( The hard times have been the means of pettiug trade on almost a cash basis. It takes money to buy things nowadays. Every member of the Albany council ia over 45 years of age. The young men of Albany are strictly not in it the city council. This is-a very early spring which re minds ns ihat the proper thing is to spring into the Democrat's advertising columns and stay there. A duel was ought on the streets ot can Francisco last week in this closing de cade of the nineteenth century. Think of that. California officials were so extravagant that they put several telephones in a deaf and dumb asylum. Comment ia unnecessary. A relief party is to search for Terry in the Arctic ocean. Immediatelynother vessel should be sent to search for the relief party. The Portland Sen says that women who sell their virtue make money as honestly as the men who rent their property to then). A Tullman car porter has sued a Los neles papei for $50,000 damages. The pa;T charged the porter, a darkey, with s ruling $100 of a passenger. He lost hie jilmnd thinks $50,000 will be about 1 : jiti t. lie will probably get nothing bat shaving?. T.'iiby is at last getting people into ttouble. A Brooklyn husband and wife quarreled over the morals of the heroine until the hasliand had to be taken to the hospital with a broken skull. Which serv ed him right. Any ruin who will read J Trilby ought to be whipped by his wife. tcn.e uiiy the Santiam mines will re vive the developement and notcriety they de.-erve. Millions hidden in the bowels of the Cascades ia our own great county of Linn, will be unearthed. Albany will be the suvply ci'y and then look out for a live era. The Southern Ptfirir nauis sugar from Portland to Albany fin 7 cents a hun dred and from Albany to Kugene for 23 cents, and yet Euitene merchants boast that they sell sugar c!i-aitr than Alba ny merchants, who sell it with a margin so narrow a krife blade won't rest upon it. Speaking of the Red Crown failure the Jefferson Review says: '-when the p:esi dent returned last Saturday he found the mill empty and closed. Mr- Isom himself has lost more by this failure than all the others combined. Vtorlh pn-bably $100, 000 five years pgo, today he says he does not think he will have $1 le't all lost by trusting fo the rnansgement of others." The new members of the Soldier's Home tioard decided emphatically that they worsld not chaise for mileage except as actua'ly paid; that any member rid in.'oa passes should not receive mileage. At Foitlaod Mr Kc.el.ler if reported to h ire if Mr Rid, thai when officials c'iargf tailefijrtf it is unjjgt to rid-j on passes, and the policy of Um road would be not to furnish them aiiv. Toe board decided to hoi 1 meeting only once in three months Whenever a public man is fonnd who krers hU w rd h? is hjoked opnn as a curiosity, something worth irazin at. He ia not tli- U"U il or.lr-r of things. The mayo- of York.tliouuh a repnhliean, as s'rarne as :t uitv evem, is s .id to le getting idu-"- ".o keeping his anti-elec-tijn pW-.!g i! an any Maror New York lia-ltail. Uif result ia the ftirnntr np of the rotten bones of corrupt politicians. Members of the old rings are openirg their eyes in astonishment. Washington Lettci . From f uz rejcuUr Correspondent. Washington, March 25th, 1895. Pi (indent Cleveland and Secretary Cirethaui are having as much trouble with the influential jingo element in the United Sta'es as with the Pandora's box of com plications which has been dnmiMtl ap'm t'.e Department ofState. The j rgoitt" i-an see no excuse for Spain not hsving made the apo'.ogy demanded (al li'.ti'.;li it is patent to alt cool Leads ilia the dt lay is ranged by the change of ministry) an.' would like to see the President f lid a fleet over to seize Cuba at ones 'li e fame hot heads also in terpret lift: Hoiiroe doctrine to mean thai the Uuitd S'ate.i should attack Great Briiair, if that country carries out its th.tat to compel Xicaiagna by forre i-t ace df to it" dtixands. Forlu r.atrly l.r the couiit-y neither the Pres i i.-r.i. n,r his cabiiiit ha any touch of iticj'itg'j f-y-r; roiiPfqceully the nu iiier'iiu foreign complications are being l.aii-lVd in a business and common sense way. Tir- only unfortunate thing about Sec-re'.K.-y freharu itemand for the rtcll of li - Hawaiian liiiiiMer, because . f his i-l. ne:l violntii.il-! of diplomatic eti- qv.tf, ia that it ha re-opened the whole tire?oi:ie !IaA aiiali i The Uiii.frd Stat ia on U12 eve of a dip!.i:iia'.ic victory in the controversy with Vi-rminy over its clim that Amer icfu vut'ii tf-ie t'ifeautd a.-.d were sole ly lor that reai'iti t-liiit out 01 Ge:many, and 'lit; prohibition ietxpeettd to be s!nr'.!r ien ov-!, the German govern-ui- 111 li..v oem convinced of its erior Wh-M fmaiiy 1 uneven the ptohibi tiou ih' "tii r Kiiiopta.. countries which fi:ii.wfl hf r in adpiing it will proba b!y .10 '.he a:iif. This victory will bear teM-i.ii.ii.y to the -vislnm of President U-v -land in refusing to order tariff re inl a'io.i against ti e countries which dun out iiir calt le. :i.e oi the bnsii'tt bu-eaux of the gov err.iiieiii. ja.it no -is that of Internal Usven.te Ktc-ttary Carlisle has rad to d..-ti' ri.s from other bureaux to as sls'iu liaii'lling the income tax retu-ns, wi.i ii ar pouring in by eveiy mail. AI rcii.lv 1; 1- 4j. parti. t that 1 he estimates of the .fi.tiji;i! fr -111 ilus tax, made while it va before Congress, fere very much tec !'. 1 he returns are required to be r.iadn b April 15, with a penalty for la u'.