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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1895)
Confidence ia being restored. That is a fact , and yet there isn't halt enough. Let men deserve confidence. Some do not.- " "- r ; Aa interesting pieoeniifroadlallkTa that of ftuikTaiS a road up the coast past Eareka and connecting with the Great Northern. It will suit Oregon people. Three prominent men ia Omaha eon nutted Biiicide on the same day, and last week Taut Sbulze one ol onr beaV known men did likewise.- The man who com mits suicide 1b tither a coward or insane, ' ut baa not sense enough is insane. ...a - .ctf-vlona are that the new par vra Oregon Pacific are going 1: a chance to go on with : the ,of that road over the Cascades y.5peopb of Astoria are quarrel .mong themselves about lechcicali- and making ' preliminary arrange ieatg. Statesman. - , jThe Lincoln County Leader is theau thor of the following: .' ,.' - H. Wnlf ia irfvertiHinff a' netitinn license at TaqalnaCity, (hing . peculiar - in this, ex will : pat his. house in the ii oi uie cny ii iuv peviuuu fJtwill be remembered that Iwlio is the principal owner Jtlty in Y equina City, has al ii Qusly refused to allow a Ba ft laced on -the land at that ethe : liquor traffic has been t:'ned on from eoowa tied to the shore (would appear that Mr.Hoag must have knged hie mind, or- else . must have odV'a exception in Mr.; vVulf'a favor It is Hews. nsville Times in reviewing native worx ol uie recent legis ts the right view of the follow-1 Jet, except the writer uses the js too frequently : . M5 provided that all tonnty court m.-t feedings, together with a schedule of all exrxnrlitnna ' ntntinv thn name of the w . . .... ... ; claimant, the article or service for which payment is claimed, the amount allowed if ordered paid, or whether the ciaima .have been continued or rejected, ehouldi be printed in one paper in each connty ; in counties having over 8,000 inhabitants it should be published' in two papers. The compensation was to be' 5c a line, brevier measure." A more contemptible ..attempt to plunder the people waa never made. Had ii become a law, it wonrd - bar cost the taxpayers thousands of ollars, paid to party organs for publish ng common and valuable news matter fhich is now, in an abreviated form iMiehed" by all the papers free of ge. to the people. Hofer was the sin-' champion of the' bill." ' He worked Jn lied lor it aa only Ifofer can work 'and lie ween there is a dollar in Bigh "for Hofer. - Scblbrede, 3Ioores and Bnr- ' ligh so successfully opposed the meas- ore, Burleigh especially exposing it.that .it received only the following vote, Hofer V IAII VWfcAUK UBT 1U UIUC1 W lull C It" censiueratioa. 7 Yea: Bridges, Cleeton, Cards, Hope, Miotic Moorhead. Paxton. Rincarson Yates. Wasiiincton Lettet . . Frem cur regular Correspondant. - . . - Washikgtos, April 8,1895. It looks now as though the admims - tratU-n hail won a very creditable diplo matic victory-from Great Britain in that little affair of Nicaragua, and that Great - Britain had greatly modi fit d that biuff a boa, bombarding Nicaragua's seaports. Nothing official lias been .given oat about the diplomatic correspondence on this matter within ' the last few days, but there are good reasons for stating that Ambassador Bayard bas been most positively assured by the British govern ment that nothing will be done in its dealings with Nicaragua that can be ptoperly construed into a : violation of th? Monroe doctrine. This assurance was naturally very gratifying to Presi dent Cleveland and the other members of the administration. The ariival of the new Spanish min- isler is anxionsly awaited in Washing tun, as it is believed that he will have several important communications to make to this government.' The Alli- anra incident is still open, and the be lief is growing lb at Spain is trying to play a douMe game in connection there with, notrilhbtanding its promise to make it satisfactory sooi. as it was in pog'fsaioii of the necessary information. f'oftmaster General Wilson dropped into his new dnties as naturally as though he had been dealing with postal ' affairs all his life; ' and re is the tame urbane gentleman in dealing with his numerous callers that he always was durini; his extended Congreen'onal ca reer. He has ong ago proved himself well, protected against that insidious dfoeafC known lb ordinary folc as the 'big head. The projectors of the new nler party profess to hive encouraging reports from a number of states, bat their professions are lamely discounted ty I heir claims as to ' the etatee of Pennsylvania and Connecticut. The only claim these peo ple make that ielmi-kid by common sense and hard fac, is that a large ma jority of the voters ul tiie county are b:ui-MUi;t. That claim ;s unneces sary because it is known by everybody, but Unit 'ioeBi.'t mean that all the bi-nj-lUi-U are ready to drop their affilia tions and unite in an assistant republi can party, which is about all the new silver party is. , : The decision of the Supreme Court in the income tax cases is dirappoiot ing to eve. y body, and probably to no body more than to members of the court. The constitutionality of the law stands, not by a'i nffirmative- decision, but be-! caue the eiylit j'ls'ices sitting were even-' ly div'uhd . ' ', A '.'hie v ili-iuocrat of the sort that caiiMi-t tie ilis!ou raged is Mr, William'Pi vVihi'I. at present in : Washington;' lie say-: ''The dembcratic'party suffered a bait drfh-at the other Uay, Out, we will, pull ourselves together1 in ' timeior i,h big battle next year, L have no -doubt whatever Hint Illinois will cast hey elec tor i! vote for Hie democracy, providing, jmt our canuiuatf Is made of Business is That Horticultural Bill. f II. B. 2 is the horticulture bill. It appropriates 99,000 for; the purpose of maintaining a state board of horticulture. The powers grantedfthe board appears to be c infiingment upon individual rights, and I have