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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1895)
- v-.. , . , , . . Stiff ,4m 1111.1.1 V v i ic ft ni ui ii r III 111 I VOL XXX. Eatered at Ike r.i once at tlkaay. Or., Stes.d.tlass Mali Mallei i ALBANY OUM.ON. FRIDAY, JULY '-(,, 1895. r. P. II ITIH, rabllshrr ( Prstsrlelari .WHB sr l a ra"-i k II H III A r S" l: 1- r I T for Infants "Castoria is so well adapted to children that X recommend it as superior to any prescription J!Owntome." IL A. ahchxr, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of Castoria' Is so untrereal and tt merits so well known that it seems a work f supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent foaiilios who do not keep Castoria within easy reach. Cuaos Hurra, D. D., New York City. Th Ocmcs. Best Work Promptness PRINTING Off ce Stationery A Specialty Give us yoar Patronage. ALBANY THE NEW WAY EAS1 &i and 0. RN.COo LINES-The Short Route T aU?Pelats Washington, Idaho, in Montana Dakotas.? Minnesota, and 'be East All Points in the United States, uanada am Earcpa. The lirejt Northern- Railway i a ne transcontinental line. Runs buffet-'iorarj observation cars, palace sleeping ap J dining cars, family tourist s'eeper and first soo second c a's coaches. Having a rock b'last trick the GreU Northern FUiUay is free from da?t. one of chief annoyances of transcontinental 'ravel. Rannd rip tickets wit stop oer privilege an-1 choice of return rou e. For farther information cad upon or write, F. J. Whitney. G- P. & T. A., St. Psal, Miaa l.i.ii if. This w tb-i r'l: t'nt 4 i.iU'ffi ll "n l:iri ''' Vl ica." Jan aar 25-h, t3)j. oer th i f . ' ti i r " T I i n I n tnaRicent Nv-ionil C'cla Etii'i'.ii 1' -i Vvv2tM -ii.i' inost admired and U'ki of hi'i nli hi;;U ia 1 1 jti-' 1 1 1 1 V IUastrat?dG'taloi4f-?. 3tv Bici'.t lilini3'U lilint g. E- Q'?t . exc.lqsi" agent for AlbnT"' ME E K KEP constantly on hand a full coffin. Also burial lobes and r - -vv which wjlj he 5'lrJ at Tbe Lowest Living Prflt. EM3 ALMING ,"1 ,llr I'mperort of the dead I pecliltj. i MIOTIC mwit UO EXTRA CHARGE FOR HEARSE OR SERVICE iO O nstrre 5 our property, unless you take Xsatisfied will deal honorably with yon, nave a ions. IF YOU EVER WANT It is just after yon have l-een burned out. and must rebuild, andyou cannot have any doubt about it. HE INSURANCE COMPANY OK ' lor rocs oyer EIGHT MILLION DOLLARS, and has plenty more to nay all cieesilh 7 FOUNDED IN 1792, financial panics J. W SENFT OFFICE over Read - - " r-l-P-A-N-S ONE GIVES RELIEF. NEW : : : FUMITURE. My STORE iS NOW IrOLL OF FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE. CONSIST .1 of bel room sets, chai rf, onngas, tc. which I will sell at BOTTOM PRICES, Ilios. Brink n "1 and Children. CastorU cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills 'Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, 'Without injurious medication. . "Pot several years t have recommended "Castoria,' and shall always continue to do so, as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Enwia F. Panax, X. D., 135th Street and 7th Ato New York CJty. Cowaxt, S7 McaaiT Bnuur, Nrr Yox Cm. SVilLEY OREGON. TUrBtb Tiebels Sal - Chicago. St. Louis, To and from Washington Philadelphia, Xew York. ! Boston, apd Hi Thirl 3 ,-;), P.rtUal, Oi LLER& IRVING line of metallc, clotn and wood caskeU and suits. In broadcloth, atin,cashmere, r r. mm W Taw" arjolicr in a Comnnnv that von am nerfectlv and will pay yon promptly, and libertlly if yon MONEY NORTH AMERICA has paid out le its pa honest cannot barm it; see District Special Agent, Albany, Or. Peacock & Co s store THTJESTDAJT THE BICYCLE RACES. The races tn-lnorroa0vinirn flrnav.'it. inn considerable interest. The program will be about as follows, with the names of those who will probably enter the races. The entries though are informal and this is not lully settled in eerycaee : Two-thirds Mile. 1st heat. Senders, Ralston, Medine, Kiner, Iteulow. 2d heat, Davis, Schiftler. Conn, Hilt. 1 Aiile. Wechl, Morris, Bridgeford, Peacock, Sacry. H Mile. Sears, Biddle, Elkins. S Mile. Will, SchilHer, Winn. Two Miles. Welch, Morris, Pollock. One Mile. Biddle, Sears, Elkins. Boys Race Roy Parker, Robert Hunt. I.ailie.4 Revolving Kaniil liii--i-l. !,,.... Misses Day, Dyer, Marshall, Hopkins, Durinir the races the band ui 1 fur. nisli a tine program of music. Will Be Famocs. An Independence dispatch says that W. B. Lawler, who is developing extensive gold mining prop erty on the Santiani, JO mites southeast from uates, on the Oregon Pacific rail road, arrived here today. The wagon road from Gates into the mines will be completed this week, and supplies for the miners are being taken in. The comp any which Mr. Lawler represents has secured about 40 claims in that section, and active work has already commenced in the development of the mines. Mr. Lanier says there is no doubt in his mind of the quality and quantity of the v;ins of ore in sight and prospected, but the question is as to the success of the method of treating the ore. An entirely new process will lie employed which promises to lie a success. Hank Smith, a well-known mining expert, has been secured and is now at work with the company, and of a few months the fame of the Sant'am mines will be established. . R. O'Donnell. of Portland, is in tte mines with him, and quite enthusiastic over the prospects. A Gang of Thieves. Mr. C. K. Bran denburg, who lives on East State street, near the penitentiary, after coming out of the side show, purchased two tickets lor the big show irom a vender, and ten dered the man a twenty-dollar gold piece in pavmenu He received his tickeU.two five dollar bi'ls in exchange for his twenty, but the sharper evidently, by a quick movement, extracted the two fives I from the