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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1895)
9. 0V VOL XXX, Entered at the rit aee at Albany. Or., Keeoad.riass Hall Kallcri ALBANY OREGON, FRIDA. MAY 10, 1895. W.T. UtTTIJC, rUshcra rrrlefr NO 40 for Infants Castarla isto well adapted to chtldran that tMonuNtSBd It as superior to any prescription Vk kite joe." H. A. AacHxr, H. D.. lit So. Oxford St, SrooklyB, U. Y. Tne see oi Caste ria lj do tolrerad and - ta ao well knowmJiGt it eeeaia a work wv Kreroeation to endorse it. Few are the Jvt tamilies who do not kern Castoria "V W easy roach. Giatoa Uurmc, B. Il, Kew York City. i i i 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A 'i BEWARE f imitation trade snarka and Ubcts. is the whole story about marlf50"Pc; Costs wmwe thin other padagesoda oeverspoiU jJUvIUW.J. flour universy ackDowIided incest in tbc B Made onljtyCBURCat CO., Her York. Sold by tracers everywhere. Write or inn and Bummer Eon nt nl..M. r, --.- j Best Work PRINTING IIEbIESG - Office Slatsonery Give us yoar j. s ALBANY, p THE NEW WAY EAST J! -2.-011 "gStf and O.B.N. CO d t TaU Point ' J Waghingon. , Idaho, ia Montana, Dakotas.) Minnesota, and the East All Points in the Unitel States, Canada am Europe. The Great Northern Railway i a new transcontinental line. Runs buffet-library observation cars, palace sleeping aaJ dini 'g cars, family tourist s'eepcr and first and second c'ass coaches. Having a rock ballast track tbe Great Northern Railway i free from dost, one of th chief annoyances of transcontinental travel. Round trip tickets witn stop over privilege and choice of return routes. For farther information cad upon or write. F. J. Whitney. 6. P. & T. A., St. Paul, Mioa. Or C. C. Donovan. General Agent, 122 Third Street, Portland, Or. FORTMILLER & BUYING VlfE KEEP constantly on hand a full line V comm. aiso Burial lohes and suns, In broadcloth, at!n,cashmere, which will be sJd at The- Ibarra I l.(vBB Prodi. EMBALMING and the propr care of the dead a apeclalty . .as- t.r-w. SASOXIC TEHI'LE NO EXTRA CHAflC FDR GEOBGERIEPHOF BHEMATIC This Remedy Properly Taken ' GEORGE'S RHEUMATIC BITTERS t Bitters specially manufactured to aid those afflicted with Rheu matism. It gives tone to the stomach and purifies the blood better than any other bitters known. for Hale by all leading Druggists or address "G. R." P. 0. box 653, Astoria, Or, vk PETER BRACH, 437 Commercial street, Astoria, ONE GIVESIRELIER -: - NEW FURNITURE, y STORE iS NOW F0LL OF FIRST-0LASS FURNITURE, CON SIS 1. KG of bad room sets, chsirr, lounges, ato., which I will sell at BOTTOM 7 " "'My,, - rt. v Hi ant, wnicn iaa k in flat Docket. 1 oer riTe m wnuvwi mmudic kAJiU ilia L&lm. - lupn lualalDwrappor. Address ?Tsal in J. A. CUMMINUM. and Children. -Caatorla cure; Colic, Constipation Sour Stoovtch, Xslarrhcea, Eructation, Kffla TTormj, gtrea rip, u proa di gesUoa, Without Injurious mec!lGGrai "For -wraral toats I haro recommenda, your 'Oftoria, aid shall alwa-i continue u da so as it haa lnyariahly proOoocd boneCcia Jesuits." Eowra F. Pajumx, H. D., 152: finci and Ttfc iv. New Tk Ct Tb Carrara Coxpaxt, 7T HnuuT Stbekt, Saw Tcaut On-. aND HA. . - 1 Promptness uXb - BOOK A Specialty Patronage. LEY OREGON. LINES-The Short Route TaronebTieUa-tH u Sal - Cbcago. St. Louif, To and from Wmbinirton, Philadelphia, New York. Boston, ao1 of metallc, clotn and woodcaskeU and ALBASY OREGON HEARSE OR SERVICE fflKDT A PMANEHT CURS will Cure any Rheumatic Case. General Agent Oregon, Telephone No. 24. - - PRICES, Tbos. Brink. .6 l SOPAt SVii A N furDU?ed to cure t.l nervous 01-tue.,aucti at Weak Mnmorv Isi nfTr-iri ow. Headache. Wakeful dm. Lot! Mauboofi, hmlSlliKmwSt VllCUi TbLwondertulreinsd. nrm 117. foneurapiion or InaaQltr. Can be carried la '",.,, rara, ezeeaslve naeof tobacco, op! run oriUm box. for ttS. bv mail omi XCstt and it B"W.K8 MrsAiiLAMO, Draggituu Davenport Will Be Discharged. Judge Bellinger haa set the proper ex ample. He is opposed to detectives in ducing criminals to violate the law in order to make a case. His disposal of the Davenport case is a very interesting piev.e of legal proceeding. The Telegram says : "Doc" Davenport, the counterfeiters one of the luckiest men that ever tame into the federal court on a criminal charge. He plead guilty to a charge of making "false and forged coins." and of having in his possession molds for the purpose, each of which constitutes a crime. And yet he will not be punished. I This morning there appeared in the Luueu ram uisinci cuuri, Aiiorney (.Jarland.'from Albany, and Slr. George K. Chamberlain, to speak in behalf of Davenport. As Mr. Garland had not been admitted to practice in the court, Mr. Chamberlain appeared for him and moved that the nlea of euiltv ba set aside and a jury trial ordered. Judce Ileliineer listened and then ex plained that he had called the foreman of the grand jury, Mr. E. W. Cornell, be fore nun to state the character of the evidence given in the investigation. From it he had decided that Davenport was instigated to manufacture his coun terfeiting molds and dollars by Charles Fresch, who was employed by Special Treasury Agent Harria.of San Francisco, who had been detailed to investigate the source of the counterfeit dollars, with which Linn county was flooded last fall. When Davenport came up for sentence on Monday, he told Judge Bellinger a long story of the methods used in con victing lain. He claimed that Fresch had furnished him the inonev with which to buy the plaster for the molds and the solder out of which the coins were made. Judge Bellinger has evidently come to the conclusion that Davenport told the truth. He said this ruornine that the case would be set for trial in its regulur order, and that lie would