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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1895)
Washington Letter. Frera our regular Oorrespondsnt. Washihgton, July 8, 1895. Much is heard in Washington about the Quay and anti-Guay circumstances whether Quay continued to boss the re publicans of the Keystone state or gave way to Hastings, Wanamaker or some other boss, but the presidential politics in the fight is what has excited general Interest. It is really Che first of a long triDg of fights for the control of state delegations to next year's Republican National Convention. Senator Cameron was egotistical enough at one time to think that he could get the delegation for himself ,but he doesn't think so now ; he will be very lucky indeed if he can succeed in holding on to his seat in the Senate. Quay was supposed to be for McKinley, but he has recently come out for Reed. Wanamaker is, of course, for Harrison. The laugh would seem to be on Prof. Harrington, ex chief of the Weather Bureau and those Washington icorres pondents he succeeded in stuffing with the story that he was fired out to make room for a democratic politician. Prof. Willis L. Moore, who is the new chief of tuc umun iumut IB uchuii bwiuv- crat nor a politician. In fact, he is a republican, or at least be was a republi can before he became connected with the Weather Bureau ; since then he has bad no active connection with politics. He lias been in cnarge of the Chicago Weather Bureau and his selection to be chief was made solely on his merit and record. He proposes to make fore casts, at which he has been unusually successful, the most prominent work of the bureau, and says on the subject: "We cannot predict just when rain will occur always, but there is no excuse for failing to forecast severe changes in the weather and remarkable atmospheric . disturbances. Forecasting severe weath er changes I conceive to be the object of the office, and in this direction the work will be broadened and steadily improv ed. Forecasts should be made of severe storms, cold waves, or remarkable at mospheric changes at least twelve hours in advance, and the money saved by one such forecast often times more than pays the entire cost of this office for a year.'' Ex-Senator Camden, of West Virgin ia, who is a close observer, thus sums up the political situation : -"Two or three months a&o I wouldn't have given a cop per for the chances of the democratic party. Since then there haa been a marked change in public sentiment, due largely to the improvement that has taken place throughout the country. Cattle have gone no, so has wheat, so has cotton, so has iron, so have wages. All these things redound to the credit of the party, and my belief is that it will triumph in 96." Ex-Governor Campbell passed through Washington on his way home from New York, where he made a great speech at the big Tammany meeting. He reported the New York democrats as being confident of an early return to power, and eaid of the Ohio situation : "The democrats are not making a hope- leas campaign in Ohio. Tbey are going in to make a stiff fight, and the republi cans will have no walk over. From a national standpoint tbe party is in a pood condition and there is solid ground for encouragement in the bettered con dition of the country. It is noticeable too, that tbe improvement is marked in certain lines wnere tbe democrats re duced duties, as in the iron, steel and woolen industries." Limit Foi tunes. Under the above head the DaxocaaT has received on a postal card tbe follow ing very peculiarly worded article,signed by Paymaster Rodney, TJ. S. N., author of Albom and Rosamond, Fort Henry, Baltimore: Cpbb Covethess,-Why shouldn't this lust, tbe climax and total of Decalogue sine, be legally restrained ao are others? Why is it the one privileged crime with no legislative barrier nor ban? Through concentrated compound-interest, heredity fortunes, transmitted prac tically intact, vastly more dangerous and heartlees than hereditary iank,are being redoubled into tecs of millions of dollars each ; pome into hundreds rf millions of dollars already, and. inevitably, into thousands of millions dollars each. Bound'.es solecism in political economy, Cioep-1 morality and common sense ! Yet every thinker must see that there is no possible legal corrective other thn my Amendment. As the world's onlv hitherto remedy for the financial centripetal, has been vi olent revolution destroy and start again it is mathematical certainty that only a sufficiently long pericd of undisturbed law and order, peace and progress, is re quired to produce even trillionaires. This adaorytion piocers intensifies in the cities. Thus, in VYaeh., D C, an elev enth of the citizens now own all the lots; hence the notorious corruptionCon gress besieged to subsid'ze real-estate. Some closer limit is indeed enough than one million dollars; bat, a hundred mil lion is better than ro limit at all. Limit omitting unansweiab'y proves recu'ar tew a traitor to man : as it is bent to rapid ize and ensafe the financial centri petal forever:lhug betraying him eventu ally back to eerfdom. Akchcovetxbs, thus compelled, avoid forfeiture into U. S. Treasury ap portion eirplus among friends, aod stop the infinite concentrating. The framert of the Constitution would undoubtedly have provided some like common-sense restriction had they (oreeeen the need. This Limiting Pi imiple would have been the Constitution's peculiar and original glory, biessed the world with Its moral and economic' examp'e, applicable to monarchies as to republics, and in tbe hightet, iuetest sense, conservative. Constitutional Amendment. Preclud ing private -property-right carried to absurd infinitude. Now approved by the veteran Lawyer, Judge and Senator, Lyman Trumbull. No citizen nor resident nor investor, in any or all States, Territories or Dis