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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1895)
Wheat can be grown in the Alpa at an elevation of 3600 feet; in Brazil at five boasand; in tbe Caucasus at eight thousand; in Abyssinia at ten thousand; in Pern and Bolivia at eleven thousand. If all Europe takes a hand in the Ch nese -Japan settlement there won't be any sattlement at all, and it ia possible some real trouble will occur. No one will complain at the rise in the price of wheat; bnt don't allow it to make you over confident. You can't most always sometimes tell how long it will stay op. It wonld be very pleasing though to see it reach 50 or 60 cents. The following from the Astoria Bud gett is suggestive in reference to trading with strangers in any line of business: There is no danger of your resident jew elers taking the jewels and gold works out of your watches and putting old worthless ones in their stead. Such tricks have been heard of in this city, and are liable to be beard of again if you hand your watches to tbe fakers who come here to work the fishermen then skip out of town. A new invention should prove a great advantage to editors. It is a lead penci twelve inches long and two inches in circn-iiference, and called the elephant. The Democrat has one. Ita aiza makes it a useful weapon for instant use ; be Bides being a piece of economy, . as one ought to last almost a life time each ia the excellency of the composition of the pencil. Many citizens of Nicaragua are hot because the President of that country did not refuse to be bull-dozed by Eng land, and there is talk f a revolution. England has lorded it over the nations so long every little nation does not dare do otherwise than submit. Years ago a nation did resist her oppression, and to day she ia the greatest nation on tLe face of the earth ; but little Nicaragua, would be merely a moose in a cat's paw . In the meantime will eome one please tell ns if they have wen the Monroe doc trine flying around loose. It has been loat and it is veiy donbtlul if it will ever be found. The Democrat endorses the following way of treating smart young men who do not know their places: There is one man in Lincoln county that we are Absolutely proud of, says the Leader. A yonng fellow had been forc ing his unwelcome attentions' upon bia daughter, and did not desist until the father gave him notice to go away and keep away. He then dared to speak die respectful of the girl. The father heard of it and instead of rushing off to tbe conrU or otherwise making a fool of him eelf, he embraced the opportunity afford, ed by their first meeting to plant a good, heavy cowhide boot right where it wonld do the most good on the offender. Tbe fellow's mouth waa not injured, bnt we will wager that he will not use it again to slander girls for some time to come. A dese of boot, properly administered, ia the best poseiblo remedy in each cases. Washington Lettei . Frcm ear regular Compondant. Washisgtos, April 29,1895. President Cleveland declines to get ex cited because England ia engaged in giv ing Nicaragua a metaphorical spank ing, and yet there is a great howl from Lis enemies, who accuse him of aban doning the Monroe doctrine. If the Monroe doctrine means that the United Stales .-hall fiaiit, or threaten to fight, "every Kr.ropenn country which those eoccey- little South and Central Ameri can repn W ics by their hot-headed acts get into trouble with, it ought to be abandoned. As a matter of fact no ad ministration has ever pat any const ruc tion upon the Monroe doctrine. While England's demand upon Nicaragua may be extortionate there is no doubt that it was provoked iy Nicaragua, which bad j sorrehow got the idea that the United States would interfeie in its bebalf be fore the worst came to the worst. Eng land is doing precisely what the United States wonld do ander similar circum-alancee- -compelling reparation for in sult and icjury Jo her subjects althongb this conn'.rv would probably have gone about ic differently. Tbe administra tion deserves commendation for ita pol icy of con interference in thia matter It is every day becoming clearer that the rt publicans are going to try to strad dle the financial question in their next national plallotm. A proposition.which ia said to have received the endorsement of a number of their most prominent men, including two candidates for the prcsidehtial nomination, is that a plank be inserted in the platform for the coin age of $4CO,000,Ol)0 in silver, at a ratioof 18 to I. ihe idea being that this will pre. vent the bolting of theeilver republicans in the weet. It is nothing new to say that Secretary Morton is opposed to the indiscriminate distribution of ad kinds of seeds by the Department of Agricultute. He ha been opposed to it from the day he learn edofthe absolute waste which accom panied tbe distribution of seeds, tossy nothing about those Congressmen who sold in bulk their q i tsi of seeds, and if he could have had his way Congress would not bae appropriated one dollar for the purchase of seed for indiscrimi nate free distribution during the coming fiscal ye..r. But he did not have his way, and an appropriation somewhat small er than usual was made for t at pur pose. It i not certain, however, that Secie'iiry Morton will spend that appro priation. ' Wouder whrt those lia'r-trigger indi viduals who were so much affraid,some time ago, that Secretary Herbert would not have the Navy properly represented at the ueleb-ation attending the opening of the ota canal at Kiel, on June 19,think of themselves now ? In addition to the San Francisco and the Marblehead, first desiguatttl, Secretary Herlerl has order ed that (in Ne ' Yoik and the Clumb:a ehall M'bn ji to the, Kiel. And there is a possibility that the Secretary may go hiniHi It i. ii the Dolphin. S . r t.ry Morton's beet investigat one' uiu-t tii quieting the beef trust when one oi its mem here makea the tidicu loue charge that those investigations are Keeping up the price of beef. Secretary Morion smiles at the charge, which be com-i-iW i!taracterizea aa nonsense, and asks pertinently : "Why should aektag plain questions, in order to get the truth agitaie anybody, or affect the beef