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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1895)
TERMS. Daily, 1 ct a day; 25c per month; $3.00 per yaar, in advance- 30c per month not in advance. By earner, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Wkkklt, $1.25 In advance; tl.50 at end of year; 11.75 for second year; $2.00 for third and proceeding year, when not raid in advance. Clulw of five now subscribers for5.00. I FILL TEETH I PULL TEETH I MAKE BRIDGE WORK. I MAKE COLD CROWNS. I MAKE LGCXN CROWNS I MAKE METAL PLA1ES. I MAKE RUBBER PLATES. I SAVE THE KATURAL TEETH I MAKE REASONABLE CHARGES. J. C. LITTLES, Dentist. Ilerring-Kone. Organdie, black brocaded and other lines of satine put on sale Tuesday at S. E. Young's. Herring-bone, black wilh white stripe, with white figures and with colored figures. ,JN":west thing in saline. Black brocaded, five new patterns. Good goodj, vrxy similar in appearand to bro caded Bilk. Challie. From 6I u,-4 cents w oj cents per var o Cotton, wool mixed, silk strije, all wool. A few patterns of the cheaper goods are h ) .va la ta i .1.- goods window. S. E. YOUXG. Indicted for Counterfeiting. The United States grand jury Satur day returned an indictment against Wil liam J. ("Doc.") Davenport. It charges that Davenport, oa January 4, J 895, un lawfully, knowingly and felonionsly had in his possession, without authority of the secretary of the treasury of the United States, or other, proper officer, four molds of plaster. In likeness and simil- ' itude they were of the same design and inscription upon dies, hubs and molds designated for the coining and making of genuine silver dollars. He feloniously used the same in molding and counter feiting dollar pieces in large number. Frank Jennings and Lake Jennings are indicted for the same offense, committed February 12, 1S&4. Davenport has previously been In the penitentiary for counterfeiting. Het as lived at Albany and various parts of Linn county. By profession he is a druggist, and, at the time of his last arrest, was engaged in keeping a pharmacy at Tan gent. He stoutly professes his innocence of the charge. The Jennings boys were born and raised in Oregon, and are well known throughout tfce valley towns, es pecially in Linn and Lane counties. They were arrested at Lebanon. The Jennings brothers are claimed to have circulated counterfeit $5 and $10 gold pieces, as well as silver dollars, but no molds for making the coins were found by the officers. Frank Jennings was recently taken to Reno, Sev., in company with Frank Ross and D. S. Richardson, to answer an indictment for counterfeiting returned against the trio in that state. -Oregonian. Davenport was not running a drug store when arrested, and hid not been for a couple years. Up the O. C. & E. M. J. Connell, one of Buttes wealthiest and most prom inent merchants was shown to the front on the Oregon Central & Eastern yester day, that he might get a better apprecia tion of the wonderful timber resources of the Cascades. They were beyond his comprehension. He was accompanied by Mr. A. B. Hammond, Superintendent Clark, and Ed Stone of the O. C. & E., and Mayor Flinn, J. W. Cusick, C. G. Burkhart, D. B. Monteith, M. H. Beall and Martin Payne. Once let tbe sale be confirmed and trips of inspection will be much more frequent. The present man agement mean business without a doubt Accidist to a Child. The two year old daughter ot F. E Allen wa playing in his yard Saturday evening, when it fell on a stick, which penetrated tbe neck cut tins a bad caah. The stick was pulled out and Dr. Davis was called and dressed the wound, requiring the use of two or three stitches. PRAISE, ONLY, FBOJI AT.Ti WHO UBB AYER'S air Vigor "Ayers preparations are too ol well known to need any commen- o! dation from me ; but I feel com nelled to state, for the benefit of others, that six years ago, I lost o nearly half of my hair, and what was left turned .gray. After g lisincr Aver a anu v jkuit several n months, my hair began to grow ol onai-n and with t.hfl natural color restored. I recommend it to all S mv friends." Mrs. E. FRANK- a hauseb, box 303k Station C, Los j Angeles, Cab - " g AYER'S HairVigor , a PEEP ABED BT DR. J. C AVER CO., LOWELL, KASS. g coooooooooooeeoeooooooooi 7 An Interesting Story. a fait ia.ra a. tiiA TWun. i Li: r'K"i r:1 .iwu i ijuuiii; tui uuo jiunvi line is was punnsuea ny request ot a news paper man in California. The following from Santa Cms would indicate that our readers will not need to hunt very much for White: Denutv Sheriff John P Teague of Oakland haa furnished valu able information regarding Ansel White, who was formerly a farmer living be tween here and Soquel. Peteetives have been in town for several davs searchinar r n mie, or uis neirb u m is uead, and advertisements have been inserted in all tne coast papers asking for information .uuut uuu, us ue u ut'ir 10 n estate lett by one of his brothers, who recently died iri New York, worth $4,000,000. White sold his farm in this county many years ago and went to San Francisco, carrying his money on his person. He stopped at the St Louis House, where all traces of him was lost, and the supposition was that he had been robbed and murdered. lhis is correct according to Teasne's story. He says that during the 60's his father owned "a ranch in Contra Costa county, and one day while in search of some cattle he found the bodv of a man near the ranch, about 100 yard's from the surf. It was in an advanced stage of de composition. The coroner, William Bald win, and his father made a sear.-h through the clothing and found a San Francisco paper of a date several weeks previous, a small amount of silver in a vest pocket, a plain silver watch and chain and an envelope on which the writing was almost illegible from contact with the sea water. With difficulty it was read and discovered to lie addressed to Ansel White, St. Louis House, San Francisco. The postmark was Santa Cruz. The coroner summoned a mrv and an inquest was held, which return ed a verdict of death from unknown caus es. .The man was buried and Teague says he is willing to oversee the exhum ating of the body if it is desired. The skull of the corpse was crushed as if bv a blow from some blunt instrument, and the pockets were turned inside out. The body appeared to be that of a man be tween forty-five and fifty years of age, and this tallied with the a'ge of White at the time of his disappearance. Mr. Richard Conn, the p'uotohrapher, oi Aioina, spent eunuay in Aioany. Mrs. A. L. Lamb is in Portland, where her sister is dangerously ill. Rea. Riley