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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1895)
yet explained The editor of tbe Salem Journal says a good head always gets on a wheel. Mr. Hofer hps just begun riding a wheel, which explains the remark. Ot al'. foolialines the state census taken by assessors is the worst While the extra cost is little the census is a lake because it is not complete. An exchange says the quart straw berry box holds a pint and a half of beans. U should be remembered that strawberries are heaped and beans are not. A hat drummer says there seems to be a big improvement through Oregon.that a better feeling prevails generally, and that tbe outlook is good, all of which shows which way the wind is blowing. I! lima were really money there are men in Albany who would be million aires, for they have plenty of it, and have had all their lives as nearly as can be learned. The Democrat laa been told of cigar rette smokers so steeped in cigarette fumes that a barber would refuse to shave them on account of the offensive smell created by human flesh and ciga rettes. There are men in Albany so putrid with tbe stuff that they are obliged to shave themselves. This fact ought to induce any boy with the least bit of ambition to quit the filthy coffin nail. Col. Robeit A. Miller, the popular reg ister at Oregon City recently made a speech ia favor of woman's suffrage, and his friecds are chucking him unier the chin. Mr. Miller has been married only about a year after being a bachelor for a long time, no one knows how long, and hence this speech indicates a good deal in regard to the influence of Mrs. Miller upon him. Another receptive candidate has been heard from . A dispatch from Indian apolis says that Governor Matthews, -when asked if he wonld take the Demo cratic nomination for president, if it were offered him, replied : "Of course I would. So would any citizen, but I am not a candidate in the sense of seeking a nomination. Hie governor refused to declare himself for free silver but said be wonld stand by tLe party's record and declarations. An English clergyman was preaching in a country town in Scotland. He had as his subject ''The Prodigal Son." "And the prodigal son went away from his poor old father and remained in a far country for years and years, and his father mourned his absence for years and years. But after rears and years be came back to Lis poor old fatber, and hla poor old fatber said unto his ser vants: 'Bring forth tbe fatted calf which has been kept for my son these years and years.' An old farmer in tba audi ence could contain himself no longer. "Yer a le er, it would ha bin a coo," be exclaimed. Ex. Pun's Commercial repoit for last week is: "Neither tbe rising speculative market nor the steady gain in industries has ceased and it is wholesome that there are fewer signs of hesitation in productive industries than is specula tive prices. Wage strikes grow more numerous and cause some trouble. Re tail demand lags behind. Wholesale and jobbing purchases are behind tbe production in some branches but through many conflicting reports tbe fact shines out that industries are gaining, not with a rush ami whirl, but more safely. The structural demand for building through tbe country was never larger. The fren zy in oil bas started a large demand for pipe and sheets atjalight advan ces. Washington Lettei . Frcm our regular Correspondaat. Wasiiixgtos, April 22,1805. President Cleveland will probably make the holding of the Sound Money Convention at Memp :is, Tenn., on May 23, the occasion for following op bis Chicago letter with another along tbe same lines, onlv giving a more exact definition of what he considers sound money. It i certain that every democrat is in favor of sound money, but it must be ac knowledged that there ia a wide differ ence among democrats tbe leaders of the party, as well as tbe rank and file as ti what is sound money. That these differences cught in someway to be wiped out, or at least adjusted before the party enters another National Cam paign, will be admitted by every demo crat without argument. Ohio democrats who ct me to Wash nfrton all speak hopefully of party pros pec's One of them Mr. 0!i.rerG. Wil liams said: ''I may t- omewhat over sanguine, but I feel that the dem ocrat are going toelrct a majority of the next Ohio legislature. The people are very sic of the hut two legislatures, and the recent grand jury investigations at Colcmbus disclosed such shady trans actions on the part of prominent repub lican legislators that a great deal of pop ular censure has been aroused. The liold conduct on the part of George Cox, the republican boss of Cincinnati in working for the pasag; ol th pool bill, lias opened the eves of the people to the shameless work that has bren going on at the State capital. According to the e"irnate of Commis sioner of Internal Revenue Miller, the government will leceive on tbe volun tary returns made something over f 14, 000,X)0 for income tax. No estimate can be n-ade of how much this will be increased by asseesing the tsz upon those who failed to make returns in ac cordance with the law, but it vill prob ably exceed $4,000,000. State Senator Eugene Ives, one of the best known democratic members of the New York legislature, paseed through Washington on hi way to Fortress Mon roe. Heesid: "The people are being giver an object lespon at Albany that will not lie forjioiten in the Srate or overlooked by the country. Already four months have elapsed and nota sin gle measuie urged by the cit'zens of New Yoik, in the interest of reform, lias beei. j assed. Not for forty years Ue so many changes of corruption at Albany been brought forward, and I feel that the people are fait realizing that demo cratic legislatures can be better trusted than those controlled by tbe present re publican bossee. The kind of reform the State has been getting from Plait Is not what was demanded. 