KATIffcKFORD A WYA.TT, Attorneys a: La. Will uracluo In all court of th cuto Special attention jriven tu matter in prob-te anu to to lection. OFKICK In the Kilnn bloc- Atti-msv at La id Solicitor In Chancery. Col -4on. mad on all point. Loui negotiated on ruble terms. Albany Oregon u EO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and Wotarv Pub.lo. Will practlceiln all the marts o( this IUU Special attention riven to collections and nutter is pre bat OflBce: Next door to PostotAce, Albany, Ojra. J. J WHITNETJ Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. LAGXBURN & SOWERS ATTOKNEXH .A.T L-tVOT", A!! legal matters will receive prompt at ent;on. Office, First National Bank uiidinp, up stairs. WALLIS NASH ATTOENET -.-W". Will practice in all the court of the sUt Offica Tost Office Block. Albany Iregon. H C AYatson Luther Elkins WATSON & ELKINS TTOHKETSaAT LAW Office First National Baufc Building Business ia?usted to us will receive care tul and prompt attention. B OKI AN VK HlCKLEHaN, ivl Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon, QEO. W. I1.4RRH JUSTICE OP PEACE, Is now located in the Bsoc.t office, toraer Of 2nd and Broadalbta streets Albany. Or. Heats and Collections a Specialty. D It. J. I. HILL., FhvcicUn and nrgeon, OFFICE Corn F7 street; Albany, Oregon. D rs. II. E. and O. K. Beers. Physiciaos and surgejns, post office block. Albany, Ore. Hoara 10 to 12 a. to., 2 to 4 and 7 to S p. m. Residence corner 5th andCalapooiasts. Special attention given to diseases of womeo . DR. C, U, CHAM BERLIN BOSXOBO Office on Ferry St near cor ?rd St. Offic hours. 7 to 9 a m. 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m Especial attention given to chronic case and eye diseases. IKST MATUMAL. BASK. or ALBANY, OSSOOS resdeat . Vice PreaHent . Oaasler LFLISH S, ,TOI7H0 W. LAX-DOS n.AKSACT3 A GKN'ERALbenkUuloaloaa AtTOOt NTS KEPT subject to check. SIGHT KICHAXGK and tci Taphie traa r, toM Kew York, San Francisco. C-Kjo and F - Uand rou i :ri , n vusoa laeoraai Toe K .W BuaDI, L. fun; Enwan I. 8ez. .1 VV rUSlCtk A Ct.,8 -JC-IER OT 4LS1HT. ORKOOl, f EASSACT a esnenj Banknur nslocaa . tHAW SIGHT DRAFTS 01 Sum Turk. San Ft M sml IMrtKnA, Onsae. L'iAS SOVtT oi upproTed arrurity. h 'g dors it ulijet to check. -- v.-.a j vtss n de oa uenM lyfEitEsr Daid cn tinw -imtt H K OS- ClO, SCTO, OBBOOlt. J Sen . A J Jon Star Baker t or rJ roadalbfn and First Sis. C3KRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR. Canaetl Fruit ;l asware. ird Frnits. 1ob(--o ft tTr Coffee, Ele Canned Meats QneeaawareT" Vegetables, Cigars Spies Tea, Ete everything that is kjpt in a good variety and ero cery store. High est price paid for ALL, KINDS OF PRODUCE Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Itebilltv, and all the train or evua irom nsrly errors or later exceesca, the reaoJU of overwork, ek-kneia, worry. etc. Full strcDifth, deveU opmentsDa tone given to very organ and portioa of the bod jr. bunple. nat ural method. Immedl ate linDrovomeut Been. aiiure impoaiwe. z.uuu reierencett. vwt, . azpianation and proofs mi lied (sealed) tree. X.R1 MEDICAL CO.. Buffalo, N.Y, A iriio-Oeieri, iiJcv?at for mm or Sict iC-J A, AnA-ii; J,KiA. tat AJcafaollc ctitereu-t!r- . t.'i o a rJt CI tfw-vtoeiit, I TKF RS0l CHEMICAL TO. 1 151 S. '.t Aon ?w is. f H!CGQ f old by an drugg! s. 1 p fAMni . r.'T. 8FT. Tb! . -t. . w UnM I UioM dU9r M tOccitotJ rinturv Or. tXrA tYis 3 x PSEVCHTIVE W"W!S fc,2rfi ; eiUUtopeaibtoeoo-Ml ,W1'' 0, yVTtar.Ml(ivw;iutlBtfaee l J A Cummlng, sole tgent, Albany. C0PYFUGHTS CAJV I OBTAIX A PATEKTt For a K71Ptt"i,,S5r nd "onest opinion, write to HI V S N Oc CO., who have bad nearly arty year' experience In the patent btuineea. Commonica tione triotly Cf.nlldent.aL A Handbook ot In formation concerninjt Patent and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue ol inacha-. ical and oienttno booka aent freaT Patenu taken through Munn A Co. receive pedal notice in tho KrientlSc Amerlrnn, and tbu are brought widely before the public with out cot to the Inventor. Thi aplendld paper, lusued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by faith largest circulation, ot anyaeienttflo work In thn world. S3 a year. Bample cople aent free. BuikMiijc Edition, taontbiy.SiSOnyaar. Blnato cople. 'IS eeiit. Every number contain ben tifus piates. in oolora, and pliotoantpbr of new boueoa. with plana, enabling-builder to show tb J&tepr. doslirne and secure contract. Adores fco. KW YOUHy 801. Bkoadwat i Pt'.is crarn ttkfng FowJef M''ttH, Fa'r ;-et Award. V BOB of EilEQ mem 0 mr&;'- Ulritnovp (S Stomach? was Carlyle's expression of the experience of many people who reach middle life before their digestive organs loudly protest against improper food. The first warning generally comes from food cooked with lard. How often we hear the remark, "I like it. but dare not eat it" To any one in this common condition the new vegetable shortening, is indeed a boon. By the use of this new and wonderful food product the disagreeable effects of lard-cooked foodarealtogether avoided. The features of econ omy, convenience and adapta bility, emphasize the above, and demand the attention of careful housekeepers to Cottoixxe. Bold In and pound pa! ! by all (rocer. Mad on 17 by Tho N. K. Falrbank Company. - ST. liOni mm Cfckai. Hew lark. Boston. 2Ss REPORT OF THE COXDITIOV OF TH FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AT ALBANY, IX THE STATE OF OREGON At the doao of businesa, May Ttn, 1S. leMirm t Loan and discount .. tlTJ 1S3.9S Overdratt-ecurad and unsecured .-. Z,tM. U. 3. Band to secure circulation tn.oOO.liu Premimna on I " S Snn. . . S.750.ts3 Stock, eearitea.ete 4.SI0.IB Bapkinr koaaa. fomiuue. and Ax tare. ... 1 LOOaui Other real estate and nnlrafei owil SS.S16 9S Doe from National r ukalnot iiive acedia 23.S04.S6 Doe from State Bank and bankers, 8,06 'i Doe from approved luauiiu acl , Checks and other cash item- , .-. - Note at otber Natimal Bank Fractional paper currency, nickel and eenta Lawm, Mosn Rasnv a Bin, tu: ,SO. US.47 16i Of 44. Ml Sped . 40.775 U Leral loT.OO Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer (8. r per cant ot circulation.)., 900 00 Total. Sxa,S3Jr UaUUUai Capital stock paid In- stwattioa 16.CWO00 surpra rana DndiTided nmfita. ka axnenaea and utxee paid.. 15.SU.61 Katioual Bank nota oulttanrtin- lLSVO.uo Doe to other SaUooaJ Banks 00 Doe to State Banks and banker, 1,1L.9S Individual deooaita eobiect to cherk II.