trict, comprising the United States.shall be permitted to posses?, in all kinds of property, nn aifgiecate value of more than One Million of dollars; which sum shall be the limit of private pnperty in or for aoy individual, joint-individual, guardian, trustee, or other form or de vice of private estate ownerph'p, or re ssrved for each inheritor or legatee. And whenever or wherever such private ownership or holding or reserving shall be found to exceed the limit above nam ed, the excess shall he condemned as a pub'ic nuisance and a public peril, and be accordingly forfeited into the United Mates treasury. . And the States, etc., shall, each and all, enforce this Amend- mint by nenecrary or p nal legis!ation ; failing w hich, Congress shall enforce it. The coyote has been criticised more than most any other animal. He has one friend in an exchange who stands up for him like this : The hanging look of the coyote as he slips away from the human eight is the cause of tbe animal's bad name. He is very shy at times, but on occasion sits unconcernedly by the road side as one drives along. He is called a sneak, but he ia only shy instead. He has more will than any au mal except the fox; he is as courageous in a fight with his own kind aa any animal thai breathes ; he ia patriotic, if one may use the term, in that he refuses to be domes ticated refuses to leave the lite of free dom to which he is accustomed ;he is the beat family man, to to speak, in the world. Tbe coyotes have been made outlaws through ignorance, as the state ia now learning. One need not be callei a fanatic for saying that nothing ha? been made in vain that if we knew all about the natures of the animals or the world we would pay bounties for pre serving rather than for exterminating them. That is to say, we would labor to preserve the balance of life established by nature. There are some things quite aa well worth proepecting'for as Califor nia minerals, among the rest California fauna. Coyotes which have killed more than 2.000 jack rabbits per day have been wiped out to secure petty rewards. A woman at Seattle recently died leav ing her husband who was a drunkard and a eon who was a confirmed thief. She left a note making a wonderful ac knowledgement. It was to theeffecr that she was herself responsible for het eon's moral perversity. He haa lived a life of wrong doing, and his mother as cribes it to ante-natal influences. She says that shortly before he was born his father was drinking "drinking more than was good 'or him." "I fouud it very hard to get any money from him for our bread and meat. At last it got so bard that the onlv way I could get his money was by wailing until be was asleep at night and picking bia pockets Many and many a night I have got up when he was asleep in the bed by my side and like a thief gone through his pockets and taken what money I found there. Then he had a hot temper, and I was always afraid when I was picking htB pockets he would awake and find me doing it. Thus I went through al. the brain sensations of a daring burglar.even such aa I am informed you have become. Shortly after that you were bom, and 1 firmly believe you came into the world a thief, owing to that crime like though necessary practice. of mine." The maxim that "a cheap coat makes a cheap man" was first used in the Har rison boodle camnaisn o: lSSS. It is a lie, of course. The well-dressed wealthy men of London and Paris wear -cheap coats very cheap by comparison with what the earn) kind of coats cost in this country where every man who wears a coat at all has pay to tribute to the mak ers of c'.oth. One of the best things in the Wilson tariff law is the sharp redac tion it makes in tbe tariff on woolen goods, thereby helping every man, rick or poor, to get a cheap coat. The man who is ashamed to buy a good coat for little money, if he can get it, is tie kind of man that at last lands in the Poor- house, or comes to wear a shabby coat, because be is broke and cannot raise the money to bay a good one at any price. The notion lLat a man ia mean because be objects to being robbed, or to paying an extravagant price for a thing that he on ? tit to cet for a reasonab'e price, is altogether foolish .St. Louis Republic Mrs. William Onthwaite, of Eldorado, Kan., kept $475 in a small iron safe in the bouse. Some robbers, who wanted to increase their worldly possessions pa'd Mrs. Onthwaite a visit Saturday night and took it all onlv lea in tbe safe, A very poor way to keep money. 400 years ago Savonarola, whi.'e law giver of Florence, reduced all taxes es- oeciallv those weighing on the lower classes. This is the spirit that should prevail now; but does cit Our supreme court even declares income tax laws that the rich pay taxes they can wel afford, unconstitutional. Savonarola would not have stood that. Oh for Savonarola. A writer has fizured out that there are 159,000.000,000 souls in hell. He has also figured.on the basis that only 10 ptr cent of professed christians go to heaven, that there are l.SCO,O0C,0D3 souls in heaven. It seem- to be an easy thirg to make figures. Matters are getting in a bad way back East when cyclones plow their way through peaceful New Jersey. We shall never quit remarking that cyclones never d the Willamette valiey. ion might as well look for your cow in the top of a tree aa a cvcione here. A move ia on foot to make postmaster the government crop reporters. If done it should be confined to email towns. Tbe P. M. in tbe larger towns though has his bands full with the basinets of the office. Over 679,750 copies of "Pickwick"hve been cold by Dickens' own publishers since its Bret publication, liie saies have increased during the paet few years. By an means read uicKen. ue is worth reading. A letter received by an Albany man from Indiana says tbat every thing there is burnt np and crops are a failure, a fact we