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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1895)
7 E AT h El it FORD A WTAT Attorney at Law. Will practice In all courts ot th state. Special attention given to matters In probate and to to. lections. OFFICE In th Flinn block w K BIILTEC Attorney at Law ud Solicitor In Chancery. Ool 'ions made on all point. Loan negotiated on mill term. Albany Oregon G EO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Public. Will praetloelo all theoouru of thu state Special attention Hwn to collection and matter in prebate Orate: Next aoor 10 romotnc, Albany, Oim. fj WniTNEY, . Attorney at Law, Albany, Or. LACKBURN & SOWERS AH legal matters will reserve prompt at tention, ."-vy Office, First National Bank building, pp stairs. WALLIS NASH ATTOBNET . .CaVW Will practice in all the court ot the state. Office Post Office Block. Albany jrregon. Q G Watson Luther Elkina WATSON & ELKINS TTOIilSrESTS A.T 3A."W Office First National Bank Building Bnsiness intnsied to us will receive care iul and prompt attention. M TASYE fc HACKLEHtN, Attorneys at Lav. Albany, Oregon. QEO. W. HARRIS JUSTICE OF PEACE, Is new located in the PanocaAT office, roracr of 2nd and Bruadalma streets Albany. Or. Bents and Colleetioas a Specialty- D R. J. I. HILL,. Phydcian and jurgeoa. OFFICK Com F7 streets, Albany, Oregon. D rs. II. . and O. K. Beers. Physicians and surgeons, post office block. Albany, Ore. Hoars 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to S p. m. Residence corner 5th and Calapooia sta. Special attention given to diseases of women. DR. C, U, CHAMBERLIH SOSXOBOPA.T: Office on Ferry St near cor ?rd St. Offic boors, 7 to 9 a m. 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m Especial attention given to chronic case and eye diseases. IKST N1TIO.UL BANK, or AUAN V, OBXOOS "raetdeat Vice PresMeut . lflivs 8, K.YOC.V0 W. LAS O DOS fEAKSACTS A O 83EBAL banking oustneai ACVOCNTS KEPT subject to cheek. SIGHT XI CHANGE and tel Taphle transf r, void Hew fork, San Francisco. Chicago and PtUad O.S.30!r (AOIoa favoraM ona Tobm K ,W Bun, L. Fun, Sowaa I . got. J nilt'Id:fl..8XaiiH or Ar.BAWY. ORKSOM, fSAXSACTamerU Baakin; nin. PRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Sew Turk. Sea Ft am and Portlana, Ongmm. LOAX MONEY oa improved security. RECEIVE deposi a subject to check. OOULSOTIONS made oa tarnralh teraav INTEREST oaid on time -leooai B ASK or NCIO, 0IO, OBBQOW. a i i r. sutler . J nTo A J ton ETABL.?IIED .182 Hammer. WliolB3a!8 Commission Merchant, - 215 and 217 Davis St. Cor. Commercial, San Fhaxcisco, Cal. We pay the highest market . price for wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, ap ples, poultry, hides, wool and gen eral produces It will pay you to write ns and keep post ed. Liberal advances made on consignments. ( San Francisco Produce Excb. Member: i ( San Francisco Fruit Exchange- Lfc ""1 ir" ' ii-toit tfca ef w " - - Ul'J, alii. thshilimi' 9ftije(eatw4Jriliar,0. iwit toting n caasf ef diet er n ii ii rn. laerearik r i i 0"2J "" mrmaiij. Waa i. 'J 33 AS V PREVEKTIVE I ,nskMjdiiMH:WttiUaMd Wz BE TFs TBS tp" V irt.l.aorrbbaaolart, nwr w -war- teaaaiBViNS,orri amasfarfe. i A Cummlng, sole agent, Albany. LASt k -. io xyo zscrv Di. . LIX LC BRUfJ'3 fill BHD PEPYEOTJ. rO aretoorinalnnd only S?.ENCH, safe and ro. ii&itU crra en thn murkot. Price $LU); aent by ok" iiciioia S9I t oaly by J A Cnrrnninj, sole gent. Alhary, CA I OBTATH A PATEKTf For 'I VSS 6c CO.. wbo have had Murl, flf I w experience In the patent btulneaa. Commmilca. tions iLrictly confldeiitlal. A Ilandbeok of ln lormation concernUw I'atrala and bow to ob. tal n tnem ent free. Also a catalogue ot machaa. leal and ecientiflo booka ent free latent taken tbronch Hum A Co. reoetra Jjwcial notice in the HrlentiRc Ameriraa, and tbn ara brought widely before the public with, put cost to the inTwitor. Thi aplendid paper, Isaned weekly, elesantly lllnat rated, has by far tbe iarcest clrcnlatioa of any scientific work In too wSJ'?rJ,'3 JTi 6"iJ!' enpie ent free. ?.lidi?f iUondinontnly. pJOm year, filngto copies. ttH cents. Every number contain bean wfm piatea. In colors, and pbotoirraphs of new houses, with plana, enabling Wide? to show too taiS?2,,f1lSu'1sec,K?0",trct Address - ' CO, New Ifoua. 3B1 BaoABWAr- pOSHAY & MASON - K.SUiS SB ABVaTa irjggis8and Booksellers. t-i,ts for John B. Alden's pablWeoni s .ti-h -t,e:i a pobHsser'sj prloaiir tf K . M. T. M Meelsevery Saturday evening in K. 0 T M. Hall. Visiting Knights invit-d to at tend. John Campbell, Com. G MOOS', opposite the Ross Hons two", bi an, ports, Grm weal, Ors bam u". wheat, rjo JUonr, hay, 0.1 1 it, 00 alout.Jeto. WANTI'D, af Albany Dental Totlms .1 lady lo take charge of aecre Ury( work aid entertain waiting patients AGENTS WANTED. Boys or girlls niake money. Send 25c for sampe Jt . I.. Truax, Grsnts Paes, Ur, COPYRIGHTS. "Take ft liole and put soma dough around it, then fry in lard." This ample recipe has brought thousands to grief, just because of the frying in lard, which as we all know .hinders digestion. In all recipes where you have used lard, try the new vegetable shortening and you will be surprised at the delightful and healthful results. It b without unpleasant odor, unpleasant flavor or unpleasant! results. With Cottolens in your kitchen, the young, the delicatej and the dvsoectic can all eniov. the tegular family bill of farej UAwmra n sum iu u poond palla, by U1 grocer.' Got tne cenalno. Mads by THE N. K. FAIR BANK COMPANY, ST. LOUIS and Ckfeaga, Wew York, Bewtaav l"he trreatet sel'er on the market for iiseases of the Liver.Kidneysand Con ttipation. Pleasant to lake bv old or young. Ko atiping. The root of the Liverine plant is exten sively used in Norway for the cure of Piles. Sold by all first das a druggUts. Wholesale Manufat tares, AXCHOR S CHEM ICAL CO. Lebanon, Or DOLLARS PER MONTH In You3 Own Locaut maue easily and honorably, vrithczt capi tal, daring yoor spare hours. Any man. woman, boy, or girl cau do the work hand ily, without experience. Talking un necessary. Nothing like It for merry making ever offered before. Our wor icera always prosper. Xo time wasted n learning tbe business. We teach yea 1c a night how to succeed from the fir hoar. Ton can make a trial without el pens to yourself. We start you, furnlsV everything needed t carry on the bos' bcss sriccessf al! , and guarantee J-V against tailure if yon ut follow vii simple, plain instructions. Beadc?: V you era in need of ready money, act want to know all about the best paying bnsiness before the' public, send ns yo" audress, and we will mail yon a o ment giving you all the parUculart VRUE&CO.g Box 400. . Augusta, Maine- FIRE INSURANCE Insure your property with Joseph V Talt ir. The Old Hartford, THE NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS AGENCY, or any one of the other reliable Id line com panies Ke represents. Notes taken and plenty of tin? 9 given for payment on farti insurance. All business plac ed with him will be prompt- y attended to. OFFICE IN P.O. Block, Albany, Or GHlG&EPiMa pays Kyott use the Tstalsa: Also: t wJi wdcrs. lt irst in a r Incaltars A UnoAzr Make money ankle needed for ILtiDi. Cntalogu jxrtiluy bnaiuca. 