Die greatest sel'er on the marVet for disease of the Ltver.Kidneysand Con stipation. Pleasant to take by old or young. No jriping. The root of the Livenne plant is extea v'vely used in Norway for the cure of Tiles. Sold by all first ciuss druggists. Wholesale Manufactures, ' " ANCHOR SCH KM K'AI. CO. Lebanon. Or FLORAL WONDER. gj For rcriiculirs see. Vici l r.onl Guide jj tor lS2i, which contains colored platraef I Vict'sBrancUnrAser. Sweet Peas, Vest- Pifl W stables. Ilibisrasand Cold Flower. Hon- IOJ scribe, not mislead ; histsoawwiTOrend transplanting. Printed In 17 eiffereut colored inks. Mailed on receipt of 10 cents, which may be ddnetid firm first nr-le- Vl-k-a Seeds ccsla the - CHOICE , ,-! KJ SWEET PEAS pi n aasJ . .tVVaUHUMHS WeliseeirrowntonsorSwaet reasthef'AJ rostsuwiuerof aTerr fine quality to I B a aula w B7in our menus a nsu urah Taxieties and colors mixed. Think of It. a ponna oal? 4trta kalfvacad 23 eta. t anarter sonnd IS ess. t ace 10 eta. rtnv n spar atrro Cnwl Charming Pot Plant, and excel. eat fur jpfcfcl Borden. ssA H Rr R.cnrcr LlUt-LI IVi D JKll f -J" James Tick's Sons Ssssea I - BOCHESTEK, BT. T. K'TABlfSIIED .168 F HHaniiiier. Who" esale Commijnon Merchant, 215 and 217 Davis St Cor. Commercial, Pas Frascisco, Cai- ! We pay the highest market prce tor wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, ap ples, poultry, hides, wool and gen eral produce. It will pay you to write us and keep post ed. Liberal advances made on consignments, f San Francisca Prodis ExJj. Member: I San Francisco Fruit Exchange llaasBfiv w;CCi: TTI J Cava u -idTratte-MaTksbts.cia.a!daa Pat. J rntr-i conducted tor ocjbts rti i Our arrc is Cppositc i. 3. P-Ttirr Ore-et J and we on ierure patent in leas liis '-uaa :'ioa trrnote frnn Waslnngion. Send avjdil. diasnk o pboto i?a lewip. 2 Son. We a'i-ir, u rten'sb'a or cot, Jree of .Jcta-7 Ou. f sc not Sue tn! p U.r.: n lernred. 4 a P:jiMLrr, "How to Obt 1 PWteouV with Jeost of artic in the U. S -oo. ruij -coninai tent free Address. $ ipp. PaTtsrrOrree ""smucTas S. , Street Railway Tiie Card The car tti ! leave corner cf Kirs' Washington streets js folio as. -7o a m for Lebanon train. 8:lS " " Oro.ian s MoTe. IX: jo " '' Noo i train (jo'dg nort I2:IJ p m ftr njo' rain trains s.u-fi. " ' Lebanon train it, ' Ofhan I'orrie 4 " ' 9:,J ' ()ver'avi irai; g"ln m(h. For O' t'h Mi' - Ib'rnrt "il .Sirnljy cat 1 ave 2: V :"" 4 3 p The Vi,ii i r'H' .- l irtiom- ng friltll M ITw f 1 "r-l --r fj.- r-'i K.ad. C t, fil -KHAST, ALBANY Ffl all! d i: f i.:'.tri. ll'ianv, Urr. 1 ! "; i ; li e-n;n le!e !i!i- of - 3 - - in - Is :t lrnni-l e. C-.V.3Al.MfNC a , iliv. .del a tf i.l HI. ! li'HIH if mm OPthiiHG New Hats: Nev Ribbons, Movilties, New Fiovjrs, Ornaments, F:i J', ill MuZ V. Jkirli 2Dlh. iiiblHO.il. J11LS ASHIJY. IMtV WOO!). 'HI. .'. il . tyt 'it. ,'' ' . l:e, in f tiwn, faave t ti .hn, II I'ltVAXT. - 1 . Via, fc rernianenl position. sdustwserrlv74J 61 Kiperleace nnneceasarj-. PwuU?L El aommlsslaa to local psaw -(agV W ll turn agents. hMrtjtfmb290om fil growers ot clean. gfKSym. Plett ' Hf nursery 11 4 for tiie orchard, H Ej stock. lawn aou par-fa n. !jr SI -aWewaatyoaww.nllM ut vmVr'ths fruit indoor Vyr3 Import- Good clwnort i?aidTBnil!t. Outfit JK'. fu al- 6-J?rraSa. Fort: t-re- '0"J rX-a ar" V2 a ,.Tt t.fTS&a r lift Rihtai to suppose that an imitation offers the customer tiny gnai-antee like the original does. Take Cottohnc for example. TnR Fairb.vnk Co. discovered it, perfected it, and spent thousands in making its merits known. It is plainly to their interest to make and keep it what it is to-day the most popu tar shortening in the world. But when you come To accept an m Bw a a these guarantees' all disappear, and the housekeeper is at the mercy of an imitator who deals on others' reputation and who profits only by others' loss. To ensure having good coo!i ino- and healthful fod stick right to Corroi.Exit and let all imitations severely alone. Sold la 3 and S pound pall. Mado on! 1? The N. K. FairbanK Company, . st. ixris sua Cuicago. Krw Tort, Bostoaa DOLLARS PER MONTH In You Own Locauty maue easily aud honorably, Trithct capi tal, during your spare hours. Any mat. woman. boy, or girl caa do the xvork baci lly, without cxi-erience. Talking pa necessary. Nothing like it for mo"-ry--jBnkiug ever offeretl before. Our workers always prosiwr. No v.ime wasted s learning the business. We teach yui it a night how to succeed from the fir hour You can make a trial without t-J peiwo to yoursol f . We start yon, furni? everything needed U carry on the bus Bts sficcessfd , and guarantee yt against fiiiiiire if yon jut follow on' simple, plain instructions. Keadtt"; if you are in need of ready money, ar WMit to kao .v all arxwt the est payina easiness before the pnblic, send us jf'" audrcsa, and we wilt nal you a tU-i. meut giving yon all the pavuerdani 1RUE&CO., Box 400. Augusta. Mains FIRE INSURANCE Insure vmr property with Joseph V Tail ir. Tlie Old Hartford, THE NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS AGENCY, or any one of the olht-r ivlfablG Id lin? v m panies he represents. No'eg taken and plenty of tin givei? for payment oti fa i li insurance. All business plac ed with him will be prompt ly attended to. OFFICE. IN P. O. Blccfc, !Albany, Or riv s nireits a sivrt. aw . pramnt answer and an nooeec opinion, write to SI I N tt Ac I O who bare had nearlr Bft, Tears -"-'". VT1 Af""'; Tormatlon concern ma fa tests and bow to ob tain toem sent rre. Also a catalogue Kit mectia'- aca. aou acwniiao nooaa sacs rresv Patants taSen tarooch Mima ft Co. leeeHa speesal notlea In the seteat Be A aserira a. and tbos are sfonaM widely belor tfaa public wttlt ont cost to toe raven tor. This snlendid paper. lasoexl weeSlr. elesrantljlllnrtrated. has briar tk huTcat circulation- of any scientiae work In world. tS3 a rear. Maipt, enniea sei Bnlktlna BdlUon. monthlr. slioa rt enpsea, aa eenta. Brery number eontalaa bean tiral plates, ta colors, and pnotnarapbs of new ear. itaim boasea, wltb plana, enabl inc bm Iders to sbow U sslest dealans and seenre conlraela. Aodrasa . HVXH i CO, tisw l-oaa. S61 Bboaswat iimi C3LLESUTB ISSII7UII ALBANY. OREGON A t. I corps; of lnaractcv CLASSICAL, SC!KT!F1C LITERABr COMKEECIAL AND NORMAL CLASSES. ' o-irw - OI study sJ'rangotJ - rr a !