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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1895)
E1TBGRFOBD A WYATT AttorneTS at law. Will practice In all oourte el th Ml Special etlentioa given to matters In prob-t end to to.lecUoue. OFFICE In th Flina block BI1LTEC Attorney at Law Mid Solicitor In Chanoery. Col 'ions made on all points. Loans negotiated on .rable terms. Aibanr Oregon QEO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Public. Will precUoe'ln ail thsoourts at Una state Special attention -in to ooUeetkHnand matters in probate OSate: Next door to Pottofflce, Albany. Ofn. fj VTHITKEY, - Attorney t Law, Albany. Or. LLLACKBURFJ & SQF..ERS AITOHNKTS X.-A."W", All legal matters will receive prompt at tention. Office, First Notion? 1 Bank buildinf, up stain. VALLIS HASH ATTOH1JET -A.T Sj&TVT- Will practice in all the tMirt of the state. Office Post Office Block. Albany Oregon. (HnvHV,BWMaHHBHIM(MllIIMHaiswaawaawMB Wfc H C Watson . Luther Elk-ins WATSOn & ELKINS TTORNETS TJLW Office First National Bank Building Easiness iatnstedtons trill receive care tul and prompt attention. 1IOKTANYE at HACKLKMil. Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. EO. W. ITAKttlS JUSTICE OF PEACE, Is new located in the Cchocut, corner of gad and Broadalbin stmts Albany. Or. Beats and Collection a Specialty. D It. J. I. HILL, Phydeian and dm-saoa. OFFICE Coroe Ferry auuuta. Albany, Orecoa. Jrs. H. E. and O. K. Beers. Physicians and surgeons, post office block. Albany, Ore. Hoars 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to S p.m. Residence corner 5th andCalapooiasts. Special attention given to diseases of women. DR. C, U. CHAf.l SERUM Office on Feiry St near cor 3rd St. Offic hours, 7 to 9 a m, 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m Especial attention given to chronic case and eye disease. IRST NATIO.IAI. K.1SH. or ALRAltT, OKKOOK rectdeat . Vice President CWiiar ... LFLIKS 8. K,TOUHQ -X. W. LANG DOS nAHSACTS A OSNBRALbaakitti boat oaar ACCOUKT3 KEPT subject to check. BIGHT EXCHANGE and tei Tapbic Iraaat r, oW New York. San Francisco, CnJcagw and P tiaad on vO .CtcrIOS? -A.DK oa tatoraaie wai Tocve E . Fuaa, levies 1 . 8oi. .1 W. CDtICK dK J.,BJ.X3l RK or a (.bah v. oateo. rRANSACTaceneral Baakln? aetata. DEAW SIGHT DRAFTS ea New Turk. Saa scoand Portlana, Oregaa LOAN MONET on approved sreority. KKCK1VK deposits subject to check. COI.LRJTlOJiS made en farurab tws ( ;ZRXT nsld rm tune -ieooei a tS tV M IO, aoro. otsaos. a 1 1 it s!." . . 1 Hon A i Jos ry DO TOO ZS0"V DR. 4 eXIX LE BRUf'3 Sim HI P0IHYB3U flJ are the original rim only .F.NCH. safe and re liable care on th market. Price gLUO; seat try w1 ttonuioe suli only by I A ramming, sole ajrent. Albany, FOSHAY MASON Druggists and Bookseller?, A sent for John B. Aides' pablioooe watch we sell at publisher's prieaw rt joaawtpaaaayr. ALBA Y OSKUOt SEED POTATOES. The Rose Seedling is the best seed po tatoe in the market. A remarkably early potato and a very prolific yielder CU at Stewart & Sox's. R. M. Robert son's, H. G. Watson's, E. E. Kinney's raraer tiros., or U. V. .Moon's and see samples. Easily, QnloUy, Permanently Restored. tTtakneas, IServvasaeagtt veMiuy, and all U train er evus irom early errors or .later excesses, the results of overwork, sickneia, worry. etc. Full strenctb, dereU opmcmano. L"ne given to teverr oramn and nortion of the body. HtmtM. Daw LI('A ural methods. XrumeriU H ill ate improvement seen. Failure iapoetlble. 2,000 references. Book, explanation and proofs nu tied (sealed free R!E MEDICAL CO.. Buffalo, N.Y. cotCGtz. Putilnnd. "rrsim. A. P. Annslranr. I'rtq. '.ic!tSi-h...l-.. Oil.' i ; ft.lein. limn nj cua .rat f u wlf, mm it ttm of tuitloe r ! Mt A -I. ' Mis JJF.J V. ki n is 1!K PLUM UK R. Tin r-ofiing and .limibinjr. the opcrn house. Oppjai K. U. T. M . Meets eveiy Slurday cvrning in K. O. T M. Hall. Visiting Knights invited to at tend. John Campbell, Com. GMOOS, i,.v.,U, ihtRoss Ilus bia-i.tliriu, G-iir nisi. Or ham l.ucwhat. rte fli or, h, t rT,,Jetc. A' UEMTS V'AM El). Prfiya cr cirlls make money. .k'ttd "Vfnrmmr. 1 . Tiuax, GraLlsIVti-, Or. ALBtMT HtKKFT. Wheat. 38c 1 Oats 20c Fhur. 8i.5' Jiritvt Uxi . , - Kit- 3 doz for 25o Urd, 12 to 15c Port -hams, 12 to 15c, shoulders, 9 to 10c Sides, 1J to 13c Hay, Baled $7.00 Potatoes, 25c .A ! ,75e r , st, tvices Cre&m eaklnj Powdei Host Perfect Mn&tx w mi -yy - no w TS 'sa ilOUSEKEEP S3 SHOULD USE, ID The new vegetable shortening. It meets the most exacting re quirements, and is beside entirely of lard, long known and long suffered. Now deliverance has come. With. Cottolene, good cooking, good food and good health are till assured. But you must be sure you get COTTOLENB dvnd refuse cflinrerfefe Beware of imitations made to sell on the merits and popularity of Cottoleks. Refuse them all, and your grocer will then understand that you know exactly what you want. This will bring you satisfaction and save yon disappointment. Bold ta t and J pound natle, atade only by THE N.K.FAIRBANK COMPANY, g-r.LOCTS aad CctlcaSew Yortc The greatest sel'er on the market for diseases of the Liver.Kidncysand Con stipation. Pleasant to lake by old or young. No jriping. The root of the Liverine plant is eslen dveiy used in Norway for the cure of Piles. Sold by all Erst cUifs druggists. Wholesale Manufactures, ANCHOR S CHEM 1CAL CO, Lebanon, Or P0ZZ0N1S Combines every element beanty and parity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, hedtb ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A mo?1, delicate and desirable protection to the face in this cli'Tnt?. A rx IT IS FOS sale evebtwhebe, -iLmimm fiBllaa-A-i-aaEtaMaaa Street Railway Time Card The car will leave the corner of Fire, and Wasbinirton street a, fol'ows 355 a. m. for orerland going north. 