roll, as ha handed Mr. Bran denburg the money, and that gentleman was ten dollars poorer. He at once dis covered his loss, but the thief bad dis appeared in the dense crowd. This is something that is liable to happen to the wisest of us, and reflects no discredit up on Mr. Brandenburg. This circus car ried the hardest of toughs with them that ever stopped in this city, and it is a wonder that "more people were not robbed by the gang. Salem Post. A man has no business baying tickets with 20 pieces. The Bohemia Mines. The Plaindealer says: "tieo. Petrequin, deputy assessor, returned yesterday evening from a trip to the Bohemia mines and reports the Music mine, managed by the Bohemia Gold Mill and Mining Company, work ing two shafts nlht and day, with fifteen band?, which turns out for their five stamp mill a large yield of rich ore. A large portion of the yield is free from mining ore. It is regarded a regular bonanza for the owners. It is claimed by those who have good opportunities for knowing, that the monthly output is not le.-s than f-j,000 with their limited facilities. The Annie mine two j.iies northeast of the Mnsic mine now works five men, pushing a tnnnel, and that in a short time it will be in full blast. It is claimed that the Annie mine will equal the music mine in richness." At the Bat. The following from the pen of Editor Hofer of the Salem Jour nal makes it look very much as if Mrs. Hofer remained at home. Hold vour breath while you read it: Some of the prettiest sights to be seen in the world are hereon the bay. A group of child ren frclicking on the sandy beach; a golden yellow flounder with two or three bars of b ack coming leaping out of the blue water into your boat ; the girl in china silk waist and tan shoes and stock ings sauntering along confidingly on the arm of her lover. Against a" bank of reddijh-browTi clav was a perfect mass of delicate lavender pink flowers, the whole surrounded by a frame of ferns. When nature starts in to make some thing pretty she never does a half-way job. What is prettier than i rainbow trout flopping on the shore beside you in a grassy meadow ? G. W. HrsT ax Evasgelist. A gen tleman from Corva'lis who was in Part- land last week states that one evening while strolling down the street bis at tention was attracted by an immense crowd on one of the thoroughfares of the city. Going to tbe scene he found it to be an open air gospel meeting, their was nothing unusual in this, but imag ine nis surprise when the lady naving charge of the meeting in trod need G. W. Hunt, the railroad contractor, as the peaker of the evening. Tbe Lorvallis man sas he snoke with much elotiuence and feeling and was given the closest at tention throughout. Gazette. Well Treated. The Gazette says of the Albany 12th of July contests : As a whole the contests were rather tame and uninteresting ; yet those who attended from uorvaius report naving tiai a goou time and claim to have been agreeably surprised at the cordial treatment ac otded them by the people 01 Aioany. The bitter animosity that has existed between the two towns for the past doz en or more years appears to be dying out, and it is to be sincerely nopea tnat an era of good feeling will soon be npon us. bucli a termination 01 nosiiuties would prove of mutual benefit to the two growing, Dustiing towns. Raising Ncts. It is generally thought that nuta cannot be raised in Oregon : but the following from the Guard dis proves this: D. W. Coolidge has apricots, white fius. chestnuts, almonds, English- walnuts, and butternuts on bis fruit ranch south of town, all of which are doing well. The chestnut trees though only seven years of age will yield a good crop this vear. Mr.Oooiidge minus tnis cduntry is well adapted to chestnut rais ing. Almonds also do exceedingly wen here. Late frosts seldom ever catch them. Peck AaBEsreD. ?bank Peck, the man wlio was armted in Albany several month agq for taking o.a tbe team ot John Echmeer. but was acqqitted by the grand jury, was arrested in CorvaMis last evening on the charge of burglary. Peck ha been L"y fcO again. Skin Eruptions and similar annoyances are caused by an impure blood, which will result in a more dreaded disease. Unless removed, slight impurities will develop into Scrofula, Ecze ma, Salt Rheum and other icrioui results 01 Bad Blood I have for some time bton a sufferer from a severe blood trouble, for which I took may remedies that did me uo good. I have ... l.n fwip hnltlM At with the most wrsnoenui resum Am enjoying the best health 1 ever knew, have gained twenty pounds and my friends say they never saw ina as wed. 1 am feelinc quite like a new Comot PfaiHnr lf e. Wklsto. D. C Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free to any address. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., AtotH, 6$. CIRCUIT COURT. department xo. 2. Maria Miller, et al, agt I) P Miller, et al, partition. Continued. Elisabeth M Niekerson agt Hugh Nick- ersou, divorce. H.N. Frusier aptointed to take testimony of deft, and A Cannon ot Mrs. Houston. David Peterson agt Marion S tilaxn, et al, confirmation. Continued. W L Vance agt Red C.own Roller Mills and John R Stockman. Demurrer argued and submitted. In matter of the Oregon Metalic Paint Co., assignment. Continued. Assignment of the Oriential Tea Co., assignment. Continued. J O Bushnell art Frank T) W.v-mI ul foreclosure of Mt g. Continued. ' ' T J Coffman, as assignee agt J T Smith et al, foreelottnre of chattel M'lg. Con firmed until Sept 9 when it will lie tried, W. W Francis appointed receiver. II Brvant agt J M South, foreclosure of mortgage. Judgment by default. David Link agt I N and L A Wcxxlle, ci (. i, loreciosure 01 niortgag-j Judg ment for plaintiff. Milton Hale agt William Hunter, etal, continuation. Confirmed, purchaser