- s- o oi Mt-jds.nta 'rom abroad 'ri.trr- Dave, 7 7f :. . to 0! !-l.A -;:"r??."i t iii. tuncie cala-U r, XA.4.n i.w ,H, tzi S iaij tort.. Ivos Areiei. J ALBANY COL.jKCiK.::::: -r. I Tor A WIND. ILL FOR S35 00 W X J Crawior 1 will sell von an . VV . 8 foot Aer.notor for $.'15.00 12 foot geared Aermotor "5.00 All 8te-l and galvanized afta;r completed -titspid. 'fffit. A. J Apieimiif I'm. . Vta r.,1- .'Aril si. I.. '-J. !(,. tl. riWri. tr.( ti1 oit.'- it 'rlHity, Kiiiiii-ts ut iw'.i'tu :;Kjic Sl!rl;n!iJ!a . .-4a -ws 'tu.) . ;, (' ,it I WV n-a a it i M te. - ni rday -Mifi K. t I. .mi. ffcf i " s-li- trvi:ed I .a .li l'ma . Mtt lo-nt. V - SFrr-iv-t r',i'. t ' ; rrc. i ' lin. . ui'-i '. t i.,.cci . 3mnlolte", White vsyundotles and R. t'iymoiilh Rocks, at the Albany Poultry yards. A I bany, Oregon, rnrner 4th and It It. l-tv. .l.iiiN ll-ax-sii iJEO E FISH i'1 THK PLUMBER. ' Tin roofiing and plnmYn the opera house. 120 COPYRIGHTS. i-. Site euiowat. Theproduction of gold has been in creasing. Gold will always have a good market. Let silver also have one. Mrs. Mtirphy Yes, sonny, I've had a truit stand on this block for thirty yeare. Tim Ryan If you'd have advertised, you might have owned the block by this time. Over two thirds of the people of Oie gon favor free silver. Yoi talk about ailid money, gold and siver with free coinage of the American prodait of tl e latter certainly offers a solid money, one for rich and poor. The citigen nl San Joee who stabbed one highwayman ontol three is reported to have ouahns of conscience. It he has reg:ets iu the matter he ought to devote ihtm to the circiraatance that two of the rascals got away Examiner. Serretaiy Kineaid seems to have some tsckliore. He refusi-s tn nay these rail road couiniitoners yet. lie wants more !:g!it than comes from a pre judiced a lrney-jrenera'. . Any way il takes poor stick of a man to try 'o hold on to a place in which he is not wanted by the maa?e-. The ministers of Spokane are after Mayor Geo. W. llt red lu'tfor vetoeing the otdinance prohibiting variety the aleia Belt signed a petition a-ltin lor the u:d nance before hand lie has put bimse.f in a peculiar poni' ion and will have to li s.mhc li . fjii tuing to get on t of it. The general verdict of those writing to 'he Oregon;? n is that in order to ob tain good times we ronet support lionie industries, diversify our farming, start factories as fast as we can support them, and live economically bat not parsimo niously. Very fsw run aof politics into their anjvrert. Deiioia39 do fiat Cuba has tried on five different occa sions to throw off Spanish rule. It is to b hoped she f ucceed. Cuba it natural ly tributary to I he United Stiles and will never occupy her right i-osition un til one of the United Su es. The United States does not snatch tertit ry 'rom other countries. It should though, use some excellent engineering in geitin; hold of this island Hugh Wallace ha returned from Washington a id says Cleveland will b the nominee of the democratic party next year. Mr. Wallace shojld gJ and soak h:s head and get a l:lt!e s?nse in it. The next nominee on the democratic ticket wi. I be a fie- silver man. Mr. Cleveland has been prcs:d-nt two terms. anJ that ij as long as the pefp!e will e.er permit any man to Q I the offi -e of prisident. Two cents a mi'e is a li'iert! lariff for passenger i ai'roa J fare. Tln-re is some thing flimay in the contention thet the eornpat.ii- ramsut aff jul todrat; the rnb l:c a a t o-cent rate. B-n'n S:an lard A l.st U four rents a mile then? In li uih it depends oti location. It is the same ss any oilier prop n-ition . If the trains are crrwdd - rents is enough ; if i nui:.. -, .. .5.. : w I,. . sneaKinn. l on m:i'. as meil -ck lor a drouth in Oregon aa f-jr rnntoined ' : !.!.,. 4- -ri :u .. . wiii h- fly ing colors in tune. An nrmm e writes ttns; but, a el , lb--signs rf ti, !i:r.j indicate it Th- K O talks ra'ndy of .ve: Fre - ..... - r 1 . . I . . f ...... .. . r . . . liaen.,; oi ia e - e o. uU.e.. itei. a mn:desea . y u.. r. wi-o we.e pas .onate lv in lovew:ui in.-in. e. onisn snonio beware of urn who fail "passionately in love." That love is nothing mo-elhan a form ofextrea;e self br.e--s, or self destrnttion. mbii h itsda to r-unier un der the most trivial di-attiinl men ts. I'haritfbt kind of love is of that order which looks for exi -hanges ..f tfTeeSion and disi.ta.s its. li under no ..the.-. ir- enmstanre Fairness of a xeliange. r.c taking wiihi ct giv'ng. is as necessary to success and f.-u'-tf a', heai'.h.il resn!t in matters of love al in other things. Lcve on an other baiji!l be downward, nil n-iward. " A Wonderful Medicine. The Deilocbt n.enlioned the r-. eeipt in Albany of the first Auii-ioxine. This is ferhap? the mo't expensive medi. ine :n ose. A little bottle containing enly about a eixih of an r-unc"- cost over ' An eastern exrhai.ire saye- There is no nims fascinating stibj-ct than the Anti-loxine I tea niH for diph theria. It is fascinating becj-.u-ie it is so beaut if illy ' scientific. It i-as exact as e-temis ry and it has U en so signally succees'ul in the cure of diphtheria that physicians who have studi. d ir, have no Iu itancy in predicting that in a very f .- years science a ill be able to conquer ait contagions diseases wi'h abs)lute precision. i Hacteriologists insiet that phvsi.-iana cannot determine whether a patient is suffering from diphtheria by merely looking at the throat. A ba.te.iological examir.alion must bemsd- to determine the pretence of the diphtheria germ. Such an examination cannot be made without the proper app'iar.n A lac teriological laliora'ory is necessary The tin.e is coming rapidly when each mu nicipality wi 1 have to eatabiish its own laboratory as it row establishes a de partment lor the inep.e.tion of food Not onl that, but it ill have to manu faHnre its own Anli toxine. It is doubt ful, indee', whether Anti-toxlno ran ever be commercially niaaufactnred The process is xpensivs and there must be absolute certainty of pnrily. UC l.! MIslkLT. h. it :J7c O-its 17.; Fl itir. ii.h i Ifiiltei 20.r , Kg s 2 doa for Sou l,.ird, 12 io l.r-c l'ori-iiitiiis, 12 to 15c, s'lioulJers, 9 to 10."