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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1895)
Barber shops cannot hereafter bo opened in Montana tinder a new law. It is prob able .nine out of ten barbers will rejoice over tho passage of the law. A great deal is being said about Na poleon nowadays. Why not allow him t rest in peace. His life was uneasy enough without making his memory so. There are a good many little wars go ing on ; but put them all together and all the battles in theui and there would n't be a Gettysburg. The next time Mr Thurston should be niore careful about how he tells every thing. It sometimes pays even in poli ties to keep ones maxillary bones togeth er. Patronize Albany stores. Don's send away for anything you can get in Albany even if you can gdt it a Utile cheaper. Men who maks their living here should help others to do likewise. It cost a Shelbyville, Tenn., man $2, COJ to bite off a neighbor's nose. An ex pensive bit. It has cost Albany men more than that just for doing as neigh borly an act, endorsing a friend's note. Mr. Debs is saying some things about Mr. Pullman that undoubtedly contain a good deal of truth, rullman is one of the men who has made millions by practically robbing the people. Debs, dab it to him. When that Ohio man's gun, which shoots J ,000 times in a minute, is put in operation the authorities are invited to strike the name of the Democrat editor from the military list. We will not be one at all ambitious as a soldier. The cigarette young man is not the one who is going to be depended upon. He wili always be close to an inanity. It is the slow process of committing suicide,and a persons mind bent cn self destruction cannot very well be of much use to the person. The Dallas Itemizer has about the best morals of any paper that comes to the Democrat office. There may be many more lively papers in a public sense; but the Itemizer always has a class of contents that no one will need to ever blush to read in the presence of women or children. Tne young women of Albany who recent ly held an Ella Wheeler Wilcox day will hi interested in the following about the ingeniua little woman; She dotes on white petticoat3 bat she concluded that she paid for a great of unnecessary lanndrying. So she invented a new garment made of two pieces, a top piece and a flounce that but tons into it. The flounce can be changed .as many times aa you like. lithe figures of the Director of the Mint are correct China has a great deal more money than Japan. He credits the Flowery Kingdom with possessing no less than $723,000,000 in coin, while Japan has only $161,200,000. If money counts why doesn't China get in and give Japan a flogginp.but money doesn't count in this case. The celestials are simply weaklings in warfare. Among other things Mr. Debs is ce clarinsr tht minister cannot tell the truth and keep his job. This has even been said about editors. As a matter of fact though the statement is not true about ministers. Nearly alt ministers tell the troth and cannot be hired to tell a falsehood. Some keep still, perhaps, when to tell the truth would lose their job; but the rule Is for ministers to do the quar thing as they understand it in a" nutters. Washington Letter. . Kn;n ur regular Correspondent. Washington, March ISth, 1895. Pr.-i.'n-iit Cleveland got back from bis little outing in splendid condition, and he lost r.o time in jumping into the pile of work which had accumulated during his ateenre. One of the first official things lie did after his return was to fa miliarize himself with the diplomatic oecnrren;es of the last few days, and next was to endorse the strong letter tent to Spain by Seerztary GreBham, de manding an apology for. the firing at the U. S. mail steamer Alliance by a Span ish war vessel and the issuance of Buch order- y Spain as will make it impossi ble for a similar thing to occurr in the future; also reiving notice that this gov ernment -Jemanded and would enforce the tight of its mercantile vessels to use the regular channels of commerce re gardless of t heir-nearness to Cuba, with "out motivation from Spanish warships. Secretary Greeham'g position ic this natter is generally endorsed. Gov. Oa'cn, of Ala., .yas known during bin extended Congressional career as a man who always kept in touch with the rank and file of the democratic party of his section ; hence his opinion on the financial question in the South is both interesting and valuable- lie said, while in Washington : "In my opinion the South will not split on the silver qnevlion. I know that great differences exh-t both in the south and west, but those differences are very largely the re sult of a failn-e to understand the finan cial question. There is one thing in connection with this question that has been seemingly overlooked by some peo ple. The people f the south favor sil ver; but they do not favor a single sil ver standard." Those wLo have an idea that because Senator Gorman seldom submits to a newepaper interview tie is bo unfriendly to tli3 newspaper workers of Washing ton, i.iry have Wen surprised when he and Mr?. Uorninn held a eplendid re cep'.ipn in honor of the Gridiron Club, an organization made up of newspaper men. It is always just as well to wait until full) informed on ny matter before ex pressing opinijiis. A case ia poinl is the npen'ng of tlu Baltic and North sea canal by the Km-ierorof Germany, next June When the United States accept ed an invitation to send naval vessels to take part in the opening cereuionier, which are to !e Ijel.l nt Kiel. Secretary lleilie. t s;.id he would send the San Francieooand the Marhlehead. Straight way the friends of naval officers who wish to go to Kiel raised a bowl about the dig nity of the U. S being lowered hj such an insignificant showing, etc., taking it fcr granted that only the San Francisco and the Marhlehead were to go. Now Seare tiiry Herbert never said that only those two vewels woald he sent. We have been having grippe weather. A I. revenue is better than a cure, if one only knew how to get a prescription for t. Government Telegraph in Britain. Editor Democrat : A few days ago in an editorial, the Democrat contrasted government owner ship of tho telegraph in Great Britain unfavorably with private owneiship in this country, claimius the former was badly managed and corrupt. The authority for this statement was not given and I ara curious to knew where the information comes from, for it is not in accord with the report of M. D. Consul Martin at Southampton, Eng land, who says in a report filed early in this year that the government bought the'private lines in 1870 for $11,000, 000.