1 ymtm. The "ERIE" mechuiically tne tiest We are Pacific Coast A cents. Bk-vcle cata- Wue.maUedfree.givcz fall description . price, etc.. aobwts waittto. FETALUMA IHCUBATOR CO., Petal um,Cl. BttAcH Hocat, 131 S Main fet. Loa Angeles. DO YOU write letters? Of conre you do, and what is nicer than smoo'ib let er pper and envpl opes for business corresponding. We make a apeciaiity of neat commercial stationary. Ton should BUY ENVELOPES of us at once and see the fine quality and extra low prices. Next time you want some inquire OF SMILKY. THE PRINTER Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. Weakness, If erroasn, ueoiuiy, ona an the train ,01 erui irom early error or I later excesses, the result cf overwork, sickness, worry. etc. Full atreugth, derel- opmen t ana ume gl ve n to every organ and portion of the hort y. SiuiiAe. naU nm r k1 1 'I. ficitWMli- ' t iiaLv'f.i:eut seen. FailuiM i.iitMMklhle. rotcunces. Boole explanation and proof m Uaa (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. Buffalo, NX A BrnDisrs BrtsEjo-Ceism. SDlendld im1I m V M o ii. I Uaedaoh, Brain EihaoUion, HiesulsMnau, Unncutl or general Keuralsiai alao tor Bbstf 1 nutiaa. Goat, Kidney tiiaorderm. Acid Dys I imua, Amentia. Antidote for Alcohol Us ana outer iumu. krtUM, ID. and 0 oauU. r Ifnri's.t snt. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 161 S.Weltsr Avenss, CHICAQQ, C Sold by ail druggists. Ado1 a.i arx a'-vijss VSAM fSa A mAri escaping through a country ii generally identified a good many times before the right man is captured. An Eastern Oregon man stole a saddle and horse worth $3 or $4 and was fol lowed all over Eastern Oregon by several sheriffs who never caught him at all, probably costing several hundred dollars, more than tlm game was worth . Alabama has a Man immigration as sociation and the following is taken fronn the report ot a recent meeting held: "The association recommended that all Alabama towns induce location of man ufacturlng plants by exempting from taxation for a period of five years." How would auch a scheme work iu Ore gon? Ex. A youn? man took tbe editor oJ the Dem ocrat to task because ho publishes the fact of the arrest of AlUany boys when they get in trouble That is what a newspaper is for, and the paper that doesn't do it is worthless. Keep out of trouble and you will keen out of the patKrs. Tbfl Djsmo- ciiat has oniy friendship for tie boys f Albany; but they must keep within reason able bound 4- The people are back of the free silver movement. They want it j ether things have been tried, now give free silver a show. Some one sayd it would drive out gold ; this is a mere statement. It prob ably would do nothing of tbe kind, for 00 one wants gold driven out. Should it not have the effect anticipated Con gress meets every year and could quick ly remedy matters; but on thi contrary the reasons are strong for believing it would have a benefiftent effect. 12,003 bushela ot wheat were sold in Pendleton thia week for S3 cente per bushel net. 41 cente net baa been offer ed in Albany. Tbe wheat indications are now that this cereal will fluctuate, it may decline some, but it fin be followe.1 by a rise. Tbe rise will not b a bigh one in all probability. Tbere is nothing to boom it like oil. How high it will go is mere euessicz. The Democsat will be surprised to eee it reach 50 cents ; and yet there are some indications that it mr. The Linn countr farmer baa learned many lessons, ana it is not prob able that he will UoU bia wheat leng his y?ar; but will sell on tbe first bigh market after harvest. If he does it means a remarkable improvement In tbe times. There are talks of bom associations, the object being to advocate that people pat ronise hoisa insUtutions of all kinds, This would unbrace a wide field. It tog gests much. A man who makai his money off Albany people should as mccb a possi ble spend it among them. Instead of pat ronizing itinerant tailors and shirt men ha should stand by Albany tailors and home merchants. Tbere is no more reason why a man shoald go away to get his dress goods for his family and his own wearing apparel than for hi meat and potatoes. The L.ct that our citizens do not patronize home institutions on all occasions when they can makes business for express offices and the mail, bat it takes away from our prosperity. It ought to be worth some thing as a business proposition to trade with people ou can haul over tbe coals if acything goes wrong. The sooner tne aeciston :n tbe Oregon Pacific case cccnra tbe better it will be for the people of this valley. They want to know what ie what. Tbere ia a good deal of confidence expressed that if tbe sale ia affirmed the Oregon Central and Eastern K. R. will t)ito show ita hand in a business way. A few people throw water on such a proposition and some even declare that the present ac tion of tbe new owners is merely to in1 fluence a decision end that their object is to get the road and sell it at a proCt as soon as possible. Thia show the situation, and that is wbat tbe 'Jkmo- ca.vr always tries to keep ita readers posted about. In the judgment of the Dkmocbat there ia nothing to make a foundation for tbia last position. It is evidently being advanced for effect. Tbe fact is tne O. P. now in not a valuable property, an J it will be a valuable prop erty when extended into a connection with an eastern road ; in fact its fatore ia bright in that connection. There ia every reason to believe that Bonner & Hamncond mean business. "apoleon Davis, secretary of tbe state democratic central committee baa writ ten a letter to F. C. Arnold, U. B. survey or general for Oregon, inquiring why he appointed and keeps a republican in office while there are good democrats de serving the place, fully as capable of fiil inz U. In offices of thia character tbe republican office holiler has alwaya kept it rilled with republican subordinates, that is natural. The democratic holder of the office should do