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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1895)
The Most Delightful to be Conceiv ed of. In view of the approaching season when people hie away to seaside and mountain the following from the Walla Walla Statesman is of particular interest. It ia peculiarly readable, aa it is full of peotry aa well aa faet. Col. F. J. Parker, the author fairly outdoes himself is hi encomiums upon the Yaquina country. Read what he says : "The recent warm weather already e's people to thinking where they will spend the heated term, keep cool and enjoy tha good things of life. To tnoae whose predilections are for the seaside there is no place on the Pacific coast which offera'so many manifold advant ages aa Yaquina Bay where the ever restless waves of the Pacific ocean roll in upon the saad without an obstacle. It ia the most delightful and beautiful country the mind of man can conceive, embracing not only scenery of woodland, hill and vale but for those who enjoy bathing and good living. The bathing is the safest on the coast, the deadly un dertow of which we read every year be ing unknown, no fatality ever having oc curred there ; while the living ia some thing that can only be experienced, em bracing ail .kind a of deep eea fish, fresh roiu the cool depths of the soundless sea, and oysters, mussels, crabs,rock oysters, brook trout from the shallow waters of the bay and beach, and the icy cool streams which is such a characteristic of the country. It is the only seaside report where a t!ozen differen. varieties of fresh fish can be indulged in at any time, wild game, such aa venison, grouse, quail and pheasant are too common almost to be even mentioned. All this combined with cheapness makes it less expensive than to remain At home, and another advantage is its easy access from all parts. The country there has of late years en joyed the reputation of being the healthi est known, and many a one who have gone i here expecting to die are now ro bust And heartv, hoping to live two score years longer. There are no extremes of heat or cold. When the great orb of day rises in the east it is met by a eea fog from the west which takes the place of louds in tempering the - great heat of ummerfor two or three hours, making xistenee itself a pleasure. In the months June, July and August there are no louds in the sky, and only the dew of night, which is tha mist of God'a tears, falls npoa the earth and feeds the flowers, here ia no land filled with milk and oney, no forests half so deep and tool, no streams so crystal cool and full of fish, no grasses green as those within her fields. Blending into the peaceful sea are white and glistening sanda spangled with agates, crystals and pebbles of the rainbow hues. Whea tired of the eea a half hour's journey wil! take the tourist into rural retreats snugly ensconced among1 the everlasting hills where health ful spring of sulphur and iron abound People must have a change; those living in the lower altitudes seek tbe moun tains, while those in a country like this are eager for the briny and cool air of the eea. Once a visit is paid there will be kept up as an annual necessity.' Washington Lettei . .From oorrejralarOsrrespOBdant. Washington, May 20, 1895. Hon. Willi m McAdoo, Assistant Sec retary of the Nary, is finding it no easy task to resist the democratic pressure tlftt is being brought to bear upon him to bead the New Jersey gubernatorial ticket this year, and his consent to make the race will probably be e ecu ml in tbe near future. Among the prominent Sew Jersey democrats who have been in consultation with Mr. McAdoo is Sen ator Smnh, who says New Jersey is go ing deiuotra'ic again and that it wil) stay democratic. A lot of very sloppy Bluff has been written about what the administration intended to do about Admiral Meade's very serious infraction of Naval regula tions, among tbe rest that his request for retirement aould be refused until af ter he had been punished. The origina tors of most of theee stories are entirely ignorant on the subject. Tbe granting of Admiral Meade's application for re tirement, under the law giving officers who have served forty years that privil ege, lias never been a matter of doubt, and could not be. unless he had been guilty of a Time calling for his dishon orable discharge from the Navy ; conse quently he rill certainly pass from the active to the . retired list of the Navy. Another torj spread by the ignorant is that on the retired list Admiral Meade could not be punished by the Sec retary f the Navy. He is jubt as much amenable to ! he orders of the Secretary of tbe Nary nn the retired list as be was on the active list, only that he cannot be ordered to perform active duly, except in time of war and then it must be done by the Prveideut with the advice and consent of the S.-nate. The Supreme Court decision of the in come tax question" was not surprising. It could not very well have been other wise under the circumstances. A friend Irom Tallman sends the Dm ocbat the following very readable arti cle copied from an Ohio paper ou the horse fiend idea, about which so much has Veen said: There is no money in tbe horse meat .b:isiws-!. This was made plain in a practical way the other day to a man who came ail ihe way from Ore gon to lay before Chicago firms what he thought was a bonanza. It wa this man's opinion that a freat deal of money could be -made in buing horses in ihe West at $5 ahead am; clau;h!eringthem 'or export to France and Germany, where the fl-eh is largtly u-ed as f wd." There' a big overeupply of horses on the ranges,'' he said, "and they can b bunght cheap ly. It's tbe chance of your life to make a fortune." "1 can'; see it '.hat way," said the butcher to whom the project vm submitted. ' At Hammond there ts a firm which has made a business of buying cheap hortes and working the flesh iifto sausage Tti" high i ric of L ides is Iheoniy tiling that has raved Mie concern from failure. There i but ttle nu-at on a home, th- average ueing hoi in te i an 2.0 pum-U and no butter fat or similar stuff whi h ttoes to make npi profit in the rattle IaiiKbt'er ing trad Take mv advice and feed your horses V the hoga or use them for fertilizer.' The evening train bote back to Oregon a dejected "Col. Sellers," mourning a crushed scheme in which he had seen millions. The Santiam mines should never be 03t sight of by the people of the Wil amette