The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 22, 1895, Image 1

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Eatered at (be IPait Office at Albas?. Dr.,
teend-Clais Hall Batten
r. r. XCTTI3C, fablLfcer sad
AO 3
for Infants
.tomteaM." TT I . H .
1H S Oafac m., i nM a, W. T.
OiwoJ'StateU kNutmalait
1 TT r" n ttiII hiirn at It axwin a nia t
avmosttoa to cHw tt. Fswarataa
'iiaat flunClw who nM kM0er
Caaoo. Urrrn, a. .,
Itsw T.rk OH-.
Tr CkrrAra
Best Wprk
- EnSa-JEa. - BOOH
- Office Stmtiongrf S Specially
Give us your
Undertakers - and - Embaluiers.
E KEEP constantly cm hind full Una
.Y C?n- ,A!to hprfaltot-K aodtaiU, !q broadcloth. tlr.,chmF. tir,
r.lch will be cnld at '
Tfce Uvea XJrtas PreSt.
EfVIB ALiSftlNG nd the proper car of the dead a pecia!tv.
iSP and 0. R. H. CD'S
T all Psdwta
ia Montana,
and 1 be East
111 Point s in tie UnitcS Stats?, Canada ana lurtspa.
Tbe Great Northern Railway is a new transcontinental Hoe. Rant buffet-library
observation can, palace sleeping and dining cai, family tourist a'eeptra and first and
second c'as coaches.
Having a rock ballast track tba Great Northern Railway i free trota dust, one of the
chief annoyances of transcontinental 'ravel.
Round trip tickets with stop over prinlefre i& choica of retorn routes.
For farther information call upon or write.
F. J. Whitney, 6. r. ft T. 1., 8t. Pm1, Mini
Or C. C. Donoran. General Ageat, 122 ThiM Street, Portland, Or.
This Remedy Properly Taten will Onre any Rhenmatic Case.
i Bitters specially mannfacttired to aid those afflicted with Rheu
matism. It gives tone to the stomach and pnrifiee the blood
better than aay other bitten known.
For Sale by all leading Druggists or address "O. B." T. O. box 663, Astoria. Or.
PETER BRACH, General Agent.
437 Commercial street, Astoria, Oregon, Telephone Ko. 24.
. -j $P
iiiuiiiwimnmi. cDam, lounges, etB.,
WfcMrajTffiftt.. All! fOrlt. Uk
riiu Atu ATI wTUok. inpItowrppr. AddrM HKK aKKi CO.. Macule Tvmplo.CUiCAiiU.
end Children.
Polio, Ctoarfapatlop.
Rwat StosiMk, diarrhoea, Eructotioe.
Efl Worms, sin. sleep, aad jrorn.Xoa dl
"W&tov injurious o3catioo.
"Hoc amoral rears I baro recommend
yaw 'Onauria,' and sliaU always continue u
da aa as U has laTariablr produced toneficia
Hanrct V. PaaxiKa, II. I,
ISMk Street ami Kb At, How York at?
Ooxpast, TT JTtaaat Braxrr, Snr Tons Cm.
ol mtt.Iie rWr. mh .,.v-i . j
LIHES-The Short Ronle
Tferagfc TiekelsM KaJe
at. Iouu,
To Bad from
New York,
Boston, and
A - N -
whtch 1 will tell at
Tbos. Oriiifc.
Uim vood.ntu repi-MF
M.morr. Lou of train
li. , "'.V .mi.imm, iMn Moauo., wig vy BailMlon, flerTOU
fcr or.rxrH0B, mttMirnn, .imwIt. in ol tobacco, opium or iim-
Ten. pocket. ! prboi.rur. kr Bull prepaid. With .8)4 order w.
DOnthAr. WriUrn,fnwUulti.l UiVuntlMlMl
Ah Insane Ohlid. The Salem Post
gives the facts : One of t he saddeBt cases
that has come under our notice of late was
conducted before Judge Hubbard's court
mi. iuorumg. li whs me examination
for insanity of Clifford Caspell, a six-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs.G. W. Cas
pell, who reside at Stayton. The little
fellow when about four months old was
afflicted with a severe case of brain fover,
which after his recovery, left his mind
entirely blank. The mother of the boy
was in court and related the actions of
the child ever since its mind became de
ranged. Sho said that the little fellow
did not know her, or in fact anyono, and
tliat. tio mntinliall wunt ovi,ml m,..v.K
...... . ..j H Hiuntiu uuiuir
ling to himself in an incoherent manner.
He did not know enough to feed himself
anu iiuu 10 lkj waiieu upon lite an in
fant. Afl thA AVflminatirtn was nnln nn
the mother could not suppress the tears
iiil-u ruucu uown iier cueeks. it was a
pitiful case, and greatly alfected those
who were present at the examination.
Dnxinir th nrrvwiliniM ) ).;!, 1 a ;n .
-" lunula ma vyva arouna uie room in
a VerV rvCCllliar wav. navinir nn .ttantinn
to what was going on or who was pre-
vuu -as uome sata tno raotner,
''whom F liavA CArAral nthnp MKImh
" -V. h vtMV tMUI VU
this unfortunate one would never mingle
un u.e otnera or engage in tneir Irolica
or nlnvn. Tf a tn& nnt niAn 4a am m Ka
r"" " " v muv avvua lrVUav IV m
with the other children, preferring at all
times to be by himself." Doctor Jessup
examined the boy, and Btated that there
was nn tmiKf luir K !. Vwk!n
He was taken to the asylum this after
A Minister Akkesteo. Dallas has
joined the field of romance and this week
sne comes forth with a case full to the
Dnm with an exciting tale of adventure.