regret to hear. Wet wioters and springs and cool nights insure crops in tbe Willamette valley. A paper ia never appreciated more than when it is desired to keep some thing out of it. Perhaps too stingy to take one thn he lias an eye as to the value of tbe press. H is even being charged tbat ex-Governor Pennnyer once pardoned John Case, under arrest fa- robbing the over land, and one paper asks who will par don ex-Governor Pennoyer. Tbis sending morp :ine th-nds and drunks to the State Inscne Asvlnm to be cured should he stopped. That is not fust exactly ths state's business Tbe dispatches say that President Cleveland took a hi ibtve D-itntdav nlitht It iaiis o i li whether the mos quito bothered him. A Chicago girl ii about to ride a bicy cle from tbat city to tbe city of Mexico, 3000 miles away. Tbat will be a great feat, in fact a double feet. It is a nice thing to talk good times ; but faith without works avalleth not. Moral, now ii the time to advertise. Even This Shall Pass Away. - A Tangent man hands the Democrat the following aa worthy of a place in the Democrat: Once in Paris reigned a king Who upon his signet ring Graved a maxim true and wise, Which, if held before his eyes, Gave him counsel at a glance Fit for every change aud chance. Solemn words, and these are they : 'Even this shall pass away." Trains of camels through the Band Brought him gems from Sainarcand; Fleets of galleys through the seas Brought hini pearls to match with these. But he counted not his gain Treasures of the mine or main ; "What is wealth?" the king would say: "Even this ehall pass away." Ia the reve'a of his court, At the senith of the sport, When the palms of all his guests Burned with clapping at bis jests. He, amid the figs and wine. Cried : "Oh, loving friends of mine! Pleasure comes, but not to stay ! Even this ehall p.tss away." Fighting on the furious fieid, Once a javelin pierced his shield, Soldiers, with a loud lament. Bora him bleediog to his tent. Groaning from his tortured side, "Pain is hard to bear," he cried, "Bat with oatience, day by day, Even this ehall pass away." Towering in the public rquare, Twenty cnbics in the ai", Rose his statue carved in stone. Than the king, disguised unknown, Stood before his sculptured name, Musing meekly : "What is fame? Name is but a slow decay Even this shall pas away." Struck with palsy, sore and old. Waiting at the Gates of Gold, Said he, with his dying breath : "Life is done, but what is death?" Then, iu answer to .he king," Fell tbe sunbeam on his ring, Showing by a heavenly ray, "Even this shall pas awa? ' Indianapolis News. The American Advertiser give this advice: Make liberal u?e of home pa per; fill tbeni with live advertisements which will attract attention; give tbe key-note of the song of joy that the long depression in tbe commercial world is ended. It will require some pluck to start the work, but the returns will come in after a little time and prove the wisdom of the policy. Money invested in advertising in local journals is like seed planted in good soil. It is of doable effect: it not only brings trade to the merchant, but it imparts to the pa pers an appearance of prosperity that i noticed ic all tbe region about. A town w ith well pstroniied papers is a well advertised town, for it is ou the lips of every one; and a we!i adveitirtd t..u is a busy place. This is a demonstrated fact, not a theory. A dispatch from et Point daUd Inly lo says that Cadt-t W. P. Scales, cf Texas, thought Cadet Robinson, of tbe "FJebe" class was not walking with suf ficient "brace." He ordered the Plebe to "fin out," and then commanded him to march in'.o his tent. Scales followed and pot biai through tbe "setting-up exercises. Robinson was not compelled to tit on a bayonet, but was cbooded and double stooped until he dropped io a faint. Coioa-1 M ilia, the commandant, ordered Scales to be deprived of his ten weeks' forlongh next summer, and that he be confined to bis tent and company street, and that daring the remainder of tbe camp be walk a pucishmeottour. fully equipped as a sentinel, three hours each day, three days a week; when tbe ba tall ion moves into barracks that he be confined to the limits of the gymnasium and barracks, and walk sentry tours on Saturday afternoons until December. A large number of demerits have also been added to his class record Tbe demand of tbe people is that sil ver and gold be given a fair and equal show in the currency ot the country. and there will be no let cp until the de monetizing act of 1873 be replaced by tbe old, tried and true coinage laws in effect before that confidence game was play td a con an unsuspecting people. The peo ple do not want monometallism, with either silver or gold as the standard ; hi metallism is the demand of the masses. Bimetallism aaks only that a fair field rnd no favor be shown, and silver will rank up with any and all money in eta bili'y and worth. Greeneast'e, Ind , Star Press. This is business and if what people want, and not what the Or egonian falsely says.' The Oregonian had rather lie 'ban eat. The Harrisburg Review looks at it this way : Mayr Flinn, of Albany, ve toed the ordinance license, placing a prohibitive tax on peddling in the tub urbs of the city. While perhaps Judge Flinn has the advantage cf legal tech oicaii'iep, the patronage i f home insti tution, whose business matters are above reproach, might, in a degree, apol ogize for such an ordinance. Fur fear the fact may be overlooked, ays the Greencastle, Ind., Star Press, we reiterate what was frequently print ed during past campaigns: Tbe tariff is a fax. Under McKia!eimi 'twas a heavy tax and the burden depressed the people and their business interests; under the Wilson law the tax is made lighter, and tho people have straighten ed up and their business interests have asHmned vigor and tctivity The Oregonian is trying Jvery