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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1895)
Ufo f&tmmt. P TERMS. Daily, 1 ct a dRy; 25c per month; $3.00 Jer ysar, m advance. 30c per month not in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10 per cent added if allowed to run over 3 months. Weekly, $1.25 In advance: tl.50 at end t year; $1.75 for second year; f200 for inird and proceeding yeaw, when not paid in advance. Clutw of five new subscribers for 15.00. FRED WHITCOMB KILLED. A Well Known Brakeiiian cut In Two. ri This morning the regular freight train was passing Wolf Creek in Southern Ore gon when Fred Whitcomb, one of the brakeman met with a horrible death, In some manner, not just known, he slipped between the cars and fell under the wheel cutting him in two and mang lina him in a frichtful manner. His re mains were picked up and will be taken to Tacoina to-morrow morning, where his parents reside. Whitcomb at one time was brakeman on the Lebanon train : then he held a position as extra on the passenger trains between Port land and Koseburg. He was well known in Albany as a genial, stood hearted fel low. Whitcomb was a small, wiry man whose face was known to all who have traveled np and down the road much. The Grounds of Appeal. Crepon Pecale Llama cloth Challilaine Corean crepe Outing flannel French cashmere Oriental pongee Marabout lawn ToileduNord Madras cloth Ginghams Cballie Sabine Prints At S. E. Young's - Death or Jesse Gkobge. Mr. Jesse George died in Seattle Saturday, of pnen monia, at the age of about 60 years. He leaves a wife and four children, two sons and two daughters. Mr. George was a prominent citizen of Seattle, lie was brother of Hon. M. C. George of Port land, and brother-in-law of Mrs. George, of this city. He was a pioneer of Oregon, coming nere in l&ol, nret settling on a farm near Lebanon. The following excellent sketch of Mr. George's li fe is given : Mr. George was born in Morgan county, Ohio, November II, 1835, and was the second son of Pres ley Mahala (Nickerson) George. His father was a native of Virginia, bat early in life migrated to Ohio, where he mar ried and lived for 40 years. His mother was a descendent of an old Puritan family in the Bay state, and in 1817 removed with the family to Ohio. His grandfa ther on his father's side drew a pension for services as a soldier in the Revolu tionary war. In 1851, the family crossed the plains, settling on a donation land claim near Lebanon, Linn county, which is still known by his father's name. He received his rudimentary education in Ohio, and also attended the Santiam academy in Linn county. He remained in this county, taking prominent inter est in local affairs and developing unus ual business capacity, until 1872, when he removed to Seattle. During his res idence in this city he was prominently identified in various enterprises, and was one of the three original organizers of the Washington Iron WorkaIn all these enternitfaaaWarJSp7ayed sines? j augment and firmness of char acter. A Washington paper tells of the re cent introduction near Snohomish of a carload of peppermint roots to be planted wun me view oi esiaoiisnmg a pepper mint factory, which is considered a big thing for that country. Albany also prom ises to nave a Dig peppermint tactorr, or rather peppermint and other things. Arrangements are already being made to erect a large two story brick in this city lor the manulacture ol peppermint oil, turpentine and a patent medicine. It will be 50x100 feet, and the basinets promises to be one of the most import ant industries of the city. Another comtemplated industry is a carriage factory. A gentleman is hers Tno3E Bicyclists. A dispatch from San Francisco has the following to say of the two bicyclists recently in Albany: J. E. Gabriel arid J. E. Gilbert have ar rived here from Seattle on bicycles, hay ing made the trip of about 1100 miles in 21 actual traveling days. They left Seattle on February 20, But were laid up eight days, because of repairs to broken wheels and sprained ankles. "We followed mainly the line of the railroad," said Gabriel, "and passed by snow in the Bisklyous six feet deep. In one place one morning we found six inches of new now. It was difficult work getting up the mountains. Uusually ire bad no trouble to find places to stop at, and the settlers were generally kind. We will stayja month andjthen may ride t New I or. The Soda vitXE Ubeameby. The En gene Register sayB that C. H. Vehrs, of tsodayille, who is engaged m the cream ery business at that place, in an inter Tiew with Mr.'Edris, who has been vis iting at Sodaville, expressed a desire to move his creamery here. He does not expect a bonus. He only wishes to be lure that he can secure enough cream to enable him to run his creamery to a full capacity. He does not wish to remove to a place that will furnish him the cream from less than 1000 cows. Not many people knew that Mr. Vehrs had creamery outfit of that capacity. - Tbclt AaTosisHtso. Miss Annette N . Hoen, Fountain, Minn., says: "Ayer'f Cherry Pectoral has had a wonderful effect in curing my brother's children of a severe and dangerous cold. It was truly astonish ing how rapdily they found relief after taking this preparation " An Ihtebkotiko Tnmo is the clipping of horse by machine. A couple men bavs The grounds of appeal in the O. P. case are given as follows by the Gorvallis Times, making readable matter, which will not be particularly eppreciated by the public which almost generally wish to see tne sale continued. The first four particular's recite that when order for the sale of the property was made there should have been pres ent, or represented, as parties, the de fendant corporations, the lien creditors in priority to the first mortgage foreelos- eu in tne suit, meceruncaie noiuers, ana tne iaixr ana material creditors, far ticular 6 claims that the failure of the sheriff to sell the property between De cember 15th and 22nd instead of on the 22nd the date of the sale, made the sale invalid, and seven alleges that the origv nal decree of April, 1S91 governed all subsequent proceedings ; that after the same ceased to be appealable no change in terms or conditions could be made. and that the exclusion of bondholders and cereificate holders from the right to oia tneir securities as part ot tne pur- cnase money at tne sale oi necemoer 22nd is a variation from the original de cree, and therefore fatal to the validity of said sale. Particular nine alleges that receivers eertiheates were first liens on the proceeds of the sale, and that the sale of December 22nd, made in the ab sence of their holders was a fraud on their rights, and ten says, that the sale of the property for only" J 100,000 was so enormously inadequate in price that the court had no right to confirm it. Par ticular eleven alleges that the original decree contemplated a re-organization and re-purchase of the property bv cred- luirv, as is customary wun rauroaus, ana that because the bondholders failed to re-organsxe was not justification for the abandonment of the plan, and that this is a reason why the sale should not be confirmed, and particular 12 recites that the court below has no power to sell without due provision for the discharge of the debt incurred in its administra tis of the property. Good Signs'. THE RED CROWN MILLS. Mr. J. R. Stockman returned from Tortland Saturday night accompanied uy Air. jonn lshoiu who has just return' ea irom Virginia. Arrangements were made for setting the Red Crown Mills to running pending a transfer of the nron- i J. "!