to be put in possession on 10 Jays notiiv. IK-ed to bf made in 4 nxuulm. Albany Building & Ian AssK-iatiyn agt H Ii Miller, et al, foreclosure of mortgage. Judgment by default. W L Vance agt Red Crown R jiler Mflls and John K Stockman. .IVuiurrer of J R Stockman sustained. J H Simpson agt J A McFeion. Dis missel at cost of plaintiff. J W Gaines agt W II Ramsey et al, foreclosure. Tried and judgment for plaintiff and defendant J L Ingram. Anglo Am. Land IJ"tg and Cgencv Co. agtJL Hollida, et al. foreclotiure of M'tg. Judgment by default us to J L Hollida, Anna Hollida, Lombard In. Co., J P Rector, W W Adatus, Ah Foo and Edward Washburn. Motion to ap point W C Tweedalc to lake x-eion overruled. Nettie MeCune agt J 11 McCuae. Tried and divorce granted. Honeyman, Deliart & Co. a corpora tion agt Matthews Washburn and S W DodJ, Suit for injunction and receiv ership. Decree and findings. Receiver was ordered to turn over money, notes and accounts in his hands to the defend ant S W Dodd after deducting fee;. Court adjourr.ed until Sept. 9. SOME SCHOOL FIGURES. A comparison of the school system of Albany w ith other cities of the state will be of "interest. Below we give iuie figures: At Ashland the valuation of proprtv is 16H3.022; levy 7 mills; school child ren, 752; salary" cf princijial. $12"; vice, 55; all grade teacher, f5t). Three years of high school work. At Eugene the levy 3l mills, srhoo! children, 12S2; salarv of superintendent, f 1500; teachers, 40,f50 and t): high school work 6 years. Teachers, 1H. At The Dalles the levy is 8 mills ; sal ary of principal, 150 per month; assit ant, f 100; teachers, f. each. 3 primary teachers, f55; balance, f50. 15 teachers employed. Three years high sehool work." Albany, about 1, 500.000. levy 2 mill; school children 10SI ; salary oi principal. $100 per month; asieunU, 15 No high school work. Hon. Lark Iiilyeu of Eocene, is in the city today. Joe Watson, of Taooma, parsed through Altany this noon for the tav on a vttit to his parents. Gov. Lord passed through Albany this noon for the Bay. Seal Rock is the governors favorite resort. Matthew Wallis, of Lane county, a pioneer of 152, died a few days ago at the age of 73 yeais. A. A. Tussing. Brownsville's a-ronip-iished attorney, has been in tfiecity dur ing the week attending court. Geo. W. J. McConnell and daughters, of Idaho, passed through Albany yester day noon for Newport, where Mr. Mc Connell and the two daughters will spend the summer. Mr. Mutton, the moulder, of the Al bany Iron Work, recently from Salem, will probably move his fvmily here soon. His daughter Mirs Mabel w as recently elected the rose queen at that city. Rev. C. M. Hill of Oakland, California, is spending a te flays with iiis mother, Mrs. Hill, and bia sister Mrs. W. I. Vawter in this city. Rev. Hill was one of the distinguished speakers at the Ash land Chautauqua, Med ford Monitor. Chief Justice Bean and Justices Moore and Wolverton of the upreme bench will start tomorrow for Pendleton, where thev will hold court and hand dow n sev eral decisions Saturday, returning by iMinday evening lor tneir summer vaca tion. State sman. Plenty o peaches in market now-. The bicjele track is a live place evenings. A Live Cat Oicheatra with the Great Wallace shows. Tha Astorian says Mr. Hammond is be coming very itnpatient- ln the base ball field this ye r Albany does not seem to be a success- The Jeffer son jrs. again defeated the Albany jrs in the Goltra Park grounds yesterday uftei noon 23 to 12. At the Chautauqua catberiDg at Oregon City yesterday diplomas were uranted ten graduates, among the Dumber being Mis lieia Uliuert, 01 mis ciiy. juereuro uow about a dozen C L. . C. graduates in Albany. After all the talk tbens teems to be trouble at Astoria vet over f urnishiug tbe subsidy for tbe Goble road A lot of old mosa backs wanted to make something out of it and have been banging back. Ladies and children do cot need male escorts to the Great Wallace Shows, which employ a large and cotnpeleut crew ol guides and attendants whose sole businrt is to ptotect them and provide for their comfort. Bids for seasoned body fir wood for the intane asylum ranged from $1.60 to 22.35 per cord. Members of 'be Wood Dealers Union all bid $2.25. There were 10 bids, covering 7,ti5i cords. 'I he contract will be aiviueu among a goou manj . Toft best time vet recorded between Cor- vallis and Albany was made lart Sunday by Caleb Davison a Waterly wheel. Includ ing the time required in crossing tbe river in a row boat, he made tho ('Stance from Nolrn's corner in 4(J minutes -.orvallis Gazette. Tuesday, Burnett, tbe colored porter of the Pullman car, called at the Multnomah county jail and identified John Case as the leader of tbe Kiddles bold up. Jailer Obain berlain. to test the certainly of Burnett's recollection of tbe tobber, had case ranged in line between 15 other prisoners, and, as Case is a very tall man, several in jai equa'ly as elongated as Case were placet! in a row. Burnett was then brought in, and selected Case from among the number without hesitation. Bbuxk Disgusted. J. O. Brunk, of Polk county, who was running around the country with Mrs. Post, of the Sum mit, claims to nave lost about fl.uoo in a month, the last by Mrs. Post borrow. ing $500 ot him, for which she only gave a note, though she promised a mortgage. Brunk is disgusted and will go to .Mon tana. It is lunny, but there is a Mr, Post, and he stays at home and takes care of the house. So says the Corvallis Gazette. Mrs. Bbucb Dead. Mrs. I. M. Bruce the well-known spiritualistic medium died in Portland yesterday of congestion of the lungs after an illness of about ten davs. Her remains were brought to Al banv bv her husband, formerly county treasurer of this county, and will be taken to Lebanon this evening for burial A LONG FELT Vf ANT. The public wauls a letter harness than friie average lmrncm being sold to day, and Toiiilinson in supplying this want of the public by using only the li.