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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1895)
EAThKKFORD A WTATT Attorneys at Law. Will practice In all courts of th state. Special attention yjvea to nutun In prob-te and to to lections. OFFICE In th FUno block er U BI1LYEU Attorney at Law and Solicitor In Chancery. Col tkina made on all point. Loan negotiated oa able terras. Albany Oregon ( 0. IV. IfRIfiHT Attorney at law, and Notary Will praotlce'ta all the oourU oi thie state Special attention "iven to collection and matter in pre bate OSSce: Kelt door to Pottoffice, Albany, Ojrn . fJ' WH1TNKV,' Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. LAGKBURN & SOWERS .a"roR3srE"2-a .ajt l-aw. All legal matters will receive prompt at cnt'on. Office, First National Bank uildinp, up stairs. WALLIS NASH ATTORNEY AT JCaVW. Will practice in all the tuurt of the state. Office Tost Office Block. Albany Oregon. H 0 Watson. Luther Elkins WATSOM & ELKINS TTOB1TBT3 AT LAW Office First National Bank Bailding Business intustedto us will receive ears ful and prompt attention. TV1 OSTANTE ate HACELEHAN, Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. JUSTICE OF PEACE, b new located in the DtsocaiT ofllee. eoraer 2nd and Broadaibin streets Albaav. Or. Beats .and Collections a Specialty. D r. j. i dill. Physician and dnrgwon. OFFICE Com Farty street, Albany, Ororon. D rs. II. . and O. K. Beers. Physicians and surgeons, post office block. Albany, Ore. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence corner 5th and Calapooia sts. Special attention given to diseases of woman . DR. G, U, CHAF.1BERLIN SXOOXOBO Office on Ferry St near cor ?rd St. Offic hours, 7 to 9 a m, 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m Especial attention given to chronic case and eye diseases. F IR8T NATIOll AL BAHK, Or ALBAHT, OBJBaO.t resident Vice President . "shier. . LFLIKS 8. K.TOUKG .8. V. LANOD08 rSANSACT3 A OEKBKALbanfctngtnalnawl ACCOURTS US FT (abject to check. SIGHT E1CHASG8 and tel -raphic trans r, oM New Vork, Saa Francieo. ChJcajro and Fwtland Jul ;rij' ttuioa letoraaia Tom E .w L. Fiaaii Kwaa I. Sox. J . 'I7iirK CO..BASXER or A (.BAST. ORWS, rRAKSACT a reneral Banking water.. DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS oa Nw Turk, Saa F noand Portlsno, Oregaan LOAN HONET oa approved reartty . RECEIVE deposit subject to check. SOLLEOTIONSaude oa taroraK term.' CSTBStfiST paid oa time daoosi ANE OF C10, OIO, OBKOO. J Mm A J Job SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY A Rare I'are for Btldoexe, Hair falling oat, 1 andruSL Menu- or 3 airy condition of the scaip, fatty deenerttion of lh hair, follicles r any eruption, acald betda, bl-r k h! , comdoes etc. I have secured the j e ri bts for B .iiton, Linn and Marion 'uutie. Fames wishing treatment cat. consult rce at my 1 lace of rniiee-a or Add.o-sBox 421. Albany, Linn O. Or S. B. Poxterc Li V It. RECK V COPYRIGHTS. CA I OBTATW A PATEKTf Foe prompt answer and an honest opinkm, wrlta to Si L N fc CO., who bare bad nearly shy years' experience in the patent trasinees. Conrmnnlea ?:on strictly confidential, A H ma Saw k of In formation ooncernlna Patent and bow to ob tain them sent frwe. Also a catalogue of Bttchwo Ical and aeientloo book sent free. Patent taken throngb Mann ft Co. veeerr pedal notice in tho Hclentlne American, and thns are brought widely before the poblie with out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper, tasoed weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far tba tamest circulation of any acientinc work in tlM) world. t3i year, f ample eople sent free. Bulldlna Edition, monthly, alio a year. Single eoplea, cent. Every number contains beao tuni piste, in colon, and photograph of new fcousca, with plana, enabling-builder to show the latert designs sod secure contract. Address . cOm Viw Toita. 361 Bboaowav WW OGLLESUTS ISST1TUTI . AL3ANY, OREGON At I corps of instrnotcB-a CLAVilCU, SCIENTIFIC LITERABT SLASStS. t -i't- -i "ttidy rraoged a- o from abroad. Trade-M arks obtained, and all b-a.i.ea conducted X(r Macaara rci JOoit 6 rrci is Cppoarrt L 3 . Partirr Orstef .and we cu iecure patent in lea time abas taoMl remote lrjfn ashington. - i Send m jdel, drawing or photo., erfta deaerip f Wa advise, ii iviteotable or not. free oi. charge Our fee not due till pf lent is ucared. I A P AfWHtrr, "How to Obtr Fatent,- wtth cost of ar.-ue in tbe U. S. yaA ArfeigacojoUk taent free. Address, t drr. pATttrr Crr:ee, WasHiMSTeaj. ft. C or " mi Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Weakneas, rTerwwaanea, Ae)wiiy ana au tne tram or erua xrom eariy errors or Uhver exocawce. uiv iwuw overwork, sickness, worry; l eto. kiill strengtn, aeret- opmeu ana tone given ui ievery organ and portion , ortneooar. bud uie, nat ural methods. Immedi- ' I mnwtv.Tnart ah. Failure impossible. 2,000 references. Book. txpiAuaUon and proo!a mriled (sesiodv tree. 1EIE VESICAL CO. Buffalo. MX 1 w la I l ia 1 u 1 IV 29 rhe greatest seller on the market for diseases of the Liver.Kidneysand Con itipation. Pleasant to take by old or young. No friping. The root of the Liverine plant is eiten rively used in Norway for the cure of Piles. Sold by all first class druggists. Wholesale Manufactures, ANCHOR S CHEMICAL CO. Lebanon, Or- Star Bakery Cor Broadalbin and First Ms. COKRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR. I'aaaeel Fralts Glassware, nrled Fraits, gar Caflee Ete Caaatd Meats Qneeaiware, Vegetables, Cigar . Spieea, Tea, Et everything that is kept in a good variety and gro eery store. High est prkse paid for ALL KIND30F PRODUCE A LADFS TOILET Is not complete without au ideal' nor.1FLEX.OM 43 POWDER, POlzONl'S Ccmbines every element of beauty and parity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, herJth ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A mo lelicate and desirable protection to the face in this clinate. Insist epoa fcaTiag tie gamine. ."1 n is Km sale evebywhebe. DO YOU write letters? Of coarse you do, and what is nicer han smooth let'er paper and envel opes for business corresponding. We make speciality of neat commercial stationary. ( on should BUY ENVELOPES of us at once and see the fine quality an extra loir prieea. Next time you wan some inquire OF SMIL KY, THE PRINTER AT R.F.1. ROBERTSON'S FEED STORE is a full assortment of fuod for man and beast; also oil meal, grass teed, lime, hair, cement and fertilizers, ai.o Vilior's Seed Meal, a sure remedy for the ailments of hones and cows. All CHEAP FOR CASH. A EteoIiTs BnimMro. matlwu. bout, JUdoer luoniera. Acid 1T peoa. Anvmia. Antidote fcr AioobolL and other (,iaua lrice.ia.Saadjuoau. KiterwMcens. THF ASXOlO CilEMiCAL CO. 161 (. V sttera rerae. fHICAGQ Sold by all druggWtn. AftlMDttlLl FOR $35 00 W Crawford will sell you an . 