1 look lot ward to a democratic victory in the State of New York next fall." Mr. Cleveland lias not what sound money is. A Cesspool. A tenderfoot doesn't stand much of a chance when be gets among tin-horns, particularly in CorvalliB. The Corvalhs Times tells of a sad case in which Albany also took a hand. Alfred Bishop is probably ready to agree with Mayor McFadtlen, that Cor- vallis is a veritable cesspool of tadpole gamblers. Bishop's experience with Corvaliis tinhorn?, and the ease and ce lerity with which they have plucked him in the past few days, will make a spot on his memory that a score of years will not wipe out Bishon is a cripple. Sinco birth he has been paralysed in one aide, and one arm and one leg are bhrivelled.and the mind, that otherwise might have been bright is weak and vacillating, and unable to resit t the seductive wiles of men who seek a living without giving anything in return. Bishop arrived in Corvaliis about two weeks ago. Ho hail from Idaho, where, seven miles from Uoise City, he has an aged and widowed moth er. Kighty miles from the ssiue city he has a widowed sister, and it was fur the latter that he has been working for the last five years. When he arrived in Corvaliis, Bishop had upwards of $50 in his pocket. He boarded with his uncle, Bryant Young, and. though he spent nothing for board the money he brought with him soon vanished. Bis relatives learned ot it.aud a surveillance of the habits of the cripple soon showed ttiem that he had been an easy and fat prey for the tin horn gam bler. Another $100 was received by the bait Idaho 'Tenderfoot," last Monday, and then began a struggle in which the tin boras sought to rob Bishop of his money, and in which the family worked to save him from losing it. Bishop'' footsteps were dogged by both sides, but the soft words of "Sid" Moore, Charles Mummery and others of that sort won Bishop away from the influence of those who tried to save him, and. except 116 spent for clothing within forty-eight hours after its arrival, all of tbe $100 remittance but W0 was gone, mnd the thugs had it His losses up to this time aggregated over $100 dollars, more than he could pofsibly save in more than a year's labor. Thursday morning Bishop drew his last f 40 and began a game with Mummery. Miles Young entered the place where it was in progress, and beg ged the cripple to stop. Apparently an noyed by the intiusion.Bishop soon after left the game, and before noon bad gone with "Sid" Moore to Albany . Bishop ia still there, and Friday had a case in tbe justice's court in which be accused Moore and James Fennell of robbirg bim of $14. Moore was discharged, and has returned to this city, as he is one of tbe kind that City Marshal Lee don't allow in Albany. How much of the ciippU's $100 is left is not known, but it is proba bly below tbe 522 mark. Give U a Trial. The newspaper that proposes to com promise tbe financial question by mak ing a new money composed of equal parts of gold and silver should cell out. That is not what we want. e want both goid and silver separate, except as the latter is ustd in a very small quan tity for alloy. Further we want both redemption money and coined fiee. We particularly want free coinage of silver, because it is the people's money. Until 1873 silver aud gold were practically equal never varying over 2 per cent. A j silver dollar was the unit, and when the I proportion changed from lo.V to IS it l was gold that was cut down. Free coin age means stable, sound currency. That is our own history and tbe proof is solid. Make it redemption money and it will be immaterial wbat other countries do, it will be worth 100 cents on the dollar everywhere. How much the demonitization of silver has done to wards causing bard times it is difficult to figure out, but undoubtedly it bas been a factor. Now wbat is needed is to increase the amount of this circulating medium, this people's money, by free coinage, and a changed condition of af fairs will prevail. An impulse will be given to our industries that will open people's eyes. We have tried tbe sin gle gold basis, and it is a failure. if one were suspicious of silver, for which there is no occasion, there ought to be enough common sense in ones make np to at least be wiKing to test the matter. Tbe boom in oil bas bursted, and the Dmocbat would like to see tome of tbe boomers drowned in tbe flood they cre ated. In the future the press should unite in fighting all Hnds of boomers at the first sonnd of tbe starters. This oil boom was aa bad as high wasrobbery, and it would serve some of the robbers right as a matter of justice if hanged to a lamp post; bat that ia not modern civ ilization, and tbe men have to be pun ished by having their consciences prick them like monstrous needles. Tbe most gullible newspaper in theU. S. is the one that got denials from prom inent bankers and business men that they ever attended Coin's Financial school, aa alleged in the columns of a book by that name. Any one with the brains of a cat ought to know :Lat there really was never ruch a achoo); but that the narration and nse of prominent names is simply to add emphasis to the arguments in the book. Some people are very credulous. Recently a court in New York decid ed that money dropped upon the floor of a street car, although by falling between the slats of tbe wooden mat it bad be come entirely hidden, was a lawful ten der of fare, which the conductor must not only accept, bat supply the n quired change. The wreck yesterday emphacises the necessity of an early confirmation of the O. P. sale so that the owners can go ahead and give tbe road the improve ments it badly needs. The R. R. com missioners recently went ovr the road, but it is doubtful if they would know a poor bridge if seen by them. If people were rs small and contempti ble as nations sometimes are they would be kicked out of society. England is making Nicaragua pay her $7,0CO on account of the mistreatment of an Eng lishman. John Boll ought to be booti-d lor being so small. In the opinion of W. V. Kenton, the well known !iwrr,ii" IW i,. .xeiupi- 111 noiti ; . . 