700,000 in all . And of these eight were in December, when improvement began. During the second half year, from January t Jane, the application numbered forty- one, representing a capital of $3,070.00!). Even more signiScant is the inrreaie in circulation. The total now reaches $211 000,008, which greater than it has been atanr time sine January, 1889. These facts reflect increasing business and re newed confidence. In all times of depress ion the lack of profitable use for money compels the banks to withdraw some 'of their notes. It is only when good times come back again that they increase circu lation. The city council of Glasgow recognizn three duties as being laid upon it: Tu fulfill their trusts by economical admin istration of ihecity'M finances; to im prove public health, both physical aid moral, and to give brightness and the possibility of happiness to civil life. A big job on its hands. Home one sars that lifcau e Mr.Eili and Mr. Herman refused to assist Mr. Dolph in his etruiegle for a re-election, they may meet with a stumbling bluk when they come to run for Congress next year. There Is a possibility in this, tnd should there be an internal fight the it flair will poeseB just so much interest. lhe conservatives certainty gt a rustle on this year. Th liberals never once saw the goal. The Christian Alliance. What Is It? Editor Democrat: By your permission. I will answer the above question in your paper. The Christian Alliance, whose headquarters on earth Is New York City is a simple, unpretenticus union ot hearts that be lieve in and testify "for certain truths which God by His Spirit and Providence is emphasizing as present truths, and which are being opposed proportionate y by the adversary." It is not a new denomination for its members are nearly all members of the different denomina tioni extant. Its membership consists of the most pious and faithful and zeal ous people of Christendom. Tne Christian Alliance believes in and advocates : 1. Justification by faith in Jesus Christ. 2. 'The Go? pel of full salva.lon and present and cotuple'e tanctificrtion in Christ Jesus. 3. The provision Christ has made in the Gospel for our physical redemption through Divine healing and the physic al life, support, and strength of out risen and living Lord. 4. The doctrine of our Lord's person al, premillenial, speedy return, and the necessity for the preparation of the church and the world for Hid advent." In a word, we believ that the full Gos pel is constituted ot Christ our Savior, Christ our Sanctifier, Christ our Healer, Christ our cetning King. The government of the Alliance is very simple, there beirg no iron-clad rules. There is no charge for membership. There are no taxes levied upon any mem ber. Ko one need sever his church con nection to become a member. All that is needed is to believe the fourfold Gos pel, the most prominent themes of the Spirit .baptized apostles and sign the membership card. We hold that the great duty of the church is to speedily evangelize the whole earth Tue Holy Ghost is the believers comforter, teach er, guide, and strength, the executive of the God head the great power, life, and superintendent of the church. To have him is to have all, The general board publishes a weekly paper known as The Christian Alliance and Foreign Missionary Weekly, which is one of the purest, clearest, most criplura. sheets in the land. It adver tises nothing save Christ-like literature. It has nothing to say against anything bat rtn. In iuolamns, yon see "Jesus only." There are many auxiliary Alliances in many of the slates and several states bare State Branch Alliance. The object of the weekly and other meetings is to bear testimony to the fullness of the Gospel and to promote the wide diffusion of these great troths and principle, to lead all the children of God into tha nractical exoerience of all the fullness of Jesus, and to promote the.'"1 Irucl' becomes a fact io their coo work of evaoge'.ization, and salvation of souls, by the establishing of niMions and other Bracticable methoda. You are Invited to our weekly gather - ings. Christian Worker, for the present at the borne of Mrs at 3 P. M. Ross every Friday bt Cxa of Turn. People with fads are getting consola tion from the fad that Mrs Henry Ward Beecher has quiet a fad told about as ollows: "Mrs Henry Ward Beecher baa a fad which works with her both winter and trimmer, but cbicb she now, alas, hat small fands for gratifying, a'liicu ih tl does occaaionty fall a victim to it fasci nations. This I for the buying of orals. ; Henry Ward Beecher loved these stones. Instead of thinking them unlucky be got great Inspiration from them, and be was always marching borne wt.h a new opal for Mrs Beecher tucked away in hit pointed which resulted io the unanimous pocket. Sometimes be did. not dare to! passage of the following resolutions npoa give It to ber if grocery bills were presa- ! motion of Hon. W. R. BHyeo, of tbit ins: at that moment. 