-, li it the (ax U not due until July 1. i'.r-. Notwithstanding that more ;ii tii $40,000 hps already been paid in. ii now abi'it settled that a new t ' c 1 "ruing 1 tin Behring Sea seiz sIihII )-. negutiateil b;treen che t; fit Stat-fl and Gr-i.t Britain. It is ttii ilie 4 I. :-r tt a- Mr luuan rannce rote, 1 1 11 Amtj.uwiicor, ii8fistea vy air v I'u i v. minister of marine and 1 l.i' ii iiai la. and other Canadian : ..c .lis a i i repredeiii ianua.i. ana mat i.e i,e'..tiatuns lire to bo carriidonini iisilungton. The moral wave in Portland is bring ing out the need of greater purity of character in private life. There seems to be an idea that the ministers of Tort- land are tho ones prosecuting the women ; but as a matter of fact they treated the matter very plainlv, and boldly blamed the owners of prcpertr and the men who patronize them just as much. The Sun says: Dr. Wallace was opposed to last week's raid because it as class persecution Why were the gamblers notified to close without being arrested, when informa tion concerning them sat given to the grand jury? The gambles had money, votes and political influence; these wo men have none, ard so they are prose cuted while the others escape. "Why are the owners of the houses rented for impure purposes not arrested, likewise the ow tiers of gambling-houses? Why persecute the inmates and fail to arrest the patrons of these houses?" ask' ed the speaker. ''The raid," ho continued, "is imprac tical, because it offers no permanent sol ution of the ev'l." The Salem Journal stiis up Genera Idleman as follows on Attorney the rail- road commission decisirn: The attorney, general's opinion is a one-sided opinion. He does not give both aides of the question He does not give tiie decision, and there are mauy strong opinions rendered, against such commissions holding over. His decision ia not a fair treatment of the question. The attorney-general takes the position of an attorney employed by the defend aut commissioners instead of taking the aide of the state and the side of the pea- pie. He plainly says to the people, if ycu take any steya in conrt to get rid of these commissioners do not expect me to prosecute rear case. I am on the other side in this matter. I have from the start taken the side of the railroad Commission and having given it the bee- e5t and prestige of my official opinion, if yon want a lawyer to represent j our side yoa will have to hire one Once in a while the people elect an official who does not prove a failure ,and who nobly fulfills anti election pledgi s Governor James H. Budd, of California, furnishes an instance of this kind, and the way he ia vetoing useless expsndi tures of money by the legislature ought to make our own Gytnot Lord blush like a fullblown aurora borealis. Jim Budd has already done enough good as chief executive of the btate in a sensible, practical way to endear him to the hearts of the people of California forever, and if he were to run for office again his buck board campaign journey .would be a triumphal tour over flower strewn road, while the fello who ran against hiin would only get the votes of the raihoad officials and their hireling. Review. An o'd-faehioced "whip-saw mill' is situated on the place of Nathaniel HogLcs, about twj miles noitii of Pal las. The mill is built by rcocping ou the side of a hill to answer the purpose of a pit, and then a platform is built above. Upon this platform a saw log U rolled and then with an o'd wl.ipi.aw the lumber is made. One man stands on the platform and one in the pit. The duty of the man underneath is 10 put the saw down and the man cn the plat form pulls it up, two good fcawveis being able to cut about 200 feet of lumber daily. Mr Hughes Uses the mill to caw out oak timber for wtgon making Ex A Spokane firm is shipping ten car 1 jads of potatoes to Su Paul, the cash b jing paid for ti.tm a-i fa-t at shipped . The amount paid for potatoes in Spo kane is $5 a ton. Several carloads were ordered from Colfax lor Omaha :at week, the growers receiving slightly higher price than that mentioned. At Yakima, lli tlera'd notes that home and outside buyers have been bidding up potatoes qu.te strongly, and fully 100 car-loads were sold at $6 and 57 cash. with late otTcrii.ga as high as 1 3 potatoes were largely fur eastern men t. Ex. The ship- Mr. Haivcy Sj.U, of the Oregcnian is inaugurating a move for a genera! pell together for Oregon. The movement is a gocd one. Mr. Scott should be broad in thi, and if he really desires tr.e pros perity of Oregon and not the Oregon ian alone, seek the c w.peration of every newspaper in the state, big and small Let the press of Oregon in nnion with the leading citizens oi the etate take en ergetic, harmoninui ctepa to puh Ore gon's industri' -, an 1 there ccu!d be lo doubt of the result. Oregon has been beneGtted by the les sons taught by the hard times daring the past two years, and iu the future more reliance will be pla'ed on her re sources. Heretofore every commodity has been imported, and th? money sent away. It is to be hoped that in the future our producers will export instead of import, and this wiil lea 1 to indepen dence and wealth. Oregon eg j, bu'ter. bams and bacon ar9 good enough fur any one, and cannot 'e excelled anywhere. Times Mountaineer It is very humorous to see some pipers trying to smooth over the last legislature. It was the worst apology of a legislature ever convened in Oregon, and republi cans who are getting it in'o their head ttiat ttiey will be obliged to crry it are trying to smooth over matters. By the next election it will be made out a pretty gcod legislature.; but that won't go down witti the voters of Oregon. Blsmarc was eighty years o'd Cunday. lie deserves the congratulations he has received. He stands out as cne of the two greatest men of the present age: Gladstone and Bismarc. The United States lack the equal of either, we sre sorry to state. There is a big opening at the top in the U. 8. If the newspaper gtve every body the fits when requested to it would have i.s hand full and its head in bandages. The law generally gives people fits, though pietly slow sometimes. A Chicago paper says tef will be higher than for ten years. Thi is a big thing for cattlemen ; but not a big thing for the masses who buy meat... There is plenty of money ; but the trouble is to get bold of it. Bring it out and let the people see the color of the stuff. A ;i lr 1 fc'iabcisco, . aL i.i'.i. cuuvicted in and yet some people jSan think the world is not improving. A man should place bis money where be resides. That ia only fair. Suffering and destitution in Xehraska continue. Bhould there be another fail ure of crops the reenlt could not be de- picted. The Astoria Budgett published lliofo'- lowing on April 1st: Another Failure. The Astoria-Uobel Railroad a Fizzle. Mr. Hammond and Stanton Depart in D:sgu8t. They Say the Weather is Too Wet tor Their Delicate Constitutions Hammond Says the Whole Subsidy ia Worth