7:20 O. r. train koids; east. 7:55 " 1135 -1155 " 12:15 p. is Lehmcn train - ,. n on (rain goirg north. soolk. " ' Lebanon 'rain: 5:35 " 9&) ' overianrf srointr aouthv' For Orphan's Home Monday and T rjrs- day at tw p. m a.t.6. Ttsrt ran txo ttm riMxasi is jotd under positiTa written nan ntee, by wtoonzMi acents only, to core wees: Memory: jom at Brain and Nerra Power: lust Manhood JcUcknass: Niaht Loseee; EtII Dreams: Lack of Confidence; Kenronsneaa; leiaiitnde: all brains; Loss of Power of the (jnaratiTe Orraas in either eez. csofid by orer-exertion. Youthful Errors, ot excessive Cse of Tobacco. Opinm or Liquor, which leads u Uiaery. (.'onhnn!(j jii. Insanity and Death. By maiL ft a box; nix for t: with wncten anaranzee to cure or seruna menoy. Sample package, containina UTf days' treatment with full instructions. Si c-rt. One eimi ar' aoid to each person by tuail. f A Cut min g, sale sg tnt, Albany DO YOU write letters? Of conree you do, and what is nicer than smooth let er paper and envel opes for business correspondinir. We make a cpeciality of neat commercial stationary icusnouid BUY EN VELOPES of us at once and see the fine quality and extra lo-v prices. Next time you want some inquiie OF SMILKY. THE PRINTER t C.r.t. and Trade-Marks cbta:nad.and all FaL nt hajis conducted (or "ocTr rcc. JOua crner is epeosrrct S. Patent Orrrec , and we can secure patent in less buic Uuu tbos I iraxa f rwa VV'sshington. i Send Riet, drawujg or pbots., nta dewrtp . We ad-ise, if -Jten'.b'a or not, Iree of Scaa-7 Our I ee not cue tii! p- lent is aecsred. I 1 a rMsrairr, "Bow to Obt Pateota." with mt of true in tbe U. S aa Arreiga oonlrief i wnt free. Air, j t Or e i i O is J (Lt OOsj . AM. SKf MR AfTftf . WllMMSTA. & 5 1 ecaaSS Bthmdi rft&Uiil4Iriur)r0f. f I j 1 T raqulnM no thuv .f sit Of -r -"J le U seketa iatcraaUy. Wan A3 PREVENTIVE bi l4 trX !t l f mpabSjibU toeootrMl m a4 dllllll; ittt Ifl tlM 4tM tat anamaai ii j.. n ...i in 1 1 . - lf trmAf VpmTVw,nuw Amjorss -wSaaw.-ri agn aT fjfff and ilt, Wtl ftSaWdMla ' S A Cummlng, sole sgent, Albany, lb A LADY'S TOILET (Is not 'lotnplete " without au idecj q .POyPLgKIOIJf I 43 POWX2SR. ' lb m m timt j:L I FjE . Some Santa Cms boys stole a keg of powder. They received their punish ment as soon as the powder exploded. When a man gets so smart he can't be told anything it is always a good idea to leave him alone. Nearly every communi ty has such a citizen. The young Oregon woman who is sup posed to have written letters to netseli should, if the charge be well fonnded.sue herself for libel and the value ot the post age stamps. Examiner. In one year.from now politics will be lively in Lion county. Candidates will be heard from as the twelve months pass awar. Ia the meantime voters should study the situation candidly. In 1SGI the cold was eo severe in east ern Europe that packs of starving wolves entered Vienna, and all the canals of Venice were frozen and the principle mouth rf the Site was blocked with float- ins ice for a week. We often hear rumors of active opera tions being about to begin in the Santiira mines; but thry don't begin there. As we read accounts of rich finds elsewhere we get anxious for action. There are un doubtedly niiiltns at QiarUville Let it be rattled out. The republicans want to see tbe demo crab split on the silver questions but put a staple here also, the repiblicans will be split on toe same subject. The democrats will not be split enough to hurt matters very tavi. The body of the democratic party are of oe mind on the subject. An Albany young man who drew a picture of an Albany minister concluded he had made it too much like Durran and said be would try again, with so much talk about Parrant and with eo many pictures of itia in San Francisco papers it is no wonder he gets mixed op with everything. A Salem paper is going to Improve the roads ot Oregon'and baa two bicyclists out doing it now. A month after the bicy clists get hoite.nor even a year after.wlll anyone know the roads ever bad a champion. Oo the face of Ii it is a scheme to get new eupscribers ; and yet the press ot Oregon can not shoot too much for good roads "Senator McBride h oot a free silver man or he would not be afraid to proclaim himself as such," says the Oswego Iron worker. It is about time for the senator to gtt off the fence. Sun. The Demo crat stated wbsn McBride was elected that be would prove a gold bog, and be will. The Sub's wubes were fiiher lo its words, and it declared substantially that tbe new senator woald Le alright on silver; but he woc't Irrigutijn would put te t families on a action of land and gvre them cotnfortabl e livings, while there are only about one fam ily to rah sectioe now, ami not all cf these are living in comfort. Pendleton E. O Our irrigation is all right. Nature does the business, and it is a tact that about 64 acres is just about the right size for the average farmer. We will be more pros perous as tbe farmer geb down to the 64 aci e farm. Better by a big percenta ge o wo 61 acres oat of debt than 132 half mort gaged. One doctor cays bicycle riding is the finest exercise in existence. Another says it is not. Tbe prevailing opinion is that it is very healthy when properly in' dolged in. Here is oae ot the is nots lie says bicycle riding is injuring thous ands of people. He pronounces the ex ercise most unnatural and unhealthy Tbe position of the bodv was uonatural and time wonld effVct both tbe spine and tbe lungs. For women it is a particular ly damaging and dangerous recreation But they will ride jast ths same. The neb should be made to pay every cent of tax possible, tbe more the better They ehculd receive no more considera tion at the hands of the tsx collector than the poor man. Such as Gould and Rockefeller should be beapec with taxes until they are weary. As a man's in come increases the rate of bis lax should increase, that is: il lie psys fioou in come tax on a surplus income of $50,01)0 on $100,000 income be should psy 13,000; on 1200,000 about 19,000 would be right; on $100,000 about $27,000 instead cf $3,000 as now. This would make an $30,000 tax for a million dollar income, which would be none too much. The Single Tax Idea. These single tax men are evidently keeping their eyes open. Some time ago the JHMncR.tT editorial advised peo ple to tetout of debt and stay oat ot debt. It was an off band pivce of ad vice, and nothing was