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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1895)
TERMS. Daily, 1 ct a day; 25c per month; $3.00 per year, m advance. 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per sent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Wekklt. tl.25 In advance; tl.50 at end of year; $1.75 for second year; $200 for third and proceeding year, when not paid in advance. Club of five new subscribers for $5.00. I FILl TEETH I PULL TEETH I MAKES 81 CCEW3RX. I MAKE COLD CROWNS. I MAKE LOGAN CROWNS I MAXE METAL PL VIES. I MAKE RUBBER PUTES. I SAVE THE NATURAL TEETH I MAKE REASONABLE CH ARGES. J. C. LITTLER, Dentist Duck. A One of the moat stylish and ileadedly the most serviceable dreia goods fur warmer weather wear. several patterns in stocc and twelve more added Monday morning. Solid colors, navv. rean and pink Also dotted, figured and striped in blues, tans, ravys ana wnite. S. E. YOUNG Pointers by Stewart Sox Hardware Co. The Caterpillars Will Get You. if yoa don't watch oat fHa, are teklag the whole eoaotrv. Aad tha t there's th. odiin T-th and the wool -phi rignt af ter your fniit crop. Coma in and get a spraying outfit and gaj to tqiir:ing toa dead medicine on them. Wagons, Hacks and Buggies. IVe hare a good toc in thla lice. There may be toer riiwd vehicles town, i,nt Ihey will be i Dick sy hop for ro; ir Wg btfixa a si-oke rsttks ia the wa for !e. You Can Dig Worms and go fishing, bot we w-nf yna to bay year fishing tackle cfos. There baa boo a "aldoip" io each good, and we can tell yoa rods, reels, hooka, lice, baskets, ctj. , at prices ynn never beard of He for. Seed Corn. Everyone knows that Only lh- auliett varieties cf 'seed coro succeed in Oregon. We have brought oat four i f the veiy earliest Tiriet lea from the Fact, and alro have aa early shite corn that has tnrn grown here for eyfct year. You're Awfully Mean, if yon don't yoor wife with a pood love and lots of kitchen fa mi tu re for it's rcesp. We have a big lot of iotm and tinware oo hutd that wt won VI price to yoa few. Jasr how low rra will and cat ty ealliog. Bee Supplies, We can give yoa a big bargain in bee hiTec and -sill ale) stll vou cheap bee aac tiunr. fon"dation, em ok era, etc. Plows Don't Sell; very well at thiitimei f t. Vat, 1-atii yoa need eitbo- a stel or'chil ed blow, we esn p;t yoa in the wy t-f .avion several do Lira. Engines and. Separators. W J Wins thrtsho men to bear Uut e b,aTO 'be slukoet thing to engines that has yet come cat. Something new that just Stakes the i riht off the I osh." dime anmnd and learn all st oat it, AIo .erne good bargains io s-cond-haad threshing mtchitery. Faint is Like Charity fur it cover, op a n n'tiiaile f sine. L works the UDr way .n fly specks. Be 'oilier this ihea ya commence house cleaning. We are int giving paint away, ba; we tt eel in g tbe test mixed paiut to town. Is ia made , by John W. Maaary & Son. Ak your painter about tbe repota tionofthtir KaoA; V a so have lead, oiL yarawh, te. That Wet Feeling is caised by ge'titut too cltae to e old leaky hose. Of our-eit will .o n ell over y-n. Tbiow it away. have bose, lawn iniwere, prl&klete, aickte and every thion needed to ke-p a lawn io g od Sliape, and .vt ate ar xioas to sell Ir.em. That Big Crop mast be saved.- If It is graa, we bave the mover aod tae for you. If it is wheat or oats, we bivetne bi: dor. if Voo live io "the forks ' and have flax, our binoer will ex.-et all otheis in av n it. Ev terms. Card ok Thanks. To all who so kind ly assisted us during the affliction and burial of our beloved son John, we extend our sincere thanks and hope they wil all receive the same sympathy in their hour of affliction. We especially tender our thanks to the orders at K, U. r. ai .. I. O. O. F.. L. O. T. if. and O. of li. R 0. May these fraternities grow and prosper in every land. To Edwin Stone, Chas. Clark and others of the O. C. & E. R. R., we also feel especially grateful for ine amuness soown us ana our tnenas. Mk. and Mrs. A. H. Campbell. Corvallis, Or. . Bohn. The Senior Payton Comedy Company passed through Albany this noon for Salem, on the Elmore. Last night Dave Curts tbe villain of the troup, beame a father, makinz Mr. Pavton a grand father, and the members of the company were having considerable fun at his expense. Mr. Pay:on looks exactly liko Hon. Lark Bilyeu, of Eugene, and when the troup were in that city, he had his hands full, and likewise Mr. Bilyeu. One member of the troup stopped Lark Bilveu while riding a bicycle to inquire when he learned to ride such a machine, New Delegates. Members of the board of tire delegates have been elected as follows : Al bany Engine Co. So. 1. Frank Dannals. Oscar Dannals and W. H. Warner. H & L Co. O. M. McFar land. Will Galbraith and Thos. Rhoades. No. 3's. A. M. Hart. Bert Veal and Mr, Eddy, night. ffn. 2'a will elect members to- J05 Albany, Or:, May 8, 1816 Deljzon Council Ho. 1590. Royal r - Mnmn as ill ItA atTaAif for rtonlar iiutv on Friday evpuing. May 10, 1835, at 8 o'c!ck p. m. A fall attendance is desired. Reuext. v Linn County Council. ! Halsey Gran'gk Hall P. op H. May 4. As the roads were muddy and the ele ments were portentous of rain, the wor thy secretary of Linn County Business Council and ye scribe, started at an early hour for Halsey to attend the meeting of said council. In traveling along the roads we not iced several good pieces of fall grain. The farmers seemed to have improved the good weather of the past in putting in their spring crop, and plow in? their fallow trround. In due time. the worthy president call-! ed the council to order, and the grange choir furnished some tine music for the opening exercises. The worthy seen t made quite a lenuthv verbal report in regard to his transac tions since the last meeting of the coun cil. Thero were remarks made by several members and a stood manv sug gestions for the benefit of the worthy agent. On motion a committee of one was appointed from each cramw tn onn- fer with the agent in some of his busi ness transactions. The worth v president declared a recess for dinner, to which all repaired and filled themselves with the abundance of good things which the kind sisters of Halsey grange bad prepared for the oc casion. After dinner the worthv president recalled the council to order, and the president called for the reports of the special committee, who offered the reso lutions of condolence on the death of Bro. N. P. Pavne. and with the reauest that the papers of the county publish the same. The committee on visiting the differ ent warehouses, reported that they had maae no lurtner arrangements than they had reported at the last council. The following committee was appoint ed to assist the worthy agent in one of his business transactions, vis: J. Laub- ner. H. Parser, . E. Upmever, J. H Scott, U. L. Shaw, J. W. Propst, S. S, Myers, H. L. Kixer, H.J. Reeee, J. tthitaker. Hecker and Wavne Miner The usual vote of thanks was extended to