The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 12, 1895, Image 3

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Daily, 1 ct a day; 25c per month ; t3.00
per yoar, in advance. 80c per month not
in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10
per cent added if allowed to run over 3
W&kki.t, 11.25 in advance; 11.50 at end
of year; $1.75 for second year; 20O for
third and preceeding veers, when not paid
in advance. Clubs of five r- subscribers
for fo.00.
i make cold cho ws.
J. C. LITTLER, Dentist
' Dress Duck.
, tans and blues.
, Silk Mitts,
from 25c op.
1 Ladiks Waists
large sleeves,
Satin Rirbon,
all silk. stanlA shailsa
received this ween at
by Stewart & Sox
Hardware C
Wagons, Hacks and Buggies.
We bare a good rtoek in this lit e. Tkei
may ba lo er pi iced tehicle in town ur
they will twin Dickey shop for iwaait
loo? a ssoke rattle in- the earts
have for ule.
You Can
Dig Worms
and go Hl log, bat we wnt or. to bay
your fi-.hi.ig tackle of o. There baa bee
a "aldmp" io meh coods. Sod we can sail
on rods, reels, hooka, lice, baskets, etc.
at pi ice yon never heard of before.
Seed Corn.
Evervo- knows 'hat Only the earliest
viieie cf seed corn saceen in Oregon.
W hae brought cat foir if the very
rarliest 7arirtiea from ;he rk, and alae
he ao early ahite corn ft haa beer
grown hera for eigtt year.
You're Awfully Mean,
if yna don't ptovi ie yoar wife with a good
etoTeani lots t f kitchen farnitore for it
ecesp. We have a big lot of stove and f
tinware on hand that wo wonld price to yarn
low. Jnst how low ven will find out by
Bee Supplies. .
We can give y oa a big bargain "a
hive, ami iH also sell von cheap bee
tioof, fent. dation, am ok era, etc.
Plows Don't Sell;
very well at this time f the ar, l.tU
yoa ned eith- a te I or chil ed plow, w
n ptt von in the wy I f ait ff several
Engines and Separators.
We want thitskeimen to htar l:t we
bave the slickt-tt tbiig in engines ibat bat
yet come out. Somt thing new that just
"takes tfae rag right off tbe bnh." Com
around and leara all about it. Al-o rme
good birgains in second-hand threat ing
Paint is
Like Charity
for it coven sp n.nltiicd ef ain. I
works I be tame V in fly specks. B
member ihm !. ycu coo.mence bota
cleaning. We .it not giving paint away,
but e rj eel ii e t'ue lest 'mixed paiat in
town. Is ii ntov by Jot n W. Maaary ft
Son. Ask ttur painter abent tbe reputa
tion fthir g-.ds. We also hare lead
oil, Tth, bieafces, etc.
That Wet Feeling
ia caTed by ee'tin i close to aa old
leakyh. ee. Of com e it will squirt all
over u. Tbicw it away. We hava
tow, lawn tr-cwers, apilnaleia, aicklea and
everything needed to kc? a lawn ia good
abape, and we are at xtosa to sell them.
mat Big Crop
Cfest be saved. If it is grata, we hava the
mower acd take fur you. If it ia wheat or
oatawe hive the birder. If Too live i
"the folks' aid have flax, our bincer will
txel all ctheia in savins it. aty term.
The Cat sr pillars
Will Get You.
f yoa dco't wch out. Hiev are taking
the whole country. And then tfaer ia the
oodiin met h and .he ccl i phi who are si
teryoor rro.t t-rop. Come In and get
sprat ing Cmtnt arrt utt to squirting toe
dead medicine on tbt-m.
Good Health.
And a good appetite go hand in hand.
witn me loss of appetite, the sytem can
not long suitain itee f. This tbe fortifi
cations of good health are broken down
and the system is 1'able to attack of dis-
rM. It ia in such cases that tke medr
anil powers ot Hood s Barsapanlla are
clearly shown. Thousand who bave taken
Hood s Sarsaparilla t&stifv to it (treat mer
its as a inrifier of the blood, its power to
restore and sharpen tbe appetite and pro
mote a healthy action of the digestive or
pans. Thus it is, not what we say but
what Hoods Sarsaparilla does that telU the
story and constitutes the strongest recom
mendation that can be urgad for any med
icine.' Wby not take Poods SSaraaparilla
E. W. Jor " Company Gentlemen :
have taken vonr Vegetable Sarsaparilla
and can say I have never seen anything
equal to it. I have suffered ten years
with dyspepsia, not being able to eat
anything but milk and brown bread.
Lite was nothing but misery for me.
Now I have a good appetite, eat any
thing I wish, and feel no disagreeable
effects from it. I wish I could tell all
dyspeptics and urge them to try your
Vegetable Sarsaparilla.
(Signed) Ms. Jonst Timothy,
Forbestown, Cal.
If yoa want to get a spring medicine
without a blotch, an old sarsaparilla
trade mark, a big patch of red pimples,
take Joy's Sarsaparilla.
Nervous Prostration.
E. W. Joy Compasy I have suffered
f coin ne'rvqus prostration from financial
Gan say Joy's Vegetable fcarsa-
parilla has cured me. My liver, stomach
n.t Wiwels have been very inactive, bat
since taking Tyonr remedy I am entirely
well. All business men and women
should use it. Please publish.
CSicrnen Ma. Wm. Hrnrt Jonbs.
Butte Montana.
Backache, dizziness, tiredness give way
to Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla.
Ltdle wt.ooemre to order a 0e tirte
r- . or self adi'iMlng corset
I.WIU w. " " ' I - .
m,. f .It may leave
Mr H-.wUnd on Broadalbtn St
nd ar.d 3rd SU.
Fine bicycle suoe iaoap CL E.
Clothing Co's.
Considerable interest is being mani
fested in the Santiam mines since the
big syndicate took hold of matters. As
a result a number of claims have been
filed in the last ten das. They are as
follows :
By Thomas Johnson, Sherman Swank
and T. J. McClary to the Swank lead, on
the south side of U e White Bull.
By Jacob Hitzel, to the Jacob claim.
By Jim raquette to the Old Timer. L.
11. Montanye and John J. Davis to the
"Coin," adjoining Snow mountain.
By Altice H. Steele, W. J. Shelton and
Everett Smith, "The Yellow Jacket," at
the head of Dry Gulch. '
By A. H. Steele and C. W. Moon, the
First Chance lodet mile north east of
the Red Bull cabin in Dry Gulch,, the
discovery tunnel being in Cannon Gulch,
By Altice H. Steele the Madora Quart,
)4 mile north east of Red Bull cabin.
By T. P. Hackleman and John J.
Davis, the Snow mountain, on the sum
mit between Gates and Quartxville.
A fact learned from Mr. Lawler in
connection wiih the Santiam mines is
that owing to the greater moisture a dif
ferent condition prevails in the ore.
There is more of other minerals mixed
up with fhe gold, requiring extra facil
ities for the separation of the gold or
silver. J ust at present no process is per-
teeiea lor this, hence the future ot these
mines, which are undoubtedly rich, de
pends to quite an extent on securring a
process for this work, which will no
doubt be done.
Yhat Some Powder Did.
The worst 4th of July accident that
happened in Linn countv was probablv
that experienced by the 12-year-old son
of U.C. Haley, residing a few miles from
Albany. The boy was getting ready to
celebrate the 4th. He had a blank cart
ridge and near by was a pound of powder,
two spread eagle things.- The cartridge
was exploded. A spark accidentally
struck the powder. Bang! When the
smoKe cleared away young Haley was
found to be the victim of a terrible burn.