valley. The day is approaching when they will be heard from and the Santiam camp will be the greatest prop eition on the coast. Co-operative Insurance. The growth of co-operation in this country in many lines is rapid, but in none is it more marked than in life in surance. A great many fraternal orders have been organised, some of which have failed, as is natural, but the princi pal societies are very successful ia point of numbers and in furnishing life insur ance at a minimum cost. The largest order in point o numbeis ia the Ancient Order of United Workmen with about 350,000 members. Kext is the Royal Arcanum with 164,000 mem bers, and-the Maccabees with 140,000 members. There are various other societies as well as those connected with the Masons, Oddfellows, Knights of Pythias, Ac, &c. Altogether it is estimated that over 1, 000,000 persons carry this kind of insur ance and the number is increasing very rapidly. The Royal Arcanum is in creasing at the rate of 25,000 per year. It is often claimed that these societies will fail aa they grow older because the death rate will increase so that the pre miums will coet more than old line poli icies. The Workmen order ia 27 years old and while the rate ia quite high in tome jurisdiction, such as Kentucky and California, the general average for 1S92 was only 9.73 per 1000, an increase of only 1-10 ot one per cent in five years: The Workmen have what ia called the level assessment plan, that is, no matter at what age a man ia admitted, he pay the same rate as all others. The other companies are organised cn the graded assessment plan, the younger members pay less, the older membors more, as in the Royal Arcanum a mem ber entering at tbe age of 21, pays on a $3000 policy $1.00 for each asaessmeut so long as he remains in the order. If enuring at the age of 30 he would pay fl.38, at 40 12.0 at 45 $2.53, at 50 $3.26. One reason these societies are able to maintain a low rate of assessment is the care taken to admit only healthy mem bers, but the main factor ia in the great numbers who enter the orders pay as sessments for years and drop out before death. It might appear, at first thought, tLat these persons had lost their money so paid in, but this is not so, for they had tbe safeguard of insurance so long as they did carry it. The time when a man particularly needs insurance is while his family is growing np. After they are grown and taking care ot themselves, many men drop their insurance having received the security during the period of life when it is most needed. This ia shown oy the. list of death claims proven, in April, in tbe Royal Arcanum, no one having died who was over 59 years of age, though the order is 13 y;ars old and admits members up to 55 years of age. The deaths in that month were as fol lows; Between ages 1 and 30...... 19 percent- . M . Alt . .. SI " " ' " 40 60. 33 " " , '50 " 60 17 " " Total 100 Thiashowa also why the Workmen hold out so wel'.,for their returns exhibit similiar features. Tnat there is no foundation fcr .lie statement that fraternal eocieiies always die, is shown from tbe fact that in Great Britian there are 21 societies of thia kind still flourishing which were organized between 1637 ad 1799, one organixed in 1331, and 8 founded between 1800 and 1837. The Royal Arcanum of which a few figures Lave bsen give j above is new on this coast but has been in vigorous ex istence 13 years, and is at present out growing acy other similar order in the world. It is very carefully and systematically governed, and seems bound in a few years to be the leading order in point of numbers. A council has recently bien formed in Albany, and ita officer, will cheerfully answer all inquiries as far as they are able. We detract from no other si mi lar society, for there should be no rivalry as there is plenty of room fo- all to grow and prosper, bnt we believe we can fully recommend this order to all desiring in surance. To those who have scruples about taking an obligation in a secret society, I will say that I have belonged to three of these benevolent orders and there ia nothing in tbe obligation ot either to cause the most scrupulous to hesitate. The obligation in the Royal Arcanum is shown the applicant before be joins the order. C C. Hoots;. One might as well hunt for golden fleeces among the sheep of the Cascades as for that old Blue Bucket mine of Eastern Oregon; but still some one is always at it: The Long Creek Eagle say s that James A. Wal lace and N. C. Wainscott stated that they expected to start soon and make an extend ed search for the Blue Backet diggings. This famous mine was discovered in the early 50'a by an emigrant train en route to the Willamette valley. - Mr Wallace's mother was a member of that train of emi grants, and she supplied him with all tbe neces8rry information and data to enable j him to find almost every camping place made by the train while crossing Oregon Tbe Eagle hopes Mr. Wallace and others ! will be successful in discovering the famous Elae Bucket There will be thirty-five applicants for admission to the ba.' from Portland alone at the next supreme court, all of tbem will probably be admitted. That s the custom here. There should ba a different system of examination her.. Why not follow the New York law. nnder which about half generally fail. Th Oregonian is now happy. It has another opportunity to display its buz zard qualities. Itha already done so with alacrity. It is a Uet fi'.er, that Or egonian buzzard. Sertetary Gresham died at 1 :45. . Before 1 :45 Oregon time, Mr. Scott bail in cold editorial type bis first thrust at the dead statesman. He characterises him as a mere country jus. ice. As a matter cf hu-.i however great a mistake President C vtland made in appointing Judge b-t-vham to the office of Betietarv of Hut , no one can with honor attack hie previous lif His record as a judge is high, far abuve that of a mere country justice. A momc Western jfrigr herf"! .