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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1895)
bi TEATbEKFORD A WYAT Attorneys at Law. Will practice In all courts of the state. Special attention riven to matter in prob-t and to co.lecUoos. OFFICB In the Flinn block Ty R BHIiYEU Attorney at Law vnii Solicitor tn Chancery. Ool 'ions made on all points. Loan negotiated on attie verms. AlEtan Oregon G EO. W. WRIGHT, Attorney at law, and Notary Pob.lo. Will practloelln all the ooorta of thia state Special attention "iven to collections and matters la prebate Office: Next door to PoatotBce, Albany. Oru . f. , J WHITNEY, Attorney at Law, Albany. Or. IS ft .Shortening for allcoo?it5 purpo9 Wxt gcmoctnt. Bolingersolicim offers nothing to the world. It seeks to tear down, ofTerin g nothing in place of what it would destroy. It will eventually die out. mmmm & sobers E"3TB A.T LAW, if am will MAAiM ritVam nf. um Office, First National Bank tairs. LLIS HASH J practice in all the tourt of the i ,co Tost Office Block. Albany Oregon. l: : i I Watson Luther Elkins .VATSOn & ELKINS ilTE-STS -A.T law National Bank Building sted to us will receive care jt attention. (oftOLEtfZ i the An ftat urAComforTJtb" fttfiVta . a. er "xo tnuen rienn" from oti CoeXc( fix lardL Some things are getting a big move on in the United States, among others oil and meat. They are getting too high for the comfort of consumers. ivs? -a. niruixmii I Attorneys at Law. Albany, Oregon. I J. I,. HILL, rood cooKa n JlicaXt, delicious. hlftfuf,Comfoirt7nq. DoYOUuseGiTOLBifs! kjLDB ONIT BT THE N. K. FAIRBANK COTIPANY, BT. IOTJIS and , Sew Task, Thomas A. Edison's latest invention is to be called the kinetophone. Ths ma chine is so constructed as to produce both the photograph and voice of the speaker. It is claimed that by the use of the kinelo phono an entire opera can heard and seen at the same time- both be Albany has the best telephone system of its size in the state or rather will have when the present arrangements are com pleted. Where other cities are paying $3 00 this city will pay $2.60 for a long distance telephone service. These are t'ie finest telephones in use, being very dis tinct. Tha $2 spoon telephone is nearly as good . - Don't simply wait for the gojd times that we are going to have. Let everybody do something to help bring it here. The sooner the better. In Oregon a bountiful harvest in wheat, oata, potatoes, hops, ap ples, prunes, lings, cattle. &c, wili materi ally help things along. Much may be done by ctrrjing brooder faces and not net as if it was thought every body was a rascal but one&elf . ALBANY FORME CO., Idas and Snrrenn. OFFICE Come ' mtnM. Albany. Oregon. T . n. . and O. K. Beers. tins and surgeons, post office Vpy, Ore. Hours 10 to 12 a. m., J to 8 p. m. Residence corner tlapooia sts. Special attention jiseases of women. CIIAMBERUN altimore Block, - Albany, Ore. Furniture Office on Ferry St near cor ?rd St. Offie hours, 7 to 9 a m. 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 p m especial attention given to chrome case and eye diseases. complete line of UNDERTAKING in all its branches, EMBALMING a specialty. Residence comer 3rd and Calapooia 1RST NATIONAL BIKE, Or ALB ART, OREGON resident . . Vice President Cashier , ... LrLINS 3. K.TOCTNO I 20 E. W. LsJiGDOS ISASSACT3 A GENERAL banking -baalo iCOOUliTS KEPT snbiect to check. SIGHT KICHASGK and let Tannic ttaaef r, oM I Kew York, Saa Fraadseo, Chicago and Pntiaad roa .,-0 j'i. JTIOS5 ADS on favorable Tocss E ,Tr LM Bun. L. Fuss, Cnwaas f . Sol. Or &LBART, ORBSOh. When atiairs iiae me ioiiowmg occur it it a sure sign that times are picking op. The Asotin, Wash,, Sentinel tella the atory : George Appleford disposed of 85 head of beef cattle laai Saturday to John Steele of Asotin at 3l4 centa on foot for April and May delivery atUniontswn. Anoth er buyer named Mahoney shortly after appeared, and then it was learned that the two buyers had had a race as to who should set to the farci first and make the purchase. Stee'e was riding a trim built little mare, owned by "Chaff 'Cliff, of Asotin pararie, that lias a reputation of both endurance and speed. Steele's rival was equally as well mounted and for the first 12 miles it was nip and tuck between them, but unfortunately for Mahoney, the stirrup-strap of his saddle broke, and by the lime thia was adjusted Steele was way ahead, applying both spur and whip and just making the dust fly. At Couse creek he changed horse, and then pushed forward for the point of destination, and, by a cutoff, secured three miles the advantage of Mahoney, the latter appearing in eight after Steele had closed the bargain for the catt!e,and 75 hogs besides, and had turned the horse toward home. S'tele says that hen he pulled in the lead Mahoney called out to him, "Come back and 1 will giveyou 1-50," but the mare was now nnder rnch good headway and wa ning along so smoothly that he didn't care to break her gait for that sum. A newspaper outfit to love its enemies as well as its friends. That is what the Democrat would like to do ; that is, to have no ill will against anyone, to give every body a fair show, never "go for any one" just for the sake of doing so, but because its rosition as a newspaper demands it. A paper must give the news, whether a small local paper, covering a limited field or a big one and things can't always be left out Just for accommodation. The Astoria Budett contains the follow ing: A Portland lady who was one of the leaders in the late moral wave, took one of the sailed doves to her home to reform her and make her lead a Christian life. Im agine the astonishment of the woman when she suddenly entered the parlor and tound the soiled dove and ber dear hubby cooing together on a little single sofa . 