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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1895)
V TERMS. Daily, I ct a day ; 25c per month ; 3.00 I per yar, in advance. 3uc per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c pet week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Wbkilt, tl.25 In advance; tl.50 at end of year; i 1. 75 for second year; $200 for third and proceeding war, when not paid in advance. Cluba of five now subscriber for $5.00. I FILl TEETH I PULL TEETH I MAKE BRIOCE WORK. I MAKE GOLD COTS. I MAKE LOGAN CROWNS I MAKE METAL PLATES. I MAKE RUBBER PLATES. I SAVE THE NATURAL TEETH I MAKE REASONABLE CHARCES. J. C. LITTLER, Dentist Over two hundred REMNANTS ot dress-goods alone, at S.'E. YOUNG'S. Pointers by Stewart & Sox Hardware C " Wagons, Hacks and Buggies. Wo have a good Mock in tbia lit Thn mv lo p.ierd lehiclea in town they wii; he i- Dickey's i-hop tor npaiie long lif r stoke rattle ia the carta h.vd tor sale. Tou Can Dig Worms and en tis ioe, bat we -mint yot. to bay yar fihi.B tacfcle of an. There hM btw a "siarop" io such goods, sod wecaasall you ro.if, reels, hooks, line, baskets, ete. a ptices yon never heard of before. Seed Corn. Eve.-vo e knows that Oo:y tbs esrliet v ie' of see d corn sacce . n Oregon. We hae brought cot foir f t .e viy arltw-t 7r.eties f-om fa, aba alts) hive iti.arly shite corn Hatha ball grown hrs for licit years. You're Awfully Mean, if yna don't provide jour wife with a good B-ove an 1 lots .f kitchen furniture for it's cl-eap. We m big lot n( stoves and tinware on h d that we won Id price to yB low. J nft how low yea will and oat by Calling, Bee Supplies. We can give oj a big bargain in be hive, and li'lalaoetl von cheap ltee-c-tioot. f. a. dalioc, smoke?, etc. Plows Don't SeH very rll st thil tirnt of tbea, lot 'l yon ue-d eithc" a etui or chil ed rlew, we c-n pet oq in the way rf ta'ii g ctviral dollars. Engines and Separators. We -f;t irnsterrrrn to bear l;t i have the slkkttt tbag in t CtinrS ;Ltl hai yet come co'.. Sooutlme mw that jast "takes the raa rich' oil 'he Inch,'' Com around sod learn el) tlont it. Al-oiomt rood b.ijaioa in s-coid-hand threat in macbiiey. Painiis Like Charity . . for it covers dps aunltitada -f sin. 1 work the ram way en fl specks. Fa n.erabr tn - 1 p.. ua betas cleanu)?. We are not giving psios swty, but ve srj tihii g tue lest snixHl paint in town. It is F t de hy John W. Mssan Jk Sod. Ak y' or .sii.tor about the repot. t'oriifih ii c-i-de. We a'ro hv lead o;l, yaruwh, t-ii.lea, etc. That Wet Feeling is cai ed by ee'tio to c'ose to an old Of ooorre it will lonirt al over y-c. Thicw it away. We have Lose, lawn iik utrr, f prink lei s, sickle and evervthiua ce-dra to ken a lawn in coon shape, ar.ri vre ar anion to sell them. l bat Big Crop irt be s. v.d. If it is grars, we bsve the t4m.f si i a-e fur joo. If it is wheat or oats, we h. etfce b:r?er. If yon ' live in "thefvka ai d hare flax, cor bincer will tz all tU.s b i svng it. Eaty terms. The Caterpillars Will Get 'You. f yoa ret.'. wtch nnt. fhey are taking the wbir - ao"i. -T.d then there is the eodiin t.ciii ai d url r (his who are sf tcryoor irr.. ro; . lme to and got apraiiig on rli mi get to rqnirtmg the ded niid dt.e o thm. What Has Bez.v Dove. The work of repairing the Oregon Central is very far advanced. Of the 800,000 feet of lumber required in the betterments, over500,000 feet is already in the bridges. A better idea of the extent of the repairs done is trained from the statement that the bridge timbers so far used aggregate 110 carloads. Each of the liowe truss bridges between Corvallis aud Yaquina has had four bents of 12x12 timber placed nnder it. and seven bridges have been entirely renewed. New bents make " Am i the repaired bridges as strong as they I were ween new. 20 00). or about eighty Vcarloads of ties have been put in the (track during the last two months. fTimes. To, Be Examined at Albany. Dr, laston received Saturday by express l f ul set of instruments and tests for giv ing examinations tor color blindness and hearing, with instructions to examine all train men and men employed around sta tions on the Boutnera faciflc Oo's lines between Oregon City and Roseburg on the main line. The Lebanon branch. Oregonian aud the West Side branch, to be done as soon as possible. All men employed by the company hereafter will be examined as to sight and hearing. i ThkPobtlasp Races. M.J. Lee.who was defeated by Charles Sears in this city on the 12th in the third and mile races and defeated him in the five mile race, won the mile B class race in Port land Saturday, defeating Browne, the crack Spokane man, in 2 :22 1-5, making a new competitive record for the North west. Lee is from Canby and promises to be a remarkably fast rider. Shipp who was at Albany did not get any posi tion in the class A races. The board of directors of the Halney school district met and elected the fol ow inor teachers for tne ensuing year, cum- riiencin? about Sept 1st. 1F95. and ending Tone lat, 1898: Principal, A M.Reeves; assiastanta, Grace Stafford and a Mr. Red gers, of Newbury. The case of th state againit Louis Dyer, arrested on the charge of ajsauiting Mr. Hovt. of Jeffernon. on the iz.n. niie as lis ing in keeping the crowd back from the race track, was called at 1:JU totay ant adjourned until 7 tonifeht. For Eggs for hatching from high class poultry either of Golden Wyandotte or Brown Leghorn breed call on or address U. t. BaowNUi, Albany, Or. QRCUIT COURT. DEPARTMENT NO. 2. Circuit court convened at 1 o'clock this afternoon with. Judge Hewitt behind the bench. W. C. Tweedale was ap pointed bailiff. The following cases were disposed ot : T J Porter agt John C Elder, partition. Continued. Assignment of Geo. W. Smith, assign ment. Continued. Assignment of Albertina Kriosel, as signment. Continued. Assignment of W R Gratiam, assign ment. Continued. Assignment of Clark Bios. assignment, Continued. Assignment of A F Hamilton, assign ment. Continued. Assignment of Propstife Butler, a.siug ment. Continued. . Assignment of Isaac Beam, assign ment, uontinued. Assignuient oli C Avers & Co, as signment. Continued. W T Porter act J C Hassler, foreclos ure of Mt'g. Settled. Ellen F est act Emma Harvey, et al, partitior. Decree for partition. Olivia B Seaton, ant Benjamin Cutler. et al, foreclosure of ot M'tg. Judgment Dy aeiauit. In the matter of the assignment of M tiearn, insolvent, assignment. lxn tinued. In the matter of the assignmen