(.C ?) The next year built 15,000 miles of wires. In 187J the number of telegrams per week varied from 128,000 to 215,000. In 1893 the number per week was over 1 ,300,000, the annual number being 70,000.000. The press service is 30 times as great as for 1S69. The rate of transmission per wire has increased sevenfold. The service is performed with perfect punct uality, the average time of transmission being seven to nine minutes while in 1S70 it was from two to three hours The rates are very low as compared with ours. A 12 words message costing 1'2 cents o any part of the Kingdom. As to corruption Mr. Martin does not mention it and as the service is for life or good behavior I can hard'y see where corruption has any chance to creep in. If the Democrat desires to confirm the above statements, it can do so by con sulting the Encyclopaedia Brittanica, which gives fall data down to 1SS4 which are even more convincing the above, and not one word is said of inef ficiency or corruption but the contrary. Jow, Mr. Democrat, who was your authority? The Western Union Tele grrphCo. plate matter? If you will name it we will consider it as you ask us to do, but nntil we are further in formed we must continue (he telegraph as a proper business for oar government to undertake and one which should be by all means identified with the post office as it is in mil progressive conn tries. ForrusT. Most Irish jokes are supposed to be fake affairs; but the New York World tells an aciual occurrence in its news de partment: John Van, of So. 2U East Forty-second street, who came to this country from Ireland two weeks ago, attempted to mail a letter yesterday in a firealarm box. Battalion Chief Walsh withdrew his complaint ia the East Thirty-fifth Street Station, being satisfied with Van's explanation, which was that at Second avenue, where box Xo- 4SC is located, a wag told him of a new ar rangement by which a better which he wanted to send borne would immediate ly be taken to the first outgoing Euro pean mail steamship. ''Just open that door and pull the lever and a mail carrier will come and get your letter.' Van followed these directions, anil Policeman Tarby, of the East Thirty fifth Street Station, then arrested Van. When tne trucks and engines arrived on the tcene the firemen were angry and Van looked in vain for the man who hal given him his information. Mr. Sorg, of Northern Ohio, one of the new democratic members of the next Congress, is said to be the richest man in the next Congress. He will pay an income tax of $20,000. The editor of the Democrat and several other labor ing men of Oregon would be content with the interest alone on the tax. We are no bogs. Li Hung Chang, the great Chinese statesman, while retnrning from a peace conference was fired upon by a Japanese J assassin. That was cowaidly and wag not at all creditable to .the Japanese. Down on the low cowaidly scullion who shoots without warning. e7en at a Chinaman. Here is a g d sentence to lemember. It is from a recent speech at a banquet by General John B. Gordon. "But the very existence of Ireo government among ns will be huriied to inevitable doom whenever the American people as a people shall have lost the manhood which impels them t stand for law be cause it ia law, to defend the right Iks cause it is right, and atamp oct the wrong because it is wrong." The Albany Democrat seems to think that if there were no laws for the col lection of debts business would decrease. Yes, comelbusiness wonld. But legiti mate businees would not suffer a bit,and all other businees is a burden to the people and a barrier to prosperity. Pendleton E. O. And now the Pendleton E O. objects to mortgages on toil. There wouldn't be many farms owned if men had to pay for them entirely in cash. It would be an immense thing for the country thongh if there were no mortgages, and the man in debt of any kin 1, had better rustle until out of it. The Democrat will always be glad to have its readers exprees their senti ments, even if they do not agree wfib it; a paper should be liberal in its ad mission into its columns any reasonable article. Ko long winded aff irs toler ated, though . Talk to the point. The California legislature did one very sensible thing that is leaking out from the debris of its rotten timbered ses eione. It passed a Ik doing away with contract aud common la v marriages. Marriage will no longer be a farce, that is so far as ceremony goes. A very serious affair has happened in Germany. The reichstag by a vole of 163 to 146 refused to congratulate Bis" marc upon his birthday. Whereupon the President and Vice-president resign ed, and an elephant was made out of the affair. A man was sent to the in.une asylum from Astoria because he did not talk rationally on the money question, but did on everything elce. Now, who lias the right to be the judge on point we would like to know. The era of speculation is pant Prices will some day be higher in the North west than ever before; but they won't be boom price, they will 1 e reliable ones created h th -,.., , . ,,f v,ttli pii ti i i i . . i , , , t . uiintries. ''Be sure you, sins will find you out'' an exchange thinks applies particularly to members of the legislature. - Delays are dangerous A dollar fpenl lor Hood's Siirfaparilla no nv.iy prevent illniwH which will hi expensive and hard to hear. Nov is the time to hike I food's Sanaparilla. Hoods Pill b cure all liver ills, relieve constipation and assist digestion. 