no doubt the next legislature will repeal the bill- It the law is en- farced aait could be, it .will, ruin mRn.y men with whom fruit raising is a minor consideration. A ny orchard, district place or locality infected with fruit pests Or Contagious diseases can be placed, un der quarantine and a guardian appoint ed at $2 a day.' The man whoae place is quarantined mast foot the bills, for which his property is held responsible. ?When fruit peats or their eggs arefound on place they shall be declarVl a public nuisance anrMaimediateiy-abated.f' The expenses is to be paid by the county, which is tOTecoup from the owner of the property. :- "). . As is well known, in Southern Oregon willow and other tfeee are often covered with froit pests, and we can readily un derstand in what a sad predicament would be a man who possessed : a' dozen fruit trees and fifty acres of willovy,ttpon which pests were "livin. Expeiienced orchardists .Inform ine' that .self -protec tion will cause every man to look out for hia fruit trees and that a $9,000 commis sioner to spray fir and willow, tree is humbug...'.. '.. . '"- ',- ' . i -, - ,- Those voting for the bill in Linn coon ty were. Templeton and Dawson, against it Smith and Johnsop. Times. An old story" is revived as follows Christopher Kitter; who arrived . frcm Germany in , the w inter of 1S64, and through the influence of J . Wilkes. Booth secured a position la Ford's theater .tail the- atorr of Lincoln'a assassination Claiming that Boston ; Corbett shot Ed ward Fuclis, an aclor.resem Ming Booth, and not President- Liteoln'a aseaBSin Hitter is well educated, and hiacliar-. acter ia above reproach, - Ha- declared bo assisted Booth - to escape, and that they Bailed for Braxil, May 2. 1S65. He soon left Braxil tnt met Booth, by ap pointment in Hambnrg ?1 years ago.and on that occasion Booth gave him the Dictures of hia- children, bourn to his South Am erican wife "These pictures, bearing a strong resemblance to Booth are now in Hitter's VKweession. - Kitter says he . heard from Booth last winter and he was then on t he South American stage. - ' A dispatch says that there seems to be an impression in some sections at th Weat that the bill of Bepresentative ifermann, to pension the soldiers and citizens who participated in the Indian wars between the years 1S32 and ISoo. passed at the last congress. Unfortu nately for masv citiseoa of Oregon, anl Washington, this was one of the bills that failed. It did not receive consider ation. Ma Hermann says that he hopes it may be put through at the next ses sion. The bill would pension the sur vivors and their widows of the Rogue River and other Indian wars in Oregon and the early Indian wars in Washington-' The bill was5 reported favorably from the horse committee on pensions. The Pendleton E. O. ' man is a gosjd figurer. He handles figures with the ease cf an acrobat. , He has solved' the problem, though, very well.and his head is undoubtedly about level : There is a good lime coming, . brother. Help it along by getting out of debt and staying oat of debt. When more thau fifty per cent of the people are free from debt good times are possible. When there are more than fifty per cent, in debt, on which interest or profits are to be paid, hard times is the result. It is said that the man ia a public ben efactor who makes two blades of grass grow where only one grew before, but id the matter of public institutions these bard times the state authorities have gained tbe approval of the people of Ore gon by combining tbe deaf mate and blind schools under one management. This may not be altogether pleasant to the fellows who are after soft snaps and bard cash, bat it will be easier on the taxpayers. Yamhill Independent. " A 22 pound salmon recently "Caught near Portland, Me., sold for $22 because it was the fiit of the seas3n. One caught about the same time near Port land, Or., sold for about fl, .There are generally about 100 first salmons in Oregon. . That is Columbia river style. A country ' postmaster writes as fel lows : "The Democrat didn't reach this office this week. What is wroog?.. We can do without two meals a day bat we want the Democrat once a week and can't do without it. ' Send it immediate- diately. i ...... ,. . ; Talk about yon r Wetloot; we have some water here, but little Compared with some sections of tbe country. For instance Missouri Pacific stock lias been watered from 3,CCO,000 to $49,003,009 Conceive' of the amount of water neces eary for such a job. Rev. 3. V. Bead,' being u ted for a bank robbery in Portland, is trying to get free on tbe plea of ineanity. It will not hold nnless all the jury aie also in sane. The penitentiary in a good place for some Insane men. They- have a novel way of celebrating Easter at Youngstown, Ohio. I They opa cified an effigy of Judas Iscariot: then made it a target and finally eel it on fire. As it was full of fire ciackers a crackling time closed the program. . , . ; An English paper took a new ana cer tainly unique departure It posted s sign on news stands,, which explains the situation: ."The Sr James Gazette is the only paper that does not coniain the lesiiroony in -uie wiiue case." I., Whatever else you dq don't carry a pistol, it is an enemy to socicly. Take it home, put it in your trunk, and when the burglar chnies get a stay of proceed ing's antil you can unlock your trunV and OUVli. ,f I.. i : The failures rn the U for;st three months were 'much, leaer than during the rst JhVee biouths of l&M A gatnl tigiu , Straws tell wl icb way the current.' -ntii.,.,.. . i ......j.m-.i .mm .ffwtf T'H': .'