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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1895)
VOLXXX. r... ...... ...., ....... ALBANYOItLGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 1895. '..r M) g; 235232 jFa2r for Infants w Cutarla Is o well adapted to chlldNin that rwommuod it as superior to any proscaription 6tB4" IL A. Abctocf, M. D.. ill So. OrforJ St., "irooklj-n, N. Y. 'The was ot 'Castcria Is so universal end ta r rlta so wcU taownMt It seems a work rvnreroeatioa to endorsa it. Few are the 'MSfeSi families who do not tyj Castoria in easy roach. . Sow York City. Th Cixtavk I i J3BWARM of imitation traae asarks and labels. i.a m a iHh. - s. b a k - ki-'h u av ssvai i w. is the whole story about Ja . 11 Itl fl7?rlr3(riC Costs no more - S wrf ji tI Hale odIt by CHUunr a- m ji - - Write tor Ana ana Xmmwi-r n.a Jt Best Work q iu UUVnaUJ. flour uaivemllTackBowledBiiist la the world, k PRINTING Office Stationery Give us yoar p. j. FOETIILLER S IRUNG Undertakers -:- and -:- Ruibal Biers. WE KEEP constantly on hand a full line of roetalic, clotn and wood catkeU nd coffin.. Also burial ubei and suits, in broadcloth, utin.cashmrrr e'e which will be sold at The Lowest Living Vroflla. EMBALMING n th lr.p r care of the dead a spectiltr. HO EXTRA CHARCE fi R HEARSE OR SERVICE ALBANY - - MASONIC TEMPLE - OREGON I THE NEW WAY EAST ! NgS and O.R.N. CO'S To all PoiuU Washing'on, Tdho, in Montana, Dabotas. Minnesota, and the East All Points in tie United The Great Northern Railway i a new transcontinental line Rons bnffet-'ibrary obserration cars, palace sleeping and dining cars, family tourist s'eepers and first and second class coaches. Having a rock ballast track the Oreat Northern Railway i free from dos, one of the chief annoyances of transcontinental 'ravel. Round trip tickets with stop over privilege and choice of irlorn roues. For further information call upon or write, F. J. TOney. G. P. & T. A., St. Pan, Minu Or C. C. Donovan. General Agent, 122 Third Street, Portland, Or. Ins. Co. of North America. Of Philadelphia. Capital. $3,000,000; assets, $9,562,600; surplus to policy holders, $5,244,269. ' Oldest stock fire insurance company in the United States Losses paid since organization $81,439,447. J. W. Senft, district special agent for Linn and Benton counties, office over Read Peacock & Co , Albany, Or. R - I - P - ONE GIVES RELIEF. MANHOOD if n-T -wi .Df.,Tr -JSS. n,7S.i - ,.fT?r- exceMlT. ue of tobacco, opium or Mim ulanu. wtatclt lead to lutlrmltT, Conaomptlon or 1 numtr. Can be carried In .Teiapocket. Viper bux. 0 for MS. br taali prepaid. Vltba.S order we tfdruioiuu. Ask for It. take uu.asiU AikU. Latin, in plain wrapper. AddreMKHVEIUCO.,MeouloTemule,CUICauo. Voraaiein Aluacy.ure-.or J., JiMiNUM.ana bj JJi'lniKS A MciAJUANLi, UruKiu. and Children. C Astoria cure j Colic, ContipatioTX, Sow Ctonch, ZtiorrhOBa, Eructation, Kills Worms, jives sleep, ca t jroraotcs dj gostion, "Without Injurious rnptjcct'.ixn. "For Fsvcral years I fcava rocummeaiW your ' Otoria,' and shall always continue K do Da as it has Invariabl jrcslactxl bcaoacia Jesuits." Emrrji F. Fxaass, H, !., ! iJai aatl Ttfc A. A, Xoflr Turk City Oohpakt. 77 Hrsiuv Stbytt. siw Tors On. atautVaftu lMD ha. ' w thin other package soda oever spoils 9 r w,.v ... v . H. ouiu oj jtuccts cTcrjTrnere. w , K wmiMmmv MLXtpja rMJiH, W Promptness k Specially Patronage. ORECOPi LIHES-The Short Ronte Tbroajh TielcetM n Sale ICblcaeo, St. Louis, To and frrnn Wasbineton, Philadelphia, New York. Boston, and States, Canada and inropa. Founded in 1792. A - RESTORED? LE2yJ?" SMILEY N 1.5!?. w!2iiu-rel5ilJ,.r,1oum.',a"e." "."'' Wek Memory, Low of brain neu.alldralD.aadloitqr powerla Generative Oman, Tof either eeicauMd no other. Write for free Mmli.-.l H.w.k antalrd THURSTOA'y OoNsiriKRABLB of a Thief. Frank Marshall, held in the county jail on a charge of indecent exposure has a part ner now, and the next grand jury has a case 01 curgiary to investigate. The new mania C. U. Blanchard, and he says haiU from Goldendale. He struck Cor- vallisaturday,and one of the first things he did was to get tolerably drunk. That nigut r.o went out on a loragmg expedi tion, and never stopped until he had raided successfully the dwellings of Rev. H. Gould, John Scott, M. Jacobs and Prof. J. B. Horner, lie was successful in capturing booty only at Scott's and Jacobs'. At the first place he secured Lum Scott's coat, vest and watch, and at tho latter, the overcoats of Isadore Jacobs and Postmaster Johnson. At eleven o'clock Sunday night he was taken in custody by othcer McLagan.and after a little coaxing owned np to his misdeeds, and the stolen property.which had been secreted about Afayor McFad den!s new residence on College Hill, was recovered. Monday afternoon Blanch ard was arrainged in Justice Holgate's court, where he pleaded guilty to bur glary of the coat, vest and watch and was bonnd over in $750 bonds to await the action of the grand jury. He also pleaded guilty to the larceny of the two overcoaU and was promptly sent to jail ior mree monins Dy uie stern justice. " urvains aimes. t as Uallkd A Ut-ST. A correspon dent in the Salem Tost called Represent' attve Klundell the "Itonglas county runt." This made L. H. McMahon mat, and as none of his literature has appear- eu in me wemockat tor a good while we give a sample: Mr. Blundell is au ex ceedinglv sinal! man, and to a boor the term "runt" mav appear applicable But Mr. Blundell is a eentleman, a lie irg as incomprehensible to the man who sneaks behind a nom de tlume to m dulge in uncalled for and ungentlemanlv personal attacks as anything could well be. His ace. his weak ilinii-al con dition anl poor health should cause any man to refrain from attacking him in a personal manner. Those who have the pleasure of his personal acquaintance hold liiii) in the highest