instruct the jarv to find a verdict of not guilty. This will be done and the counterfeiter who haa al ready acknowledged his guilt, will go back to his farm in Linn countv. raoBABLT MrRDKRKD. April 9th, at Miles Citv. Montana. Towner Kara in- died under circumstances which pointed w liinti Biunjuu wr cnuiiuaiiv inten tional poisoning, leaving a wife and a large estate. His Bitter, Mrs. James An derson, is a resident of this conntv, near Jefferson, his brother, Daniel Savage, lives near Halsev. Linn countv. and the members of the well-known avage fam ily of Salem Lyman. Lewis. John. Orin. etc., al John, Jr. are full cousins of bis. sheriff Hawkins, of Miles City writes: "His wife savs he broueht home some medicine for her and as soon as she had taken it she knew by the taste of it that it was poison, and when Towner came in she told him that it was poison that he had brought out to her. lie told her that he knew better and that he would take the rest of it himself, which he did, and he died in less than two hours. Now, that is her story for it, but the coroner's jury brought in a verdict that he came to his death by poison ad ministered by some unknown person or persons. I am tatisfied that Towner was murdered." Statesman The Soldiers Home. Attorney Gen eral Idlemen has given his opinion that the soldier' home commission was not a legal body until the oaths of its mem bers were hied with the secretary of state and that whatever was done by them as a board before that time must be done over again. In accordance with this view the members of the board have agreed to meet in this citv the last of next week and make a new record. In the meantime, Commandant Baldwin will hold on and Commandant Byars will stand by the door waiting for him to re tire. There is very little importance at tached in the public mind now filed by the attorney general. If thev suit the offieess to whom they are siven they will be accepted ; if not they will be ig nored, hence such opinions are no criter ion of what is likely to be done. States man. A Baowitsvuxa Assigjcxest. R. . Thompson, recently attacbedby large number of creditors vesterdav filed an assignment of all his property to Geo. IL Coshow. for the benefit of his creditors. This was anticipated. The assignment does not show the amonnt of assets. The schedule will be filed in a few days. The total amount of liabilities is about 110,000. It is thought the stock will invoice at about 8,000. A good manw accocnts are cuit Tha hMvioat creditor is Wadhams & Co., $1,416.19; next Murphy, brant fc Co., 11132.25. ievi Mraua x Co., are in for fg.uu; Fleischner. Meyer & Co.. $.575.60: II. W. rung & Co., ol Chicago. $q2o: htandard Shoe Co., $-516; Dittenboff, Hass A Co., 3477; Tnest & Co.. J297 : Bervm & Co., $373; Such Bros. Co., $234.95; the three Brownsville creditors who made attachments and several others. Tub Maccabees Tbain. The manage ment of the O. O. & K. extended to both lodges of the Maccabees the courtesies of a special train, and over one hundred members, besides many others left the city at 12:30 for Corvallia to attend the funeral of the late commander of tbe Al bany tent. Mr. Campbell. They took with them as fine a display of floral of ferings as was ever gotten together here, displaying a large variety of designs. Among the manv vrettv nieces was an elegant affair made in Portland and sent by the Order of Railway Conductors, ol which the deceased was a member, tributes to one who had always kept his record good, and whose terrible deatn will long leave a terrible scar in the memory of the many friends of the de ceased. It West Down Instastlv. Mr. Css- teel, the engineer on the O. C. & freight train wrecked at bridge 24 states that when almost across the bridge he felt the bridge giving way and almost in stantly the cab was swept off the engine by the cover ol tho bridge as the structure went down. There was ab solutely no time for action at all. The fireman, Mr. Puraifull, just reached out one hand striking a hot pipe that burned mm. the whistle, as well as the eab was swept off. Xo car jumped the track at all. The bridge justsimplygave way and went down. This is the engi neer's view, and it will be prolmbly be verified by the investigation that will hi made of the structure. The Bicvclb Races. The 15 bicycle race will take place on Saturday an 2 p. m. sharp. Those entering tho contest will be expected to be read v at that time. No entries can be made after tomorrow noon. Heals ggSi Running Cures thSerpent's Sting. CONTAGIOUS In all its stages eomnVely BLUUU rUldUtl stinata sore's and ulcer.1 erauieaiea by n. B. B. ui .aapai jrieia u na neaung powers It removes tiia noisea and builds ud tbe system A ..liMble inula oa tiw 4iwM sed iut aMtowstfi mat ITnt 1sjsjs I SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, Atlanta, Ga. Sores. 1 i EN-. FORCED. Following aro a couple of sections in ordinance o. 152 which are being en forced by the marshal in order lo pre vent so many runaways lieing caused by iiurat siuing leit suinuing : ORDINANCE NO. 152. Sec. 15. Any person w ho shall hitch or fasten any horse, marc or mule or any animal to any awning, post or shade tree, or to the case or box around any shade tree, shall upon conviction there of before the recorders court, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars, or imprisonment in the city jail not less than two days nor more than five days, or both, at the discretion oi me court. Sec. 16. No person having or using any animal or animals, unless the same be attached to a dray, truck or w-agon, shall leave such animal or animals with out first securely fastening the same; and no person or persons having or us ing any animal or animals attached to dray, trurk or -wagon, shall leave tho same without first locking the wheels of such dray truck or wagon, and fastening the lines to tho vehicle to which such animal or animals may lie attached, and any person violating "the provisions of this section, shall, upon conviction there of before the recorders court, be punish ed by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or imprison ment in the city jail not less than two days nor more 'than twentv-tlve days, or both, at the discretion of the couriT Mrs. Frank Skiff, of Salem, is visiting Albany friends. . 