of C t, Kockwell, insolvent, assignment. Con tinued. John C Roe agt Vinnie O Simmons, et al, foreclosure of mortgage. J udgment Dy aeiauit. In the matter of assignment of R X Thompson, insolvent assignment. Con tinued. E H Blanchard agt J G Boulin, et al. foreclosure of mortgage. Judgment by aetauit. M J Churchill agt George Finley, fore closure of mortgage. Continued. In the matter of assignment of E Gil key & Titos, insolvents, assignment. Continued. M B Reeves agt John Isom, et al, fore closure of mortgage. Judgment by de fault. The German Savings & Loan Society agt the Bortland Construction Co., fore closure of mortgage. Judgment by de fault. W I Vawter agt W H reiJler, et al, injunction. Settled. Pacific States Saving's L & B Co. agt Horatio Kelson, et at. foreclosure of mortgage. Continued. Also a number of confirmations of sale. Margaret Brattain, et al, set Rice Gill worth, et al, partition. Granted and sale confirmed. Honeyman, DeHait & Co., a corpora tion, agt Matthews & Washburn and S. V DoUd, suit for injunction and receiv ership. Argued and submitted. L Flinn and J K Weatherford agt Geo W and Sarah L Luper et al, suit to set aside sUe of real property. Dismissed without costs. D m Buchner azt CS Cohen and Sam'l Bissinger, continuation. Sale confirmed. Wash., National Building L & I Asso ciation agt Ella K- McPherson, et al, con firmation. Sale confirmed. B. M. Donaca ast L Y and M J Bailey, confirmation. Sale confirmed. John Brewster agt J D an I S J Wal ton, et al, confirmation. Sale confirmed. Investors Mortgage Sectv Cu agt Thos Y Barber, et aL confirmation. Sale confirmed. Deed to be made in 4 months. N H Allen agt John S Barry et al con firmation. Sale confirmed. Edward O'Neil agt Lebanon & Santiatn Canal Co, confirmation. Sale confirmed. Jeremiah Shea agt Jacob al. confirmation. Sale confismek. purchaser to be put in possession in 10 days, deed in 4 months. L and H Gerhard "as administrators agt Geo P Warner, et al, confirmation. Sale confirmed. S E Young agt Geo W Luper, et al, confirmation, bale confirmed. Deed to be made in 4 months. L Flinn agt Geo W Luper, et al, con firmation. Sale confirmed, deed to be made in 4 months. S W Crowder agt Mary E Dickson, et al, confirmation. Sale confirmed. Moses Sternberg agt John Dieringer, et al, cunnrmation. Confirmed. Pur chaser to be put in possession in 10 days. W I Vawter agt W H Beidler, et al, confirmation, bale confirmed. John Connpr agt John Isom.etal, con firmation. Sale confirmed. Deed to be made in 4 months. E F Wvatt agt Martha Bohannon, et al, confirmation. Sale confirmed. Deed to be made in 4 months. Standard Shoe Co agt R N Thompson, et al, suit to set aside assignment. Jndg ment in favor of Bank of Brownsville. David Link agt Charles Metzgar. Fore closure ot J1 tg. judgment by deiauiu Ellen Malone agt A J Matlock, et al. foreclosure mtg. Settled. JWCusickA Co agt A B Seal, et aL Sale confirmed. J W Gainen agt W H Ramsey, fore closure of Mt'g. Tried and submitted. Xettie McCune agt J H McCune, di vorce. Tried and submitted. Emma F Hopkins agt Ella M Merrill, el al, foreclosure of mortgage. Judgment for plaintiff. Attorneys fees fixed at $100. Laura E Williams agt R L Williams, divorce. Dismissed on motion of pl'ff. A Ccriosity. -Capt. Brown hss in his collection at Grants Pass a live oak stump brought from the head of Jones' creek, in which is the left half of the antlers of a 9-year-old elk that were left there over 70 vears ago. The growth of the tne stows by rings that it is 07 years old, there being 25 rings between the point of deposit of the horns and the heart ot the tree. J. he two lower antlers protrude about two inches throuzh the opposite side of the stump, and are about six incnes apart, me siuo'D is perucuv sound, without knots, aid is about 23 inches high. A Peculiar Incieent happened in this city. A drunken man lost some silver through the crack of a sidewalk. A man and two boys hunted for it. A boy found one dollar and the man a dollar. In get ting the latter a second boy reached for it at the same time, but the man came out ahead and holds the money for the owner. It is said application was made for a warrant for the man's arrest, claim ing boy had been assaulted. Nothing wag done and all is serene on the Willamette. Inciter List rilwirg is the list of letters regaining in the nost office at Albany, Lion county Oreaon, Jo'y 15, 1895. Feroi.s calling for these letters most give the dt on which they were advertised. Arrington, J M 3 Orabtree, W Hackett, D V Laugham, J W Lane, W A Jlsnlonald. 1 A Rickey Mrs. F. R. Siennuler G. E. Ziegler J. 2. T. J. Stites, P M AwcrSess "-.test Honors World' Fair. on CEEAM WE 440ST PERFECT MADE pore Cnpe Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret "rg Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterar.t 4J!T!iTff!fB SIMLI As Important Mattib D. W. Ald ridge, the ex newspaper man, who is now engaged in stock raising in Crook county, and who has been here buying supplies to take to his Eastern Oregon home, says the people of his section are highly pleased over the action taken by tho Lane county court in purchasing Hendricks' ferry and the McKenaie toll road and making them free to the public. This gives us a tree route directly across the mountains into Eastern Oregon and the people on tho other side appreciate it very much, bo Mr. Aldridge says, and many teams will be here during the September to buy m waW road is m wagon roaa is summer months and supplies. The Santiam yei ion rouu anu me owners oi mat road are greatly excited over the fact that rh M..Kn,; ro,,t h heen mad yet a toll road and tho owners of that that the McKenzie route has been made free. They are unable to compete with Lane county in securing the traffic oi Central Eastern Oregon and are adver tising quite extensively in the Prineville and other Eastern Oregon papers to lure the trade over their route. Eugene Guard. Bct It Will Be. One day the Astoria papers say the railroad proposition is all accepted and arranged and the next that it is not; but it will undoubtedly be. Here is the situation from the Budgett : A meeting of the subsidy committee was held this morning and Messrs. Thomas, Howell and Dr. Fulton appointed as a special committee to aait upon Mr. Hammond and obtain bis acceptance or at 2 :33 this afternoon. TZ.? Z At the afternoon meeting, Mr. Thomas as chairman of the committee, reported that they had -nSS thS?Vr m ' h 7 P"9: told the passengers that he would W