2"c. A Sample of Satire. As it has been some time since tne Democrat has published any of the Cor vallis Times irony on the Oregon Pacific we give the following: The appellants in the O. P. caso stand before this community in an unenviable light. On the 3rd of last January, when the question of confirmation of tho re cent sale was before the court, a strong appeal was made, by certain parties, for further time In which to raise money to increase the amount of the bid, and strong and apparently sincere assurances wero given that it would be doubled. So powerful was this appeal, and to ap parently earnest were the people that made it, that Judge Fulhrton actually extended the time for the confirmation of the sale uutil January 19th. On that date these same people were on hand and told the court how strenuously they had tried to raise money to buy the road, but had failed, and the sale was accordingly confirmed. IJow these paities, who, oa January 3rd, proposed to actually buy the road have appealed the confirmation decision to tie supremo court, and an examina tion of the grounds they set forth, shows that they claim that the order of the sale was imperfect, and that the sale there fore was null and vc id. That is to say January Srd, they told the court that they were sufficiently satisfied with this order of sale, to be preparing to pay $200, 000 for the property, bnt Laving failed to raise the money, they now say that the order of sals was illegal, and that any sale would have been void. A plainer picture of bad faith or double dealing could not be painted in words. Either, when they asked for time in which to increase the bid, these people deliber ately deceived the court, or now, when they claim that the order of sale was de fective, they are attempting to hoodwink the court. They would not have at temped to purchase the road at the sale December 22nd, if they had believed the sale defective. It is clear therelore.that the appeal is a farce, a hut resort of an ousted faction, who appear to be deter mined to force the property back into the hands of the court, and there to keep it until they, themselves can secure con trol of it, even though in the process, the ties and bridges in the track may rot. the enterprise be forever killed, and the whole Willamette valley be made to suffer. What other explanation is there for their behavior. An Improved Graham Bread. Editor Democrat: In a few generations from now, the scientists for the future tell us that we shall be a toothless generation; these days of toothache, facial neuralgia and artificial teeth point that way. A gteat contrast to this was the nodiog of the old historical Grecian Agamemnon, who mas unearthed f:om his buiying place alter a lapse of 50 centuries, with a per fect set of teeth in his head. At prrsenl the dental art flourishes ar. 1 the scien tific dentist attrbutes the loss of teeth among young people partly to the im perfection of the bread they eat. Our fine white flour snpplie the boJy with starch only, which is onr imperfect nu triment. Lately an experiment baa bo? n made on feeding dogs on white bread alone. It was found that none lived more than forty days, while those fed on whole wheel bread throve and fatened. The whole wheat contains the pboepates, which are such an essential element to the making of good teeth. Sot to the teeth alone, but likewise to brain and neive poser; so much so that a Germaa chemist once faid "No phos phorous, no thought.'' Not only the phosphates, but the gluten too is lost in our milling process; therefore the bone muscle producing qualities are beiog sacrificed for color. No scientist has yet been able to explain the connection between the health of the body and the developeroent of the moral nature. But one thing is sure that it is often from enfeebled health that people have re course to stimulants as a panacea; be fore they are aware of it they are land ed in inebr.ety and mLery. HorsiKKEria. Annie 1-ondor.derry ol Boston is in San Francisco oa atriparonnd the world on a bicycle. She has done all of it but crossing the U. S., for which she "ill have six months. She started without a cent and without clothes that could be told, and was to make toOOO on the trip. She has (3500 to make oc her trip across the continent. If ehe succeeds it is declared this will be another victory for women. Well, how T There are laboring men in Albany wbo work almost continually the year round, because they are faithful and do their work conscientiously in the interest of the employer. People get in the habit of saving work for them and bunting them up. It terves them right. T.ien there are men who get little to do, be cause when hired ouce it is the last time any one wants them. C. P. Huntington has been iadicted and pWed under arrest just the tame as if he were a common person. So far this is a good sign, but will he be con victed, and if convicted will the sentence be anything more than a fine, the pay ment of which will be a mere formality. The notoriety will be simply fun for the great railroad magnate. The populists of Marion conaty con tinue to want fiat paper money, money made legal tender on the governments say so without any metal basis. The government to prospei must have a good money, and that is gold and silver either in substance or by representa tives. A rustling exchange has learned that an effort will be made in Washington