0. 1. Coshow and R. X. Thomnaon. of Brownsville, are in the city on busi ness todan, E. L. Thompson, of Portland, was in the city yesterday afternoon on insur ance uusinees. Col. and Mrs. Bunch and Miss Evaline Burvh, of Moline. 111., were in Alhanv this week on their way to Cor.-aliia to reside. They were former eastern neigh bors of Mr. J. A. Curaming of this city. Edwin J. Scott, well known in Albany, is new editor in chief of the Sun. Mir. Scott has been with the Oregonian for several years and last summer did the Yaqnina correspondence. A very pleasant Mav Dav partv was given bv the kindergarten last nigh't and was well attended. The reeular class exercises of the children were displaved by Miss Brouner, a class of 15 displaying the excellent training thev have receiv ed under the efficient kuidergartner. A lunch and sociability closed the evenings enjoyment. Th U- S. grand jury f Kind "not a tros bill"' in the rase ngiut J. L. Co"n, aa president of the Linn County National Bank. The confectionary store of Joe Woodford. a former Albany man, was burned at Sa em yeateniay. 1 he loan is piven a fA'. Insurance $300. The receipts of tbe county clerk for April were $347.a5, of the recorder. U7.0-!.. Cnder the new Kntler la th sheriff hard ly gets any reonipts, practically seTviag all papers far nothing. Sigel Holt, a Eugene rnsn, who left on a long tramp, ha written home Uiat while "traveling" in tbe sonthwest be was lock td in a box car and was without food or water for four days and nights. The new owners of the Oregon Pacific have announced that they will iroreed at once and repair ail the bridges ol the O C. & K , and pat th road in (fl condition. 1 bey will alj no doubt put ti e rolling stock is good runaini; order. The O. K. T. iKMupany closed their three nights engag'mrnt cere before a large au diem, 'i bey give a performance Oregon will not be ashamed of anywhere the company may travel. At the drawing feature of their entertainments u an Al bany young man their wandering ill be watched witn interest. Walter L. Toie has shipped from Wood bcrn and vicinity this seaon,94 cat loads of potatoes to all points in California and to several points in Texas. Arizona and New Mexico., lie also shipped five cars to Chi cago, III., being the tirt shipped out of the vaney, or at least tram Marion connty, to Eastern points. Tte Son Fubling Cr. filed articles jttterday with tbe secretary of state, to increase tbe car ital stock from $35.0(0 to $50,000, divided into 9000 shares, at $10 a shares. Tbe incorporators are: F. A. S Fredhoper. H V.Meade. W. H. Jones. Martin L. Piper and D. Sol is Cohen. Tois has a democratic sound to it. TbeCorvallis Times says: On Johnny Campbell's face nuler the left eje was a perfect picture of uis wtch dial showing ine time to be id minutes pat 3 o does, jitt the time of ll. accident. Itissuppoo d be had his watch in his hand looking at the time when t crah came and he Ml with his face oa the dial and it left the imprint. A Hcngby CoroAB. Lart Sundav morning while Ed. McBee, who resides near the month of Camp Creek, was out looking after his stock, he saw a large cougar come out of the brush and trv to catch sheep. It was broad daylight, being about V o clock m th morning, and the animal exhibited unusual bold' ness, doubtless because of great hunger, Mr. McBee frightened it awav and im mediately went to the house for a gtin He returned just in time to see the cou gar make a second attempt to catch a sheep, but without getting a shot at it This time the animal dr.iggcd-thc sheep iniu lue uruHii uui w as again ingiiieneu away before it had kilLtl it. tugene uuard. A Bottle Picked l r. A bottle con taining a letter was picked up near the bar at Astoria on Sunday last by some fishermen, and turned over to the life- saving crew. It was covered with bar nacles, and had evidently bran a long time in the water, but the paper inside was in a lair slave oi prenerva, ion. ine communication was addressed to one Frank Hamilton, and signed by Thomas Blanche, it was as follows: "We was drowned in 1832, October 16. Finder please let my father know. No. 344 St, Georae. Otner men were drowned to escape the Indians," It is probably a lake. A Three Year's Rt'N. In an adver tisement the Salem Woolen Mills com pany boasts with reason as follows : "Tho liveliest institution in the Willamette ailey is the woolen mill of Salem having never stooned dav or niirht. ex cept Sunday and holidays for three years it being the only mill on the Pacific coast that has run steady and full hand ed during the time of financial depress ion and paid for every cord of wood, very pound of wool and every days labor the moment it was- due." The reason for this is the fact that Mr. Kay is the best woolen mill man on the coast. He is business. Aoain Failep. The Eugene which was to make regular trips to Eugene, has again failed. The Guard says: The steamer Eugene arrived nt Harrisburg last evening. She landed between thirty and forty tons of freight at that place for Eugene merchants. Teams went down this morning to bring tho goods here. The river was three feet and 10 inches above low water mark, hence it was im possible for the boat to reach this point. A Caro of Thanks. We