1 he dove flew out over the transom, but the good wife held a tight grip on her blonde wig which she shoved down ber old man's throat and came near choking him to death. In so far as there is political signifi cance in the returns from the elections in Ohio last Mondav, it is no in favor of the democratic patty. In many of their strongholds where the democrats miserably "fell down" last fall, they have recovered this spring and show the cld-time majorities and old-time spirit. The republicans have been close" ly chased and' much frightened in a number of their Gibraltar. The dem ocrats have done well ic the laige cities. Their triumph in Columbus was signal- Considering all the circumstance, Cleve land was not badly lost, and the re pub I licans have Toledo by the skin of their teeth. There is at least a tendency to democratic recovery. There is today a tremendously Letter feeling among dem ocrats than there was before the spring ballots were cast. The party is not dead. It is going to be in fighting trm for next fall. Those who stayed away from the polls on election day in No vember have had their say and are ready for a new deal. Enquirer. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. The past week offers very little for contemplation. Somethings make one cogitate over the nps and downs of life. A man may have his tens of thousands today and in a fear years he without a dollar. Sometimes people say it is the reckless, harunt tkarum men who run through with their money; but all around us there are steady carelul men who havo seen their woalth almost evap orate before their very eyes. There is an old laying eo plain as to he seec in the djrk almost, which reads: "Leave well enough alone," Which is at the bottom of the trouble. That awful Helmut to be in the swim cauted a complete ignoring of the say ing. There are many men in the V ill- anieite valley, who are having a serious time in making ends meet who would cow be in a prosperous condition had they followed this rulo. ' Do rhjht and let policy take care of itself," Is another eaying that commends itself in these times. Men should ktep close to the line and not allow a bushel of wheat go into the roller not purchased; if jou have money in trust do not use a cent not your own ; never under any circumstances mix other peoples money with your own. Some money was paid to a layyer in another city to cover the expenses of some advertising in the Dkxoi uat. The lawyer kept the money and the 1mih hat cot roup The law yer according to the writers notions, is no better than a thief, and yet technic ally, under the circumstances that exist ed and under the Uw lis a as not one Thero are things occurring continual ly in life to make one appreciate the man who pays hisdeb'.s if be possibly can. MISFITS. Governor Tcnnover mado fiftv two pardons from Oct. 1 to the time when he went, ont of office in January. It is no wonder ho wanted to keep the pardons out of tho papers. Law doesn't amount to much with such a governor in the cimir. His course as a pardoner was certainly very reprehensible. In contrast to Lone. Jackson. Clatsop and Clackamas counties the collection of taxes in Itouulas cotintv is verv slow. The Review says : The sheriff collected siitw.u'j lust week on taxes making (5502.07 in all to date. About one-third of this amount has been paid in county warrants and the remainder in cash. What is the matter of this for cood sense. Jt is Iroiu tiio K. O. : The man who keeim his mouth shut will never get flies in it, but at the same time he will never trot bread in it. Thero is a time when the mouth should be open and a time it should be kept nhut. l'roprr discretion iivthe matter is more valuable thin gold. TELEGRAPHIC. A Billlr Vmt Lite H:rAX, N. 8. April 12. Tha story cf atenihlo battle for life reached here at midnight from Catalina. N. F. Fire men, Joseph White, James Kdy, Stephen Kdy, Edward Kdy and John White, went on a shooting expedition in a boat. A squall upset the boat, but the men righted it. After a time tiiis occurred again and the men could not right her. They were forc ed to cling to the ujwtt craft, which wa three miles out in the bay. One after an other succumbed to the cold and high seas, which were constantly breaking over them, until only one, James White, remained. He was rescued more dead than alive, but will recover. TRAKSACT a enteral Banking mtntss . DRAW SIGHT DRAFTS on Mew Yuk, San Ft sooand Portfano, Orejresu LOAN MONET on approTed seenrlty. RECEIVE deposits subleet to check. tXliaJi made on aeoraete 1NTKREST pail on time ieoefl DOLLARS PER MONTH In You Own Locauty made easily and honorably, withcat capi tal, during your spare hoars. Any man. woman, boy, or girl cad do the work band- Ily. without experience. Talking sa necessary- Nothing like It for moty- making ever offered be for. Our worxera always prosper. o time wasted a learning the business. We teach yea lc a nisht bow to succeed from the try hour- You can make a trial without el peusa to yoorseir. v e start yon, rurnis 1 A comp,,,, has been incorporated in everything needed U carry on the busf I ... . . . ... . eoooolft. ftiaM Miiuwiecfn' vw4 imspantaA A a ,- WO 0 isWwol (sa f a U& tiesMBUtvu J against failure if you -ut follow nil simple, plain Instructions. ReadtT, I' you ere In need of ready money, act want to k2 all about the best paying business before the public, send us yo1 The internal revenue department grants a license to druggie's to sell liq nor in smaller quantities than five gal lons, but uot over. The saloon keepers of Albany want an ordinance passed to prohibit their selling liquor in smaller quantities than five gaiior.s without a license. This makes the situation a peculiar one. That open door boms in Porihu.d will probably prove a failure. It is a great thing to help the fatten and lift them up, and that should be the spirit o! trie an ; but it is a greater thing to keev peo ple from falling. The great work of the future will be in this line. The work begins in every home. There is a big opening fur good sense on the part ot fathers and mothers, and when better judgment is displayed there wi'.l be many less fallen women in the world. The woman who does seek to live a bet ter life should be met with the same fx7or as the man. They should be given an even chance. B iKU OP Kl'IO, SOTO. oBxeon. audreas, and we will msil you a men giving yon all the particulars "OWE & CO., Box 400, Augusta, Maine. . i Hen A J Job JOS. J. SMITH TETEMAEi SURGEON. OFFICE AT SCOEEltS STABLE ALBANY OREGON. Residence 5th and Jloatgomery. DRY WOOD. Balm, $2. Small fir, 2.00. Large fir, $2.50. White Maple. 