-st Oak Tanned , Leather, thus in- suriug the most duruMc and satisfactory hnrnefs in every respevt. His prices are no higher than others ask for an interior grade of work. Call at his shop on 2nd St., Albany, and see hint before purchas ing elsewhere. IPJElXlDJr A T rip to Mr. HM)t. Roy Gill ami Robert Carey, of Scio have juit returuel from a trip to the top of Mt H-kI. They Walked ifdinir itv uhu nf Sii! v;rfi.ii an. I ' Mollala. They tuede the trio from the timber line to the summit in 4 lours and 15 minute. Roy tiiil tlle of part of his trip in the Pre" rl.ius: we reached the lion's l!;i.-k on on retorj we inspected the Crater frfjsn whi.-ii a 1101 vapor coiifiailtiy nrtse. Hw r., a suiiill "blowhole," we dried our Wet feet and clothes. Crater Rock, 5i)fet high, is composed of brittle rock and fromjji i.-Yi-a yit CKK MTV V'lil'.-ll II V tumbling from the top and fi.lec.f Smie ten years ago, it wax ms:I1c to gf down into the crater, fur 500 fret or iu-rf,-in.e t.;..i .. . ...t 1. . . . L. . 1 vapor, no one has atteinptl lU An- other feature of the mountain L.e ice i caves. Thew are but doei. hole i.. the .1 ' Lebanox. Married. 011 Julv 13, 1SJ5, at the residence of P. J. Planter .an jncle of the bride's, in this citv, Mr. Frank McMeekin and Miss Kin ma Jk-ott.of Uar risbiirg, by Justice LoveK-e. . A large ar y of ladies went to Water loo lor a picnic, Wedneedav. The picnic was given in honor of Mr. C. H. Hals ton. w ho is here from Portland on a visit. They report a jolly, good time. While at Waterloo the ladies organized a society, to !' known a the Women's I rogrrs.-ive I nion. Mr. IVa'tie wa elected president and Mr. F. M. MJIer secretarv. Tlie recital given lat Fridav evrniiic attlieora houae by Mimi Cundifl of Aluany.was pro:iouneel by all who heard it, a trt-e!a Miss Cundifl is certain ly a natural born elocutionist and iro-n-rnat.r. She wag encored on all but one. Mi.ntki hc ever return to I-larion. he will Je grt-.-ted wiih a fall boose. Mr. D. Andrews c!ol a deal veer- day for the LeWnon warehouse and has already taken charge of it. Mr. An- Irews traded his lirick bail linir f.r it. He is a ikk1 man and " are clad t fee hira geOt. The farmen will certainly S safe ia dealing w ith. Express and Ad vance. Grrnx; t;:ib Dec. J. U.Green.J.T Gray and imith.lhree box tin men were sentenced at an Jte a sew days airi to an Queiitm. the !ir!t two for live the latter four. Ti c first two :.'1 trial while tbe latter 1 lead e-i l:v an 1 nsade a year by it Green and t.ray are the two men who tried to bunco Mr. v . H. Col- well, ol Orleans pqesinrl. Tbe Examiner cays that Green, who is known as Crooked Mouth." on account oi a de formity in that organ, pleaded that be was an old man, would be sisty w ithin a few month." , and had a sife and daugh ter, who would have little on which to upport themselves while be was awav from them. Hepromied that he would get into some legitimate business) an oon as his time was up; but he hoped that the court would send him to San ljuen tin rather than to rolsom, in order that he miglit be ttiat much to bis family, which would remain in San Francisco. ArrEX Two Mr.u. The follwinc c plains why Dr. Henderson was charge-l Oc at a hotel iu Ii lmnnn: "f Thompson had a queer guet lat Friday nixht. He ate two suppers and went to tied three linn's, and got very wroth tiron bavins to rsr for lioth suttton. lie is Dr. SoroelKxfy, from Salem, and the dr ied of his visit to our city wr to circu late a petition for the "pardon of Dr. Sponogle, sent to the penitentiary from this countv a year or so ago on thechar-e of rape, fie got no signers to his lion. ' Ir. Hemlerson has since l-een placed in the asylum. No Dtrtsios Yet. It was reported that a decision would be rendert-.! in the P. case todav: but innnirv of the clerk of the court reveale I the iart that rone had been rendered vet. The mem bers ot the court will lie in Pendleton to night; and it is doubtful if there is a lecision before their return. A man claiming to know says the division ha been written out and that it is in faror of confirmation. II. R. Kincaid. secretary of state, and wife went to the Bav this noon. Miss Mamie Montgomery returned this noon from a trip to The Dallas and Astoria. License has been Uaned for the mar riage ot 1-ranli .Mc. Meeker and .Miss Emma Scott. jars. C. B. Wat-Kin. of Eugene, is in tho city tho guest of her brother Mr. Van ilson. Mr. John Butterworth, the O. C. & E. postal clerk returned last night -from a trip to the sound. L. C Marshall. E. W., D. C. Schell and Prof. F. M. Mitchell lefttoday for a trip to Bellnap springs. Senator J. H. Mitchell psssed through Albany this noon for Y aquina Bay, where ho will deliver the address ueioro tito elitors. Last year the address was de liycred by Hon. J. N. IKlp!i. Mr. O. T. Crane, editor of the Oregon Statesman, of The Dalleii. was in the city todav and mode the IH-viocrat ctiieo atra tern al call. Mr. Crane is a G. A. It. man and onlv recently came fiom Nebraska lie reports a gooa many mere lootting tins way. Tho Yaanina Bav New s is umlonbted ly abend of time in tho following person at: air. lA'e, a uruggmi. oi usirm, wiiu his bride, formerly Miss Gussie Itlotlgett, of Albany,arr'tvel in our city Wednesday on their wedding tour, a capital place this, to spend a honeymoon. Judge Brink and County Commis sioner Howard, of Crook county, arrived in Albany last nnrht bv way ol the ken- anon rotiU, which they found in passable condition. Mr. Howard reiiorts consid erable excitement over tlie discovery of a big cave near the Meadows on the Deschutes. It has already been explor ed over four miles and presents many picturesque spectacles, air. Howard will go to Dallas after his wife who is visiting; there while Judge Brink will visit at his father's Mr. Thos. Brink. Q.F.Simpson has leased the Munkers waiehouse for tbe coming season Mark Blackburn and son were struck by the Salem local yesterday near Oregon City while crossing the track in a wagon. Black burn was killed and the son was seriously injured. One horse was torn to pieces. A Roscburg dispatch says that the detec tives who are or king on the Cow Creek canyon train robbery ,clani to have secured evidence implicating severd other pertons about Cauyonville. It is likely more arrtvts will be mads toon. . sir.nn nieiueg ine , : . .