esteem. He is a jolly companion and always a gentle man, tor the man. who wrote that ar ticle, every honest man has supreme contempt. In the first place, he is a sneaking coward, as is evinced by the fact that he did not attach his name to the article. The article is proof suffici ent that its author is a hoodlum. He mar be an opium fiend, a tin-horn gambler or a bosom friend of Jim Wil son. His letter indicates that he is well fitted for anv profession to which gener al moral depravity is an essential ad junct. A Revisbi Spkbc-h. Willard Elk ins, of Dallas, a nephew of James Elkins of this citv, has just revised Patrick Henry's great speech, so that it reads: Mia 1 1 we baselv submit to the i-ol.i standard, or declare ourselves free and independent? If we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle, ior "free coinage of silver, in which we are en gaged, and which we have pledged Our selves, never to abandon until the glor ious oojeet oi our contest snail be ob tained we must vote ! I repeat it, we must vote! An appeal to the laboring men and to the God '.' hosts is all that is left ns. It is vain to extenuate the matter, Mr. McGowan may rrv gold, eace ! pbut there it no peace. The fight between the capitalists and the laboring men is actually begun ! The next gale that sweeps from the East will bring to oar ears the clash of resounding arms ! Our brethren, of the Coxev army, and already in the field. Wliy stand we here idle? What i it Mr." Uackleman would have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to he purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it. Al mighty God! I know not what course others may take ; but as for me, give me free coinage of silver, or give medeath." A Poetical Advebtisemect. An As toria painter advertises in a style of which the following is a sample: And the little Kwopesyswipesy learned of every paint its color, learned its name and combinations, how to mix it on his palette; how to mix it up in buckets; how to put it on with brushes, put it on and make it stay there, make it stick and stay there tightly, so the sun's rays would not blister, "and the fogs and damp of winter w ould not fade or change the color. With his brushes made of bristles from the wild boar of the forests, and the hair of bear and sable, and the long hair of the camel, these he handles quick and deftly; fashions with tnem many letters, various in style and color, that adorn the signs of commerce, ad vertising firms and business on the wig wams of the paleface. Thet Wbke Fixed. The muchly de pleted city exchequer was enriched Mon day in the sum of 28 $16 of which was contributed by Charles Mummerv and the balance by Cam Hemphill". The contributions were the result of last Saturday's altercation, for which Mum mery was arraigned on a charge of assault and battery. Something of a sensation swept over the court room when Mr. Hemphill, after receiving sentence, arose to his feet and boldly announced that there waa a vast amount of gambling going on in town, and that it must be stODned. Some develop ments along this line are expected as a result of the announcement. Times. Not Recovered. The body of a man supposed to be Prior Scott seen at the mouth of the Santiam, was carried out of sight by the water before it could be secured, and it has not yet been found. It was in the evening just before dark when observed, too late too do anything that night. As the Eugene was stuck on a bar Uie men could not do anything. The description leaves little doubt that it was the body of Mr. Scott. Fik at Ievisq. Yesterday morning a house belonging to J. W. Bond, on his larm about tour miles northwest of Ir ving, burned down. The fire was dis covered about 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and the building is a total loss. How it originated we have been unable to learn The loss is about $1300 on the house and contents together. There was $000 in surance on the house and $100 on the contents, in the I-1 reman Fund Insur ance Company of San Francisco. Reg' istr. -Wants A Bonus. Do our people want work to be pushed on Coos Bay railroad from the Roseburg end? If bo.$50.000 is sufficient to obtain that object. In this instance money talks there is no use to waste newspaper space about it. Rose burg Review. If Roseburg can raise a $50,000 bonus she will be entitled to the best railroad to be secured. Heals Running Sores. Cures the Serpent's Sting. CONTAGIOUS In all iu tUffe com .bigoo poison s.;:". -an-ruio. san ywia to its Dealing powers' , i. .. - .i V..,il,l.,,.. .v.. ' A .uluabai UC4UM ine scaM and kta imonnul WmalicdbM. Ul SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. THE BINS EMPTY. The situation at tho Red Crown mills continues to be the principal topic of conversation on the streets today. The facts are substantially these : There are some 20,000 or 80,000 bushels of wheat stored in the mills, as nearly as can bo learned, and no wheat in the bins or flour on hand. Mr. William Vance and Mr. S. E. Young, who had 4,000 and 5,000 bushels of wheat in storage visited the mill yesterday afternoon and exam ined Uie bins themselves. They were practically empty. Other prominent storers are Mr. Barrett, with 3,000 bushels, John Clelan with 1100 and a good many with a few hundred bushels and many with less than 100 for flour purposes. In a number of cases, prin cipally wuu neavy storers, their consent was obtained to use the wheat. Some ot the wheat was a car load collected for Nebraska. No attachments had been made this afternoon, and it is possible wui not, as negotiations are pending. wiucu it is to ue tiopeaare consummated, whereby the mill will go into the hands of a new company in which Wadlutms & Co., of Portland, and others are inter ested, in which case it is said there will be provisions whereby the storers of wheat will at least be