The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 08, 1895, Image 4

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    1.-3 -ti a, i. - "M f i V a-il fc V-B
The worst cases fe
Of Skin
From a
Common Pimple
On the Face
To that awful
Try a bottle
ru ujLiiiiniiiwiMmjiu"
IB T ww a V aW - sw - aw - am - -
Send S 2-cent stamps to A. f. uraway iw,
Boston, Mass., for best medical work pauliahed
aaTOin. a C Paras. H C Roui, RseeiTera.
Pullniaa Sleeping Cars,
Eleg ntDinUg Cars,
rl ourist Sleeping Cars'
St Paul
TO Grand Forks
I Winnipeg
Helena and
' Batte
New York
Boston and all
Points East and South
For information, time cards, maps and
tickets call on or write C G Burkbart,
AsM-.t, Albany, Or.
Or A D Charlton, As I Gen Fasa Agt,
Portland, Oregon,
Is not completa
without an ideal
Combines every" element of
b cesary ana parity . at is oeana
5 j fying, soothing, healing, herith
I fill, acd harmless, and when
f 5 iiffhtlv used is invisible. A most
A dsl'ats and desirable protection
- to ue fce in this climate.
- fe
Ttr i r --'a taring tka gamine.
to the EAST via the
U ion Pacific System.
Through PnlSnian Palace sleeper
Tonrief- sleepers and New Redinin
Chair cfcs
Tr i';.s hfa!"'! by ctfaoi and cars light
ed .y S'iutHi-h Light.
Thvf ' t'!Hi-ani Z days, time to
N Yo-fc 4 days, whic'i is many
h"n - qvicker limn all core pet ilors.
I' tit ti-.U P, time tables and full infor
nta'kii:, apply to '
C't riii-x & rJoNTEiTii, agents, Albany,
Or Or
R u Haxton. CE Browii,
Ih-v'VAiu at. Dist Pass Agt
135 Third St, Portland, Or.
E?fc;!!y, Caickiy. Permanently Restored.
prr Wrtilcacus, Nrroiimea,
(- DcbSllly, and aU tha train,
Xi ' evils from early errors or
-"5 later en esses, the reanlta oC
hi rk-i X overwork. RlckDeM, worry,
i 4 1 etc. If all strengtb, devel-
.-' K .i l opmuD land tone given to
., I opmuD land tone given to
i -Ai)evttry organ and portion
V'J'l tliiM oral methods. ImmedU
.! I I "'il ate improvement seen.
Failure impoRtihle. Z,U0O references. Book,
wp'anaiion and proofs mailed pealed) free.
ERIE fiEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N.Y.
Uyuu r. :-c the PetalnmO
ir-T-i.urs BrotKi'MTf
C'L-'o- ittib Oil HOJUt
1 Catalogue
jr The "ERIE"
Ss. mechanlcalW the beat
Y n '' r?V 'wheel- PrettleatmodeL
V.2-i--tV' Sfe-BW Pacific Cnut
' 1 'I'-cHftloti . prices, etc.. aoewts 'jTAirriiD.
I LTAI.UMA IHCC3AT0H CO., Pctaliuns.Cal.
Ukancu JioubB, 231 B Main 6t... Los Angeles.
"tid, 'trcpon. A. P. Armstrong, Prin.
i : i a pit a l Uua. Col' re bulein. Orejca
.l' ' 'Mri ,t& ijf rtiHti kngitsk Orartmtt I
. 1 n iiiitn.u,h'.L' tilt v .. Htudt-nu a-tn;
:.J. l. Vvvas- HMH ilflCr KliOOl '
If .'i' FCWDCB.
1 i
f.'l 48 Page 1 1
V 50 IUustrateil I 1
The A B C
of Good Cooking.
Always use
Cottolenc, the new
shorten in tr. for all
cooking purposes. :.
Good cooks who have '
tried it never go back
AW j
rty is a vcgciaoie pro-
duet, ciore hcclthful,
tgJ cppetiiingand cconorai-
irSi ml ihnn anv shorter.ins
-?F:V tnnnn. TTave VOU x"l
. t
tried it?
Cold la 3 and S pound palla, br J cooers.
Made only by ,
Tho N. K. Fairbank
ST. IXriS and
E. McNEILL, Reoeiter.
.. ros
For tall dtUi'i call on
CcaaAN & Monteitii, Albany, Or,
UkVc. Pak . Aoaiu
In Your Own Locality
made easily and honorably, wlthcat capi
tal, daring your spare hoars. Any man.
woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand
ily, without experience. Talking vn
necessary. Nothing like It for moy
makingever offered before. Oar workers
always prosper. No time wasted ia
learning the business. We teach yea in
a night bow to succeed from the fir?
hoar. Ton can make a trial without ex
penss to yoarself . We start yon, fhrnlsV
everything needed tc carry on the bu
Bess sriccessfnl1 y, and guarantee ys.
against failure if yon Jat follow oof
simple, plain instructions. Reade?, St
yon ere In need of ready money, am
want to kno- all about the Iwst payine
business befors tho public, send as jV
audress, and we wilt mail you a di.
xnent giving you all the particulars
YRUE&CO., Box4O0
Augusta, Mains.
Southern Pacific Co.
Expna Trains ;ear portUcd balij
Sontfe 1
0 MS.l, 16
1 North
S-Ur. I L
1(K46a j Ar
- Albnny
8aa Prancsaco
Ar I 0. 2U a
Lt I 4:13 a
Lt j 7,00 r h
Atiov trains ntip w all sUtlon from
Port and to .lb ,nr 'nulusive. also Tan
cent,SliHl ,Hi!vy.rIirrinbufg, Janclion
City, Irving. tCignnti aid all stttions
from Roteburg to ashlaod lncloitie
osmrsai aursAH-r
dan I L
: Albany
Roa Vmrr
t T Mt
Art lO'Man
Lr S40a
Ar j S T
Lt I t-60 r
4:SC r M I L
Stir a I Ar
Di.iinc Cars on Ogckn Route
Altlii to all Tbraaifh Tralaa
Vesl Sid MvlaleB.
Vail! isAisoanr (Except Sanaa y
:S0A I
t. lira I
Ar I e s 1
1 1:00
sxrasss tbais sao.t ( Xxejpt Sunday .
