The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 19, 1895, Image 3

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    .,i !.:
TERMS. )."' . ..-.
Daily, 1 ct a day; 25c per month; ' S3.0O
per yaarin ad ranee. 30c per month not
in advance. By carrier, 10c. .per weetr'J 10
per cent added lf altowed? W run over 3
months. y
Wkeklt, $1.25 In advance; JI M) at ehd
of yearrtl.75 for second year; f'iOO.for
third and preceeding veiUMj, when not paid
in advance.' ' Clutw of live subscribers
for $5.00. .
j Our Shoe Window !; .. ' "
; e i . J . .. Shoving a few f the
g latest novelties, in shoea ior ' men and
wouien.. Oxford in black and tans.
? High cut ihces in the veryneweststyles
and a line of sporting shoes. ...
c . ' . ;.".T ..v..
S i Dry Goods Window. ' "
Showing a line of
iss, eie
c patterns of which
have just been re
: o ; ; . - -..
toroaaaiom &t. Window . : --
' -.5 - Showinir 1a-
K dies, misses and children's . straw hats
o from 50c up Tally-ho. Apollo, Enreka
tani Sailors triuitiied and untrimmed. . .
The IicrjoLrit Enteist.msjiest. Miss
Carrie : Rudolph, the ' elocutionist and
Impersonator, appeared at the opera
house Saturday night before a good sized
audience. Miss Rudolph is a fine ap
pearing vonng woman and displays evi
dence of a superior knowledge of elocu
tion ; she is graceful in acticn and a cul
turedlady; but she lacks the elements
that ro to make up the complete master
of delineation of character and of elocu
tion. Her voice lacks magnetism and
she fails to enthuse her audience at all.
The successful elocutionist immediately
becomes part of her audience. Miss Ru
dolph gets no where near her listeners.
Her character delineation is very much
the same, whether Irish, Dutch," Yankee
or darkey, she is not versatile, though
versatility is claimed for her. She dis
plays no "emotion. An audience never
gets warmed up without a little of the
emotional. She is mostly humorous but
her humor lacks fun. AVe regret to say
Miss Rudolph was a disappointment ' to
most of her audience. Tne elocutionist
was well assisted by Misses Marguerite
Hopkins and Maud " Crosby ju a piano
duet. Miss Lillie Brenner in several pi
ano solos, Miss Anna Houclt in a piano
solo and Emma Warner in a vocal solo.
The Iaekell Case. The Uorvalhs
Times tells of a case before the grand jury
at that city in the following graphic
manner: From witnesses who were in
attendance on the grand jury it was
1 1 .1 . L- 1 I 1. A
-earueu mat Luc uurmtuu ui i nc t uuui,
furnished the gentlemen of the Lexow
committee, as the grand jury was called,
With some interesting matter. Down the
jiver some two miles from Albany on the
Benton county side, there is a grange
hall, and in that hall several weeks ago
there was a dance. Walter Farrell, . an
Albany blood, attended that dance, and
when the bug juice he "carried in his tank
got to working right good, he seized a
chair and smashed one of the chandeliers
that hung pendant from ceiling. The oil
blazed up, the maidens screamed, and as
he yelled "By here goes for the oth
er," he smashed the only remaining
chandelier in the room. The young men
seized their overcoats and extinguished
the fire with great difficulty, and by
some unaccountable freak of fate, Far
rel's case came before the grand jury of
the county, instead of his having been
tarred and feathered by the brawny
voung men living in the north end of
Benton. . ; .-
A $3000 Horse. Horse flesh ia : evi
dently picking up judging from the fol-lowing-from
the Guard : A. J. Pickard
and Harvey Sommerville have been of-
ferred 3,000 for their three year old filly,
O I - r 1 I 1 .1 AntlAman
They will probably refuse the offer. The
animal promises to be one of the speed
iest pacers on the coast, and horsemen
would not be surprised if she developed
into a record breaker. The gentleman
purchased the filly last fall from the J.
M. Bowes & Co. stock farm paying $650
Another Cbkameet Proposition. A.
McMasters, who for a number of years
conducted a creamery in Illinois, was in
our city Thursday, hunting a location
for a similar plant. He is much pleased
with Jefferson as a location, and would
like to establish a creamery here.Hia
proposition is this: If our people will
guarantee him the milk from 300 to 600
eows, he will do the rest. Jefferson Re
view. Mr. McMasters was one of the
applicants for the position of superinten
dent of the Albany Creamery.
Sick and NeiVous
; 'i! . ...'-. ' ' .,- .V; t f- ' "' '
You may bo easily and quickly cured
by taWag1-',' ) ,
lin VA bfpn li vicfim of terrl.
headaches, and have never
foiifid Anytliing to relieve tlienv c
80 (JUlCKiy ;u Ayera jriiis. ouico w
i IKK"' , -j
les3 ifainent, until, at present
mnthsJiave passed since I
have had one.'r-C, F. Newman,
DugPtr, va-y
- "HavS? ued-Xyer8PlBswith o
great sucgesf; ferdvgpepsia, from
which f Riiflecd for years, I r- 5
solyed lever to be-yrithout them 0
- in my household, They are m-
deed effective. Jirs. oali.iis
125 Wllor at', I'hUa.
ilelpliii Pit.
"I alrays nse AVer's PiHs, and
4v.!nir ttiom excellent." Mrs. G.
1', Waseous, Jackson, Fla. -
Received Highest Award -AT
: v...
6' ooeoooooooooo9Sfi2S5S2i
w.twllll'll,l1Ml,IM MM."
i ;, , Was irt Albany.
V A good many Albany people will re
member Teddy Gamble, a member of the
Eckert Juvenile Opera Company, in Al
bany, six vears ago. Young Glamblo
eang "Bob (Tp Secrenely" and was the
most popular member of the company, a
regular genius.,' He is now in Honolulu
and is making a splendid reputation as a
patriotic American citizen. The follow
ing is told atxmt hiin by a San Francisco
paper : ;
Several weeks ago he was attacked by
a band ot royalists and half-breeds, and
was forced to fire several shots into the
crowd. News of the. affair reached here
in a letter Monday; . : . .
Gamble went to islands several months
ago to accept a position in the Hawaiian
Improvement Company. Shortly after
his arrival he sang at an entertainment
given under the patronage of prominent
government officials; The next evening
he was asked, to sing at a gathering of
royalists, but refused.: On numerous oc
casions he made himself obnoxious to tho
followers of the queen by his outbursts of
bitter . denunciation of royalty in all
its phases. He personally resented a
slur upon the stars and stripes by a
wealthy young half-breed. A iiatic en
counter followed, in which Gamble came
out with Hying colors. As soon as the
last uprising occurred leouy enlisted
as a volunteer guard ot the provisional
government, and during the exciting
tune following the outbreak he was con
stantly on picket duty. Aiter the rout of
tne queen a sympathizers, uambie was
given permission to arm hinisolf.and au
thorized to act as a conservator of the
peace. Early in March he was attacked
by & crowd of young royalists at a resort
on the outskirts of Honolulu. Two weeks
later he was again attacked. Not wishing
to take any chances with the mob.he drew
he drew his revolver and fired several
shots. Fortunately no one was hurt.
The next dav he was arrested oa changes
of assault. He was released on several
occasions thousands dollars' cash bail.
The Hawaiian laws ant very strict re
garding the use of firearms, "if a person
is assaulted he or she must run away.
Self-defense is a week plea. Several
prominent -Sari Franciscans who were acquainted.-
with 'Gamble's fjther inter
ceded in the youths's behalf with Paul
Sewman, who succeede I in having the
charges dropped.'
"Teddy" Gamble, although only 21
years oj age, has on more than one occa
sion asserted his American spirit.