partially secured It may be depended upbn that the mill win be placed on its teet and be running at an early day. It is one of the finest plants on the Pacific Coast and already mere are orders ahead ior a big run. Mr. Jonas Davis, of Shedd, is lying dangerously ill. Mr. Miller Morgan, of Shedd, was re cently united in marriage in Oregon City to a resident ot that city, particulars ol which the Democrat has not yet received. G. W. Philips, one of the propietors of the rcio tlounng mills, passed through town yesterdav en route tor Alsea after a band of sheep that he will put on one of his farms in the forks of the Santiam. Gorvallis Times. l"he Democrat makes a specialty of keeping its readers on the track ot 'Ore gon young men who go to eastern col leges. The Register of Eugene savs : r red s. Dunn, of this citv, who gradu ated trom Harvard university last year. and during the past year has bevn tak ing a post graduate course at that insti tution, wiil complete his studies next June. It is his desire to then take a chair of Latia and Greek in some per manent educational institution. He has already been offered a chair of English literature in a Montana college. Mr. C. K. Ober, resident Western sec retary of the internal committee of the I . M. c. A., whose held quarters are at Chicago, arrived in Portland Tuesday from Tacoma, where he attended the district convention for Western Wash ington. Tomorrow Mr. Ober will visit the association in Albany and Salem,and then will go to Forest" t trove to attend the college conference, which opens next Friday evening, closing Sunday night. Mr. J. A. Dummett, traveling secretary for the Pacific Northwest, will accom pany Mr. Ober Salem Journal. C. B. Wells and daughter, Mrs. Greg ory, returned Alorulay irom Albany, where they were expecting that the Ut ter would be compelled to undergo anth er painful operation upon her arm. The limb, however, was tound much improv ed, an operation waa deemed unneces sary. After making a careful examina tion, we are pleased to stale mat it. Maston expressed strong bones for the patient's recovery without the necessity of amputating the arm as waa expected a week ago. Corvallia Gazette. F. F. Sharpie. Horace V. Winchell and Alex Donald, of Minneapolis, were in the city yesterday. JThey were on their way to examine some black sand mining properties in loos county. l hey went to isquina on the l. t . train and will take a steamer down the coast. Ir. Sharplees was formerly professor of mm- erology and mining in Houghton school of mineral and mining in Michigan, and Prof. inchell is a very prominent geol ogist and mining expert. Both gentle men are acquaintances oi i roi n asn bum. Corvallia Times. The geographical social given by the f. P. S. C. E. of the Congregational church last night at the residence of Chief of Police C. O. Lee, was a success ful and enjoyable affair, fcesides the selection ol partners bv the matching of states and their capitals for a delicious ice cream lunch and games and socia un it v a. meritorious mrosrram was present ed. It consisted of music by an orches tra consisting of Pat Farrell, O. C. Mc- rarland and -Miss .Mcrarland. a solo by Miss Hattie Warner, a recitation by Grace Pavnc, a vocal solo by Lilhe Farrell. a iruitar duet by Dr. Collins and O. C. McFarland, an instrumental duet bv Pat Farrell and daughter lalne; a cnalk caricaturistical exhibition by C. C. Hogue, a solo hv Miss Altermatt, a recitation bv M in i Laughead and a pi ano solo by Joyce Brown; The Albany l.ya Works hare begun work on the interior of the jail. Thos. G. Coleman, of Gervai. has made an assignment. Liabilities, $2,232.67. The beef market U improving all over the U. S. eastern prices having risen rap idly. Stockmen feel better. A few niebti ago Al. Patton, of Marion, was stood up and rebbed of 85 cents. bJle returning home from galera. A- F. Stowe, the Lebanon lawyer, ha begun a 20 days residence in the county jail for assaulting Marshal Morgan, ot Lebanon. Dr. A. U. Stanlev.of Gold Hill.has rosde an asbienment with $12,730.17 liabilities. t'ortland and San rrancisco wnoietaie booses are among heavy creditors. Several farmers in the vicinity of Wells pooled about 18.000 bushels of wheat and old it. The price we i ved was forty cents per bustiel, bringing f i.wu into tne neign borhood. . John Weddeburn & Co.. a Washington firm, wants to run an advertisement in tbs Democrat for half price and pay nearly sui of tt in stock in an unknown wasmngton company. We call that cheek. In a spelling match in Eugene between the Lnivemty and City the latter won. Four Eotrene ladies were standing wncn the iastLniveraitv vounir man went down Mrs. H. G. Miller remained on the floor the longest. The foui ladies were all gradu ates of the t ni versify . There are only 25 more days in which to make returns tn Mr. Blackman under the Income tax law. Little corporations in Albany hardly heard of before, are obliged to rustle up their incomes, for instance, like cemetery associations, lust so tucy nave been incorporated. Pendleton claims to have more bicycle riders than any city in Oregon except 1 ort land. and puts the number of bicycles from PiOtolHO. That is simply talk. Albany is so full of ' wheels they can hardly he counted. Throw a stone and it is pretty sure to hit a bicycle. 