1 1"
I Ar
I :S6 A
Tkrotiprli Ticlcetw
e all point in the Eastern States, Ctnada and
Europe can be obtained at owest rates from C V
Freak, Arent Albany.
-. KOEHLEE f. booeb.
Manager Ms't Q P.. nj
Portlacd Oregon
Red Crown ftoiier Mills,
Best floor sor family and bt'irra.' f
'J Betterv
jjlr - cooking, better K J
fcod, better health A
03 is SSS'
jfe$jf bror.ghttoanyhomcS
0J by Cottolenc Will you
Oregon not only tecsped Dolph but Jos
Simons, two thinga to b thankful for
next November.
Another spiritualist has been exposed
in Cincinnati, a very prominent one.
They are the great deceivers.
The Kreat issue of the next few years and
probabiy of the nest campaign will be
that of money. It is a great study .
.J.J M
Talk about debt; Baker county owes
$270,000 according to the report of an
investigating corumiteee. Another il
lustration of the fact that debt is a cank
er work
Calvert nd Barkley voed to strike
oat the $10,000 for the state board of t g-
ricuUure. But it didn't strike out worth
a cent In fact it remained there as
tight ss a rusty nail, a deliberate waste,
of the people's money.
If several Oregon papers would wa! t a
few months and see what course Mr
McBride actually takes as U. S. Senator,
they will not have to. eat eo mnch crow.
As a matter of fact no one yet knows, or
seem tc,know, how he does stand on the
greatfl nan,-ial question of the day.
In two years Mr Mitchell will be before
the State Legislature for re-ie;tion. Then
the wool or gold or silver, or something
else wi;i fly. It will be Dolph against
Mitcaell according to the horoscope of the
Pemocuat office. If so the recent contest
will be a mild one comparatively.
It has been settled The regent, T. G .
Hendricks, savs he ! ic?on8ible for the
appointment of E B. iicElmy as profess
or of English in the Ptate University, and
he alone, and that the professor did not
know any thing about it until the act was
done. In the mean lime Prof. McElroy
has been hit hard enough and enough
tiuis. to drive a hundred foot pile out of
sight in solid earth.
Under a new law it must be shown in
ail attachment salts befere an attach
ment will issue that the sum for which
the attachment is asked is an actual
bona fide, existing debt, due and owing
from the defendant to the plaintiff, and
that Uie attachnu bt is not sought, nor
the action prosecuted to hinder, delay or
defraud any creditor of the defendant.
Had Geo. W. McBride been a candi
dale for U. S. senator from the beg?n
ning he could no more have been elected
than a stone can swim. It takes no
magnifying glass to eee tbat. Had C
W. Fulton played his ca-da better and
kept in the background un'il the last
moment he might as well as not have
been elected. But he was in too much
of a hurrry, and fairly knocked the
Drains out of his chancer at the first
If provisions were made eo tbat the
members of the railroad commissions
couli draw their pay at borne it would
save the expense of a trip to Salem
Every thing shoOld b done to make it
as easy as possible for the tinecuristt
The next legislature will elect new men
bet it is to be hoped it is too lite, and
that then, there will be enough demo
crats in the body to do away with ibese
useless commissions entirely-
A new bill is this:
The county court of any county in this
state ehall have power as hereinafter
provided to lay oat, construct or in
prove by straightening, grading, drain
ing, giaveling, macadamizing, laying
puncheon, upon or planking any coon
ty road or public Iflghway, or any part of
such roads within the limits of tLeir re
spective counties.
The amendment made by the forego
ing is to allow the olaaking of roads or
laying rf puncheon as tne case may be
The editor of the E. O.etirs up a Salem
paper in this Lve manner.
There is one heart-sick, heart-sore, re
morseful newspaper man in Oregon. He
is the fellow who came oat for Governor
ixrd for senator jist the day before Mc
Bride as elected. He pats in all of his
spare time now in chasing himself aroond
his "den" in front of his own hrels.since
it is impossible for him to use his tees
oa that part of his anatomy which needs
ahoroogh kicking. This.of coarse, refers
to the editor of oar esteemed contempo
rary, the Salem Statesman, the second
best republican paper in the state.
Some one says bustles will soon be i
style. Tbat means war so far as th
D hoc bat is concerned, lt is bad enough
to have a session of the State Legislators
without following it op with bustles
Balloons are bad eooagb; And notwith
standing these things some women would
like to tote. Well some ought to be al
lowed the privilege and tome hadn't
Women who wear bottles and balloons
could n ver get into a potiug place on
der thi Australian l.alht and it
would serve them right.
Henry Rast, of Baker City, ie one of
the new members of the board i.f trustees
of the eoldiers heme If Mr Rust could
only travel from thut far distant city
K-,-')burr ten or fifteen times a year on
a pass and then charge it op to tne state
as he would probably have a right to do,
ho would have u fat thing. The new
board it mav le uueeaed will not have
more than three or four 1113. tings in
year, and perhaps not that number. It
is an interesting fact that nt one of the
board lives in Itoeeburg.
The Nevr York World, the leading
democratic paper of the U.S. is going
for Mr. Cleveland in a very lively man
ner for the manner in which tho told
bond sale was conducted. And no won
der, for it was not business by any
means. It takes no mathematician o
figure it. Bonds were sold to the syn
dicate headed by the great banker J.
Pierpont M organ for only 104Jj, and im
mediately they worn resold at 112, an
enormous profit of $:.000,000. The gov
ernment could as easily have sold them
for 1 124 as J. Pierpont Manipulator.
Such financiering makes any one hot re
gardless of party. '"
D. me novels are not llle onlv perni
cious kind of literature that gets into
our homes and poisons the minda nf
young ireufiu. ion giaupvi liter
ature jurt above the yellow backs that
ia at bad. Trashy from fie first to th
list page, a nut without any meat, head
made of sawdust, saucy, unmeritorious
stuff. A mind loaded with such stuff
will never be of any use in the world,
Cut Them Down.
The following from the Corvallis Ga
zette contains good sense, and In con
nection wliu it it will be well to remem
ber that the professors in the 0. A. C.
and Stats University receive juit as
big salaries ai ever. As they are paid
by the people and are practically state
officers, they should stand the reduction
in incomes the same as other people
Things have come down generally and it
is time high priced professors and state
officers got a benefit as well. Why is it
that a man will work for an individual
for a third of what he will for any kind
of a government. But here is the article :
Senator Carter gave a clear expression
of a palpable train last week in the dis
cussion of the University appropriation.