Little left this noon for Seattle to attend a meeting of the U. P, Presbytery. . t . . . . incense uas ueen issued lor the mar riage of Mr. Alex Kirk and Miss Hettie Garoutte. Rev. S. G. Irvine is reported to be slowly failing, a fact his host of friends wm regret Hearing. Ferdinand Zim merer, of Nebraska, has been in Albany in the interest of the Nebraska sufferers. Mrs. William Henderson, of Oakland. Calif., is in the city, having been called nere oy tne illness of her mother, Mrs. nooa. E. E. Goff has returned from his Cal ifornia trip. While gone he saw Ball.the Buffalo bicyclist, break the record in a two mile race. E. H. Bryant, of the reform school. was in the city this morning after the Me- tiargue and 1 nomas boys, whom he took to the reformatory. Rev. D. Y. PoVtnz left for Lafavette to day where he will deliver the annual ad dress before tbe college on Wednesdav night. At which time. Prof. C. C. Pol ling, his brother, will be ens tailed as president of the insutut.on. Tbe 13th dirthdav of Frank Allen was celebrated Saturday evening at the home ot his lather . H. Allen, with a party. Games, music and a nice lunch were the program, greatly enjoyed by the young people present. In its account of a recent bin K, of P. 5 gathering in Portland the Sundav Ore gonian says : Grand Cnancellor Hill, ex mayor of Albany .delivered an oration, which lasted nearly an hour. He was right in touch with" his audience, inter spersing his remarks with frequent sal lies of wit and humor, which were loud ly received and encored. Dr. Hill has proved himself an able man upon the roerrom, and won many hearts by the manly portrayal of his" Pythian ideas. The work he did for Newcomb lodge, No. 60, on this evening will shortly increase the ranks of that young and enterpris ing lodge very materially. Mrs Charles Reily will be given a big benefit at Salem next Friday evening. There will be a skirt dance" by Misses Lena Hurscn and Nellie Beckner. the Dungeon Scene from Esmeralda, "Dra matic Action" by a class of fourteen, a Spanish dance bv Helen Copeland and a tambourine drill besidesMrs Reily's rec itations. Rottes Morals. Mayor McFadden,o Corvallis, openly admits the rotten con dition of morals in that city. In a mes sage he says; "It has been currently asserted for weeks last past bv many reputable citizens of Corvallis, that there exists within this city a very diseased condition of morals that has reached the putrid stage; that disgraceful and licentious exhibitions, in which the daughters of Africa largely contributed have attracted sufficient general atten tion within a month past as to become current street talk and provoke editorial comment, from our city papers; that gaming and gambling are being carried on in direct violation of law and our streets and sidewalks at times are crowd ed with a class cf gamblers.largely impor tations, who maintain a precarious ex istence by filching it from the unsus pecting at the gambling table and other wise; that the laws ol the citv are Deing violated in the selling and disposing of spirituous and malt liquors in open houses on Sunday; that the general moral tone of the city is lower than at any other period within several years past. Cbook Couxtv. As we go to press we learn of tbe death of Andrew Lytle, from Bright's disease. Mr. Lytle has been a prominent citizen of Crook county for a number of years. Deputy District Attorney Bell left yes terday afternoon for Mitchell, where he goes to prosecute Geo. W. Aldrich for practicing medicine without license. Review. Two of the jurymen for the Mav term of circuit court are II. S. Richards and Monroe Smead, former Albany men. Who is Scabet. Albany must have a. miehtv Jim Crow lot or bicyclists, .as they allow no wheelmen outside of that city to ride in the race today. Our boys don't pretend to much, but they are not o badly scared as to rule out tbe ama teur riders of neighboring towns when we have a race. Jefferson Review. Don't be afraid of Albany being scared. If Jefferson bicyclists think tbey have a better man than Albany, any distance. tend him up here. A Bear Stoev. W. M. Toner, the W F. agent on the O. P., told at the depot this noon of a wonderful bear hunt be had at the bay yesterday. His dog drove a bear up a tree, and Mr. Toner securing a bead on tbe animal nred and brougnt him to the ground. One of Mr. Toner's friends declares it was prolwibly a iack rabbit; but Mr. Toner promised to bring the whole animal over tomorrow as a proof of his prowess. Friday Rodney Scott sold Lis farm, which is situated on tbe McKenzie, consiHting of 327 acres, to Bruno Eitus, for $9,292 50 at the ra'e of $25.52 per acre. Tha gentle man who purchased tbe larm is an r.a stern man, but has lived in Lane comity, Oregon. . . it i . i tor revere vears in tne neiguooiuwu oi Junction. Eugrene Register. Another populist ban it has failei: Jacob Neathammer. 84 years of age, who lives alone with his wife a short dintance below Gold Hill, claims to be cut $5000 in $20 gold pieces. The old gentleman didn t be lieve in banks, so he sacked his gold and nid it in tre wheat bin at his barn. J be money was taken on the night of the 18th inst. According io tbe assessors census tbe pop- . . r mi n ti ...... mauon ot ine uaues i Toere were 189 clerks in the hit letrisla tore, beating the record in a hard times year. . There will be a special meeting of Bailey Chapter No. 8 tonight, for degree work, which members are requested to attend. List of Patents. . . yra,lti to racific States inventors week, lieported by 0. A. Snow vo., sohcitoiu of American and Foreign patents, opp. U. S. Patent oiliee, W&hh ington, D. O. W. N. Best, Rt-doudn, Cal., wave- motor; J. H. Greefkens, San Francisco, v.'ai., rasn-rcgistcring savings-bank ; y. i. Hansen, Seattle, Wash., converti ble trunk; V. 1 Ilawley, Oregon City, Y". cunuensing apparatus; jn. it. flic Imgrnan, India, Cal., apparatus for col- IecVn8 Rold from moving watr carrying """" matter. t.i.jumJ I ...n. "l "'. ".- 1 ".'iiipsoii. oi urowns- '. ' ueen aacnea by creditors. Tbe firct unmnnrv nt Mia l.nlia tf f'ia wTccauees, ot Albany, will be celebrated next nciay evsuing. Semour W. Condon.formerly of Eugene, a uuw iu pannersnip wun uenerul I'lckin son, a'torney for Durrant The Y, M. O. A. and Mr. Moshers enter tainment will be given Friday night. I'ar- icuiars later. 