to capture Oregon's bachelor Senator. Come Salem editors can see further than an e, when items are scarce. The Southern Pacific has ordered half a million dollars worth of engines, forty in all, from an eastern factory, not very depressing railroad s'gn. An Eaelern Oregon paper never comes out without at least one editorial advis ing its readers to get out of debt and iecp out of debt. Good advice. Louis F. Post is ap!roA !:iin tlu Wil lametts valley lecturing on"hird time." He expose locu'ism The people of the United States are taxed 20u,000,000 for war In time of absolute peace, in an era of hmd times. Burns it said to be the co'dent place n Oregon The name should be chang ed to Freezes. "Cheap divorces a tpecialty," reads a San FranciBCO ad. Sort of ground out to California's discredit. MISFITS. Mr. llofer, of tho Salem Journal, de nies that he is a candidate for congress. Dobs, who wanted Pullman boycotted, himself travels in a second-class Pullman sleeper, and passed through Albany in one. (Spokane has just paid :56,OOOiorBenii- ainiual interest. It is no wonder some northwest cities have hard work to make both ends meet. While one Eli Perkins is helping to run the affairs of Lane county another Ell Perkins is rushing through Oregon on a lying expedition at a good admis sion fee. It is fortunate for Eli Perkins that he did not reach Salem during tho sessions of the legislature. With bo many bigger liars in the city he would not have had a corporal's guard at his lecture. The sheriff of Jacksonville shot at ono of his prisoners through tho grating U canse the man had cursed him. It is quite wife to say that a sheriff so cow ardly as to take such an advant.tire. would bo quite careful who he quarreled with outside an iron grating. Pendleton Trilnine. The Democrat alwavs inU-nds to rnl- lish everything that is said about Linn county people in the papers that is run across. If the shoe pinches don't blame the Democrat. It mav feel aa sorrv for you as vou do yourself ; but public men particularly must always be willing to he the foot ball their ottice demands of them. The Democrat has received another cony of tho Tribune of Calloway, Neb., asking tor assistance for the editor and his seven children so that he can keep his paper running aud his family alive. They have our sympathy. Oregon is much better off than Nebraska, but it may be remembered that the era of de pression also struck Oregon and that it takes close figuring to keep business of all kinds running here wlule waiting for the good times that will surely come. The Budgett, of Astoria has been tak ing a vote on the money question with the following result: Democrats for gold standard S6; for free silver 162; republi cans, for gold standard, 46; for free sil ver, 104; populists for gold standard, 1 ; free silver 98. A total of S3 for gold standard to S6I for tree silver, which is about the size of public sentiment in the northwest generally. It w as the intention of Col. Alley of the Florence West before the legislature, to buy a jower press immediately after wards, but business was evidently not iu good as anticipated, for the Col. says: we did not go to San t raneisoo, as in tended, at the clie of the legislature, and buy a power press. The service in the senate at three dollars per dav prov ed a luxury so princely that we will save the mon.-v and continue to use the old press a little longer. Hood Kiver, savs the Glacier, should not complain of hand imes. Our pav Irom MJ cents toll a Vox. ilus i iral rrott is airle. and col atnKa are n; ' . ...X. i..... " ' ! reduced to here and buy our apple and pack them , r. and again sut the propriety of raising """Vt agricultural moo keeper, and kefpin then when voo are tKkmp a very mtp-M in Ume raii the m. In order to do this it i ' talwm a thf e f neoefsarv to have a place for them, in .; a tin Time . which no two apple, will touch It ,rMr,s Manh .-Hx-Prmt Slat means work ; but there us monev m it. , , ... i try Ierinmt at t lie Aadit'snam tonight, ! Th maetiag rune near ending in a servo Tho new policeman eWte.1 bw nu:ht I dislcrtaUHV. and but tor tite ex priet'f wilWhave his hands full cm the tramp burned exit from tbi city, while the ex quction. He was particularly ekt toi tit-mit u at i! heigbC tc might bar to keep the tramps out of the city, that u-iKotmlered rather wvere Ueatmetit. are passing along. He will net! to tudy Jlber was no sign of disorder until tar trampdomand tramp tactic, and to . the do of tie l.-tun when a nun in tnp harden his heart. I'nless he is sucei-as- j boue ar.e and excitedly excUiined: ful as a. tramp c-radicator he will U? a J Vou're a liar against reason, failure a a pulict-man. His actions in I this matter will be rkwdy watclie.1 and ! " . minutely critic;! by our citurnsgenvr- f Wamxtox. March 25 lofortnitkn allv. Mr. lUianowjn ha an opprtun-i ,- . ., -. , , . . itvu, distinguish himself. Tramp art, a"n '? hl. l critc as a rule, and if the ne ooj', can j " ' U Ha" C aJ w Dot prove him-!! cute enough to U-at them V1 X c2QIl li(a!l it their game, he will put hi in a ; , ? of the position to h'dd the s e U-havior. These are days of economy for certain. A Benton county paper suggest in fu ture the legislature should U-gin the work economising bv corking tlu buna hole a well aa the spigot. It would have the Soldier'a Home halved or ouar- tcred, the appropriation for the Mate university and the normal scnools cut entirely off, all improve menu about the 1 liipon of the colonial oSce. the djiiraliiit reform school, the blind school, the in-1 ty of an early tuneting of the silver coaf r aane a.ylum, the penitentiary, as well a ' ence. the build in ir of sewers in Salem, and aaaaa. riaailaa. clearing out Mill creek ehould be stopped, j The eecrctanr of state's ernolumentu : SnAXonai, March 25. The Japanese at- should be reducel f