He argued against high salaries of slate
officers. Ten years ago, he said, three
thousand bushels of wheat would bring
three thousand dollars, now the same
amount of wheat would bring only one
thousand dollars. The price of other
farm products had fallen in proportion.
In other words the purchasing power
of a dollar has increased three fold. But
the salaries of state officials have not
been thus proportionately reduced, Int
on the contrary, in many instances have
been increased. So.while the income o
farmer has been lessened or annibila"
ted, his taxes for the support of tbtse
non-producers have grown. The mere
statement of the matter shows the in
justice of it.
There is something in the following
from the Salem Post to con. mend :
The militia appropriation amounts to
130,009, and that in a time of profound
peace. . There is no other state ia the
Union which rotes so much money, in
proportion to population, for militia
purposes as Oregon. Aud a large por
tion of it goes to provide certain gentle
men with good, fat places. When one
considers the distress and poverty which
everywhere prevails, the struggles the
poor have to keep body and soul togeth
er, he cannot bat look upon this large
appropriation as a rank injustice on a
patient people. Governor Lord would
do Uie people a kind benificeat act, and
add a ore! to his brow if he won Id only
veto this bill.
The editor of the 0oct watched
the proceedings of the legislature as
closely as possible. Take the whole foity
days work and it is doabtfni if any mem
ber of either boose made a better record
A) a champion of the people's interests
than Hon.E.Hofer,of Marion county, Mr
Uofercsme nearer doing what he aid
he would do before the meeting of thu
very miscellaneous body than an mem
ber in it. Hi constituents will certain
ly not be able to kick. Ve refer to his
record as a whole, and are particularly
interested in doing so as he is a newt-
paper man. Had a majority been of Mr
II jfers calibre the stale would have
been rid ol tereral vermiform append!
The Rose burg Review writes op a bill
at follows:
''The moat damnable bill passed hj the
legislature is that levying a 2 per cent
tax upon foreign insurance companies
Th:s law was enacted in the interest of
the State Iota ranee Cj., of 5a em, and
the people w hojeel that they mast carry
insurance upon tbeir property will have
to pay tbe tax, or insure with Uie Salem
company, which has a rotten loss paying
record. e be lie re that if lioveroor
Lord ere not a Ka'tni man Le mould
exercise the veto in this Instates " As
a matter of fact the bill does not make
much difference, for the levy is simply
on the gross less losses and retarn pre
It is slated by tbe London Lancet that
"The English professional classes, who
bead lbs list as tbe tallest of adult icales.
attain th average height of five feet
nine and on fourth inches. Next on
the list come the American males, and
a minute fraction behind them come the
English of all clase. Most aropean
nations average for the adult male five
feet s:x inches; bat the Austrists, Span
iards and Portagues just fall short of
this standard."
A correspondent in tbe Review has
studied this out: Has it ever occurred
to your mind what a legend is attached
to the period of 40 days?" We read in
tbat good book, the Bible, that the rain
descended 0 days flooding t lie whole
world, and onlyjeavinjc one man and his
family. Christ was tempted by the
devil 40 days. And now conies the Or
egon legislature in etssion 40 days try
ing to elect one great man as senalor.but
virtually failed and finally accepted a
The papers generally aro giving it to
Sheriff Sears for his conduct with Sena'
tor alcGinn, not that they had r.ot as
soon as not see McGinn whipped, but
that Beatss was in tbe wrong. His salary
was not redoced as much as it ought to
have been, and if he had not a brother
in Albany, a first class citizen too, who
is a good deal bigger than the I? em oca at
editor, Wat would help lash the whip
These are days when it does people food
toeeliili priced officials set down on
A correspondent of a valley paper re
cently in Hawaii says :
Al) native Hawaiian s are natural :ou
sicians. One can find iu every house an
instrument, usually a guitar. The writ
er attended a concert given by students
of the Bawaiaho seminary, in which the
chorus singing was far sweeter than any
ever heard in America. They sang both
native and English songs One in the
natie tongue having been composed by
The most meteoric of any of the legis
lators in the recent circus was Smith, of
Josephine- The Democrat has great
respect for the ?tnith family, but this
Josephine Smith, who introduced 28
bills is too much cf the effervesen.
order, and it is to be hoped Joscpbino
county keeps him at home after this.
The Oregon disgrace adjourned at 12
o'clock Saturday uightand Hie only com
mendable thing they did was to elect a
sliver United States senator. Astoria
When Mr. McBride gets back to Wash
ington he will be found to be as great a
gold -bug as Mr. Dolph. Tne Oregon isn
would not be so welt pleased over the
election were it otherwise.
Kvery member of the legislaturo who
would take one got a pasg, and the work
done Indicates that they had '.heir effect.
Any legislator who accepts a pass accepts
what represents money, and one might
as well receive money exactly.
Congress will adjourn nxt Mcnilay
Letlt adjeurn. With grand opportunities
for good legislation it ia o lo regritted
so little was done.
During the closing week the papers
have been full of the new U. S. Sena
tor George W. McBride. All of them
suem to know all about it. Some of
theiu have officially dictated to him the
outlines of his official course. Perhaps
he hasn't heard of it jet. Most of the
papers regardless of politics speak wel
ot hira personally j there is no question
on that point, home- have worked up
their .sentiments on the subject until
they declare him brilliant. Some say be
ia a silver beg and some a gold bug.
No one knows. He may not know him
self. Wonder if he does.
No one has yet spokrn a gcod woid for
the recent legislature. There is one
opinion on the subject. As the whole is
equal to the sum of the arts one will
have to hunt to find individual members
deserving commendation.
Congress adjuui its tonight. Like the
Oregon legislature, it does not leave
many friends. The masses don't seem
to stand much chance in any of the leg
islative bodies nowadays- The monopo
lies, troats a .id millionaires generally,
seem to ba running tnings; bat the peo
ple elect them -r elect those who elect
them and leally haven't much to com
plajn much of. It is t me for the people
to vote for the right kind of mn if they
want the right kind of laws.