! Si.lec, P to 1 3c. ll-iy. t..l.l 7 0i i.ib es, irto ' Apples, T5c G OS. ', t'Ml ppisite tlicn.iss lIot.ss k ", O-rrr inesl. (ha- i site a e t )sj II .ur. h.y, oafs, r.i. .ei nl li n t roo 7 or 8 i .. ( i o .onlon : 0 I'fw 'it DkafOCBAT ' i ay . lii v . .. ! i . ,, j i . ... ,- . I iha ties! r-lirti.n I hi le itecD'eli"" iransniHruit-eims ume, iutaaniit i - , -., , v uy taat as -n a i -t-xaa is convte.cal travel ,s bght mote will do. memory system,. The ed.wr f the U l. rf t,n 1 M ' to ,!ck the po.l-wa.ls out ot the "laell j ?, f f?"'1 .IH it irt Bri.,. nssSaaiir di-fal tot ! neartr h wadisJ the matter ni-, supi-.fe it is due to the r!.ane .or hoKuU of ii',,.. lse j, ..j, i -vV0M0. Th- ..an call for a lidding j , ill4tne or !S.C tZ dite. n.Bi.,m-i(1",! ,i. l'ii A iand be find, t'le-orderljl e.rret t-a be i aa interna-. ..nal mr.nrarv cMeiraee, 0 term tiie raniards. We would hats- ft,1w ,n wfc; T?,,C hh' a j a ranted bv th Uiited Jitalei. tirocgh Wheniteornesto credit the United , , for the dele at of Fx Sena or Po!pb. or to sw Krw. ti. grt mauled, and we be lowet d-wr w-ild be dveston-rosm. t XaiUvf lvard. tb Stinni wpnb-S-ste-is ali n.-ht. Don't sh.ke ... rar ' , ! the bi.-.bv of Bi.n.s.k Tl. -a there t- far awav to help him out. Stay with i f"1 "K S;.Tlm,aoe;.ttrf!u. u roia la boots at all on that se. re. .Vver (e,r ; U!"ng t g . J de.i .wjt cures W I a .1 j " ' ' , ' " . them Hennie: an-l should yoo neid Mv j '' - T b. I wkat she Widi a. he.-enty taxirse - hut that tl,e n-ople a ronntry iihi im" A,,u ,!" ,,,a'!r'wf application l-"T -ntainCMrs mno ..i nave a rM.nfOWnier.t, just call on ns. and " : rcrt t . force It i oeriareJ that her fo- , .. .j. ,. 'for this a', i hat i-, energy at.d rcs.'e. 1 ' icaae tbecan- me"!l come domn with our Winchester j ttwo roa J a tcsos C'orxrv. Ti.e siier- : j4r are ready to ee tLetr bonis and their II ' rUnf' nK . I !i everib.lv u t .loan to .niiiraa 1 slitttti-m iidiiir.l t.e eaian ot tl.e Ore- biuI hin hter. an.1 l!eii. woe to the t iff of Javtssna.otiatv kiarollecles! f.-4'.ODO ' ritie deMota!! asd laid ?o msbe rather Tliey wil Wn ibeir Imataon. fignrateh .. ... . ,,..,. .i.. . . l. ... Sinian!f. e'H marrh upon Cub and ! of t'ie tl(r.stl t. I v rollevte.1. TK. ' thsas t iobn.it ta what trv regard a na- Refutation of McKInlcyisin. The war-tariff men are describing with great fervor the increase of tin-pla'.e manufacturing in the country. John Jarrett claims that there are thirty-live factories now in existence. A company has been organized to revive the plant at Elizabeth, N. J., which will have a capacity of 0,000 boxes of tin- plate a inon h. It is explained that "Australian block tin will be used in plating' American sheets. 80 much to tin credit of an undisturb ed section of the Wilson bill which made tin ore free (taking off the a'osurd Mc Klnley duty of four cents a pound), and reduced the duty on plates one- half to 1 1-5 cents a pound. Kvery tin-plate manufactory now run ning or hereafter built in this country is a standing refutation of McKinleyitm. -World. Prof. SVaihuurn, of tlu O. A. C. writes to the Sun, as follows, in a man ner to indicate that the wheat aphis will not do much damage this ear : I was surprised to see in your issue cf last Friday a statement, taken from the CorvalliB Times, to the effect that Mr. Wilbanka had found the grain louse in immense numbers on the toots of the wheat in the atuuble field. As I have before stated, myocr columns aud else where, these are rooi lice, found on grits roots, roots of grain, lettuce roots, cab- bage roots and elsewhere ; they are very common, but not a eeiious peat. They ae not and never will be grain iice I do uot wish to be understood as saing that we will not have the wheat aphis w ith us lit x. year, fur I think it is quite pui-eible lht we will have tcnie, Lui it i a pit? to needlessly arouee the fears of our farmers by the circu'a'.iou of iiu-or-.I'ft statements. Up in Sliltaater, Min., tarir rinics at 9 o'clock ami the boy or girl found in the streets after that hour is taken by the policeman to home or jail, a the pi liceman finds iu s- convenient. The p.'r ents in StitUa'er ara rrpreeiittd to be delighted with lis- working of the 'a a,, far and ther Minnesota towns arj ap p!t ing f-tr ropies o! the on! nance lha they a!o may jain in ihe.-ur(w I u-int:s of juvenile re'oraiau. in. Hat by ilraw the lino at sixteen for n uglily youths and h'Mj girl-? Soaie Stillwater iive doubtless would like t nrlrw to ring bus- hands as we! as rl.Ud'ea o clock. Cleveland Tlaindeaier. Albany also has a curfew law. " Nearly two yars sga the Chronicle b.-gan pf'-c'ainiing Spittan-- as "the healthiest city ot ita sit? in the United States.' Again and again the challenge has been repeated, and it has m ver been taken np by any rival city of health in the United SU'es Backed by the an- n-ial report of ll.-alth Otfiier rotter.prinl e I in another tol-imn, the challepge is 1 repealed tolay. What city dare take it up? Spokane Chronicle. The Dxo- caaT is ready t aasert Albany's claim to being a healthier city. It ia a peculiar tart in connection with this statement of the Chronicle tint Spokane has always had the reputation here of brin the rr.osv nnhealthy city in the NorthwrM. Readers of ih I'EuorRvr have no doubt teen a goml mane items a loot use mm. i .: :. :.. ai even .i . 1,,uK"i us"' aa,! ib'" deb:; wit every, i rein o. snroias Let an-xl r.id-I e :na I tl.e i-siie tu I. nit .ouniy. A sainpV ,t f,e aay a road should be bni I is the o-.e rr.ii.- pat the , . j , i " ..-. lent cendi-ion bir b:r;c'i:.g. I' a couu- . Uf raJ ea I uumJi jrro ii maii n i- siwii . - - . . . , - , ,ilk. -ri. i.j .i ,t. , nl,.). ii.a. ,11 .li,;,. ., . . can t a street. IhUe I.M. .Lnver lla-k!en-an an.i a few otbrrc.-nntiy load makers conl no doubt g've our rny of SciaU some poin.r r Deuioc.a's r-.eilnot eu:i.e!y despair. j Al tim' m ' rn 1 -y eo.il.l n-t have ex : l11 ' ' t any l--ly fro... the Bay of Kors.ty to Ih- Un f of Cl.'.ntiia. ttiey elected all i l.e ;. n ofTirt ts in Bridye f.nt, Ccnp., M-veis.' in Sprirgfle'd, li!., a iea- eralteri.