Mr. Frank Powers went to Yaquina
to-dav to make a trip as purser on the
new boat.
Several Knight Templars went to Al
bany Saturday night. The degree w as
conferred on J. Fred Yates. Oorvallia
Times. . .-.,. .., -
Mr. Moshier, the horse .trainer, went
to Portland this noon with thirteen head
of horses which he will sell in the mark
ets of that city.
Postmaster T. J. Stites will leave on
the overland tonight for the mud springs
of Northern Ualifornia for the benefit of
his inflamitory rheumatism.
A. E. Bloom has ret imed from his
trip cast. His father who was danger
ously ill did not die, but improved con
siderably. , .
Mr. Harry Sacrev has returned from
Alsea, where he bought his partners in
terest In the store there. Mr. Sacrey's
father will hereafter have charge of the
Hon. O. T, Porter returned last night
from Washington D. C. where he had
been on business. He will leave in a few
days for Alaska on a short trip. He re
ports a noticeable improvement in times
m we east.
Mrs. Wm. Mack and Mrs. G. W. Simp
son received a- telegram from Bellevill,
Ohio, Sunday, saying that their brother,
Charley Keck, would be buried on Mon
day at o'clock. Aged 22 years.
Rev. Hugh Dobbins and Roberta T.
Lovd were united in marriage in Oak
Oakland recently, and their pictures
were published in the Examiner. The
groom is a son of H. H . Dobbins, who
raised the money for the new Al
bany College building.
The children of the primary depart
ment of the Sunday school gave an East
er program at the Baptist church last
evening. The large and appreciative au
dience was delighted, and the children
were very happy. The faithful teachers
in this department deserve great credit
for their efficient work.
County Assessor Frank Deakins. of
Linn county, arrived in Ash'and last
week to spend about a month in Ashland
and the springs. He is afflicted with
heart trouble and had to leave his work
with deputies. Eli Rogers of Albany,
who is troubled witn asthma, accompan
ies him. Ashland Record.
A triple wedding occurred yesterday
at the residence of Mrs. F. XI. Booker,
near Brownsville, when three sisters,
daughters of Mrs. Booker were united in
marriage to three young men of excellent
reputations. The marriages were as fol
lows : W, ,H." Templeton and L. E.
Booker ,L. A. ChasUin and E. M. Booker,
J. R. Harrison and Jessie E. Booker.
There are it ree daughters lelt.
Oregon boys continue on top. The fol
lowing from the Eugene Guard is about
a former Albany "kid:" ,A letter has
b;en received in Eugene stating that
Lawrence T. Harris, son of Dr. and Mrs.
T. W. Harris, of this city, is one of the
few who has recently passed an examin
ation in the law course at Ann Arbor,
with liigh credits. There are 800 stu
dents in the course in an examination on
"Fixtures and Easements.' Mr. Harris
was one of the small percentage who
passed high. " Alarge number failed en
tirely. Iu the trial on "law pleadings,'
in which thereawere thirty members in
Mr. Harris' division,, he was the only
one whose plea was recognized as an able
one. i These are high honors, and as Mr.
Harris is a graduate of the university
and an Oregon boy, it will be grat
ifvine news tolsis friends here to know
that he has won such high honors at
Ann Arbor. :. ;
Tom Cain, a Enirtne saloon keeper has
closed his Saloon and will go to farming.
Bavs & Jeffreys. ' the contractors who
built the Ferry and Vine street sewers . in
tins city three years airo. nave maue an
assignment for the benefit of creditors.
"Uo to last aitrht Sheriff Johnson had col
lected faxes to the amount of $83,278 . 85
Tfee roll will be kept open until May 1st,
we are inrtuea.-e.ugene uuara. '
A.-f. Bosranl.hrotlier cl the theriff kill
ed by a train roblwr. has been appointed to
the office of sheriff of Tehama county, the
suporvtsors being unanimous in bis favor.
Vn Hamiuoa was arretted at water
loo last week on tbe charge , of stealing
some tools from a carpenter, who bad been
workinz for her. Upon trial she was . dis
chareed.' Mrs.! Hamilton has resided , at
Albany most of the time for tbe past year.
In the hand ball contest at Eueene at
urday between Murphy and Guiss of Wil
lamette university and Johnson and Tern-
pleton of tne state university the former
won. ' Three innings were flayed the score
standing 2 to 1. . .
Mary E. Westfall. a niece of F. M. West
fall was committed to the ayluia today
She recent' j came from California, where
she was discharged from 'the asylum at
Stockton on Sept, 6, 1801. Suenff Mo
Feron and Mr. Westfall took her toSalem.
- Notwithstanding the intlpment -wijaTicr
there was a large attendance at the funeral
of Mr. John Smith tbia afternoon. ; Rev.
Little conducted the services, and read an
extended sketch of the life of the deceesed,
ravnvred by fiav. 8. G. Irvine D. D.. his
nastor for nearly forty years. It dwelt
mostly upon bis connection with the church
and was a deserved tribute to the departed.
TmtEnoENE Style. An agent for a
steamboat company was in the city for
a few days this week, talking with our
business men, regarding a new plan of
receiving freight. It is to have it come
as far as Albany on the boat, and then
haukd from there by teams. Our mer
chants claim their freicht bills would be
materially decreased by this mode of
procedure, and it is prohahle that they
Will aUpptit Brownsville Time,
Mabbha-lu Guilty. -Frank Marshall,
arrested for indecent exposure at the
school bouse across the Willamette from
this city, wa tried at Corvaliis for the
offense and found guilty.- . He- was fined
$80, which means 40 days in the county
jail.- The Times calls him a worthless
skunk., and turcests that the free nse of
It cat-o-nine-tails would have been about
Tiik Clatsop Mikriff. Tho Budgett
defends Sheriff Hare against a statement
in the Dkxiocrat of a' ase reported
where an Albany man wrote the sheriff
on March 27th, ami was not answered
until April znu ana was omigea to pay
the delinquent penalty. ' The Sheriff re
fers to the Albany jleople interested in
the taxes as his rural friends. , Sheriff
Hare is undoubtedly a pretty exemplary
man, as he only put 70 cents costs on
about tho same amount that Sheriff
Smith put $2400 costs upon. .Tljero cer
tainlv is nothing very serious in that;
but the truth is, t he Democrat has heard
of so many cases where' Clatsop "county
officials seemed to want to cinch people
that it vua quick to jump at a chance to
hit even the present sheriff. : ' As ' all of
the papers of Astoria are chucking the
sheriff under the chin in order to get the
a slice of delinquent tar publication of !
course they take up the defense, and
perhaps tho present sheriff deserves it. I
At- tub Bat. Ex-SuperinU?udent G.
S.: Downing camo over from the Bay and
will remain a dav or two. He reports
rough weatnerat laqutna. I lie steamers
are not running, and hence transfers are
made from Newport to iaquuia in row
boats. Sunday seven people were, mak
ing the trip when they were blown nixn
a reef and had to wade out, including
two or three Indies Thev all had a close
call to drowning. Yesterday four more
had a rough experience. - He was delayed
three r four' din's on account of' the
danger in crossing. - ." - : .
J. he Crkamery. Arrangeraenta ' are
being made by farmers to havu - their
milk delivered to the Albany Creamery
those in uitterent neighborhoods are
clubbing together-ami hiring a single
team to uo all the hauling, the man go
ing about and gathering up the product.