mar ket ? "That why will doubtless be echo ed by he beef consumers who have been compi led to pay tribute to the greedi ness oft li men who compose the beef . truat. A Newsy Washington letter. Washington City, May 1, 1895. There aeema to ba no attraction for Oregoniana in Washington thia year. Last spring the botela were full of office seekers, the great majority ct whom went home unsatisfied. Even tbe ap proaching vacancy in the U. S. Judge ship for the District of Alaska, which ia now held by Hon. Warren Truitt of Or egon, baa aa yet brought no host of anx ious applicants in thia Mecca of office- seekers. Senator DjlDh's defeat was the en tirely unexnected thing here. . While not at all a popular man either in the Sen ate or among the outsiders, yet his long term of service and hia deep research in every question that affected the state be represented, gave him great weight among hia fellow senator?, and enabled him to accomplish much in the way of legislation and appropriations that might otherwise have been lost. Beyond tbe usual newspaper notices of such an event however, hia passing was unnoticed. Much more interest baa been manifested in the coming of the new senator from Oregon, Hon. George McBride. Tbe lat ter record as a statesman, public officer, and descendant of a family that had many representatives in public life, has all been published here, together with some other things highly romantic, but not strictly accurate. The rumor that all the marriageable mammas are wait ing with silken lassos to trip the hand some Oregon Batchelor Senator, ia some what exaggerated. Truth to say, marri ageble men, especially those holding high government offices are exception ally in demand, but these matrimonial snares and pitfalls are very -easily dis cerned and aa eaailr avoided. Mr Mc- Brids will find quite a number of warm personal friends when he reaches Wash ington. Hia niece, daughter of Hon. John K. McBride, of Salt Lake, la the wife of Mr. Marshall Cusbtng, at one time private secretary to Postmaster- General Wanamaker.under the Harrison administration.and now publisher of the "Washington Capital." Mr. McBride will bring with him to Washington as his private secretary ,Mr. Edward CGiltner, one of the brightest and best posted politicians of all the young men in Ore gon today. Mr. Giltner'e appointment aa private secretary to Senator McBride has already beet filed iu the office of the secretary of the senate at thecapitol, and he is now acting in that capacity, Senator BcBride'a term having begun on the 4th of March last. Mr. Uiltner has been for many years the confidential sec retary of Senator McBride during the hutersencumbency of the office of Sec retary of State of Oregon. He has there come in contact with every publis man of prominence in the state, and has com plete knowledge of things political and financial, as well aa a Urge personal aquaintance, which especially fits him fortne place be now occupies. Tbe duties of his .position, are .not onerous during the long vacation.but wbeo Con gress is in session, there are sufficient to occupy pretty thoroughly a man's physi cal and mental faculties. Senator Mitchell, whose law practice is very extensive has been di siding Ins time between the bJgher courts in this city and in New York since the close of Congress. He will prol-ably make a viai to Oregon tome time during the summer, but has not definitely decided as to that, llu daughter the handsome duchess De La Rochefoucauld, is now in New York, and her many friends in this city are anticipating a pleasant visit with hr ere long. Congressman Ellis went home immed iately after Uie session cicsed, bnt Mr. Hermann ia slili here and finds plenty of work to do for hia constituents in tbe matter of cases pending ia the various Departments. Mr. Hermann is a very energetic worker au.d ia very popular among bia fellow members. If Keed, of Maine, ia the Speaker of the next House, and theie be no doubt now but that be will be, Mr. Hermann will be Chairman of the Kiver and Harbor Com mittee, one of tbe moat important posi tiona among the kilts of the Speaker Mr. Hermann's long Uim of service cn this Committee justly entitles him to the promotion which will come witn the change in the, political complexion of tbe House of Representatives, and if tbe successes of former chairmen of this committee in obtaining appropriations for the particular sUH.whicu they rep resent, is any criterion, then Mr. Her mann's elevation to Uie chairmanship will be the beat thin & that baa happened for tbe state of Oregon in many a long year. Many important Biver and Har bor worka begnn in Oregon await the necessary appropriations for their com pletion, and tbe next Biver and Harbor bill will onbtedly provide a good round sum to be expended in that state Mr. Hermann's increasing prominence as a member fully justifies the wisdom of his constituents who have honored him with so many reelectiona. Mr. H. H. Gilfrey, legislative clerk of tbe senate, accompanied by Mrs Gilfrey, expects to leave here about the first of July, and will spend the heated term in the cool breezes of the Willamette Val ley. Lieutenant Edward Burr, who was in charge of the Government works at the Cascade Locks some years ago. is now stationed in this city aa Major Powell's assistant. Mra. Burr ia the daughter of Mrs. H. D. Green, of Portland, who has been spending the winter here. Aixas B. Bxauhos. The world regards silver as a commod ity, just as wheat and cotton and wool and lumber. Oregonian. Tbe world does nothing of the kind. Silver is naturally a money. It is built that way, as much as gold, in fact silver is more durable. The loss from abrasion is much more in gold than in bilrer. Silver is cat out for money ; but restore it to tbe place it cccupied before 1873 and it will hold its own with gold, never varying more than 2 per cent As there ia only 22 cnbic feet of gold money and 65 cubic feet of silver money in ti e world, the free coinage of the latter it can be seen without spectacles ir, rot go ing to make the gold lump any smaller, aud the silver lump not any larger than it needs to be. Gold and silver are hue band and wife as money : but let a few onesided men like M. Scott come aromd