8 foot Acrmntnr for Oil 12 foot geared Aermotor 75.00 All steel and galvanized after completed BED CiOT FLOOR. (Jet it at any of the stores, or Wave It ground, 40 pounds for one buehel i wheat, at the Red Crown Mills. rOTT7 Let v Keasrn To VV1V1 L gether! Ia it not bet ter to buv vour Bread. Pies.. Is Cat-Pii etc, at a reliable store where they use only tho Best material why of course i ia you dont want dyspepsia and yor.'i never get it by eating anything iroro ou store. U.S. BAKERY. Bet. Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Vandym. Proprieto WANTED. An honest, active gen tleman or lady to travel for estab lished, reliable house. Salary $780, pay able f 15 weekly and expenses. Situa tion permanent. Keferencea. Enclose elf-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, 318 Omaha Build ing, Unicago, PARTIES VISITING THE FOLEY and Belknap springe, t,r crossing tbe mountains on tt e AIcKinzie wairon road will tind it to their advuntuge tu buy their advantage to buv their supulies of Shumate at Walterville, sixteen rr.iie east of Eugene on tne stage road. All gjodx to d at Eu gene prices. GMOOS,;opooei!e tn R 11 n.e feed, brao tb.orts, O-in- me, 1, G a haul Luokwbtat, rye Har, lay e,,d '.raw ootatoes, etc. WAN I F.l A man who iiiuierxUnd running an engine. Euqutie of Geo Acheson or E. U. Blodgett. WANTED. To trade laundry work for wood. City Launary, First street, near Waahinff ton. SECOND HAND cook stove wanted Leve word at the Dkmochat ofticc and secure purchaser at once 0. Prise's Cream Bidng Powiie r WaeM's Pair lUencvt AwarA. elic Scmoctat. A Greek priest who died recently near Trikliala, Tbepsaly.waa 120 years old, and had been in the ministry 93 years 9 months and 3 days. QThe Eoglishare acting very tlupid in their conduct In, refeience to the Cornell Henley race. DThey should accept the situation manfully and not act like ba bies. There are about 18,000 Johnsons in Cni cago, and 15,000 Smiths. Ihe Smiths who generally lead ore thus obliged to take a second place. The Andersons are third. What has become of the Jones and Browns. C The thermometer ia holding his head high these days; but it is au interesting fact to note that 90 degreed here is not as hot as 80 in the east, directly the oppo site from the experience with cold, 30 degrees above zero here being as cold as 20 in the east. Sirs. O'Leary.who owned the cow that kicked the lamp that set fire to the barn causing a conflagration that spread into the biggest in the history of the V. S., ditd a few days ago. How eaey it is to be famous. If there is more fun iu tbe world than to see a Chinaman talk through a tele phone for the tiist time tbe Dkmccbat doesn't dnow what it is. It breaks him all up, and he leaves it shrouded in mys tery as to where the voice comes Irom. He htap no sabe. lJeaa are changing materially in many things. For instance, in elocution, the spread eale style no longer prevails. The greatest simplicity i: sought. The oratorical style is entirely out of date. Some people may be tickled by it; but it is not tbe thing. The Emerson style de mands a natural, graceful action. A new bicycle tire which is being tried is made of paper pulp and built oa tbe compartment plaa, so that in case the tire is punctured in any place only part ot the tire will collapse and travel can be continued. It is claimed that these compartment tires are as easy riding as tne most elastic robber pnecmatic tires. The Democrat predicts that none o! the three men arrested for the train rob bery at Riddles will be convicted. fC.OOO reward makes it an object for some one 1 1 be convicted, hence the great enthusi asm in pushing such matters. There are atrong grounds to believe the men guilty; but when witnesses come to wear under oath aa to the identti of the J men, or any of them, it is a different thing. Three little Cievelaods, ail gir't. If ay they grow and if they are like their mother they will be examples of woman hood. Mrs. Cleveland is a noble woman of wonder'olly good sense. bile up with the times she does not go off on every tangent, fclie is very dome tic, attends to her home duties firrt and is exemplary in good works without any ostentation. Just at this moment the U. C. needs more women like Mrs. Cleve land, not women who will raise on); girls, but women of character who do not go to pieces with every new fad. The body of Fate Caddy, drowned May 3, while crossing the LoLo with tvo other companion-, was found a few days ago lodged against a large limb in lk?t stream about onehalf mile below where the acci dent occurred by Charles Dickinson and ton Bert. The strangest part in connec tion with the finding of the body i that Mrs. Dickinson dreamed the niitbt previ ous to the finding of tbe body, that it was lodged where found and told her k unhand to go and get it. Le wist on Idaho Herald. There is a chute f ir the philosopher to speculate. The Chicago Times Herald has inter viewed a number of prominent physicians on the subject of summer eating, and come of th9 replies are interesting and really wjrthy of observance- Pure water is rec ommended as a steady drink. This sounds like an insinuation that people drink some thingbetdde water as a steady drink, but it is not meant as such. Spirituous liquors are ruled out by all except one doctor who tolerates a little claret Meat io small ' quantities and fruit in targe doses is con sidered a legitimate. Vegetables, wheat, oatmeal, and rice are al lovable in warm weather. Eat sparingly at all times and i Bvcr vxrcpl when hungry. Jce cream is w objectionable when pure. Soda water it almisjatile as ad -ink though not so giod as Adam's ale. Moderation is the great commandment of summer diet. 1 he editor of the Eraniett county, Iowa Republican, who wa in the valley a month or so airo -writes about it as follows: ''One has a very poor idea of the great Wil'am- ette val.y from tbe outlook at Portland, yet th irreatcity whi:b has literally been hewn cut of the wilderness rnuht have had omotliin j back of it and that something prooves to be the Willamette valley. This valley, fifty miles ia width by more than 150 miles in length, contains time 5,000 000 acres of land, fertile bryond the imag ination of Eastern farmers and susceptible of producing to perfection, fruit, flowers, vegetables or grcia. Sheltered on tbe north and east by tbe Cascade mountains and wit and south by the Ceast range, its rainfatl is equalized and climatic condi tions oever extreme, lhis valley sends East more fruit each year than boasted California, its peai-bea, plums and prunes staid first and hopgrowing is the princi pal, and has been To.