4Mrt Beecher hitT: grew to ahare bis fondness for them. Now she is never without one of the great shining gems at throat or finger. She gaxes at them in the show windows, bandies tbem over the jewelers 'counters, caresses them fondly and walks away ; to revisit her favorite again and again If she ever buys she doe not tell it, for tbe larder is never too comfortably full nor the carriage drives as numerous as they should be for one of her failing strength. But, dear, aay Mrs BeecbcT 'people never do quite a they ought." The Corvallis Gatette pays Judge Strahai tbe following tribute: Nut old in years, robust in health, he seemed to bold within his grasp more than the three score years and ten sHoted to man Yet in a moment, even while ho seemed ia tbe full flush of health, "(11 finger touched hiji, and he , slept.'' Judge Strahan was a man of integrity ; a jurist of splendid ability and an active citizen. His name has been written opan every page of our state's history for the past thirty years. It is true be had bis faults, but tbey were small, and served by com parison to enhance his v;rfie. In the crucial test of an honest character, a changeless sincerity, a noble nature and generous regard for the rights of others 00 man of our atale excelled Jieuben Scott btrahan. Io ti.e tnd4t oi a career that had bees honorable In every branch of public service, and with just ambi tions and noble powers to a yet longer life of public usefulness, he disappeared from among us. His life is worthy of emulation, and his memory deserves ao honored place on the pates of Oregon's history. Senator Dolph delivered an address be fore the Oregon Press Association last year and his defeat lor ie-eliction follow ed. Seuator Mitchell addre3ed the same body yesterday, and he will be seeking re-election next year. W jl he meet the same fate that Dolph did 7 Post. If he does the fact that hi addressed the State Press Association will have nothing to do with it. Mrr llorr in his debate with Mr. Har vey, editor of "Coin's Financial School," virtually confessed all the silver men ever claimed when he said that the gold dollar boys more than it ver did, and left no room for debate. He is evidently correct when he says the gold dollar buys more than it ever did. That is where the bone of contention lies. It you have more dollars the purchasing power will not be so great; increase the number oi dollars and prices will be sorrenpondiog ly raised. Money might be so scarce fiHt an ordinary cow or borne might bring only one dollar. Tha demand for money is unlimited; there'ore, it can not be supplied. A. W. K. Carll, of Clackamas county, ard Win Walter MeGulre, of Multnomah, having exploded on lhe political Issues ot the day, through the columns of tha leading Republican paper of the atate, . ti fair to presume the atmosphere will be clearer now for awhile. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. The records show up the Willamette valley in a very favorable light, com pletely disproving that it rains thirteen months in the year here. It does noth ing of the kind and no where near. An average of four years Is a good criterion. Mr. Briggs report shows that in that length of time the average number ef cloudy days was 159 a year. Of there it only rains on part, so that we really only get just about as much rain as we need in our J.buiinees. There were 103 clear days and 103 fair days. The best weath er we have is ilhe lair day, that is, the one with a few clouds scattered about. We practically have 206 splendid days In a year, in fact more. Take yesterday, for instance. It was a cloudy day, but what an enjoyable day for July. Of the loll there area good many such. Ho that we do not have more than 100, prob ably not that number, of what people might call disagreeable days; but Iheee are the dais tLat give us our unfailing crops, theee days that are filling the earth with nourishment from the heav ens. The Democbat contends that the record i the best possible to be obtain ed. Go to Los Angeles or San Diego and there are only forty or fifty clondy days in a tear; but who wants such weather. The sunshine becomes a mo notony. Save us Irom perpetual sun-' shine. It means ennui, lack of enemy. lethargy in body and intellect. A reas onable amount of clouds makes one ap preciate the sunshine so much the more. Over two hundred practically sunshiny days is enough in a year. We are proud of our Oregon climate, and we defy the world to present a belter record. Then let os not forget cur nights, cool la the summer, whatever the day, and com paratively warm in the w inter. During the past week the people along the O. C. A E. have been made to rejoice over the decision of the Sapreme Court