and they are sure to try to st?p in be tween them and cause a family rov. Beaaonitise silver with a solid matri monial knot and hy !' - inn. I '.n haul nt ! i ii k -i .' Hit or..i and neither will rule tne roost. We all' want money. Put yonr fi ts down on that fact. Must people too want a double basis of gold and silver ; keep that fat in vmrmirid. The a-r non that any one U working for h s'.rmle silver standard of wi'vri" iumlv smoke, without anv fire in it. Keep your courage up, w heat fx up and coal oil is d jwn. How Counterfeiting Is Done. The Telegram gives tno following in teresting interview with Doc Davenport on the manner of making counterfeit money : The methods and ap paratus used by "Doc" Davenport are very simple. About all the things that constitute hii outfit are a piece of plaster of paris, a piece of solder, a small piece of glass, and a good silver dollar. These four articles flaced in the proper juxtaposi tion will turn out dollars, that is, dol lara of the kind which Davenport makes. It it ia desired to make half dollars, it is only necessary to substitute an Uncle Sam coin for the dollar in the combine tion, and so on. Of course, should it be desired to make gold coins, gold solution ir08t be added. Davenport talked quite freely when asked to explain the process. Ue claims to have made the coins charged in the indictment against him simply to show the detective, F resell, who arrested him, how it was done. lie acknowledges having been a counterfeiter in years gone by, b'tt says he has quit tbe bnai- ness'after serving a term in tbe peniten tiary. "The process of making dollars of the kind found in Linn county and of mak ing the molds, is easily explained," said Davenpott. "Tbe dampened plaster of paris is plated in a small box similar to a cigar-box, but about one-fourth the size- The dollar is placed on Uie smooth surface of the glass, then the box of plas ter is pnt on top and pressed down un til a perfect impression is imbedded in tne plaster. Another block of plaster is made, and the reverse aide of the dollar impressed upon H, though without sink ing in. This impression must be upon the surface. A difficult and delicate job is to make four nobs on one piece of pla ter and corresponding indentures in the other, ao that when the two are placed one on another, the impression will be in perfect adjustment. "When the molds are accurately made, the hardest part of the task ia over. It is necessary that they be made with care I decent and respectable concterfeits are to be coined. After they are made a small grove must be cut in the surface of one through which the metal is to be poured. The metal used by me was sol der. If I had gone into the business to make anything, I would have used block tin. But it is simply necessary to melt the solder and pour it down the groove when yon have placed the two dried blocks of plaster together. When it hardens, remove them. The coin should be toncbed up here and there with a knife, to give them the appearance of age. New coins are examined more closely than old ones, and dollar mads of solder will not bear close examina tion. Tn making gold coins block tine ould be used. Then some bell metal ought to be mixed with it; but bell metal is sa intly hard to melt. Ia fast, it cannot be done without a forge. That is why most counterfeit gold coins do not have the proper ring. The men da not al ways have forger, and therefore cannot use it- After the coin is molded, it is only necessary to wash it with gold so lution. This is a trick that every one does not understand, for it requires a nice discrimination tiput on the cor rect amount. Then, too, the solution should ba colored slightly with some darker metal, for gold coins, you know, are not the color of pure gold. Tbe al loy gives them a bronze tinge. "But it doesn't pay to make counter feit dollars. There is nothing in it, for Uie amount is too small. Gold coins are better. But I am out of tbe business now." Orecon City is the second rty on the coast to have the individual communion cups, the First Congregational Church being the one to introduce it. This is sensible. Eventnal.'y every church will have its individual service, Here is a description of it: The set consists of four oval-shaped trays, each holding 30 tiny glasses, and each glass bag a capacity equal to a tablespoon. The trays are only about a foot long.each sets on four legs.sod they are arranged in a compact tier, so that the whole may be carried about easily and ith safety. The g'asses are bell-shaped. flaring moderately at Uie top. In scry ing tbe communicants.each deacon takes a tray laden with glasses of wine and passes to the members, each of whom takes a glass and waits until all have been served. Tbe same is done with the bread. Then tbe pastor and the congre gation partake of tbe communion in con cert, constituting an orderly and dainty devotion, a small socket en the back of the seat in front of each commonipanl receives the empty cup. Ihe f'Twice-a-Week" edition of Th New York World (formerly the Weekly) has proved a phenomenal success. It is a Semi-Weekly of six pagee.mailed Tues days and Fridays; eight columns to tbe page; forty-eight columns each issue. It gives the news fully half a week ahead of any weekly paper, and, at the same time, retains all the litetary, agricultur al, miscellany and other features which mule The Weekly World so popular. Yet the price is only one dollar a year, for sample copios. address The World, N. Y. Arrangements have been made by which we can furnish this paper and the Twice-a-Week New York World all for f2.00 a yea.. Take advantaire of. Ibis offer and ge your own I p iper and the Twice-a-Week Worlrt at this special rate. President Cleveland is going to write a book. It is going to be on economies. He is going to write it with his own hands. He will say what hethinke. Mr. Cleveland is a man of back bone and wonderful force of character; but his book will not go down to posterity, nor will it be jumped for when published. Some will with to read it, and some till not. Could Mr. Cleveland wrileabrxk so full cf rparkhng thoughts that the public won! I rush for it like tramps af ter a free lunch the name he would ob tiinwou.d make