tho under sign members of the Catholic church with to express our thanks to the ladies and the general public who so kindly assisted us at our recent sociable. Mb. and Mrs. Combad Mkykh. Mr. Kasper Vanpran. Winnie Fennkll. MOLLIE GlllUN. AV nomvivrr nnvr FEIDAT I A Mnn County Target. Senator Dawson, of this county, seems to be considerable of a target. Here is a shot at him. The Milwaukee Keinihli can Club, with a membership of 129, which is claimed is the second largest cltiD m tJlnckanmH i n uiiy, nas parsed me following resolutions: ."Whtireas, It is the sense of the Mil waukue Republican Imib ttiat a proinioe by a candidate to the people is one of the most sacred of agreements, and "Whereas, We have In-fore us the pledge of Senator S. A. Dawson to vote and use all his influence in favor of a law calling a constitutional convention at the earliest possible date to submit to the voters of Oregon a new constitution in cluding the Initiative and Referendum system of making law, and "Whereas, Senator Dawson wilfully violated his pledge, therefore be it "Resolved, By tlje Milwaukee Itepuh lican Club, that Senator Dawson, in our opinion, has forfeited the respect and confidence of all honorable men, and that he it unworthy of holding any po sition of trust and honor. . m Resolved, That our secretary is liere-! by requested to send a marked conv of this resolution to the press and :o Svn-j ator Dawson. List of Patents. Granted to Pacific States inventor this week. RetMtrted bv C. A. Snow & Co., solicitors of American and Foreign patents, opp. L. S. Patent ollice, Well ington, D. C. H. Bakersvillc. St. Helena. Cal.. fruit hipping lackuue. J. H. Bisrelow. San Franchtco, Cal., machinery fur making ubtilar leather blanks. A. P. Iturnham. San Franciaeo, Cal., daiiier regulating apparatus. T. rahey, Spokane, Wash., button. C. . Hinion. Ixm Aneelva. Cal., car-coupling. F. W. Krugti, San rrancisco, tal., water tank. J.C II. Stmt, Oakland, Cal., boiler. W. Swa hel, San Francisco, centrifugal pump. D. R. Wilder, Los Angeles, Cal.. infant's food warmer. J. P. Wilwm. Red Bluff. Cal., rheckrein holder. R. Wynell, San rrancssco, gas regulating burner. Probate Record. In estate of K. I.. Knox, undertaking of B. M. Payne, administrator, for $10, 000 filed and approver). In estate of Kmaline Alforvl inventorv and appraisement filed : real prouerty $2125; personal, $417.65. In (state of Sarah averill. petition to sell personal property granted. In estate of Eugene llm. inventory was filed; real prorty,$."Vi; pcrorial property, iii..w. total, f. 74.jO In estate of Isaac Witherite, l:i-l of ailmiuistrator for $-j000 approved. In estate of Lewis Ixng, first account filed. A Ccaiors Birth. On Mondav morn ing last, near thisritr there was born to a most respwtal.le couple a verv inter- estuig cunosity. Tlie child was perfect ly formed from the waist down. Above Uie waii-t. two lttes seem to have bet-n reSiSftl or wedded together, with two istinct, separate anl natural brad.; three arms anl four hand. The right rtn of one and the left arm of the other were in one limb, ending in two rr'iTt hands. The other two arms and hands were perfertlv formed. Tt,' beads were on separate nerks, Imt the tirtlie w t-re socioBcly knitteil together that the dis tinct leatnrrs of each could hardly be detected. The bead and favs were per fect and tle eipresions of the two fa-es were natural ami phamg. t-acn bead hal an abundant groa th of hair. The child was Utrn d.-sd and its picture was taken at the Bovd liailerv. IT. I- Fo ley was the attending phvi-ian and has one of ihe Jiotvranhs. The remains were Imried m the Masonic cenielarv. Lebanon Express. A Fast Tnir. T. N. Pt and Mr. El lison arrived in Alhanv la.t night from Eastern Oregon and probably made the quickest time ever made aenxw the Cas cades to Albanv. Thev left Uiggs p'ace beyond Black Butte, W!neiay roorn- tng.and traveled forty miles to isowman s place the first day. "The snow was ten and twelve feet deep in places and con tinues for 16 miles. They used snow shoes there. Bowman was not at home, a they were obliged to build a fire and camp out out during the night-. Start ing early they reached Hetroit. 23 miles. in time for the noon train, reaching Ai- hasv in the evening ln-fore 5 o'clock. Thev will return bv the same route, leav- ng Albany tomorrow. . Jim Westtaui. in SattH. Jim Westfall, an intelligent Chinaman at Albany was in Salem this week on business matters. Westfall speaks English quite fluently. He is 51 vears old and ha been in Ore gon twenty-two years. During the days of the construction of the Oregon 1'a- cific railroad he had many contracts for doing work on the road and the result is now the Hogg faction owe him about $18,000 which he never expects to get, consequently instead of being well fixed nnanciauv lie is now nareiv niaKint a living. He is watching the case on ar peal in the supreme court thinking that should the lower court be sustained and the road pass into the bands of Messrs Hammond & IJonncr. a portion ol his money may lie paid him. Statesman, Not Afraid or Bbaov. Thev Rre not afraid of Bradv around Lrlanon And W terloo as the following items from the Advance indicate: Marshal Morgan held up and searched one of two tramps be found in a box car on Sunday, on suspicion of him being Bradv. the train roblier ami murderer. We are informed that a stranger who stopped over night in Waterloo recently. was taken for Bradv, the train robter,by a couple of amateur detectives, a ho com pelled him to throw up his hands, and submit to being searched. Monet in Sitps. The following (wm the Lebanon Advance is a good jointer on the advantages ol dtversilietl tanning W It 1 innari nnnnl t weiitv-foiir car loads of potatoes from this place