confirming the sale of the road to Bon ner and Hammond. It is an interesting fact that this rejoicing i general, though it means th absolute loss ot a good many thousand dollars to creditors of the old rotd. The people would not have re jjiced had they brlieved the failure to confirm would have caused a sale that would have provided for their account; but the last chance seems to have gone for that and hence li e situation was ac cepted as the beat thing for the country, and eveo Jim Wettfall de not look very savage over the result. The senti ment -is thai Bonner & Hammond will do toirelhlng. The D&hocrit believes that the firm will put the road ia good condition and perhaps branch oot to Eugene or fealem, may be both, dur ing IS, if handome subsidies are given; but predicts this Saturday night that it will be late in 1 897 before any one go into Crook coun'y by rail. Mny peo- f P ' h!n aJ tT P -isbicg i "rsation. Well, that may help to keep P PubUc po'.bt it is not the i best way. Altogether the remit speaks 1 lot briS!,t fa,or fr lh future for the road, for it means an ultimate connection with an astern trynk line. The exodus to the sea chore and moon tain is well nnder way. It will last about four week. While it seems tome times as if nearly everjU'Jy went, care ful survey o' the field will reveal the fact that moat of the pob!ic stay at home, in cluding the'writer, who gets his vaca tion by rnliftiog around Albany, a fine reevrt for any one, with its green trees, Uiu'ilul river and nice forroend- iogs Koolutloru of Kcspct. j Duriog the session of the ci.cnit court of Linet In county a committee was ap- WuEBiaa, Death has called from time telernitr oar brother, the lion. R. S. Strahan, whose life a oik aas completed on the '.'1st day of July, and is now re duced to record. And Wheseas, His great work a a jurist daring a long and honorable career has itdlesjlabty linked his name with tbe jurisprudence of oar state, while at tha same time by hi bearing and gentleman ly demeanor he I as emphasised a stand ard of true manhood woi thy of emula tion by bis uniform kindness, and, WuiBiiK, It I fit and proper that we should recognize in a lorea! manner his hoojrall! life wuik, Iheielore. Bx it BEaoLVED, That in tbe deatn of our brother we have loel one of the most worthy and honorable ;me mbers of the legsl profession, who since lsit, by path i.t and able effort has rondnced much lo the jurisprudenre of his adopted state. That a a tuember of the lar lit com-prehebd'-d that the law was a jealous mistre. and his ever ptesing ambition was to V ow the law. He was alert and active iii his contentious for lhe rir-hts of hie cii u'i, yet alwayr courteous to hi oppon- ;; and uniformly respectful to the Court. that as a Judge on the bench le was able, conscientious ai.d broad in -his yiea ', . ver actuated by the sole 1 rin cipl .11 meteing out abo!ule and impartial justice t- litigant, and his opinions as record-d in the lUports uf Oregon w iil coiislitiite an enduring 11 n inert to his metuorv. That as a friend he was arm- hearted and generous, and eihibiled by precept ard example that h was a true gentle man, w ho.e greatest pleasure was to as sist hi younger brithern to the higher fountain of legal kuow ledge. That in honor to his memory, and a a testimonial of our tesprrt for him, a page of the Journal of this Court be dedi cated aa a record of our appreciation of his worth aa a Lawyer, a Judge and a Man, and that the?e resolutions bespread thereon. W. S. McFaddkn, J, K. Wfc.tTiiKkFoan, Uknjami.i Havoksj, Committee. Anobserting Linn county democrat says that ' V. E. Carl), member t l the democratic state central committee from Clackauiis county, poses s Cleveland's mouth-piece in Oregon. When Cleve land catches 'cold he has a violent at tack of sneezing. We should stand on the corners and halloo: 'Hurrah for England and bonds!' and 'God bles our fordign money loanersl' He tays he has very little faith in the rank and files voting Intelligently. From the reading pf hi article in the Oiegonian ot the24th Inst., one would think a little schooling would do him more good than anybody else." William Walter Phelps MoGuire, who exploded through the columns ot the Or- eonlan, on the political Issues of the day (aid to be a candidate for a federal po- aition.whlcb probabably accounts for the gold ring ot his letter. MISFITS. Brady has lawn caught again down in California. Poor fellow, llo'll get tired of being caught after awhile. There will be no democratic state con vention ot this time to discuss the silver question, and should not be. It would be unnecessary. A great need in Albany is undoubtedly acity sprinkler for the residence portion of the city. Theee dust storms are hor rid and dust holes are as bad. J. N. Dolph in an open letter to the Orcgoniun attacks tho supreme court for not