- years past the best raying industry, and yet tbe valley is far from being worked to it full capacity. ' The red man continues tobehmrd from since Judge Bellinger's decisi n. He whoops about as much as in the primeval days but from another caue. The Times tells o! a cane to the point . John Simpson returned Tuesday from a six wi eke stay at Newport much im proved in health. He left many camp e s at the Bay and met many more go ing in. While there, with Johnny Mi. ler, the clct tinner, he muds a trip out to Oiletz. As they were about starting up tbe two mile grade out of the Silelz, a terrible racket up the roaJ ai traded their attention and they stopped. An Indian, drunk and dreex d up came driviiig bis team down the road at full speed. The fltw, the wagon box bounced and the Siwash yelled and whooped. At the foe t of the grade the tongue came down at d the team parted company with their master and his wsgon. "Gad, men, this Ain't safe," txclaimed Mr. Miller as the. procession parsed. Another Indian, on the same grade, similarly drank and in a similar scrape was thrown out a week later and the fracture of bis jaw that he .Detained is about to kill him. The Burns Herald tells of an interesting experience in which an Indian played a prominent part: Ally. Geo. Sizemore de fended an Indian in the recorders court last week. The Indian was arrested for running his horse through the streets and by some hook or crook Geo. cleared him. The Indian was to pay him a good pony and eaddle for his work. The pony and saddle waa at the White Front Livery Stable, after the triul the siwash finding himself free proceeded to the livery stable saddled tho pony and "skedadled " Lcuie, Indian, in explanation of the conduct of his brother said, Atty. Sizemore only gave him "a two dollar talk and wanted a 935 saddle and a f 20 pony." Geo. when he found himself "scooped'' gathered to gether himself,the marshal, two fleet horrea, four revolvers one Winchester rifle, came into the saloon displaying the whole out fit, except the horses, treated, then he and tha marshal started in pursuit. Every body who saw them, thought "awfully hard" as the women say, seeing blood, scattered pieces of Indian, scalps, etc. The Atty. and marshal succeeded in getting in sight of the redskin who finding him self pursued turned in his saddle facing the boys, placed his"1 thumb to his nose little finger extended, gave the dreaded war whoop of his tribe then "vamoted." Batteis contributing to haticaUs "the mule fund," the money so raised to go to keeping s mule in rest and clover tbe balance of his days for kick ing to dea'h a wife beater. The man, who waa a wife beater.practiced unusual cruelty on his mule and finally used a bridle with bits made ol barbed wire. The mule drew the l'.ne at this and kick ed the atumin' out o( bis cruel master. When tbe neighbors took his body home they fonnd his wife chained to a staple in the wall. The "mule fund" ia rapid ly growing, contributions being confined to nickels. Montanians may be a little off in tome things, but they have the propet opinion of the man who beats his wile. i story is told of a judge who recently bad the hypnotic plea raised before him by a burglar. Tbe prisoner claimed that he did not know that be waa"burgVicg ;'' that he did it automatically and uncon sciously, under the direction of a hyp notist. Tbe judge said he would give him tbe full benefit of the law, and also ol hit hypnotic misfortune. II there upon sentenced the man to 10 years in state prison, but told him be could, if he chose, send for the hypnotist and have binisilf made u neon tc ions for Vhe term of hit imprisonment. "The same pow er," said the judge, "which enabled you to commit burglary, and not know it, ought also to enable you to suffer im prisonment with hard labor and not be aware of It. At any rale, this is the belt I can do for too. E. Said Chauncey Depew. in hit receni aidreae before tbe literary societies of Vanderbilt univers'ty : "The most la mentable wrecks which I have seen in the thirty odd years since 1 was grado aled have been men who abandoned everything lor the public service, only to be thrown out by the changes of poli tics, and to find that their place in the proteeaional and business wor'd had been occupied by younger men, leaving them belpleis and stranded. Tbe Walla Walls joion has gone op tbe floom financially. The hard times have been particularly sever with the newspapers of the cocntry, and it seems to be sort of a case of the survival ol the fitteet, but tbe press is a business neces sity and it will be more appreciated than ever when good .times come around again. Tbe papers that swim io good shape wi:l deserve a prosperous future- Some of the papers are trying to make out that Rear-Admiral Walk.rwa in sulted at Astoria. Even a real Admiral ought to be able to take a joke during 4 lb of July days without to much fas being made over it. In all p'obability there was no intuit intended at all and rea'.ly nothing serious occurred. Some newt papers continually pick their teeth with crowbars in order to be seen Life is a atage io which men p ay some peculiar part, neyer yet dramatis ed. One doesn't need to go out of Albany to find the material. All around are acts and s-ene,oiie to make one laugh, ome to bring b:g drop down one cheek. The iart is played best that it simplest and most natural, no', be the one who seems to want to be the center of attraction by loud demonstrations. An