About Seven Dollars and a Half. Aetoria Will Get a Railroad in the Set Subsequently Might as Well Close Up Your Real Estate Offices and Prepare to Fish. It ia with mingled joy and sorrow that the Budgett is compelled to announce that the railroad has again gone fluey and Messrs. Hammond, Stanton, Mc- Leod, aud all the engineers who came from abroad have departed, and our lo cal engineers, graders and construction ists have baen paid off and discharged. On account of the coilapso which will natuially follow, and the destitution in to which the people will be plunged, the Budgett is sorry ; but on the other hand the Budgett is thankful that Astoria may still enjoy the distinction of being the largest city in the Uni'ed States without railroad connection. Jow kiinl reader, when yoa peruse this d j not get despondent and try to drown your sorrow in the flowing bowl, but tome around to 661 Commercial street and eubacrPie for the Budgett which gets news Gfteen hours ahead of any other paper on the Columbia river, always bearing in mind that thia is the First Day of April, and you are the b:g gest Fool in Astoria. . Following is a minute deacription of the man who kibed Sheriff Bogaid: The train robber known as Bill Brown is also known by the names of Jack Mo Uuire, J. Johnson and I. II rad y. He is described as follows: Age, 26; height feet 6lj inches; weight, HO pounds, medi um slender build; dark brown hair; brown mustache; dark tye; long arms and hands ; legi rather long in propor tion to body : shoulders, high and slight ly drooping; head incline Blightly for ward ; thin face ; sharp features ; small chin, somewhat receeding; short upper lip ; lower lip droops down when talking, showing lower tetth , npper front pro trude.ahowiug heavy gold filliogUhe two center upper teeth in front appear to be false; bony bands; pi asant talker; very suave manner, and usually wore dark- lolortd clothes and hat ; is quite proud of his foot wears about a No. 64 or 6 shoe; is temperate, does not smoke, sel dom uses profane language ; is a good dancer; has the gertial aprearancejofa ranch hand, even vhen wearing the be clothes; usually wears a feold ring with a large cameo setting ; is a good bicyclist, and owns and rides a Cleveland bicycle is an Americao 01 proDable Irish ances try . liasioeas tliroogbout tne enure toon tty as compared with last year ia reviv ing considerably says a Weat Virginia exchange. The country's batik e'eariags last week showed a gain of nearly 14 per c?nt. over that of the same period lat year. In many cities the per cent, of gain was signally greater whi'.e iu a few it was somewhat ). The per cent, ot fain ia significant oalug to the fact that a-j a genera! thing yiicr-s are Consider, b! luer t'.an in ti.ii month last year, riiertuck market has mateiially increas ed, the iron trad- ia on tiie advance and slgnul revivals are ooticed alonr other linej. The indtcatiuns for better times are becoming more and more incou rac ing. The action of the Red Crown Mills committee yesterday settles the fact that storersof wheal will lose what they bad stored in the mill, over 31,000 bash els, worth at the present market price over til. OX). This money was loet by the direct violation of the law, pla inly by a criminal act. Over S),000 bushels of it was used without the shadutt of a content of the owner. There ia plain English word tha. fit such c-i-.- There iil be a meeting of storers on Satur day, when, no donbt, steps will be takeu to al least secure justice. We often wonder mhen we ree men ran through with thousand of dollar in a few years. It is strange that men do not figure, that i, '.hat other mn do not It is never strange about ourselves, but about other people. Give tome men St 0,10 J in a small city and it will only be a short time when they cannot mfet their obl:gatios, whereas, by good man agement they might bave lived off their wealth. 0 it goes, np and down, see saw, and the money circulates. A home for .'albn women is to be start ed in Portlasd. This is practical Christi anity. More than this, the woman who falls and afterwards repent is entitled to more respect than the man who falls, but it is not even called falling, and does not repen, and as much if he does recent. There should be an equality in such things. It is time sentimentality was stopped aDout such things. This tax collecting bnsinea seems to be very uneven in Oregi. Josl a the tax collector begins buiin ss in Marion county in Clatsop county the collector closes the books and put a'l those who have no, paid on the delinquent list. 172,000 were collected in Clatsop before any in Marion county. There ouitht to be tomo cniforinity in these matters ia Oregon. Eli Perkins is t.ow lecturing frtquent 'y in churches. As lie lift alaays had the reputation of being a grea. liar tire sounds very peculiar. The tro'h is, though, that Eii is probably a truthful man except on the pla' form. The Florence Wtst i-ays Pinger lb r mann will be chsiiman of the river and harbor comaJttee in' the nei t Coognss. A result that would enure to the tienefl1 cf Oregom Mr. Hermann is particularly friendly to Vaquin t. The-ed tor of the Ranier Rview is meeting aitb the usual foot-ball ex peri into of editors. I e says: "Ye editor fell ofTa sidewalk last night and htir' nis feelings besides skin- ning his shins and coil pie of his leirs." nearly breaking a George W. Belt, the populist mayor of Spokane, has vetoed the anti-variety theater ordinance. It failed to pass over the veto. Ex. Belt was or.ee prosecut ing attorney of this district. Big shipments of potatoes are go'iPg out of Oregon East. That is tiie idea that will build np this country, v. e mast get as much money in and send out as little as possible. An ' Indiana man blew what little Sraine he had out because not elected to the legislature. Gen. Neal Dow, of Maine, is ort r 01 years of age. Water evidently agrees with the General. MISFITS. The editor of Tho Florence West is gloriously silent about tho Soldiers Home. That was a fortunate wound Li (Leo) Hung Chang received. It has stopped the Japanese war. There is enough reform talk in Port land to move things; but will it move things permanently. Business is good, that is tho train rol berv business. It