comideied in ref erencj to it. A few days ago we receiv ed a letter from Cincinnati in reference to tbe item, and vesterdsy another one csmefrom NewYo'k. Ileie i the let ter: Nsw Yobk, April 24, 1895. Etitor Democrat '. In a recent edition of yonr paper ref erence is made to the turj-et of getting out of debt and staying out. That is as you say "good advice " Bu' how is a man enabled to do that when times are so hard; when the land, from which we must all get cur surtainante, is monop olized, debarring men from access to it. And in consequence of which theowi- crs of tho manufactures are also enabled to dictate wages. The remtdy for '.I is state ot affairs is the single tax, a brii f outline of which Is given in the p' it. ted matter below. Respectfully. H . J. WisoAnDNxa, N Y. City. The single tax means the abolition of all taxes upon industry and tbe products ot industry, and the taking, by taxation up on land values, irrespective of improve ments, of the annual rental value of all ti.oxe various forms of natural opportuni ties embraced under the general term land. To tax labor or its products is to discour age indi'Htry and to lax laud values to their full amount will render it impossible for any man to exact from the olhent a price for the privilege or uxing those bounties of nature in which all living men bave an equal right of use It will compel every individual controlling natural oppoituni ties to either utilize them by tbe employ ment of labor or to abandon tbem to nse of iibers, and it will thus provide opporhini- of worV for all men and fecure to each die full reward of his labor, and, as a re sult, in volun'nry poverty will beubolish ed, and the greed, intemperance that spring from poverty and the dread of pov erty, will bo swept away. Mostly Thrown Away. How vast a business is carried on by Government Printing Office may be gath-' ered from the fact that more than 3,000 operatives are employed, at wages ag gregating about $2,000,000 a year; that 40,888,608 copies of separate documents were printed in 1894; that the number ot pages of type set the same year was 285,152 (exclusive ot the Congressional Record) and that for- a single Report (that of the Secretary of Agriculture) more than 1,000,000 pounds of book printing paper were required. The statement frequently made that tiiis is the most extensive printing-office In the world Is borne out by Its operations, al though by no means true ol its building. The latter is to the last degree unsuited to so vast a business, being old, over crowded, and notoriously unsafe. Tbe rapid development and increase ot gov ernment printing is show n conspicuous ly in the figures ot its annual cost. In 18)0, all the printing and binding of the Government required an expenditure of only C5,000. In a Report made to Cot gressinl859, the whole cost from 1819 to 1853 was stated at 13,574,343, while the printing for the six years 1S53 to 1859 cost $3,402,iS55 ; or about as much in tlx years, as in the previous thirty three years. This extravagance led lo the final establishment of the Govern ment Printing-office; and the greatly expanded business ot multiplying books and documents ever since is shown in the figures of annual expenditure, which were in 1863, for printing asd binding, 11,417,750; in 1870, 1,609,860; in 1S80, I,034,:1; in IS!), 13.124,462; and in 1894, 13.940.410. ?lvi cost of govern ment printing and binding in tireat Britain in 1694 was 522.500, or a boot 12,603,000; but as Hi la included station ery for all the public offices, and as n free document distribution exists there except one copy to each member of Fat- liament, there are far more elements of contrast than of comparison. Ains- worth R. Spcfford in the May Forum. Mrs. Doniway 1 as a mind oi her own." The Dsmockat has often picked at her bat her remarks recently made on the free coirufire of the home prod act ot sil ver, entities her to consideration : "It seems U) me that these United States ha7e no more right to submit to tbe dominion of tbe rest of tbe world in the mangement of oor currency than we have to bow ourselves out ot national cx istence al U.a behest of British guns, believe the demonitixatlon ot the bom product of oar silver mines by the act of 1873 was a blinder that was worse llisn a crime; but I do not believe tbe unlim ited free coinage of silver at any ratio will prove the cure-all for which we are grasping. We as a nation, can uo more reasonably engage to ein all the world's silver that we can contract to buy al the it oi Id's potatoes. Bat we can.aod i is my sincere belief that we must, coin all tbe products of our own mines, both gold and silver, beginning with silver again al the old ratio of 16 to I. I believe that tbe seigniorage or "toll" for such eoinage.would go so far to relieve oor de pleted national exchequer that the Cleve land administration might get through with its remaining two years ol financial Soundenng without borrow inz any more millions or hundreds ot million, for our great grandcbiUren to wrestle with in despair.'' Albany has a creamery, and it is ob tained without much effort, one with as big a capicity as tbe field will support, Saleni now wants one, and the States man has been interviewing a camber of prominent citizens on tbe subject. Some of tbe answers will make as realise w bat splendid thing we bave just secured. and bow we ought to support it : It is the one thiog needful, and I would join any popular movement to encourage it. Itia an absolute neressily aad tbe farmers wiK never be "in ii" properly until some enterprising man or company opens op a channel 'or their produce. I think it would be a splen did good thing. Get anything that wi.l utilise tbe raw prod acts of the valley. I endorse it. It is an excellent idea. I heartilv annrove it. We ehculd have bad one years ajto- A clergyman in Cashing, Me., is re ported to bave a unique way of se.aring texts. He pasted around slips of paper upon which the people wro'.e ysriocs texts that they would like to Iiear preached from, lie tbn pa.sed around a hat and gathered op the slip. and atk ad a