The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, April 12, 1895, Image 2

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YVashit fctcn Lettet .
Fih our regular Corraapond.nt.
Washington, April 1st, 1895.
President Cleveland has moved hie
family and liia offce oiu to "Woodley,"
his suburban residence, and wilt only be
at the Wliile House on the days the Cab
inet meets twice a week for some time
to come. This will give hini an oppor
tunity to dispose of a number o! minor
matters which he could not find time to
get at as long as he was accessible to the
personal callers who are nearly al way
on hand at the White House.
The new ministry of Spain lost no time
in proving that President Cleveland was
correct in thinking that it would do the
proper thing atxat the Alliance outrage,
and there is tittle doubt that the apology
demanded by Secretary Uresbam will in
due time follow the explanatory com
munication already receive i
It is positively stated that a deal has
been completed whereby the republican
Senators will get the votes of the popu
list Senators and reorganize the Senate
as soon as Congress meets. There is
nothng surprising in this, as it was ex
pected by everybody. One result ot the
deal will be to make John Sherman chair
man of the Finance committee. Think
of the populists helping to do that.
Ex senator Mahone is now at the
head of a scheme having for ita object
the political control of Virginia. There
is no'.hing new or startling in the idea.
It is merely a reproduction of the repub
lican-populist combine which has tern
pararily knocked out the democratic
pir'y oi Nor'.h Carolina.
While Secretary hen he
planned the route over which Adniial
MeacVa squadron will Fail during the
month ot April had no idea that Great
Britian would send that ultimatum to
li-lie Nicaragua, neither he nor Presi
dent Cleveland regrets that the squad
ron will reach Grey town, Nicaragua,
about the middle of the month. On the
contrary, they rejoice at the coincidence
which ri!l plae such formidable Amer:
iean war vessels as the New York, Min
neapolis, Colunbia, Atlanta, Ualeigli and
Cincinnati in Nicaragua waters at tne
lime that Great Bri'ain will probably be
making a demonstration of force to
Irighen the !Utle Central American re
pub'ic into complying with iia demands
as to the payment of extortionate indem
nity, etc.
"Uncle Jerry,'' the smilius "nigger"
who baa been janitor of the W hite House
"sence Uin'ral Cram's time," is the
happiest "coon" in Washington! He
has celebrated his silver wedding
When the United States government
sends, as it will at an early date in com
pliance with an act of Congress, its own
engi neei a to officially inspect the loate
of the proposed Nicaragua terves
notice to all concerned that it proposes
ta control the canal when it is ccnstimt
ed. '
Large and Small Towns.
The t d tor of the falem Post boldly
refutes a great writer in the Forum:
Henry J. Fleicher, of Minneapolis.bas
an article in the April Forum in which
lis contends that the small 'towns are
doomed, and that the large cities wit'
gradually absorb their population and
industries. In prot f of this he quotes
a'aJis'ies horn a numlr of states to
show that the small towns have lost
g"-iu,l dminz the past few years
There has unquestionably hern a
movement of population toward' the
cities for several years past but mill it
cjctinue? Such practical business men
as President Hill, of the Great Northern
road, and President Stickney, of the
Chicago Grat Western, cla:m tha one
CTctf .f ! I. r- 1-a-.inpe depression is the
overarm, lit ,.f the cities, anil that per Hi I r i-jritf ran onlv be resto-ed
by a ri(.vt-i,:. ui back to the -and. and
their uv - and example may be. follow
ed y !t. If, a, a n-enlt of this
co'ini-i movement, if the agricultural
reiitie ate u.o e densely populated, will
no- (his tenl to restore theloet prosper
ity of tbe villages? The villages will
naturally 1 centers of local trade, and
aln of tou t small manufactures and re
pair shot; ar.d email towns that are
favorably located with rtference to rail
road t-aud: tation may also be abla to
support large nifn.ufactaiirg establish
ments by reaw o of the greater cheap
ness of land, living, taxes, etc. The
statistics of Hie lett ten years, and ei
pecaily vt the Ut six or tigh; years of
haid timer, do not, in onr opinion, fur
nib a reliable data on which to predi
cate v eil of perniLent conditions and
fei.dencie. . The email towns may be
dot'tmd, but U is nevertheless a fact
tha' tome of the smaller towi.-e of the
con u try aie today in a highly flourish
ing condition, ith every promise of
fan re growth. Large cities hafe al
ways had the advantage in attracting
I tige tiipi a', and always will; but the
en all town and the villages have speci
al luuc t 113 :i otP', ami they will grow
fcii-t fj.-tt jrii ;'it ' i -11 tli and profc-
'Cue mm r in tlieprm Uup-
por I el ;;- kr. l4,r m io,i. lie i'elidie-
O -.!)-: t'.n iV iiu ',V. a Daily
U i i !..,. .1 ii. die h-rd .i.iies to
di-ci iiiii.u.- ' traphit: r port alij
U-e cui a.i '"iiii:-!!!!-," rui.'.-.liimg the
u MVnii l'j It. .iu-ii i film li
ft i! by i,- :irii 111 m Hevbw. Thir
'h v d iit a ' Va i n it the
ow tilt -!( ! '. I i-e. ii, 1 ub
thai a, ii.iv ii. a (ii i-i.i nt fully
00 O a'l iii-i!, mi; jm.ii b (ixjd
Im ai lait ; a; r -uh a r. iin ryble
ani' iiir; A i-i, i V . . ftt
fa- ii "h i j .-i-i. i ' ! y 'h in'r -n n a
KTS. l! I .'V
N a, .ier- h.iv
Cm! 11 tlicy weie
croad f men they vt
hut wale" VVii,itir-,
to keep n-awjiiably
to j:et extitid Ii- e a
uiil be ci ntii:iia.l) in
it e!-j it il.e the
liew.-jut ir uin.-t biuiid by tfie law. Take
tue cruv d and in many Ciises the. iuime
diainly bcu to rrtik a ut rope Justice
limy io hI iw -l.en linked out by law; but
it i tuu only vi y to get it. l'eople as
well a it-mi-pit per hoiild keep co!
... pc klrK S.u tutd his father for
sla'der. t'Cio-kn onlv tho nominal turn of
t'-i 0. ii ,e pimply winln-x hia character
viiuli aliii !t ii.H Iim a'e'j pcedicted
liiii; i.n.ii) h.iiiiiy i Ciiii it will ucver
i .iih- in it tr ill 'ihe old gentleman will
fi it .ijf i(ii him ,' :;':''
1 '
i I. ell
l..r ttie
-fi -vi'
I., i.:. to
liured o il that a
N i-aiaugua Cuba!
which' war vessels
Il lhf Pwrifie. coast.
;-nler tb-:il hy dis-
i i
i. t
thegrippt is not
ii- i! y.-t xiHi-led
'f oy r it. Tl e
i n
I-" no' et in
Keating a Tariff.