-..; - r r cny mm me organization oi a new com pany, Wadhams & Co.' providing for wheat lor the purpose. In the mean time the proposed deal will be consummated according to the present plans, and ar rangements will be made by which the smaller Btorers at least will gradually ob tain flour for their wheat, though prob- auiy not tor awhile, it is thought the mm win oe running tins wees. Tne a uove statements are made upon representations made to the Democrat. The general Bentiment on the street is that with a $17,000 mortgage en the mill it will be impossible to make a transfer by which the storers will be protected A good many farmers holding wheat have been in consultation. Some are in favor of using leniency so long as there is a chance of effecting arrangements by which they will get their wheat, while others are in favor of having the rresi dent and manager arrested for larceny irom oauee unaer tne statute wtnen pro- 1. : l .: .1. : I : i . . . v uiuiui mc Kniiuiug ui uiure wuetit in a mill than has been purchased. The af fair continues the absorbing topic. It certainly is to be hoped the sale of the mill may be consummated so that it will again be put to running. Two attachment suits begun Satur day afternoon will complicate matters. May & Senders, of Hamshurg, attached the mill property for $2,070.35, Watson & Elkin attorneys, and Amoa A Harris for $386.94, Montanye A Hackleman, attorneys. Two Bio Falls. The Salem Post tells of two big falls : Sunday afternoon while W. F. Michaelis, an employe of the Elec tric Light company was repairing a guide wire at the top of one of those tall poles at the corner of State and Winter streets, he through some unknown cause missed his footing and was precipitated io me ground a distance ot HANDS UP. A Live Time Opposite Corvallis. A very live affair occurred opposite Gor vallis last night, the particulars of which are very confusing, and will probably be found different from the first report. Ah Bcrcaw and Ernest Mann, of Indepcnd ence nave been living in a small house opposite Gorvallis. Bercaw had separated irom lus v ife, who was stopping in the vicinity with her child. Last night awhile before midnight O. Froberg was awakened by Mrs. Bercaw coming to his nouse crying that her husband was after fit. ) . . . I .'II I . i-iiut-i mm was trying to Kill uer. mr. Froberg started down the road w hen he met a couple men. who proved to be Ber caw and Mann. They ordered him to throw up his hands, and at the point of a biioi gun ne was backed over a lence and finally into their place.where he was given a pounding and hit with the gun. He finally succeeded in mttimr hnld of the gun and getting both men down. His face was badly bruised and cut. The fight seems to have ended here, without the child being secured or any one killed. This morning Froberg went to Gor vallis : but was sent here, llrt reiu-lwxl here about 1 o'clock and visiting jastice Freerksen's office obtained a warrant for the arrest of the two men. He reported the men patroling the road this mornine with a shot gun, in order to prevent any exit of Bercaw's wife or others. Con stable urn and D. S. Smith left im mediately for the vicinity of the affair well armed and will no doubt return with the men tonight or in the morning, A Supreme Commander Coming. Considerable interest is being taken in the arrival in Albany next Monday of Hon. D. P. Markey, supreme Commander of the Maccabees of the world. A re ception will be tendered Mr. Markey in me evening at the opera house, when i program ol much merit will be presented t. j. u. inn win act aa ni autor ot cere monies, the program will lie opened with an instrumental selection ; invoca tion Dy Key. J. x. Abbott: opening ode (UKtancA of ttran? v.Hvm feet, luckilv landin? on In a f.i an.l nn. I by the choir of the Maccabees, address lv Riiatainina s ni;,.l,i Tk. I oi welcome bv Mavor Flinn? raw who witnessed the accident state that quartet; address by Mr Markev, a lawver uen jucnaeus lost his tooting it was apparent that he would surely he dashed to death on the curbing below, but his arms became entangled in the wire in some manner and he came down right side up. He is congratulating himself mis morning that he is able to be around ana was not a suhtect for the undertaker. This morning Herbert Tichnor. a 13 year old boy st the reform school, bare ly escaped being killed bv a fall this morning at that institution. The young man was attempting to fall down the banisters of the stairs and by some means he lost his balance, falling tn the floor below, a distance of at least fortv- nvefeet. He was nicked up in an un conscious condition and every remedy brought into use convenient at the school to restore him. He was found to be con siderably bruised about the head and shoulders, but his exact condition could not be learned uo to press hoar. Had it not been for catching himself several times in his descent, the bo would un doubtedly have been killed outright. How it Happexep. The Tidinm tells of the accident resulting in the death of I lXr1" Ted hitconib as follows: From tunnel 9 to Leland the brakemen on the freights have to remain on top of the train to watch their brakes, etc. on the down grade. There was no freight to be left at Leland and none to takeonand no stop was made. When Wolf Creek was reached Whitcomb was missed and the of prominence and ex-eneak'er of the house of representative of Michigan: vo cal solo; address by Chas. W. llodea. sir ikuignt iepuiv ('uprvmeuommanrier. cioeing oue py me cnou and benediction. A JerTerson City, Miseoun paper savs of Mr. Marker: "Hen. D. P. Markev. Sn- i . 