the members of Halsey grange for the use of their hall, and the sisters for the repast furnished for the dav. The next meeting of the Linn County Business Council will be held with Tan- feht Grange, on the first Saturday in une, 1S95. All grangers are requested to bring their lunch basket well tilted at tnat meeting. No further business appearing, the council closed in due form. lherewasa great deal of interesting laiKat mis meeting ot the council. On Motion adjourned. Scribe. Killed bt as Accident. Mr. John Hamilton, a brother of Mrs. J. M. Rals ton, of this city, died in Portland this af ternoon. Mr. Hamilton had charge of the construction of the Ferry and Vine streets sewers three years ago and re sided in Corvallis for a number of years. The Oregonian gives the particulars as follows: John Hamilton, roadmaster tor the Portland Consolidated Street Rail way Company, met with serious iniurv yesterday afternoon, while examining the condition of a bridge over which the cars of the Metropolis division run. In examining its condition, whilj a car passed over the structure, he climbed down on a stringer to make a more crit ical examination. While thus emploved, Mr. Hamilton in some unexplained way, misled his footing and was hurled "to the ground below, a distance of 65 feet. rr Corne lias was summoned to attend the injured man, and examination disclosed that three ribs were broken and o'her internal injuries sustained. Mi?s Mildred Burmesler's class in music eave a musical Saturday afternoon that was highly enjoyed. I. L. Campbell, of the Euzene Guard. has gone to Chicago on a trip. Just how he wiil make it without Bob Johnson'" and Charlie Sick el along to keep him straignt, is a very grave question. Mr. and Mrs. Rader have been in the city on a visit with their old friends Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hochstedler, while on their way to their home at Prescott, Wis., from Los Angeles, where thev spent tbe winter. They were delighted with that city and vicinity. Judge and Mrs. C. E. W olvertoon en tertained the Old Folks' whist club at their Cbemeketa street home last Mon day evening. Tbe club adjourned for the season t meet again at the residence of Major Williams on the evening of Oct- oDer Vtn next. Statesman. At a vounz "Peonies meetinz of the Presbytery of tbe Willamette in Eugene closing Saturday. night. Miss Flora Ma son read a paper on the Looltout com mittee, Miss Alice Porter on the Calling committee, and Superintendent Ruther ford conducted a discasioa on Christian Endeavor Societies. Miss Flora Mason was elected treasurer of the organization. The Dexocbat tomorrow will publish an interesting letter from Allen B.'Slau son, formerly of Albany. We give today an extract of particuar interest toAlbany people : UapU Charles C r . Powell ,w ho was so many years in charge ol the Kiver and Harbor work in Oregon ith bead quarters in Portland, and whose wife was Miss Margaret roster ot Albany, is now Major Powell, his promotion having come within the past few months. Major Powell holds one of the most important engineer corp appointments in the gift of the president of the United States, that of engineer commissioner of the District of Columbia. Major Powell has four bright, interesting children, tbe youngest now two months old. James Foster, formerly of Albany, but more recently of the Missouri Commission, is visiting in W ashington, the guest of bis sister, Mrs. Powell. Is it possible that Albany is to have no base ball this year. A stallion show was Leld at Eugene on Saturday. Only ten or fifteen horses were tn line, The government engineers are reported to have seen the body of Prior Seott below Baena Vista. Eight or ten railroad men have applied for admission to the A. O. U. W. on ac count of tbe recent accident. The remains of Mrs. Walker, who died recently at Steilacoom, Wash. .were brought to Albany and buried today at Oakville. Probably the finest line and the best prices in toilet soap, ever seen in Albany, may be obtained at Hodges & McFarland s. Hodges & Alcrarland received tody from Chicago one ton of prescription bot tles. Looks as if business is not entirely dead. The W. C T. U. will hold tbe next regular meeting tomorrow at 2:130 o'clock, adjourmur at 3;d0 p. m. A full attend ance is desired. ine rumor tnat a couple vountr men from Corvallis, stealing a ride to Yaquina Bay, were under the train at bridge 24, was entirely without foundation. A First street real estate man who pass ed along with a cabbage leaf sticking out of a package must have been tryi ntr to de ceive the public for the eontents cost 65 cents. Several boys with air-guns nave been in tbe habit of shooting robins in tho First Ward. This is cruel and besides is con trary to law. A boy is very hard hearted who will kill a bird just for fun A sharp report was beard on Broadalbin street from oue end to the oilier. IVople rushed out to see who was (-hot. V. . en the investigations were completed H was found to be simply J B. Tillotson's ticycle tire It had burtt causing a report heard four or five blocks in each direction. Complaint is made by farmers at the reckless riding of bicyclists on the 15 mile course. Skittish teams are entirely disregarded. While bicyclists are pro tected bv the law. every rider should be courteous and considerate, particular ly when meeting frightened teams. On rece'iDt or a d is catch from Eugen German named Frank was stopped at this city tbis noon and bid things taken off tbe train, bnt as the warrant bad not teen tel efirraphed he was allowed to proceed, li was charged with bring an absconding debtor, but his ticket was only for Port land. Kewbebo's Best Chop. A Newbetg photographer advertised to take free pictures of all babies nnder two years old i uniuBiu uu ceruuu uay to ins BlUUlO, ine aay came, and the street was blocked. With tbe going down of tbe Bun ne naa w negatives, and some j motners went away aisapuointed, miss- ' ine their turn. Hie Graphic suecfsls I that the little tots be grouped and la- Deled "JNewberg's Best Crop." Ke. 