1 here are some fast horses at the fair ground in this city. Analene, a four year old. paces under 2:30 easily, and Do Linn trou a mile already in 2:32 The Tittel Dramatic Company went to tbe wall at Moscow, Idaho, it ia said that the stranding of the company is due to the mismanagement of Walter Monroe aud airs iiitei. In the handball contest at Salem Satur day between Murphy and Oonw. of Wil lamette, and Templeton and Johnson, of me giaie university, tbe former won 2 to 1. score 42 tu 81. The men running the auction store next door to the P. O. last week packed they- .u.uKa k.niuru7 nigni anu leit lor l orl landonthe morning train. The Demo crat for one got soup. The bicycle race will probably one off Friday of thit week, though there has been some talk of some other day. Parties desiring to make entries should leave their name with J.A.Cumming before Thursday r-oon. It id probable that within a few week tbe state reform school bovt will give an entertainment, "the picnic party," in Al bany. There are thirty-nine in tbe p.i'ty. including all of the Albany bov. They would be given a large house bete. Same fennel. implicated with Sid Moore in the !lgd robbery of AL. Bishop, gave himself up this morning amLupoa appear ing before Justice Freerksen was promptly discharged. Lyon. Bethune Co.. lessees of the Red Crown Mill received order this morning for three car load of Scow Flake flour. The management h ire received a great deal of encouragement, and hence have all the can do. The 1'ayton Comedy Company cloexl their weeks engagement at the opera bouse Saturday night Tbey did a good buinm- ror toe times and left with tbe good wiil of all with whom they had come in contact. The Congregational Church was packed to overflowing last evening and were de lighted with the musical numder furnished by the O K. T. Concert Co. The . one of their grand concerts tonight at the ultra Douse. Tub O. K. T. Cosckbt. Tbe O. K. T. Concert company drew a pood sixed au dience last night. Our citizens were givena musical program of great merit. Mr. E. B. Freeman was beard Li a man dolin solo and encored. A duet by Bow man and Van Cleve. a character sketch, the Upper Ten and Lower Five, brought a very live encore. Mr. Bowman has a bass voice, finely cultivated, rarely equaled in quality ;" Mr. A. M. Alexander, a baritone with 'a rich and expressive voic, sang Has Your Heart Gro to Cold and was called out a second time. The quartette sang "A Warrior Bold," and were given a double encore. Completely blending, their cultivated voices make music that will not euffer in comparison with the best quartets in the East. Mr. X. E. Skinner, Portland's leading tenor, displayed bis rich voice to splendid ef fect. Bert Van Cleve at thispart told ol the merits of the O. K. T. without being tediotu?. Mr. Freeman was heard in a guitar solo. Skinner and Bowman in Robin Ruff and Gaffer Green. Bert Van Cleve sang Marguerite with modern adaptation and received a double encore. He not only possesses a pleasing voice ; but is a comedian of rare genius who will hold his own with the crack solo come dians of big reputation. The entertain ment closed with "The Bridge" by the quartet. The company will be here tonight and tomorrow night. Those bearing them will be givea a musical feast. The axscal xrrnxa of the W.C. T. U. took place last Tuesday in their hall. Tbe election showed the following officers were elected: Mrs. Sears, president; Miss Lucy Gard, recording secretary; Mrs. Brown, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Kate Althouse, treasurer. About $200 bad passed . through tbe bands of the treasurer, chiedy ia con nection with their hall. Arrangements were made for introducing Mrs. Louise P. Rounds at the public school, where she endeavors to interest the children in kindness to animals, leaving "Mercy Bands" (in connection with tbe society for promoting kindness to animals) wherever practicable. Committee. All friends are cordially invited to a May day party given by tbe Kindergarten children in their room on Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Program and refreshment. Admission. 10 cU. and children 5 eta., goes toward association funds. A vicious occurrence alwavs, is a run away team with a plow attached, and that is what happened three or four miles down tbe Albany road. Friday. Tbe outfit be longed to I. H. Mitchell, and though the runaway was long and desperate it result ed only in flight damage to th plow and harness limes. Go to the Christian Church, corner Fifth and Jackson Sts-. tonight, and bear W. F. Cowdenof Tacoma on bis theme "Our Country for Christ." Mr. Cowden is a roan of national repute, and the evangelist of tbe Christian Church for our Northwett states and Pacific coact. He knows his field, and he delivers his lectors with much warmth and clearnes. All cordially invited- One eastern rjTival who did business in short order, was Angust Weitman, of La yette, Iowa. Last Monday's Times report ed that he bad arrived and was looking for a farm, and tbe following Thursday, five days after his arrival, he left to take po-a ression of a farm he had purchased between Sodavilleand Waterloo. Tbe farm is known as the Vanderpool property. Cor vallis Times. Is o important that -you should be sure to get THE BEST. Hood's Sarsapa rillahas proven iU ua equalled merit by its thousands of remarkable cures, and the fact that it has a larger saio than any other lanaparilla or blood puri fier show the great confide nco the people have in it. In fact it is the Sarins. Medicine. It cures all bliod diseases, builds up the nerves and gives iaoh strength to the whole system that, as one lad puts it, It seemed to make me anew." If .yon decide to take Hood's Sarsa narillafor your Sprinar Madicine do not buy any substitute. Be sure to get Spnimg K1P'S on n WRECK ON THE O. C. & E. Jos. Wilcox Killed Instantly and John Campbell Died Today. The worst wreck in the history of the Oregon Pacific occurred yesterday after noon at 3 :30 o'clock at bridge 24, just west of tunnel No. 3, alxmt one and a half miles east of Pioneer and twelve miles east of Toledo, the nearest tele graph othYo. The freight train was go ing wcBt. It had just unloaded several cars of tics, passed through the tunnel and upon the bridne. when, as nearly as can Me told, one ot lio earH jumped the track, the jar of the humping causing the bridge to break and go down. It fell just as the engine lind croKsed. the cover to the bridge pinning the engine io tne ground as the tender hung over. There were sixteen cars, including the caboose, and all went down but the ca boose. The engine was in chnnro of Mr. Cas' teel, with Kolert Pursifull as fireman. They were uninjured, except a burn re ceived ny rursuuit. On the third car from the front the conductor, John Campliell, was sitting, near the east end with his feet off the edge. The next