52.50. Delivered to any part of town. Lean orders at Ramp s grocery store. H Bbtakt. LOST. Either at the W. C. T. U. hall or between the hall and corner of 9th and Broiidalbin, on April 10, 1895, a brown f tamped leather purse, contains a check on Capital .National Hank, of Olympia, Wash, ana two and a half dollars in silver. Finder will please return to the Demo crat ofL'ca. Albany. T ADIES will find it to their advantage to call ana inspect the millinery gooas now Doing sola at auction prices by Miss Anna Shultznear the post office. Hats trimmed to order. Goods being sold out reeardleeg of prices. Come soon and make a selection at your own price. C ETTIXG EGGS FOK PALE Fro O pure bred Silvir Laced Wyandotte. White Wandottes and R. Plymouth Hocks, at the Albany t'omtry yards, Ai ban y. Uregon, corner 4th ana Jt. K. !ts. JonX liBUSM, HBAIT CQLLEBIAT3 IBSTT7UTI ALBANY. OREGON A ft I corps of huraetcv CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC LITERABT COMMERCIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. Coons. 01 study arranged a alt fr'' of student. SpMU t4 tcimrnti efttti I ttmdtm from abroad. 0v0 to cons'.! net end operate an electrical railway from Chicago to Kew York. It is proposed to build an elevated toad and thus abviate tht expense of right of way. They propose to make tbe whole distance, about 1000 miles, in one day, whereas now it requires six days for freight. Scieuce is revolutionizing the world's traffic. f-fra air v--.i:-.- ' ani ie nco.vj Ir. Ih3,sERIFe" rn.cfccic!ly tne lt e are Paccc Coast Arreuts. Bicycle cala- Wce.msilnf (receives rail description tvrices. elc aokcts - vaunts. I PET ALUS! A raCGBATOS tOFetaluma.CAL I BaAJiCB HQCfcg. 3 S Main St. Los Angeles. 9 torlaerawpeidnwkjybu: Blai manner mltlon. Fx Exparteatte aanececear Sff adraBtatwtobetfnners-IAeral ft eoinnilstlon o local pai i Una scents. Largest TifWttfTaoccD.: :. O-.itt T.iui fu- - ; Jmnrmn. VoA . 'w- Jr" -'''! 0r rriiakie. ffxtne ll.i- BM$.r. t'l t' . rxdoarretemUTT-. jSV r4tm r-'- ;ti rtieorrtr-r.'. , ri K. O. T.M Meets every Saturday evenin? in K. 0. T. M. Hall. Vifitinjr Knisrhta invitd to at tend. John Campbell. Com. IJEO E FISH TKK PLUMBEB. INSURANCE ANDM0N. BROKER. Conntr Warrants Bonsht and Sold. Office, Hasten Hock, Albany Oregon. Tin roofiing and pit the opera bouc. nibinjr. 0pp3i , UM. a small brown purse some J where in Alhan, containing bo tween (2 and $3 and a couple gold rings T ... t . ... 1 y mtable reward. t - auu.i, opposite the ltnss llou e VT feed, brai, horte. Grrr iiip1, Gra ham Luo'4wh-Bt, re flour, li..y , naff rw, vo'o. H F MERRILL. INSURANCE AND M0NEY BROKER Albany, Or. City and county warrants bought and so'd. L -"t Bti uisir. a good, suj a j house centrally located, ill ren cheap to a small family. Inquire at this otiice or or kd K. u. Carter. A GENT3 WANTED. Boys or girls t l make money, iiend 20c for sampl ) tl. l. iruax, uranurass, ur. 11 an mxju. A seecna band coo t w stove, So. 1 or 8, in good condition Will pay cash. Inquire at 1bhocsat office. FOSHAY & MASON -viamu ass mii- druggists and Booksellers, - nUfor John B. Alden'a nnbllKlons tr irh we sell at pobllsker'a prleaaw't . AKeanaar. ALRA4T nUKVOr) VK1- WiiMiM.n t aii i ome oak crab jf ,n a..i cj A. F. Arrostrone'. l'rln The Home Salon in Chicago Editor Dtmocrat: At No. 133 Washington Str. Chicago, may be seen this sign : "Home Salon only one 'o" in the ealon, you notice, you are informed that there is nothing within that will make the drnnk come. This is where tbe Kt. Rev. liishop Samuel Fallows of the Reformed Epi copal church has made his first attempt at supplying working men, with a club roim. a loitering place, a refreshment counter where they may get all tucy want to eat and drink without tua in toxicating ingredient. The tar locks much like any other bar, backed up with mirrors, and deco rated with plenty -of g'assware. The addition to this bar is what is called a cafeterea, a luoch counter where the customer helps himself.and for ten cents be can get a good plateful of appetising food. This he carries off to one ot tbe other tables; at this he finds a seat, and above it a rack on nhich he Ends knife. fork and spoon, bread and condiments From the bar be helps himself to a small pot of butter f.-om the bowl of ice water, and orders from tbe bar tender bis choice out of twenty or so refreshing drinks. Bishop's Beverage'' generally proves his choice. It is labelled "Home bee brewed from the beat bops, malt etc. It took much experimenting to make thia drink, and experts pronounce it an admirable success, even to its foaming Up, which is scraped off with a wooden paddle io the usual style. The opening day, 2.000 people were served. When the first curiosity had exhaost d itself, the daily average of cuetomers remains at about 775. Bishop Fallows expects to open eLort three more such "Home Salons." Practical KUnetallLsm. The detailed report of the Ileal'.h De partment for a recent week, compiled by Dr. George E. West, shows that the death rate per thousand of Brooklyn's population wa3 19 8. In New York the rate was 23.4, Boston 25 I, Philadelphia 22, Washington 21 9 and St. Louis 16.2. Tbe rata in London was 33.4, Cilargow 35 0 and Dublin 41.9. Come to Oregon if you would live. Tbe rate is small