-! Uvruu.voa--wvuwui ii uie-U: S. are eupporting,-theBelves.'' Tbat'a ' right, girls, itjt'the' men etand aiide,.or. else brace up and Iberiave tliemeel ves. ad tock,ia at low efrb. Atchison il to sll. r imfc f i.i In ill i il to tnllV ; ! - ( I'll tfy W. IT. Harvey, of Chicago, in answer a letter: (rou President Cleveland talks with solid Mnsnnh thn nilvprneih. You rail the attention of farmers and waso-earners to the fact that the exist ing prices, while enabling tbeut to .sell their products and JabjjathijRher prices,; win cause tnera to pay equally nioro tor w tat they may purchase, but you neg-. lect to say that your statement ia not applicable to debts. .., ., , "Wilhpncei coming down regularly and steadily since the demonetization of silver, our tuorchants.maaufactarersaud people' generallv have bean' doing bud- ness on a falling that the time nterveniog between the purchase of their merchandise or raw material' and placing it, months after, on the market, bos removed the margin they would have otherwise,., .This shrinkage, in ..values, added to the ordinary risk and expense of busiues-, has lad to an ever-increasing debt, to armOKey-ltnding period, until it has increased all told, public and private to about $U),OO0iKtv,0OOiA)r about two- thijeda of the total value of ail the prop erty in the Lnited States:; money . and the. debts payable in money ' have been steadily increasing in exchangeable, val no villi the property of the peop le. I debt of $1000, that 1000 Duehels of wheat would have paui. 10 years aco, now rew quires the farmer to give np 2000 bushels ' in exchange, for these dollars with which to pay the same debt. V1; ; . "The debts in existence are principally old debts or renewed or refunded .debts, or new debts contracted to pay old debts, or debts the people have beou forced- to contract by reason of the continued de cline in prices, .-i.iivri "The owners; of proJacts " "must- now give up twice as mnch pTOnerty .to pay taxes aa in 1S73.S' ; Seyenleen thousand bushels of wheat would have paid the president's salary of 5,000 in 1873, and it bow requires 100,000 bushels of wheat to pay the auoaal salary of $50,000. Taxes have increased aa expressed in dollars and have doubled and quadrup led as measured in the property , they surrender with which to pay it siice 1S73... ,-. . : .. . We have constantly point out to toe people the ever- increasing exchangeable value of thece creditors' dollars, and the reason why it was increasthg.but the in fluences of these creditors have dominat ed vour administration and voa insist on I such a currency as they have established as a sound currency. "11 it ia an injustice to restore prices so that the people cau exchauge thtir property fr a sufficient number of dol lars to pay their debts aad bring happi ness and prosperity to cur land, then it was a greater injustice to deaLrov the vaioe of property and enhance the value of money by the demonetization of ,ii-er i .i . i-i- . , - , . and the establishment of a singV gold tiwuHu, hi uiiiao rvuw in. tecuon ol toe larmer and wage-eaxnera o the fact that rising prices will make himpaymore for what e bays, yea shoaid at the tame time call his atten tion to the fact that it would enable him to par his debts, free from a bondage in which be bas unjastly been 'placed and again make him the owner of a hone and a free and independent citixen. You might farthr say to hint that rising prices cause money to seek investment, and would thus opn op tbe channels of commerce and trade, and give employ ment tc millions now idl. Itisnot mora money we want to borrow, bat to pay off what we already owe. Tbe more we borrow, the more we must pay, and tbe annual interest on all other debts, and would likely meet with vigor tbe annual profit of business and products. "By adopting the Earorean policy we have increased the demand for void and its excaaageable value, sail al. money based thereon with other property. We? have aided them ia the adoption of a - , single metal for nrimarr monev that they can control and corner, and they have cornered and forced you to go to them to get it al their own prices to sus tain tbe credit of this great and resoerce fa! nation. We submit tnat this policy should be abandoned aad onr mints again thrown open to silver (aa they ara now to gold) and our stock-of ' primary money increased thereby. - The account of two young ladies be ing killed in a church in S.n Francisco are filling readers with bor-or. They were atrocious crimes, and no one w ill hesitate to condemn thocrimnal with all the energy tbe human frame possesses. Killed in a church, the last place where one ought killed; , but murder knows no locality. There are people so narrow that they will blame the church. How ridiculous. Nothing taught in the church, ever suggested tbe murder. ; A man gets into a drnnken row ia a saloon and commits murder; it is easy to fgure that out; but tbe church does : not sug gest a thing that should cause murder. ' Speaker Crisp is being mentioned as president; bat his eligibility is being questioned.. He was born ! in England while his parents, Americm people, and members of a theatrical troup were there on a trip. The law fs plain on this sub- jcr. Ue is an American citizen as much as if born . in the United States, just exactly, and should be. Itisonlv necessary to prove that his parents were American .ciluens and in Kngland only transiently. ' ...The. Standard. Oil Company as usual are trying to sneak oat of paying their income tax, probably in order to give Rockefeller some more money to spread his name . abroad . as a, philanthropist. Hey aw trying to make out that the income from the oil is rental money. Bosh. As well try to make oat the pres ident's ealarr is rental nioni-y. ... . . ,. .. If it transpires that young 'Jurunt kill ed the Misses Williams and Lamont in Emanuel church," San Francisco, the coorse oMaw; will be too uncertain and slow for justice. -The Dkmik hat disba lieves in lynch law; bat if Durant is lynched the Democbat will close It, eyes. It will him right. , ... ' " ' ' ' G. F. Train, Jr.; a son of the celebrated Georae Fiancis Traiu has been tn Port land. The editor of the Diciiocrat once, heard Train say hewonhi Kve two hundr red years. If this proves "true the son will be. an old. man and pass sway when fiis t.'ther i" l'n't in hiipr"ime.i The District Attorney a't Portland make)) , between,. ,l4,d0d' ati4 t'-O.OOO a year- A fat office that, it ia time our legislatures " passed laws setting down on such (things.., It la. Jacoasistent.' with r-,'v s --1. r e MISFITS. "Albany Bhould have a 10,000 club. i .' ' ATIuntineton saloon ket-per ix niiiufd Grant Lincoln. Dental businewr is so dnll iTi MoMiiin- villc that a dontiat has taken.' a Ciintfuct for grubbing a ton nr-e iraor: ot jw in Albany ; here it is lively.' " ' 'n i. Thnnarlier we bocin on tho 4t.h of July proposition the better the fact will lie ad vertised all over Orcgoiv , It is a kind of news that apnituls.. . In" the six wars from 1886 to 1892 fca- lein ilonbltHl her population. Statesman. No otlicial censns taken, or even directory census indicatoil that; and yet Salem's growtk waa a ery lieatuiy one. 