A Preacher of rnnaiiirhli
residing in that citv is the hero of the
ut.-jaaiua. iiere is tne way it was told,
but we will omit thA nnmM all
l i . ...
conccrnel. Several months aso there
appeared in that quiet and peaceable
little city a middle-aged man with two
bright and rharmin l, .1q....V.,am
They were not located in their new home
long oeiore Uier made the acquaintance
of many of the young ladies residing in
i,wiuw. uc, rio .marc
and pleasant creatures and whoever met
m.u ureal mvemi in iiieir
welfare. SnrldenW tha tarn JiM.l
, . . . V UUJHpMICU
and it was some time before their where
abouts was ascertained. The father was
almost distracted until be at last dis
covered that ima nf thatn VimA K.-
- ' " . .u ui wrsi .ij-
dncted by their mother, who suddenly
ticaicu upun mo aceue unoeanown to
the father. The other ene was in the
keeDin? of a minUtpr nf that
husband and lather immediatplv vnn
ont ft warrant for tKa
charging him with abduction. The case
Came before iIia
j . . v. t - UU
created lots of taxi. An amicable settle
ment was soon perfected between the
husband and wife, the preacher was dia-
charvfv) thAnmhct.
ture and the curtain rolled down closing
the romantic drama. Post,
"Oftitb Right Stiff." After read-
ing this item from the Corvallia Times
one should become satisfied that there
is at least one woman who should Tote :
CorvaHis has a female engineer. She is
Mrs. John ischuldt, and for more than a
year she has run the four horse power
engine in the CorvaHis Mills creamerv.
During that time not one dollar of re
pairs has been put on the machine and
the fire in the furnace has alwavs made
steam jnst as successfully as if "the per-
miu in cnarge naa oeen arrayed in troua
rrs. Besides operating the engine, Mrs.
Schuldt runs the separator, churns the
cream, works the butter and prepares it
iur uinrwi. un ii oe recorueu in nistorv
that there was nlentv of onnortunitT for
wideawake women to thrive in the 'clos
ing years of the nineteenth centurr.
Pbcttjah Fioraiso. The amount of
the check sent Governor Lord for the
maintenance of soldier inmates of the
soldier's home $337.53, seems quite a
small stipend. This is at the rate of $100
Fer year an-1 is allowance made from
eceniber 4. 1894 to Dwmber 31. 1894.
The national authorities undoubted)?
err if the board has correctly reported to
mem. ny aci oi congress f IUU per vear
is appropriated for each volunteer kept
in any state soldier's home. Oregon's
soldier's home was dedicated May 24.
1894, with seven inmates roeistered on
day of opening. On December 1 there
were sixty registered and a very small
per cent can be reckoned as volunteers
if $337.53 is the sum due. Post,
Now at PaiNEvtLUt. Prineville Re
view: "O. Kartlett. was arreted
Tuesday for larceny from a dwelling.
The preliminary examination is pending
as we go to press. Nmie doubts as to
his sanity are entertained." Bartlett
was at one time sent to the asvlum from
here, after he had committed larcenv.
He is certamlv demented and should be
kept in the asvlum till cured. Kugene
Guard. Bartfett also once stole a boat
at Albanv. A checkered career.
A Fixk MoxruEVt has just been placed
in position over the grave of Albany's
former well-known citizen, L. Gerhard,
by the administrators of his estate.
Henry and Leo Gerhard. It is in the
city cemetary and is a credit to Mr,
John Scrafford of the Corvallia Marble
Works, who did the work. It is of extra
dark Quincev irranite. The base and
curbing is of California stone. The mon
ument came from Quincey, Mass.
Vest GESERors. The people of Eu
gene who contributed so senerously to
tbe suffering Nebraskans, nave almost
unanimously decided to turn the contri
butions already in hand over to the com-
miiiee vo ue niwin ouien among me neeay
of Eugene. This is the right spirit U
snow, n mie .ugene people as a rule
are far from want, it ia quite possible
mat mere are a number who could use
the contributions to a very good advant
age. negisier.
To Big A Limit. The man who drew
up the new game law must have had
little experience in hunting China pheas
ants. It provides that no person shall
kill more than 20 in one dav. It is need
less to say that the law in this respect
will seldom be molested. Eugene
viuara. remaps not in .Lane countv
but in Linn connty20 birds is a smal
bag. As a matter of fact any hunter
should be satisfied with half the num
ber. In any event the law may be easily
AFiRKALAnii. In Albany fire alarms
are so rare that when one occurs it attracts
attention. One at 11:15 o'clock todav
urougni our, a Dig crowd. The roor ol the
residence of las Crouch, adjoining the U
i . uuuicu utugui, nom spares irom tne
chimney and blazed up. Prompt action
II -1 l L L J I ,
wivu uucBuis put uie nan out.
Are occasioned hy an impure tad lnv '
poverished condition of the blood Slight
impurities, if not correctod, develop into
an other troubleiome dlneuct. Tocura
these is reaulred a safe and mliabla ma.
eay tree irom .ny harmtol lngndn'otiJ
ai purely yegeuble. Such isfrfwa
Jt iemov all Impuntlwl. ;'':
fro'n the blood and thorough.""--
ly (.leanse. the syitem. Thoansds f ,
case of the worst forms of Wood di
eases hare be.
Cured by S. 9. 8.
Send for our TrMttM wulce ftt ; addfc. 4
BW1FT BPECiriC CO., Atlanta, Ga.
The jurymen were discharged by
Judge Burnett this afternoon, all the
trial cases having been disiKwed of. The
judge will hear a few motions and try
one or two cases whon department 1 wfll
aujuurn. juugo jrtewitt will convene
court for department 2 on Monday,
April ...
Knaap Burrell & Co agt Jas E lied
rick & A J Johnson, recovery of money
iv ju oaoin agt unental Tea Uo, re
covery of money, attachment. Continued.
J K Weatherford agt Geo W and S
Uiper, recovery of money, attachment.