Ultimatum has gone faith thst there is to be no men gambling In Sara toga. That is like taking a I'jng out of a wagon or the snow off Jit. Hood. Gamb' ling has been the first thing in Saratoga, and the absence of it will make it almott like Monte Carlo without samlilina or a a loon without liquor. NeveiHielet Sar toga is to be congratulated. The two sreaust men ot this age aie passing out of public life. G'adstcne, the Englishman, without a per in his country is too old to longer act ; Bismsrc is undoubtedly on bis death bed Men of great brains, rouipact'y knit and put together far aw, If Mr. Case proves to have been the train robber he will deserve extra a'.ten lion on tho. part of h4 ladies. They should take him bigger bouquets and ogle with both eyes and smite hiu with their attentions generally, for it was the train tobber who treated the ladies with so much attention at Riddles that event, ful night. An advance in one year of 11 a head in the selling price of a flock of sheep, as reported in the Wisconsin Frrmer, shone how free wool ia ruining the farm ers. McKinley'a Presidential boon? will look like a eieve bv next year. World. A bird mil, lit as well navigate the air with one w ing as the business mac to navigate the! ciamticial world without advertising. Albanylhaa been visited by a circua every year for many seasons. Last year it rcai'litd Albany no Auguit 7, this year it will he here on August 6. What will calamity howlers do with better times staring them iu the face through th East, wages going np and higher prices prevailing for products. A river steamer that can slide over the bars of tbe Willamette with the water at the present stage would be appreciated. The people are alright and that is the season there will be 'good times after while. Albany's 12tb'of July, It is to be hoped Cleveland's next g'rl lilaboj, i SATURDAY. NIGHT THOUGHTS Albany'cerlainly performed quite a feat inhaving too 4th of July celeb.-s-tions inside of ten days. The second was the best ol the two so far as the en tertainment of the crowd was concern- 6J. These 4th of July celebrations are sort ol an4event for revenue only in the minds of many. That Is, the question with many givng is simply w hether they can make money, by it, and every little detail has that in view. But that seems to be the way ol the world, from poli tics up. The "filthy lucra" is a great motive power for human action. While we are enjoying the most de ligbt'ul weather imaginable, in places in the East they have been having a siege with cyclone and itoruip. No searon ot the yeir seems to be free from tlitm. II a'few of the atatts cculd have a regu lar time for their c; chines then they could prepare tor them; but no, they come like a poor relative, when the cup baa id is baie and no one is prepared for them. lias the world gone mad? A buiUing has been erected with a seating capacity ol 52,815 tor the Corbett-FiUsimnions prize fight, and Ibis Saturday night we wonder what people are thinking of to travel hundreds and thousands of miles to the place and then pay from $10 op to see s contest of a few minutes between a couple of men, one of tlit m so unlaitli ful his wife can't live with him and the other of the usual prize fighting calibre. It will be a colossal gambling affair. It ia probable a million dol'ara will be spent in connection ith it, which doesct look much like Lard times. .Men Fail as Prophet. How few things have turned out as men have predicted ! The railways were to throw teamsters ou. ot employment, but there are mare ol thept employed than ever before. And then tbe railways were to supplant canals and all artificial waterways. In 1S' tbe railway mileage of the world had roached tbe enormous total of 354,310 miles, costing over t28, 000,000. The total mileage January 1, I$95. is estimated at IX.ilH miles. And yet the great commercial nations have celebrated at Kiel the completion of the Baltic canal and the United States has a commission in Nicaraurua inspecting that great enterprise, which will un doubtedly be pusheu to completion. It waa only last year that the people of England celebrated the completion o! the Manchester ship canal, which cost $75,000,0X1. Coming nesrer home ws find Uie government of tht United States building a canal onnecting the Mistit sippi aod II in ait rivers, and destined to be a part of a great inland waterway ol which tbe Ch cago drainage channel, now under contlruclioo, will be an im portant lick Few York state proposes to enlarge the r:e cacal and propel the boats by e'ectricity. Pittsburg is seek ing to connect the Obio river and Lake Erie by a canal, the survey for which are now beiog made. Nomeroot other inland water xay project are nnder seri oas consideration in this country and io tbe old world, thus utterly setting at naught the prophecy that theneam rail road would make owlets artificial water ways We miftil extend tbit examination of mans prophe ic powers ioto all the realm of Lis activities, only to prove that at a prophet he i very much of a failure. The Widow tSedo'.t sat one cf the most sensible person pertoo of the peril when .! sectentions'y declared; iv. K. Kant Ka ker:a. ' there is a mountain ranee of troth ia the widow' remark. Baker City Democrat " 'O. will he paint me the war 1 want. I As bonny at a girlie, Or will he paint me an ugly tyke. And be d d to Mr. Xerli, But atill and on and which ever it ia, lie '. a canty Keriie. Tbe Ijord protect the back and neck Of honest Mr. Nerli " This, one of the latt verses ever writ ten by Robert Lewi Stevenson, is in reference to tbe portrait of himself, which is given to the public wi.h his j r r5e for the first time in the July Coe- mopolilan. The lines might have come t from tl.e pen cf I,irne. and are inimila 1 ble ia their way. The portrait w a de ! dared by Slevmicn himself to be the J beet ever paiblnl of him- la this tame namueroi me uuuyaia K'plirg tells an Indian story, to hicb R?m:rgton adds cl aiming illuslra'ions ; Mrs Burton Harrison makes a serous study ol New York tociety in ' The Myth of the Fcur Hundred," aid Kate (Kng la 'Virgin contributes a tory ol one of the ni"t delightful of V elah retreats The CoiiiKf oiilan we with this number reduced ,o ten cents per copy, and at a conM-quence, notwithstanding its large edition, it was "out of