hard to make tho people believe the silver sen timent is dying out ; but It is no'. It is a'so laboring to make the public believe that all men in favor of free coinage of silver cannot be bimetalists hut are simply single standard silver men Thir is all false. Mott 10 to 1 men are bitne- talists. They want the free coicsge ol both silver and void. A. Bush, of Salem, probably dictaus more appointments than any man in Oregon. Mr. Bush is worth a million dollars. nev wir.kburger, ot Chicago, per formed seventeen uianisge' ceremonies last Sunday, breaking the record. Tbe average minister would be happy to have as many ceremonies' (n a year. A good manv thousand dollars will be pent by Albany people procuring the rest theirjworn out tired systems need and these are bard times ' The Demo crat man doesn't hava time to get tired. A New Orleans man who brat his wife was shot dead, which tervid hitnabent right. A business thermometer is tbe adver tising columns oi a paper, says an ex change.'' MISFITS. An Albany man boasts that while in Corvallis lost Sunday he got something to drink notwithstanding the saloons were all closed, or supposed to be. Jack Dempsey, the pugilist, denies that he has returned to Portland to diu. The victor of sixt y battles should bo al lowed to live ,und not bo killed by the newspapers. Some Nebraska people wish, to trade land and mortgages for Oregon sheep. The Oregonian who would bite at that ought to lo bamboozled. Think of an Orvgoniari living in Nebraska, Horrors! A Portland man received a letter from his wife at Clatsop or some other seaHide resort telling him to sail in and have a good time while she was gone, and he took the nexttrain in disguise for the sea side. Some rules laid down in bicycle eti quette are: The gentleman should ride on left side of lady ; allow lady to go firet on narrow track ; in passing vehiclu or bicycle going in same direction go to left after ringing bell. An Albany man recently at the Bay, has such enormous feet and long legs that he stuck ono of his feet through a pane of glass during the night and came near having it eaten up by a cow. The man lays it to the small rooms of the cottage; but the case is a plain one. The Horr-Harvey debate began in Chi cago yesterday and will last ten days. When done the friends of each side will claim that the other fellow was ever lastingly thrashed ; and that nottiing was left of him but his bones. A San Francisco dispatch says that "The Willamette Valley arrived this morning from Mexico." Mexico is cer tainly honored by coming in contact with tbe Willamette valley. This, by the way, is the steamer that formerly run on the Yaquina route. The Salem papers are great rustlers. They are just publishing the May pro ceedings of the county court, will pub lish the June proceedings and will no doubt net to the Jalv nroceedines in a couple months. The DasiootAT publishes county court proceedings as they occur. They are news and the people w ant them fresh. Texas authorities say positively that Corbett and Fitxsimnions will not'be al lowed to fight in that cute, and they mean business. This is right ; but it is'a tunny thing that the small fry are right ing every day, all over the U." S., knock ing each other out continually and noth ing ia said about stopping the contests. Thoee who nretend to know sav the supreme court will confirm the sale of the Oregon I'acinc railroad to Hammond & Bonner. The Hogg faction say they w ill carry it to tbe supreme court of the United Mates. That, however, is re garded as a Muff. At any rate if the sale is confirmed bv the Oregon court, there will be no question about dirt riving on the Atoria and Uobel road pretty Budget t. . . ti , . , A practical j.;ke w as plaved on Max Garner at the Lot Ciwk stone quarry, Ureenip. Ky., last Wednesday night which will probably result in bis death, Snake, of wrtich Oarner has a mortal j turns Lave lira made tonight are as foi terror, are plentiful in that neighbor- i Iowa: nood. 1 hat night the uoya put two large links of bolocna sausage in Garner's bed, and whe-n he sprang into it he came in contact w ith tbem. mth a temned yell he leaped out and immediately went Into spasms and the doctor save he can- not live. " A remarkable caw is told in the dlf- natchee of Julv 11. from Pit:burv: While Frederick Feeney was a!ep Sal- j nrday night, a goat, owned by Mrs. Mary j Burke.chewed off part of hi long whisk- cu. I-cruel, Kiieu HO aur, m.wi Eiilea me euau Jirs. uurae weni to tne station to have Keeney arresied for in- jutiuS un i-i-i. rreue; iwiii. i ont a warrant on a charge of larceny of his beard by the goat. Magistrate Mullen refused to take in the tnfortna- tion. if the goat dies Mr. Burke will sue for damages. So w ill Fecney. awsertcaa Baaared. t . , .i. -n , t.- wiNno. Inlc 15 Th lord narfr. Sir Joseph lUnals. entertained AoguOin laly j Sa Faasciwo. Ju!y 15. Judge Mc companv at lunch Uxlav. Amonir those ! K?rua, m tbe I ntted Mates district conn nresent were United States Ambassador Bavard. Mr Carter. r.n vat ser-retarr to Mr. Bavard: t'nited State iV.a,al Collin. Mr. and Mrs Beerebobtn Tw. CharUs Wvndbam and Kllen Terrv. Ibe lord mavor extorted Ada iteban to b-r place at the table, and Mr. Bayard led Lady lien - uals to her scat. After toasting tbe iuen the lord mavor proposed the health of the preuoeoi oi we c okm saying it was then given for the first time in tbe his- tory of tbe Mansion Usoee. The will case. Los do, July IS. The Cambridge Uni versity Athletic tub has cabled to I ale its acceptance of tbe terms proposed for a con test m track athletics in America. The Cambridge team will sail on August SI. and the conteU ill occur October '. Cambridge inited fn a SW-yard dh, in C reference U. the yard dah pr-pod y Yale, and tbe American finally con sented to this. Xrxt Maadar. Sax fbaxcisco. July IC Unless t'ue unexpected hap;eos. the trial of Theodore parraot for the murder of Minnie v a il tarn and Bicnche Laruont will commence nxt Monday. 