Suitable tin cans need to lie secured at
an early dav readv for business. Mr,
Seeley, the superintendent, is said to lie
thoroughly posted as to the details of
the business. The Democrat hopes to
sample the first butter before long, and
will shout for Albauy creamery butter as
a matter ol public spirit, taking whey in
pay.' ', ;
A Mossback Ctty. The following from
the Budgett indicates that Astoria is the
mossback city of die state: It would
serve some of the mow backs right if
Astoria never got a railroad. They make
more fuss about giving up a strip of their
useless land for right of way and subsidy
than if it were worth a thousand dollars
a square foot, white it is not worth a
thousand cents a ivjuare ml'(" without a
railroad. Every deed should have been
in in twenty-four hours after Mr. Ham
mond made his last proposition. That
gentleman could not be blamed if he
would throw up the job, as few live
men want to waste their time trying to
do business with sleepy and dead moss
backs. A Qceeb Cask. Fred Tietxen, who is
now working for D. M. Drake, near this
city, claims he is the man that Drs. Mc
Kennev and Brown operated on in Dec
ember and that be was probe, and hence
the drowned man found last Thursday
must have been some other person.
However, Vrf. Kinney and Brown in
form us that they are positive that Tict-
zen is not the man they operated upon as
he has a decided German accrnt, while
the man in question spoke good English
and was certainly American born, and
they say further that this was the only
operation thev performed together in
fecember. Why Xietzen ciaiuis he is
the person is a mystery. EugencGuard.
CorTErxrnEBS Arrested. U. S. lar
Marshal Gratly has just arrested B,
Richardson and Frank Ross, at Cascade
Locks, for counterfeiting. They are
wanted in Nevada, where they did busi
ness under a man named Jennings. The
men had been at, Jefferson ; but sent to
the postmaster there to forward their
mail, and this led to their arrest. It is
said that they had a hand in the Leba
non counterfeiting. These men have
only been used for passing the money
made by Jennings.
A Meeting of several republijrans was
being held this afternoon to elect dele
gates to a big meeting of republican clubs
to be held at Portland this year. It was
understood that Dolph men would be
named. The meetinc in Portland.
though,-wi!I undoubtedly seek to heal all
Doiph grievances. Impend upon it.
though, the silver question will le bound
to come in as a disturbing element in
Oregon. , .. ,, .
Tangent Items.
, TASOEst, Or. April 15, 1S93. "
The farmers are all verv busy again
trying to get their spring seeding done
and some are nearly done. The average
ia a great deal more Una year than I bat
of laat year. . . . ...
Mrs. Ruby Anderson haa been visiting
relatives in Sjdaille durire last week
and returned to her home veMerdav.
The nursery men are all very busy
grafting and cleaning up their nurseries.
W.1I. Millholland, of near Oakville.
took a business trip to Eugene on last
Saturday. - - '
Miss Totsie ??ewcomb frout Junction
City came down some few days ago and
spent several days visiting bid friends
here. She is engaged in teaching school
in Lane Co. - -
We notice ITncie Perry Knkditen has
one of the nicest pieces of i,dL wheat in
or near Tangent. If any one wants to
know how to raise lust Such kind of
wheat just ask Uncle Perry.'
Our Tangent public school closed on
last Friday, alter holding 6 months
school and Prof. White has taught us a
good school. There were some exercises
during the afternoon.
We have a new enterprise in Tantreht.
Several young men are learning telegra
phy and have lines all over the city.
Following are the ones who are learning :
Edward MeFarland, Claud Beard, Albert
Hadson, Wade lilevius, Charles K. Ulett.
and Doose Smith. J - ' " ,.
A match came of We ball was nlaved
between Oakville and Tangent. The Tan
gent club came out victoriouslS to 17. '
Mr. John Swickham rner cave a lecture
at the Tangent school house on last Sat
urday night to a small audience. Tne
Tangent band iurnisited some ' choice
music ior tne occasion.
,: Miss Lizzie DLmmick who is stopping
at Mr. Calloways can lie seen coming to
TaDgent every day or two on her bicycler
Is absolutely necessary in order to hare r
good health. Tho greatest affliction of
..the hitman race ia impure blood.
There are about 2400 disorders inci
dent to the human frame, tha large
majority arising from the import or
poisonous condition of the blood.-
The best remedy for all blood dis
eases is found in llood's Sarsaparilla.
Its remarkable cures are its loudest
praise. It is not what we say . bat
what Hood's Sarsaparilla docs that
tells the story. -.
"iNo remedy has ever had so marked
access, or won such enormous sales.
Scrofula in its severest forms yields
to its potent powers, blood poisoning
and salt rheum and many other diseases
are permanently cured by it, ; For a
general Springy Medicine to remove
those impurities which have accumu
lated during tho winter, or to overcome
That Tired Feeling, nothing equals
, , Ktal EstatcSalcsil ' '
T J Philpot to H F W Hamilton,
10.7 aores, 1 1 w 1. ,. 100
Goo Neihert' to Jacob Neihert, .
."100 acres, 13 vr Y. y. . . '. . : . , : . ' 2500
uaniel Archer to Uebekah ' Ann
Tulhn,Noah Finos Vernon,
and Ira Virgil and A Won
. . , CreaUi Veruou, ,by will to
: each 40 acres. . . .. ! :
Caleb Gray to William 11 bin!
Natll'v' CrilHfl. tJ R( ili'rnt
D 0 Currio to A and Maggio btx-
well, 120 acres, 13 w 4
Jiiancv Ann Barrett t il h n V
and Aniiin Hiiiu-iii L- li'jl wn u
Jane Michael to K L Hamilton,
W acres. 14 w 3
Jas Orabtroe etui to M E Church
1 NMtOi, acr. . ...'.;'. ; . : ;'
J K Cunningham to P Barger,
o lots, bl 1, A UrownsvillLV
date Nor. '78. :..-; . .
J H Rbbb to Eliza Brandon.
piece &uiu,J4wX. .
W Dawes tod-: V Dai
' Dawes, S 151.80
acres. 9 E 2
A WDawes to Malnd Tunuliff.
, . lot 8, bl.17, Holwon'a. ad .
liU (Sty . :25
T J Hunt to Margare-l Fcnnell, . '
JM7. acres, 10 w 2. . . .', . J
J L Hill to Margaret Graliam,.
2 lots, Sodavllle. . V. . . 00
A Haekleman to Albany Cn'nm
- ery Assocttition, 7200 sq. ft-et," : '
adjoiuing Albany : 1
Oregon to l'eter Hither, 141,74
acres,- IS w S ; 289.15
Jas McJ'.rih to Jut C Brown, 20
acre, 13 w 4... i. .. . ........ tX
W 0 Brt'wn to Jos C Brown, $) .
. aNt 13 fi.. tSOO
C II CpWe to II U lavidaon,"2
ai res, 15 w 8. -i ..4. . 323
A H Petenon t W C PcUTHn, 2 .
lot,-Ivelanon ..,.;..;. , 30
G P Warner to Chas A Warner,
- 102x134 feet.Ferry St., 84 UHt
: front, cor. First and LvonJt.,
Albany.. . .. .... . . ...,"... ., ..i. fioOO
Ira Cox to Smith and E G lix,
19.57 acres, 10 w 2 4SS
John Ware to Carrie Haiuhett,
I acre.. . . . , .-: 23
J R Stewarton to II V Andrews,
"" S lot, H's 2H ad . . : -2.V)
Oregon to 5C H Rudd, 23 95 acres,
13 w4. ."..:. .:.. ... j.. - ' n
J I Lrown to C I Itevicr, 1 acres
wk r ,
Peter Smith to Andrew Smith.
80 acres. IS w 2 ........
Jos Zumalt to Peter Pmith, 172.20
acres, 13 w 1 ;
D B trant to Cora T Wood, 1 lotr
M and Cad. Albany... ... .