-TinrK hist. Hi dn' c p.y.u .ctal learning and a solid Judgment. He may not have baen called upon to decide any great cases; but his decisions may be fairly pat down as ones of more than aveis? ability. In comparison with uieuitie-e of the supreme court he may he ranked j above tbe Ave of ieatt ability. Not many men of today will leave imperish - able names ; but there are many promi-. nent ones that will be forgotten years before that of Gresham. I City Rule. Eittolr JDtutocrat ; Mr, AlbertShaw, editor of the Amer ican Review of Reviews" has lately brought out a book entitled "Municipal Government in .Great Britain" Like Joaiah Strong, he makes a great point of tbe enormous growth of great cities, and all within a lifetime. Consequently there ia no precedent of city government to fall back upon, and people are experi menting in the dark as to tbe best meth ods. In England, w here they commenc ed this marvelous growth, the experi ence attained, Mr. Shaw considers worth the serious study cf this country. In the first place he shows that public lighting, the water supply, sewerage disposal and city transit are all better and more cheaply furnished when under city control, and not in the hands of p.ri va'.e persona or corporations. Further that the pub.ic baths, waoh houses and the utilization of seweraga matter, so as to make the removal of it possibly profit able and certainly economical has been demonstrated in the Northern cities of England. But then as he points out t .at politics ia by no means allowed to inter fere with municipal government. Next that the officers who for most part give their services freely, are men to whom it would be impossible to descend to temptations of jobbery. lie then describes the electoral meth ods. There ia no caucus. Any one can nominate an officer, whose name with nine other signatures, can be filed with the returning officer, who poets them publicly for seven days before election. There is scope for a minority repiesen tation. Where there are, say, ten of fices to fill on a' echoo.board, an elector, having ten votes, cen combine them all on one candidate and thus a minority has a show! Another remarkable factor in good government is, that in British munici palities, tbe beat men are willing to take office, and the community ia never with out the power of attaining them. Mr. Shaw looks upon it as a contribut ing element too, that suffrage is condi tional on tax-paying. The licensing law are rather different to our's, so that tbe liquor traffic and politics are not in dissolnbly mixed op. The Britishers are at present working for a "Direct Veto" law as they call it, and it will I soon brought np before parliament. A.S. Fine Crop Prospect. Tbe general verdict is that crop pros pects were never belter. Mr. Pague'a reports confirm Ibis. He cays : The weather conditions bave been ex tremely favorable to future growth of veg etation, though currently tbe growth has been retarded by the low temperatures Several conespondent report,aa one from Washington county has done: "1 bave lived in this country for the past 20 Ter and bave never seen things look better.'' ; Tbe fall-sown grain is Leading; the spring sown baa a good growth and a gocd stand. Tbe current rain will be especially beneficial to the spring grain. ; Tbe correspondents are of th opinion that large ields are now aesared.thoogk no more rain fall this searon. Clover is in bloom; in Jackson county some bay has been cnt; ic many of the counties the clover is ready to eat and baying operations will be commenced with tbe appearance of fair weather; clover, tim othy.alfalfa and wild bay baa fallen some, due to the heavy rain ; tbe bay crop romises t bs vary heavy- 0 tra plant ing is finished, a laiger crop than usual has been planted in many countiet.t'ola to planting is about completed and the rains have been benfi:ial to the potatoes sprouting and growing. Hops bave made an nousoal growth ; there is an entire absence of hop lice and all bop yards are in first-class condition. Tbe early cherries are rapidly taming color, and some will be ripe within the next ten days, providing th weather ia clear and warm. Strawberries bave ri. ened quite rapidly, and due to the good prices they bave been closely picked, so that tha rain has done little if any dam ace to tbem, except to retard ripening. The strawberries are bearing heavily and a large output is expected. Blackberries and raspbtrriea promise large yielde.The gaain aphis is reported aa having made its appearance id Clackamas county. Tbe climatic conditions at present are favorable for showery weather for the next several days, after wnich, if warm, clear weather should prevail, which may be reasonably expected, marked growth and progress in all vegetation will occur. It ia a safe assumption when it ia said that not for many years, and possibly never before hare crops been so promis log and so healthy as they are at the present time. Kev. D. W. Palmer of St Louia, in preaching the commencement sermon at Foit W'otth, Texa, Sunday caused excitement by coming oct for free silver. Among other tuiogs he said : "The first news from the battle of Waterloo was unfavorable to the allied armies,, and stocks went down and down, but a later report reached an enterprieius house of brokers, and with that knowledge was laid tbe foundation of the vast fortune of tbe Botcbschilda Today na'ioos cannot go to war without consulting it, and peace ia cancluJt-J at its command. It dictates the financial policies of the mightiest powers. An iscue is now made to determine whether this gigan tic monopoly shall continue to rule America. I am not a partis in nor a member of any party. I speak for Christianity and for civilization, not in behalf of partisan politics, and I solemn ly believe that tue greatest ciime ever committed against civilization was on the 12th dry of February, 1873, when properly was depreciated and money appreciated by the demonetization of silver. Here in the Western hemisphere is proje. ud an experiment in govern ment of vast importance to fa'ur aes. If it is to be successiu!, iher. must be honest and bold teachers of the peop'e.'' A Salem tnvi says that if .'ude Lird were to run for governor today he woub. b? defea'e .. The (a .t that the Oregon- iinisopp.ed o him would icdicate th it h iii-ght be elected Otherwise he has lost his grip as governor to quite an extent, whether j'iktly or unjiistly the Democrat will not now attempt to say Suppose we try free coinage of silver lorayetr. That wi'l be siifnc'ent to convince the public of its value in the financial world. The fact that four young men, part of them minors, cou'd get enough liquor upon which to get drunk upon Sunday s a matter tha needs investigation. Why is it that the big fry like Corbett and Fl'zsimrr.ons have such difficulty in finding a fighting place while the small fry fight nearly every day in roost any state? ' - MISFITS. Strawberries today are four boxeB for a quarter. The most popular berry in the market is always the Wilson.tliougli a stranger is struck by the big fellows. ' Few people know that Oregon has a court of appeals, one above the Supremo Court. Hereafter all cases should go to the Salem Journal for final decision. "Julian Rapport,' who was here some time ago and claimed to be traveling around the world afoot in the interest of the New York Tribuno. has been arrested at Tihou ron for defrauding the people. Current pictures of the coming woman and man are very nanscatinir. Thevdo aa examples of exaggeration ; but as mat ters oi tact tney are very slusliv and tiresome. Some are extremely disgust ing. They put womanhood in a wrong light entirely. Not until it is learned who due the canals in Mars will woman ever wear breeches, even if she does wear bloomers lor bicycling. The SanFrancUjeo Call referrimr to the coast road to come up from San Fran cisco and connecting with the 0. 