'I be prep-jatiocs are J.n -plete. Jurors have been drawn and sum moned, and the undertindinjt no i tbat tbe cai"e shall proceed without del&y. .MAURI!.!). BUCK I5EATTY. On Saturday evening. June IS, 189- nt the home of the bride's niotheron Kllswortti street, by llev. D. V. Poling, Mr. C. L. Buck and Miss Olive Ileatty. The happy couple are among our lost vounsr jwople, and deserve life's In-st blessings. May hapirinesa and good fortune be their reward. DUDS, Society buds, younsr wo men just entering the doors of soci ety or woman, hood, require the wisest care. To be beautiful and charming they must have perfect health, with alt it implies a clear skin, rosy cheeks. britrat eyes ana gixxl spirits. Al this period tbe young woman is especially sensi tive, and many nervous troubles, which continue tbroucji life, have their origin at tbis time, if lucre be pain, headache, backache, and nervous dis turbances, or the general health not good, tbe Judicious use of medicine should be employed. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is the best restorative tonic and neiv ine at tbis time. The best bodily condition results from its use. It's a remedy spe dally Indicated for those delicate weak nesses and derangements tbat afflict wo menkind at one period or another. You'll find tbat the woman who baa faithfully used tbe " Prescription " is the picture of health, she loots well and she feels well, In catarrhal inflammation, in chronic dis placements common to women, where there are symptoms of backache, dizziness or fainting, bearing down sensations, disor dered stomach, moodiness, fatigue, etc., the trouble is surclj dispelled and tbe sufferer brought back to health and good spirits. -WOMAN'S ILLS." Mas. W. R. Bats, of Dilworth, Trumbull Co., Ohio, writes I "A few years ago I took Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which has been a great benefit to me. I am in excellent health now. I hope that every wo man, who is troubled with 'women's tils,' will try the Prescrip tion ' and be bcueiilcd as I have been." Mas. BATsa, TELEGRAPHIC, How li Ww Daae. Oukoon City, July 16. The Btage re turning from W'ilhoit Springs todu hrought full particulars of tnn rubbery on the Howard hill yestcrdny. The stage wa--about half-way down the hill, when twr masked men stepped trom the bruxu at tut left, and commanded the driver to haltano throw up his bands. The passenger' hands went uppiomptly, hut the driver, Henry Mat toon, did not get tbe team stop ped until the command "shell out youi cash throw it right down there in the road" came from the robber. The pas senger, who was a Mr. 1-evy, of Portland, again acted promptly, and threw his purse, containing $35, in the road. Ibedrivei Bays he told the highwayman he had nt money, and they took his word for it. live abooilag. Seattle. Julv lfl. there came very near beina a repetition of the celebrated Thonius lilack episode down at Mike Noon's saloon, on Railroad avenue, at 12 o clock I ant nieht. An unknown man went into the resort, which is a great place for the water-front loungers generally, ami ordered free beer, but when it was not forthcoming, drew a gun and in an in stunt Inter there was shooting going on, which did not -cease till 12 shots had been bred and the room pretty well punctured with lead. ISO ouo was hurt. A Brakrsaaa Killed. MAtiriiiviiri.n. Or.. Julv 18. Andrei Swan son, a brakeman on tlie freight train on the Coon tiuy-Koeebur railroad, baul- inir lncM from the Conuille river was killed this niorning,about 3 o'clock, at Mctjuigg't station, tbe locomotive, tour Uu tears and the caboose passing over his body. He jumped ou the end of the train when it was in motion, to throw a switch, but, aa be alighted oa the track, he stumbled anJ fell- He wu caught by the cars before be could ecao. MlucS HIi k. ' AsTOiti. July 15. Mrn. Thomas li: cles, wife of a fanner residing near Yexiier. Ibis county, waanbot Saturday afternoon by Thomas Hopkins, posttnoKter at Hop kian. 'Ibe shoutisg grew out of trouble over stock, repealed quarrels having oc curred l l wee ii tbe men. Saturday 1-xrcle sent word to Hopkins to come and take one of his cattle out of bis (fcccle') past ure. The message was prompt)- respond ed to, Hopkins coming armed with a rifle Approaching Eocta, be drew a bead on bim. but the intended victim jumped just as the slioo!tr pulled the trigger, and tbe tall struck Mrs. Lodes on the forehead. The wound wiii not prove a serious one. . The ' leaded. Eorrox, July 15. Tonight tbe Four teenth International Christian Endeavor convention came to aa end. During its continuance more than -V0 meetings nave been beid. Approximately oo.V-M men and woiun have come from alt corners of tb American continent as deierate. mh erf bare come fiom dutaot lands and the most powerful nations bare ben repre sented in tbis vat Katbennir. n bile era I thourand deieg-jic wii! return to their home tomorrow, the grea'er part will re main sigbt seeing for a few days A Cawardlr Laser. San FitAXcisoo.Julr 15. Thos. Wood. a young ieaubip waiter, ibis evening i aiu'v aeia io ueaia wciun nex par1 8oa" tnen kiiled Litneeif. The murder and sui ! cide occurred c-n the corner of Kidiey street ! and fc!g;n riae. i j Ubrrais stratra. Losnox. July 15 Tie Mti reu'.ts ol ihe rariiamejitarv elections for which re- j 1 t.onrva!ive -.151 ...SI ...23 ... 4 ... 4 ... 1 i J!""'" nwonn . f Jf ,j rnU ts i Met arthtiU i u'r ...30t a llssruu Ittswlfc. fr. I'siL, Jusv !,. Di.r-slihes from t Moo. Ufa, Swlf. 4nJ Harlevcouo- li M:nn...i im urn nviMu, ! -. t ii. n.bni, ,k. ik. rropecta f..r wheat are cot so good by 21 j,-r cent a tbtv were Il daj ai."0, on ac- ,-,. 