people forget he was ever pres'dent of Ihe U. S Tne wtiolo prers of the country, that amounts to anything, is opposed to 16 lo 1 silver monoinetaliam. This ia as true of the democrat in as of ti.e republican ani independent press. Oregonian. Tli:n in true. 1 he press that amounts to anything is not in favor of gold mono tnetalism either ; bnt of gold and silver tvinttaiiiiii. This silver monometaiism t i'k is simply for effect. There ia noth ing ii it. Oi"pa in Oregon' i.ever fail. " The ra n came in full time in Eastern Oregon to insure good crop". Late tains in West ' em Uiegon are causing grass and grain togrow very finely. So fartheieisa tine prospect for a large crop of fruit. Echo Leader. Some people get it in their heads that they have to go to Portland for ever small operation performed. The Asto ria Budgett talks to the point in a man ner that might be duplicated in Albany : The Budgett has always maintained that Astoria has physicians and surgeons equal in efficiency and skill to any on the coast. Nevertheless the impression seem 8 to be prevalent that when any delicate operation ia to be performed it ia necessary to take the patient to Port land or San Francisco for treatment. The fallacy of this impression is clearly demonstrated by the fact that during the past three months several of the most difficult surgical operations known to human skill have been pei formed by our local surgeons and in every case the pa tient has fully recovered. We learn of a few of our subscribers taking offense at our circular letters of recent date notifying thsra of their years arrears and requesting settlement of same. If any of the offended ones will kindly inform us how to run a newspa per successfully without making collec tions, they will confer a great favor on us by ao doing; and we will at once pro ceed to adopt the method. Sending out statements takes labor and money, and is altogether unpleasant. There may be so'jse way of avoiding it, but ao far, it has never been in evidence. Prineville Beview. There are men who take pa pers without paying for them in good or bard limes for years, who would be pot on the profit end loss account of tLe tuerchant years before the newspaper man gets tired of dunning them . The many eastern cyclones are con tinual reminders that we live in a glori ous climate in Ibis beautiful Willamette valley. Whist has become so popular a gams that regular teachers travel and give les sons in the game. Free from all gamb ling features it is a game that cultivates many excellent faculties. Let Albar.y merchants provide a place for farmers to hitch their teams if they want their trae Farmers do not com plain at the ordinance prohibiting teams being left alone: but they justly com plain at having no place where tbey can leave them wiUioat coat. Several lawyers are getting in trouble in different places, and actions are be ing taken t disbar tbem. TheDiuo- crat knows o'a lawyer at Oregon City whom it would like to see disbaned. Men of his calibre are a disgrace to the profession. A all frW. Loxdox. Mar 7. The Times today says it it reported that in consideration of Ja pan's ab.utdonrneut of the Lieu Tong pen insula, ihe wilt receive an additional ir. demcity of 10,000,000. Pure rich blood is essential to ;rood health, because the blood is tbe vital rlaid which supplies all tbe organs with life. Hood's JNirsapirilU is toe great blood purifier. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, harm less, effective, da not pain or gripe. Fresh buckwheat flour in bulk at C E Brownell's. If Vou irsnt a itoaJ sn.l clfan smoke buy cigars made bv our At- oa ii y cigar lactorv. so oranges for 25 cu this week at C E Browneli Those who prt their meats at tbe linn Dressed Meat Market, at Second and E1S worth streets never complain of poor qual ity, and tbe price is always the lowest. Drs. H. E. and O. K. Beer. orSc over Post Office. Beidence corner 5th A Cwiapooia streets. II X baths at Verlck's shaving p jlo i Dawson sells medicine not Kittles try him. Wrsx-x Views. Crawford & Pax tan bare made some tine views c4 the wre k on the O C. k E. K. R. at Tunnell No. H. Call ssd ee them. . ' . "- - ... ft vruav mw iiv is a good time to get a bat for baif what you pay eisewnere, at airs- Jonn N. HoU- Use Dawson's furniture polish. Dawson's polisn makes olJ look new. I lean tnw s t ? st Viereck bi g parlors. BOH Si, SMITH. On May 5, 1895. to Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Smith a boy. making threo hnn init thnm vipla in iha f . , I ill doing well. HCG H E3. On May 1, to Mr. and Mrs. George Hughes, a girl. DIED. ALPIIIXE In Oorvallis, on Sunday morning. May 6, 1885, of consumption, Mrs. Estella Stites Alphine, at the ae of about 25 years. The deceased was a daughter of Leander Stites, formerly of Harrisburg, and a niece of our postmas ter.T. J. Stites. She was a resident of Al bany for several years. A year or more ago she waa married and since, then resided in Idaho nntil about a month ago. when si e came to Corvallis hoping to benefit her health. The deceased was a young women of excellent character beloved by many, and she leaves raanv to mourn her death. Funeral services were held this afternoon in Uorvslljs. GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Many years ago Br. 8. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., com pounded this medicine of vegetable ingredi ents which had an especial effect upon the stomach and liver, rousing the organs to healthful activity as well as purifying and enriching the blood. By such means the stomach and the nerves are supplied with pure blood; they will not do duty without it any more than a locomotive can run with out coaL You can not get a lasting cure of Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, by taking arti ficially digested foods or pepsin the stom ach must do ita own work in ita own way. Do not put your nerves to sleep with so called celery mixtures, it is better to s;o to tbe seat of the difficulty and feed the nerve cells on the food they require. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness and Nervous Af fections, such as sleeplessness and weak, nervous feelings are completely cured by the " Discovery. " It puts on healthy flesh, brings refreshing sleep and invigorates the whole system. Mrs. K. HSNK. of Ho. Sv Aorlh HahtM SI., Chicago, II., writes 1 "I regard my improve- meni as aimpijr wonderful. Sines la kins Tr. Picrce-S Colilcn Medical Dis covery in connection with hia 'Plraaant r-ellet ' I have sain ed in every renwct, particularly to Bran ahd atrrnffth. My livriwai dreadfully enlarged and I uf. fered RTtatly from clyape paia. No phy sician could give relief. Now. after two months I am entire Iv relieved of my riWaxe. My appe Mas. lil'NKS. tite ia exc-eiitiii ; loud well dtfretfed; bowels regular and slaep much Improved." , TELEGRAPHIC. ,ew Kvldeaee. San Francisco, May 7. Theodore Durrani's attorneys have discovered evi dence which they believe will enable them to establish an alibi for their client so fur as tbe Williams murder case iu concerned. A Market-street hairdresser, states that Minnie Williams, who was a regular pa tron, entered bis shop nt 8 o'clock on the evening of her disappearance. She hud her hair dressed, leaving the shop at 8 :25. As it is estimated that by taking a car immediately she could not reach Kuianuel church until 8:50. Durrant'a counsel ar gue ttat Durrant could not thereafter have escorted her to the church, outraged and murdered her, and then walked to ir. Vo- gel a, where he arrived at i):15. mtg Strike Chicago, May 7. A serious strike oc curred, this morning at the Illinois Steel (Join pan v a plant i welve tiumlroU men threw down their tools and walked out. The fctrike resulted from a demacd by the furnace men for an increas in wages. The company refud to grant the raise. m alarm at Asleria. AsToniA, Or., May 7. Tbe returns of salmon at the canneries today were exceed ingly light, as a result of Uie severe storm last night. Comparatively few of the huh erman vent-.ired to remain out. Of those who took tbe rink, the crews of seven boats are missing, and one man is reported to have lost hitsjife. &veral boats were cap sized, their occupants having narrow es capes. The storm also caused the collapse of the building on tbe lirny dock but the damage is nominal. Bll BcEleetew. ProKAKK, May 7. At the election here today, the vote for mayor remltcd as fol lows: . Belt, populut 1518 Hopkins, republican 1'JtS France, citizen 1131 Liebes (rep.) was elected controlb-r, and Anrell trep.) treasurer. France, the nora of the citizens' pjirtr for mayor.which had the backing of the American frotec live Association, i.nd who was believed by many to tie the winner, and by others con ceded the second place, came in a week third. a Kamarkakle Sat. 099 Cuicaoo, May 7. A special train on the Erie road, which arrived in Chicago this morning with President Thomas, of the Xew York. Laka F-rie A- Western, and President McCullougb. of the Chicago & Kne, on board, made a remarkable run from Huntington, Ind., to Hammond. I nd. Tbe distance is 122 miles, and the train covered it in exactly 'H minutes. Stops amounting to 12 minutes were made, mak ing the time of the run of miles li ui urates. Japaa Wraavealag V01011 ama. May 6. The Jauanes - irov- emtnent has unct-nditicnally reiinuitied an ciiini to ice lus long poninula. in ac cordance with th request by Russia, France and Germany. LojiDox, May 6 A dUpaich from TarU says Japan has surpassed the hopes of tLe frier. cU of pace and even the coadttion arranged by Kuoia. France and tiermany. Like every power who knows iu own mind. Japan is prompt in her resolutions and d--i cot seem to deire to prolong tbe con troversy by the adoiition of talf measure. After BJacfcaaaa. Wasmsgtox. May 1. Henry Ulatk nian, coSirttcr of inlerl revenue for Ore gon and Waobinstcn, Las just been called down very hard by the treasury depart -m-nt, and it i umientuod that if he docs not heed tbe i est ruction of the depart rceot that he i very liable to kwe hi bead. Charges were filed mgurM hiin, signed by many tironunent democrats, awrling that he a sot l for the pi, and that be was not fit f or the pla;, and that le oujjht to be removed. X.w Yons. May 6. DUpjlcbe from TeguagaipmafiJ. Xicar..jran point to the World Ur Ihll f..''i!l,iij ha U.nn in Granada. S'icaragwa. and Jiorder is a'so reported from Leon. w'ord comet from there that I he followers of OriU. Zero's and Marberro bave uuited to make war 00 Prideri ZaiUra. Tbe Honduras troaps eonrentrA'.t'J at Capo liracia will retrain tier. ('aaMrrlas Ihe Iwraaae Tax. Law Wabigto3S, May 6. The sanreme court, with iu fu'.l membership of nine jotioe oa the bemb for tije rt time in many months, U-ia tb bearing today of the income tax rait, jontice Jackson, of Tennessee, whi has been absent from Washington the gieater part of the pat tear, vekinir r-t! nf r i health t.v.k bis wat Kxtraordinary interest attach to bis prenc!. since be assume ptscl ical ly the position of umpire upon the vital question of the principle upo which the U i iMued. which divide the other ja tior into Cjnai fiction. A Jt peetalaa. XfcW Qisi.has, May 6. Tbe sUte u pnriue court today handed down a decision reversing the decitinn of the district court, in which the lower cv.urt ruled that pne 6ghting as rc-orotiy conducted here muhi be contiulMsl. "I he decUion wa rendered in Ihe appealed caxof Imiana vs. Olym pic, Club. The supreme c.iurt rules that the recent alloyed boxing exhibitions were nothing more cr lett than prizefight, and that as such they are prohibited by tbe state l.ivr. I'mplstox, May Jl. Copions rail all over hUstern Oregon for to days have improved crop prospects 25 per cent, and cic'l a general feeling of confidence The m:n extend far up into Washing ton. Will wake Traaa r. IG.Nr.os, May 5. Ti.e Tiri-M ha dis patches from IVkinu saying the fact that the einen r has ratitied ihe treaty cf peace with Jawn is known onlv to a few Chi nese ho edict in regard lo the matter na Wn l-sued l'rince Kung. president 01 me . -:t.i:-!i-lumen, urged the empcrer to ratify the treaty. A Hong Kong dupatch to tbe state that Ihe governor of Formosa says iU ration to the Jipane will produce a rebellion. Jle declares he has lot all con trol of the soldier, and that foreigners must save themselves. Three Mra Killed. QLiTTl.B Ruck, May 5. James Taylor. Dave Echols and F.d Hol.annon, white u'i. were killed a tbe