'A good deal of comment has lHin nuulo ovor tho low pulse beatof A. M.,Cannon for some time before hia death, m per minute. One of the healthiest young men ia AlDanv has a regular pulse beat of about 55. The normal is T2. - On April Fool's thiy a BnKks trtore was cntennl by a young girl., Sheaskod to "buy a bita worth of candy." The candy w as put up and seton the counter, when sho presented an old bridle Nt in pay nicnt. . Shegot the candy. the Oregon Pacific needod a new name. The old one has been something of a Thn rirnimn Central will lit the proiertv better when it geU over the Cascades ami to the eastern boundary of the state. statesman. . rri w.a.. a cn.;.Ma;iniil Mli.'t has lieen eiving Uon K. Hofer of tle Jounial j ing fire. Her kikhw attr.ictt.1 neighbors liU. Mr. Hofer offers to send copies fre j who reue.i tor. Half a do-n other fanu to all the Journal's subscriU-rs if furnbih- j houwH in the immediate vicinity were also them. Tliatis business. It is this kind j demolished, but nobody eh was hurt. of 'advertising that generally counie. There is no each publicity as that given by ones enemy. Oregon City sports have been giving . . . . , , .. doing litUe ytrurinv niii ,. , MliHiaT a iuuu shhuih-u ana i.onaav - " ' halem people arc kicking UicwmIvm be- cauee taken in by citv. nn pii unKm iu liitti .. , , . .. . M ! . 1 ..1 I. . ....... u tl,r.MI.,li ii. -I . tl.;nt.Uv imm Port - Attvil ta v v v w. land. liffht,. whiskeiv. man. who can F- ..." ... was email .'rWn pkVpa. iho custom Wing to kick it uff. TtucmninoDto hear some wncaay they would hk? to boot the fehow. The nwo ' T. . . other mail clerks are gentlemen ' J ibilify carefully ex.iruii.ol by savrh lejal A womana club in Vancouver has be-n ; lights a wouul necure him frtf.u trxmble on broken np, and in a very natural way. that se.-iiv. Mr. Cri-. it happen. u The president wanted Abigail Scott IHin-1 born in Knghtnd, of XuterVan parentage, way inriiel to speak: but the members hi father and mother baviog burn nieui-nhw-r-tfvl wrv nronerlv. like a corxi many ' cf a theatrical couiDanv. other people taking any st.x-k in Mrs Imniwav. A quarrel ensued and the club waa dismnded, seventeen out or xeiening. These w-verteen ' nineteen P"0"'1' "-"nP"- - ..... ... .... j Col. Allcv editor of Uie Florence Wet, I wiw was reeeotlv defeated for mavor tv j Alice E. liurns. is Uking his defeat fsophKaHy '.?: pot on the ticket for mayor of thecsty, t-oorth 1 iroawnt region cf Fonuca. and knew notliing of the result of the Fifth Weiaaity of f 100 Ouo.'X. election until reading it in the dali at , Siisk An cffer.ire and defetJiire ai!i Kuguna, But there is satkfaetion in the 5 anoe lteen '.'fcma and Japan, reflection that we w deited by one rr.-v a t.w.,4. ' " Hon. J. K. Blundell has retorned ; tt4t a (vx.aa4toa. Iant:g tie .-niperor ( liome from bis long siege at the state , cane. t U-en i! ttes.,4 ilio tf mi capitol, and does not luuk the worse for p re a at aaeo.l. and awtii!; tlat wear and Udir. EnW-rt.rie. A man w ho ; would U nnjtne to govern aoy !or.j.r.and bas been receiving 10 a day for 21 days work tliat ought to be done in 10, cer- tainly ought not to hxk very lally. What wear and tear Blundell and his fellow committeemen receivetl could not be seen with the most powenul micro - The Albany city crmncil is wresUjr.g with a bicvele ordinan-e. The new fDieanre prvipoees to regulate the fjwl of trav-l on rtrtets-and sidewalks and ivtrkt the aw of dewaks on certain laws, thn mating the law hxal and in- yaliiL Ktatesaian. Tho ""mark, in- dicate that the. ftau-sman do-n t know , -i .... i. ;.i..;.i what it is talking about. It i decjd-' ediy mixed up. . . . .. .. ., . , It was a thrilling moment m the C. - orado irvMiuare. a swmw oi o . tnent was instantly btubed. Meniherw held their breath and the atmoapherj - cieareo. a iaay .i-iuir .r.-, the folds of her dres? , and calmly mir- veve.1 the subdued and sujngated ex- tvrant.1 al-otrt. -Jtr. Sreaker, ' she jx - l'".""1 ? inor'1,rT ';?Ia,,1" Jf the better judge." replnil the gallant rnwidim ofhrer, lMittinir to . mifTor. - Ex. The lnd should mot certainly have playe.1 si this point. "Judging by the onnsnallf larje a- mount of advertising to be seen in the j dai'y press at preteot, business must l- ! . . .. . .' improvine' ssys Aewspaperdom, ana says that certainly ia a good rign. Don't for a moment imagine the em peror of China will abdicate the throne. The Demockat knows enough about the Mongolian race to be able to state posi tively that that is not their style. . Some of onr exchanges are contending that Joaquin Miller is to-) green to t allowed to o to such a place a Hawaii ; that his greenness makes a wrong im pression and is notcreditab'e to the U f?.' Nevertheless Mr. Miller bas a head many men can no', duplicate; in fact no one can. . LEAVES ITS MARK every one of the painful irrcirutarities and weaknesses that prey upon women. They fade tbe face, waste the fifrure, ruin the temper, wither you up, make you old before your time. Get well: That's the Way to look well. Cure the disorders and ailments that beset