Some one has left at this office the
following very interesting Recount of
how a Yankee got ahead cf the hi tar
iff on eggs :
The American is truly an enterpris
ing person en tilled to respect for hi
uncommon 'cnteness. It is true that
some of the Americans who visit us
show no paitieular sharpness of intelli
gence, and readily lend themselves to
the designs of the gent'emen wlo de
vote their lives to practicing the "con
fidence" trice, but that may be because
America keps her best to herself and
only allows abroad those who do not ex
hibit any alarming 'cuteness. The High
Priest of 'cuteness in Atmrica has de
clared himself. He ha studied the pro
visions of the M'Kinley tat iff, and he is
leaping a rich reward. The Bill, which
this side of the ' silver streak" has earn
ed such opprobrium, puts a heavy duty
on eggs. The Yankee has bought a
piece of Ud on the landers of Mexico,
and of ashed which he has built there
one end is in the Uuited States while the
other ia in Mexico. On the Mexican
side he feeds an enotmous numlr of
fowls with the cheap grain of Mexico,
while at the other end luxurious -according
to foal ideas neots invite the
hens to proceed into A roe icato by their
egg. They are fed in Mexico, but they
live and lay in the States, and the Yan
kee sends his eggs iulo the market at a
price which enables him to gaily profit
by his fcharpness. A ruoie ingenious
method of evading the tariff on the eggs
couM not well be devised, ard the man
deserves for the very brilliance of
the design to remain uaioletteil at the
hands of the American revenue authori
ties. We are not sure that they have
any ground for molestation unless in
deed, he defrauds the revenue when the
hens prove obstinate. It must bj agony
to him to see a fowl which prefers to lay
at the Mexican end of the ehtd, and it
would be indeed the irony of fate if the
whole brood were to take a sudden aver
sion to the luxurious nests, and to per
sist, just from pure tusaedncss. in de
positing the r eggs on ground from which
j they conld only be taken into the States
I on paymeia of the heavy duties which
are demanded on eggs- This, however,
has not yet occurred Tt:e egg buinesi.
on the hut advices, is flourishing be
yond all expectations, aud Mr. McKin-
ley has an ardent supporter in the man
who, with the advrntagesof cheap grain
and a heavy tax on competitor?, sets
fortune looming in the near future.
Lsait F. t'ot, of New York, a journa
list, is lecturing in Ore gon on hrd timer,
and has reached Pend'elou. A;cordirg
to the E. O. he gives the ranee of the
hard t:mea as follows:
"Now, we do in very great degree ob
struct the operation of the trading in-
stiuct. Every lax upon business is such
an obstruction. It makes it so much the
more difSco't in carry on business. An J
wh n the tax is levied for the tx press
purpose of interfering with trade, as a
protective tariff, the edect a ti.e same in
kind, tboagn worae in degree, than a
tariff for revenue. EuTMhe taxaiion of
business leads not only to the obstruc
tion of trade bat also to 'nterfertnee i'h
man's access to laud. For hen we g--i
public revenues by levying tribnte upun
business, we leave ia private huds an
unearned income from land, due to tbe
growth of the community, and therefore
justly the pr ;t-rtv of the coumnrity.
This makes it. profitable tj on 'and ;
without using it, and men bny land for!
that profit, thn diminishing the supply
Of Und abnormally ami making it price
greater than its true value to the user
From this condition co-ne hard times
and all the suffering and gret da.dcrim-
of poverty. They are directly dee to our
deee.ratioa o" Girl's two grett gifts to
man to the obstruction ot trade and tbe
monopoly of nd.
According to the Times Benton county
is in the folluwiug condition :
Ben'.ou county is ocfrouted with an
outstanJing iixleb'eduess in county war
rants aggregating the enormous sum of
tJo.COO. The annual interest on this
vast debt is $3,C0,. During tbe fiscal
years of 1802-3, and 1SJ0 i the revenues
of the county were not tqnal to the ex
penditures. Tnat is to say, more money
was paid out by the county than was
taken ic, and a a result the interest on
tbe outstanding drt t as ad-led to the
principal. Nor is lb;s all ; the rate
taxes are being paid in for tho fhcal year
of 1894-5 there is abundant pronvte that
the same thing will happen this yeai and
that as result 10,800 for the mere item
of interest will have been acd.-d in three
years to tne county cer, a sum iargi
enough to pa; half the expeite of the
county for a whole year, and U ha been
swallowed oi in interest, gune for noth
ing, melted away, and the taxpayers
must mak np the loss. Its te'al d-lii. -quentlUtisl54,327.;7.
The bupreme court of Kansas on Sat
urday handed down an imoo-:aut -i-cision
to railroads, banks snd ol!i r cot
poratiar.s Tbe ca e decidi d a a brough
by the Burlington railroad agains. the
Atchison county commissioners and
county treasurer. The township aeeet
ors or Atchison county decided to assefs
all property in the, except the
railroads, at 23 per cent of its actual
value. The railroad property wasa
sessedat ita fu'.l valuation. Iheiail
load company tendered in payinent of
its taxes the amount figured at 21 per
cent of the actual vaie of the prop tyt
and then brought iuit in ihe tupieme
cou't to enjoin the country from collect
ing anything in excess of ihe amount
offered. The ta preme. court Btn'iii'i". ti
injunction, and, in so doing, lulls that.
all property must ) assesi-e-1 on the
tbe same bans, cm irations tbe same
as individua's, and1 oiii- class of prupeity
the sa-ne as another.
The state or county bin no inVietit ir
the saving of costs and penabier impesec
for non payment of taxes On the toa-
trary, tiie moilcrn tenoency o' municipa J
and state regulations is to make such
penalties as irksome to t he taxpayer si
possible. Astoriaa. Yen.but the county
has to foot the bill. 1'be County Court
of Clatsop county had to face a $1 1,000
bill, ranch of which it will n ver get
The Washington canal connecting C
liot Bay and Lake Washington atiea tie
.should be built. Tbisisagreat institu
tion that deserves encouragement by all
fair rrrfnrif I iv t. fr I ,ij ' u , grea,
thing Jul, tue rect eity of tiie
Bjund. The Democrat ta'ks thusly be
cause the editor owns a lot tear the
of the canal. See?
Nearly everyb nly is itiying the '-cuse
for ha'd time' Tne I) vucbat i 1 tr)
and keep its'etdi-r potnl b? giving the
great diversity of viw -i the -n't ji-t
when observed.
How to Get Rich.
As a great deal is being said about
wealth, how to get rich, Ac, we give the
following porm written by a Bridiepo't,
Conn., man :
Mary had a little laud ;
The soil was very poor ;
But still she kept it on her hand,
And struggled to get more.
She held the land until the day
The peoi.le settled down ;
Till where a wilderness had been
Grew up a thriving town.
Then Mary rented out her plot
(Site would not sell, you know,)
Butwaued patiently about,
For prices still to grow.
m They grew as population came.
And Mary raised the rent ;
With common food and raiment now,
She would not be content.
She built herse'f a mansion One,
Had luxuries galore ;
But every time the pecple came
She raised the rent oine more,
"What makes the land keep Mary so!"
The common people people cry.
"Why, Mary owns the land, you
The knowing ones reply.
And so each one of you mighty bo
Wealthy, refined and wise "
It you had only owned aome land.
And "waited for the rise."
The lied Crown M itl-t case is no be
fare the peopla in its criminal aspect.
The president and manager have been
arrested under the statute prohibiting
the use of wheat stored in a mill. The
offense is a erious one. The men have
always atoo.! well in the coir.mucity.and
for this reain it is generally desired
tb. i' the facts come cut in their true
iight and t at the person r penons to
blame pay the peuaiij. The DxhoraAT
will l'fi;y no feeling in the matter in
order to iii.tpoluc prejudice. All men
aie entitled to a fair trial, and no one
c.n lie condemned until the evidence it
in. The public, though, will have their
opinion on such subject!" , and very em
phatic ones as a rule. This is onlv nat
The ?alem Statesman grunts audibly
over reccul references ot Southern Ore
gon papers to the porky characteristics
of the capital city The Statesman ought
not to wax warm oyer such pleasantries.