deciding a case in his favo.. This is unprofessional and will be back acting. The Sc'to Base Ball club boasts that if Jefferson will play with them they will beat thffl so bad they will never want t play Itall again, ll that ia true where would Albany be in a game with Scio. An Aiwa man has a snare drum which has been in use since 1863. W. W. West fall, of Corvallis, beats this with a snare drum he has been beating since 1861. He has a baas drum handed down from 1812. Next. A RoRcbure lady claims to have left her son in a store, and going immediat ely home, found him in the houso pass ing Irom one room to another, r he was positive as to his identity. The son knew nothing about it, but came home at his regular time. The woman was undoubt edly dizzy headed. Coming home from the Bay Bob John son, UorvalhH' haseby went to sleep. Ilis brother editors solicitously placard ed the adjoining territory with signs, r.moaimeu in l.Kiuor, being a sample, and put up several red flags. Then tiiey awakened him. His eyes opened at the situation and the joke was duly appre ciated by the good-naturea cx-editor. The per cent of clear Java in a year in San Francisco ia 60. In New York City the per centage ia 47. In Albany the number of clear days is over 50 per cent notwithstanding our Webfoot reputation. During June we had 10 clear days, nearly two-thirds, and this month thft number wilt be more. Even during the winter we have a number of clear days in a month. "At the coaist you cr.n run into any game you like," said a Portland man. 'There are no pretences of concealing it- Every bark room in Astoria and over on the Lvach has a game in progress. In Astoria it ia licensed, The price of a license ia t-M. How they can pay o0 for a license and run all kinds of games on- uer me one license and get around toe slate law, U more than I can under stand." The man who ad vertices the right kind of good at fair prices through suitable channels will reaprnanifold returns from his enterprise. The man who neglects to advertise on the theory that it is not worth while to do so in the dull eeaon. as he prefers to call the summer, has no right to com plain li cuatomers ar lew and far between. No saon is "dull" except for those who make it so by stub born A1 here rice to l-Ieaa that belong to tho stage-coach era. Ex. The Lincoln County Leader kicks at a deputy game warden inquiring into vio-! lauon ot the game law in that county be cause the citizens there are Law abiding and they have plenty of good citizens influence laws. Jv long a. there is a ate game warden his deputies should do lher ttvt to eciurco tho Uw. Salem lias began rustling for the O. C. A K. extension to l&at tit v. ears agoitalem might have had the Ortfoaian road for 12,0uM, the ItsuonuT has beer, informed, but couldn't make the r.tUe. alem ia a d;fU-renl city now and no doubt can raise five times that amount. The- more branchee oi the O, C. A K. built the Utter for tho road. The greatest move tor the road, though, wiit U.- the tapping of Fatrtern Oregon, and It la the one that should be made first, sneaking ' candidiv. Tbe Rogue River valley looks prettv insignificant on the maps; but the fol low ins front the Mcliord Mail talisnc one that it is plenty large enough for present use: Last wevg a gentleman trora the eat viiul our valley. He was disappointed, and so stated. Said the valley was not large enough, but he dida't know its extent. We induced hint to drive out through the country, and hi took our advice. After driving abo'it for three or four days he conclud ed there was considerable of a valley here and lots ot it he had not seen and before returning to the east he was wast ing to buy business property in Mediord. There is sufficient land in the valley to people and prosper five time the num ber here are now hao, Here is another version of an old chest, nut : A story is told of how a prea her tested the effect of the hard time upon his congregation. He requested all who were paying their debts to arise in their seata. Every man, woman and child, except one, instantly arose. After they were again seated he reo,ticsiied any who were not paying their debta to ariee and remain standing until counted. The Line individual, witbacarcworn face and moth-eaten suit, slowly assumed a ptr- penuicuiar i:i.m. rae minister Uel : "How is it. my friend, that yon are the only man in my congregation that is un able to meet his obligations?" With unfeigned meekness) he answered: "I run a newspaper; mv brethren here who hvn stood up are suWribe-r?, and 'Let us close,' interrupted the minister." The following from another Jefferson man to the Salcni Journal is on the frtught situation and certainty displays Albany's advantages aa a lunes" cen ter: Our merchants are and have been hauling most all our freight from Al bany and 8aom for tho past two months, and are