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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1895)
THE CFtEATEST Blood Purifier KNOWN. This Great German Medicine is the CHEAPEST and best. 1ZS uos of Sulphur Bitters for $1.00, le than one cent a nose. ii win curu vuu nuui Don t ever Kind of skin rtisease, m..,. BLUE from a common pun- ffpiiLS. or pie on the face to mercurv,they that awful disease. are deadly, rut your trust n Sulphur Bit SCSOFULA. In all cases of such stubborn, deep ters, the purest seated diseases, , Sulphur Hitters aim best meat- cine ever made. is the best uicd lsvourTONCUE Jcine to use. Pon't wait un COATED -with a yellow, sticky sub til tomorrow. stance? Is your trv a bottle Breath foul and of fensive? Your Stom ach is Out or Order. Use Sulphur Bitters immediately. If you are sick, no matter what ails yon, use Sulphur Bitters. Uon't wait until you are unable to walk, or aro Hat on your back, but get some AT ONCE, it will cure you. Sulphur bitters is THE INVALID'S FRIEND D. B Vwg, VAC Costou. jlasa., for tiest nie&uJ or I Sot. s 2-nt stamps to a. I". CrMwiv & rn.. THROUGH TICKETS to the EAST via the Uoion Pacific System Through Pullman Palace sleeper Tourist sleepers and New Reclinin Chair cars DAILY PORTLAND TO CHICAGO. Trains heated by steam and cars light ed br "intsch Light. Time to Chicaeo 3K days, time to New York i days, whic'i is many hrmrs onieker than ail competitors. For rateB. time tables and full infor mation, annlv to. Currex & Mosnsmi, agents, Albany, Or. Or R W Baxtox, C S Bbowx, Gen'l Aeent. Dist Pass A?t 135 Third St, Portland, Or f j-i FOB A XA5LE C IL'a -a. .AAi V. J3. FLORAL WONDER, m s Jf4 fit ! 59 . vhichcent&inscolored plain ol L j Vici'j BrcacUins Artcr, Swt fKU, Yrg- j- tf M ij eALiSS. niDi9Eusuiaww r tuwx. IcrjW Pi scril. net mislead; hintsocKnriapxad J.-i transplaattiis. Printed In 17 ditferent sS colored iocs. Mailed on receipt of 10 . - -.. . - j 1 .1 1 nlMM IMI rim- ' f ctats. which may be deducted frr-.m first Vick'a Seeds contain the CHOICE: jSWEETPEAS 1 40 Cents a Pound 2ST We hrvre grown tons of Sweet Pfas the pa.-i zummer of a rerr fiae quality to Le aLle to friTo oar friends & real treat. 25 Sz varieties and colors mixed. Think of it. a pound oalr 40 eta-t half pomnd t2-c:s.t quarter pound 1) cts. ; rfT 803CO 10 CtS. GOLI FLOWER Grand Bedder. Cbarminf f ot Plfi&t, and exceltfct far Borders. BBV. LuLU.V.iiiAfl 3 JasesYidk'sSonsSeedssisn KOCiirSTEK, X. Y. 9 E. McNEILL, Receiver. TO THE "CITES rHE CHOICE 0 T.VO TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTES "BEAT UNION UQPJHmn PACIFIC VIA SPOKANE .'IKHfAPCLlS DENVER OMAHA ST. PAUL KANSAS CITY low hates to all eastern icities. ockan ste4meb3 leave portlamd every 5 dav.s SAN FRANCISCO K r tull details call on Ci rrav & Moxteith, Albany, Or, OK ADliI'.USS: W HHURLBL'UT, CIen'i. Pah . Ac.twi PO ill LAND, OK. COPYRIGHTS. OBTAIN A PATENT f For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to fli I; N N & CO., who have bad nevlr nf tj years experience In tbe patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patent and bow to ob tain tbem sent free. Also a catalogue Ot m&cna --fallal and scientific books sent free. 1'atenta taken tbrooRb Huna ft Co. Tecetra special notice In tho HcientlHe Amerlrnn, and thus aro brought widely before tbe pnbllowitb oat cost to tbe inrentor. Tbls splendid paper, IrBued weekly, elesantly illustrated, bas by far tbe largest circulation of any scientific work In tbe world. 3 a year. Sample conies sent free. Building Bklitloiv monthly, tiM a year. Binffla copies, cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new nouses, witb plana, enablina buildera to show tbe jaU'.t (lesiims and secure contracts. Address H U.N.N tt CO. New Voua. 3il BttOAbWAT I CKlGKESa Bfiisiaa pays if you use the Prtalum Iacubtor tt brooder Make money wvliiic others ere wasting time by old p: ocessts. Catalog tell a 1 alxut it, and dcsctlbca every article neec.-a lor un poultry bufaiaess. . The "ERIE" mecnanicauv the reat wheel. Prettiest model. I We are pacific Coast Agents. Bicycle cata logue,mailedfrec,gives fulldeerfttlon. prices, etc., aobitts wastes. PETALOMA IHCUBATOR CO..Petaluma,Cal. Branch House, 3i 6 Main 6t., Loa Angeles. iv orJer. i-VT! fern of life. r---s, . . lilfS Page" 1 1 .128 S '"!,"?r!,ll PKEB. If you must draw the line at and Have, like thousands of other people, to avoid all food prepared with it, this is to remind you that there is a clean, delicate and healthful vegetable short- emng, wiiicii can be used xn its place. If you will USE COTTOLENE instead of lard, you can eat pie, pastry and the other good things" which other blks enjoy, without fear of dyspeptic consequences. De liverance from lard has come. , Buy a pail, try it in your own kitchen, and be convinc ed. Beware of imitations. The genuine is sold in 3 and 5 pound pails by an grocers. Made only by The N. K. Fair-bank Company, ST. 1XTI8 avmd Cb.lcaj;o,New York ilostoa. not F Oakai, H C Payne, ;U C Rons RccaiTera NORTHERN ly PACIFIC R. R Piiliman Sleeping CJars, Elegant Dini&g Gars. Tourist Sleeping Cars- St Paul Minneapolis Dxiluth Fargo, TO Grand forks Crookaton Winnipeit Helena and Butte THROUGH TICKETS (ittt TO Chicago Washington Philadelphia New York Boston and Sfl Points East and South f For information, time cards, maps and tickets call on or write C G Burkhart, Agent, Albany, Or. Or A D Charlton, Aet Gen i"as Agt, Portland, Oregon, 2 DOLLARS PER MONTH In You?? Own Locauty maoe easily and honorably, without capi tal, daring yocr spare hours. Any man. woman, boy, or pi rl can do the work hand ily, without cxierience. Talking un necessary. Xothini; like It for mo? staking ever offered before. Oortrorfce'rs always prosper. Xo time wasted a learning the buttress. We teach yea ic a night how to snccced from the firs' hour. You can make a trial without ci penss to yonrself. We start yon, fnrnisV everything needed tc carry on the busf EC3s successful1., and guarantee JC against failure i! you 'ut follow oc( simple, plain instructions. Reader, V you ere in need of ready money, am. wnt to knoT all about the best payln? business before tho public, send us j "'' audrcss, and we will msil