SMnlp t nectary asked for his acceptance of the same. Mr Hammond replied that the bond was en. tirely satisfactory and would be accepted, but, as under his contract when he ac cepted the bond he must begin work at once, lie would not make formal accent ance of it until the west side subsidy is in. He claims that he was promised this suusiny oeiore ne too hold ol the mat ter and now wants it. The Wallace circus to be in Albanv on August 6 guarantees that there will be no gamblers or cutthroats connected with the circus or allowed abound it. The Great Syndicate to be in Salem and skip to Ashland this, week, is a different kind of an affair according to The Dalles Chroniole.whichsays: "One gentleiran, we know not how many more, was asked by the ticket seller to give 5 in currency in exchange for to in silver, the ticket agent stating that he bad too much sil ver. The gentleman handed up a 5 bill, whereupon the ticket agent pretend ed to have his attention called away, and saying, "Aever mind, 1 can't attend to It now." pretended to hand the bill back : but a few moments afterwards the gen tleman examined the bill and found he had been given a f 1 bill instead. In the morning the managers obtained trom one of the city banks all the $1 bills they naa on band, and the incident referred to explains the use they made of them. A few arrests for such swindling might benefit the public." The Deaf-Mcte Picntrs-nuAX Yester day morning at 8:45 o'clock Charles Schmidt, the deaf mute who ia walking from Minneapolis, Minn., to Houston. Tex., arrived in this city. He claims to be IS davs ahead of his schedule time. and will remain in the city nntil Mon day to give au exhibition in walking. He would have been here Thursday night. put as there are no railroad station othces open at night between Tacoma and this city, to which he could apply for the seal of the station agent, in accordance with his contract, he could only come through in the day time Sun. Schmidt will probably reach Albany tomorrow night. Mrs. T. J. Stites went to the Bar Sat- nrdav. Mrs. B. F. RarriD is viaitinir in Rose- bur for a few weeks. Mrs. Wallis Nash is attending the C. l Assembly at Oregon Lily. Judge Burnett and family of Salem went to the Bay today for an outing. Mrs. W.S.Miller anl Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hamilton went to the bay Satur day. J. H. Townsend lectured at Newbure Friday nigbt on Hawaii, accomp anied by etereopt icon views of the island. Mrs. J. A. Hvman and Miss Minnie Ehret left this morning in a carriage for Newport where they will spend the sum mer. Deputy U. S. Marshal George Humph rey, who has been quite ill for several weeks went to the Bay this noon to re cuperate. Mr. Reason McDonnell left today for Kings Vailey, Benton county, where he has purchased a farm and will reside there most of the time. Rev. Henderson, of Kansas, has been called to the pastorate of the U. P. church at Oak vi lie and will be here with his family to take charge o! the chnrch in a few days. Mr. Wilson R. Blain has resigned as secretary of the Y. M. C. A. and Mr. John Altermatt has been appointed at lesst temporarily, and will take charge tomorrow morning. Phil Baltimore, Fred Blount and Nor- ns Moms have returned from a trip to Lower Soda. In three days they caught 630 trout out of the Santiam about four miles from Lower Soda. Mr. Frank Hastings came down from the Santiam mines today. He reports the road to the mines nearly completed and in good condition for travel. It will be done by the end of tbia week. Dr. t. L. Irvine, of Albany, has con cluded to locate in Eugene, and bas en gaged rooms up stairs in the Hayes building. Dr. Irvine is a graduate of several colleges, and for a year or more was assistant physician at the Oregon State Insane Asylum. Eugene Guard. ' Mrs. B. H. Chamberlain, of Natchez, Miss., arrived in the city yesterday morn ing, and wilt be the guest of her eon, ex Attorney General George E Chamberlain, at 41 tJitL street, for the next two months Mrs. Chamberlain makes visits to Ore gon with comparative frequency. She says she would like to remain all the time. Oregonian. The Albany bicyrb? truck is a good ow. InJependenof an-i Jefferson 1 ived base ball ys-terdxy, the former winoiu" 11 to 3. Tne Albany ia. and Jefferson irs. ant to play in this city next Wednesday. ' Jeffer son has won one game and tied another" New York and Nrw Jersev were visihtd by cyclones Saturday and several people were killed. All thee thin us make ns contented with the gloricus Willamette valley. Del Norte won the pace a' Portland Sat urday in three straight htats in 2:15,2:16 and 2:16)4, Barrows driving, Toncbet, a full brother was second. The National Christian Endeavor Con vention is to be held in San Francisco next year. This will knock out the Portland proposition for 1897, People generally have irotten tired of talk ing bard times and will hereafter talk good .1 .l -II . .. urue, mat is, some or mem win. ana all should. It will raise the public pulse. inree rings, vwo elevated stages and a half mile race track are filled with per formers for two and one-balf hours at the Ureat Wallace Shows. Senator Corbett wanted $25 ,000 damages ior tne ngni or way over some property he bas in Astoria. The jury deliberated about an boor and then returned a verdict in his fivor for $75. A decision in tne 0. P. case may be looked for in a few days. Court will ad iourn in about three weeks.' No decision ever rendered by the court bas affected a wioer interest than this one. Klein & Dubruille have incorporated as the Albany Shoe Company, manufacturers and wholesale and retail dealers in trot and shoes, leather findinirs. etc. Capital stock $10,000, divided into 100 shares of 1100 each. Bert Hall, a young man from Saver, in returning toward hoixe ran into a stamp across the river, near the north end ef the rod leading to Wm. Peacocks, and not only his wagon bat be was badly smashed up. He was found and taken care of. Wbibkers.the sprinter, has gone to Soda vil'e ior a bort sojourn on account of his health. He desires to get in perfect shape before his great race itb Ray at Albany, July 25, as be recognizes the fact that be bas a hard job on bis hands. Eugene Kegister. Thin or gray hair and bald heads, to displeasing to many people a marks ot age, may be averted for a long time by nt- : . Untl'a if..:- TJ TtJESDAT" "Sweet Ohbuon." The DeMosa fam ily are now in London. They never stop singing "Sweet Oregon." In crossing the ocean an entertainment was given in which Helen Potter, a noted impersona- tui.isr. ueiis.n iu,uuu vincngo preacher, and ohers took part. Mies Lizzie Do Moss, writing to the Wasco Sun about it says : Wo were on tho program for a couple selections. Imagine yourselves out on the briney ocean ,tive or six thous- nd miles from your dear native home; the,n ' ngine how we felt that ni ht . inafna ..,,. rw. n.,,..