is improving, and while it is somewhat hazardous, there is yet a good owning for a lucrative inconuw in u. mere ia always room at mo ton- next to the limb. The railroad commissioners will con tinue to draw pay against the will of the people; but the people will see that these commiHsioners never again get any of the public money. The Eugene Guard says that anyone . r ; I -Ma I - I t . turning in alarm 01 lire siiouiu oe certain that it is a genuine tiro before doing so. This is a freezer. A genuine fire! But what a the difference? Eugene's de partment could not extinguish even a taite nre. Florence west. A Portland girl, with four married sis ters, received a proposal ol marriage re cently, and asked a week to think it over. Mie went to see all 01 her marriea sis ters. One, who used to be a belle, had three children, did all her own work and had not been to the theatre or out riding since she was married. Another, whose hnaband was a promising wung man at the time she married, waa sup porting turn. A third did not dare say her life was her own when her husband was around and the fourth was divorced After visiting them, and hearing their woes, the hero of thia narrative went home, got pen, ink, and paper, and wrote an answer to the vounu man, Mie accepted the young man, and said she could be ready for the ceremony w ithin a month. The Roeeburg Plaindealer, one of the leading republican pa'iers ot houuiern Oregon, says When : Governor Lord was elected he eavo out that Marion county would not be given all the plums in gul ernatorinl piuiding. But how ia it? Whv, look at tho lint. A. Bush, John Minto, S. B. Ormsby, A. X. Gilbert, B r. Meredith. Henry itronhv and Hone. Jr.. are all curml for. The avlum ana reform school have Salvia men. That's w hv Salem is called "Salem hog." Mr !rv needs some of the backbone of Gov. Budd, of California. Baker City and Pendleton have com mercial cluba, Astoria a chamlrof com merce, Kugene, Albany and Mtdfor! have board of trade. Tliey are all act! ve organization and arc doing their re spective cities much good. Where i Salem's board of trade. Statesuian. A a matter of fact instead of being active, all the boards of trade mentioned arc de cidedly inactive. The lad of sending people and things on around the world awl acroM the con tinent tours will soon le too com iron to be interesting. In the express car on yectenlay'a train south ward on the 8. P. wa a fady'B slipper or low cut shoe which had traveled all the way from Kbofle l-Laml. Expras measenevra an.) agent along its tour had tagged it until there were inscription enough upon it to fill a newspaper page. KauU follow had tried to be humorous, with more or lees success, am) usually at the cxpene of the ladies of the next town w ho were roverbial t..r tiie extent of Uu-ir-'noder. standing.' -JUhland Tidings. A gentleman tells of a trick w hich h saw Mr.Mosluer two horses at the (air ground do, wliicli ttie iian atwut lown i .1 i . . : i- 1 . . One of the poniea ente the room w HU last stage of coneumption. -K7utin,ll ttT ar vn Darkness," aks the solicitous owner, The imnr hakest his head. ..iwV. v-, i;.. .riTVi-Vrr.rr: ;r I tfctin " KZi - I i . ' .i t .r.i.T.. tuiuva i. iv i.ni i-" t - question be goes to the tabic, get a fan and going to the sick horse cntTgeUcl!y fans him. The hoie gra.lually revive, "Xow you are about well aren't .voo. ' ends. Who aavs liorse haven't brains. un e-f... 1..1. ..-.j su.. ... n..v OftBCa ufATK WIlTltt tt TICK "Somtnarj. Station, Albany, Or. Mooth Vfn, 1S95. Klti ration abora seatavd. filT." bet. Mcaa tempera '-a re, 43 73 Departure from Manual, 6 Maximum UtnpftraAare, 69; !-!, 37. MlalaaDtn temperature, 24; dte. 14 . Mafaa of msiiioaa teoijratore, 57 Mean of min.ma'n tempcratire, 35 Ktx time aatimam ltnpr.tara 99 or bTe, 0. No. tin csn'mcai tmtrtor 82 ot Wow, 12. Xo, lim-a rn'oimi-n uat'.'ifi 40 nt be!o. ee. Total prrc'pitt'.wi 4 44 foe!.". Dnaitore t"OT ro-m 'I. 0 irci f. (riMtat n-rc pit't iit ia 24 c0'hoI'v. boon, aiddstr. l.fg 23 lotil dep'h of u-.mrltel ni.fj'-, iochea. Prerailio direction tb W. N. No. of clear dy. 12 N. of paitly cloody day. 5 No. of cloady day, 13. No of day on which .01 it nm'r rl precipitaticn fall, 10. No of days on which .04 or m" p ec'pi Utloo f 1, 9. Dateaoo wbob hail fell, 20 22. Dates 00 which aaow fell. 0. Data of tboader stormc.0. DaUs of light froat, 3 t 9 13 14 IS. lateof killiogorinjanoo. fmat, 0. Date of solar halo.. 12, 25.29 aod 30. Date of lunar haioi, 0. Th remarkably tn'ld waf er since th 15vh i brlnving out sprine fl iae.-. rapidly. Croeti.,nodrfp ii.t pr'mnf a'ar id fall bloom Jobs Bric;s, Vnlunteer Obaerter. PHVS1CAU STRENaTH, cheerful spirit and the ability to fatly enjoy life, come only with a healthy body and ntind. The young man who suffers from nerv ous debility, impaired mem ory, low spirits, irrita ble temper, and the thoussind end one de rangement of mind and body that result from, un natural, pernici ous habit usual ly contracted in youth, through ignorance, ia thereby Incapac itated to thor oughly enjoy life. He fcefs tired. SDiritlens. and drowsy ; his sleep isdisturbed and does not ro- fVft1. 1.1m ...... aa it j should ; the will power is weakened, morula tears nauni mm ana may result in confirmed hypochondria, or melan cholia and, finally, In softingof the brain, epilepsy, ("fits'), paralysis, locomotor ataxia and even in dread insanity. To reach, re-claim and restore such unfortunates to health and happiness, is the aim of the publishers of a book of 136 pages, written in plain but chaste language, on the nature, symptoms and curability, by home-treatment, of such diseases. This book will be sent scaled, In plain envelone. on receint of thia tice with ten cents In stamps, for post age. Address, World's Dispensary Med ical Association, Euffalo, N. Y. For more than a quarter of a century physicians connected with this widely celebrated Institution have made the treatment of the diseases above hinted at their specialty. Thousands have con ulted them by letter and received advice and medicines which have resulted in permanent cures. Sufferers from premature old ago, or loss of power, will find much of interest in the book above mentioned. 