likewise. Mr. Arnold rhould gH-e the office to worthy democrats; that is the pditica of the present day. Mr. Davis puts the case pointedly and with force. Mr. Arno'd In answer quibo'.es ove' the situation. In the position at issue mere ia not much at etake, bat there is a good deal at the back of it thai fig-nities something. Mr. Arnold should stand by the pariy that pnt him in power. Depend npon it if his successor is a republican he will do so, tbe same as his predecessor, a re publican, did. It ia biisint-n1. The following from the Salem States man give a peculiar sitntiin:that of what might only have ended in a fine for i sault being transformed into murder, it says: me iteatn oi youmt awunz irom a wound received from a knife in the band of his drunken father mggests a thought in fact, a train of them. The severing of the tender thread that fcetily sustained the soul of the young man from the precipice of time to th yawning gulf of eternity, transformed the father from the necessity of answering the light accusation of i drunken assaulter to appear at tbe bar of justice up "' the fearful charge of murder. The was the same, the malice the same, -abpther the boy lived or died. Tbis seems an inconsistency in human laws that makes thus a murderer by tbe result of the blow or the s'ab, instead of tbe inten tion of the assaulting paity. His inten tion is only inquired into in case of seri ous or fatal result. Again there is a spice of eternal justije that will not excuse the criminal act of a person on account of his drunken condition at the time of its com mitment. Were be no less insane.through natural causes, he could not be held guilty of a crime for which he could not be ac countable on the grounds of malicious in tent, for there caa be no guilty malace in a state of insanity.: The principle is that! be deliberately took the liquor which he knew before he drank it would put bis mind iu a condition fit or crime. Herd is a temperance lesson that the stupidest in tellect can grasp. . v.- II A IHIIII I ' ' ' ,,, - ., Let Them Alone. Men of the calibre ot Durrant, as now pictured and believed by many people, should be left gloriously alone. Every community has its residents who might become such if given the right chance. The proper way is to keep away from such men. As a rule, whatever it was in the Durrant case, a man's past :ecord ia a good criterion (or his future. If it la bad keep both of your eyes on him ; but keep away from him. No evil can exist it it id not fostered ; so with men of bad record, if you would dow n them leave Uiem alone, i.ot in the boycott spirit but merely personally. It is strange what a large element there ia that flies to a luan being attacked. In San Fraucieco there are hundreds and hundred who would be gUd to rush to the 11'. and cover Dur rant with flowers. It is so in every com munity. If this medical student id guil ty he is one of the biggest hypocrites on record. Of all despicable beings, among tha worst la the man who goes into a community and passes htaself off to be what be is not. If hi lecord ia funud out to fce rotten with no indications of reform he ought to be ostracised. Iu tbe future the world should take a les ion from the Kmanuel Church tragedy. This waa the acme of depravity ; but there ar in PPF'f very community men entirely regardless of the character ot those around them, steeped in liber'- tinieni. As one has no use for the hypo crite, so one has as tittle use for the man who bold'y adruiu his meanness and de fies the public. We are jn Utt sad it behooves all of ns to look around an4 see where we are stepping and in which direction the path runs, AH nien have their faults, but most of them are sorry for them. It is tbe deliberate offender wbo deserves bring placarded The highest salaried employe in tin United States ia supposed to be tbt president of tbe Ranitable Li.'e Assur ance society, Hepry U. Urdu- ti re ceives annnally $100,000. John A. Mc Call gets 176.000 to be president or ttie New York Life. Samuel Bper.oer re reivea $:0,t00a year for telling Pierpont Morgan w hat Le knows about railroad. Mr. Cleveland receives f 10 ,000 a year and a house and lot far being prsaident Mr. Depew'a salary sa president of the New York Central railroad it believed to be 150,000. Cornelioa Yanderbill'a cook receives $16,000 a year. The sher iff of New Yoik need to make 1100.000 and over every year. Masinl receives 150,000 a season for singing his mighty tenor in Madrid, and so it goes, while rost men are glad to make enough to live on. The world moves," exclaimed Gali leo. He waa right. And it ia more and more believed that the Church should keep moving along with it, or else be 1 Ml in the push. A contributor to tbe Contemporary Review -for March de clares that there is wide spread dissat isfaction wilb lb existing state ol affairs in Great Britain. He admits that even tbe church men know their ''eccieciast leal machinery is sadly out of gear; that the Church urgently needs many radic al and far reaching reforms; that the has mournfully failed to keep pace with tbe development of the general life of the BritUh people, and is largely cloeed against the uprising forces and domi nant ideals of tbe lat years ot this ceo-tary."-Kx Tbe editor naeds broad shoulders. There are plenty of people -jrho would like to give their neighbors fits in per sonality, if they could do so without their identity being known. Only this weeks request waa made for space in which to show up a couple citizens of Albany, but the correspondent waa not willing to do it overs genuine signature. Of coarse a great many things may be poblished over notn de plumes; but when it comes tor ring personal names in reiereoee to privaVe affairs the own era signature should Le required, or bet ter still tbe article shoald not Le pub lished at all except in appropriate cases. A correspondent in the New York World ondei the head, "Ont iu Oregon, says: Under tbe above headline in the columns of the Hun th:a morning Eli Perkina tells of tbe salmon cannerie of Oregon getting tired of waiting for Eng lish tin at t0 50 s box, and baying American tin at M 85 a box . The aim pie-minded canner adds: "I don't think anymore Welsh tn will ever come to Oregon, for we' re made contract fo.