The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, July 12, 1895, Image 2

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Washington Letter.
From cur regular ComspODdwU
Washington, July 1, 1895.
The democratic party looks more like
a winner today tbau it had at any time
since the disastrous Congressional elec
tion, last November. The countrr is
daily becoming more prosperous, and,
just as the floating voters held the dem
ocratic party responsible for the "hard
.iniee," which were a natnral conse
quence of the thirty years of republican
class legislation, the same claBS of voters
will next year give the democratic party
credit tor their increased prosperity,and
in that they ill be right. The Treas
ury too, is beginning to feel the increase
in the country's prosperity. The reve
nues for the month of June were $2,
000,000 in excess of the expenditures,
something TOat has not occurred for
quite a while before.
But the principal reason why the
democratic party is again looking like a
winner is that its members are in all di
rections announcing their intentions to
get together. The split which many
foresaw and others feared as a result of
the silver fight within the party lines
will not materialize, unless some of ihe
shrewdest men in the party are mistak
en in their calculations.' The fight isn't
over by auy means, but it is asserted by
prominent silver and anti-silver demo
crats ti at it will be over when the Na
tional Convention shall have acted upon
it, and that the ' platform adopted by
that convention and.the national ticket
nominated will be loyally supported by
both silver and anti-silver democrats. 1
Tn Ahr fatIi twttt, aidAa will fiivlittnl
carrv the convention, and will accent
the decision of the convention.
Another reason why the democratic
party looks like a winner may be found
in existing republican dissensions. The
republican party in the great states of
Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York is
- divided into two bitterly hostile camps,
warring, not for a principle, but for the
supremacy of personal bosses. While
democrats are hardly sanguine enongh
t expect the ngnt netween tne uuay
and anti-Quay ' factions in Pennsylvania
to result in the electoral vote of that state
being cast for the democratic candidate,
, they certainly have good reason to hope
that the wrangling between the follow
ers of Foraker and those of Sherman
and AicJviniey, in utuo. ana ot tne riati
and anti-Piatt republicans in New York
will result in landing both ot those
states in the democratic column next
My! What a splutter those lame
ducks are making in the pond of the
Coast and Geodetic Survey, although
General Driffield's gun waa not heavily
charged . Every one who is at all famil
iar with the different phases of official
life in Washington baa noted the air of
proprietorship which ia assumed by
many of the men who are employed in
the alleged scientific branches cfthe
government. These men draw ealaries
running from $2,000 to $6,000 a year,
have been in office from ten to forty
years, and are mnst'y well-to-do and
eo re of them actually rich. The ma
jority of them come and go when they
please and tpend more time working for
p-ivate parties than they do working for
the government. They have succeeded
fairly well in the past in muzzling criti
cism by calling the critics ignorant and
accusing them of being unable to appre
ciate or understand the importance of
the work done by the scientific employ-
beginning to fail and criticisms are be
coming more frequent. '
Moral Devastation of Degen
erate Books.
To recommendl degenerate books to
neurotic or hysterical readers is not only
' to vaccinate but to inoculate them.There
ia here certainly a communication of the
disease. An unhealthy imagination
finds in the wild lubrications of the de-
pattern jealously tt be imitated. Every
dormant inclination is awakened and
monstrously developed by this sort of
reading. Far from causing a satisfaction
of these morbid tendencies that shall no
longer seek perpetuation in deeds, such
reading only strengthens what becomes
an imperative necessity to commit crime
and immorality. Icouldc'te dozens of
oaee9 f,rm the criminal records of the
ast.few years where thief eB, house
breakers and murderers indicated that
the pi imal conception of their misdeeds
arose from the perusal of sensational
novels in which malelactora were ex
alted and their heroic deeds expatiated
apon with enthusiasm I do not assert
that these individuals were made crimi
nals by what they read. Their natures
were perverse by, birth and education
The propensity to crime was organic
But who can say that the perusal of im
moral cooes was- not the i.irect cause
whkh governed their latent instincts,
producing a well defined aim? Indeed,'
the malefactors themselves believed tt i
to be eo. Could I but relate the mora
devastations traceable to the reading of
Nietzsche and Ibsen which I Lave seen
in actual life! D. Max Nordau in July
"The Kewrpaper man," a paper pub
lished in the interest of the prete, says :
The question seems to be, do news
paper readers prefer tbe news of today
to that of yesterday? Do they care to be
informed of the events happening dar
ing the ame day and furnished them by
their evening paper, or do they prefer to
be kept iu ignorance during the evening
and night, and take tbe neae twelve and
twenty-four hours oM. as furnisLed by
' their morning papet? It is true there
is much transp'riig after the evening
paper has issued its las' edition, that is
freMi ns for the morning paper. There
are theatrical performances to critciee,
lectiires'to report, and the dark deeds that
are done by nili! ; but do these compare
in importance, in intensity of purpose,
with the stirring events of the waking
dar.when tbe world is up and doing.and
pen are at theri best?
Tbe dispatches tell of the sale oi eight'
een A'birtk'y plants. VVe stop to wonder
what kin) ( a p'ant that 1s, and where
Uki-ou s- It must be a weed " Seriously
it is a tMif ixiis fact that bread and whis
key inav 1m in id out of the same thing
lir n'o iboe eighteen whiskey plantr
w .!'nt ttie trust into which they an
lu ing r-ir)iariized is tfgain busted.
X fi.-i H-f ninny signs of goou times in
Ef' V hi( they are of a character )- t"t aliWt the coast now, they
a hlmw ituriiiiig confidence and event
nail. Hi-Mil butler timet for this coast.
Lu kv LJg aa beaten the other day
back ast. Evidently an unlucky horse.
Novel Reading.
Cbaracter ia being built a good deal by
the kind of reading done by young peo
ple, ao that the subject ia one ot great
importance, and needs constant consid
eration . Harold E. Monser, of Oakland?
Calif., last night delivered an address on
the subject ot "Novels and Novel Read
ing." Mr. Monser is not an extremest.
He reads novels and novels many in his
profession do not read. What he says
is of interest. Below we give the sub
stance of his ideas told in an eloquent
There are five novels published every
day in England and th U. 6., and a
great majority of the books read are
novels. Men ot all professions have
written novels, some of the greatest men
ot the day.
"A novel is a picture ot a human life,"
whatever else it brings out. Novels are
realistic andidealistic,each of which the
speaker fully explained. The character
of the novel sometimes depends ou the
reader. The novels of different nations
were discussed. The French novel is
read by married people, while the Amer
ican novel ia read by boys and girls,
hence presenting a different phase.
Dicken's novels he considered moral.
Men get good or evil generally as they
are looking for it, as the bee gets the
sweet it wants and the fly the poison.
As the people eat, so may they read ; but
few men eat right. ..Food must be di
gested in order to benefit one, so books
must be digested. Novels sdould be read
as one'eata confectionary and ice cream ;
while history and biography rhou'd be
taken as the regular meal.
The insipid Sunday School book with
its perfect characters misrepresents life
as much as the dime novel. The speak' ;
agreed with the Dumocsat in not seeing
anything in Trilby to go craxy over. A
book of evil tendencies, one that makes
vice attractive. The dime novel and
sensational story papers were handled
without gloves. He thought justice
would be done if the writers got two
years in the penitentiary.