- 7S.7 Denaand eaniacauttot depaait 6'.7. Time certinoate of depoait ,M.'0 -Total- .S3-i,s70.- Stats or Ouoox, Cjcstt or Lnar, s : LEW LvarJ. Ctihler of tb abve ad bank do trouT avetr thn'. the abovn statement i true to the tract ot my kno-iedge and bdicf. E W LASGDOS, Caabier. 8abcribed nndsworntobstonaM thU16.h davot Maj.lSJi. ALiFREOH FREES-(EX (L. a.) Notarr Pabii e tor Oregon. Oqvjukt Attent : EM.HORTOS, S B TOCSJ V DirectAr. L B BLAI V. ) if A LaDY TOILET"! 1 not complete without au idel PQIZONi'S Cunbines every element of beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, hedtfc ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. Amos': delicate axel desirable protection to the face in this climate. Iziist epea hvi ths gaasina. tT IS FOB SALE EYEgTWHEBE. iimi GOLLISJiK IHSTTTDfl ALBANY, OREGON' A ft. 1 eorpa of fatstrnotrifav-. CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC LITERARY COSS?SEC.AL AND KORMAl CLASSES. lour ol rtody ar ranged im mant all irrades ofatodanta, Sfdai iMscrani oftttd t tfudt. from abroad. iCaveu aad Trade-M ark obtained, and all Pat- ent b-.ircondactedfiroc.nTi rttn. 1 Oon Amet i Cv-FoaT t. 3. ptcmt Or et ' and we can aecur patect in lea tune man ihoM rrntote from Washington. i Scad m jdel, drawing or phots., errta deacrtp StV . We sdvise, ii pjt teniab'e or not, tree of f ca rye Our fee not due tu! p tent is secured. J A fsoeHtn, "HowtoOht 31 Pateni,- with Scost of ar!ue in tbe V. S. vd A-eiga ro iiattta laA.SNOV.'&COi t Orp, iATCirr Off.cc. vxshihctom ft . a,t DO YOU rite letters? Of conree you do, and what is nicer than smooth iet'er paper and envel opes for business corresponding. We make a speciality of neat commercial stationary. Ton should BUY ENVELOPES of csatfncesndseeOiefine quality ard extra jo prices. Next time you want some inquire OF SMIL KY, THEPRINTER it . . wr 1: you use trie I'etaium" c f,- p 9 1 tlake taoney v. ,;i:c others c:e rnuuinp; tir.;c uyoIdpr'-r rsGCd. I fill n H I Catalog tellt, all airoiit tfi'l 4 Pni;e 3 H j it.ar.d .ieecriljcs icvcry IlluslinUil fl TIie"ERIEi; mechanically tne tct ,wneo. rrcti test model. 't 1" pa"-. r Coast & " m.;.,,,, lvat.aiailccllree.givet full deseHrd Ion. price, etc., Aoeirrs jfAtmrt). PKTAi.rrM A ntrrraATOB r.i Bk-mcu Hocsh, 3i B Main 64 Lo Angcle. g Portland, '1-11011. A. P. Armstrong, IVin. ranch School: Capital him. Col, r mi'.'tn nrr -Hajue coif.acaof bluuy, suuie vvie ur luitiou k-Mnes. ShortiiniHi, r"- lu asi'wi through)'' tlte ver. Htari.-i.t? r :u if tiuU. VMi I'm'- situ. ei- - PUMFLEMiQi 41 POWI!lR. g Witt mtimt Taxes should, be payable in two install ments, where over say $20, one by the first of April the other by the first ot October. Big headed people are never appreciated by any one but themselves. If your head is swollen, young mam souk it. If the actual cost of a 100 bicycle is $15, as is being alleged, the law of supply and demand is a costly one to tho paople. There will always be strikes; but the number will grow less during the next few vnirs. But for the foreign element in the U. S. strikes would be almost unknown- An exchange is making cne of the issues of tl-e next campaign the abolition of the railroad commission. This is decidedly eood joke, in view of the fact that it was one of the issues of ti c last campaign. It has mitten so it makes little difference what a candidate promises before election, A dispatch says that Lord Sholto Doug lass, the yourgett' ton of the Marquis of Queensberry, was at Victoria for a few hours last Tuesday on his way from San Francisco. He complained bitterly of the cold manner in which he was received by his countivnien- lie went around the prominent hotela and clubs, but was not recognized. He was accompanied by a weman. He does not deserve recognition Such fellows should be ottracied from re spectable Mxiety. - It is said tnat newspaper are published tofuit the times, just such "stuff" being published as the public demands, if a general newspaper wtre to jump ahead of the times and put cn a lofty aspect toevery thing it U doubtful if ary one ever found it out The truth is that some people who cry aloud for a hig-er tone to literature would not support a paper if it were to pot on a more elevated garb. Would it ever be found out. And yet the uiatses will stand by the paper whose genets! tone is good. The fol!owin interesting statistics have Ixen rollecied from the annual ad drese of tbe president of the Rebekah brach ot the Odd Fellows, Mrs Margaret E Kellogg : There have ben 15 new lodges instituted and one reinstated dnr- ine the oast vear. making a total of 59 lodaea with a membertdip of 3,038 in Oregon. Total membership in the jur isdiction of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, 202,649, of which 10S.732 are sisters at last report. At ti e same rate of increase the Grand Sire assumes that there are 115,000 grand women united in the fra ternal work of Odd Fellowship, within the jurisdiction of thn United States at this time. Statesman. Paris newspapers are 'angliin; over somas of the presents sent lo the Prince Bismarck for his birthday. Not only have the gifts been more or less rich- costly carpets, clocks, statues in mat tie and bronze, a delage of flowers, wreathes to. 'aige to be admitted indoors, a bas ket ol orchids worth i-x.J irsncs, a por trait of William 1, of le life sire, etc. but the people in the glow ol eatbusi-sm have expreeeed themselves in alimentary tokens that have assumed a'armtog j.ro- portions. One admirer sect a sausage two yards long, another a box of cheese weighing 120 pounds, another 200 lbs. of better, Ftiedrichsruhe is converted into a vast provision storehouse. Tons of smoked salmon, quantities of foie gras, of honey, apples eggs, wines, old and new and sweet to sour, long pipes and innumerable matches. Could any thing be more surprising to tbe French mind and taste than euch a list? Tbe trustees of the First Congrega tional church, of San Francisco, have istued a circular letter, approving 'the attitude of their pastor. Rev. C- O, Brown, D. D... toward Prof. George D. Herron, of Urinnell college, Iowa. With regard to Prof. Iierron's utterances to which exception is taken, the trustee's say: "Tbe trustees of the First Congrega- tignal church, of San Francisco, believe tnat tbe time has