-, - v ut kuuu. tor au ouitng 01 several weecj .m.w. There is ,n:M , r tanm-l K'ehJfi0' G,p- ChaTl" LotW nt'? E. C. Keyt is the wealthiest mn in U tween the two cave. aUn feet ia VL.' ' a chenut by prj-' caoght a ea otter near cape FonlweatLer Polk conntv. Fortv years ,u.e .a. length T1.. M i,-e cave- are the liead of TtT'n , '"i "T U'e luU i "hn h biF- Kn. and xpecU w Scn" mde it Mi.k creek, which rio.sinto tbe Des anderw.n.1. the art of counur- to get ,550 to $j0 for it ' Lrd hcks. 5 whole thev heard , Salejn man says that wbiie t:ere h Hon. H. II. GiLrey and family of rain u U vrt,th krt ml- m" thst l"'i'' been no uVcision lorinaJlr rendcre l in toe Washington are in tile state and will ?v f uaIJx Till erand ilTt 'nr Un "te.1. Thev are now held 0 " rt h" P1 the summer here. ilt. Giiirey's rwoufadvian vo work. There is g""" ' cf -nfirma- ,-,enu reside in Lane county, a lrrel stave or piece oi o,l doh. as v..u j " tbr went when they left here, U0J Charles Nickel, editor of t. . Jackon- might want to n vou- pan's ajrain We fml l,My ,vre. x)n Lscovered. They . ) Sbnw ret parade j vide Times, was in tbe eitv today on LU i ' ... :..r 1 " (have confessed and are now awaitimr newrir a rutielong a sncreton UbHod- i wav to the Bar. Mr Nktel s.ri....,i-il - - iiwuio ... ' ilt I : ..'.mil. I AGAIN ARRESTED. Detective Il.irrix i,( Ka brought Doc DaveiiKrt from Ix-hanon to I Albany last night and placed him in the county mil until this morning and took him to Portland, where he will hav to answer the charge ot counterfeiting on a marge iiurris ciuims can le s ilrtftantiat ei. Mr. Davenport was recently dis charge.! on the grounds that the coun terfeiting wai done at the instiiration of I me government oracers. The evidence in this case will all be of a different character The Telegram says of the case: The casd againBt Davenport was work ed up last fall by Mr. Harris. There are now in the United Mates attorney's ofheo 175 counterfeit gold coins which were found upon Wilfred Reed when he was arrested lust year. They are wrap ped in a piece of red flannel, which con tains small pockets, each large enough to hold a coin. Counterfeit gold must Lie kept in this way and saturated with vooie-liquid. so will retain its color. Reed had the flannel tied around Lis waist when he was taken into cus tody. Thee coins were made by Frank an Lok- Jennings in their cabin som niti.'S up in the mountains from Daven port e house. .Mr. Harris had learned r...l... . Pe'''wut' , :. . . i .. . . V . . . : mi. r, aiiu ne ciiritii an investigation. fu-i 10 1 mi inai 1 lie iranir was mm. pcse.1 of a dozen or more perwms, and that from Grant's I'as to Albany the memU nt of ii were strung out along the , .-ui!iiit-rii i-a.'iiic. i The com ! brut tiers anl , ' hy the Jennings H "'. ,,lvVnt,"r,. nJ Kven to " ' jie men located trial Accordirg u their story, Davenport planned th- chetn and "showed them ,-ow to make the coins. They did not understand bow to gild them perfectly. Tbe money is. made of block tin, and must be di pi-. 1 ia gold solution. This was the driicate part of the work that Ilaveoport performed. When tin v hurriedly left their cabin a large can full of coins was left. It con tained s-veral thousand dollars worth of the Muff. Whvu an investigation of the ealnn snsde. this can could not te found. O.-ie of the gang hai evidently ilea it, and has punsxibly by this time pam-d the w tiole amount. Arrta Mast ebs. Mij Fay Fuller who successfully tuade the ascent of Mount Adam w'ith the Mazanvason Jnly 10: h. describes an interesting find at the summit, it was the old los left there by the Oregon AlpLine Club many years ago, and in it were found several small cards bearing the name of the members of two partie who succeeded in making ll.e acenl SI and 2 Tears ag. repectirelv. Thvv are as fol'ow: W-.lUam A. Stillwell, Aogurt 2, IS61: Thomas Condon, Augurt 2. 14; Charles C. Co., Acgurt 2, l!f: Julia A. Johnson, The Ialle, August 6, 17; W. C.Johnson. tronCitv. August 6, IS67; A. R. I-.'.h. White Bluffs. August 6, 1-wJT: ram Brooks. The Dal es, Angust 6. 1?j7 (on the ta.-k of tliU carl was written, "started np at 6:.10 a, m., ar-rive-l at the top at 12 m. On retnrnicg arrived at camp al 4 p. m.) ; Catherine Auburt. H-j1 River, August 6, 1S7; Johnson guide. White Salmon, August , 1V37. Bictcuss at the Bav. The general opinion is that bicycles are ruined by I- ing usnl on the beach at tbe liar. The editor of the Salem Journal says on this subject: Postmaster and Mrs. tieair have used a btcrcle for over a year on the Waches and sav the ocean air and rrav do hurt a bicvele in the least. Their w heels are Atlas and Yassar and are a good as new. Mr. Mslone.of Portland, cahier of the First National bank, rode to Otter Rock and tck halurtlav on the lieach and got no sand in his wheel. I! riders will dismount in crossing creeks they will have no trouble in using a w heel on the beaches. There are wheels at Newjort that have been nsed several vears a--d no injury has resulted to them. This it. contrary to the