His face was scarred and all the hair
taken off his head, presenting a terrible
spectacle. He had involuntarily closed
his eyes tight, so that very fortunately
his sight was not injured' at all. The
boy will carry the marks of his 4 th of
July celebration of 1895 for life.
Beer for Boys.
Yesterday several young boys, some
only about twelve years of age got W. T.
Vilas, of Oregon city, to get them a pail
of beer. This he succeeded in doing
after being refused at one or two places,
and was about to deal it out to the bovs,
when Marshal Lee discovered what was
in the wind. Vilas hid the beer, but it
was found and he was arrested. As none
of the boys had drank any yet, and there
was some doubt about conviction on
that account, he was discharged and
given five minutes to get out of the citv.
He got out in double quick time. The
boys confessed to their part making it
very discreditable to the man. On other
occasions they have succeeded in getting
the beer. The marshal cays he will nut
a stop to it if there is such a thing.
Me. Haxvoxo's Doisos. An Astoria
dispatch says that A. B. Hammond this
afternoon complete.! the purchase of the
Seashore road, paying a portion of the
purchase money. ' As soon as the .deal
was made, he telegraphed to Portland for
a locomotive and two passenger coaches.
There is as yet no information obtainable
as to when work on the Astoria-Goble
railroad will be commenced, but it is
considered a foregone conclusion that Mr.
Hammond will make no connection be
tween the Astoria-Gobi a and the Sea
shore roads, unless property owners on
the west side contribute to the land sub
sidy. Mr. Hammond is reticent regard
ing nis intentions, declining to make anv
statement for publication.
Labk JJilteu ox Womas. Speaking
of the celebration at Fairmout the Eu j
gene Register says: Plain, common,!
everyday Lark B'ilyeu was then an !
noonced and he everlastingly did justice
to the occasion bv delivering an address 1
on "Woman." ft was very appropriate
in that the entire Fair mount celebration
was under the control of these worthv
members of the human family. The ap
plause that greeted Mr. Bilyeu was loud
and long, and any one could see at a
glance that he hed made for himself a
warm corner in tbe hearts of the women
Wasted to Dascb. Forty-six miles
gotntr and 46 returning. 92 miles iu all
and made on horseback to attend the
Fourth of July ball at Newport, is the
history made last week bv a Lincoln
county maiden. "or is this all. Ar
rayed in many colors, she tripped vigor
ously through the mazy dance all night,
and was fresh as a daisy in the morning,
when it came time to mount her nag for
the ride heme. Such is maidenly vigor
in the for west. Times.
TbeG. A R encampment begins at
Mehama next Wednesday.
a scrapping match Saturday came
near getting into tbe recorders court.
The binder began running in several
fields this morning- Tbe general verdict
is that tbe crop will be a large one.
Brino Trick?, p iced a mile at Portland on
Saturday in 2:134. the third race won by
this horse that started with hardly a backer.
Cbas. Eastiand, the orator at Brownvrille
tn the 4th, is only 19 years ot m, and yet
be is reported to have orated well, tuakjn
the feathers fly.
Mr. J. P. Gaibraith has opened an office
in the Foster block. Mr. Gaibraith is a
competent reliable gentleman with all basi
nets entrusted to him.
The game of base ball between Albany
and Jefferson, jrs., Saturday resulted in a
score of 19 to 19 The tie will be played
off at Jefferson next Wednesday.
The Democrat acknowledge an invita
tion to tbe dedication of the new Ct Vin
cents Hospital, near 24th and Hoyt St.,
fort land, on Sunday July 14 at 3 p. m.
A farmer from the country drove bis
team around the bicycle track in front of
tbe court bouse today just to tee how it
went. Mr A. lenders acted a time keep
er- '
Rrowusville i ".bictlv in it.'' It re
eeotly bad the biggest Pioneer picnic evi r
neiu in me county, ceieDraiea tne in or
July a few weeks after and next SaturJay
will have another big picnic.
At tne races men t naay th9 pow jays
will be seen and beard from. Besides many
other attractions they wilt be seen very em-
pnaucauy in a prize ngnt ana be heard
more emphatically hi their band.
Tbe Salem flour mill is receiving daily at
present three car loads of wheat from a
warehouse at Halsey. They have a supply
there sufficient to till fifty cars or 20,000
Dusueis. aiaiesman.
Fied Adams was assisting in unlcadint
some stringers foi a bridge near f hilomath
on Friday when a big timber slipped from
tl 1 I 1 1 ! . , , 1 ....
tne wneei anucaing Aaams uown and fall
ing across hi breast, bounding np and
striking his face, rolling off. He as as
sisted up, walsed a doxen feet and fell
A business meeting of the Social Club
ill be held tomorrow, when the new offi
cers will take tneir seats, tow it: Bert
West brook, president: Frank Combs, vice
f resident; Ed Fronk, finauciid secretary;
rank Welvh,cor. secretary; A. Brown,
Tbe state fair committees hive been ap
pointed. Five Linn county men get posi
lions, rerer nuey, or a many, is on at
vision A horses, D. H. Ambrose, of Browns,
ville, division C, sheep, Mrs. J. K W?athr
erford, division ), sewing, knitting, milli
nery, etc.; Jeff Meyers, ntittcellanecms; A.
Bilyeu, Scio, ticket collector.
Since the low stage nf the river renders
it impossible for boat to reach Albany, our
merchant have been having their freigh
hauled from Salem by team. It will be
but a short time until a light draft steamer
ii completed for traffic on the upper river,
when Jefferson freight will again be haul
ed from Albany. Jefferson Review.
Big storms and cyclones prevailed Satur
day along the Missouri and Miw-imippi val
leys, vy inooa, ho., was nearly wiped out
aud eleven people were drowned, beven
inches cf rain fell at Jjffer-on City. At
Baxter Springs, Kansas five people were
killed by a cyclone and many injured A
boat sunk near Memphis resulting in tbe
drowning of seven people.
Tbin or gray hair and bald heads,
displeasing to many people ar marks
age, may be averted for a long time by
ing Hall's Hair Renswer.
The committees met this forenoon and
made further arrangements for the cele
bration hero next Friday. Under the
arrangements the bicycle races will take
place on the three lap track. The fast
est riders from Salem, Eugene, Corvallis
and other valley towns will be present
and it promises to be one of the best
meets ever held iu the valley. The
races will begin as soon after dinner at
the starts can be made. A. J. Hodges,
E. E Goff nnd II. B. Saerey were ap
pointed the managers of the rarest The
other contests will take place on the
square in front of the court house im
mediately afterwards.
F. M. French, Geo. McKnight and II.
J. Hopkins were appointed time keepers
of all events.
Mr. T Wandel was added to the com
mittee on pow jays who will appear im
mediately after the bicycle races and
give one of the livest programs ever pre
sented in Albany. A meeting of the
committee will be held Tuesday night at
7 :30 to make a program.
Instead of hose races the firemen will
have a tug of war.
There is every indication that this
will be a great success, more so than if
held on the 4th on account of the greater
number of entries particularly in the
bicvele races.
The davs amusements will close with
a ball to be given by F. Company at the
Armory. Music will be furnished by
Troutuian's orchestra, which furnished
the excellent music for the 4th of July
ball. Following: are the members of the
orchestra: D. B. Troutman, leader; An
na Uouck, pianist; Geo. Richards, clar
ionet ; James Coon, cornet; Bert West-
Drook, trombone.