luliy come wben some voice should be raised against Iha social. islic propaganda now actively at work among the Christian pulpits and church es of America. No more striking proof could be given than the fact that Lum bers of EvaDgehstical pastors welcome the unbridled eocialiem -of Prof, llerron and hail him as a prophet inspired of God." "Our city and state have tutTered quite enough from such agitation in the past, To have such views proclaimed in tbe ntme of religion seems to us quite unn durable. Such words as many of Prof. Herroa's, ought to stir the indignation of every loyal citisen." Gets It In The Neck. I he Oregrnian with it's usual pighead ed-ess has been criticising: justice Jack son of the supreme bench. Scott has to be criticii. ir someone, that is his religion: it is nUo bis lunj expander; he would die from Fuffoca'ion otberwihe. He prefers attacking dead men, being a regular buz zard in that respect; but occasionally he actually slams away at live men, like Jack son. E. It. Skipworth very tersely brings him upon his haunches as follows: I am somewhat turprhed that you per sist in asserting that Justice Howell E. Jackson is a lawyer of very moderate at tainments and a much better local politi cian than a jurist. If your statement is true, it is strange indeed that Jackson was elevated to the supreme bench. If he is a politician he is a "democratic politician," and everybody is cjrious to know why President Harrison (who is him self an able lawyer) nominated him to his present higb office, and wby a republican senate confirmed him. Your statement cannot be correct; you underestimate Justice Jack son's legal ability. While he was a mem ber of the United States senate it was gen erally conceded that he was the ablest law yer in that body from the South, and whei. a vacancy occurred in tbe Western district of Tennessee, President Cleveland prompt ly appointed him to said vacancy; and so ably and faithfully did be ' discharge the duties of his office tli.it Fri;idetit llar-ion nominated him to be aenocinto justice and the senate confirmed him nnaniuiously. Is it porsible that a republican president and republican nate would th'is honor a local democratic politician?" . I think not. I think justice I.tknin occupies bis present exalted position because he is a clean nvw and a very able lawyer I have heard a number of leading lawyers express tne opinion that Mr. Jackson's judicial detis inns would not suffer.by comparison with tlieork of any of bis assocjutes on the i bench. I never hrfHrd a contrary opinion save by the Oregnnian. I ill venture tne opinion; that you cannot find a single at torney in Oregon of any standing at the bar that will agree with your recently ex- J pressed views concerning Justice Jackson. At Atlantic, Iowa, on May 7, C. M . Allor, alias "CHp." Ailor, was convicted of deceiving the pesple by selling a worth leas compound, which he represented to be Hood's Sarsaparills, and was sen tenced by Judge Macy to one year at hard labor In the Iowa State Penitenti ary. Ailor's methods vers those ot a traveling fakir, lie has been traveling through Missouri, Nebraska and Iowa, making stands of a day or more in each town, and representing himself as an agent under salary from C.I. Hood & Co., and selling his soncoction a, one dollar or fifty cents per bottle, giving with each sata various other worthless articles Citizens of (iriswold, Iowa, became rus- picious and ascertaining from a druggist that Ailor's compound was not Hood's Sarsaparilta, but merely colored water, had him arrested. Three indictments were found agtinst hiui.tle jury convict ed him after only thirty mini' tes deliber ation, and he was aeutenced as above. This incident suggests the wisdom of purchasing medicim-a only of reputable dealers whom you know. Hood's Sarsa parilta is never sold by pedlerf, and inch offering it should be at once reported to the authorities, or to 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass Lowell Mining Ciiir.n Tbe Ixal news fores ot the Statesman the other day published a bit of infor mation concerning the disgraceful con duct of a Salem young man in company with some womtn of ill re pile. The young man had taken the women out for a ride and t' y all became so drunk that they Itl tbe team run away aud deinol ishlherig. The reporter w bo handled the affair omitted the name of tbe yonng man because lie belongs to a respectable family. Now this raices a question Djes the reade.' think it proper to leave out the name of the young man ? If the news had to be printed at alt. would it not hava been better to publish the fu; particulars? Has a public newspaper a right to leAve out names in news items, where the facts are sarily to be proven or not at all iikelv to bs denied? If fast young men do not want to appear in nasty situations before the public, rhouid they not confine their disgraceful esca pade's more privately? The most just way for a newspaper would be the pub Hcation of the news as it transpires, with the suppression of no names for any reason. But newspapers, liks in dividuals, must often temper justice with charity. Salem Siaieemao. Why not leave out such things entirely. Speaking of the decision ot Judge Hewitt in the railroad commissioner case the Salem Statesman says : "After ascertaining that tbe decision had been rendered a reporter for the Statesman called oc Secretary Kincaid for tbe pur pose of ascertataicg what he had to say of it- Mr. Kincaid showed considerable dUpltaure. because, as he claimed. Judge Hewitt made his decision public before notifying him or bis attorney. Col. Drake, ani even before filing it in the proper office. The first news of the decision was brought to Mr. Kincaid by Senator B. F- Alley of Florecce, who was told about it wben passing through Al bany on the north-blond 1 : 40 train e terday.' Tbe decision was rendered in Jcdge Hewitt's chamber and was public property as soon as rendered, as any one with half a legal head knows The edi tor of the De-ocbat told Col. Alley and Col. Alley informed SetreUry Kincaid before h had received bis moil, a'.l of which goes to show that the Dsxocbat is right on haod with tbe news. A Big Elk husband spent the night away from hojte recently, and during the night his wife beard some one trying to open the potato bouso. She didn't faint however, or go iota hysterics, but like a true