-ic un a in other p'aces, to ay nothing of TrXa. The ih-inorratir party t'o'l dead yet. Sun A New York man took a funny tour, e to prove to hi wife that lie m as not a coward, after he had been ralad one by her. He took twen! j-five grain of mor phine in her presenee and rrtiiark-d: Yoi called me a ciward, and I w ill h t you know that I am not. I will hi a dead man before 12 o'clock ' lie only lived a short time. Was ke a row aid.' I- t ai icterestiiig fact thatnocr.e ever read' I in a accounts of Ad'ai Sti v? ii s in's .lack htintipi; expedil ns. St.-veuoi. ia onu of th b?sl public men in the U. S and imikinj a go d rec ord. D will not he surpns ng if St. -te..-ui is the next democratic randi date for preid -rtt. An Kaslern paper in noiinif that two whales hsve been reported off the Mass achusetts coast calls i he rep-i-t a big fih story. That may pess for a j ks in Bos ton, but I'reiident Jordin of S'anford wontd not to'.erate it for s minntr. V.r. aminer. Do nol imagine for a moment that the bicycle will knock out th horse entire ly. With all ili ingenuity of man yon will never lie able fo make anti- orine out of a bicycie. The hoisu will contii.-t-.e to have a bia" op.ning in the rorld Another evidence of lbs utility of tin bicycle is the recent tram robbery In California. The swif ly running silent teed could be driven f.om fifty to one hundred miles on a innotil:ght niiflit, evading capture of the rider, $3000 ws8 paid the Cardinal who per formed the marriage rerriimny iu the Castilane-Uould wedding .Too much for tying together such a shoddy couple. Ary Albany minister aould have be:?. Iliad to take the job for $5. The New York World is peculiar some itin.es. For instance its ai list lumps of tin) fires otlliH previous dy into one pmture and certainly makes a pecnliar ' . ...... an! oiii'inrj i.tjws The creamery building Wgoing up and It win .-.ot iJ mug ix-tore we arc eaitng AlbiinyUreanierytiiil.fr. A. C. fl. in t j bo depended npnu bring rrei'it to our ir. A. C. fl. nit j ring rrei'it fo unr J city. ' SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. There is nothing more timely at the present day than the tjiiMtions pro pounded by the Oregonian, and which are being answered by prominent citi xons. The Dumochat will consider tht m as concisely as possible. 1. "What should be done to promote industry in Oregon V" Rustle, encourage desirable immigra tion, support all horns institutions, pro duce more than enough for home con sumption, bring in a much money as possiole and send out as little. 2. "'V hat is the greatest drawback of the state, and how ran it te overcome?" Mossbackism, also dob: ; but we have much lees debt thaa most states. 3. "How should agriculture be diver sified, or made more profitable?" Cut up tiie farms into 51 to ItX) acre tracts, cultivate more thorougl.ly.ind in an economical manner; take better care of nuJiitiery, attend to drainage and keeps things up. 4 "Are tlnre in Oreuon ui.iteiiul and market far manufa-ttoriee? ' Thai's what. Thousands o( dollars could ba kept at home. Our farm ma chinery, carriages, &c , sboula be made her?, as well as many lines of goods used and worn here. S "Are subsidies a proper and profit able rneth ti of securing permanvut man nfacturing iuJuHries?" No. They should bs set Jown on with hoih feel. exceut nerhss in tl.e way of land and in an incidental ray. 6. "Is it better to enoutage industries already established, or lo invite the in vestment ot lie v capital? Or ahou'.d both be dine ?" First, by all weans aiai.d I y the -slituti jus a!r.aJy here, ami afterwards encourage o'. iters as tue fields are cpeued for them. 7. "Cue the future of the state lie i williiu oure-i ves.or in ti.-pvnde:iee upon outside assistance?" With ourselves; you may bet yjur hut iiver dol'ar on tnat fac'. At the same tint we sliou'd a!a reek to a cure the b--ne3'. ti o itsi.fj capita' as ueeded, lliat il a par; of the neednl ttTjr'. wiitiiu our- Iv.e. 8 "3:ioull Ihere be a utiion ofrilixfns tiaCCott:p!:sii are urn to prosperity?' Tiiere shoal J by au iinuirneF niaj ity. loruntudwe s and. .ItvideJ we 'a 1 I The hogjieh deposition di.p'axtd by mi'tectitns in the fast si.ou'd g.ve place to an harT.oniotis pull lo-ethrr by the peopie of U.e state generally. i cinueclion Mi- Orrgrtnian should rewg- iraijixe the fact that that it not the only paper in Oregon and ehotlld pull (he press uf Uogun tt.eraUy, big and btilc, for the upbuilding of the state. L-t ns ail begin at.d 6r with a will for Oregon, a state worthy of being rrecS td in.o a great coumionat a;:h 1K Your Rest. It is encouraging lo notice that tl.e prirt cf ail cut main W.stt rn products wheat, wrxd, lumber, itve-etock,and fish, re rising in ll e wild a roarke's, aaya the PortlanJ We'come in a very sensi ble ediluria". On w.U ay tliis is bt - . , cause Cimer CU-Ve and went fisaspg. Another wi'.l sav it is brcaofe Mr. Scott was sued for li'a.1. A th::d s-i'.l claim it M.-k-:n; -a ... l.-a t,av-t..l A fourth aid ?roc'a;m it is Itraose UiMissippi i sure t'i go democratic at r iron .i-siiitirf .) . . 5 t I. at. III. , LI aw I . M.t.,loM --- jourus. is past. r lrrau-e the farfT was - "o .i m- , ..- i,,, .1, , . m.. I . eft on pearl battons i I...-, ... ;,!:; .,., ..i,i,! i 1 1,1. I it l:m :ar m'.e re-p.usii I- Ai..er:cn . ihrow' a.-de tbes- foolish ideas and nt i i.rc .re i-l er pri.es lor stVria.ira 'so-s, but pr.ijcipaily bvcause seaiti.e i mtn a3,j auUjfn ,aT '.ra'i.td a es -n work ,,.d iotU U1 ,!lrtr,c ' This is a mighty momentous !-" if,,ra'l humanity loL-aro; and it is never ( t j late to learn it; it can never bi irati ed too often, or nra tic-J too well: D the best yon - an. Il every do this, there w tuld tie no times" in the moild. 1 u . I .- ,,.itM nio.e -'lia-d ' A di.oalch f ro i 1 v read very . ... .... . . I.-., mucli like a story we csea to read m lien . ... a boy ; but this is a true one : Dao urva.it, enciceer of tiie local k?.ey train, saved a voirgc'.iM fromd a.l 0 irg c . tvl ty. : be train a-at i'W doan arade at ibe rate ol twenty mile1, an honr a h-n liryai n..tic?d A c!.i d -)i t!.