Judgment with order to sell attached
Orciron aet Owen H Hunt, larcenv in
dwelling. St appearing that deft was
under lb years of age he was sentenced
to the reform school.
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co agt Geo
W Rodgers, recovery of monev, attach
ment. Continued pending settlement.
Uliam bluilts act C O Hainan, suit
for damage. Tried by jury. Judgment
lor plaintiff on ploadimra at conclusion
OI lOStlluuUV.
. .
Orecon airt W F Maxwell, larcenv
in dwelling. Plea of not iruiltv with'
drawn and plead guilty to larceny of
pro;ierty leas than $3o. ine.1 toO to
stand committed until paid. Tha fine.
it ia reported will be paid bv the parents
oi me young man.
O H Fargo & Co aet V 0 Davis et al.
petition for garnish) to answer. Judg
ment lor garnishee.
Martha I lav art A L and Laura
Morris, recowrv of monev. attachment.
Tried by court and takon under advise
Martha Hav airt Hiram and Sarah
w illiams, recoverv of monev, attach
ment. Nonsuit on motion of plff.
X P Slate net E F IVatlev and Oscar
Deatlev. recoverv of moin"- Tril .v
court and eonidered.
Sarah J Elder agt J A McBride et al.
partition. Continued.
Assignment Bank of Oreeon. Continu
Laura A Caldwell agt Ella C Caldwell.
partition. Continued.
O A Wheeler aet Hattie Titus et al.
W 8 Denham agt L A Woodle et al.
confirmation. 2 cases. Continued.
Milton Hale agt J II Townsend. Sale
Circuit court adjourned last evening
after the docket had been cleaned ud in
department 1 aa follows :
Jos G Keller act Harrisbure Water
Power Co. recoverv of monev. Armed
and submitted.
Knapp, Burrell & Co agt Jas II John
son, recovery of monev. attachment.
Judgment for plff for want of answer.
Knapp, Burrell A Co agt Grorge Lind
say, recovery of monev. attachment.
Garnishee to answer.
J A Fturtevant aet J L Cowan and J
M Ralston as bank of Lebanon, reooverv
of money. Will be heard on Atnl 8th
provided referees fees are paid by plff.
8oaeph Wild et al act Farmers A
Merchants Ins Co. Motion to set aside
nen suit made at last term of court
Judge Hewitt will hold court for de
partment 2 beginning on April 1, and
Judge Burnett will aeain open court for
a short time on Ap ni 6th.
Mr. R. M. Webster, of Alsea, ia in the
H. J. Hopkins was in Satam yesterday
on business.
Deputy C. S. Marchal George Humph
rey is in the citv.
Mr. H. F. Merrill, left this noon oo a
business trip to Portland.
Mrs. W. F. Crosbv has iut returned
from a several weeks residence in fan
Mr. Ilenrv Lvons. justile of the Peace.
of Lyons, has been attending Circuit
Court this week.
Prof. F. M. Mitchell, one of Linn
county's best teachers, has accepted a
position in the 1 nee district.
Among the attorners in the city dur
ing the week was Mr. A. A. Tussing, of
Brownsville, who is doing a good bus
iness at that citv.
M. P. Tavlor suffered some in the re
gion of the recent surgical operation per
formed on him. on undav night, and
Dr. Maston, of Albanv. was called,
Corvallia Gazette.
Jacob Schaeffer. the wizxard, of bill
iard fame, passed through Albanv last
night for San Francisco. He. and Ives
were to have pliyed an exhibition game
in Portland; tn Ives was arrested in
San Franciwo i .he charge of playing
craps and did n t go.
A delightful p..rty was on last evening
tendered by Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Power to
their guest, Mias Hortense Kimball, one
of Salem's popular young women, who
has been visiting here several days.
Several hours were passed in games, so
ciability and in partaking of a delirious
lunch. About twenty young people were
fortunate in being present.
A San Francisco paper states that
Homer Davenport, the newspaper illus
trator, who formerly lived at Silverton,
where he was born and raised, has just
refused $100 per week from a rival news
paper. The Examiner people, where he
had been emnloved. made it an ohiec
for him to stay. Davenport is said to
be the most popular newspaper man of
San r rancisco. lie is not onir me mosi
original, but as well the most rapid artist
on the coast. His ingenuity is giving
him a big reputation.
You may alwavs depend on the Ore-
eon bov distinzuiehins himself when at
tending eastern colleges. A correspond
ent from Jacksonville to a Eugene paper
sava: "Kasoer K. Kubli is distinguish
ing himseil at tiarvara in a mostcompu
mentary way. He won the first prize, a
$40 silver urn, in the athletic contest,
and won the suit in the mock trial in the
law school. Kap. will graduate from
Harvard in June, and return home to
begin the practice of law in Portland this
Born. Sundav. in uorvallis. t tho wife
of Daniel W. Pritchard, a son.
Corvallis has a lodae of A. P. A's.
ex priest named Daly baa been lecturing
A couple men bad a fight a couple nights
ago. 1 be man who got whipped ciaimea
a toul.
The school election in Eugene was an
exciting affair. 502 votes were cast, 150
women being among tbe voters.
A man who put an ad. in tbe Democrat
had an anewer before breakfast this morn
ing. He thought that was quick work.
Tbe editors are appreciated in Eas'ern
Oregon. Ino quill manipulator ot tbe Mil
ton Eagle has been elected scbooi clerk.
A special car was on the noon train con'
taining several member of a Michigan
sanitary committee sent out nere on an in'
vestiga ting trip.
The Lucky Queen Mine, of California, is
being revived, and several uorvaius men,
among tbeni Adam Assell, who owned
stock in it are somewhat excited about
Eugene has a large bicycle club. The
crazo there is as great a it is in Albany.
In fact the bicycle craze is far reaching.
Ail the towns nave the fever very badly.