- i i, .,, , , "l .AVr rm VrnS on Bn 1 ?rdnnce was made not allowing I'ueor- wig, dui it was suspended at this time and we were requested to sing another state song for which some fragrant tlow ers were presented u by tho committee. Yes.llowers, seven days out at sea. We do not write this as a boast, but feel that our l omu friends may have an interest in our success. I cannot see where we should have received this token, for sure ly there were others who deserved the compliment far more than we. Temporarily Insane.- Dr. Henderson, of Salem, was examined at that city yes teiday for insanity and ordered ta'ken care of at least temporarily. It was thought the trouble was not permarcnt, llll temporary nervous prostration .-... , i .... .1 i .. : i . i. i . tel Proprietor charged him 50 cents i ..,i,i,..uLii . ..!.. 1 25 cents, was put out At tins eitv ho Ba . . , i, X;, to recover the extortionate charges. lie bought a piano for his wife, who he said was going to learn to play, a violin for himself and proposed repeatedly to a Salem young woman. Dr. Henderson is an old resident and practioner.and when rational is a quiet man. Willamette Water Abate.--Fred W. Steusloff, the butcher, is the owner of a beautiful water agate which was found by a Salem lad on the gravel bar oppo site the foot of Court f met. 1 le pur chased it at a cost of 50 cents and it ap pears to be just as fine a specimens of that class of gems as those found on Ya quina bay, for which extravagant prices are paid. Others tJive been picked up along the bars of the Willamette and Luckiamute rivera.Slatesman. Glitteriso Golp. B. F. Ramp re ceived today from A. J. Ricks a small box of gold worth about il8 rocked out by Mr. Rick's on the North Santiam. 20 miles above Mill Citv. It was sent down by Mr. Ricks to be disposed f at the hank. He rocked it out in three and a half davs at the rate of about a dav. This is the second or third ttackage rent down. The 2nd regiment band of Salem went to Newport toda) to .pend the summer: sc assurance that visitors titer will hare one excellent music th season. The Wallace howsadvance car i ia the city today. A!l4-hof July bills vhxild I rroted at ooce to the clerk. L. M . Curl, for pay meet. It is desired to close up the bui nese at an early aate. Farmer Tom Parker, of the not them cuburUj of Cloverdfc bought tue 6rrt peaches to Albany They we fine looking fellos of a splendid flavor. Mrs. Sutler bas movfei her lunch coulter to the next door to the P. O . where she seeps a neat place and everything in ao at rersonabte price, bbe oWrve a hU-r-al patronage. Complaint is made that a sojd many young Chinese pheasants are being killed tbrMigti the county. The law for their protection should be enforced and tac at tenticn of the proper autht-rities is cU'ed to the violation of it Edward McAfee, of Saiem. is to be ap- j tointed first deputy under Collector Henry Black man. McAfee was A. Bush's j candidate. J. L Cowan, formerly of this city, was a prominent candidate for j the place, and would und-ubte-tiy have secured it but for Bush. Mr. l'.ali was : a stockholder in the Linn County Na tional Bank. Observations by expert. ay a wriler in Scribner's. shows that it is nX only the ! leg which are developed m wheeling So previously sedentary people a ioniderable increase io the circumference of the chet takes pl'ue, the increase often amounting to one or two, and semetioies even three inches. The arms sr.d fore-arm also grow firmer, and it is said that in th;m s!o quite a marked i -crease in size bus 1-een seen. The n.uscular system ever; where in the body also impioves in tone When Salem's proposed road to die San- Ua:n country is finished, ber tired business men can take the train on iNOnrxlay even ing, spend Sunday in the Cascades in the mountain breezes wafted from the etercal snows, and be back ready for the weea's duties on Monday morning. This road a ill be a great thing for Sa-em in many ways. Statesman. This is consiilerat-le gush to be made over an anticipated privi lege Albany bas enjoyed for years, both to the moantains ami to the Bay, and one Saltm enjoys no-- at a few cent more cost, the trains conne ting very nicely with the O. C. & . in lutb directions. A. B. Croxton, of ltoeeburg, is In the city, B. Burtenshaw, ct Lebanon, was in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Wheeler left today for Mehama to attend the encampment. Thos. Kav. the Woolen Mill man of Salem and Waterloo, was in the city to day. Maj. Weed, of Portland, is going through the valley in the interest of another "Oregon on wheels," to be sent east, F. W. Blumberg and wife, Dr. H. E. and O. K. Beers and Rev. and Mrs. Little took a picnic trip to Waterloo this morning. Recently the Democrat gave the re ported death of Rev. II. I. Webb at Hillsboro. This was a mistake. Rev. Webb is at Willsburg, and alive, though critically ill. He has been in a serious condition since January. Dr. Clyde Hill, son of Dr. J. L. Hill of this city, has located at Milton for the practice of dentistry. Ho possesses me chanical genius and has the qualifica tions tor making a brst class dentist His friends here will hope to see him succeed in his new held. A. N. Towne, geireral manager of the Southern Pacific, died in San Francisco this morning of heart disease. Mr. Towne was a railroad jnan of marked executive ability, as well asm gentleman of fine social qualities. His death will be generally regretted by railroad em ployes. Mrs. O. S. Pol'iock. a former teacher of elocution in the Albany college, for sev eral years principal of a ladies seminary in Birmingham, Alabama, is now in New York City, and will leave in a few days, accompanied by Miss Stevens, her partner in school work, for Europe, for a vears reaction and study. Mrs. Pol lock's many friends in Albany will wish her a safe and pleasant experience. 