compared with these figures. The Marquis of Queentbury io bis legal fight with Oscar Wilde knocked out that sucuavor in a manner never equaled by any pugilist. Mr. Wilde is not as aesthetic as upon bis American trip. Be is a blatherskite of the worst stripe, and someday the world will it am better than to patronise men of his calibre. An interesting case of Dr. JekyU and Mr. Hrde comes from Spokane: The mystery surrounding the identity of the young bandit arrested in Call fornta for robbery of the station agent at Arrova Grande, when f",2Sl in money was taken, was solved in part by the ar rival here today of California papers. Tt:e picture of the unknown youth, let ters found in his possession, and other circumstances show that he is Charles of Spokane, one of the best known young men of this city, a youth against whom a breath of suspi cion vas never ut'ered. Ths discovery has created an intense sensatiao here and his mother is pruetrated. Bump is a graduate o the lt'.gti school, served for a while as deputy uty clerk, ran a bicy c'.e shop for several month, a as a mem ber of the Uartist church, an urdentf sportsman, and a swift bicycle rider. He belongs to one of the leading families of Spokane, his father having loilt the Bump block. Matlie, the ns me signed to the letters found bv the California officers, is Miss Mattte Bishop Bump's s sett heart. Frooi the int daily su'.emenl issued by the treasury department it appar that the expenditures for the current fis cal year to dale, of 2il da-f.hare exceed ed the receipt by $i2J.0. the totaSs Stand: Expenditures, t.335,fJ; r ce;p's,S2,eyS,135. These fi.-ures.which embody more than three-fourths of the Oscal year, show that the receipts are ruon'ng at the rate of g&S5,W) a day .and the exenlilares at the rate of $1.1'5,(.K a day. I! the tine ra'ii obtains for the taianceof the fiscal year, the aceoant would stand: Expenditure. $370,473. 0W; receipt, 1312,723,0)0. This would leave an excess of expenditures over re ceipts of 35.OV,00C. The expenditures are pared doau ta the Soet limit of economy conitent with fixed appropn ations made by law, and are likely to be increated rather than diminished The expenses of 'J he government are a Ihira more than ti.ey shocld be. It is time for economy. Let Cong-ess eel the example. Rev. (lilltert, of Eukpiiv, stated in a sermon that only about20per cent of the men ol that city were virtuous, lie is now having his hands full explaining matters. He states that he took the figures as an average from the estimates of lif teen men. One thought 3 per cent was enough. His own estimate was 80 per cent. Eugene people are somewhat worked up Tho railroads arc watching every cor ner no aadays. the Kugene Ouard says: Quito an exciting time was created at the depot last evening on the arrival of the freight, between the railroad ollitials and the owners of the fast horses shipped from Ci rants Pass, for the sum of $20 de manded by the railroad company for the passage of three men who accompanied the horses. The freight was delayed about half an hour, but the money was finally paid and tbe horses released. The supreme court of Oreeon lias just handed down a decision that while of in terest to the general taxpayer is of pecul iar interest to the sheriffs and newspa pers. The suit was one to set aside a tax deed. The supreme court holds that the tax deed is invalid lor the reason that Ar Cor vail. Cokvalms, Or., April 12. In the cir cuit court 1jday C H. Warn hard pleaded guilty to a charge of larceny frcm a dwell ing, and was sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. Tbe trial of AUmea llakin, charged with assault with intent to com mit rape upon the person of Opal Wilkins, occupied the attention of tbe court during a greater portion of the day. The state fai'ed to present a verv strong case and af ter being out only a few minutes the jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Iaa His Tax. Wasiiisotox, April 12. President Cleveland ha filled out his income tax blank and will probably make his return tomorrow, la it be has included his sala ry of tSO.OtX) as chief executive, on rrhich the tax will be $9.-0, deciding to leave it to tbe proper officers to determine whether the payment of the 2 per cent assessment will be in violation of that proyUion of tbe federal constitution which says the compensation ot the president chall not be increased nor diminished during tbe term for which he shall be ele tel. An tadenlaadlag itcarbrd. Washixgtos. Apr.l 12. -Official ad vice received here tooay fr m Japan in dicate that an unden-tacding has been reached between the n plenipotentiaries the first notice of sale was published June 6th aad the last June 27tu,the sale being held on July 3ru, making but twenty-seven clear days. The law re quires the publication to be for four weeks successively ; this means twenty- eight days. Statesman. In Superintendent Hendricks biennial report to the last letruilature be states tlutt there are forty-seven boys in that institution fur incorrigibility) twenty- three for larcvnv, four for larceny in a dwelling, three for burjt!arr and one for manslaughter. Thirty-eight are Ameri can born, ten lierman. one negro, one French, two English, four German-Eng lish, one ttemian-rrench, two SM-otch (ierman, four Irish, one lierman-Amer- ican, one lAne-Hvuch-lnlin, two Scotch-English, two Jewish, one Irish man, two WVlsh-Anierican, one half Indian, one Irish-American and one Norwegian. of the definite conclusion of peace may be expected at any moment- The exact par ticolars tit the propored terms ot settle ment are not knonn. but it is cnderntood that in response to the unrent and irpat- ed riueU of the Chinese plenipotentiary tor an abatement ct toe demands original ly made. tLe J a pane plenipotf etiarie I ave granted important concessions. ran I ataalsee Salelde. Tacoma, April 12. CULearteied by financial