Finding the business of buying sub
poenaes very quiet yesterday Tbos. Mon
teith and Jas. A. Wilson managed to be
called by the sheriff on a jury, thus cap
turing a two dollar fee while waiting.
Last evening Judge Fullorton granted
five divorces in a couple of hours, and now
ten more people are added to the great un
married world. One of tha couples had
only been hitched up four or five months.
1 Guard. No one ever sees Judge Burnett
grant five divorces in two hours. He never
grinds a divorce out. 'There has to be re
markably good grounds before one is
Why Not A Tat a Bill.- The Lebanon
Express sneaks very plainly as follows :
The grand jury failed to return a true
bill against A. F. Stowe, thus releasing
him irom custody. This action was due,
not to a lack of evidence, for his wrong
doing was evident, but tor the purpose
of giving the defendant one more chance
of reformation. By the aid of a few lie
nevolent gentlemen, bonds were obtain
ed a few days liefore court ; and by the
help of other kindly disjosel persons,
sufficient money was raised to re-im-burse
Mr. J. Hearing, whose money hail
been appropriated by Mr. Stowe. No
man, within the memory of the oldest
inhabitant, has ever been helned an
often and so generously as has been this
gratitude. Drink has brought him with
in the shadow of a felon's cell ; and, un
less he speedily reiorms, drink will yet
make him a felon. We hojie that this
lesson so dearly bought, will prove to
him a lasting warning and be the means
of opening lie lore huu a succexsful and
honorable career.
A Fat Job. Five members of the
houito have been revising the houte jour
nal at a cost ol $10 a piece a dav. They
have taken 23 davr, twice as long ax us
ual. The total cost will bo $1,150 for
about a $100 lob. The men w ho have
been prolonging the work for a little
monev will '"get it in Uie neck" if thev
ever come up for office again. '1 his ii a
sample of the stuff that is put into the
legislature. To the credit oi Senator
Dawson and the other members of the
senate committee it mav lie said that
they are doing the work for nothing
Thev ought to get something, but nut
enough to make it a job. Think of an
editor who would be fortunate thre davs
if saving $10 a month making $10 a dav.
Tokk os Piiof. CosiXMt. The faculty
of the State Universiy held a meeting
yesterday afternoon and one ol the cnt-rn-
ber had an opportunitv to get a good
joke on Prof. Condon. He moved that
the university adjourn on St. Patrick's
day, whereupon Prof. Condon mode a
lengthy and weighty argument ag&iniit
resnectintr anv luiliilav otheraiiw than
one strict Iv pertaining to American insti
tution. He was allowed to tinUh. then
quietly informed that it tuade no differ
ence, as st. Patrick s dav will come on
Sunday this year, March 17.
.t Lihebtt. W. T. Maxwell, fined
$-0 for stealing ex-dislrici attornev
Bingham's coat at the dejt several
months ago, is again at liberty, having
leen dih-harged ilium payment of hia
fine. There is a strong sentiment that
Maxwe.l, who has been weak phvsicaliv
and mentally, did not intend to commit
a theft and that there was a mistake
some wav in the matter. He has a wife.
a cultivated woman, at Dal!f, Texas.
and two brothers in the railroad and
tekjaph service. He received a tkkei
that will take him ca:. and will leave
tonight for San Francisco, and from
there will go to St. Louis, where he ul
enter a hospital ior treatment. He is a
member of the A. O. I . .
As IsTKBEtrisa Pkohlem. An Albany
business man has handed the Irnx-a.iT
the fuliowing example. Read it, gue
the answer ofl hand, and I hen save it and
be surprised st Ihjw lar vou come from
tho correct ansaer: Suppoeing there
a a hole in tbe earth 10 mile long. 10
miles wikj and 10 miles d-p. with a
Mream of water running into it 6 ft. wide
2 ft. deep and running at the rate of t
mile, an hour, how long w:ll it take to
fill the hole, aUowing nothing for evapo
ration. Artsnrrto Stam I'r. A few nights
ago Mr. John South aiter receiving con-
ierahle monev in I-ehanon, which had
been seen by several, was returning
home, when he was ordered to halt tv a
couple men who etepid from behind a
tree. Instead ot 'topping lie put ftur
to his hornr- and eoawd. One of the
men tried to grab hi hordes bits, but did
not succeed in geu;ng hold of them.
An effort was made in the morning to
find the men, but no clue could iv gotten
to litem.
Ksncsan Orror Corar. The circuit
court has tome peculiar eases to decide.
Yesterdav one of interest came up ltore
Judge Burnett and a jury. Mr. Hamm
and Mr. Shults are neighbors near Mill
ers. A horse of Mr. Shu'ts ran into a
barbed wire on one of Mr. Hamon's
fences, injuring the animal. Mr. sdiuita
claimed ruining him. Thereuj-on Mr.
hults sued Mr. Hamon for -' dam
ages. Without letting the case go to a
jury Judge Burnett ordered a nun suit.
Died. Mr. Lucinua Carter died of
pneumonia at her home at wells last
Sunday evening. The deceased was the
widow of Jowph Carter. ho aa a cousin
of Senator Toibert Carter, and ho died
nearly thirty years ago. Mre. Carter
was about 7S years of ge,and has rwided
a great manv years at Welis. Tbe funeral
occurred Mondav. rive children sur
vive. James. Willis and Johnathan Car
ter and Mrs. James lavidon of the vio-
initv of Wells, and Mrs. Henry Stroud
of Eastern Oregon. Times.
Tbe big pile of lumber on 1 1. F. Fit.h-
er' property, on the bank of Mary" river.
came from Mill hour, on theu. r. in Lin
coln county. There wa originally 230AO
fet m the pile, and when it wa snipped
ever the O. P. Iat fall it made 23 carload.