yon a di meat giving you all tbe particular TRUE & CO., Box 400, Augustas Mains. EAST AMD-SOUTH, VIA. THE SHASTA KOUTE OF THE- Southeru Pacific Co. Cxprea Tu'ts : Pcrtland iMily South nam it VTirtianJ a.!bnjr Ssm PranciSLd I Rorta :lir. a. Lr At a:2U a a Lt I 4r2S a Lt I JfJO r m 10:23 r u L I9:ifa ii I Ar Above trains nip a. all stations from Fort'au'l to a.lbny Ine'.niive. also Tan sent,SUMl i.Htley.HirrUburg, Jnnction City, Irving, riignn an-i all stations from. Rowburg to Ashland inclusive. KOnaVaS) MAI'., SAJLT 3 AM PortlaDd Albany Boaebn rr An to Ll 70 8 2)A 10 a a I Lv Ar Lt Ar Aibwr Lebanoa Alban LebaDon 0-40 a a 9 40 a 6 45r 6-50 r Lt Ar Lt 1.3C r a I Si;rl PULLMAr BUFFET SLEEPERS. AND Dioin? Cars on Ogden Route SEC0ND-CU3S SLEEPING CARS Attached Is all Tbraa( Tralas fVcaf IMTlslaa. niTMr.C" rwHTLaSst IDS (OETAltIB Mail iiaissarii (KiorptSanoaj l a a I ISPs Portland CorrallU ! Ar Ar Lt ItjSF lino aipanaraais bailt 'ExcjptSaiar. 1:tnal Lt Portlana McHlonrtl:. Ar It l:Sl Ir Ar TfcroiiprTj Ticlietw o all i, t' it tn ths Easiarn BtUM. Ornulm anA Eana can b ob'anad at owest n'u from C V Frank, Arant Albany. . KlEHLItr . ' p. ROOEHA Manasar Vsa't O f. nJ rrtlv:d Orocon CfMmrj aadspaiuea paid weakly from start. Parmaneat position. ExclusiTStenitory Experiaooa oonaeasaarj. Peculiar adTantagesto baainnera. oommlMloa to local part Uma asvnta, growara of c Com. I pletc ; hardy, reliable narser a.ortraent fortheortbard. stock. lawn aad aardco. I We va&t toq uow, while j i. fruit lndu..rr Is sol' Important. Good chanm Ior Putraneement. OutO- and fall Mr- llnlm free. BROWN BROS. CO., a. i a. Portland, ore. niua aoase a i rfMlable. Kama this paper. -o J Portland, Orefos. A. P. Armitronr. I'riu. Sranch School: Capital bi'a. Cobr Halmi nnyna KamecouraeaofUudy, same.ueif of limiot. fJUinosv Slior.luuui ytmi,Uf. I'tnmajtiitf, and UtigliiK Oeiiiur mrin wwuon tnrout'iioL'i lue vrav. muUrnte a-ui . any tin 'Jsti VMria ituUL either '111 Let the little and big thieves pay Ua came penalty for like offenses. That U good sense from the ground floor; but whoever eaw St put in practice What is Albany's greatest needT If any ot the readers of tho Democrat have an idea on this subject the columns of the Democrat are open for short pointed rticles on the subject. It costs the U. S. $501,000 to patrol the Behring sea just on account of Eng lish poachers. Too high a price for the job, and the solJier's home committee are invited to investigate the case. The people are growing weaiy of broken promises of economy' cries a ashington paper. Ditto in Oregon, ditto in Indiana, ditto iu California.ditto nearly everywhere. t us have a model legislature soma time, one with other ideas than spoils The subject ot Db's lecture in the Northwest wil. be "Who are the con spirators?" As Debs is under sentence tor conspiracy against his country, and i now out on bail pending an sppoal to the supreme court, the suhjest promises to l- an interesting one. The Telegram, ot Portland, thinks it is doing the public a lavor in showing how tho Sun clips articles from a Clue go pa per, puts the proper date upon them and passes liiem off as fresh dispatches Well, what ot it, isn't that the style ot the .lav. One niittht a well be out ot the world as out of fashion. The gambling fraternity are playing in poor luck at the present time. Last night it is ssid that two of the games got ''skunked," one lost $t0, one $2.50 and the others a stand-off. At tbis rate there is no necessity ot any agitation on tbe gambling question Bodgett. The Budgett can make a much more readable item by telling of some one knocking out the ex-sheriff who put 2500 costs on a $24 delinqaent tax. Some of the better class of magazines and newspapers are complaining of tbe lack of appreciative readers of their con tents, saying that tbe public taste is aa low, frivolous and vitinted that thev have difficulty in ke?ping up thoir circulations Ex. Tbe Democrat tries to combine frivolty and sense and fact enough to please all kinds of people, and hence has no complaint to make tbat it is not ap preciated. A law has been passed in Washing ton containing some sense. Its object is to prevent propertv worfh $10,000 sell ing for f 1.000. Before t ;e properly is bid off it requires the property levied upon to be appraised appraised under the direct supervision cf tbe court, and ao equitable valuation p'aced opou tbe property by disinterested appraisers, and then the property must sell at a price not less than such appraisement. A New York minister declana it his conviction that it Is more important to lift men out ot the ditch than to get theai into his particular ch arch. There is eon ethiog in the idea. The greatest service any man can do for the religion of Christ is to help bis fellow man, like A boa Ben Adam, whose name lead all thereat- This is a growing sentiment in tbe best element of the church as wel as tbe outside world, that the best re ligion is tbat put into effect in every day lite, in basioess and in society, a sevn day religion. The more this idea Is pnt into practice the faster will the church grow, in a healthy reliable way, without any of the forcing process in it. Tbe pretense tbat tbe wooien manu facturer a in Trenton or anywhere else have been compelled to reduce wages by the new tariff is transparently false. Does it injure manufacturers to get their raw material tree instead of paying a heavy duty on it? Is it a disadvantage to have the handicap removed which bas kept tbem from competing on even terms with foreign mills? Does anybody donbt tbat tbe average doty of 43 per cent on manufactured woolens covers twice over the difference in lab r cost between oar o?it and foreign fabrics? With Amer ican woolens selling in the English mar ket nnder free wool it is aboot time to drop tbe humbug of sky-high protec tion. World. "What fools we morula be." The Salem Journal emphasizes ibis old say ing wiiL tbe following incident. A young lady student ot Willamette university, having eome calls to make last evening, thought she would place hei parte con taining $10 in gold and about $3 in sil ver, where it would not likely be found should tor of the numerous burglars about tbe city