car was a flat car, and upon this Jos. llcox was standing. As they went down Campbell was thrown upon the flat car and the box car upon the flat, pinning him under it, while Wilcox was thrown off into three or four feet of water directly under the cars. Robert Fowler, the head brakeman, was on the rear Iwx car. From him the Dkmocimt gets the particulars of the ac cident, lie saw tbo cars going down, and quickly putting on tbe brakes, slid and ju in ieil to the ground just in time to save himself, as it was he received a bad bruise on bis right ear. Assistance was secured from Pioneer as nuicklv as possible, and the local train soon appeared. Mr. Campbell was pried out from under the box car, aud was found to be dangerously injured. Both leg j were crushed and an arm broken and he was generally bruised and cut up. He was taken to Mr. Millers near bv. where he died at 1 :30 this afternoon. His remains were immediately placed on a special train which left for Corvallis. Ills parents were by bis side at tbe time of bis death. Mr. Wilcox was gotten out of tbe water after much difficulty. His back and neck were broken and 'be was olheswiso badlv bruised. His watch had stopped at 3 :Xl. Dr. Rich was the first surgeon present. while ir. .Manion, tne roads surgeon.was taken over on a special wrecking train, left at 6:30 o'clock in the evening, ami which returned at 6 o'clock this morning. Tbe remains of ilcox were brought to Albany, where his wife was at the itue of the accident, and will be taken to Philomath, where the tiarvnt of the deceased reside, for burial. Mr. Camp bell s parents reside in Corvallis. Mrs. U. Will of this city, is a sister Mr. Campbell was a popular young roan, of sterling worth.and was Commander of the tent of Maoealiecs of this c:lv. Tbe bridge at the place of the accident is thirty-live feet above the water,hirb is four or five fert deep. It was said to be safe and in gd condition and the ac cident undoubtedly would not have oc curred but for tbe jumping off ot a car directly on the bridjre. An examination cf the timK-rs of the bridge revealed the fact that a car bad jumped the rails and bumped on the tie aroes the hridjje, causing it to brvak down. Conductor Campliell was not in tbe habit of riding on the front of the train, and it is said this was the firct time it was remembered when be liad done so, Mr. Fowler generally eoing ahead. The remains of " Mr. Wilcox ere brought to Albany this noon. His wife has the sympathy of all in her great af fliction. ThkO. P. A pi tu Tbe resrindent's brief in tbe O. P. appeal was completed this morning, and will I tiled with in terested parties todav. It istbecombin- Favlden. and brist les with forceful anl brilliant legal points. As thev make out Hannah c!.ar.J. M , ; K.I.. Sal.m. the case their position ctn ioipr-ena- &2X: Ivi Slro:: A CV. fv.ijj; Jo. We, but the old fact of two fid.-s ta every A. Ford. WXSJZi. M r. Thunipmjn ba (joestion involves the outcome in a de-j been ia business for a g 1 many years gree of uncertainty. Ten davs are now at Brownsviiie. an 1 bis failure will l allowed the appellants to file' a winple-j generally nrvvtU"!. ..... 11 . .1 1 , i 1 iv 1 , a. iv. .ii 11 ii. liiffr m 1 . 1 iiv rely for argument, the hearing and de- ewi..ntherft-d...ndin0.Pn.,.lrwm i-------- . the convenience of the rannnie conrt. , , .vwfci The resondents brief contains 122 pages. Times. Hoo FiuraiNO. The Corvallis Times man to a good fiurer. Here is an ex cellent showing for the bog business: Born, to Manly Currier's poland cbina sow, April 1, 1884. 15 pigs; November I, 1894, 19 pigs and March 5. lff5, 15 pigs, making a total increase of 49 pigs in II months and four days. Two of the firrt litter that were slaughtered before nine months of age, dressed 2"0 pounds each, and the rest were in proportion, making an aggregate from the firrt Utter of 3,750 pounds of pork. With the process kept up this sow's producing capacity is 3,750 of meat, three times per vear or an ag gregate of 11,250 pounds per annum, worth, at five i-tmta per pound, $562.50. Iass Had Five. The Pekoc-eat re cently mention.. J two as the number of clerks in the recent legislature from Linn county. This was not enough. We are informed that there were at least five. Besides Messrs. Cannon and Frances, Senator Johnson secured a place for Mrs. Johnson and Representative Scott for a daughter ,and a ffalsey man bad a clerk ship. As long as the clerkship fake is to be allowed it is pleasing to note that this county was not entirely left. Better Take Nones, Marshal Lee haa had a notice in the Democrat several days warning people against leaving their teams in the street without being hitched. An ordinance prohibits that practice. This morning a horse of Hub Bryant's was found standing alone, and was promptly put in the pound. Cost, $1.00, This afternoon Ah Swill lelt his team standing and it was soon in the pound at a cost of $1.00 a bead. The entertainment announced io lie given Friday night by the Y. Si. C. A. and Mr. Ed. Mosbicr has been postponed until next week, probably Wednesday evening. When a man goes to pay his taxes be feels poorer than at any other time in hi life. He doesn't consider how poor ne is whenheaays: "Boys, let's have some thing." Eugene Guard. A case of blacksmith's too's, in minia ture, roadeby I. N. (Jrave;, who has a shop on Second street, mav be seen at Stewart k Sox's. It confer great credit on Mr. Grove's workmanship and shows him to be a genius with blacksmith tools. Boom " I was all broken down in health. so weak ana nervous l was hardly able to be up. I had severe pains in my side, and headache. I would often have to stop when going' up-stalrs on account ol palpitation of the heart. I had ao appetite and a distressed feel ing in my stomach, l resolved to try Hood b barsapanlla. . I took two bob ties and have not had a spell of sick headache for lour months, feel well, work all day and eat heartily. My friends remark how well I am looking. I think all nervous, run down people ought to take it, especially nursing mothers." Mrus.S.AfiHWOitTH, Eaton,0 an hush Davenport Plead Guilty. "Doc" Davenport, of l-ebanon.indietcd in the U. S. court at Portland for coun terfeiting uport lieing arraigiHHl"plcad guilty. of it: J jint full u iiiuii culling himself Charles French came to liis furm anil wished t j remain there a few weeks to trap game, lie bad some traps, and, I pcruilHHHiii iH-iiiK given uini to Htav, be set out bis trap. One day he linked Davenport bow counterfeit dollars wore made, saying bo wanted to learn iiint out of curiosity. DuvoniKtrt, who ix well