J B MeFarland. C L Frost. 160
acrvs, 13 E 3
A Haekleman to Peter Sist, 2 lots,
IPs 3rd ad
Jonathan Wassoiu to S 11 S.-ttle,
1 lot, Lebanon
C G Hurkliart ct al by J A Mo
erun to li Ljvuigstone, ll'
a.res.llw3 R375
B F lolge to R B Montgomt-rv,
2 til, K i ad, Li-banon 380
The W. C T. L Convention.
The following account of the proceed
ings of the recent W. C. T. I', conven
tion is furnished tliel'K. at by the
committee on publics lion:
The V onions Christian Temperance
Union for Linn county, held iu annual
convention in the Wl C. T. I", hall Fri
day afternoon and Saturday morning,
the 12th ami I&b. IVlegulea were pres
ent from the nine unions in the countr.
Iu the absence oi tlie president, Mrs. L.
K. liiain.vioe president, was in tlie chair.
The presidents rx-port, which was read
by the secretary, aitowed (hat t-he bad
taken much pains to work up an uiu-rol
in her constituency, and thai site had
proved herself euecvfsiul in duing so.
It was pleasant to hear that Albany
had sent two names to swell the polv
glott petition lately prtftented si asii
ington. Several country plai-s had done
nobly in securing umt to the anti-ciir-
arette petition to our late legislature on
the bill presented, and which thev suc
ceeded in smothering at the birth.
Tlie following county olaci-rs werv
elected for the ensoing iear : prvident.
Mrs. Edith Thompson, vice president,
Mrs. L. E. liiain, reo.rding secretary.
Miss Ida Porter, corresponding secretary ,
Mrs. Nash, treasurer, Mrs. Nl E. Gill.
In Mcmoriam.
Sbepd, Or., April 13, 1835.
Hall of Oak Plain Grange No. S P. of II.
We vour committee ar.nointc-d to draft
resolutions on tlie death ol Pro. Chas. E.
Smith lieg h-ave to submit Ua follow intr:
Whereas, It has pleased our Heavenly
Father to remove from this life our es
teemed Bro. Chas. E. Smith, ami the
brothers and sisters who met with him
here take this oportnnity to express their
earnest and affectionate sympathy to the
bereaved wife and friends deprlvel by
this dippensstiou of a kind husband, fa
ther and friend.
Resolved, Thai wc tenderly condole
with the family of our deceased brother
in their hour of trial and affliction and
devoutly commend them to him who
doeth all things well.
Resolved, Tic-1 as a farther tribute of
respect the hail ot Oak Plain Grange, of
winch Bro. Smith was a inviuU r be
draped in tnouraing, and-further,
Keeolved, That these resolutions be in
corporated into the records of our meet
ing and the i-'.-cn-tary lv instructed to
transmit a copy of these resolutions to
the family of our deceased bnrtlier, aUo
to the Albany papers for imbrication.
' V J. W. it.
- ' ' i W.M. Powers.
, Committee.-
BiniE.T at Man am a .Mr- Georee
Sim nee Maltie Schnackcnbuni, who clinl
at Mahama on Friuay. waa buried on Sun
day. . She waa aged 3d year. . . ,Mr. Syl
vester Church was buried at Fox Yal!ey,
Linu county ,acros the river from Mebama,
Thursday. Her death occurred at the
Portland hospital where abe had been for
treatment. Abe vat aeed 67 year and, waa
tne mother of Jame Church, the moun
taineer, well koowa in Salert Statesman
Shannon Conner proved to be tho lucky
man in tks drawing for the fine Colvmbia
bicycle last Wednesday. lie held the win
ning number and it cost him just 9 C-.-nts.
A hundred dollar wbeel for U cenU. ia not
an every day occurence, however, and we
predict it will bo a tong time before l o se
cures another on the aine tennn. Koc
burg Plaindealer. Now what will Shan.
Conser, thu wet! known conductor, do
with a bicycle." 1IU game leg won't tit.
At tbe Roseburir Building and Loan
AoMyi;tlinn Tnemlag (J. V. KczilTtOe WM
awardad a Iomi of f 200 on li months' ad
vance interest and Jacob Bitwr CTiUS on 24
rinintbsr advance interest . Plaindealer.
" I wish to say that 3 years air o we had a
beautiful boy born to as. At the ago ot 11
months he .breathed his last, a victim to
impure Mood. '' On Aug. 4, 1881, another
boy waa born, who at the age of two
months became afflicted with the same
disease. We believed the trouble was con
stltutlonal, and not. common sore mouth.
I procured a bottle of Hood's Sanaparllla
and commenoed -to give It regularly to
both mother and baby. Improvement be
gan at once. We have succeed in eradica
ting the scrofulous blood tretn tbe system
and today we are blessed with a nice, fat
haby boy, 18 months old the very .
picture, of. Health,
all life and full ot mischief thanks to
Hood's Barsaparllla. I am a minister in
tho Methodist Protestant; church, and it
affords me much pleasure to recommend
Hood's Barsaparllla to all as a sate, sure
remedy. . Even my wife, after taking
Hood's, became healthy and fleshy and baa
tbe bloom of girlhood again ." Kav, J. li.
t-ATi, urootuae Btatlon, Missouri.
-, . . Crop Report.' " '
Tho U. 8. Weuther Burejui undcr B.' S;
Pague mukes the following riiirt for tho
week ending April 16: , .,,, , j
The froxtM have, so fur, ilonu little,, if
any dunmue.- Whilu a freezinir Ii-uhxt-
aturu pi nv ailed in some fruit s'tioim on'
the 11th and uiiuiy vurieticsof fruit umm
in full bloom, yet.fog and loudaff.rded4 Mr. Galloway are
proleiUion to tl.e Iruit, fruit, preveuiingf Z alZl
inp.ry , The frn.t, tn general, can tlht-ulseUers front
riu iu tnj Hum , no mr, irom irosr.
Poaches, are in full blooiu In" every
rniinty, or the bloom has already fallon.
(Mierries, plums and prunes are iu full
blowup Iruit is setou strawUTry -ines,
on curnuit ami gooselx-rry lmsluw.
Plowing and needing on higlurground is
almost done; on the low land it ia rc
tarded owing to the ground leiiigyettoo
wet. Fall sown grain is liei oming yellow
iu sixits, indicating u mtnl of warmth
and sunshine." Hops are making a- very
healthful growth and many, new vur,l
are lieing prt-ared f.,r the growth of the
vines. Considerable llax is In ing Bown.
Spraying of fruit treej, ecciallvappliMi,
is ln-iiig extensively done. Grass 1s
growing affording excellent feed for
stock. Lambing continues with the us
ual largo perontnjje W-ing saved. Ho
far, everything is favoniltlu for the year's
agricultural products U-ing a full 'crop,
in Eastern Oregon the hick of sutlicieiit
rainfull is already been The ground
is very dry, which haa prevented the
sewing of na much grain a-j usual. .
Clint IT. Monroe i mcharve of the St.
Charles Hotel at Portland, and Mrs.
Monroe will conduct tho dining room.
Mrs. J.W.lSrasticld went to Harris-
burg this morning, a here he will snemH
liiesumuier with a l.'ter. !.-ilein Jour
nal. . : "" ''
n. E. Chipiuan, master uiechani.: of
hut rT;ii j ucinc ranninu, in niem
Snndavan a viait t. Mr. and Mr. U'vlinl
A. -IoW1!. 111! IS
. - - ---- - ---- -
a of
. , ,- . .
1 rot. an hcoy. of the Dram nruinl
school, has tendere his resignation as
president of that institution, and extMH-ts
to go to Ashlaml to take chanre o( th
normal h Ii.k1 and collegiate iniituto at
mat piacp.