difficulties and bis removal from an honorable position. Paul Schulr. gei eral land ag nt of the Northern Pac.fic railroad, ki'.led hirni-if tin morning at ll ;30 o'clock He put a -csutber bulM through his head with a Smith k WetAn revolver. The bot!y was not found until 3:43 P. VI.. and it xx neaHySo'rlidc be foie tbe coroner was notified. Tbe tewt became public af'er e o'clock, and greatly sort-nxd the entire ci:y. rualtag la fits A Big C'esapaay. Seattle, Wash., April 11. The Wash ington Dredging & Improvement Company has tiled articles cf incorporation. The capital is .000,000, with Ellis Morrison, Will iam F. Hays, and Frank Shay, incor porators. The object is to fill in the tide flats of Smith cove and construct a ship canal from Elliot bay to Ijake Washing ton by way of Smith s and Lake Union. It is the third canal project. A PernlUr Msve. f-i'uisoHisLD III., April 11 A move ment was set on foot today by Representa tive Jones, cf Green county, in the le-risla-ture. which, if it is carried out, will prac tically sever Cook county from the state tf Illinois. Jt was in the form of a ioiut res olution, and provides that the onestion of giving Cook county a separate government will be submitted to a vote of the people filage Babbrrr. Dekveb, April II. A special to the Times from Cripple Creek, Colo., says: "l'he mail snd mtpreai wagon which con nects with tbe Midland Terminal railroad at Gracsy. was robbed today, about two miles from this city, by two men, who overpowered the driver, Robert Smith, se cured the express package, containing 16. 000, and escaped on horseback. Will Lose Ber Wa;er. Stocktos, Cai., April 11. Miss Annie Londonderry, who is making a tour of the world on hT bicycle, while on ber war tn 'l racy, accompanied by Mark Johnson, of toe "Olympic uiuo, was driven Irom the road by a runaway horse- She nn into a barbed wire feme, cutting her face and sustaining internal injuries. A Spilt oar ib. WooifBcus, Or., April 10. The Lin coln I'imetailic Club, of Woodborn. com pleted its organization tonight. Repre sentatives tiuf-r and Rtcearton were bill ed to speak, but did not show op. Those who did take part in the debate on the free and unlimited coinage of silver were the Hon. H. L. Barkley, W. L. fooze, C. P. Mrine, r. A. lord and A. S. Autersoo pas ueen i - . - . -.-. .... . u Japanes and Cbi- rMcKictey L lab. caused ny the Do'.ph bg&t and that the fcews " la legisiauire. TOO LOW WAGES. Other Reasons Why We Get Discouraged. Lalofs Tiresois Sameness Wean Braia ail BoSj. Depressed Nsltm iMOriesi Bttelly Xonrished, Paine's Celery Cempsiiiii feet RemeJj. a Per- Bcttcr Even Than Rest and Change X waxwork fUhlBf BesBB. astohia. April 10. The fLhing season openel la-t night ondr rather nnfavorable auspices. The weather was exceedingly boisterous, and but a small proportion of the boats ventured out. Of those that did take the lUk, none wect near the bar, wbae the fuhing is generally best- In consequence the catch was small probably averaging six or seven to the boat. A number of men were doublets engaged in fi-hing before tbe teaj-on opened, sereral bringing from 23 to 30 iUb. bit as a rule, those who were known to have been out but one night, returned with frota 3 to 10 salmon each. Nellie Bly is to be married. Her hus band has the sympathy of tbe Dsao- ca.vr. Miss Bly went around lbs world, and bas since bad all kinds of ad ven tures, many of a kind that some men ould not undertake. Her luaband ill bave to keep bis temper cooled down or there will ne a family confla gration. Baker City, says the Democrat, can probably claim tbe highest feats of bi cvclingm the world, and the wore won derful it is that young ladies are entitl ed to the honor. The roof of the Hotel Warshaner has of late been the place se lected by several young ladies to pratice whtvlnding. The roof is as smooth as glass, is four etorire high, and is ade quate in eise for learning the art. Most of all, it is seclude I and repeated fails cannot be olewrwd bv an unsolicited audience. A aether BeyrpUee OaeUal Lexixcto. Ky , April 10. Tbe Lead er wilt Uxliy publish an interriew with a Kentockian jot retcrned from Washing tm, who ts a close friend of the Carlisle family, woo says tbe secretary viil sorely be a candidate for senator from Kentucky TamrA. April 11. TLe Plant aleanuhip to sacoeed Blackburn. It is said Carlisle MsxoUe, which arrived tonight, brought "Jt m-ks an active canvass which from whom th fj'lwini? would not corcport with the dignity of his w katrnr-i of affairs in Cubs: j present position, but kis frk -ds till be At La Mocha, a village near Gg' 60 ! aivued that he is, as General Cla kson mile from Havana. Vioxvcte Garcia, with! s-id, of General Harrsjon, a "reofptive 3J men. ambushed Get ni Pratt's fors 1 candsdale who three times rallied, b werennally, A Be.Mcaec Barweet rmitel with beavv te. JigsAni. a place 1 , , .,. of 10.000 inhabit anti.. wm Dtnred br tfce Jjlt AP"1 W- -Tfc. Cubans onier tlabi. aUxit March 23. jof V.". H. Peninger. one miie east of Tok), March 3d tbe Spaniards atmpted to re- j ras destroved by lire yesterday with its en Astoria's harvest season has begun. Salmon are being caaght, and it is this industry that has always made that city a Ibrilty place. let a rat. road once reach that city at the mouth of the Co lumbia, and a big city will gro up there. More and more the fact is being forced upon the people that the proper thing is to give ths f.