The novels of the present day misrep
resent life; that is the' objection, not the
novel itself. fcTbe boy with an appetite
for blood and .bonder should be given
history of a character to satisfy him.and
it is full of it. He recommended for
boys: Little Lord Fauntlerey, Little
Folk's. Lives, Old Friends and New,
Grimm's Fairy Tales, Aesop's Fables,
Pansy's stories, Scott,Dickens and Coop
er's works, The Hooeier School Master,
The Red Roer,Tom Sawyer, Tom Brown J
at Rugby. John Halifax oentieman,
Louisa May AlcotU boy's stories, Thad-
dene of, Warsaw, the Youth's ..Compan
ion, ttc. For the girls: Little Women
and others of Mrs. Alcott's stories, Ben
lah, Mrs. Whitney's stories, three of K.
P. Roes atories, Ac. For older people:
Locking Backward, Caesar's Column,
John Ward Beacher, Marcel'a, Romala,
&c In reading the right novels we can
live another life. The novel dramatises
history and nakee na familiar with
social customs of all times. Of Ameri
can books, Thd Circuit Rider, Norwood,
Old Town Folks, Old Creole Days, Ra
mola and Romance of a Do'lar were
among those recommended. For Eng
lish life read thofe of the standard writ
era. A great writer who deserves recog
nition is Amelia Barr.
The speaker suggested the twelve iuot
popular novels : David Coppei fie'.d.I van
hoe, Scarlet Letter, Ben Uarr.Miferablee,
Little Women, Uncle Tom's Cabin and
Little Lord Fanntleroy being among the
the numbet. He mentioned a large num
ber of splendid nove-a suitable for read
ing, serious and humorous, no; neglect
ing Samantba Allen.
Oregon Alright.
A, C. True, director of all the experi
ment stations created nnder the Hatch
act, with headquarter at Washington,
D. C, arrived in town Saturday jind will
remain nntil tomorrow, the guest of
Prof. French. Prof. True is the chief in
authority in the experimental station
work, and is out on an official toor of in
spection of the different stations. He
began ic Minnesota and baa visited all
stations in the northern tier of states.
He will have time to visi only about a
dozen, and the duty of looking over the
remainder will be delegated to assist
ants. En route borxe he will attend the
convention of experiment station officers
at Denver, in session from the 10th to
the 20th of the current month. Frof.
True had a good word for Oregon, par
ticularly the Willamette valley. It re
minded him of houie,and its green trees,
verdant fields and numerous streams
were in striking contrast with the tree
less and riverless plains through which
he had jost passed. Regarding the work
at the Oregon experiment station Prof .
True bad na criticism to effer, and said
that the details of station work in ike
various states varied, being governed by
surrounding local conditions and needs.
Corvallis Times.
Speaking of trainmen defending a train
in case of a rotrbery a railroad man cays
that were it tbe duty of the conductor
and brakemen to go amed for'tbat pur
pose they would be the first targtt cf
the robbers, and tbe knowledge that it
was tbe custom wonld give them no
chance at all. There is something 3n
this worth considering. It suggests that
if they become too frequent railroads
wilt bave tobirespecial detectives to de
fend their trains, after tba fashion oi
the early days of staging, when a man
sat witb the driver with bis gun ready
for instant action, and he generally came
out ahead.
Probably tbe smallest warrant in
amonnt ever'iesued by the government
waa drawn last week. It was for one
cent, and was made payable to G rover
Cleveland, President of the United
States. It appears that in calculating
tbe amount due the president each
month, there has been an underpayment
of once cent which. could only be recti
fied, and tbe.treasnry books kept straight
by drawing a warrant for that amount
in tbe president's favor. That was very
foolish and unnecessary l.usin -sg.
Tbe Pendleton E. O. fays that Capt.
Paul Webb deserved the death he re
ceived at Coeur D'Alene for his foolish
ness and for being a fake, passing him
self off as Panl Welt when he was not.
On the tsine line of rmnnirti thee are
many ti.oof and people deserv.rig instant
death. As it is a hot afternoon when
this is being written the Pfhocbat will
not enter into a controveisy on the sub
ject. '
Tacoma is to float 11,000,000 In bonds
to fill np some flats. 8ome day Tacoma
will bave to pay It. In the meantime a
lot of bloated bondholders are making a
fat living off tba interest.
The crop of graduates has been'good, a
fact npon which the country ia ti be
congratulated. Let tje graduates ij
crease in number.
A Si ver Movement.
A special Washington dispatch says :
Western silver republicans have out
lined an interesting program to be pur
sued in the next national republican
convention. Today a Western republi
can of national prominence, who arrived
in Washington two days ago, disclosed
the program of the silver men in all its
details, and it is so audacious as to startle
the political managers here. The plan,
ho says, was agreed upon at a conference
of Western senators last month. The
senators and other Western republican
leaders who paiticipated in the compact
represent the Western silver states, and
profess to be able to control the delega
tions to the next republican convention
f romthose states. These states are :
Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Washing
ton, Oregon, Colorado, Nevada, Utah,
California and South Dakota.
These states are claimed solid for the
agreement. North Dakota and Nebras
ka may yet join them.
It is their purpose to meet and choose
delegates to the national republican con
vention iu the regular form, and, when
the convention meets, to present the
name ot Senator Cameron, o' Pennsyl
vania, for president. If Cameron is not
acceptable to the republicans, the con
vention will be asked to agree upon
some other republican. If it refuses to
act upon the suggestion, the delegates
from these Western etates cay they will
march out of the convention' tn a body,
carrying with them as many of their
tree-silver Idtltgales as they can com
mand. They will wait upo the demo
cratic contention, not as delegates, be
cause they cannot be admitted, but as a
commisiion knocking at the doors and
asking for the nomination of a tree-sil-1
ver democrat Senator Moigan, of Ala
bama, preferred. It' the democrats fai!
to act upon the demand, the silver men
will abandon both the old parties.
It is .not now the intention of the man
agers ot the independent political move
ment to nominate a standard-bearer for
ISM on an independent silver platform,
but their efforts wiK be directed toward
choosing electors pledged to the ailver
cause, regardless of personal preier
ences. The idea of .nominating an inde
pendent free-silver candidate has pre
vailed until quite recenUy, but wa
abandoned as a piece ot bad political
policy, and, failing to secure recognition
from either of the national conventions,
the silver men say they will seek tohoM
the balance of power in the next electo
ral coilege. and prepare one of the old
parlies to bring forward a silver man in
order to secure the election.
The movement outlined is at piesent
confined to the republican party. The
democrats declare that they fear that a
similar insurrection may breakout in
their own party, lead by Southern dem
ocrats allied with Western men on the
money question. This is considered as
very likely to happen, should the demo
crats call their national convention first,
and for that reason there was much U'k
today ot pos'poaing the democrat icc-ju-vention
until very late.