call during her absence. With (his purpose in view she placed her purse on the grate in the parlor slove and left the room. Returning about an hour latei, she looked within the stove and found not her purse as she had left it but a mass of melted gold and silver, there having been'a few live coals among the ashes. The Spokane Chronicle says that Portland can no longer claim to be the most roetter-of-fac; town on earth just because of that Willamette valley widow who charged ten cent admission to her husband's funeral. fOok at this from the Professor American: ''Attention, everybody ! The trustees of the grave yard wish to announce that on Wed nee day, March 20, a grand clearing bee wiil belield, at which time it is hoped that all who can will turn out and assist in removing the sage brush, etc. There is slili a balance of $37 to pay on the land, and at some date in the near fature a dance will be given for the purpose of raising fundd to pay off this indebted ness These matters should not bo over looked." The old superstitious notion among the colore people of the South, that any one owning a rabbit'a foot is sure o bring ext aordinary g.d luck, hai re cently been vindicated. Lucier Baker a lawyer of -aveuorth, Kana, receiv ed one fr-i.ii a colored client, and now Mr. Raker id UniU'd States senator elect from Kansas. A great many other peo ple have been known I have carried rabbit's feet around lot years without getting Into th United butes senate or falling heir to unexpected f jrtunoa, but tbev evidently failed 1o carry the rifht kind. In oraer ta possess the sure thing mascot, it must be the left hind leg of a graveyard rabbit that was shot while jumping over a murderer' grave in the dark of the moon at midnight by a cross eyed colored m lu.'whocrtwUd int. the graveyard htckVt.rd. Kc. Dr. rr ice's Cream Baking Powder V.'rM'g Ftlr Highest Awerd. Members ot tbe democratic party in this state who have become discouraged and disgusted with the delay of the lead era, in protecting the interests uf the party, and tor allowing the Cleveland appointees to give lucrative positions to republicans to the exclusion of worthy and deserving democrat, aro now more hopeful, and see a silver lining to their cloud of detpair. The action of the Btato Central Committee in making an effort to ha?e democrats appointed is a move in the richt direction, and will meet with a warm endortenient from every true diciple ot Jefferson and Jack son. It was humiliating indeed for dem ocrats to see the fruits of their victoiy enjoyed by their opponents, and the loss of the spoils afte the hard fought battle was enougn to firothe democratic work er, to a pitch of desperation, and with contempt for the Cuckoos who cheated them out ot th eir desert. Dispatch. The following appears in the dis patches of the 20 tli, from Montgomery, Ala. "Many persons have recently witnessed a remarkable manifsatation in James Regdon'a cottage, near the stale line in Choctaw county. Kncli oc currence has begun with a loud rurab- ing, which, upon reaching the roof of the cottage, dies away into a continuous licking as of a telegraph instrument. I Upon one occasion, when a child fell asleep in bed, tho ticking began upon the floor. Suddenly a stream ot light penetrated tbe floor, and enveloped the sleeping child. When she awoke the said she had been in heaven, and that the Savior had told her he had manifest ed himself in the ticking npsn the roof. The phenomenon is regarded br pastors as a miracle, and is bringiog hundreds to conversion in tbat neighborhood." This is very silly stuff. Depend upot it the Savior will never manifest him- sslf by any ticking process. He will do it in an intelligent way. There is prob ably some trick in these manifestations just for notoriety. The new law in reference to adminis trators and executors is substantially as follows: An executor or administrator, within the first ten days ot April and October of each year, until discharged from their trust, sha'I file with the clerk a verified account, showing the amonnt of money twcaived and expended, from whom r ceivax and to whom paid, with proper voucheis for such payment, the amount ot claims presented and whether allow ed or disallowed, and any other matters necessary to show the condition ot tbe affairs of such estate. It an executor or administrator bas been appointed only sixty days wben the first ol April or October cones around, be is excepted nnder tbe law from filing this account. The law does not go into effect nntil uay :4th. hence tbe ulinjc ot these ac eonnla will not be necessary during the first ten days ot tbe coming month. The legislatures everywhere are doing nothing thia year. In Missouri and Ne braska they are fighting over capital re moval. Delaware and Idaho have been fighting for United States renator, and in Oregoa and Washington tbe senator ial fight prevented any good being ac complished. Kansas legislators are alto fighting away their lime. Thear all republicans- If ever a party deserved lorasning irons the people it is lb re publican. They went into office boast ing of their honesty and ability, and tid Scaling the democrats. Now they reiorn to the people disgraced wi.h plunder, corruption and ignominy .Those they rid Scaled now ridicule .hem. Dispatch. The: is a hopeful sound to the fol lowing from the Tacorna News : '-From all sides comes the evidence that the bottom has not only bet n reached in the depressed condition of affaire, bnt that business of the country is taking an upward turn. Everything indicates that the present year will mark a decided improvement in all ba sinets condit'ons. The foolish dars wben every man was making money to burn are happily forever past ; bit legit imate prosperity is beginning to asaert itself. Matters will be coaducted npon a more conservative Laeir, especially as regards new enterprises; but such fact will inspire greater hope of the fa tare that wonld, with the experience of tbe late past, be impossible were con servatism absent." The Corvallis Times complains as fol lows: One Corvallis business house moved to other and fresher fields last Monday, and tvo or three olfeer are pre. paring to follow roit. Their