Jerry r. Bronoiiirh. an attornev of
kane, and Miss Mav f orri. a .latiL-hteri
of Geo. B. lVirri. of Eutn-he. were unit -
ed in marruiKe in the latter city last
night. Thev passed through A ltany on
tiie overland this morning for Sjokanc.
Ir. 3. It. Carilwell, president of the
state horticultural society and Ir. Mrs.
Mae Whitney were married at Portland
Saturday. T;ie hour-e in luc!i the tuar
riage as sulemnued possesses hislorU.'
interest. It is the old homestead, and
has Iwn the residence of the Cardwell
family lor 33 years. The tinil-ern and
luuibt-r of tiiis oid laiilding .-re inrought
around Caj Horn in 1SS5. Ex.
Salem la already UcgJn arranging for
a rousing 4th of July cdcbratijn.
The Bcx' Mriad mct FriiUy (n.t
ottmUy) at W. C T. I". Hall.
IWular mor.tLly rnwt'inir of the DtiiM
iug ii Loan AociuUoo Fndjy cig't.
ruewheatm h.ji a r.
tone w the east and in Livpoo!.
The tinmen l'4.a5c pay rar u etpttl
over tlx- rocd thi wtvk; likr tiw ? P.
The Gtt divert m it lgnn tina? c.fjrt
a.lnorM.l i tat of Netii McCbij s-t J
II. McCacc.
Kasw U Vt bate a ir4,!..iSvrii.! nicki
t'atiair cUVLbni-nt. cUiail lo br tte
on!v on- t-tva Portland aal ao Fran-
cicj .
I-inrine i "jTominy a Crtram-in "..r'S a!J
!hrouB l 'rvn The Uem-h-sat it
in Oiaay i.f l' exchange.
The Dtu h BT beg tb S. P. mail
aEt pirlin. It i. a W. F." agynt who
carri the ".ircpwija pat tlx- uual place
at the dTV otit of pur cuedue.
Tbi i A!aiiy year f oe'ebratmg tin
4lh of ieiy. bet u keep oar nswy at
ili!,f,i.UMi.i. ifj
; -- - - s
.... .. . ., i more pieaisf audience probably never
This i pro,r. c;e er-tit. to a rtlr.tfrxra,e,1 in Uie o,ra boo--. Mera
pJnvniix. Swe'Uter, B:odeck. Hoch and Lund are
Four bar trap ui li Wvi-en at !crt j 6 tiished artists on their" stringed instru
A Sx's Fu-y are fr Mt. T;;ruridtfi f i ments, and Mr. Hoch is undoubte-llv as
tis om SaiiUm. A Kai nuty Ur f gjod as Iei-y on the wnet and makes
have been aria..l bi p!.w and l j.ror j oiidtrfal music with the Kotuta tri
making i wbolesai Unow of item. j uuiphant trumpet. Tliev received con-
Ttm target im&rsTl olticed at the liuued encores and Mr. lloch anenthu
lit trtu oi thecir.-uti cjar. was that of siastic double one after bis cornet solo.
J. M. Neil et it , -t llist L5-3 pa;?r j Their selections wertc classical with pop-
mia. aaia.t tsje Ixiiin-jn I'ltcii t o . IT !
Ttnt.T-jie uloot have Jo.h1 tieirdo.-s
in Portland nce Ai-ril li.
A cock Split i repurt.'-l to hate WRimd
in ti.i city in the rv.u f a kon vo Mon
day cveraug.
Mr. Hammond U ta te in Astoria today
to receive the utwidy !ed; but they are
not ready.
Buckingham' Pre for the WbUirrrj is
the lt. hand'e.t. a!&t. surest, rleanest.
roost rconomira! an.l satipfactonr
dve ever
innted. It w the cent-e-uan favante.
Tli UsxorkAT i icfonucd tliat acoot.le
reputilicanii were difcuicg the silver ipie
tion ia a Firt ctr.vt e'.nre veterd.iy when
one knocked the other down. ,
Tlie Aumvilic CTrvrpnr.-lcnt of Ih" 5-a-tero
Journal ay: Jaruc M"jT A" Co
have MtaUiLed ant4ht-r Inn. h meat
market at Lebanon. Th? nieu tbonUI gt
a nth icward for their hard work and en
terprise JaoiM tilks of mo ing to lb
anon. which will Lea emit lo to Aumt-
ville and a x.rre(ii,iin gain t Ic'-inon
Mjor Pot's ir-;y:Oi pirty, thit is
"pending several thousand dollars to find
out wrat any old pilot can tell theju, have
reached Blues Don, MS mile north o Al
bany. They are expected to re.vh Portland
eventually, in the sweet by and by.
.Vo'Bmall "i-jpetion which young folk
hail to the old tint- pring-n;eilieine wu
their niiuseousne!.- In our day.thi objec
tion in removed and Aycr's SarMparilla.the
most powerful and jvpular of blood-purifiers,
is as pl-jasjut to the palate a a cordi
al. Henry Ward !teechr ence inferu-.ed a
inaa who came to hiui complaining of
gloomy ana devponlcnt ft!e!ing, that whut
lie mot needed wa a good cuthartic.niean-
ing, of cc-tirw. mch a mclicine a ATer's
Cathartic Pilln.enry doe leing cffi ciive.
The Spring (porta rfn with a footrace
Tbe ftnlimina.'-ies of a foot race were ar
range! ycterday at Crenwcll lwtweea
" liiHkeM ami a ranch n.ind from war
Cottage Grove named Jim Whitney.' The
racn in to be 100 yards for $150, to "be- tun
April 30th.-hngene uuciter..
1 our o; fcalcni a expert ana invele'-
ate euchre nlayeni, tow-it: Mr. I). J
Fry, John Knight, Theo. Xo!f and T. J.
Clicrnngton, nave gtanett in on a prottart-
ed game in which 1.0(H) points are to be
won, no nitting to be recorded unless 100
print are played. Salem Statesman.
Chief Dilley i in receipt of a neat little
token r a rcwoid 'or nil nerviee rendered
in aipturinir I'r. Uiiff recently. It in from
Municipal Judge Smith of Portland, whose
diiiiHhter eloped with the doctor. It i a
neat utar with the wnnu "Chief of Police"
aitihtically engraved upon it The chief
will be out tiday witolustoatc-ff. nodoubt
Kalcm Tost.
A Sun Francisco ditpiilcu avs that lor
ies of Durant' Jekl and Hyd character
are cominsr orit.; In Knianucl chun-h he
was noted for hi religious fcrvar. Other
reiiidentg of the Mission district ay lis was
a frequenter of saloon and plajeJ cnnl
and billiards in tho wine rooms, nightly
vibiling with other youths, saloons with
title enlrunces for women. 1 1 is classmates
at tho medical colleiro ny Durant was blas-
pheincus and flippant iu c-nversation, and
especially about women.'1, llown on tho
hypocrite who play double l'lioy nlway
bring discredit on cverj (lung thing they
Cheap Clothing.
Call and examine my Samples and
hitv6"y"6ur"nieii8ure taken ior a spring
suit of clothes 1 have received a new
line of samples ol Oregon and .California
woolens, lo soma imported, of which
I am prepared to make to measure cheap
er than you can get ready made clothing.
AH good war raw Utd and fit guaranteed.
3.000 som nles to from. All the
latest Pfttu-ru&.5 4 -riinduto order from
yr""Ti. roll
. V!C; -nil Hi': li ,. .
-' Uo.l. H. McOullttgti, of Afehama, is
W tli ity. ;ii ..ij'bolvM-; lo '-,!