1 Am Glad To tell what Hood's Bsrsapartlla hss done for me. I had the grip and lis ill effects J'rS'-wi settled all over jf'M "-"S-SSV. me.I bad cramps In my less and frequently I had to get up at night and walk to relax the mus cles. I also had stomach trooh lea. I then took Hood's Sarsapa rills. One bottle cured thee ramp. and another has helped my stom aeh trouble greatly. I have taken 8 bottles and nae Hood's Pills which are the pest I evsz took." H. A. Mklvin, Sisters, Oregon. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prorolnentlyln the publlo'eye today. '' A LONG FEL.T WANT. Tho public wants a better harness than the average harness being sold to da and Tomlinson is supplying thfs want of the public by using onlv the Host Oak Tanned Leather, thus in suring the most durable and satisfactory harness in every respect. His prices are no higher than others ask for an inferior grade of work. Call at his shop on 2nd i ot.,Aii)anv, ami see imn oeiore purchas ing elsewhere. Aoco,i;trrED. The exatuinntionof Louis Dyer lor asudiiltiuir . B. Ilcyt, of Jeff erson, on the l'2ih, was liu l lust evening, and bad miner of an iulereating turn. Af ter the testimony of prosecution the at torneys for the defendant moved for the dUmusal of the couipl.iint on Ilia ground that as an officer th- defendant had uvl only reasonable force in keeping the prose cuting witness liiutc from the track uted for racing Justice FreerVen appreciated the situation and in a neat little tpeeeh dis charged the prisoner- No one could ever be found who would act as a police on such a day in keeping crowds buck if convicted on very little cliurge of shoving people. 'I he Man about Town- trot jiuibed all over the ground and there was no thought of ar resting any one. 1'eople should never go to celebrat'oi s a ilcs thry inti nd to put up with a good deui A Ricvcijt Coli ihion. Mr. Frank Powers borrowed Dr. Davis biovcle for a ride last evening While on the race track, E. A. Schilller, scorched up to him to pass; he turned towards him. Schilller s fn-dal caught in the Crescent front wheel and both men were thrown fifteen feet. The sjmkes in the Power wheel were twisted around the axle and off tlr rim but not one was broken. Mr. Schilller lost six spokes aud neither spoke foi several seconds so great wa the tumble. As disastrous as the col lision seemed to be to the bicycles loth haw been repaired. The Croih. The report of the weather bureau for the week ending July 15 is that the opinion as to the proluibk- good yield of fall grain has not changed. Hops are alright. The potato crop ia nniver sally goiid. The hav crop is good and heavy in many places." There is an abundance of fruit and the shipments are large. From Kaxtern Oretron the re port is that the yield of grain will be light, and no crop w ill be lar-e or eveu good except in a few sections. Local Bicycle Covtests. At a meet ing of the Albany Cycle club it was de cided to have several races on the track Friday evening, beginning at 7 o'clock, all between local riders of class A. There ill le 1 Ian, 2 lap, 1 mile and 2 mile contests, and a bovs race and a fat man's race, all for small prizes. The Albany hand will furnish music fur the event. A Cakakp. The Democrat was aked many times this forenoon for firticuUrs of the stabbing affray hetwevn tao boy in the third w arvl last night. The report had even circulated nntil one of the lvg was killed and dead, and it is a wonder a coroners mrv had not st uin bin. There was nothing in the affair at ail that can be learned. It Is a Clean Mot al Show. The Toronto Pn-s has thU compli ment to pav the Great Wallace Shows te be in Albanv Aug. 6: "The bat of the show is its cleanness ; there is a mot pleoing absence from the merest ar pruach to vulgarity either in the acts of the artists or languaei- oi the clowns. The rbttee-. vigi!an.- i observed by the j employes towards keeping order in the i audieuce. and tue tu!urt and pleasure of the patrons are lookej to with com' meiidaule care." SOCIAL AND l'1-.KSON ! Paul Cartel, of Portlsrd, is visit- here on a ; Lieut, and Mrs. Dentler, of the O A. C, are in the city. j Mrs. Will Simp-Kin returned this noon from a trip to Ohio and Pennsylvania. Mrs. O. p. Coshow. Jr. and thr chil- I dren. of McMtnnvilhr, arrived in Albany this nonu. ' Will Humphrey and family came op I from Portland this noon on a vljit with j Alhanv friends. J. R. Stockman and familrbave moved to Portland to reside, but Mr. Stockman will be in Albany considerahlv. G. B. Montanvp, P. J.Smilev, printer. Albanv, returned home todav, after a short visit in the city. Eugene Guard. Rev. Hendenwn and family, of Kan sas, arrived at tiakville vesterday. lie will supply the I'. P. pulpit there for a vear. Mrs. John Brush is at Der Island, on the Columbia, where Mrs. Bnell, mother of her son-in-law, is lying dantrerouflv ill. John Berry came in la.t evening from the Cascades where he has been placer mining on one of the forks of the San tiam. lie minus a man ran make - or $3 a day right along at it. Michael Lilt, the gentleman who ie here from Kansas looking over the coun ty, went to AUIany and Corvallis today. He is very well pleased with this por tion of the valley. Eugene liuaril. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Callahan ar rived Mondav from a long deferred wed ding tour. They were alent ten days and visited victoria, tn-attle, laooma and Vancouver, Washington. Corvallis Times. Judge Geo. C. Blakely ami wife left yesterday for Portland. They will also visit menus in isrowiisviiie, ami men at tend the meeting of the Oregon Press Association at Newport. The Dalies Chronicle. Mr. Blakelv is one of Linn county's old time candidates for county clerk, and was in the drug business for many years. The Spokane Spokesman-Review says that Cantain W. W. Saunders of this city was surprised yesterday to have his two brothers, IT. rsacon raiinurrs, uean of the University of Texas, at Forth Worth, and J. C. Saunders, a wholesale druggist of Bonhani, Tex., drop in on him without any previous notice oi tneir coming. Oakville. We visited tho saw mill yesterday, found everybody busy. Ed Coney said he was doing the work of two men and the engineer was out in the woods help ing the logger. Mr. Stone was trying to do everything at once, bu. he stopped long enough to tell us that he would be done sawing on Wednesday if he could get another tree cut that stood near the mill. We volunteered to help his best man and in less than an hour the huge monster was on tho earth. Mr. 8 will commence working on his drier as sxn as he can get the house up. Ho has a large crop of prunes. A team belonging to Link Coney be came frighU-nedlaHt Saturday and ran away. They were hitched to a buggy at the time, and Mr. Coney's little hoy was in the buggy but they soon got loo.e from the vehicle, they were soon caught no damage done except a bndly frighten ed boy. Mr. Crawford the wind mill man cull ed on us last Saturday. Miss Millhollen and Miss Clara Smith called on us last Friday they were out riding in their new cart. Dr. J. O. Smith vac here last week visiting his parents. The sound of the binder is heard in the land and soon tho shrill w histle of the8team thresher will be heard. Our base ball ninn will take a vacntinn ' until after harvest. Amicvs. We Are Still In It. Having rented our machine to Grant t Kinney, we are prepared to ; do your j 1 wood sawing on short notice. ' I SAVING OF OVER $2000. The first year under the new system by which the county officials receive sal aries instead of fees closed the first of this month. 