departcre lessens tbe number of persona who pay rect, spend money fft-a livinc, and help to bear the common tax burden. It di minishes the town's wealth and the number ot people in it. Lark of business. caused by Corvallis people sending abn-ad for their clothing, dress goods, groceries, printing, etc., explains why these firms ar going away. If enough people per sist is sending away for articles that they can gtt just as good and just as cheaply at horce, by and by there will be no town left to tell tbe tale. All the papers ro demanding more diversified farming. This is all eood theoretically, and the farmers are get ting around to diversified farming as fast as possible; but the truth is this can only be done gradually and as business jostides- Wheat will have to be the main product for many years. As a matter ot fact, thoush, the farmers who are raising every thing possible and turning their attention lo different things ar the ones who are making the most money. v hat to publish or not to publish is often a query with the editor of a news paper that sometimes makes his hair bristle. I?o other business ever presents the same problem. The live newspaper is after readable matter, that Is, some thing the public wants to know about if it has happened and iienco the tempta tion is always stronr. The policy of the Democrat will always be to avoid the sensational and give facts. It is with extreme regret that we chronicle the fact lint John L. Sullivan is again on the fight. It wrs hoped that Sullivan was out of date as a pugilist. The name is becoming exceedingly wea risome, bad even ns a chestnut. A minister at Avon Park, Florida, bus been hanged in effigy for usinjt tobtcco. That was a silly exhibition that did no credit to tho efflgiets. Ministers should not use tobacco; bnt the fact that he did does not call for such exhibitions. It is the height of ambition of some Oregon papers to be noticed by the Ore goninn. Mr. DuMaurer, author of Tiilby.wliith has had a sa'a of 200,000 c ipis, is writ ing another novel the Dkmocrat Is sor ry to report. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. Several years ago on two occasions Albany was absorbed over ths failure ot a flour mill. On each occasion much talk was Indulged in as is natural when anything of this character occurs in which so many people are interested financially. There were exciting events In connection with them; but no one was hurt, though there was plenty of smoke in that directicn. This week for the third time Albany has been agitated with a mill failure. All ot our mills have had their failures. This one has come at a different era, for it finds as in the midst of greater depression than on the other occasions, but on the other hand it probably afTacts a much less number of eople seriously. As nearly as can be learned only four persons had over 1&C0 bushels elortd in the Red Crown Mills, they in amounU of 5.000 4.000,3,000 and 1100. a total of 13,100 buehels. only two or three bad more than 500 and less than 1000 bushels, vary few over 100 and lesi than 500; the number between 50 and 100 even was small; the gieatest number ranged from 10 to 50 bushel, left in the mill for flour purposes, a grand total of about 23000 bushels. Of Miis amount the use of about 10.'. 00 bushels had been obtained I while the remainder bad not. This left an unpermitted shoitage of about 13000 bushels, upon tho bins in the mill been found to bo omply. It is a peculiar thing in this connection now leaking out that when the present management took the mill there was a shortage of probably three times as niacli.ono rever mention ed in public; but now brought out, as its settlement explains where consider able money made by the rustling man agement of the pact two years baa gone. and why there is nothing on hand now with which to pay tor wheat purchased at different points during the past tew months. Editorially the Dkmx-kat takes cogniunt ot a tact not appreciated by the citiaeos on our streets that the manager was laboring against odds that would take a Napoleon to overcome,and, if in tbe last struggle there was a mis take made, the blams should not all be placed on one person until an inveitiga- lion shows the true state of affairs. The offeasw though, ot using m heat in stor age is a serious one. and the public bas a riht to trace out the etau that lead up to it and locate the fault. Ia tbls ease an effurt is being made to settle the matter so the storerswiit M protected whkhwill do much to soften public seoti meat if successful. As tbe principal event ot the week the DsMocaar considers it editorially aod without judgment, because tbe evidence is not all in. A newspaper hardly fills its province in a community if it does not seek to keep iu readers in tooch with all tbat is traospiring around it. Several years ago a man ot tbe came ot Walter Goodday, a farmhand, near Walnut Ridge, Mo-, disspearwd and no trace ot him could bs found. Tbe olber day he was found living in a hollow tree in the midst of a deare swamp. The tree is a cypress, much ealarged jast above tbe ground, and in it he has fitted him self np a room, cooking his scanty meals on a fire on the outiide. The oaly tools he has are an old ax and a broken knife He is not craxi, but serrua t j hare tired of hassn company. He is ytar o'd. Chicago Times. Uos very emphatic lac, that ii creep ing into the idea of voters is that (he party bo must step down and oni. Tbe people have been the tails of Ibe whip long enough. Dosees have tyrannically dictatfd the program for the w hole party. Hereafter voters will ?o some dictating. Look at l!o Piatt, tor icetacce. He is being mashed into a pancake, iu a poli'i cal sne, by hi own pa-ty. Ltt each work go on in all parties. Let the peopie of Albany digrst the fact that cleanliness ia tbe best prevail -tivs ot disease. It is a great medicine, and the Dexocaar prescribes it without a fee. Keep clean, and k p your prem ises clean and dipberia and scarlet fever will be very rare things. While en this point let it be remarked that too much care cannet be paid to keeping chodlZZrtlIgJl " buildings and their surrounding in first ,- , ..... , . . c'as sanitary condition. Living picture s have been coming through Eastern Oregon. Naturally enough they bring out considerable com ment, and vsrious ideas are advanced as to whether they are immoral. How can one know until one has seen tbem, that is the idea, and the idea, by the way, m luch gives the shows Ibeir big I onset. 