'FrtT, TUESDA. Crop Prospects. The signal service report for the week ending May 7 is as follows : Tho weather was most favorable to the growth of vegetation. The period of warm dry weather ending wit the close of April caused the earth to bake in places, and forced vegetation almost to its limit of healthy growth with its then supply of moisture, so that while rain was not absolutely necessary, yet it was very beneficial. The soil is now well soaked and vegetation is making strong root growth. In the immediate coast counties, the rain may, possibly, have done some slight damage to fruit bloom which, in those counties, is from 10 to la days later than in the interior valley in tue .interior the truit is about all se and rain can do no damage. Only phe nomenal frosts, such as occurred on the 2nd, 9th and 16th of May, 1894, can pre vent a most prolific fruit vield. The berry crop promises to be large. Hops r growing rapiuiy ana tue growers are pushed to get the poles set and wires strung. The clover and other varieties of hay are growing rapidly and the present rains insure heavy crops. The wheat, oats and corea. crops are in prime condition ; if the present outlook should be verified, there will be an un usually heavy crop of grain. Sheep shearing continues and all reports in dicate a heavy and good wool clip. The planting of potatoes continues, while other vegetables are all up and growing finely ; the increased area devoted to potatoes is the cause of the late finishing ui plaining. In Eastern Oregon recent rains have brightened the prospetta wonderfully, In Mcmoriam. We, your committee, appointed at the lmf flltu.t i ?r et tit.. T r. r. IV.,,.., fv......,l P. of H., in condolence, would "beg leave . . i. ..... . io suumit tno louowmg: Whkreas, It has pleased the Almighty Dispenser of Events to remove from our midst our late worthy and esteemed brother. A. P. Pavne. and Whereas, The intimate relations long netu oy tne aeeeaseu with these mem bers of our order render it proper that we snouiit place upon record our appre ciation oi ins services as a true ration of Husbandry and his merits as a man, therefore. Resolved, That we deplore the loss of Bro. Pavne with deep teelintr of mrret. softened only by the confident hope that his spirit is with those who, having fought the good fight here, are enjoying perfect happiness in a better world. Resolved. That we tender to his af flicted relatives our sincere condolence and our earnest sympathy in their afflic tion at the loss of" one ho was a mod citixen, a devoted member of the council and an upright man. Resolvetl, That a copy of the foregoing resolutions sismed bv tue president of the council be transmitted to the family of the deceased, and that a ronv be sent to each of the county papers for publication. A. 1- liRltX.EFARMKB, C. 1- Shaw, J. W. Swank. Committe. Resolution of Condolence. Yaqi-ina City, Or., May 1, 1S95. Wiiebeas. Our Brother. John Canio- bell, has been removed from our ranks by the unsparing hand of death, and WHEBEAS.We desire to bear testimony to his high standing as a brother and friend, therefore be it Kesolveo, That tn the death of Broth er Campbell our order has lost a worthy member and faithful worker, the family an affectionate brother and loving son, and the community one of its best citi- k evolved, mat his vacant chair em phasizes our lose, and that we miss his genial face and familiar voice in council; that we deeply sympathize with the U reaved family'in" their hour of great sor row and atniction, and pray the bene- iction of our Heaveistv lather upon them and His sustaining grace and love . Submitted in F. L. and T. ( Earnest J. Bcrrows, P. G. Com. -JSlDVET A. PBI ETT, ( W. T. Bohasas. A Just Complstnt. Complaint is justly made by farmers that they have no place to hitch their teams. The city does not permit them to leave their teams for only a moment, hence, what are they to do. One farmer had to bring his hired man along to hold his team. The city or business men oi the city should hire tbe public square, and if necessary relieve it of taxation for the rent, and make it a bitching place for farmers. If not this place.rome other place should be secured. Farmers say they will goelse where if it is not at tended to. There is reason in the com plaint. Will Be Hebe Mav 10. The Demo crat several days ago mentioned the ap proach ot lom . inder, the bicyclist who is making a border tnp of the I . S. private note troni Mr. inder an nounces that be will be in Albany May 10, when he will stop at the St. Charles Hotel where he will be pleased to meet our wheelmen. Winder is acting as cor respondent for a syndicate of city papers on this ride, and will be glad to receive any ph nographs of local scenery or build ings suitable for use in illustrating his letters. Pictures should have names and particulars plainly written on back. This bicycle ride is tbe longest ever un dertaken, and should he successfully complete it he will hold the world's re cord as a long distance rider. Axother Fiss Resipesce. One of Al bany's handsomest residences is to lie erected this summer by Mr. K. Laforest on tbe splendidly located lots in me block now occupied by E. W . Langdon, Geo. Hochstedler and George F. Simp- eon. It will le two stories, with a big basement, and modern in every detail. The plans indicate that it will become one of the ornamental homes in the city. W. C. Knighten, of Salem is the archi tect. A notice to contractors appears elsewhere. Judire Hewitt left an order with the sheriff that when Prof. Van Scoy was brought back npon the bench wairant he should be allowed his liberty, providing be put up $200 bail for bis appearance in this city on tbe fiast day of July. It will be rememuereu i.ihl itan owy wua summon ed to be here and appsxr as a witness in tbe university case a few days ago and loft without tbe consent of the court. He is now in Astoria and will be brought back by Sheriff Knight. Post. Indicate) as surely aa any physical symptom shows anything, that the or gans and tissues of the body are not satisfied with their nourishment. They draw their eusteatnee from the blood, and if the blood is thin, im pure or insufficient, they are in a state of revolt. Their complaints are made to the brain, the king of the body, through the nervous system, and the result of the general dissatisfaction is what we call Nervousness. This is a concise, reasonable expla nation ot the whole matter. The core for Nervousness, then, Is simple. Purify and enrich your blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and the nerves, tissues and .organs will havo the healthful nourishment they crave. Nervousness and Weakness will then give way to strength and health. That this ia not theory but fact is proven by the voluntary statements of thousands cured by Hood's Sarsapa rilla. Bead the next column. Oakville. The county union of the Y. P. S. 0. E. met here last Friday afternoon. Dele gates were in attendance from all over the county. The afternoon was taken up with the junior exercises and the reading of papers on committee work, which were all good, bnt the best part of tho program was the "free supper" at 6 o'clock, the ladies did well on this occa sion. A fter supper, papers were read by the loading workers in tho societies, the best paper was: "Why I am a Christian Endeavorer," read by Miss Edna Smith, of Hultey. Miss Smith is in earnest and feels the responsibility resting upon her as a follower of Christ, and her actions corresponds with her words, for white others were at supper she took some of wie tiuinties iroin the supper table and carried them to the postmaster, see Matt. 25:40 "May. God bless her." The second nine of tho Oakville base ball club played a match game with the first nine ot Hhedd hist Saturday after noon, which resulted in a victory for our second nine, the score was, Sbcdd 4, Oakville 6. The