0. fi E., tains aooui uie roatt being completed in a few months, which makes one very weary. This lying and exasveration going on down there just to help out the uw, wj kucuw ia vury reprvueiisi uie. Wheat certainly has a bright outlook just at thia writing. A yesterday's dis patch from Chicago says: It is agreed now that the wheat crop of the United States will be short, and the prices to day readied S0J( cents per bushel. Many speculators say that $1 per bushel wheat will be bought before the end of 30 davs. The market was excited. Some of the prices asked for real estate in this city are more than ridiculous. A thousand and fifteen hundred dollars are asked for lots upon tbe hill that would be high at -HJU. Mieli piggi8lines as this ia what drives both population and monev out of Astoria. A gentleman who is well posted in real estate today re market! that it was this spirit that would drive business across the river. He was nght,-Budgett, The Riddle Enterprise wastes no wants in the following : The lady ( ?) w ho yes terday called the attention' of another to our patched breeches, whereat they tutli laughed so heartily, ia informed that a new pair will be' purchased when her husband's bill is settled. It has been due nearly a year. Don't criticbe a printer's dress too closely while you are ingling money due us. Tell your hus band to send us $2.00 and save tbe cost of a lawsuit. We need another pair of paiiu. There la a good deal ot discussion over the appointment of David Campbell as chief engineer of the Portland fire de partment, on account of Campbell at one time having done some righting. He saw his mistake in entering that field and quit it. He is undoubu-dly a splen did fireman and will serve the people of Portland faithfullr. His fighting record a personal matter between Mr. fjampUil T v -1 1 . . . -1 1 - I asu sanies iiemy wu mutu in mc prize rinjr, and Campbell won. Then tie whipped a man named Lawler, and Mr. John E, Dempeey, subsequently middle weight champion of tbe world, w hipped Mr. OanipU-ll. After that Mr, CampWll defeated Mr. Larry Sullivan and ?j.irt red a ten round draw with Mr. James J. Corbett, the present champion of cham pions ia the prize ring. la Jail Saw. Lo5tos, May E6. Wilde and Taylor who were seote need vesterdiiy tor betnous crime, atfeodad tbe prbKm chapel at IVn tooviile today. Their hair wm cropped and th?y were in prison garo Tbe two pri tmert will ouly be allowed to m ilieir frienda four time in the year, on condition of tbeir good behavior. Notice to the Public. For the purpoae of removing a pravel bar near the head gabe at Lebanon it will be necessary for the companv to shut the water off during a part of Moo day, Jane 3. There will be only water enough to run Uie pumps for several davs. C. V. Hoore. Big Bargains in millinery at Mrs. Brush Will wli everything at coel until June 1ft. No longer time given to dose nut. Call early. Tbe finest froods ever bruht to Albany will be sacrificed. After the irrip, diphtheria, pnea-n msi. searlet fever, typhoid frver. etc.. Hood' Saraparilla is of wonderf at benefit in im partintr the strength and vigor so math deaired. Huod's Pills for the liver and boweU, act still v yet promptly and effectively. Dawson's polbm makes old look new. A Good IsvEdTiigsr for little money. Anyone wishing to invest tn a restaurant can purchase tbe Pacific Restaurant at Newport, Ore. It is well equipped with everything needed to run the bumne and does a rushing- buine through the summer season. The cause of this sale is ill health. For further information address Pacific Restaurant, P. O. box 9, Newport, Or. Wasted An experienced girl wishes word at Uie Iiemochat office. Did you see those soaps in Hodin-s McFar land's window. 1 bay are fine, and toe j rice are down. 4 doctor sat at bis eae, Kxamining a man for disease; Then, wrilinf an With precision and care. Slid. "To Hodgw k McFarland's If you pleave." Linn County National Bank cer tificates wanted. Inquire of J. Si. Raltiton. THE ONWARD flARCH of Consumption is stopped short by Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery. If you haven't waited beyond reason, there's complete re covery and cure. Although by many believed to be incur able, there is the evidence of hundreds of living witnemtes to tbe fact that, in all Us earlier stages, con- nmnlim is a etirnkl. disease. Not every ' K... - ; j. -.centape of cases, and 04pgwe believe, fully UN ' - TMr nat. or. by Dr. Pierce's Ooldrn Medical Discovery, even after the disease has progressed so far as to induoe repeated blcedinirs from the lungs, severe lingering tounh with copious expectoration including lulx-rcur lar matter), great loss of flesh aad extreme emaciation and weakness. Do you doubt that hundreds of such cases reported to us aa cured by " Golden Med ical Discovery " were genuine cases of that dread and fatal disease T You need not take our word for it Tbey have, In nearly every instance, been so pronounced by the best and most experienced borne physicians, who have no interest whatever in mis. representing tbem, and who were often strongly prejudiced and advised against a trial of " Golden Medical Discovery, but who have been forced to confess that it surpasses, in curative power over this fatal malady, all other medicines with which they are acquainted. Naty cod liver oil and its filthy "emulsions1" and mixtutes. had been tried in nearly all these cases and had either utterly failed to bene fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for