'Vhtle there are thoumods severing for enongh to eat, at a recent birthday party given at the Vanderbiits two f 1000 rings were concealed in a $100 cake 34 inches in diameter and It inches thick, to te secured by ".he persons getting the slice concealing them, "one by a young woman and one by a young man. Kt travagaacs with a vengsnce. Tbe public as a whole are not cool beaded. People jump at conclusions, butl 1 additions to reports, put cupolas on rumors, and by the time they are traced down they are not what they were thought to be. Newspapers are often accused of exaggerating things; but the press is roild in comparison to lbs public as a whole. A boy in New York struck a match in a gallery of a theatre tor fun. Some one saw it and thoughtlessly cried fire; it was taken up and a panic follow ed. Cool beaded men became hot head ed and a great tosh was made. The police acted promptly and saved a dis aster. The only fire was the burning match. It is exceedingly pleas! ig to note the fact that Oregon eggs are being sold in the Fast, and we are getting even with people there. Oregoniana should be great shippers. Let "rustle" be the cry of tho future. 'Over-borrowing," that is tin cause of all the trouble, says one paper, and it is a fact that there is in the fact. A good thing to remember for the future. A committee ot women headed by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, are revfaing the Bible in order to provo that man is not tbe master whom woman mutt obey, and lliat man and woman are equal. There is sort ol a kind of journalism - in very reprehensible. stab-in-ibe-back Portland that is The character of a young man can be told within a week after his advent Into a city by the company h keeps. Put that down In big letters. HOME AND ABROAD Telephone 83 If anvthin ring uh tip. . -rn is Drevailinir Quito nromis- CUOilsL the citv. The bent bicycle oil in the world at French's jowelry store. Buy a cyclometer for your bicycle ana oe in tho swim, rrencn tne jeweier bus them. I)r. fl. K. and 0. K. Beers, offices overl'oatOtlice. Residence corner 6th Culapooia streets. Painting, paper hanging and sign writ ing a speciality, by r rank lJunnais, ai L. Thompson's old harness shop. Children's hats and bonnets in all tue latest styles at prices within I he reach of all. Callandseetttemattre Ldies Ba zaar. Those who get their meats at the Linn Drwued Meat Market, at becond and Ells worth streets never complain of poor qual ity, and the price is always the foweat. Kvory lady having a dozen photos made at 1 inkles oexore April i, win ue prnrm ed with an extra uicture. finished in beau - tiful Glace Enamel, tbe Uteat thinjr out in photos. Salem U havinj some hot city council meetings. At lh- lt parliamentary gathering J. II. Albe-t and Judge Murphy trot down to ceraonalitics in an animated way. The Democrat has been Likea to Uk for failing to mention two recant failure in thU ciiy, those of Charts Metzar i the delivery buaineu and Herbert Town send in the expreas and Amy business. The Forest Grove Time reports that tba Uaston creamery. is a big thin? tor tarnicr. Thev receive sun every Saturday night for their mile and bare always a small amount of money on hand A telephone message to the Democrat cflice last evening announced that there was an Jther failure in town. hat was it ? A prominent law stodent bad failed to get up till noon, that was ail. A reception wilt be iriven at tbe opera house on Monday evening to D. P. Marker, supreme commander of tbe I Mm trot ol tbe Maccabees. Sir. .Mar key is s-uj to la an orator of ability whom it will be a privi lege to bear. lefferron bas, we beliere. shipped more potatoes tbis year than any other town of like size in the state. At tbe present time one of our buyers has an order for 22 cars. The potato crop has pat more mom y is cir culation hereabouts the past season than tie wheat crop. Jefferson Kview. The Journal take a column to tell its readers that Salem is to have cheaper tele- I hones Hereafter its citizens wil! pet ong distance telephones for 13 00 and the f poon phone for 82 50 Albany get them for 91M) and I -' 00 and it only toek a few bus to boast ot Use tact- A rw ia tas eTbelbura school diaarirt has bean tranfferred to the jntlice court is Albany Sbeiburn baaaJ. P., but from religious scruples will not altaind to bosi ne on Saturday, and as he is away the other week days, this district u practically without a justtv. iscio It. A Populist .Meeting. The central committee of the Populists of Linn county recently Bid in Albany. From the Sci-i Press we clip some ot the proceedings: Ir. Hill made some pointed remarks urging the neoei!y of supporting local party papers and a vigorous reorganiza tion. Mr. Anderson favored putting the acts of the la.t legislature fairly bt-forv the people. Dr. Hcndrex spoke at some length and favorvd vigorous mraurait- in campaign work, and reoommendvd that prompt trp be taken lo agitate the question of putting one poj.uiit-t on the board of eUvtors in each precinct. A rvflution sj adojrted urging that each cientral commit !t-man procure pled?? t a campaign fund in any sum to he paid to the trea.urvrof the people's party central com nutlet- of Linn county, to he ruwl (or tbe purpoe of purchi?ir;g and ditrilmt:rtjr free literature. A rvl ns ion was adopted appointing Dr. J.L. Hill, Thomas Froman and J. K. Adcox a committee to arrarnrea series of pk-nics and anything to make said pic nics a sucresj.. "daring the sie-icg. J. E. Adcox, i. J. IVani and Haiuon Shelton were appointed a committee to receive all contributions and send fur literature. Dr. J. I- Kill, I. E. Adcox ami T. Fro man ere appointed a committee to se lect and purchase literature. Tboma.s Froman was elected vice chaircic the Linn conntv central committee. List of Patents. t.irantl to Pacific Ptates inventor this wwk. Roprtiyl by C. A. now A Co., solicitor