Republican leaders today assert that.
it it can be shown conclusively in the
next nalior-a! republican convention that
the Western republicans have arranged
any euch program fcr baiting the con
vention as that disclosed today ,the cjt-
mittee on credentials will refuse to seat
the delegates until they pledge them'
selves to abit'e by the work of the con
vention. The Chautauqua Atfemtly of Oregon
openeed in Gtadctrne rark, Oregon City,
this afternoon. It will be an intellectual
and musical season deserving recogni
tion from the people. The Chautauqua
ideafis a clean'one.and there ia a solid
foundation to it. When one goes to an as
sembly one learnt something, tecs some
thing and is bound to be pleased. The
people one meets axe always of the best
order: You need no body gsard when
among them.
The celebration next Friday promises
to be a second 4th of July- It will be of
a more quiet order There will probably
be an absence of fire rrackera, and no
oration wilt awaken tbe exboes; but
there will te some live contests and
plenty ot them. Some of tbe fast ama
teur riders will undoubtedly be here
adding to the attraction.
It is a matter of great satisfaction to
Americans that the Cornell crew defeat
ed tbe Leander crew at Henley yesterday.
Tbe latter was said to be the fastest of
the English crews, hence the result in
tbe finals, it is confidently anticipated
will be in favor of Cornell. National
pride makes one feel like shouting so
mnch have English oaremen crowed over
their supetierity.
John V. Crum, the Iowa college boy,
who is perhaps the fastest runner in the
world, in giving bis record says : "I
wonld like to bave you note the fact that
I never drink, smoke nor chew, and do
not use coffee or tea. I do not know
whether I am trairing or not.''
Tbe proprietor of the summer resort
hotel in Minnesota arlio refused to psr
mit tac men to dine ia bicycling ens
tume bt cause their knee breeches would
offend the ladies present has been
s ied by the two gentlemen, "(jive me
liberty or give me death.''
There are plenty of fools in the world.
A reporter in Philadelphia in order to
t'.t a street ca fender, fell in front of a
car and would have been killed had not
the car been stopped just in time.
At Mayvdle, X. D., five men recently
died from drinking whiskey made of
such stoff as fusil oil and tobacco, su say
the dispatches of July 0. Evidently
some one carritd a bar in his boot leg.
Ihe Standard Oil Company is liable to
own tbe world eventually and if it keeps
up lbs extortionate price for oil it won t
be far off. If nour wants the Postal tele
graph plant, and has offered f 15,000 ,CO0
for it.
It is safe to ray that not a month in the
year pssres without cyclones eomewheie
in the U. S., lot tone w thim are in
Tbe A.O. U. W. lis- increaffd in
uiembeitbip in 'bis jtimdicticn over !,
200 in less than a jear. A big showing
for 1Mb very reliable bent ficiary organi
Ttie I'riutvihr Rrview is author of the
following: "At Lyons, Linn cocnty.a few
Sundays ago the Rev. Mr. Goodman im
mersed two convert, and then went out
and killed a bear. He evidently believes
in connecting business and pleasure."!
The bear was nrobablv nmwlimr
and who wouldn't kill it
Tbe I2th is Orangeman's dav ; also the
big race day in Albany. A combination
not noticed by many.
For the benefit of those who have lost
track of ex-GoverncrPennoyerit may be
stated that ho was in Salem on the 4th,
and the Statesman eavs shot his mouth
Ex-President Harrison is doomed. He
Is said to have declared emphatically
that it was disgraceful for women to
ride bicycles. If Mr. Harrison said that
he is a very narrow man.
Speaking of tho 4Ui of July celebra
tion the Salem Journal says "Salem
had the best in the state from the ora
tion of the day to the oration of the cal
ethumpians. The Democrat denies
this for Albany had a Salem man, while
Salem had only a Yamhill man. Sonic
mistake there.
The Corvallis Times Bays: An awful
hankering gnawed at vitals of all the old
soakers again yesterday, as every saloon
in town was closed from the first to the
last minute in the 24 hours of the day
yesterday. From morning until night
fall Main street was deserted, those w ho
usually frequent that thoroughfare hav
ing apparently taken to the woods for
the day. . .
Governor Lord and H. R. Klncaid
ousted Dr. Rowland as superintendent
of the insane asylum. Phil Metcban
voted for him. Dr. Rowland has made
a competent superintendent and should
have been retained, though Dr. Paine is
probably a good man. The eami couple
put out G. W. Davis and elected W. If.
U'Deli, a man who has always been after
some kind of public pap.
The obscene letter case of Eugene is not
over yet. District Attorney Jictthy, of
Portland, has received a hot anonymous,
letter from Eugene giving him tits for
permitting Miss Berger to be discharged
confirminit her innocence. It is to be
hoped the right party is eecured, for ot
all scoundrels in the world tho worst ia
the writer of anonymous letters.
The state ureas association will meet
at Newport July 20. 73 editors have al
ready given notice that thev will be
present. Hon. J. il. Mitchell will de
liver the address, which will probably
f .. I
keep Harvev hoott at home. The
dotn of the Man about Town's palatial I
ye LrtH'k outface is hereby grunted as a
dormitory. All laws will be suspended
in Newnort. Old Nentune will sh in
a special supply of water agates Mr the
occasion. The conductors, have all I -n
notified to punch all editors at eight
whatever kind of a ticket thev preeent.
so that no one will need to w alb. This
promises to bo the great event ot the
nineteenth century.
The ciorious 4th was a rainv dav here
but not too rainv for enthusiasm for at
an early hour some of our people were
on the road to Albany, while other went
totXMrvalus. Nwne went to iiear tne
declaration r&ui and others to see the
race and others still to see the pow jays
and fire works. Wa went to Corvaliis
and were surprised to see ao many people
out on the strve so wet a day, but every-
w i tr m, afim 4 w- Iwa titan-
we came;
home in the afternoon and at night h
were treated to a eenuine se
serenade by1
Mr. tiau-hell, Misa SteeU and Mus KjhI
ford, tliev are all good singers. So end
ed the 4lh,but on the morning of the 5th
the last of the pow jays passwl through
town, we noticed our townsman J. 11 -White
in the procession, but epeaking of
pow Jays, one who saw them in AHwny
gars "we bave belter pow jays in Oak
ville, they pass up and down Church
street every day the mill runs."
Irof. JoLn tmith ralle-l on ns yeeter
dav. Ue says in reply la the criticism
of lila speech at )!pringirs grove ; "We
hal tt crape vine dispatch from Sal em
every day the legislature waa in session,
and wiih regard to only bearing one side
perflate that is true, " for we read the
1 laity tua of Portland, and the Capital
Journal of Salem. The latter ia edited
by one of t.e 30, so we certainly get tbe
fia fw . XV, ..
UFe kicking, the Smiths are all well j-t-
ed political Ir. Call again Critic. We
an at hnm.1
are at home
Miss Bedford, of Albany
her mother here.
is visiting
f- i--i.n . .. i t : trv n , , . ouiy wounding four ou7iea. be was run
ii20J5I2i kjr!Sa2f ! tie Auditorium bol,
Sr i i CaUS"n n'"ake "ionCongrea.'rwt.
Two men on wheels caasc
Altwny last Saturday.