known to have served a term in the jx n itentiary for counterfeiting, thought there would 1 no barm in sliiming French what be wanted to know. French gave him M cents, and he lioiiglit koiiic plaster and solder, made molds mid cast a few liogtia dollars with them. Soon afterward Davenport was nrrtsted for counnterfeiting, and he now claims that French was employed by X. U. Hurris, a siieeial agent of the treasury, to put up tlio job on him. T!ds was denied but Judge Bellinger said be would investi gate it. The judge said : "Detectives of the government have no right to aid in the commission of crime, and thus come into this court to ask that the. criminal be punished. I want it understood that iersons who go alxmt .instigating crime will not find their business successful in this court." Dr. and Mrs. Starr went to Corvallis this afternoon on a visit. License was issued today for the mar riage of Mr. Frank Trites a'ml Miss Belle Orr. Mr. F. B. Tinkle, w ho has been tvtab iishinir a branch ihotourath eallerv in Corvallis, is in tbe city. Mr. Martin Miller, of Knox Butte, was in the city today after a long illness. He is yet arttu' ted with the rheumatism. Mrs. J. K. Plymate returned home to Albany today "nfter visitim; with her daiiuhter. Mrs. Wm. Parsons, in this citv. hugene Guard. Mrs. A. J. McMillan, who has been visiting at the ISay is in Albany with friends and relativ4 and will go to her home at Victoria. 15. C. in a few davs. Miss Carrie Ilitcheim.of Corvalltt.Kali-- with Stock Bros, drygoods bouse, has come to Salem with that firm and will make her future home here. Saii-m Journal. Mr. Chas. Pfeiffer. of the Revere House is now the owner of a handsome surry jiwt presented him by his brother, the weil known editor ofatierman pajier in vmiaua. County Asjseswor Ih-akins and K. C. Ropers returned this noon from their health seeking trip to Talaian springs near Ashland. Thev received some ben efit. Mrs. C. C. Kullev, Mrs. J. I- Hill, Mrs. II. II Hewitt, grand chief, Mrs. RicbarJj, Mm. Knox Haight and Miss Olga Hewitt and Mrs. L. M. Curl went to Salem today to institute a lodge of Rathbone sixu-rs. Rev. and Mrs. MeCullajjh returned to their home in Mehama. Mrs. MK'ol- lagh has U--n nuite t-'wk, but was im proving. They were lioarding with Mrs. Merrill, cor. 9th and CalajMjia, while here. Cite F.NtiirtBiv. Will s;nc one please tell iw jut wlierv Linn coonty stands on the following proposition iruui a Polk ooanly p&pt-r: isome .ime mii a man in lo:k conntv marri..! a woman in linn oounty. who, it is claime-l wa a county clt;itv there. The matrimonial sea bexniinj; milled, the couple arwd to disagree, an I I ominisioncr Byeriy came to the county s-at to alut makir.g arrani-mcit:. to jri't the woman U.-k lo bToM home, as this u con idered che per l!ia! keeping her as a county charv. The arrangr-ntt-nts wt-rv tnadc. It. S.Tiiovi-js l"iu. H. N. Thomp son, the well knoa n merchant of I'.row n- Tiile, has U-ra attached bv cr-.l;tor. as follow: The Standard slioe Co., '56.- SJ; U. I.. Sabin A CV., tiVlJ.Sl : W m. I llanter, . ; .J. Waiter. fri.fM; j . rhil. .,,,..rf, .. ,i,w . . ! C crli ty v d'W Jr id ci ,)t t tstir 1 wrai A !?igu- 1 . .. .u. 1 1 .1 . .i,.... Uil'l ,T( I IJ --I'll i. l . I I I M.TK-. w..u ,- t, ...,... a, t, the doctor. T-i .H-w tb of having A yr't Cbrr Pectoral a! war at band. When fever an J other epid.niai are around, safety lie in fort if ving the ytem with Ayex's arsarojiila A peron hav ing thin and impure blood, is in tbe bsoI faTorabl condition to "catch" whatever disease may be niwtinjf ia the air. Be wue in time. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Hon. II. B. Miller, of Oram's Pass .one of Southern Orvgtin"s lt know n citiens will move to F.ugene in a few days to re side. Mr. Tom Iarker, who Las U-en work ing in a saw mill at Portland fora couple years, hati returned to Albany and will prolably remain during the summer, or uhtil tbe mill Mart up aain. Mrs. L. P. Bound has leen in the city in the interest of tbe Iand of Mercy, of which she is superintendent for Oregon. She visited the schools yesterday and in tbe evening met with se'wrrl of our citi zens at the residence of 1- K. Blain. It is reported from Ashland that Mr. D. O. Clark, of that city is lying danger ously ill with the chance against bi re covery. His daughter Mrs. F.. N. Con dit, ot Lo Angeles, was sent for and is now at bis liedside. One of tbe pleasantest and most suc cessful socials held in Albany for a long time was that by the ladies of the Cath olic church last night at the residence of Mr. Conrad Meyer. The attendance was large and evervthing about the evening's doings was for the enjoyment of those present. A meritorious program was presented. The lunch served was a com plete one. The Dkmotrat force acknowl edge a sumptuous sample of it.consisting of many luxuries particuliiry ior a print er. In fact nothing quite so extensive was ever before placed before, the antim ony manipulators of the 1bmocr.t ollice, and thev all bow their thanks. II ay Ma PR a I fir. Tbe second concert of the O. K. T. Company was greeted by another good bouse. The audience ex- pressed great silistaction with the pro gram, l.verv selection was encored mid lsert v an Clove received a t ripple en core, lie lias mime a oeeidod nit in h;s role. The quartet is as fine ns anv ever in our city. The merit lies in the cultiv ation of the voices and the expression put into their use. x.very voice is in dividual and yet blends in harmony. That is the way tbe best vocal music is made. Mr. Skinner has a tenorvoice of great power, jwissessing sufficient merit to nave given nun piuco in raiu s iroup at one time. Mr. Hawman has a Imiss voice rarely equalled in excellency and Mr. Alexanders naruone ami Mr. Ayis worth's tenor have the right ring to them. Mr. Freeman' meets with favor inlliis mandolin and guitar solos. Tonight a change of program will be given. Those wishing to hear vocal mu Bic that w ill not lo surpassed anywhere should hear the O. K. T. in tlieir lat performance. A Car Ixiad of Frvit. Ueturns fnmi a mixed carload of dried fruit which was shipped from tbe valley last fall were re ceived last week. It was mode up of small lots of fruit and was not of tirst class quality, yet a check for $!KK will lie divided among the shippers. The car was consigned through Pago & Son of Portland to Koht. Henderson s Co. of New York. The latter say the Oregon French prunes sent wore as fine ns they bad ever seen ; but do not have much faith in the Italian, ascribing the good price of last year to the imported and California Italians of largo