1 lit following is the show - ing and it will bean interesting one ix clerks orrict. Amount paid clerk, assist ants, etc IS877.15 3057.01 Less fees received and paid couuty Cost to tax payers in sheriff's office. Amount paid sheriff, deputies, (820.10 4551.99 788.55 eto.. Iess fees received county and paid Cost to tax payers Amount paid sheriff previous year under old system Showing a saving of Amount paid clerk previous year under old system .... Showing a saving of A showing in the two offices of 37(13.44 $4223.26 459.62 $2749.18 1929.08 2388.60 The receipts of the recorder were HM7.10 and the expenses of the office, in cluding a small .-deputy expense, about '.DUO, showing a deficit of about 350. In Lane countv the receipts of the clerk were 3,945.33,of the sheriff 757.37. It cost M.avj.lO to run the clerks office and 4,082.15 the sheriff's office. On ac count of the previous high receipts of the sheriff and clerk, the former being 6.70H.30 and the latter $4,209.12, the net gain by the new system was 7,527.97. Seasipk ExiXRStoN. The summer season at Newport opens Sunday, July 21et, with a grand excursion from valley points. Leaves Albany 7 a. m., Corvallis 7:J0a. m., returning leaves Newport 6 -.30 p. m. Fare to Newport and return from Aluany, Corvallis and Philomath, $1.50. The attractions of this occasion will surpass anything offered before. A monster clambake, in genuine Down East Style, under the supervision of Mr. Malcomb, chef of the Hotel Portland. w ill be a grand success in itself. The uew and commodious steamship "Faral Ion" will add to the attractions of the day by several excursions over the bar to the deep blue sea. In addition to the usual large crowd attending this favorite resort ill be several hundred members and friends of the Oregon Press Asso ciation in attendance at their annual meeting from July 20th to 24th, inclu sive. On the trip those not caring to look at the beautiful scenery of the Coast range, w ill be delighted with music by a band which will accompany the train' Edwix Stone, Mgr. Tangent and Vicinity. Aug. 15, 18S5. Tangent baa more of the following named things and people titan any other Mn aroxuing u us use in loe county: More good churches, more good old peo ple, more good young folks, more old maids and more pretty girls, more good organUls, more good musician. It has one of the loveliest old couple. It has lot of good yonng men, also the tallest young man. There are a few of the fol lowing : Two or three old bachelors, two ; or three old widows, one gushing young j widow, tao or three old widowers, one or two smart slacks who talk in church and du-turb other good people. We also have a large fat preacher and ooe short little p eawher. One of the beet hrasa bands in the valley, and a big fat rail way agent, more portly than ever. Farmers are all employed in harvest, some hauling ha-, some binding aid shocking gram. Wheat and oats pronv ise a Urge yield. We wonder what cau-es G. W. B. to go south every tundav afternoon and re turn after night. I'ncle J. B. Morgan is over at the Bay for fji health. Mr and Mrs. Duncan, of Turner, are ' J visiting Mr. Morgan. A JcrrcieaoN Man Biieep. A. Wed d'.e. of Jefferson, was bilked out of $50 at the circus in Salem. A confidence man claiming to be a Mr. Ferguson, of Albany, claimed to be a relative, and I the v were eetting on when a t ranter wanted $5 changed. Mr. Waddle chang ed it, showing quite a pile, the young man told him he Lad better put it in a handkerchief and put it in bis hip pocket, which he solicitiously did. They were ocn in a crowd, when the voung man disappeared and Mr. Waddef soon learn ed that he had been robhed oi $. It seems useless to advise men not to take money to a circus like Sells. We have a few very nice 1895 Sum mer Capes left, all new goods. Just such as you will need when yoa take your vacation at the seaside. We offer for six days: $rt.00 capes at 5.00 " .1.50 " 3.W " Come and examine them. $1.25 . 3.25 . 2.25 . 1.9t July 10 "95. READ PEACOCK A CO. You Need to be Particular. rI",HERE isn't anything in the world X that : vou are justified in being par ticular about it you au not particular sUmt purchasing Your groceries. DlJ'I take chances with what goes to your table surelv the best of everything is not too good for von when it comes to what you eat and drink. With other things, a little indifference is conceivable; to 1 indifferent about your gro ceries isn't conceivable at all. You can have absolute faith in what Parker Brothers tell vou. They keep good goons, Iresh produce aud seasonable fruits, and the best made bread, cakes, pies, etc, in the market, and when thev tell you a thing it is so, as all their old customers will vouch for. Telephone 46. Ring. Ladies shirt waist set. 3oc, Sterling silver sets 75c, Sterling bat pins 35c at r'rencn's jewelry store. Still the lowest in price, and highest in quality of work, linxle, the leader in photos. Tinkle leads for fine photos. Tinkle is the leader in fine rhotos at Iott prices. See the new $1.50 photos at Tinkles ;they are the best. Selling at cost 50 Uauliful trimmed hats $1 50 each at Mrs. John N. Hoffman . A great reduction of the prices of all photos commencing Juue 1st at Tinkles. Dr. G. W. Maston, phyician and sur geon. Albany Or. Calls answered prompt ly in city or country. Ice cream 5 and 10 cents a dish at Mrs Vvireck s Summer Garden, corner 3rd an Brondnlbin sis. Those who got their meats at the Linn Dressed Meat Market, at Second and Ells worth streets never complain of poor qual ity, and tbe price is always the lowest. Buckingham's dye for the whiskers does its work thoroughly, coloring a uni form brown or black, which, when dry, will neither rub, wash off, nor soil linen. Louis Viereck has secured the sole right of Linn, Marion and Benton Co. for the sale of Dr. White's Hair Grower. Parties de-iring treatment will do well to consult him at his place of business or address box 421, Albany, Linn Co., Or. FOR SALE Pure bred S. L. Wyan dotte fowls for tale at a bergs in. I have to sell for want of room. Albany Poultry Yards, comer 4th and R. H. ts., Albnry, Or. "iJoai Brcsu. HOME AND ABROAD Yoa can get a good gold filled watch at French's tor 110. W. II. 0'Dell will take charge of the 1 s iool land business oa Auir. 1. mg cut in the price of ladies'and Gents gold watches at trench's jeelry store A fine line of new sailor hat iust iw-iv ed at the Ladies Bazaar. 