The fact of the matter h that the Salem
hog may not be any morse thaa other
capital hOS, but noticeable because al
ways met by the people oi a Mate at a
time it behooves him to replenish his
larder for a t.'o years hibernation.
Without a hog a capital iiry would be
deprived of many of its charms and groat
fears would be entertained for its exist
ence during the inlermin of legislative
business. &t!em has a porky odor, but
it is no sty. Pendleton Tribune.
Tiie following from tbe Jacksonville
Times shows a peculiar ti'.uatiou in Jack-
i sou county;
Oje incident wlrch occurred in the
payment of the railioad rcmpany's taxes
is among the stioi.grs: arvumenls ia tv
or of an an-en.lur nt to Hie cont;itit as
permitting t';e lAindingof to-jnty iuJtbt
edness jet ;Uu.-eil On il.rce pieces of
scrip tendered ia part j.ayaent of these
Uxts i.itr-t had accrued. Tbe
warrants t-re draan to pay for the steel
cage in iheiouoty jail. Willi ihe indebl
ei:.css oi the coumy burdsd such inter
est charges would be reduced neArly
one haH, bond could be readily floated
atfve percent .and Ihe rxtra three per
cent now pid ecu Id be used to a much
better ad vantaire.
Pr ctnt cf peis.ns owniog firms
' U. S.oan tree from incumbrance
ln Oregon tne piojK)rlicn is over U per
rtnt Tbis is a pre;ty tol showing.
With over tso-lhirdsof thereat estate
of a country free from debt the country
is col going to be sunk by debt, de
pend on that. The thowing f-ir onron
s ate ii good. Fcnrtien state n.ake a
poorer show ing. Kansas u Hie worst,
with only abnl -40 per fr re from
incumbrance. Arizona makes ihe bet
shoeing The southorn states as a sec
tion appear the best. The country is
all right.
Hard ti'n-s mti-l taue d-sease, for It
i uotin-a'iie tha. pateut niraicine fitms
are advertising m rj extensively than
ever. There is another thing a. oct it,
though, pi ten", medicine men are shrewd
business in -:i and they know they meat
overcome the dullness of the tiroes by
additional nse of printers ink. They
know alio that there is ui'im-r in the
country, and that it take ex'ra pulling
to get hold nf it, a fact t'.at merchants
generally should digest.
The O. P. will be all right under Con
nr A fiammoad. Keep Uat fact in
your mind, and aheii tbe sale is con
firmed see if it is not verified. We at
least have seen other propositions tried,
one in which $il,0CC.0(0 in Jiard money
was spent iu building less than 150 miles
of railroad, when it ought to have boil
over 400, and it is now in orler to try
some one else.
Golf ha." struck S in Francieco badl.
The game cmtiMs simply :u knocking a
ball in eul t holjs ovi-r a rough field,
the vie or being be one w ho i.'ea it in
the Uast number of rtroke. It has the
advantage of being an utdo-r game and
brings walking into play in a narked
Wln'e eatd the income tux law was
gooil ; Fit Ida said t was not goixl, and
the reuiai.dt-r held part good snd pa it
bad, according to the decis'on rendered.
A badly divided tour: certainty. Fields
is getting tco old to K'pp'iib such
modern ideas.
The only thing that i. wrong wiihihi
railroad commission is lint the mem
bers receive their salaries from ihe s'ate
treasury. ff the railroad paid ll.eni us
it does other employes nn one would ob
ject to the commit.-ioii Unseburg Re
view. The changeabli'iiess of fashion is not
appreciated as mac!', in haid licjea n
when times are flush. A good mat.y
people have to do some Ii v r rustling to
keep up with the proct oiioii.
f-i Hung Fung has been appointed to
assist his pa, Li Hung Chang, in secur
ing peace with Japan. If ibey aie not
hung in eamet the 11 in g$ w ill be verv
How to get onel million peop'e is a
qnestion that should attract the at ten-'
tioil Of ev.-rv b, l ekizw ii. Ore,..., J
' - ,
liarmo.'iy, industry, push, lint is the !
matter of s'ich a trio.
The gold reserve has dropped n fK).
409 0C0. It will dwindle down In the
csoal size Thir is a part if the scl cm
Portland bridge !onds has jmt sold st
9.67 pe-cert preminm, higher than IT.
S. bonds.
Next month Snlom is to entertain the
Grand lodge I. O. O. F., tho Grand en
campment, and the Kobckahs. Those
meetings will all bo pleasant and should
lie profitable ones. They will bring hun
dreds of peaple to Salem. Wo should
clean up and put on our Sunday clothes
in anticipation of the events. States
man. A statement wns nuulo by one of Eu
gene's divines in tho pulpit yesterday,
uiion what he considered good authoity,
that not over 20 per cent of the men on
Kugeno are virtuous. Hather a hard
lick on tho sex. Kugene Guard, lsnt
that 20 per cent rather high for Kugene,
Prineville has hist passed a verv atrict
Curfew law, the hours being 7 p. in. in
the winter ami 8 p. m. in tlio summer
when boys under 18 must get off the
street, l'rineville used to have the name
of being a very tough city. Now it is
one ot the most moral phases in the stute.
At the reception tendered Kvamnlist
Hitler at the First M. Ii. church of Ta-
coma, Saturday night, Mr. Hitler took
occasion to emphasizo the importance of
advertising. "Why," said he, "tho best
goods would rot on the shelves in the
stores if they were not advertised. All
snccestful business men realize the im
portance of getting before the public."
A First street man says a coinminv is
to be organized in Allwuiy with a paid
up stock ot nearly Stuu.uoo. it is to be a
consolidated affair, without a name.
The paid up stock is to consist of (125,
000 in Oregon Pacific time checks, $70,-
UUU in Ked Crown, H0UU in ISank ot
Oregon. 130.000 in Albany Mining &
Milling, ami fi.",000 in Fanners A ler-
StMrreUry of State Kiucaid is in no ! frataulent representation from a woman .
hurry, lie is taking things easy. He Hamilton i but CI vear o'.d. but he i an
isn't jumping to pay the railroad com- old companion of Jul-s Wallace, the iint
niisaioncr. These railroad commis- ! uall-tic medium who uaitsetl !ki much no
sionera have not given new bonds or toriety here and elaewUre.
qualified in any wav. They are simply . .
arbitrarily dcclarine tliat the v will li U . B.dary.
commissioners anyway, whet her the peo- i
pU want Uiem or not. A Koscburg pa- '
per thinks the Secretary is actinn fool
ishly and that it will only put the state
to extra expense. Depend upon it, Sec
retary of Mate Kincaul is acting under
the advice of Gov. Lord, who has as good
a legal head as any man in Oregon.