-i track. I e pu! on the brakes, bat the train rou'd not be st-ippeJ ia tim . It? ya-tt c imbrd down on the pilot and seii ng the child, lifted her up on the engine Then a:o too niA.iy mcnaroc.n l mho m. uid t ke to make tii:ncy tiy J;sroVv-r-ing a itch gold mine containing ore woilha dollar a pound. Wl en they hin t for one it I like going after the end ol a -aiiibow. Tli- men who settle Joan to h t'd work and live within their s iiU tnea i- are the happiest ones. It tak.s more than money lo make prosperity. Mr. Harriion, it Is again said, is a can didate for the pmideitcy, a iep:ive candidate as it were. Tnat is the ku.d of r candidate he has been right along, and by the way, there are several thou sand receptive candidates in the U. ?. In fact tint ii alicut the ir.eo.' m stany of ns. Mr !ai rison is mire t'l-a that. The S.U'-ji Journal gets l.uniarous ax follows: The woman who drove her huatmnd home early this morning alter he hud caroused all night, was doina- a driving businesr. The Journal is not raising a fund for a railroad to the moon, nor a Sue canal to Mr. lloxl, but is selling papers. This will be as great a sparling year as ever. 11 trd times do not seem lo affect the sporting events of the worl I. Men propose having a gond time if tli ;y li iva to go barefooted it order Ij get it. The expense of limning Tacoma has been minced about CJ percent in two years. Tha' is Canciering in kteoing wtih the times. Just at the present lima the papers do not have any veiy homo matters to wreath, with. Oregon pi ri iu The Celestials htitp sabe. In Ne.w York City they hive joined the Kirghtl of Labor. Now why not get a move on? I Im man who doesu't make enem.es is a very peculiar chap. . He is probably Tim is a vei nut '.n business. MISFITS. A naked black woman has lieen irivinir pnvaUs .-lances in (,'orvallia according to the Times. Tht-re must bo hoiiig verv cnltis, ornery men in that city. $10,000 is the amount of the reward for the arrest of the roblatr who shot (Sheriff liognrd. A minute description of the man was given in the DKMot-iUTthis week. He might coir. e thin way. Detectives should keep their eyes open. "The vacancy occasioned bv the res ignation of Ihtvid McCamixh, a guard at the penitentiary, was filled today by the ajiKinimentol ictor I. lxxiney, of Jef ferson. Mr. lxtoney, is a son ot ex-Senator John ft. Ixioiiey, of this county, and was recently married to Miss Shu maker of Jefferson." Thus the "hog connty" swix-s in another pap-sucker. haletii Journal. Circuit court without a iurv is a vtrv quiet place. Onlv a few lawyers, and sometimes several witnesses are present. One bailiff has no trouble in keeping or der. Judge Hewitt is tirovintr. himself cut out for the bench, and (lisiienses jus tice with an iniautiality and good judg ment that is commending him to the liar and people. The Florence West recently gave the Kugcne fire department a hard hit. The Register says: The Florence West in ita last issue speaks verv disparagingly ot our tire department. This is unjust, as it is a noteworthy fact that our lxys have ttie reputation of doing the most rapid work of any unpaid bre department in the state, anil our facilities for putting out tires are not excelled anywhere Svnator Alley, as chairman of the Soldiers' Home investigating committee, crtticiifed Mr. Isaldwiuti management otiite tH-verelv. Ijixt week, however, at Mr. Alley's suggestion, resolu lions were tavwrd bv the new I man I of trustrt-s strongly endorsing Commandant Iiatd win's cour?. We only call attention to this as an incident illustrating the vicis- situdes of a poUlical carver. Uoseburg Review. Astorians in ceneral are iut now dig- cussing raitrotui matters, and since they have had time for relleetion, Mr. Ham mond's success in sx-curing the t2,Ots),0u0 to construct the road wems a wonderful feat of financiering. The amount how ever, paits inb insignificance when com pared witli previous railroad transa. lio: in these parts especially when placexl alongside the 1 10,Um).lMt' mortgage filed I with the rec,rder in June. entitled .1... l ...;.. t I .. n I l ..l-... ....... to tiuarAM.v Tm,t (Wh,r. ( j,cw York City. UliJtiers prl iuryiinadd far a final ruling as to whether he would I abide bv the opinion of Attorney-Gen- -! . 1 . f rai iceman or reject it. rvtorai.t .a : "1 am not ready vet to make a final de- cision; it took .Mr. mieman a montu to make up his n.ipd and put it in form .and I am certainly entitled to reasonable time to study and digest it." The com missioners insisted upon having decis ion bv next Saturday, but Mr. Kineaid said'No." "Well, in ten days, then, sure?" "No " In fact," said Mr. Kin eaid, 4-I will name no sj?cil time, but errise yoar pleasure. Journal, tiood lor Kineaid. 1 , T. . . . . . . , i The Dalian Transcript and Sheridan ,vi,,.mlv on ., term. The Transcrtit gets off the following very ! classical literature alut the Sun man": ? tl a v a- ... : 1 - a" 1 a. I I w .- "--o,o. M.e rarrMia seems ramlMinctious since the leei 1st tire, as be is on the w ar j-a".h again ail wants gore aw fully lad. He didn t liop onto I tn,l.. a wl n.t lin.-f .f idi.l rrtlblsi-.. . w.. sas as, - - - - - - I But nut d then, kesp your t-x- u. d v arjd your clam bushes well cul:i- - ....... ... . i., v roase down and no ti.-!;r.g with vou. Iv.m-i..e. P..r,.. -, ' -;.- for its deiin-tth-nt s!ilrrila-r in the Mhrx tn z very energt-'ic tuanjier ,. .... t .t : u ,n which fian-ou.e la th-.- tiint where! inu--isin t.ioro s;iK-t anliai thai prom- ! ;i-e. inut Ik' lortbi-otiiini. e d not ask voti toeorne an l make o a rift, bat j m ill anve vou my decision ntst as soon as - uas l-en isirunn? lor rouie time w ith i 111 S IA I -t" wa jsa. .IS 1 HIV J r1 a . 1 1 a ai mi aaa as- . va. ' S va a - -- - . If 'this does not snit. or if I am too slow, hand.ome new brick Wort in Ashland.to ,ueLt t"B : j we da say that tiie money owel by our ' p' n , deiimjucn'.s mu-t la- paid or srv millltb t t . . . , . i - .... i"him i" me r;n iiif.u;i mai aia.u-. one- , uan sue jjiui.-. in tins rwanty are mm ' of any twineiide eseept svlfishne. u II vo l mailt votir ll-r ra.l in and tsav f... ., ,' . . . . 4 . ... w fil .. . ! i. mrt ! of horn-! i.iea awl pay lor what yon have ii.t.i. mm lore - us io oim.t ymi ; bilks anl p,-rini trying t reap the la-:ieii!s of .oir lab.r anl expense. Fer - j naps tiiose wiio u lor sutascriptions are ' n'.ii aw.