25 cents and op wards. Parker Uros. shipped 300 loaTs of bread to Mehama today to the hungry G. A. R men The Times says Corral!'' athletes took seven first prizes on the 12th. Certainly a good showing. Just received by the L. E. Blain Cloth ing Co. a fine line of all wool bicycle stockings, only $1 25 a pair. An effort i being made to make the armory of F- Co. public property so that it will be kept up by the state and not by the members Not content witb reaching Albany at midnight the south bound overland is late nearly every night from an bour to three hours. Th Coze family, sometimes called the Coxeyitee, left tooay for Illinois, eight or ten strong. Illinois' loss is our gain. OThe 4th of July committee will meet to night at 8 JO o'c'osk at the council chambers. Get year bills in before then. An ezcirsion train will be run from Albany to the Hay nezt Sunday, leaving Albany at 7 a. m. and Newport at 6JJ0 p. ni Round trip to Newport $1 50 The Great iiyndii.te Oircm that bas been through the valley this wwk is the same old el.s Bros, aell that has fooled Oregonian several times. Capt J. W CrawfrH. of this c ily, late Inatao agent at I'endl ton, ha len ap pointed to a new position created recently by the board of urgent of the ti state agricultural college, that of accountant and purchasing agent, a place which be is mot competent to fill. Capt. Crawford will enter upon the discharge of bis duties forthwith Salem Journal . Mary's Peak w but Thursday the I rendezvous oi a party, who bad with them a heliograph, and were bent on signaling to Maxama on Mt. Hood and Jefferson. The instrument was six inch, and was of the same pattern used b the climbers ot the bigger mountains. The moke was so thick on the summit that but few attempts were made to commun icate with those on distant peak, in the party was Misses Nettie Spencer, Kate Blower. Letue Wicks and Ida Ray, and Prof. Lake and w ife. Prof. Letcher and Loss Nichols. They reached home Friday. Time. O.VLT GlLMOBE'a CoCLD EiCAL IT. "Prof. Mulier, our Albany malstro," says the Albany Enquirer, "say there never was but one other band in Amer ican equal to such music as that ren dered by the forty-four musicians in Prof William Goetxe's band with the Great Wallace Shows. It ia composed of eight clarionets, two flutes, two piccolos, one soloetlo, lour saxophone, lour trench horns, two bassoons, two oqoee, six cor nets, three altos, three baritones, two tubas, one double b base, snare and baas drum and bell player, and every man an artist. From Piletz. W. C. Bailey .of Eueene. was in the city todav on his way home from the Mietz. He reports nearly a thousand people altogether, at the Lin coln and Tillamook ends waiting for the reservation to be opened on the 25th .and while there will be no Oklofaoma excite ment there will be a little rushing. Mr. Bailey is a locator and knows the reser vation thoroughly. He thinks at least an eighth of the land is desirable and some of it particularly good. No one is allowed on the reservation now and will not be until the opening day, July 35. Mr. Moe, the S. P. man. and family have returned from a trip to North Ya kima. From that place to Portland about all one does is to change ears. A woman with several children started out with eight bushels of peaches. In chang ing car she bad to have help and she pud for it with a basket of peachea. When Mr. Moe last saw her she had only two boxes left. A. B. Woodin, C. W. Sears and C. E . Brownell have gone to I'ortlaod to the Grand Lodge A. O. I". W., as represent- alives of Safety Lodge and Mrs. Jones, Mrs' A. D. Barker and Mias Maggie Bar ker as representatives of the Degree of Honor. A good appetite and refreshing sleep at this season indicate a condition cf bodily hel:h. These are g-irea by Hood's Sarsa parilla. It make pore blood and rood health folio am. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, barm leas, effective, do not pain or gripe. so oranges t-t 5 cu this week at C E Browoeb'a When Traveling. Whether on pleasure bent, or basinet. take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of rigs, as it act most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50c. and $1 bottles bv all leading drug gists. Manufactured by Fig Syrup Co. only. the California PosrERrrr ts Oomixc. It will be here soon. One way to help it on is to gel good groceries, produce and fruits of the best quality at bottom prices. A penny aved u a penny earned, you know. Tbe place at which to do this and assist pros perity is Conn A Hustons, a fact that a rial will convince any one of. A Startuno Discovert. Baldness cured or no pay. Dr. White's Great Discovery is lor sale at Louis Viereck's barber shop. It cures all diseases of the scalp. Parties desiring to go into a con tract I wilt guarantee head ot hair or no pay. Louis Viereck, Tonsorial Artist li'.! PBiaao, qsjjod :unju.inj s.uw.ttrQ os,i Why Was It that Ayer's Saraparlila, out ot the treat number ot similar prrptra'.lous manufac tured throughout tho world, w-as the only medicine ot tho kind nlmltt.vl st the World's Fair, Chicago? And why was It that. In spite of the united eltorts of the manufacturers ot other preparations, tlo decision of the World's t'.dr Directois was tiotrsversMlr BECAUSE According tJ It rut n "ArUles tnat ar ta any way dangerous cr ot offensive, also natent medicines. tlons, whose ingredients ar con- salad, will not be admitted, to the o Exposition," and, therefore ' JfoaiuM Ayer's SarsaparMa Is not a patent medicine, not a nostrum, and not R secret preparation. Stcaurn Its proprietors had nothing to conceal when questioned as to the for mula trom which It ts compounded. ( teaum It Is