Johnnies come home happy, aud well they might, for they are an joung and some oi them are cripples while the Shedd nine are all able bodied men and are professional players. "The Oakville second nine are in it." Hurrah I Mr. M. W. Walker came here yester day to inter the remains of his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Walker resided here for many years, he now resides at Grays Harbor, Washington. Joe E. llrown called on us yesierday. Hard times don't affect hint, lie is a staunch Prohi. Born, On May 7 to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Yatvf, a daughter, regulation weight. Amutb. For fear vour correspondent didn't give all tho items of interest I will note a ew. Mr. Orsen White hail a runaway last j week. Aa he was coming from Corvallis with a load of furniture, he stopped to fix a bridle on one of his horses when the team took fright and ran into the woods, a young ladv in the wagon tried to hold them but with one bridle off, it was im possible to stop them until they went into Owl Creek and soft fast in the mud. a droken axtel tree was all the damage done. The young lady was thrown out into the soft mud and was rescued with out any damage. Stone & Co. will start the saw mill Thnmiay morning and will run six days in a week until harvest. The enginwr or one of the sawyers will stay with the mill. Why did so many ladies visit Smith last Friday? There is more than one reason but it is my opinion that it was his handsome flower, for the rain ami mud didn't stop them ! M. W. Walker and son Jerrv, are vie- iting friends here will rvturn to Grays Harbor next wee. Little Ros Bro. Miss Lida Rumloueh and mother re turned this noon from atrip to Portland. Mr J. H. Mullan returned this noon from a several weeks sojourn in Portland. Miss Annie Lee and Mrs. Hart, of Junction, are in the city tsiting Albany friends. Hon. If. A. Johnson, of Srio, was do ing Albany today. Likewis Mayor Mil l?r of Lebanon. " Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Thompson and ton returned home this noon. In a few weeks theywill go to San Francisco to reside. Mr. John Hamilton, who death oc curred in Portland yesterday, was a brother of Mr. J. C Cowan and a l-rother-in-law of Mrs. J. M. Ralston, instead of a brother as stated yesterday. Mr. J. W. Bentley, after residing and doing business in" Allany for a god many vears, has doeided to locate in In" dependence. He has purcliad Mr. Pattersons interest in the shoe store of M iller & Patterson, and will move to thsl city at once. He has beea agoodcitin?n, and will 1 missed frsm our iuid.L Do not miss Mr. Slaccn's entertaining letter on our editorial pa?e. W. K. Lewi is buildmir a boaae upon bis Benton county fruit farm. The first through train after the accident went to the Bay yesterday returning today. Mr. 1. Watkins. of Jefferson, was among the callers at the Iemocrat otfioe today. At the meeting of Linn Engine Co- No. 2beld last night W. W. Koweil. James Shields and Klo l-lelm were elected mem bers of tbe boari of fire delegates. Six cir load of people will leave Ne braska, the Democrat is informed, for Oregon, in a few weeks, coming directly to Albany, with a view to locating io Ibis county. An effort is being made in Portland to disbar Edwin N. Iteady, a son of tbe late Judge Heady. He is charged with de liberate forgery in mat'ers before tbe L". S. court. Tbe Democrat recently mentioned the doings of several hens in fane county in tbe egg laying business Mr. John Brush of tbis citv gives a belter record. Three V'anuot: a half breed. lay 493 egs-s in nine months, during the time the half breed a litter of chickens in addition. A New York mans income is as follow: From real eat a:, i 73,000. from govern ment bends. fJ2.500; Chicago citv bond. 112,000; from other sonrcea. 15,600; total income. $112,100; taxable income under tbe supreme cotrt decision. (1.600. On this the amount of tax would ba $32. Yesterday the Democrat mentioned the finding of "some school books with the name of Ernest B. Mann in tbem. It now tranepina that the owner is tbe young man arretted al Oakville for assaulting a man a month or two airo. He was placed in jail while the principal in tbe assault wo not caught. Tbe school books were stolen from Oakville with some clothes. In the University items of the Eugene Reeister is the following: Mr. Selh XI c A lister. Prof. McClure's assistant in them itry, is at work on tbe electric bell system and will probably have tbe "ells in work ing order in a lew days. Tbe bell system is to be operated by aa electric clock, ring ing tbe bell five minutes before tho hour is up and another at the close of the hour. As there i to be one bell in each room it will without denbt be a good thing for the students as well as the piofessots. HadRotteo. Mr. George Anderson was at bridge 24 the latter part of last week helping to clean up the debris. He reports part of the timliers. where tbey joined together at the west having rotted some ; and thinks the bridge gave way at that point. Tbis is probably the correct version of it. There is nothing now to indicate that the train jumped the track. With pleasure X will state that Hood's Sarssparllla has helped me wonderfully. For several months I could not lie down to sleep on account of heart trouble and also Prostration of tho Nerves. For three years I had been doctoring, but could notget cured, I received relict for a while, but not permanent. Boos after be ginning to take Hood's SarsaparUla there was a change for the better. In a short time I was feeling splendidly. I now rest well and em able to do work ot whatever kind. If I had not tried Hood's Sarsapa rilla I do not know what would have be come of me. I keep it in my house all the time, and other members ot the family take it, and all say there Is Nothing Like Hood's Barsa par ilia. I have highly recommended it and one of my neighbors has commenced taking It. I recommend Hood's Barsapa rilla at ever' opportunity." Mas. 8. Braddocx, 404 IMe Av., 'Willlamsport, Pennsylvania. Be sore to get pfflFJ : i mi Tangent Items. Tasok.vt, Or,. May 6, 1805. We are sorry to hear that Uncle James Morgan is not so well as he was a few days ago. Miss MeFarlaml, of Albany, has been in Tangent visiting relatives and friends. The 8. P. It. It. carMnters intend camping here today. They have lieen here 6 or8 weeks repairing the company's bridges, and they go from here to Har risburg. We hear that Omer Vernon has rented Mr. Archibald's farm and will move up on it this fall. Tho grangers will hold their next council at iangeut the first day of June, Mr. W. J. Tiwlale has Wen employed on t ne v. i . iv. ji. in me carpenter gang, A sociable was given by the Tungent tutuil hoys at tne iirange liall last Friday night. A pretty fair crowd was present, inn owing vt ui" we.mier iK-tng so rough the Ladies oana oi Uorvailis, was not here, and the program was cut short on that account. There were 14 baskets sold which brought the neat