50 to 75 have al ready been sold here this year. After a long trial completed last night W. W. Sanders, of lacomb, arrested for carrying concealed weapons, was found not guilty ana was discharged, the case ex cited considerable interest, and particularly attracted attention on account ot the nuuv her of 'awjers engaged in it. Tub Equinox. The vernal equinox oc curred yesterday, and the days and nights are now equal. The sun arose direct ly in the east and passing the xenitii set in the west. Now is the time to regulate your compass. The Willamette valley is celebrating the event with a welcome rain. Who waa the farmer that re marked that we were about to have a drouth. One or Comelt'b Jokes. Mr. 3. B. Comely is circulating the rejort that John Berry while in Southern Oregon last winter lost one of his ayes, which he replaced with a buckeye that worked so well he took out the other optic and put in a buckeye so as to have the eyes equal, and now sees better than ever. This is a sample of the fun Mr. Comely is having at Berry's expense. A Swindle it at Lamou. Several busi ness men in Eugene were swindled in the following manner: A signing his name as a Mr. "Baker" and repre senting the house of Mark Ixvy A Co. of Portland was in Eugene a short time ago. Ho was traveling as "off" man, or com mission on the goods ho sold. He nnr. ported to have a carload of oranges which he wai anxious to dispone of very cheap ly in Willamette valley towns, and made sales to a nuiiiUT ot Kiigene merchants. He sold the goods very cheap. They were delivered in due time. The bills accompanying the gondralled for higher prices than those which Mr. Baker 'had airreed to sell them for, and Messrs. Hall & Son wrote Levy A Co. notifying tham of that fact and stating what they agreed to. This aroused the suspicion of Lew A Co.,who immediately telegraphed Hall A Son to not pay any money to Baker and to instruct the other merchant! who had bought of him the same, but the tel egram was too late. Baker put iu ap iearanco Tm-sday morning and collected money on the goods sold. E. I. Pool paid him in cah and the rest paid him by checks, which he endorsed and e enred the money. Tuesday afternoon ho secured a rig at'lUmrs' stable and A oh I j Stevens drove him to Junction, where he cla'.med to have some business to trans act and then wished to catch the over land train to Portland. The last heard from him was that he boarded the over land train at Junction for San Francisco, The authorities are on his trail ami will nojdetMbt soon capture him. Tut Third Time. Anything the Ore- gonian says about Yaquina is always ot interest: "In compliance with a pro vision contained in the sundry civil bill, pawed bv the late congress, bv authority of the secretary of war, a board of en gineers, consisting of Lieutrnatit-Colonel Amos Sticknev. stationed at Cincinnati: Mator James h. Post, of this citv, and Major Clinton B. Sears, of iKiluth, have been appointed a loard of engineers to make au examination of the lr at Ya quina bay. The board is to convene at .Newport, but the dale has not leen til ed. It will be remembered that the people at Yaquirfa are anxious to have the enterenee to the hay made deep enough to accomodate decp-ea ve!els. and that Major Huser and laptain hy mons, L". S. engineers, have each re ported unfavorably to this scheme. The people were not satisfied with these re tort, and, at their request. Representa tive Hermann secured the apiointment of the above-named ifwrd. none of whom have been connected with anv of the previous examinations of Use letr. The third time is a charm, ami, if this board decides that it is practicable to secure a deep entrance to the bav. the people there will be much pleased".' Disittks Da. Watt's Statekext. The Ptayton Times disputes a historical ques tion with Dr. J. . Watts, of this city, as follows: lr. Watts in bis first Vr rnon here claimed that the prophecies (Jer. 2o and Ia. 13 that BabvUm should tieeonie "a perpetual delation" in which no Arabian should pilch his tent, were entirely fulfilled and that no man could stay all night within the ruin of the ancient cuy and come out alive. e believe that the lV. is slightly mistaken on this point. The traveler Havard in in book "Mnevah and lsatvion 'ppm 417, 422. 427decriU-lhetownof liillah still existing on Uie site of Babylon, con taining eight or nine thousand inhab itants. "The Arab quarters" he says "showed the activity of a hive of bees." Martis vs. Kim TheMcMinnvilie Telephone Rgister gives an account of the recent shooting makli between Mar tin and Kinxel : "The shooting match between Martin and Kinxel. at Hills!ro, on Tuelav, was won bv Martin so tar as the killing of birds is concerned. Martin ki!-d 23 and Kin i 21 wit of 25. Kinxel challenging Martin's she!! it waa found that one ol them contained more shot titan the rules allow. The matter i yet in the hands of the referee, but the general opinion i that the money will 1 given to Kinec!. The Portland people undoubtedly fiim fiammed the Yamhiller." Martin rare ly makes a match that does not end in unpleasantness. F ine Prospects. It has been a good many rears since the Willamette valley has had as favorable outlook for an over whelming crop at this seaon of the year, both in grain and fruit as this year ad vance. The w inter season has been so delightfully mild that no man can possi bly nrxl an ex-ue lor not Having ni grain crop all in, his orchard well culti vated, and his lcrry crop well iookci al ter, and there are few cultivator of the soil who are in need of an excuse the work is practically all done. Everything seems to have worked harmoniously this year. Register. Certainly the outlook i good so far. Let us hoj-c it will keep up the present speed. A HomuBiK Death. A colored man known aa Reuben was burned to death Monday morning at a ranch a few miles from Drain. He was living alone in a small cabin. He awoke almut four o'clock and found his cabin and bed in flames. While trying to unfasten the door his clothing was burned from his liody. He was found soon alter daylight lving on a blanket near Uie site of his cabin. After Wing burned he went to a stream near by and threw water on his body, his path K-ing marked by Eieceso'f burned flesh. He lived six ours aiter being found. Important Chlnoe. Wm. Stilt, of Newport, has come into full possession of all the Braslield property at Seal Rock, and we are informed that lie has moved onto and taken tossession of the same. Mr. Braslield is now in thrden, Vtah, and has been there for several months. It is stated that he will return to this county at an early date, however. Leader. Oheoox all Rioht. The Budgetl of Astoria says: Mr. R. Rollins, of Ya auina bav. who has wen in the city since Saturday, left for his home this morning. Mr. Rollins has been cn an extended visit to his old home in York state. He expressed himself as prefer ring Orgon 10 " other state m the Union. Dull as times are here the out look for this const is much brighter than for the eastern states. Fire at Detroit. The residence of II H. Fuller, of- Detroit burned Tuesday nieht. The contents were partly saved. Mr.Willoughby father of Mrs Fuller was . 