young lady present to choose one without looking. She d.w forth the text, "What think ye?" upon which he preached, according to report, a very excellent sermon. This method is cer tainly unique, but we admit an ol '-fashioned preference for a text selected early in tbe week, and several days of thought and study devoted to the diconrre preached upon it. fix. The Railroad Commissioners in Sep tember mads the following report on tbe Oregon Pacific: "Considerable work bad been d ne snce the last inspection. The bridges ol the Ssatiam had been strengthened; also the wn approach ot the bridge across the Wiliametut at Albany. The Other trestles and bridges had been over hauled and were in fair condition. Many tie renewals were noticed, wime me road might not be suited to heavy, ra( i I travel, we regard it safe for present use.' All of which goes t- rhow what a valua ble institution the commission is. t'ohfidsnce Is lieing restored. Ibis is a fact. Pscple bave quit thinking every thing is going to smash. At one time it was difficult to secure a loan of money on Al security. fow there is plenty lo be obtained. ' In a brokers widow in Al bany are Ave or six notices of S250, !0o, Sa to loan, left in small sums by peoplo of small means w ho now believe in their fellow man and w ant to make 10 per cent off him aod run the risk of getting it back. This is a good sign certainly A chemical fire engiue would ai'.d much to the efficiency of the Salem fire fight ing service; so would a hook and ladder equipment. Statesman. Comma- from the capital city this remark sounds very peculiar. Albany, which makes no great pretensions, hss both. A good joke is told on 8. B. Ormsby by aRosebarg paper. While receiving a per diem as a member ot the Soldier's Home investigating committee he re. ciived $33.00 expenses to go to Hose burg and return. Another warning against tl rowing stones when you live in a glass house- , An iVm In a Salem "paper is headed "Mr. Idleman's opinion. "Now who cares what Mr. Idleman'' opinion is, even if he is paid 3,000 a year to give it. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powd" WorUPi Fair Highest AwirC (SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. Curing the past week the absorbing topic has been the fatal accident at bridge 24 on the O. CAE., resulting in the loss of two lives. While almost daily we read of fatal railroad accidents in all parts of the U. S. they are eo far off we do not appreciate their terrors; but one right at home in which our friends are the victims strikes ns to the heart. The risks ot tbe railroad man are considered greater than in most any other business, and he goes into the bu siness knoaing of the dangers ; but when he loses his life without any fault ot bis own and through the short coinings of others the public hac a right to be ex pressive in condemnation of those to blame. In this case it Is not easy to place the fault at once. The road only recently cime intonsw hand). Had the confirmation of the sa.'e been left alone, as it should lisvo been, the i.esr purcha sers would at once have put the road bed, bridges and rolling stuck in a safe condition ; there is no reason to doubt this. As it is they were necessarily at sea. TLe railroad commissioners should have acted at once and made It possible tor the new owners to go ahead ; but they have been principally concerned in draw ing their pay. They have indeed in spected the road recently, and will In due time, it is hinted, make such awe port as should have been made some time ago. In the past though they have skimuitd over tbe road occasionally, looking out of the w indows, and ending up with a report probably as suggested by tbe railroad men. The way the com missioners have been in the habit of in spectiug roads has been to travel in i special dining car at the expense of tbe railroad companies with the wintb,row in. Fr'x ods are often invited to goalonn nd the trips are made regular picnic affairs- Railroad commissioners, ii they are to be tolerated, should be composed ot men who know something about rail reads and not ot men who harldly know the difference between a narrow and a standard gauge track. Perhaps one shouldn't heap everything oa these com missioners, bat the subject is timely and l dues one good to venUlate ones lungs la connection with the subject it may be Slid candidly that notaittistanJing the appeal from the couhra.alion by Judge Fullcrton it was the du'j o! the new porchaser to piake erery repdir neces sary to the safely ol the roa-i- TueDsw ocbat does not know whether there is a regular track and bridge inspector in the employ ot the eompany. the.-e lerlainly ought to Im. There ceitttulv is a bridge man, Were the defects in bridge 21 of a cnaracter to be noticed by a casual in spection is a question that aid probably be better answered when a mote Ihoiough report is made on the condi tion ct tbe umbers. Itsocriticitm should be spared no one eniisled receive it. LaiJ IKm hy JuJc Denny. Hon. O. '. Kncy, who was a visitor to Spokane last sek,is,peihaps-the best informed man in America on the customs relations, history and political affairs oj tbe Oriental nations. When Vr. Denny took op bis pceition as adviser ot the Corean king, be entered open a Ihoronfh study cf Corran and Chinese history and iaternat-.onal law As a result of this study, be submitted a report to th king which p'.esseJ him im mensely, because it predicted the fre dom of Cores and took the position that China rouM not msintasn her cla.m up on the kingdom. It is inlerrslinft. lo cote that, ia the recent war, Japan fought along the lines Uid down by Mr Denny in bis report lo the kicg of Cores. Mr. Denny looks for ni:ghty results from the reeot war. As be the terms ot peace, China is to abstUh the ruiuoas provincial acJ city (aire whkh now prevent trade with the inter ior. Under the existing condilioor. mer chandise shipped into the interior Is tax ed again and again as it passes from province to province 1 his prariicauy amounts lo confiscation. If these taxea were abolished commerce would mors into the interior and