little sum of f.0o. following are the lines who fur nished the baskets: Minnie Mctihee, Lclia Scott, Georgia Beard, Allio An drews, Ruby Anderson, Clara Blevins, Cora Hudson Douglas, Emma Johnson, Lizzie Smith, Anna Smith, Addie Tis dale. Ameiik a. Visited His Familv. Mr. Selden War uer, of Halsey, was in the city Saturday evening on a visit with bis family. Some time ago Mr. and Mrs. Warner", separat ed, (dividing the large Warner estate, Mrs. Warner taking the children and coming to Albany to reside. So Mr. Warner came to pay them a visit ; but he liifct took on a big load of whikey, and when he calied it was not until he was thoroughly braced up with whiskey. or something else, of which alcohol was the principal ingredient. The vitit was so unpleasant to Mrs. Warner that Chief of 4' Mice 1ac was sent for to join them in the evenings entertainment. Peacu was restored. No Wosueb. The other day H. H. Ragan received a mysterious looking box, winch niion oiening was found to con tain eight 1-gallon cars of pure maple syrup, right from the old homestead in Puttuan county, Ind. It was a gift from his aged mother who, though K3 years old, still delights in superintending the large '"sugar bush,"and every year turns out barrels of the pure article' The boy here in Salem enjoyed the gift more than bau each can lH-n a pinning coin and not a few of his friends enjoyed it too, in cluding ye scribe. Salem Journal. He Was M ai. Jacob Christner and family came up on the boat today from Portland w ith a lease from W. fc. Mc Pherson of the Kunm-i place aenws the river. Mr. Mcpherson, Mr. Christ tiers claimed had represented that there was ten acres of fruit trees and two acres of sirawtx-rrie. and that it was a nice property, t'pon visiting it.Christ ner was bot and declared he would have notning to do with it as it was not at all as represented. The rent was to l f 100 for one year, lmt the lease only read un til Nov. 1. !!!". Christner bad eecured the rent for a vcar. Ts Kkemut ReouvEiteti. There wa very little lo- of freight bv the Irani wreck at bridge 21. Five car load of! oats belonging to a Linn county farmer were mo-tlv saved. A. 15. Huddelmm. of Jefferson, w as shipping a car load of taotatoe, nearly all saved Tl.r.-e car loads of nave l-i'.ts were recovered. All this freight will go forward by the next car steamer. Jfcelrvis-rit in the way was uninjured, though s'andtrtg nearly ? on its ends. A TuifT Asrvn. Sunday night a tbie jtol-a coat, ve.t and one r two other Using from the residence of ti. B. Haiicht, taking tbem from the shed, the door to which had l-n left unlocked. They were Air. lUihtf h-Usns: and laU.rina ! otitli!. If the thu-f will rail be can also have an old bat that went ;th the clothes, left by mistake. The Matthews A Wamim'rx At tbe second sheriff's sa'e of the stock of got Is of Matthew A Washlwirn held this afternoon the stork was bought in by Mr. J. R. Wyatt for It. W. S. Iwld et ol, at f StvsJ. It is desiretl lo .-!! the j ire is to some one w h w til run the su re s if possible, if not the su-k ill be sv.ld f in the most advantageous way posille. SOCIAL AND Pt-.RSONAL. W. H. Raymond, of the Guar-ban In surance Co,,"is in the city. Miss Georgia Moore gave a pleasant party hist evening to several of her friends. Mr. and Mrs. Cha.o. Mettgar wi'l l-ave Saturday or Momtav for their new home at Lug Vegas, New Mexico. J. G. Gibson, the seho(d teacher, left totlay for Pennsylvania. It is reported that he will not return alone. W. H. Gntliford and wife arrive! in Albany last night from Prinevitte on a visit and are the guests of Mrs. Van Wil son. Joe Meyer and twin left today on a trip to aiker,Lnecouniyoiiabiii.tiiigand! j jtlarv. Flora Overholu, Mvrtle fishing cxi-edition. They will U- g"nc j Wihse. Jesiic L. Carlton, Hattie'Cox. about three weeks. .nnie Morgan, Gertie Davis. Ella J Max- Judge Flinn and daughters. Misses well, Gracia Burdick, C.D.Smith, D. Annie and Ora, left this noon on a trip ! W. Wight, A. S. McDonald, J. D. Wirt, to San Francisco by way of Yajuina, to J Maggie Ihinlap, Annie Worrell. Callie be gone several weeks. I Heslin, Fannie Hamilton, Lottie Did- R. U Carrt.ll, of Berry, paid the Dkm- j djns. W. E. Jennings, Ora Andrews, ocrat ollice a visit last eveninif while on i Martha Crowder. his way home from a trip to San Fran- K,nr! K.J. Skelton, Cora L. cisco, where he iale arningiiietits f,,r Uie sale of wood and stove Imlts. A per- sotial visit to the city prove. I of advant age. Nearly Drowned. An exciting affair occurred last Sat lr day evening in the Firit Ward. Several little children were plavini; the ditch fcd joining Dr. J. L. Hill's resilience. A plank had been plnced across tbe ditch, which was recently repaired and was full of swiftly running water. One of the little girls of Mr. Rufus Thoutps n, only four or five years old. Attemtited to walk the plunk. "When in the middle she lost j her balance and fell in the water. Al the same time she screamed lustily. Among others Clyde Hill heard the' noise and was first at the ditch. Ho sprang into the water ami got the little girl out, but none to soon, for she was being carried rapidly down stream, and was tinder the water. As it was the only damage was a couple very wet people and several j frightened children and nt-ighliors. j Bicycle Rack at Inpkpexkkm'k. Independencc Amateur Athletic -The club will irive a bicycle tottn bicvcle tournament at that city on May 25 at 2 p. in. The races will lie as follows: l tune nice, heat race 1-2 mile oia-n, heat race, lass A. 1 mile j three-minute, class A. 3 mile, open to! Polk county, class A. 5 mile, open lap j nee, class A. Tho committee reserves) the right to change or modify this list if j ..!......,olAn.uta alia IUOtiai f ta n I '..I.I medals for lirst prize will be given in every event, and suitable second prizes will be given. An entrance fee ui fifty cents will lie chnrgcu lor each race en tered; which will be refunded to all cosi -petitors who start ami ride the entire distance; "burring accidents. Entry i tilnnks, or any further information will be furnisheil 'upon application tothe Sec retary, B. F. Burch. j The Ai.basiis. Tho Albany young) men are coming to time in the riht 1 way in Imse ball mutters. Last nght at I Overman fc Sears a club was orgiinixed j to ho known as tho Albanics. Charles j Fuller was elected manager and Fred I WesibrtKik captain. A committee con sisting of Realto Weatherford, 0. M. McFarland and Willis Dorris, was ap- pointed to secure the Goltra Park grounds for use. Tho club will bo com-1 posed of O. M. McFnrland, Marvin! Turner, Charles Fuller, Fred WestbnMtk, j W Thompson, Roy liently, Rtdiert Cliambers, Rocky Willis, Oscar Zeyss, j and Willis Horns, this promises to be one of the best amateur clubs the city has had. HOME AND ABROAD The Boys' Club of the Cong. Church will give an entertainment in the church Hid voti see those soaps in Hodges & McFarland's window. They are floe, and the r rices are