usually accepted tbeorv. Ot a Pars. The Rural Northwest Prune number gives the acreage of prunes in Oregon as 27,870 lkmgla county is given the lead with 5000, Mar ion and i amhili next with 4 .WO, Linn next with 2.000, then Benton, Clackamas nd Polk with 1800. The figures are piettv large but indicate what we are gradually coming to. H. M. Stone gives the yield in tins county as ."50,000 bushels. SATUHDA The Editors. The clitors in large numbers were in !lauv this noon on their way to the annual I'ress Association at .Sew port. bright men, some with their wives and onio alone. Mixed up with the editors were "representatives cut for a cheap outing at tbe expense of the press, a fea ture that will always detract from thet-e annual gathering'. Ir Campbell, of Eugene, with bis saucy smile, was there. Allier Tozler, the secretary; Charlie Nickel), of the Jacksonville Times. "Did vou see Niclell?" some one said. "Don't," a Salem editor replied, "he'll raise you. Mr. Irvine ot the Salem Statesman, C. S. Jackson, the long, angular but brilliant editor of the IVndletoa E. O. E. L. E. While of the Portland Chron icle; Miss Fav Fuller, of the Pendleton Tribune; J. ft. L, Mean of the Portland Sun; J. II. McKibben, of tho Burns Times; Isaac Stein of the Hebrew News; A. W. Chenev of the Oregogon City Courier, Geo. Densely of the Sharehold ers Gaaette; M. M. Shillock, of the Sun; Davis of the !St Helens Mist ; Roe Mi chell, daughter of the editor, and Geo. C. Blakelvand wife of The Dalles Chron icle; K. II. Gabbcrt, of the Oregon Citv Enterprise ; G. R. Block, of tho Staatz Zeitung; J. S. Stewart of theFoeeil Jour nal ; Otis Patterson of the Hepner Ga zette : D. F. Asbttry of the Canyon City New s ; S C Reach of the Lakeview Ex aminer: A.N. Fisher, of the Pacific Advocate : Geo. B. Small, of the Baker City Democrat; D. D. Doughty of the Dallas Observer: T. Y. Hull ot the Mil ton Eagle; A. R. Tuttle of the Elgin Recorder; J. II . Stanton, of the Oregon Frater: E. 11. Palmer. Newspaper la ion ; L. E. Yates, of the Milton Eagle; Ixmis Barzee of the Oregon School Jour nal; Geo. liaise v of the Pendleton Tri bune : G. W. Humphrey of the Jefferson Review; Col. Jeff Meyers, and othvrs.all with mouths wjdeopen lor clams etcetera No Shams in This Cibccs The con tests on the circus hippodrome track are called by nil shows "races," but the word needs quotation marks with all of them except the Great Wallace Shows, There are no tame, set up, "fixed" races in that great moral aggregation, which consideis it dishonesty to advertise a foregone conclusion as a "race." If a contestant does not rulu or drive to win his reward is a tine. Real races and no shaniM are tho things with tint circus, Contestants with the greatest number of winnings at the end of the season re ceive prizes. Attention Kniuhtb. Them will be woik in the 3d rank on Monday night .1.. ov I All A 1 1 the 22d. All members anil visiting knights are requested to be present. By ' order of 0. C. Highest of all in Leavening MD 1 I I W C7 HOME AND ABROAD Eagene is to hava a chemical fire engine. You ran get a good gold filled watch at French's lor $10. L. Veirick has jurt receive" 1 a large in voice of Dr White's Hair Renewer. CSepL 9 was fixed this afternoon a "(he d ite for opening tbe public school. Big cut in tha pric oL Ltdiea'and Uenia ITutu wMiviit-w mi r rriicu j- jreirj nore. 1 .1 . L. . t,' 1 ( 1 , . A fine line of new saikf hats iu-t reiei ed at the Lauies li.uu;r 25 ctil and ep- wards. Mrs Frtd Dawkon h i a! of enre- ake with iter at the !' for f hre mffering wkii oe-ej.MMie. -. p "K .""j iwi vuiuuivr will. do well to hare some one .leep in Ueir uonis at nitit. ght Tbe Faralloa arrived at Taqnina hut night and aiU aii on Tuedy at 1 p. m. for San Franclreo. Jai received l y the L. E. Biain Clotb inif Co a fine hoe of all wool bicycle ktucking. only f 1 25 a pair A family of eight near Bcna Vita re- c-ntly pitie-i 64 gailon- of blackberries in nori. open u-ns and tamevtx. Oljmsr with alumni Jia and eid the sight cf a ! lifetiaw. i Doc Iavebport. arrestrd for counterfeit ing. instead of beinir taken to Port-atKL ar suted. i. in the county jail here, where it was detide ( to keep him until trial or onr ' M famishes the reqiired bail. tl.0X. J " tC v " 'S. 7 v- - . . ,"r w -, blacking boots, dri loefc . M. Co..of lhu t;.i b.etch-' ing cows, etc., for a living, left ulay for ins; out some. Ia 6rt of next rooLth ' hi former home in Chicago, taking his they will open a new store ia the pro, per- whistle and universal good nature alone omcitv of Seattle. witU Jay Bla n. former lyot Albany, as agent, assted by Soft Mar. ci So o. trownvil Times The fine steamer Kara lion will lay ovr at Newport tnaight aad tomorrow will nake several trips across tbe bar to tubing banks oattide aaaring lovers of tbe sport plenty of amu-mer.t. The dam bake will t ike place as adrertued and is an a-wared voce. Tbe bicycle race last ni-lt drew a large crowd. 