you, with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. It rejrulates an promotes all the proper functions, improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing steep, and restores health and strength. It's a powerful general, as well as uterine, tonic and nervine, imparting vigor and strength to the entire system. Mrs. Amna TJurCH. of F.lm Crrrk. ItufTalo Co.. jveo.. wriim: i enjoy rood health thsnks to Pr. Pierce's Favorite Pre. scrlritioa and 'Golden Medical DUcoverv.' I was mor doctors eare for two years with womb diae, and gradually -wasting tn strength all Ithe time. I was so wrak lhat I could sit up In bed only a few moments, for two years. I commenced taking . nr. rierce s Fa vorite Prescription and his 'Golden Medio! Dis- covery. and by Ihe time 1 naa laaen one-nail doz en bottles I was up and going wherever I pleased, A L 1 I 1 1 .... Mas, ULWtCH. .d been verv un, ftt slncftrthat was two years and a half ago." ''man and Her 'elpt-of io JsAdflress, TEtEGRAPBIC; A Hllvrr Mrettas. I Dkuvkb, Aifcil 10. -Tho ojwn-nir silver miiKs lueetinir. held from the stmw of th eiiKt entrance of tho cnpitol this afternoon, was tho largest that Denver hiw ever seen. Various estimates vmce the nuniber Drts- ont from 12.000 to 15.000. On the steiwof the capitol and in tho vast concourse of people were men and women of every di Vision uinl haile of ioliticiil aftiliatiou end lielief. ItppublicanH, (iemoorata and popu liNtu stood Klioiililcr to shoulder and fliow 1 by their cheering their sympathy with the remark ti the fjieukera. 8eeches wer mude by ex Congressman Sibley, en. Wiirnw and others. A .oMijr Caartrarr- Sam FitAsotsro, April 10. Theodore i Mirant keeps hi nerves under and excel lent control. L uring Ins waking momenta, h gives little sign of trepidation, even when undergoing Kcvcral ordeals of exum- inatiun and accusation. His calninesa i t haracterizeil as cold h!ooilel by physicians, His slumbers, however, are uot so peace ful. Since his incarceration, he has not passed an hour in ouiet sleep. When bo closes ' his eyas,' he invariaoly becomes a victim of nightmare, and grounn ami cries in terror. His shheks last aiirht disturb ed nil tlie occupants of the prison and pave color to the rumor that the alleged murder er had conimittei suicide. At davbreak this morning, he was bathed in cola pers piration. ; Cueuokkk, Kan., April 13. Late Iait nifrlit a cyclone struck the house of Frank liootiwin. throe mi lea west of here, and literullv tore it to pieoeo, eulbrinff the de bris all over the cornfield. Mr. Gooilwin hmi liis neck dilocated, and will die JIw. Gotxlwin was caunht under the roof i and mimed tattle irrouud. here.othin tk vwi:ni4 imi IlosTOS, April lG.TUe floods through out all New F.t--land lant night reached the higUrtit iKiint recorded ia manv years, aoiossoi me has tweo reponea, oai trreai If. PTrty h,ve been cau through ; damsbemirouTied awav. iUilwav liriilL-. i . . " . .. - - - - , , - ... ; factorw and ceilars kre I ,ill, ,!oag the Merrimac river n . b , . . ar Man- are enU- ' . . ... ! tailed tor bridges. I I riio a I a,ur Washisotos, April 15 ' A special ! trom Al.anU. Ga.. received in Uiis rity. ; says : (aker Cri p is being freely talk- imi rt, rii . . , . r i r ii . ..... . . j i ... i . . r , 1 1.- avwlabie caml. dte f.r the I Presidential nonanation. Tb.t the o.t hn hun i i.-uu, .,,,.,r Mr i 1 ( Xvond ll k A?nt not in htii very pret- q-JtnUon. IVrhaps the nir tetimocv is tbe Uci that Mr. Crip ha had the uurtAjonol iiweli- " Trr-u, c..4 j LtMoxt April 16. The Time corre-i .j.,,,. Shinijh-ii kivi. I.i llnn.l .iimmr. m-w-Uv trpii. that tne) iiraii oi bpvt u MCTei in r'nuonoMiEi t.y. AjTr.1 IC. anJ that the teraw ; ! irt it in.liwaO.vfe M tv-n-a. ( eeoooa japan s retealion ct tbe con- l'd . , j U,ji,K,x, Aprii : Shanghai ta tise S3. A dirpateb frotc ten ai'pr.rr -.-rv un i that the oriet u -J traried arc o-rmpt. j It i aJde.l that the prtK:A.-n:ti-n h.. eaueu gre.,t eiaWaiect acf lbre are , sign t.f a reV-llion- , Kl mlt ut WJ bialar4 ; i.m- n ! .itoku tr.. Apn! I-j. TbeconinuUee ! for ecarir.jj tte riLs of ay throah the ; city strtra ut this raaastRg, and at ntirh i had f jl'.y oce-thiri cf the deed. l!y ' ; rwusr nisFt it exwis Uj Lav th eMin. I n.-ht'tf-way tfciriur, tbe my. i he line i from ttkl to Anuria has bwn mwl, ' . with few excepti-m. anl u;U will be en ' te.ed at once tocoow-cia th rest of the j - right cf-way. I ! , . , . i a irrir Bmu4. f M'Misxviixe. Or.. Arril 13.- -Mr Tratt. of Whits--n. Ute of Nebraska i a I hot tbrtogh both thighs by the ac-i 1 awcharire of a Wir.ctcter r:Oe ; lJ-Dt..i i in the i tanJ, ,,, he( b-Un i. wha wa extraiHinir a CA!iHj fn,ra it far lU o 1 s itU)z frii,nJ The woman w in a 1 ,.(,1 condition, ruirts Tfcia. ; New Yohk, Af ril 15. 8. C. E ToM j an.e! for the Stan Wd Oil Company. I j to,jav. i.j , .. ManiWd Oil Comrary -.ill make if. ,., ;,.. u will rro5 aWy cr.t;tet ' lie law. It" i hoid that oil is a direc direct ppidact of the land I it'gory of rent."'. I it come in the rat aiiw fce le. WasntNcrox, April 14. i.jcratie leaders in V'ashirj-ton trp -,T lmlt i.l ,rr-.i..l nf l!... u'f ii, 1.. . f ,1. II! . .:, I n, -r.i'. ii.f-y tear that the convention t wliuii i to met next June will de:Iare fr 1 free .ilvrr without reservation, and that- it will rot .in a split :c the party. 1 bey fear more ft is teir tie'ief tliat tiiejihu idea ill to othr sljte and that,as a result, the nett national CDnvention may adop n rree-Hlver piar.k atd go f.irther anj dn :.-re for a fret coinage caciiidate. , A Saw I raarltr Flead. Sas I'kaxciwo, April 14. Tt Eman uel Ui Mt church, en itartlftt street, be tween f wenty-tecona and Twenty-third, in this city, has been the scene of to of tiie ino-i atrixioiiH murders ever commit -ted in the tihtti!. Yestetday Uie niut:!.itiil land Siiuriiereii Minnie WiUiaias wa f mnd in th.