0r th drouth. Tin. wt.on mi ; tiaci s,. i .h n;nf,.Kj,R i mtMidetU retvt fiat the vield will act ; exceed ii besbeis io Hariey ar.J Swift co-jn ties, and wilt be but httSe better in j Big Stont count v. ' V ill a apra:r4 t i today, granted the governmeat permission to appeal the Stanford case to tbe Toiled 1 States court of appeals for this circuit Ue l fpeciSed 10 nu order that tbe appeal most be fiied More August 15. The suit for J 5.,0(W wiil then bi practically decid jtd j j KrcsUsts ahaaila; T1E DtLLE9t Ja-r u.M M . ths. n .n, , .hi,n affrsr t..tT ..i. , io r . uruise s suiujq, vr.icn may lermtn .it..! ta!aily. Liay MclKmald. a carpenter I crazed by liquor. robed into tbe saloon and alter making some remarks about bav ing Km old scores to sttt e wi:h some one in tne a.oen, teean dtstbarein:? his s.x hooter at random a! the occupants of the place- in au Dve snoia were bred. to effect. Jim llagen was struck ir. Ibe small of tbe back, tbe ballet f l iainc a rib and ladling, il is tbcnirLt, n- the ab- ili cavity llu conmiiun i ronsid' ercl wrious. F. Lran.Ln uui&ed t li.i h wound in tbe leg. A ttakala J clone. tutAvroN. I , July 14. V cvcione at O IMuncllM-n. s.x niii r.orth of here. is rcp-uled this alternocn. it was about three thU wide. At a xbooi'boute, near by. ple wera at church and beard it coming It nrt struct a lare machin ery bcu liitexl tuat np. turned it iouiilete iy an i;iia anu urupjieu u nve rtnls awa in a grove. i was full of inachitery, which was t w !ed Out ofshvpe. It thru struck a bu. -Ji yards away 1 he houe was a '.uTe mo story frai,.e buildinir. it lifted ih' no- se in tlie air, whirled it around and let it fall. 1 be buildinc struck on one corner and broke to piece. There were live " r.-)u in it .No one waa kille-l. The CBgll.a lletllaas. lasi!OX, July H.-Sir William Hr court'E deleat in lerty waa the sematiop in political circles tonight. It is admit ted on all sides that the .iberals are begin ning very badly. Of 110 members far elected 00 are unioni'ts, 10 liheruls.and 4 l'arnellites. High, liberal seats have been captured by the unioniita and tbe ludicals bare captured one unionist sent. tbi-t at l erth. As tar as outward appear ances go the elections are causing little ex citement in London. A Sew Parly. Topkka, July 14. Senator Peffer ii out for a now party, in a letter just publish ed, h) says; A new party must bis formed bvausA there is new work to be done work that the other parlies ore not lit to do a new party tioh from the people; a party mad upofnicii of courage equal to their con victions; but it will he built on a founda tion deeper and broader thun free silver or ' binietalism, for these terms express noth ing that reaches the core of the troubles which has confronted us. iU m 'to will be: 'Let the people rule.' ' Fraiupt Liarhlns Camden. Ark., July II. About 12 o'clock lust night, at Hampton, twom groes were b nened by 15 men. Two weeks ugo a white man by the came of Martin was killed by three negroes. Two of tbem were arreted and conhned in jiil. A mob gathered several nights igo, hut was per suaded to dixperso. Laxt niirht there wa another gathering, and 75 determined men marched to the jail and demanded the sur- lender of (lie murderers. It was useless to rewtil such a force, end the sheriff deliver ed the keys to" the mob. The culprits ware taken to a neighboring foret and banged to trees. A a Old Wsy. Ct.avci.ATD, July 14 Two girlr, Flora Gideon and Mary Tomasch, cousins, whr. accoinputipd an excurxton from this city to v nippewu lace, were drowned today by tbe capsizing of a row boat. The girls wer out rowing with A Fxdiwsrtx. Ihey tried to exchange seats with each other and tlu ikirr was overturned. Scbwartx clung to tlie boat and was rescued, while his com panions sank at once. Foreman Charles Me. Superintendent of One posing Rooms in America. Up in the top story of the Globe build ing, where the typetM-ttinir ami other machine do everything but talk, says the Boston Globe, there is a pleasant laced, clear f-kinned light complexioned man of 52, who has been with the Globe ever since the birthriav ol that srreat paper. He is the nicht foreman ot the composing room, and looks fully 15 years younger man lie really is. llis name is Mr. Charles Kolfe. Nervous headaches that well-nigh drove him to detraction first introduced bim to Paind's Celerv enm?in.l That was five vears a.'o. and until that time 4 he was one of the most pronounced op-1 ponenia oi pre.arel remedies to be Sound in tbe city. Jimi how Paine'a celery compound w as first brought to his attention he doe not remember, but it baa done him so much good that the compound has no more enthusiastic champion living. He is as happy as any one in the enjoyment of good health could be, and for 'that hap piness he gives iuil credit to Paine's celery compound. Kead what he haa to sav about the medicine: 'I am alwavs rwav to recommend Paine's celery compound when I hear oi a cae i.o.iiar to my own. t-ouw bve years ao I was suilenng trom headaches which were sometimes to severe dunug working hours of tin? nicht that I wou.d clap my hands over my head to 'Ijold the top on,' Use pain being excruciating. These at'acks would occur sometimes a often as three times a wuek. leep was out ol the question, the pillow eevmir.g but a block of wook. "Just at the time I was suffering mtt I bought a bottle of Paicc's eek-rv com pound, began al once to lake is, and be- lore a week had pawed the headache began, to disappear. I felt almoct a new man before the bottle was em it v. I purchased more, and for two years kept CO GREAT WALLACE SHOWS -TO ALBANY TUESDAY, AUGUST 6. THE QREATEST,LARGEST,GRANDEST AND BEST OF America's Amnsement Enterprises Only Ei? dhow Visiting the Parifiy SIopo This Making its Admission Prices 50c. Fines! lonss as3 Greatest Array ef Unl OF ANY SHOW ON EARTH! NO WONDER Rings! 2 stages! ' Mile Uace Tract! 4 Trains ! 10 Acres Canvas ! 10.000 nenses: J00 riienominal Act !20 Hurricane Races! 