Recently a womant ticket was elected
in Florence. The West savsof it: "skmie
of our street corner politicians, proiui'
nent among whom was an avowed kiu- , mition at Mine'ari 1 ia growing
lit of questionable principle, being lis- ' nou and a laUie i ex ected ltre'n th
satisdol with the regular ticket, inducttl
a mint lr of the ladies to run for other,
tinder the mask of a joke, well knowing j already. Sn-nty-(ivt p-wnd of dynamite
that they are not eligible to hold a pul-' ukncn to be in tie tiilafj'.
lie trust. A majority of the voters, treat- A B, Mlltm
ing the matter as a joke, voted for the j
laiits and thus elected their ticket, i Kax. t in, April 8. Tb? ra ln.1
When the council meets the regular tick- j in Western Ks nu and Ka!.-'ti tV-l.irt lo
et will le declared elerted." A ett't of j hava been l-atthn-r cince !at Friday niuht
men will-thus serve without having re-'. with a conil-inatioa of and ani f now
ceivexl a majority of the votes cat. Like tinii. mbi. h wept thee region, com
the railroati commiMtioncrs, though not J pUrteiy deuKre!iang train schetluf and
wantcl, they will serve. caonicg aertoas inconvea.ew-e anl diccm-
fort la traveler. The partide of f now
vi. -..-.. i ii: i . 4"d and w-re driva soom tbe rn.irie
The census of 1S!0 shows the following
for Orgon farms, acconling to the al-
stract of census jut receive i:
There were 2-vVJO farms in the state,
with 3.316.000 acre of improve.! land
ana jsu,bm ummproveii. Avera-re sue,
271 acres. Numl-er of farms cultivated
by owners, 23,324; rente.1 for nroney,
1 ,0S3 ; for share of products, 2.123. Value,
f 115.8I9.2O0im.lemeuts and nia. hin-; curre-j He went tJ tbe itcltne and found The let nJ cheapest at Tink-'e
er-, H,hr...0-K.',SV)tKu U tte mouth cf the nhaft. carpeti at the Allccv Furniture
farm products, 1 19.026, 120. o. horn-e, nearly dJ with exbau'tion. Keam
22t,962;milchcow,lH.15;othercatile,:,aid ail in IU mine ;e d.d. lie bad n , , ., , r- -
40S..-MS; sine. 20S.2-; sheep, I.;.312; , crrUd ln Morgan a Ut he a able , Bo 9 &rIu ' U rt'Uc-T Fanil
wo.jl clipped. 9.9S2,9iO poumb: gallon and dnn.ped biui- Morgan, he llooht ,jre'-0-
of milk. 2S.042.276: butter, 4,7.s.277 was dead. Tbe Utet e2H in carpets at tbe AHany
pounds ; cheese 265,576 pounds; tlome-! tke I mm T taw Furniture Co
uunn tw. 1,1-1. in i.vv tne acre-
ace OI wtieat was aa3,w: : li:Hn-i, V,- . a rooniu oi a.-iyerx;ian. ia-? k mieti ridse
2;6.734; bushels of rve, 6306: eat, 5.. ? ie oat ren h-re-J it ieci.roa uJiy
com, 23gf3 btu-heU; bu.k-! ia the in-. me las t. drxnd.n by a di
wheat. 1.673 lmhc!s; barley, S7l,aV ; ided wrt !b law l .it I. tvj re
busliels: flax. 3.871 busheis u'i on i traritnir the income d-rird frsun rent
.VL't acres: 2.708 ealluns of molasx: hav.
6;S,1 Ii tons on 407,01 acres; toturco. 12
aTes ard 325 piwrnls; potato-, 1.4:ki,-
0CH bushels, and -iOS husln-l of swet
UIe?1f,i ,,0J4S "'
cots, b63:cherrie. 22,127 lihel : r-a.-h-
es. .H bushels: rars. IwU-
els; plums and prunes, 1W.700 bul.el.
r '
List of Patents.
. . ... . . jrniliJjte .b- Amencin 1 r-tettive A-
t,ranted to Pacific hute inventor- I Ulloa the r- t of ibc.:r
this week. A .mot . Af,kket. with tbe fxTtin otoncakvr
iSo., sulicitors of Ann-rii-an and Foreign ' mas
patents, opt. I". S. Patent otBce, Wash- i
mgton, P. C-
E. H. Alvord, Pialschie, Wash., dish- j "ntxc;To.x. Arnl i -Ire-.i:y S
cleaner; C. A. Conger, .an ' cial are greatly d;piri!el t-r tbe -.i-Ca!.,
buckle; W. ti. Curtis, han Fran- preme punt' deciion on t!ie ir ne tax
ciso. Cab. banker: B. F. IVw. Almola. ! ca-e. at.d, while a-immir p tnat tl.ev bavt
Cal., steam-engine; E.lJav.Jiouth liiver-
side, t ab, construction of railways, t.
H. Uilbert. Kigefie!d. Wash., votiiiif -
machine; C. W. Ilinton, Ir Amrelee,
Cal., car-coupling; 4. Malletl. Oakland,
Cal., skirt-elevator: J. I. McKinnon.
Portland, t)re., magnetic separator; J. I.
ab:n, San
, Cal., telephone
Uurr l.i-l
Knnir t.
in the p-a, otfe- tb.
Orrgon,Mr- , IS, !v 5
thesa letter mii enr
they were adyertwwd.
Cas'ey. Alice. M.-.
tecrge. W. K.
Herbert. Harry M
Keen, E. D.
Linsley, M T
Morrow. Jefferson
Miller, Ii. II.
Rwley, O. W.
Smith, Martha
t'al .-!!. W
lleii'ei. l--li
lljt. l. Mri
Kt. i M. K
Maxai, .Ic-nn
MMe. I- P 2
Norton Frar.k
Sanford. v". 8
Taylor, Julia M.
I .u lent, L.
IYingle. Mrs I)
Weckworth, Carrie Mrs.
T J p"r'TFJ" r
Batsmav. In Halscv on Monday, ' .'iiv pater say: An extraordinary con
Aprtl K, Mrs. Phoelie Bntenian. at the l,.,,.,.,v..fii,i.,.i;.in.,. r..i..i
ageof.8 years. Mrs. Hateman was a
pioneer of 1817, having resided in thin
county ever since. She leaves a huslianil
and four chi dren, as well an mnnv
friends to mourn her death.
Golden Medical
Cares Nlaety-elgUt per cent ot all
cases ot Consumption, In all Us
Earlier Stages.
Although by many believed to be Incura
ble, there ia the evidence of hundred of
liying witnesses to the fact that, in all it
earlier stipes, consumption ia a curable
disease. Not every cane, but a large per
centage cf cases, and we believe, fullv v.
per rent, are cured by Dr. l'ieree'a Golden
Medical Liiscovery, even after the disease
baa progressed so far as to induce repeated
bleeding from the lung, nevere linpcriiiR
cough with copious expectoration (includ
ing tubercular matter), grent losa of flcali
and extreme emaciation and weakness.
Do you doubt that hundreds of such case
reported to us as cured by "Golden Med
ical Discovery " were genuine canon of that
dread and fat il diiease ? You need not take
our word for it. They have, in nearly every
instance, been so pronounced by the best
and most experienced home physician,
who have no interest whatever in tnia
representing them, and who were often
strongly prejudiced and advised ajraitiHt
a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery,"
but who have been forced to confess that
ft surpasses, in curative power over this
fatal malady, all other medicines with
wh,cn l1" "Te!,?.tcd- . Naty cod
liver on ana
mixtures, had
liver oil and its filthy "emulsion" and
been tried in nearly all tliee
cases and bad eilncr utterly fatted to bene
fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for
a short time. Ivxtract of malt, whiskey,
and various preparations of the liypophoa
fhitea had also been faithfully tried in vain.
The photographs of a Inrite number of
those cured of conmmption, bronchitis,
linireriusr coueli. n'thnia. c'.irotiic naal
catp.rrh and kindred maladies, have been
skillfull renroduced in a honlr nf ,n :
page whirii will be mailed lo you, on re-
ceipt of address and nia cenu in atarops.