result of an attempt l arrest the first named near Durrani, I. f. Bohannon was reading Ihe warrant to Tay lor, when the latter suddenly drew bis pis tol and began firing. Kchols, who was in the house near by. appeared on the scene, when be was struck by a flying bullt and killed. Hohanuon returnrd Taylor', fire, retreating as he did so, hut Taj lor follow ed him until he emptied the contents of a six-shooter, the last shot striking Uolian nrn in the head and killing him. . A Steak BtabBea Ontox, III , May 5 The local lank was robbed this morning by experts. about 8500 being eciml. As near as caa be ascer tained, tluoe men were -concerned in the affair, and three strangers, who left on the early train are supposed to have been the robbers Ko trace of them has been found. A Fort t'aptareal. Tampa, Flo., May 5 Pasfenpers by the steamer Masrotte tonight bring iciorU that the fort of Pan Kamon de las Y.tgas, with 20 uteri, aud tho Loconia miliotry porft, with the same number of inmates in Santiago province, were both captured hut week by .1750 insurgent under Maceo Cniiti in Malla, who was in chaige of a de tachment which was captured while escort ing provi dons near Hayam, was taken to Hamna to be tried Friday. Tke Trouble Over. Maxaoua, Nicaragua, May 5. The Nka'nguan government having, through tbe Salvadorean minister at London, ac cepled the modified ultiiualum ef the llri tihh govoinment, the dispute between the two countries practically at an end. Or ders were cbled from London to Rear-A d minil 81ephenon directing him to evacu ate the port of Corinto today. Tea Killed. Sioux Citv, Ia., May 5. Order is com ing out of chaos in the narrow district of Sioux county, which was swept by the tor nado Friday. Prompt aid ha made the survivois ns comfortable a possible. Near ly ull the d:ml are buriud, and none of the injured are thought to be fatally hurt. The cortwt list of dead number 10. Rheumatism, neuralgia, ST. JACOBS OIL .&"-Zr - - - - - - CW-f-Wr This is the wheel that was illustrated In "Bearings, the Cycling Aathoritt of Am lea, 'January 25tb, 195. over the following title! "The Handsome. Model Shows the Recent National Cycle Kxbibition.' It is the WArERr.r SccaM HEnand is t most admired and talk! of high grade bicycle in bo wor)1 toda. w.t . bj , Illustra'ed CstaloKuef ee. Isdiana Bictclb Co. Indianapolis. Indiana. U 8 A h. h. Uorr, exclusive se -t for Albanyl ' Ins. Co. of North America. Of Philadelphia. Founded in 1792. Capital. $3 000.000; assets, $9,5C2,C00; surplus to policv holders, f 5,244,209. Oldest stock fire insurance company in the United States , Losses paid since organization $81,439,447. J. V. Senft, district special apent for Linn and Benton counties, office over Head Peacock & Co Albany Or ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY 4. JOSEPH. I'ronrletor. lit 81 This extra ordinary he Ja'3uuor la the mors wondarf ni Stacorerf of ba a. It baa fca en Vwt4 Uj Ofto saca cf Estop aad Caranijmtkn. InazicMaa. faille bco-aXtof.Srr-craalartidilD: oi It erra s4 ttaer ftrecrtbeaa, iBTltorau sad aoBcaibe eatfreayneaa. MaaVaa can Dahlllly. HaT Is t?L- re-. "3 kin ia ton a. arxl drreieptc a4 re-ton-' efffttca Fain In U Uc, kMaW by dar or 4ar. Osr-ai f -Jmr' IAMO0D fWM 3 -rslrtlf. Orer a.90g pr?eais endnr-a-aec-a. P-wlnim-aa man taaaowwy tt Baa taar. It at a y ajt-cac of s-wlnsl -reak-taa aa4 lamim It caa be KtvpeA la SO Sara b- ihs ok or ilx!:,ma. Tne new iumu--w csad " Ota PrwiaV tasof Iti old (asx-e slarfta tttSkaJ latittata. It U U Kmc re". Tlumacr spade. It a w-iy aoa-erf-jl, tot ka-Tsbm t4 SI 00 a Baca mtw rf iar-S It SiCO'piaintl U.V Sruai (taruM ittsW ea-a If-wat-a? ats bam aad era tx eosirrlr ecrea. sis I iU iwarat to Tn tr cVa:t ctjarra f e!rroiaraT5d lit:exciia). S-Vtrtsa) iirbsox MrDtCAk institttb, JasrUaa eita larata KUltaSsa, SD Fraaflar, Cat. ri?'i c t I hat TircJ Feeling. brings malaria, a run down condition o the system and the need of something in the nature of a tonic There's nothing so effective and beneficial as our Oelerv Ituf and Iron for tliura troubled witfi this universal Spring visitor. The tired feeling wont leave yon of ilsi'lf. Yon must give it a peremptory invitation to lepart, by taking our tlery Beef and Irou. U'is never prudent to neglect ill ness of this kind. It is too apt to tie followed by eratiet Sting worse, and pre vention i 111 iu . 1 r than cure. If you feel tired, apply the remedy without delay. It's a cjlmj for immeiiiate action J A '!. JOSEPH J. SMITH. VETERINARY STJRGHON Office at Schmeer's stable, Albanv Or. Residence Slli and Uontgomer)-. IF YOU KNEW that the best place in the city for always secur ing first-class gro ceries, hakeJ gornls and produce was at Par kft Itrca ,as a large nutuVr have already fomd out, you ' would le relieved of all responsi bility of running around to tret what you want at rearonablj) utd re liable prices. Parker livm. serve the people by treating them well and dealing out only good, -wholesome froce.nea at liv ing pru-es. What's Your Money Worth? That depends upon where you go for your groceries and produce If at Conn & Huston's a dollars in a good deal; besides you get the best in tho market of both Maii'lurd grocuries, fruit and produce. Free With each sack of Hour purchased at the Executor Salo Saturday, Mav 4, wo will give free of charge ono loiif of bread. Far in Loans. I have n limited amount of money to loan on go d farm hinds in Linn and ad joining county. On very favorable terms. Interest payable annually. Cull or write at once as the amount I have for loaning will soon be gone. CO. Ik'llKHAKT, Albany, Oregon. Dawson's furniture polish fur house cleaning. U Scr I . 15 1 1 14 1 t t tr Sciatica, Backache. Star -Baker r tereeralaia a aid I irsl Ala. COKRAD MEYER, PRCPftETOB. Canne-at Frcita Glassware Driest Frail. 1 oba 1 1 1 r , Cte ( aaard Heals Qaeessware, Vegetables, Cigar, (pie a Tea, Cte eerjthing ibat is kept in a good rarie and gro cery store. High est pr paid fjr ALL KINDSOF PRODUCE ALBAMY F0RH1TDRH CO., xn:copoRA.