a short time. Extract of malt, whiskey, and various preparations of the hypophos phttes had also been faithfully tried in vain. The photographs of a large number of those cured of consumption, bronchitis, lingering coughs, asthma, chronic nasal catarrh and kindred maladies, have been skillfully reproduced in a book of 160 paxes which will be mailed to you, on re. ctipt of address and six cents in stamps. You can then write those cured and learn their experience. AddrcssWoRLD's IilSPK.v rav Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Tjr JMaf 1 TELEGRAPHIC. A Woman Robber. Ava, Mo., n!uy 28. Sheriff Hancock, with his posse, captured the robbers who held op A. It. Turney, a storekeeper at Koine, this county, one night last week, und arrived here with them lunt nilit. Tbey were captured near Leadville, Ark. One of the bold thieves, and the one who appeared to be the leader of the gang.turm eu out to be a woman. Her name is Lydia UriBton She ordered Turney around in true high-wayninn style, punched him with her piutol and cursed him because he did not have more money, terrorizing him until he hardly knew hethor be was on foot or on horseback- loo IrnrJ. Cadi., May 28. The French steamer Dom 1'edro, bouml from Havre for Buenos Ay res, hns been wrecked off Corrubodo. Over 100 Uvea were lost. The Don Pedro was a 3000 ton steamer, and wua engaged between Havre and the Argeutne Republic, eullinp - Bordeaux, France. She earried freigt Old passen gers. The latter were mcitiy emirnU bound for the Argeutiue Republic, or other points in Bouth America. On her re'urn trips the Doui I'edro generally loaded with frozen meats Win Will ceeed timUmml Wasiusotox, May 28. There is con siderable 8pculation by politicians and others outside of the administration aa to the successor to Secretary Orebam. Prom inent auiocg tbe names mentioned are those of Attoroey-Gencral Olney; Mr. Uhl, the assistant secretary of state; Senator Gray. of fUware; Ambassador Bayard and EustU; ax-Secretary hitney and ex-Postmaster-General Dickinson. All the predictions, however, are speculative. Texas 1'letnln. Sax Astokio, Tet., May? Nat Subi hicher. cf this city, has just returned fro m the Devil's river country, where he came near beintf a victim of the terrible fljed that v'uited that section last ThurwUy. Ua was fAtiifut in the ruhimr waters and lost 1 nil k. lunrtrerH.. lli Kt'it.- that h llcll- ed to bury four penon who met their deaths by drowning1 near Owm. Two others belonging to the same family were drowned, but tbeir bodies, have not been recovered. irefcaat Dra-i. WasniKaToy, May 23. Fet.ret.iry Gresbam died at 1:15 o'clock tbu (Tuea day) morning at hu rooms at the Arling ton house. Although his recovery was practically abandojed wbeu hi peli oc curred a little before 6 lat ( Monday) evening, tbe most powerful heart stimu lant known to medical science were in jected periodically, and an infusion cf normal saline solution wa made through an open vein in the arm. tie iccovered Mightiy, but wm unable to overcome the dilate and died m. 1 :4A o'clock this morn ing. rfc r lr Jail.; Chicago. May 2. Eugene V. Debs, president of the Atuerism Railway Union, called on I'nited Hate tarbal Arnold to day and announced that, in view of the do ciion cf the i'laiied MatM tupreroe court dent ing the writ of habeas corpus, he vh ready to resume ervio out bis sentence m jail at codtak 1 he marshal aid be had not received the mandate of tbe court i for Ivbs" reincajtvralion, and did not ei- lo atf k ' al la 14 Jail. Wacbisgtos. Mar 27. The l"oitd f-tate upre;i;e txurt today denied the au- Eiicatioo td Ijijreo" V. liebs. the trike adr. for writ of bahea corpui. Ihi l& a v i 1 . .rx f ..r f Kt " .'ti. i mi if iupcrtajt'awtioti. with th nKle tx- ccotion U 0 tMome hut. bat owe before the Mipretne ccirt duna he pst vear Iban is attuant of llebt and oUwr ofSoers of )U Acimcis ltailwav l t ion to wcure arevenaiof thir iiitK to jait ty Jmlira Wood, tot Mtvfeni!ir with in - tr.t eou :ienv. a-i i th ranninjr of maiis. in tbe sTvat railwav trike IsMI samm-r- " i f kc Owrtaai Ttlat. f Sas FKusti4, May 27. the cai of Theodore Uarrant. caaiwJ with the roar- uer OI Ic i4a?j-iiana .tinnu i ii lam is Kosatiael cbvjrcb. ti len a - sij(rnd trt ?-.perior lodge Jfarphy, before bwu ; urri.M wilt t ajraii-nea r.xt WednewUv. 'Il.e wrick .f the dettctive (Vra:1(n-ril i uij.Vlrd. and the case rracticaily riJy tJ praoeed wahc-ut delay. iunraf altont af tVy will not only prove their cheat itn-xwa- of the mar- cr. but wil! show wtso the real mui-rer j A Erpparr SSTalr. Hettse. tr., May 27. Char! Brcy roer and a neighbor, named VV i'.ksci-o. living on Kight Mile, this county, became engaired ia aa altercation this morning ov-r tb otwThip of some wheat, during wbkb Wtikinn drew bis rwolrer and hit Hrejmrr thtougn this thib. The wound i ik4 liseiy to ptcve fatal. Wil kinson eaia to lieppnr tbi evening and gave himself up Will tVr a mut Chicago. May S7 V.. II. Harvey. !!. author of "Coin's Kiancial &.hocl," baa accepted the cbal!ef(fe to meet the Han. lik.eil (J. ilorr, f New York, in debate. Tbe quralion to be argued is whether cr net the cardinal facia ttifed in ilarrey's bik are true. Time and place of tb? de bate bave not boen settled. Hrary f tSlaM isala. MiLWAtatK, May 27. Iknry YiiiarJ will probably socn be railed int. ct-rtrt lo make an accounting of over .VX.0 0 of Northern PacjSc money which the racriv- er. Messrs. Payne. Kooe and Okts, le lieve be baa unlawfully withhirfi. The facta r i t torth in a Img Trptrl hied by the receivers tonight. Hut JatJrr. XiriiousviLi, Ky., Mi C. -.V shoot ing affray took place at the Troy t'rebyt rtan chmcb, on the line between tin coun ty ana w (Kultord, toiwy. itUo clock, be twevn tr and Joi,n Montomery, brother, and Archie Biley. Riley was Kitiea, iin.i Uf orge Montgomery UUHr m juretl. 