'iu i a.ia ii.iirtil lg in valid. An official report wac made to tbe circutit court in t Koenigsburg, Falk & Co. v. recently e CMse. of ohn Pe Boeet& Son. Col. Alley ,of the Florence W ting ft in tbe neck in a very tier by the women of Florence going for him even in the grea ian. Dan Voorhces talks to the point. Dan Voorliees, the level headed Sena tor from Indiana, talks with solid sense on the silver question. Kead ami digest his ideas. He says: "The tariff will not return to plague us again for yeats to come. It has been so wisely adjusted that no atteirpt at gen eral revision is now in contemplation In any quarter. There is no longer any issue in regard to federal election laws.and tbe threat of tbe bayonet at the ballot box No great national question is at this time in the way of a full and free discussion ot money, currency, precious metals, ra tios, standards of value, units of account and payment, and the bearings which all these things have on the general welfare of the great body of American people.The silver question itself is also plainer to the view, less obscured by the cralt of its enmies than at any time since the as sassination ot silver money took place in 1873. There are no legislative switches now in existence to lead people away from the main track ; no cowardly make shifts or insincere shams can any longer darken discussion or betray honest coun sels. Tbe Sherman act, which was con ceived in rancorous hostility to silver, and brought forth into a lav by an in iquitous betrayal of silver's free coinage, bas been buried in an nnhonored grave over which no lament will ever be heard. "Tbe rea! and vital issue now presented to the Amei ican people is the proposed elimination of silver front our cuirency ; it total overthrow and destruction as a money metal, and tbe use of gold alone. This is what ia now meant by the move mnt against freo coinage of Bilver.w hat ever disclaimers may be made to the contrary. This movement means the destruction of one-half of tbe debt-paying mcney of the United Stales and tbe world. If it should be to, it would double the burdens of every debtor and multiply the income of every creditor wherever tbe sun shines. "I have not a particle of doubt as to the result of the contest now going on. Tbe enemies of silver will be driven to tbe wall. Silver money will not only survive, but it will be fully restored to its old place as a legal and controlling factor in the development and progress of the country. Nor have I any fear for the future streugth and harmony of the democratic party. Some men may dis card its principles and abandon its or ganization but others will take their places. "I have been in favor of the free coin age of silver at tbe ratio fixed by Jeffer son ail my Ule.and wnatever others may do I shall never abandon ray principles nor my party. I am not unmindful of tha vague cry now raised about 'sound money,' or 'honest money,' and it causes me to glance back over the career of silver in American history. I discover that Washington, Jeflerson, Hamilton, Madison, John Marshal and Monroe en dorsed silver money as sound and honest, and that the same vijts were entertain ed throughout the most important epochs of our country's trials, growth and glory by Jackson, Clay, Webster, Calhoun, Silas Wright Marcy, Horatio Seymour, Benton, Chase, Douglas, Hen drake, Morton and Lincoln. 'The trnth is that the danger from the coinage and use ot silver as money in this country never occurred to a santi mind until greed, avarice and un holy speculation reared its serpent head and aimed a Tic iocs, deadly blow at the honored do'lar of tbe fathers ot 1776. The railroad commission bbould re quire tbe placing of the O. C & E. road in fiitt class condition- No road should be run that is not. Tbe recent terrible accident probably did not occur from any serious defect in the bridge. At tbe same time it suggests prompt action in placing tbe road in condition. Tbe title is in the bands of tbe purchasers, whatever the outcome of tbe appeal, and it is certainly their duty to arrange all the details in tbe aay of making better menu. This will probably be done, as it is already rumored that tbe railroad 'eom mission ers will mate a report which will require this, so that the new own ers can go ahead with tbe prospect of be ing repaid in case of no confiimation. At'-orney General Idleman it paid $3, 000 a year for doing the law business of tbe state of Oregon, and yet prirste at torneys are baiog hired to attend tl railroad commissioners case. Albany Democrat- With all respect far them and due deference for the opinions o Generalds Idleman and Chamberlain, the Statesman lias all the time contend ed that Oregon did not need any attor ney general. Recent developments but confirm the wisdom of our contention. Statesman. Right you are, Mr States man ; but it will net be abolished. Ore gon is not built that way. In five or six years out of ISO murders in Sn Francisco there have been only two convictions. It seems almost im possible to ban; a man there. There was a time years ago when there were as many if not more hangirgsthan mur ders. It was in the days of tbe vigil ance cr mm it tee. Do the times justify another vigilance committee is a ques tion worth considering. Under tbe present system jtistice acts very slowly and cumbereomely. The machinery needs some new cog wheels and an 'ectric motor. A man may rob people of millions by monopolistic tacticr, by hull and bear operations, like the Standard Oil boom, for instance, and he is a gvntleuao ; bat how is lie much worse than the tin born gambler who gets hold of an innocent man ?nd leases him without a five cent piece. Another literary babble has been buret. Alexander Stephens was charged with having originated the expression too thin ; but it tianspires tlut it appears in Shakespeire. JSee Henry VIII, scene 3, a-t 5. And now they say Du Maurer never wrote Trilby at all. If he didn't write it some one did with as many stares in his charai-ier. Trilby is a good deal like Maurer the artist, and they ought to go together. A member of tie firm of Armour & Co., of Chicago under cat h states that the Company lost $75,K) for the year ending Nov. 3. 