of American anl Foreign patent, opn. I". S. Patent Oifice, Wtsh ington. I. C. A II Ilia, k burn. PeUlnma. Cad. fntH evaporator, C A Coey. Fairfield. Wash, ',Rnt foT teyck. W G ldd. ""i, "iui- ub -"' s'-n, vu, i iar cnnpiinx, J lheen, lVtrtlanJ, Or, marltiene lor he-ling and enmping cans, L ;!, San Franciivo, Cal, oper ating mechanism for phonographs, V D Morton, ( rakland, Cal, fountain pen. A llouiih. San Francisco. Cal, constructing conilrv latteries. K Nagler.San Fran cmxj, Cal. rrfpirator. R F Hadelmngh, Tacoiua, Vah, prorow of and apparatus fr treating wooden stopplest, T Soov. Gridley, Cal, portable Udder, A T Stiru on. liaysi'le. Cal, drag saw, F C Stober, Sacramento, Cal, rhimnev and ventilat or cap, J T Stone, Oakland Cal, mefsage and card receiver. Nelson Trover, As toria, Or, punch and die for forming kev opener can head, C H Warrington, Stockton, Cal, egg beater. Probate Record. In estate e.' Mespeit petition for filing ot will filed. In gqardianslripof Leesie M. Bartler, inventory flic.l.pereonal property 1 12.9. In estate ot Robert McCullotigh, execu tor was allowed to sell real property. In guardianship of Joseph A. Moist, C. T. Moist was appointed guardian. Homi si.WU, iiitM. In estate of S. M. MeCIone, bond of (9,000 of J. U Miller, adiiir. filed. In estate of Jennie Vineyard, inventory Blel, property, In estate of N. P. Payne ietition for administrator approved. H. M Payne appointed. Rond .'W,000. In estate of E. L. Knox petition forap lKiintincnt of B. M. Pvmadniitratorde Iiones non with will annexed. Bond fixed at $40,000. In guardianship of Morris Srerriek, in competent bond filed. In estate 11. M. aller final account set for May 6. In estate of Thomas Morgan personal property reported sold lor f 2U.d". A Stitch in time saves nine. A stitch in the side often results in something far more serious, unless treated at once. Allcock's Porous Plaster has saved many from lung diseases. It is invaluable for rhcunrfatism, and pains in the back, chest op limbs. Wkca raMaaIss as not only ask for H Ail &'." m aiaka svrt ikat ra as II. " Allcock's Corn Shields. Alicoeks Bunion Shields, Has asaqaal as a rUt( aad aura lor corns as Bfandreth' Pills are of grait bensflt sn oases of torpid lrvsr, biUousness and tadlgesUoo. TELEGRAPHIC. Asolurr SMszrsre. Piioekix, Ariz., March 22. The 18th letrislature of Ari-.ina adiourr.ed at 1 o'clock this morning amid scenes of dis order. All day and for part of the night ther had been a bitterly contested fight over tbe formation of Navajo county, in ino nonnwesiCTn pari or me territory. Its advocates succeeded in farcins th bill through at 10 o'clock, after which the ap- propnauun oiu was laaen np tn the bonne. This was delayed to kill the chances of the removal of the penitentiary from Yuma to Prwicott. Though the bill had a clear ma jority and bad paused the upper house, it was nor. auoweu 10 appear, action on ap propriations beinir delayed till after 12 o'clock, at which time the leirislatnrn l.ina- eu uirouiiii iiiuiuiuim. .nearly ail the ter 1 . i L. i: .... ' ritorial institutions and officers are thru lef i without funds for the coming t o years A Blaed j Krrard . Seattle, March 22. Few, if any, of the th msands ofpecple who gazed upon tbe dead body of Thoruas Blanck, as it lay upon the tlab at the undertaking rooms today, realized the enormity of his crimes. Uy his own confusion be had killed five people within the pat four years and wtiinded if), lie was a rtagarobW.high wayuirn, burglar and bankrobW, his operations extending from Britir-h Colum bia through Montana and Washington -aaw la t'alllarala. SiBsoiks, Cal., March 22 This vicinity was Tisuea is si oigm ana itiis morning ty a very stvere snow storm, the fail amounts to 24 inches. The Southern Pa cific Company wa. obliged to tend its big plow through from Dunsmuir to Edgewood in order to clear the track for the regular northbound Oregon espreee. The storm was preceeded bv one of the most severe winds of lha season. The La baa War. Havaxa. Man.b 22. A dipatch from j (juantanatno avs it ia reported that the t Insurgent Per-, witb hu Inn-i, attacked the coffea plantation at Hermilano and was repulsed by volant wrs. who are cow ' pursuing ine steamer santo uomingo armed ai Santiago today with 000 Spar.' Uh troop. Tbe steamer Alfonso XII and Antonio Lopez, with Spanish troops for Cuba, am red ai Porto Rico this afternoon sttlflam Ia'IIms. EvAasTos, Wyo., March 22. The fire which broka out yecterdav in Rsd Canon mine No. 5, of the Central PaciSc, wa to dayeitinguiibel, and 22 bodies recorered. This leare 14 oat of '& who were buried in the mine yet to be recovered. Andrew Mason, wounded in tbe head by flying timbers, died today, the total death is now 61 . Tbre will be a general funeral Sunday. A Tw-lwW falla. SnaTrajs Avars, Xart-b Tt.Xn oGrial dispatch, referred in tkis city. bje thst the m o'.alkn ia Teni is en4l, aed Gee era! Carem, woo rswned the preswtencv soon after the armistice at Lima -will leave the country- Bkaaea, Ska Daw a Seattle, March 21. Thomas Blanck, the mnrderer ted jai'lreskar. i dad shut throe go the bead aid body l.y ballet from be Wincbettr rifles of Juha Ishepich aad ISobert Crow. The eacaonter took t-lace on the Northern PacUk railroad, about a mile north f Kect. at 5:30 o'tiock this evening. Aboct 16 shots were mvi. aad. when the smoke cleared away, Tnoma Blanck was a corpe. and Jonn bepich lay with wouuda in his left should-??, in the proximity of the heart, blanca was shot Lhrooza tbe ear, nose and body, ilia remain were immediately taken to Kent, together with the wounded deputy, to await the orders of Sbe'iif Van ie Vaster. 1 he injuries of J-hep tea. while srioas, are not thought to be fatal. Waal Traal. Loxlox, March Cl The Cts'.ral News Agency correspondent at Madrid oy: "lie leading politicians here are not in clined to the idea cf letting tbeAHianca affair result in a serious different t-e-twaen Spaio and the l"nitI utes. The mat;? ocght to be adjured easily, onlees tbe United States insists nron demands icinrioas to rsins dijmitv. Srtiin s i owl anxious to maintain the frien-ihip of that country, and would even orefer 1 1 waiv aa oer-cie investijraU&n tad ac ceptthe Wtistoa view, rather than risk a 3anl SIlSFITa. An A!inv man av he ba. quit u- ing tire oil cxjwsion".s goil s a lu-at ! asaal Waal tVare m m,lL ' Yokohama. March 21. It is exrected ... j negotiaiiiias for peace between China and The A!!ur IVvvt tella ot a man (Japan will coi'be sacce-ral. Tiwartnv is who mortgvwl his lioose to buy a bier- -t lae dominant poareria Jara. ecd tfcemil cle. He is a daisy .