print" on the third die ol publication. The S. out, ol Union, is decid.dly hot. Here is il-e way it boilt: The Salem hog has gel hi snout well into the public trongii and it champing and guzaling willi intense tatiafact'on. Tbe average hog ha 'n't g it sense enoug h to I now that ie more he eata and the faster lie eats mi Iv hastens his proper coudilion for the butcher's knife. Hog-killing time will arrive presently. While the iurane patients are sweltering and suffer ii g in crowded rooms at Salem, men with clear er braius are doing a.l they can to keep them in that condition. The pure, dry air of Eastern Oregon would be verita ble elixir ol life to many of tin patients now confined in the asylum. Simple humai.ity should tut tome figure in the case : Frt ui Pencil Springs, Arizona, come Ihe story of the finding of a nugget, or boulder rather, ol pure silver, such as there hat been no record ot in the his tory of tninirg in the West. The boul der weighed about hall a ton, and i s value la anywhere from 14,000 to $10,000. It wis found by William Tucker end John Doyle, both old prospector. The nugget was lying within 300 feei ol the railroad track and not more than 100 feet from the main wacon road. It pit jetU-d Irom the hillside in plain view of the road, and sfjod in fucli a position that more than one man had probably tat upon it to gaze up or down the railroad track. Astoria will goahtad no and grow and prosper, but (he will never ito the great city the expects to be until site gets connection by rati with Salem, through the Nehalem, Tillamook and Grand Roude country That road will bring something to her b -sides summer retorts. Statesman. Perhaps the reason Albany Is alright ia because it is connected by rail with Salem. All towns in the state should be connected by rail with their capital if possible, including Astoria, and when tbe Astoria-Albany road is built the Dkhocbat hopes to tee a branch line running to the capital city. MISFITS. Keeping everlastingly at it is counts in advertising. 'Don't be modic. what span- Within the next two years Oregon will see the bent times in her history, accord ing to the horoscope of tbe Dkmocbat. Tramps are now taking their meals by installments. Last evening after getting a cold lunch one went to the Man about Town', house for a cup of tea to go with it. Most of the bicycle races yesterday were lor keeps; but the general opinion was that the Class B contests were al together too slow. There should never be a start allowed in this dura except w hen more than one make of bicycle is represented. It is reported that Rocky Mountain Smith, a tramp printer, has dic:ded to start a democratic paper at Prinevillt. Shortly after he gets it started he will decide to remove to some other field. It is too bad for legitimate journals that it is so easy to "start newspapers." States man. Smith is a former Linn county man, and has a number of relatives in the county. He has as much right to start a newspaper as any one. In a boys bicvrle rare in Portland a mile was nimle in 3:04. Unlike the disgraceful jockeying of older riders the boys all started in to win lrom the word go, and kept it up without regard to the other fellows. The usual bicycle race is considerable of a take the w ay run. The fastest man insU-ad of taking the lead waits for some other fellow to do it, and then spurts to tbe front nt the tape. "What time do you desire to be wak ened in the morning, sir?" asked Alex Meglar oi a drummer who waa retiring tor the night. "Well. I don t know now but I will touch the button in the morn ing when I want to get up and let you know." Alex looked puzzled for a mo ment and then asked a late Budget re porter to take something. Astoria Bud get. A piece has been going the rounds about a verse referring to sewing pillows in arm holes from Hezekiah 13:18. Very few people have noticed the fact that there is no such book as Hetekiah in the Bible. Tho reference to pillows is in the Bible all tbe same. Some New York City prices just taken from the World makes one realize how cheap it is to live in Oregon compared w ith the east. Here are a few : Aspar agus, 25 cents a bunch; string beans, 10 cents a quart; cauliflowers, cents; 6 beets for 25 cents ; corn 50 cents a dozen ; 6 cucumbers for 25 cenu; new potatoes, 60 to 75 cents a peck ; California peaches 50 cenu a dozen; plums 30 cents s dozen; cherries 25 cents a pound; roast beef 12 to 20 cents a pound, sirloin, IS to 20 cents; lamb about 15 cen'a. Albany ha-1 a delayed Fourth of July celebration today. ihe is a! -ay from a week to a year behind the times. It is told that a few months since a building ! got on fire in that city and the tire dt i partment wae informed of the fact br a j telephone message from Corvallu;. fcu f gene Guard. Rata! Albany ia several j years ahead of Eugene; but'what is the j matter of all the valley towns hereafter f getting a live rustle on together, Salem I beoau9 it is tbe state capital, Albany j because it is the railroad center, and Eu gene becaueeof its State University. Wm. Porter, writing to the Salem Statesman, nays that "in the '5C the K-uk-rs throughout the Willamette valley had to go to Oregon City for their mail, dour, groceries, etc. This trip was made twice a year. I have walked to Oregon City, ' a dUtance of forty-five miles, for my mail. Letters and raf?rs came once or twice each year, around the straits of Magellan. Tiie postage on a letter from the eaetern states was 50 cents. That s nothing, an Albany man went to Kugene to get a girl to go to a ball with hint and bought her a calico dress for the occasion. A big joke is the statement in the Lr ons corrwpon-ence 10 the scio rr,- "hat Rolhchild syndicate have bought the Kan tiara mines and ate the ones now developing it- While there is undoubt edly notiung in it, even 11 true 11 would insure the fact that tbe mines would be pushed, and as they only have two mines bonded, it would add great value to the other mines, and bring thousands ot xnen into the mines to build up this country Thee Santiara mines if successful mean an immense thing to this countrr re gardless ot who .yets the money ; but de pend on it th e.