-.rv oi tiie lan. . niitw me .i-ar . ., ... . , ,, . I frm them tins month we shall be corn- j ,n lo notify th?m by publishing a list t ... . , - i i ot delinquents, wiln amounts due. i Ctosisa ExraptsB. The academy at la-banon closed "ast night W'.th appropri ate exercises. There were two graduates Ilda Klkins and V. H. Ross. Following was the program : Piano duet Man-he De ronip'urs, Watson. Misses Bessie and Katie Miller. Invocation. Slo Win n the Heart is Young, Dud ley Ruck, lld.i FJkin. Oration The Power of Habit, W. H. Ross. Solo The Mighty d-p, Judo, J. B. Marks. I-issav and Valedictory, Making the Best of Tbincs, Ilda Klkins. Song Twilight, Williams, E. E. Al- drich. Addn-ss Rev. J. H. IVattie. Sing I Lightly Flv, Arditi, Hattie Warner. Conferring Diplomas and certificates ot pnuiotion. Piano Duet Wandering Jew, Burg- nituier, I l:ltio arnar and Ilda Klkids Ik-ntHliction. Srvek.xi. Sales Tiie following real : stats vtU-s were completed today: U v . Mastan and w lfe to J . V. Cusick snd wife, residence property on Lycn St Consider ut ion aJ4.!!00. J. W. Cusick and ifotoO W. MasUn and y.fe, blocks 9, II, 12, 13. 14 and 15. censistiu of 48 lots and house in Cusick 's a ldition ta Albany. Consideration. o.OJO. J. W. Cuick and wi to C. K. V'ol vcrif.n bloi ka 8. 7, 18, 17, If and N. b!. 9.N. hi. 2 in Cusick s addition, con sisting of 50 lota. Consideration, t,000. The Lungs are nearer the back than the chest. In case of sud den congestion, put an AHcock's Porous Plaster high up between the shoul der blades. It will give re Hcf, and ward off worse results. It cures rheuma tism, sprains, lame back, and all similar troubles. None are eonnl to the cenalaaDo not only ask for, but sea that yoa rxrt -Auxoca's.- Allcock'a Corn Shields, ' Allcock'a Bunion Shields, Has no equal as a relief and cum (or cores ana bunions. Brandreth's Pills free tho system from injurious seore Uons. . Thoro la no rotnody like thorn. CIRCUIT COURT. In the matter of the assignment of The Or,.Kou Mctalic I'aintCo. Assignment. Continued. In the trinlter of the assignment of I rotwt & Butler. Assignment. Contin ued. In the matter of tin J alignment of Isaac IJeam. Assignment. Continued. James Rrook agt Jo M Nichols, lore, of Chfl Mfg. Arguwi and sub inittcd. J O Duwhnell ant Frank I) Wood et al. Foreclosure of Mt'g. Continued. Flora K Clifton agt A J Clifton, di vorce. i ran ted. Mary K Johnson airt Chariest I'.rhrt(. et al, foreclosure mortgage. Judgment lor pimiitiir. - Mary J Henderson a't Jacob W Ifi-n. derson, divorce. Judgnient for plaintiff. M J Anderson agt S Anderson. Di vorce. Tried and submitted. J Shea agt J Menear tit al. Foreclosure. Judgment for plaintiff. Ruth Trinwith attt Harry Trinwith. Divorce, Tried and submitted. Nellie C Brush agt C L Bureh. Di vorce, tried and submitted. L J Houck et alasrt W K Vernon et al. Partition. Partition derided. Jas Klkins appomteit to make partition. In the matter of asHiirnment of Ifenrv F Pound. Assignment. Final account a) .'owed and aignee discharged. Olivia li Keaton agt ISenjimiri Cutler Ct al, foreclosure mortgage. Cantiriued. William Hhtiluresp. agt C C Hamon app, appeal from justice court. Review sustained and judgment reversed. J Iurent agt E J Lanning et al. Foreclosure. In-mt for plaintiff. At torneys fee set at ISoO. Ruth Trinwith agt Henry Trinwith. Divorce granted. Plaintiff award-l cus tody of child. Nellie C P.rud. agtC L Itrai-h. Divorce ' ,art ovr' T "' IU Prt-Inteili-Kmnte,! 1 gw and manager A the soamibto In the cost- of J. A. Kurtevant at J. in tl- bathr-a, f V,U re--t ier.ee at 0 i 0'a!, n'' u.o!i a nariK oi ,...o.., r m.ni axes man ojH-nc"! uy ior county, ciera tijts forenoin. The refen-e found that the defendant J. M. RaUton wa not liable lor tlieciaini oltbe plaintiff and n-ndere.1 ; Ut, he bU roora & iraj tise-utom, aud a verdict in his favor. A judgment was s ,h-?o found vsat dead, rendert'l agaiint J. I.. Cowan for tiie s amount ak.-l over 40l. The ca.- wi.l VM c " rcnie np U-fore Judge Buriielt for con- Wini:;iiTos, April 5. Rrpcrts that fJrmation. Judge? Burtielt will hoi 1 ; tl.e BritUh wa-sbip Rc;al Arthur has court for aw hi.e on Monday. ; tmt:ted at Panama oo her way te Nicara- Judge Hewitt adjitim-d court until I rua to -nf.rce British dernaad. canse n xt Thnrxlay afu-r transacting the foi- ; ti'me ar j rehenir among u&Ai asd di low ing alditioiuil bu-itie!'. -yl,tnM here. lf Ho-al Arthur is the J I. Houck. c-t al at W J Venwnet al. 1 ffashio of tfie Pa.-ia; .i ia.ir.n. and tar Partition. Partition d -cr. e l. Ja K!kir. : rs 11-at Admiral H-ibKi?ou. K. C. ?. apjiiitt-d to make pardUon. J M Arthur agt TN Humt.hrey et fore-kure. Ju-imeiit for plainti?. al, L & II terhard agt Geo P Warner et al. Sale t-rt a-i-le, decree o;j-i!el and W A Buckner allowed to file hi answer, wmcu lias rii-en me i. hii th principal conditions l,e B Shepherd at John 31i!T,et al. t of pew include tLe inkf?ndaceof Ccrea. Demurrer rastaincl and ratise dt.-xuisel. j Ue payinet.t of n indemnity of 430 CjO. Aj:gnment of M li Hearn. ContiuueL 0 I and the cession to fanan r4 For M J Anderson agt S Anderson, divorr. '' aQJ L?: fading Port Artfcnr. Divorxv tot trranted ; The cesswn A laaj Tunz and Pott Artnar ; are objected to by the Chinee. A Bio Sciirnc A former Alltny man i cvider.tiv 1.4ng SUM live nuihrnr. Hotel Oregon. He has Lad the plan. ..re.rp.t fcar .mlim.. and K. i,...! the Tiding, ve.ler.lav tl,at a toial of m - 000 ha I tai-n suLsi-riUJ here in the stock of the new enterprise and he was confident that a joint stock company would t-5-oryanra.-idthe work ion'e ahea.lwith. Mr. IVnnnt aava he will go to Portland this week and will try to enlist tiie aid of parties there mho are Milereated in Ashland lo te scheme and rill then return and pn-h ibe? organisa- S . t V - si... . I. ,., ; -( . tra ? "V I.H I A tlsC S i 51 'J l-V ! tv MywriU-l bv law St-rifi' Patterson sbas totv all his depu:ieou! of hi- sal - an i ue Ml'Tiii iKi: ,liiUji rt. .lie taxi paver- hk-hlv on their crand effer: id 1 ravine tin so wrii and mithotst anv an- I novanoe or ticking. IX-putv Treaurer t l.. I.. j.iC5t nsiiie a i.:ii sestien.en! wun 3 ,1. I... ,,.. t ;i,CX of Lis taxes ' " " " W'oslKS O.'IICES-. At the Florence the women carried -etion this week e dav. elv-!i:i t:i; foiloaria - ticket: '.. ... .. .. i rrvsi-leni. Aikm 1.. I ir.1: town coun- ', II -piie Matew.3.l hnstinal". Kvie, IVrnvia l'h?itena,.n. lsatvlla Kl--tv. t rr-ler Alia Is. Witsnn- marshal. Jenni.. i . . t 1 . . 