a Orisk trade would J An eastern authority a t"ar tbe stalis-sorina- o between China and the United I posiUon of wbeatbasbeoroeas strong m..e. This trade would benefit Washington state immensely. This state bas the transcontinental railroads, tbe harbors. ........v.. - moreover, it has the prjdacls warned by IK. njkr.t Mn'. Ia ft. I Ir .nl .n,l the Chicese people Doar,Iamber.siler, copper.fWh.ew. The pro-pect opens up a future of such immensity that one draws back, afraid to p-edicl lh- aol- . , come, hpokane Spokesman Ken sr. . .. - ...e i-r.wocatT continues to tinna tr- rant i he murderer of Misses Williams and Lsmont . The evidence is about as convincing as circo.nstsntial evidence well ran be. Every effort to place it np- J on some one else ends bv pointing to- wa-ds D.irrant . Kev. (iibtou had noth ing lo do with it, a? indiscreiely ss he act ed in some thing. Darrant did both of the tnurders. The fact that no blood was four.d on him after tbe William's murucr uoes not change this lact. II. r , , . . , death was caused ty strangulation, fol- lowrd by lb fiendish butchery. Mn der will out, and so will thisdoubV and most horrible Irsgedy in the end Young Spreckles,who has sued hie fa It er for flOO.OOO damages for slsnder, atid not $300 as heretofore stated, says ll t!-e Spreckles' millions would not recom pense him for the damage done bis '.landing ia society. Poorboy; he will probably get si ucks. Then his lather should Isle him and cive him a lint class spanking. Sirikea. s'rlkes, strikes, bow they etu'jible and push airainst each other, littles-id his strikjs; all kinds of strikes. And the poor strikers, striking for orin- clple eimp'y i;et soup, and it will always be thus n ail ttriking is done with the ballot Ivx. A nation ounht to mind i's own busi ness as much sa the citizens of alion. Roads is sticking its nose into lbs Japai. Chinese peace settlement in a matiri.-r to entitle it to a punch tinder (he nore. It seems hi if there Is no season of the year when Kansas and Nebraska are free from rycloncs. How different in Oregon, Here the treacherous cyclone never comes A universal calm prevails. Again some Eastern capitalists are coming to Oregon to establish a beel su gar factory. Let them come; but will they any more than others who u ere going to come in the past. There have been men with one idea who were great successes; but newspar ers must have many ideas and not run In one channe'.. 40 per cent of the revenues of the gov ernment Is being paid out for pensions and 11 for Interest. MISFITS. 1 The Ro-jeburg Review gets sarcastic as follows: A snecial ammt of tlmKtnto In surance Co., as recently arrested and placed behind the bars. The company ho represents is still at largo; A little financial trntililit ulii.'S ranooil the closing of a bank in Arizona is ac counted tor by the following notice posted on the door: Tin bank is busted; ib owes the th-odIo l.'ttt.OOO : the rxo- ple owe it 155,000. It is the poopln who are busted. When thev oav. we'll oav. A new bicycle was rallied off in Junc tion City this week. The editor of the Times threw 44. ?oine one offered him a days wages as journal committee, $10. and it sounded so familiar, ho accepted ii lor uie throw, when 7M throws were to hear from. The 44 drew the bicycle, and now the editor says when he rides he Walks. An Aumsville correspondent of a Sa lem paper just for a joke said "Ben La tourel has a new girl." When it was set up it was in the form of a birth notice, it lieing thought that was the intention of the writer, Now the paper has its hands inn limning excuses anu explaining mat ters. Here is something funny. Miss Louis Desxei, of Washington, l. C, has lieen visiting Mrs. Dr. Miller of Rose burg dur ing the winter. During the legislature with hundreds of Oregon girls wanting positions she was given a clerkship on the entroHning committee of tbe house. The lady with whom she spent the win Ut iii a daughter of Binger Hermann, which somewhat explains tbe situation. Tho Yaquina Bay News says that "Uaitrood Commitwioners Gen. 11. B, Compson and I.vdell Baker, came in from the scene of Tuesdays accident.last evening. They have made a careful ex. animation cf the wrecked bridge and found all tho timbers in a good sound condition, and attributed tho caune of the disas'jer to one ol the cars jumping the track while on tho structure." This was the view first held by the Democrat: but later reports do not verify it, and further, it is doubtful if Coutpeon and Baker were there at all at tbe time nam ed. There will be quite a fight in the next republican convention over the nomina tion tor conereM in this diatrict. It i understood that Cot. Ailev, of Lane, and Mr. lloft-r, of Marion, will contest the nomination with Mr. Hermann. These eentlem'n were members of the last kg' lalature which fact is sufficitnt tQ com un-nd theni to tbe favtirablo considera tion ot tho people of Oregon, Kevi-w The DeaontaT would like to aeo Col. A i lev nominated, as it would mean a democratic xngreanian for certain. Tho Grants Pass Courier tells of a g;od one on Secretary Kincaid: Who ever is running Secretary Kinraid's pa per during that gentleman's absence at Salem should be more careful of the kind of editorials be steals. In last wet-k'a Kugene Journal an editorial appears as original, which was stolen from the Courier, in which ihecxpreion appears that "no intelligent pemm btlievrs the dull Umt are cautl by tariff conditions, as the ptvwni depression entfu'.f the whole wld." This, in the light of the far-1 that tbe Eugene Journal, rafidly re publican, has lt-n telling its reader for many months that the; very fear of dem ocratic free trade had caoMl tbe disaster, mut cause Mr. K. to think cuss words as he srans his per within the domc croerned!i of the State capitol. Theodore Dstrrant lor two or three years was a shining light in Emanuel church al San KraiH-iena. He was re spe-tet an t estevmexi, and looked up to by many. No one ewr saw in bis lace the features of a muHerer: but Sam Simmons, the well-known detective, of Portland, after paying him a visit save: His very appearance woold indicate that he is an inhuman monster whose only ambition is to see the blood of an inno cent victim. He has a most peculiar appearance and to see him yon would at first glance sav what a funny looking man that is. His head is out of propor tion to bis body and bis eyt-s are la rye and the pupils are exceedingly small. If vou were to look at his head end rf! al his body you would thick it was two persons'. Wnra at Coavau.i. -Farmers of Ben j ten. lion and Ltoooia eooal:. when voa ti-it CrvaJ!is d,m't Lut to ree N olio's I pris waon, wbuh be will srive away Ao j got 11. It made by tbe Co t Carriage a credit to the tte," The wagon i worth ! f- 00. a. ccro. anu any w oi speraiiy aareaii- J Eirare work oat a deficit for aext Aa irutt Tbe market is very firm around 00 cent and may iooo move rapidly upward, ) Tte m.lrs are at Ut anxious to get wheat ! ... . ux-reaing c England j 1 ; The Boys BatoanE will remain open ! fr charter members until Mondav flight, j Mav 6- Mena-.- are requested to be trw-nt at :.J0o clock sharp, Owes Beam Pres. Rot Sates. Sec'yj I nra,,y lb, tyaio robber, was seen at Wells ution. on tbe West side a tew dayr. j He had two revolvers, and a lit'Je girl who j "H-i bioi quickly picked tbe picture of t.ui uum among- scleral suuwu uer. THF.COM CINE BROKEN. Some merchants as well as the mi! men have tried to ronijx-l ns to enter jnto a combine on price of flour, and as we positively refuse to do so they refmae ... ....II ... 1. 1 I .A U .1 11111 I tu n il w iivui. ..v. v .t " v v w , 1.1,1. on hand and will the retail trade only with the beet of Hour at 55cts tcr sack and each sack guaranteed in everv respect. When you want flour give us a rail. The following brands on sale today: Ixiuisville Mandard. Jefferson Columbia. Albany Red Crown. Clayton of Staytonville. II. F. McIlwais, StravoFrowas, Kxr-cutors estate A. B. Mcllwain, Jlav 3, 1SD3, HORN. GARRETT. On May 3, Iffitt.'toMr. ami Mrs. I. A. Uarrvtt, 4 miles south of Albany, a girl. McCHESNEY.-On Wednesday, May I, im, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. M'cChes ncy a boy. All doing well. Theories ARE GOOD. Facts ARE BETTER. Theories supported by Facts are invincible. Allcock's Porous Plaster is, without doubt, the best external remedy for strains, sprains, lame back, sciatica, and congestion of the chest Alwaya Make Sara and sjat the mulae Allcocb'b. Knar yut ay we a aa tmitaiioe. Allcock'a Corn Shields, Allcock'a Bunion Shields, Have bo equal aa a rUaf aad curs far earns Brandreth's Pills purify the blood, tons op the system. There la no remedy like tbem. TELEGRAPHIC. Falal yrteae. Sir cx ClTV, fa., May 3. Dispatches re ceived by the officials of the Sioux Ci'v & Northern Railway Company at 4 :.'W this aiiemoon irom me company s agent at Sioux Center, 45 miles northeast of here, tell of a terrible cyclone near here, in which a number of people werekilled and injured and much property destroyed. The wires were blown down, and telegraphic reports are very meager. The first dispatch re ceived said the cyclone paused three mile north west of Sioux Center. Schoolbouses near the town were destroyed, teachers killed, and a number of children killed and injured. Tbe whole country in the path of the storm was devastated . A Shipwreck. Port Towbsesd, Wah., May 3. Meager news was received this afternoon from Kodiak island, Alaaka, of a terrible shipwreck attended with the loss of 17 lives. A. E. Kiggs brought some partic ulars of I lie accident, but was unable to give tbe list of persons lost. Tbe schooner Letcoi arrived at Kodiak a few hours be fore his departure,- with one of the surviv ors, who was so exhausted that he could scarcely give a airtight account of the dis aster. laBBwriaat Peel tie a. LfcAYE.NwoiiTU, Kan, May 3. Judge Myers, cf the federal court, in granting the p.-tition of W. r- Johnson, of fopeka, who sued Dr. Leslie E. Keeley for t JW,0(W damages, rules that Dr. Keeley mut make Known tho ingredients ot his bichloride of gold compound, ihe court holds that the compound is not a proprietary right nor a ' traie sex-ret, being also unprotected Lty a patent, aud bas been in use more than two years, so in fact there is nothing to pre vent Dr. heeley testifvingr Johnson al leges that the gold treatment male him a physical wreck. It, Iambics. Litl. O. May 3. -Oil still declines: Tiona to $2 4.1; Penna, to $1 70; Cominjf, to fl 55: Barnesville and Newcastle, to f 1 45. In tbe Lima field tbe price is down so that another decreaae will wreck opera tors as welt as speculators. North Luna is now worth 87 cents pjf barrel; South Lima 82, and Indiana 70. The turn I cut is expected tomorrow, and another wtek of depression will cause tbe oil well ctened up daring the bourn to close 5own. Lewke Warllke- Naw Yore, May 3. A special to the World frota Corinto, Nicaragua, says: Tbe garrieon on tbe mainUnd W been rein forced, and tbe troops are prepared fvr im mediate ntovemebt. Two ot the trute connecting the Iowa ith the mainUnd have been destroyed. 'lh? guard of tbe Britiah marines bas taktn a petition near the bridge Lpproackes. 'Ice warfhipt have changed position so as to te ready for hostilities if necetury. Bis; axplealeas. Socru Actox, Mass., May 3. Three mill of the A li.erkan Powder Comracv here b'.w np this morning, one after an other, inside of 15 minutes. live persons were killed. a l Strike. I'li EriEi-D, W. Ya.. May 1- The strike is on in tbe West Virginia coal Eeld.alocg tbe Norfoik eV Vetcrn railroad. Xot a siogle mine is in operation. A meeting of 15,0X0 mint rs was held at Keyttone oday to onranue And perietl meaaures to induce or enforce tbe 1 ocahonta n-u in t inna - ia tc ioin tbe trike No diKsalisf action exists amen? tbe Virginia miner-, a they have not U en cut. In tie event of their refusal to join the ttrike. force will dout- fcsta l anemptvd. lh et u-ginia mitser ars .aimicg into Virginia on very train, and tbe situation is alarming, Tbe cot ol "JO pr crmt was cercr conteui plated by tbe Virginia ten panic and there are only a few union men among them. Can aal aaia UeM. Sax Faaxrisco, May 1. The inqoct open the body cf D Uncle Lament coro pied lew than three hours t'xUy. but the evidence developed was cootiviered convinc ing, and the jury returned a vrdict charg ing Dorract attb her mordtr. Two new witoe were produced at the in.jaet. and testified Uitfly. bat it n evident tbe ptosecction is boldicg s in h cjf it evi deree as poi,ii.' in remove. a ratal f Jrteae, llAirttu, Kan., May 1. At 4- thi afternoon a fearful cyclone devastated a strip cf country several hundred rrd wioe and at iea.'t 16 miles in length, ksil iisg six rroriS outriglt and seriously in juriair ereral others, while ctacy bare re ceived slijHit injnrie. As far as beard from, the storm covered a dUtaace of 16 miles acron tbe country from tbe soulhweit to the nonbeaU Twenty resideooes, nearly all of tbem large ones, were comnWtrtv d.