- Iibnry rf the edifice. Toiiay the dead br!y of lllanche Uituor.t was found in the tower rf tbe Mine rhurch. t he j same hiiiid, the authorities believe. !ew j Iwth girl, and W. If. T. 1'urcnt. the J joimc man nispccted of both criuic. is iiour in ciiMony. TWe Carta baeV KoMK, April 14. S?verai districts of Uiic city, wero nhaken stiveral times bv eartlupiiikm today . The shocks were uWt violent in the province of .Syracuse. In Mouterouo Almo the facade of a church and several houses were laid in ruins, and many other buildings were damaged. The dragoon regiment in the barracks was alaro'td alter the first shk, and wai marched out in haste, as the walls were cracked and wero expected to fall. The people of the town are badly frightened. Kiel named Dow a. I.os Anoklks, ( al , April 14. The Holel Raymond, at I'nsnduna, 10 miles Irom lx)s Angetei) was totally destrojed by lire at 3:;i0 this afternoon. Not a stick of the famous resort is left. The hotel was crowded wi'h tourists, but they all escaped with their lives, . al hough -wardrobes and, other possessions were entirely Consumed. Tbe cause of the fire is not yet known. '1 ho Raymond was one of the most fninous health and pleasure, resorts in the Uni cd States. A Clly .Nearly llnrned. Kansas Citv, April 14. A special dis patch from riatt-iburg, Mo., says: "A tire sturtnd tlii-i afternoon in the iStouum livery burn, and spread rapidly. At 8 I. M. the entire south side of the town had been destroyed, aud tho fire is still burn ing fiercely. Amonr the buildings burn ed is tho courthouse. The duiiiH(re is al -ready etimuted at JIJOO.OOO.'' 1'latUhurg is a town of 2000 inhabitants. Sandny at Pregna Clly. .- UitKOOrf Citv, April 14. "Captain Paul. Webb" and his barrel went over the fulls again today, and as large a crowd was hero to seff him as witnessed his perform ance two weeks utro. ,. ., 'Ihe intrepid "Lieutenant Vaught, "who manages the horse that does the hoisting onbejLisKou, ftaiiwsry & jMuvigutton wnart in ron' w?"?". - u'J, jump from thrt ns(Kwwiiairiige overused. : K ii Gpram, Strain, or Si. Jacobis Oil sVHI Curs It This is lbs wheel that was illustrated In "farings. tbe Cycling Authority of Amer ica," January 20h. lw'J-r. over tbe following title; "1'be Handsome, Model Shown at the Recent Naitonsl Cycle Kihibition.'1 It U tbe WAVxatr ixt mw. and is tbr most admired and talked of hih- grade bicyeje in the wortd today. Want a bieyefe? Illustrated fJataloKue f ee. Indiana Hicvclk Co. Jndianapills, Indiana, IT. 8. A. K E.Gorr,xcfoMe switfor Albany - : I fC ThUntra- ' fSB. ordinar Htr if?1? jursoab I lb mo't wondarfui dticorr-y of tbe ae. It ka beca a- Vrtv4 tr 'As U: k.mi or uror as4 Amrrlra. IsuiMa. FalUnf tca- ooslvlietiriif ct lb rje n 1 otter puts. etretijtfceat, 1 0 T 1 k ormlca aa4 tdnratb C3(irrua. Hatftia eutri Deb I II ty, KenoiuncM. Emissions, rmiM wk ersum I'iitu la i Uck, Im&c 1: ess.' I Ik- hMutirx f ii... eftaro la SO I -'fl3 IIHHOQD '"AT b4ttaufiped SXw zW&t qoWijT. Over XOX priTste eAyicBl. tKaa?M r rtrt tssoatmrj la U tUire. 11 U a ?r;ptocn l4 -miel rlne o! burrfiorvv It cut be I vfrytA in WiSaT bj- tbe tor Ha4Ta. TJ ew Aittrtnaj B5 .'T the iwrlkl. tau o4 l.'U. ci4 Uxama Mm KMicaJ lf.rtt. 11 ti (ho anerol ti-. r lr. Ii a rrry pamrttil, bc trrilrw. frAA fur ft 09 a set u o Kklr far tS.00'jiUia "1 Unsli .-.:ko k:siw j.Tra v cor. If yootey BI DSOK MEIIICAt. IMSTITCTK. JaarUoa lorh.tBn, nmrtirt A IZUUSsa, kaa franriaco. Cat Star Bakrj Cr Vraadalbtn ami First C3KRA0 MEYER, PRCP2IET0R. usmI Fraita Olaas w are I)rlr4 rralta, 1 oba - rttr '. t olTre. t'sssed Jteala Qaeesksare. Vrgelablea, l Igara apie a Tea Tie eerj tiling that U ket in a g-d rie!v and tnx ceryt.-e- High-e-t pr've paid f r ALL KIXI?30F PRODUCE I Hoilgis & McFarland -LEAP IN The next tlung to having a good ilinner is liavinga giKM I'liitii-r .v-t Tho fonucr iiirnif lu-s FUniuli-nt for the body and tho latter adds to the aptietite more than mewt of Uie nostrums tie 1 1 signed for the priose. Y im Lvauiiiui iiaiiern inlioililiinuerand Te Sets in all wares. No only ar; mv lin ner "Set? ami crock erv warall riirht : but in choiix gro ceries I mrry a se lect KIlKg. F. K ALLEN! ALBANY INS. AGENCY I CAN QlVfe jou more gcnujne Insur ance for a gi.oo than any other agent in Albany. ! ' Any sjhool-bny who can contiol pre mlLtna to the amount of f3 annually can srcjie Ibe agency for an Insurance Co., for tuat reason do- dm think that every man who writes po'.tcles Isan "inMirance man.' t"sreii the SUN. PHOENIX, LON DON, MANCHESTER, and NORWICH UNION of England,or CONTINENTAL ofNejrYoik and hava something for your money In cae of honest loss. . Notes taken on frr Insjrance. M J Mr.Rs, M'gr, Valley adjusier for the Sun (ns office London, Hiil-fst ;rlce riitld for ' all klnita grain . , , DO YOU - go calling ? ' If so yon should ' . ; CALL ON usandseoour line of calling carvls, styles, nicely printed 1 00 for B0 eta. . , 60 for o5 cU. r - SMILEY, THE PRINTER' alt a Crearrf, BiKlnaj Powder i i V ll Hi II 1 111 it ft 11 kl. J ae Awarw. - Bruise OUSl 9'- U. C ?iim. llCtmo. Rec,era. IMORTHERN lU PACIFIC R. R, 11 S Pullmaa Sleeping Uars, Elegant Dim.g Oars Tourist Sleeping Oars St Tanl Minora po'is Iolotb Fargo, lirand Forks t'rookston t inoif-eg l!t!er.a and Dute TO THROUGH TICKETS,!.,, TO Cliieaxo VVs!i:ntlu PliUade'phia New York Boeton and alt Points East and South t For inforiuatiuo, time cards, aian and licieucait on or write C (i ItcrVhsVrt, Altect, Alinj. Or. Or A D Chariton, Ael ti-a xas Agt, Portland, Oregon. OiEgon Puiiic Railsoii Oirect Lire Quick Dispatch Lov FreigVit F.airt - - o trHKa r.a qaitsuliii fff-v&3 ' ' aa vmAsosna. Ilo a si s tl! aUni. t ll ti. aiJ arr?a. IliiYa sPib JS.--AT :T,s T-.K. fh Coaapanv raw, rye tte nsn iaTKai-.r t date w"tbtw;t m :r. r"'-r fre'-ebt -! renrr vies s.r o oy ser.t rtfM i Balm. St a C v s -. X St ku usKjn A Sinn often eonvev a warnin?. Warning aiw n. ...It K. .r,... reeled. thee who make the mistake Ne York S d-. lythe penaltv of the error. When I h'Y?r vjnicker than ad eorcpelitors. vwtr svsteni is nin down, there s some-1 or rtea, Uinubjea ad. Jail tntut, thin wronC. and the wrotw mnst N mUonPP 'J V ? - 1 " riubted immediately. The blood is the'.