-e' will be plenty left in the countrr. Tti 33njT ro. ptos asf O 'epate.1 ro?3-JH3'f "A . -aauj 'areiBooiiuwi Jai poau -wnrraAeei joaniiu suoonm pr Bootq m no jC-,iaj;p ww pww airuri aw T)S uaj .UVTVJ s,UiJ -.'rr VweV 1 JiOSVinO'AT J -rvst J rm -G"W 'raqtoasaa 10 fen w ttwt awwawaol fua J FqMO,nt pam 9m aoqj.Ml o) auawg 'JVKSBJTBXYU . -sjj iiaavivj s.-nvjj jo osn ir tq parco aq town) yttrt fjuwiav) 1 Ma aUaaa (r tj J srwrrioa a.TH01a,1M SKO jo " H1 tmt nu nug pre jviii pus 'nfuror frliw paw iurwj 'Opeiivj, jo iiw) wqt U wmiwi in lop -0OYawiio-f 'A joougain jowvwwd vib q ) sq rm mo woi xikaa.) ( ajtvaj . 'jLaanoO aI i 'oenetjo ui ouu AO SXVZ witb one ey4 ou tne dock, and the other ou your plate, you cannot entnv a meal. hen traveling east, you sbou'J take the Northern Pacific, tha only dining car line from Port land; mil ? cent. You don't hive to get up in the morningat six o'cWk r.,sn to breakfast aud gulp it down in of teen or twenty minutes, and then have tc ait until 2 or 3 o'clock for lunch or din ner. Io avoid this, take the Northern 1 'antic, the only dining car route, the onlv line running to tbe Yellowstone Park and the only line running Pullman Tourist sleeper through to tun east without frvm 12 to IS hour delay, lor full information, time cards, maps, ete. call cu or address C. (J. Bark hart, agent, Albany, Ore. Few menicinrs have held their ground to successfully as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. During the past fifty years, it has been the most popular of all cough-cures and the demand for it today is greater than ever before. Prompt to act and sure to cure. MARRIED, IIIOCil.NS- BROWN. At Uie residence of the officiating clergyman, Elder A. Cane, oh Wednesday July 10, 1895, Mr. Beecher Higgins and" Mirs Retta Brown, both of Soio, HARRIS SYLVESTER. At the court house in Albany on July 0, 1992, Sam uel Harris and Mary Sylvester, both of Linn county. Touch and Go. Touch the spot in the hack, chest, limbs or side, where the pain is, with an Allcock's Porous Plaster and the lameness, soreness, stiffness, congestion, will go at once, leaving comfort, health and strength behind. Imltatldas are asvar reliable Tkenfen al ways team asew kavtag ike (teniae Aucocsw Allcock's Corn Shields, Allcock's Bunion Shields, Hav bo equal as a relief aad cur for carta aad tunioas. Brandreth's Pills are a marvelous speoiflo for cases of biliousness m4 ladlgastion. Detroit. . Now is the time to apend yout holiday in the mountains. ' Hollinguworth and Archie Kemp are at Albany attending the races. Dr. Hanson, of Turner, who has lcn visiting Frank Perkett returned to bin home Thursday. Miss Igabelle Jakeway returned Tues day from Sacramento fal., where die ban been attending school. Mr. Litchfield, of Salem, acting as mail clerk for a few (lavs while J. JJm terworth is fishing. Minx Myrtle Knight has closed her school for a few weeks on acjount of the warm weather and returned to hex home near Silverton. A.Shultse, of Salem, and J. M. Hol Iings worth of this plac ran afoot raee Monday. TLe latter being the winner. Mail Clerk J. Buttcrworth, lAwycr Hammond, of Med ford, James Monroe and C'has Stewart, of Berry, are spend ing a few days at Humbug'tTcek fiehinif. Capt Bowman, manager of the it pleasure and pack train, is in this place i 'a!i':' huiia that wonld have teen hn everv other dav. He leaves Sunday, ! w ea midsummer, and th delayed Wednesday and r'ridav uiorring, going ; xu"'u!ation of one eeaon geU in tbe way any place in the Caade range or East-1 , fforU to "8o an.Jther on time. Bui rn Oregon. j 'he volume of baoineas it may be a-'sared. A few ministers are holdinir meeting i' nfAM 're tor '. " in tne hall and grove. A.?.L t he T1 f 'W ant Revs. Mretw. .1 if.T ,7 Marion, fchUIUe. of Salem, and Mnnr. house, of Matiama. Mrs. Robert Fowler who was r-jx-nding a few days in Albany returned to this place Monday evening. The dance at this place on the 4th was well attended and everybody seeming! v nat a good time. avllled by aa Explaalaa. Astoria, Or. July 12. Word waa rt ceivea wis rt,Vt eniog that James r uh. a Clkanine raorber. waa killed Wednea- day last, at his home, by an exptoaion of giant powder. rih had a large quantity oi powder on the upper floor cfhisresi- it when th HnUM w, -ri... i . was completely demoliahei on the second nocr. and Uie unfortunate rancher was blown into fragmenU. Sew Ore.ea FexaaaUrra. Wa nisioTOX, July 10. Oregon pci mat,tert were today appointed a follow: CleoM, Multnomari county, J. T. Leon ard; Cornucopia, I'oton county. N. I). Boley; CrawfoHsvill. Lmn county, Mii R. L, Newton. Do ycu know, if you want to go eat and ue-ire ruuman lourut Meeperi, tbat too will be detaine.1 from 12 to 16 hours unle you tike tbe Northern PiSc ? lUa:a bcr that the Norfwrn Pa- iac is h oeren line nnnin Pullman Twri.t Sl-.-pr throagh to the east withoji d-lar. Ti m and money saved by tci roate. For ful information, ti ia card. mp. et:. call orvllriC. ii. Barkhart. a-nt Albany Ore Dyspepsia. E. W. Joy GuxrAST Gentlemen: 1 have taken your Vegota'uie SarearariUa ,.al to it, I h. uffere.1 . ten year, o. a I ias 1 TT lit T a II V T :lll with dyenepeia. not beinjr tbi t fat anything but milk and brown tread. Life was nothing but misery for me. Now I have a pood appvtite, ea: any thing I w ish. and feel no d!a-re.a. eflecu from it. I wish 1 could u-U all dyspeptics and urjre them to try your : egetable Sarsaparilla. " II yon want to get a without a blotch", an epr;n moLcne i oi l sarsatnila s trade mark, a big patch of r.-l t-iaip: lake joy s iareaponiia. ,-Vrvoasfrostrntion. t,.MTWSm-l have MSved Can say Jov e XV.bie 1 uu cami me. m nver, ftomacn and bowels have been very inactive, bat since takins ?r Mir renu-dy I am entirely well. All busnes men anl women parilla has cured me. My liver, stomach should use it. ptcte pu!-!ih. Signenj Ma. Ws. Henbv Jove. Butte Montana. Backache, dizziness, tirednes give wst to Joy's Vegetable Sars-aparjil. CrfEtr CiEKxtEs. -Come to my place araes the tt'OUtuette and pick cherries of Uie kin I desired for on! v 2 rx-n-s a I"'. W. II. W tKVEs. Ca'i- t S ? -,-r. t" .. s Di t-al says: "Shioh' C. arm Iterr.rc the first rr.eJic'.oe I hare erei foun t wool J do me any ojt f, ice s--c " . That Joyful rxllnj;. Wjth the exhilarating tree of rer.