during April. Tho carloads averaged 30,700 pounds, making the total numlier of tiounds 736,800. For these the farmers u-nre naid 45 cents a hundred, a total amount of $:315.60. Mr. Donaea also shinned a numlier of carloads last fall The maro "Sophie 11" owntd by A J Pickard end Harvey Sominerville has been entered in tho races ct Sacramento, Iis Angeles and San Jose to take place this fail, Eugene, Ouard. No Secret About It. Physicians have had tho form ula of Scott's Emulsion for so years and know they can always depend upon it as being exactly the same. It contains the purest Norway Cod-liver Oil, tho best Ilypophosphites and chemically pure Glycerine, made into a per fect Emulsion that does not sep ftrate or grow rancid like other so-called Emulsions. There havo been many things presented as substitutes, but there is nothing that can take its place in Con sumption and all wasting dis eases. Don't bt vrrruaiitd lo accept a ntbttltvtt t Scott Bowks, N. Y. Ail Druggists. 30ctnd$f. A Deep Dyed Villain. Frequently items are seen about the meanest men in the U. 8. The divorce case of Simon agt Simon has been up be fore Judge Hew iH at Salem. The fol lowing from the Post is an account of the proceedings that led tip lo the suit, and if thtre is a meaner man in the U.S. than Simon, according to this account. the Democrat would like to hear of it: About a vear and a half aio George Simon made the acquaintance of the Htcditiighter of Mr. Leisy and a mar riage soon followed. Simon was hard up for money and knowing that the girl was fairly well supplied with money he won her affections. Soon after the mar riage Simon obtained all of her money and of course, had no more use for her. The report then comes that be, with the assistance of others, made her swear falsely to an atlidavit charging herself with some of the moat lascivious Crimea known. Thev threatened to sand hir ti the penitentiary if she did not do so, and the litth girl became so frightened that she attached her name to the unlawful locument. Then as a matter of course the husband began showing this and at tempted to send her east, but before he accomplished his object the matter was umen up uy neighbors and tno young fellow Skiiutcd out iuat in tima tn i.rvvpnl a lynching. I le has never been heard Of since and It is well for him never In show up again in this locality. Coroner Jury'sj Report. The coroner's jury met at Pioneer yes teiday and after investigating tbe recent w reck brought in the following verdict : We t'ie coroners jury duly impaneled and sworn to inquire into the death of Jog. Wilcox, find that deceased came to bis death by reason Of a dislocation of tbe neck and a break of the spinal column just alxve the hij, said injury being the result of the wreck of a freight train on Oregon Central and Eas'ern R. R. at bridge No. 24. We further find that said bridge was badly decayed, but could not just sar in its present condition whether the bridge was safe Ixiore it broke down or not. The evidence taken from competent bridge men showed that the bridge was considered safe. B. Mobbison, K. W. I'owEas, F. Bbown, A. G. Dalaba, Faao WmENSTwost, T. H. HoBtfso, Db, F. M. Cabteb, Coroner. A eomwpondent of a Salem paper de clares the cause of the wreck to be a rot ten bridge. Others sav tbe timber of the bridse were all good. Whatever the cause it is nndolKedlv a fact that this was one of the first bridge built and that it has never been rebuilt.thoogh repaired s-ju.o. If the cau-e was a rotten bridge no one is more to blame than the rail road commissioners, w ho are paid to pick out rotten bridges. Ir. Foley, of Lebanon, is in tbe vity. Mrs. Ralph Ohling and children, of Eugene, are visiting Albany friends. Mr. George R. Chit is, the popular drummer, now benedict, is in the city. George Young, tbe barber, of Clacka mas ceunty. formerly a resident of Al bany, is in' the city. " M. J. Monteith. of Portland, came up on this nonn's train for a few days visit. On the 13Ui be will leave on a trip to Alaska. Richard Fry has gone to Mdford to take the situation on the Mail left vacant by his brother David, who leaves in a few days for California. Ijeboaon Ad vance. io lortner A!iany l-utchers now re side in Albina. Jon n Dierengeria work ing fr the Pacific Packing Company.. and Fred lioetx is transforming his sa loon into a butcher shop, w hich will be open in a few days. Rev. Courtwright, of Iowa, lias been nvited to prvach in the lrebrterin churvh temporarily with a view to a per manent coil, and will he here one week from next Sunday. He is highly recom mended by Ir. Ray. The Lincoln Countv Record, savs that Mr. lobn SlarrUon. of Albanv, who owns several cottages at Nye Brook, came over to spend a lew days and make some re pairs on bis property before tley are oc cupied for tbe season. Mr. Mot-iison is a great lover of the ocean and lakes pleas ure in rambling on the bewrh where he lias found some wry beautiful agates. U is his opinion that there ill be a great crowd at Newport this summer. The grand lodg I. O. O F. wiil neet in Salem on May 15. Mr. Jetvie Mix-, ba onened a barber shop at Waller Biddeh "s place on First St, Undce 24. on the O. P. will be recon- sliucted ready for uw on next Wednesday. The Bp-I strawberries put in an appear ance this morning, xney came from Cal ifornia. The conditio cf tbe weather today indi cate that the bicycle rar will again be tpot.eJ. fourteen criminal justice court rases were begun in Linn county during April, at an expense of over iuo. Pel Norte won a race at San Francisco restrrdiiy; but it was not tbe Albany Del .otle. it was a runner. Thr I-hanon Express endorses Judge Bellinger's position in reference to Doc f aremort and -,, a lawyer now in Alb' ny had a hand in getting ia ten port to do Uie bUMiies in order to be caught. lbs funeral of lahn Campbell td Corval- lis yesterday is reported one ot the biggest evei held in Oregon. Ine floral display was a Tuarrelous one. J. L. Mitchell, a well known rustler, of Salem, has been arrested cba-ged with em bezzling $200 from a railroad company for whom he has been kiting aa agent. Hi preliminary examination will take place next Wednesday. Mr. O. 51. Sawvcr. of this city, has eight thoroughbred Wyandotte hens. which were one iear old April tin of this yer. 1 hey commenced laying October 23. 