saving Irom Id to 20c per hiin dnd on same, as the following lieu res will ahowt On nails the rata to J-tTer- aon is 2tlc, to Albany 7 Sic. On twine to Jefferson 32c, Albany lOc.all bv rail and Albany ia nine miles (art her to haul. We pay 20c. per 100 to teams to haul onr freight back. Tho rates on other goods are about tho same proportion as thoee given , I si ppoae river com petition is the cause of this. But If it rains in Oregon this winter and gives us water in tho Banttem river we will have boat at this place this winter. In the meantime our railroad commissioners could give this a small consideration. I understand Scio, Lebanon and Brownsville are hauling their freight from Albany. I see teams daily from Scio going " to Albany for freight. LOW INSURANCE, Phocnix.of Hartford andllome.of New Vork, policios, on gooil risks, w ill be re written in any company represented by me, at from 75 to 90 per ct off. New biia I ii08a written at rate to meet competition M, Skkdkrs, Leading agent, Albany, Or. Notice to Farmers. . . ! Ai.n tNV, May 17. 1S05. To the. urangers of Linn county: I have this day made arrangements with Graham Robson for binder twine for the soason ot 1895. Ct. L Rkbs, A;mt Lmu Co. Buiiness Counct 4n Absolute Cur j. 'the Oriloal Abletlne Qtntment it o.:r put up In large two ounqe tin bsxo, and I an absolute cure for old sores, bums wound, chipped hand and all skin erup tion. Will positively cure all kind ol pile. Ask for the Original vbitine Ointment. Hold by Fohav Sc Mason a 35 cents per box, by mall 3o cents. r.rf.-tl willir. an.t .1.1 t.i r that t.A I J"r tiaas. yii uaM enjy a lenntr r.l the law ic nnhI.I 1 f .11 mnn. ! traveiujg eaf, yoo fhoa'd tiea at t, matter thsa k ihon. "-n I'aciac, ihi nnly dicing 1- . t ...... front PorUand; mU 75 cers. Y will This Durrant trial will develope a good many lunatics.r One man already claims to be the murderer. Women leave floaem ior Durrant dal ly. Silly, very sillly women. Send him flowers If he is acquitted, but wait, if guilty he ought lo get nothing hut guil lotines. The Times Xaw YoBK, July 20.-Brabitreet's to morrow will say: "lhe most striking features of the business week arc the in fluences of improved crop prospect and the continued lare demand for iron and steel with one of tne largest maker in the market as a buyer of liussemer pig. Most of the commercial and industrial feature of the preceding wee aie retained. Com mercial Irnvekts are being sent out in all leading lines, and reports from those i'iart ers uppear to meet expectations. 3rewar4 TkeaaaelTe. I'kkaamjixa, Fla., July 2C Cnased by a poe, with the bay of bloodhound sounding nearer and nearer.and with every avenue of escape shut off, four niigro out laws dashed inbj the ocean near Fort George lact nigbt and were drowned. The victims were Tudor Brown, Willie Cook, Sam Echols and John Armdjcng. Tbey were deeperate character who broke jail at r'ernandina Sunday night and hid in the shrub along the beach. $100 Eevard, $'Wi. The TWtfk- r,f thU t.irr via he p!es-4 to leant that there at I -ai-i oa - tin-tvicd Jica.e) Uiat science has bur& a lo to rure in ail 11 slafe and tul is iui::,. Hail's ( jur a Care is tbe only j,-!U,c n:r 110 knuwn to the tt.odici irateruit; . Ctrrh brinir a cod aiitutionai dia, r.-qu.:ta a oo,ijtutional treatment. HAii'sCv n.-a I ere U lurs intrr aalljr. acting dire-! ur blood and mu cous surface o( tHe"ya; m, thtn-br 0 :--:-ine; the foundation cf I' e .r..j r.vinir tha ana aaiiktinir la i :r.x work. Tna propr-elor hiveiDi.nth Ijjui in its curallra enrer. that VU-i o:. r Oat Hundred loliar fur any cue t: it 11 (ii tu cure. Sender list of texunvmi). iddrcae, J. CKEXK V ti CO., Told, O. aansuld by JJ: Mothers RcaJ. The fjror.rUtor of S.IXTA A PA F hiv 1 authori2ed roshay A- Matoa to refund vour money if, after giving this California haatr A mining city in the SantUm mean something for this country. of Caugh Cures a fair trial as lirced, it j -hty io ceielyatuig the arrival of Mr. Ham fails to give satUfactiofi fo.- the cure of ' r&ood and ti puty.and are ia high spirit coughs, croup, whor-ping cough and til j over the pnxprttjs tor an early comirence throat and lung trouble. Vben tu dr.,- mait of work oa the railroad. For some ease agerts the head, and asuun tbe Urm previous to the arrival of the steamer of catar.h, n'tthicg is so elective as CA 1.1- t Telephone a large and eaer crowd waited FOK'A iMT-k-CrCF T-w rnm. I on tii wlLirf fcr tK r nrr.w. ni a-.lmir.n adiont are withoutjquaisas h-3ii?:!ofd n?m-! edies. SSold at tl.tsj a package. Terse fyr $i50 Good Health. And a gooJ appetite g-i hau l ia ban L 'Vith tlie losscf aroetite. tlv sy.teji can- not long la-taia ite f. Tbtsthe frtiS cations of gid Leaith are broken down and the .yrtem i, I'able to attatk. of c'ir eae. It w in such ca that tk tedt- ciail powers cf Hooa s