all that tt Is claimed to be 4 Compound Concentrated Extract ol tUtfsaparilla, and In every sense, worthy the Indorsement ot this most Important committee, called together tor passlnc upon the manufactured products of the entire world. Ayer'sSarsaparjlla aldmltted lor Exhibition AT -THE WORLD ffAIR I jl kjnjitted at thejI J OUR HEW PRICE LIST. It Is So Notwithstanding the fU. rerrrta n'r. culated by some of our competitors, we nave sun a targe iiocc on nana, we warrant all goods on band to be as rep resented by our salesman, and when we publish cut prices we give the best qual ity ana iuii weigru. irar sugar la tne best Western Reunery. Our Coffee and Te i stock is the largest in the city. What do our competitors tell yon when you say you can buy the best full roller flour at the Executors Sale for 60c rer sack, 18 lbs best granulated sugar, 1.00, 4 lbs Arbuckle coffee, 90c. Our competitors call our prices baits. Call and examine our stock and we will show you a great many so called baits in all lines of merchandise. Grocery Department. 100 lbs best granulated sugar $5 25 18 " " " " 1 00 100 " EztraC " 4 65 20 " " 1 P0 4 " A; buckle coffee AO 5 " Excelsior I JOO 5 " Jai an Tea 1.00 Jefferson C durobia floor, per sack . . jBO Louurvtiie Kose - . . .eu Red Crown Snow Flake " " . . .60 Best Standard " " .. M 20 lb best rice 1.00 4 can best tomatoes .25 Furnishing Goods. Mens Cotton undershirts " " pants " harvest g'-oves " " shoes " light shirts " overalls .75 .50 1.25 .25 .40 Clothing Department. Mens suits 4.00 " 5JJ0 " 6,50 Boys from $1 -25 to 4.25 Mens VtM pants 2.50 " 4.00 " 2.00 Mdsc. Department. Great cat on shoes, dress goods, hats and hard ware call and examine our stock and we will show yoa cut price tluit will save yoa money. Your for basines. H. F. McIlwais, SrwArD Fromax, Executors Est. A. B. Vcilwaia. July 12, 1895. k McNeill. r.. TO THE EAST err rax croicr or TA-O TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES CHEAT UNION NORTHERN PACIFIC VIA VIA SPOKANE DENVER MINKEAPOUS OMAHA aro aSO ST. PAOL KANSAS CITY LOWKATKS TO ALL eastern crnix OCKAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAStD EVERT S DAV? SAH FRANCISCO For fall d.tai: eal' vm Ccrrax Si Morarni, A'Mny.Or OR A DDK. fcs: W H KT. Gem'z, Pa . Ao. POKf LAND, OR. oer Js B 0 rn. H C t . tminn. ORTHFRH 11 PACIFIC R. R. u Pullmaa Sleeping Oars, Elegant Dimrg Cars, Tourist Sleeping Oars St Taul Minneapolis Dulnth Fargo, TO Grand Forks Crook ston Winnipeg Helena anJ Unite THROUGH TO Chicago Washingtou Philadelphia New York Boston and all Points East and South f For Information, time cards, nape and tickets rail on or write C G Burkhart, Agent, Albany. Or. Or A D Charlton, Ast Gen Fas Agt, Portland, Oregon, Prof. A. STAktK Of Will ft Stark. Optical Special.. Gradaate of the Chicago Opthalm College, I am prepared to examine scientiGca and accurately, by the latest and improved methods of modem science, any who de sire to rii their eye tested. :- Cuskk Block, Albakt, Onxoos. K. O. T. M MeeUevefy Sarurd it WBt J PP. Jo) p pTj t'Anx . 1 e tie Toy's for tiie Ja?ed aad Gootl Health for all Mankind. in"3 VtGETA2LF"8AEtA?niU.A. lamade fror-i herb, and contams no mineral drug or deadly pot-son. Joy's Vec-tt hie aertaporilla rob tbe blood of all it impari ties, and tte tlipy .rTs nature'3ur:3 proper chr.r Et;. Jc's ezeta oie srrarr-.;Ia cures li p e p s i a, Ch rcsic Cdd.Ii; a-t'-n, L.vrr C o m ritatnr znd KKlney .1 tneae impuri- ....... ... f Joy s iegeta;ie t,-ii barsaparllla i SiJ prevents tired K mgs, starring r sauons, palpitauoo 35 oi nean, PlOOd to dizziness. ears, epou tie: re tne K- I'Hiice-s.coti-i paU a bt 2 of bowels .r ia the baeit,ijeIanJio!y, S?-yr4 A bnauh, pirouies on rh'Fi t tvx, brjf ail iTrr.b. M J3 ceciuieoracr-.e lure 2??d dizzy spell tant 3; spells, cold, clsi&my feet and hands, sour . risings, fW m-g5j Bommm, and all d o- F?' ) eases oft he stomach, l'ilZ liter and e.rj-r Irr. Vz.n npcri'-la t fro n A by all K '.foe eSM cr:i;'T-i V. -fuse auir.ati'tc ;ha .or: fj J '.vi paytjrth&retace&ai lltP&k a AS7 AND-SOUTH. 7 HE SHASTA "KOUTi of rut Soutnern Paeirle w. CiJrJ. -a .1 .-av t, I S & V- fj Kt j I . i Ax . . . - c US1 u ilf-U. m - Xz ! trains rx .p a. a: st i: from Pjrt ii 1 1. i;!).n nt'ui:..'. i.i lao-swawib-d -.!! --v".'Iirrit'i-g Jniiri ia trnn BiK:jrit ;.t :cct!JV.'-s aossxra Bar-sacr S20a I I 1-Cp t L H2:r A- ax' --r Li i 'J 55 r x L. i , a AISij S-'Bi Aiimr Viaaj A. L ,: i t. SO. AVD Dimnz Crs on Cgiin , I! ui SECflSD-CU3S.SlEW.13 Ci25 AUaeatr- I. all RrubTnl. Ve.i Mr attvt.lM. mm ' r7 vifid .ru,!-. ot'.-ljl tho f eal, t,KCi rInVxg in iJ,riA bsttmeu rsrrt4 as ziiii Vara .sai C, y-ico. : a I Lv s vi aj-1 I :li r I A r Ci Lt 1 1 Xrwass U3 ao.t St-iif r I L. ftrtax. ts I TJIra t Ar cVlU5TV i . 1 Thronp-b Tifltef.- atl win t ita FirT, -4 Eu me ea-i he cc---v-sA ac , t r.-. -i 9 fM. Al Albuj-. -KS1LS e. M-.irr S F. r- d Orc I REGON CE''TRAL -YAQUINA BAY ROUT Connectir.g at Ya-iuica Ba." wi-htue San Francisco and Y.;'jica Bay shipCotsi party A I and firs; cIa.-t? in ewrv rftr-t f x Sails Irvm Yaquina K-r 5.ii F-aneisco about evvry S day. Fasser.cer acoomaiodatiiM-s innsttr: ed. hortet route between the V i:;a:n ette Vaiiev and Cahforr.ia. Fare from Albsey cr points wv San Francisco Carts -i2-) Stxksack Caws round trip good 60 days. . . 1S.C C For Sailing Pays apply to H. L. V.LPKN.Agt, Ca s..Cls.,; i; Albany, Or. Crvlii. 1 Kowis Stone, manager. Oorvaiiis, Or. FOSHAY k HASOK. tlhwlesale A DRl'CGISTS AND r.'JOKSFl ECS AU1AXT. OKtlKS rire Drugs and the Finest snd Larsret-t 5twk of Stationary aud U-vks in the Market. j. Ii;. jaiaST' o?; INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER. Ceistr ffaiT2Rts Fiin.H and SolJ. vl5cf,K.istoB r.l?rk". AUaa? ALBANY INS. AGENCY The only Krst class agency in Albany that can give cu U0 cents wor'h cf iosur anoe for -1.00. Besides giving you the bei-t in.ieuinify we have paid out in this cemmunitv dar ing the livst nice months for "-cats" biught over 13,000, thcretiy beretitting the farm ers and every business man. in cursidera tion of which we hbouM receive the pie-fereneerf-vcr agents who send t ut marly all you py tLeiu for inuraare and lriig in nothing We reprefeut the only first classcor.i panv making a specially ot furm iksannte. on tW note plan. "The t'outitetthi!." cf New York. Vie alio represent tbe Sun, Phoenix, Manchester and London, cf land, the Sun l-einit the o!det tire ins-ur ance couiranv in tbe world M. SENDERS. ITgi. JOSEPH .T. SMITH