Already one residence, built from it i Hear
ing com oletion. and Mr. Fischers work
men are now engaged in tearing down old
build intra nienaratorv to the erection 01
new wareboute. nen completed it win
stand between tbe mill and the houre. and
wilt be 110 feet lone. 40 feet wide and
three stories hiirh. It will ne ued for
storing Hour and leed. Corvallia limes.
A uistinguiabed party of congresstren
are soon to be in the Ncrthwext on their
way to Japan and China. Tbe party,
in headed by Congressman Poolitue. of
W ashington, and will conit of Governor
Nelson Iiiigiey and wife, of Maine: Hon
Joseph Cannon and Miw Hlen Cannon, ot
Illinois; Hon. Lewis D. Apsley and wife, of
Massachusetts; Hon. Samuel W. McCall
and wife, of tbe eighth district of Massa
cbusetts; who is al editor of tbe Boston
Advertiser; Congressman David Mercer
and wife, of Nebraska, and General Ben
be Fever and niece, of Ohio.
Married, in Ponoma, Ual , Feb 2. at
8 p. in.. Mr. Haskell A. Holton and Mrs.
Minnie h. Banta, Rev. Dr. Gordon
Pomona officiating. Mr. Holton is owner
os a large fruit farm in Los Angelescounty
and Mrs Banta is too well known in vicint
ty of Lebanon to need introduction. Leb
anon Advance.
is amenable to treatment Hope
courage, proper exercise, and
from the inception of tho dis
ease the continual use of Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and
Hypophosphitcs, arc absolutely
Keep up good courage, and
v;ith the use of this most nour
ishing and fattening preparation
recovery is certain in tho first
stages, and may be accomplished
even when the lungs are seri
ously involved. Stop the exces
sive waste (and nothing will do
it like Scott's Emulsion), and
you are almost sate,
Don't bt ptmadid to aoctpt a tvtHtti(e I
Scott & Downs, N, Y. All Druggists. SOcandtt.
That Sprfly Receipt.
Recently the Democrat published a re
ceipt for spraying which is said to be the
best known. As our issue of the paper
containing it ran out we republish the
receipt by request :
Uiislackenud lime, 30 pounds; pow
dered sulphur 20 pounds: and ordinary
stock salt, 15 pounds; to be used with CO
gallons of water. 1 he way they prepare
it is to place 10 pounds of lime and 20
pounds of powdered sulphnr in an iron
kettle, with 20 gallons of water, and boil
in a lively wav for at least two hours, or
until the sulphur is dissolved. Then put
the other 20 pouuds of lime in a barrel,
or large tub that will bold all, and water
enough to slack all the lime, then, wheji
(iiHsoiveii, aua tne salt, and water en
oiigh to make the 60 gallons. The pre-
senptiou maker says it must be applied
luice warm, mil mat is not so easily done.
If you have a sled to haul it about the
orchard on, and work rather lively, you'
may le able to get it on before it gets
really cold, but in a wintry sort of a day,
such aa we have when Uie tree are dcr
niant, the solution won't reach the tree
in a very warm state after being reduced
to a spray and passing through the chill
air. It might be possible to make this
more deadly by adding blues tone to it,
but thoae who know eay lime, sulphur
aua sail ana wer an necessary purpoee.
C. P. Houston, of Junction City, ia in
town lousy.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Beach, of Corval-
ii!, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. U.
Will this week.
David B. James, of San Francisco ia
making a crank of himself by advocat
ing a racinc republic.
Among the sick up the O. P. are Mr.
Morehouse near Mill City and Mrs.
Sperry at Lyons, both bring dangerous
ly ill.
Rev. Poling went to Independence)
yesterday to deliver a funeral sermon to
day. He was called upon to deliver an
other sermon tomorrow at Monmouth.
Mr. Luther Elkins has been appointed
deputy proeecuttng attorney for Linn
county, a selection that ia meeting with
general approval by all interested in Uie
Sheriff Johnson, of Eugene, passed
through AUany this noon fc-r the pen
itentiary wiUi J. M. Bennington, sen
tenced for 10 vears. on six count, and
John Gey, for two years. both for forgery.
T. J. Harrison was again taken to the
insane asvlum tolar. hanntr been re
committed. Mr. Harrison baa been in
the asylum a number of limn, and
there is little doubt but he should be
kept in confinement.
The Drs. Beers are movina: their of
fice into the P. O. block, where they '
will have a suite of three rooms. They
wii! haw a suite of rooms for their home
in the residence of Mr. S. W. Rosa at
5th and Calapooia streets.
Mer W. H. Starr and U. G. Havne.
of Albanv, who came upon wheel, from
that city lodny report that Uie roads are j
in remarkable gtjd condition, and in
remarkable good condition, and that in
fart ihey are are better now than is us
ually the cax the first of Mav. Eturane
J. L. Scott, the commercial tourist, re-'
turned home on this morning's early
tnun after a three weeks' trip. He went !
irom here to r iorence and .laged down
Ite cjal to t reoent dly, Ca!., and
ck to Grant's Pas, takine Uie cars at
that point. During his absence he
staged over 600 mum. Eugene Uuard.
The la.t Y. M. C. A. social was one of
the lt social en:ertainmentsof the sea
son, it was emphatically a social suc
oew, containing the features Utal enter
tain an 1 plcae. Another will be held to
night, ami it will t a good if not better
than anv of ilxwe in the past. A goed
mgrani ill te presented, games played
ml a lunch eerred. Oclr iu cent, w ill
w charged.
What proniiees to l a pleasant social
vnl a ill tale place al the residence of
('. O. Ijkp. corner of Ellsworth and Fifth
ts. next Wedncsdav to be known as the
geographical social. A program of much
nteret will ! presented. A feature ol
he evening will be the geographical
part. Tanners wiU be selected by the
matching of cards containing Uie stales
nd their capital, at 10 cents lor each or
20 cent, a couple entitling Uie holders to
lunch ot ice cream, etc.