- nextyesrst M-This knocks tut Engr- land." Tbna iaihe McKiulrv tariff stricken in the house of its friends by ita own Ananias. Tbe Astoria Bndgett has lo get on is ear once every semi-occasion Sly. Here is the latest. We publish it because, while written in the flip Astoria style, it contains conaiderable horse sense : The Budget woold like to have it understood that tbere is s charge for advertising all entertainment where at admission is cbargtd. Sime people have g.H an idea in their heads that It does not cost s newspaper anything lo run and that all their tabors are for charity. The Bud- gel has become weary of this nonsenie Here is a bit of repArtee from Lawyer loseph II. Choate, of New York. At dinner, when Mr end Mrs. Choate sat at the same table, Mr. Choate was ask ed who he would prefer lo be it he couldn't be himse'f. He hesitated for a moment, apparently running; over in his mind the great minds of earth, when his eye felt on Mrs. Choate, wbo was at th? o'her end of the table, looking at him with intense humor and interest depict eil in her face, and he suddenly replied. "If I could not be myself, I would like to be Mrs. Choa'e s recond husband " Ex. The ChicRsro Times-Herald prints the views of lt3 of the 204 members of the IMlnois legislature on the si'ver question. Seventy-three favor unconditional free coinage and 41 are opposed to it;14 favor coinage by international agreement and 13 want coinage of the American pro duct only; 23 are non-committal. Of the 67 democ-atic numbers Interviewed. 47 are for free coinage and only four sgainst it. Morrison, who is solid for free ro:nage, ia the favorite democratic candidate for president. Ex. Fifty-eight miles in 45 minutes was the time made by a special newspaper train between Philadelphia and Atlant ic. City Monday. This ia said to bs the fa-Meat time ever made. Too fast for aafety. Not long aince s death occurred in the family of a Chicago saloon man. By tbe aide of s bow of crape on the front door of the saloon waa this placard : "Please Go to the Hide Entrance Until After tbe Funeral.', The grim reaper cut do ice with tbe Chicago saloonlat. Kx. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. The great murder case in San Francis co has continued the absorbing topic. In fact it lias been given more notoriety than it deserves, not, that the crime was not heinous enough to be noticed min utely, but that the influence Is not in spiring. Among other things the crai.k has bceu given a chance to make a allow ing, and at least two have been women. Right here it may be said confidently Hut more women think Durrant inno cent by a large majority than men. His friends are mostly of the gentler sex, whose hearts bubble over with sympa thy, sometimes even when a man is cap tured red handed. San Francisco is full of clairvoyants and fortune tellers wbo pretend to be-able to U'll the future. If they could they would quickly give de tails which would furnish a!l the evi dence uecessary to convict. They would not ruth frai tii'Ily futwa-d and cry that this man is not guilty but they would point' out the guilty person. None ol there can they do, for they are all akes. An interesting thing about the case that continues toas.ume form is the course ct the defendant in reflecting upon the character of Rev- Gibson. In deed there are many suspicious things. The fact that he was at Yogels from 8 o'clock until a'terll is the only thing that keeps public sentiment at all in hie tavo:'. The writer bi-licvss be is not , guilty and that Durrant U. ! How frequent Is the remark made: "For my part I have more use for the maq wit) the poor record who pays his debts promptly than for the maw wbo doesn't pay bis deble, when he cou'd just as well as not." More an J more public a-ntiment ia increaaipr against; the class of men w ho deliberately best their way, while many sins are over looked in the men who scrupulously kotp even with the wo-ld. This has no ref erence to a very large element who re ally do the best t hey ran Flat .Money. Psouomsii, Wash., April 3, 1835. EJjor Dfmocrat: Dear 8ir, In your late issue you re fer ti the Populist's theory ol "5al mon ey," i. e. paper mooey, without a metal basis of redemption. Will yon please explain to your read ers what is brhiod tbe lata bonds issued that keeps tbeu from being flat payer? The People party believe that a Gov ernment's note is as good as its bond. If tbe Government shoo!) issue notes redeemable at the op' ion of tbe Qovsrn raent and establish Postal Saving Banks and pay a small interest oo coin or gold deposits, I predict that it conld redeem its cotes within 30 days if it desired to do so; but the people wonld be content to hold the no'.es or keep them in circu lation, and there would be no ararcity ct gold in the United States Treasury. Now as for th "wild theory" ol baok rnpliog the Gov. In buying tbe rail roads and telegraphs we do not expect tne Gov, to fo-b!e taera op in a bunch like an old woman at an auction. Yoo Old Patty Prss people ta'k like this country contains a lew midion lunatic. No Mr. ditor give as a fair shake and tell ns about thore Q t bonds Respectfully yoirs II. A. Howard Bonds are not a cirruiating tnediom. Mooey is. there's the rob. Tbe credit of the government of tbe Ct.iid States is oolimiteJ, and yet experience has taught that when it come to money it most have something bark of i. beside I ere Jit. Credit hall right for bonds; but not tor a cireula'ing mediom alone. i Tine this is merely a ttaietr-nt, but the history of the world backs it up. A Single Tax Man. Cin cionatli, O., April 21. 13. Editor Drmorral : In a recent issue yon quote w ith ap proval the advice given by another pap er to its readers to get ont of debt and stay oat, which is andoabtedly an ex cellent plan to follow but unfortunately in order to do this it is absolutely nec essary that every one should be a ten red of aa opportunity to earn a living at ail times and while the present system of land monopoly exists it is impossible tor every one to be assured ot each oppor tunities, and hence imposs'ple for all to stay out of del I or aet oat after being once in. Bv working for the abolition of land inonopo'v which cat best l-e ac complished bv the adaption of tbe sin gle ax ou tbe value of land rvgardieesof ail improvement thereon, yoo will be a great a-. I in bringing about the condi tions that will enable your readers to follow the advice you give them. Verv Respectfully S. Danx;ger. 141 Race U A tosii who follows in office after a person ith a bad record who abused his trust, always lias a load to carry. Such a rase i that of the preseot sher iff. Mr. Hare, of Astoria. The least raiil about bis predecesacr tbe better. Al bany i-eople are decidedly down on him, and li.