mm 20,000 and the ticked the fort north of Makon?. IWa iwv4mtB.. iMm i mil tA !...; ; i t . i i . , . , i . , treasurer's from 30,000 to their consti tutional salaries. He would have the printing expense reduced SS.OOO to 118,000, all nourishment for homes abol ished, and every useful commission wiped away. The appropriation of t-,-500 that the Agricultural college receives from the state should be cut off, every commiwion abolished and every useless clerk dismissed. Card or Thanks. To the Ladies of the Maccabees and Sir Knight, and to our neighbors and friends, to the mem bers of the Baptist church, who so nobly aided us, and were so untiring in their care of our beloved wife and mother, we return our sincere thanks for their ef forts in our behalf in our time of afflict ion. Joseph Mtekh, Joiinxt Mtbks. BORN. ADCOCK. Ia Albany on Monday morn ing, March 25, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Adeock a girl. DICK. In Benton county, across the river, on March 20, to Mr. and Mrs. John Dick a bo v. ta Oar Oreat Grandfather's Time, big bulky pills were in general use. Like the " Dlunderbuss" of that decade they were big and clum sy, but ineffec tive. In thia cent ury of enlight enment, we have Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets, which cure all liver, stomach and bowel derange ments in the most effective way. Assist Nature a little now and then, wdth a gentle, cleansing laxative, thereb removing of fending matter from the stomach and bowels, toning up and invigorating the liver and quickening its tardy action, and you thereby remove the cause of a multitude of distressing diseases, such as headaches, indigestion, or dyspepsia, biliousness, pimples, blotches, eruptions, boils, constipation, piles, fistulas and maladies too numerous to mention. If people would pay more attention to properly regulating the action of their bowels, they would have less fre quent occasion to call for their doctor's services to subdue attacks of dangerous diseases. That, of all known agents to accom plish this purpose, Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are uncqualed, is proven by the fact that once used, they are always in favor. Their secondary effect is to keep the bowels open and regular, not to fur ther constipate, aa is the case with other pills. Hence, their great popularity, with sufferers from habitual constipation, piles and indigestion. A free sample of the " Pellets," f 4 to j doses) oa trial, is mailed to any address, post-paid, on receipt of name and address on postal card. Address, World's Dispknsary AL&di Cai, Association, Buffalo, NY. 1 W i TELKGKAFHIG. hang Mont Die. Washington, March 2(1. In n private cablegram from Tokio received by a meiu Ixir of the J a panose legation here is news of world-wide intercut. According to thin dispatch, which conies from the highest officials in Japan, ft German physician, president of the university of Tokio, and an expert of high standing, was sent yes terday, at the persona! request of tho mik ado, to examine Li Hiimr Chang's wound. After a thorough examination of his dis tinL'uiHhed patient, the physician reported confidentially to the mikado that Li Hung Chang must die. A Cotllr tletorjr. New Yoiik, March 20. A special tothe Herald from Panama says: The frovern ment has issued a bulletin claiming a vic tory over the rebels at Boyaca. It was a costly one. however, for out of the UOsX) troops under General Reyes, which form 0.1 the expedition, lo00 dropped off through fatigue or disease during the march, and of the remaining 1500 which save battle to the reliols 700 were lulled before victory rested with the government force. Mrklalry Comiag. Coi.cmbi-s. O.. March 20. Governor McKinlev's Southern trio will be followed soon bv a 'gwinir round the circle" through the West. William M. Halm, member of the national republican committee for Ohio, and Governor McKinlev's commis' eioner of insurance, is now in the We-t, where he has been for several weeks, mak ing arrangements for the governor's visit It is now arranged for tho governor to leave Columbus about June 1. The trip will include mot of the Western utiites aud extend to tho Pacific coast. T BUmItc (he Belrbttag. Bekms, March 20. It is learned that the kaier, during luncheon at Friedrichs rtih today, referred to the political situa tion. He said that he waa firmly deter mined to diuolre th'ti$hstag, and that Count von aldenew would become chan cellor soon His majesty has ordered Count von Waldernee to confer with Prince Uwmarvk regarding the line of policy to be followed. tlftee KrfceU killed IIavasa, Marvh 25 Colonel Fan tot al de, who command the government forces at Mansaniilo, reports that yester day troops, under Colonel Aroaz, attacked and dispersed rebel band at Coraguana and Cayo Camanche. The bands were SuO strong, and were commanded by Gutr ra iiuartU Reitor. Fifteen rebels were killed acd many others wounded. The government force lotone ojficer killed and two private wounded. The rebels left behind a large quantity of ammuni tion and small arms. The awe kott ment trooj aUo diperKd a pwrty of rvoeis at San Hjmon March 23. looui? one o&cer killed aad three privates wounded. The btprrttlmm la Ear. St. Pai l Marc h 25. President J . J. Hill, of the Great Northern railway, and well known a an able iinancier, tasjut reached home after an extended Uit in turope and the E.-!em state Hi state menu are of gw:erai interest He said: ' I found tLere u a gTwit depression ia some of the coantrien of Europe, par ttcnlariy in Great Untain. and more e pecially ia the cotton and iron inaa.lrie. J "1H I'ntljn.1 il.l I. I'.nl.. I'. !