. r. t t rwt : 1 1 . ,i nini ". M.
returiied last nigja,lfm.a trip to Port-
Mrs, Tjus Barker, wife of the 8. P. lag-4
gnge agent at Albany, and her daughter,
stopping at the Asti-which-
is attracting
front all over the country
. 1. .1 .1-11
Thirty-two members br the Degree of
Honor went to 5brvallis last night on the
special train;. .They returned home by
midnight and ruiort oi of the finest
times m their cxpi-riunce, A lnquet V
wassjireaa at the occidental that did
crklit to the ladies of Oirvallis, '
; ' Mr. Tom Kay,' of the Waterloo Woolen
Milj ii in the' city tin his way from
Haloin to W'atcrloo. . As soon as he se
cures enough woolli'e will start the mill.
Eastern Oregon wkiI will son be here
ready for nse, t WoiA will start in at 8
CeOt per JlOUIld,; ;-. ,::J i .M "
. I'rof, Wantofdof th:Fieener district,
was uut ri-ling with a young da4ly, Sun
day," when the pony lxx-auio frix'liteued
in someway .and the Prof, and his friend
u-fre thrown from the rart into the mud.
Thu ihuiv left them in. Uiig condition, and
w us. not found until Uie next morning. :
ji isn immune jameut who was mur-
wm a student ih Wiflamettu Universitv.
ialen, for two yearn, rme.. of the years
being la. Hhe waaahriiiht young wo
man, of excellent character, and once
won a medal at an elivutionary contest
The puldic sale at the, parsonagn yes-ter-by
was wrll attended, a laree crowd
i ' i.i . .. i. :n.. z.
.; V fJl ",i"uu8H ''
am pre-
l iiui at l hit AMn ri.
wa. animated an.1 tlw houethold
, .i"u(iui pnw priav.- ill BIOCK UMIB'I
. sell k. well, hut n,.i- hmnol.t .
! price consi.lerinir tlus 'hard time, tine
cow lrlvht tlO n,1 mmhr tr? - v
! didn't liear what the rithm Immhr
j Jam.-s Morgan bought a fine mare at tlie
saio. i le ay she will be all rk'ht when
"v Kvl ,1"1 to his lingo: Jim has not
learned to talk like a minister vet.
! 5Ir.' Smith 1mno4,t nfal nv,
j at the sale r next! .!.. , i . ,
slixm Anna Pattuna went to Salem to attend business college. , ,
lr, Wilsou.of Conallia, was in Oak-
vi. ib yesiemay. lie came over to buy
some of the household goola at the sale.
Call again Ioc!!
Hev. Acliison will preach his farewell
sermon next Sabbath. . ... :
The match game of baseball last Sat
urday was not a success to the Oakville
nine. The score was to 17 to 18. Tan
gent beat by one score. Can't do it
rn. Aukts.
raixtviu-i Cow. Ifineille is again
J to the front with a gilt edged cow story.
: Our newly re-organized tire department
j has lieen sorely vexed of late by a nnm-
j bh-ti W
j imm4. jjouie of tlie credulous members
j iniu-,l that the old l'd, faithful for ko
j many yt-ar-.had at last Ijecome "rattled
( ur "jked." Matters went from Ua.1
1 1- Tlie mystery deepened until
i half of l lie tiro bujs ' vowed the town
I f"1,1 - "" thM
haunte-l DrvU-d any more Uk-t would
'fw 'i,,r h0..
n!usiea mat ine twn coeHl is 4 nng itself,
t-pc iaily in broad daylight, and set a
guard over Use tower. Imagine their
surprise w hen II. A. Belknap's old milch
cow came along and began to rub her
neck against the timber to which the
tU rope wij fastened. One oi her long
horns toon became Miuagicd ia the rape
and hang, whang, whang! went the old
bell. This is an absolute fact. Review
A Five coscEKT. ihe Mntart Concert
' Company were hearl bf agool iI aa-
aien-e at tbe opera housv last night. A
ar st-ipciions ior encore. 1 lie mosi-
cians are My amited ty Mile Vielle and
Miss Bmcmf. Tba former received a
i double encore in her comic recitation.
giving a lietter entertainment in U-n
minute than Mii Ituilolph in an even
ing. As a contralto she certainly an
art;t. Miw Braem. the soprano, sines
ith conhhlerabla effort and her voice
wems to 1 worn nome, and yet displays
npiendid cohivatjon. Many left the
opt-ra houae saying ''the best ever in Al
banv." Don't Harmonize. The rumored
change in the running of S. P. passenger
trams between l'ortlin.1 and San Fran.
cio by which t he thne i to be shortened
has got no further vet than the "brake-
man ho amnccd for it at a rcoent star
ciianm-r convention, it ia. ieen Known
f.r some lime that. the Northern Pacific
ha.s Iwn endeavoring to ggt the S. P.
oihcials to change their time card So that
the Portland-San overland
train would connect with the Northern
Pacitic tltrougU train which reaches
Portland at 10 a. m. but SsupU Filmore
of the S. P. has declined to accede and is
ftaid to have told the N. P. folk that thev
would haw to change tlie schedule of
their own trains to conform to the 1'
if they wanted close connection with the
latter. Tiding,
Fhiht Witt? a PAsnrea. Ceo. Hyde,
of Kelloesr, bad quite an Mpxcitror fieht
with a panther a few days ago. . Ilia dog
came ujn an old one with three young,
and a lively light ensued in which the
dig was driven to close quartcrs.and was
being woraUsL 1 Iyde went to the rwcue
of his dog, and the old panther turned
upon him. Ho succeeded in keeping her
oft until the opportunity came for him to
(ire without endangering tho life of his
dog, and a lucky shot in the back of the
nocK etretelHM the panther dead. Mr.
Hvde captured two of the young ones and
still has them as trophies of his victory.
The dog was quite ltadly used up. Rose-
burg iteview.
TitKATHK-AfJ The Senter Pay ton
t'ompany will tegih a week s engage
ment lit Albany next Monday. Thev te-
gan an engagement in Kugenelast night.
The lieirister Favs: At Parker's oiiera
house last night one of the largest houses
mat nas greeuMi a company iu cugene
for a long time, assembled to see tbe
Soncfer Payton coniany in "A Noble
Outcast." "The company is a cood all-
round company,' and considering their
immense repertoire, wuiii. consists of
some 25 rlavs. it would lie liard to nick
up a company that till the bill as satis
factory. 1 hey have a small hut good
hand, annil au orchestra that will com
pare with any that comes Kuuene's way.
Toniirht thev will nresent "1'ncle Josliua
Whitcomb,A and a large crowd is sure to
greet them. - ' -
Tiik Hei Crowm Li assd. William
I.vim. J. A, Rothuneaqd W. A. Gibson
have leiued the Reil Crown Mill and will
run it for grist business,' 40 lbs. of Hour for
one bushel of wheat. " "
Whenever you hear a man finding
fault with his" local paper, open it, and
ten to one ho hasn't an advertisement in
it; five to ono he never gives it a job of
print ing to do ; three to one that he don't
take the paper; two to one if he Is a sub
scriber ho is a delinquent; even up that
he never doe anything in any way that
win 088181 tne pntmsiier to run a goon
pajer, and forty to' one he is the most
eager to see the paper when it eomoe out.
Kiddle Enterprise. !.;.
That Joyful Feeling '."
With the exhilarating sense of renewed
hnalth and siren irth and internal cleanll
ne. which follows the use of .Pvrvtn of
Figs, i unknown toAhfti"-
and tin7,
ed but ik
derel jn Emanuel church, San Franci iconl'i'lvat'j aehoolsin county
Superintendent's Report,
. TheAnnual.reprt of , CVunty Haperin
(endent Rntherforfl for the year ending
March 4; Shows the following :
Persons between 4 ami 20 in the "-" ' :
hMrM ih schools, 2324 males,
2i:!7 females..