down. I he $0500 bonds of the Scio school dis trict were old yesterday to Tbtis & Bar rel!, of Spokane, at par. If th 0. C & E. sale is confirmed one result, the Newport Record intimates, will be a big hotel at tnat city. The machinery for the creamery jarrived yesterday and an expert came up from Portland tooay to put it in rosition- The creamery will make its first butter in a few days. A special illustrated talk will be given by Mm. M. Huoy at the Viavi rooms, Bal timore block, Thursday, May 9th, 2:30 p. in. Subjnet: Hereditary and Parental influence ' Jesae Spencer, the veteran barber, of Corvallis is a candidate for marshal at the city election. In a card he says 'i be peo ple ot Corvallis know their business ind if they waul me tbey can have me " Trine, of Springfield, and an eastern man tpmg by the name of Whttnty, are to ruu 1- 0 yards io Eugene on next Sat urday f jr $200 a side. As no one knows antbinix about Whitney be will probably win in the race. on Friday evening May 10 to which the (juutic is mviieu. no aa mission fee. the program will consist of of a debate. reading. rwriration, vocal aolo. dialorue br the boys of the club, and other selections by local talent. Come and encourage the boys in their uood work. Renutnlier it doein't cost you anything. Mr. Tom Winder, the bi -vclikL wrot the Usmocrat be expected to be here about May lotn. tie alto wrote the Ash -land 'tidings that bo expected to be there May 10th. It seems that V ioder ia "kind er" mixed op. His date for Eugene is abou'Msyll. It is very doubtful if be reaches Albany before the iSTh with roads in their present condition. UlyumXirant died in ucoer Albina vea- terday morning from aa overdue of mor phine. Most of the Albany firemen w'nn attended the tournament in 1883 at Astoria topued at tb sailor boarding bouse of airs Grant, at mhich vountr lirant livsd and auisted around the pla. lie was 2 years o'd at His deUti. City Council. Tuesday evening. May 7. Present Mavor. Recorder. Marshal. Treasurer and Uouncilmen Huston. Pfciffer, Farrell, Gradwohl and Walter. The following bills were ordered paid : F. P. Nutting. $o.M; J. X. Hoffman, 121.00: X. J. Henton, 124.75; J. W. Wil liamson, f 1-50; Electric Light Co., I34. The Marshal reported having sent no tires to all parties to clean adjoining al leys. Petition of John Srhlo-wr showed that he was a resident of Rork Creek and not a resident of Albany and therefore he aked that iS.OOciiv taxes paid by him be re funded. Referred. Bond of Chris Vandran for a license was filed and request made for new li cense for six months with an allowance of four months on lii-enie of Casper Van dran, who had -kl his lmsirs to tbe foniM-r. Afier rjoae duseusBion, coatin ttl without st-tiun. for bonds at 6 per cent for the f20.lM) to pay f.r floating indebtedness ere oened and w ere as follows : E. I. Shepherd A Co.. New York, bv R. M. Hurd. agent. $20,715 and certified check for to l iud Ivuvain. A. II. ILoiiins ' A Sou by Mr. Sljerman, 102 per cent and jacrru - l interest. Jas. K. lavis A Co., 20,5yO, !cs2 per cent commission for placing same. Thei X liarrun, IJUU). lk-asch. Ivnison A Prior, I". L. Cooper, agent, t.Vi.Toi and k-iral -rs free. E. W. l.angdon local representative, with aocrued interest. I. Steinhart, C. Burkhart, lal agent. 20.6n0, and $35 f.r lnJs. I.i..n.-1 Mjv. at 5 percent for (-.171. :t, aj. i, .ra .it A , , f Tlieett lwin ir tio .I,. e...- in !.- b',.) A herl & Co.. and lcatcb, Ienison A Prior with an uncertaintv about the provisions. a live discussion followed in which lour l-ond agents took a hand, together with several of the eouncilmen and the fayor. Tbe Utters view of the matter would have done credit to Junius. After a re-ct-ss the council reported that they had agrtnisi to accept the bid of Deatch.'Den Lon A Prior, but matter was adjourned Bntii Wednesday at 11 a. m. An ordinance bill providing for the es- i tatilishmentof the grades of the city ut j der which the center of the streets shall i l IS and 20 inches above the gutter lines ! of the Miwts the grade of the decking to sidewalk to be on a line with tbe center ; of the streets. Passed unanimously. Vpon meeting at 11 o'clock an ad jour met. t was again had until 7 o'clock to night to give Mr. Langdon, representa tive of Ivateh, Itenmson A Prior time to hear from them. rHE Teachers Examixatios tiegsn this afu-rnoon in charge of Superintendent Rutherford. Mr. Michenor, of Browns ville, and Miss Carol hers, of this city, with the following 47 applicants in at tendance: Lena Montgomery, Ella Walker, Frances Jennings, Alice Robert son, Sam I. Titus. C. A. Mulkey, Geo. W. Harrington. Ceo. T. Pratt". Lonie Xewland, Charlie Xewlaml, Clarence Ingram. O. R. Dinwiddle. Mark W. Mo Kimey. W. R. Cook, Ollie Cummings, Maii.1 U-tiHtarrt Mr. I. W Vnnkar. T Hudson Charles F. Cooe-cr. G. W Stricklin, Allie Wilson, Blanche Collins, Daisy H. Smith, Mra. M. E. Jackson, W. E. Patrish.E.C. Pecry.Libbie Jack eon. Blood Poison THE BANE OF HUMAN LIFE, Driven Out of the System by the Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilia Tor five years, I was a prat sufferer from a most persistent S blood disease, none of the various 0 medicines 1 took lieing of nny c help Whatever, i toping umi wi chttiige of climate would ttenetit J me. I went to CuKt, to Florida, 1 una ineu to cuiruiogii springs, where I remained some time drinking the waters. Hut all was no use. At lust, being advised by several friends to try Ayer'a Sarsaparilia, I began taking it, nnd very soon favorable results were manifest. To-day I con sider myself a perfectly healthy j man with n. rroml nnnatitA noil Of not the least trace of mv former Si complaint To all my friends, o and especially young men like myself, I recommend Ayer's Sar- 2 saparilla, if in need of a perfectly reliable blood-purifier.' Josk A. Escobar, proprietor Hotel J donee, 853 W. 10th St-New York, ol Ayei'SoSarsapBrilla O aVtmltted for KahlMUon AT THE WORLD'S FAIR OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOO! MISFITS. Thc San Francisco Examiner ia only 15 cents a week and is the second best paper in the U. S. while the Oregonian Is 30 cents a week. It retains the price of mining days. The straw paper mill at Lelranon. Or egon, expends $100,000 annually for labor and materials. That is an example of wna' mainiiaciories io lor a country. Rosebtirg Review. Commandant Bvars of the Soldier's Home has received a letter from Hon. B. Hermann that he lias secured for the Home 50 rifles, 50 swords and four can nons, with amtinition enough to she'l Roscburir if she dares show a rebellious disposition. Review. But Mr. By- ars is not yet commandantnd .Mr. Her mann is decidedly ahead of time. In Mcmoriam. Hammer Departed this life April I.'! 