Addresa for Hook. World Dispensary
Mtdicat AswcieHnn. rmnalu. N. Y,
A Lively Baldric Day.
Omaha, April D. Three well known
Omnhft men committed fuieido today. This
morning Judgo John Suhler blew out hia
brains ut his Omaliit residence, lie left a
note attributing his net to financial troub
ei J. J. Jones, an Oinalm lawyer, wrote a
lonir letter to the nresj and disappeared
lttt night, lie said he would lie dead bo
foie the letter wan received.
Vaimford C. Uaile, a Union veteran,
blew out hia bruins tonight. He attribut
ed the act to domestic trouble.
Hoarcal lllah
London, Apnl 0. The G!obo this af
ternoon, referring to the decision of the u
prewe court of the Unittd StatiMi n to the
constitutionality of the income tax, my:
I "Hvery man in this country wilt regret
mat there is no supreme touri oi tne
American variety here. Never in ail the
lotig history of the Hnglish bench have they
soured to the heighls of hlierty reached by
the American judge yesterday. It iaquite
impoxaible to wtabliKh null a tribunal
A raal.'nh tlrl.
Kansas Citv, April 9. -Miss May
Sharp, a teacher in the First Cumberland
Presbjterian cbuieli Sunday scbuol, which
is attended by several Chinese, was today
married to Charlie Ying. one of tbe Chi
nese pupils of the Sunday school. Justice
Uetts lied the jimriUil knit- M in Sharp's
parents) are well known, and the affair has
caused something of a teoeation among
their fnenda.
n la Albaay.
Dksvf.b, April 9. Harry aite, alias
Frank Hamilton, waa iroted today by
city detective on a received from
the chief of police of fran Joae, t'al . He is
ail In lw vunlinl nlitininir d.iOO iimb-r
!an Fuaxcisco, April S. Aa reuuitcf
orrei-pondenee between the Canadian gov
ermueut and that of thu country, another
effort U to be at once made to ett!e defi
nitely the AIakao boundary hoe in the
rioiuity of IVrtUnd m'ef, and. aect-rding-
ly, l ro:eor IaviJin bai been ntting out
urvey parti.? who will learj on the coast
sune steamer litteroa Tharlay.
U it nm Be Tmunr.
I'uMLBoV, O., April 9 Tne minn it-
j striker and t:ie aruieet euip!je 1 to take
! their place-.. hot have Un ex:-h.nif-.l
, ai, imc . y uie sua ana many are
repcrtetl to I i.avalea by the whirling
doci-d of anJ.
. r , ,
i Nw t u.vtcoii, ask , Afnl . An
! Mp! i- n of Sredamp. in tie ItSce fajvoo
ttl n-iw. on Ijike calcon? at Z . tLi,
' af.i-rr.o- n. kilieii 23 m?n. W. A. Tel-
I Lrd came Irau- the Biine ton-ght. He
, was at tbe bunker l:eo the ei t-t-j.j o oc- !
- . .
! ar.d frjn rnuu;cipJ bona, on wich point
'be !! km that tie Ut i u u,- n- j
' titc!ii.'iial.
i a. p . 1l.. j
! Ui-rtK. M.t.. Ai ril .-William
,!,,.' r.,-. '
j -f - rviUve Av ,
L-5'n c.mWat f.rsi,. '"!,t!
- here by n-ar! t) raas r;r. bt-jtin? K. '
H H-iweii, tbe uesju-rat c and p.-pa!it
canl date, an I J II. M n'.e:th. rep i'Kicm
i no reliable data upon which t. f wui an at-
curaie eiimale, tlsey ipre tbt t-!;"-f
! hai the net ren'toftfce d-iio will !-
. 'be Iom r.f at lrat JO percent t f tie re
iei;"t from inxrm,. In ui wt of ihe citic
!'!' b will be far ireater thai t!i.
t.i 2 I Purer.
S . v t'u..... . .: Tl...
J ...... - . , , , .H
I ntiier break in tiexmbicecf the'JOc-dd
j Fr.g!ih in-tiri-.n-:e cf mpanie. The C'.-in-i
menial lm.n, of Lin 1 m an 1 tbe LvidKt
&. latr c.ii. tire In-uraco Comptny of l.ier
hate withdraan from the com a t.
With two big coa;panie f. tloore.
inllilay it will l-e impibb frthe
r.r.j.11!! if.ui.4tiii- lonj-er to hold bvthcr.
Ii SHI Sr. Ctral Bay.
; I'avasa, April 7. There i keen uo-
li. i-. i'in arrorjr l!,e tt'-ai.s and will Le
j for c-uie 'ay to ccm. iienral Marbrx-z
l..iii-. w iihwvt r.ii niiilu u dull ,r in
ca- h a lot f trrpa end a larse peroonal
mfhirnce. i U nihr.w cai', hiiber Great
willi tbe day and (are the otrawm
whoii Ciiiupr again wt f?t on Culn
oil. to nit down aiio'her re'oellioa. The
p-v-ple 1 re are expecting him, an-! antici
pate wi:! anxious interest bis con.inp.
l Tel BeeMew.
Nl.W ToliS. Aturil 7 A uneriul In u
Miprrme court was held today. ticoni.l.-r
th" inrn( tax appeal. hlef Jn-tice
Fuller' rough draft a further discuss
ed, snd tie decision is reported lo have
lieen noi-ene.t for arsrmr.ent cn certain
features. Tin has given rise totlieim-
I'lwiW ' lllill llfP IH-HIOOI . Ill "HI. Il'llin
aint in tbe statute may 1 bmkeh or the
leciftinn withheld for additional uulitica
tion.' a Big Nail.
A!C t ram ist-o, April 7. 1 he I n'.ted
Stuies circuit cnrt of Ore iron has just re
.'erml lo L -s. lb Sawyer, of San Francis
co, for Ihe purpn! of Inkinir testimony, a
fiiit invidvinir alxmt $l,OW 100, l-epuii by
Mr S.imh F. Hitler, of San Francisco,
iitrain-t the estate of th. late W. S. Laibl,
li'idieil in 18!.'l. Mr. Ililler wns the
widow of I . V. Lailil, of this city, hru'.her
of the Oretcnn capitalist. She ilcclaies
flint her confidence a was abused by Ladd
throi.h a lonir wiiesof years, and that,
b frvud and the ninniuulation of certain
'tocks which he held in trust for her, she
has biri cheated out of a great sum of
I eb lluiwe
Tku".k Hacte, Ind., April 7 Freiii
deiit Deb, of flic American Htiilwuy Tnion,
returned home ycaterday from hi trip to
the Pacific conat llorepor s that h u re
sult of hi ISO days' spr-echmitkinir the
union has Iwn thoroughly reorganiac-d nn
th line of the limit Northern system to
the coast nnd in California. In seven biv
on the Westward trip ho took in 2200
Baal On sa ire., Or., April 7. Word reached
here from Florence last tiwbt that, the
schojner Robert nn, Minnie, of Sun Frun
cisco, went ashore a mile and a half south
of the month of tho Si.isluw Friday. A
nothing to sava her. She is high tip on a
sandy bench. ISO lives wcro lost.
t'aanaa We
New Voiik, April 6 Anthony M. Can
non, 69 year of age, a well known hanker
of Spokane, Waah., was found dead in his
room at the Stiiyve-at today. Tbe coro- I
ner found he dieil from natural causes He
iui president of the Spokane Falls Na-
i lonal bank.
tV. wispaFm- , '--r3P-ff f - t
Thia ii tbe wheel fliat was illudfra'ed In "Bi'mt. the Cycling Aiithr.ri ft A
lea," January 25b, 1J5. over the following title; "The Hand-miet Mxh'l Shot
tue itecrni .aiionai cycle r.xhitiition. It
moat admired and talked of high grade hicycl in 'he wor d lodaj. Want a bicytleV
riuntra'ed Catalogue f.-ee. Isihana HicvcleCo. Inuianapoll. tndiana, L'. S. A.