-tfrfwd l he ka id Dill le hue than -Vil VI IL.;.l the seven deaths, two or three of the in jured will probabiydie, California the Land of Discoveries Vt by lay awake all night.eoughbg.wben i hat most ea, ctive and agreeabie remexly. j SANTA ABIE, will frive voa immediate! relief? SANTA ABIE is tbeooiy gusran teed cure for Conumptio'. Asthma and ail J oroncniai tjsipiaios. tHi4 in rc4;te4 at 50c and tl. Three for ri20. Fosbay atason will be plcvsl to supply yiMj. ar.d gtiarantee rrlief when uevl as direclM CALIFORNIA CAT-B I L RE never fail to relieve Catarrh or Cold in toe Bead. Six months treatment, by mail, 11.10. Where to Trade. Here are some of cash prices : Julius GradwoM'e -. 20 lbs. Savon Soap. 3 cans Tomatoes Arbtukie, Lyon and Big 4, per lb. Sardines. 15 cents per can, 2 cans. 1 dos cans tomatoes Vinepar. per frallon 15 pound !-eans .2; .J0 ,3t; .SO' car always subject to change of the market. i And all other goods as low as sold bv : anvlajdv. " ! Hardware, erockerv, class ure and i : . . it ' ! srrocvries nt r-;u-onauie price-?. Tin-types, is for 23 cts. Where at. Tiuiles? No! Indeed, Tin kle ia not a "tin typer,'' but if you want 18 real nice little pictures, he will make VOM 18 Genuine photos, nicely mounted ami burni-died, all complete for only "25 cents- ? cee rue samples Dyspepsia. h. W. Joy Uompaxt Oentlcmt-n: I have taken your Vegetable Sarsaparilla and can isay I have never seen anything wjuui to it. i nave suiterea ten vears with dysjiepsia, not being able to eat anything but milk and brown bread. Life was nothinir but miner v f,.r mo. Now I haw a gool appetite, eat anv- uunj i wish, ami leei no disagr.H-al.lo effects from it. I wish I could tell U dyspeptics and unre them to trv vour V. egetable Sarsaparilla. " (Signed) Ma. Jonx Timotiiv, Forbestown, Cal. If yon want to get a spring nuvlicino without a blotch, an old mr-a-i.uirilia trado mark, a big patch of red pimples, take Joy's Sarsaparilla. An Absolute Cure. The Original Abl-tlne Ointment is put u; In large twoounc- tin bote., and la an absolute cute for old sores, bums wounds, chipped handtand all skin erun tlons. Wilt positively cire all kind of pile. Ask for the Original Abietine Ointment. Sold by Kosher & Mason at S cent per box, by mail So cent. Don't Tobneeo Spit or Smoke Your Lite Avny. is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Bac, the harmless, guaran teed toliacco habit cure that braces up nicotinixed nerves, eliminates tho nico tine poison, makes weak men gain streng-h, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or financial risk, as No-To- , Bac is sold by Hodges & MoFarland un !der a guarantee tocuro or money nfund- ecJ. Book free. Address Morling Kcm edy Co, New York or Chicago. Fine bicycle shoes vheap at L. E. Dlain Clothing Co's, A aerelaMea Prakah:. Washington, May 2. An official dis patch has been received by one of the Cen tral American diplomats, which says the people of Nicaragua are indignant at Pres ident Zelaya and his associates for not re pelling the British by operanr; fire when the landing was made at Corinto. This feelinsr is so great that a revolution is fear ed. Should such change occurr, tbe revo lutionary party would represent tbe popn lar feeling of repelling tbe British with force. 'I he speedy withdrawal of tbe Bri tish from Corinto is rel.ed on to quiet pop ular feeling. Tbe repeal! lew leeeptrd. Wasiiirgtojc, May 2. The depart ment or state received, this aiternoon, a cablegram from Ambassador Bayard stat ing that Great Britain bad accepted the guarantee made by Salvador for tbe pay ment of tbe indemnity by Ntca.agoit in Iindon within a fort night, and that as soon as Nicaragua confirms the guarantee and so informa tbe British admiral, the admiral is instructed to leave Corinto. Will Wax War. lsDr as Apoijs, Vf ay 2 At tbe supreme council of tbe Kniirbts of Pythias it was decided to wage wsr on the seceders frorr the order who started the "Impioved Or der of Knight of Pythias.' 'Ihe improv ed order bad its origin in the action of tbe last supreme lodge in deciding that here after the ritual should be printed ia the English language only Tbe German speaking me mbers established an opppsi tion. A Mi Deal. Pobtlaso, May 5. Negotiations are in progress for the purchase by an KnslUn sy iKlicate, represented by Mr. J. M. Live ly, of Port lownsend. of tbe three electric street-railway systems in Portland, with the expectation ot cousolulating tbem nn der one management, and tcaking such improvements as will serve to make this city a cheaper and more complete service than it baa ever bad. The propoaeu deal involves acaah ex- lnditare bv the purtrhaters of between Ci.OUO.0i4) and ,3.1X0,000 in cash, which. will come to Portland. A U Mrlfce. Suesovgas, Wis., May 2. A monster labor meeting was held this evening. A general strike throughout tbe city agit ated, and tbe probabilities are that all tbe big institutions will be closed to morrow. Tonight there are about 1600 men on strike, and tbe situation is he coming very serioos. Several of tbe big gest manufacturing establishments of city bave been forced to shot down. A Welrasac Bat. IlEITStB, May 1. A "wavy rain fwl here daring the past 16 hours, wucb was much beaded. 