-.. tne advantage t tin country eorpHpoa lia dit.v I vantage of i?.in VnFlt.k H-.nhl . , , j has lwen fractared or any vital tgao 'tooc!.il. Prin" adran -l age and f several conututi oal disorders, which make him almost an invalid. my htj. rate an otherwine harmless woat.d. Waal I he Mter tea ferrate. SfDSF-r, X. S. V., March 25 The Australian colonie, excepUotr New S-jath 1 Walee and grnvmliod, hare iotrocteJ : their agvet in London to urue cuon lirj uum, cwiujj anu oaouaj, imut oy and sea. Communication by tele land 'jrrapa with Formosa bad not been ntored tbis morning and the hind lintt coiuraunicat Ing with the Peswadom are stiil interrupt ed. A Trala kakbeal. Victok Colo., March 24. The masked robbers ho held up the Florence A Crip ple Creek southbound trcin. iut ouUide tbe city limit last night, did no obtain much plunder. Tao robber boanled the train at ictor. One eutered the sleeper and immediately began to wake up the pacser.vrx and seixo their money and watchex. He cot about IO00. including the Pullman car conductor receipts. The other roblier jumper on tbe blicd baggage car at Victor and climbed over the tender into the engine, tctr.plling the engineer to stop tne tram at a point one and a naif mile outh of Victor, wheie four or fire robbers were ia waiting. The latter party com in -n -ed work on the mail and express- car, an l soon u&d them open, but, it u said, they found no valuable pickings. ataaaeaa stvlvlk. Chattanooga. Ma'ch Ci Reports Irom all over Uie South, for the week end ed Man h 22, received by 'l he Tradesman, of Ch4iltano(ga, say that the more favor able weather has improved tbe condition of business. The revival in luinbtr man ufacturing is quite noticeable,- tut wjile price are firm, the advance iu value ex pected by some operators have not bo n made a yet. New cotton mill and en largement of existing ones continue to be reported from several states, representing the interest taken in cotton manufacture by local investors. Iron production in the boutliern territory continues to be active, with something of un increase in the de mand at unchanged quotations. 4 ! readleUa Affair. Pas dlktos, March 21,-Old Wolf, the Indian employed a jailor by Agcut Hor ber, is in :iil foi creating a disturbance during the night at the Transfer Hotel sa oon. During a wranple in tbe saloon he drew a pistol and blazed away, fortunate ly doinic no other harm than to send the bullet thruufrh the wall. Tno fact that he bad the weapon is not especially signifi cant, because a majority of the Indians carry pistols, frequently riding out of town yelling and shooting into the air. However, dozens of whites cariy piotols and do the same. A Bis Fire. Kaissas City, March 24. At 6:.T0 o'clock: tonight fife brake out in the ling building of the Keid Packing Company's plant, at Kansqs and Railroad avenues, in Kansas City, Kun., and almost the entire group of buildings were completely de stroyed causing a Ions of over a million dollars. Eleven Tensas Killed. Buda-Pkhtii, March 24. A variety show was in progress Friday Inst, when the lnn on tho Tlieiiu, at Tittell, was buried by n landslide. Six dancing girls, tlu mistress of the house uml her four children were killed. All hut four or live of tho audi ence escaped. Decidedly Fast. Sah Jose, Cal., March 24. Allan Jones, at tho 0 fir den Cily cyclers' track today, covered a third of a mile in 43 1-5 seconds, beatinjr the world's record held by Tyler by 1 5H5 seconds. '1 'i CuNfcM T REMEDY! 7, ' 1 v m, n r Thia is the wheel that was illustrated In V lea." January h. I5 over the following title; 'The Handsome Model Shown at the Recent National Cycle Kxbibitton." It is the Wavkrlv Scorchek and is the moat admired nd talked of high-gride bicycle in 'he world today. Want a bicycle 't ......... - iift M uiv.ii.LE uu, txuirfaaiioiig, looi K. E. Gorr. exclusive agent for Albany. n Y. r . aJ o ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY .iose:iii. NEW : FURNITURE. MY SroRK .SNOW tOU. OF FIRiT-LA FL'RNITCRE, CONSISTING Of bed room aeta. ehair, tunara, , mh:cn I ee l at BOTTOM PRICES. Tli os. iirink. GEOEGS EIEPHOFS RHEDMATIC fflEBY A PMANKHT CURE This Hemcdr Prrpr!r Taken VA Core anv Kh.-uina:ic Ca. ST GEOUGKVS UIIKUMATIC BITTEHS I Itlttcr specially manufoctarxvl to aid tlieo at'lirttl with Ktieu- mati5t-,i. It pvtii Ujuk to the ston.ach ana punln ttic l iooi letu.-r than any other fcittrrs known. For Sale by all leading I)nip?it or ad Ire "G. R." P. O. l-ox 6Tt, As-oria. r. PETER BRACH.'Gene-ra! Agent. j 427 Commercial etrcvt, Astoria, Or-jt''"i, liorve No. 21. Tba ceillaarv Ke- Onatirwtkia. I'iccueaa. FaiUca Scb- jaccalr 1 laa taol wooderrai dlasorefy ef ibe aea. It ha beea n Joeaed by u aaea of Earop and Amertra. Hea la purely re HeTfl ataa rTteitetsea alion.K. ry to twitch! c; of lb ee nd other lJa. Streelbeiia, I n V i oratea aad tone the niiraeyslera. stastsa etxrs I) eh iIHt. lierToaaceia. Kmiaalooa, aad develop and tiuitd weak orcna Pala la tha taea. loawd b da or eharya la JO I LOST J 1ASBO0D lUtblawppea tptokly. Oyer KM) resale exlo-wineat. frematunnu Umii taimteory In it;e fist staan. U Is a i-.xaa of armlnal wraknea ad barrennraa. It eaa be stoppeJ tn W daja by tha uaeof Hudyaa. Tbe new laroTery ara Bade the Ptwetal Utaortt. old btoma Naeaaa Mealcal laatllat. It L Ih anwml vtiaiuar ipajle. It Is very powerful, bat baimUm eold fr f 1-00 a iaek aeenrt packaar t" $S.C0(plalo sealed boxeaV. Wrtlteo truaraniea svenfpracar. If you boy sis bososaod aia r entirely cured. alx Dora will be aent to yoa free of all ehanre. Bend tt elrcu!rand Iratimonlal. Addsess HTDSON MFDICAl. 1XST1TTTK, JuartiwBi StoekrCn, .flarket Ac KaltsStsi Ran Frwaclaeoa Cal. ALBANY F0BMTD1 GO, IBICOPOKA.TBD Hallimore Mod, Albanj, Ore. FURNITURE complete line of UNDERTAKING in all its branches. EMBALMING a(ccia!ty. Residence er Hrd and Calnpooin SEED POTATOES The Roue Seedling is tho lst seed po tatoe in tho market. A remarkably early poUito and a very prolific yiehler. Call at Mewart & Sox s, li. M. Kowrt on's, II. G. Watson's, K. E. Kinney's Parker lire., or G. 0. Moon's and see samples. A WINDMILL FOR $3500 WW7 Crawford will soil yon an . .VV a 8 footAcnuotorfor:.00 12 foot geared Aernio tor 75.03 All steel and gal van ized after complete Df. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Awarded Gold Medal atldwiatar Fair. Saa F-actso.r er-- t jv ( If ?T I t if i I CUR ESA PAINS of; MAN & i r.i n VJ BEAST "n.arinB. tbefVMin,, ii.,.,;i i liana. IJ. S. A. f-Jr. : M" I 6024 M D I'roprletor Ihe grratest'serer on the market for diaMM ol tle Llvcr.KiJncysand ln aipatlon. Pleasant to take by old or ounjr. Xo friping. The root of the Live nne plant is r-xiea -lively used in Norway f-.-r th cure of PiU. Sold by all Srst class dnitrgist. Wholciie Macuf.Klurw. ANCHOR S CHF.M1CAL CO. Ilanon. Or nThe next thine to having a vod dinner is bavins a ko 1 1 "inner ft. The former furnishe stiniuh-nt I f jr the bodv ami the latter add "I T to the apix'tite more than 1 of the nuetrums le- signal for the purpose. We have twanttrul patterns in both Pinner and Tea Sots in all waros. Not onlv are mv lVm- ner'Sots an.l crock ery ware all ripht; but in choice gro ceries I carry a se lect stock. F.E. ALLEN DRV WOOD. Balm. $2. Small fir. S2.00. I-irge fir. ?2..r0. White Maple, $2.50. Delivered to anv tirt cf town, far orders at Hamp's roceiy stor. II Cktant. Room aoTaawaai a.Aaa,a JEW row a case it win, mot cuiic. 41 An innMliH nnHM and Wra-n ToKTOL Sold by Drunrlsta or sent by mail. 1S0 anan-wperpacaaira, rsampica ireq. rrt. TT A The Favorite KSTZ OwTH ULvl lUfortheTeethan4ilreaUi,SM. S" ETTING EGG? FOR SALE Fro. pure bred Silver Laced Wyandotte. WhiU Wyandotles and B. Plymouth Rocks, at the Albany Poultry yards, Al bany, Oregon, corner 4th and R. K. Sta. JonjtBsTsn, LIVERItHE a 11 It 1 lEATIsRUroUD Attorneys : Law. Wilt pnwttua In all M tha lata. fejMKial Unt!'in (firen to malttre In prob-te aodtoco ioctiooa. OFFlCK-ln tba r.lnn block K HIII-VRl! Allomay at Law vnd HrAiauir ia t'Raoeerjr. Ool maAm go all poUita. l-na w'WaXA on rable lanes. Albany Oregon EO. W. U UIGIi r, AUortMv at law. vA !f tarv PahAt. Win orhKieettn ' allthaeourtaaf thia ati rtpaciai a'.trot on -Wen to coMaCioai and mattara la ' pnbata UMc; Next aour to rVfflk-, Albany. ()tu. f J a W II IT WE a , A'.Uwney at Law, Albany. Cr. BLACKCURM & S0MERS ATTORNEYS AT IA."W, A!! leml matters wil! T-vvm nramni at. b?nt:3n. Office. First Ketional Bank buiidicg. np stairs. WALLIS HASH ATTORNEY AT Will practice ia all the jt,tt of the Offi.M First Kat'l Bank building.AHxiny Jrejfon. II C WaUon Luther Elkin WATSON & ELKIMS TTOBNKTS AT LAV?" OSce First National P.ank Building Business inue 1 to us will receive care ful and prompt at'ention. Attornejs At Lav. Albany, Oregon. JK. J. I- HILL, Pbydciaa aad tmntwm. Omcl Cora raf"7 awaeaa. aJbaay, Oracoa. D rs. II. E. and O. K. Beers. fhysicians and stirgejns. post rce block. Albany, Ore. Il-wn 10 to 11 a. id., 2 to 4 and 7 to S p. tn. Eeidenoe corner Ith and Calapooia U. Kpeiil aUention girea to diseases of womea . DR. C, U. CHAF.1BEHLI?! HOMOB OFATBXST OSceoo Ferry St near cor 3rd St. 0c hours. 7 to 9 a tn. 12 to 2 an 1 6 t) p m roeciai aution gireu to chrjnie case and eye diseases. for t;i Ja!e-I aad Good Ueaila fur all JfAaUBu. biasdefi-ra tin fferaagfe fiaeture-sowa pcofxrciiaa I: J r;-, a Veeetatle fcr;r i.ia earea I""sa p e p i a , Ciioiic r a e r a 1 i'tn or -r j bit sia: ft4pr:ra ro b a the t-.l ef a l ! 1 C . is I x-jrT a 1 Iter's TrectVe (rrrc ?a Varans piJ c txcart rata cf b-.ood to the fccad. iriiac. rof rac ia ear, dxsae cv r. tasraccnrwtf!. on f 1 -r. bti lroe. d-ij f- La : at AVp. ocC4 haaaix moor ninev the 5ors-irE. li-xr Mtn vr riT tar 40 Ih test see UxU na gX UK CCU. Star Baker Cor Vrwarfalbia aa4 First Sis. CONRAD MEYER, PROPRIETOR. aaf4 Frail Caaaed Heats .Iasarar. Qseesiasre, Driest Frails. Vegetable, Tobsi.-a Clsrans Xstar Splea CalTe, Tea, Ete Ete everything that is kept ia a ' good variety and gro cery store Hiah et pre paid for ALL KINDSOF PRODUCE Great Care ehcuTd Ih exervisevl in the compounding of prescriptions. Care is nothing though, without experience and skill. Our pre scription department is intrusted to ex jwrt pharmacists, who have mastered the science of drugs and give to the preparation of every medicine a consci entious carefulness and attention. Care and skill prevent those mistakes which are alwavs perilous to the patients for whom Oie medicines are designed. You're sure of getting exactly what your physician has ordeivd when we fill your prescriptions, and in sickness con fidence is everything. Pure fivsh drugs are our sptniitlty as well as a full line of stan.lanl preparations, toilet and niani etire articles. X 710 K SALE. Some no 1 fencing t S per thousan-l, an1 soma ok mob wol at 2.60 eord. m 'Kxnsa lirANTEp.A. second hand cook J 2-7 in eondiUon. Will ttT Caafth- Inrnilaa art Whatever the hair may be restored to its origina color by the use of that potent rem UaU's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewex Conslija- Com Parana . tad Kaiaey i .; r r I f e. i J EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. signed has been duly appointed by the COnntr COnrt of T.lnn uinl, OnMa aa a rtjj ir i tril iua huvss executor of the last wilt and testament of Jamea McMaban deceasod. All Mraons having claims against said estate are here by nnaifiAfl in . . . i y - - we aame to me nn dersigcod at Haljey, Oregon, or to my at- w. , , eotueiKira tc ytt, at tbr office at Albany, Oregon, duly verified as jy law reaairea, within sis months from the date of this notice. Dated this 27th day of March. 1805. Wn.uia H vtvr . n . w W k ath exfosd & WrarT, Ezecu'or Attvs. for Eiecu'or. ADMIKISTEATCS'S KOTICP Notice is hereby eiy, to al! whom it may eonoera that the pnkrined M p Fruit, baa Uea apyrtoUd adminUtraior of the aatate of D ' Uichae!, decayed lata of Una county. O '.via, by tho Huo jra' la Coooty Coort of tta Ute of Oregon, o- Lioa conoty, and that be baa filed bia bond aa such ad mint- traV r and tfc ain- baa been approved by said coort, AH peranoa bavias claims aj;iMt aaid eaUt S'e hereby eoti I r ! d r. aiirtd to pr-etit t.