Some of our people went to
fajx we,
Oakville has a tawmUl, two ba.e la ,1
nines that can't be beat, pow jays that
need no masks, a new engineer at the
saw mill, a young man that would be a
masher. A man that likea to talk, and
more good citizens than any other place
of its sixc. Amkts.
A (?tatuno Pisoovimv. Baldness
cured or no pay. Pr. White's Oreat
Discovery is lor tale at Louis Vierrck's
barber shop. It cure all discame ot tlus
scalp. Parties desiring to go into a con
tract I will guarantee a bead of hair or
no pay. Louis Wreck, Tonsorial Artist
For the best Drugs Dawson's.
For PilUanJ Plaster Djwjo n
Fir Pure Drags Dawson's.
Use Dawson's furnltun; pulUIi.
Dr. Price's Cream BaKin Powder
WrM Fair Hit-a. Ma-al aaxl IHplaraa
Letter List
Foilowipa is the list of letUra re,ioina
ia the pott offioe at AlUaoy, Linn eoanty
Oregon, Ja'y 9, Peraons calling for
theie letters mail give tbe date on whicb
they were advertised.
Condon, Edna Dowerage, J C
Mams, r. L "longiiam, J W
Pearson, II F Pvdurn, O
Peck, Frank Williams, Mrs Lillie
Williams, Lottie Mayble
T. J. Stites, P. M.
In time. If you are a euf- fi
ferer from that acoumre Jr.
of Humanity known as
consumption, and jrou
can be cured. There is
tne evidence of
hundreds of liv
ing witnesses to
tbe fact Wax. in
all its early
stages, consump
tion it a curable
disease. Not
ever case, but a
large percentage of
cases, and we believe,
fully o per cent, are
cured by Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Dis
covery, even after toe disease baa pro-
S eased so fir aa to induce repeated bleed
gs from the lungs, severe lingering cough
with copious expectoration (including: tu
bercular nutter), great loss of flesh and ex
treme emaciation and weakness.
- Do you doubt that hundreds of such cases
reported to us aa cured by " Golden Med
leal Discovery " were (renuine cases of that
dread and fatal disease ? You need not take
our word for it. They have, in nearly every
instance, been so pronounced by the best
aad most experienced home physicians,
who have no interest whatever In mis
reoraaentinir them, and who were often
a trii
tint whn
it surpasses, tn curative power ovur ims
fatal malady, all other mediclnea with
which they are acquainted. Nasty cod
liver oil and ita filthy "emulsions" and
mixtures, had been tried In nearly alj these
cases ana bad either utterly failed to bene
fit, or had only seemed to benefit t little for
a abort time. Extract of malt, whiskey,
and various preparations of the hypo
phosphites had also been faithfully tried
in vain.- ... , ,
Tbe photographs of a large number of
those cured of consumption, bronchitis,
limrerinor coughs, asm ma, enrome nasai
catarrh and kindred maladies, bave been
! skillfully reproduce-
in a book of 160
page which will be mailed to you, on
nwint of address and six cents in
atampa. You enn then write to those who
bave been cured and profit by their ex
perience. Addresa for Book, WORLD'S Dispensa.
Mkuical Association, Buffjio, N. Y,
I w t .
lata! B. B. decide!,
Quebec, July 9. A very large pilgrim
age from Shorbrooke, Windsor 61 ills and
Richmond left last night at 10 o'clock for
the shrine of St. Anne ue Ueaupre. There
were two sections of the train, one run
ning a few minutes behind the other. The
ti ret section was standing at Craig's Hoard
station, at 3 A. M., Ulcing water, when
the second section, pasiag the semaphore,
dashed into the rear of a Pullman coach of
the first section, smashing it to kindling
wood, and killing, it is said, everybody in
that car, except the Pullman conductor,
who jumped, t hirteen were killed.
Will Set Cewfeat.
Losdox, July 9 a reply was seut out
today by Oxford and Cambridge to the
Intercollegiute Athletic Association of
America. The reply is to the effect that it
would rot be desirable for their clubs to
abandon their original policy, which was
that Oxford and Cambridge would mt
Yale and Harvard this year, either In
America or England. Since, however,
this was rendered inipossib'e, owing to tbe
action of Harvard, neither club was in
clined to bike further steps this year in
regard to a meeting between a combina
tion team of the English universities and a
similar team of Americans.
Baslaess ia t'allforala.
Sas r'BAKCisco, July 9. Nearly 50 cit
zens from towns ia California, in response
to inquiries made by tbe Chronicle, have
reported in detail the condition of their
business, and, especially the developeinent
of their leading industries, 'the net re
sult of these questions and answers is that
there is good, solid ground for satisfaction
in all section.
D arral's Trial-
SasL&unciiwA July 9. The jurors in
the triiir of Tbjlore Durrant have been
summoned totffily 22. One hundred and
titty names vk drawn by County Clerk
Curry, who performed the work in person.
Of the jurors drawn 75 will be summoned
lo appear on the morning of July 2? and
75 to appear on the following day.
RarrUew'a atealat.
Isdiaxapolis, July 9. General Benja
min 1 1 amton denounces as su prions in at
tared interview published in New York in
effect that he oppoed the use of bicycles by
women. -My views." said the ex prei-
deut- " net in accord with tu eex-
iwo-u in iitai anicie. vuiy i.ti wees,
a local bicycle firm shipped two wheels to
fcaratotra. one lor. Mr. McKee. Ueneral
Harrison's daughter, and tbe other for ber
tevr I sm ApswalM.
alem. Or., July 9. The appeal paper
in the cue of the state vs X N. fctewves
were filed in tbe supreme court today. Ac
companying the tranacript J 14' 4 type
written pae oi testimony, which U more
evidence than bat come up to the supreme
court f or year.
several sktoiUl wa.
Havana, July 8. A severe engagement
has taken phioe beteen Vpanuh ItjOf
under command ot Cclonel Azar end a
Urn force of insurgents. Two hundred
and eigh of tbe latter were killed . They
wens beaten at their own game General
SaJeeJo and Baun, wbile cut scouring the
field near Yatras. had a kirmuh with
the insurgents, who left 10 dead spun the
field. On side oi the troops two were
killed and six woondeJ. General Navarro
w ecjrasrmect w.ta ver uanua oi
rgeniaai imhji. ly mut. ine
insurgents lott two
aiUed and left two
wounded behind.
Beat mew frababl.
VVamiisuTox. July 8 lotn W. Fobr
arrived in Vt ahtrigioa Ukiay from China,
where be hu taken a conpicaotu pairt in
tbe dtplaou'tc braavn of the China- Jap
anew cuoiikl. In answer to an impitry,
Mr. Foster n.ade a sUtement in which be
sail ttere w m ifaou reejon to expect rer
maoent rvan between Japin and t bin, as
the rrit of tb tne ly of peace, lite terms
demanded by Japan may, be raid, under
tbe tin amto-a, t rrvardeil at reason
abWi. Trwc tarw Myia.