1895, Louis F. Hammer. Brother Hammer was born Sept. 20, 1856, at Pennington Point in McDonough county, Illinois, united in holy matri mony to Florence B. Purdum, December 22, 1881, in Schuyler county, Illinois. Came to Oregon in 1887, and has since resided at his home in Spicer. He joined the Methodist Episcopal Church houth in December, 1893, and has since been an earnest and devout ireniber of the same. Brother Hammer enjoyed the gathering together of God's people, and, when possible, he always filled his place h organist in any meeting, ana nis mem ory will be refreshed, whenever the mel-i odious sound of the instrument is heard in accompaniment to the beautiful hymns he loved so well. It was bis de-j light to do his Father's will. When asked by his dear old mother if he was ' ready to meet his Father, his ans- wer was, "I am." lieeolutions of sympathyiaeged by the ) Spicer Epworth League, on tbe death of j L. F. Hammer: i Whereas, In the providence of God : our brother, L. F. Hammer, has been re- moved from his earthly to his heavenly j home, and, I W uereas, Our sister, Mrs. F. B. Ham mer (a faithful worker with us in all christian labor,) has by this dispensa tion of providence beep bereft of her earthly companion. Resolved. That we Low in tinmilitv be- 1 font Him whA fLteth ll thine, wn.1 1 pray that the everlasting arms may be round about her that she may lean heav- j ily upon them and find rest and peace in i trusting mm who alone it able to speak comfort to her in her sore bereavement. Resolved, Tli at her loss is ours And our heartfelt sympathy is hereby tendered her in this' her deep aiflictionl Resolved. Tliat a copy of these pream bles aad resolutions Iw 'spread upon our minutes and a copy be sent to two of our f local paper. G. L. Calavajc, B. B. iKicouros, Err ie Keebler. On The Southern Boundary. May 6, 1835. j Mr. J. I. Phillippi is building a ware house on his farm and will store bis grain at home this ycr. j Hon. Jasper Wilkins has recently pur- j chased some new apparatus for cheese ; making and hcirun making cheese on a: more extensive scale than he has in: former years. He makes an excellent (tta!i'y and ha heretofore found a ready ! market for it. Mr. Wilcox returned home on Friday from Aibanv where he ha1 been to at"-! tend ll.e funeral of his brother. Mis Sorrenson is spending a few days with Mrs. Kastenson whose health is so i 1 .1.--... 1. 1 V- Mr. Cross has changed his appoint ment to preach at the ."sotuerviile sehool bouse to the Harris school house where he will preach once a month regularly, and will shortly begin a scries of ser mons that will probably eitcnd over a week. Mrs. J. M. Smith lias her Sunday school meet at the school house now, and considerable interest is being taken in the meetings. All tbe schools in this locality, sx far aa heard from, are progressing well, which would indicate a w ise selection of teachers this spring. Tbe rains Last week have made the roads nearly as bad as titer were in the winter, but no complaint is heard from the farmers, gardners and stock men as so far the rain has been greatly to their advantage. Quite a number of play parties, most of ih em surprise, have occured along the boundary recently and were all pro nounced" successes by the young folks. The order from the Lane county court to widen the road from tbe Linn "county tin to Coburg seems to be somewhat slow in going into effect, as nothing has been done to the rood yeU Jasper Wilkins horse fell down with him totlay and bruised him considerably. Fortunately no bones were broken. Mr. Koebler took two loads of hay to Eugene today. It is said he offers to sell ten tons "of bailed bay for $3.50 per ton. Mr. Williamson's team ran away with the wagon one day last week. His little daughter was in the wagon at the time but luckily escaped without serious in jury. Charles Richardson expects to visit his home in Benton county this week. On the Divide Mr. J. M. Philnott snent several days of last week in the iower part of the county buying cattle. Mr. E. J. Willoughby was visiting ia Eugene this week. Mrs. Lydia Brassfield is now visiting with Mrs. John Sommerville and Mrs, Charles Grimes. Miss Ella Whitbeeh, of Harrisburg, spent last week with Mrs. Mmmons. Mrs. Ida Smith, of Mohawk, was visit- ins witn her sister. Mrs. McGrath last week. Clarence Macy is in Southern Oregon buying cattle. Dick Morris bought a car load of cattle in this vicinity last week. S. S. Is a Washisoton Paper. An editor- itorial in a recent issue of the Democrat about the editors new bicycle was copied iu the Washington Post on May d, that paper marked, arrivinir in Albany this noon. Tbe wheels that brought it across the continent in five days mutt have been geared up to 75. ") Every body is akinir where lo ret ; uniformly good gnxvries and fresh pro duce at reasonable prices. Those who have tried Parker Bros steadily are univer sal in their verdict on this point. They do tbe square tliinif by everybody. No '! on that statement. If vou would have tbe lest hiked gviod,a!l kinds ol bread.cookies cakes and uie call ou them, l ou never receive anything but courteous treatment They have no baits but reasonable price and good good. These answer the ? Py spending no cash for nd'ertsemeus, Ikiieving his money 'twill save. The merchant is rushing his biisir.fts it lor. g Ruehiug it on to the grave. For Etioa for hatching from high class G sultry either of Golden Wyandotte or rown 1-eghorn breed call on" or address C. E. P.rownkix, Albany, Or. ta-iter List. Koilow s4 ts the list of lott-Ata regaining tu n.e p-atoilioe at Albany, Linn county OrrK!Maron, 18, 1895. Peraoos oalltnc for tiitse latter moat gtvs the date oo which they were advertised. Miss I. Bush C. W. Clark Mrs Belle Fen ton Minnie Jannings Henry Kirsch, 2 Peter Laurence Mrs. D. CMills Mra Eliia Bennett James Fawxer M.G. Galloway Mra. Eva Kellogg Henry Kaplinger Wm. N.Miller Mrs. E. 0. Newman J. M. Robinson G. Rogers Mrs. O. J. Schroder Mrs. Carrie Shelds Chris Voss Jolin Young Messrs. Marx Bros. r.J. BSTM.r M oy for the Jaded and Good Health for all Mankind. JOri VEGETABLE to made from el UJiJ f.e through her , and H H it' i i nalore'sowa contains no ft Ml' ' ! proper ch an mineral -a skJ cu. Jrjy., d'f or .' Vegetible l":.J.l, ,rT" cureeliys. Vegetable ..J1 t n e t a i a "Hli4. I'C' 2h?o!,c mf ill 1 Joys Veretabie Sarfcairtlla prevent tired Jdin, st4 grrin? matitiiaat, palpitation of heart, ru.o of tood to the head, dizztneat, rin iu ia ears, dimncM orriiuro.apou before the eye, nevlacbe, bilioutar, oiutipa tion of board, pans in the trcic, m.-ian-choly. ton-jeemred, fool brcata. pt.op:.f on -?, bote and 1 1 ted. dec!! oe of oerre iurce, d'ZZf ape!1-, fatal -''- cold damrdy xxx and band-s sour riJifs fatizue, iimmiua, eaa aU d:rajw:. of the attrciach, liver aad kidney.. Joy Vegetable riariparir.a u J byaiidru2ritA. p.e-fj-e a avjiniibfe. Worn tob py (Jr the tvst. e tv.t you Set tbe brae hi. m is Czed when 1m B health by taw oae of SHAUEITS Compound Cod Liver 01 Capsule t'aawpasaerl aa w remedr for Coa svxnptjota. A .ta rn a.. Bronehitit Cossha. Ijebilttj. aad aS wearing diacaaea ?ertect!y tasteleaa. Thia trely aceatifte rctaedy by builditis p aztd revlrins the bouv aad renewins w attar tlaaae. reaista and destroys diaeaee cerwas. containa tbe purest Cod Liver Oil combined writ!: Perrbwood Tar: pirtisant and easy tm take; reaaowabijr and eoncstly conspowaded by a practical pharmacist. Toa can set term ONLY BY XI A XL. Pre- lo J on o. sac. pr box. G. O. SHlEJ.Cnmrr. 