1S94, andupfo Ami SO. 1SU5. tare laid UH rggs, or an average of 1 lt.'j eggs each. r. u gene uuara G. F. Slier, of W aterloo, made us a pleasant call on Monday He nformed ru that the factory at that place would start up about the first of June. If the factory is run only in the day time, sbout forty hands will tie employed; if it is run day and nigh', about double that number will be required. There are fire applicants for evory position lo begivsn ouL Advance. Tho Albany republican club will meet to night and ekct delegates lo the nieet'ng of lepiililicnn duiwi to he field n rortiuna The Lebanon club have elected the follow, ing delegates: John M. Soiner, Dr V. I! Bool he. Frank Niokereon. .A J. Cran dull. R. Hiatt, W. U. Donaea, A. A. Keea, J It. Thompson, Prof. 8. A. Randall, W 11. Klum. A Bicvclist Comino. Tom Winder, of the Warsaw. Ind.. Wasp, who is niak ing a trip to the coast and bonier land of tho U.S, in ;wo consecutive oays on a bicvcle. will l in Albany bet ween tho 12tli and 13th of this mouth. As he is to ride 72 miles a dav he doesn't stop long at a place. On his trip be will paw through 33 states and territories, 220 counties, and visit 2.84 cities, towns and villages. The rido Is said to be the ongust steady one ever undertaken. A Rki.ic ok 1805. Otto Clelan yester day was cleaning up the house ot Ueo. W. Young, for many years occupied by Mr. Kirkpatrick, when became across several old papers on the wall. One was a Knn Frr.neiHco naner. tli American Eagle, printed in 1865 and giving for the first time the account of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. It was probably pasted there shortly after and baa re mained since, being covered up by wall paper. Highest of all ia Leavening AnhOlMJTEJLY PURE SOCIAL AND PhRSONAL. E. L. Thompson and family came op from Portland this noon. O. H. Irvine and family, of McMinn ville, are in the city on a visit. License was issued today for the mar riage of Frank Lamp and Alice Winkle, Prof. Crawford, formerly of Albany, has been elected principal of the Hem i schools. Mr. Frank Simpson, is now at Han ford, Calif., where he is working with a surveying crew on a big irrigation ditch. Prof. W. H. Lee will leave on Monday for the east to attend the meeting of tbe general assembly of the Presbyterian church. Dr. Henry Davis, of Albany, was called to this city twice this week to bold con sultation w ith Dr. Starr, regarding Mrs. Henry Myers. Brownsville Times. Miss Maude Howe, of "The Leader," was in Albany Tuesday and purchased another large'stock of the latest stvle millinery goods. She invites inspection from all the ladies. Brownsville Times. Douglas Hamilton, of Scio, is in th city this afternoon.for the purpose of ex horting on the street. Recently the Salem Statesman referred to Ioug. as cousin of Hon. Jeff Meverr. Mr. Hamii- considers this an injustice and desires the Democrat to correct it. He is in- clined to believe Mr. Meter was trying to make oat the relationsbin: but he does not propose to submit to anything use mat. Geo. W. Davis, clerk of tbe Board of School Land Commissioners, returned from the Pioneer quarries yesterday on the Oregon Pacific He savs that' tbe crops up tbe- valley ore very fine. He describes the wreck on tbe O. P. as a very bod one. but does not believe Sunt. Clark was to blame. He think Clark has kept np the road to the verv best of his ability, and should not be blamed for the accident. Salem Journal. J. K. Weatberford and if. C- WaUon. of Albany, and J. Fred Yates, of Corvalli, were attorneys over from the alley ed - Beaday. Tbey came over to take tba testi mony in the caeot B. F. Jones vs. L. G. Hale, el al which involves the validity of tbe foreclosure and sal- of the property of ine 1 oleoo Loal Co Mr. latea is referee in tbe case, but owing to the iOnea of Mr Jones, tbe olaiatiff. it was continued till May I5tb. Lincoln County Leader A Saueh-Alsavt Boat. The promo ters of the ".igbt draft steam boat to ply on toe lilametle between r-sk-m ana Albanv, tbe vear round are meeting with excellent success in this city. Tbe mer chant are interesting themselves in tbe new enterprise and ore subscribing lib erally toward its support. Messrs. Gra ham 'and Baldwin will I about the city the first of next week for tbe purpose of completing tbe work of taking snbscript ioos. When Salem ha been tbxoaghly canvassed these gentlemen will visit In dependence and Albanv basinosj men who have promised to aid the new enter prise liberally. Tbe new boat will un doubtedly be constructed and should Salem have a cannery, this boat would rove herself verv valuable in gathering milk at wav points between Albany and Salem where it is-too far and loo expen sive to bring it by team. The new boat w ill be 70 levt long with a 1ft foot beam. capacity 50 tons and will be allowed to carry 100 passengers. Her engines will lie use uioee in ine Aitona ana wiu carry 30O pounds of speed. She mav prove erielf to be the speediest craft on the river. Journal Albany business men have made no promises at all ; at the same time the boot is a goal thing and should be crttooraged. How DinrrHAn-iac. Col. Eddy's view of tbe wreck on Ihv O. C. & E. as given a Portland paper is