1 - - aaa- TELEGRAPHIC. The Monterey Needed. an Fiiamcisco, April 2. The, coast dofonne vessel Monterey, now in the har bor.may not go to South America after all. tier comniauil'.r has received sealed orders to leave San Francisco, and her ostensible leutinution lsLalloo, rem. At present thero is no trouble nt that point, and the dispatches from Washington thia morn ing state that her real destination is Vene zuela, on the Atlantic count. Hut be that as it may, the Monterey may not leave her present moorings ut Paummto. The Chamber of Commerce of this city has taken the mutter in band, and has called a meeting to protect a gainst the Monterey's being nit to tne rouuiern seas. Liquor the OarMUw. Omaha, April 2. Specials from all parts of the state on municipal elections show that party lines have not been drawn in many case, but when they were the repub licans won, except at Hooting and rutin mouth, vihcre democrats carried the day The uuctinn of granting saloon licentten was the leading m-u and waa favored in four-fifths of he towna. Frank Graham, republican, was elected mayor of Lincoln bv a lurae majority. The vote was heavy. with no atrikinir features. The populist showed no strength where they had tickets up. The riarlUa LrsUlatate. Taixaiiassse, Fla., April 2. Tho Florida legislature convened at 12 o'clock today for it biennial session of 00 days. The legislature u overw helmingly demo cratic in both branches. Hon. Fred My ers, of the eighth senatorial district, was e'ected president of the senate, and lion. W. S. Jennings, of Hernando county, speaker of the house. Governor MttcheTs mewae waa brief Rig 1 la ra. Pksdlktox, April 2. Report come in from the R'arrounding country that Mon thly's wind storm waa the wor-t in thirty years- In t'eudletnn it was a dun atortn. but in other place it did damage. Ad vices ret ei vol at the Orejon Railway k. Navigation Company's office say not a wicdmiil is otanding on the line between Pendleton and Uol.as Junction. In Athena an vicinity, IS windmill blew down. The lumber of the yard at Helix is a'l over the town. lak rrf Warlike. Havafa, Cuba, April, 2. -The street of Havana and the fields and mountain of Cuba are filled with soldiers and revolu tionists. The excitement ail ever the u land i more intent than ut any period jnc3 tin r.-olutiouut fired the hrt that February 21. This U because the inur gnt' foices are growing a'moet rapid ly a the reintcrceraenta of V e royal troop., and the latter a'e coming in on every maritime veaatel tailing in Uii direction from Spain. S)vrr a F.Wfw. GaAKT's Pa, Or.. A oril - rid Hoogh. a yoc.'g man Is jeir of ag. ha arrived here to five Limwelf into cntolv for thi uurder of favid Uxke, near W hits Sal mon. Wah. Hragn walkett Hi mile to s'jrrender hiui(:f The trouble betaeen the men aroe over a -livUion fcne, ao.l HvHigit claima have killed Ijcck in elf defcnn. law Clrrttaa. PoKTUt.xri. Ap'il l.YetcrJay munij ipal rlrctioct wef held in many cities and j kwn tbixuirhat tri Ft and Vnt. j 1.ere wa lej.ly no material differetioe ! frora the vte of a yer ago,' wiu-n every- thing went overwbeimingiy lepuUi-tn. In j ome citie an-J tc.an lural iiaes, more or ; lev, v?ecU-l the result, and t ie ?pob!i-! cant were fjr thi truen beaten io a few j plates. Internet io m..ny pWe centered ? ,n "? ru l i!T . aff . '"T ,OT " "n ,PM . , b. ' figure. r.niy ta!e coctait tii in M.iL:gin. where toe rpjit.:i..ir. e.iel a jiflio; ot tae 1 - pry-n.e curt and t o r-g"''t of tiie !a!e unnerny. , . , Tawra. I U. AprU I. In an interriew . ..-:..!.. V. A i 1 , t.. t V- "i i i j tonight UUrt Figrd. leader of the jtnbaapalR inlampa. and the rcog- oii-dhead of th movemt fit in thu T: " MiT"?- . . . . .'. '"T., . .M.T.iro? 'r . ,MO,Tr! . oi men on tne nana, toetner wua jxi nfl aajmunit-gn and armv atoreas hot at what pait the landing wa. aff-rted. 1 am j Bnl inforoie.1. He ha a large foroa. with s 37 cfrWw.and hit men are weil drilled and itiiJciiHinea. ttenerai pixcaa camareii Aconiren, taking everal hundred men on. 1 or era. A rrratlar AUadrr kali. Ijn ACia. April I.-Jadge Clark . , , J ' , . . today overruled the deronrrer inter(od by the Kv. J.t. Carapbell in the -oi: charging bun with clandering Ss Te-a Ukaifvi the librarian ..f the Lo An- art ion was a prayer offered by tbe de fendant tofor his congregation in the r'irt Methodist rhurch. in wh-ch he aid: -'O. Lord! vouchsafe Thy raving grace lo th librarian- of the Lo An e!cs city library and clcante her of all sin, and make l-r a woman worthy of her office." A Deaaaeratlc Urtary. PairtotponT Conn., April 1. -At mid night Mi return from the city c'rc'ion are not ail in. but thrw which have been received aosure the election of Frank Eck ert. the democratic candidate for mayor. 1I the rn'ire democratic ticket by from 500 to TOO majority Ticket were cratcb 'd. ro tbat tbe count will not be completed for vral boom The battle between tbe A. P. K. and its opponents on th board of educa'kin was apparently won by tbe lat ter. -1-- -. - - ""i 4 B'S!t. Sati FnAikCisoo, April I. -P. F. Pun don h:i ued the old d' rotors rf the Pa cini- lMii.lt on behalf of the deiioi!or and creilitnp. of the bank, for f 2.CO0.QOO. al leged tn have ben nuaapprnpriated and iiiHniie.-fi oy mem. lie mat amount ot judgment l apportioned among the deprotilors and creditors. Dundon alo ne Captain McDonald and other stock coMcr of the bank f- rarlflr t'raf Favareat. Cntraco, April I. The April report of the Oting Judd Fanner make the coililnn of beat K:t. or two Dointo low er than wf.n reported last year immedia'e ly alter the were March freeise The conilition on the rncine coat is very l.iuh and tf niaintninetl will make a record for the year in the matter cf yield. Fatal t'areat lle. Cincinsati, March 3l Irlcgraius from point m W estern Kentucky and Southern Indiana n port that the forsat tires arertiM rasing, but definite informa tion from any locality liu'king The loss is eMini .ted at J200.0CK) in Kentucky and in Indiana. lisptohe from Bowling tiiecii. Ky . sae that eight mile from then the h lines of Otis Smith, James A aters and Henry Kilcr were burned af tor 400 ac s of timber were swept away. Their fainiliex mounted horn's and esra li ed. Henry Ki'er whs so badly burned. however. Mini he died, mid a negro farm hand jieri.