Governor Lord during the week could
not conscientiously sign a bill that near
ly niuety members of the legislature
said was alright so he vUoed it. One
man against nearly uinetv, and yet the
one man wae undoubtedly right. The
DtkocaAT wanted to see M its Temple
ton gel the 5,000 out of sympathy and
as a matter of justice; but unquestiona
bly the legislature had no right to pass
such a bill. They tried to pass many ol
t iat class, aad some nearly as personal
did get thioogh.ln fact the appropriation
bill contains a number of items tbe leg
islature had no more riht to allow than
tnis bill, and it is to be regretted the
overnor did not have the poaerto veto
g part of it. Coneisiency Ij a jeeel, but
you might s well took for love in a mil
lionaire's horn as for it in a state legis
lature. The men one likes o meet nowadays
are those making the bit of things;
srd, that Is good many, as yoa ean se
by our advertising columns end in other
ways; bu; there are turn nbobeeaote
they are not do:rg as mach business as
in boom oars, tort of mi: and lose
their muscle; mheteas, these are the
davs of rustle, and tbe sensible gets
in, accepts the sitoa:ion and meets the
emergencies with the best efforts at his
Very Truthful.
The Oregon iau Uge'ting very stress
tie, bat in ill sarcasm it tells a great
deal of truth :
"The republican party, both from prin
ciple and iaterest, believes in high tax
ation for the bnei;t o! public offi-ia's
It pledges itself to !aml firmly atainl
all efforts to reduce the number of c f-j
ficias, or the salaries, fe and euiolo-
ments thsreof. It io:ts Out tfi rals
who have put op money for cjmpaigo
purposes, to secure the saewsfe of their
party and their own ejection, are en
tiiied to rjcoop from tbe uxpsv , and
through thrir elect wn a m ral o'nS':ioo
is created w hich fvfbds olid a to t cot
offer salaries sn I etio'om- nls 'n ! re
dartd. We roegraiaU'.e the pv.pW of
the state on Uie defeat of lh !Tiri made
in the legislator of to cut ofl -iee,
tiffieee, etn!ameot sn;l fes.snd de
nounce thoe effort ss the bright of oO!
rsge and injoslice: and we approve tbe
large and liberal exp-nditures for clerks
ia tbe Ws's'U'e, and j.oict with prid
10 the numeroos is ml sod the grand
total si the ap propria! '.h bill."
s II
The Eugene Gaud has figured oat the
standiog of Senator MciWide dsrecll..
eootrary to ths DMocar It says:
The gold and silver advocate are both
claiming Senator-elect McBride as a
champion, lb? senator takes rrfuge
. - 1 . , . . - i . , .
oeuina me gauzy pariy fa.i iiw, u.-raii
which bath gold and silver republicans j
ttsnd with easy conscience, and 1 per
feet safety. We predict be wiii be found
voting with Senator Mitchell and the
rest of 'he senator;, republicans ai.d
democrats, west of the Rocsy moun
tains, in favor of a.Wer- Senatoi Mc
B ide is something of a oltticiaa him
self, and do man of judgment thinks
him capable of o jm-niltio? pilitictl sui
cile by following the footsteps o I'jlph.
So difference what claims may ' made,
the people rosy rest assured he will vote
according to tbe will of the Urge rrajor
itv in favor ol silver.
It is to be hoped Governer Lor. I ap
points some new railroad commitrionerr.
If we are to have a board pass the job
around. If the Governor d-jes appoint
it wi.l stick, depend on that; that is
Lord's slyle he has a legl head. Linn
counts people would be p!eed to see
Jeff Mey rs be the democratic member
of the h'ud. He w.iuld undoubtedly
look out lor the people; if he is appoint
and does not tbe Dkmocbat promsv
to le- th? public know of (he fact.
The D)focaAT congratulates the peo
ple o' I.inn county upan the establish
ment f a creamery ia our midst. I. is
to be known as the Albany creamery , and
may the name Albany never be dishono:-
ed in connection with its cresmery but
ter. A careful economical administra
tion will make the creamery a success
without any doubt.
The report is circulated that the pres
ident will send a caunon to the soldiers
heme, and su exchange immediately
hints that it is on account of the recent
raportofthe investigating conimiitee.
As a matter of lact all soldiers' httn?s
, have a cannon at the proper tim?.
A compulsory voliog bill has beeu in
troduced in tbe Pennsylvania legislature,
A very holtsh kind ot a bill, indicating
that Pennsylvania has a member of its
legislature wilh webs on his feet.
General McCook sa;d li e other day,
that in his lorty years experience wilh
the Indians he had always found hi e
man at the btl-im of every diffiouli?
The people f tlm United States al
most universally v. ant U.S. Senators
elected by them. The trouble ia that
the senators themselves do not look at
it that way, else the constitution would
be amended.
A new proses of casting hoit-ghoes
has been recently patented. The whole
operation requires but a few seconds.'
and the shoes come out almost perfect, '
requiring haidly any trimming what
ever. James Vernon, of Glasgow, is the j
inventor. T j
Or. Prlce'a Cream Baking Powfie
SVorlil-a Fsl. Rlghcat Meda! and DWr
List of Patents.
Granted to Pacific Slates inventors
this week. Reported by C. A. Snow A
Co., solicitors of American and Foreign
patents, opp. TJ. H. Patent Ollice, Wash,
mgton, J. C.
J. Arnott, Jr., Camptonville, Cal.,
checking and unchecking device; F.J.
llringhain, Han FranciBco, Cal., machine
for making leather loops; T. A. Urycr
ly, Stockton, Cal., thrasher; H. R. Dea
con and lt. F. Lotpcich, Los Angle,
Cal., ily-scrcen ; R, Fnuiken, Los An
geles, Cal., cultivator; E. M. Hoagland,
Salinas, Cnl., rod-coupling; J. Ilodtrson,
San Francisco, Cal., Iwlt; D.J. Mcpher
son, Pasadena, Cal., water or gas pipe;
L. Maiiguine, East Cottago Grove, Ore.,
combined blacking cane and chair; I. O.
moon, jonn nay, tire, sack-holder; Jl.
r . 1 iM.ui., nan i.uis omspn, l'al., maga-sine-gnn:
o. If. and A. K. Piiwe. un
Joce, t ul., electrical apparatus tor owr
atmg dental implements; A Kosenhols,
San I-rancisco, Cal., conduit electric
railway; J. v. Khlarhauin, San Fran
Cisco, Cal.. key-ring; T. C. Bhankland,
wuhiunu, vjai., venicie-gef 1; j, 1. rimith
Chico, Cal., riveting mhine: M. U
Wit.le and H. D. Preuey, Areata, Cal.,
luuncaior: n. 11. niuiams, Loa An-i
geles, Cal., collar-button.