K K. G'ikk, ei-luive agnt for Albany
HMhury Be WW I -KZfSS"" T- 2r
&48 I.I etresrtken I 1 I II R. RJ I I U I
Uble. I 7K- Kertoojotti. Ibe greatrt-t m-1 er ',n tne market lor
Hr rt-- I v; 5i,,,on"' I tf ti e Livcr.KiJncysanJ Clon-
j i T7 orf
qole!y. OrtTltXOiwtntmniinmeB'j.
hnatMMM eiran Intoidv In the fct
itur. It b rpsfjata of arsUoal mkusi
asd burtsitrt. It can t rotJ la 3d daj
by tbe cm o tlo'vuv.
uJJMtii 11. Uicl l..ltlt..
1 a tew euoctry w maae ib r-r-fa-
j u u t?ia Krot.ct Ttir asaiie. It t wry
j twrfai. bat t-r-v. foid t n eo a (
1 ct WoplTre r rrUrrir cure
jj bMiit to yofcrec jctanr.
jaBcu0B MA-.6JIrket & EUteSta,
m s-'rmUco,CJ.
ull iUu r. r. '.ec
For paicle. !:liini; or eatractic; call at
the Aibrgf Dental 1'arior.
Vour pict.ire taken and you n"t know
hen. lntaii'aneou al CrafiTiJ k l'ax-
'. I t t.
I'r. U.K. and O. K Ier. oce
OTer Pot .$-. HwiJenoe c rtn-r 5sh A
CaUpooU treU.
Xw tkgr.iila and ae- will
1" here in a few tUt. ctme and s-t your
, s uk UtmX mfo '
' , , , 7
The aso-t elepuil lie- cf rar
i ever wr" in Allaay ar now on di-plty at
:' the Ladie IUx.uir. t'Ii ant !btrm
Any l.!y very bi'T- H ha rserc-r
j i.a I a tx! pi!nrv cintst ij Many mvnr.
if they hte one t.ikee ia CrfTd A Pax
i ton" tsew gallery. t !rect.
j No oCd iki l.rit frtri; Srt iU
I!. at hard time pri-- at ti t'beap
'."ajih ivjxin.Tem ytor. B'aasU-rg Ukxk.
j limn-l ll r if n;i iirenr at the
j M lUil 1 wo hirnrv4 . t -Ke njert
i '
I Imtatifbl Irimuieil bat eer in A!l any to
, '
.t troin.
J-pricg h. iMr.'e in-l bjt i t, tune
to hav. ome pli'-t taken. in at
Tinkle acd wl at a nice pie lure ywi
can f-r a!nn-t nothing.
that tie te
I Ijc in the city
fjral tevur
ittir rt-t lai grv
nti, 'ctkel kunds
and trduce was it Par-
k. Una ,a a lart numVer
htve already fo-tud out. yoi
w-Kild I relieved of all repon!
bility of running nrjund to get
what yen want at rew-onable at. J re
liable prices. Park H.o. serve the
pe tj-le by treating them well and dealins
out only good, wboloom-j jroc."iej at hv
ing prices
IK) Yol
If so jcu should
go calllns
o and u-e cur line of Calling,
th, nicely ptintexl
IW) for 60 ci
CO f-r Xt eta.
Keep this Knct bcfu.c Ynu.
Conn & flu-tun cot only keep th best ia
tho market in icrocerie ; btti as mell in
ciwkerv thev cirry a fine stock ut remark-
J ably low iiricec. They will receive in a
few day an clctrant line of decorated ware
and (tl.iM ware tiie prettieet vt anything in
the city. - ail and sec it.
If y .u uw weak and worn out, or have ti ed b-eling Hood's Sarsaparilla is
just Ihe medicine to restore your strength
an J give you a good api-etita Hood's
tinkes pure blood
For a dinner pill and general family car
thnrlic we contidectly n-eomiiieml Mood's
Fine stationary at Fred Dawson's
Ho baths at Verlca '
Hit Hath and warm room at VVtlck'a
thavirtji pal lor -
71 orange fir 35 ct this week at 0 E
If you want a Kovi and clean
smoke buy clgnrs made by our Al
bany cigar faetory.
Fresh Soduvillo sodit water at Uolges
Money lo loan on farm security.
II. K. Merrill.
Call on
Fitkh buck w he a' floir in bulk at
Those wh get their meats nt the linn
Dreed Meat Market, at Second and F.lls-
aaaiva mvj yi a-sj in hiwajq un
I Cheap stationary at Fred Daw
Bi a' Visrejs hyin and hai
sntVioR parlor .
I want mere trade.Fred Dawson
fhamols skins at Fred Dawson
rf "i lt'qfri0mw0
wa at
w tne " av:kit Stout i:n ami
llie BTeatt m-1 er 'in t'ne
diea-a of the Livcr.KMncysarjJ Clon
I L L ' lair i.-i v.-, v - .w
. u.wu-.,, ;,,,L
1 v
J-!d by all firt clt drajrgifU.
WlK.'oale Manufacture.
Lebanon. Or
nmr'i having agotl nneret!
Tlie f irmer furnLhe sim,uU-nt;fiIj, OClff. BaStOB KMl, AlbaCT
r the lolv and the !a:u-r a-id ! n., -
appetite more tl.ani
mce-t of tbe tdftren. i- j
s'lmed fortlK-nrT"'e. W '
have t-auli!ci jatternj
1 in lth linn.-r and Te ,
retain all wan. No
oniyaremv lKn
nere;sar.drrvirk j
err ware all rieht;!
but in choice jrro-;
ceries I carry a pe-
led fc'
ff 1 rr ut r r.-an t!
KJ A 1 l p-ther! 1? it not Vet-1
ter to buy yo -r t'.res. !, l-s, U-l',Cakc. '
eU-. at a rclial ! j ttore wberv they use;
on'y the !-t materia! l;y of cwinre i j
is yoa .ior.t want dyspejfria and yoc", '
never t i: I t eating anvtl.inir Ir.-m t.c 1
store. " l.V. BAKtiiY.
liet. K;'..-w.r.!ian.l I.yon 2nd .-t. !
t.'. 1. Vivuvkt, rn-prietoi j
. .t.. I'ortland.t'rv.. M.
arvn 27.1"j.
tealc-l i.Mi in tr.i.licaU w::l tc rv-
ceivej here until 12 o clock
aM time. April II, 1H., for jurnisbinj: t
l ;n
aul ik-lirennc stone r tli
, , , ( , .
inent of a-ioma Pav, t.rv. A 11 ia:r-
malion fumishe.1 on application.
Ti:ow . f-y won. C"i!.lrfr
UillU W
I tjlllU
CA i. J AR'?. SJ !cleJ--
Direct Lire
Q i-ck Disoatch
us Fre.gM
4-m Ml ni Fn'Ktan.
m.o-9 A r Anrr
II o r j . F. b iUh Mi.- A 7 ".7. trwl
rhe Company reww yea tbe ngni
arg nailing datea w'thonl noilre.