1'be trouble is of long standing. mill ir re out of Riley's deceiving a istor ol the .Vnntgomerys two years ago, and re funiatf to iivo with her. Both intuitu are vej.i. priuiijnt. Ig I trtltnsni. Nasuviixe. Mav 2'i. Nes h:is n.t'-ii edthiuty of a shocking tragedy, wlr eh occurred near Clie!nut mound, Su itii county, as a result cf which two youug daughters of Sam McKiuncy are diMd. Mr. McKinney handed a gun to his 5-ycar-old son tienry, requesting him to take u into the Lome. Arifroaciung tue irom door. Henrv drt-ided to unload the gun. Thinking he hbd removed all loads, he let the hummer fal f.iul (iikctiirfcJ the uun. Turough the uoor the bullet sped, and thronth ihe bodies of two sisters, who were cloe together jut inside the door. j L'.laa aad r.'4 Bark Sarprlneil. I'oiiTi.Asi. Mav 2(!. The verdict ren dered by the jury yesterday morning in the connptrvcy case on triiU in tbe United States court was a coiup'ete surnrine. Few im agined that ex-t.V)l!ector l.otan would be convicted, a- u there were also very few who ,th-ught tlmt ieid Back, the well known Chiuese merchant, would ever be found guilty. The opinion penerally pre vailoS prior to tnetut trial, dutirig ilnpio gresi and after submission of fie cunts to th'.? jury, that the result, as on former oc casions, would be a failure to agree. A .r Nation. Wasiusotom, May 26. New treaties ol far-reaching itiiportunea have recently beeii made between Nictiragua and Honduras ottioial copies bave just been received in W ashington. The treaties have ben un der negotiation for some time, and wer? hnilty put into effect by proclamation April 15. They are the first practical steps toward the formation of a Central Ameri can nation out of several small republics, Nicaragua. Honduras, Guatemala, Salva dor un.t t'ota Hica. A Big Cycle ProeeMlaa. Chicago, May 2(1. The annual run o the Associated Cycling Club took place to duy. There were 2238 clubmen in line, with over 1000 others who did not belong to any club, making over 3300 wheels in the parade. The run was from the rt it stitutr, on tho lukn front, to South Kvuns. ton mid rut urn. The Illinois C-cling t. b wiw given the place of honor, find won the first prizn of i-'i by having the largest n unifier of men in tho line. ' I Joy's for- the Jaded and Good ueaiin lor an Jlauklml. JOT'S VEGETABLE SAftSAPABIUJt. mnrte from herb, and contains no mineral drug or deadly poi. vn. Joy's Vegetable 6urrtpar!Ua r o b the kluocl of all It Impuri Contii tion, Llvtr Complaint ami Kidney Afiectioo. ties, and fc 4JwJfty ! courw all 1f ties, and Uicse impurt- m Joy's Vegetable hursnparllla prevents tired fet-1-mgs, staggering s ii sations. Habitation V: of heart, rush of fi fS blood to the head. V : K3 m oiuineas, ringing in ears, spots before the eyet, headache, bil iMisneM,conati nation of bowels, pain in the bck,mebincboly, tongue coated, foul hrvaih, pimple on faca, body and limb, declioeofnerve force dizzy spells, faint spells, old, clammy feet and ban U. sour rUingn, fetkn- in- hitX nmniti in.l it rT kI eases of the stomach, liver and kidney. Joy.a Vrgrtabie Bar aaparilla it auUl by ail drtitnriua. jtefuae m atitnuitute. Ulita you pa y ur I he bnt wc Utat yua gel Uie bol. Executors Sale. OUK New price list has been issued and by calling at the store you w ill find that we bave reduced Uie "r"ce of goods in every department and will make ail line move quick m we w ill be ready to make a sett lement aasoon bjs possibli-. Our stock coniu of Ikv Goods, CumiiM;, Fisvisiiixo Unit, li !-, A f lll. Our Jock w wvl aortcl as bave Wn all tint of tip to (date with new purchased, and rtn ahow I W ww eola in almost en-ry By ' tfivic j u a c:i : can examine the stock and git our prut, whu-h ain't te ir WT anyone. t-Wir IniiW, a our competitors caJ thcta, fur r. xt wk will he many. 4 cans U-H touiatoes. 2V: 5 gallon ke,; bt j-i.-tle. .V : T, x.U ii&ndard prsn:, tl.tO: 4 ll Art.-sclic. coBco, V0c;our 5" ttnJ- rw&ar t-r u n; lour tl.00sloe for men; our !. shr I for Ia!i;S0 yds gingham II.X and for i ititr rti r ai mic n,-r- e riu 1 i- b'toAse.! to s!ow you pjots and nixtc ' y&u osir lonent prictn rua-if riWe by w.s a.c. Ch iS I for wool. Yof.irs fr buicf. II. F. MaLwars. Kxe!itor F-. A. B, Mcllwab., Sv'. May 2- m a .. i.JTven V ,i daw tr-aaaaa-. t Tfcla vrtrm Ctemirattoo, tHcmiMM, Faiiinj n aattoni ,Srrr Kli!cbinc cf the 7 aad otter iwila. tStrenjtoesa, lDTtra:n aad loot the raUrvyMtn. Matisa cun Debility, KerTotitsieH. KmlsaloDS. ntlveKp and restore weak craiw J'atna in U back, loss.- by a a y or b4ht(Upcd janomier Is lb mi wondtrui eiaoove of be a. H has brea eo- Wd by U) tldc nea of Kuror and America. Hityaa ta pwif vesa Ubia. Hatfran stara v. to t;. ha,M In -v, I - V - ft - m a bOST .j -;Sc!r nlckly. Over 3.000 private eiWlnwmrnta. !niaaturenM means imnotenry In the that ta. ii Is a tvrajrfotn of seminal wcaknen and barrninrci. it Cma ba Slopped la to days by the tBM of Hudymn. The nw diYry wtw made '.f the lsbiofthtd lamotHadtoa Bedlcal Instlttita. Il is tha atroniKKt Tttallmr made. H it very, bat baimlcm fold f't 11.09 a pack act! or$ )ickai! feir fS.0O()Ui nealed boe). Writtco irusrai.tac given (hr a cum. Ifyoobny rlx bixau) are rot entirety eared, six oon will bownl to jmi frraofailehanm. tend .' r clrcn!arand hUmonla!"t. Address IU IISON MEDICAL IN8TIT17TE, .tunrtloD tieocklD,.narkcC KlilaSt Maa franrlaco. Cat. is died whea la bcalthbytba aae ot SHAUErTS Compound Cod Liver 03 Capsules- t'nanrpaaaed aa remedy for Coo. sumption, Aata tna. Bronchitis. Coughs, Debility, and all wasting diae.ars Perfectly tasteleaa. Th only scientific remedy by bnildiug np and rerlring the body and renewing watts Jaime, reaiats and dratroys diaeaae srerma, contains tbe purest Cod Liver Oil combined Witt peeenwood Tar: pleanant and easy ta take; reasonably and honeatly compounded by a practical pharmacist. You can get them ONLY BV MAIl, pre paid to you on receipt of KSc, pr box. Prvnmrctf Mtthtr br G. O. SHAliKR. CHBVtST. T auth Jfe State Sta.. WUcaao. REMOVE THE CAUSE and the symptomi will disappear This you xviii accomplish bv usiug , SHAUERS" CATARRH And THROAT SPECIFIC aa Incomparable remedy for diacaara cf tk Throat, Now, and Month. A certain, simple nd effective cm. fur Catarrti, Hay Few, OlpMhwi. Quins, tv Turoat, Fatrt Braalh, Ulcanttod or Carrr.-,! Vmith ar t Tmp.a. Easily uartl, quick to relieve, pnsit'i r cms always ready; tmuil in i. . Kj till you mutt have It - m I It m BNToM.V i:v 'f vu. i ; ;, v , Sf 60c. I'mmn-I '. , ti. .n vn - I tlr throne STj . 