- .Upland Record, i iurv men are bml upon eoatinu;ai the Mr. Hennr r.! revenue collector, is "Wing scorM for putting his wife on the pay roll of his office, di- charging nie oe for tbe pr.rpose. Eighteen fanners around Oregon Cirv j bought I'tQ rar-ge fr 70 of me travef- 'AT R A ing fakes. ar;d are now having their I JJxV i X hand.: full paving the notes for tbe facte, f - ,. . ! INS. AGENCY One of the axo-xat livet exchanges ; says it tniiesea the lEMxajirs mistits'. ! T r- v -1 -v . , Ai this column PU a niche ing. T " t'n ,r' p"hu'n!'"T up an evening ifr that i accepuble to t 'for ,,"os shin olher aSert ,n many we have concluded to r new i:. ' ;ihanlrhoy mUc c .. prir. miens to the amount of fjoo annuar!y A young of Ashland wore li.-yc!e can necure the agency for an insurance bloomers with the titllow ing ripping" ef- Co.. tor mat reason tk n it think that feet; The bicycle girl in biooau-rs made ' ever man who writes lnurai,ce po-kies her fim anrearance on tho ssm ! of ! I an "insurance man. Ashland this week. An accident, to -he bkomen. orcarre.1 opposite Hotel Ore- (Tn ne"esiitating the fair proprietor of tbe trouer to tia-.-k off iato the hotel for general repairs. Tbe nnla.-ky little ternwiiee!er Kajrleite. wkirh made such a famous vovase a!ir.iT the upper Willamette that consumed some weeks, hv managed to get oS tbe bar near J tnrsehj aa;! nas retuaora io uiu ci;j. k B arjtkflritatifetr rUted tkwt tas Vainr will net atanrpt to narivte tha wtr of vke apaer river for a hr.f Una? to eome perhaps atwr. Telegram . California the Land ot Discoveries Why lay awake all nigrtt.coi-.fhing.when that most effective and arree.iUe reraedv. SANTTA ABIE, will give yem immediate relief? S A N'T A ABlK is theonlv cuaran- ted cure for Consumption. Asthma and all Bronchial Complaints. Sold in bottles at 50c and fl. Three for $13X Foshav & Mason will be nlesod to supply you, "and ftuarantee relief when use.1 as directed. CALIFORNIA CAT-R-CURE nev fails to relieve Catarrh or Cold in the Dead. Six months treatment, by mail, 1.10. tTaao Bahv Taa rick, cits hrr CastoHa. Vbrai irjo was a Caikl, aba aicd for CVstorla. Vbasi she became Mbs, sh clunj; to Oastorta. trw .. i...i rtiiUntn, shn fani tVm Caatocai Dyspepsia. E. W. Jot Company Gentlemen: 1 have taken vour Vesetable Sarsararill and can say I haw never seen anvtbitifr eoual to it. I have suffered ten " years wuii ayspepma, not being able to eat anything but milk and brown bread. Life was nothing but miaerv for me. Now J have a cood anteti'te. eat anr. thinR I wish, and feel no disagreeable effects from it. I wish I could tell all dyspeptics and urjre them to try your vein'iame ."jarsapaniia. i. . w i Vi-igmu; iMR. JOHN I IUOT1IV, iorbestown, Cal. If you want to cet a Bitrinir medicine without a Motcli, an old minwparilla trade mark, a bin oatch of red iiimle. take Joy's Sarsaparilla. An Abstilute Cure. The Original Abl:tlne Ointment it put up In large two onnc! tin boxea, and U an absolute cure for old sores, buins, wounds, chapped hsndi and all skin erup tions. Will positively c.ire all kinds of piles. .Ask tor the Original Abie-tine Ointment. Hold by Foshav & Mason at 5 cents per box, by mail So cents. Or triae'A Cream Bswinz HowJer World s Pair Award. 13 kterai. St. Lola's, March 20. 1 he snow storm in this vicinity bas been general dnririff the past 24 boors. Reports from southern Missouri and Illinois show that the storm has been severe in these sections. At Columbus. Ind., since tnis morn in?, a heavy snow storm has prevailed- The enow is six inches deep, and is drifting. At Percy, III., a steady northwest j?a!e, with blinding snow and minute particles of ice, ia blowing at the rate of 42 miles an hour. Snow bas drifted three and four feet deep in places, and buuness is prac tically suspended. Carza, Killed. Mobile, Ala., March 20. The Regis- ter's correspondent at Bocas del Toro. uniieu states ot Colombia, nnder d.ite of March 13. savs the identification of (ion- eral Catarino Kzaremo Garza, slain in the I on tMcis del loro, u complete. Several letters were found on his body ad dressed to him and also a telegram. 1.1- dividuals also ldflntified him. To-ieli uM during the fight be advanced within 10 fet of tbe barracks and called on tbe cap tain to surrender and each tinn -was met with arefueil. Msase apswlataaeata., March 23. The governor today made the appointments to fill the newlr created office by act of tbe lt legislature, making three district oat of the sixth ju dicial district of Oregon. Rj virtae of the act, James A. Fee i-otitinae judge of the sixth district, and M. D. Clifford of the ninth. The governor has appointed Robert Eakin jude of tbe eighth oiatrict. C- vv. Lawrey. of Pendleton, is appoint ed prosecuting attorney in th? sixth, and C. V. Parriah. of Conyoa City, of tbe ninth- It. L- Eir.L remains, by tbe act, in the eighth. tt laallclaseats. New Okleass, March 20 Tbe grand jury came into the criminal court today. After tiM ntuul formalities tbe fore man prewcted 15 indictments, charging 2-J men with iciarier. committed hut Taeslay Ciorning in the levee troubles. Tuete men were all arrested at xioos Urrx during the trjuiiiea, aad committed for triU by th pslise j Htice. War la be aSeeUreal. WjusniKCTOs; March 20. The state went was published in a local paper here today tbat the Mexlran congress wonld declare car on Gaatemala a soon as it wwmb'.eJ next month, an 1 a long account cf the reaioni therefor wa givea. A ratal Ezalatalaa. Evasstos, Vvyo.. March 2J- At 5:45 this evening an explosion of gas occurred in tie Eocky Mountain Coal aV Iron Com pany's mine. No. 5. at Canyon, seven miWs from Kian-ton. with terrible reulu. Janwrs B. Bru , mine foreman. ar.d ex-coi-nty eorami-aiocer of ULnfah coa--ty, jo., was iattantiv killed bv Arias- tim