-ee coinage of American ilv.r a trie) Th imt if-etifins ir. fttrnfl2 t that it a ill have a good effect. Had it been done a little less than tao tears ago at the critical period it would have been a big tiling fr the country aceord ng to the present b irosopj in the Dk ockaT o9ice. Governor Lord vetoed the law passed by tbe last legislature allowing sheriffs mileage in addition to their salaries and their deputies' salaries. However, the county court of I'msli la is making such allowances and it is contrary to existing ! law, t'Ki. Pend'eton E. O. L matilla is not i he ouly county where it is beioe dour. As a result of ths recent acquittal of Sheriff McAllister of the charge of mur der in shooting and killing Myal!, at Fort Gaines, Ga., a popular traveling man, tbe drummers are boycotting that town. No drummer will now stop there over night who can possibly avoid it. em. orercs' Purtland. Oregon. ranch School : firmi Br. (Vn ' i Ikliti.'t oliOl'bililUQf J In Kwinn throughout the yrar. Studraia sIm. , iy Unas, JaJloe-je Iruin ellbur eHeol. Sr The last annual report of the Bank ol France shows that it is pose ibis to keep a stock of gold and siler available at tbe same time, and also that a silver reserve may be utilized to prevent the stock of gold from being dimioished. During lSyi the gold reset vt of the bank was increased by $71,000,000. and since Jan. 1 a further addition of $61, 000,000 bas been made, bringing the stock of gold up to $127,500,000. Tbe cause ol this increase is simply the natural flow of exzhange. All payments to tbe bank from frreign sources are made in gold in the form of ingots or foreign coin. Money in this shape not being current in France it is brought to the bank, which issues its notes in payment for it. When it comes to payiug out money, however, the rule is different. In addition to its reserve of $425,000, 0)0 in gold the bank holds so me f 250 ,000 000 in silver. When the notes of the bank are presented the bolder is requir ed to take a part in silver, if the amount is large and the bank supposes that it is intended for export it will pay ouly one half in gold and half in silver. I- will sell ingots or foreign coins, but it h id i.ot swll Frtnch gold coins There is only one comment for us to make on this. When we find a country ' steadily increasing both Us gold and sil- ver stovk, without either forced purchas j ts or reissuing greenbacks or ssles tf j Ivmds or currency famines, we are com- tO fSV-a-AJiUij, ni8nftge Utese An exchange says that men not capa ble of helping themselves cannot be helped bv others. There is something in it. If there are any of that class in Albany let them get in and chew till their maxillary bones ache ever the fact. The rise in price of beef will mean a great deal for Oregon. A good firm price is what is wanted. A high prire thongb will meau a good many sales and creameries will suffer some in consequence. There seems to be no harmony down at Astoria. Of all things a lowo needs harmony most. If Astoria ever amounts to anything, it will have to stop .tl fool ishneie, work in har-nony, aud elect more uptight men for office. It has the keep to the situation. Let it get in and rustle harmoniously. The U S. census has always been made too bulky. When it takes five years to get the main facts before the people there is a nigger n the fence. Census wo-k should all be completed the next year. Harvard will have foot ball after all. It has become necessary in the college business. Io order to hold its own with other institutions ft big college must have its crack eleven. Tbe papers continue to tell of strikes. Tne working men cf the country will never get their rights through this syt tem. Strikrs are back anting. It is now asserted that President Cleveland sold the bond" low as a bribe j to the Pierpont-Morgan gang to change their tactics and keep our gold at hotnj. liny home products when you can get them. An Absolute Cure. ' The Origins! Abisllne Ointment is crl put u,? In Urge twuounc-s tin l oe, and U hii ab ue ruie fir ..hi aores, Duins, uunu, en ii n..n- snu a:i akin erun. ilirvlilil t ire all kfr.rls i f rLitnrl M)iet'ne iiiv S mmw ..i 's.Keen rJwsaconrng ul hoccnls Secretary ot Slate Kiocaid is display ing good sense by ivfusiog to credit bills for uetspapers sent to stale oScials. Tins is proper. Thev gel good pay. Let tiieui pay for their own pars, and it should be t'ie same way during the slate legislature. England owns CI per cent-of all tbe merchant vessels in the world, Germany second, France third and the United States fourth. In 1SU3 the latter had 05 per cent., and stood first. But that was before a republican tarift blighted our shipping. Dispatch. Albany Telephone Exehage. The central office of Ibis k'Stg line tele phone is at Hhie A McFarland's, drug gists. Following is the present list of sal ri hers: 3 Aitiany Brewing Co., L. D. 8 Allan v Ice Co.. Third and Vine. 14 Albany Spa Works. 16 Albany Farmers Co. 15 Albanr Steam Laundrv. 22 Albany Drel Beef Co. L. D. 25 Albany Electric Light Co., office. :4 Albany Daily 1 Vmocrat. 35 Allmnv Driving Club. 4 C. E. Brow sell, groceries. 27 H. Broilers, meat market. 11 J. A. Cummins, druggist. L. D. 2 Citv Council Chamber. 37 Sheriffs Office. I.. D. 20 Iepot Hotel, K. Vandran, prop. 15 Dr. M. H. Ellis. L. P. , 21 Matthews A Washburn. 30 lr. J. L, Hill, residence. 31- Dr. J. L. Hill, office. 2"J A. J. Hodges, residence. L. D. Mode's A McFarUnd, drug. L. D. SS Jos. Klein, residence. 12 Conrad Mever, groceries. 2:i H. F. Mcllwain, merchant, L D. 2411. F. Mcllwain. residence. I.. D. ?.-0. C. McFariand. residence. L. D. 17 Miller t Turner, liverv. 5 Pacific Piwtal Telegraph Co. 1.1 F. H. PfeiKer, confectionary. 6 Revere House. Ch.-ws. PfesfTer, rrop, 10 Rus, W. W. RowcU, Prop. 19 Re.1 Crown Roller Mills. 9 Smiley, the Irinler. 7 St. Charles Hotel, Giblin A How ard. I D. Schulta Bros., meat market. 34 John Schmer, liverr. 1 Dr. J. P. Wallace, "office, First stnTt. 2 Dr. J. P. Wallace, residence. I D. 3.1 Western Union Telegraph Co., I-. D. 31 Foshav & Maion, dniggist, J- D. 40 W. LMoone, livcrv. 42 Central OiTice. 4:t lr. O. C. Aubrev, dentist. 44. Dr. W. H. Davis, othoe. 