Cauicatcuks. A-air audience attend-,
ed tho Y. M. O. A. lwneftt at the opera
house last night. They were well pleas
ed with the program presented. A quar
tet by Mesors Achison, Fortmiller, Goff
and Sears was well received. Mr. C. C.
fliguo then took the stago and for an
hour and a half canned much amuse
ment with his pencil, rapidly putting on
his paper all kinds of people, big China
men and little Chinamen, tall and short
men, center rushes and no rushes.. He
was assisted in his picture of tho China
boy and the bee by Mr. Ralph Knain.
who recited Ah Sid. The Albany men
iiortrayed were W. R. Blain, John A.
Crawfurd, Nimrod Payne, T. J. Stiles,
ana A. u. Harker, though there was
some dixpute as to the Fatter. If the
list is correct Mr. Hogne will please
bring the leather medal around to the
Democrat olhce. The college quartet.
Messrs. McCulkich, Bryant, Altermatt
and Eiumett cktsed the entertainment
with a song.
A Pasce Bkokkx Up. A dance w as
given acroM the river last night at the
grange hall by a couple of Cloverdale
young men. It was a very peaceable
anatr, until su.Mcniy it was broken np
Pv an Aitwnv young man. According to
the report given the DixortiT by one of
those present, about 11 o'clock " Walter
Farrvll took a chair and delibcratelv
threw it at one of the chandeliers, hit
ting it fairly and mashing ever lamp in
U: theo be took wmother chair and reck
lewlT threw it s the other ebandelier
breaking all the lamps hut one. The
kerosene blase,! up; hot th names were
extinguished by the yourrg men witn
tlieir overcoats. The smell of kcrw?ne
prevailed, and all th members o( the
party left for their homes.
Soi Appoistmests. Governor Lord
has made the fallowing additional
pointments: Medical examiners:
maths W. II. Savior, Portland, 5 vers;
V. A. Cusick, Salem, 3 vears; W. K.
Carll, (vfl Citv, 2 vears. Homoeo
path U. E. Miller, Portland. 4 years.
fcelertic . ilfltrtineu, emrjerg. 1
year. To fill 0 pi red terms of members
of wate Urd of horticulture, by the
state executive council rompoeed of gov
ernor, rax-retary and trvanrer: John
Mtnto, Salem, m pla-e of R. I). Allen,
2nd district. Kmtl Shanno. The Dalles.
mim-wls himet-lf.
h district. (Li. A.
Nal4e. Milton, in plaot- of James Hen-
dendiot, 5th district.
Itaow nsyiu-K. Wm. Cochran, who
has resided in San Jaw. Calif., for the
jat ten years, returned to this place
Ttiesdav morning. He txpect q re
main all summer, visiting with his chil
dren in this nrighlwvhnol.
W. A. CaHer has just completed tak
ing tha census for school district No. 52,
and fin-Is that there are 2S1 children of
school agt Hi toys and 140 girts. This
is sn increase of about 22 ow laat year.
We want ewry town and hamlet in
Linn county to understand the fact that
we. t. e., Brownsville, are going to cele
lirale Uie 4th of July, and destine them
to govern themselves acuwlingly.
O. P. CVediow has been verv sick since
last Friday. At last reports he was not
improving as rapidly as " his friends
would like. Time.
Ansa H-.ulke Thieve. Mr. Pond, of
Brownviile, has sworn out complaint
here for tbe arrest of a couple of fellows
who stJe oae horses from him a cou
ple of weeks ago, and are reported to be
was armeti with the warrant aad left
yesteritav in sewrrh of the men, but had
not r-iuroed at a la;e hmir last niuht
Mr. Pnd i"ay he han Ut-a ofjt-red 2-'0
f.r the bom-, t wo in naralwr. There
are two men c-ued of the theft, and
thev will doubtless be cailurel Wfore
proceeding far. Kugene Register.
A Gamitv C.tTt-n. Ceu. p.riggs caught
from the Willamette river this week a
"dola varden" trotit that was twenty
inches long and weighed three pounds
and two ounce. Anyone skeptical in
ivgsrd to this fish story is referred to
Mr. K. K. I'mpmeyer's family to whom
was presented this great trout, by Cal.
It took him three-quarters of an hour to
land this gamey fish. He had in use at
the time an ordinary, or rather small
line and only for his'great precaution in
handling Uie fish it would have freed
itself by breaking he, thereby causing
Uie loss of a toothsome meal. Review.
Too Midi. As stated by Uie seno
ceat several days aeo the new game law
provides for the high salary of 12000 for
the gams warden, entirely too much.
As amended by Mr. Dawson it was
$1500; but at the lat moment some of
the friends of wn-ld be game wardens
harared it to f 9000 and it was recklrsalv
shoved through fcnih houses. That was
just the calibre of Uie recent circus.
A Stkameb Race. Consi lerable excite
ment was caused on the river front yes
terday evening, occasioned by the arri
val ot the steamers F.lmorc and K I wood
both appearing at the bend two miles he
low the city at the same time. On their
arrival at the city front there was hardly
one minute's time between their whistles
for the landing. The Elmore left the
locks twelve minutes ahead of the El
wood and made the same number of
landings, both boats bring in sight of
each other ail day. While the Elwood
is an old NwU aiid considered a kick
iiumlwr slit! caiiited the Elmore to burn
her wood to tho best adantagc. Salem
Hon. R. A. Bentell inform! a (hat the
recent session of the legislature was the
twelfth consecutive sesaion of the Oregon
legislature that he has attended frcm tbe
first day to the last. II is opinion of the re
cent session makes interesting conversation
to listen te bat is wholly unfit for pullica
Uon. Toledo Leader.
of ingredients is essential in
medicines, else they are apt
to do more harm than good.