Chic soo. Julj In Western dpera-
i do stjle, a man, tuppoaed to be C. F. Cole,
' -...,"..1 I . I . - I T, f f .
t.ioin in l.i saloon, al 64 Adams street,
this tvrtim;;. After nenosnly wooading
'- t . 4 i 'i ' t, lk 1 1- i L, t ....-u, . rir
b!e race fr liberty enu wen. Afcei tlting
i into the UKb tliat pursued hioi and siri-
pre fromj Ur-ae
j ICas'as Crrr. Mo., Ja!y Rcporu of
Waterloo Morms during the pa4 taree daysahw
j the entire eastern watershed of tbe rivers
! oi rvaitwL ana .eimki and lowm ouvs
to Texas, were swept by 1 n lay nifht by
the severest blow. Field of gnin that
promite-i the most bountilut yield far many
ears, were swept bare of verea!ion. Tbe
teas of rain were abetted in their work of
destruction by tornadoes. In a'l a' leat
4-J people were kil'ed.
Mere fMerwaa.
SrHisGFiEi-D, Mo., July 3. A severe
eiectric rain (torn wept along the James
rii-er a fr south a Oaark lart nigbt Live
stock vat killed by tbe wind and lignt
nicg, and crops bad'y darraged by the
ctorm. Three howes at Sparta were de
troyei by ligbtcing-.
Bavaasai Prtaee
Dali. July 8. At the headquarters
of the HoriJa Athletic CluD the sale of
tickets for tbe big Bht begins at 10 . M.
Vedesday. Th will be aa follows: Hex.
with fire chain, 2n0; reserve seats f JO;
general a,lc;uion. 111.
A pu areraa.
Cn:cio, July T- One of the most fu
rio'Ki wind and rain atortna known in this
vicinity for years passed over Um city
alout 6 o'tlock this evening, coming from
the north et. The day had been inten Wi
ly b'-t and there were many people out on
the lake in tailboutaind as the storm came
up very .uddeniy it ia feared that sever
lives have been lost. The lib saving crews
hare bees buy all tbe evening traiiLg ru
mors of r-iptized boaU. Up to 10 o'clock
they had rescued the occupant of three
capsixed lioRts, all in a vry exbaunted con
dition. A Baa IrrMrs.
Xii.ks. O , luly 7. An electric car load
ed with people returning from Riverside
Park s struck ly a freight tram on tie
Erie lailroad here this afternoon. Thecr
was serous the track when the locomotive
trock it, burling it upon its aide Frank
Wilson, a racrehant. wa instantly killed,
and Mrs. O. W. llolden. of Warreo. was
dangerously injured. Several others were
seriously hurt, among tliem Frank Ram
sey, cf iVirrpn, w ho waa dangerously and
perhaps futnlly injured.
a Jty Swadar.
New Voiib. July ?. Today, in police
parlance, wa a dry Sunday. Recording to 1
the police, tho uii'oond were closeil, and
the exoine law were being enforced entire?
ly. This was not strictly true. A stranger
in New York might try tho whole city
without a drop to (luenrh hit thint, but a
nun who knows the bartender or saloon
keeper, or the man at the door, bad no
reason to lie thirsty. The police, however,
made a determined effort to enfore tbe law.
Sum Iter Three.
Hczzakd's IJav, Mass., July 7. lust
before 5 o'clock this afternoon n.tws reach
ed the village that a girl bad been born at
Uray Oiiblea. This report was toon --eri"
fied by Dr. lJryant, who announce I that
the happy event occuiTed at 4:30 p ni.. and
that both tbe mother and child were doing
as well at conld be expected. This if the
third child born info the president's family
and sll are girls. Ruth isfotirytars old
and Esther 2.
4 Cyelape la Arkansas.
Pink Bi.pkf, Ark.. July 7. A b-rribla
cyclone swept over this city tonight. All
wires are down, and news of the diiraage
which mu:.t have been ennsiderub'e is not
BocfiRAuble. Sniull buildings and dwellings
in the city were hurled, awiiy for ilisUtnoes,
but no loss of life hat yet been reported,
It was followed by a deluge of rain.
Uraasfcenpert la t'ailferala.
Ukai.dhbl'ko, Pul., Julr 7. Graeshop
pjrs still continue to do much damage to
the vineyard and corn fields of northern
Sjiioma. In some placm, next to the foot
hills, they bmef ntirely destroyed the crops.
Tney are more numerous on the hillsides
than ever before, and fccem to bo moving
"My friend, be wise
auu uuveruse
Your buslusM without ceasing j
In your progress
You'll find success.
With shekels fast increasing."
i farmer was hunting for a couple of
harvest hands; but could not find them.
V I . -
n nere are an oi the unemployed.
The Pullman Comnanv has advanced
tbe wages of its men enough to make
the world open Us eves and stare. '
Farmers will do welt to keen their eves
on the first good price for wheat alter
the product is in the mill or warehouse.
Remember the past.
These are ereat dara far iho'i. a.
many as w see on the streets ft la a fort
that there are more in peoples' heads
am) some of them are fairly' kept spin
H'herc to Trade.
Here are some of Julina CiraiXmnUVm
cash nricea
20 lbs. Pavon 8oap. $ .85
a cans tomatoes 25
A r buckle. Lvon and Rir 4 twr1ti
Sardines, 15 cents per can, 2 cans.. .25
1 dor cans tomatoes .90
inegar. per gallon .20
15 pounds beans .50
Sugar always subject to change of the
And all Other crnnila aa tnw aa as.I.I t
Hardware, crockery, glassware and
groceries at reasonable prices.
You Need to be Particular.
T "HE RE isn't anything in the world
JL that you are justified in being par
ticular about it you a: e not partict r
about Purchasing vour trroevrieo. lA't
take chances with what goes to your
table surely the U-st of everything is
not too good for yon when it comes to
what you eat and drink. With other
things, a little indifference is conceivable;
to tie indifferent about your gro
ceries isn't conceivable at all.
You can have absolute faith in
what Parker Brothers tell
you. They keep good good.
. freh produce and seasonable
fruita, and the best made bread,
cakes, pie, etc, in the market,
and when they tell von a thing
it ia so, aa all their old customers
will vouch for.
Telephone 48. Ring.
Everywhere we go we Sod seme one bo
baa been cured by Hood's Sar?apari!!a. It
U the greatest curative agent. It is tbe
on' great Uood purifier and nerve tonic.
Hood's Pills far the iivr and bowels, tit
easily yH promptly and effectively.
Foa Eocs tor batching Imm bigb clasa
Itry either of Uoiden u vanJofte or
Irown Leghorn breed call on or addrese
C t.. Baowxnx,
Allny, Or.
Una tow'la ta every care rrar at Via -re
baring pwra.
ao orange tor 15 cu tris week at C E
If you want a good and clean
smoke buy cigar made bv o-ir Al
bany cigar fact orv.
Mothers Read.