Average daily attendance. ,
Teachers employed, 103 males,
li!2 (enmies.
Applicants examined, fid male,
Bl Icniiilc
No. failing to pass, 28 male, 48
lcntale... . r.; -;
No. employed holding lfit grade .
certiricatcs, 40 male, 29 ft- " "'
male .
Second grades,29 male, 2o female-r:
Third . lt$ male, 2 i " -.
Permits granted . . ....- V "
5.0. children 4 to 20 not attend- '
-. ing school : 110
Teachers in private schools .-"' 2Ti
Pupils in private hojls, Y.'JA ;
r roal.i, 183 females. , ,.i . ; . R21
Value ol scIukiI houses... flOH&V
" furniture
" ' ' " apparatus, itc. .
Insurance en schoel house
Average ealary of male teachers
. " . female "
fiu pel intendents salary ". ,
Ko. of districts in the county..
. 51,330
. 3:iJ4
Average No. mths schoot taiight
Jsrliool houses built during year
School houses in county .
Graded schools, 11, teachers 43,
' pupils . . . , 1 ,K3."
Schoolrooina with Weltr dic
tionaries "78
Legal voters for school purposes' Jj3,832
Schools visitel bysuptiife July 34
Funds on hand Man h, 189 J. . .$ i.ll.ll?
Amount raiseil by dirt tax 7,4J0.4H
" " from county school fund 1,S04j2
And Co. apmrtionnieot from
i-4aJM4 fund 6.2ii3.Ii
By rate bit Is 123.70
Other srurces. . . 20,721.27
ToUl 77,4f.ll
The total dislm wmc-nts a er 17:t..'2.'.
of which 43,6H.'i.I9 went for teai-ner's
wages, n,S51 .77 for new s--h A buiki
ings, and the remainder for repairs, in
surance, etc.
. Annual County Institute.
The annua! county institute for tbe teach
ers of linn county will be held at Albany,
Oreeon, beginning at o'clock p. m.
Wednesday, April i4th, and closing at noon
Saturday, Apnl 27th All teachers of the
county are required by law to attend . this
institute, and all pp&ona who contemplate
teaching should attend alao. Tbe tpecial
feahrre of tbe work to be d me during the
inttirot will b a tboroogfa study of the
county coure of ctody. and a cia in the
Piycbology. No teacher Mould rcqoire
urging to attend the institute- The bene
fit derived by any peraou from such a gath
ering is governed largely by the effort pot
forth by that individual.
Co.Jjjrt. .
From the Riddle Fnterpris it is learn
ed that one Samuel Wibxn who is hoof
ing it around the work!, called at his
sanctum not long finoe. Mr. Wilson, is
a genuine walkist making 35 mile in
one day, polling up at Ashland, Oregon,
at night, when? he scratched "off m a
numeu manner an account of bis trip
throairh'Mnngry Canyon 'in good shape."
He waa so pleaded w tth its beauties he
rechrifftened it "Nature's Paradise,
near w hich he met Lemati. a sore-eved
squaw, whom he registered in his diary
a a heroine for a novel he purposr- to
write w ben he returns to "h old Hing
iarnL" The Dnorut w ill waper that
Wilsnn will prove to be a big fake when
his history is learned. Everything about
him eoands fishy. It is timi people quit
being taken in by such fellows.
Aj Carftsmafce.
Port Towsskxd. April 16. TLU city
lat night u vifited by t o dittinci oarUi
qnakebxk moving south and nortfc.os
lasting 10 and tbe olner ngbt tecond.
I he q iakcs were ditioct.'y flt thro-jgfcoot
the et.tir peninsula, but no da ma e wat
done. aJ though aooranpanied br a hisrh
II Slaalas toward.
PrrrsBrafi Arril 13 Oil nK,l
5140 bid. 5 av cpUoi. dr.-rrd 10 rointt.
and the third eW was at g 3: then it
started op again and aold at 2 47. bt
broke. aJi at waaofWl .1
The continual upward movenieot has in- i
spired con-5 : in operators and prc-
doasrs. a"d e c ars to predict where
it will stop.
The best and cheapest at Tinkles
Ring up telephone 43 after 5 p. m.
New carpet at the Albany Furniture
Buy new carpets of the Albany Furni
ture Co.
Tinkle warrant his photo to not fade or
change coktr.
Tbe latest effect io carpet at tbe Albanv
Furniture Co.
100 piece semi- pcrcelaia dinner set for
514 70 at F. 11 A'ec
7? piece decorate.! wT.i-PorccJain tea
et for $7.75 at F. E Alien
Silk waists and Sirimr care, the latest
aa J the newest at the Ladies Baxaar.
For i-aiiilevi filling or extractinir call at
the Albany Dental Parlor.
Your picture Uken and ycu not know
ben. Instantaneous at Crawford Pax1
ton's. P-Ut
- New hata. latest styles jnst arrived at
Mrs. Ilrath's. Price from 20 cts. up.
Ir. H. E. and O. K. Beer, office
over Pot OtBce. Kesklesce corner 5th
Calapooia streets.
New background and accessories will
be here ia a few data, cc we and get your
photo taken in -the latest" at Tinkles
' The most elegant Hoe of Pprinz capes
ever en in Albany are now on disphy at
the Ladie Baaaar. Call and see tnem.
No old Roods but all fresh first class
(roods at hard time prices at the Cheap
Cash Department Store. ISlumbcrg Block.
Grand Easter sale of millinery at the
Misses Ball. Two hundred Ot the most
beautiful trimmed hat ever in All any to
select from.
. Spring has come and now is a good time
to have some photos taken. Prop in at
Tinkles and see what a nice picture you
can feet for almost nothing.
Fresh Sodavilte soda water at Hodges
. IF
that the best
' place in tlie city
for always seem
ing first-class gro
ceries. iked gooila
and produce was at I'ar-
ket Hros ,aa a large nuiu'wr
- have already foi&d oat, you
.. . would 1 relieved of all responsi
bility of ruuning around to tet -' "
" what you want at rearonable and re-
liable prices. Parker B.os. serve tho ,
people by treating them well anil dealing
out only good, wholesome groceries at liv
ing prices. t .
.. Awtrseu
iaust Honors World' Fair.
; Ueallitjerxtt Hanklud. ' -i01"9-
-VCSCTA BL siasAMmujt
Urmle frm
' u-nuani 4M
tin throogh
prcvperchai. '
nrU. luy'a
cures ljy.
C h tonic
.mi u f. a I
d-'Htliy poi
; of, joffj
rolii b e -
biwwd of all
il l.uptlrl-
Strrf A " all
lion. ' ;'
Cots tiin
ai4 - Kiftncy-'
lbc impuii-,
" for Yrrctab'.t
fiar i at 1 1 1 i w m
Jir"T-Ti:Clini, U-
girrtni cnHo:i
ru.a ofblcyxt to the :
tag In ear, dinnnci
'I, I oOruionjitt before
f I ie eye, headache.
, jil tMauarM, coiuiipa.
in tba tnclc, i rUa-
foal bmk, yt-airict
oo If. bo.!f and
li tub, (Uc!mrofn-
liJ 'J"l -V toUl
Nj"! f!:ni,, .-- mn.i
if ,3 ' - ie i.T4tiiiiia.
Iot-x, d.zrr curlit
ci: r. .a .
I i44- i'!';tii,:
.4 t. k 1
i i a jj-. i,
t i-i
: Save
iy srauing ua us you can save money
on every purcuase. aji goods warrant-
cu as repreeeniea ana lull weignt guar-
iin. At uiis sale will not lat many
months more now is the time to secre
haivainsta'all tinea ae oat ftm k is Un.
hto felect from tnd new eooda have arriv-
a. . -'
50 the Extra C Sugar, white $
19 lbs bet Granulated Sugar. ....
ae ice Koiioi tat.