Porous Pliister
is absolutely pure. It can
do no harm. It is effective.
As an external remedy for
pains in the chest, back or
side, it is unequaled.
Let as Sellcllatlea liutuo jwi to accept
a aubetliute. Aucocn's ii abaohitaly the beat.
Allcock'a Corn Shields,
AUcock's Bunion Shields,
Have ae equal aa a relief and cure (ot coins
ad buoioBa,
. Brandreth's Pills
may be taken by old and young.
They simply assist nature.
It's Over rbe rreaeat
WAStriitOTos, Feb. 27. When the sen
ate adjourned tonight, it was with the un
derstanding that a vote weuld he taken cn
tbe sundry civil appropriation bill at 3 P.
m. tomorrow. 1 be nnuneial issue, which
has hung like a irrcnt mniancincr clond
over the senate .chamber for many weeks.
.m fuukui; BIIU yr.l linilltjllliy UUVipavCU
tod;!y. For four hours there was a storm
of debate in which the most conspicuous
financial figures of tbe senate were listened
b by crowded galleries. And then Gor
man, wliosfl financial amendment had
brought in the contest, withdrew the prop
osition and the subject was summarly dis
posed of.
teoliah Beys.
lIcKTtKQDOX, Penn., Feb. 27. Seven
boys gathered about a five-pound can of
gunpowder bore today, and took tarns in
applying lighted matches to it. A terrific
explosiou resulted, which will probably be
tbe death of two of the lads. George Ru
pert Chester Harton, each about 10, were
hurled 30 ftet againat a building.
Their Seed Wheat.
Omaha, Feb. 27. The destitute farmers
of Nebraska are accepting tbe proposition
of the Chicago bo ird of trade to furnish
them with seed grain, to be paid for when
the crop is sold. This will involve 11,000,
000. Tbe board has formed a svedicate to
handle the matter.
A Mlalag Areldrat '
Cerrillos, N. M., Feb. 27. A disas
trous mining accident was reported from
While Ash, three miles from here, this
afternoon. Enough ia known to show that
many lives have been lot. The accident
occurred this morning in the mines of the
Santa l-'e Company. It was caused by an
The Frtee ef Oraa(ta.
Los A.xcEi.Ki. Feb. 27. The executive
board of Uie Southern California fruit ex
change is iu session here, transacting bu
siness relative to marketing oranges. A
majority faror a raix of 25 cents per box
on choice and
iincy naveis
rbicb will
make them tl and t- '-'o
Appeal For Aid.
Editor Drm yrrtU :
Our attention has been directel to the
kindly feeling manift-sted Ijv the rople
of your state toward the destitute people
ot tho drouth stricken portion ot Ne
braska, and we hope you will notice in
votir columns this appeal made try our
Relief Committee. 'e have now two or
three week's food for the starving ahead;
still it is a long time until harvest, and
we have yet much to contend with. We
do not know exactly how you can help
as, for you ars a long way" off, and t
bear that the raihnavi aompanie) are in
posing restrictions on free transporta-
Money we have not hitherto asked ;
our wants are primarily something to
eat. We think we have clothing enough
in sight and will not ask fur more. Last
lr, we need means to obtain seed. For
the purjioee of eenuing sieed w have
determined to solicit money to be used
in two distinct ways, at the discretion of
the doners. The first will to boy seed
and donate direct to farmers ; the second
for the Wnefit of those who do not be
lieve in giving or receiving charity w ith
ont any return, but who behve ia what
is called "practical chanty, is this : lo
establish a system of loaning seed to
farmers, taking security ior the amount
loaned. protrtine and collecting the
detA as nromntlv and erficientlv as if the
money were place 1 with us to t ojft as
sn actual investment. By this means
we hope to be able to return to the don
ors at the end of the year the amount
advanced with little if anv lotas.
- . . . r
If anv of tout readers can spare a
little money for these purjcievs. it may
oe sent to uie trinana a-, wnii cavnc.
Omaha, Xeb.. (to whom we refer) to the
credit of Thomas Nor burr. Secretary and
Treasurer of the CaUawav tVntral Re
lief Committee', the senders in each ce
avlvisine us whether it is intended as a
cliaritaldtf donation ctr as a loan for the
purchase of seed. Proper acknowledge
ment of ail receipts wiii be promptly for
warded by Uiis committee. We siiall be
very grateful for any help, however little?
your iople will give us, end hope it will
not be altogether lost to them.
Tnowi Nobbcbv,
Sec. Relief Com mine?.
8uoaa-ry. Sutioa, A'hui, Or.
lUevatj. a tbsve sea ieTel, 2i7.7 ft.
M aa tem;vra'cr, 40.5
la p.rtare tmtu tortual. I
atasimaai ;e-(rateire 62; dale, ?3.
MiaioiBai !e.i,ra!or, 2a; date, 2
V.eaa ot mat warn tea .eratare, W 4
Meas r( cbia tanrn tea peratrv, 55 6
Nc tira a aiwam leasper.tsr 90 or
ah- re, 0.
No. tiou sbin-.CDsm tempentare 32 or
be!ow. 13.
No. times minimum tempt rat a res tO or
below, 21,
Total prrcipiUtioa 1 4i lochns.
Dettailiire from rormal. 4.9 inches.
(eato-t prK ) ilatioo ia 24 cottacewtiee
boon, aid catr, i'.bJ 12.
Total depth ot no melted sbowlall.
Pre Tailing direction of the w'od, N,
N,. of clear days. 4.
N-v f pa-tly clond days, 5
no, of cioody days, 19.
No of days oei which .01 or snore t f
preopitatioai fed. i.
.Vu day a on which .04 or anota peee.pi
Utwo ( L 8.
Datesoa which hail fell, 0.
Date oa which aaow fell, 0.
Date ol thaodcr stnnsA.0.
Dates of ligit frost, 1 to IS
Dates of killing or in jartoaa fro, 0.
Date of solar halo.. IS etd 19.
Dates of loner halo, 15.
To ran ark a' W ov!d weat'.cr since the
13th is h lajtogoat sptk dje.- ra iiiy.
Crocas,sno jrrpi and nmroi are mHuli
Joax Baicce,
Volanteer Ubaerier.