-i ce are suspicious of all sheriffs. Mr. Hare has consequently been watch ed and snspecUd. The Damocsat i- in formed he is as honest and upright a man as there ia in CUtson county, and we arc very glad that there is at least one square official there, where there have been so many who seemed to think their province was to cinch those coin ing within their reach. - ' 1 The lVudlelon E. O. is aUnys hap piest when opposing something. It says: Towns aru calling attntiou to their solidity hy the success they meet with ia disposing of their bonds. Probably, when they have paid interest on these bonds fir a term of years and the princi pal of them becomes due, their solidity won't be worth calling attention to. The man who never flo.ttf a note has the best credit, always; snd it is the same with towns. Frederick A. Mitchell, once-'ofle uf the wealthiest and best-known: criminal awyers In Chicago, died there in strait ened circumstances. He practiced tor a time in Kansas City, and was attorney for the Jamea boys, the notorious ban dits. Ti e moral ia plain, never defend a man like JeHBie James. It may be bu siness, but ill luck is apt to follow. When a young man can ride fifteen miles on s bicycle without training on a country road inside an hour, it indicates that the horse is decidedly not in it; no horse in T.lnn conntv can make the cir cuit in an hour, probably not in an bou I anJ a half. It Is said that there is to be found in the old furniture and curiosity shops of Boston enouch furniture that wa taken from tbe Mayflower to fill a whole fleet! ot auch primitive craft. MISFITS. Jjcveral littlo matters have kept people talking during the week, that are liable to blossom, into newspaper items if al lowed to grow. Kugeno wants a flour mill, and the r.bUr n"-m non W8nts 2000 in "tock taken. J he board of trade seems unable tO get a quorum Otlt tn pnnaiiln, tl.o matter. .AI,rney Gc,eral Idleman is paid fS.000 a year for doing the law business ol On-gon, and yet private attorneys are being hired to attend the It. It. Com-! miHMlnni'rn riur. 1 , - . . t , - iikLuiiic, ticnrrai Chamberlain did not do busiiiesn -that way. j An Albany girl appeared yesterday on a man s bicylce in bloomers and present ed a VtrV Cmilflv amu-tanl., I. i- .11 . I I '.--.,; , 41, II, ail right. A marriod lady is also mi id to be having a bloomer made for business. The poor man who makes enough to pay his debts and pays them instead of throwing his money away is appreciated today as much as the millionaire. The newspaper particularly has a peculiar Irion. liimwH towards the man who keeps up his subscription, even though small. These arc times when one baa to rustle. One of the teachers attending the insti tute this week was W. 8. Maytjerry, of Tal I man. Beside teaching school Mr. Mayberry has a big chicken ranch and at times has marketed ten to fifteen dozen eggs a day. That is business; but it uocii i, leave mucn time lor Bleeping. Joe 11 add 1cm ton ,qf Mohawk, is in town today; and is answering man v questions alxmt the blott ing up of the "i'ing Yang school house. He says it has Un re. constmcuxi ami it is hvtter than ever tore. eugeno (iiiaN. The report pub lished in the Democsat was that it was blown all to pieces; but probably only a? wagons are Lrokvn all to piece aiu-r a runaway. An hours work make them as good as new. Roseburg has a peculiar case. Tbe citv manthal nut in a Kill an.l w. . 1 lowed 2 eadi for killing 25 dog taken up. me manual inrea a, man named Marshall to do the killing! but it trans fired that Marshall onlv killed nine dog lor the marshal, and Marshall charges tbe marshal with fraud ; but the marshal swear that Marsltall was given the dogs to kill, but instead of killing all of them traded several for beer, whiskey, etc. Tbe object of Uie investigation is to get thcmarehal removed from oflioo.a,nd the city council is sitting, in judgment with Marshall as the prosecuting witness. He Should Hang. Lon SwarU, who killed hi at alem recently, tbe young man dying several days after beiryj stabbed, ooght to Le Langed if any one had. Besides be ing a brute to hi family generally, in tin case be waa indeed s fiend. The Post give tbe case plainly, aa told by a daughter on Uie stand : Swarti and his son Edward had come home to supper between 8 and 9 o'clock on the evening of March 29 He imme diately began loquarrvl with Mrs. Swaru over the age ol Uie son. tewartx insisted that Edward wa 21 years old, while, his wife aaid he wa 22. He told her to get a book containing the familr record, which she did not do immediately, Then hi anger LnAe loce. "Uvou don't gel that book III shoot yoor damned head off '." he exclaimed. Edward defended Li mother, and had angry words wit h the father as the other children looked on cowering with fear, and Mrs. Saarta, frightened, bad left the room. "When it come to murder at home," said Uie son, 'it i lime for me f" get off the place." And he arose .took hi coat off the rack, and wa putting it on when the father wett for him. With a pocket knife, w hich he had been using at the table, he cot the son in the neck. He struck again, and cat Edward on the left aide under ' the arm. His nal was half on so that he could not defend him self. The lather slashed at him several more times and then he fell upon Uie floor from lose of blood. "Yoo. are going to die," he sai l. I meant you lo die." He rvached for hi rifle whU-h hung on the wall. Taking it down he pointed it . t ill. twin.. M ft.!. 1. 1 1 . 1 J floor, and pulled the trigger. Maltie and cmm, tne two sisters, sprang forward, and grarped it, and hu furv passed off. tie had been drinking heavily. Ar llAaao'Brax!. Mr. Dr. W. H. Da vis, of Albanv, came upon last Fridav ewning to vist wiUi her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Hendrex. of this city, and re turned again on Tuesday' local. Mrs. Davis enjovi Uiese visit very much. This was the home of her childhood. Many homely soenc a well as people become endeared by the lapso of time. Mrs. Ir. Hemlrvx has bad the pleasure of entertaining Mioses Liuie and Lillian Fartvl, of Albany, as guest while they were visiting in the citv thia week. Madam rumor has it that Messrs. Du bruilie and Keeney, of the county wt, who pretended business in town Sunday last, were appraised of the visit of thes j-ung ladies to Harriehurg. But as to the fact in the caae thev are not aa yet known that is for dead certain. Mr. Julius Joseph. Albanv'eciirar man ufacturer, waa in thi citv thi week sol iciting orders for goods. This makes an opportunity for sctual investment in goods made at home which would speak much louder than words in favor of home Industrie. Mr. Joeeph was 1 icing trana. poneu irora one town to another in one of Mr. Homer Mitchell's livery rigs.wiUi Homer at ltu Uuv, w hich insure safe transit, a genial companion and a reas onable bill. Review. SrATKS. S. The tenth aonmd state Sunday School convention will be held in Portland May ?. 