born Big Elk woman, she seised her husband's rifle, opened the window and blaxd away. The intruder ran away, and the wife went to bed and slept soundly the rest of tbe aghl Two neighbors lived not far distant, and the next morning neigbor A went orer to neighbor B and as-ed the latter if he bad beard the shooting over at Mrs- C's during tbe night. "Yes," replied neigh bor B, "and if that woman Isn't careful she will shoot somebody; that bullet didn't miss oiy head a fost. Corrallis Times. The Oregonian says Washinctoa has an abler governor than Orecon. This remark considering the source is a com pliment to Governor Lord. It is in favor of gold and down nn ailver, in faor ol infidelity and down on Christianity; its editorial columns are full of narrowness and devoid of the broad spirit of the dsv Tbe man who disagrees with the tdi'or Is a fool and a knave. The people un derstand all these things, so that they know bow to take the poison poioted shaft of the editor ot one of the most enterprising papers in the United Slates. Secretary of State Kincaid wiil appeal the railroad commissioners case to the supreme court. The result will be a con Crroalion of Judge Hewitt's decision. The Democrat regrets that that is the fact of the matter; but the weight is too much that way. In the mean time the hold over commissioners who are filling an office by accident wnere not wanted by the people shunlJ be treated with can tempt. A snbscriber who pays in advance for the Weekly was inquiring hen Lis time was up so lie could pay another year in advance, when he remarked that he bad noticed that we had been stirring our mbscri hers tip. As a matter of fact the Dkmocbat never duns Its subscribers through its columns. It does frequent ly speak out on the subject of debt, and if there is any subject that should be discussed it is that of debt. The Jacksonville Times is hopeful. It says: Everything seems to indicate re newed prosperity for Oregon this year. Settlers are coming this way, tho grain crop is in fine condition, the outlook for fruits of nearly every variety is good, and the markets are calling for the products of southern Oregon orchards, the finest in the land. Give the people free slver and the good prices that must result.and we will ask no'hing more. Is Albany going to celebrate the 4th of July? 'Dim idea that a big turn of money must he spent is all foolishness. 4t h of July money as a rule is used rather recklessly With good financiering t:i0) or $400 ought to nuke a good cele bration, instesd of the 8SO0 or 9,0 for merly uneJ. There is how a nest egg of a'umt ;13 to start with. K.ih m is not tl a ouly hog city In Ore gon 'reon vily is somewhat Id the trough. Her fishermen have so filled the Willamette below the falls with nets a to prevent salmon gniting above the fails. There should be a law passed regn'ating salmon fi-hing in the Wil lamette a that there will be more pro tection for the upper river. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. The editor was thinking when ha saw the big excursion party leaving the wharf of the number of people who go olTon excursions, to the circus, theater, etc., who are debt proof. While many are abundantly able to indulge in ex cursions there i a class ol paople in every city who are not, who are the first to start. Were you to try and collect a dollar of one of that class you would not even hear tht flaps of the eagle's wings. Of all people in ths world tbe creditor is entitled to first con.ideratiun. The hon est poor man who does the best he can is .entitled to the best company tbe world afford i ; but the dis onest person who does tbe worst he can aud always acts as il he were trying to get out of meeting his ibligatious deserves bing left out hen you make up the list. This ia not a Sa'urday night dun for the Dkm ochat; bat it is said in the Interett of the butcher, baker, grocer, clothing, boot and thoe and drv goods dealers. Combines may be objectionable; but the businessmen of every city ought to coin- bine against men who deliberately dead beat their way, spending what money l bey have for luxuries instead of pry ing their honest debts Isn't that a fact " A good deal is -beiug said about bow cheap bicycles can be made, in compari son with their silling price. It is boldly asserted that a high itra.'e bicycle; that now sella for $100 only costs 15. If true this is only in keeping with most new thing;; most manufactured a rides only cost a'xmt o.e fifth to one-tenth of the selling price, and the rnauuftct'jrer gets the immense profit With the high tariff exiting he is able to keep up the price. In the case of bicycles, though, with such a great competition it v.ould seem as if a bi reduction should be se cured. This is already being d jce. SI 50 bicycles no selling for $100 If a bicy cle can be made for 110 to $15 a big con cern like Studebaker, for ins'ance, could easily sell hem for 3J and make, a big j Pr6'- Im not probable- ihoagh, that such wiil be the result. Ifucan nature is too fitkle for men to be willing to riek hundreds ol thousands of dollar in a plant on such a comparatively small margin. In all such cases it must al ways be remembered teat when a tran put a fortubejinto an enterprise he trust have more than a fighting chance of sec. cets. tt may be predicted, though, that tbe price of the highest grade bicycle in the market will eventually b 5t. atd the good bit-yclcs wi!l rang down to 25. Will everybody ride? W hat Shalt be Done. . . . . . . ... . . tt ia sutiea tnat at the meeting ot re publican clubs in Portland next week it is proposed to alio v o reference to the financial qtesi:cn. The following from the Salem JouraaS indicate that there will he plenty of reference to gold and silver. Dn't for a moairnt think that there will not tr: Wbat shall be done at the state con vention of Republican clubs with the silver qatV.ioo, or ri'.her ait), llie single goli standard quesuou? The one in volves the o'.hfr. Neither can b toach exl npjjn wilh )ul the other being involv ed. O: coarse, n one atsaraes tha!, in tbe speech? that will be made in a coo Tension of one or two thsasan l R-paU'.i-tuns, or in tbe resolution or address that shall be adapted, thei will be oo reference to th finaacia! qimtion. Ii is believed that a great majority of Repub licans demand thst the coaven'.ioa clear ly and uneqaivjea'ly place itself on rec ord on the on-y burning qtiestioq of the day finance. It there were not a Wli S;re Demo cratic -Jm'.nittration in poner.it e had n Jt now on hand an increasingly hravy load of Clevelaid gollb-gism. if to en dorse the single gold staadaid were not avowtdiy an open approval of a discard ed and repudiated Democratic policy then th eituation were not so difficult. Bat the monometallic basis of all oar currency has left th coont-y in a help less condition. Silver is called the poor nan's money in Eng'and but it h.s arsioed friend' all tl-e world over among all clajses the past two yea-a. The prop osition to give th-! white metal an inde-p-ndect monetary standing at a ratio of 16 to 1 and mak it a legal tender is one that receives the appro jf ion of nine tenths ot the people- wherever they as setilbb. The proposition It make the poor dan's ni-aey l.