-wed heailh and tlrength a A internal )earh n.wbitb tu! the one of Svrap if liga. i unknown to the few who bare rwt proiivKl be von I the old tirce nseiHc-ne, and the cheap tatstetes sometixeVjc-w ed bat ner-r accepted bv tbe well irf ra - , ' Yoa em gt K-atiih or WilUai-rtie her ri-4 at I.V a g thoa by S-.vini orl--r a Conn Huston or with F. W. h b:unii er People wishing chean eoce'TT:e rn ' Obtain them at Wra. Peaovk's garden across the river for 3 a nv,-. i i. . - v J i -a. Shliah'a Cure, the great cxun snd croup cure. Is in great demknj , cWrt ise contains twentr-nve drs on'v jce Children lot e iL Sold br druggtui. " : tnree oay n-bt wi;b insurgents is Sierra e. . ' Mats'xa. Tbe msargvnts lost a great many i ki.,ed and wounded, and the S(vacu h cap u.o Black Brbrik. Darin the i tnre-1 a quantity of arms, and present Aoa I will admit pers-ias to mvihorse. 1'u.ther details oj lue tijfntina wild blackberry fceld at 5J cents pt r ,iav". W ill admit n i one before July Alii iVrrie oot very plentiful. E. Wn.t.. Karl", Cver R t,t'n- ijni n'.., I 6cr g'vrs tre)mcs and cmgts io I.e comiexi;n and curtra c.-:s j s,:on oc. t.o-t. ho. hav & Mason Aimu. Taea Baby waa sk t. we caw- h-r CSa. ,t ta. vTheaiiis wa a Caiit , cried fv Cajtorlv. Wbea she becwrne lilss, she etucs to Caftoria. WVea she had CulW ren. stae gave t Vn Caaorta Paiker Bros grocer. S.iwortjm oheeae iuit relva .t r.i Vleyirs. P J Sruiler job printer. Flinn Rt.,i. Srat claa work. ' Smoke the celebrated Rir,.. Kil- a olgar at Jaliat Joseph's. Fa',roniM bom indntrw hv : .v. celebrated whlta labor ... , by In'ios Joseph. " ' " The beatrnaat iD in ah. -to , Maywa Karl t Clever Kan will p:,nfy vou blood clear yot r complexion, re.i'a' your bowel ...d make vour he.ui det at a bell. asc. 50c, and jt.oo Shl.oh'tcure ts ,oj on a guarrt-e. It cuies Incipient Consumption. It l the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a Joe. 5c.5.ndt.oo. Foshay "t Mai.m Scnt. Thin or gray hair and bald heads so displeasing to many people a- marks of age, may be averted for a long thus bv us ing Hall's Hair lt,.neer. iLBAKV IWlatllCT. W heat, 4Cc Oats 20c Flwr, $15) Butler V2o Eggs l.S Lard, 12 to 15o Pork hams, 12 to ISc, shoulders, 9 to 10c Sides II to 13o Hay Balod 7.00 TELEGRAPHIC. Will Set Baa. New York, July 12. A local naoer I ays, anent the vwit of ex-President Har riBon to New York and the Adirondacks: "It wa reported in this city that Mr. Harrison had taken to tbe political woods, and that ox bamg cannot drag him to the republican nomination for prenident The announcement, it is said, came from the ex I 'resident himne'.f, thrrmtfh ex-District At torney Chambers, of Indianapolis, ir with a republican leader in this city. It is giv, cojt, however, that Mr. Harrifoii would not decline a seat in the senate." (onCaard laaprsreaaeat New York, July 12. R. G. Dan k Co'a weekly review of trade tomorrow will .ay: A busine flood ho strong and rapid thai conservatives fear it may do harm is out Of eaison in luiy. Uut tbe seasons this year lap over ai.d crowd ea':h other. Mav frosts and frights, Hi now evident. keDt back ; r ure P" A Banker's Am. futsuOTT. A r..Julr 12. L II. Or. a 1.. July 12. t. a dapp-r young man, ton of a banker, and reported t' be a tepLew of Senator Brice, today fceuten -. to ten dy in jail and ' to. ? a bh' I "f 1 IV ay a nue or. ijo, wita ihe aiieroauve in jail, for obtaining more un-ler faie preteme. Orr came up from i'hoenixto take in Uie l'rescott big cele bration iaft week, and, running tbort of fund-', drew a co-jck lor i'jO oa a Phoenix bank, where he had no deposit. The check wa, cashed here, and wberTpreaented to tbe bank in IWU. wa rernJiLvted, and hi! arierf and conviction followed. By All Beaaa. al-EM. July 12 John Cufterworth. in ' behaif of tne citizens cf tho nnwr Kanti. : am vahey, will cait oa Senators Mitchell ; ad "ctnde ia Portland tomorrrw, ak j 'neT theai to iw t.Viir infiaence to have ex- j cuipieu irom toe reserve mat portion lying n-air the terminus of tbe Oregon Central A r-asM-ro raiiroait. SeUiera in that section feel that farther development is prevented . by the existence of the rfrre, and con- ktvxs will be petitioned to remove tbe ob i strjclion. The . T. tv a. a. EosTox. July II. All Boston hat sound i el with tbe entboiarn of the great armj 1 r -l rnnn I'itrtd!. . . ham T , L 1 L . j j ... ji uvh .iium lid SJA4ca. i I he sfplendid welcome which today was of ficial y extended to thethoons of de gate to the grand Cnntiaa Endeavor on vention has giai irwl ili?ir beirt.aa,l to nigbt tLree magniacient diviftona of the multitude praiaed God in song an 1 prayer. Even tie immensity of the enthusiasm tbat prevailed today ax tbe mammoth meetings in Mechanics' hail and tbe two great teou, U iiiuton and Lndccvor. was exceeded to- j night by m-re mother gathering at the j earn pUc-3- KasyVeA Swt A5COCVEK. B. C JaV II lack I T . i . . ' j '.'J I a S ka .11 Z 1- - .L Ata. w w a Asc au utr; AJ lTj. LVCip7 i. a physical wreck, and lookt as thocgh he Lad bat a tbort time to live. lurini the journey he tainUd more than ,oace. ana but tor tee " Uoctcr i-ariicg on t preseoce a LaJy same train, it ts doubtful if be maa'A have am veil aliee I eicpaey bad to be carried from tbe train tlk.,m 1 L. . 1 " "JK-e cau gerai comment. ttstd Sal. EtoEsa. Or.. I3!y II The McKeazie wagon-r-Md ccniro ersy ha bwtj brought !, to a e:tsp. the re-ait beiis thai th mrtr , court hi pttid tn-? koJ csi.-npaa7 f'Oj fur ; tne property. Tbe reigisal es cf cob- j atrBciioa of the toad it said to ttare been i ! t c ri.i ?T, e t,! 1 the esmr.!ain's maL u, the r. and ; tae esmt.:ain't a: ' the p.xr bosi&M ' q jirJ the rocd a! and the cooctry has ac very !o eo&t. aiaasaia WwaaW. Pi..'ti To. Or . lu'.v II. There wis t - cscrl-r in the Chinese Quarter i tuu afternoon. Jim Town lost a large - uai of cocey gauiUicg ia Yicg Ching's place and acrnred Ch'Bg cf running a : creaked gan:e- Cticg end two others iet "ti Lira and beat him nearir to death. Sim : c;aiic be kt ever $fjQ in Ohing's p.ce. a ' iu u;ng cas lenonre-J all ot tne I hi . nese by tkr-atecinr; to kill theai ii thev i "gare him away ." i waiaiw rire o ; Salem Julr 11. A rerort can r is toeSnttam vaiy toda.y tilt a Sret g-tc-ihat ( icg headway ii tb tiailr aiorg tie" Bre- i lenba-n stream, thit r-rorra to do mn.h jdaais A mrsnUirieer Iron that vicic- i 'J Mr -e ire b it control and wi.l no; i le iopre.f ti;i rain falls. Some terv 6ae ! i1'111' in that reicp. " ff,T. tvra... Unmm v v , , , , J. r I. sk. -oy II -T-. rsn and , ' mn were ort..i ... t.a9t nr j 'f ' o:i!u M 1 , f "sne ; 1 Wt.n3n . oce m ;r w .o were jok-. i nd ttrjflflicg cn li.e p:r. fell into jir.e water, lbeircamea are ctiknowa. l . V chael O'Neill, a young engraver, who ! l r,v I t , .i- - , 1. ... A . 