-bed ii, bed on Kiler's furtn. At Annctt.i and lilowtown, largo tracts of tiiulr were burned. WiJtiau. Kdwnnls. colored, was burned, to dath while fight ing ore. lb. t'altaa War. Kiev Wkst, Fla., March St. Private ad vices lat night from Cuba, tier steamer Olivct'e, state that seveml minor tinlili took plucitlte I'litb nnd zilb inst.. between Spain-h triops itnd inmirgenla in the prov inie of Sunta t l .ra. 'J'he iiiHureiita le- teated the bpanmh tnMin. Iwtb days. The Spaniards left their dead oil the field, and re'realed in gcod order. The dtad, it is slated, l-unibered 4!Hn both dajs fight ing. ceordmg to the lidviircs tho soldiers recently sent from Spain, allied volunteer, ait boyn. Their hearts are not in the tight, iii'd many of them have deaerted and g.uia to the insurgents A Haw Sloraa . Dksvkv., Mivrch 31. The heavy snow fall of Saturday disappeared rapidly today under a warm sun, and the railroads, though threatened with waxhout from the floods, are moving their trains on time. The snow waa a pdenomenal one. the heav iest full (48 inches) being reported at Lan der, Wyo. The sturm extended into Northern Mew Mexico and icxtu g"mST JACOBS niLCures;W,T,,krtroRD RhoumaHsir. Neuralgia, Sciatica, i.umbaeo, Kui'.ie, 7otsnd8, ....whA i l ;ohe is needed Thia is tbs wheel that was illuatrated In "iVarinl!.. the Cycling Aqttiorilv of Amer fca," January Jib. 1815. over the following title; "The Handsmenjodel Shown at iuo hp. anonai Vjcie r.inn.ition. inoai aumirea ana taiaed ol iiigb-grade . n " ' ii nicr-is inumoapoiu, Indiana, U h. h. Gory, exclusive agent for Albany ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY 4. JOSi:il, lJt oprIclor. Tut tnctm nrJiaarf ite jnraaaior a Ike Bo.i wond.rtai eiaeoie' cf the nre. It baa baan tra--Vwat.4 by U aaea of Earopa aa4 Aarrk. Hatfna ts jwiy tWM USIa. ' SMm at-- Coattlraikn, l'trrinm, failinc Een aauoo.Xf rr Oftstwiicbioc of Uia y ad other )!. rXreC4lKBa, I a y 1 1 oral . w. wra lev I eatlrJ7Lrm. 1 ! eu a Utrroni-fia. 1 Knl.aioaa. I aa4fcTjt4. 1 and rnbwt 1 wtak K(ua 1 rIM ja ita 1 tC. iotmwi . 1 by d y or tii.'.u V, ln. fafrn:3i ! f tb d :. 'M-T In 30 105T -ZiSBOOD fjcSekly. Ofrnz.tn9prtn)f4neactnx CmaiiamifN meaca Uasobmrj in the Bnrt rt-r- It it a fysapcora of arsenal wraAofss aadbfumaraa. It can be (Mtei la SDdaja 1t ttaa fataarHadraa. Th aw diamvary waa Bade '.f Us vriat. KioTt tid iuzrxM Haaaaa Stdtcal UttMata. It ts it stronrn vr.aitie. ssade. It M wry nw?i, tot aanakufL fid fc ft 00 a paca araofii packa IS) ttaa acid lamL WrI'trQ (raaraaa fr.Tr-n foe a cmrflL IfTaabay at bouaajid aw c estlrriy cotmLu eaon wlUbaarat la o trroti charyr. fien'i f rtmanat4 U-aupoU;,.. Addras UIDWK HEWCAI, ISaTlTVTSS, Jaartlaa aK-krSB, i.rar lUJUKc an fraarlaras Cml. Tott Don't Have to Swear Off ff? ' if"vf t' ,f A"1"1 Jh1 S C DOW oS l'f Xo-To-BaC, OB, a i many caaea careU by Xo-To-Bac, one. a f prominent St. Louis archictect .smoked jj cljem (or tiren,r Tf.4r,. boxes j nirwl nim that mm the wnell of to. fonwnim so t :.a; ewn me smell ot to- Uacco make him siok." Xo-Tn-nac aoM I l m-rant-l trH.lg& M. FarUnd. 0 pa. free. r. lVws tree. Merimnir i Un ! loiy t. o., ew lor or 1 htoago. DyapcnsJa. , E. W. Joy Chpasv tientlcmen : I l 1 1 vm u ...... . i : . . ttr iupaivniu ' ,..1.1. 4.- :n. , mtt.l can aav I havw new-r tn anvthimr i eiuai 10 it. 1 hmv fMSSSerx-d ten years j with dyspepsia, n-jt Wing able- to eat ' ti2, 'T" t,rVad iJf-' ' noUung but oiiitt lor me. . Now I have a ai.i.Hi'ie. eat anv thing I wish, an I fivl no disagreeable It fi.t. from it. I wish I roald toll a'l dvapeptkv and urge them to trr your 1 ryviaiw ramiur.ua. (Signed) Ma. JiMIJC TlWOTOV, Forbestow n, Oal. If you want to get a spring nnxiicine w iUnait a Hutch, an old sarsanariila trle mark, a big natch of nvl pimples. take joy's Sarsaian:la. An Absolute CUrc. 4 Tbt Original .W-'.lne O nimem n orli pat u.' 1. 1 tarj- - 04 nc- Un baxn, and is anabtoute cai for uJ tore, bum, wound, ch'pprd harjJi nd a'l akin erup. Hon. Wilt positively ore ail kird of pile. AV lar tbe Original bietine im . .. ... r . uimmcm. roiaor rwhuK Niton at 5 cent per box, by malt 80 crnit. Where to Trade. Here arc pome of Julius Gra laoiil'a cash price : 20 It. Savon Sop . 1 -awn louimutt Granulateil Sugar, per 100 lbs Extra O Sugar, " " Arbuckle, Lyon and Big 4, er il 2 bushels potatoes .25 5.15 4.75 .25 Io ponnds lieans .50 lgar always sntijwt to change of the maract. And all other goods as low aa sold by anvuo.iv. ifanlware, crockery, glassware and a.vM.viifra ui. I Vlll .11 il ill I- ()rim(. A Great .Many People .iet their groceries and nnvluce at Conn & Huston's. They keep a choice line of seawmablo groceries, tho best in the market, and sell at prices that will al ways suit. Also a tine line of crockery, lamps, etc. Money To Loon. I have money to loan on ccod farm land in Linn and Helton countlca tn uma not over f 3000. No de'aja In fur nUhinu the co!n. Call on C H Buikhar. Albany, Oregon. AIo mcnet to loan on f-t. irr, rt .-i i arr amount on Ion o Hm at a l..w rte of l.iteieat. Ol'KMN'.- PATS. li) love! tiimma.1 hat ready to lie admired at Mm. ohn llcff mnn'H. U ednesday and Thursday. April 3d and 4th Ladioa please call aiid be con vinced. FlncstatUiimfy nt Fred Dawson's Wboo Tlahy waa lick, wo cava hfr OufarU. VCbo r waa a CkllO, alia ckxl for Cuuorla. When aha boeain liUa, ah clung to Cteortav VTUa ah had Children, she gavatWeia Caatoci Terhap the beat musical crmpany that hs ever viaited Albany will appear nt tho opera Non-e, Tuomlay evening, April ICth, under tha aunpices of Y. II. C. A. The Moiart bymphony Club of flew York. We bespeak for tlem a large audience. If you want a Rood and clean smoke buy cigars made by our Al bany cigur factory. Chamois skins nt Fred Dawson s I i All Aohos, Stlffnesa, Cuts, Hurta, Frost-bites. than a perfect cure.... it ta tne "avehi.y rkoiu hrk and Utbe Swolllngs, 3oronoj6, Hosdacho, Beckacho, BMBlBKBffftBaMiffft liHrnMatttfftBBftfifffftMBBfiMffaBffffBIfaaM bicycle in ibe world today. Want a bicycle? :yc A. rbe greateat fel er on the market fr ftiai of the l.ivcr.KIJnej sanJ Con stipation. Plaant t take bv oi-l or 03r.g. No The r-t of the Livenne plaiH i eitea-'j avely UM-.I in Norway f'.r 11m? cere of Pile. i?old by all Srtt c:a dragi?U. WboSeaaie Maniiff-tare. ANCHOR S CI1F-MICALCO. iiaooo. Or m Tl. ae R 1 dinoei Tb next thing to having a cl noer is having a gva Iinni-r rVt. The fjnaer furnihe timnWnt fur the Uaiv and the latter a.l-i j the appetite more than tutrft ol the ntrtim fie signed k-rl!