1894. No ono will shed tears over that fact. There are parts of the North West, tbe Puget SonLd for Instance, where hund reds of thousands of dollars are sent away annually for vegetables and fruits. should there is ne of tbe valley. Onkvilld. The socond nino failed to co to Silmihi last Saturday on account of rain, but the diicuu j on uiui's uuntc mat tiio rain was only part of the excuse! Klonas. V alter hnutli met with an ncii!nt last Sabbath evening at l'eoria. His horse liecame frightened and upset his cart, tlirowing hi in against a iiost anil bruising his head and otherwise injuring linn. . Our school teacher took a vacation last week to attend institute. Smith is a populist, but the school superintendent is an administration republican and while Grover is out a hunting tlio peda gogues will take a vacation also as they are next in power to the president. We recently saw a cartoon in the New York Voice which describes tho situa tion of our republic in good shape. It represents tho capitol building; but in place of tho American bird of .liberty on the pinnacle the artist has placed a lo- eumo.ive ana ne lias erased the words "U S. Capitol" and underneath are the words "Othce of the Combined Railroad Company." And on tho sidewalk is a K. K. policeman in uniform. Directlv in front of him is Uncle Sam dressed like a tramp, with bis old flag suit worn out at the knees, and under his arm in the okl American buzzard with his head down: the policeman says "move on,' and our venerable uncle is movinn on Smith was awavonedav last week ami in his absence some lady friend left some nice rose bushes at bis door. Hesavs "thank you". 7 ? A MKTS. BKG9 ST ITS WSlTflEX IIIHC I Summary. Station, Albioj, Of. Month Apill, 1893. Mean temperature, SI 9 Maximum temperature, 64; d .la, 92, 3 3. minimum temperature, 31; date, 5 Mean of nitiiiaurn Umperature, 0:) 5. Meaa of miu mum tempertire, fit 9 Total precipitation. 270 incbw. No. of clear days, 10. No. of partly eload days, 9 No. of cloudy daya, 1 1. Data, of light frost, 11, 12 20 and 25. Date of killing frost, 4, 5, 23. Date on which hail tell, 0. Dates on which sleet fell, 0. Data of thunder storma.0. Auroras, 0 Prevailing direction of the aind, S, Bs-narksi T.rnperatur 1,7 from avera.e Rainfall, 0.59. Ptriod, 13 j ean. Jobs Da-teen, Volunteer U-aerrr. A arrlaaa laa. London. April 30 Tbe Time tomor row will jublish a dispatch from Kobe, dated April 26, raying there is no mistak ing the fact teat there is evidence of a se rious crisis in the Japan and Russia af fair. Tbe Japaneteprea bas been forbid den to refer to it, and tbe nenspaper of lokio, including the semi-official Nihi Nichi, have been suspended for reporting the fact that a secret couccil of minister was held. Will Eatf la Manaoca, Nicaragua. AprdSO. The X iraraguan govern unt has formally de emed to acceue to tba compromise propo sition fo' a satuement ot tae pending This decision bas been couiniu I troubles, nicated to tbe authorities at Washington and London. Nicaragua agrees to pay JClo.OO in LonJou in 15 days from the time the Llntinh ships leave the harbor of Co'into. This preliminary is sirontHr in- jsisduron on account of 'Me condit.ot. of . w.u It there is anything Salem is not tbe center of tbe Dskocsat wou'.J like to know what it is. A paper there has jus t learned that that city is tbe athletic center of the "orthwet. Wbat is tbe matter ot Portland, Seattle aud Tconia. Obituary. At the old hoinoitead in Linn countv, ""iron., Jin. lairicnne uimon, on April 2:,rd, 1M, aged S3 rears, 6 months andlcdays. Boro in Memphis Tennessee, Oct. 8. 1811. Immigrated to Henderson county, 111., in IS29 where she li vei until 1Sm;, when she croeed tbe plains to Ortvon. settling near Albany. where she died. j cun:4ano-js regarding other are disregard She leave 8 son,'t:l grand children, ! ed. 31 great grand children, and a host of friends to mourn her departure. I In her verv ear! v cirllio-vl si... r.V.v.l ! it! ic gospol of Chrirt and live! a faithful life to him iu tbe Christian church until her last dav on earth. Her last speech was a recogni jon of His wil; "If it is the Iord's will, I want to go," she raid. Y. She was: Only waiting tbe Lord's own time, To crown her with glory divine. Farewell, dear mother ; Oh, sad refrain ! Bat oar lass is thy eternal gain. L. C, Hon. ax, V. I. M. .MARRIED. TRITES ORR. On Tuelav after. noon, April a), 1W5, at the midcn of and by Bev. J. T. Abbeit, Mr. Frank Trttea, of near A 11 .Any and Miss Ik-He Orr, of Oakvillc. Mr. and Mrs. Trites have the best wishes of their many friends for happiness and prosperity. MILLER BROWN. On Monday, April 29, 1895, at the Runs House parlors, in Albany, by Hev. C. H. McKee. of the Baptist church, Hon. I. I). Miller, of Millers Station, and Mrs Christa A. Brown, of Alexis, 111, The groom is one of Linn county's most prominent and best citizens, fur many rears thoroughly identified with tbe upbuilding of this county, while tbe bride comes with a splendid reputation as an estimable wo man. They will receive only good wishes from all. Mr. Miller lias been one of the Dbmocbat's best friends, and we take particular pleasure in extending Mr. and Mrs. Miller our congratulations. DIED. CONX. In Albany, on Sunday, Apti 28, 1895, after a lingering illness, Mrs. Sam utd Conn. Mrs. Coun was nn old and highly respected resident of Linn county. She leaves a himband and "v- eral children and many friends to mourn her death. Funeral si'i vices were held this afternoon. A Gentle Corrective Is wbat you need when yoor liver becorje inactive. It's what you get when you uke Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets: they're free from the violence ana tne griping mat come with the ordinary pill. The best medical authorities agree that in regulating the bowels mild methods are pref erable. For every de rangement of the liver, stomach and bowi-ls. these tiny, sugar coated pills arc most effective. They s;o about their work in an easy and natural way, and their good lasts. Once Ovrd, they arc always In fa vor. Being composed of the choicest, concen trated vegetable ex tracts, they cost much more thau other pills found in the market, yet from forty to forty four arc put up in each scaled glass vial, as sold through druggists, at the price of the cheaper made pills. " Pleasant Pellets " cure biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, contive ness, or constipation, sour .stomach, loss of appetite, coated tongue, indigestion, or dys pepsia, windy bclchings, " hcnrt-buni," pain and distress after eating, and kindred derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. Put up in sealed glar,s vials, there fore always fresh and reliable. Whether as a laxative, or in larger doses, as a gently acting but searching cathartic, these little " Pellets " are unequalcd. As a " dinner pill," to promote digestion, take one each day after dinner. To relieve the distress arising from over-eating, noth ing equals one of these little " J'ell;ts." They are tiny, sugar-coated, anti-bilious granules. Any child readily takes them. Accept no substitute that may be recom mended to be "lust as good." It may be better or the dealer, because of paying htm a better profit, but he is not the one who needs help. A free sample (4 to 7 doses) on trial, is mailed to any address, post-paid, on receipt of name and addresr, on postal card. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. 1 vT. .TW TELEGRAPHIC. Receipt Falling OB". Washington, April 30. Treasury re ceipts during (lie month ended today have not met the expectations ot the otliciaU, and the indications are the deficit at the end of the fiscal yenr will be little, if any, less than $45,000,000. The recei ptn for the nioniu or April amount to f-4,!!47.8.f(i,and the expenditures to :i2.H52,(i,.H), leaving a deficit of $8,704,854 for tbe month.and for the fiscal year to dido $45,247,000. The. receipts fiom internal revenue show a fall ing oil for April, as compared with the same month in 1801 of more than 1700, C00. le y Kirk Dlrl Jacksonville, April &). Ed Scheiff- leiu and Alex Orme crushed 1500 pounds of ore taken from a ledgo on Foots creek, formerly woikei by Mr Ornie and from which he has taken a nice little fortune, and cleaned up from thin small amount I'lOOO. They have quite, an amount of the ore on the dump ami expect to realiz; handsomely Iroiu it. Mr. ScheifhVin is one cf the discoverers of tho famous Tomb stone mine in Arizona, from which he and hi brother became millionaire). A Walla Walla Crime. Walla Walla. Wash., April :10. Joseph Bottger, a man about 40 yearj of age, was found dead this morning in a small room over a carpenter shop, witn a bottle containing morphine lying by the bed. At Knit it was supposed to be a case oi suicide, but now it is ueiievea tne case may develop something sensational, and that bo was murdered raelfle Caul athlete. New Haven, Conn., April 30. Word has been received from the University of California atbe ic team that they will not reach the Eaxtia tinio to participate, in the annual invitation g-.uues of the Yale Track Athletic Association, held here next Satur day. They ill meet the University of Pennsylvania at New York, May 11. tMcam TalfcsBaalaesa. IsDiANAiniux, April 29. Senator Voor liees, in a talk today with the Sentinel Washington correspondent, m.ula the fol lowing statement of his views in regard to the f me coinage of silver: . "I do not regret the agitation of tbe sil ver quetiou. Sooner or later it has to be definitely settled whether the labor-producing people of Ibis country can be bullied out of one-hnjf of their dent-paving utuoey or whether they will stand like free men and protect and defend the money provid ed in the constitution gold and siiver, boih- -not one of tbe precious metals alone, but both, and Cii terms and conditions as to cuinnge and use of absjlute equality. The Cat? Slrartl. Sall. April 29. -At 2 P. M. today tLe injunction suit against the location of tho bmnch iuuno wiiam at Uniun otjll ed in department No- 2 of the Munoa county circuit court. Tbe court aJj-jum-el to tbe capitol lthraryat7 tiiis evening and beard the arguuicfit ia the cue cf Ititilroad CVnimiioer LMdy rs. fwrefary j KincAtd. J. t. Morclani and KufusMal lory represented liic former and C'olunel Irike tbe latt.T. Ja ige Hesritt took the , nutter under tie a Jv:-innt nt 1 1 tonifht and will look up the nuny author; ties cited I and nndr Li decision ubjai! bis. j atrarstaaas Ctrlie4 j ; Masaoca. Ni.-araaa, April 23. j 1 1 ,,. . ,i v;,M -.i . cxciteu,er.t prcriil.. awl the) I-elitif a.rainit tirei'. l'.ntsin is increas ing in buiMfxws every hour. Niratguan J frwirt arrill maiua.l ? r f.t, ti.iiftl. 1 Io. and it i believed they may open re on tbe BritUh wiculd the lalLer mane anr &t- tempt t ci frora tVsrinto to the main laud. ! t hare bertt tjkf n to destroy meacs comuisniC'itiun wuh use inferior j b'?uM suvb Ati'tn be tzad o-ary. I Dartaal Arrala'as. I Sas Fa.snsco. April 23 Tbelore ' Iurraat as arraign.! today in tbe police orl n chYire o irnrder f the killing j of IHjnche Latnont. Te defendant nuaeu itimwii wun uu toiii no;. iu,jn.i. ( after f -rrail ioriinjr. had a Ion con- j saltation with bis attorney, lie con,- I plains bitwsny. however tnat the puUic i !dipd to preja!ge Lim. He as ihatj j etery fjet cvc06rte4. wit'i tbe taurilers is j I made to 6t bis cr. wfcile uii;oa cir- f r aailrc la Kla Jaarira. New Yoas, April 19. A Hera!d spec- f ! l trm Bcenot Af res ssts that il is re- j ported that a state of siege has existed " n Ki Jn, rlil The correspond-1 ! r tLere tenJs word that several s'.ree. , fiKhu ,ook P'4 in the city last night ! I Between me soldiers, wlio are Inends ol ci-iiciiuroi i ruuiu, inn Men were Killed and wounded on both sides, is reported, have been arrested. Feavs exists of outbreaks in other localities. a rsaweer a4 . Imxi ssoe.v, Or . Apr;! 