-ga! tender a!oiide of the rich man's g!d is one that annot be laughed down or raiily argued away. There is au imprs'non that ha siiver uolUr was deprived of it honest value and leg! tender quali'.y by fraud and at the solicitation of interested partie. tte do not state these things to mass the customary arguments fjr bimetal lism, but merely to state the mental attitude of the masses of the neonle toward silver as we conceive it tu be. Oar diagnosis may be erroneous, but it ia as we see it. We believe that atti tude is d-'O to causes that are potrful and that the attitude of the people is right. What shall be done at the state con vention .if Republican clubs? The roa vention is not slrict'y speaking a dele gate convention of tin party, but it is probably as truly a representative c. n vention ot the Republican party as t-an be made so. All true KeDublican ill lope that whatever it my do, it shall honestly and fearlessly voice the will of Uie people on all 'questions and then the party will bi upheld by the people Occasionally a Pacific coast man gets an eastern wife throu.h matrimonial papers. An interesting case ia told of how an eastern girl did not get a Pacific coast husband : "A young lady of Ches ter, Penn., who selected a husband by mail, was so poorly pleased with her choice when he appeared in person that she refused to abide by it. lie came all the way from California in response to ber letters, but returned alone a vailder and a wiser, as well as a very angry man. He proved on inspection to be stocp shouldered and baldheaded, and not at all up to the sample shown in his photo graph. While Professor Evans, of Albion. Mich., was ou his way to college bo tell and broke his hip. When his class in Ovi 1 met there was great curiosity to knuw what would happen. The pro fessor's rosy-cheeked sou, a boy of 13, solved 'he problem bv entering the class room ilh great dignity, calling the roll nil carrying out the exercises just as h's father woti'd have doue. The by is a proficient Latin scholar and the mem bers of the Ovid class say lis gave them harder work than v.ould have been im posed by bis father. World. An 81 pound salmon has already been csufcht at the Bay. Oregon will dial enge tbe world in salmon raising. MISFITS. All Albany man COmnlainsliCfaiiHetrin acrobat last night in his long speech failed to mention how he stood on the free coinage of silver. The Corvallis Times ia not particular enough in its descriptions. It says tho groom was dressed in a celluloid collar. An Albany man is confident he had also a pair of spurs on. The early bird catches tho worm. J. V. Wilson sold an Ajax bicycle to Mr. Achi'son, a school teacher at Peoria, be fore 5 o'clock this moming.and the owner immediately left on the wheel for home. "Is it warm enough for you" was ask ed the Man aliout Town fifty times more or less, yesterday, land it is a fact worthy of notice that no deaths have occurred in Albany this week. "Is it cool enough for you" might be asked today. Quite a number of freight trains passed through here this week hauling good from Harrisliiirg t Eugene, a liistance of 20 milei hither curious, isn't it for beams to parallel a rail road and deliver freight at a lew figure than the rail r ad Junc tion City Time. A Lebanon vounir man bought some eed potatoes ' at a store the other day. A few hours afterward he returned to trie store and asked to have his money back, saying he had cut open all the potatoes and none of them contained anr seeds. Advance. He was nearly equal to the eastern young man who bought some eggs and planM them in hula in the ground. The officials of Benton county are hot because of the reduction in deputy sal aries. Mr. treborn, the sherin, proposes to do the way some O. P. employes did a few years ago when they couidn't get their pay: "I will not pay one cent out of my salary. The county must bear the expenses Incurred in the manogement of my omce, be it f-)0 or A300 per month. Reasonable deputy hire and traveling expenses are nect-imarv to a proper dis charge ol my oiitcia: dutice. Miouid pay ment of this" lie refused by the couet, " I will pay myself with moneys paeing through my hands." We regret to see that the Albany Dex ocwai is again leaving out its "misfits." This is the second time we've had to com plain, and we hone it will be the last. We must have those "misfits.,' Salem PjsU Come, now, Governor, don't poke fun at a fellow. Our mistlt coi'imn is a semi-ocrasional affair presented as the material appears for it. Yesterday it was short but to the point. Did you see that little bit on Salem's new "bicycle rider .the great man of the Journal, who makes addre-ses on other things than common sense. A Gendale, Or., dispatch says that the "railroad commissioners arrived here on a tour of inspection with their special train consisting of Pullman palace and car and necessary rx-rvanli. A dance was got np in honor of the commission and they enjoyed themselves from after noon until early in the morning. Col. Eddy and Gen. Cmpson danced very well and are popular with the vounir la dies who dance." They may be popu lar with the young ladies; but they are not with the people: and if they were to run for poundnutsur of 1 Viatic they would be defeated. The following from tbe Oregonian on tbe O. t A E. is sound reasoning: ' Add to f 100.000 bid for tire road another tlOO.000 that must be imme-iuuelr ex pended to put it in order: add IKjO.OOO for steamer for coat tntfEc ; avJ.J f f00. 