1, . i i :. . 1 . .... pauiy nuniuu iu biyiug ur wiq tiuuv. and tears were entertained that it would be a very serious affair with him. 1 GREAT riEDICIIIE. Cod-liver Oil is useful beyond any praise it has ever won, and yet few are willing or can take it in its natural state. Scott's Emulsion of Cod -liver Oil is not offensive; it is al most palatable. Children like it. It is Cod-liver Oil made more effectual, and combined with the Hypophosphites its strengthening and flesh-forming powers are largely increased. Don't bt ptrruadid to aectpt a tubslilutt ,' Scott & Bownt, N, Y. All Druggists. 50c. and $1, The Red Crown 31111a Case.; Mr. J. R. Stockman went to Tort land this morning to meet Mr. John Isom, president of the Red Crown Mills who is expected home from Vir ginia. It is said that upon his arrival arramrementfl mav lm mail wli storers of wheat will be provided for. It is to lie hoped this is done, as there is growing considerable of a feeling in the niuiier. inie some gave their consent to the use of their wheat a good many did not, and hence are very indignant over us use. Mr. 41. Nternlmrg, with 400 bitxhels stored, made a formal de mand for his wheat yesterday in the jirenence oi witnesses and ol course it was not lorthcoming as Uie mill is empty, j ne air is iuii oi rumors about pro- nrrenin, u ig reported that Mr. Stockman did not go to Portland, etc., Imt it is difficult to trace the matter. The Democrat thinks Mr. Stockman, will return and face the music. Miss Minnie an Winkle is m the city tinning irienilH. Ex-Sheriff C. C. Jackson is in ti e city viiib aiteraoon. -Miss Pet Strahan came np from Salem mis noon on a visit. Muss Mamie Cundiff returned from raiem this noon after attending Mins brown s sellout of oratory for a term. lr. Clara M. Davidson, formerly of M-banon, lias been appointed ladv t.hv sician at the insane asylum, an excellent arMiill!ieni. Prof. Adams who taught the Newport school two years ago was an applicant for the Toledo school at the recent school to;ird meeting. Leader. Prof. Adams is now principal of the Woodburn schools. evenings Salem Post says : To morrow evening the elite orchestra will go to Al liany to furnish music for the w dance to be given in that city. henever there is a party or ball to be iic in Aiiny, raiem s popular or- chentra is always in attendance. That city can appreciate good music. neuseweii, ot tirownsville. was com mitted to (he insane vylum yesterday. TheS P pay tar pasted through ci'y to-day. reioicinir the hearts of the the local employes. There are 102 cases on the docket the circuit court which convenes in MmnriHe on next Menday. M The saw mill at Merlin, Oregon, owned by the Grant Pas Ioor and Lumber i -ompany, was burned Wednesday. Loss, no insurance. "slur Lyon. Irmerlv of Stir'nu. recently of the Kilein Post, has retired from that paper, aod is studying law in the otnoe ot chaw flur.t. We understand that Ja. Booth.the nut- ling Yaqumt gToorjmaa, wiil pat np a ouiiding on .ye crv-s and will keen a stock of groceries therein during the sum mer meason Leader The LiiS'. cVtd of the Oregon Pacific property is be'ng recorded in the three coui'tie where Ue property is sitnated It i now in the bands of couoty recorder F. v v alert at aitni. A So miner school will l? heJ at Ger- hirt Park uodor direcUoa of President C. u. Chapman of the State I Diversity. A- niong the directors wul be Prof. Yooo of the Albany College. There cave been less failure in Albany in the pa.t two years than to roe tenet even in irood times. Remember that fact. There always hare been Wanesa failure and aiwajs will be retraru.ea. of the times. T"tx On-iron City Enterprie says: "It is a surpruc to the county officiais the war taxes are Urinj? paid in. fur so far Use amount is far in excess of what was cot letted during the same length of time hut year.' The atae report comes from ether places. A coop! of women ia the ncctheatt part of the city gave a certain man from Ten nessee a V rriUe teiattner and threw turn oo tf the m ioJ'-w one day Nis week, so it is reported, for iieimr aooat them. As this office has been thnaateaed to be cleared xit and all of r thrown out of the window, tf w mentioned the asair, we will not triTe the names. Lebanon Lxpres. AUcrtwT II. C. Walton, of Albany, yes terday made a motion to hare the time ex tended in the cae cf K. E. Cpmeyer et al, vs. C. W. Waabburnet al , so that the defendents, the Sugar Pioe Door fc Lo ra ter eomrany, have the same time in which to :e briefs as the other respooJea:. and the time was so extended to the 11 of May. Salem SUtesman . The Roieburg naimieaJer tells of the uMial eiperience: E. B Hale of Minne sota i in town. He is a witness in the Beekmanncase- When be left Minnesota 3 few diys ago the mercury stood at 27 degrees Wow x-ro. On his arrival here be thought be had got into the 'tardea of t-den. He is highly pleased witb the gon. and there is a probatniity ot bis be coming a resident of this county. Secretary KincaiJ yesterday tefosed to honor the bill of Fish Commissioner Me linite to April 1 McGuire presented a bill to crer the quarter ending March 31. but the secretary says be will draw no war rants fvr 1th commissioner, game warden or railroad commissioners for a later date than February 23. 