that tbe front part of the train was to go vo Pioneer to do some switching, while tbe i?ar end would fol low down tbe grade u. barge of the brakeman, and that in dividing the train "-he jar caused Uie bridge to go down. Pioneer is a mile and a bait from the tunnel and the rear lrakeroan and engineer and firemen would certain ly have known of tbe fact. anl even il the train had been divided at that place it would have caused no perceptible jar. Air. V-Oeueei states positively mat iue train just simply sank down without any jar, and the rear brakeman telt no jar. The truth is. the brilge was defective. On April 13 the commissioners after ex- amining me roaa aaareseea a lesicr 10 the Supreme Court urging as early a de- cikiuu iu ine penning cave a? iatchi-iv. w tnat tne rood could be put in couamon be lore summer travel, which tne court promised to do when the papers were all before it. Ratreb Pectuab. There is a condi tion of affairs in the transportation of freight from Portland .o points of equal distance on theS. P. lines, that has been called to our attention, that very much needs the kind offices of the rai road commission or somebody else to adjust From Portland to Scio. or W est Scio is 4 miles: for the class of freight we have in mind the railroad charges 25 ct per hundred. From Portland to Albany the distance is nearly SO miles; yet tbe same class of freight as above is earned for i cents per hundred. Making a difference, of 18 cts per hundred pounds that Albany merchants have advantage oyer our Scio merchants, rrora Albany via tne lo- anon Junction over the S. P. is about 21 miles with a charge ol 15 cents per nun- Ired for the same class of freight, our merchants can save 3 cents per pound if they shinto Albany and then reship to West Scio. over shipping from Port land to West Scio vet there is a difference of nearly 30 miles in disUnce. ITess. A 25 ct. Car. Sime time ago a few children accidentally broke a window nar.e out of the North Side school house. and the principal notified the parents of the children that they were cxpeeiea to nav the damages about M cents each. All complied with the request, save one C. C. Brown, who kicked over tho traces and said be would not pay one cent. The directors met and upheld the principal in his actions, and suspended the brown child for a short tune. N positive was Mr. Brown that be bad a good ca.e, that he appealed to the county superintend nt. Chairman Jack, Clerk Say and Mr. Brown went to Albany ami placed their case liefore Una otncial who, one week. later, affirmed the decision of the direct ors, and thus a suit involving tno mag. niticent sum of -o cents has been settled, Brownsville Times. Yaqcina Dklwiates. The following delegates have been appointed thus far to go to taquinaon May nth to meet with the board of engineers : Salem. Hon. Claude Gatcb, Mayor; Hon. W.T. Rigdon, Hon. 11. W. Bing ham, E. M. AVaite, G. B. Gray, Hon. E. Holer, I. A. Wagner, Esq, G. Steiner, J. M. Kyle, C. O. Cross, and Hon. J. G. Wright, Albany. Hon. J. K. Weatberford, S. A. Dawson, S. E. Young, C. C. Hogue, N. H. Allen, O. G. Burkhart and D. M. Monteith. Junction Citv. Hon. G. M. Moore head, and Dr. N. 11. Lee. Corvallis. Hon. G. A. -Waggoner, J. D. Daly, W.T. Peet, Judge J. R. Bryson, E. w. uauiey ami e. Mine. A one legged man, evidently steeped ia i whiskey, haa been on the streets begging I today. Us il a ragged,deplorabltt looking 1 pesfacls. I Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report mm. T79 If BANKER COWAN EXONERATED." Mr. Cowan Brings Tears to the Eyes of the Jurors. Tbe Democrat mentioned several days ago the fact that in tbe case of J. L. Cowan the U. S. grand jury bad found not a true bill. Under tbe above bead yesterday's Telegram gives tbe following interesting account of the catse: The mot important of the cases oi ex oneration is that of James L. Cowan, formerly president of tbe Linn County National Bank. Mr. Cowan lias been haunting the halls of theFeleral bidd ing for a week awaiting bis opportunity to explain to the grand jury the nature of the charge against bixii. He was ac cused of embezzlement, in one cose of having taken $15,000 of the bank's money, and i another of having stolen f 23,(uu. When at last an opportunity wan given htm of testifying, he came before the jarv and delivered himself of an eloquent and earnest plea. Hi explanation was really a speech, though with unconscious eSort. lie said that be was ruined as a result of the bank's failure, that be bod lost $55,000, and was now broken down physically and financially. According to the description of the jurors bis talk was very dramatic, for when be bad finished tbe sad recital of hi woe, half the jurors were in tears, and there were none whose eye were dry, including District Attor ney himselL Mr. Cowan was indicted by the but grand jury when tbe feeling against Na tional banks was running high, just after the panic of 18a3. No investigation of the case was made at that time. He was not charged with any specific crime, simplv embezzlement without a descript ion of tbe amount, time or method of tbe crime. Tbe indictment was resubmitted and the allegation was dismissed by, it is said, a unanimous vote ot tbe jury. HOME AND ABROAD BrowBsrilie will c&brat tbe 4ta cf July. Ladies wishing stylish brimmed milli nery can no select 'from an entire new stock just received at the Ladies Bazaar. Strawberries at F. E. Allan's to-morrow for Sunday. Reu Crown Snow Flake Sour in tbe mar ket. Mill feed of .11 kinds at the Red Crown MiiU. Full lioetJ straw hats at L. E. Plain Clxbmg Go's It i estimated that Oregon has 60G0 acre cf tearing prune trees. There i a photograph gallery in Albany. it's at the cornr of 2nd and Ferry sta. wes of tbe Pot