Mr. Woodworth, of EUensburg, broth
er ot if. u. n ood worth, u in the city.
Miss Ethel Morgan returned to Albany
thii morning, after visiting relatives and
iriends in this city. Salem Poet.
Dr. E. 0. Hyde, the well known Scio
physician, has formed a partnership with
Dr. Smith, of Turner, and moved to that
Mi$s Edith Hawk was a guest at the
hospitable home of Hon. J. W. Cusiek at
Albany during part of the week. Jeffer
son Review.
Mr. Grant Miller, a former resident of
Albany, and Miss bally 11 in ton were
married in Crook county last week. Jus
tice C. W. Elkins officiating.
At Corvallis Friday Charles Denney of
Polk county, and Millie Smith of Linn
county, were united in the holy bonds
ot weuiocic, Kev. li. J. zerciier oihciat
Cass Matlock, Frank Knapp and Seth
McAlister.jmd three local wheelmen,
will ride centuries tomorrow. They will
go to Albany and return. Saturday's
Eugene Guard.
Prof. Jos. G. Gibson, of Shedd, and
Miss Xora Scott, of Jacksonville, Penn.,
were married at that place several days
ago. The bride is a school teacher as
well as the eroom. a DODUlar and efficient
teacher in this county for several years.
They will come to Oregon to reside
Mr. CHud Mansfield left yesterday for
the hot springs of the Cascades, fifteen
miles beyond Detroit with a mule before
him. Mrs. Mansfield, Lair Hill and
Frank Biodgett left todav by rail and
will join him. at Detroit. They will
spend several weeks in the mountains.
F. Co. The term of office of T.J. Over
man as captain of F. company expired
on Ju'y 2, after a long ana faithful ser
vice at the head and as a member of the
company. As Capt. Overman is to go to
Spokane, in two weeks a successor will
be e iected. There is said to be no ques
tion that Mr. Merrill Phillips, the pr s
ent first lieutenant, a competent and
popular officer will be elected to ti e
ccaimand. F company is favored in
having one of the best, if not the best.
drilled members of any company in Ore-!
goa, Mr. Byroa Miilov. Mr. MiUcv
has two badges awarded for superiority
while a member of one of the Portland
"Cas't Be." Sneaking of Uie acci
dent to a Mr. Miller of Eugene, on tbe
4th at Albany, the Register.under the a-
bove head says : There is certainly some
mistake about this. Immediately upon
reading the above article in the Demo
crat, the Kegist r man started out to
round-up tbe Eugene M liters. Geo.
Millers s nose is as handsome as ever,
Bert Miller's is in the best of condition,
Phil Miller don't ride a bicycle and Hon.
H. B. Miller's nose has gone to Rose
burg. It must be some other town's
Miller." The Miller who bad tbe acci
dent to his nose told the editor of the
Demote at positively that he was from
Eugene, lie is six feet tall, about 25
years old, haa a big nose .and waadressed
in a bicycle suit. It is possible he re
sides near Eogene.
A It aud Case. The examination of
the alleged train robbers arrested at
Cany on ville yesterday will be beard at
Rost-burg Wednesday. Case was recog
nized by Engineer W'aite, Fireman Gray
and Brakeman Nor ma a as the man who
went through the train and compelled
the passengers to "shell out" when the
.Southern Pacific express was looted in
Cow Creek can
nyon Monday nizht. Case,
alias McDowel
If, was convicted at Eugene
two years ago for burglary, and re'urned
trom the penitentiary a short time since,
A MrsTEBtocs Case. A dispatch from
Centralis, Wash., in the Oregonian of
July 4 tells of the receipt there of a pack
age containing an explosive addressrd to
a Mrs. Chambers, who with ber father
claimed to recognize tbe hand writing of
a minister, a former resident ot Albany,
whom the dispatch says at one time con
fessed to having had improper relations
with Mrs. Chambers. The case isa very
mysterious one, and its development will
be watched with interest.
As Eloquent Talker. The lecture to
night on "Novels and Novel Reading"
will be given in the Christian church in
stead of the opera house, as announced
heretofore. The address of Rev. Monser
at the opera house yesterday afternoon
demonstrated the tact that be is a man
of great force and eloquence, giving facts
to the point in fluent language and well
illustrated. Admission tonight 2-j and
lo cents.
Foot Amputated. Dr. J. P. Wallace
went to Lebanon this morning to treat
the 17 year old daughter of Mr. Put
Kester, lor tuberculoma in tbe lelt loot.
The disease had advanced so far it was
found necessary to amputate the foot,
and this was done by Dr. Wallace this
forenoon, and the patient is now doing
as well as can be expected.
Report or School District Xo. 6.
School began March 11 and ctosed June
29. Number of months taught, 4 ; num
ber of girls enrolled, 17; number of boys
enrolled, 17; average number belonging
30; daily attendance, 27; number visits
made by school othcers, 11; other per
sons, 14. the following names were
placed upon the roll oi honor for scholar
ship' regular attendance, etc.: Willie
Barrett. Wayne Dawson. Adrian Burk
hart, Clara Warner, George Warner,
l.'lmu ii,..i.i...i ini. c..i... ri.
.""".i ui auai Willi m,uuciui:i viaia,
Fred, Bessie, Edith, George and Winnie
rarson. t . M. Mitciiel,
John Long of Cleveland, and L. T
Thompson, ot Coles Valley, had a legal
contest over a calf at Oakland yesterday.
The justice gave judgement for Thomp
son. The costs so far in this case, has
run to near $500, mare than a hundred
such calves are worth. Roseburg Plain
dealer. It would take a thirty vears
contest to equal the Missouri call case
that cost nearly f 15,0 JO.
Some of the prizes won ut Corvallis on
the 4th were tbe following: Throwing 16
pour.d hammer, Jr. Oberer, 69 feet; putting
16 pound shot, Lyman Ketsay, 32 feet 8
inches; 100 yard foot race, Fred tibrer, in
10 seconds;fat man's race.Marsh ll Allen;
4 10 yard foot race, Fred Obererj 440 ysrd
bicycle race, Brady Burnett.
Mr. Red Wells, of Corvallis, was in the
city today, and reported wheat as being
45 cents in that city.
To prevent pale and delicate children
from lapsing into chronic invalids later ia
so ,d,nr with tlnrv of whol.-snmn fond nml
life, tbey should take Ayer's barsapanua
otUuU-door exercise. What they need to
us - bui.d up the system h good red blood,
Hank Smith Here.
Mr. Hnnk Smith, the mining expert,
arrived iu Albany yesterday and left to
day for tho mines. He will take full
control of the work goingon, preliminary
and development. Mr. Smith is one of
tho best known mining men on the
coast. He his had charge of a good
many mines, and has almost univer
sally luudo a suceess of them. Did
you see him? He looks like busi
ness. If there is anvtliinc in tho San
tiam region he will get if out.liceivmw he
knows how if any one in the U. 8 does.
Mr. Smith has been there and knows the
lay of the land as well as ti e value of
the ore. His report preceded by that of
Air. i-awiera and followed by Unit ot Mr,
Pearce, was an important thing on the
move tken. Reference was made to it
after his visit as an expert to the mine.
It was very encouraging. These men 1-
lieve in the Santiam proposition, or they
would'nt be g iing forward. Talk is not
necesrary n w. As soon as the road is
in condition the forty statnn mill will be
put in, a couple tunnels will be run in
several hundred feet, and if it ia found
that it pays to take the ore out a reason
able amount above the cost, the mines
will be pushed, and the success of the
camnestablished. With Mr. Smith at the
head, ably assisted by Mr. Lawiei, who
is working at a disadvantage on mm
of weak eyes there will be little questiod
as to the result; but tho public should
not announce the result before it occurs
Crop Report.