bers, siso s:z oter. iaill E irana- Waihxgtox, March 21 . It has b2 reprenled to gecrttary M orton that mem bers of congress have disposed of their quotas of eJ in a way not contemplated 1 bp the law. At his direction, the agent of ti seed deparUnent negotiated lor the purchase of a member's share, and the for- j mer soon brought to ths secretary the written order of a meaiUer f ir fally i o per -ct of his annual qooti, which was oiler- ed t or file at J75. fhe purchae was i ma-ie and tbe agent gare hi check for the money, which is now ia tbe secretary's possession. The Cabaa war. J tw York. March 21. A special to a moraine paper front Nassaa, New IVovi deoce, says : Additional news continaes to be receiTsd from Caba of in?arent vic tories in tbe eat. Tbe latest and most stir t ling yet recened is that UniUer Mon da. tbe negro leader cf a band near I GnaatasanKi, is one cf tbe few sen who wants to turn tie revolution info a race- war. It ts alio reported that Monica da -nrprid a larg attachment of Spanish troof rear tiaactasaint recently andeom p!ete!y routed them. In this battle it is said ? Spaniards were killed andwoa nd eJ. . War lrbab-:e. New Yok, i!arch 21 The Eer'd's Waibingtoc o:rrer.-jnt tJegrapfcs: 'X'nly the mo&t aki.Ifol dipicmacy and j conoesuons oa both tioes caa avert the lll.i. ,A kaf-un t . - 1 . . fc etsaia. Toe Mexican micsstw in Wah- I ington. SeaceRorrro. and the liaa'.ema j b.n minister. Sencr Amiga, ere doing ali j in their power to bring about a peaceful i svu:iro c-r ise ain:icaity, bat tnere is ' "gw &ey will not sacceeiL i campaign. Fresh, troops ire beinc; harried j ( iwrd. In tbe hocse cf represeatatives I ?"-u lea gsveo cf a motion declai- j j t time fjr peace res'jtia'dons hss ; B5t 4rrlrevl ! Insure i- the S V PHOENIX. LOX- I PON. MMlltS1ER,iJ NORW ICH CMOS of England.or CONTINENTAL cf Ne York and have something for i our money tn cae of boneat lo?. Note taken onfarr tnsarance. M asuras, M'gr. a'rer adjuster for the Sun tns office Lon loo. Highest price paid fcr aH lint's frala. FIRE INSURANCE Insure vour protrti with ! Joseph V Talt ir The Old Hartford. THE NEW YORK UNDERWRITERS AGENCY, or any one of the other reliable eld line com panies lie represents. No'es taken and plenty of tin? given for payment -on farr.1 insurance. All business plac ed with him will be prompt ly attended to. OFFICE IN P.O. BIcek, 'Albany, Or Cavran and Tmla-M arts r-txaievd. aad ail Pa, ant b aancM conduct 1 foctstn area. Ooa ernce ia owosrrt 1-8. eVcrTOet aol ara can sccura r'. ta ks baa loan laoas rrotota from Washiiioo. . Send vil, dtawmc or ro.. area deaenp. tioa. V a adrlse, U patesiabi or not. traa ot caarf Our is not du till pr icr.l ia sacarad. , A a-samicr, "Row toObe. 2 t'atents, wita cost ol araie ia th U. & aa Jumgm cwantrtaa aeotiree. AJJiesa. C.A.SNOW&CO. Ovs. patcwt omoi, waismtna. o C FOSHAY & MASON -ntuuu aaa " Droggistsand BookseIler& Apei.ta for John B, Aldea'a pobllrs Mons eaieh we wil at pcbllaaor's prleawlts t Mtaaeaddad. ALBA IT iiKfue; K. O. T.M msets evetv Satui T.MUail. Visit day even rr in R. sg KnlfthU Invited t A 1. Lamb. rem. ' attend. A SUFFERING CHILD Head and Scalp Eavr wfth Places Size of SJlrer Dollri-r. Va rious Eemedlcs only caosci Freh Eruptions Applied CUTH'CBA. Cbcnge In T-nty-f-jtir Hoars. Perfect Cora in Two "Week. Br littie son, ap!d three, -mm my ameh trw:bli with a fcroiun- :t cm fasa scalp aal brblcd bia ear. 1" pbim affacual vera) a-VMit a fcu-jf jji a oiim irAr; t!sa fteaa act n7 and irirzfd -.-1;.! hula uiiaters. r--'-':-j iiSnetl iXiMt tcrt-'.j, azA a nat- . ,-c. fretuX i i-r ikts1 mnedjea r;ttut( aay U;uf.ft--ial remits; ra r tlie ernpt:r-u ft-: iutl to be t resHlBs; and t.w jifcwi trea":i-iE out. I enocladad to trv ft CciicvkA l:;:iiia. I wMtaMi tba afto .el jaaw;."3 ll-e Cirtsmt fAr, taa ine .sire ooctn irrtu.i th; Vsr-'u. a.l at-.j.lierl tn:'n SA. 1 wj:;ci a char-re torttie better a u. aij :?r " tueeru'iHra ia Aveaty trmr Ixiur4..anl in ita wee Itw? ernrjUooa elirKlv diaarret,la7irr toe akin amocssl KoA Um acaip du; m V:'. a feTleet eara, aa 1 have not a- any irmicacia cat any ernptioa or breaitiosiot since. I rare tb cfcild oaly a few of tlte ( naxA Rs avjtrrjtT. IenoaideryoorCrnctBA krsa dies ery Tain&Me. 1 twi:er f LTKX'aA. would be excellent forsppif tng toioaect bixesv whuii are verv aniwrlna- in tos esmatrv. C. A- AEXfcTEONO, , bann iaizoa, ji.u. tcH throcrbont cfe worid. Price, Pcncraa. Oe.; rj a r. Hrrrulraca AkO cax-Coxr aioia Pr,Baaua. tar " Bam so Cat Kmj Sata inaaaaa," fraa. A Sovereign Resiedh& Colds. LaGnppe sf J Afirjcticrvs 4BlETL.ftCia. Foshay k Vasoa, aeni Foahav & .Mason, A grata. CHAS. CLiKX, SapwinJi Direct Line- Q i'ck Dispatcli Low Freight F.atcv ramiin a Ha na.-r anxea aai in rr rasas, rsasoaca Basaasisreby S3aa aWrs. I. li-B, aad Tem Taansa- Haar-rsa sF.aBta mardk T IT.aaS Tta. f"? OompaMry- rewtrrrcs tte rsgt . srae Balling datoa w-!fcci r;ctWc. F-.r freight aad pa.wenjr rts ar-iyy so wy agent. raarSas J Hsa-irrs. S.- & O. 5-. Xarfccl S saa Prasaaaa LV I TOILErli .111 TiT.' r-v witliont ac rial i- POWCSR. 2 ti Ccmbices every eletuent of 1 1 besntv &nd rcritv. It is besnti. j 1 i fyi-o soothlag, healing-, her'.th- rightly used is invisible. A mcs j delicate and desirable protection ? to the face in this rrirfste. IT IS FS8 SAU EYESrsTKUE. OF KCIO, acio, OKKQO" ) xsa . XTJ Joa CrKIt'K K t ')KiXRKK or 1I.IA!IT, OKSSOK, YKAXSACTa ratiaral Baa.k!n aaintaa. ar Vrk K r t RAW SIGHT URAfTS a Saa scoaaa rvrvaBO, urajraa. LOAN atOXKT oa aprTad armrirr . RECEIVE 0rila aubjad lo cawrk. COaXKJTIOSS and aa tamratHa (anaav nrrXRSSTDaid ca tia aoasl F1RST NATION At. BH. er alsamt, oasaos raatdaat Vtc Praaldaat . S. K.TOUNO -K. W. LASUDOii nuiRSACTS A O K. KRAL tuiAina ualiaa ACCOCNT8 KEPT aabl to aftacA. 810 MT EXCHANGE aad tJ ra-har traaaf r, Jo 4 Kaar York, Saa Fraaeiaeo Cataaav aad P lUaad a O .(.VjTIOSI 1DS oa tatoraitl Yoem I ,W LAaaaea I. Fuaa. Caatas I . Sox. IIMT COLLIBUTK ISSimiK ALBANY, OREGON - A ft. 1 oorpa of lnstractCA CUSS1CAL, SCIENTIFIC 11TERABT CQMKESCIAL AK3 KOSMAl CLASSES. (oarsea ot atudy ar ran gad m nawt all rradea of studanu. SfMU ntmctmtutt tftr4 tt sadtw ress obrmtt t aaty-3 a it4 Z as 3 I OieEon POZIQHTS