1 bey were of as informal charac tcr. but were fall of interest. Six or term cooteatt wtf ran, and tbe lelaUve merits of several Alb-ny ndrt cu pretty well Mtablitoed. Tbe ftet Utse made was 2 A2 It one mile. The new contract tecored ia Los Angeles by toe P;oo-t stone quarry peof ie t: furni-bing stcne for a rv- building it for the W ilocx Uk l.f JO tons will be re quired in tbe building Tbe rock will be shipped to Kn Fraoctsco I here to be dress ed and rebipped to Lo Angeles. Times. Toe ftrao tswi-n "WkikeTi' and Ray will be run al Albany a week fr mi Sat urday. It t repTTted test Ray wiii be neatily backed by v'uvllrn p.cple. a special car baring ex en chartered to tke those wbo will attend from that town. Eugene Guard cf yesterdar- The grand 'oige cf I degree of Honor A. O U. W. at Portland, elected th- folk: w ing ofSoers: Past grand chief Mrs. K!e J. Young; grand chief of honor Mrs. J. A tiault; tcrand lady of tooor Mrs Came Hotmail; grand C ol C Mrs. 31. H. Eaton: grand recorder Mrs. M. Hoasloo: grand receiver Mrs A. R. Bcwley; grand tuber M ua Maegie fcejker. A SaiOOL MATTER. Mr Editor: I notice your "Schoo Figures" in Thursday's Dewocxut. They give some revelations that are new to me and I believe to a great many others. I had always thought before that our course ia tbe Public schools was aa ex tensive as anv wherein the state out side of Portland. Upon a little inves tigation I find also that Harrisburg, In dependence and many other small towns have a more extended coarse than we have here in Albany, which is supposed to be as good a towu as there is in the state. I for one am in favor of extend ing the grades at least to give like advan tages as Eugene, Ashland, The Dalle. Pendleton, and other cities. It is a well known fact that pupils in country dis tricts are permitted to studv Algebra. Rhetoric, Physical Gograp"hv, Book keeping and such studies, many of them being qualified to obtain teachers certifi cates and to do general ortice work. It seems to me it is the purpose ot the pablic school to prepare bo; s and girls for active duties of life and anything short of this fails to fulfill the purpose for which schools are established. I, for one, am in favor of extending the course two years as advocated in your editorial of yesterday's Dkmocsut. I believe all citizens who are in favor of building up our schools to be as ethcient as any in the state ought to speak out on this ques tion, and take some means to empower the board, to establish this work. A. Cmxrx. Ax Unfair Pbacticx. That California neoole take Oreiron fruits and pass them off for the California article ie again ver ified. Mr. Lee Perkins, of Trinidad, Colo., is in Eugene. The Guard says : Mr. Perkins thinks the Willamette val ley the grandest country in the world. Still he says it needs advertising. In speaking of" fruit, he savs that Oregon cherries have been sold right along thronehout Colorado and Itah. as the California product. He recounts buying some Roval Anns at tgden, Utah, the other dav. and tho dealer assured him they were from California. He was doubtful, as they Uokcd like the Oregon cherries on account of their size, hence lie questioned the dealer, wno fin ally admitted they came from Oregon. He also informs ns that our Hops throucbout Colorado are known aa "Washington8." He sold his crop be ing raised here to a brewery at Trinidad some 10,000 pounds, for 13 cents, de livered. HorsK Bchglamxkd. The residence of Mr. Burtges was burgalrized one night this week, fact onlv learned upon the return homo of Mr. Burtgeas and family lastniitht. The following things were taken : Coat and vest.bluish grey collar. size 42, one pair of pants, all wool, size 38 waist, length 35, one pair pants same size, one brown reora nat, size 14, name of L. E. Blain Clothing Co. on swet band iusido, one ladiea dress, trimmed with brown silk, one banjo, nickel bands ends. 3 razors and a lot of mens under clothing, "and one blue flan nel over shirt. Hi w Dad. "Shorty Butterfield," for many vears a resident ot Corvallis. and well known in Albany.died in San Francisco last week. He became a prise tighter and was known as the Oregon kid. He died a morphine fiend. He serve.! two years in the Orepn peniten- tiary (or arson, committed Dec. 10, l&M). A Startling Discovert. Baldness cured or no pay. Dr. White's Great Discovery ia for sale at Louis Viereck's barber shop . It cures all diseases ot the scalp. Parties desiring to go into a con tract I will guarantee a head of hair or no par, Louis Viervck, Tonsorial Artist Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report PUHE SOCIAL AND PKRS'JNAI . Dr. Mrs. Whitney, of Portland, has been in the city today. Congressman Ellis, of Eatem Oregon, want to the Bay yesterday. Miss Ella Mead returned home today after a long visit in California. Miss Maggie Hunter left this noon for San Francisco by way of Yaquina.- Judge Hewitt and family went to the Bay Unity for a month's eating. J. W. Cuskit and family have gor.e to Lower Sod.i for a months outing. Mr. Rupert, the Liverine man. return ed from Southern Oregon today. Mr. Zed Rosendoof. a i.rominent buiii- ness man of Inderiefuiente was in the city today I. J. Smi'ey and family i,nl l. B. Monteith and family went t-i the Br today. Mr. Hugh Thompson and wife and Mis Lena Breymao, p asel ttir-j ifli Al bany this noon foran Frauciao l.v wav of aquina. J. O. Writsman and familv and R. . Irvine and family left todav for SoJa.:'ie e a the meetinus oi th. Sti IVt. i,;,. tion. j , r,:,i : ... .. . ii. viri-rim VI I lie JVoTtll- - era Pacific, Mr. and Mrs. Eddy ard lira. A. Ii. H ed over the Ore-eon entral v;,.t-.r boud for New r..rt " " Charlev Wilson, a ri.W r.f A!l, - with him Rev. D. V. Poling and family, of Al bany, are visiting with MrJ Poling's parents in this city, Mr aad Mrs. W. W. Williams. Rev. Mr. Poling preaches at Lafayette, next Sunday, dedicating a new charch there. Independence En terprise. The Brownsville Times is authority for the following: Word has been received from China that Geo. Hill, who is a mis sionary from Albany, Oregon, was at tacked by the Chinese. All his property it, destroyed and he narrowly escaped with his U'e. " A. B. Smkh, of the Salem Improve ment company, went to tjaartzviile this morn c; by way of Albany. He will be joined at tbe latter puce bv w . K. u- ler, anil together they will inspect the work done on the road into the Quartz ville district, under tbe contract held by Messrs. Mm til & Mason. Salem Post. Mr. Wallis Nash and family will go to ' Portland next Monday to reside. Mr. ' Nash will open an o&ce in that city f..r . the practice