Tbe proprietors i-t SAXT- ABIE h-re
authorised t-oshay A Mama to rrfucd roar
money if, after this California fviair
i of Ceugh Cure a fair trial t directed, it
laws iv jite m unscuoi i- UK cure ot
cooika. croup, whooping cojgb and al!
throat and lung troubles, ''"hen tbe dis
ease agede the bead, and awatnes tbe form
of eatar.h, nothing is effective as CA LI
ation art without equals as bouse Hnid rem
ediea. Sold at ll.W a package. Three for
IV) you know . if yon want to go ejt and
Jirj Pullman TMrit Steeper, that too
will be drained from 12 to 16 fvxon nnlete
voataketos Northern IVtfi? Kemeai
ift tfct the Nortnra PciSc is be oeren
line running Pullman Turit Sleeper
thrcmirh to tbe et witboat delay. Ti tn
and mmey saved by this route. For fai
information, ti card. mp. etc. call
ortitreuC. O. Barkaart, ait Albany
Millinery at Cost.
The M'umea Ball will eell their entire
stork at cost tq quit bu?inew. Tliis will
riford the ladies an excellent opportunity
tO r,nttha atvlisK nullinM -. I. 1
eet posnible pricca.
- aw a. i
An Absolute Cure.
The Oriiatl AM-rlne O'o'ment ia
put u In lare tw j oanc- ti., Sn, and ti
an abolu'e cure for oil r-a, burns
woynd-.. chpp-4 haqj,anj j . skin trt-.
lion. Wlil po,ltlvrIy c i all kinds of
plies. Aak tor the Original binine
Ointment. Sold by Kothav & Matort a
S enit per box, by mail 3o centt.
Diatr Far, r.i .v.. r vi:
Uradwohl has yot received n eWant line
v; icuuua uirrt irom r.ngiaiKl. 1 Dfy coc
sut of crockery and glaas wars in tbe 6nest
line brought to the city. And our citinens
will do well to call and eumioe them bc-
lun vnying.
With oo4ev uu ire rloi-ir nn,l Ika ul.i
on your plate, you cannot enjoy a meal.
um u-vung east, you shou'd take the
Northprn PaciSc, the only diniofr car line
from Portland ; meiU 73 cent. You don "t
have to get up in the ntornioir at six o'clock
rush to breakfast and gulp it down in 6f
teen or twenty minute, and tlien have tc
wait nntil 2 or 3 o'clock for lunch or din
ner. To avoid this, take tbe Northern
1'acific, the only dining car route, the only
line running to the Yellowstone Park anil
I Via nnlv nm.ii,. IK. ! 1 ... : .4
---j . ...... nig . uiiiuiR ivmia
sleeoers through to the east without from
l1) Ia U L r..l, ; .
w u uuun uriay. rur lull lnrormaiicn,
Urns csrds. mans. etc. rail At, nr a.-t,!fti
CO. Burkhart. airent. Albanr
You can get Kntiu or Willaruetle cher
riM al l.'L. ..IU. 1.. ! . I
' - -' " v.T ,t. , I II KJl VIC I W
Conn Hustons or with F. W. btumberg.
Cavalfi Sweeney. US A. San Dteijo
Cal says: "ghtlohrs Catarrn Remedy Is
the first medicine I have ever found thai
would do me any goad.i' Price 50c.
Tb Nevy TIinc Table.
California Ktnrm, laat-a rri.n.
KOUtll KnrlU
8 :50 p. m. Lv Portland 8 ;10 a. m. Ar
iZ:Ua. mLv Albany 4:43 a. ni. Ar
10 :40 a. m. Ar San Francisco 7 :00 p m Lv
Roseburg Mail leaves Portland daily.
South . Vs., 1,
8 :30 a. m. Lv Portland 4 -AO p. ni. Ar
12:05 p. m. Ar Albany 12:,Vip. m. Ar
5:20 p.m. A r ltoseburg 8 KM a.m. Lv
People wishing cheap gooseberries can
obtain tbeui at Wm. Peacock's gardens
across the river for 2 cents tt pound by
picking thQin. " , 1 -
Si.!otfs Oure. the great cough and
croup cure, It In great demand, Pocket
siaeeun'ntwen!r-fiye duses only asc
Children tove it. SpUi by druggtatt.
Wild Black Brrrik. During the
present eaon I will admit parsons to my
.l.l 1. 1 ....l.l e.ti. . r - . . -
wim Jim aurrry ueiua at oj cents per day.
Will admit no one before July 5th. Berries
not very plentiful. . Wiliji.
Kr Clover Root.the great olood pur
ifier gv,-s freshness and clearness to the
complexion and cures constipation, 35c
, oc, 1.00. Fothay A Uaton Agent.
Power, llWKlaeha. Wakef
by orurrriion. w
titftnu.whicb l"M to Ir.SrinltjM
vL DorkftL. M 1 tmr box. A far I
Jci v m wrHtB nrMie l ear mr mtnm
tirau-isuft. A uriLtaHtifinrrf iff.
.. JOSEPH. I'roiirloJor.
r 4
r4 1
mm mm
This extra
ordinary &e
Jnanjuor la
tba taort
diaoorery of
tba ase. It
baa been tn.
Jonied by tba
men of
Europe and
Hafrsa Is
Constipation, ,
Failing Sen-
B 1
aauon, try
oustwitehfn? of tee eyn
and other
I its.
and tonra Ute
- - a wniuear,
Vf, 1 HiH,.a
Y I bnil
Z- 1 KerroQja
Maaran st?9
rolckly. Orr00SrjrtTBleejyJoioett.
rnuatnmiat anajis Irawx-c-y In tr Crrt
aty. It Is a syssptora tit arainal wjmknos
and bamnnem. it cn be ttoj.-pod ia at ia)'S
by tne uaaof Mi!rsB.
Tbe Bw dUrovery wa ade thr Pwrt!.
laUoftboM nunaasMaaea MMical lattttat.
U Is tbe stnscco viiau:r tsade. It u vrry
powerful, bat Ix-aU-n. (ufA tit Sl.OO a jt-i-atnr4
packse fur (S.(0pUineaid
a'noeo griaratwe girtn fai a fr. lfvtly
al x baxut aii ai C( etittnfy cord.a Ksore
wtU lTOt to jaa iwfif ItbtTTH
yen If-it rfimianasd Uaintmtlmi. A41rea
laarUsB nuckt8,-ret 4c KUUMs
Hmm rraaclsca, CaU.
it 1 1
Try It
LOST lAZ hfiifot . . . -AMU-lAHHWD
rtd Di.tin? Ur on Ogim Rout
tSir '''Pt't wk SECONO-CLfvSS siEtpms CARS
jut to be cooL There's no:Lir,g iie ktj-
ing yourtlf cool and frte irn;n excite- t Connecting at Ya-ttina Ea .7 with tee
mint. Sow is tbe time to strike a ?an Francisco and Yaqnina Bay j-Uam-happv
me-!; am r-tween the Arctic Circle ' tbipCompany
and the Eiuafor, and oar b e Com So
h toe great climatic equalizer. ln"ckiti m.:' iiTwl!it!
and take tbe niwlvx in tb abadc VlPITHQllTI "rl3P3 HU
fligbu oi the n.rrciirr ss an
kimo. It ! t necw6ry to freeze y:r
stomarh with ice water and make vour- f
w;i a oyppeMsc i'r lite t. -nK-v
agrewabie eSit f a m,l tvr3pe, as
our soda flavor.! with !enKn
etc, serve eterr purte
COjI, re.
ireaiung dnnk withxit i Jii:2lhf It-
harm the dtgication.