16 oi Schillings Baking Powder
2 It Choice Cod Fish
1 gallon Best Vinegar
23c bottle Tomato Katsup.
S lbs Gold Dust Wash Powder. . . .
4 lhe Arlmckle CoSee
TO bars Savon Soap
1 lb Gacpowder Tea
3 cans Sugar Corn ;
3 cans Best Tomatoes ;
4 pkgs Arm and Hammer Soda
25c bottle Chow Chow.....
1 lb Climax Tobacco.'
and the cheapest place to bur your coal
oil in Albany.
Boor avdShok l'rriirntEST. "
!.T5 mens plough shoe., . .". fl.25
2.M ." Fine ' i :. .TI.T3
3.00 " Standard shoe 1.4i
3.30 " Boots fwarracte.1) 2.00
2.50 " ... i jo
2.50 Ladies Pat Tip she. 1.25
2.00 IVb Gvt .. 1.15
ChiWrecs shoes very cheap.
Par Good Iej-abtoest.
25 yds Prints
i Ti F"4 wtn v." - .: " -
- v ii J . r t -
i-' r. '1" X.
rt.. tV , ' '
S Hannel
Kevneaiber we do claim to undersell 7l
j competitors. Call and examine, roods
( and he convinced. So trouble to show
goods and make prices.
Vours for business
II. F. Mrlxwais,
Sj-TBjirn Fkomax, ,
Executors Est. A. B. Mcllwftx.
April 17, 1S95.
Fob Etwa for hatching from high crass
poultry either of Golden V, yando'te. or
Urown Leghorn breed call on or address
Albany, Or.
Scrofula, salt rheum, and aB dieat of
the bwod. dyspepsia, headache, kidney arH
Utct coouihuata. .aad eataixwre ctrcl by
flood" Sarsaparilla, the great blood puri-
aer. - - " ---J'it
Mood's Pill cure jaoadice. 1 iincusne.
ick headache, cot-stipalion sxd tdl liver
pilU. .
Pr. Emerson, of Boston, is the author
ol the beet and latest method of elocu
tion and physical culture. - For terms
see Miss Crawford corner of Fifth and
Ellsworth 8Ls.
Those who get their meats at the Linn
Dressed Meat Market, at Second and Ells
worth street never complain of poor qual
ity, and the price i always the lowest.
Linn County National Bank cer
tificates Avante. Inquire of J.
M. Ralston. ,
vine Cninook ralnion, sturgeon,
and clstn at the City Fish Market.
.'.":. 'W. R. HCBBEIX-
Whafs Your Monev Worth?
. That depend upon where you go for
your groceries and produce. If at Conn A
lluston'a a dollar is a good deal; besides
you cet the best in the market ef both
, ttandard groceries, fruit and prcduce.
40 Loaves or Bread for 91.00.
Let everybody rorae to ihj Star Bakery
and (ret 44 kaet of heh bread for Ji.oo
C Meyr.
Another invoice of !rdie waist just re
ceived. All the latest styles. Prices from
50 cents up. A perfect tit guaranteed.
Ladies. Bazaar.
Hit bath at Verlck1
i ; pa
list Bath and warm room at Verlck'
having pallor
Ci n U 4'tliM at Fred Da wson
Freh buckwheat B iur in hulk t
Flncstationary at Fred Dawson's
Cheap stationary at Fred Daw.
-jL - :?
i m
V k iJU I
i-rf WWm TV-: T ' 1 a-.
www .' fit
i ,t! I mm wm m r
: - Lt far
I Path, at, A'iarok I. h
New To-day
' "5 ' ; ''! z: " ',' '
Laces -
Pointjle V ri
Boiudotr and f)rienlti.
Children? hat
net fr 1 '7 -
L buckles t
& . t V "1
Call and
J. 1 secured a lis
and best earden
Albany, and for ;
st-il it at s.e wt
-4 aa.1 bey garm !
ever cia in your i
Sowi-r seeds, grass I
the earliest corn,
tfitoe?, hyer oi all rsrs"r. .
almoft anything yoa want ia i.i . . :
seeds. What we Vint now is .t r
Gme and sc-e us.
SrrwAaT & -Sox Uakewaee C r.
Prof. A. STAHi
Of Will Stark.
Optical pecfali.s.
Gradeate f the Cri!ro CT?Li'.i..S'
I am t-p-pai U ruiti:E ii. i
and aciccra'e'y. tj tie !a'e tr. :rn-f'--
rftetirr c,f rin -."ra ti a., e - rv -xijv-.
.-iei.. e 'v Ij-,-
int. t hJrrrr.
ere to tive their :
t-uuk likk. A i
OsRce at Sohmeers staUe. AlLicv.
Or. liesidence 5th and Moatgocnerr. "
J. Ce lilTTIiER-
wl work a f pecialv. Over Matt&ewa
4 Waubcrn, Ai Uuiy, tr.
CusK-k Clock
? I, .
Ftiiicg rxd extractin-? ol tc-etu wit'
pain aspe.ialty.
ist cp to
a heels
very w reel
cuarant-ed. Jlonev count;
these davs. and there is no better way to
save $25 tofH Call at HOPKINS BEOS.
and see tlieir stocs of these popalat
wneeis. rxug;ii at tne lactory, ana cus
tomers given the beneht ot tle fact.
Us Keascn To-
ler: Is it to; tet
ter to buy vour Uread, lies, Roi'sCake?,
etc. at a K-liable store where they use
only tbe Best material why of course i
Is you dont want dyspepsia and yoc"i
never get it bv eating anvtl.ini tre-m oa
store. U.V. BAKERY.
Bet. Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd Sr.
C. 1. Vanotke. Froprietoi
t axed wbn Im Si
health by tfctt
v Compound
Cod Liver 01
' . Capsules-.
- "" i 'T Vnserpassed a,
. - v. tV.j pMneitv lor Coa.
tiia,uon. Astife.
" ma. I'-rxnch:
t ' Counts, lciUVf,
T -.-.-. ii t.. ...- rcrftctt.r tastdeaa.
h,N t - v;,it"tiv tvmcxfv" by building
r,-. . : tor --,. -.- Rati rtatvisff vsttt
,-i :.I !v-iirojs disease grrma.
-.".. ; Cut Liver Oil combined
H .- . .. T r; :. sat and easy to
.l,ai .-.ii!." !-J tont-JtSr Compounded
a itriu-tlciit -::ailact.
". K-ttt-.m NJLY BY MAIL. Pro
...i.i ... ..- .u riaipl ol'SJ-c, prboa.
w ii tVKli. O IE VIST.
,v .tr te St-... laitrsqa. Ilia
mih! tiie s,v."," touts n il! Jis.-rfear
Tfcix von .I'i-oniplish bv usinj
vi V : ; iv
incunirMc reuirl ftr tlis.-t$rtt of tbe
Thntat Nose, ami Math. A crrtam.
Catarrh. Mar Fn rvv.o-;a. Cair Ter Thwi. Fel
BrtJik. L'J'NTS or Ci!. 1"; lacuj.
Eavitv Stti. tnU k to rv ijrv.-. jwrsirve run-.
aUwav ril , wtwi irt yrr:. t'.iv witit
till yt ntwst hrv" it j:t it t?
SRSTM.Y I'.V M iji:r-"-' t'trnti
rr mm r sris a
y F a 1 S.E. iatllihB or
V3 mans'. From thai
VI V V that wu: isst. It.
- 1
' fya right punishment.
- v i d . .. i:. .