1 . I - i . ' r . i lrivruiu wujuiwiurr ui nit? nniguu 01 I lie Maccabees, delivered a lecture at the Methodist church in this city on the 17th instance, which elicited niuch praise for sneaker and thennler hcrrnnvnta Tk. church was filed to its utnioet capacitv by an intelligent audience w ho listened intenty to every word from the distin guished speaker, through his lecture of an hour, and were delighted to learn of iiic vciinuieni association and its work ings and the great good it was doing for those whom atlliction overtakes. It is not often that our citizen are treated to such a lecture, and that they appreciated it is evidenced by the large number present and the attention given." The reception committee is J. S. Van Winkle, X. M. Newport and Dr. M. 11. Ellis, the invitation committee John Campbell, E. I'. Will and N. M. New- Mrs. W. K. IlUin IB ill with scarlet fever. Mr. Bart Allen, the veteran prohibi tionist, of Halsey, was in the city today. Robart A. Pinkcrton. the detective, a son of the original Win. A. Pinkerton, i in Portland. Dr. Chapman, of the State 1'niversitv, It Will Be Built. John C. Stanton, who left New York with A. B. Ham mond, of Bonner & Hanunoud, arrived in Portland yenterduy. Mr. Hammond stopttfd off m Missoula for a dav. Nir ton said: So for m the building of the Auirm ruuu in ciuicerneii, it may lie con sidered as an assured fact. Hammond has been an indefatigable worker in the enterprise, and it is his courage and in domitable will that will make the scheme a iuccess. Tho present lias Ut-n a most inauspicious time to negotiate any new securities on the market, and what has been done is entirely due to the effortsof Mr. Hammond." A party of engineers ac companied Mr. Stanton to Astoria. The account says that Mr. Bonner, busineHS associate of Mr. Hammond, M jil not be actually identified with either the con struction of the Astoria road or such plans as have lieen devised for the- future of the Oregon Pacific. 1 fe is not in the best of health, and, enjoying a compe tency, w ill not take an active part in the new ventures, leaving such lalx.r in the hands of Mr Hammond. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. The Okkoon. Governor Lord wishes to do honor to the new battleship Ore gon, which is now U-ing armed an.l equipped and will probably steam up the Columbia within six months, lie has therefore ismied a letter to the mar. ors of Oregon cities, tting forth a short history of the Oregon and closing with : uencving we glioma ioier and cultivate a spirit of state pride, and thinking the present an opportune time for action, I hereby invite mayors of ineorixtrated cities anil representatives of commercial bodies to meet in the state capitol, the 22d day of April, 1895, at 2 o'ociock p. m. for the purpose of considering .and ter minating the matter of presenting to the commander of the battleship "Oregon" on tier arrival in a state seajwrt, a fitting token of our peogle's appreciation of the nign ncnor bestowed upon the state of Oregon. As Okecox Woman. The Salem Jour nal tells about one as follow: .Mr. Mary Kisttling, who is PoKtmiidre at WUUrd, not only conducts a farm and store, but has reared a fine family, and today aid out of her earnings WOO to tne Jarvis-tonklin Mortgoge Co., which leaves her home free from debt. Mr. iwssung nas aio been active in omainx- ing me new t ongregational church at il lard and todav was rainir around a subscription iaer for the erection of a new church to cost not over $1000. .V CJavel Presevt4T!ox. A pleasant vent occurred at the meet in v of Kair Oaks Circle No. 1, of the ladies of the G. A. lv. lust night. At this time a formal presentation was made to the first talne of this order in Oregon, on behalf of the president of the Ladies of theG. A. It. .f California of a handnome gawl. The gavel ii of particular interest from the fact that it was made from the wood from the wan-hip Hartford ued in the war of the tebellion mhen it obtained some distinction. The tnemlier of the order are proud of the gift. A Bii-rrtE OaniSASce. An ordinance waa introduced hurt nieht an.l referred. in which there is a provision iii-ohihii- ing the riding of bicycles on the t-l bridge. This will undoubtediv be rtrirk- en out, and certainly should Vie. In the nrrt place it would be of no effect, for the bridge is a public thoroughfare and the courts have settled the fact complete ly that bicycles have the jaaie rights upon road. as teams. Dr. Chapman, of the State University, arrived in A litany this noon, and will lecture at tbe college chapel tonight. Mr. F. L. Such, of Cloverdale, re turned to Albany last night from a visit with his daughter Mrs. Walter Turrell, in tacoina. Mr. Miller Morgan and bride arrived in Albany this noon from Oregon City, and are the guests of their sonMr. J. W. Morgan. Geo. D. Overton, of Brownsville, was in the city today on his way home from Salem, where he had been with part of a sale of 50 head of cattle. Hon. F. C. Hansard, of Lebanon, was in the city today. He regretted not be ing in the recent legislature to put a stop to the extravagant and useless legisla tion. Mrs. Al. Bercaw and child, who were the indirect cause of the trouble at Oak ville, were in Albany this noon on their way east. Bercaw is in hiding some where near Coivallis. Sheriff Ofcborn has a warrant for his arrest, and will probably get him. Father Ixmis Metayer has returned from California, where he has been for some time for the benefit of his health. Hinee his fall from tho bell tower of the church Father Metayer has been in ill neaiin, never having Jully recovered from the effects of the accident. fcx-Mate Printer Baker and wife will go through Albanv tonight on an ex tended tour through the south, while gone visiting Mexico, New Orleans Honda and other prominent points, They will be gone several months. Mrs liater is a sudor of Mrs. O. W. Cline, of urieaus precinct. Edwin Stone, who is in the employ of me new owners ot tne, uregou Pacific railroad property, pasied through on yes terday's local for Portland. He says' the pending anneal to the unreme court ia all that ia blocking the way to an exten sion oi mat road and thinks the delay will be only temporary. alcm States man. Kev. J. W. Cowan, pastor of the Con gregational church ol Oregon City is in Aioany, me guest ot his schoolmate at " heaton thirty years ago, Mr. E. F, rox. uev. Cowan it the organiser of the junior I hnstian Endeavor Society, and was heard last year at Montreal on iue subject. The kindergarten entertainment at the residence of L. E. Blain hurt evening was oi microti ana instructive. The program cunmsieu oi a Kindergarten reading by by Mrs. Nutting; an organ " solo by Miss 'Jiura aie ana a conversatione. Kin dergarten books showing the work of the pupils in Mis Brouner's school were rxuiuiiea and elicited much admiration. l nder the kindergartener a efJecient in structions they have