1 bis is the first general rain for th;e month and tbe farmers were g-4-titt very mncb discourjLtrd. bot with fa vorable weather from now on a fair crop wtd be barireatel. rwtety PeUUesk A least. N. Y-, May 1 . Resolution in condemnation of tbe administration at Washington, for its inaction in regard to the teizure at t'orinto, were adopted by the assembly today undr sapension ot the I mlta, the vote standing !M ayes and 13 noes. One democrat rosed with therepuh licAc. The resa'atioc wm oilered by Representatives Ainsworth. republican leader in tte aWtnbiy. Karlaa IU lea la X. T. New York, May 1. There wa e& Vernation in the ranks of turf Tien when news of tbo djfeat of tbe Grav rariaf bill ! reactsed t!ys city. Phil Dwyer, tbe presi- dent if the Brooklyn Jockey Club. id : o far as 1 am concerned, tt u the Gray lid or bo racing. If tbe bill is bnaily lieftalel, there will ue no Brook lyn handicap a-jd u ) racing at tiravesesd. Aa leearctwl S traey- Jacesosvhjx. FLi, May 1. Passen gers oa the 'tenter OUvette. from Hava na, cave accotinu oi u basic near Baya uio, Monday, between .Maximo Uooex.'ia command t-f ZXto iamrpetits. and SpaoUh troop, commanded by Gereral Salceda. ITm finianis were rvt-aLJ with heavy loaee, wilethe Cqbaa lofs was very so-ail. K McNEILL, Ertw. TO THE c:vr rax cnotcx of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL RO UTES CHEAT UH'QH R0RTHERH AtWG SPOKANE tslNKEAPCUS AXD ST. ? kill DENVER OMAHA ASD KANSAS CITY LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN XTTIEi OCEAN STEAMERS LEAVE PORTLAND EVERY a DAYS roa .. SAN FRANCISCO t For tnll details call ea CckkAN & MoNTEtrn, Albany, Or, OR AODRS--S: W H HURLBL'KT, " Gis't Paa . Aoswt FOatLAND.OR. no . a Cfwat. lUCRjoiv Roc-W-rara. RIORTHERH 111 PACIFIC R. R, U Pullman Sleepin? liars, Elegant Dimg Cars, Tourist Sleeping Oars St Paul Minneapolis luluth Fargo, TO Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKETSmu TO Chicago Washington Philadelphia New York Boston and all Points East aod South For Information, time cards, rasps and tickets call on or write V G Uurkhart, Agent. Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton, AsH Gen Pass Agt, Portland, Oregon. Di"- Prwe's cream BiWtn Powder World's Fan? IMcwcst Awar. EAST Papa's Pants Would do for Willie if they were mcdewcr and dved with Diamond Dyes, the great home money saver. The children's clothes-the faded cloak, wrapper or dress can be made to look like new, at a cost of only 10 cents, and no experience ia needed. DIAMOND DYES come in more than 40 shades, and the fast blacks are fast. Direct-on Book and f aempba .( enred t'otb frr. Wells, Ktcaaassox ass Co. Bwliuvn, Vt. i ttThroat Chest aid Lung. 50ctS.12 Fovkav t Maon. agient FIRE 3NSURANGE a Insure vour f.ropeifv with Joseph V Tall L." The Old Hartford. THE NE. YORK UNDERWRITEK& AGENCY, or any ore ol th& other reliable r Id llnt ecro panics lie represents, Noe taken and plenty of tin- givei1 for paj-men . oil farn insurance. All husineplac ed will, him Kill be prniApl v attended to. OFFICE IS' P.O. Bled-, !Albany, Or An ajTviala raxalltw sad yriv s T-jbhx ti(dy-T Lrrasrri!z or iert ty aa.L Zc .Sua. sasatLOOperpagkajeL Farrpiea tree. TTfA TTrt Imra tt?T5 P-l-AS LiVI 11. J fcctbe Teeiiaad tow;h.av. foihay t Majao, Ae-;K. ETAstr.TsIIED I1 H Hammer. fliolssa'e CcsnisiQii lersliast, 215 and 217 Davis St- Cor. Commercial, Sax Frascssoo, Cai, We pay tbe ti-hfet market prioe tor wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, ap ples, poultry, hides, wool and gen eral produce. It will psy you to write as aad keep poet. d Liberal advances re vie oa eoosigsiaests. ( Saa Fraadsco Frodaoe xca. Meaher: ( San Francisco Fruit Exchange- 20 DOLLARS PER L'DNTH In You Own Locautt maue easily and honorably, withe 3t oapts tel. daring yoer spare hearav Aay maa. -sroaiAn, boy , or ri i caa Jo lie work baoi Uy, wi;boot exf-enecce. Talkie va trsruaaryv NotiuBS Lke li for mort aikiBgerero&fed befora. Ourwroraei-K always pcotsper. T Iree wasted ia tearoie the basi. We teach yea Ib a siglt bow f jartenl from tbe fir Konr- Toa caa make a trial wHbout ex peu$a to yoarseSf- We start too, fcrnist' evaTtbinsr needed tt carry cm the bo- aca s?access.fsl:r. rjrA froarantee yv anins failure if yoa at follow ni sample, piain In-ftrrrc lions. Resafei; it yoa are ia need of ready rooaey, asc wmiS to ksow ail abxyst tbe uest payiM? besiness before tbe public, sead aa yo" sxadress, and we -wiU fral yoa a taw taeat givias yoa all tbe paroct-Jars TRUE & CO., Box -400. Aufjusta, Islalna. SUE! C0NST1TUTI01.! r.TILKI BUTTER! -THE- - Imi Bira M OF- Regiatered Jerseys, Choice Bulls rain S Months to 3 Years foreale. Service Bulls. Write for what yoa wan. A. C. Gaines. Larwood P. O., Linn County, Cr. " TA I OBT.T!f A FATISTt Fww yromra aeswtv ana en honest etntoi. write to IM I S S A: CO woo have had eearW Sft. .eara exyenence IB the talent baatness. CwbibiiIw tioossirKtlyenUMeaUal. A Uasakaak al la. formation coocernuu fa teat a and bow to ob tain taeai sent free. Also a cataXwissof aiili Jis 1 leal and adenUBe eorka hoi nS7 ratenta taken throaah Atuna a Cn. yeeeree peaal BwtleeiB tae Seientiae Aaaerleaa. an4 taaa are brwasat widely before the pebitcwita. t eoet to to tnwtor. This splendid paper. wit, emac uy lireatrated. bas by far the ! wora i wru paaiea. In eotora, and pbotcwrapoa of new boBSBa. wtb plana, enablina beiiaent to abow tbe !EvTm T":,,a "re eonraeta. aooresa - t:xi A Co. Saw Xoas. 331 aauAOWAT IIPIST COLLSBUTS ISSflTUTJ ALBANY, OREGON A IX 1 eorpa of Inatruitcra, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC LITERART CCMfnERCiAL AKD HOSMAl SUSSES. t 'Htrttc oi vtudy arraaai tc4 all grade ol atpdent. S ,wjafeaea tt tfn C t aaa , from abroad A IMfS BaiiSrEBlEri. 9r4ndie! corvi fhr ymmorHf, nskavaawCM. Brmia tahaukat ma K.aanbMu ktjcutl tf cnsml Nntiraigia: aiioTof tnsrttn bitu, kuiiMaj litwratxra. Aod lw it. Azxtaiua. Aitiiajc lot? AkxivoiKi dotWaiMBt 1 TbCi. iU. SSsmci Mat,t,-. Rafunwian mil, " THE Rs0tD CHEEICAL CO. I SI S. V eJtsr it K. CHiCAoQ e Sold by ail drvgghta. A Sovereign Remerfv I !V -l SaP-'- -" -ij... IXjau Fca , csc it wiLjhorc.s t i V COPYRIGHTS.