1?95. until the legality of the continuation of these c.T.oers is set tled. CoLijaiE Y. M. C. A. Prof. Lee, Mel- vin Williams, Bert Wight, Arthur Fo- shay, Lyle Speer and others, of the col lege are in rorest U rove attending the 4tli annual conference of the Y. M. C. Mr. Dumniit, traveling secretary and Mr. v. K. Uber, ot tincago, the in ternational secretary, w ho were in the citv lett lor there this noon, the pro gram, which will be completed Sunday evening, makes a good showing. Al- hanr men will take part aa follows: Mcivin Williams will lead the devotion al exercises Saturday morninu: Prof. Lee will talk on the "year 94 the fu ture; ' Arthur roshay will read a paper on "Bible study in college How to arouse and maintain a practical inter est." SoRnts Robbed. J. E. Sorlun, once resident of Albany, was recently robbed in the lollowing manner: hue on ins wav to Cascade Ixks in a crowded car he wbs relieved of a $975 check and $S5 in cash. He had been in I'ortland where ho made a real estate transaction, re- eeivimr in return the 975 check on the Security Savings A Trust bank. Un His wav home he fell asleep in the car, and on arriving at his destination he discov ered his loss. . He returnel to Portland and had the payment of the check stop ped and is only the loser oi tne in cash, together with his pocket book. Doc Wright's Fioht. These bicycles, what wont thev do? Not contented with being bucked off by them two prom inent citiaens ol MCMiiinviiie nave been Corbetting each other. The Telephone Kecister tells about it: "tnursday jut, G. S. Wright and O. O. Hodson came to blows over a bicvcle. The result was the arrest of Wriuht on Uie charge of assault He plead guilty and paid in $id. itoiison was arrested on the charge of using pro fane language upon the street, and paid with costs $5.00. This is not the end of the matter as Mr. llobson savs he will have Mr. Wrignt placed under bonds to keep the peace and will sue tor damages, Giving Apvicr. The Journal of Salem evidently sees the necessity of giving the following advice: f"lop tne calamity howl and Salem will go ahead. Quit creiitini the impression that Salem about to bo into the hands of a receiver, Our town is all right if you will quit it down. If a lot of people would quit getting out and cackling like guinea liens tne town wouiu be just as wen on, Thov are like General Grant's coyote When yon have rounded them tip they number about one. Speak well of your town. Quit making out that it is next to the hot place. That is all a lie. Or. Price's Cream Baking Powtk. World's Fair Highest Medal and Wpf"V Highest of all in Leavening 4b&q:ca)tee.y pure SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mr. Job nson White, of Portland, was in the city today. Mr. F. E. Allen returned from Port land last night where he hail been on a business trip. Mr. Charles Metzgar informs the Democrat that he will go to Mexico in a month or so proltably to reside. MifcS Jean Dent, an experienced trim mer of Portland, arrived in the city this noon and will astiist the Minxes Ball dur ing the coming season. M iss Pearl Metdrum left on Tuesdav for Albany w-here she will epend a couple ol weeks w ith her aunt and untie, Mr. and Mrs. La Forest. Oregon City Cour - ler. The home folks received a letter from J. H. Townsend, written from Honolulu uawaii. wnicn siaioi that he nail a pleasant journey over, and that he was en joying i ne pleasant climate ct the is lands. ew burg Graphic. Bert Magers, of Abioua. accidentlv cuv ii in ioox quite severely, wuu an ax while chopping wood. 3Ionday. He came to this citv and hail the wound lrejeM'.l bv f rr Havie. Kv. Vnv business had Bert wiUi an ax is a ques tion his Albany friends are trying to answer. Jos. Fones returned from his home rancn at Mill tjny, xnursday, and re ports gardens far in advance of their conditions here in the valley. He found thousands of strawberries as large as peas and in blossom, and the people well satisfied with the senatoaial contest. Joseph will go to work on next Monday as superintendent of the state house ground', and this news w ill please his many friends on the I pper Santiam both in Marion and Linn counties. Journal. Achilles Lodge K. of P. was honored at the meeting Mondav evening by a visit from Dr. J. L. Hill of Albanvrand chancellor commander of the state for the Knights of Pythias. The Doctor is an able sperker and an enthusiastic worker lor the order, and his kind wonts were greaUy appreciated. He complimented the lodge on iu efficient officers and in terest manifested by members of the lodge. tJregon City Enterprise. The Silverton Appeal speaks of Dr. Hill's viil to ttiat city as follows: A very large audience was present at the K. of P. entertainment at Literal hall, last Friday evening. MayorCusiter presided over the meeung and introduced the speakers. lr. J. L. Hill of Albany, Grand Chancellor, of the Grand domain of Oregon, delivered an able and eloquent address the '"Aims and Objects of Pyth- tanism. The IKkiot is a very interest ing speaker, and handled the subject in such a marterly manner, that the entire audience n held in the closest atten tion during the entire lecture. Capt. Bern ei i eld Gose. Milton G. Buttertjeld. of this citv, formerly com manding C company, of the first regi ment. O. N. G.. and later a.tsiant adju tant general on the slaiT of Brigadier General H. B. Cumtwa, has been mise- nir lor sume time, and many inouiries made to ascertain his whereabouts have proved unavailing. What could induce Captain Butternvl.1 to leave so myrter- ouslv cannot be surmised. His thought by some that he ha? gone somewhere in s-atvh of employment, as the office in the Chamber of t