2Vth Sc catc 6 La., REMOVE THE CAUSE and the srryitoms win disappear Tbis yoa w accomplish bv using SHaUERS" CATARRH Aitd THROAT SPECIFIC mm racoca par able remedr f'T diseases of thm Tbroat. Nose, aad Mostb. A cmxia, ainpte aed cflrcurr rot. for rata.. Mw Few. CrV-ta. 0t Sere rarest. Feat Bilrf, Utearaam wCae4e at ml laaya. JSmmBj Bard, qax k to re lie re. posrtiTc cure, always ready; asaaH is j rice I-on't wait tSD yoa S3 ami Bare it get it aow. SBST ONLY BY MA ! I-. prepaid cc receipt at AOc. irepared o r; r br U. U. il At "EU. I'hcswt. State k TjOi Sta tlucagu. lua. La die wisbinz stylish trim me i it'Jli- j nery can now select IVAa aa entire new store last reoritea a: tr,e Ladies rJaxaar. Rei I rows Snow Flake Soar in the mar ket - Mil! feed of all kuid at the Red Crosn. Mills. Full line of straw hats at L E. Biain Clothing Co'a There i s photorraph giiiWy in Albany, it's at the corner of 2nd and Ferry sts. we of the Pot oce. Dr. G- W. Maston. physician and sur ger,c Albany Or. Caii acswer'.-d prompt ly in city or country. Tickle had four negatives cf tie wreck on tbe O- C. A E. witfaia aa tour after it happened. Ice cream 5 and 10 cects a dish at Mrs. Veireck's Summer Garden, censer 3rd and Bruedalbin cts. When yos next wast a sates of Soar itj to the Executor's sale where yoa cai get tbe best of Boar for 55 cts per sack, and every sack guiraTjteed. Ask your srrocer to cive vou Lewisville Standard floor and take no other. Tbe best floor in tbe marcet. Each sack guaran teed. , For tia pictures go to "Uu-pUttars; for first class pbotocrapbs. go to a first cUs photographer. There is Out one in Alicuy, his name is Tinkle. " Just received a new lot of crouds, includ ing a fine assortment of sHe. which are going at bard time prices. t the cheap Cash Department Store. Miss Crawford's elocution classes meet every Uooc'ay, Wednesday and Thursday of each week, at 4:15 p. m. at W. C. T- U. Hall. PapUs may euer the classes at acy time. If yon de&ire a luxurious growth of bealuy bair of a natural color, nature's crowning ornament of bcth sexes, use only HaU's Vegetabie Sicilian Hair Renewer. THE COMBINE BROKEN". some merchants as well as the mil men nave tried to compel us to enter into a combine on price of flour, and as we positively refuse to do so thev refuse to sell ns tivar. However we have 100 bbls on hand and will supplv the retail trade only with the best of flour at 55cts per sack and each sack guaranteed in every respect. When vou want flour give us a call. The following brands on sale today : Iuisville Standard. Jefferson Columbia. Albany Red Crown. Stavton of Stavtonville. H. F. McIlwaix, Strai-oFromas, Executors estate A. B. Mcllwaiu. May 3, 1S15. That Joyful Feeling. ith the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength uad internal clcaoli ness, which follows the ose of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and tbe cheap substitutes sometimes offer ed but never accepted by the well inftj-med New carpets at the Albany Furniture Co. Buy new carpets ot the Albany Furni- tare 1.0. The latest effect in carpels at tbe Alham Furniture Co. 100 pieces sctra porcelain dinner set ft 14 70 at F. E. A'.en. 7s pieces deeomted semi-Porcelain tea set tor 17.73 at F. E Aliens For paiclesa tilling or extracting oil! at the Albany Dental Parlors. fittest Honors World Fair. t'LviJii MOST PERFECT MADE. pore Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret Uiea Ammonia, Atura or any other ldultwatS. 4 OARS TBS STAKDARQ. m ! V V m Yes Ton Can and everybody who trades at the Exe cutor's Sa.e is getting more goods for the money than any where in the valley. Our stock is large, our prices are cheap and our goods are warranted as represented, notwithstanding the reports of some of our competitors. CKOtERC PEPARTMEST. 3 lbs Gold Dust Wash Powder 4 lbs Arbuckle Coffee 4 cans Best Tomatoes 5 gallons Best Pickles Sack Best Flour 20 bars Savon Soap 3 cans Sugar Corn Gunpowder Tea per lb Red Crown Flour, per sack Dry Goods Departmest. .20 .90 .25 .75 55 20 yds good Muslin 20 " Gingliam 25 " Prir.U 75c Black Dress Goods, iter yd BOOT AST fcHOE PEPARTMEST. $1.75 Mens Plomzb Shoes 1.50 " " 3.00 ' Kip Bonti . 1.75 Ladles Pat Tip Shoes 2X) " 1.00 Chiklg and Misses Shoes. . . . . . CLOTHING PEPARTMEST. f 10.00 Mens Saits 7J50 " " Our clothing price is cut )i. Give 1X0 M 1J0O .50 1.15 1J0O 1.23 ;a JO 5.00 4XQ cs a can and be convinced. As we dim close the entire stock oat about July let we will make prices on all stock at greatly reduced price. Do r.ot forget the Executor's Sale wl.t n yoa want goods cheap. Yours for business. If. F. McTLWAfJf. Stract) Fbomax. May 6, 1S95. Parasols With any quality of silk yoa nxa want and all the latest things in handles. Kid Gloves The best the maxkc. afford'. I'rict-s lower and quality better than laet m lan Try us when in need of acy. Shoes ; We liave an iitirn.- line for La.lie and ! children in all kiai. Oar shoes are all soil at rock botti-ra jrict-s. F. DRESS GtX)DS scare lad quarters. Give ns a cail and get your luor.c-y's worth. Read, Peacock & Co NEW -At 75 certs to $5.00 at- L. E. BLAXN CLOTHING J ) Prof! A. STAH: Of n ill 4 Stark. Optical Specialis. Graduate f tbe Cikeco Ortiala-k College. 1 am pn-paied to exsmice srVtUfcalty antl accurately, by the latest ard in pieved methods of ctotlern science, any a ho de sire to fca.-e tbeir eyes :estL Casick Block. At" bast. Crecon. a t nrt NT ill IE. ladies' or gectle mans, trom that bp to Hich grade wheels t r- iUlast, Every wheel guarPted. Money counts these davs. nd there is noWtttr wav to save $25 to $50. Call at HOPKINS BROS, and see their stock of these pepuiat wheels, bought at the factory, and cus tomers given the benefit oi the fact. rilling wd extracting of teeth w ttfccut pain a specialty. The next thirg to havins a good dinner is haviisga good ihnner Set. The tormer furnishes stimulent for the and tbe latter adds nto the appetite more than most of the nostrums de I T sivned for the purpose. W tiave oeautuui tattern in loth Dinner and Te S. ts in all wares. No only are mv Din nerSets ami crock cry ware all right ; but in choice gro ceries I carry a se lect sttvk. F.E. ALLEN i.Strauoy UphcLterer And Repairer. Hhi. wcol and sbocdv mattrov. r. - va'ed and made over. . Furniti re of everv description an 1 ' : v cainuev re-tpholshied and varciidi-.d. Diep a bote in the P. 0.. or call -i 7;ii street, betaeen Ferry and Broa.lalM .. A -baiiy.Or. $100,000 S Cish r O P. V t- r wool, hitles Ld sheep reus. If ro t Wi.;.i what your good are worth come tone before yon sen, ana ooiige yourselves, as well as P. Cohes. Sweaters 'aaaa SSOi UC V ha n 1:113 ta at: llilil