J 4 C I tiff tti.
Insure vour rrcrrtv 'viih
Jo5cpli V Talt i.-." The J
Old Hartford.- THE NEW '
AGENCY, or any or.e c i thc- i
otlitr rvliaUe f Id l:ne c rn-
panies he repneuts. Xo'es I
taken and j-u nty of tiu'j
pivec for paym n on fan j
insurance. All busines-s j lac
ed with him i!l be promt -
1 t. ?Kl s !
P O Bkck, !
FH Hammer.
f-a'esi'e CGEisiiiioa XerciMt.
2li tnd 21" Davis St. Cot ConscuerciaJ.
FkiM-tsco, C.n.
We pay the highest mark. pr; tor
wheat, harlcy, oats. potai cs, apr
pics, poultry, hides, wool and acn
crnl produce.
j It will pay you to write us and keep p.t- i
30 .
Liberal advances made on oimiffriinentj.
San Kran-i'j Proibive Kich.
Ato Trancixi Erjit ExibAns.
A ft. 1 eorpa of InatrnoUuw,
oam 01 uJy arrangftj a
all s-rc nratadante.
vr-"" iMwrwfi cfet-ti ttlud4 a
from itlrrcaxi.
Jf I n -iv tv t sjsbsj
tWUti:ll1rc-n.-HJCr .MWlrMA,
It No PRVE5mvS
t?JV e " ::Lia;.,K.,rmt7i
- vJ?a M J,i nm . Ki,ia ta..
ww 1 f SLaws: .M,k f lMis .
i A Curuming, tole enf, A:bin) ,
WANTED. An honest, actlvo p?ri
tleman or lady to travel for estab
lished, reliable house. Salarv $780, jvav
able $15 weekly and expenses. Situa
tion permanent. KeiVrvm-t9. Knolow
elt'-addrwod etaiupml envelope. The
uotninion vouipany, ais Utualia UuiKl
ing, Chicago,
M0O."i, opposite tha Ris II tu
feed, btai lcrte. G"rw ineid, Gra-
harh bubswheat il nr. lay acd
ftr- uotatoan, nm
WANTED. A man who umierstand
running an engine. Enipu'e rt Geo
Achecon or K, U. Blodgett.
WANTED. To trade lar.ii.lry work
for wood. City Lauiutry, First street,
near WuahinfTion.
SECOND ITAND iwk slove w.nted.
Leave word at tbe Democrat office
and secure purchaser at once -
qlnma, Uni Manhood. Kls ti.KZlli, LP' "
power In OeneratiteOruiaa c. .
Dowvrln !..., 7-'-' "-" . nerronib
nwn.pti.rn or Imaou. :
Wllka- - -
Or THfc
Southern Pacific Oo.
California Cxpnas Tif tear Fortlaaa1 lully.
a so."." j lV
llt.i A lilt
I kr
RM1M.1, If I gor
San Fnurciaca
ATI Sri) aa
Above trains nt-p a. all station from
pjrt aa I t b,nf n.j!uiiro. ln- Tao
Srnat.Sti'Ml t.alf.H urlibl-g, Jnnctioo
Civ. Irviniz. nl all attiona
lr m R-)aburz to mi!an J inclnfi",e.
; '
SiasCU Ukl, SAJT.T
SVliU L.
1 Oir !.
t:Ur ar
f r ' r
' i m aa
uiuo saasjL
nnwr . rastnus
win, sat t (CsacvtSamav
Tm It Aiiy ar)40ia
S.lttalar behanoa Ll44a
-KraLr taa; Sri -Mr
:ts IU enlaait rtt
I:l3raar Coraailia ' t 1 13
umh nils av 'txi eifXu itay .
SrtPr I L f-rUa . Ail Sa '
jm ra I Ar WfHtawrli tvlja
Ttronprli TieLtetf .
vtt wt ia tba KaaUre Ssuas, C ia aa
C?ma om b eJbrvneA at awaas r tram C W
Vreafe. kmt Aihawy.
;?t!.!tt e. arjfjwwa
.. c r -
t, .CSO-
UUiiUJJiil 1U1U11UM
I and first cUas in every rafpwt-
e i r 1 fcsaits trom 1 aonina ior
i F'ancisco ibwii every 8 days.
j p..-- tnnarT.s
. ,.tri4wn th VTiilam.
j ette Yafiey and Calit jrcia.
j Fare from Aibary or foinU wesrt
! San Franeisro
' jCi:x l2.0t
! Cabis roen i trip gid 60 days. 18.0T
I For Pailmg Tayi apply to
, H. I V.ucx.Act. Cha. Cuti.Supi .
Albany, Or. Corvaius, O
Euwrv Stosi, nsanaaer,
CorvaUIs, Or,
Uoioa Pacific System.
Tiirough Puilman Palace aleeper
Tourist sleepers and New Reciinio
Chair cars
Trains f--.-' !j .team and cars lijiht
d by t'imw j, Lijcbt.
Time to Chicago 33 days, time to
Sew York 4t day, which is many
bnr qnicker than ail core pet i t oes.
For rates, time table and fall infor
ms lion, apply to
Ccbbkm - Moxteitb, agents, Albany,
Or. '
R W B rros. C S Baows,
Gen'I Aueot. Din Past Agt
135 Third St, Portland, Or.
I Street Railway Time Card
The car will leave the corner of irt and
asui' invn aj. roi owt:
3:55 a. m. for overland going north.
O P. train goioe east.
7:55 "
1155 "
12:15 p. a
12 ;5
5:35 "
Lei -non train.
. .
noon train going no-il .
" Lebano rain:
" CTedand iroing south
Orphan" Home Mondav and
-00 . ra
R " r.lED
CasHy, QsJcUy, PenaaBcntiy Rcsiora.
VTewkncaa, rrtssiS)
:?rVV DeMltty, and all the owl a
later axtewnwi. IM raaai ot
erwurc. sic awe. worry,
dr. KuU auwnstlv, devet
, 1 tvptneol and Wuia fiven to
" Tllo"r'rv nrawn and Dortioa
:rVtrtnebli,ly. Suonl. nat-
,!S niluala. ImmMiL
.ill i J ate Improvement seen.
Sxd atlun and proofs nu lied tsoaiwt) final.
H!E HEDICAL C0 Buffalo, M.Y.
TiifiT0 TOint TT
J&3 .UI?4"T? fW.W
taia Uai ant f raaTa iL . . -T. i.".- flT j?-
Ejl I and aewntltto boWiinrJi' -"-
Wona., J a rear, aamul r Tin i n7 1 r "
JMa, il tniA7my v-ibtjciSTis ba?
Tntht Circuit Court of Out Stale ofCrt
fot Uut County of Lin
The Anglo American Land 1 t
Mortgage k Agency Com- Plaintiff.