otumerce building, former- v occupied bv him, is vacant, tnie ru mor is that he has gone to Colorado but this like others, could not be verified. At his home the onlv information secured was that Mr. Butterneld was not at home, and his address was not known. There are no charges ot wrongdoing made against him. trregonian. Capt. Bntter nekl has been in Albany several times and generally put the members of F. Co. through a eerie? cf maneuvers that kept them on the step. A later report is that I apt. Butterneld is absent simply on business. Oxe Browssvills Now. Where there were two cities, Brownsville and North Brownsville, separated onlv bv strife and the Calapooia river, there is now but one, the people almost unanimously hav ing voted last Monday to itave the greater olwlacle strife removed. While there was but a small vote cast, comparatively speaking, it was sufficiently large to show the exact sentiment of the people. Out of a total of Sit votes cast on the north side, were for consolidation, while on the south side 33 out of So fa vored consolidation. As our interests are indenUcal it appears strange Uiat this step was not taken many years ago. the two councils met in extra session last evening for the purpose of calling an election to be held on April 1, for tbe purpose of eleetine: officers for the city of Brownsville" for the ensuing vear.and appointed judges and clerks for the anie. Times. Bad AccrcKST. An accident which came near causing the death of Ira Mc Cormack, happened last Sunday about a mile ami a half east of Brownsville. George Keeney was riding his bucking cavil ee, and Ira, desiring to create a little sport for the bystanders, jumped on behind him. The load proved too heavy for Uie little meed, and no sooner hail Ira become seated than Uie horse fell, both riders falling underneath. In his scramble to get up and gain his free dom the animal planted his hoofs in Ira's face, and also in various places on his bodv. His shoulder blade was broken, breast badlv bruised and coun tenance slightly disfigured. Mr. Keeney escaped wiUiotit a scratch. McOormick was unconscious ior a long time a ner Wing picked up, but Dr. Cox was called and administered to ins needs, and i will doubtless be spared to enjoy the lessons thus taught regarding w ild and bucking horses. Times, Also Attachep. Referring to the as- signment of M. E. Hearn at Harrisburg, the Keview says : Mnce the above was written Deputy Sheriff Q E. Propst came up from "Albany and laid an in junction on Assignee Francis. Roths child & Ehrempfort. the firm that made the attachment, wanted Mr. Ileum's attachment set aside, and outside of in voicing the stock, nothing can be done until the matter is decided in the circuit court, which meets in Albanv, the 2nd of next month. Thk Same in Albast. it transpires that Baker who represented M. Levy Co of Portland, and sold oranges and collected the money for thein at Eugene, mention ed in the Dkmochat, also ws in Albany and did the same thing with t'arker Bros. Conn & Huston. C E. Brownell, F. E Allen. Wm. F. PheitTer. Conrad Meyer, and B. F. Ramp. He was the agent of Levy & Co.. who will of courso be rospon siblu for the losses ana not the merchants Closed bt Attachment. Tho store of Matthews & Washburn was closed last evening upon an attachment suit brought by S. V. Dodd, representing himself in the sum ol f l V44.W; first -National pans, $1500: W. 0. Tweedale, $22tt.21 ; Martin Ludwig, $300, and anoUier attachmen by the Linn County National Bank in the sum of $400. They have been good business meu whom it is to bo regretted to see fail. Power Latest U. S. Gov't Report OREGON THE HAVEN. Letters from Oregonians to Eastern papers are always of interest. Mr. A. Gardner, of Plainview in this countv re cently wrote to tho Times of Paulina, Iowa, of which the following are some of the extracts : The last Time) that reached nic ha1 an article from the Inu--r-Ocan copied in it in regard to the different kimls of weather the different sections of the L'nited States is experiencing. I would like to couij-are clintab-g w ith any of the places mentioned in the JLnter-Ucean. Mv heart iroes out to the people cf O Bnen county especially, in sympathy. after reading of the extreme col t vou j have just b.n experiencing for I three or four weeks. It is now j two years since I and my family the pat almost tnnl Ufrp. Thia malrM fl, vmtM i I have been in Oreeon. As vou remem- ' ber, I in company with James Loack was here in December and January of '92 and '93 and I w ill say that the storm that we then experienced was by far the w orst I have seen since, as at no time have we had enow to lay a day oh the ground and I have not seen a tingle day that a man could not plough in the winter, aa on no day was it frozen too hard. This winter especially needs com mendation. In fact, we have had no winter np to the present time, as the different samples of vegetation I send vou will show. The samples I send vou I have picked on my place in the door yard and garden and w heat field. By the way, my hogs and sheep are pastur ing on the winter wheat too. Now these are not the smallest samples nor are they fhe beet. I have some friends in Iowi that I would like to have see things as I see them and as we have only one life to live on this sphere, I don't thick it is lengthened any by cold or exposure. In inn country we can M;.