The weather was exceedingly favorable
to the growth of vegetation. Previous
warm and dry weather had dried the
surface soil considerably, hence the rain
was beneficial. The rain did very slight
uamage to nay which was down.
Haying has progressed during the past
week. Hay from grain is being made
this week. The second crop of alfalfa
will be cut bv the 15th.
By the 15th fall sown wheat wili begin
to be harvested in the southern counties.
The encouraging reports as to the w heat,
barley and oats continue.
Along the immediate coast vegetation
was never better : the hay crop is esjiec
ially heavy, and potatoes promise an im
mense crop. So far as the hay and grain
crops are concerned. Western Oregon
promises to eclipse her former yields.
The fruit prospects continue to lie of
the nost encouraging character.
The hope continue their promising ap
pearance. The hop lice are present, and
lepraying continues.
in Jatern Oregon : Kain w ill not help
the grain and hav mm: the present con
ditions show what the harvest will be.
and they show prospects below the aver
age. B. S. PAOre, IHrector.
The Mchama Encampment.
Foiiowing is the program of the 5Ie
hama encampment : The grounds will
be thrown open for campers on the 10th.
Camp tiro Tuesday evening the ltlth.
1 rol. fc. u. AleHrov will pneak e-lne-
day morning the 17th. ami a good sup
ply ot able speaker will follow during
the week. Hon. Binger Hermann Fri
day forenoon, and Hon. Geo.C. Bunnell,
of Oregon City, Saturday nurning. Gen
eral Ethan W. Allen, of Portland, de
partment commander, Supt. S. B. Ortns
by, past department commander ana a
host of the old bovs will be heard from,
and Hon. J. 11. Mitchell. U. S. senator
and Capt. John M. Blues are expecte-i.
A campfire each bight when the old
songs w ill be stiag. Fare on the O. C A
E. It. R. one fare for the round trin. All
are cordially invited.
J. R. Bacez, Sec.
Tit Fiet ox Record. Mr.
eiven the
pring, cf Smeet Heme haa
land office at Oregon City ace to think
over, rive years ago he obtained a
patent to 160 acres under the homestead
law. He now makes application for a
conceliation ot the paUat. and the priv
ilege of filing over a.-a:n and f oing over
the process. Mr. spring had m u
i.l.1 nrw.n ll.. I.., I I .
i k . i i. . f. i
the matter right now that he had learned
quired. This is said to lie the
on record of the kind.
"K11-. I . '- " ltdl WAS l i
first esse !
Case Held. The examination of John !
Caw, alias McDowell, for the robWv of j
the overland at Riddles, recently, took I
place yesterday afternoon. CVe was!
identified by Brakeman Norman and T.
Arrousay. a naesenger. as the princi
pal robber. The latter was very posi
tive as to the identity as be aaw tin. .-
several time when the mask blew aside. !
M. IH-an identifies Case as a man who I
passed his place Monday going toward
the scene of the hold up. Caw a
bound over in the sum of $10,000.
Xrw Oftu-ees. Dr. D. A. Paine, of
Eugene, baa been appointed ruti intend
ent of the insane arvlun,, the present
superintendent Dr. Rowland retiring.
Vt . II. Odell, the irfnocaar regrets see
ing put in place of Geo. W. Davis as
clerk of the school land board. Prof.
D. Robb. formerly principal of the Al
bany schools, w .ii have charge ol the ed
ucational part of the reform tchool.
Ark Brokkx. The fifteen vear dM
son of C W Caidwrll. of Millers, yester
day, was driving a hay rake to tbe houe
from tbe held, when the team ran awav.
throwing young Cardwell upon the
ground, breaking one of bis arms. Dr.
G. W. Maston, of this city, was sent for
and set the bone.
Crossed Wires. Judge Walton, of
Eugene, was invited to orate on the 4th
at Uillsboro. It was done bv telephone.
The Judge thought the invitation came
from Independence, so he went there;
but some one wasaneaaoi mm. me
matter was traced up and tbe right place
found, though it was declared that the
Judge hunted around among several
towns before getting the right place.
Petitions Presented. Petitions were
presented the county commissioners'
court this af'ernoon, containing 4S5
names asking that "the nay for deputies
for the clerk and sheriff of Lane county
be not more than $75 per month for each
office for clerical assistance." Eugene
The Salem Journal mentions W. I.
Vawter, of Medford, for congress. Mr.
Vawter formerly rcsioea in i.inn couniy.
This mentioning any one for congress
but Binger Hermann on the republican
ticket is a waste of breath. We simply
mention this fact as a bit of news in or
der to save confusion.
Some Prcnb Figi-res : Benjamin Agee
la.KAnn.nA In UnillllA.n I WdAtl if
ill frllV? IS UVJ1 , SU I.VUVIIVlfl V. ...
3,000 acres of land, and is largely inter
ested tn fruit, having 22,000 trees plant
ed. 2600 nrune trees being in beating,
Lost year he dried his prunes arm boiu
them for $4,500, receiving 5a cents per
pound. He cleared $ J.J00, it costing mm
ls cents for picking, drying and deliver
ing aboard cars. In two years Mr. Ageo
will bave 19.000 prune trees in bearing,
and savs that $2 of dried fruit to each
ree is a saie estimate at present pm-ce,
Tired Women
Mnst have strength or they will be In tbe
suffering despair ot nervous prostration.
The trne way to win vigorous health Is to
take Hood's Sarsaparilla which will build
np strength by making pure, rich blood;
thus it will alao feed the nerves upon their
firoper nourishment, create an appetite,
one the stomach invigorate every organ.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is what tired women need the one True
Blood Purifier prominent in the public eye.
Hood's PiltoSsaaiL
Real Estate Sales.
E Coleman to St John Skinner,
162 acres NJw3 $35O0.00
St John Skinner to E It Luckey,
same 3500.00
J N Morris to Scio, ' acre 117.00
J W Gaines to W T llassler, 13
acres 150.00
0 O Kelley to A Kelley, 2 lots bl
Si Albuny.. 2800.00
T T Ferguson to Elizabeth Fergu
son, lou acres jo.oo
Ravmond Colbert to E AOolbert,
V of 23.50 ucres and KS0 ucich 1.00
T A Mortis to D F Robnett, IttO
acres ::00.00
Flora O Jov to F M Rinehart, U
ofHOatres 320.00
Phillipina Warner to C Miller,
40 acres 0 E a 400.00
G W McKlhoes to L F Collins, 2
lots lebanon 400.00
John Huston to David Froumu,
trustee, alwut 320 acres iu four
parcels 3700.00
Mary J Miller to lrn Hawley
132.96 acres 37.00
W H Hawley to Ira llawlev, 10
acres 14 w 3 1500.00
J W Pennington to Mclixsa Mc
Mahan, 170 acres 1100.00
J D iWul ton to Eva G Taylor, 1
lot bl 34 H's 2nd ad. Albany . . . 50.00
James Freeman to Jaiues A
Freeman, 10 acres 300.00
W R Barrett to Tavlor Evans, 1
lot Lebanon 500.00
Henry Lyons to J C Lyons, 100
acres 9E2 1200.00
J O WriUman to R M Crawford,
Ji interest ia 1 lot bl 125 H's
a.l AH.any.... 500.00
W R Barrett to Taylor, 1
lot IUnon .500.00
John Fessman to F P and J
Devanev, 80 acres 10 w 2 300.00
E A Frecland to Elizabeln Mann
100 acres 14 w 3
C M i reeland to J B Freeland,
160 teres 1.00
Miles Rainwater to Hcnrv l.v-
ons, ?4' acres, 9 E 2 . .'. . .". . 20
Samuel King to Moca Titus, 1
lot KirgMou 1
II W Young to Wm Fromm, 2
lots, Fairdale 1
Cha Craft to S J Irwin, 2 I .-t.