2i Clowns! 6 llands! 50 Cages' Io Onen IVtis! Herd of Klcnhants! lr-B of lm..' UVirM'a k-n.j i...r ers : r. very ureal act Known i ,S. , , . ------ EXCURSIONS un every line oi travel io enable visitors of this, tho greatest show of the luodcrn uciw luc uiuiisivr, uiujt-Mic, sjH'ciucuiar, STREET PARADE 50 FREE EXHIBITIONS DAILY KXPFini-vrvn niTFfrnvFs iv ... ......v. . ... tuu saicii io proivci uo puuuc irxmi me REMEMBER TICKETS on sale day of exhibition at Hodges A McFnrUind's Pron Store cor er First and Fcrrv Sts. ' of the Biggest Com it in the house for use w henever I felt a return of the old paim. It never failed in giving me relief. The other member ol mv family also began to take it my wife for a feeling of zenerai weakness she being at that time much 'run down' and never feeling well enough to perform Uie work ol the home. itbin a week she was, as she expre-d it. 'as wei! as ever in her life,' and s.'milar reports came from all our friends o a horn we had recommended it. "1 feel confident that in nervosa Lesd aches ann a 'run down' Fystein the corn !ound w ill I beneficial every time, ii not a perfect cure. i in some inancs we nave not onlv reoooinieoded it, but furcihed it to very aged friends, and the efic-.-t of one bo'tie lias eeemenl marvelous, one particular old friend of nace telling rr.e trt before one bottle had been used he "he felt at leat ten years younger, and certainly bad not fi-it as good tor 10 years. "Ihiring the last live year I have used a great tuacy Urliie of the coin pound that is, in niy Lome. I ara pos itive that it is a sure cure for nervous headaches and a brvken-dow n feeling, especially in the case of elderiy j-rotj. There is one eas in part:-uUr 1 call to mind, in which P.i.e's ceh ry com pound assened iss gjd jua;i::c. We had a yotiisg married lady friend, who was nursing her -S-nufiths-oid child, and found thai f!ie could not persona her household du'.U on a-c.ui!t oi the weak condition she roed always lo 1 in. Oa the recomita-ndation of tuv wue and mywlf she took ot-e bottle of the coni und, and U-forv two we-fce had f a..-J was able to do her on wahir. even, in addition to lio:;m-rt. Aboui three bottle were uet. I have yet to hear front any friend to whom I rvmrc mend ed it any shan llie favorable, re tails." IT IS GREAT! Colossal Menagerie: Rova! A jnarium' '. 1.500 KniDloves ! $4.0iki.0(1 YUv vL t.A 1M I A I.. ff;i.(K0.tKH).tH. - - ..... v i iinm. WILL EE RUN Iroin a na anrt to nit..n.l tl. i.n.;.;. world. Tr.iirs will arrive in time tow it- grand, irco ONE MILK LONG. 50 iTrvvnu - rr ni iiieyarw consiamiv on oHTaiions ot gamblers ana swindlers. THE DATE.' Stqtc JTotiiql School Monmouth, Or. A training school for iu.-in.'rs. vompieie eight grailo training .department and strong Professional and Academic courses. The Diploma of the school entitles one to teacn in any county in the state without further examination. Hoard and Lodging, booka and tu ition, 150 per year. Beautiful and healthful location no saloons. There is a good demand for well trained teachers; there is an over-supply of untrained teachers. Catalogue cheerfully sent on application. Address v. A. Wass, P. L. Campuklu Secretary. President R - l - P - ONE GIVES RELIEF. NEW : : : YUBMSUBEr, MY STORE iSKOWiCLL OP FIBST-OLAS FUEXITUEE, CON-fVr.KQ of lxsi room acta, chair, oaoges, ate." which I will attl at BOTTOM PRICES, ALBAWY CIGAR FACTOHY .J. JOSEPH. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Xiii is hereby given that the partner ship of Farrell and Haaains, rifling busi ness as the FaciSe Mattress Worts, is tbs day ditsulred by ianloal consent, C. E. Hawkins reining. Tbe burin's will be -ont.nutd under the same name bv Frank Farrell. by sbom ali deb's will be paid ni witb wbom ai: accounts must be Ud. Frask Fakkeix Jitlyll.lCi C. t. Hawsrss. iLBAHT F0MT1E GO. CVCOPOBATIID BaKiraore Blotl, Albanj, Ore FURNITURE csuiple'e line of l!.IERTAKIXG in all its branches EMBALMING a.,ty RideDC comer 3rd and Vm's--'t prescribes for yoa, lut tbe druxist sup plies the medicine. A comi-t aiagnoeis x -. . J w.w a-.- a-" w : ' rs-mf ia wt j Kakak ACr I utt.cs U.e medicine is prepared property Irani pure cm??. iue amggia uiere-f-re, has much lo do with tbe success or iaiitire of the doctor's rreameat We LaTe won golden opinions from the phy sicians on account of the accuracy and reiiaidlity of our prescription department and the recogniied purky and ireaanes of cur dmi Jxit pohcy is io boycott nil rt luUeraiions acd eiciu-ie them abto- !;t-ly from our stock. Reap the lenet by sending a'l your prescriptions to us. j a rrjjyjistj. AT r g-v DnDcorcndt? FEED STORE is a f-ii a-s.r;mect cf food for man and bev: a!o oi! me&l, grass a?!, time hair. a.? and ft-iti:ii"r. also Viltir" S-ed Meat, a sore remedy fjr the ajltu-r,! of hvcses ani ccs. Alt CHEAP FOK CASU. Pcrcw' THROUGH TICKETS to the EAST via the Colon Pacific System. uirongh fullnian Talace sleeper Tiimist sleenert and New Redinio Uiaircara DAILY PORTLAND TO CHICAGO. Trains heatd by strain and cars liht ed ty inta-h Light. Tiiiie to Chicago S1 davs, Ume to New York 4li days, which is many hours quicker than all competitor. For rates, time tables and fu'd infor mation, apply to Ccbbkx & MojfTKiTH, agents, Albany, vr. lr R W Bastos. C Shows, Gen'IAeent. Din! P li 135 Third St, Portland, Or. T ARTIES VISlTlVii tuv ri-irrT X and Belknap sprines, or crossing tie wiil und it to their advantage to boy their advantage to buv their supolies of Shumate at Waherville, sixteen miles east of Eugene uu ioe siai road. All gocnts so d at fcu- NEW CROP OATS WANTED. I am prepared to contract for new oats and nave kicks on liamt, wiiicn 1 will furnivh to farmers at 5 cents. Call on me before making other arrantrements. M. Skspeks, . Tho Ins. Agent of Albany. Office opposite Ovid Fellow s building. 