made marked im provement and patrons are universally pleased w ith the work as well as with the kindergarten idea. UOME AND ABROAD the Albany Furniture the Albany Fnroi- tram pushed back to look for him Reaching Leland Whitcomb's body was 7: Pn'n. ". Mie I niversily, now for the purpose of making arrange- found besides the track and near a box L re in uie college chapel tomor- ments for establishing one here provided I car that was on the end of the airline I'v-tnuims he can secure the right kind of timber. I The Ride of his head was crushed in. both arms were broken as also a shoulder, in-: a-. - . I I dicaung that death had been instant. The supposition is that kitconrb was on his way to the caboose at the rear of the train and was climbing down the side of a car to get onto some flat cars tnat were next behind when the train Mr. Otto Lee, of Salem, spent Sunday in Albany. J. B. McFarland, of Fosters,' was in the city today. TV Tr.Kn naiwindnvfoF nf Arlington is is in the city on a visit to his parents 5me.,,? the ding and the box car on and friends ,ne dmg struck him with the results told. The box car is said to have been and friends. Those who attended the College Y. M. C. A. convention at Forest Grove report it a great success. Miss Emma Reeder, the accomplished coast sacretary of the Y. W. C. A., ar rived in Albany today on a visit to the college association. Mr. Pete Abbey, of Newport, is in the city carrying a game leg, the result of an accident wane trying 10 unve a iruiici home several months ago. Hon. W. A. Temoleton, who labored so strenuously in the last legislature to mutuiate lann county Dy cutting it in two, was in the city today. J. T. Gregg came np from Portland Sesterday to remain a few days. He has itely returned from San Jose.California, where he went some months ago. ure- gon will be his home in the future but he has not yet definitely decided on a place oi residence. eiaveaman. Mr. Gant. of Phuomath, has been visiting in the city the guest of Judge Powell. Mr. Gant is one of the earlier pioneers, having been in Oregon fifty years. He was in Albany in 1845 when the only resident of the city was Mr. Abraham Hackleman, father of our pres ent Mr. Abe Hackleman. Mr. Gant is a thorough Oregonian. Committees have been appointed by the lodge to arrange for a celebration of the first anniversary of the birth of Na omi lodge No. 26, Degree of Honor, Cor vallis, on the second Tuesday in April. Greenlcaf lodge ol the same order at Al bany, has accepted an invitation to be present on the occasion. Corvallis Times. Mrs. Nellie H. Lambson of Albany, deputy supreme commander of the La dies' Order ot the Aiaccaoees, bmiik left so close to the end of the siding that there was scarcely a foot of space be tween it and the cars of a Passing train. The freight crew did not leave it s) close and how it got there wrl have to be ex- plained by the station agent, is said. Gets a Native Sos Pis. In a column arucie tne journal tens about the .pre sentation of a pin to Senator Mc Bride. Here is the description : It is in shape somewhat like a shield and crowning it is a star in the center of which is a diamond, under this being a scroll bearing the inscription: "Native Nn ot Oregon." t rom this down is the shield proper surrounded to its shoulders by a beautiful wreath of embossed gold and in the center a miniature reproduc tion of the great seal of the state of Ore gon, bearing the announcement ol her coat of arms: "She Flies with Her Own Wings." On the reverse side of the med al, which is also finely finished, is the lnscnptioiL; "Hon. George W . McBnde. Compliments of I. L. Patterson (senate) and J. A Wright (house). Eighteenth Biennial Session. 1895." The whole is mounted with a pin which allows it to be worn uoon the coat lanel. and Sena tor McBride takes great pleasure in put ting it mere. Misa Nettie Ashbr went to Altanv this morning where s"he w ill take charge of a millinery store for her aunt, Mrs Ash by. Salem Journal. Mis Nellie Cwlahan. of Portland, a sister of Mr. Jas. Calahan, of this citv. was in Altanv this noon on her wav to Corvallis on a visit with relatives there. Cols. Riblan and Yoran. of the O. N. G. 2nd regiment, arrived in Albany this 1 :,, ; . s i ... , uoou uiu w ui inspect r .o. ana me n ca pital corps tonight. Dr. J. V. Gaff was discharged in Port land, for want of testimony and with his wife left for Oak vilie, where they are now visiting previous to their departure for California, where they will hereafter reside. Mr. Wash Phillips, of Scio. was in the city today on his way home from a trip to Alsea. He was accompanied bv Vil- Tnrr a&eau. Uu.ut. F.cotnpanv and the hospital cnrs were inspected last night by Col. Yoran and I-u-ut. KihUn, presenting an entertaining exercise for several hour. The comnanr bikI corn wre found to be in excellent condition under the efficient captaincv of Captain Overman. The visiting o:h-er ret.rt the whole of the 2nd regiment to be in a very prosperous condition. Jons Jom ATTiiEti. A. II. Hall. An entertainment that will l worth much more than the 10 cents it ill cot to at tend will he held on Fndav night at the A. It. hall. It will le given under the auspices of tbe G. A. R. Tbe main at traction will be a short and livelv come- "John Jones, the Tailor." An armv tableau retresenting the idle side of army life will 1 given and there will l songs and redutions. Hard tack and coHec will U the grub of the occasion. go to t'alou; medical trcat- Death or Mas. Carter. Mrs. Jane Carter, died at her home in this city last evening alter a short illness, bhe was taken with the grippe, which finally went to the brain causing paralysis of tbe the brain. The deceased was about 69 yrs V months oi age. fche was tbe second wife of Mr. Eli Carter who proceeded her about ten years ago, and step-mother been in the city running a clipper. Where I city for the purpose of organizing a hive n( M, y,i R M. Carter. The ileceajied ... .... 1 I . . I . . . 