P&ny. Limited a
J L Hollida, Anna Hollida (
bu wife; the Lombard In-
veatmentCo .imrnnr.i. f
J P Rector; W W Adams',
nu 1 uu, a kuuiuug; a DO
tbe Alliance Trust Co., a
Missouri corporation; A B
Matthews and Edaard
Waabburn. partners doing
business under tbe firm
came of Matthews and
Lotndard Invest ment Coraos.iT.
corporation;-.! P Rector; W ft Adams: Ah V
w. w. J '
loo, a Chinaman: foor of ihr at n.'m.l .
tWfendant: -
uftMiv.v : 1 on ana eacn of yon are here
by required to appear and aas wer;tbe cross
compuunt of defendant, toe Alliance Trust
company ,a corporation.ia the above entitled
court ia ne -ore en Hi led suit now on file
with h clerk of said court on or before
'lir bis day "A tbe next regnlar term of
said court; to wit: o or before tbe 28'-h
, dy of October, 1&5; and yoo and each of
you a' hereby notified that if you tail to ap
i peara I answer said croas complaint a here
J by req ired, the trosa co.-npUinanMbe AHi
. acce liu-t Company.wiil apply to tbeconrt
ti-., .
ior toe reuci uemssucu in eaia cross com
plaint, to-wit: For a decree of this court,
that said Alliance Trust Com piny, a cor
poration, may have and acquire judg
ment against its co-defendants J L
Hollida and Anra Holiida, for
the sum cf (wo then 'and and sixty
doltars, (2CcO.) with interest
thereon, from the lit day of Octo
ber. 1890. at & per cent per annum,
and for the farther cam of two ban ired
dollar, (f 200) aa a reasonable attorney '1 fee
and for cew's and disbursement cf the
. .1 J 4 ii; .A r . r . .
AMu nun luuiiuj, m 'it .
tion. herein to be taxed and thai the
court decree a foreclc-ore of the mortgage.
detcribed in said erosa compSaint, and tbair
tne real propery iberein tec'itd, lo-witf
The Sjuio east qaartc r A Section Ten
(10), aad suet mtM q.r rr ireciioe (II),
nd North east quarter of Section Ftt'.eea
'15), all ia Tewa.hip Fourteen fi4) Soetli
ttg- Foar (4 wei of the WifUsactte
eridian in Lt-e coBn'yt O ego sod be
(inning at tfca North west cmcr of the
Sooth cast quar-er of aakl Seetsow Eb
ill); aad runain tbcace ui Six 63-109
(6.63) chains; thence oto rive (51 ctiiog;
tbei ce West Sis e3-ioo ( 6 63) cuiai;
tbeice North Five (51 chain to ptace oi be
ta,.ic; AV iegiBomg itisetccn 35-100
chain E-: ot Southwest corner ct said
I 3x ion Tee I I'j); and tanning tbtsce Zjut
I went 65-tGO (20.65) cfcaiae to Sowtbeest
j arser Sowtt.w,at quarter of said Section Tea,
10); then- e Noflb Fn (4o)cna.Bs; tneaee
Wrrt Twenty 65-100 (i.65 cia; thtSKe
5 h Fnt (40) ckiice io plare cf beeia-!tngex-rptiai
aiwit eVwheaj qjarjrr
jf Sow kwcat q larter of sail Skcroa
Elevew (1 1), eoouiaieg ia tli I ire haa 6r4
and twenty x and 60-100 acres. more or Irrm,
accorsiag 10 govern n lenttervrv; ti tntdia
Ihe mtnttr pvcacribrd bt Lw apoa ci
ecoctan by tbe Sherifl of said Coent in
ouiafr tUt above JC aeccrrd b, I
arlg'Ze tad a reasonable attor"
evs e, aad costs, aad that ihe pered
arUag from sweb aale be applied: First to S
rte I ay mem oi the coos ax4 dissaneacu 4,
of tfcSt soit acd jo the a't jtaey'see praye-l
lor it ta a crces cotr.pj.iai of fao boadred
dollars (fjuj);
Seonod: To thepayrneat cf aa v jodg
meotvhat maw be rtncxd bato ia fa
j vvr of tbe i d eefendast tbe A'uawceTntst
j Comrant "a corperaUoa.
and that tbe plaintiff ad all of the
said dctendaats. eraeptisg the Ailiaaoe
oaer thcax, or eitUr o( tbeaa, be
be forever barred and f jre loted ol
all rigo', ti W". and equity of redemption
tn. or to, said real property, ur awy pert
tnereof . A"d that if' the pra.
oeedi i arising from &oct H ( be n X sS
cient te pa toe aai drfeodaa', 'Ur l
fiance Tuit Gotupaay, l- claim, e w, o
boraewts and attorwey's fee, irn said ce
feJi iav, Ttv Alliasce Tro Compawy.
nare fcijrBrnt agaiaa; the said
defenJaois J. L. HoI',fc and Anna Hot
tta tor such deacienCT "and It exec -tioo
tfce-cfor against the prope-rv of tbe
aeiend-ntsJL Hotlida nJ Ana'Rji.iii
and tor oeh other relief a to t1 ooorf
may sees jwt and dja'UUi Tnis ai
saotrt tt publubed by ardcr of Moa. H H
Heitt.Ja.ige of tfce Circuit Gjort oft
aute of t"Tf m fcr Una county, made at
cb amber July Ui, lsS.
Aft wwey fcr tie Qefedar.L the AUiaace
Tnrt C mpacy. a corporation.
f on ,a!y he gth, 15. at t oVk p. nu
j of md day sea-'ed p-o?o! w:U be 'e
I w'leJ by the nncerrgred for recovering
f tbe Albny Farmerc Co warehouse bo"t-
iwf. at Alt bv. Oregoc. f Vinenoo and
I p csScalkxis can be otrUiaMi by caj ig
a; csfcee of sld comparT. The tinder
ed reserves tbe rifct to reject any aad
aU Ud. Maktk Payitr.
Cka'rnsn CoTTr.ifrc Repairs.
Fags. B. M UUBALU Secretary.
toppiy c-m.zr.if.Tt of fri Ladiec Aid So-cie-
y for the 0-pHaQr II m noM Jaly 1,
1SS5. for wood at foi vw: SO co'd-. of oak
10 cord of ath and 20 cord of Udv Sri
BU should be left witb Mru s S. Traiw.
Mna. Thomas Horns.
ilRS- J. M. lrrirw
rv S- S. l rain. Com .
Notice u hereby given, tha- fa.-d are
on hand o pay city warrat Nca 53 to
15; inclusive, of tfc w of
Interest on said warrant wiH cease ow
the date of the fob 'cation f no'ice.
Albany. Ore., July b. 135
E. A. Faks.X
City Treasurer.
the tax roil oi 19l will be closed on
July 10, and alter that date 'be sbiril wiM
recHve no more taw en tbe said 1 roll
ualil tbe delinquent ISt is placed in hit
hands for collec'ion By onter ot
J. A. McFkhoj.
Shciff cf Uao Count).
MrlilLViTU BOlwv ncaivatw.
- - - -w V www
Pullman Sleepin i tJars,
Elegant Ding Cars
Tourist Sleeping Oars
St Paul
TO Grand Forks
Helena an,J
Rutte "
New York
KiutAn ant all
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For Information, time cards, r- ape an i
ticket call on or write C U Burkbart.
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Or A D Charlton, At Gen Fans Att,
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