Sodaville 300
Edward Mans to J A Randolph,
80 acres, 10 E 2 1000
S Farlow to Wm M Downing,
60 acres, 9 w 3 600
J O Writeiuan to Linn Co X
Bank, 4 lots, bl KW H's ad
S Luin II by sheriff, to A Trit.w.
1 lot, Lebanon.. 2W
EW Jack to Wm H Averill.
60.40 acre 10
Wm Mevt-r to V J l"urnridi.
Piece of land. 11 w 2 57
S A llutin to Ells M Ilul.o. 1 lot.
H's 3rd ad. Albany
W Moore to Frank Robertson,
2ioti-, Lebanon 303
Ex-Sheriff C. C. Jackon is in the city
R. A. Rauipv, of H irrkburj, t ia C
L. I VaaXortttit'kaod fauiilv left to
day far the Bay.
Mr. J. H.GaU raith, of Sweet Home,
was in the city today.
J. rcl Yates, of t orvaHls,
in tK.
.-rooo iMi?snei.
Mr. Julius Joewph left ve'.eeil3y tut
businens trip towards the bay.
jir.. ii. v.. m.nBi ana csiii'irvn are
spending the tummer at Xewjx.rt
Mr. Phil I.ei. of El!enbur, j ined
hi wife in AUony ye5 r.Liy l visit
with friends here.
Mr. Ijra Hayes, W. I". operator at
C'irvaUiK an in' A!!anv toiayon his
way home from Portland.
Homer Davenport, the artit, as in
Alttany yeienlay tuajn on hi ay to
RowlMinr. here he will keli-h the three
men arresu-d for train rullry.
Mr. Will Mi-!a, a f arcer O. P. os-t-
ator in Ailcnr. nnr j? .!.
k!io a in" the citv vra:rdar wish
Mm. Mr. in n hi n li..:n,- (run. t'..r. '
Train. illi.r ff the Atljarv Her--
aid, was u viiut at :Uv rai.itd e trr-
day an ! aondermsSy
revit-tt.f the a.l.
I ,1
Jieni piieri!y. iiu
Mr. G. W.Taj W. of Sci. the hi."
mover, w in tte citv doing aooie moving
here. Mr.Tavto l:a moved building
fivin Porllan i lo tirams Pass and is !
thoroughly up to tbe bu.nert.
Mr. John GvuH-ndorscr, a subtant:!
farmer of Linn county, who Isa U-en
visiting bis daughter, 5r. W. O. Haw
ley, returned to Albany on the 11 o'clock ;
local this morning. Sa'em Journal. i
Catherine. C. !,!. tb well
Known leaaing uiy with the naru
company, will give an entertainment at
Xewport during the pre
meeting. aeited by Mr. G. M. Mi'ler,
ot Eugene. Miss Cogg well is spending
the summer at Eugene.
Albany people are lginnirg to lk
towards "t he Soda. Mrs. Etu MeCal
locb left today for one ol the !, R.
II Yursk and the family of Mr. teo.
Luper will go tomorrow morning, and
Mr. Iavid Frouian and family will go
this week.
Another tt.n.) rotiUty occcr'e.1 rear
Red Bluff. Odd , yesterday.
1 be Second regirtii-ct land id le here
on Fiday and in l!) evening will p!y fj
FCo's ball.
W. S. Thompson it ir.aking large ship
ments of cherries from tbeGrv orchard to !
the Salem cannery.
The Ccrvalii Ladies Band went to Ore
gon City today. her-tliey will lor
the C. L. S O Aeniily, to cenveue at
Gladstone Park tomorrow.
The steamer Euttene is still making it to
A'lwnr. Mte arrive-l hi re Saturlnv n'on
having left Portland Fn 'ay morning. She j
leaves rorttand for Albany ediied;iy
morning July 10
After July 15th. bv airrfenscnt. the bank
of Eagene will open ut '. . m. and cloe st
3 p.m. That n too early for a twi.k to
isteiniacitv tike Kuoene. 'Jock is
early enough.
The Presbvtery of the Willamette is in
session in Alliar.y today. The nrt Sun
day in September was set for the instal
lation oi uev courtwright as pastor oi
the Albanv church.
Tbe stores were ctosed la.t nigh t at 7
accotding to agreement; shns giving clerKa
a needed rest during the summer mon'hs,
the only holiday some of I hem get. Our
citizens should Iielptle merchants out by
doing their trading earlier in the day.
1 be pow lay gang are expectrd to get a
2:40 move on and be at Xo. 2's bull at
8:31), tOkight, just a the stars come out.
to make arram,-ements lor the celebration
on the I -th. when tke pow jays wilt loom
up in all their webfeet glory.
Moscow. li.dio, is having coimiJerable
excitement ovei threats made against Ji dge
riper s Ufa, on accouiit ol torerloMire cases.
It appear thnt the farmers are badly
wrought up and declare tliut receivtrs shall
not be made in forecloMiro suiti. Jt dge
riper formerly resided in Albany
W. J. Turnidge, a merchant of Craltree,
passed through this city Unlit on his av
to Portland, ruling a bicycle. Mr. furnidge
left homo this morning and expected to
reach I'orllind by 4-30 o clock, a Uiitancr
of eighty miles. Salem Journal.
We are inforuud upon reliable authority
that the leading eitiiens and capitalists ol
Kluuialh and 1-ake counties have signed an
agreement to raise $tH)0,(X0 subsidy for anv
company that will build a railioiul Ihrongti
tbnt section. Medford Monitor. Couldn't
do it, except in land at fancy quotations.
The board of public building eommis
sioncrs. composed of Governor Lord. Sec
retary and Treasurer. MuUchan.haa
instructed Attorney Moreiaud to perlett
matters for an appeal in the of the injunc
tion against the imiiuingot the Eastern
Oregon asylum.
One of the finest ihiiur in the uui
line published is The Musical Mesvngor,of
('iiivinnatti. Ohio. 10 tlm music .11 v in
dined it is invaluable. Us contents are all
cream. The article on Training the V'.iee
by Frederick W. Rjot, who receive $5 a
lesson for giving instructions, is worth
many dollars, lie tells it sll. 01 the
price for a j ear in insignificant cempsved
with tho value of the magazine. Tbe music
alone is worth several times thut.
If the train men and male passengers n
the plundered train iu Southern Oregon
had done tbeir duty .there would have been
no trouble about Iho identification of Ine
robber or robbers Statesman. Yes! At
the mere suggestion of opposition (lid pas
sengers protested. It nwy be said though
that no one beard Conductor Kearney pro
pose fight.
Wheat has fJlen to 40 cenU.
Pow jay meeting at Xo. 2 ' tonight.
You can get a arood irold filled watch at
rrencn s lor 1U.
. Big cut in the price, of ladiea'and Gents'
gold WHtebeaat trench's jee!ry store.
Hotteot day of lli rear. Thermometer
up to 95 No ho tr though tbafl 85 in tbe
oust, if a hot.
lee cre.un and cako Friday af 'ernoon and
evening ut the lawn party at N.Needbain's,
just west of the cour; hoti.