Sar-apari:U are cieariy shown, iioti is who bar taken ! ,oom 1,rsrt iJtae say mat tne Kexoorg Hood Sarpariiia Waff to iU gnvt i F!1 tlay reports that tine while peo im a a 1 ona-r of the Ujod. it pTerto ! P .wer by c Bannocks near Jack restore and sharpen the appetite sal fro- j v-'n Hole, bat tbtre is no way to confirm mote a beoitby action of toe digestive or- report, and it i not believed, a courier gins. Thus it is. ncA what we eav bit u tipecint at Uarkl Lake nearly from tbe wtat HxdsSar&ipirilUdoH that tells the j 1 cnitJ ,c;f Jackson Hole with toe faUsi story and ccnsiit-3'.e xkt ttr jrs-t recotn- Iti"' There h-s been nothing received at mendatkm that can be era 1 for aav med- Miiket Like fir three days of aa authentic icine. now? Why not take H ' Sarapsri.!U With one e. c-u Ire u4, ao-i tia othr tneai- lase to! Car Iim9 ...1 U-'.l , care to crt op ia the m-rn.i at s o w. . rum to urjasuii aco is o-jwp i..4 t . ... 13 eTaTtTerao-ckloVlua di.- ner. To avoid Uk the Northern PaciSc, the only dining cir rcs'e. the oniy line raaciCij the Veiowtoue Pari, and the only -li&e raaaing Pullana T jrit sle-oers tl;ra -h wi:aat 2 :"o 16 hear, ", -Uy. For full irf orc-ition, tSB cird tOJ-. e'-c 0411 c-u or a l!r?s C.'i birkhart, vat. AUtutf. 'ire. WcArStm In It. Having rented our mac!, tne to Gr.nt Kinr.ey. we are prepared to ih y.-jr wool sawine en ?!iort nori-f. 'rf. Atursos, F.. X. Frtah buckwheat Browne!!1. .. C E t ,-v-..h f . 'K I l-M tWi, a T' rtnt;tr hng ?-- r. orarsg iw 35 ci Bnr.h' thi tcK at C E I MARRIED. , ,-,-, . . , , , V !'r.ER. In Portland .. July 2o. IKS, Mr. Frank C. Aver? . tt 1 .. . . - C. Aver. .iiuatiy, ami .Misssvira ai. iirtw, re cently of Kansas. Mr. Avers has t-een book keeper for the Albany Woolen Mills Co. several months, and has a!rtalv made many warm friends here, who w ill untie with the Pkoct in in- t). happy couple ai! the bet b!einc of lile. Mr. and Mrs. Avers arrivv.1 in A'.- bany last evening "nd have taken no their residence near tl t residence of S. L. 1 oung. DOXACA MAliTIV In l.l-.n.,n Julv lii. at tne r,i.kien.-e ni the iFMini'i turvnis. Mr M l..r..- ... .t, 1 . ,, . ana .miss ieeie iwue AUriiii v. ere unitexl :H : . - . I .. i it . . . .... ...i wedding niarvh called forth the happv i l'" e safe, wntou contained Cousidera couple.who etotvl under a lari' wedding : c;c,ci- Wll made of choice fhiwers. ssiJ an arch j lu0e lte Kecdallvilkf rolihsry the -oiivv. Tht? pArlorswvrelHau:itullvan lf,ViSCOU1Pan.Th supplied its car with tastiiv decoratetl. The presents were as J "i canine-proof safe and thi safe stood follows: Mr. and Mrs. IViiaes, tur. R!s M" of toardvnamite cartridges fired of the groom, a full eel of disl t s; Mifs Klsle Martin, sister of thu bti te. and Mr. Allen ChaniU'rlin, a gla fruit set ; ! Kimbrongli. a water set. hand natntnl Mrs. K. 0. Martin, mother of the bride, celerv holder an.l a handsome tjnilt 1 Mr. and Sirs, B. M, Jkmaoa, a caki stand; Mr, and Mrs. J. M. Soniers, butter kniie and sugar shell ; J. M. iHiuaca, knives, forks, table and tea spoons; Jamed Whitlea, water pitcher; Miss Jennie Clayton tho making of the bride's cos tumo, a lowly tan suit. The bride and groom are among Lelwuion's best voting people, and the editor of the Democrat takes purtiuuhtr pleasure in extending best wishes, iu which tho entire force, who havo received manv pleasant visits from the happy couple, Heartily unite. HORN. COXDIT.' On Jul v if, lsai, at Ash land,Or.,to Prof, and' Mrs. K. X. Condit, a boy. Good at all tiroes. Better than anything else. Best of all external remedies AHcock's Porous Plaster For lame back, stiff joints, sore muscles, soreness in the back, chest or side. Tha Onljr fUtfa Way, ! mShwi, Is to laaist ea aatinc 'Aiacoca's.' AHcock's Corn Shields. AHcock's Bt-nlon Shields, Have a ee.ual s a relief and cure far cams and bunions Brandreth's Pills are purely ye ge table; a safe and affeotive remedy for youna and old TELEGRAPHIC. A Terrible Massacre. Pocateux), Idaho, July 26. William Ross, of the firm of Eos, Grey Sc Wyatt, has jast arrived at Market Lake from St. Anthony, and reports everybody in Jaak son' Hole killed this morning. It is con sidered authentic news, and excitement is inb:ne. The United State troops from Cheyenne will arrive in the city in the morning at i o'clock, and will leave at one for Market Lake, and thence by wagon road for the Fa'l river country. Brady far Sare. Sacuamento, July 26 lhe capture of Jack fcrady, bandit, murderer and farmer' boy. near Saaamento, naturally creOed qujte a sensation here, and large croadsof people were in and about Bhentf Johnson' office, all afternoon, hoping for a cban"e to see the noted criminal, flat few persons had their desire gratified, however, for atwr Detective Thacker, of the Wells-Far-go Company, appeared upon the scene, he put a stop to any farther free exhibitions. Lxal