'J luiture'fiowa proper ch an. S?itSUr-t-r llcll. Joy's f'VK" Vegetable hi !;-5?",ri Saraanarllla K'W1 mm 1 : .1 jrr .V I t 'r-U 1? ft air; m 1 Ql 3J" ff have a torn. hou"y ith . and a .11 pay y0U promptly, andliberjly w IF Y00 EVER WANT tfOHFY It is just after yon have Wn burned out. and njui-t rebuild, and you cinnot have any doubt about it. - THE IXSirrtANCE COMPANY OK NORTfl AVvnirt . Irons, ovw vw. in v tiir.,,v ,r. Vj'ln AM F.RICA hag paid out lo its ra- los-es with ..wllaks, FOUMiED IX. 1792, fiDitnciul panics cannot harm it; see J. W.SEXFf, K.trict Sredal Agnt, Albany, Or. OFHCh over Iteiul peacock i Co's tbe Ducks. This is just the time of the year for ducks We just receiv ed eleven new styles Examine them now before the assortment is broken We shall be well pleased to serve yon Read, Peacock k Co. $ Our Pucs are f r l&ll dresws A Fancy wall papt-r eirik the fancy with a dc lighttttS force. Yoa like it' so wt-U. yon want to w it on Uie wall. That" th place for fancy fscrs lik-oarrand y.,i"il otte-n find tbem there, !. Th-rr a charm, a iicwnrs. a harmony, and oris inaiity alnut ur designs that catch she eye at once. Iff the paj-r tiiat tir'.ke the ey that strike the &!!. tur : k of IS.iX roil in diScrt-ct 3ign at m m 15 cents U y cent a ruj, is trikif.g th victoriuufiy. Trv-a: jour -t t- a,i early iti;-..-t.a t.4 oar trfijlact and v ar:cl Un.;.iy. 3 A 'l viVf tti. mm nwm co. IIaTCOI0.A,X,JkXt alliaure - - - Ubasj, ire. FUBNITORE complete Sum? of UXERT.4KI.G in all it brancbe Er.BALf.i:r.G av Smlrtic- ior-i-r 3rd 41..:' Cali f wis ALBANY INS. AGENCY I CAN GiVt, joo more grntiire lnwr ar for a t.oo than any other agen. in Aibajiy. A iv jhocl-boT wliOcan contmi pr-e-mk' 3 to the amount ol fj r.iiua'.Sv can ecare the Sjfersty for an iturancV Co. far tint rraton do njt think tha: eve-y man who ri! inurat.ce po ities Is aA "insurance mm.' 1 wurein the SI N, PHOENIX. LON DON. MANCHESTER, and NOKWICH T.'ilON ol Eng'ar.d.ot fl-NI INENTAt. ot.VearYotk and have .ime'hirg fo ynr money in cave of Kr.t t tes taken on tf? inunncr, M i rviras, M'n". alley adjuster fo.- tht Sun it. ctn. e f OiJon Hi$r"rjrlce palJ for all ilr Tril.: A. Slranejw: Upholsterer And Repairer. Hair, wool and shcxhly uiaHn$?$ reno vated and made over. Pumituro of cvf ry tltscrir.tion am' laby liuriagrs rv-optioistcreu hiiu varrsslittl. Drori a l.offi in t)i P n . ..t -.1. uwt, beiweeD terry ami BrMilalMa, Al- 'REM'KM HI . ladies or ntl( from that tin in ich trade wheels nnamtilAa.1 f... T . .. these tlnvs, and there is no letter way to bvb to ?.iv. t an at itUl"KJS BKOS. and see their stock of these poimlai wheels, bomrht at the factory, and cus omers given tho bcnelit of tbe fact. CO iVI 17 U V To V-V i 1 JJL, gether! Is it not bet ter to buy vonr ltread, Pies, Kolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they use only tbe Bet material why of course il Is yoa dont want dyspepsia and you'i never get it by eating anvtl.inp irom on . U.S.BAKKUY. Bet. Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. 0. D. Vaxovkk, Projirietoi GEO E FI!H THE PLUMBER Tin rootling tmd plurebiut;. the opera house. Or-paai GMftOX, rpcalte the Rum Hu f d, biai,) porta, 0iir intil, 0 ham luo-.wlat, t '.'. ur, hi,), r" potatcea, !o. buyRgotxl genera horse, also bmgrv and ha r horse, as well aabtipgy hore. also' steady envture of E. T. Setlirwtck J mi' ,i ..... . lea i i 1 1 mans'. flallll v". II M that will norm oi Atimny, and has plenty more to pay ail hotiest Tbe next thins; to bavin a; a good dinner is having a good Dinner riet. Ihe Utrmt-r lurn;she stimment ior the body and tbe latter adh? to the appetite more than most of the nostrums !e IT sitnied for tbe purpose. V have beautilnl pattern VI V . 1. !,: 1 T j KeU in all wares. No Vt. T 0, V ' J ner .Set e ami crock ery ware all right ; bttt in choice gro ceries I carry a se lect stock, F.E. ALLEN; BICYCLE CAPS BICYCLE BELTS B1YCCLE HOSiE BICYCLE SHOES SWEATERS FOR MEN SWEATERS FOR BOYS SWEATERS FOR LADIES AT L. E. BLAtN CLOTHING CO S. Prof. A. STAH! Of IV m A- Surk. Optical SipeciaHs. Graduate f the Cciczpo Ojba!mrc I aw preried to examine cw,tiEcal'fy aa.1 accurately, tj the latest and to provf d rcthol of niod-ru sefce. ar.j who de ir to ha tbir eee tested. Cukk Block. Al Basr. Ckekos. I"i.Un: r-nd extracting of tettb without rain a specialty. FOSHAY & HASOH. nbwlraatle- A Retail KPa'GGISTS AND BOOKSELI'ERS A LB VST, OK&aoS. Pare Prtsgt ud tbe Finest and Largest S-txk of Static-n.iry and Boots in tbe Market. INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER. - Costly tftiraBU r' tU acd Mi. olff.Histca 111. Albair Or-pa. i H F MERRILL. INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER Albany, Or. Otty an "i:,tf i iranls bought and so'd. A WINDMILL FOR S35 00 WT Craw t'ord will sell too an . . 8 foot Acrmotor for 35.00 12 foot wared Aermotor 75.00 All steel and galraaited after completed SEED POTATOES. . The Rose Seedling is the best seed po tatoe ia the market. A remarkably early potato and a very prolific vielder Call at Stewart A Sox's, K. M. Robert on's, H. G. Watson's, E. E. Kinney Parker Bros., or G. C. Moon's and see samples. ID CROWN FLOOR. Get tt at any of the stores, or have it ground, 40 pounds for one bushel a wheat, at the Red Crown Mills. M ill Teed te oa haad at the mil K. O. T. M MiVts(Virv Sj-hiisLr rnint in W fl. T M. Hall. Visitinir KniirhU invited to at iecu. 1. s. as v inki.k ,, ADMIH1STTATCRS liOTiCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the nmiersiRneJ has len uuiy appointed Shahn, deceased, and has duly quaHSeda; ucn, Ait persona h'"'s a$mu3i said estate are hereby notified and requir ed to present the same under oath o itb the profer vouchers at the otR , tv . II Iblveu in Ihe city of Albany, L county.Oregon. within si mjat m tbe date hereof. Dated this 33rd da.v of April. IS95. JAMES SUAHAX, V ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the under signed has this day been appointed by the county court of Liun county, Oregon, ad minUtrator of the estate of Jane E Carter, late of Linn county, Oregon, deceased. AU persons having claims against said e tate ate hereby notified lo present them properly verified to tbeuntlersigned, at At- hanv. Orei?On. within air dumII.. . .u:. date. Albany, Or . Match 29. 1S95 Vn P r rt W A KHFORO k W'TATT. AdminUtratn n in mi Bill "it -uSy- CmWi Bio Atiys for Administrator. 