ArraactnenU are being made IJ throw
the Si let m-ervation open to aHi'ert, and
it i proba'ae a proclamation will toon be
Sheriff Geo. A.Landin.of Lincoln county.
publishes a notice that taxes mtut be pud
by April 1st. and that there will be to ex
tension of time
Tbe creamery people ars gmng at bui-
o with a ruh Thev are cot allowing
be gnu to grow under their fet. See
notice elsewhere.
The 'deviiine,"' a new kind of bicycle
hi!le i taking I be city by torm. It roc
hear an unearthly noise behind you do not
be fnghtenei. It u only a deviline-
The Rowburg Review boasts of a boy
cartnonint in that citv who promises to
rival Davenport. Hi name u W illie
Marks, and his work is .aid to be very
lever as well as original.
Th Mozart Svmphonvuin Club will give
concert on the 16th of next month in Uie
interest of the I. M. C. A instead of tbe
16th of March as has been stated by mi
Twe bov were conned in tie Lane
county jail twelve dav for stealing eggs
v hen the editor ot tbe Lkwocbat wa. a
bov the punishment for such an offense
wa a lire strapping.
A corrnpondeat ot the Le banon Advance
says lee widow who owns I lie bell to tne
church at Sodaville has been robbed of it.
noma one carrvinsr it off in a wagon in the
night. The correspondent U very indig
nant. ,rt
Pendleton is stirred up more than ever
before in it bislvy over a series of revi
vals, so much so that all the prominent
merchants but two have r greed to close
their store at 7 o'clock in order to permit
their employes o attend the meetings.
The residence of Dr. Gwvnne was burg
larixed at Salem last night, and a Williams
type writer, silver watch, gold bracelet,
horseboe pin, silver S5 ct. pin kind gold
charm, of total value of S125 taken. Dr
G Wynne's house was alco robbed about
Both houses in Indiana passed tne X ich-
oison temperance bill. It provides strtn-
ovnt remila'ion fcr enforcing the present
liquor laws; prohibits the usecf curtains
and screen, and provides inai an applica
tion for license to sell liauor may be de
fnatcd bv a petition of a majority of the
voters in any ward or township.
sit. involving tSOO.OOO have been
brought in Mew York City against Uie
members of tbe firm of H . B. Clafiin
Co. by Edward M. McGillin, who claims to
have been defrauded in business transac
tions. The principal point of interest
II, i unit i the fact that Clafiin is said
be one of the men backing Bonner Ham
t. Thn Dkhocrat predicts, though
that o for aa that goes it will not make
anv material difference with the progress
of llonner at llaiumonu interest in vre-
This U the cIom eaon, yet deer are be
ing sold in Klnniath r alls as publicly
beef, say an ex. Thirteen deer wsre
hmutrht in a few davs ago. and at least
fj1 imvA boon killed since Dec. 1. In Lan
gell valley it is reported that 300 have been
akiiuhtered for their hind quarters and
hides. This is an outrage and we trust
that the district attorney will give the
matter his attention.
A WaRhinuton paper savs Congressman
Bailev. of Texas, when asked whether he
thought congress could fool tho Lord by
taking recess on Sunday instead ot ad-
iourninc. replied: "I don't know; this
congress has foled so many people it
liable to fool the Lord.
I Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Gold MUI Midwinter Fair. San r"aiicl.
Highest of all in Leavening
Ax AppEifnitiTis. The Democrat was
the first paper to call the railroad and
other useless ccommissions vermiform
appendicitis. The word seems to have
met with popular favor for the use ap
plied to it. The Salem Journal after
wards used the word with the following
result: Col. Jim Eddy hailed the Jour
nal man, yesterday, in the corridors of
the state house with: "What do you
mean by calling the Oregon railroad com
mission, of which I am a member an
'appendicitis' and 'vermiform append
age? " The Journal man referred him
to the dictionary. "Hut there are no
such words in the dictionary," said the
gallant colonel of the appendicitis.
Then the humble scribe iroceeded to en
lighten him : In the intestines of man !
there is an apparently extra intestine
which is an useless appendage, which it
ia the custom in these days of improve
ment to excise, cut o!f , remove, obliter
ate from the system by a surgical opera
tion, generally to the great relief of the
patient. In tile state platforms and manv
of Uie county platforms the people of thin
state demanded that this operation tie
penoruied by the legislature.
Jnxig Hale's Bkoke'c Lku. Judge
Hale, of the eastern division of the first
judicial district, a brother of Mr. L". S.
Hale, of the police force of Albany, re
cently had a leg broken in the following
manner told by a Southern Oregon ex
change : J udge Hale enjoys the exercise
secured in bicvcling and rides a wheel
not a little. He was just returning from
a jaunt last Sunday evening and was dis
mounting from the wheel when his left
foot struck a rock or something of the
kind, instead of Uie ground, and threw
him. his hearv weisrht comine upon the
limb and breaking one of the bones above
the ankle. The liicvclc orobahlv es
caped uninjured. Judge Hale's numer
ous Jackson county friends will sympa
thize with him.
A Rksravrr. A corps of engineers
has been ordered to Yaquina from
Washington to make a stirrer of the
Bar and report upon tbe condition of
the harbor there. Thev will go there at
an early day and make their report aud
submit it to congress at the next session.
An important factor in seeming this
survev is Use recent purchase oi the
road by Bonner A Hammond, and Uie
prospective extension of the road east.
The report published from Yaqutna Bay
awhile ago showing the real purpose of
Uie groins being built out into the Bay
has had the effect to make the public
believe that the engineers in charge
have been doing everything possible to
improve the harbor, instead of trying to
kill it with these groins aa was at first
A Saw Mtu. Scrxmb. Mr. Giles Smith,
ot Coburg. formerlv of this place has
been in the place several davs this week
and hi mission to our city is worthy of
more than passing notioe. He ia endeav
oring to organize a co-operative company
to put in and operate a Urge saw mul, to
be located on Uie I aiapooia. some place
between Brownsville and where the
main line crosses ssaid river. Hi plan i
to get about 30 men ail laboring men
into the scheme, and each man pet tn
$100 in cash, Uie earnings to be divided
equally. Brownsville Time.