siase. liose burg Plaindcaler. . The Kindergarten May day party at the W. C T. U. Hall tonight will be a 'rent for those enjoy inj( children's exercises, Besides the program there will bo refresh' , ) menU. Admission 6 and 10 cents. NOTICE TO WATER CQ'utlMEfiS The repairs to the flumes have been delayed on account of rain. We now expect to do the work during Thursday and Friduy of this week, unless there is too much tain. C. C. Hooi'K. Ueul Ustute Sales. A D Knox to CO Hamon, 8 acres 10 w 3 $ V i Bennett to Geo K Bennett, 4 lots libation C 1 1 Cable and C F. Stanurd to Wm Hunter, 5 lots Mrowns villo Wmilalloway to R W Fry, 40 acres 12 w H Kliznlieth Wallace to Km ma Dibble, l- interest in U5.31 acres 11 w '2 '. Elizalietb Wallace to Charles Graham, l- interest in 9".3l acres 11 w 2 Win Ralston to J R Morris, about 14 acres near Lebanon Carrie and Ida Davenport to Ira liarnard, 20 acres 13 w 2 II Brvant to Ira Barnard, 20 acres 13 w 2 J B Cox to II A Davis, 1 acre 15 w 4 G W Philips to Marion Alexand er 1 ptit .riU a.'ma IO mr 1 5.00 125.00 225.001 1500.00 319.000 394.00 1300.00 130.00 120.00 40.00 4000.00 1.00 600.00 135.00 1 (Y Wt Eugene LaForestetux to Martha Barnes. part of bl 3 H's 2nd ad J R Dunlap to Nancy Brown, 20 acaes 13 w 4 Jas MeMahan toll KOwen, 1 lot Will It E Co'to Mary j Miller 2 lots Halsey II W Foreman to R A Cooper, 46 acres 10 w 4 W T Cochran to Mabola Turner 1S0 acres 13 w 3 Jas F Nixon to Samuel Nixon 13.55 acres 15 w 4 P T Long to A P Blackburn, 28 acres 13 w 3 A P Blackburn to M C Long, 70 acres 12 and 13 w 2 Jas Smith to E O Smith, 40 aeres 9K 2 M J Walter to Mary Hume, 160 acre 13 and 14 w 3 A Wolverton to J A Thornton, lots 5 and 6 bl 8 H'a 3rd ad. . . E W Lang. Ion to J 11 MuJUn, lota 3 and 4 b! 7 H's 3rd ad O Jennings, by sheriff, to Linn Co. N Bank, 240 acres 12 E 1 A J Fox to Ifevid Link, lots 3, 4, y. 10.11, 12bl2 Pipers ad ... t G Havne and C L Buck by sheriff to G W Phibps 210 acri lOw 1 Edith Thompson to X J Hida, I lot Hromnsville G V Taylor to S I Shore. 90x140 feet Scio ElizaU-th Martin to A Weitman, 2 lota Sodville U S to Rolrt Morchcad, 300 acres, date 1S66 J A Crawford to John II Simp son. 4S.S0 acres 12 w 3; 64.07 acres 12 w 3; also small piece 1! w .1: a'.ro 10 acres 11 w 4; lots Tangent J CGivon to Mrs M A Beach, 40 acres 12 w 5 400.00 1.00 570.00 1500.00 1500.00 1.00 3000.00 600.00 10.00 1600.00 1.00 3650.00 700.00 500.00 100.00 5000.00 100.00 IOU. AND ABROAD !: 1 r a oo Flake flmir in tbe mar- kt- MiH fd of all kind at the Ibl Crown Mill. Foil lino of f raw haU at I.. E. Blain Clothing Co' Wheat contioiv upward. Tbe reynlor market price i 40 cmjU. Tbre 1 a p'aot.erph gal!v in Albany, i".' at the pttwt of 2nd and Ferry tta. wes of tbe Port oSce. Ir. tl- W. Motoi, physician and ar eton. AI"ost lr. Cai u..-in-d r-rom rt- city or coanlry. ! Ice cream 5 and 10 cvtti a duh at Mr. f nm-k'i mm Garden, oaroer 3rd and IV f Condon, of Kiitm. h ddiTered an ad irns cn "Tninpi." A rabj-rt with unlimited op j Tb K.T.Co will go from bre t j Tue lUile luruij; caaoeiieJ their Eatne I oaie. aia useaos wi:i ga eat. . , . - . . -.. ' or ia picture go to "Uo-pUter.' ; for . hnt M j.botoffrai. go to a first cUs j phrtti-cratiber Tbei 1 but nm-in Allanr I snyurT. ioot w urn one in Auanj. ' his name tt Tinkle. Just reorired a new tot of coodt. indud inc a an assortment of siioes, which are going at hard time prices, at the cheap Cah I Vpartment Store. The late J01 Wilcox wa not a member of any beneficiary sncietv: but had tent in bu name to the Maccabees aai would hare been admitted at the next meeting. The social rartv to hare twn held to- ! night by the Albany Social Club ha been ( VpowJ on account of the death of one of 11a aot popular tneoiten. Mr. Joha Campbell. It i now settled lyonJ a doobt thrt Eucene will have a floor mill Tbe firm will h. Messrs. Alex Matthew. L U. SoiV er and C S. William. Tb. gentlemen do not ask a" bono, but wll depend upon the patronagv of the people liuard Miis C'awford' rlocation cUsees meet every Monday, Welnedjjr and Thursday of each --k, at 4:15 p. ta. at W.C.T.L'. Hall. Pnpi may enter the dasm ct any time. If you desire a luxurious growth of healti.y hair of a natural color, na'oirc' rronmg ornament of both sexes. ne only nan egetiibie Sicilian Hair tfeoewer. The road bed and bridges in I K. are unVobted!y ia better tbeO.C.Jt better condition than the rolling stock. There is a strong opinion that the accident occurred on ac count of a drf ect in one of the cars that lhre the wheel rff the track. John Stewart, of Lane county, will hip next Friday fifteen car loads of one and two rear old steer to Montana and Frank Hampton five car load from Crook county. 1'bni imi dt of dollr have been put in cir culation in the Willamette valley the past rear by the sate of rattle, until they are pretty well thinned out. Services at the Episcopal Chorch are held every Sunday at 1 1 and 7 :30 o clocK. On the second and fourth Sundays Rev. U. F Plummer, of Corvallis, t fheiates. On the alternate Sundays lay services by Mr Wgllia- Nash Bible class every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock to which any friend arc invitah Snndny.School at 10 a. m. Cho'r practice at Mr. Wallis Nash's house every Friday at 8 p. m. "Tu by lUtni't) a Tkmpuc" Once again the press of this city is called upon to chronicle the establishment of a new fraternal order anil it makes the record cheerfully. Yesterday's 1 :40 local brought front Allany the following named ladies, grand oliicers of the Grand Temple of the Bathlmne Sisters, towit: Mesdamcs Maggie Hewitt, O. C. ; E. G. Hill, P. C: M. L. Kellev, E. C; N. H. Allen. M.of T.; Ilaight. P.of T.; . W. Wright, K. F.; Alice P. Bichanls, M. of It. and C; Etta Curl, M.of F.; and Miss Olga Hewitt, organist. These ladies came for the express purpose of institut ing a sulmrdinate temple here. Thirty six of Salem's 'daughter's and wives of Pythian Knights met them with the same purpose and last night, at the Py th ian hall, Centralia Temple of Rathbone Sisters, No. 11, was created. Statesman. FrsERAL Skrvickh. Services were held at the home of the late Jos. Wilcox at 10 o'clock today and his remains were taken to Philomath, for further funeral services and burial. The funeral of the late John Campbell will take place tomorrow at Corvallis. A special train at 10 a. m. tomorrow will take a large delegation of members of the Maccabees and other friends to Cor vallis to attend the funeral in a body. Livklt Times at IfAaaisnuao. A teacher at Harrisburg recently whipped a lxiy for disotiedience. Hard teeunga ensuiNl and the affair haa