1 1 ----- av..MV " C , WWI.U 111U them. ease ricwtla ar, Havaxa. uly U. ij-nersJ Navaxro is ptirsuirig the ia--Tirent- under Uarson.wbo wer recently d-f-;-.d uer Minas-taiouin, province ti -.i.u.od i nli wuH ,1, . i. i ol many Ueat and wounded. Ma.wbl. the ! Pwnt ieaier. at the head of liO men. ! a4i coc:Pet:eJ Sanchex, with 400 wn to ritIlert- General Uasco has had a ; I sve nt leea received. The steamer San J Francisco has arrived from Spain with t 0 -aa . a. . v uwps. ana tbe steamer Autotao Lo ; (ei wi'.h -500. Astasia atwacta ! Awria. Ju'y 10.-A. B. Uamtcond, 1 ,1fcMf'D!al- capitalut, has completed Uie Ideal for what is known as the seashore j rood, leading from a point near fie citv to ' t Lit ,rv tun..,. I . . ... uu j.nfssica oi me entire property was turned over to him todav. It h 111s intention to construct at once a mod ern steel bridge over oung s bay. to coc- uevi uie purchased road with the road to be ouKi itom uobie to this place Two nas nKer coaches and an engine have been shipid from Portland for the Seashore roaa. The right ol way for the Astoria- u,w ua ww a" leen securvd. and work will begin without further delay. A Bl rea.el of CI4. Cfi:r ClTT !' P- Ja!J" -Tie Uou.e stead Company tocay unearthed in a cem etery 3 ounces of crude gold worth H. WO. which had been buried bv Alexander Streets, now serving tbree years in the penitentiary for theft. A year ago he was I a trusted employe cf the couipaov. lie ! oousied ot having a fortune buried which he would enjoy when he was set at liber'y. Blaaifrwat F.wods. Saun a. Kan., July 10 The flood is un abated. At 10 A. M. today the river was three inches higher than at luiduight. Five hundnvi twple have been dn ven fmm their homes in this city alone, l'hey have taken refuge in school buildings and are beiug cared for by citizens Tue val ev is desolated beyond description. Hundred of farmera and families hve had to flee The crop are destroyed, and stork and buildings waslie-l away, bridges have been washed away in great numbers. Dam and mills are greatly damaged. Taken far Strawy. Sas Fsaxcisco, July 10.-J. A. Bun haiu. an Oregon schooltoacher, was a naa. senger o the steumer HuuifcoUt from t'u reU totlay He was much turpruedo,, earmng that he was supposed to be Brady the stage robber, who was believed H. embarked on the Humboldt arEurekA. B;trnham who does not resemble Brady was not detained by the poiiee. oraaJ ritwa. r tk w.r San Fhancisco. nrri.ra cf u" :J neSAl becominr, :l 7 , -geneiesare becoming ured of rate wars. Brown Craig & Co one of the leading fim, herT today issued a circular to of nix. Anierican and Pennsylvlnb. orderi? thera to stop cutting rates and to cease tak ing up the policies of other compau.ea fwr the purpose of re.ritin. them at reduced ntei Your husband will notice a great improvement in your cookintr. ' wlien . You use (sCJoiene Your house will not be filled with the odor of hot lard, when a. You use2i22LEr. Your doctor will lose some of his Dyspepsia cases, when Your children can safely eat the Lfldre xl as wu u yourseu, waen V&uusew2!LEE Your money will be saved, and your cooking praised, when Famous cooks, prominent phy sicians and thousands of every day housekeepers endorse it Will yon give ita trial ? BoM tn S aod S pound pans, y an aoears, Made only by Tho N. K. Falftank Company. Cw,tWK.w Yewfc, FIRE IHSU RANGE Insure your property 'vith Josep'i V TaU i.. "h Old Hartford. THE XF.W YORK UNDER WRITK fi-S AGENCY, or any out ' iUe . other reliable f !d l:ne "m paniea he represents. N"oes taken and plenty of tiirs giver for payment on fan t insurance. All business plac -ed witi. him fill be prorrjp s . n e- . list'. I .' ' l , , . i P O Block, A lsi. Q DOLLARS PER MONTH In Ycu -a Own Locautv rnaCe easily and honorably, wiihet caps- m, aonng yoer spare nonrs. Any mas.. woman, boy. or rriri ca-i do the work liy, wrilhoct extersence- Talkms; sa- i necessary. SoUtic? l:te it lor nw-t- , suiairgeveroaerea before, vcric&riea always prosr-er. So invs vwsted 3 leam-cz the bnIess- We taseji yea is a night bow to sc-ceeJ traa tiie f r hocx. Ton e&a make a trial wrfeaaat ti lm to yourself. We start you, ftirns everytiii5 aee-ied ts carry oa tbe bos' tCM ioxsaIx. and guarastee y-V, axiinst failure tf yon -ct ioSow Simple, plaia Instracdocs. SeadaJ. V yoa ere ia need of ready moaey, as. stmiI to ki .v a3 arxwt the best parins Isasiness beforw tfce public, send ns yv"' aarirees. acet we wia niill yoa a cc. ! T aa the pirs 1RUE& CO., Box 400a Augusta. Maine. 50cXo.Ji;-?159 SIN'S VCH Fothsyfc Major-, ASrif. vt6w FH Hammer. -Whn'ci'o f'fTwrf ivtioTi Vu-f V ! "W AW,Mwl W V VUUaaiXiUil WwHCwU 215 wad 217 l.;vi St. Cot Comirercial. Sax Fb. n ciseo. Cat. re rxty the highest mark. pr tor tvheat. barley, oats, pot a vss. an. rl. poultry, h ivies. ivikiI and gen eral prvduce. It d rill pay y;-m to write w aad kv po$t- fjivral advances nJe on cociirnmeflt?. f San Francisco I'rodt-.-e Excfc. V'emU'r: 3a n ra;w-;s-o Fruit Exchange tx. n. t TTsrs Firrs as3 jsas n urxcr; is jol,l cwder rwan wr:ttea (nn rtv by mw pt Bnun and Norre t'ow-r: I uat Uanhood utckne: Aient Le; traunans: lck 1 Lrwaof lVweruf theiieaeraxiv Itrvajs in . cibmi ,.y owr-jtvTOon, snatntut cvrrora, 1 AxreNRra 1 of Tobaecu. t(iaB we laquoj i "m- wwiBraja, aaswaitf and lVatik By nuui ti a bexi ma for $3; wul writton rnarwatao to ear or tefnnd wMaj launnle parsa. eoctaaoi-s uvw davs' Deataaeeti with fall lutrucuov 7i Otta -jaj5- . w.v. w im iws aiau. I A Ca-nni.i, j;e ajstt. ?Uaiy An agreeaWe laxatree snd Kxkts Toirra d bylruirirista or tent by mail. 5o,e, aod per roctaira, earapfeafjea. KOIIO The Favorite T5CTS KTtJl for tbe Tee Lb and toata.frju. Fashav i Mason, ages LAD . -..IX iE P:-..--"a arwtheoria-inaland only I FNCli. aafeu.1 rw Uablwenrtt on tlie nsa,A r-:ce l.ou; avta t B"1' iitfiairmaoi.i ualjr bs J A Cfrnmingao'e a- Alwr.y , IJEOEFI-H U THS PLUMBER Tin roofiing and plurcHiiig. the openi house. 920 rfrfSsieS. ri 1 S-flSB?, ecidsLaGnpr- riil'Afectiofa gyroaacasciTjwMLKOjrwse