8 an I 9. It is proposed to make it the uio thorough in every re spect ever held, and at the saroe time en tertaining. Delegate intending to attend should send their namn o A. A. Morse, 3: Weidler street. Pootland. Prominent S. S. worker of Oregon are do a on Uie program as participant in tho conven -lion. The Times claims that Mrs. Allen Mul len, a servant girl of that city, ha fallen heir to 80 acre of land near Oregon City and I Oil) acre of land in Texas. MemW of Orgeana Encampment No. 5 I. O O F. will take notice that the regu lar meeting on April 26 will begin at 7 o'clock instead of at 7:30. By order of C. P. DIED. MCHARGUE. On Wedneexlay evening April 24, the infant daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McHargue. Funeral services were held at 1 1 oVlnck- and the remains were taken to Browns ville for burial. Best is Cheapest. -Every one admits this theoretically, and yet many continue to use inferior articles because' they think they save a few cents. Allcock's Porous Plaster is the ideal remedy, for lame back, sciatica, pleurisy, rheumatism, pneumonia and similar complaints. Be San and ttsa tenuis Aucoca'a. P not u dssaived by fnisnr.irinmatiiiai Allcock's Corn Shields. AUcock's Bunion Shields, Rav no equal as a relief and cur for com and bunion. Brandreth's Pills by purifying the blood assist nature They are purely vegetable. HOME AND ABROAD Ited Crown Snow Flake flour in the mar ket. Sjill feed of all kinds at the Red Crown Mills. Orat plnth nt ,.l,.d. t r i r , : , , viuui k nti lea- cock k Co s. Full linn of ilri t,nt. .. r i r. ,.. ,7. ------ i ... c. main Clothing Co a Tha tpnnnp t'niMn. t. i t n 1 1 - icotii cufene all right this week. O. K. T. fVmrrf CnmMt ' f I at the opera bouse for 3 nisrhta . Miller and Turner now have a fine rid ing horse warranted not to ron over at tbe heels. The "O. K . T. " ,naraii . -- . i"'". iii sinic at toe Congregational Church morning and evening tomorrow. There is a photograph gallery in Albany, it at the corner of 2nd and Ferry sta wes of the Post orlice. Dr. (1. W. Mat.n ..l iL'Lli'i'in .,.t . , , , t j vur geon, Aloeny Or. Culls anwer-l prompt ly in city or country. Ice cream S and 10 cents a di.h at Mrs. ureck a Summer Gardeo, corner 3rd and uroatiaJbin eta. Grand opening of Mrs. Vei reek's parlor ana ice cream dimmer Garden on April a a ujti. The Soap Creek sulphur sprintr has been bonded lor fa.000 and it i. said a biir hotel will le put up there. Men are ready to toy the Niagara lum ber mill, the Corvalh Times say, provid ed the sale of tb O. P. is confirmed. An advertitipmonr in lh. ri...n . . ... ... w i m r w n i iq a gin to no general boqte work brought eight anm era in about a day. cio b two Wber shor-ano. there baring ben a diruion. Albert Cole runs nin one and Hill a Uilveu tbo other. For tin pictures go to "tin pUtrrs"; for first clfcA photograph, go to a firvt class photographer. There is but one in Albany, hu name ia Tinkle. Th (water company will be compelled to stop tbi pomp from about 5 a. m. till 6 p. in tomorrow. Sanda. for the pnrpote i ot nxing one of tbe bead sates. Tie Orgon Railway k Navigation Cos steamship rate between Portland and fctn- t iuukv ud ana anr Jiay 3rd win be: Cabin ttigo, $15 00; steerage. 17 60 MlaP,.e(l'..J it -I v-..iuiu iriwiuug ciaawe meet every Monday, Wednesday aa 1 Thursday of each -veek, at 4.15 p. m. at W. C. T. U. i upi may enier me classes ct any time A mother ccmnlaina in !-. rtcu.ti.. thai a lady bicyclist careJe&aty run into her ajuict, aoucains uer oowb. wnere there wa pJeoty ol room to bvre piW without doing o. The new ordinance covers sach cje. fio seems to be ail right. The Pre says tliat in addition to the building of the new schoolhoaae. Mayor M oaken Lil erect an elegant residence at the north end of Mun street thia summer; Ralph Gill and Jot n Kay will aio fAcii erect reeideoce. ia about a week an euVrtaiomeBt will b given at tb epvra bcue that promises toattact attention. Tbe Y. M. C. A. will have charsre of it. Among the attractions will be Prof. Mosbier's trained ponies mentioned by tbe Democbat several time a flag drill, recilAtions, c. Wswt Arrlvtag. The DaIxia, April '23. Tbefrei-tting eisan has began, and taai loa.M with wool ara arririog daily from the interior an i return laden with merchandise. The road am ta gi coaiiUon. and aa actire spring trade is expected bv mervhAoU cere. Kaay s-traaa Snrawsxel. Los do. April ".M. The Daily New waTespondent in Yienna sar that the Uangarian town of Mosria, rkUl."z.ViiovA and KudoipnitgrAd baTTt Uvj, Dearly de stroyed by tkl. and ru-inr pe-jons and bandredt cf rattle have beea d.T,wnel. Tie da .ge amount u nrariy 10.t300.lXO florin California the Land of Discoveries .... . . , .. 1 norse retarnea noae witn the oairgv, by layaw.e ail mght.cooehing. wbea which wa tise first iatimaaoo of aa acci sv??.Jir,v remedy, I dent No tre of the bodies ha been ,-f v Tv- rWi 1$ ,ramJi! I ftfaBj- 1 children we aged lo. 12 and relief t MN l.t ABlt, u teeooiy goju-an-10. ' teed core for Cooamption. AUma and all Bronchial CwpLaints. Sold in tyt;Je at I a falsi rirev We and 1. Three for ' J0. Foahay A I KosrsxAt, April 25. -W. C McDos- CA LI FORK 1 A C A T- It t URE never faiUiTTr" ? -I Z? ?r to relieve Catarrh or Cold is tne Head .or Cold in toe Head. six month trealcoent, by mail, 11.10 Where to Trade. Hereare some of Julio. Gradoil - cash t-krice - 20 lbs. Savon Soap 3 cans Tomatoes $ oils) . . w. , , jviu itai 0,101 r.vlra It . m.i . ft, . . ----,, . ...... i.jij Arbuckle, Lyon and Big 4, per lb. . .23 2 bushels poutoe .35 15 pounds beans jaj Sugar always subject to change of the market. And all other goods as tow as sold bv anvhody. iiartiware. crockery, glassware and: croorries at reasonable prices. Tln-t ypes. IS for 25 cts. Where at. Tinkles? Sol Indeed, Tin kle i not a "tin typer."' but if yea want 1?? real nice little pictures, he will make roi H genuine photos, nicely mounted and borniahed. all complete for only 2$ cent. See the cample If vou wane jb cood anJ clear.', Rooa ani clean . i smoke buy cigars made bv cany cigar tactorv Dyspepsia. E. W. Jot Cow past Gentlemen: 1 have taken your Vegetable Sarsaparilla ami can say I have never seen anvthing i eual to it. I ha-c eufferetl ten years ! wiui dyspepsia, not being a We to eat anvUiing but milk and brown bread. Lite wa nothing but misery for me. Now I have a good appetite, eat