police officers and the detectives of the raihoad and einr. ernnnanim are considerably chagrined over tbe fact that j the train-robber, for whom t.ier have hen j I punung ior montns. bas spent several days in u.m ciiy ana m Stockton U virtoui times. A flwrrtausc. j 1'nif.ADKLi'iiiA, Jo!y 2ft. A violent hurricane w a reported today by co.!e from Japan, in which many vei and their crew were lost. The German steamer Helen Rickmer and tbe Norwegian steam ship Lyderhorn, Herman VV'edel and Jarls burg. the Britii-b steamihip Bontala and toe ship Manuel Sachet, from Pniladelphia, were all blown ashore, and all are believed to Lave been totally wrecked, except tie j i-ouLu;a. j te ias oi me on shore it re parted to be large. A ratal EisImIss. Ducucji, Wettpha'La, Jaly 26 -An ex i i" jeeieruj in rrince von ' CurZell S k.ine. The bodies of 32 vie- Urns have already been recovered, and a Doniutr 01 persona are still loiasixg. Search parties are experiencing mucti difficulty in exploring the mine. In ad dition to the killed, nine men were eeete!v burned. did a B e Tlase. J A1 roaiA. Or.. July 25. The citizens of toria have saent tne greater Dart of tha tie dUtingsed party, and when the ' uf did arrive tie exciLeact was in- j t-use. Every strata craft touted iU whistle, I 1 arutfi by the varices canneries and saw-1 J raiiU as tf-e Telephone steamed to her ' ! wharf at I P.M.. and the bells of tbe dif - ! J fereut fire companies rang out peal after ; 11 for several minutes; guns and anvils 1 j were also cJled into requisition, all com I j bijicg to make the weicocae U'AJi noisy! i and warm. i j mhUe 9rm Kuu ' i i Pocatallo, Idaho, July 25- Report natare. 1 orty-toar car cf Caited Sutts cavalry J; Cheyenne u:igtit for Market Lake i'.h -eovuic-a, tri. etc lVTfrCT.-.v I,,'- i- r . T TI- , rr in r - i . . . f mA . 1 ' j ttaifj r ir-on. Wnit.-. A lA. ! bo- fcl ki rer-r. for the hut Escal l" Tbereport ijear:ot:.ecii!etctet.2ioeer- Tbereport f .o?r$ aU.-ut iJ pr33cts. macv of ua ute giiiau . ; At the ettraaoe to Coj bay and harbor, I . - - b J V V'M fci-V j -ttj. wbica bad beta previoo4y begun. Oi Ya.iain biy, w&i exoended in csatctaimcg bar depth and location of j anne:, whice was aatufactoniv done. ! sUra Sperlsaea. I r-owNsvitxE, Or.. Joly 2a. Msrs. j Dysea, S'ndui and Jf-wr am red home 1 ueuy night from the Blue Biver mines. : and bragbt down .-nxe of tne rkhesi gcid i rpecituens frjm the Lockv Esy mine ever leenia this city The kdje U we' i de- I nned. ara ; lj feet wide, carrying free .goU fwrj wail to wa'd. Ivked saa-plesj up is in- ijjcflisaaj ia tree oa ct : h!icU Ten dasago thi mine! jwaaviMied by a grtmaa rrpre-erticg s-a IruKtsco capital, bet be too lal ; .' SJ ltA- " w Jw-y boa-ied i 1 1. W.!- t -, i ih) a talt Lae cotapaxty, Tree Exewt4 ta snk Car.llBW "iNSTON. X C- July i Ferrin . To retrro munierers. W hit mrtA X rtlrvn I 1 Uft'tm. I rlW eTeVnul t : V. a- l-J t ' in rnuoe M -part ra tch coo fv 1 1 la K. - jrjft. rem nt I killed , iVputy Sbertl Ohm. cf Hoan coentT. I "'-iwn usi, ar.a Drown CiurtJered ms sweetheart. fsiUe Roberts, the night of ' of.Marxh'i. i ! m u ira tviaaw s s. Tt:xo.. July 24 -Saortly afler cihl tram Xo. 37. 00 tbe Lake roiu. WQici naa allacced an express ear iiica runs b twen BuBaJo ana Cnictsri. f was orpd at K j between ! we-t of this citv. switch. mid sir aa i Strvker. -tittle. ! fcenJise train tiopid f-ur rol' 1 wnt t the expvs car and ordered 1 -n.r C. B. Nettle man, of Buffalo open tiie door. Xettleman refused. M'-e robber threatened to blow up the car. iTiwr UMfil l.wl .1.. - ",v 1". " 1 anwnntin.. trt nhtnit I . u 1 an.t tlin "I "biers. L'iscouraged, they jump I1 fruw the tram and disappeared. ppewred. V beat .iaa t . New York. July Si. The wheat bulls toaay pusned the bears to the wall and made ttem psy all the way from lc to 4c aotauce lor w neat they sold short with such a lavish hand last eight At first, there was onlv a fair rise iu price, but the shorts seemed nervous over the unexpected advance in private cable and rumor of turopean war. Tbe balls were quick in administering vigorous doses of calamity crop news, until the bears turned panic stricken, and bought aa they have not bought in month, becoming more frenxied at every jump, rntil. in September, the active option, climbed front 7 te at the opening through various stage to 75, closir.5 at the highest paint. Oar Ilag lasallrti. BiiKAKwtTKn. Del, July 2. Captain Quick, of tbe schooner Carrie E. Lane, upon ber arrival here tonight; had a tale to tell about a thrilling encounter in Cu ban waters with a Spanish gunboat. Two shots were fired at the LaJie by the man of aud one of the schooner 'a niea narrowly escaped being killed by one of them. The vessel was made to heave and sire an account of herse't before being al lowed to proceed. 