of his profession. Mr. and j Mrs. Nash are geniaL accomplished citi-j sens of splendid literary and musical i taste and have tnad many friends in our city. G. W. Hawkins, who recently went to Roeebarg to make his home in the Sol dier's home, the Democrat regrets learn ing, was recently stricken with paralvsis and is in a bad fix, as he states in a Li ter to Commander Reese. He was tak ing a stage ride to visit aa old friend when his left side was striken. Will ard Elkins has for several years shown a decided taste and taient for drawing and has decided to make it his life work. Wednesday he left for San Francisco and will try to obtain a posi tion with some of the prominent news pa oers there. Being devoid oi bad habit and full of industry and ambition be will be very apt "to succeed. Dallas Itemiser. Young Elkins is a nephew of James Elkins of this city. A farewell party was tendered Mr. Percy A. Young last evening at the home of Miss Ava Baltimore, previous to his departure from single luiserr. The evening was spent in a very happy man ner. A feature was a snort program; a vocal solo bv Mi Marv Cundiff, a reci tation presented with elocutionary effect bv Miss Mildred Bannister and a piano solo by Miss Clara lavis. The recipient of the favors of the evening in a few weeks ia to become a son-in-law of Dr. Gibson, pastor of tbe U. P. church of an hrancisx-o. Gawb Drtkttvis. State game pro tector H. D. McGuire is appointing game detectives for the different counties in the valley to watch violations of the game law" particularly in killing Chinese pneasanu out ot season, unn county will have from five to ten, and hunters had better take the better course and leave :he pheasants alone. PitosrEKtTT is Cowing. It will be here soon. One way to help it on is to get good groceries, produce and fruits of the best quality at bottom prices. A penny wred is a penny earned, yon know. Tht place at which to do this and assist pros perity is Conn A Hustons, a tact that a rial will convince anv one of. 0?I$ ENJOYS Both the method ana results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on tli Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. , 1 . . cent bottles bv all leading drag SrniP ui xitra is iu. hid ia w gists. Any reliable druggist who may r.ot havo it on hand will pro- euro it promptly for any one who w ishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FtO SYRUP CO. 4 NUHO9C0. CAL. urn tout, ate, List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventors this week. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., solicitors 0 American and Foreign patents, opp. I". S. Patent oliice, Y.'iWii tngton, D. C. If. Albert, Crescent City, Ca! -an labeling machine. T. W. Brorjks. San Franci-co, air valve. L. R. Butler, Ie nanda Park. CaL, nut for fruit w. H. Dean, et Berkeley, CaL, saih fastener. J. Dram, Spokane. Vsb., clothes drier. J. Gould, Jr., Berke;ey, CaL, ran crimping machine. J. S. Hand, San Franci:o, Cal., tailor's draft ing instrument. W. L. Harmon, Mount Vernon. Wah., wedire. L. Lemoa, San i Francisco, Cal., combined whistle and cigar holder. A. J. MellicJl, San Fran cisco, elevator cut out-valve attachment. C. Pettit, Tacorna, Wash., bracket. V. Pfaff, San Francisc, car soupiir-g. O. G. Scott, San Franoisco, Cal., diginfeet- from bisoifate, SIMMONSV reguiator7 Reader, did yon ever take Sixxoxs Livek Regulator, the "Kisg . op Lives Medictves ? ' ' Everybody needs take a liver remedy. It is a sluggish or diseased liver that impairs digestion and causes constipation, when thewa-ste that should be carried off remains in the body and poisons the whole system. That dull, heavy feeling is dne to a torpid liTer. Biliousness, Headacfca, Malaria and Indigestion are all liver diseawea Keep tbe liver active by an occasional dose of Simmons Liver Reg ulator and. yotril get rid of these trem bles, and give tone to the whole sys tem. Fos a laxative Simmons Liver Regulator is bettes thax Pilxs. If does not gripe, nor weaken, but greatly refreshes and strengthens. - Every package has the Kl Z stamp on the wrapper. J. I. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. Mexican Mustang 'Liniment for Burns, Cakr'l Si Inflamed LTdtlers. Pile. Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, f nflam mations, SU.'f Joints, isrncss : SzuMi Sore;, Lumbago, .Scalds, 3Ilster3, insect Bites, MX Cattle Ailments, UI Morse Ailments, Sheep Ailments. Penetrates 1'uzcl Membrane Tissu Quickly to the Yer. Seat c PainanJ Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. .Mustang Linitrent conacrr Pain, Makes flia a? Coast -oeJ .L S3 s;i 13 T.-;C itST. O. CORDOVAN", U ""wr.Am:.'-" Over One ?-iSow l"oclj U j Tt f TA"d t J'- st"-i Irs a- - Jv.. v T...jrt:1 . vv. ,'aW C;tll " THE IS BLAIK CLOTHING CO bun ruun Aw r- s rx sri 1 o 11 o . w C.5 I OBTAtX A PATENT t Foe a front uitw anl sn honl OfW writ t. MINNA: t'OuiKikin hJ ccrli!fi er" eaprla in th r" bus: rows. Ccmnsanirs tion rtrietly eonflJvutiai. A licarfbcck ot In. r.rmstiow eonwrn;ua lntrni- and bow to ot tala town xmt fro. Also :loBoolnioulls. kSsl BIMlCllltia iKKkS NBt frv. Istits uken tbrot-ih Muim St Co. reertrw imciaI aoltcintbo !rieutlile Awiericaa. snU thus are bnmht vtiteiy bvlorsiba pobhcviUi oat eociS to the tnrentor. This oleiHl:d rarr, laiafHl weklv. ltttiy Utotnred. h& far tha Isnreot ctrcals.i'4 mnv scierttSe vcrk in ttM woritl. S J . yesr. Sni?e cr!essnl frea. BuUSJna Edl UosLj anxithlr, S2.SI1 a ;r. SiBltta erois. & 5 oeats. Enn nuoitwr contains ba tilmi votes. Ui eekm, stxl ebctiierupb cf Be kooMtt, vtth pans, euabiutc feuiidtsa to show tha au. dMictu iHtal aecore ruau-sots. Address !'-' 4 cva. kw I'uaiu Sol BauaowAT Htd w!. ifti; -.: S tjs-t -w uUt K' ' . 1 : rtw-i, A-ii'-J IS Sold by an drui?g!.i. warn m jr . ir - mi A C