-. HosTRrra, asents, Aibany, riwr of I fe. and the whole svstrni is d- i V,1":.. r- n ranred when it s out orxler. There's ! K lx,TK'y- . C U B"rTr . . notlun,t Utur than Armstrong Sarsa-1 fn ' , par.Ua to the svcem to its nor- f 135Thirif5t,-rort!and, Or. nial condition. "lUood" tells"' nowhere j so much aa in the health. You are, .. n bat our 1,1. w.l i Wk,. .-m.r IJnJ ! jk f lf tl tXYlZ ' J richt bv takini.- n-wlr,,n."! siia.-imr;ils. J A I'VfNIXCa, KVT.4ni,TSIIIKb FH Hammer. Who esa'e Commission Marchaut, 215 and 217 Davis St. Cor. Commercial, Paj Fnatctscv. Cai We pay the highest market irico for wheat, barley, oat, potatoes, tip ples, poultry, hides, wool and ccii- erol produce It will tviT rou to write us and keen rvost. Liberal advances made on consignments. f Sn Francisco Produce Kxch. Member: i ( San Francisco Fruit Exchange DO YOU write letters? Of eonrse yon do, and ahal is nicer han smooth let er paper and wire 1 1 opes for butines corresriondinir. M'emaL a speciality of neat commen ial sation;iry. You should - BUY ENVELOPES of us at once and sec the fine quality and extra hr.v prices. Next tin e you want some iniuue OF SMILEY. " TIIE PRINTER. W. II A KHI V VJ JUSTICE OF PEACE; ' N a.w Waled in the raKicAT ottire, eorarr of Sfa.t and Uroailslhia streeta Altwnv. c. lienta ami Uullerliotu a Siieeialty. ' ' SEED POTATOES. Tho Rose Seedl'mc ia tho best seed po tatoe in the market. A remarkably early potato and a very prolitio yieldee Call at Stewart & Sox's, It. M. Kobert son'a, II. (J. Watson's, E. E. Kinney's Parker Bros., or O. O. Moon's and see saraplea. E. McXSfl.L, -TO -THE' - TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL AS!" R O U T sa S''Lio"2':'''theenter line of the - . , 4lol8rjed irrade of each and everr street in GREAT X UHI0H fiORTHERfi - PACIFIC via SPOKANE, MIKKEAPOUS DENVER: OMAHA ST.-PAOL KANSAS CITY LUWKATEi TQ ALL.. EASTERN idTIi.. ' : -OCKAK STEAMEES -LEAVE POETLApEV ERV: 5 . DAYS SAN FRANCISCO Tor oR drtaiis est1 on CVaaiN Sc Movtcith. Aibanv. Or. OB AlDfc.: ' I ties' i. ?tx'. Aoasrs 'i flt f LA N D. OR." 1 eastand:south f IX THE SHASTA hOUTt . OF 'IHE ..... Southern Pacific Co. Ixf rsss Tijina Mrm Pti&iwt tfail; xl ... ,sa a t. 14 :14. at. 1 Lr Tium As I -3s, s m L I trtj a L Te r m li-ar a L I .nf t4a a 1 Ar Su Tnanm. Atms-atralas ft p a. ail at rtiona from Port a -i I m tlbjir inalusiT. alaoTao-ot,'ij-t i.3y.Hrrib3-a;. Jonetion C:l, Irv.tist. Kii-in-t in I all stations tr ira Rjenj; p A.aiaci laelave . ; a . L scaasrsa slai- , sailt Laaa saAsrs. (Mi a IS a I ur. r kiln A!tJI Ar L Ar r; I " , POUIIAr BUHTT SLEEPERS. Diain; Cart 03' Ogizn Rsc:e SECOND-CUSS SIEIPIMS CARS atla-a4 Satl TVMVfetralss'-:' Se vr Milstaa. nam raartasa a tsauitu an aai (rerpt Saaaa; s a I , IJIral Lr Ar rt5 r. tttika arraasis rams n.r 'Cxcja Soa4r. 4-V'S T3ra Pr!a . McabasrtL a Ml Tb.rosrli Ticliett a3 aiat ta th Cutcn Solas, CxsxU as4 Ear mm W caia4 aa em-cat rs troaa f a ravb.ArcBS Subsaf. . KOB9LXI - r. aoeca Suanr Wit P. aJ tanU Oranai I THROUGH TILKFJS i to the EAST v:.a O e" lULlon Pacific System. ! Tbronsh Pal'.tuan Palace deeper lToar.-t -sieewrs and-New Rec!Hrn ; Chair ears f PAILV IRTI.H TO CHICAGO. i "Jy iusrhi.iui. i . . -Ilwr l VIIITT J-i45, Ma 1 i HUVJ -. Upholsterer -And 1 . Repairer. Furniture of eery description anr? t bv carriage), re-cphohttered and varx:ht. Drop a note in tbe P. 0..-orealtat7tb street, between terry and liroudui'.in, Al- Assignees Notice. :No:lcr i liertbv gieeit tbit I have heen da!y electfd bv ihe creditors of Samuel UmteaJandjT Sn.lih, insolvanis. In lieu of Wm J Stewart, the assignee nam . ti by sak hsrlTant debtor In their deed of alignment heretofore made and fi!evl in ihe office of the County. Clerk of, Llan coonty, OrejenVabd t&4 I hiv ;du!y filed ro v bond as such asli;nee. therefore s'.lthe ci editors of si'd assignor are here by notified and required to pre.e;".t llieii eialms. wfler oailito'Vaje wittdn three months Irom th. date- hereof, at n.y resi dence in the city of Albanr. Oregon. Date J this Sthdiv of FeJ,.lS, TJ IVFFKaN, . v A-ssinee in lieu ot Wm S:eart . PUBLIu SALE. I a ill offer at public anclion, on the . day of April l9o, at 10 o'cloi-k a. tu. at the O-ikville United fresbyterian parson- j-nfe, my CKXieiirr rata re. two unu celts, two years oiu tins spnoir wo ex sllent cw, heuscbold (roods, etc." f One vear'a time will be sriven. with ap proved security, n. all .sums oVer .$5.00-4 Sums undt r o W casn in r.anu. , . A. M. Acitt- , . . PAY YOUR TAXES-,.. ... TV TOriCS 13 HEKEWY GIVEN THAI 1 the iax.rofl for lsH ha been, placed in mv hands with a vs-arrnt for the ejllec. tion of thesaaie. Taspsyers ara -nsquesU- ed to call at an early oate and settle for the same, as provUed b. rtM -warrant and mtuired by law.'-. J. A. HcFtaoar. ; Sheriff o Lino Co. FURNISHED HOUSE for ren tfor fuvr tuontlia (am May 1st. Call oa IW. W. U.Lee.' -.u VI-T--' -:::: -i' r-. 1 1 . n wt.. 1 f LSI t-ribc a vicaui usiboxik ruwucr 1 1 Wortd'f Fair tlrstwst A want t NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHAKCE OF THE GRADE OF STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. To each and every owner f real prop er'y In ihe citv of A"anv, Or gon. -- Yor and rach of you, are hereby noti Ited thart ticoBncilf ifce ci'y cf Albany, Oregori, propose to Introduce and pas aii ardtoaooe to' change the gra-'e of tbe streeU. and stde walks In said city, which provide ai fellows: RtsetUmj "TLattbe center line of the faUhed rravtVflrt street, between Washington street and Lvon street, and Ti,n - strert between l int street and Teiitb in uie lujrn nioany, naii oe eign- teen (18) f ncSes above Uie level of the gut Ter Una of raid streets, as bow estab'isb- wecityTof-AnSaBy. except that portion of llift ureetud lm street, as mentioned I abd, described to : section 1 . of t his orCi- aance, shall be twenty (20) inches above ahi levetof the cotter liceot such aireets." iMeHeti . '"That tbe grade of the deck-tn.