LuJiei hi't waiat set. 35c,
Sterling silver seta 75c,
Sterling bat pin 35c
at trench's jewelrr tore.
The Eugene Guard ay: The Sunday
Oregouian advertise the circua to appear
here un the 17th Thi i a mistake. h the
humbug aggregation i'l not I with ua
this time.
All bicycle riders are re(ueted to meet
at the three lap track tonight at 7:30 to
put the trick in condition tor racing, tnd
tomorrow nih with bicycle for a atani
pede to burden ti e traca.
A corr sp indent from Tancnt nays that
A. L Hridgrfarmcr, of near Tangent com
ninvd binding hu fall wheat the 6lh and
will fini-.h by the 10th. He lays the twine
is fine, as g-iod an any be ever used.
The contract for roofing the Farmers'
Warehouse vu let to the HubMl Bit.,
per hat the funtc.t ahingiera in the valley,
and they ure already at worV on be ju.
80 COO tbiuglea will be uaed. The to
brother expect to remove the b ingle and
put on new ones in less than 10 days.
At the regular meeting of the Salem
Building and Loan association held last
night, 15)0 were loaned at 2 month's
interest in advance and KXX) acre paid
on withdrawals. The eighth new series
of Shock of about 200 shares, will be
oj-ned for subscription this month.
V. U. UwW and O- W. Moore have
ble,l claim to the Sunset," "Ora Viata."
UilllJbiha' and "Hiawatha. W. H.
Lroney. John J and Willard Davia. Ed.
saoa-U. A U. Webdeil and Everett Uaria
to the "Old Huukey Dory" end "Sixteen
to '.'rx?,'' all in the snntUa dutrict.
Reports from tbe Albany prairie indicate
that tbe wheat and oat crop wili be the
biggeat for twenty year. One man Mrs i
i imo.ene. HVitorte frtm a few narla nf
tne county ar that it w.l' not lie big ra
fi-ted. Take !h whole coantr aad the
j Deuotbat i. iatisSed it will be big.
tlity Council.
Tuesday evening, July 9.
Prevent Mayor, Recorder, Marshal
aud Councilmen Read, Hut ion, Grad
wohl, Farrell and Walter.
j lijus were ordered pa:d as follows :
Aioany iron works, s l.00 tieof Ach
ewn. JjO; X J Henton, '$37.50; P J
Mnitey.f 11.10; J X, 156.00; E
A Parker. fH.OO- Mavor and Council
men. 73.00: M D 'Phillir. IIS m-
j Electric IJght Company, $139.00; C O
Ie, $7.00; Albany Water Company.
$35.00; F L Holmes, $15.00.
' Tlj1' quarterly report of the treasurer
f folk. win
attraia -
- - ' - s.w mit-ji uiru, a 1MT
is tbe ubtance of their con-
,. . , , ,
$2.77S 03
1.556 66
i iit!.
In treasttry June 30, 1SS5..
Rwt jj.s, f ind .
j In treasury June 30, IS35.. ,
' Arawint in treasury
I iien-ived during quarter .
j Tata!
! Paid out
I ,n ury June 20. ISSJ. .
1 IrSin.Uent tax ISSM
$111 37
$4,355 10
1,505 10
$2,850 00
$ 642 55
6,41)0 56
$7,133 13
3.071 76
4,061 2S
2.r7'I 50
6,6 44
i Dehnjuent tax 1STJ..
lVondil de! . .
$9.04S 94
$75.0iM 00
22, ltd 45
s ihn r.l;ugarranU,
Ca.a in I rv.i? ; r"
$37.1 S3 5
I A'! I 37
l'.'-... .: 1.1 ..I tj
e "" ""-- v--,--w
5 Ano:Ter from the Water Co. and D.
Jlonteitu to tureish grawl at . cents a
hod was ar ptel. An offer at S cent
a made by lr. D. M. Jones.
The square at WAter and Oak waa
ordered improved. Main street, Second
to XiclU was ordered graded and gravel
ed. Petition of F. W
Btamherg and Mrs.
rebate of tax were al-
Mayor Flinn piwentcl his first veto
meage, tlse only one for many years.
He veioed the liivoe ordinam-e paswed
June 25, which placed a bigh tax on
peiidlicg bv outsiders in the city limits.
j the reason Wing that the license was
placed so high as to practical. r prohibit,
which the council lias no power to do.
t'pon a vote to pas the ordinance over
the veto there a only one affirmative
Ordervd that the owner of looee hay on
Ninth and Second streets remove of en
close the same within five days.
Several pnipirty owners were ordered
to put sidewalks in good condition with
in live davs.
4.1 applications to work nut road tax
were allowed.
In port a st Mi si so Law. The Mining
Review says t hat to make a quarts loca
tion after July 1st the prospector must
sink a hole at least ten feet deep to solid
lormaiion, niui nave at least one well
defined wail, and must stake his ground
so that the stakes can be found. The
notice of location must he placed in a
conspicuous place at the discovery shaft,
where it can be seen not on some stump
or tree in the neighborhood, lie is al
lowed ninety days to do this work. If
he locates n old prospect hole, be is
icq tired to sink it at least ten feet deeper
than when be first found it, and stake
and record his location the same as
though it was an original discovery. If
lie runs a .tunnel it must be at least ten
feet long, so as to determine the fact that
t. win supposed to carry the precious
metals has been discovered.
A "High Roller " A Portland gen
tleman yesterday received a letter from
a friend in Honolulu which states that
Harrv A. Smith, the missing ex-sheriff
of Clatsop county, is still in that city.
Smith, thw writer says, is a "high roller."
tie still has plenty cf money and is
spending it lavishly upon his female
companion. Ex. Smith is the sheriff
who put f-itw cost on a r-t tax ol some
Albany men.
A Haro Lot. After laboring here
over a vear with little or no aucce, the
Salvation army proposes .to eo to work
on the principal obstacle to the spread
of the gospel -the unregeiierato news
paper fraternity. A member of the army
says: "We have not a first class chris
tian newspaper man in Salem, and we
are going to hold special services over a
list of the press writers. If we can snatch
one of these brands from the burning
wo have some hopes (or the rest of the
community. journal.
Tho who got their meats at the Linn
Dressed Mejt Market, at Second and Ells
worth streets never complain of poor qua!
ity. and the price is alway the lowest.
est Honors Wor d' Fair.
pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre
fob Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterart
School House and Hop House
The school house in Dist 85, located on
the old Alexander farm, now run by W.
L. Moore, of this city, caught fire yes
terday at 2 o'clock from sparks from the
A a ! . war.. II
iracnun engine oi air. mioses raraerna
was entirely consumed. All the furni
ture was saved. Some bay near by was
burned. It was only after hard work
that the fire was kept from the adjoining
wheat field. The building was 24x40
and cost about $1,000,1 being a good
This morning about 8 o'clock the hop
home of J. H. Ifowe. near Browisville.
caught on fire in some manner unknown
and the building was entirely consumed.
It was insured in the Fireman's Fund
for $.500.
Frank Wood Sr., of Portland, is in the
Prof. C. F. Howland an'd family are at
the Bay.
Mr. Chandler, the well known Singer,
is in the city.
T. M, Munkera. of Scio. is d in Al
bany today.
Hon. Milt Miller, of Lebanon, was in
Albany today on bis way to Portland.
S. X. Steele was in Portland yesterday
to attend a meeting of insurance men.
Rev. Riley Little went to Orecon Citv
yesterday to attend the Chautauaua as
sembly. At 2:30 today he was to de
liver an address on citizenship.