1 Captain Quick savs he could not get the name of the gunboat. He add that after the first shot was tired at the Lane he caused the stars and stripe to be hoisted, but the only rtvponse the Spaniard made was a secoud shot. The gunboat did not hoist her color until after tha first shot was fired. Waas Ererjrtfciws. Ku Da Jaskieo, July 111. There is growing excitement iu thu city over the occupation uf the island ot 'lrinidad by the Kngiisli. The government has dis patch! two notes o tne britih legation of emphatic protest, quoting the british admirality kw of i:m. bt virtue of which Trinidad wss evacuated by the English and restored to Portugal. Irseatt be Scat Wasuinotox, July 21. Tha secretary of the interior has requested the secretary of war to send troop to the scene nf the Indian disturbance in Wyoming.. It is un derstood (he request will be granted as soon as the official paper are received by the secretary of war. and tbe troops will be or dered iustantly to the vicinitg of tte trouble,. mid-!!! It Knochs At Your A trne Improvi a welcome i home, the ra world. The water, the i stove, clothes wringer have eyerywhere. appears. It candidate ; tLe new vegetable shortening and sub stitute Car lard. Thousands have found this as great a blessing as its predeccs ors. It ia sow at your door. Willyoa accept iU proffer of better cooking in your kitchen, better food on yonr taLJe, betltr healih ia your hoaaebold ? Cottotaae Is m&A In S and ( pound psOla, by all rrceera. Uet toe geonlne. Alade ty The N. K. Fairbanks Company, VT. LOCI mmA CUca, law lark, FIRE INSURANCE Insure our property nrith Joseph V Talt L. The Old Hartford, THE NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS AGENCY, or any one of the oth-r rr-liab!e t Jd lice com panies lie represent?. Notet taken and plefety of tin: giver for payment on fanu insurance. All business plac ed with him Trill be proropt y atended to. OFFICE IN P O. B!cck2 Albany. Or. 20 DOLLARS PER KQNTH Im You;? Own Locaut" made easily and honorably, yrttfceat cap, tai, daring yocr spare hors, Ayy ma, woman, boy. or girl caadjo tne wort heart ily, without exjeRewee. Taikina; as ttecesaary. iotlicg like it for mo-rt-raAiii; ever offered before. Our woricar always prosper. "o "ime wwst4 u learning the business. We tack yea ic a nikt how to snrcee-j froa the tr-boor- Too can raik a trill Wthoat el pens to yoorifcif . We start yon, tawis eTerytLiis needd ta carry oa tka tsar fcc m iccesr-f ei r, and gvcuvxt JK. aeainst fkllnre if yon ot fesiiow wi simple, plain t&strticdom. Eeadt: it you sTfj lis need of ready mosey, ass. wa ta k9w all aoort the best yayi cosiness before tke pahlks, aeaxt ats yn unless, and we wl?) Xbil yoa a xsest tvis you ail toe paxUcslara RUE & CO., Box 40& Augusta, Eaaind. DO YOU write tetters? Of course yoa do. sjs-i w hat is nicer than smooth let'er pa par and envel opes far bonnes carrespcsMiaff. Ye wk speciality of neat eommexciaT stsXMnsrj. t'oa shodd BUY ENVELOPES of a t oa;t aal u thi Hi itvity at extra ti v priee:!. Next ti-ce yoa wx socie isquue OF' fTT.KV V' 1 rrrZii TH K PR I awaa. RIXTER ill snrs? fTini li7. . -2 eiate sn-i desirahle proJectioii 1 j i to the face in this clrst2. p 1 inn. mm C0LLS5UTK ISSflfC?, AL3ANY, OP.EviOfS A fs. I eorps of !ttr icv CUSS1CAL, SCIESTJFIC U11S?1 CQMMEHCIAI AV.D muk' LASStS. CaTctts aad Trado-JI arks cttavaeeLaadaa I en knaaect cooducted sue oc.-aTx rm. Own rr 1 Cnnu . S . SVTr orrtet ana we can jev-ure pa: ia lea bate taauteecel, reduce frwa Watincfoa. - i Scad tnnlel, drawu.g v para'V deeerir.) . tl c advise, il patcntt or not. tree off caarz Our lea no doe Ml pr m tturared. a ranvNtrr. "nowbsCbe l HawKV aii( ost ot suae ia the C. S da jcjaMSttiss CAaSNOWtSsOOi UC FT OCC. vVlSMtwCIOII ft . ' W - atas sa W aiara. ia, sy a ...a, asrA As Strancy 4 Upholsterer Aid Repairer Hair. ool and shoddy m&Hrvsw r-r" rated and made ov.r. Furniture of every description aw1 t a'l, carriageo re upholstered an l varr'shc. Drop a n tta it th l ") . r t'l fTi treet, btwa Frry ail It. ulti'. iu. A hacy, Or. A B C liUi ptsida'i 3dTmim vrrmr for Nttom or Sic HMsallMu B rati a Lha'Mtlon. 8 . M wm Lauj.-a cr ewitru Navuna'sctas.; titu Itj' Kh,.- msuiavwha .u(, vwii.'v 1 burdttn, Acj4 . nti -trr aaraw na. I S ctitd lAi . r-, ThF R!ci.D CHc2:CL TO. 151 S. c.U.rn .'rf ia. rwcasa Door. V wnent always receives the average American home-like home in the . the fas. !! machine and th. found an entranc Dow r i . i" l : i I S3 Is sot t-.-r-T-'-f . f . 5 withe nt rv iJecl : I i3 w am se 9 fa - s i :k ! I Al pcwelii. Is I ifc Fict it i av w t s ft: ) MOI E E Jsvcat-- .- I T a ah. 1(4 Ccaibines ewry element oisJ 1 1 r eeanry ana utmry. it is bcanrj- her i I f frinp-. sorithinc- twiV K-HV-1 f Me- I I r'v ei ITl'.rrT?,". I i to 1 1 ' iiarHucss, aaa wrtea 1 1 sn.l tj nchuy used is nsible. A rae?' I i i T IS K2 SAit VSYWSC8E. j 3 ' ;..-' I Sold by all druggists, V