000 for such Lora! extensions as are a! solutely necess-rr to increase even mod eratcly the vojtiro of business, and we have a total of 1750,000 upon which it will be necessary toe-rn some (sort of in come. rial me distant ruture may bring no one can ten, txit we thick no salt- or conservative judgment would be willing to risk more than the above sum on tins undertaking for tbe next ten or fifteen years- It is generally considered nnsafe to tall a man a liar; but the follow ;rc fresro the Aumsvilte correspondent of the S-alrm Journal indicates that sometime, it is safe: Some oe tied a dog to August's donr poet. He awued Joe, w ho politely aid '-yon lie." "Don't you calf me a liar." "But you are a liar." said Joe. "I never allow any one toc-ll me a liar," said Joe. "Ctmeout into tlie road and I will wipe the ground with you," said August. Joe foilcwed August into the street, when Aaguet raised a hoe and said, "now don't you dare call me a liar again." Joe promptly replied "You are a liar." You had better not say that again." "You are a liar." said Joe. August threw down the hoe and wet away satin "that he didn't allow any one to call him a liar." "You are a liar was the last that August heard as he dis appeared in tlie distance The Salem Journal says that "the la.t performance of the railroad commission en wa to haul up their Pullman palace train with colorvd waiters and a few cor poration lackeys, at a little backwoods station and hold a dance. These benefi cial -r vi cvs to the taxpayers and the im pression made by the whole grand outfit upon the poverty-stricken people of a small country town no doubt got to the ears of Judge Hewitt in time to socure Colonel Eddy a verdict." As a matter of fact Judge Hewitt bad not heard of the dance and colored waiters, which about illustrates the n of the commission; but he had heard what the law in such case ia and he rendered a decision that will no doub: be confirmed by the su preme court, an much as it is to'lie regret ted. Business men are warned againtt schemes o! fake advertisers. hen a fellow runs out of all other resource, he goes around and strikes the business man for a 'card"in some circular or program. Advertise in a newspaper that has the confidence ot the people. Scrofula, salt rheum, and all diseases of the blood, dyspepsia, beaiach,kidney and l:ver complaint, and catarrh, are cured by Hood's Karsapanlla, the great purifier. 1!omI's Pills cure jaundice, biliousness, sick headache, constipation and all other ills. HORN. McCUNE.-On Wednesday. May 15, 189o to Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McCune, of Oakville, a girl. MEYERS. On Friday evening, May 17, 189? , to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mevrs--two girls. All doing well. Names: Kate and Dupli Kate. Aseptic. An impure plaster may be a source of serious danger from infection. To guard against this there should be a guaranty of ascpticity. Allcock's Porous Plister is strictly aseptic, and thus can be used freely for all sprains, bruises, or conges tion of the chest or throat. Avoid Dealers whs try te polo, o Inferior plastsr a substitutes is " Aticoca s." Ailcock'a Corn Shields, Allcock's Bunion Shields, Have no equal as a relief and cure for coma and bunion. Brandreth's Pills are inyaluabla for impure blood, tor pid liver ana -weak atomach. TELEGRAPHIC. Sever Saw HI. Ashland. Or.. May 17. Tbe staue ! from Ager to Klamath Falls was robbed again last night The stage left the rail roid at ger at 3 o clock ytsterday after noon. Ed Walters was driver and two passengers, John Wells, a prominent and wealthy Klamath stockman and populiit county commissioner of Klamath county, and hmanuel Ccra.a merchant bound home to Picird, C'al. About 10 o'clock, s tbe tc-am settled down to a slow pull up the xianow Topsy grade, fix miles lon, the command came from ambush beide the road for the driver to hold up and throw out theexpres box and htter-pouche The driver and J attenert were then or dered to awmount. Wells was told to cot Xn tbe letter pouches and, while he was hing away at Uncle hern's proiwrty with a pocket-knife, the other passenger was ordered by the robber to lralt open a bcx suppeset to contain Wells Fargo's tieasures This work completed, the pas sengers and driver took of their coa , at Urn reqiest of the robber, who was still "outot siirbt.'' and left tbe content of their pock -Is with tbe other oooty. Little was obtained from them, though. The two passengers and driver were then per mitUrd to gvt aboard tbe stage again and move on The Bi-eeat Saaav New Yobk, May 17. R G. DunACo's V.'cekly Renew of Trade will say: The severe cold soap, with xtenive froiU,and, in some states, mow, has fortunately dne little damage to tbe great crops, though much to fruit, but ha considerably retard ed retail trade. The bet new ut the. week is the advance of 10 iter cent in wa&t in tits Carnegie work, foltowee by the Jones A Laugbhn -tablbuietit and evidently implying a similar advance by many ether concern. A L e Eactaa'.er. Chicago, May 17. A stirring political encounter took plate tonight, scarcely par i aHe!ed in the et since th? famiu :rag- J ..'a I In an,i lLui,l, 1 -1 . 1 An the eve of the civil war. Tonight pit- ucenr., , fovm combatants were two giant ot tue opposing s ice in the ragicg hrucial oon trorersy J Lawreuoe ugi:n, pro.essor of politic-! economy in the mverity of Chicago, the favorite autLonty of Presi dent Cleveland, and lii.sm il Harvey, author of "Coin" Financial School."' Not half the people clamoring to be present could hate , been a-oomuiodated bod the Auditorium itseif been s-ureed f r the meeting ot tlte cbauipu.. atvrfeedly C e . DaTaoiT. Mav 17.