-e everv thing you can there and a great deal more, such as prunes, peach, pears, apricotsi almonds and quinces, to say nothing of tbe vast array of berries. Whv, I Lave seen straw berries that measured nine inches in circumference and had apples that measured fourteen inches arorlnd. You say, -Do vou like Oregon?" Why, blew you, yes I oniy wish it had been possible to have come here tea years azo before democratic times struck 'ns. The man who owned a farm here then would have lieen able to live like a lord and with half Uie economy he has to practice in Iowa could have mile money. Tree, times are Lard here now bet from ail accounts thev are no worse here than there. I have been plowicz with two tea 3, for the pas; three weeks, and have sown about tweiMv acres oi erain and it is now coming up. Apples are still on the trees un'rozen. I e-x one to day. Soon the blossoms wiil be starting on the trees. If anv of vour readers are tired of cold vou can tell them that here is their haven of resn and there never was, nor I don't believe there ever will be a time when they can rir hemselves as cheaply. The Red Crown .Hills. Mr. J. R. Stockman of the Eed Crown Mills came up trom Portland last ciirht after some papers needed in the sale cf the mill and returned on the morning rain. The negotiation ior the sale oi the mill to Wadharns A Co. are in pro gress with bright prospects of their re sulting in the mill changing hands, in which case it will immediately be s?t to running to fill Uie order already ahead for flour. The indications are now that those having wheat stored will be pro vided for. The matter has been the ex clusive topic of conversation, and there have been made wild reports m reier- nce to the affair: bat it looks now as if it were beinz straightened np ia a man ner that will be satisfactory to all inter ested ia it. In Mcmoriam. Whereas, it has pleased our Supreme Commander to remove from our midt. our dearly loved sister, Mel!isa Myers, Jbc it resoived teat we as a Hive teel deeply our loss and our hearts are in sympathy with her stricken husband and son. Mav tiod strengthen ar.d support them in their time of sorrow. Be it Reolved that onr charter be draped in mourning for tlurty days and a copy ot these resolutions K placed on our records and a copy sent to her be reaved family. Cra K.CorrMAX. Neuje H. Laxbos. Carsue M. Straixev. Committee. Tueee Years Contracts. Iuring the past week Mr. A. J. Luce, of A. J. Luce & Co., of New York, was ia Uus neigh borhood and made contracts tor future delivery on a three years plan, which averaged 10c per year, as fofiowis : First vear, Sc; second vear. 10c: third vear. 12c: this plan to small erowers. and as well as large growers, is valuable as a means of raising picking money, as the contract c&!!s for a 5 cent advance for that purpose. Gervais Star. The Dem ocrat would advise hop raisers to look out about how thev make three vear contracts, Hope almost universally av erage more than 10 cents for three years. Eugene is wrestling with a proposition tr a flour mill. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement an tends to personal enjoyment wh righUy used. The many, who live c ter than others and eujoy life more, w less expenditure, by more promp adapting the world's best products the needs of physical being, will attcsi the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced u the remedy, Svrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly bcnefkial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has riven satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical ppifesaion, because it acts cn the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfecUy free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gisto ia 50 cent botUes, but it is man ufactured by Uie California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every packie, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will sot sc;ept any f ubstitate if otfercl. WeL. Douglas 53SHOEr.? the jest. ro A KINO. a. cordovan; rnrm"n a rtiftnn i rn ri r H 3.a Fine ZwUbxx&a. 3.B?P0UCE,3 SOLES. :!N6Vfi, extra riNc- ladies. - SI 79 W BicOCiCTOICJUa. Oyer On. M Uloa Poopta wear Uv. W. L. Doug1 as $3 & $4 Sicei All our shoes are equally satisfactory i &cy give tne ai m tor the frney equal custota shoes in styls mni fit, rttur wearing aoniities are sarpaee. Tne nrlce. ara uniform-Marts.Md m tel hmr ii t l saved over other naeiua. If yv &r eajer r.rrf tn--iy yu w-.n toVlr; THE L.E BLAIfo CLOTHING CO Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Cakfid & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strain, Running; Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness Cl Saddl Sore, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiify Rub in Vigorously. Mustang linirseat cooqosri Pain, .Makes Han or Ecast we3 egaia. NEW a: i : Trrrs s-m izz tZ'.rs rajacr? te x-a nadrfr pitiTe wr::ee esrsi-tse, fer o ct Ikajt xr.d N-rr F.--t I oet Hasfeoni.' c-ms: Sarat Lm: Evil Drtc: ick ot .ucsiee: 5rro3j-ri; Lrit-:i; ail Xrrxiaa; Ijotcf r-w-r off l v, Oeu iti eitb s.esaed t owj-;-..on, Vtcttfai Erroa,r 1irs3 Caf of Tvo. lpsur Liefxbr. xruca leans .-- c:.'r; . i .r-.r j i. rs. Isa&iqr J IVfaia. liy raaiS- 1 a bos: six for $3; ana rn.s. a-aranie tt c-r- cr 3rnd moerf. Sacii': pacaac. on' ;j::-v -t. T" tr-a lat-rt ui fall l5rt -i- ccria Oc esas f A Camming, sole sgea-, Aibany LE mw$ A3 F.TSYrTTTTX tSeaT- JTZr r a-asaw- .W.Ttt.W iffU-aji ia c sfcr: a: a oras m YT tw c- im. biw r Ts-S Vsatii.t.f'- J A Cumm2g,oIe sag-vi. Albany i AID b i 13 VOC SNCT Ot". ; i-UX tz 3aUav-a nm w mwu iu are the onssal and or? J safea!lr-i liable ctuw oa tb Eiarket. Pnca J-U); seat hf a- irocaicerjoiioaLj by "' J A Cunnr.irij, soe aent. Alruiny, A IMFs Ersmo-CelEig, KsMlstisraM. Krvl .rita.mmt-.v . :rlat,r ji:ra, ".rtrct. tvjcfy atwe-. Acid jl r-ltfrprrtja-ia. Prksx iU. avad V-r-.. THE AftNCLD CHHSICAL CO. 1 5S S. tCn CHtCASO. C So.J hr all druggists. ARE TttE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than tlie cost of orUusary traJe cigaret'es will fiad the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OYSERS Made horn the highest cost Gold Lcaf-"ro-srn ia Virginia, auij are ABSOLUTELY PURE Red Crown Roller Mil's, t incorporated Boat Boar lor family and balers ute BEST STORAGE FACILITIES. E- : i 1 i- ' era l -js-sr