Tho motto of California means, I have
found it. Only in that land of sunshine,
where the orange, lemon, olive, fig and
grape bloom and ripen, and attain their
highest pert eclion in mid-w inter, are the
herbs and gum found, that are uk1 in
that pleasant remedy for all throat and
lung troubles. Santa Abie the ruler of
roughs, asthma and consumption.
Foshay & Mason have been appointed
agents for this valuable California rem
edy, and sella it under a guarantee at 1
a little. Three for 2.50.
Try California cat-r-cure, the onlv
guaranteed care for catarrh. 50j and tl,
by mail $1.10
Shlloh Cure, the great couh and
croup cure, ts In great demand. Pocket
site contains twenty-live doss onlv ate
Children love it. So'd by druggls'.
BAKER. On Saturday morning,
March 2, 1895. in Albanv." to Mr n.i
W. T. Baker-a girl. All doing
PRICE YOSS. On Wednesdav,
Februarv 28, 1895, at the Baptist parson
age by Kev. 0. 11. McKee, Mr. G. C.
Prtoo and Miss Amanda Vow. Mr. and
Mrs. Price will begin housekeeping on a
farm about four miles from Aibanv in
this county.
Johnston, on Sattmday evening, Feb.
16, 1295, at the home of her niece, Mrs.
B. F. Trout man, east of Shedd, of old
age, Miss Marv Johnston at the age of
68 years, 3 months and 6 days. She had
been an invalid five years, not lieing able
to walk or wait on herself in that time.
Tho deceased was born in New Berry
county, South Carolina in 180t, and in
1812 sue immigrated with her parents to
Indiana, and later to Kentucky where
she rcBidea nniu JBi-i wnen snecame to
Oregon where she has since lived in Linn
county with Mr. and Mrs. Troutman.
She leaves manv relatives and friends to
mourn her death
Werie lhaa tirat departed.
City ov Mexico, March 1. One of the j
most frightful accidents in the history of
Mexican railroads, resulting in tbe killinz
of 104 persons and tbe serious, if not fatal,
injury ot nearly iuu others, occurred on the
inter-iJceanw railroad at a point about '
miles from this city. The accident hap
pened to a party who had gone on a pil
grimage to the Catholic shrine at Sacre
A Sliver Meveaaeat.
Wasoisotos, March 1. Representa
tive Bryan of Nebraska abandoned at a
late hour this afternoon bis intention of
securing a conference of the free-silver rep
recentative and senators with a view of is
suing a call to the democrats of the con
try, laying down the proposition that a
majority of the democrats favor the free
and unlimited coinage of silver, and call
ing upon this majority to take control of
the party organization. He decided, in
stead, to circulate the call among such of
tbe house democrats a favor tbe free coin
age of silver, with a view to secoriog their
The f abaa Rlalac.
Maoeio, March 1. The government of
Spain believe that the rising in Cuba will
be quelled without much difficulty. There
are 4,000 Spanish troops there. Tbe ris
ing is said to be lacking the support ct tbe
anion, contituUonal, autonomist and re
format parties in Cuban politics, which
groups are represented in the cortez and
nnitea to pass tue uaoan reiorms bias ot
February 13.
a Old Slerj
Moxtgomebv. Ala. March 1. New
was received here today of the horrible
death of four children, aged from 4 to 14
years, on a plantation near Glenvilie yes-
Uiday. Tom and Dora illiams left their
children at home while they went to attend
a neighborhood dance, and when they re
turned the smoking rains of their cottage
and the charred remains of their four chil
dren told their fate.
A ratal CeUasHC.
New Tors, March 1. Two buildings,
one in course of construction and the other
in course of demolition, collapted ia this
city today an 1 killed four men and either
f stul'.y is jared,mained or bruised 19 other,
fbe accident occurred shout 9-30 a. m.
A Mm Pecieavx.
Wash wgtox, March 1. Toe debt state
ment, hsoed this afternoon, a boars a net de
crease in the public debt, less eab in the
treasary. during February of m.'.3Z7
Tbe total cms in the tr&rory is 1793,090,
aUaerll'e Seuceaeetr.
Washcto?, Feb. 2?. The presiden
Uday nemineJed fipreentative W. L
Wilson, of Wet Virginia, to be postmas
ter general, to snoced W. 6. BUsei!. re
signed. The lact that President Cleve
land Liiended to appoint Mr. Wilson to
the position has been known for several
davs to the most intimate friends of Mr
W'iUon and to hime!t Tbe selection if
one w&ich the president made cf his own
motion, without any urging from Mr.
Wilson's frL?nd.
A raetuaa rite
Postlasd. Feb. 2S. About 2.-20
o'clock this morning fire broke ont in
the cold-storage warebocse at tbe foot
ol IV.tygrcve street, near tbe west shore j
landing ol the Aibica lerrr, anr ceiore
it coo id be gotten under control bad des
troyed property to tbe va'.ne of nearly
t: 5.00Q. The ritcipal losers are :
Charles G. Well. Boston, owner of the
bni!dit.g and plant; North Pacific Fish
Company, Tacoma ; C. B. Trescott. Port
land ; F. C. Bsrsf, Portland ; Chlopeck
Bros., Portland ; S. Schmidt A Co., and
A Teas aera eee Lrrtare te-heaae.
Jackoxviux. Fla , Feb. Ex-Mana
ger Howard is tryisff to come to terms
with Coioael K. I- Chandler oc the Ut-
te s proposition t o !iae Joan L. Sauivan
sign the plex'i and Uke the temperanoe
lecture ptaua m. I uj are not useiy w
aeree. coandier wnu ire Dig etra ine
ieal. and Suiiivan trunks that his reputa
tion and the sacraSce be would make tn
gning the pVdge ought to eatit e hira to
7j per tent ot toe gross receipts.
rewtyw aUUeeL
CnT or Mexico, Feb. 2S. Au excur
sion train coming into the citv cn the
Interoceanic railroad met with aa acci
dent this afternoon. While rounding a
carve on the side of a mountain five
coaches jumped the track and wen,
down fce canyon. Forty-two people
were killed and SO or more senoos:y in
jured. The accident occurred abent 40
Kilometers from this city. Wirs hv
been down, and it has been imp-ss:b!e
so far to otin anv details of the aw!u!
A Baeaa ASalr.