1 . t - t. res id cut, B. F. Alley ; eruncilmen. t. j . mini. v m. Kic, r. I. Kol, I., i !Christen.en; tveonfer, D. E. Sewry; , i niarhat. 1 1. W. Sutton. " ; That Joyful Feeling. Wih the exhilarating sense of renewe.i bi,h V, "J i,,,r!?,, cWiil- ness, which follows ute use of Syrup cf I igs. is unknown to tue fern- mho nave net lT10r!6f n;l ? bi tirte niUa and the cheap suUtibites miettrr.e offer- ed but never accepted by tae well informed i-ur ricn woou is essentia: to go vt oeaun. uccanse ine oiooa is ine vn.u nuiu which supplies all the organs with hb. IUkxI's S..rsapaniia is the great blixxl purifier. Hood's Fills are purely vetaUe. hanr. losa. cfTec-ivo. do not pain or gripe. Ti e rapidity with whi.-h coop J ve ps calls tor intaii trratntet t; an l et rW bwiseholds are prepare,! f..r its vii An a- miracle rr-mly for this di.-ea i- Ayrr s ....... . am. .va .....mie. lives and sliould le in every home where there are young children. It may save you time and money to be informed that, when vcu neexl a blotxl rur- loer, Ayer'a Srs;irmril!a is the kind nios-t in favor with the medical profei-in It is the standard acd. ru. such, tho only blood- PiriSer admitted at the Chicago World's air. Dyspepsia. Jov Company Gentlemen : K. W. Jov Company Gentlemen: I have taken your Vegetable Sarsaparilla and can say' I have never seen anything etial to it." I have stiffeml ten "years with dysju-psia, not lieing able to eat anything but milk and brown bread. Liie was nothing but misery for me. Now I have a good appetite, eat any thing I wish, and feel no disagn-eable effects from it. I wish I could tell all dyspeptics and urge them to try your egetable Sarsaparilla. (Signed) Mr. Jons Timothy, Forliestown, Cal. If you want to got a spring medicine without a blotch, an old sarsaparilla trade mark, a big patch of red pimples, take Joy's Saraiarilla. An Absolute Cure. The Original Abl-line Ointment is orlv put u In large twooance tin boxes, and l in ib(i u'e cute for old sores, bums, wounds, ch pped hand, and all skin erup tions. Will pcsblely t-ire all kli ds pf piles Ask tor the Original abietine n'. .'old by Foshav & Mann ai Olnlme J5 ceti per b.ix, by mail !?o cents. aee 5aby was sick, me Rare fcer Cactorta, "hea sha was a CaU l, sue cried for Castoria, When she became Si Us, sho chins to Osstoria, niko sho bad CullJroa,she gavoi'iero Castor la D. Price's Cream Baking i'ow dcr Awsnlcd Go!d Medal MUwblter F.lr. Ssa F-io., " l"9t!fi I- Mill. (, U,ljli. 11,1- , . , - . The Ahanld Tidings teilr .UkiI il asfol- j "f1- PtUi--.1d 'n w ahington lows: W. J. lirnnctt, the arrhit.-t, was 1 f U ,h' "creing advocaUng the DOtni np from Me.lfd vt-steniar. Mr IVnnett Ilat,.cn of ' IW -sooth as the TELEGRAPHIC. Masoale Ktrrlloa. Cokvalms, Or., April, 5. The annual assembly of the Royal and Select Masters of the state of Oregon convened at Corva.1- hs l n Masonic ball at 2 P. M . April 2. The following officers were chosen for the en suing year; T. M. nurlburt, most ulustrionj grand master, Portland: Z. II. Davis, deputy grand illustrious master. Corvailis: O. O. Ifodxon, grand illustriots master, Mc v innville: M. 8. Woicock. errand win- cipal conductor of work, Corval!i; Morris Mott, grand treiwurer, tXrrvallis: H. O, rope, irrand recorder, Portland ; S. Bul lock, grand captain of the guards, Port land; J. H. Irvine, grand chaplain, Canby N. P. Nekton, grand manbal, Conrailis; r. i. Lilly, grand steward, Corvall!; George D. iiorning, grand sentinL Aa Immense fsaapaar. Nfcw Yokk, April 6. Tbnrlow W. Bamen, the active soirit in the new Stand ard Telephone Company, confirms the statement that the capiti is $I6,(XW,CM) and that there are 50 different companies chartered and orfranized. He further savs: We have overKiO prominent capitalists in tiie L'nilf-1 State interested ia the COniranr. We rtroooae to ( otn uu n otir service this summer in tbia city, with a ' rate of 83 a month for telephones Is rasa tax Law. Cnrcsao, April 5. A morning pjper piints a s,cLu dispatch from its Wh ingtcn corrr-jjf.uVtt that the United Suten iipreme court baa r;rerel the de tisicn of the lower court in tue income lax case. The ino-me tax as a whole, bow ever, is upheld, but only by a divided e.urt roili,sl rlllar's Ilraib. e ttlk. A E-ri. 5 - t iorge H. L'eilbron, , o chxrk thi- morning Mr Ii.brw, aro ; ai)U. tf 0 c!(l k- in , alUfn.J , m.t. mg t-f tue ilirct Her (A i be iJiiarantee l oui- r-any. which fcj hi be d in the morn- coutmandt r of tbe fleet, although Captain rrelTii:k r reneh hio urimeJiab; cje- i man-! She i one of t.ie cwn ers cf th Briu-L navy, hartag a teenage of l2.t(X. 1 aSllit n f r-arr. j Ijosdox. April 5 A Shangfai dispatch A xVaaifceia la mm AfiNr.TOr. Aj.ri A tigcrooa ic rtea no 1UU4 tavorabie tnd C'tier cuciea here, opinion is pecaliart ! ? VD f tacP Pim lasea uy r . .i . - . . ! rl, SCita IS Itil CO reaioa CXlS-J Of boa , elll " -' ltf bwo?1 r'pf ,n eoojrv. the cabtaet at.d in preme wt. it -oc!d cot wuh eqeal pro M1. ' f l: P?? "ai1 a n.r."'; candidate for the P.detKT oi it i attea . teatta ta VI In risihl. Wakinctox. Ai-tiI4. It is stated by p.r-:5 in a p;:j.-i la pmk wita aulo-.tr- ' t. n t .f.k..-- . aana.v-sn.T, . .,, j k. tk, , - j ! . .. , J r - . " farmer bae txen inter ird. audaiil ag-ee tlsa! grevt dauiAS? ha jen d.-ne to ! ; ' t, ami t:.at a, tes t cr-e-liaif t.f the; ; a- a i:ra:a ijei-3 iVnJ'ton and S Atlbetia nat i-e resom sv-iess i.f Eel-i" are it.-sr p:-. ; ifjiiiews- i - lUi w. c .t ini-ijed eiriier that! A;-.i20 j I sr. tfcev th:tik 5j!1- liii.f I --1111-15 to p-ot -; si o k-I m IV t.a.d. l.ljlllSc.VS j I N.w OttLtJisa. April 3 An e.-p"oion! took plan. s :'. th. i Friday i ru twrc in s ' . ... i - .. t-. I., ;. (,.; i. S.l.tV an 1 f . . ..p-aeMfe t.tl 'sl.i.' - . . ,.. . - - .... - . i . ...... i . . .- .... . ' t i;t e. .et kr t- ts:-e -as a a oon b- Km it" B i'e liah a dc;u tisber- i.i.n srT? drinking i:i ti.c place, and they are."e ai! i:r.tl under the wreckages, that i!...Sir-g ta.iagaUo detii .