1 ' r ill . -....luw nt 1 ... . It took bait a uay oy nana two men ana a machine do a horse better in about an hour. Tne price is $2.50 It used to be $5.00 by hand, but was leduced to c2 50. Quito a business was done by the men here. i i of that order if a sufficient number ol ladies will interest themselves in the matter. She is the guest of Mrs. R. D. Holman on Front street during her stay. Statesman. Here- is another correct item from the Astoria Budget as to when Mr. Ham mond left New York: A telegram re-i ceived last evening by the subsidy com mittee from one of Mr. Hammond s as sociates, states that Mr. Hammond would leave New York via -Missoula last murs- was a woman ol excellent character respectedbv all knowing her. The funeral services will take place at the Congregational church tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The deceased was a nienber ol the M. t,. Church Konth. The sermon will be preached by Rev. D, C. McFarland, if he is able to be present, otherwu by Key. roiing, A Fake. One Harry Jordan appear- day, and the other associates would leave I ed in Eugene the other day pretending I at tne same time coming uireci. it m i to oe oacaeu oy a goou ueai oi capital understood that Hammond will remain in Missoula one day, and bring from I there his engineers. DON'T WAIT For a Cold to 7 'in into Bron chitis c? 1 cumonia. Check it at Once WITH AYER'S Cherry Pectoral- The Sunday Mercury has a regular Har- risburg correspondent of the old-time style. An eight ox team, used on the Santiam in the logging business, were brought to . 1 Albany today. The Grey Eagle passed up the river yes terday, returning today. Like the Eaglet it doesn t bostla very much. A fine specimen of a red bird graces the rooms of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. PfeiSer. I just brought home by Mr. John Isom from I Virginia. Albany. Oregan. is to have a creamery, All progressive towns are the index ef pro- He was after real estate. In the mean time remittances failed to reach htm and he borrowed money of two or three per sons until his money came. He was found to be a fake and was arrested for obtaining money under false pretenses. Items Tike this thould open the publics eyes to the necessity of knowing what they are doing when they trust strangers. Ham Douglas, who will City, Iowa for care and menu The senior and junior classes of the Albany College w re entertained in a nice manner by Miss Marv Williams last Saturday evening. Besides games and a lunch a choice program was ren dered consisting of the recital of "The Culprit" bv Ollie Baltimore; Thosan, by Arthur froshay Lady tiarc le ere by Kdna Breckenrnlge; and a recitation by Miss William. The Review force will miss Prof. L. N. Liggett when bis term of school is out in Prineville. The Professor is an exper ienced newspaper man. His counsel and tipiely assistance has stood us in hand many times during!! he winter just passed. The Claypool district has been fortunate enough to secure bis service to leach a 3-months' school as soon as his term is out in Prineville. Prineville Review. Tbe Little Rock (Arkansas) Democrat of recent date announces the death of Major A. C. Gaines, in 72nd vear. Mr. S. Clark writes of him: lie was the eldest son of Governor John P. Gaines, who came out aa governor ot Oregon in l&x). He remained here until ISM, when he returned to Little Rock, where he resided 30 years. His brother Abner P Gaines, resides at Corvallis. The Tidings tells of an Oregonian abroad: Mr. and Mrs. Max Pracht ar rived in Manchester. England, on the 7th inst. according to a letter which their children in Ashland received a day or two ago. Manchester, the great English manufacturing city, win be air. rracnt s headquarters during his stay in England as the representative of the American winding uo. Mr. rracnt writes tnat ne found noon opening his letter oi in st ructions from the company, after get ting out upon the broad Atlantic, that the company had more confidence in him than he bad in Hansen and that nts instructions would carry him to England, I ranee, Germany, Russia, Belgium, Italy, Spain and Sweden. On his return journey he expects to travel with Mrs. Pracht via the: Suet canal and the Orient home, realizing a long cherished desire to complete a cir cuit of the world grain Going for Senator Dawson. A letter has been sent out to the press of the state headed like this: "Initiative and Referendum. Committee Report on progress of the Reform. Senator Iaw- son's perfidr delays it two ycan." It is signel by W. S. f'ren, secretary who re quests the puh!i.-.iion of the letter. As it is too long for that we publish simply the part ol most interest to Linn county readers : Senator Browne!! made one of the most eloquent speeche of the session for the i n .. . mil, ana was aidy supported by the au thor of the bill and bv Senators Coggs- ell. trow an. King, Kalev, Huston and Smith of Clatsop. The republicans who defied the party lash and voted for the bill were Senators Brwnell. Gesncr, Gowan and Johnson. The bill was lost. however, by tbe treachery of Senator Dawson of Lina count r. This man wrote to our committee on May 2,1891, in reply to a letter, saving: 'I am in favor of calling a constitu tional convention for the purpose of sub mitting to the voters of Oregon for ap proval or re lect ion a new constitution. providing for the initiative and referen- uni system of making law. 1 am a re publican and if elected to the office of senmtor in the legislative assembly of Oregon, I shall vote and use all mv" in fluence during mv term of office in favor of a law calling a' constitutional conven tion at the earliest possible date." uui at tne last moment he sneaked out side the bar of the senate to escape vol ing. He made similar promises publicly during the campaign, and was supposed al. . "Xa to ue a man ot some character and de cency. His record on this oaestion proves htm to be beneath the contempt. ot an honorable men. Senators Wood- ard and Maxwell were also driven in bv the party lash. So the bill was lost in the senate for this time. The Democrat publishes the aliove lie- cause readable. The language is strong er than should be used of a legislator w here ail are in about the same boat. New carpet at co- Buy new carpet ot ture to. Tbe latest effect in carwt at tkj A! Furniture Co. 100 piece ftrici porcelain dinner et for Slt;jt F. E. A .ec. 7? pimft decnrabd a -ni-Porcelain tta rt for f7 73 at F. E Aliens iuj terse: bare bra loaded iu ainoe Janatry la at fortUnd Open today, the Cheap Cadj Department Store. BlunjUiTaT Uoci. Great bargains in all line Dr. I! . K. and O. K. Bern, office over Pott OScc. Residence corner 5th k Caiapooia streets. Jam McMahan. an old and highly re peeled reiih-nt of Linn county died at llilsey on March ilt. Tbe sheriff of hue county ha been do ing rudiing . He ha already collect ed .OU0 of the use to be effected there. Painting, paper hanging and aign writ ing a speciality, bv Frank lHinnal. at E. L. Thompson ' old haree thop. AH the inmates of bawdy boosea in Purt Und are being arrested. This eem to be Portland 't ylrm of levying a license on them. All pa't'ea indebted to the Albany Dress ed Beef Company are requested to call and etlie i!h W. A. Kicuey or A. M. Holt by the lt of April- Grand opening of Spring and Summer milliner at the Misse BaII's. on Friday Saturday March 29 and 3J All tbe ladies are cordially invited to attend. Those who