29 -lames Taiftaj, a pioneer of ls5i. dropped dead at A.onmcuth hooday morning at 11 ' o'clock, lie was rha'Ung with Mr. t-nk i Hall, a neghtior, and was relating lonie o: !lie)r boyish experiences, w hen be suddenly ceased peaslng, and in a lew minutes was ded. tie was OS years of 8e. TraaM la I'araaasa. ' Loaeox. Arril 2 TkeTi dispatch from iU cor;ecnJent inllccg' Kong: , .Nrricjn nutbrtak bsve ohujTvsI! throtithcul Forrowa. H. M. S. landerl ha cone to T.Va and Orrman uilr n hi leen landed at Mamui from tbe lnr.e to j Kurniture of every derription and labv protct foreigners Ibe Chinese soldiers carriapM re-cpholstcred and rsreishfti. ernor Irtdy gtmnl atlacke.1 them, killing txeet. between Ferry and BroadalUn, Al 30 and wounding SO. The torernor is ac- basv. I r. sitfciintr me soiaier pay. woicn ists'o innnlhs in nrriMrs. Tih" Chinese artillery thieaten to fire on any vc!s If aving. Formosa with treasure. aertra Ulna Blah I. Pout 1'AiirA. Fla, April 23. Edward Tucker, a merchant of this place, was taken from In home last night and unuurcifully whipped bv female whitecarM. Tucker bad been in fie habit ol going borne drunk and abutting bis wife. Last night he went home drunk and beat her. Soon afterward a numW of men entered Tucker's rei dmce un,l dragged him to the outskirts cf the town. . Here a uumlierof women wear ing bite cap were wailing Tucker was stripiv-d to the waist und lashed to a trve. Then tbe women bgnn to whip him, und continued till tin kin rtn hii. Im k Imtl been cut in dozens of places and blood was streaming from the culs. tucker prom ised never to utilise liU wife again. It is said several of the most prominent Indies of tbe plucfl were engaged in the uJ.tir. 1.1) resale Uraward. Erin At., France, April 2S. T110 list of fatalities by the breaking of the great Uowy dike ia tha Epinal district of the Vioges increases every hour. One hund red and fifteen deaths have alnwy Iwen re ported, but only 50 bodies have been re covered. It is believed the list will bo in excess of ttiso figures when all the dis tricts are h ?ard from. Uos'i ray 11. Sam Jok, Costa Rica, April 28. It is learned here authoritivcly that the Central American rrpublica of Guatemala. Hnn Salvador and Costa Hint strongly urjred Nicaragua to pay tho $75,00 im enmity to Urcat Britain, l'ro.ideiit Yglosniievtm went so fur as to offer to contribute. onn tifth of the amount, but popular sentin.e:it in Nicaragua was so set against Knghind that tho ml ministration decided not to yield. Ilerlderl 1 7 Impra rllrable. Detroit, Mien., April CS. Ths Tri bune (rep.) will tomorrow publish an editorial leader which will declare in favor of the solution of the present money questions by the creation of a rnjw dollar, Io be composed of propor tionate pAris o! Kola and tilver. The paper advocates the composite dollar as a niHiire easiest to elfect and with the leaf t disturbance to business of any plan ungesled. - Oa ibe War I'ala. Kitxakney, Mauitoba, April 28. Re ports coming from Stephens, N. D., just over the boundary, say that 1500 Indians and half-breeds are on the warpath, and that 700 womeu and children ore in tents on tho prairies. Troops from Fort Totten are ordered to Stephens. fffO MM This is tbe wheel that was illustrated In lea," January 25ib, la5. over the following mm uMmtfr. t - i .. .... .jt.aJ k - ' la5 tne iwcent national cycle inhibition. U is tne "averlt Scx.iciiek and istbf most admired and talked of high grade bicycle in world today. Want a bicycler Illustrated Cstalogue f-e. Indiana Bicyclv Co. Indboapolfs. Indiana, C. S. A. E E. Gokf, eioVice agent for Albany NEW : FURNITURE. Mv sroRE .sNowriJU. of fiust.lass FURXITURK. Ol bed room acta, ohair, lounges, rue , blcb I nl a;l at BOTTOM ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .1. JOSKIMI, Tropriclor. MANHOOD Ktrmt) Is-cx to cur . i trr te.m.l drklo. and it.... 17 owri.nji. 1 ,,. aaeeafeET ue ox ! rc-o. op' m ortu mbxm. wfcfcca i'4 10 It.fin.i'.ir. I .oir.ii.m or iiMamtf. e t-i amdia . vr.t pokrt. m 1 Mr a.., a fur SL&. h, EJili m.uul wtii & avs, m.i.-u r wm IrlnawrlUnnaniaMMnnarrcraad (fce ,. ti:4 trai awvfunuiulkM. lapBTraiitarr. iai.ruvtki Him, T-n - HirfHi hUllin.On..l,J.S.(:l SlS'i.i' V!i"U.r? LA1U b.-iMJU. For the Toilet. snap is a necessity. Its merit comes out in the wah. and "certainly nothing erf r carueont of the wash clear! r and indis putably as the stiperiotrty o our srou. A really fine soap is a toilet luxury and a very pleasant tiling to have fat hand. The effect of its aee ojon tbe skin is soon it )u lge.1 by iu tk'ecte. On ' a sbosr aprart-ni, ana soap, like trwryttiingelse. is lu.ll bv its eKert. I hi " a shosr oi t :i. ., ... - , .,".;,,.. j' m.n, it une..,u!c.i a ,omrit u everything in drugs and Mandarvl prei;- ,olk., Etu un. art;c5. 1 J A f I'liniSIa, ALBANY INS. AGENCY JCAN OlVh jco mate genuine Irn r. artcc for a S-OJ ihaa any oilier sgen". In "-a"J. An jhori. l aba ran Ti.liol pre. , n u-r.s in the smnunt of fj-jo annut" can rcuie il r tgt t lot an 'n-urance I Co., lor tna iriH.n do not ihmk iht ! errt roan m ho ariiet po kics ' U so'-insurance rrnn.'" ! Insure in the SL'X. PHOENIX, LON- I DON", M ANCUES1 ES.anJ NORWICH i VUl'JS ot Er.gisnd.orCON I INENTAL ol St Yo.k and have something to. -- in ..f tn, t. I ilotrt taken on tar-r Insarance. M t tsir.a. M'gr. Vl'!lr f... (, Gn I,. I. . s Lon loo j llijt -t 1 rii " , ri.-r paid Ic-r all in4a i. Straney Upholsterer -And Repairer. IF YC KNEW that tW beat plaos in the city for always secur ing first-class gro ceries. Iked goods anil produce was at Par kci IJrrs .as a large numVr have already fontd out, you would I relieved of all responsi bility of running around to grt what you want at rearonable ar.d re liable prices. Parkr Bios, serve the people by treating them well and dealing out only good, wholesome frncerie at Jiv ing prices. What Your Money Worth? That d-nd upon where you go for your groteries and produce. If at Conn & Huston's a dollars is a good deal; besides you get the bet in the market of both tamlar.l groceries, fruit and produce. Farm Loan. I have a limited amount cf money to loan on good farm lands in Linn and ad joining county. On very fa3rable terms, interest payable annually. Cull or write at onco as the amount 1 have for loaning will soon be gone. C. G. Rcbkiiart, Albany, Oregon. mmm Mii.mnkiiy. Spring has coino and now is a good time to get a bat for h.ilf what you pay elsewlure. at Mrs John N. Hoff man's. Those wh.i get their meats at the Linn Dressed Meat Market, at Second and Klls worth streets never complain of poor qual ity, and tho price is always the lowest. Fresh buckwheat flour in bulk st Qronel's. C E T inn County National Hank ccr l. tincatcs Monteu. Inquire of J. M. Knlston. If you want n Rood nnd elenn smoke huy cigars made bv our Al bany cigar factor v. FInestatlonary nt Fred Dawson's Cheap stationary at Fred Daw son's Drs. II. E. and6TK7 Beers, oflices over Post Otlico. Kesidonce corner 6th & Calapooia streets. "Bearings, tbe Cycling Aathorify of Amer title: "Tbe Handsome-, Model Shown a PRICES. Thos. I'.n i RESTORED! -jm nx tv V. Mtcory. Lsrjsuof rmm f powla 0arai.t0nc&a -i viter aeErmec4 Star Bakerj tor F reestalbf n sad I lrl Ms. C3KRA0 MEYER, PROPRIETOR. I i I sased i'ralti dlsttssrs Drl4 Frails, 1 obat rw lilir fFe-, rie Qsresissre. Vegetables, Ogwrw . pie Teas. Ele everything 'bat t kept ia a j good varietv and ero- j cerytbve. High- j est prke paiii i fc-r - ! ALL KINDcOF PRODUCE3 ALBANY F01H1E 00, XBICOIOK.ATXn 'iSallT Off. aUimore FURNITURE cotuJ!e line of- U.XOERTAKIXG - in all its branches, EMBALMING aSu;ty Residence rorter Srd and (V; r- i Hodges & McFarland -LEAP IX The next thing to bavins a gxl dinner is having a good Pinner S.