Mr. Ed Goin family moved to Alltanr
lan night and are now located near the
Red Crown Mills in their former home.
Judge Hewitt completed the circuit
court work at Salem last night and came
to Albany this noon, tie will bold the
term of the 2nd department here be
ginning next Monday.
The Y. P. S. C. E. of tbe Christian
chuich will give a lawn social Friday
evening at the residence of X. Xeedham, ;
on Frry street, opposite the Court !
House. Cake and ice cream wilt be:
The Junior Y. P. S. C. E. of the V. P.
church held a lawn party last evening
around the residence of the editor of the
DiMomiT. Xo complaint baa been made
at this office, and those attending un
doubtedly enjoyed themselves.
Ed Mother, trainer and owner of tbe
two bright trick horses. Darkness and
Flosrie, is in the city, and will probably
give an exhibition under a tent next Fri
day. He haa been exhibiting in differ
ent places.
Rev. McCullagh and wife are pleasant
ly situated for tha summer, with Dr.
Diven. Mr. McCullagh is taking a course
in Greek, under the instruction of Dr.
J. A. Townsend, preparatory to entering
the theological teminary this fall. Ya
quina Record.
II. L. Brunk, a twin brother of tbe
Aihland postmaster, is visiting tbe Utter
and will spend a m xith fishing and rusti
cating hereabouts with his brother. Mr.
Brunk is in business at Yaquina City,
by the sounding sea, and so closely re
sembles the local democratic Xasby, in
personal appearand, that tbe one' can
very eily be mistaken for the other, as
several Ashland peuple can already tes
tify. AahUttd Tidings.
Mr. Geo. H. Robin fon
G"n'"l Co-
trading Agent ot the Great Wallace
Shows, waa in tbe city today arranging
for tbe Beg Shows which will exhibit
here Aug 6. Mr. Robinson, who is one
ot the oldest and beet knoan agents in
the circus business, having been identi
fied with the large shows of the country
for twenty-five years pas , informs the
DcMocmAr that the expenses of G re
Wallace Shows run from $3,200 to $ J.OOt
per day, the larger part of which sum K
expended in the city where they exhibit.
Races on the 1 2th.
$17 50
5 mile bicvele race c!a B.
., a
17 50
10 00 2 50
10 00 2 50
7 50 2 50
1 '
B .
' A. .
50 2 50
5 00
2 50
2 50
" hovs under 16.
5 00
" foot race
10 00 2 50
7 50 2 50
200 van! footrace
50 " " "
l4 mile obstruction
50 yard ladies race
Fat man's race, over 200 lbs,
50 yard
Blind fold wheel borrow, 50
yards and back
Egg race
Sack race
S legged race T .
Running bop step and jump.
broad jump
High vault
Throwing 19 lb hammer. . . .
Putting shot
Climbing pole
Catching pig
Total value
5 00
5 00
4 00
2 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
2 00 SO
1 50
1 50
. 50
1 50
2 50
2 50
2 50
2 SO
2 50
2 00
$1S1 00
Tinkle leads for fine photo.
Tinkle is the leader in fine photo at
low price.
See the new $1.50 photo at TinkJe ;they
are the best.
Selling at cost 50 boantiful trimmed hat
tl 50 each at Mr. John X. Hoffman s.
A great redaction of ths prices of all
photos commencing June 1st at 1 inkle.
Buckingham's dve for the whiskers
does its work thoroughly, coloring a nni-
torm brown or black, which, when dry,
will neither rub, wash off, nor soil linen.
Louis Yiereck ho secured the sole right
nfXinn. Marion and Benton Co. for tbe
ns! ua a 'i . uic a i.aui virower. a srur
desiring treatment will do well to consu-t
bim at nis place of badness or address box
I, Albany, Linn 1.0 . Or.
The Flour Combine.
The combine on flour has gone into ef
fect again and the mills positively refuse
to sell us Hour unless we will agree to
sell at 75 cts per sack, of which we pos
itively refuse to do unless the farmer is
paid in ore for his wheat, we can see no
reason why the consumer shall be
charged 75 cts per sack for flour and
have made our price o cts per sack or
f 2.00 per nil, ana guarantee every sacc.
We have three leading brands and will
give the people the benefit of our large
buving for spot cash. We have 1000
sacks on hand and will divide our profit I
with tbe people. hen you want tour I
give us a call. ;
Jul' V, 1STO. II. a. MCILWAIS,
STRAro Fro ax.
Ncrvons Shock.
E. W.Joy Compaxt Gentlemen: This
is the first time I haved attempted to
write for three years. Have lnren so
nervous and weak' that I have la id in bed
for most of the time.
A friend who had taken your Sarsap
arilla sent me two bottles. The second
one is most gone, and I have gained
twenty pounds, and surely feel a new
woman. I was pale thin. Xo ambition.
Had given up, as 1 had tried so many
reniediea and doctors but found no ben
efit. If yon care to publish this you
have tnv consent. (Signed.)
MRS. A. C.
Alnieda, Cal.
Prosperity ts Coming. It will be here
soon. One way to help it on is to get
good groceries, produce and rruita ot the
best quality at bottom prices. A penny
aved i& a penny earned, you know. The
place at which to do this and assist pros
perity ia Conn St Hustons, a fact that a
rial will convince any one of. ;
Few nieaicince have held their ground
so successfully as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
During the past fifty year, it haa been the
most popular of all cough-cures and tbe
demand fur it today is greater than ever
before. Prompt to act and sure to cure
For Prescriptions Dawson's.
Still the lowest inprios, and bight in
quality of wcrk. Tinkle, the leade- in
photf a.
Arrangements for the 12th continue,
with an outlook for one of the best
amusement days in the hiMtory of Al
bany. The program will be as follows:
Parade at 10 o'clock in this order:
Band, militia, bicycles in single file, to
' form on 5th St., march to First, to Wash-
I .
mgton, to 4th, to Court House.
J0:30. Militia skirmish drill. 1000 shots
to ne fired on public aquare.
At 12:05 ililitia will meet 2nd regi
i.ient band at depot and march to city.
1 o'clock sharp: Races on college
lap track, as follows.
1st Prize 2nd Prize
mileClaesA $ 5 00
XA " ' B 7 50
$2 50
2 B0
2 50
2 60
1 " for boys under 16 5 00
1 " Class A 10 00
1 " " B 10 00
5 " " A.. 17 50
5 " B 17 60
They will be run under L. A. W. races.
Followed by mile ladies race.
Time keepers : F. M. French, Geo.
McKnight and Henry Hopkins.
3 o'clock Pow Jays on public square.
This promises to be one of the finest
things ever held here There will be a
prize fight, music by band, obstruction
racs etc.
Followed by races on tbe public square.
r. vo n Jlilitiry ball at Opera llouae
in the evening. Music by 2nd regiment
band orchestra.
We have a few very nice 1995 Sum
mer Capes left, all new goods. Just
such as yon will need when yon take
your vacation at the seaside.
We offer for six days :
$6.00 capes at
6.(0 "
3.50 "
3.C0 "
Come and examine them.
July 10 '95.
. 3.25
. 2.25
. Hi
Xever mind conectioralibe Jnst ride
right into Hodge A McFarLsad'a for your
drugsand p-iracripticna. Tbeir stock i.
high grade, and they are tireless in . tbeir
efforU at rjroinptseaa and to pieue.
Farm Loan 4.
I bare a limited amount of money tc
loan oa good farm land in linn ana ad
joining county. On very favorable terms.