F.r freighi p.-. r r. te -t'
i iny kcent
CKr M J H.adrr. S.H a Co. St-.
ark.t St &m Vr mv
to the EAST via the
Union Pacific System.
Through Tttllman Palace
Tourist sleepers and New
Chair cars
Tra ins heatd by Meant ar.d cars light
ed hy l'intm-h Light.
Time M (Milcaito 3f davs. tune to
Sew Yoi k 4V days, tthie'i i many
hours quicker than all competitors.
Hor rates, time tahli-s and full infor
mation, aiplv to
tUKtU IoSrHiT.i,i;.-.;5, A'bany,
It w IUjcton, C ': BhiiWS,
lien'l Auent, Dia: Pa At
135 Third St, Portland, t)r
I will offer at public miction, on the lOtfc
day of April IbWV ut 10 oVkn k ut
the Oakville United Presbyterian ptirson
age, my "Woodbury" mare, two -Ontvo"
colts, two years old this pr ji;r. two f -
eel lent cow, household goods, etc.
One year's time will be eiven. with nn. '
proved security, on all sums over $3.00.
Sums under $5.00 cash in hand. J
j A. M. AcnEBj-.
IBS! to tbe
If i a
W 1st. i
-i nBmn!
kunrntjt at Ut will practk la all eonrta of th
' SpoiJ tltit!on rlvm to Button: In prob-te
ud to ci lection. OKnt'K-ln lb f .na block
yr it mii.YKtr
Attonuiy at L wd S-iiidir in C'liknoary. i.i
iont mdv on all pn'atc. Ixihi nttuvrtf on
rmbl term. Albany Ore,
AU.T,y t w. r.! X,r. p-ibile Will pnmU in
ill ,tiTA ,4 th:j t&ui H-axl attrnt on t to matter U nrebM ! - Snt
t PuKoltSo, Altwn t. Ogv . '
' 1
AO'ney al Law, A'bany Ur.
A!! legal maUers will revive prompt at-tcnt-sn.
Office, Tirat National Bank
building, np stairs.
Will practice ia all the i.ii of tie
Oifice Po4 Office Block. Albany ?regtn
U C Vtoa Lutier Elkins
Oa Kiret Nf.innal Biat ItniMina
j Business in-n-i'jf-l to n will receive care
i fal and prompt afention.
Attorneys at Law.
Albany, Cregon.
J. I- tuvv.
Tidu mat tanpam. OPTICe-CMW
(UMta, Aibuj, Onm.
rs. II. E. anJ O. K. Uccrs.
fu v.i. nJ sanrejn. rnt o9i-
i block. .Vibany. j.-e. Ifxira 10 to 12 a. m..
2 o and 7 to S p m. Resid-?nce corner
j 5t'j and t lap.ia tU hpeid attention
fiven tooivise of women.
I Offiaeoo Fetry St ceveor ?rd St 02c
, owir. 7 to 9 a m. 12 to 2 and 6 t n m
! Itvcial ast.ntia given t j chronic cae
j aol !Cueit.
j CflSlT ff SlTaBts rflEfflt aCt
i "vou ttAIMtw t. AfsU
i I tin ini lfNr tir
Albany. Or.
Cty an n .x warrants bcrtihi and
1 often convrvs a w arc . n-. Warnings are
, re.rHM, tuee w no rr.ase tne mt'.ate i
. - . . . . . ... . .. -. . i . . . .. . . . .
yortr svstcm is ran down, tiiere s eome -
' tninir rn;, aca l:ie wrong must i?J
: rurtitnl msmouatelr. i ne l!: is tne
river of l ie, snd the
hole srbtetn :s Je-
rnse-i w hen it's out of o"ler. Tl;epes
Dothinsc better than Ar".'Sn.- r-ansa-
j-arilia to rw
;' uiu-h as
j.rUU so restore the lo xis nor-
n. t..-t tetis nowhere
in the he.:M.. You are
what vos-.r I !: 1 is. Mke vour blood
i ri-ht l y ukic Atn.stFVinirs Sarsaparilla.
j t ( i nmiii.
iCiJL 1 1
ifetnr llaken
(cr. ittc.'L.u and fir I M.
t'waateal I'rall
I'rled FrniU.
Tnbai :o
t'aaned Strata
Yejte table-,
ic a
even thing that is kepi in a
gc-od variety and gro
cery t,U-c. liigh
et prce paid
T CAN GIYK oa more geituii e lr r-
. ance for a $i.o !hn any other agent In
jhorl-by w he. can w.:rot pre
miem to ihe amount of i
can MCne tl-e agerv for n in-i rancV
Co., for mat reason tJo .it thmk lha
ev rv man w ho write lr.Minti.ce po-kie
in "insurance mtn."
Insure in the SI'S. PHOENIX, LON
I'Nl'JN of Eng'and.or Clj N I INENTA L
of Near Yoi k and hv? oniei.irg t
our mosey in ca-e i honest !o,
Nie taken 011 tar-? io.jrance.
M sNtiras M'gr.
Valtey adjuiicr fv the Sn ic e-mct
I.OI1 JliH,
lliheit price pa'-d for all tint)
Notice i heie' y ettrva ' all horn
my o-icer that the rml-'m tied M
Fruit. h b-e pyitired admlnlktratar
ihe e-Ute ii l ' Mivhae. iti-o--J ,
. 1 1 . ... t .. . k .,
j County 'ort t4 tta t.--t of Uirr. a
I, t-otlntv il tht Km h. Rl.t k.. ...
i a. mch adn mi tratoraed thaame hw been
j sppi.iVi d by aaid coar , Ml perrun h Mu$
. i-l ami JijmuI saij uiit, - I ere by noti
1 ted nnd rrquind 'O pneut t.; nam to tbt
j i n.l- 6i nm th t Oio of Whitney &
j Netrt ii. Altony, Oregon, or t his rwi-
a-u.- ..nt n miles tontb of Browravllle,
OreKco,iintrly yerifitd within s.x mooths
b una th- date of th'.a ootlct. And al pr
s in tn.trtited toaaid estate are required tc
mke imieeJU'e paymrnt of th tarns te
e nuuenogned.
m,w a A if any, rjregon, Jan 10, 1S05
M " Kacrr. AdtninittraVr.
Wh.tnev & Naw-i, Attj. for Ad.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
. WorU'a Fair Highest Award.
To each and every owner cf real rrop
er'y In the city cf Ailanv, Or' gon.
e ?td ,ach ft J041' are hereby notl
tied that the ,.'. I ,.t ,u . .i
Oregon, propone to Introduce and pas an
o-u.nanceio ctianira the g.aJe of the
street, and rdewalk In Slid city, which
provides :t follow:
Section i. "That the center line of (be
Bnired rrade of Fir-t trt, b?c
Washington street and Lyon trt, and
-yon street between First Hreet and
tree, in the city of Albany, .hall be eigh-
uxn ti-jj i"cne aiove v-e level ot the-gut-ter
ljn of -aid stree:, a covr estaWish
ed." Seciio2. "That the renter lineoftii
finlabed grade of e-cb and every street in
the city of Atbn. except tha! porion of
Firt street, and Lyon itriet, a mentioned
and descriljedin section this orfl
nanr, shall be tweniy (20) Inches above
th level of th goiter line of such treeU "
Section 3. '-That the grade of tbe deck
ing of all sidewaiks shall lie oa a level
with tbe grade of the con'er line of the
s'reet on bicb they ball be mpeetively
. i. by order of the Coram on Council
of tbe t iiy of Albany. Or n, m d-i by
reao'ntioa No 7. Adopted by said cono
cil at a regu ar meeting Held at the eri
ehamb -r. In said city, the 9ii day of
April. Iil3.