Sax Fsxrctsco. Feb 2S. At a largely
attended rceelinz of San Francisco bosi
ness irea this aftercoos a "Haif Milii-m
Club" was organiwd The obj-?ei cf the
organization, as expresl in a resolution
which was adopted, is "for le purpose of
united effort in nriog:cg aboit such ad
dition to the rendest pept latton of this
city that it will aggregate in number half
a million of people bfu-e the.year 1900."
Tbe estimated population of the city now
is i. boat 300.000-
la Search at leas
New Tore, Feb. 2S. Saturday's
French stea-aer La Cbampacne wiii take
among its oassengere the noted cyclist and
noted globctiottvr. WUiiain L Sachtleben.
who goes via 1'sris to Armenia direct lo
head the Outing expedition searching for
i's missing correspomlet, Frank G. Lent.
Btseell Keauas.
Washixotojc, Feb. 27. Postmaiter
General Bitsetl set at rest atl doubts as to
his purpose of remaining ia the cabinet,
tendering- his resignation to President
Cleveland this afternoon. His letter of res
ignation is said to hire been brief and to
have been couched in the usual formal
terms. The letter was written by tbe post
master general at the dose of otSce hours
toctay, and was by him personally handed
to his chief a little after 5 o'clock. This
action was not taen batilv. As for back
a the early autumn, Mr. lis!l felt that
his law practice at Buffalo required hi
personal attention.
The receiver ot the Linn County Nation
al Bank is now prepared to pay a fourth
dividend of ton per cent on the proved
claims. Claimants will please preserd
tbeir receivers certificates at the bank for
indorsement thereon. H. M. Btutx,
Kaltimore Mod, Albanj, Ore.
complete line of j
1 xonn AKivy
in all its branches.
EMBALMING a. .ialtr.
Residence er 3rd and Catrpooi
K. O. T. M
meets everv Saturday e-ven ejj in g. ;
T. M Hall. VjHtng Kuighu icvite-J t
attoud. A It Laiub, Com.
Bloody Water Oozed Ont Constantly.
No Peace Day or H!sht. Doctors
Fatted. Cured by CutJcttraw
Ttr chad's disease, which was th worst Uad
Of caema,staru:d "a 'Tie '.-tuu-x like a rinirw'rai.
j. ua ncDi eo uer
poor liule f e litre had ao peace
bightorda?. TbenUatanad
on the other elite. a: aad ckla,
until ail were n aa a piece
of beefsteak, like a bar a
where you wonkl rub off th
kin, and bloody wacec ooaed
oat eoataaUy. Uis suffer
inKSweretRrnMe I know,-tbo-jS
h.; ersa bat six moo the
o, ul en-ij-i not teil bow bet
anL'n.' !. I t-e-l hie h&ads that
he wrmld not scrau ii, i;w in would rab hi
poor little cneeu oa i. - s mcii w reucww
tb Intense iu hiac. I t- i as f;ood a doctor
as was in rbiuvJci'a, wmi! i r laietms
hin,. leeaulof the Cl"K':ba UzxEtixs.aad at
once pwehaeed ttwm. fitrar.c -o aay tbat very
night he rested without eKratchiuj; hsa faee.an3
from that on he Implored ami son was entirely
cared. 1 would like anyone eafleriits; from this
terrible disease to see my boy, who ie la tie
tweifih year now. llis cnmpUrxioa U as ' Clear
and smooth a ean be. Tha I an nzMnuA
teetimoruaJ, and erery word 1 ir-e. I thaiut
God for my child's r-seorery, aid I thank to
Baanlactorer of Ccttoka.
Ma. E. - GAKItLK.
852 S. rorty-Sjecoad bu, fhiiatielitbia.
And tr reeffeee-1 tie rao-t erncderfd earns cf
Utnxa.''.t: 3'l l-tS--.rSrkUaii-iaca!pdiaaae
of inflate ' -1 ur:i er rawrded. They
afford ritt and steep, and
point t i -- c vs-a tie beat physicians
and ail o-i-c r
Sold tbrooshont h vnrid. Trim, Ctrncraa,
Oe.; Soar, V-; litwrssr. !. fmri Irac
AanCaE.CvBr. bou Proprietor, Boatoa.
At4r"IIoer UlCore Fi;3 Insszt-r," Btiiedfre.
DIDV'C Pkle end Bex? jprrltd and beaatifiad
CAQ I O hy Cctscc omt. Abeoiateiy pen.
Mothers knew the entnfort. atieuclla
aad eitaiite it vulirmn Aata-Paiw
Plaaxere, tlsry wouid neva b wiihy
Oiepn Pacific Mwi
CBAS. CLAEE, BapcimteaeVtit
Direct Lire
Qh'ck Dispatch
Lov Freight Rattfh.
erBaeeekiKfc WieaaT Eoatar Silvan a
aal et
i sci aa rsiwrrsm
Bo-aeierby Kh Mereht, frt,i
rmm veejetsa.
Hi iu ifib-Hh At if T IT.aad Tth.
"a- Company ream ca tbe ngn
asKS aailicg datew wrHboat notice).
Y..T freitrht ard pwrms par rf te ro J
to any agent.
CTaarSea J Beadrta. Eea A Co. X,
suvkat St Saa
- rT"6eo,ref
a,rv4 e-. a
1&CV2 IU. TI3 ec
Ritl'a.' OROYlU.CAL
Foihay k Majon, agenta
Street Railway Time Card
7.- csr i I leave cevxer cl Firs' a I
cb?ngtcn stseets ss fcHows:
- .lo a n f-'r TLebaaoa tnia.
.-jj e Orphan "s Home.
I ; ;yj " Ncoa train going sort
11:15 p m for noon train going sm'iv.
, - Lehsca traia.
t OThaos li-JWe.
" .
-:5S Overtand train going south.
For O phan's Heme cn Sarcar car
at a 30. 3 3s! d 4 j-p m.
tr wi 1 siM meet U itHOlw
he Crrgon Pailtic iailrrad
C G Bcbkha
CCniCK eS Ct8& F.R
TBAJTSACTa mnl Saaxtae aaBwel
tSLAW SIGHT ueVlFTS oa Veer V.r
ereauel rortlana. Oreeee,.
L"AS MONET c itwrond rcr-:j
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