45 F. I. AlVn. grocer. L. P. lAUig distance telephone. Fresh Sodnville soda water at Ilodges McFarland's. gain poion. but reouie-i miter a spirited encounter. I bey were under Sir.tocilaes and left t Jeud tor thetulars to l-ory. A VjalrrteBt Byparlare- Sas Diego. Cal.. pr.l II. The coait- defeane veel Monterey departed this morning wita rare secrecy thn i asuai'y tde cste ahen a vessel !iv on a Ure OMitecU. A hign w ind wis prevail ing at the titn", and its occupacts were rot asrare of the fire until warned by oo'sidV parties. wh?a they had bareiy time to es cipe from tbe bciidiag. The lots is not kco ra . l'he bui;Iisg was not iuareL Waal I rreeWav. New Tokk. April 10. A Recnrder f ciil frr-m Waintia say: According to Tbe more minutely all kin? become sulxlivided, the more sameness and monotony creep into each man'a labor. Day after day, lay after day, in the same rut till little interest remains in thfe work, and tbe mind and lJy are grad ually robbed of energy and healthy elas ticity. Unless somethinir is done the prolonged strain is likely to result in health failure; nervous rymjitoms zp pear, cares that were oncs'lighly cast off now stick like bora, slight physical ex ertion tires, and the eud is" complete prostration and breaking dow n of some vital organ. Business men feel this, public oSfcials, wage earners, house keepers, every man and woman whose work allows of little or no rest and change. At the first stnal beginnings of nerv ousness or when languid feelings do not disappear after a sound night's sleep, the prudent person should know that be or she must check this decline in health by the use ol that one genuine nerve food and blood re newer, Paine's celery com pound. v The family phrsii-ian knows its power over diseases of exhaustion and debilitr wben be orders it, as so many careful firactitioners are now doing in every city and small town throughout the Unitel States. As soon as one has fairly begun to use Paine's celery compound, "every day will be a firm step toward assured health. Nervous, unhappy, and feeble persons find their flesh becomes more solid, a more healthy color takes the place of the waxy, sallow look, and there comes at clear increase in the volume of tbe blood and an increased normal appetite because of this rapid feeding of the entire system. Work becomes easier. This searching tonic goes at once to the very causes of nervous disaster and breakdown. It is valuable in alt wasting diseases, in all cases where unosnal de mands are made on the system. Espec ially is it true in tLe case "of mothers aud invalids recovering from sickness. Paine's celery com roan i has saved ! thousands from mournful years of feeble ness, from tbe weariness of pain and from bodily weakness. It means health and happiness. Ivrrmss. The fact tLit Ueitenarit Bakf. I uiforaiatioa rce.veu in this citv. a meet of General Ik-Cook's aS. amve-i in ha-te 1 ing was to be Leid teVerday at Gaaataa- fiosa I'enrer and is apjl to bave est Uarknl on tee 51ot.tej-, adJ to 11 myj ' err of her Oe-!ir.a:i-fj A remark wa dropped ty oce of tie ovrs befxe sail ing that the veM4 as g:ing to Ccrinto, aa-J that the authorities at in dulged in a l.ttle Efi-w re?A-dsE a ra'j to t-aiiao to ki-ep irujiuititt v el tiae seeat. Bl;k 0ii. Pittsbcro. Apr.l 10. The oil excite ment here begins to rjsem'j!-! in a mild way tbe ba.'yo-n days of the Pituj-ir ex change. Staad.trd oil adTaaced it price Scents, to i-I tviay, isakiDansd vance of - cents in the U:t three aaio, in te pronm .-f Paertj Principe. tor tie parpo-e of d-ciarin the in lepend ciko of Cuba fnm p:n Ose of tbe fir? steps of the new s uUui repaWic wLl d.att Jes he to ass rvc-vnifion frcm the satioBS c-f the eanh. Religious S .TV ices. Sunri.e Easter svrvU-e at the I. P. I churvh at 6 a. m. All the young people J of the city as well as others are invited, j Service at the Presbyterian church. Preachiag by Rev. W. A. Smick in the morning. S. S. and Y. P. S. C. E. s I usnaL The annua. Easter service of the Ma- sonic lodges'of the city wiil l held in Corinthian Hall at 8 p. m. Sunday. Rev. ! Poling wiil deliver the sermon. j Preaching services at the Congrega-1 tional church at 11 o'clock, but none in i the evening. Subject. "IVmbt Concern-! ing, and Evidence of. a Resurrection." X cordial invitation to ail. S. S. at 12 i ami V. P. S. C. E. at 6:43. United IYesbytorian: Service at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p ta. In the morning Mrs. Narvissa White Kicnev, Stale Pres ident of Ihe W. C. T. U. wiil deliver an address on, '"Decisive Christianity." In the evening the pastor will speak npon, -Christ the Messenger of Cni." S. S. 2:30; Junior Endeavor 3::50. Senior Endeavor 6:30. A welcome is cxtsmied to all who can worship with us. Y. M. C. A. : Remember the 4 oV.ock meeting tomorrow. All men are invit ed. 0 Brtfl LIU P? T. rrt f? R n r ."4 3 U tw n hue. I want more trade. FrcJ Dawson 1)1 EI). A foot pad was kil'ed in California by the man stood op. The coroner's jury patted the man on his back and declar ed it a good example. These are days when prompt action in euuh things is commended. To meet the exigencies ol the times one must have nerve. The buiiinos man who does not possess that essential bad just as ell step down or he'll be knock ed down. Ex. Prisoners are now sent out of the pen without a cent according to a local paper and the Salem hog has to fed them, attention to w hich is cal ed uood uaiur- ed y by tbe paieia of It at city. HAMMER. On April 12, 1S93, at his home at fpioer, Mr. Louis F. Hammer, aged S3 years, The deceased came from Illinois atiotit eight years ago. He was a brother of Mr. Arch Hammeer of this city and was a man of excellent charac ter. He leaves a wife and five children. Funeral services will be held tomorrow, when the remains will be buried at this citv. MARRIED. MOIST UNGER. On April 7, 1S93. at the residence of the brides father, Mr. J. II. Moist and Miss Carrie Unger. Two of Linn countys most popular voting people. The groom is a son of the late Mr. Jos. Moist, and was brought up in Albany. They have the