-e jairjf. V iiave irauiiiui paiu-rn-1 in Loth l;nni-r and Te I K.ta I- .11 V. , only are mr Iha j cer Set and m-.'k j err w are all right ; 1 but in cbce gro-l ctries I carrv a se-! led f.'vk F.E. ALLEN ALBANY INS. AGENCY I CAN CtlVkoa more genuine Irw-r-nce tor a fi.oo than any other agent la Albany. A jhocH,.T alio can ccnitol prc- ..vn- i., me niirtt,! 01 fyto annua. 1 e gr . . ' ,or n Imcrancc Co., lot nai reaacn do mt think that en tnit. ho wrtrca tnturai.ee po.ktct c an -;f.HTncr fT.n . ' l"trrein the SI N. PHOENIX. LON JIA.NH!fcSTER.ai i3 MiKWlCH t'NlO.S et Er,grii.or CUM 1NENTAL rl t to.t and have crr.e'l ire lo csr n.r.rr In ca t-f kone.t icas. Nate taken on farr ln3raoce. M fextir., M'ar. VaJley Jjuf.rr for tte Sun tra c!lk Lonloa, lligbeatpriee paid lor aii iinr araln. DRY WOOD. Italm. $?. Small fir, S2.X liirp; Cr, f2.50. White Maple, J2.5!. iVliveml to anv rirt cf b.mn f oruer at Ka.np s prooty More. 11 Hrvant. aisssv wtrtktT. Wheat. SCc Oats Kc Fbur, 2.50 Butter iS)c Kjres. 2 doi for 25c Lard, l i to 15c 1'orJi-hauia, 12 to l.V, shoulders, 9 to 10c cuies", if 10 I JC ilav. Balel f7 0o l'otatce. 25c Apple. 75c PUBLIi) SALE. I will otfer at public auction, on th- nut. oay of Arni lc'Xt. ut 10 0'. U . n. . the 0kville United i'resbyterian tiarVon- nr.n ... IV - .1 1 . " . . , ...j -'uuuuury mare, two Vneco cons, two jcirs oia tuis spnmy. two i cellent cows, household roods, etc. I In ..V . :n 1 ... i'uc "i oe given, with ap proved security, on all nuns over $5.00. uiiucr w casu in nana. A. M. Acoesok. LA1UKS will find it to their advantage to call and insnect II... ,.;n; P"'.,row wii'ltsoiu at auction prices bv Miss Anna Shulta near the post ottice. Hats trimmed to order. Gnods Uiug sold out regardleiseof pricts. Come soon "'" eeiccuon at your own price. LOST. A email brown purse some whero in Albany, conuinine be tween ana 3 and a co.iple jnild rincs. Leave at ItoMovK.vr otlice and nxei-e suitable reward. WANTED. A teeoud band onok ftove. No. 7 or 8 in good coniiuion. Will ay casb. Inquita at 1 awiciai ftlos. 40 Loaves of Dread for Jl.OO. Let everybody come to t!u Star U.iWi ry and (ret 40 loave of ircah bread for $1.00 cash. CMsvca. Si.lloh' Cure, the great coub anJ croup cure, li tn frreat demand, Pocket aiae contain i twentr-nve doaes only 35c, Children love it. Sold by druggist. (fin III 1 1 Wf AT "-""-''' " ... irK.tKf in aii rmrt of Lh Ula. HpKtl imtl.m 0v to .ttr, in JZ,Z ml to co.ffKtioe. OFFICE ia lb FUnn WicJr BIlMTF.i; kUomj t U ud goJlcitor la Chancery. Col ion nude on all po'nta. nrgniiaUfJ oa rablatann. Albany Orato EO. T. VTRIOIIT, AUnrTKy at tur. and Notary Pab.le. Will Dnrtlaa'la all tnaouurta of Utu faata gfmial atUnt'oa to door to Potaoffiea, AJbaar. Otra. f J fTHITKEl, 1 . Aimnej at Law, Albany. Or. 3UGXBUtl?f & S0MERS ATTOHNETB JT LAW, All legal matters will reietve prompt at tenf M. Office, First Nstional Bank bui.ding, np stairs. WALLIS NASH Al-iOKNET J.T LAW. ill practice 13 ail the -. il of the state. Offico Port Office Block. Albany ?rf a H C Wabion Luther Elkins WATSON & ELKINS TTORNET8 -A.17 I..A.W Office Firt National Bant Building Bnsiness inmtedto o will receive care ful and prompt at'ention. JOlXVK aV HM KLFntn, Attorneys at Lavs. Albany, Oregon. JTJB. J. L. UlLt., rrdia ud &7trimrm. OmCB-Caraa Far-7 atnoa, Aibaay, Orarw. D r. II. E- an J O. K. Ifeers. Phyaicians -nl varstias. r?t c!Ea block. Albany, Ore. Hoars 10 to 12 a. at., 2 to 4 and 7 to S p. m. fieifience corner 5ti and CaJapooia st. Special atteotk-n given to disease of womei. - DR. C, U. CIlA.dSERLIfi aOAZOB OPATHZBT OfSoeon Ferry St near cor 3rd St. OSe tour. 7 to 9 1 m. 12to2 and 6 to p Lvecial aieatioa civo to chronic m cae and eye eveues. J. If. lSLlxST'OjX. - INSURANCE ANDMON. BROKER. Coistr WimBts Unit 3CQ H F MERRILL. INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER Albany, Or. City and concty warrant bought and Ki'd. A Sign oiten convevs a warain. irain. Warauass are freuen:ly noglvctod, but whenever dis - retrarxied, the who make tiie mistake pay the penalty of the error. When roar system is run down, there's some - thin; wrong, and the wron most 1 nshtol immediatelv. The I4i.l is the river otl-fe, and the wl.te -u-m ts de ranjnvl when it's out ot ooier. There's nothing better than Arrxstrjags Sarsa parilla to reor? the s:ent to its nor mal condition. "IUoxvl" tells" nowhere so much as in tiie health. You are w hat vour bivxl is. Make yocr !4xd right by taking Armstrongs Sarsaparilla. j a rrnnixu. Star Eakerj rr VrMalalklai ata a Fir I SI. CONRAD MEYER, PRCP21ET0H. aaafcaa t'aaaMl Fralts (IaMwire. Dried Frails. Tobarea sacar iatTe, El (aaasd Sleats Qareatware. Vegetables, vleara tXpieya Tea. Ete eerytbimj that is kept in a irood variety and pro eery store High est pnee paid for ALL KIND30F PRODUCE ALBANY FifflDl CO, XKCOPOBATSm Baltimore Block, - - - Mbaur, It. FURNITURE complete line of UNDERTAKING in all its branchec. EMBALMING aepccialty. Reaidoace I erSrd and Cain pooia - SEED FIjTATCES The Kiwe Seedling is the best set w tatoe in the market. A r....iart,f,i early potato and a very prolific vielder. Call at Stewart & Sox's, K. M. 1) son s, 11. U. Watson's, E. K. Ki rarkirBroscr G.C. Sloon'aar rvooert Kinney'a atuples, ana see A WINDMILL FOR $35-00 W7 Crawford will sell von an . V V . 8 foot Aerni.