-t. lhe former furnishes stiuinlent for the and the latter adds nto the appetite more than most of the nostrums lt II aar i.n i- have bcantitul iattern in lioth Pinner and Te Sets in all wares. No only are mv Pin ner 'Seta ami crock pry ware all right; but in choice gro ceries I carrv a se lect stock. F.E. ALLEN A WINDMILL FOR $35 00 W7 Crawiord will sell yon an W . 8 foot Acraiotor for ;I5.00 12 foot geared Acrmotor 75.1XI All steel and galvanised after completed H F MERRILL INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER Albany, Or. City and K.uiity warrauts bought and toM. J. 2k. IjRltSTO INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER. Countv Warrants Bought and SolJ. Olfire.Maston Block, Albany Oregon. " II III 1111 B B lilt mil alt - I I P?r II r He JLlnIo ! -v ..' - i j' umjwmmmmrmmm K. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE GIVE TH ClIOICS 0 ' TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL RO UTES GREAT UNION NORTHERN PACIFIC VIA SPOKANE MIKKEAPOLIS VIA DENVER OMAHA A!fD ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY LOW UATRJ TO ALL eastern ;nn eh. OCR AX STEAMERS LEAVE ITJRTLAaD EVERY 5 DA va ' SAN FRANCISCO for lull dttails call cm Ccra Si MovreiT", Aibany, Or, OB AbbRkjM: W H HUB LSI.1 KT. tici'i Pah . Aosi FOR! LAND, OR. Assignees Notice. JAHce is herebr given that I have been d jTV elected b ih creditors of Samuel ' Cmfrsd and J T Smi'h, Intolrsn's, in j H-u of Wm J Stea-art, the awignee nam -; ed by utd iutotvsnt debtors in their deed ' ot alignment he'e'olore made ar.d fied in ihe oflSce of the Count j Ckrrk of Line ! county, Oregon, and that I hsve duly filed m7bods.ocn algnee. tneretore ,11 the ciediuw of s.'d .ss-gaor. are Mrr. . by notified and required o prer!t ,!'e,, claims, under oath, 10 a. ' witfaic thrr mint:' Irom te date hereof, at rty resf ' dence !a he city ot Aibany, Oregon. 1 Date J taUStn day of Feo. 1S9S. TJ C orTKAW, i, Assignee in Ilea ol Wm j Stewart I CM EF OF POLICE KOTICE. n'l prrsoLt are hereby notiSed that it is OD'j-a'al to depos:t or throw aor broab. ; tfAi'oage. rjbiib, trafh. or refase matter of any kind, in or upon any alley. id- ; w k. square, street, er public place in tbe ctfy ol Albanv. or to a; low any stageant. or i-npure WAler. refaw vegetables. dcr - ! ed cr decaying substance, garoags or fil'h ol any kind to acccmuU'e in. or remain ia t upon a-j vard. k. plsces or prenu in saia city . 1 oe wxiinance. prooioiung hean.e wt I be stnctiy enforced, and o - tiuMM loere-T vr-.pij p-w.iii. uiira by order of tfce t council scade April Zi, C.O LEE. Chief of PoUte. Abaaj, Or..Ari! -. . mi.V H "fV Tivmarfr; -g -3,j Xi I ZZ !VJ V ' -a rnlY i ffa i -jri-wai ; 3 ii J; ara-o f (irjnSi asm a aai w Mys rj jn. y . u i;.3caj. qj pa 'JTi i jqi mu o sjOtNJip il) naa ' 3atji o -l2nJ vq 2etwa ?!;; -iro pies m -rj d O ZT Gl -irjX FApstt. 91i frp-wox uo iaSqiV P'3 ,!li t Aiivi acoptri O0 3qi ,t P4l i '-ojsAOirij Aarcjraqi j: lapioqsJOM qi p Saiitn (man ov IVHi S3AIO A83H3H SI 33IX0X KOTICE. EAST Hut ti lArnimi n- t. f X'ke W kereby given that tbe ander- fC l MEi b tni, day bee. appointed by tee f 4 JlTti: T b'tcttml,ilT county ert of L.aa conn?l I ad-'iairftTuai!T.b.:,?e-I,?-li0 deUini(r,tcrctkterfJaneTc. C-k; -n V w Li i? f wii:ew AuwsrnjsiLTx. a-!j. g- PAf YOUR TAXES- XT OtlC 2 IS HERERT GITFS THAI I tbe -ax roit for I:3t i a-placeo in my iunds with a w.irrnt fr the cdlec- j t'oo cl the arue Taipt-r are reqaest j ed to call at an erlr d and fettie for tfce SAioe. as rovueJ b". sai wamot I Atfi vKi'ived Sy Itw. J. A. Mi Fuwx. tri8 cf Linn to. NOTICE I Notice is berebT given that I have tbe fun U on hand an 1 w;U pa- al' countv warrants (.: i.u -J t leiioas to Nov 14.1S94, interest oa itw acie closing at this date tbe JS-b day of Feb.. 15 P. G. Morris. Coonty Treasurer. DRV WOOD. Balm. 52. Small fir. 2.00. Large fir. S2.50. White Maple, 12.50. Pelivered to any part cf town. Leav orders at Ramp's crcccty store. II Ejltast. NOTICE TO FARMERS. WE ars prepared to exchange fiuur. lirand, shorts and chop for wheat or oats. Corns and see us before muling other arrangements. G. F. Smreox Co. f"Y T r? It Us Reascn To V vyiVl gether! Is it not bet ter to buy your Bread. Pies, liolls. Cakes, etc. at a reliable store where thev use only the best material why of course i is you dont want dyspepsia and youl never get it by eating anvCing from o: etor. U. S. BAKEKY. Pt. Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Vas'dtks, Proprictoi JOSEPH J. SMITH, VETEEIITART STJEGEOK Ottice at Scbniccr's stable, Alban Or. Kesidence oth and Montgomery. E! CROWS FLOUR. Get it at any of the stores, or haw ii ground, 40 pounds for one bushel o wheat, at the lied Crown Mills. Mill Teed, cte.oa hand sit tbe mil. IJEO E FISH u THIS PLUMBER. Tin rooSing and plumbing, the opera house. Opposi Dr. Price's Cream tsakin Powder A ardtd Coil Ua) Ulswiatar Fair. Saa Frawawa. . NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS GFTHF CITY CF ALBANY. 0RFCG&. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro po!a,s will be receiTjd by the citr council of tbe city of Albany, Ore-m. at the connci chambers until tbe boor of 7 ?Jb o'clock p. m loeday Ma, 7, l6.for the purchasing o oonas of raid city to tbe amount of $30 000 or any portion thereof . Said bond are of the deoominatloa of $1000 each, to be 'lif I,tA"r 01 J"".l3.aod payable tbe 1st day. of June, bearing interest at the rate of nz par cent per annum, nay able semi-annually ;on the firt day of Jane vi December, both principal and interest payable in gold coin of ibe Unit ed States at such bank, in tbe city an tate of New . ork. or in citv of San FI Cisco, state of California, as (be purchaser of said bonds may designate. The issue of said bonds is duly authorized by section 52 of chapter 4 of the charter of said city and by ordinance No. 28. passed April 2$ 18!