1 REFEHfE'S SALE notice IS HEREBY GIVEN III AT under and by virtue o a commission duly issued out ol the circuit court of the s'sle of Oregon for Linn county, and lo the undersigned til'ected and delivered in suit pending wherein Margaret Hrattain and Geo. . Bratuin, her husbnd. Ma jor Johnson and Marj Joiinson hi wife, S'a'lna Peckenpaugh, Emufne Uormley, M V and Marv Koonlz hla wife. Guy Tho.r.paon and LMie Thompson hi wite, James rradr and Etta Fr.idv his wife, E E Dais and Henrietta Davis his wife, were pia.ntiffj: and. Rice Giliwonh and Eiiza Gill worth hit. wife.Owen C Bear and Meivir.a Bear Lis wife. Henry Bear at d Sun Bear his wile, William BJiear, Charles L Burnett, Adeline Bear and P C Bear her husband, and Walter Mcllree aa administrator of the estate of Henry Bear, deceased, were defend mt. The undesigned, lt,e referee In said co.nmiwsion t,arced( wiil by authority of the said cwmmfssion on the 15 0 day of June, 1895, at the hour of one o'clock y. m. of said day at toe door of ths court houae In the city cf Albany, linn county, Ore gon, 1 ffer for sale at public auction lo the highest bidder for casft tn band, de fot- w1r.e descrioed real esUte, lo-wit; Be l at a stake that is 30.25 chains St, 7' E and 9 9; chain wmi frow the nrtft-.-corner of the IJoni'i.rti Land CUim 0"en Bar and wile, Ciatm No, 41 in 1 ,12 S R 4 r of toe VviISamette rnerio 411, Oregon, and running t irnce g wci" n: n. E parallel with te ea-. tine A td cia.m 54.13 chains to a iULi on the south line of claim No. 43 in ip 13 SR 4 w, thence S 89 degreei 47 mfn w 4.70 chains to a stake, thence No0. 17 min w 54.13 chains to stake, thence eafct 4.70 cnains 10 the place of beginning. eor.taio in g 25.44 acres, all in Lianoun y, Ore gon. Said sale is made fc r thepurpoe of p?r i'.ion In pursuance of a ibcrec uly r-n -dered In said suit and as directed in Ihe commission Issued to the underaigeerf. Thia 13th day of Mav 195. J A McBribe, Rcfe;e. IS THE COUNTY COURT OF TEE state of Ore? 01. fcr L'bi Onntv. la the mdter ol ihe tftax of Wney Frj, Sr , deceased. Evecutors sale of r-ai prr peit; , I.O.'ney Fry, Jr.,tt duly qoafSed and acting execntor of the but "lii and trta ment, and codicil of Oinej Fry Sr., deceiv ed, hereby e'Te r. otter hat rwrsuact to as order Woedoat'f said court on the 4th day of March, 1895. 1 wi lseii at reUie auction at tbe court home dior ia Albany. Linn county, Oregon, to the fcinest and het oa the 2Und day of June, at o clock p. m. of sail? day, te ftflowiBa; aecrihl real propertv. 'owti: It So. I (one) in block So. 10 0eo) ia Sdavt"e. Linneoan'y, Oregon. A!o tbe tooth i of lots So. 7 (leven) and 8 (e;gh') in blo-'k So. 2 (t"o) tn the tWetit addi tion to Albany, Lina eoon'y. Oregon. The tcrn, 1 1 aaUt ara frw tpvt' tii-.e oa SiGCAm I of h-- purchase; price of tbe property io- eat'd n Absny t fr twt Bteiit, balance at is land. GLSEY FEY, Jr. Eco' r. ADliiXlSTEATCE'S NOTICE. Notice u hereby ptn tiua toe onJer iaed has been by the Ooonry Court of Lmn cfontj, stale of Oregon, daiy ae aQrits'ed airainuttiatcr ef tbe estate ot . X. r. Payne, deceased. AU penoos kavistr c aims against tbe eatate bf avd N. P. Parse dVxeawd, are hereby notiSed asd required to present tbe 3e, daly venSed. aa by taw required, to tbe oadersiroed at the effice cf Tbe Lina 0sty Abstract Company, ia Albasy. Linn county, Or Ztm, within six moctHs 'rjin the dsi tereof. aibany. Or.. Marcb 1. Id5. B. M Pavsz. Admiaisuator. EXCUTQSS HOTICL Sot ice is b-reby gsvei tha: 'be osd-T-Agned has been da y appoinb-d by tbe txeeater of tbe Uat will and tct anient of James il Maiiin decease!. A I perffs barine ruinr ieicst Sii.i arate are bee bv Bot:9J to present the sae to tbe aa iL;Ecd al Ha'e. Orespw, or t.j mT at tonsey '-Vtherf-T-1 & Vjt , at tbeir otbee at Aibany, Orey w, duly veriSed aa by W repaired. itms six months frjuc tbe date oi tow notice. Dated this 27 !i day of Marrh. 13$. WmATHECPORD at Wtatt, CteCB o A It T for Exeeo'or. Notice for Publication . Lsd Office at Osmkos Citt, Or. May 11. vm. Sjtice is berebr frtveeo t:ut tbe fjtow-ia-namfd settler has be-i nrti -e of his lsstealioa to m&ke Snai proof in support cf bu c.aim, ami tbat &u j prvf wi-i te made beft-re tbe retstifr ami receiver IJ. Lid OiSoe ateeoe Chv. Ur , ca 4oe 24. 190. vii: XlkbAei Mcia:rc. H E So. 10121 ftf tie S W i of S W f4. and lot 4 ot g?- 1. aad S E J of S E and lot 1. Sec. 2 tp I J S, K 5 E. He names tbe fol lowing witaes to prove hi coatisooo r t itsce upoa aid cativatit?n of sai J Und. vu; P M Perry. G W Se t'. S rap soo Pearsaa and JervmUii it; bud. all of Drott,nr. R J3ERTA i'LLES Register. Notice for Pablication. Land Office at Oregon City, Or. May 11, 1SS5. Notice u hereby givja that the fellow-icg-named settler has nWd notice of his intention to make Saal proof in toipport of bis claim, and that said proof wilt be made before the register and receiver U . S. Land OSes at Uregoa Citv, Or., on Jane 24. vlx: Jeremiah Kv'snd H E No lOTSo fot the W 1 N W V Sec 17. E.4 N E H Sec 13 tp Ids E 6 E. He names the fo lowing witnes to proe his con tino n residence npon and cnbivatioti cf -wid land, . vm; ler M JVrn, L C Ives, Mike McGahre. J C Mokey Bobest A Milixr, Register. Notice for Publication Aprill 1895. Lajd Office. Oresgx Citt. Op. Notice is hereby given that tbe follow ing named settler has filed notice ef his in tention to make final proof in support ef his claim, and that said proof will ba mad before toe county clerk of Line coun ty at Albany. Or , 00 Mav SHt. 1S85. via aideoo Sowers. 3 E 10.705 for tbe S H S W JSecH.SEiSEiSecltfand NEJ XEjSeJ 15.TI9 SR5E. Be name the following witoee fo prove his ton - tin sous residence Bponand cultivation of said btnd. via: J K Marrow, A Jiws, X McKae, of Berry, Cr., and P M Terry, o Detroit, tV. Robkrt A. Mixer, Register. ADMINISTRATCh'S KOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI I have beee appvnted adminislrator de bonu non with the will annexed ot the estate of E. L. Knoi. deceased, by tbe coucty court of Lmn county, Oregon, and have du!y qualified as such AH persons having claims against said esta'e are here by required to present tbe same to meat myolht'e in Albany. Oregon, with ike proper voucher. Wl'hin six months f mm the date hereof. Cated this 22nd day of April, 1$S3. ..... B I. Administrator de bo tin tin will annexed. Notice for Publicati'n. April 12, 1S95. L.VXD Ovitice ()ir.:,v I rrv Or. Notice is hereby Kven that the follow ing named settler has filed noiK of bis intention to make final ntnr.f in snrtrwvrt nf his claim, and that said proof will be made "cnre uie county clerk of Linn cocatv. at Albany. Or, on Mav Si. 18y5. vi:"CV Clifford H E No. Sl.a f,.r thS V. li. w 6, T 10 S, R 2 E. He names the follow vng witnesses to prove his continuous res idence upon and cultivation of said land. vu: U B Heuber, WNThoma. TH Thomis and A J Trask, ail of .Jordan. Or JCOBKRT A A1IU.KR. iiCgtste $100,000 wool, hides end alieep pelt a. If yoa want what your goods are worth come to me before you sell, and oblige yourselves, as eii m r. uoiirx.