Tat Wheat Cttlooe. There is noth
ing of more interest to Use Democrat's
readers than the wheal situation, the
outlook is certainlv brightening. A
Chicago letter says that the government
report issued on the 10th of the month
shows there is only 150.000.000 bushels
ot wheat remaining in the United States
tocarrv us to the next harvest. Thir ii
bareiv enough for home requirements
and seed, leaving nothing for export.
Europe is bare of wheat and must have
irom some source, mors are advanc
ing rapidly."
Tbb Rioht Iota. Mr. M. K. Lewis
ho came from Nebraska to Oregon sev
eral months ago, is greaUy pleased with
rregon. He now owns VM acres of tine
fruit land between Albanv and ells,
and has a good idea in connection with
He will make a specialtv of apples,
and already has 1000 trees out, mostlv
Ben Davis. His idea ia to have onlv
hardv keepers, red cheeked fellows that
wilt fce sound in the spring when apples
are scarce and prices high. Mr. Lewis
also has 1000 gooeelerrr plants out and
will raise other fruits in small quantiUes.
Osb Wat. An agent for Joe Poheim,
tailor of San Francisco, was here Mon
dav and succeeded in getting np a raffle
for a suit of clothe. It was decided by
high dice and thirtv-eix waa thrown by
Frank Moorhead. tiie winner. Tuesday
evening Ed. Baber raffled off a suit.
which was won bv h. Muriburt and
J. Butler, nuniber thirtv-nme being
high. Junction Citv Times, l he same
man was in Albany and No. 43 won the
suit. That is one way of doing business;
but it is not the style ot Albany clothing
Johxsox Aix Riuirr. Under this
head the Salem Post savs: Senator
Johnson drove over from Scio today. It
might be noted as an incident that the
senator arrived on the same day that
the senate journal committee adjourned
This committee charge Uie voung sena
tor from Linn with the responsibility ot
Uie two senators working on that journ
al getting no pay. They say he it was
who ottered tne resolution mat says uie
senators shall work without pay. Sena
tor Johnson mav not stand very high in
the estimation ot mat committee out
tha people will indorse all actions that
relieve Uie tax payers. That committee
receives $S0 per day and mat is ampie.
Oostract Let. Bids for erecting the
creamery building were opened by Uie I
mniniittee this alternoon in the oflice of
H. Brvant. Trainer S Ganibcr were the 1
lowest bidders, and the contract was let
to them at $460. Tho machinery will be
ordered in a few days and will be here
bv the time the building is complete!.
which will be at an early date, l lie
building will be 48x24 feet of plain archi
Gene Simpson, well known in Albany,
has left Hot Springs, Arkansas, savs the
Corvallis Times, and is now at St. Louis.
Small pox recently broke out in not
Springs, and in a letter received Tues
day Gene savs: "Small pox got too
thick for me.l faced the music for about
a week, but when they laid hold of our
niever pressman and run him off to the
pest house I jumped for parts unknown.
I made mv wav through a Quarantine in
the shape of a rope stretched around the
town with an oflicer every 100 feet. How
I got through I can never tell. Kitson
did not get out until the 5th inst. He is
now at his home in Indiana.
An Absolute Cure.
The Original Abletine Ointment i only
put up In large twooance tin boxes, and U
an absolute cute tor old sores, bums,
wound, chmped hand and all kln emo
tion. Will noslttvelv cure all kinds of
plies. Ak for the" Original Abietlne
Ointment. Hold bv Foshav S Maion at
S cents per boa, by mail So cent.
Money to loon on farm security,
n. F. Merrill.
Cull on
Power, Latest U. S. Govt Report
Ex-State Printer Baker waa in the city
this noon.
License has been isaned for the marriage
of W. L. Tyler and Bertha Hawk.
Mr. C. I. Fortmiller, of Portland, is in
the city on a visit with his brother, Mr.
Wm. Fortmiller.
Mr. Fleming, of Hilbiboro, was in the
city yesterday, and called at the Demo
csat office to inquire about the present
residence of his former neighbor Mr. E.
C. Phelps, now of Waterloo.
The handsome countenance of O. S.
May is again on our etrets. He lias had
charge of the Oregon Produce Depot, oi
Portland, during the past winter, as
manager. The bugineg changing liands
makes' S-ott for Uie time being, a gentle
man of leisure. Sdo Presss.
The Epworth League of the M. E.
church gave one of their frucce?ful social
at the residence of Dr. Chamberlin last
' night. It was a live,enjoyable affair ,sucb
as the jiethodist young j.opie know how
to engage in.
Owing to at least three other social
gatherings in Albany the Y. M. C. A.
social hm evening waa not very well at
tended ; but it proved a pleasant affair
and several hours were paat-ed in an en
joyable manner, mostly in progressive
crokinole. A lunch of apples and pea
nuts was appreciate"!.
A farewell party was tendered Mr. and
Mrs. C. If. Hart," at the Baptist church
bwt evening previous to their departure
for Mr. Hart's former home ia Iowa,
where they will hereafter reside. They
will take them the best wishes of a large
circle of friends. The partv was greatly
enjoyed by the fellow church members of
Mr. and Mrs. Hart.
The young ladies of the college last
night tendered Misses Ina JlcCulloch
and Edna Price, two among the most
popular students of the institution, a
surprise farewell party, previous to their
departure from Albany. MLs McCnl-
loch is about to begin her duties as a
county school maam and Miss Price will
go to Salem to make her home with Mrs.
judge Wolvertoa.
See the new sty!?! in photos at Tinkles.