-Dii-patct.es from southwestern Michigan r p.irt fn-et tln- moraing tlie most di-aa'r us to iruit o anr recent viaitallonr. At Kenton liar bor it i reported that not over 0 per cent of tlie arras crop can surr.ve. Atusrrk Prevails. Loxoox. May 17. Tbe Time wiil print j a du-patch from flong Kong, ssj'.ag an- j archy prevail in the nirthern part of the j uland of Formosa, and riot are of dai! occurrence, numerous persons having teen killed and wotmded. Gecerl Ka Hung link, a Hat' chief, has proclaimed him- 1 self king of the northern pjrtiou of the in land, ana several thrucd well-equippe-d i soldiers bare joined his standard, and hi force incresies daily. rra t atalnoJ. Gssesao, N. Y , May 1". The freeze last niatht probably rained what fruit was left in Geneseo valiey. Ire nearly half an inch thick, formed on still water in exposed places. Hawaiian aaTaire. Sas FstAJtctsco. Mar 16 An evei paper pricis the following: Private letters frvr HoceiuSu by the steamer Auftrahsi declare that a change ot adminutratk-n wL't coco cirnr there, and that the ckanee auvi.ot--i Ly eo le ar irnportaEt persocare luan rx MicUt. lhor:oi. l be t-foruwiCi-jn comes tiorfl s most reliable sf-cree and ana-A. l-e qoe tioced. Acrcniin? to tbe lessen receire-i here, all teat i prpeerringtbe prxot g-v-erBnset is the fact that it pMese tbt arms to que!; another otstlirrak and t x citing iteU in its effri to prevent to pre vent the lornl r j cf con'.ribd tmv. Ill a t LtwrtMt. Sax FsA4:tMO. May 16. The polic are said to tve fened .et nl icew lo will teMify aaitt Tbeodf-rj Ihirrani at toe fcrtrjootnirg trial in tfce .perir court . One vf tl.ewj. Mts Wills, will t Ustt some time lf"re hla. be Intont? murder. Mi WiSiis akd Ihsrraiit, in tii carac'Sy f.f cl u-ch ltbrrian, f.r a tan4 from the churvh library. He escotted ber thither, left the room a few ruioaV and rrturned entirety rsud. "I be jvucg w man made h-r e--a; :th d.Scoity. Sira i lor conduct would i lain tbe alere of btool-iin cn lrraot' clot King- after Minnie Williams was murdered. A .- Slam. PiTTsiirRO. May Id. Jones k Langh lin, proprietors t.f tne imerican iron works. hv- grnt?d their em,-loves a 10 per cent iocreaae in wae. Tie a.tu employs about 4VXI men. aud is the gretet rival cf the Carnegie Steel Cctpaoy ia tbe manufact ure of atrtx-t-tral iron. " The advance will apply to all skilled men and to alt others, except common laborers, who are eo re- reiving tl 20 per day. the reivgtiixed rale lor sucn wars. A l lnnl damans at. WasnrsoTOS. SJay 15. -The Jipan-e legation has receive! an official cabie sU ing that a final and satifartswy agreement has been reached by Japan with the Euro pean power on the lUstera question l! is retrarded a c!oiDg- the entire sutgect. It i also revarded as rn-yatu inn tbe un official statements ot Kalian newepapers that Kuwa ever CorcA. woold claim a protect-irate crvou Prostration. E. W. Jor Cohpaxt I have suffered from nervous prostration from financial loose. Can say Joy's Vegetable srsa parilla has cured me. M v liver, stomach and lowela have leen very inactive, bat since taking ?y nr remedy I am entirely well. All business men an i women should n.e it. Please publish. (Signen) Ma. IVx. Henky Joses. Butte Montana. Backache, dizziness, tiredness gi to Joy' Vegetable Sarsaparilla. vewav Fine bicycle shoes vheap at L Clothing Co's. E. i::ain Nk,v HvRssjj Sir... SaI. Burkhar has openetl a harness shop at the Viereck corner, Albany and will keep first class hand made harness at machine prices. Repairing carefully done. Call on him for bargains and good work." Wea Baby was sfck, we garo ber Cat Jo-is. Vbeasbo was a CkiM, ah cried for Castorta, V-en she became Kbn, she duni- to Caotorta. vTVeasb had C-ren.abe awvetViem CkasMrta CA?'ain Sweeney. U S A. Sin Dlcgo ai says: "Kniion-s Catarrh. Remedy is tne nrst medicine 1 have ever found that would do me any gojd." Price 50c. sr.K sitap Taiker Bros, grocer. U'iw oream eheeeo just received at Cora' ftleysrs, P J Sinilsy job printer, Flion Ploek. irt claaa work. Snik thr ceUhrattd Havana fille-l f e oigar at Julias Joseph's. la.roniaa home industry by smoking the (lehratetl white labor cigar, manafaetored1 by lu'iua Joreph. The best rat -otleo in tho .-it jf at U otad .fyr . - Money to Lotin. Vt are prepared 10 make loan 011 good mprovtd farms in sums to suit, of from 1,000 to $10,000 CuRRAM & MoNTalTII, A Cabaa Battle. Havaha, May 16. A special cablegram received here today says that Monday last there was severe fiirVirinu ; th ;r.(,t I hood of Jobito. near Uuanatnamn. Th eDffatfernent lasted from 6 in the morning ceiling, nu resuiiea in a brilliant victory for the Spanish troops. A detachment of 400 soldiers attacked and foukht bravely againt 2100 insurgents, led by Gomez, the twoMiceos, Babi and Cartagoca, ui Talk. Chicago, Mar 16. Th Tl claim that the silver men of Illinois are sjueiniog to rorra a presidential ticket of David B. Hill and William H. Binrich son, of Illinois, and that Tammany and hpeakr Crisp ars in the deal. They will raire a campaign tund of 3,000,U 0, it is said. Tate Beaerve Crewiag. New Yobk, May 16. The World says: nuvw" i-impu;r was aaaea to tne uig syndicate's history yesterday. A notice was aent to tbe bond bank interested in the gold deal, requesting the deposit by the banks of a large quantity of gold in the stibtreoxury here. Tlie explanation of this lat move lets a bit of light on the bargain which the syndicate made with the govern ment. Moat of tbe banks which co-operated with the bond syndicate were snetn- bers of the original pool which sutscrioed for the last bond iue at about 101. It is estimated that the banks will now deposit about 13.-10.000 additional goll in the stjbtreaaory. raising the re r,e to about tlll.WMMM. Mare Darrant Talk. fix 1-aa$cisco. May 15. Chief of f'osice Crowley i threatened with a salt tor daauige by Theodore Durrani, who was recently be.d lor trial on char ires of having murdered Minnie Williams and blanche Lamont in Lmannel church . By the advice of his attorney it is said that Darrant, in tbe tyel of his acquittal, will sue tue ruiel lor heavy dfag. tor ploc tng hi p cture in th rogmV galkrry. Toe 0j eth j-, , liiuuuer a cjuncii claim looeis poaae uoa dence ttat will prove that the mur- War. n, JVl in..!ft !. AnwvnA . -r . I ..... - - nexted w,t mg church, and that neither arime was the work ot one man. A Lot . Chicago, May 15. "If tbe Natiocal Sporting Club, of Lnion, will give a purse ui any mount, froat a larthmg to J&j00,l will box Peter Jackaon for il in the areot," botiy declared Champioa Corbett tcnight "ibe Lonaon club is mode op of a kit of first clots anobs wboee only claim to rec oirnition is the possesion of a kA of titles, many of wrich no self-respecting: man care tocirry I have beeo there and know what I am talking about- They are tbe dirmiett excu-es fvr ineo and sponstoeo :iit eir dUgtaoed a couir-unity. ' To Be Wipe. Wnl. New Yok. May 15 A Washington pectai to tbe U trail says: The saprente court baa deiet-iincd to a- solately annihilate the iiscoaie-tax law. t bis eiaemeat is male on what appears