-, and approved by the mayor April 24 1895. Proposals received will be opened at the time and place above mention ed, and tbe purchase anil be awarded to the highest, and best bidder, but tbe conn cil hereby reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. A"--t. Or., April 24th. 195. X. J.HKXfON. Rxordr of tbe city of Albany. p;, THE COUNTY COURT OF THE sti of O.-eaor. for L:nn CJnnty. In he mUer ot be tsuu ot Olney Fr, Sr., deceased Executors sale of real property. I- Olney Fry, Jr , th da y qnal fied and acting execntor of th last will and testa ment, and codicil of Olner Frr 5tr . ilmu. ed, hereby gire notice that pursuant to an ' oroer fawiett oat of said enn on the 4tb day of March, 1S95, I will sell at public auction at tbe court hoa d3r in Albany. Linn coonty, Oregon. t in bigfuutt and bet bidder, on the 22nd dy of June, at 2 o'clock p. m. of sai- dy. the f Vlowinjt described real property. oi': Lot No. 1 (one) in block X. 10 (ten) io : SodaviHe, linn tnan'r. Orezon. Also th south 14 of lot Xo. 7 (aeveni nd 8 (eieht) in block No. 2 (to) in the eastern addi tion to Albany, Lino eoon'y. Oregon. The terms of sale are one year's time oa $i009 of the purchase price of (He property lo cated io Albany at ten r-r ct nterest. balance cash la hand. OLNEY FRY, Jr. Executor AOUINISTSATSS'SNOTICL XfOT'CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A ( I hate been appointed administrator de bones non with the will annexeJ oi tbe tate ct tZ. L. Kdoi. deceased, by the ooe' v court of Dnn coonty. OrFsroo. and ' have do'y qual'.hed as sch All yenon 1 rurinir claims aga'nst sH esta'e are here 1 hv rwtnlml In mcwmi" f .a m. ,i j B, oSa, 10 AUallT. Or-gr- with It xv TOacfcer, -i- ,ffll from daUkwenf. Ltrd 22aJ day of April. 1S9X Ta ttc Admioisf rater e lonu will acnexd. Notice for Publicati.n. April 12. lr.. Lasd pticz. Oazsos Crrr. Oa. Notice is bery given teat th ioliow- icg named settltr has Eied npltr of his j intention to rake nal in encrt of j blt UJ trt saiJ proof will be made j t-fcre tbe cccntv cterk of Lion cocnty. at MbBr. Or. ta Mav Si. vii:CY tj:ff,)ri h E X- VVS2 let tbe S E li. -Sec, i . T 10 S. K 2 E. He cases iLe roiicwr iaj witne to prove hi, coolinooa res 1 oprm ail cu!Urt:oo rrf w:J land. iit. G B ub-,., WXTho. TB Tocmss and A J lrk, all ci Jcdan,CT Robert A 3aruxR. Eegiste. Notice for Publication April 12 1?S5. Lnd i.imcc. Okecos Crrr, Oa. ottce is bervbv eiven taat rae fel'ow- ing naoed restier has filed f his ib tention to osake nail rrocfia ;appott bis claim, sd that ad mill h CACe More tneceanty cJers; ot L'ni ry st AlUsj. Or.oaVaySht I-,vii oii4eoe towers i K lu.iito far Jte & S W See ll.S E S E 1 Se lo rd X E SE5ec 15.T10 SB5E. He nam ta loUcwir.g vitcesses to prove Lb tea Udooos resideece arioB and es tivation said Land, viz: J K Slaps, A Jones, N McRae. of BerrT, Or., and P M Perry, o Uetroit. Or. Roar ST A. JiOAxa. Register. ADMIKISTSATQRS NOTICE. . P3"0 Unncoon-y. Oregca. deceased. ' A t ,roas having eW mii ides- , . .cj ,v -. i i ; K " - w tre uuw.;iKin, i ti' y, Oregon, within six months froi saj .Vbsay. Or.. Harcb 23. 1SS5 j Ed- R- M. Cabtkk l EATBaaroKD & tatt. Amirjsratc Al!js for Adminifra'or. ADMINISTRATRIX k'OTlCL Notice is hereby n.irii toat I bare bees del; appo'nte-i Ja.ioij-ji-'x with the nt annexed v-f tbe estate or H. E Stoier, decease L and thAt I bsv duly qoajiSed aa aca, toerc-tore. ai persons hvicg claim . agpst said estate are Nre' y aotied aad vairea 10 present tne saine to r antli the proper voochers at tbe office of V. K BiJyea in tbe city of A'bany. I ica coantT. Ureoa. within six month frum i'n ,iat hereof. Pated this loth day of Feb., 1SS6. Mks. A B. Joassos. Adounistratrix with tbe will aaaexe4 ADMIXISTTATOS'S KQT CE KOTICE IS HEKEBY GIVEN TIUT tbe uadeRigned has betn duty appoiated administrator of thee'a'eo Mrs. D- J. Shahan, deceased, and ha duly qaaiiav-d as soon. All persons saving ciaim against said es'ate are hereby no:iSed and repair ed to present the same aader oath o Die with the proper vouchers at the office of Vv. U Ililyeo in tbe city of Albany. Linn coonty. Oregon, within six tnoatna from the date hereof. lated t his 20rd day of A pril. 1?. Jakes Shakax. Adaiiaisttator. ADMIKISTRATQS'S NOTICE- Notice is hereby given luat tbe ender signed bas been by the Coonty Court of Linn county, state oi Oregon. da!y ap pointed administrator cf the estate of N. P. Payne, deceased. Alt perjeiis havisg c'a'ui against the estate J sa'd N. P. Payne deceased, ere heieb noticed aa reonired to nrescnt the same, dulv veri as by law required, to tbe nodersigned at thecitseeof lb Linn County Abstract Company, ia Albany. Linn county. Ore gon, within six months troai the dans tereof . Albany, Or., March IS. 1SJ3- -B. M . Patsx. Adoiinistrator. EXECUTOrS KQTICE. Notice Is hereby given that ibe under signed has been du y appjiat'd by the county court of Linn Ccntr. Oregon, as executor of tbe last will and testsaie of Janies M-Mabao deceased. A-l perscos having ruims against said es'ate are here by notified to present tne sarn to tbe oa derxigced at Halsey, Orego 1. or to my at torneys Weatherford & tVvst. at their office at Albany, Oregon, duly veriSed as by law repaired, within six months func tbe date of this notice. Dated this ijt b day of March, t VVh.ijam il. McMahas. XlTSEtrOHD 4 Wiatt, Eiecu o Attva. for Ex ecu or. ADMINISTRATOR'S N3T!CE. Notice is herehv triven that tbe undtr sicned administrator of the estate of II. t Waller deceased, has filed with tfce e'erk of the county court for Linn coonty. Or, hla final arwinnl and the court has fixed the 6th dsy of May. 1S05, at the hour ol one o'clock p. iu. for hearing objection if any to said account nd for the (.rule ment of said sstate. This March 19, lt-95 E. R. HcsTOS, Admr. Weatbe rford & Wtatt, Attj's for admr. nt