Interest parable anneally. Call or write
it Aem a, lha amnnnl I h... f.-.v iMai.a
Hwill aoon be gotv..
Ctj. HciiBisr.
t Albany. Oregon.
Phoenix.of Hartford andHome.of New
Yort. policies, on good risks, will be re
written in any company represented by
pie, at from 75 to 90 per ct o3. Xewbos
inee written at rates to meet com petit on
M. Sendees,
Leading agent, Albany, Or.
Dr. G- W. Maston. pbyMCian and snr
gcoe. Albany Or. Calls an weird prompt
ly in city or coon try.
Icecream 5 and IOocU a dih at Sir
Vrireck s Summer Garden, comer 3rd an
Bruadalbia at.
25c at French's jewehy store
Fresh buckwheat Soar in balk at
1 1105 Alhaov. Or.. Jnlr 10 1595.
Delazoa Council S. 15! R. A. will
meet for regular datv at their annei!
chamber ia G A R. tUb oa Friday evea- '
ing. July 12, 1895. at 8 o dock. A fall at-,
tradance ia desired. Ressxt. i
Earmoss Cmaxa. "My mother has
suffered with eruptions on ber face. She I
has taken two bottles oi Hoon's Sarsa
parilla and it has enred the eruption. 1
Mr. Robert Stoner. Holler. Or. :
Hood's Pills cure indigestion.
Try H. J. Phillips every morning for
a square deal in vegetable and fruits.
WANTED A woman to work at the
City Laundry. Apply between six
and eight P. M.
The W eathcr.
Fair and warmer tomorrow.
River 1 8 feet
F M French, dUp'ayman.
That Joj rut reeling.
With the exhilarating sen of renewed
bewith and strength ajd internal cWnli
nees, which follows the use of Syrup of
Figs, is unknown to the few who have not
progressed beyond tbe old time medicines
and the cheap substitutes sometimes offer
ed but never accepted by the well inform-
air Vigor
"Ayer's preparations are too o!
well known to need anv eommen-
dation from me ; but I feel com- jj
pelled to sUte, for the benrtit of
others, that six years a?o, 1 lost
nearly half of my hair, and what
was left turned gray. After JJ
using Ayer's Hair vigor several o
months, my hair began to grow
alalia, aim w im r
restored. I recommend it to all jji
my friends." Mrs. E. Frank-
iiIi-ss-r. box S0&. Station C Los
Angeles, CL
Ayer's Hair Vigor
raxrARxs r
ntt t i imir" Ifwrtt usee
ajaa Aa tef a w s w a anjsj fMrwsaywj)
m l
Joy's for Cie Jaded and Good
Health for all Mankind.
la made rcrn
bcrkM, and
contain no
an I a e r a I
drura or
deadiy poia
cn. Joy'9
robe t li e
blood of ail
-ha impari
ties, and
eoorae all
tbcae uopuri-
tin tbronga
propel clan
n:. j7'
Eara peri'.:
cure i3.
p e p a i a ,
Chroile Conatipa
ticn, l.Tcr
a n1 K il ncr
Jof Yegefatde
prevenls tired feel
ings, staggering stn
aUaons, palpitation
of heart, rush cf
blood to the bead,
dizziness, ringing in
ears, spots bef ore the
eye, headache, bJ
iQsne,corarti rati m
of bowels, pain in
tbe bacayneU ncho'y,
tongoe eoatfcd, IV Ail
breath, on
face, body and limb,
dedineofBerve firc
dizzy spells, faint
spells, cold, clammy
feet and hands, soar
risings, fatigue, in
somnia, and ail dis
eases of t be stomach,
liver and kidney.
Joy .a TegetaUe 8arr
apanna i iA by aJ
trsejriMa. Kefase
subacilale, W far jrrx
pay for the seeUiat
yea get use test.
Great cit in rates at
If yoa want bargains do not forget the
Execu-or's Sale, as prices will be cut
worse than ever to cre out the soek
as s jon as possible. Monday, July I , we
will place on sale new lines ot merchan
dise at cut prices. We keep our grocery
stock well assorted and all fresh goods
and can save too money. C-il snd get
our prices on all iiaes.
-Srcial Cut on Hats.-
" 1.50 " .
" 1.00 "
Special Cut on Dress Good
$5.00 Dress PstterLs $$1-50
6J " " 2.0O
1-00 Black Henrietta, per vard 0.50
20 yd Drees Gingham . 1.00
20 Apron - UjO
25 " Prints 1 j
25c Drees Goods per yd 0.10
-Special Cut on Clothing.-
Mens pants worth f 5.00
Sails " 10.00
... 2.00
. . 1.50
... 4.50
When we say cnt price it c:&r.s dol
lars in ydur parse. What do otL-er
charge yoa for Sour, coffee, sugar, rice,
tea. mriil'ji. c4hinji. shoes. Call on ns
and examine our stock and let ns cave
you money, we cao do it.
Yours tor business.
H. F. M Ilwais,
STRArn Froxax,
Executors Est. A. B. 'clla:ii.
June 29, ISS5.
-zed wheal
teatta fe?ta
awe ot
Cod Liver CI
t'Bsvrnasard a si
remcdr for Coav-
- ' asmptioaa. Asta-
" ma. BmaKrntiaV
" Cossba, Ifetalitj!
3 V IVi in. Cv fsfrara.
- . - v' ; retrsedy by bauldiac V
t-, - ?:-"!- H.,T aad SToewJ; wast
-. .- r.j,i decroTS disease A 1.1 aua.
it... - Cml Liitr oa comtaissd
;i ..-il Tar; pteasast ssd easy ta
. . . k . y nuil hoafiil.T coBpowwdeal
1 1. u-t . iiaraacxst.
v a.n t thrm ONLV BT aCAIIa, Pre
ani i iim oa receipt f S5c, pr bow.
f'r- mf 3; Ir'ir ?. r
i. SHAt'ER. Chiitit.
39tb & State Stsv. 1
Mift tnesrrrftoms wiZf disappear
This von ui accomplish by uairij
a awcomparable mrft for disease at ta
Taxaaat. Nose, and Mot2a. A certaj.
aura par and f?ttuit cat for
CatsnK Mw Fmt. Oiikeria. 0aiw Ser Tk Feat
taaanMsrCasAtral Moatk as Tarajaa
Baaiia; sued. o.oick to rrlieTc. poaatlTe car,
always ready: small in price. Post wait
ttn jo srast bare it get it vow.
BXT ONLY BY'M AIL, prepaid oa receipt
f aoe. "repavrrrf so.Wr r
G. G. tHACER, rHKMisT. '
State & 20th Sta, Chicago, IDav.
Prof. A. ST AUK
Of " ill Stark.
Optical Specialis.
Graduate of the OpshaSm
I am prepared ti examiise se'etiliUea
and accurately, bj the l;i!et end in preved
methods of uiHiern scieiice. any ho de
sire to fca.v their eyes tested.
Cusiek Block, Albast, Obbws.
n ita,
Cusii-k BUrk
rUUng nd extracting of teeth w.tlio
pain a spec ialty
an exhibition job; piano finish, canopy
top, leather trimnui.-, sjeating two adults
and two children, adjustable seats, side
lamps, silk sun shades, etc. An elegant
lady's rig, used only six times, practical
tj new. For sale at less than cost to
build at factory. E.W. Ha putt,
Corvallis, Or.
Dr7Prkcwreavni taking Powder
SjaajSnt fiokl "i 'il MHki-raux Fair, iao Fnawaaa.-
! r