ft their meads at tbe Lino Dreed SW Market, at Second and Ells worth streets never complain-of poor qual ity, and tbe price is alwayt the beL Mr. Dari. who was put iff a Southern PkiSj train at Roseburg was given $500 damages Tie man about town would like to be pat off some train once a month at that rte. Every lady having a dozen photos made at Tinkles before April I. will l preheat ed with an extra picture, finish I in bnaa tiful Glace Enamel, the UteM thing out in photos. An eastern ppr speaking ot the Mo urt Symphony Club to be in Albany April w: words cannot convey to any one the beauty and harmony of Ibeir performances. Each member of the Club 1 an artit. Miss Carrie S. Rudolph, a talented char acter delineator and elecutionUt, of San ranci will gie an entertainment in Albany on April 13 under tbe auspices of . r. c. v. t. ot the rresbytman tburch Mr. Lister will give a lactoreoa "Bible Study" on Friday night at 8 o'clock A II w no are interested in the study of tbe Bible are cordially invited to attend at the Christian Church Mr. Lister is a gradu ate oi an eastern Bible college and props to organize a circle in Sacred Literature. Ernest Mann, one of tbe men who as- aaulbd O. Froberg Monday night oppo site Corrolli was brought to Albany last nigni y nmcers ion and smitn. ana plead guilty of assault before Justice r reerksen He was sentenced to 10 day in tbe county jail. Al. IVicaw. the win cipal offender couli not be found. ' Mr. Pete Abbey yesterday bought tbe Gne Mcllwain carriige and team and will take the outfit to Newt-ort to be nsed there for carrying summer viiUrs in beach out ings. storel Will Mr. Prochnow is moving his shoe into the brtaban block. The city council will meet tonight. tbey elect another night watch. Have you had the grippe? It U said there are nearly one hundred cases in the I city. A K of P ball was recently held in Prine gressive farmers and dairymen who support I ville at which the receipts and exgenses ex- creameries. F lorence vesi. win uumucc, vai .uv The 8L Louis company, which has been Another celestial has been ipnmi Early in th? Winter, I took a Bevere cold which developed into an obstinate, hacking tough, v'ery painful to endure mid troubling rao day and i.iglit, for nine weeks, in spite of nuim-rous lemedies. Aycr's Cherry Pec toral being recommended me, I began to take it, and inside of 24 hours, I was relieved of the tickling in my throat. Before I finished the bottle, my cong'i was nearly gone, I cannot Eiali Jjj too highly of its excellence."- oj Mjs. E. lioscn, Laton, Ohio. ol Ayer's Cherry Rectoral S Received Highest Awrrda ATTHE WORLD'S FAIR selling wrought iron r.jige in Southern Oregon, did a big business in Jackson and Josephine counties, tne Jacksonville limes is informed trat tney zoia over iour car loads, or about 300. of their big stoves, at an average price of t70. And still tbe peo- r.1. 'l,arl fimea f The sooner vou begin to fight tbe fire.the more easily it mav ba extinguished. The sooner von becin taking Arer's Sarsaparil la lor your blood-disease, tne easier win oe the cure In both cases, delay u danger ous if not fatal. Be sure you get Ayer s and no other. oooooooooooooooooooo; aided tn the house of San Wa, the pioneer Chinaman It is a girl and was born yesterday. Marshal Lee bos been having hit hands full keeping track of tbe tramps. Hcven were pulled last evening for the night. SteaniBbip rates via O. R. & N. between rortiand and Han t rancisco have been re duced to $12 for cabin passage and to for steerage pabsage luciuuing mean anu mrin. Silver is on the bottom at Dr. Adams. A window at his place contains about 200 half dollar pieces with a tooth on each. Upon one is a tooth just extracted labeled, "the latest out.'' Tbe window is a very attractive aentui eiuibition. V. II. Milhollend completed bU revet ment contract yesterday and came to Al bany after tne money with which to pay off his hands. While hire be received a telegram not to go np last night as be would be robbed; went and was not robbed. , A moral wave is passing over McMinn- vilie. iNot long since tne city council pass- sd an ordinance prohibiting the opening A speculator ia in Fossil for llm I nf aalooni and gambling ioints on Sundays of buying 10,000 head of cattle for shir At its last meeting another ordinance was ment to Montana He is paying $10 for I pessed for the closing of all barber shops I jcuiiiiK nwn, is cur twos, f zy ior inrees on U6 sanie uay, wnicn, u vioiuwu, a one I aou ei ana iio ior cows. of I0 to f A; is to m imposed. Bio Bobbery. According to the Pil verton Appeal a robbery at Mt. Angel must have been an immense one. Here the account: The post offce at Mr. Angel was burglarized Wednesday evening. The safe was blown open and $120,000 cash and a targe amount ot postage stamps were taken. IiiolmnorUntthat you should be snre to get TILE BUST, liood fcarsapa rillahaa proven iU unequalled merit by its thousands of remarkable euros, and the fact that it has a larger sale than any other lartaparUla or blood puri fier shows tbe great confidence the people have In It. In fact it In the Spring Medicine. It cures all blood diseases, builds up the nerves and rivci inch itrenirth to tbe whole lyitem that, as one lady puts it, " It seemed to make me anew. . If you decide to take Hood's Sarsa parilla for your Spring Medicine do not buy any substitute. Be sure to get " I was all brokeu down in health. so weatt ana nervous i was hardly able to be up. I had severe pains in my side, and headache. I would often have to stop when going up-stalrs on account oi paipitauon oi tne iirtrt. I bad no appetite and a distressed feel ing in my stomach. I resolved to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, I took two bot tles and have not had a spell of sick headache lor four months, feel well work all day and cat heartily. My frisnds remark how woll I am looking I think all nervous, run down peoplo ought to take it, especially nursing mothers." Mrs.S.Ashwortb, aton,U, sipgaipaifDlIsi City Council. Tuesday evening, March 28, 1895. Present Mayor, Kecorder, Marshal, Chief engineer, Treasurer, and Council- men, Pfeiffer, Gradwhol, Huston, Fro- man, Farrell and Walter. The following bills were ordered paid Linn Engine Co. No. 2 t 15.00 Cost bills Z:.'A Chas. Burkhart 3.55 Santiam Lumber Co 2.02 L C. Dickey 3.10 N.J.IIenton 31.00 The report of J. B. Wyatt attorney. upon bill of Treasurer Parker for salary unpaid on 1893 showed that it was his opinion that the compensation of any city officer might lie reduced at any time. The report was adopted. Petition of 8. W. Crowder ct al for sewer was granted. Petition of A. B. Griggs et al for electric light at 5th and Jackson streets was