ended up in a general row. Tbo teacher waa banged in I'fliirv a few davs ago. The marshal be came mixed up in tt and a private citiren attempted to w hip him but got worsted. -tjuard. L. O. T. M. AmtsTtos. l on are re quested to meet at the Armory hall this evening to make arrangements for the funeral of Sir Knight Commander Camp bell. By order. ' Lucre A. Craw. Laxly Commander. MISFITS. The editor of the Post, Gov. Fletcher, is to lecture oh "Common Sense." A sensible, subject, and one many puoplc need to learn alsnit. The rail road commissioner case has been argued and submitted. Tbe decis- ! ion will probably le in their favor and! they will bold until the next h-g'slature meets, lhisisthe Dkmcx bai h predic tion, reluctantly given. Put it down 1 though that it w ill lc useless for Messrs. Coiiipson, Eddy, Macrume and I'.akcr to j ever run for anything else. Thev will ' get left. 1 Mrs. Allx-rt Perry was recently burn ed to death in a horriole manner in an accident on Apidegate, in Southern Or egon. The accident occurred on Tuesday. She and Perry had only lieen marrii-d on I the Sunday previous. On the Saturday following a license was issued for the marriage of Perry and a twin sister oi his wife who had just lx-en buried, and it was rejiorted they were married on Sunday. Outrageous ' Attorney General Idleman lives in Portland, diaws a salary of $3000 a year for working for tbe state, and gets bit by the Post as follows: The office of at torney general is a farce. It is $ WOO a year thrown away for nothing. In the soldier's home muddle business the sec retary of state hail to go to Tilmon Ford for advice, while our well paid incum bent draws bis pay. The secretary how ever will have the satisfaction of know ing that he emploved a man w ho is a man. 1 ou often bear people tell alxmt lww things will goto the smatih and disorders can never lie overcome. The following will show this up: Uurmg the flood of 1894 about 23 fish-wheels were waihed out by the flood, at a loss of perhaps $75,000 or fSO.OOO to the owners. At the time, says tbe Times-Mountaineer, this was thought a loss that could not be re covered for many years; but when the season opened on the 10th of this month every wheel had been replaced, and lie sides there were several scow s that liad been constructed. An Appeal for Aid. Ewiso, Neb., April 28, 1895. To Hon, Mayor, Albany, Oregon Dear Sis: I enclose you "Citizen's Ap peal" in behalf of our d-outh stricken people. Our citizens who were able have ln carrying the afflicted people through three seasons of partial failures and have aided until they are no longer able. The state has expanded its seed appropria tion, tbe fortunate ones received either four bushels of corn or of oats, potatces leas, while many received none. A num ber would borr iw to buy seed and pro vision, repaying after harvest, but mon ey cannot be bad on any security. We have strained every energy for their re lief, bat have lieen compelled to "Aypeal for Aid" to relieve their desperate con dition and sufferings. It is undrubtedly true that selfish in dividuals have, and are imploring aid sent direct to them, w ho are not reliable or responsible. But the cignatudes of tiiis appeal should inspire confidence and co-op.-ration in this worthy cao.e for suffering bumanitv. In your honorable position, can you not devise some method wliertbv your city can be canvassed for contributions to the poor and destitute people of Ne braska, for tbey are sorelv in need of a kind and helping hind. Earnestly hop ing to bear from you soon, I am voursverv tralr. C. C., Sec. Citizens Relief Committee. PmoEOLi FioHr. Tbe following from tbe. Kmeburg Kview sounds very fishy, but tbe paer declares tbel it is cot a fishtiie: D. 1. Fi-lter caught five ftur-p-on in hi nets a few nibu ao. and has three of them tied up now to tbe river bank near town. A roje pa oi tbroih boie in their gills is tied back of their heala, holding them very securely, and aa U? lis-h are stoat, etardy felloss, atout ix feet in length, Mr. Fisher ties them to bis toat frtiu.nt!y, and alio them to draw him a round overllje river, this beirg much easier Uian rowicg. Whether be has decided to train bis j captives ami unve a latitona&e tanaem team w hue tending las net.-, the Kent nsh rerjorter tailed to learn, but he saw .1 r t t : . . i i ... . i i I for lh rwt t.i th. .Inrr Tcachcrs Examiaation. Notice is hereby given that for tbe pur pose of making an examination of all persona ho mav offer themselves as canaioaies ior icacners oi tne scnoois oi this county, tlie county school superin tendent thereof will bold a public exam ination at the court boose in Albany on May 8, ISStt, beginning at 1 o'clock p. in. lated this 2h day of April, 1S. A. R. KrTHERrOKO, S-hool Superintendent, Linn Co., Or. That Joyful Feeling. With tbe exhilarating srae of renewed health and (treogth aad inti-rnal ck-aoli nesa, which follow the use of Syrup of Fur. i unknown to tbe few who hav not progTNed beyond the old time medicine and tbe cheap rohrtitutes sometime offer ed bat never accepted by tbe well informed. Cheap Clothing. Gall and examine my Samples and have your measure taken ior a spring suit of clothes. I have received a new line of samples of Oregon ami California woolens, also some imported, of which I am prepared to make to measure cheap er than vou can get ready made clothing. All good's warranted and" fit guaranteed. S.000 somples to select from. All the latest patterns. Pants made to order from $3.50 up, also suits from $.75 up, and all wool material. II. F. McIlwaix. Flour. The choicest and best flour in Albany is sold at the Executors sale. Albany Ked Crown flour is so'd at 5oo per sack. They also handle the Standard Hed Kose hramt and the tamoua Jenerson Loiutu bia brand, the liest in tlie market, every sack warranted. For this week we will give free of charge one package of yeast with everr sacs ol Hour. H. F. MrUwAts, SrRArnFRonAS, Executors eetate A. B. Mcllwain. Take Notice. Notice is herebv given that all teams left standing in any of the streets of the streets of tlie city," without being hitch ed, or some one in charge of them, will Iw taken up and placed in tlie pound, as provided by ordinance. liy order of Chief ot 1 olice, v. O. After tbe crip, diphtheria, pneumonia. sarlet fever, typhoid fever, etc . Hood's tartAparilla is of wonderful benefit in im parting the strength and vigor to much desired. Hood's Pills for the liver and bow :i easily yet promptly an I ei Aware ev f5tLtt Honors-EWorld' Fair. DR. u CHEARI MOST PERFECT MADE A pore Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free lorn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulter ar.V gt vaARS THB STANDARDi Jot' for the Jaded and Good Health for all Mankind. JCT8 VCCETABuE (ASIAfABILtA i' nttifi Cram . ' - -' hc-n, and Ft "."