-rzm ailing BIk, - - - lltaur. Ore. 1FURNIT-UR E complete line af U0ERTAKIKO in all its branches. EMBALMING aspsciaity. BVitiJence to.terSrd a:d Calstooia ALBANY INS. AGENCY T CAN GI Vis jo more genuine a.arce k ance for a ff.o "hn any agent In i r jhncl bty bo can control pre-n-U nt to the amount of fljo annua!) r ca rfcure ttespency for an tarance K.Q. lor lnat reason do not think that ewe- y man who ilte jx kW Us x "insurance man. f -sure in the SUN. PHOENIX. LON IK N, Sl ANCHESlER.siid NtlRWICH l":lO' of EnglandirCUSlINESTAL of .e Yoik and hare something f j cr rnerey In ca of honeat lot. Votes taken on tarr Inaarance. M f iMt, M'gr. alley adjuster tor tbe Sun Ir a ctEcc T on Joo HighTstprire fjld fcr a:l L !' grain A WINDMILL FOR $35 00 WT Crawford ill sell von an J . VV . 8 foot Acrdiotor f of. f.t,V0Oj 12 foot geared Aermotor 75.00 All steel and galvanized after completed J. 1. liaitST'() INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER. CoontT Warrants Tmsht and Sold. 01ff,l!aston UIorlT, Albany Oregon. H F MERRILL. INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER Alliany, Or. City auC -sunty warrants houeht and ao'd. NGTiCE TO FARMERS. WI. ar rreiared to exchange Hour, brand, shorts and chop for wheat or oats. Come and see us before making other arrangements G. F. !vreox & Co. COME gether! Is Roascn To- s it not tat ter to buy your Bread, Pies, Hulls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable storo where they nse only the lWst material why of course i is you dont want dyspepsia and yoei never get it by eating anything from ou; store. U. S. BAKEHY. Bet. Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd M. C. 1). Vandykb. Propriotoi RED CROP FLOOR. Clot it at any of the stores, or have it ground, 40 pounds for on bushel o wheat, at tiio Keu frown .Mills. nillleeit, ete.ou hand at tke lull. DRV WOOD. Halm, $2. Small 6r, 2.00. Wge fir, fa.ftO. White Maple. 12 50. Delivered to any pnrt cf town. Leavs orders at Hump's (roceij s ore II Brtast. Bosf 0Vas. B C Paroa, ;h C Rh, RacaWara. nOORTHERII Iu PACIFIC R. R. U Pullman Sleeping Uars, Elegant Dintag Cars, Tourist Sleeping Oars" St Pant Minneapolis Iuluth Fargo, TO Grand Forks Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Buite THROUGH TICKETS,,,, TO Chicago Wssbingtou Philadelphia New York Boston and all Points East and South 1 T j For Information, time cards, maps and I ucaeis can on or write s u oorsnari, Agent, Ainany, ur. Or A D Charlton. Ast Gen rass Agt, Portland, Oregon, THROUGH TICKETS to the EAST Tia the Dolon Pacilic System. Tbroogh Pullman Palace sleeper Toorist sleepers and New Reel in in Chair cars DAILY PORTLAND TO CHICAGO. Trains bested by steam acd ears light ed by fiotsch Light. Time to Chicago 3 days, time to Sew York days, wbie'i is many boors quicker than all competitors. For rates, time tables and fall infor mation, apply to Ceases k Moxteitb, agents, Albany, Or. f R W Baxtos. C 5 Baosrs, Gen'l Acent. Die: Pass Agt 135 Third St, Portland, Or. him Pacilic Mwi CUAS. CtASS. 8opniatcaaeBa. Direct Lire 0 "ev Dispatch Lo Freight Fatev caatctaaf a a alaaaialik Fr mt o y h rra f, II H. aaa nam TtsrDi. anra s Pibtssa aUfdkT IT.aad Tta. rb' Compaav 1 sawi 1 ua tbe r.'smt aailios dates vtboot not ire. r-.r freieht ad paanen jer ratsa "o irj ajreot. CUr-mJ B-adrra. SatOxXx. Sarkat a Saa Fnaaua i Streot Railway Time Cferd The car will leave ihe earner of Fir-, acd Wastir-gton st'rets sa. fol'oa: 3i5 a- in. for overland goiaar iKxth O P. train ecing e". 7-55 Lelanco trs-a booh train going n rth LebancD 'rain: 11 " lUVi " 1C:I." p in 1-2.5 -i A) " 5A " 9:.V? " rerian. going sooth; For Orphan'a Uxn Mooday and "" day at ifiOp. m T X THE COrXI Y CX)L ET OF THE 1 Hi rl O pi' : : r L-nn Ouniy. In 'hemittero. be -rsiate ol Olney Fry, Sr., s,eceaed. Eecutors gale of real property. 1- tMney Fry, Jr., tbe dn?y quaJsaed and acting executor of tbe last wiil and testa ment, and codicil of Oiney Fry Sr., deceas ed, hereby give notice that pursuant to aa rder issued out of said court on the 4th dyof March, 1S?5, I wiil sell at pabiic auction at the court house door ia Albany, Linn county, Oregon, to the highest and best bidder, on tbe 22nd dy of June, at 2 o'clock p. m. of saic? day. the following aewiheJ real property, towlt ; Ut No. I (one) 19 block So. 10 (ten) in SodaviHe. Linn coun'v. Oregon. Also tbe south i of lots Xo. T (seven) and 8 (.eight) in blo-.k Xo. 2 (to) In the eastern addi tion to Albany, Lion county. Oregon. Tbe terms of sale are one year's time on SiOiM) i m- pnrcnase price ot tbe property io- eatea in Aioany at ten per cent ntereat, balance cash in band. OLXEY FRY. Jr. rxca'or AOUIKISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEX THAT i. w t nave been appointed administrator de bonus nen with the will annexed of the estate of L. L. Knox, deceased, by the coucty court of Linn county, Oregon, and pare auiy quautied as such All persons having claims aganst said estate are here- oy required to present the same to meat uiyomce in Albanv. Oregon, with tbe proper voucher, wiihin six months from the date hereof Dated this 22nd day of April, 1SS5- 15 . M. Pats Administrator de bo i trill annexed. IJEO E'FlH u THE PLUMBER. Tin roofiing and plumbing, the opwa bouse. Opposi K. t). T. M Meets every Saturday evening in K. O. T V.. Hall. Visiting Knights invito! to at hr.d. Ioun C'AvrnKii, Com. GM.KX, rppoalta tU fiitl, lna , ' bcri, G-m lima l, r h.iM I uq whtat, rje 4B i". I J, X A UEXT3 WANTED. Boy or girlls rniake money. t?eod 5cforsnmpe L. Iiupi, Oisrts Pais, Vt. COW WAXTED. G.wd milk cow, by Chris lU-nder, 1st street, near O. P. track. Leave word at his house. Dr. Price's ream Baking; Powder VaaRhd CoU MUarauar Fair. & Dr. Price's Cream BAking ?ow. World's Pal Hltlssst Metai asS INpry Assignees Notice. Notice is hereby given that I have been -duly elected bv the crrditor of Samuel Umatead and I T Smith, fnsolranls. In Hvn of Wm J Stewart, the assignee nam -ed by aald InaoWant debtors In their deed ol assignment heretofore made nd filed in the office of the County Clerk r Linn county, Oregon, and that I have duly filed my bond as such atgnee, therefore all the ci editors uf si!d aaaignors are hrrr by notified and required to proem theit claims, under oath, to rne within three months from the date hereof, at n.j resi dence In the city of Albany, Oregon. Datei this &th day ot Feo, 1895. Assignee in Ilea of Wm J Stew-' , CHIEF OF POLICE NOTICE