anv thing I wish, and feel no disagreeable effects from it. I wish I could tell ail dyspeptics and urge them to trv vour cgetable Sarsaparilla. " " (Signet) Mr. John- TivoTnv. Forbestown, Cal. If vou want to mt a anrino v,.A.i;;n w ithout a blotch, an old sarsaparilla trade mark, a hi it nateh nt m.1 Uke Joy's barsapanlla. You Don't Have to Swear Off says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture u mi nmunai aiHHit iNO-io-liac, the fa mous tOluwn hahit enrn W-, t - . - ,... v tivin vl many cases cured by No-To-Bac, one, a prominent M. Louis archictect, smoked and chewed fur i,.nM. t. cured mm so that own the smell of to- oacco makes him sick." No-To-Rac sold and imaranteetl he ll.t.l,n.a.. t..v.,.i i No cure no pay. !Vxk free. Sterlinng Remedy Co., New York or Chicago. Nsw IIabscss Shop. O.U. Burkhar has (tnnftl a nammMttKn. .t... x-i . corner, Albany and will keep first class uu mauo narnesa at machine prices. Repairing carefully done. Call on him for bargains and good work. vThea Baby wa sick, wo cava her Castorta. Whe alio wa a CalM, sbe crusj fvir Castorta, TOtea she became SI Us, aha clung to Castors. Wfcoa ah had Call Jron. she ivotVeaOaatorla An Absolute Cure. TK rkri.,lnl AI.I.II..A1.IHI..I .n I - put u? In large two ounce tin boxes, and Is .L..I..I. 1 . ..II . wi uuiuis kuig iui viu miTfi vuidi, wound, chipped hand and all skin erup tions. Will positively cure all kinds of pile. Ask tor the Original Abietine Ointment Knti! hv fTnahav Xr KtaaAn a. S cent per box, by mail So cents. There! noexcae 'or anv man to an near In sc.Lts ii:h i irrlzil v heard alne .i.eTfitroductlon of Buckingham's Dve, which color natural brown or black. TELEGRAPHIC. A rrlhirj Acetates. CocnECTOw, N. Y April 26. John Rich. Rydney Burns, Andie Mclfcbell, Irene Teinoost and ftra. I sin .tcn,i ing this afternoon on a ledge of rock 300 ccv uiKu, wujcq overn ung toe payij a lit tle to tbe eastward of this town. Tbe five young people felt tbe ledge give way under w iw ana tnea to get on, but were too late. Mi TpmrWKL mflnamwl i wwmwx II,. - c Ft VJ edge of a solid remnant of the rock and hung there for 30 minutes, nntil help coo I I re-n ner. i ne others were dead when t he frightened inhabitants reached the spot- Kit atefalsatloa. MoNTEstuA, Iowa, April 28.-County Ireasorer C. W. Row has disappeared, and with him $45,000 of the funds of Pow aeheik county. He left here last Saturday, ay ing he was going to Wiltooa to see bii father, but instead he left for parts nn known Nothioir wrong was suspected as to hu flight nntil thi morning,rben an examination of hu books revjaied the de -fakation He left a trife and two chil dren without a dollar. There i a woman in tbe cae. Stale tssTcsun. Whkeukb, W. Vs., April SS.-Tbe pro. pesed Jemocratk state convention to com mit the party in West Virginia on the sil ver question will not be beU, owing to the strong opposition that has developed amontr the teadr in th .. h. j oition . The opponent of the plan do not uaae meir opinions so much on an enmty t0 free ,lrer a on the fact that thev re (TtT'i in idea of a declaration oim , mtrd tna lil. r,t another in adracce of the national conven tinn Z, " . "" ""r" ven- timated by pt.ywicians that Faine'a ee' s lnLTn, uos,ue Uom PartJ ery ccy-oua-l oually eaves tboosaiKls aoanupuint. U,,ik..J.,j....j i: tssuaaa ('t--f nas: Tejuta Hactr. lad.. April 3G. Pi- dent Deb wih' isaa a circular to the local anions tomorrow in regard to tbe work of reorganization. He predict that by Jan- nary 1, there will be I00 unions, witn a memberahiD of 200.000. FttM organizers are at work in Uie Northwest and on the Pacific coast, and tbe growth of the American Rjilwir .. u j . ing easts ard rapidly. last rrAsos) rietauTOb N'aw YoitK. April 26. At CLicWJn., hall tonight $50,000 was paid for an "old master' ' at the dissolution sale of the pai at ings owned by tbe Americas Art AMocia tion. The Daintina? was a Van fWk- Th. subject was "Tk Marchess e P.nola and Uer Little nan-rritiv " k"nAUl - a. O - huuUV St VO., artdealera, were the parchaara. tAseet ve(. t-rosASE. Waih , April 25.- A due took r4ea on tk . rl r-:- day between J. I Hnbe. a merr-hant. Kaymond Pieffer. bis son-in-law. ia which tbe former wa thnt .ir. n&r,in.r. iauy woonoea. the troubbj arose over uognet nhng a suit for divorce froai his wile. ia which aeneaaonal ailegations are made The men met oa tie street, both palled revotrersasd began firing Hughes was hot twke ind fell in the street, fief fer escaped ocbarmed by nsing a hay sake a a shieJd. lea shot were fired in ail. W'U Be Bwsaew WaQrxoTOK. April 25. When the sa -pretae court on May 6 A2uin takes no tbe incorje-tix qsestioo. it will coce more go luio use menu ot ail tte point involved and will not. aa ii order raade Toesaar -i r . arzaioenu so the qoeatioo of whetber the re&eannz of U- - 1 11- . - 9 .ue utits oii oe grastea. lnu nnexpect- f - .w ...J .1 . Jt MCI . it intended to file that it had granted Uie petition for a febeanng. and if the bench we?e full oa tLe namei it would teopen. Taeee Caitfalrcw Srawar . Chico, Cal.. 2i The tiree chil dren of G. W. WarS.'.. tw, tririiaai a i boy. reid:n? fjor m:ie east of CLinv were drowned in Baits creek this morning. Tbe children had been attending school in Ch:co, and a hen crossing the stream, which waa co9ideraUy swollen by the meatus? snow, the bogy was overioraed. J fire escape on the outside, nor any pp!i j anors on the inside of the bailding for fightinir tbe fire. Even the windows were j ruardel by heavy iron sxrvea. presasaa- i A to T""3 tbeft Abooj flfteea were Palsss.aiXK l UWt mU Sas fsci April 25. A jury in , . j - th. cnnon.v wmrf V h..1 . t . . 1 - 1 ' iruuncu m itsruica ! awarding Richard 5 Heafh ?idatai in a libel suit against tne fcliaio.uer. Rtch- ' rd S. llc;h ia the man wtoastwiLe I '" Fresno for tie allevs i mnnter of I Louis McWhirtec al that towa two nan 1 aeo. and in both of which triai the iorv j disagreed. EieliesBeat CaUls. Maxaoca, Aptil 24. The British ad miral has notiSed Pre&ident Zelaya that Uie three days g-.ven Nicaragua to comply with the terms of th ultioiatcm will ex pire tomorro-a-. 1 i failure to pay the in demnity wiii be followed by a leisure of tbe enstom-hcuse at Corinto and col lection of the duties by English subject, presum ably officers of the fleet detailed for that purpose. The note of the British admir- eomains n oeciarauon mat lorce will nsisi ... iM tk.n. ; .: j is made. Great excitement exist. The I mnwnnwnl ir , . miwu4.I w4il . r . i . v.,, -i4 raue to pay Uie indemnity, and will abandon Cor j into as a port of entry. A TerrtWe AeeMeat. Sasta Rosa, Cal.. April 24. A temhl, acciaent occurred at Fetalama about 4 o clock this afternoon. As a passenger Irilin fwim ,1. w ; : . iiviu luTinniu KwruminviiiiawaQ a man named tjorbctt. with his wife, at tempted to cross Uie railroad track. After tho horse had crossed th track, it began to oaca up, ana. despite the e Sorts of Cor bett, backed sonars onto thn tni.