Bricg the children and have their r hotc
taken at Tinkles
Fourteen Siieti Indians were recentlv
arrested for gambling.
Fcr paickss or extradinsr till at
the Albany Dental Parlors.
Misses Altbixiae. dresmiEers. 5th street.
between Lyon and Baker -
A Sne lic of ti best bicvclc shoes at
the L. E. BLtin Clothing Co'.
The Sdo Tress think th recent legisla
ture was nuite a success because it retired
Mr. iv:pu
Tne A. O. U. W. have opeivd a reading
room ia their hail and ire caking arracge-
mect fur a uiirary.
Ladies, bare your psctcn? taken now.
secure an extra fine Gisce Enamel Pco
free at TinkSes.
Wm. II. Hcog Li just shirred from
San Francisco his larg private safe, which
he has pUced in the water works oSice.
A a exchange ears Seniior J. H. Mitchell
is on good terms with President Cleveland
and dictates many of 'be Or2-jn appoint -
Children' hats and boantts in all the
latest styfc at prices within !be reach of
all. Call and see Ice?- at Ve Ladies Ba-
Those who grt their m-eats at the linn
Dressed Meat Market, at Second and Ells
worth streets never complain of poor qual
ity, and toe price is always toe lowest.
Ever v lad v having a doaen photos made
at Tinkle before April I. wui be present
ed with aa extra picture, finished in bia
tiful Gtace Enamel, tba latest thing out ia
photo. I
There has been quite a raSing mania I
ia Albanv recentlv One 43 secured a hair
bridle, another one a suit of clotb-is and
ticket far a K3 pony are being old by an
Albany boy.
Another vote will 1 taken in Scio upon
tbe question of building anew ''a-v! bouse.
Scio need such a building, un I it will be
a wise movement to bond when work
and material are cheap. A 6,500 build
ing is contemplated.
The Florence West declares that Florence
i the nKt prosperous town ia Oregon. As
the editor ot the West is tbe gentleman
who wrote the soldiers home report this
needs to be taken with some allowances.
A special meeting of Bealah Rebekah
lodge wiil be held at I. O. 0. F hall Sat
urday evening. March Ukh. at 7:oO to ai-
range a trip to Salem on Monday evening
to be present at the organization of a Re
bekah lodge at that p.aee.
Tbe Dkhocrat recentlv mentioned the
accident to Mr. Wm. A. Pau . one of Linn
countv's most respected pioneers. The
Scio Press a s: We hear that Mr. Paul's
condition is very serious indeed, and fear
of a fatal termination are entertained.
A hair bridle made br L L Matner
was rarHed off in Brownsville at a throw ot
Raffling hair bridles teems to be
sort of a business.
Brings comfort and improvement .vk
tends to personal enjoyment wh
rightly used. The manv. who live by
tor than others and et-joy life more, wi '
less expenditure, by more promp-.
adapting the world's best products i
the needs of physical being, win attcs.
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Svrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing tnd truly
beneficial properties of aperfeet lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing, constipation.
It has riven satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acta on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrop of I iga is lor saie Dy an drug
gist in 60 cent bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name ia printed on every
packs;?, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any r uosuiute u ouereu.
tSQ'efj? ItTHtMST.
IS iL. riT roe a kin?.
nrn-n a riiiwi i rn ri r
3.epP0UCE,3 soles.
rnn rno r.ier it nrmr
Orcr Oh MIlUa PcnpU wear tba j
W. L. Docas $3 & $4 Shoes.-;
All our shoes are equally satisfactory t
ThT Bt th. best vahe fcr the mtmej.
They outota tto la style .d tit.
Thretr warBg qoalrUe mrm anrrnned.
The prlcM Rr. rniilomi. iptd m safe.
fnr t to Sj v4 over other mck.
if p.or teiJa ozjxA i&pply job wecaa. told
V Mexican
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff Joints,
Harness & Sad Ik Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy
Rub in Vigorously.
Muitang 1 jnirnent coaqajn
Makes naa or Beast weS
sa. s. i txtts srrrs at; m-r zzixzssn
mid ekr pot2r vrs-.tcs fatiarstse, br
ot brain toe Svtm rcwrr: lu Xisshooo:
karksns: Xlz'a: LoMesr Enl ZkvmzBsz Laek at
K.cassad b, orrOTrsto, Tomkhsi Errors, or
x?Me: U cf Tobttcrsk. Olum r Xaoor.
n Deau- By siaiL tl a cox;a for $jcvixa
ritts roarastei ta esr or ipfssd amr.
s?i packaca. corrtzlcins jrr2as' mKaeai.
wisa fall iatrcrb5s. orctv Oce rozpi
oe ; mid to eacc prrscic hj BaU-
J A Cummir, so!e aent, Albany
t (MSB C
Fsa, riif3 essr f r
'Jg2 m PftsYiirnv3
IT K Ttttjg3wbyrmJ.p 'HW
Tsar WisasasasaftiMrtja.
la C facta iat f.
J A. Cucsm!ngtsoIc augit, Albany.
LAD? ; i z
sim m mwa oj
aretbeciririsal acd ortl? !KXCH. safe and rew
babi. cor. os tb marfceC Pno SLfit: seat bv
J A Cummin, sole ageit, A'nt
flnalfs BiwHSlarfi,
Lspvct cr c?er2 SarsJrHM rar KA.
twpkim. lamii. Antiioc. (sir Akokai
jothr .Hani. fawtAini.. Wwnat,
ISIS. Ksstar. jtterss. CHrOkfiOk
Sold by ait druggists.
who care to pay a Btt'.e more than the cost
of ordinary trade cigarettes will ad the
Made from ihe highest cost Gold Leaf
f roam ia Virginia, and are
Red Crown Roller Hills,
Bttt floor lor family and bakers an
I 4k. ' iM
5i "
jg p NEW