- tvtta ta tha at,ie8 isd at tbe B3 of WhiBcy & Ne port fa Albany, Oretjow, ar at hie reai- aeoca a'loat six mile toatb of Broeoevtlle, vr?or, properly yerineo wi'.nio ni moath irons - he data of th'e nolle. Aid at pet sm t jdebted to said ete are repaired tc make immediate payment of tba soma t ti e oiKlcnigoed. irited at Att aoy, Urwa, ;u 10. 1S95. M r Kacrr. AdauaiatraV. WhitneT Newport, Attys. lot Ad. Assignee's Notice. Notice is hereby given that I hae been duly elected by the creditors of Samuel I'mrtejd and 'J T Smith, insotvants, ta lieu of Wra J Stewart, the asaignee nam -ed by said ineolvant debtors in their deed of alignment heretofore midc and filed in the office of the County Clerk of Lin a county, Oregon, and that I have duly Bled my bold a uch aignee. tnereiore alt tbe ci editors uf it'd assignor are here by notified and required to preeRt theii claims, under oath, to me withie three months Irocn the date hereof, at n.y resi dence in the city of Albany, Oregon. Datei this 8th dir of Fe, 1S95. TJ Cor-r, Awujnee in Hea of Wm J Stewart, ADMINISTRATORS M3T1CL Notice i hereby giyea that the - uader figned adminiatrator of tbe estate of H- M. Walter denasei, baa filed with the clerk of the county coort for Lisa county. Or bs final account aad the court ha fied tbe Gib day of May. at the hour of oae o'clock p. m. for beans; objeetiou if icy to said account and for the settle ment of said estate. This March 13, 1335. E. B. HcsTOX, Adar. Weatberford A' Wyatt. AUt's for admr. ADMIHISTRATCS'S KtJTICL Notice u fcerebf giren that the nnder- signed has been by the County Coort-X.F Lien coouty, state of Oregoa. duy ap potnted admmistrator cf the estate of 2t. P. Payne, deceased. All persena caving e?asnt4 against the eate J said K. P. Parse deceased, are hereby aotiSed and required to present the sane, duly veriSed as by law required, ta tie nsderfigned at thecSceof Tt Lino Cossty Abstract Company, ia Albany. Lin esaoty, Ore gon, wiiin eix moetKs from the date cereof. Albany. Or.. March 13. 1S95. B. M . Patsc Administrator. ACMIMiSTsUTSIXNOTICL Xotice is ber?by eiveo tbat I have beew Jcly appointed administratrix wi:h tke wiii iaort'd of the (-"tale of H- E. Stoyer, decease 1. and lb it I ban duly qualified as cch, tberrfjpe, ail persus baric; daias agairet aaid estate are brr-f aotiaed aad required to pres-tjrff ?e lr m arstJi tbe proper vouchers at the oSce of ". B. B'.iyea in the city cf Albany, lian county. Onfgoss. within six months frosu the date L'ated tits 15th day of Feb., 1SS. Mrs- A B. Johxsos, Admitiistratrix with the will aasexed EXECSTBiS m U KOTICE 13 3EREBT G1TEX THAT tbe uadersigned. tbe auly appotated, rl iSl aad acuar eecutor of (be Vast wi'l and testasoen' of Taoaias AlfonL deeeweed. Ute of L--nn eu tr, Oreroo. ba Sled wits Jtbedcrkot Ibe tonnty court for Lisa caenry, OreiM. hi Soar acveuat la aaid esU e. and tne court hn fixed Saturday, the 6 a day of April. 135. at the aowr of I o'clock p. , for tiu pa'poae of beviag objcrioaa. if any. to saiu aaa! acaoaat, and to aftle sait estate This 6th day of Mirth. 135. l. Al-roRD. esweatev. ASSIGNEE'S N3TICE CF FIXAL SFTTUMENT.. N:ce ! h.-rebr gy n Ka? rbe BUer-a-ejeJ has ihn i . Bird iu -K. Ct.tnit Court of te faie of Orvgm for Lint county bis a.-ial accun: a asicne i a the mattet of the asipr.rre t ol ller r -reman round an tnn veni eeboy aad it saij account wi I be he r J anj pass ion by said court iu Us court iccm la ? court houtt of Unn county ia tbe iij Albany, Oregon. on :i H'o Jay tMarch, 1S95, or to soon thereafter as bustneets cf faid durl w"l permit. hts Feb ph, 1S95. WaTjuS A ElKISS. B H lVT?i, Arty's far assignee. Avsignev, EXECUTRIX KDIICE. iotice is herety Riven tha: 1 have Sled j final account ia the matter of the es tate of Michael Croisact, tiecwtsevl. ia the County Court of Linn couu'y. Oregon, and that said court h set MjoJjy tbe first day of April, ISSo. at tbe hoar of one o'clock p. m. of said cUy as tbe time for bearing all objK'tioas to said account acd the settlement of the suuie. All persons, tberef.'ue. who may be interested and who have any objections to said account are hereby notified and required to file tbe same in said court oa or before the said time set for tbe final sett enxnt of said account- Dated this 15th day 0 February, l?9o. Euu tisOlSANT, W. R. FiLTtr. Executrix. Att'y for Kxecutrix. KOTICE. HO! BLACKSMITH. Wanted one who understands General Btackssuthinp and especially horseshoeing, also can da wood work for repairing wagons and farm machinery. Will furnish shoD free of charge for cne year. For further informa tion wnre w alekkt hamiltox. Uolley, Linn co. Oregoa PAY YOUR TAXES- NOIlCilS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the tax roll for 1S94 has been oUced in my bands with a warrant for the collec tion of the same. Taxnarer are reo tint ed to call at an early date and settle for the same, as provided b sale! warrant and required by law. J.A McFkkoit. ShertS of Una Lo. DISSOLUTION NOTICE Mr. M. R. PToebstet of tbe firm of Lamb & Proebstel has disposed of bis interest in the above named hrtu to A. L Lamb, who will continue the business at the old stand. AU accounts due the aboie named firm will le collected by A. L. Lamb, Lamb & Pkoebstix. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have tbe funds on hand and will pay al' county warrants stamped previous to Nov 14.1891, interest on the same closing at this date theiSthdayol Feb., 1895. P. G. Morris, County Treasurer. "" MOOS, opposite tbeRoa Ht VJ led, bra,bsrU, G-vm meal, Gra ham buokwfatav rjs flour, hay, oats, raw. potatoes, eto.