1IM, Cusick Bkck AHany, Or rilling end extracting of teeth witho oain a soecialtv 1 1EO E nsn W TUB PLUMBER Tin rooSing and pi aching, the opera house. Oppoai T?OR RENT 5 room houw nan- hiuinMs JP center, $7.:0 a rmntb. IrouiieatL. C'--L -)ri. A - N - TIios. Brink Proprietor. SUMMONS. As the Circuit Court of ttv. Stair. for A County of Linn Tle Anglo American Load Mor gsge and Agency Com- P i. paay. Limited, a c-Tpora-rion. vs J L'Holiida.acd Anna Hollida kis wife; and the Lombard lo- J P Beclor; W W Adaia. ; and Ah Foo, a China man the Alliance Trot - Co.. a Defendaeta. ltUasoaricorporaioo;SDd a li Matthews and Ldaard Washburn, partner doiog ktuincM under In b'm same of Mat' hews aal Wadibi-rn. To tb Lombard faveatiEen Craipur, a oorporation , J P &eaor, "V A,'. urn. Ah Foo, a Chinaman, fnr ol t Le kbure earned deiesdan'-s: JSTBE NAME OF TEE STATE OF vKEGON : You al each of joa are teresv ; required b appear and ansaer tbecron com ; p aict cf :Le def ndsnt, tbe A Stance Trust aon;pary.acoporat:oa.ia f ai-ove entitled c-ui. in ur (Rli-nrj .Ull buw OD C.6 wiin the ctfrk ot said court on cr brf urc the first day -A tbe next rega'ar tem of said cuort; to wit: Oa or be-e ibe f$.b 4y of October, lhX; and joa atd ecb of you ae hereby notiSed that if j-jo tad la n aeai and answer said crtm enaipiaiot as here I by required, 'be cross r-p.' niot.ibe Al ' aace l'rot l f-p j io tbeamn lor the rem anaa-ieti ia said (ret com p ain', twtt: Fur a decree A tcis court, that aaid Alliance Trut Oosepacj, a cor p T'tkjC, may have acd acqatre jadg against lis c-iWe a i J L rio.lida and Anra Dliida. for Use sum c two thcu'and acd sixty dollars. (e3Lu0 ) with interest irnweuB. ai tbe rate cf 8 ; er cent per ansnm. frun Use 1st day of Ottor. leSO. asd foe the farther raaotU) honired ioi ar, ($3-0 1 aa a reaKxiaUe attorney's ice anJ f-w c-s and d;oarscaiM.t cf the said A !un Trust Compuiy. a corpara tioo. bereia to be taini aci tu court dcT-e a foee'oare of roe tuortsase aeiTed in said cm comp.iiir.1. and '.sat tc rel prcprry ihsreia decittl. u-it: Tfae Souin cstt qiarter zl S;v kio Tn ( lo;, aad SMoth rst qtirer J S-cciae EWvea (n),snd Xjrfi eu qi;ur ot Src--tioa Fifteca 15), ail ia Tcwasiup Fu.--tn 114) S-rnh asg- Four (4- a a of the NYulamclie Usiidiaa ; aul be fiati"g ai the Sth wsat cnrr cf the Soo:h east qaarier of s-iti Sjc'sjb E!rra (ll);iad ra&Binthcare East S;x l" & 65-1 ao (6.63) CHaios ; tbesce t-cti ti re 5) ci aias ; hence West Si and 6-3-i.jj ( 6 6j) cais; thence"Xorti Five 5 chaiss to j e o( t riaaing; a'o benmcia;ef!i aad 35-100 13.35 haiua Ea: ot Sc-t e.i ccrncr ol -aic Src.lon Tei (io); anJ tlu-ace u Tsrents 65.10a (20-65) chaj-is Uj Southeast aarwer of SooUsrra- quarter of said teefca ten (10); theoce Nosth Forty (4ocha:ns; thesee taeaty acd 65-1 )0ia65i.-,Vi:B?l-art &3w:h Forty (40) chtrs; o plare cf btpia. aiajexorpjag alv S aii qiartir al Sos'hwest qsarter of sU Section Eles-ea (1 1), coctainisg in iV Five hac.irej and tvecty six and 60-100 acre, score n sa, accordtag togoerwroent tvrrex ; b: IB mariBer bi U apoo ex ecution by Ifce SheriS ct saij Coanty to sa::fr iht above cX crrl bt siii axrtg25 sod a reasonable sicr ae 1 fc t. Bii cjft. and u al the p vcreds aruieg rrjea sacb a:e be arrlc: First to l' asjosent ot tlie coti ad eMourteasnXM i tha suit ao j lo the t'.txvt 's fee pnved hr ia sa d cress coairlaiat of t o hunore-i eki'ars (f2cO); Second: To the payment of any j -unmeet vhat ma t r rdcreJ rtereia in ta tot of the saii pefen art Tie A'idaCeTrsst CosxpaiiT, a enrf!' v.ti, an 1 la iie p aiatiff nd a"! cf the said de'eodactf, ecep irvi ifie Ai iaore Trast C-xspany, ar.J .! person ri'lt-iaij uaier them, cr erhar t t";t, be ,, ... oa re ad lKe-oseJ of a!! rtgn. ti'le. and q-i!- of rtlempion in. C-r to, said real pi.nerv, or anv pitt the-eof. And that it she ck- ceeds arisi-.j; from n:i s He nt saSt " cient ta ra stio d fe. iaot. ;Le t litoce I l.l Compasv. I s cfaioi. c . d bunewieois and arorary's fer, -Iirn said cr fcsedaot Alliacce Ti t ConDDser. haee iad-mnt se.inat the de fendants J. L. Hoi'WU and Anna Ho lid. tor such ciencUncv and for extcn- sioti therefor aeains the rroto-tvof 'fc eieniUriU J L Hollidi and Am It jllid and for suci ot"er tenet a to t-e caort a ay arena jut and equ'tald. This ni on ia published by ord-.T cf Him. H H ewitt. I u d,pe of tbe Cireait C.-nrt of tie state of O'ttro f-rr L!nu oa-tv. rade at ha rubers Julv 9tn, O. G ELLIS. Att jraey for th? iWe-i-tj-.t. "Ue Ailiarce Trast Ojtntacy, a ccrpurvtioa. NOTICE T3 C.HTSACT033. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on fcly iheSth, lSv. at t oVsrk p m. of aiid dav sea'ed p-otxa' l be re ce!vel by the ur.cen jrned for recoreting the Albany Farmer Co' 'ebo"-se huiit tafis at Albany. Oregoc. I Hmerisions aft speci Seal ons can be octiud by ca! ixg al office of said compary. The airder signed reserves the rsht to rc an a"d all bids. UAKT13 PAvsr. Cha'r.nsn Commifre 00 Repairs Tkes. B. MaRfaaix. SeertarT. BIDSWANTSn FOB WCSC BIDS WILL BE R EC " DEVTHr supply con.miitre 0f tha Ltdies AiJAiv ciey for he OrpSa0-s Hon,e oo; iai. ff JS9o. for wo Hi as fnow: 80 co.J, of oak il) cords ei ash nd 30 co.dv of lod gr. Bid should be left with Mr, s s rr Mrs. Thomas Hopku.j Mrs- J. M, I'in, alrs.S. S. 'lrsin. Com. CITY TREASUHEV3 N3TI3E- Notice is hereby given, tha- fUr j, on hand o pay city wan ni Nca 53 157 inclus.TA. rJ Ik. !.. nl 1 to ISV5. Interest On Said vaman. i'l ...... 'c.,r va the date of the publication of this bo' ice. Albany, Ore , July 9th. 1895 C. A. 1 ABKkC I ilT Treuer. NOTICE TO THE TAX PAYEES BY ORDER nif TH F fiirr vxv rvirr o 1 the tax roll of IS94 will be rl,w) an July 10. aod after tbat date the shrriff wiil in no more mooev oa ids saia 1H roil Until tha dlif.innt k'fk fa ntjul iM l.i hands tor collision. By order of J. A. Mc KKOS, Sheriff of Dnn Count. SECOND HAND cook stove wanted. I-T word at the r,m. .A . 0 1 ! -d w YicTeck's. and secure pnrchasrT at once