a.11 persoes are hereby notified bat it is anlawfal to deposit or throw any brush, garbage, mboih, trasb. or refoae mat'er of any kind, in or opon any alUy, siJe wa'k, square, street, or public place in the city of Albany, or to allow any stagnant, or impure water, rtfaae vegrutes, decay ed 't "jyiog sabatancea. garbage or filth ol iiu nud to aieua tJa'e in. or remain is or upon aa rrJ, lot, pioa or premises 11 iid eit .The ordinances prohibiting tb 1 ani4 wi'.l be strictly enforted, and vio lations thereof promptly pronecoled. Given by order . ity cnacil made April 23, 0 LEE, Albany, Or .Apn'1 2 3- . mmoTs NOTICE. Notice is hereby rirei that the under signed has been day appointed by tne -county court of LI nnouotf. Oregon, as (secsbor of fbe hut will and testament of James' McMabaa deeeaaed. AH peraoas having claims against said es'ate are here by noli next tr present the same to the aa dersureed at Haley. Oregon, or to my at torneys Wealberford k Wyatt, at their office at Albany, Oregon, duly seriSed as . y law repaired, within six months fr.Hr the date of thia notice. Dated this 27th day of Mch. WrujaitH. XcManus. WATEcroED k Wtstt, Execn Attn, for Ezecoor. Notice for Publication Apnl 12. 1&5. La&d Oftice. Ok egos Citt. Oat Notice is hereby siren ttlat tbe follow ing named settler has filed notice of his in . ten tion to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe county cierk of Li na eme ry st Albany. Or fZBVn 31st, lsS5, tb: 'jideoo fcowers d E 10.7u5for the 4 S W J See II. S E J S E J SecTJejd X E J NElSec 15.T10 SB5L DS names tb following witnesses to troe b tinooos rendeace apOo sad mttiTatioa of said land, viz: J K Harrow. A Jones. X McRae, of Berry. Or., acd P M Perry, o Detroir, Or. Robkkt A. Mtua, Unifier. AOUiXISnATOiTS MOT CE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT the tuiderqgaed has beea daly appointed administrator of the esta'eof Mrs D i. Sbahsa, deceased, aad has duly qast'iaed as saeh. Ail persons barug daiox agaiast raid estate are terety mv-iofd aad reqaT ed to presest the tame Boder oath o so itb tne proper oucheri at the o&ce nt W. R, Rilyea in the city of AUny. Lisa c ooB'y.Oregoa. within six months m the date hereof - Dated this '23rd day of April. I '-Si. jAJTEsSHABLajr. AdaaiBMrtrater STCCSHCLCESS HEETI C NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an annual meeting of the stockholders of the Albany Farmers Co. . wiil he held ia tbe oce ot sid ecu. pa-t ia ibe cttr of A'banr. on Toexfay the 2It dar of Hay. 1". at 2 o'c xk p m. of raid dij. taid Cveelinar wlU t fur the parpoee of electing even 17) directors to serve for tbe essoins; year, aad the transaction of tock other bus iness as may irgularly come beicre soca nxetirp. Dated at Albany. Or.. April 22 Pasa R. iIiHiu, SI. H. Wilds, Secretary. i'rei'ier.t A0MIN1STEATEIX NOTICL Notice is bereby givea thai I bare beea ilcly Sfpoiatei aiaa"itratru with the ill annexed of the ef aja "W H- E. Stoter, deopae1. and Unt I i STS u!y qoaliSed ss cch, iherrforr, ai! pa on haviag daima again said estate are ere r cot;ed and req tired to pretest tbe 1 E30 'o me with tbe proper vouchers at tb cS eof K. Bi.jea ia toe cty cf AIUsi y, Lisa coaaty. Oredoa. wttnib i month- fn) a the date hereof. LMed this lSta day of Feb., 1S35. Mk. a. B. Jottssoy, Administratrix with tee will aanexed Notice for Publicati"n. April 12. 195. Laso Orrrc Osaxos CTrr. Osu Xo! ice is berer-v ir'Ten that the fo.Iow- og named seitier has S led not ke of his intention to make Gea! p" o f m sapport of Sis c-aias, and tat uiJ proof vil! be made before the couaty cierk nf Linn coenry. at AUrtny. Or. on Mav Si. li. vix:CV t liffjrd H E Xo. 6132 Kt .be S E 4. Sec 6, T 10 S, R 2 E. H catre the follow ing witnesies to prove hi contiauoos res upon and cultivation of sahl Uad. vii: Q U Heuber. W X Thomas T S Thorn is and A J Trask, all cf Jordan, Or. Robekt A Miller Resists AS y I X I S T5AT2 rTkOTIS E. Xjtice U hereby givesi that the unJer-r signed has tbis diy been aptwin ed by the eouoty court of Liun crot, Orecon, ad miaistrator of tbe estate of Jane K Carter late of Linn ccaa'y. Oregoa. deceased. A I perHu haviag claims Sjrain't said es tate ae hereby aottfied to preset them properly verified to the undersigned, at Al bany, Oregon, within six months from '-his date. Albany. Or.. March 29. IS95 En R. M. Caktkr Wkath KKroRD ITtait. Administratot. Attys for Administrator. .ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICf. Notice is bereby given that the BBdee signed has been by the County Court of Lino county, state of Oregoa. duty ap pointed administrator of the estate of X. P. Payae, deceased. All persons bating Wins against the estate .! said X. P. Payne deceased, are bereby notified and required to present the same, duty verified as by law required, to tbe undersigned at the office of The Linn County Abstract Company, in Albany. Linn county, Ore gon, within six months from the date eereof. Albany, Or.. March IS. IS93. B. M. Patsk. Administrator. Xotice to Contractors. NOTICE IS HEREBY CIYEV THAT separate bids wiil 1 nin he tha undersigned at tbe ttfice of Sosar'Pine Door A Lumber Co until S o'clock n m. Ma 14th, for tbe erection and com pletion of a two story frame residence, ss per p'ans and sreciticatiiina urenare-l bv C. Knighten, architect, Salem, Or. Pisa and specifications can be seen at the abov mentioned ofhee. Owner reserves Ihe right lo reject any and all bids. E, LAroRisT. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Xoticeis herebv sriven that the under signed a JruinistMtor of the estate of 11. M Wltar deeaei, has fi!el with the clerk of the countv ewt lor lion com?y, O', a's final account and the ourt ha fised the Cth dy of May. l&U", at the hour of one o'clock p. m. for bearin ij-cilons U any to said account and for the settle ment of said estate. Thia March 19. ISSS E R HcsTON. Adn:r. WeatherforU k Wvatt. Attv'a for aduir. PAY Y3UR TAXES XT one 2 is HEREBY G1VKX THAI l tbe lax roll for 189i baa heer, nliiced in my bands with a warrant for the collec tion of tbe same. Taxpayer are request ed to call at aa early date and settle for the same, .as urorUed by said warrant Iand required by law. J. A. McFkkoji. Sheriff of Linn Co. hi t. I 1 t-' f (