-k- 1 K. ocomotive stro;k the rig, killed tbe horse intianiiy, smashed the buggy, and literal ly ground Mrs Corbett to piece?. Her oouy presented a sickening sight. Cor Utt was badly hurt about Uie bead, and maj no recover. The Bex Je:a. CtSCtSSATr. Anril 1 T Price Current, in its annual statement of pii.uoy in too inueu urates, wia show the total Western packing for the -uirx eeason, enaeu marva nave open 7,19l.rXO hogs, an increase of2.30T.0U0 over U?e preceding year. The average weigni wasse ,3 pounds, aa increase ot I3.4i pounds. 1 be manufacture of meats increased 2.Vt.f)00 IVV) tvmn.l j. and of laid 65,000,000 pounds. A Silver atlas So It, TIM Mm-vw T.i Anril 94 - TVmm-rat- ic tenaers ot tna sttttv w iu. uuuiw v and the members of the state central com mittee held a conference here this after noon, at which tbe silver question waa the - . r .: n-i 2- I 1 . f . 1 I 1 . IL. .hmKu .f llt principal topic Ot coatenauua. airaunr ponderance of sound-money sentiuienfwas shown by the final adoption of the declara tion fiati "It is the sonse of this conference that the two monetary metals should be kept at a parity,'' Arrestee; el Last, Pkadletox. Or.. Anril 24 II icV, Vs. lock, who has been pursued by half a doa- -ill II Al Lai . t ?n umivn nit lurcuga toe mountains of avakjilaarn ftr itia ru or Caw a.t. . captuied by Ed Uutebison, near Ukiih,70 .l.aa auv.kiU Aat DH..)lAt 1 A a . uiiTw wtii vs. ruttifiou, una was orougni iwtra. in wants, in 1'mai.tU l-;-. 1 - - aatasiaa a' i i v is Grant and Rilliam pnnniiu. t been said here, in California. A Ceae) Bxaaaple. San Josbv Cal . April 24.--H. M. ard, president of the Santa Clara bank which he was charged with wrecking, was taken to Folsom today. He waa convicted of falsifying the bank record and senten fed to Fotom for three years. There a.-e nine other charges against tum.which have nev er been taken up. BIG CITIES EDUCATE. One Kurt TMni: QaicWj, and leep His Wits FIERCE COM PETIT I OSf IRt.riS MEJT AID TrT On TO TIiriRCTJIOMT Nerve and Brain First Give Way Under the Terrific Strain. Men die in ths l.lni;. t:t. .t . . . -s-iiih iiw uie ireee, beginning st tbe top. It is apoplexy, heart failure, nervous prostration, shock, congestion of the brain and suicide that characterizes the mortality lists in the great centers of population. A city teaches one to think quickly, to be always on the alert and quick to avoid danger, aa well a to see the lucky chant- e. It is impossible to go tlowly eren if one has no preeeing need for har ry. Tiie rash is contapriou. One find binise'.i drawn along by the rapidly mov ing crowds and is soon hurrying with the rest. It is andoabtedly true that two third of all the men and women one sees tearing through the streets are in no such actual haete. They are merely vic tims of this fearful habit of hurrr. But whether the fearful rush 'is essen tial or not, the result is the same. Nerves and brains are exhausted, men and wo men grow prematurely aged, times of depression follow the high-strung condi- ' tioo. The entire nervous system must be rapidly and fully nourished to prevent uitc ui'kh4ui.u .au.i coiiaiiec 1 L is es timated by physicians that Faine'a apon thousands of men and women liv ing in cities from breaking down under their work. It builds np the enbetanee of the nerves and brain faster than if it is torn down by even such prodigal waste. It cures permanently all weakness of tbe stomach, liver and kidnevs, and takes away any tendency of these vital organs to clutsiae. It ia sold o& S raaiameo by aa yi . . bui7 - ri. ill - ad is tbs bea Cctci ad Crocs j-r-pina oojavir. FoshaT yaos, agesak Is act ecnp" witbeat as id&I -i i 4 i a7 VW Ykj poziQnrs Cr.hirws ertrtr rk-rrrrvt cip ceaaty ana jrantj. It is beztxb fyiag, soothing-, healing, fcecldi f J, and banuies, aod when rirbihr cszd is iu,-is-rh- A nw afexcaie zsd desirable pnKectiaa 5 to tns Lice in this dlatz. rr ES FSS eau travsfssii. Atistine Balsam USTARRH, rrArHtiS-rfwi Si-A&. TRIaUJXif! FY fT"r TaT,' rmmcf . "SaAPffinft .ElRSJlER. OE0V11K.W, Caveats aaj Traie-Mark-tvajeo,aJall F act r-ag-acon77c-ca luc foc jia-re. rm. rk,m Amrm r e i . 1 SmRTOntCt 1 and w ej arrure event luac uaatoaa nww ma attiryoo, 1 Scad amoet, drawee; r- wa enerva . We ad-se. u jjrea-s or n. tree, m cmmtt Our fee not one twl Srce i asaseaw i : a rumirr. -Row tfOtx lascs.' ost ot sue ta the L". S vm aatja CsA.SNOW&CO a.aaaaeW sa "a'-A A sesaa a s alr -in ww psos. ss. x. a. wsns nntr) tsia n utxtti 2 1 1 luan vas-v-rrian HtmmX. OT votaorrsMt acvoM ooty. to cure "Ji L A. " ' i of Brain ami servo n-w it a w -r"-? ; la1Als91a22 taickaa: .Vjtfat Uwes pu.Drjaaws ic e Lark ot OBSxtenr: cTOiKhe. oi r-1 boasof Pwwerof ininerat.-T Oreaa in sstW es. eatssed hy orr-ri-rtion, Vctitfui Ivrroea, or Axeeeeavo Use of ToOaeeo. tVtius r Liquor. ik ksala Mraeey. ( ;aipa. ian, asdData. By aaU.l a box:au ;for 4;wtia written a-uarantee to cure or sefusd Better. Jiaaiote wkam wtini-- nv oajs' trealawot, vtdk full rnatrucswn. 2i cans. Oo naita e'j solJ to oocn porsoa bj aii I A Ct"nm,ng ol ag ent. Alb any . Strerj ThA PJkT Wlal IAWw IK Mv-aavar r.9 fiVt e. ua J Washington streets a, follows: 9:55 a. m. tor overland eoins north. 7:20 O I, train coin ir east. y:55 " 11:35 Lebanon train ' coon train going north. south. Lebanon 'rain: 11:55 ' 12:15 p 12:35 " 4K 5:35 9s5t v'v.iin- a,nc sou.'. For Orphan's Huron Mnn.iar and Tcnr- ..OA.-).. .4 J i I. day at 4:00 p. ta. ALBANY INS. AGENCY I CAU GlVls yoa more genuine Insur ance for a $i.oo than any other agent In . 1 1 A 1 K. n - Anv sahool-bov who can control pre saittms to the amount ot fjoo annually can secure the airencv for an Insurance Co.. for tnat reason do not think that every man who writes Insurance policies U r "insurance msn. , . nunrviY Trtu insure in tne suw, .w.. DON, M ANCHES1 ER.and SORWICH FN'ION of Ene Jand.or CON'l 1 Ji E NTA L your money In case of honest loss. Note taken on fara Insurance. M rXNDrjts, M'gr ' Valley adjuster to.' the Sun Ina ct&ce Lon Jon Highsat'price paid for all kinda gralu oie i oi a wvuKw. t. (TaillTit "VTAKE i .vWsjU; THC AT r tf .OtU- 1 (s. r-j a r w Mm W . ' .a I J I IT Ir1 j aAsW i aVSAiaay- eaA O. a.A.s asajsjsBsaeayasBsasaaTsj t Railway Time Card v