! r -oUiM 110 ft uiueril c- 1ru;; or O W J'l' V i'et.ible !.- -j.rroa ... the !.1 all i! ii 1 y-.rft ail Jrty' VesrctaMe tired iceim?, ta- iim twfi of heart, ru.ii of tood to the head, dizx inert, riny ia in car, dtnuteat of vUion . poU before the ey-A. headache. btltou;jr, contipa tkrft of bowel, pain in the back, melan choly, tonecoated, foul breath, pimple on Ci'-e. body and li rob, decline of nere ifrce, dizzy ptfl, lUiot r ' cold cUmu fx and hands ctr rio, ft.eue, inwjtntua, and all disease of the stomachy liver &ad kidney. Joy's Vefretab!e tSana7rir.a & by all drugri. ke f-.e a ftuowtiiitte. V h-fl ynrt py fat the U-sl u-t tiuU joa Si)eciaL OUR first spacial iale com mences MONDAY, April 29th, and CONTINUESthree days through WEDNESDAY May 1st. NVe include every piece of pTUnniW in the UUlufluul prising Scotch, Weibrook and Amoskea?:. The prices are WAY DOWN and will bo for the alcve 3 DAYS ONLY. lead, Peacock & Co's. I 1 ERE LS A NAP for von. We l ave secnre.1 a fine lot of tbe freshest an.i best garden sd en r broaebt to! - - -.1 AlUanr, ami for a short tane onJy vH - ell it at 2l,c pw packet. Coine aronnd i and bar garden etre-ls cheaper than you t ever did in your life. V also have j flower seed. (rras seeds, six kinds ofj tbe earliest euro. w?vt-ral varieties of po la tot, clovtr ot ail kinds, ana in taft aiDiot ar.vthmjr yoa T.ant in the lice of eeerfs. What we want now is customers. Come and e c. sfTxwajrr A Sox Hakh .ikx Co. i i A- ff :M i.- .", ?r r ' -f i- is r ; Thia exf onUaarr -ja3aalor Is the norl woaderfn. diacwrry of the ace. ll haa ba ea Aormi brUia Kcii nf Eonr aai Amrnr. Uwrn it es.7 HaaM fta rbmrs la at ol uie eyt r-t other la. IS. frreegtbees. In r liters and ioQsik Haeraa mm Deb 1 litr. Kerroosiesa. kmiaaioas, anddmlont aad rrsbMJ i orai Faica in tbe. back, ioisri by ct; or &4hisur5d LOST IISH003 3 ipiteklv. OTerlODOprtTsteeodorgeQects. iitaanirraa nwait imootefx'T la ir fist staac It is e (jmipMa of armisai wcafciMca aadbanrnnrx. It caa be sasfpeJ ia SJ daja br the owor IIodTaa. Tbeiww 'icoT7 was mad the Strial. tabca'tUoIJ faxooa Hatfaoa Vesical loirl. H lh r.rprrt Tltmiurr inade. It is vrr powerrVit, but baiDlraa. Sold for SI 00 s pack ace or parkaa for SS.00 1 plain aeaird boirf). Written guarantee tren foraenre. Ifyoaboy aix boxcaaod are cot entirety cared.6ix re will beaent wyoafteeofailebarrr. bend f t eirru!ar and trstimomaK Address HTDSOM MEDICAL IXSTITTTE, JsarUoa KtocatSn. yimr.el A Kills Sta San FraiaM'tacaH CaO. tt fixed wbeafca li health by tha ttse of SHAUEFTS Compound Cod Liver 01 Capsules. 'nsnrpasaed aa h. rrmetir tor l on. aumptton. Aatta m a. tlroschiti Cough, IVbiUty. aaja.l vv:iu2 iliw.irt rcri'cctlY tasteles. Thia t; rl-acicHtiftc remedy tT buildioa; j and iVTirin.i; the Iwuv find renew mjr waita '...sur, renist and rtestioya diseaae erata, contnui the ;nrest Ci.I l.iver Oil combined wii". irh'ivil T.r; vi-'ant and eaae t take. tcaanai - v and i-oucstly compouaded ly a piactirstl Vou can art tin in ONLY BY MAIL. Pre pnit to j2 tin rexipt of 85c, pr boa. fre mf s-lclv fr ll. ' SH A115R. CMBVtST. 2'th State Sts.. Caicaaa. Ill REMOVE THE CAUSE nf fiety ;ii.s wiil disappear Thia yoa v ncconilish by using; SHAl'ERS CATARKH And THROAT SPECIFIC aa bicomparnhle remedy for diat-asea f tbe Throat. None. hii1 Nlonth. A certain, aimple n;l crtvvli.' iai, ftr Catarr. Hf Fercr. ui.ihihefta. 7 tore tanU Feal BrMth. tl3L-atra or Cn-el ; ati taeTia. Eaally aaed, quuk to retievr. p.sitie tot. alwaya ready; amnll in prke. IW wait tfll 70a muit hare It k 1 '- n' SBNTtiNLV HY M.v:!.. prepaid on reteiot at 60c. l'ntixl '. i'.r U. ti. .li vl'K:!,! iikit. State A 2tth Ms.. ('Iucukv. K. 0. T. M Meets every Saturday evening; in K. 0. T M.Hall. Visiting KnichU invited to at tend. Ions Gaxfbkix. Com. C MOU.S, oppcalte the Rms Hcm 1 feed, braa.thorta, Grm m. al, Gra ham buckwheat, rja floar, bay, oats raw, otatoM,;ete.. ' . 1 Utim.'AAMTM " "1 - j proper chan- . Vegetable O5 fcafeparil!a catrt Ityf ;:: "JT".(i' chronic "t"i.r,ri Coustipa- 4 tion. J.iver j"" "-. Com plaint L"-0-r, ik1 tirfney 1 "'- Affection. 13 I ! rl l.ii i-jt:i.?r;.-tr-r ViAl -J t r.. ------ yJff uCt '5 rrr.icg red extrcrun of ttf tb :Uut L?2UCwr:i- rr 'vfJTS Pi asT.ia.ry. .'12 a?;sxi . -2fXC. ir Vi-T -Vc i !HaiA f.ii i Oocwimica. .11.11! JT... H:--'i 3M ! t v - I L aw V nV . m PIPE lTOBACCQ Prof. A. STA'jdl Of W ill & Stark. Optical Specialis. Gradoafe of the Cbkago Or-fbalifcic College. 1 am prepared to examine n-t,t ja' nuu aV-Urf;. . . (r Ea'el 5 O IHt;j.- ipetbodx of TacAern r y w ho rlne to ha their eye tart!. Coidtk block. AI.BA5T. Crkaos. NEVT Sweaters. -At 7-i cent to t?.S at- L. E. BLAIN CIjOTIHNtJCfj'S ALBANY, OREGON classical, sciEjrnnc utest CQMHEESIAL AK3 K3SAL CLASSES. (oarM ot oly tr-aturn! .--- all rTftdsa erf iaT j . , SI COMSTITUTIQ.! m ws S r J 9 T "WW w" w m ifSllLsVl tJU I I tfii -THE- Mmi R-ver MS" -Jl- Choice Pulls Jnt'a. 3 51-.B-J.: for salt-. Write i- tr 9 hat v. wan. A. C. 7. Or. Rrt rxT bi Sadies' or gentle rom that en ta grade wheels last. E verv w reel guantrstred. Monev coonta these davs. and there is no better wav to save f2 toH. Call at HO i'KlNS BROS. arl see their etock of these populat wheels, Ixjagbt at the factory, and cus tomers given tbe I vnctStof the fact. SEED POTATOES. Tlie Rose Seeiiling is tbe best seed po tatoe in tlie market. . A remarkat-ly early potato and a very proline yieider. t.Sii at Stewart i vx s, K. M. U j&ert a's, H. G. Watson's, E. E. Kiaaey'a Parker Bros., or G. C. Moon's and seo samples. ,Wiwax:ult;aMi vat $ skt te4v fMmmm J A Cummfng. sole agent, Aibsrty. LAJDi Df.. ar th origins! ,-jJ c'f liabie cure cc s li r:. : fc- : i Tt J A On'mtU";;. so'e .:'-,e. ADIE will Gml it to tlieir advantage to call ana Jii.itvt the ni!ihntrw gvxHis now tv.r.g ia at auction price bv Miss Anna Shu'.u near the ist othoes lfats triimnod to order. Goods being eoM out n'sr-rvHe4 of prices. Come soon and make a selection at your own price. Oregon hm Mwi CH KS. CLARK. Sapctintei d. Direct Lire 0"-'ck Dispatch Lo.v Freight F.atett e'kaecitue tth tai .t qntaa talio Kr Ut4cr wwvwe- VI V V that wui i i IE oa u nasrrace Qoatwiiit j SOIb lUrck H SS. and raoa Taeiwa. Uua.T FvbtSdi ttarT IT. and Ttk. iht Company resaHTTea tn rignt eanae aailinK datea wtthont notice, Fir freiaht and paawn$er rate aroly to tny agent. Cbartaa J Headrr. Sl k Co. . Market Bt 3u Fnaaiee