best wishes of many "friends. An Albany boy has had to skip and leave the state because be did behave himself. There uie ethers will follow suit. out not who Pennoyer beat the world as a pardonei ; but he did Oregon no good. His admin - j istratlon will smell for a good many J years. , 1 A Lame man is scarcely more than half a man either in comfort or effective work. Allcock's 'Porous Plaster cures all sorts of lameness of the back or limbs result ing from strain or taking cold ; also congestion of the chest; everything that an external remedy can reach. Dpware sf Imitations. Tie aot be de ceived. ltuUt apoa aaviaf, " Au-coca'.' Allcock's Corn Shields. Allcock's Bunion Shields, Have no equal ai a relief and curs tor coma and buniona, Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Lite At ay. is the truthful, startling title of a book about No-To-Itac, the harmless, guaran teed tolaeeo habit cure that braces up nicotinixed nerves, eliminates the nico tine poison, makes weak men gain streng-h, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or linancial risk, as No-To- Ikxc is soul or Hodges A Mclarland un der a guarantee tocure or money refund ed, liook free. Address Sterling Rem edy Co. New York or Chicago. l'he greatest sel'er on the market for aieases of the Liver. Kidneys and Con tifatton. Pk-asant to take by old or young. No friping. The rtx-t f ; i.ence p!act is extea ive.'y ued in -Norway fr.-r the cure of Piles. Sold by ail first class druggists. Wholesale Manufactares, ANCHOR S CHEMiCAL CO. Lebanon. Or Ef mi cis re psssER fh2y 4 Majoa, Aer-its. llciXi VJ XViiA. 8 Is ot cp?et; without ci"idii Osf 5?i ! f vr, J beantr and rcritv. i ? friEg, soothing, lseali 5 i fa!. sxA harmless. ; Califortvla the Land of Discoveries Why hiv awake all night.coughing.when that most effi rive and agreeable remedy, SANTA At IE. will give you immediate relief? S NTA A UIE is the only guaran t?ed cure fvr Consumption -Asthma and all Bronchial Complaints. SM in bottles at 50c and $1. Three for ?2 20. Foshay & Mason will U ilesel to supply von. and guarantee rel'u f when used as directed. CALIFOKXIACAT-R fURE never fails to relieve Catarrh or Cold in the Read. Six months treatment, by mail, $110. J times abeij I", x ii i T'ia -nr Brandreth's Pills tore indigestion, oonsupauon. d kidney complaint. ervous Prostration. E. W. Jor Company I havo suffered from nervous prostration from financial losses. Can say Joy's Vegetable Sarsa parilla has cured me. Mr liver, stomach and bowels havo lnsen very inactive bat oiiu cuiKinK your ivuieuy x am entirely well. All business men and women should use it. Please publish. (Signen) Mk. Ym. Hknky Jvxks. Butte Montana. Raekacho, ditxiness, tirotlness give way to Joy's Vegetable Sarsnparittn. r&ea Baby was sick, we gaee fcf r Cascocta. IVheassa was a CUM, slie c-ml for Castor!, Wben she becamo Mka, sho dune to Cutorba. TTkOi sao had ChtiJrun. she gave ttou Caasurla Kew ILvrnkss Siiop. Cal. Hurkhar has oiHnel a harness shop at tho Vierei-k corner, Albany and will keep first class hand made harness at machine prices. Repairing carefully done. Call ou him for bargains and good work. ARE TOE 5 EST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a Uttle more thsn the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes wiil fiud the PET CIGARETTE! SUPERIOR TO ALL OYV.ERS Made from the highest cost Cold Leaf f rows in Virginia, sad are ABSOLUTELY PURE LIFE is. s. e. tssi'8 jrssrg ass sxas tiTiimr i jilil noilee Hiut whiten (roan n tee, by wtboritxl airnw only, to cure Weak Memory: xMMct Brain .met Nerr Pwn lost JlaBhood fuirlsnows; Nia-ht loeeee; KvU Drwuns; lck of ijji-ic; Nrroune; ljuwtiude; oil Urntns; UMnt rtxwot IheUeniwative Orsnt in either evwert T oTer-en'rtin, Youthful Errors, 01 ,-,i-..if Use of Totwcco. tpiuni . Liquor. 3 m-h lla .o M isery. t jnnmpt k Inaauity and liw:h. Ky mail. l n bus; Nix tcr $5; with ml"i Btmrantee to cure or sefurtl meney. Srnrpli ackairo.eoiitaiDii'guwrtaretreauneot. ,th Inli instruciions, t-wl. One auiipl aoid tooaoti ixjrson by luoil. - f A Cummhig, sole ajent, Albany KOTICE. - HO! BLACKSMITH. Wntel on who understands General Blacieiuiithiaf aiul especially horse shoeing, niq can de wood work for repairing wagons ind farm machinery. Will furnish shor free o; charge for one year For furtht inftirma tiou write to Albkkt Hamiiton. Uolley, irifco.Oreg ekr-sst c-f It is besnti- S, hec!u when ti rightly cscd is invisible. A nso?'. j to ths face in this rihr.-te. t s tt sju.e tiftsrssar. 3 3 FIRE INSURANCE Insure vour j ropertv with Joseph V Tall ir. The Old Hartford. THE NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS AGENCY, or any one of the other reliable Id l;e rm panies he represents. No'.es taken and plent' of tiics given for payment ou farm insurance. All business plac ed with him will be prornpt yattendedto. OFFICE IN P.O. BJcek, Albany, Or l-e ' 3v TAKE i -Tr- wir w a. ar rf 1 a l K. v : It fa acid on s wuaiwnteTiiw a dr-.-r- alU sk aaUf w wutva MaS.'VTOUS V. Tw "COPYRIGHTS. CA? 1 OBTAIN A PATENTS n a nc answer and a bnoest win too, write to I-s!l eV 4 4l..waohaTa hjui BM,ertMar experieace In tne ratent bnaineM. Canunantoa-. tions autotly eonSaentlal. A UaiSbMk ot in. lomuuon eoncernina Patents and bow to ob. taln tbeai sent rree. Alson estaloawsol sisrnsw. isal and aesentlno booka rent rreaT latanM taken tbruivh Muna Co. leeerra special autloetB tho Krteatlae Aaaeriraa, amt are brouubt wiJely beMratbe poblicwiin, wt coas to Um taTeotor. xbis avtendid paper, hsned weeaty, etecantly lllnetjmied, baa by far the larKeet eirenlatioa o anyaetentiSe trork la taa Sr'L3""- "ls eoptea sent tree. BuihSng Kditluav Boatbre. a year. eUnrla fi??,'!i5 ce5! vBTrT nber eontains bean. Jiltti Pistes. In colon, and pbocncTapbs ot m bouses, w i th plana, enabling Zanders to itxieua auestdealiinsand Meureeontractai Addreas MVXX X CO, lisw Xuas. asi BoaWA" s 1