-' '.'i'i ideaiks;rsbali be n i level wirb'Tiie'avr.ide'-oL'tue center line of tbe reet no w hich tSey shall le respectively foca'e.';. .-..., tJi n by order of the Common Council of tht. i ilyof Albaoy, (Jrejfon, made by reno'ution No. J. Ajlop'ed by said cooa- fl at a regu'ar bibx held at the council ehanibers. f n said "iity. tbe 9Ui day of April, 1895.-. : v. ;.. ' - Alha?rjr;4orpoa,'iipr-1 10, tSar. , X.J. Oestos. .'. ' fecorder of tbe ci'y of Albany N3TUri CF SAU:CF BONDS OF THF CITY OF AL6AMY, ORFCOV. hereby-srivea that aetled pro- fjo-als will be roceivjd by the treasurer of Albany. Oregn. at his oj&ce, until the knar, fwo o'clock p. m. Thursday. April ISA, lft3.fVr be purchasing rf bonds of raid city to the amount of $20,000. if 3fty. portion thereof. Said lnda are of tie fcfoea.ina"ioo of $!(.) each, pa table toe5rt 3y cf May. lftl.j, bearing in'erest ar Uie -rate of five per cent per annum, pay- sxiie seini-nnuaiiy ; oota principal and interest parable in ea'd coin "t the Cnitef ed 3Uv; at te' Arnerkaa Excbaose Xa- rtf3r.aniank. Xew Vork City, 'iha usoe of said bonds l actborizisd by ordinance so. vZ. p-1 by ibe eoascti of saiJ citv March 26, and approved by th easy or March 24, 1;S5. Propcsal reeeif d will be opeoed at the time aad place Irst above mentioned, and the porchaae will be awarded to toe highest, aad best bidder .but tbe treaarer hereby reserves tbe riynt to reject any and ali bids. Albany, Or., Mtrch 35tb. E. A. PaaKU. Trexuar of the city of Albany. Notice for-Publication. April 12. 1?35.' Laxo Opuce, Qhbgox Cm, Ok. No k is bereW even that tbe foilow- tb$ Esiaci tni.w iiai u :x Ol eia intention to n ike final p'oof in sopptrt of bis c aijt, and ttat said proof will be made befere lis ixais'j .cieri; of Ltoo eocnty. at AiUey-Ur ; oa Has Si, Vs.. viz: C Y Ut3i H B So. felt fcr :ke S E H. See. 6. TWS:K2Xr He raoes ietollow- I . J ... i c-.j . : , : j ing itneer to prove tU ooctioooos rea . . tdetos cpoa asd roiUrarioB f said tansL lecviz: G Ii Heuber. W X Thoma. T H L!a Tocnusaivd AJIrdt,aUcf Ji'Jaa. Or. KOBEKT A iilLLXB- lieRlite J Notice for Publication 'X April 11 7 LaD UFFtCE OkEOOS ClTT. Oat. -. Xike is hereby i.en that tbe fai'o mz earned urtt'tT Las ied not ke cf k n ia -J testion to mzks Saal tn:f in fapportof bis eiafm, mi tfcal said prcof will be aiade befc Lbe roanry ei-k of Linn roac r? at A !ttj. tr , on May SUt 1:95, via: Si-ieon Sow-? 3 E 10.705 for 'be S X S V 1 S tl.S E J S E i Sec U and V K jSTEJfee 15.TI-J-SE5E. Be names ta loi'Owirg aes to inretudw tinooiis residence apoo mad ru tiTatioa of said laad. riz: J hi V.tto". A Jooea. K JicRie. of Berry, Or., and P 31 Perry, o Detroit, Or. Robert A. Milles. RegWer. ADMlX!ST2AThIX M0T1CE. Xofice is btrrhy hi Tec that I hare been jdciy appoiated adimsistraSr.x with the j aid annexed cf the estate oi H. E. Stover, ! J-cv-isf i. and that 1 have dcty qnaliSed as J cch.vherrf.)r-. ai! persons havi&? cfsiau j aa'Bt said estate are beretiy aotuied aad rrired to present the san to ase with ine proper vooctiers at ice osace ot . it. biijea tn toe rity of A ban;. I ica connty. tareoa. witbin nx mor-th from tbe data beveof. 1'ated this 15th Ut of Feb.. 1. 1k. A B. Johsso. Admiaiatratrix with tae will annexed ! EXECUTOR'S KOTICL f Notice W berebv ctTe tLat 'be ooder- S'.Etat-i has been day app-nsW bv the coonty court of Linn ccutv. trejfon. as xecuter of tbe last and t--!iBet cf Jate M'-Mahan i'-owl. A 1 persons baviirz claim suid es'ats are here bv not:Sed ti i-reeot trie sa're to the on ibrsiieuvJ at Hatter. Oreo. f to my at torneys Weal kerf tTii t War. at their oSoe at AibARy. t'rvria. duty veriSed as Vy i repaired. i:t-io six moetbs from ibe date ot tbu ootke. IVted thiserb day of .Urrh. i . A ttvfcXor Execaf or. ADMINISTRATCRS N3TICE. S"otL-e Is h-nrtv pitra that the nder j signed bas this d.ty been appointed by the county court ot Liu" ewnti, ureton. ad ministrator of tbe estate of Jane E Carter, hue of ljnaooa'i. Oreea, ceo-jed. A 4 persons haiinaT cairns against said es tate aie hereby aotifieJ o present tbena properly veriSed to the underpinned, at Al bar,y,Oroa.wi:kia six months from this date. Albany, Or., JIa'ch 23. lSSi Ed. 8- M. Caktkb WrATnEalF VYtjtt. Aduiici-nratot "Atys for Administrator. ADMINISTRATGR'S KOTICL . Notice is hereby given that tbe under -sied has been by the County Court cf Linn county, state of Oregon. du!y ap pointed administrator of the estate of X. T. Payne, deceased. Ail persons baring; claim against the estate of sa'd N. P. rayne deceased, are hereby notiSed and reouired to present the same, doty verified a by law reqnired. to tbe undersigned at the office of The Linn' County Abstract Company, ia Albany. Linn county, Ore gon, within six months from the date tereof. Albany. Or., March 1$. ISSS- rr B.-M". Paws, Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S H3TXE. Notice is herebv given that the under stened administrator of the estate cf 11. M Waller deceased, has filed with the c!er of the count v court 'or Linn countr. O 11 nrtaTttfc6urit "and Ine court bas fix - J - J " - u - one o'clock p m. for bearia; t-bji eJ(OB, if any to said account and for te -ttr ment of said estate. Thir33fchT5 1S9S. E. K . Hrerox, Admr i Waatherfbrd & Wyatt, f ' -Atty's for admr. inc. nrn .1 . w r . . j . a r , .. m r. m. r J ; :K0TICE TO STCCKHGiDL NOriCE IS HEREBVH EN THAT the annual iriee'tn- of the Abar.y M'ning & limg Co. wijl be held the otfice ol C . U. Hu. khart on Aprn2-n. i8?s, ,t4 oVock p.m. of id Cay, for the ropweofe-ecting ven di recto: s to feive for cnc(,r and the transaction of auch other bjinews aiar esaiU com-; before ibe au. lg ij. der of BorJ of Directors. ( . JI, Allk'm. Secretary. i Pre-ident. I f-v -KoUce is hereby fives tha I have the hinds on band" and wilt pay alt county warrants stamped previous tu JCov 14.1394 interest oa the same cloniBjj at this data' tHe-Jidayof reb;; l?95. t r. u.MoBKia. Trajumjar.