-tt.tr f,"K nn 12 foot geared Aerniotor 7500 AH steel and galvanized after completaa K0T1CE TO STOCKHDLDE IS x TfirTri? ts irraniT niVF.!f that V tbe annual meeting i.,VA.W ...... Cf f Co. J Albany M'nine Sl Milling Co. be held at the office of C . G. Pa April 39th, i89s, t 4 o'clock -p". nfV, 'ia aay, for the pnrpoeot electing sevent directoi o ae've for one year and the transaction of uch other business as may . legatiy comt before tbe mteting. Bv : ucr 01 uoara 01 llirecrora J J. v.rrrc. v. h Ail. j . . . - . . - Scretary. Preaidenti ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I bave been! duly appointed administratrix with tb will annexed of the estate of H. E. Store-) decease 1, ana mat I bay duly qualiSeGT such, therefore, ail person haying claif against said estate are hereby notified al ietuiTCu 10 present ice same to me wi tbe proper vouchers at the offi m w u BHyen tn the city of Albany, l inn county. Oregon, wit bit six month from tbe daU nereor. Dated tbi 15ti day of Feb., Mm. A..B: avfUo9t Aaministraxrix wttn toe will ana A2'!.N1STATCB'S KOTICE. Notice i hereby given that the snder signed ba been by the Coonty Conrt al LiDDt'fonty, state of Oregon, duly ap point! d administrator of the estate f & P. Payne, deceased. All penes bavinc c'alma against tbe estate t.! aad N. P. Payne deceased, are hereby notified ami required to present tbe same, duly veri&ol a by law required, to the undersigned at the office of Tbe Linn County Abxra4 Company, in Albany. Linn coonty, Ore-f gon, within six month from the daV tereof . Albany, Or., Mardi 18. 195. J B. M. Pavxe. Administrator .1 '.) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is bfreby given that tl ondVs; signed adminutrator ct theeaiale ot 11. : waiter deceaeJ, baa hied with Ibe e i of tbe county court for Linn county. 1 1 ht final account and the conrt baa tbe 6th day of May, at the boo one o'dotk p. m. for bearcg cl jreb ment of said estate. Thia March 19. 1-t j Wealberford k Wyatt. Atty ff admr. i EXECUTOR'S KOTICE. Notice 5 hereby given that tf signed ba been da y appointed by thd coosty enort of Uon ecaty. Oregow. xcator of the hut will and twtameztefl Jatxe KcJaabaa deceasefj. A I pereoaM having claim tgiiast bid es'ate are here br notiSeti to present tne same to the as detiecrl at Hal. Oregon . or to ay 1 torwys V ealkenord k Wyatt, at thpif tr . . 1 . . 1 1 -. ogxk ,- 1 El , vreym, uarj venaea a 'yj ia reqaired. withia six month turn the date i4 tbi notice. j uateo tui Z7 a nay 01 warm. t'jy. Wn iJAJS U. McM ahax. EaTBCCFORO it Wvatt. Execo - Attn, tar Eiecu'or. I. AD!iIXlSTATG25 K3TI3E. N ice U hereby gives that tbe sigsed ba.4 tots dij been appinj fX4nty eccrt of Liiin coaat , Oreoa. aif 1 late of Lisa cooa'y. Oregon. deerve AI perwto oxvinge aim agiBK sua e. I tate aie hereby notiieJ lo pat. t tben4 t properly veriScd the aadeiujroed. at ksiir I lrvTrr ciff-in sit mwttha IrAm h date. j Aibanv. Or.. Ha'cb 29. 1S95. f Ed R. M- CaTt WiuTHmpoRDft iTvavt. Afmii.iratrl At"r fc- AJmiaiitra or. i EIECTOS KOT C XOTK E IS 3EEEBY GIVEN THAI the na4eKgse-J. tae duly ppoinre . q ma and . l;-jr ecator of tbe U . and te'aarf-a if Tboaia Aiford. decean late of L'nn icanty. Oregon, baa filed arit tbedrrsf tbe j.funty coart for Lisf coenry, Clregsn. ha SaaJ arcoant io e a e. and toe court h t Sied Sa'ordaw the 6 b day of April. Iti5. at tb boot d I o'clock p. to-, for th ncrpoe of bearisf, ot-jectKn5. ir acy. o ni 1 ana! accuant. if 10 seaie i. e-tit- j Thif 5ta day of M rch. 1;S5. I "i- U. AunRS, executor. I : ADMIiUSTSATCg'S KOTICE K-iCoc a br:T circa to alt my vorm-aa tbe radTic4 M i Fn . t tea rpmred adainiatnrcE . ' t . , . r . 1 r. Caeaty t cert rf ir state of Orc. 1 j Ltet coanty. and that be kr ffe4 a t I I aa ceo ada hu trator ud tbe haa Vol ap.roTad by aaid erart. All rtorm k.TOi 1 airm a;asi aaid nut are t mr mi beJ aad rataiiul to pmoi tee asaw t tin I aadetaisived at tb ctSce of rViify ir 1 Newport b Atbeay, Crew, or at kia Vtm"! ' an aixt ;i B:iaa alfj of tJnwTTi; 1 Oron.pojprjy yenfiHi wUbio ix artk- San indebted to saad eat&te are rrfjairrd tS aaaae raiBMxlUte payarat of tii- tin f ie wmrwi. inted at Atbtr. tteg. Jn 10. 1S?51 Ml htrlT. Adaintatrat WhitneT i Nearptn. A-t:-. foe Adw. CTCmjir a'nnr ukiMiiaia uiiwm otice ia hereby glrea that 1 bve Stri final arrount ta the mat'er of the e ta;e of Michael Croisact. decead in t Coonty Crart rf Linn coob'v. Oretroa, that said court bas set )Icdar tho day of April. at tbe boor of T o'clock p. ra. of said day as tbe time V beariDir ail obectiofn to said accoest a Ibe settlement of the fane. AM teiaf?ii .1 c . loereroiv. wno may oe irretessea ssxi Bav any object. otM to sanl anonnt a. hereby notified and required to Ete t! mm? in atd coart oa or oefure the sai tim tt ff r tbeR&l aWlVmrflt &f fifcid enact. J Dated this loth dav ot Febraary. i"... r W. R. Pti.Trr. Eiecotris A t'- S- V- 4 Assignee's Notice. Notice js hrrrbr rircfl ttat I bare beerj duly elected bv the cretinoid ol Sarcuel Cn-.rJeid and J T irtiih, ir.soirawtfi. Itru of ft m I Mtwiil. the aatgnee nam1 ed bv said ln$olant debtor in their deef of aaignroent heretofore mace and 6;4 in the orRce of the 0un ty Clerk of Lin, countv. Oregon, and t hJi I bave do filed mr bond as such sicnce. therefor all the cieditors uf sa'd assignor are here bv notified and required to prefect the: claims, under oath, to rae wi'.hlc thr month Irom the derce in ihe city Dated thltSth d XT OTIC IX the tax roll for has been rlarKl in my nana with a wrral for tbe eolleci ttoo of the tame. Taxpayers are request ed to calt at an earlr date aod settle U tne tame, as urorioed b sac warrar nd required by law. J. A McFauos. b tier a of Una Co NOTICE 0? SALE OF B3M3S Of TH4 CIH OF ALBANY, OSF-CCH. Notice is hereby given that sealed prov posaJs will be reoeiv?d by the treasurer ok Albany, Oregon, at his office, until tnel hour of two (2) o'clock p. ia. Thursday , April 18th, 1SS3. for tbe purckaainsr ofl bonds of raid city to tb amoont of $20,000.4 or any portion thereof. Said lnd are off the denomination of StUOOeach, payable! tbe first day of May, 115, bearing interest! at the rate of five per cent per annum, py- able semi-annually; both principal aadi interest payable ia gold coin of the Uaitedt ed State, at the American Kicbanee Ka-1 tional Bank. New York City. Tbe issue of said bonds is authorized by ordinance No. ?2. passed by the council of said cit -Jf i March 'H ttft. ana apprveu oy tna I it.. 1. ii fmnruili mayor iuMv . - - -, .n.. .. ed wilt be opened at tbe time aad plaof first above mentioned, and the porcha wilt be awarded to the highest, and bef bidder.but tbe treasurer hereby reserves f right to reject any and all bids. Albany, Or,, Mrch 2Sth, Itftio. I E. A. Pasx. Treasurer of th city f Albaays. rCv tit koaa I date hereof, at rr.y re of Albany. Oreeo'n. f y of Fex tSqs. J T I Ooffka. Assignee io lieu of Wm J SicvtT FAY TOUR TAXES C 21S HEREBY G1VEXTHA1 13