-lUSied . j b.k r.ieed awr. Kaxsas Citv. April 4 During the j kt.t ai, , eek the pru f Uvf ia tli ciiv j !las w T , i : i- aBd so e-stantfy : thill iU 1h ,c tr t wv n,h!BS 0f tbeir ' j, M wn-p'aic.W The batchers tav n their faa;t Br th f nt j the but that the difiUT jist'ue'othe inoresise in the price ot live , catiie- In the time noted prices htvs in- creasexl W to 35 per cent . serj Kirk fre. Sas iir.iio. Cab, Ap:il 4. A corrc--.onJet at the Rice mining camp, at Warner, thinks that the Rite brothers have the richest mine in thiscccntT. Their claims are the Bertha and Daisr. and it t? i estimated that the JO ions of fine ore out j w,.j p,r $1 a pound. The brothers biought t!om i5 ponnj it and ia OIJO ,Ur ou, aj Wjrtu jM Very M.L-rartarr wAsaisoTOX, April 3. Income tax re turns art- coming in f.j beyond the exja?e- tationt ot omciais. to save tune acd avoid complications, collectors were instructed to tertify and send returns the 10th cf each montb. and. therebwe. no reports have 1-een received of a date later than March 10. Neveilbcless 10.000 returns have al rea.'y been received, and are being verSeal and revvr.iei.1. It isestituated that returtis made to collec'ors rrior to March 10 rep reseut at least $ income tax, and the actual amount returned to April 1 will aggregate I.i,C0i.(X'0. The t'saal Besatt. IIamii.THS, 0t . April 3. Tbo trial of the b'-el suits brought by Mrs. Beaton, of Burlington. Out., against the Toronto Globe for $ 25.000, and against half a dozen other Canadian papers for $5000 each, which lias beea in progress fof two days, was concluded tonisrnt. The iurr returned a verdict for tiie defendants tnechca$e.j The alleged libel consisted m the repro duct ion of an article published in a New York newspaper, during August, ISi3. ia which Mr. Beaton was charged with hav ing cause.! the death of Cicero Harrison Case, of Norfolk. Tbe . T. Lsalslalare. Ai.n.vsv, April 3, Tiie assembly bill imhibitinir all poci!sellinc lookmakins. ; bets and wagets has passed the assembly, j Ayes, 92; nays, I. It now goes t ) the sen- ', ate. j Tho senate judiciaiy committee will re j port favorably tomorrow on suffrage billa. submitting a constitutional amendment, giving women the right to voto, o tiie people. Eac-aad's raslllaa Washisoton, April S Thsre is reason to believe that the British jrivernment h is given Ambassiidor Bayaru to understand ' in response to his sumrestinn ihui ti. v.. exnelan boundary matter be submitted to arbitration, that it must persist in regard- I ng the subject as one in which Great Brit Jain and Veueauela alona are concerned i uf ue' ,llea was wt very diplo- j TOtlC4Uly Mti courteously, so AS to avoid giving offense as far as possible AP i Month When lis Easiest to Regain Health. pGtt Stroii Before Dellitatii reed The TForii tui Bra n With Paln, Olery Omponad Let Changing Season fini System ii realfh Take the Great Remedy Makes I'coplc Well. That A perfectly healthy body has ita parts cornple'-ely nourished and its nerves con- I stantly relreshe! and stored with energy ' from the vigorous blood that all the time lathes it. But to do this important work of con veying sufficient nutrition to the tLssnec, the blood most be kept rich and fnll of red corpuscles. The only trouble with two-thirds of the men and women whom the coming spring will claim for iu victims is apit iful lack of proper nerve food. What these weak, nervous people need is a general feeding an i s-torinsr of tlietr blood and tu-sues with fresh, hizlily vitaliiol material. Tiere in andrMiirtei'ly nothing that can compare with Prof. Phelps' re markaMe discovery, Paine's celery com pound, for restoring health aad strength. t he great body ot pnvsacians t!rtrzti oat the United states, Finglan i and Can anada believe profoandiy in it, and pre serilj; it in all cases of rierroas weakness and debility. In preparing this greatest of all nerve tonic and blood renewers, tiie eminent professor of Dartmooth col lege, Iviwanl E. Phelps, M. I LL. D. bad in ruin 1 the counties men and wo men with brains overworked and tlerres unstrung by worry aavl lack of proper nutrition. , Chfrk. their etaptorers, lawvirt, doc tors, mothers of iamifies, barf working men and women in every stale and coun try, and hosts of brain workers the mo-t intellex-t'ial part of the d-cmi tinny are utoar taxing l ame s celery com pound, with the happiest results, to re lieve Utemseives of rhenmatism, nearai gia, nervous exhaustion, dyspepsia, sieep!esnea and low spirits." Paine's celery compound ceres riisiease of the irnportanl organs of ligtMnT cinruLation and exejretion, by purifying the Wood, by regohvting tite entire cervooa syttiu and supplying the body with s?trer.gth to combat disease. Paine's ce'.ery ttjtr.p'MBd i&aJkes peopfe well. It tales away all the tremor ajtd irritability from the nerves, and give that calm, strong feeling of assured health that invonablv accocifaiiies a perfectly well-courishe-J bodily sysienu Get rid of langnor, clear the uoddv, anhealthv skin, plump oct the burly and get back to a iomil vigoroos con dition with Paine's celery compound, and begid cow. A Sovereign Remedy & Cs. tf txThiroat 0st ad Lvngs. 50cts.f 12 t5S.HT res rn-.Wi-l. Foshay & Majon, Ageata. R9S An arrseaMe Larritire awl ktxvti Tuersci, Soid by projee-trs or fcairt Ve tcaL gSaMa. aaq $IiX per percteac-a. eiarapsea tree sOLvl ii!JlUTecairffitsii,So, "Fobiay i Mason, agent ALaDFS toiler 1 1 LI is cot Mirtr:-;; 1 1 without aa idcI " IS s- ft ly Ccinbincs e-vry e!er.er.t beauty and parity. It is beauti fying, soothing, liealing, herJth ful, and harraliss, and. when rightly used is in ."bible, A mc?v jjj slelliats snd desirable pjotectioa iy u:c isicc ia uus cctrrxK. XaricS tawa haTis tit fjsaiae. n ts roe sale evesywkebe. FIRST NATIONAL BH, ft ALSAK T, OKBOavt rssMaat . Tm Pi asSiIsm . . . s5,VaCKa W. LANiils.s . r. ntAssArrs a o r k ra t s.r i. - t,u. acvwjrrs rbpt mbjat to ka SIGHT BXCHAKG K aew te raphie r. ,, haw rork, 8aa Faaiaea. Ckwr- a. . r it.a.i wJos O.H JriOS Da s, v .r , sacToa . t. S-vrea atswaaa f. Sat. 1 vr irtirK..BHr.iTt or A1.BA!T. OSKOON. T.- ACT wl Rsdin- ttsle. as ;1UMGHT l)K-rs on K.-w VrS.Sa. S seaaad Ponlaim, Oranrw. tsis?.lfi?KT a H-Prosad curils H r. il" ia subject to eeeek. COLLKCTIO.NS auuta M vo. ea tiaw aewwl sik or !, SOIO, OKKH . 1 .... . I Mr a a. fOSMAY & AM? - aan.si.avs aaa a..- jniigi5is ami f .onkseilfr ve tafarJoUs. B. A!dr i'BiW. . ,.kb w soil at pp'.li-aor'a prion. f Mtajroadilar 0 WmfiM aliili 4-la.tas aa 13 rca a case it vii. nct cue. L mzmm