office. Ir. G- W. Mx-ion. pbytkaan and tot- geoe. A loany Ur. Colas answered prompt iy in city or cocairy. Tinkle bad too? negatives of tbe wreck on tbe O- C E. within an boor after it happeneu. toe cream 5 and 10 cents a diah at lira. Veireck s Summer Garden, corner 3rd and Brtvdaioin sts. Mr. Taylor of Sanviea. Diand cama to Oregon in 1?3$ and ia seppoaed to be tn oldest pioaeer in the state. When yon next want a ac of Sear ri to tbe Executor's sale whre you cas get tb best ot a mj t jt 5a cts pr sack, and evjrr sacs guaranteed - Ak your grocer to give vou Lewisville Standard flour and take no other. The be4 Boor in tbe mancrt. Each tack guaran teed. Tbe As&land Tidings is claiming dis tinction for a lady of f--at city, whose hus band clerks for O. T. Blount, on account of bee having at one time bam tbe organirt in tbe til-fated Eaunoal Cbarch ot San Fraacitco. For tin pictures go to tin-ili!ers': for first cUss photographs, go to a first cUss ptiotckgrepber. There is bat one in Albany, his name is Tinkle. Just received a new kt r-f rood-, includ ing a fine awortment of tuoe. which are going at hard time prices, at the 'cheap Cosh Department Siore. Mi's Crawford's tlocuf ion dasses meet every Mom'ay, Wednesday atd Thursday of each -reek, at 4 :15 p. m. at W . C. T. U. Hall. Pupi s may enter the claeaes ct aev time If voo d-wire a luxurious growth cf nealu.y hair of a natural color, na'-drc's crowning ornament of bc-tH sexe. use only Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Keoewer. A man named Coney, who claims to be I one o ine original v oxeyires woo marched from San 'raocisec, to Wasbinktos. t com- I ing down tb valley, speaking; on the streets. J. M. Howard, a merchant, of Junction City, was arrested Thursday afternoon in mat city on a complaint sworn to by Airs. P. C. Moore in Justice J . I. Butler's court, charging hiin with hn tog sold tobacco to her son, who is a minor. Upon eiaruina At a meeting cf the Republican Club o' Albany held at tbe court boose last night the following delegates were elected to the state meetirg of republican clubs to be held on May 22: J. R. WvattJ. B. AVhtt ney, N. Needbam, G. M. Yrlfer, C. W. Watts, F. T. Blount. C. B. Monteith. E. M. Ilorton. M. H Ellis. C 15 Winn. A. H. Freerksoa. Yiereck, J. A . W ilscn and J. A. McFeron. " Brings comfort and improvement ex tends to personal enjoyment, wl: rightly used. The many, who live r tor than others and eu joy life more, w less expenditure, by more promp. adapting the world's best products . the needs of physical being, will atte the value to health of the pure liqt:io laxative principles enrbtaccd in 1 1 remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its prerentir::; in the" form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing end truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently caring constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with tho approval of the medical profession, bicause it acts on th Kid neys, Liver 4d Bowels without weak cning them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs b for sale by all drng gist3 ia 60 cent bottle, bat it is man uf-u turcd by tho California Fig Syron only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being veil informed, you will not accept any cubatituta if ourL KNOWLEDGE ! Scookn Deatii. Mr. Paine, residing near Portland, s;veral days a;o came op on a visit w ith his son Tom Paine, re ; siding across the river in Benton connty. Yesterday morning the old gentleman, 1 80 years of ege, Wgan acting in a very strange manner, jiiKt san insane j Kir son would do. Sildf Cnly h fell Io n, and when aswistame jeachtd hiui he was dead. His crriducMna le the case ape?'ulur one. He I. ad nvn apjjrent ly all right Mure. IIjTEt Ciasoe. Chris Var. Jran, has pnrcbasf A of bis Irrother, Caspar V211 dran, the Depot horel outfit, and has taken charge of the hotel Chri-! has been connected with the hotl several years and thoroughly understand the business. Casper went to Portland this morning on business. - FOR THE BLOOD Just now everybody 5s thinking abotrt taking something for the blood. A Spring medicine as we speak of ft. And it's 2 good thing to do, brt you want to get the proper meJidrie. If yoa consult your physician he will tell you to TaKe GOOD lim and that, because the liver has every thing to do with the blood. If the liver is sluggish the system is dogged, the blood becomes impure, and the whole body suffers. Every medicine recom mended for the blooi is supposed to work on the Ever. Then get at once tee King of liver medicines," SIMEONS LITER REQULSTOH It does Its work well, and tones en the whok-systeni. It is " Better than Pills," and can be had in li juid or powder. Mexican Mustang Liniment far Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Pile, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, 1 1 amess z Saddk Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, Ii Cattle Ailments, VII Horse Ailments, AI1 Sheep AilmentSj Penetrates Muscle Membrane and Tissu: Quickly to the Very Seat cf Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. &cstaog Linlrcect coaqocrt Pain, flaxes risn or Beast weQ ccaio. W.L.DCUCLAS ilW Ea F.T fZi A KINS. 5. cordovan: nocHauuuckifaoa?. ,5? S2- '-K.NSSy LAIIIM- 6 est -A. OverOaa MJUoq Pco-U car tbe W. L. Dcuas $3 & $4 Sices AU aur shoes are eusCy satisfactory TTWy give toe rt vefje far the ,1wy equal costna shces ia styl. za tit. Tsrair wcar'jis atn!!tia are orpafsd. Tin prfcer ar be:tn.sn3Cti sa:-. Fnw- ti S 3 - -ver o- Rr tnxStc-. It p.ur osct sa j-ly jva aa. ;"ii'-v THE t.E BLAIN CLOTHING CO , - .'AMU r- ! .'fisyriii. .f 1 TOBACCO. Dr. Price's Cream Baking i'ow Awarded CoU HoUl Mkiwialcs Fotr. &a F- The Beet Sprbj IteCsa; S3 S 1. M .s . J Jas w LTHE-BEST PIPE