granted. The light at Lyon and 8th street to be moved there, and the one at 4th and Lyon to be moved to 5th and Lyon. Petition of Sirs. E. W. Bee-man for a sidewalk, lot 5, bl. 29, was not granted. Petition fof C. Meyer et al asked for crosswalk ater street across o. V. rail road. Granted. The creamery association was granted the privilege of building a sewer across 9th street and down Madison street to city sewer, to be under charge of com mittee on streets and public property. A. L. Umb and others, of No. 2e asked by petition that matter of engineer for No. 2's stand as at present until fur ther recommendation by them. Application of J. W. Williamson for nightwatch was filed. Mr. J. A. Crawford aked that city pay part of expense of new sidewalk leading to city cemetry. Referred to committee of whole. Ordinance No. 294 providing for is suing bonds was read and again passed, an error having been found in former ordinance reauiring a new bill. Orrlin.i ance Bill 295 repealing old ordinance was t passed. Ordinance bill 295 providing! for manner of paying taxes, so that in- tiMt rxrt K..M.1. I .' I I t ouier debts was read and passed. Ordinance bill No. 296 prohibits rid ing bicycles on sidewalks of citv and on steel bridge except by police officers and telegraph messengers', w bo shall also be prohibited from riding on First and Second streets Washington to Lyon. Referred. T. tiradwohl presented rewJntinn nro. riding for additional nightwatch to ) also an engineer to take charge of No. 2's engineer. Upon motion let. Upon motion the council oroceedeJ tc. vote for a tightwalch : 1st ballot, A. W. McClain, 3; J. W. Williamson, 2; Louis iHer, 1. 2nd ballot, McClain, 1; blank, 1 : J. W. Williamson. 4. A resolution was offered providing for payment of interest on bonds held bv I. Meinhart, due before next meeting. Passed. Mr. Walter moved that hill of V. x Parker for S100 balance on salary of 1W:J be allowed: ave. Farrell. OradwoM Walter; No, Froman. Pfeiffer and Hus ton. MotiUu declared lost bv the mavor. That Joyful Feeling. With the eihilaratin? of muwd health and strength and internal cleanli- 'new goods arrived at ' Executor's Sale new goci The estate's contracts for have arrived and will be placed on tale at eastern prices. We will offer this week some great inducements in all lines of merchandise. GBOCEBT PEPaRTMEXT. 20 lbs Extra C Sugar, white. . . .11.00 . LOO .70 .70 .20 .25 .25 . .75 .25 .40 .95 of S yrop of nM. wcich follows the use rig, u unknown to tbe few bo have not prrred bejood the old time medic:nes and tbe cheao uttitutes nmrtiws offer ed I it never accepted by the well informed. Nervous Prostration. K. W. Jot Cohfast I have suffered from nervous prostration from financial losses. Can say Joy's Vegetable frarsa parilla has cured me. Mr liver, stomach and bowels have ben very inactive, bat since uaing your remedy I am entirely well. All business men and women should use it. Please publish. (Signen) Ma. Wat. Hcsar Jokes. . Butte Montana. Backache, dizziness, tiredness give wav to Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. IF YOU KNEW that the best place in the city foralwiyt) secur ing firct-riaci gro ceries, baked goods and produce was at Par kn BrM .as a Urge number have already fooad out. you would be relieved of all reepotui bility of running around to get what you want at rearonabS sxd re liable prices, Parker Bros, serve the people by treating them well and dealing out only good, wholesome grocene at liv ing price. 19 lbs Granulated Huear 5 gallons Pearl Oil 5 " fctarr " 3 lb paper Gold Dust waeh'g powder 3 Cans Best Sugar Corn 3 " " Tomatoes 3 gallon keg Pickles 20 bars Soap 50 cent Gunpowder Tea, per lb 60 " Spider leg .... 4 lbs Arbuckle Coffee 4 " Lvon " and something new in the baking pow der line. Spices given free with each can warranted pure. BOOT ASD SHOE DEPARTXZ.TT. 12.00 Men's Shoes " " 1.2-5 1.50 " " 1.00 3.WJ " Boots 2.25 3.00 Ladies I ine Shoes 2X0 2-0 ' 1.75 3.J0 " " 1 V ClOTHISG DrTaSTJIEST. 110.00 Men's Wool Suits 7.50 " Suits All our men's pants go for $2.50. xrw AKKIVALS. Wool finished Satines, Black brocade Satines, Imperial Swan Downs, Knickerbocker Shirtings, New spring prints, Fine Outing flannels, And a lot of other new goods. Call and examine them and get prices. March 16, 1S95. H. F. MclLwarx STKaro Faovax Executors Est. A. B. Mcllwaf 60 4.50 4 t?H Fine Clofling, D' o you want a fine tailor made salt spring and summer, as cheap as vou can boy ready made clothing for. If eo call on II. i . Mciiwain and examine 2000 samples of fine imported and do mestic woolens, latest novelties, correct styles and fit, guaranteed, latest fashion plates to select from, reprfcfentitz M. Born A Co. and Continental Tailoring Co., of Chicago. Call and examine these simples and be convinced you can find what you wait and have a fit that is guaranteed and the ft vie that is the latteu March 12, 1895. H. F. McIlwais. Attention. Spring Capes, Embroideries, Very pretty Trimming-braids More wool dress Goods, Novelties for Spring, Waists, Some very new Styles in under wear For ladies, Arrived Satur day, March 23, At Head, Peacock & Co'; s It will pay them. '( Call and we 47 t;'i?,,V, "f y.- : At L. E. Elaln Clothing Go's. To The Ladivs. On April 1st I will be in vour citv with a complete line of tine trimmed miilinerv. The ladies of Albanv and virinitv will find it to their advantage to call. All most cordial I v invited. Mrs. Brush, in building with Cravford & laxton's new photo gallerv, 1st St. next door to Linn Co. Bank. A Great Many People .Jet their groceries and produce at Conn A Huston's. Thev keep a choice line of seasonable groceries, the best in the market, and sell at prices that will al- wavs suit. Also a fine line of crockery, lamps, etc. Grand Sratxo Orcsisa. On April 1st I will open for the tadias of Albany and vicinity a choice line of trimmed millinery includink pattern haU.cap.c. Mrs-Brush, in building with Unwford 1 axton s new photo gallery. First street next door to Linn Co. Bank. if fixed wacsikaSi health by tha toe of SHAUEffS Compound Cod Liver 01 Capsules t'asn-passed aa a, remedy tor Coo. ramptjoa. Asth cta. Brvtocfeiti CoctH twbUity. and an wastinx disease IVrfccUT tasteless. This traty dratific remedy Jy bufldnia; up and rertTioc tbe bodr and renewing watt tlsave. mitts and dntrop disease cenu.. contains the psrrst Cod Littr Oil combined wili l"ercwood Tan pleasant and easy to take; reasonably and honestly compounded by a practical pbanracist- Yo can ct tbcm ONLY BY WAIL. Pre paid to too on receipt ot S5e, pr bos. Pnrmmt toicfT br G. SHAVER. Cstwrf. 