Albaiy, Oregon, Apr'l 10, i83.
K.J. l'ETO.
Becrder of the ct-y ot Albany
Notice i hereby gien that se4ed pro
p-Mais will be ra&eivad by the treasurer of
Aloany. Oregn. at his office, nntil the
hour of tw. (2 o'clock p. m. Tharlay.
Aprd l-.h, 15. for the parchuting of
bon'U of said city to the amount of $34,000.
or any portion thereof. Said liond are of
the rienomina ion of ilOOOeach, payable
tne first day of May. 1915, bearing interest
at the rate of five percent per annum, pay
able temi-annuaily; both prin-Hpil and
liter? payable ia gj'd coin A the United
ed State, at the Arnerleaa Exchange Na
ti or,! Bask. New York City. 1 be issue
ef aaid bond U authorized by ordinance
No. 22, paed 'iry the enaaeti of id city
March 26. 19&5, and approved by tbe
mayor March 23. l-i Prop U receiv
4 will bi opened at tV tins and pUce
first abTe mentioned, an 1 tbe purchase
M b? awarded to tne biihe!. and beat
iddr.btit tee treas-jrer hereb rderes tbe
rige.t to reject any and al! bi.U.
A!b-y. Or., Mrch 2Hh, 135.
Treasarej' of tbe city of Albaay.
Xoticc i beret an yen tbat I liave bsea
dcly appointesl admicistnu'rix with tLe
will aniw-xed of tbe etate of H. E. Storer.
decease 1. and tbt I have dn!y qaa!i&ed a
mch, a-i peromi baicjr ebtiis
aga;n-4 said estate are bereliy nvtiied and
required lo present tbe same to n- with
tbe proper oucfc at tbe oS t . 11.
Bilyea in tne rity of A'bany. lia caanty.
Oregon, wttbir. ii month from tbe date
Datel ibu 15tii day of Feb . Ici5.
Mes. A B- Jonssox.
Adasitirtraiiix with the wii. annexed
X-xice hereby gite" thaf I Bsdrr j
icel bas been day appointed lj tbef
e oonty coor cf Lan c xnt. p-.rn. a
xecntor of the la.t will aed t iau.e-'-t of
Jasrei MeMaiua deceased. A I pe'soo 1
havine ruin, airifi$t sud eca'e are bee
by notified to present tbe sane t tbe ob
d eiii rx 1 at 1! jl-e. Orepos. o to mv at-
torweys eatuerfia At Wvat . at ibeir
office at AJbpBV. Ores1", dc'v Ten5edai
"y iaw reqairl. itr-in six fumi
ihe date of thi rwtice.
Dated this 27 b dy of Mar'n. Xy.
v-'rujisi H. i!v V HAf.
Attfis. for Eteco'or.
N J i--e ! trey sriv-n that ! xnder
s:aed ha thidy bea apjio-e-i by the
county court of Liai pia -t, 0'ecn. ad
m!nit'i?or c-f lLe eslae of Jaae E Carter,
laiec-f lien ccaa'y. Cregew. decraied.
A I pros hrinze xr ta ijj-aiot sxid es
tate aie Iierrby notiSeJ o pne;t tbcnj
profierly Teri5ed ta tbe naderigted. at Al
oa' x.Or-g-n. wi;bia six mooth frcjB ihi"
Aat -.
A b uj. Or . Ma'ih 29. IS&
Er E. M. Cakteb
V;tTnRr-;.aai iVvxTT. Amiti-rator.
Afys ft-r Adraintraor.
Assignee's Notice.
No'Jce t-5 her5 esm I hare been
1 .., , t',.. a fc.- is. cnt! r.f s1Til
l n..iod and J T Sa.!'h, -cwloi s. In
H-.u c-t V. m J Siert, the -.iiit-c nasi -Hi
fc ai,l i fcsUirt t!eVor :n their deed
if IRititn' heetcfurc rnt!e r-J fi ed
:n iv oSce of the Cccn'i t. Vr of Linn
coi-nt. Orettn. and 'bt I live du:w
filed re? bo
S as uch aM;ntei tnerefore
a" 'h,e cieiit'tsrj vd a-s;gTvi,r art er
hy "OtsSed'o pre-et lt:eit
cairns, undei"i-w!".-i, to cf wjthc thre?
months from da:e hereof, at n:.y rei-ie-ce
in the- city of Alcarrv. Ors'on.
Patei this Sta uay c4 Ke-.iN.
Assignee ia of Wtnr J S'enrt.
Notice is hereby given ioat the nnder
sigsed has been by tbe Couaty Court of
Linn county, state f f tn-ton du'y ap
pointed sniinUtnttcr cf trie estate of X
P. Payne, decewed. Afl per-e-a having
cla;ms against tbe estate M S. P.
Pavo deceased, are hereby notiStd ace
required to pre-tat tbe same, dul r eified
a by Uw required, to tSe undersigned at
-hect5vof Tne l.ina Coaaty Abstract
Company. i Albany. Iian county. Ore-
tr irtfin . ) v t -ia fmm Ih .1 I
R M Pirvn A.4niitiirs7
kot;ce to stockhclce s
1 w t0e annual meeting pf the
Alhar.y Mluinc Millingr Co. will
be held at the oiice c-l C . G. Ba khart on
Arr lStj n, i!S. at 4 o'clock p. m. of
atd day, for th rorposeof e'ecting aereo
di recto: to etTe Joy cnejrar ai.d the
transaction of oeii other tr.sineM as may
tegaity com- before the ai e irg. B cru
der of BoarJ of Director.
J. Y.ipa. N. H. Alikv.
Secretary. Prsident.
Notice is hereby given that the nncb-r
signed adroinis-trator of tbe estate of H. M
alter decvaseJ, has filed with tbe clerk
of the ccuntv court for Linn county. Or.,
his final accoant and the court has fixed
tbe 6tb day of May, 13&. at tLe boor of
one o'clock p. m. for hearing ohjtCrecs
if any to said account and for Ihe settle
ment of said estate. This March 19.
E. R Hfsros, Adair.
eatherford k Wyatt.
A!t " fir aduir.
1 N the tax roll t,r lSVlt h. l.-r. nUeed
in my bands with a warrant the collec
tion of tbe same Taxpayer are request
ed to call at an earU date and settle for
the same, as provided b s:d wa'rant
and required v 'aw. J A McFkrox.
Sher ff of Liaa C.
HO! BLACKSMITH. tVanted one wh
understands General Ulacksmithiar
and especially hirse shoeing, aU can do
wood work for repairing wagons and farm
machinery. Will furnish hoD free of
charge for cne year. k"w further infonna-
lion wri'e 10 AI.BKST M AM1LTOJI.
Jlolley, iJ it ce. Ok g
Koike is hereby given that I have the
iinJa ob hand and will pay all county
warrants stamped rrevioos to Aov 14,1894,
interest on the same closing at this data
the 2teJi day of Keb., 18ai.
tr.j. AioKRia.
County Treasurer.