to be absolutely ret table authority. It u. of course, impossible to say officially what will be tee decisaon of ibeeoort ia advance jf i:s anrioartoemcat. but tee report cook from kceh a source as to leave tery httie ruom for doalit a to lU accuracy. Pittbcrg, May IS. It is tneraiiy be lieved that tbe 10 per cent increase grant ed by Use I arcecie coaipaxy yesteraay will rai -e sioiUar increase in ali the steel inilis of the country. As officio: of the Cane gie compacy sfxted today that tbe other com posies waold be i-Tred to give tbe same advance to avoid strikes, whkii they cacAvt aSord to stand at me present time EAST AND-SOUTH. THE SHmSTA KOUTE Or Tilt Southern Pacific Co. tijssn Tr-uao - Portaui Isaily nn Ju l. isi I Hortb fcliT. a.1 Lv ltr L Mi a) Ar Pjruaa. ArlS-W an L 1 -a a L I TS) r a AiWay AtMvw trains cup a. all station a from Pvrt an 1 to Albany taaair. nlsu Taa t3t,"hd i.UAsay.Harrt-burtr. Jnortioo Cttv. Irvina;. Kas-oaa ssl sil tutiau from Rovebarg to asnland mdonie. SAsasraa ac,on.T an 1 L rs ibt 1 a. p.v a A:aa r -v Cv ; !t :! t 1 ISa I Ar r j t Lv! 4,. A i i r trrsl 't- LeW s ml At PlJlLfwAr BUTfT SLEEPERS. AND Oldtn? Cars on Oj'i'n P.ute SECONO-CUSS SiEbF!. CABS A ! a uu Tfc- sr rvalsi. . Wees : .tvMM. Bctwccs rTA- caataiLis lan s.i an 1 ! Kvceya Scwaay S4 a I Lv I :tt r I Ar It: tnsn vaats sr "rxerj,- Saa . t-fve rSrn Lv Ar rwla 4 WrlflaarH. a Ml Ttrotiph Tickett aU r-aqt la tk Esstam Stla, Canada aoA Barrewcan be obsaiaed at ewcet r-e trea C freak. A ml Asbany. . KOSHLEE P. aonRM Waaaiwr at 6 r. n. ixv4 no? .'tiv It Cf sv. H C ss aWeivm. niORTHERH U PACIFIC R, R, A u Prillman Sleeping Uars, Elegant Dinirg Cars, Tonrist Sleeping Cars- St raul Minneapolis Duluth Fargo, TO Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg; Helena an J Butte THROUGH TICKETS.!.,, TO Chicago Washingtou Philadelphia New York Boston and all Points East and South For information, time cards, maps and tickets call on or write C O liurkhart, agent, Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton, Awl ;. r,8 Agt, Portland, Oregon, FOSHAY ft MASON. Wholesale v lretall DRUGGISTS AND BOOKSEl" ERS ALBANY, ORKOOS. Purenrugs and the Finest and Largest Stock of Stationnry and Books in the Market. Or. Price's Cream tiAklnj: owfe WorM- Fair Hlghoat Meda mma Dipt; r CHILD SICKLY? Strength is Hot Enoog for Proper Growth. Tie Yon Boij Fails lo Get Wall fcsM Heed Rlener Baae and Tisisae FwriniBg rood. Eody Caniiot Grow Wiilunt Pare. Eturaj Bloai, Unquailcti Yalu. of Paine Cel ery Compound, Fro:n birth till past the age of 30 there is growth ; seme of the bones do not completely knit till 35. All this time in addition there is the steady waste of the tissues that must be repaired. The demand upon the vitality ' and upon the powers of it-si rui la tion is thus enormous daringthe. years. With out plenty of rich, nourishing blood. growth must he detective and tardy. But when it comes throuiih all tbe arttnes in a full, vigorous stream, growth goes on steadily and perfectly. hat count.esn nuuibt-rs of frail yoinjfatrs pbyicians see whose pitiably thin srrist- and bloodless 'a.t-a cry out for better nourishment. Ail tiiis does not escape the vigilant insight of parent. In tbousacrls of homes it is well known that the boys aud girls are somehow badly nourished. The weak etocaachg and organs of as similation cannot extract tbe food for growing nerves and brain in sufficient quantities from tlie ordinary diet. A special nerve diet te wbat they need I'aine s celery 00m pound is prof . Ed ward E. Phefpa' pust preprtioa few nourishing these little franies ami mak ing them grow into strong, active men and women- Dr. Phelps, upon whom colU-ges conferred their highest honors tor his individo-l investigations in med icine, knew from ripe experience the ex act needs of ttiee little -uSerrrs. A chorus of gratitude cone up all over the country, frost taofhirs of chil dren once weatJy and r'el--itlioct i' i,- t v. , 1 Kivsuu iti'j r'r ii rrwrs . and women, whu have ou:grown weak ness and a Lace ot vitality by tne use of Paine'scelery com pound," taken with the regulari'.y that physicians adhere to hen prwcnbtn this wonderful nerve and btood restoraDve. It is vaiuable ia all wasting diseases. in cleansing the blood of rhnmatism, neuralgia, scrofula, and supplying new and healthy vital fluid its value can neither be weighed nor measured As the ereat rt:o.iern nerve and brain Flrngthener and rc-ttort r Paine's celery compound is pronooneeal invaluable by all prevresgive physicians. Give this grand ivigortor a fair trial, and be convinced." 2f6 DOLLARS PER r.'ONTH Im You Own LocALrnr l&ae easily ad hoOTbry, witKrt ctpK tU daring yocr spare tours. Any m. wrorcaa, boy. or piri caj do the work -d4-.J, witboa: exiersence- Tifcir va iecerT. Nothlnsr like ft for tory auking ever offered fee for. Our worxera alwya prosper. So - !e wwsted i erni5 tbe bo--ie5- vTe te cb ya rc a eight, how ta carcced from the. fir Boor. Tou can isake a trial w4Kyut el peust to yourself. We start tou, frnisV CTrryttins seeded ta carry cn tie bos' EC-s waccessf ri , and uaraatee j. asainst laihire if you ct follow ccj sit-pSe plaia itraco3s. Besta: if you ire ta need of ready rwaey, ass. wnt to kw A3 aoont tbe heft payi-s business before the pub!:?, send us yo ao-russ. and we will msil you a Tficfi- giTins you all the pt vclri YRUE & CO., Box AOSh Augusta Mairr FIRE INSURANCE Insure vour property with Joseph V Tall ir. The Old Hartford. THK NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS AGENCY, or any ore f the other Tv-Iiable Id 1 ire ccm panies he rep:e.-entc. Noes taken and plenty of tirr giveif for payment oa fait insurance. All basinets plac ed with him will be protopt attended to. OFFICE IN . O. B!cck, !AlUnyfOP A Sovereign Renedy & Gxta Cold&LaGrife a Aec?iors cf tseThroaL Oiest and Lvngs. Foshay BCason. as-cn SIZE! CONSTITUTION! MILK! BUTTER! -THE- Eoariiii Eiier M -OF- Registered Jerseys. Choice Bulls from 3 Months top Years forsale. Service Bulls. Write for hat you wanf, - A. C.tiaines I-trncoJ P. O. Linn County ,Or An arreeahls tAiattve and If-sswTorrta Bokl by DmirRisu or sect by maiL tMtt and $1.00 pej packaga. t-amplos tree. "9X1 Tbo Favorite tWTS KTSSl Foshay & Masoa, A g nu. K. O. T. M Meets every Saturdy everiirip ia K. O T M. Hall, vhuiing Knights invited tu at end. Iohk Campbell, Com. fiiz' -5 fir' .' '