29: a Ac State Sa. Ckscaga, m HERE IS A SXAP for yon. V- have secured a fine lot of the freshest and tst par-Jen sx-ed ever brocsfci to Albany, ir. i for a short time only wil. sell it at !jc per ps:k-t. Come irosnd and buy gapJen seeis cheaper than yoa evrdid in voor life. AVe also hive fiower seeds, grass seei. six kinds of the earliest corn, several varieties of po tatoes, clover of ali kinds, ac 1 in fjet almost anrthins yoa wsnt in the line of st-eds. What we want cow is customers. Come and see cs. trrwAET & Sx Hasp w are Co. U talil,tLE'!iJ N 1 1 ntar.s'. Frou that ill Ust. CEt KST Bi tes" or geatie- rom teat up to grade w Letis K verv a reel cuarantre-l- Monev rotrnt ! these days, and there is notc-t:er wav to 1 save -" to .H. Call at HOPKINS BEOS. ( and see their stock of these popular j wheels, bought at the factory, acd ecs- tomers given the l ?netof the fact. Ah Swill's Embarrassmkn-t. Tha Democrat today chronicles another finan cial embarrassment. Ah Swill has been attached. Armed with proper documents. Constable tJeonro Hushes on In-half of H. K. Hyde took possession of Ah Swills pik pen ot lioi9 and drove them awav under the wings of the law. Ah Swill rustled and put a chattel mortgage on hia hogs and will be able to proceed with business at ins old place near tins city Not Yrr Cauoiit. Baker, the man who swindled the store keepers ot Eu- fene has not vet been captured in San "rancisco, where he is being watched lor. It is thought he did not go through to that citv: but skipped out for other fields. Albany merchants are not agitated for they do not intend to pay twice for the oranges thev purchased. One grocer refused to pay Baker being suspicious of that style ot doing business,. MotiK ATTAcnxKKTS. In addition to the attachments against the property of Matthews & Vahburn heretofore men tioned the following have since been made by lionevman Pe Hart Co., Emmons & Kmnions and (J. W. Wright, attorneys, for $270 46; by the Detroit Stove Works, O. W. Wriirht. attorney. fr $SW.84; b Goldsmith & Lowenburg, Weatherford Wyatt, attorneys, tor 4slil, making a total of 15,900.58. Iu er List . Foil, wing is ths lilt of lottsrs raibaiuing in the post o flics at Albany, Linn ooanty Oregon, Maroi., IS, 1895. Forront oalling for the letti r must gis ths date on which thev wars tdvr rtisad. Akin, Messrs J. L. & Son, Akin, J. L. Akin, L- D., Kultin, Mr. Bert, Berry. Mrs. Lottie, Brown, W. M., Clanuhan, K. N. . Cbarlet, Mrs. K. R. Campbell, Winifred, Carlton, George, REMOVE THE CAUSE mnd the symptoms will disappear Tbis vou wiii accomplish by using SHAUERS CATARRH And THROAT SPECIFIC aa tocomparable remedy for diseases of the Taroat. Snw, and Moatb. A certain. aimpW and etfevtive care for Cat, Ha; FeMr. DiMVru. Qx-r. tc rkraai. Fed i. Ilk KM r C-s: UtmfA acj tanpiS. Profl A. STARi Of WiHJtStatk. Optical Spccialis. Graduate cf the Ctigo Oitfcatc;:c College . I am prepated to examine scectiillv and accursteiy, by the hitet and improved Eetiioiis of modern tcieftce. any who desire-to have their ejes tested. Cusick Block. Albanv, Okkkon. iij'ririiEij; Goitit To Tita Lapik. Messrs Harry Ber nard & Co., of Chicago, liaving taken a fine stock of spring and summer mil linery on a debt, will open for sale, said stoca,on inursaay, .iarcn i?in inst., in tlie new store building of G. W. Wright, near the post orhce. Miss Anna Miuiu of this citv will have charee of the store. lliere is a one assortment oi tnmmea and untrimmed hats and bonnets. These goods must be sold at once regardless ot prices. Hats sold elsewhere for hve dollars will be sold for one dollar. La dies of this vicinity will find it to their advantage to call. OrRstsoor Ciioics Miujskrv. The latest novelties in French pattern hats, also a choice selection of all kinds of trimmed millinery at very low prices. All are cordially invited Monday, April 1st. Mrs. Brush, in building with Crawford A Paxton'e photo gallery, 1st St, next door to Linn Co. Bank. 8.UOSAVBQ PCUJ JO XjBUOJBJS3Uj J s.puwiJSjjanj y soSpoij i)ja ttpoe e)iAnpos Hot Bath and warm rooms at Verlck's shaving pallor. Money to loan on farm security. Call on 11. F. Merrill. Fresh buckwheat flour in bulk st Broanell'f. C E Chamois skins at Fred Dawson s Eels, G. W Eastman, W. A. Hall. JamejT. Horlig, L. E. Karnoy, D. II. Nelson, H. Pullman, John, Shutta, Wni. Strader, B. F. Young, Jack, Kherson, M. C, rauver, Wm. Hamilton, J. E. Jessup, 8, L. Meddi, F.P. Palmer, J. Riley, Q W. Snllins, fobn, Wilkinson, lluniah, T. J.Srs,I M. Awcr4ei Hituort Honors World's Fair. JJlrass it. sn.i nil ii ar. 1Mh CHEAT.2 MOST PERFECT MADE A pars Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fres om Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 4P YEARS TUB STAKDARIX Easily nsetl. quit k to relieve, pesitixe care, always ready; rnatl in price. Pont wait till yon mutt hTe it grt it now SENT ONLY PV M :l.. prer-ni-l on receipt af 60c. f'reparo o h 'T G. U. i;i.ll"KK. t"KWM State A 2'-'l !i Sts.. l"lm-M;o. iiw US. ENGINEER OFFICE, 23 SRD . St., Portland.Ore.. Marco 27.1895. Sealed proposals in triplicate will be re ceived here until 12 o'clock, hood, stand ard time, April 11, lSite, for furnishing And delivering stone for the improve- - - ' - . I. . . Ill mj. ment oi l auui iaj- , mation furnishel on application. Thomas . ymvss, vapt. r-ngrs. DEWTISTS. SUMMER OPENING. New Hats, New Ribbon?, Novelties, New Flowers, Ornaments, FrUaj and Saturday. Starch m aadSOih. MRS ASHBY. ESTABUSnED .1S62 FH Hammer. Who'Esala Commission Merchant, 215 and 217 Davis St. Cor. Commercial, San Frascisco, Cau We pay the highest market price for wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, ap ples, poultry, hides, wool and gen eral produce. It will pay you to write us and keep post ed. Liberal advances made on consignments. ( San Francisco Produce Exch. Member: ( San Francisco Fruit Exchange. 11FO E FISH W THE PLUMBER. Tin rooSing and plumbing, the opera house. Good work a specialv. Over Matthews A Washburn, Albany, Or. asick Block riiling end extracting oi teetli wit pain a specialty. J. i(. IliS'POjW INSURANCE AND MON. BROKER. foantT uarrsnts tmlt and Sold. Offier, Siasion Blotk, Alhnr Orfgon. H F MERRILL. INSURANCE AND MONEY BROKER Albany, Or. City and county warrants bought an t so'U. ( f T T7 Let Us Reastn To VVliM 1L, gether Is it not bet ter to buy vour Bread, Pies, Rolls, Cakes, etc, at a reliable store where they use only the lWst material why of course i is you dont waut dyspepsia and yoc. never get it bv eating anvtUng from ou Store. " U. S. BAKERY. Bet. Ellsworth and Lyon 2nd St. C. D. Yaspym, Proprietoi Oppai Shiloh' cure u iod on a guarartee. It cuies Incipient Consumption. It I ths best Couh Cure. Only one cent a Jose. 5i,5Xanii$i.oo. Fohy Mason agents. Or. Price' Cream Baking Pow. nf tM P.t .Ul..ku att.w4ma mmA iM.JT"