The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, March 01, 1895, Image 3

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    Bv Falser Loati Metay.
: .1
1 .',
- "t r.
. Daily, 1 ct r day; 25c per month; $3.00
-. per year, in Advance SOc per month not
in advance. By carrier, 10c per week. 10
per cent added if allowed to ran over 3
In o,ltrn,ira. SI nt lnl
year; 1 1.75 for second year; 1200 for
third and proceeding jeaw, when not paid
in advance. Clulw of five new subscribers
for $5.00.
A Fussy Item. The following from the
Corvallis Times ia readable and funny:
"The examination papers of one of those
, who did not pass at the recent teachers
examination is remarkable in soruere
- epects, as the following questions and
answers will exemplify: Question. Tell
the principal points "in history of Vir
ginia between the years 1607 and 1689.
Anawer. Devel merit of the Engllist Col
onists was settled by the Pohantintots
and Pilgrims good many of the Presi
dents born thera, and 1 elp furnished a
flace for the capital of the U. S. The
ndians was a great trouble KorFork and
Richmond was founded. Slavery intro
duced. QuestijSft. What damages were
' brought about by the intercolonial wars
; in the manners and customs of the colo
nists ? Answer. Learned them to think
more independently when the alarm was
sounded they all had to jjet up. If they
did not they were all punished. f or Sun
day they huge brass buckles on there
course shoes and boots greased there
leather pants. Took their guns to
church with them tapped them over the
head with clubs, fined them if they did
not come could not chew tobacco only
but in the country. They had to be
worth good deal before they could wear
a silk hat. One applicant in answering
the question," What are the three greatest
t inventions during the last 70 years?"
' Amoug them he replied was Strope's
stump pullers. Strope resides near Phil
omath and was the inventor of a stump
" The Obatobicu. Contest. The stu
dents of the State University are very
jubilant over the success of Miss Veaaie
at Forest Grove. Below we give a list of
the contestants and their orations :
Pacific university, Wr. Sidney Shiach,
"The Criteria of Success."
O. S. N. S. of Monmouth, Irving E.
Vinicg, "The Western Acropolis."
Willamette university, J. W. Reynolds,
"The Proving of a Nation." .
University of Oregon, Miss Julia Vea
aie, "Alexander Hamilton."
O. A. C. of Corvallis, Austin T. Bux
ton, "Prospects of a Brighter Future."
Pacific college,H. F. Allen ," Whittier."
Portland nmversitv, D. Hasler Glass,
"Labor Reform."
McMinnville college, Charles V. Gal
loway, "The Native Races of the Pacific
Slope." .
Albany college, Miss- Abbie J. Fry,
"Sirens' Song."
. '
It Passed. The bill to tax all foreign
.fire, marine ad life insurance compan
ies 2 per ceat'on their gross premiums,
introducedr'in the house by Hofer of
Marion:, passed the senate this morning
andjfiil become a law. It is the only
xarffnue bill of this session and will in
..""Urease the income from this source from
130,000 to $40,000 a year. Senator Pat
terson deserves great credit for calling it
tip out of its regular order and securing
its passage and final enactment into law.
Journal. This simply means that the
people will have to pay the tax. Al
ready these foreiga- companies are pay
ing out more than they receive, and it is
a case wbare no home company ,of which
there is only one, can do the business.
: Used Asto-toux. The papers bave
been fofl of theuew remedy for dipbthe-
, j-ia. Wednesday week a practical
trial of it was given at Medio rd.- Dr.3 E.
35. Picket received from XDr. Mingos,' of
Portland, a bottle of ft and the same af
ternoon administered it to -a child of
John Norton, resitting about "four miles
south of Medford. - Saturday the patient
was discharged by the physician. It was
the first case on which the medicine was
tried in the state.
A Good Maxt Failures. Theexacni
kiation of the papers of teachers applying
for certficates has not yet been complet
ed, but enough have been passed on to
ehow that out of 65 applicants there will
he over 30 who will fad, most, of them
going down on theory and practice. Miss
Jda X)avton. niece of Mr. ' John Foshay,
who recently came here from Canada,
was neon presentation of a hie diploma
. riven recommendation for a state di
ploma, and the following were recom
mended for- state certificates '. G. L.
Oalavari, Jas.' A; Bilvea, 'Mrs.' Hattie
TiUotson, Mrs.W. A.'Calder and Miss
lva Templeton. ' - ,- -v ' ; ,
. ..- - . " ' i.
"'As Tsbas Mas. James - West, ,o
Tangent was, brought to Albany this
Hiorning and upon eoraplaint; b. W.
Xuthe and G. w. V. Holt, wis examin
ed for insanity and committeifcHo the
insane asvlum, where he was; takeli "by
" the sheriff and 3Ir. Kuthe. "Sir. Wst
has been a hard drinker for twenty? or
thirty years. About three months ; ago
he quit entirely and the result was a re
action on his system. Ten days ago he
was converted in a revival at Tangent,
and since then his mind has been going
to pieces. It is not thought though thji
the revival did it.
- Cored by Vming . -
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Words of Comfort ta Alt who Suffer front
" Dycpcpsla. '
"For years, I was a martyr to
indigestion, and had about given
up nil hope of ever finding relief;
as the complaint only seemed to
JJIUn "iro iumvvU VI, Wtrllft
under ordinary treatment. At
last, I was induced to try Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, and I hereby testify !
Xliab gilt:- uoilik vruij v..ixc7 wv A
ties, I wascured. I can, therefore, oi
nnnfid(ntlvrecommend this med. oi
t oil oi m il u rl v offlip 0A " O:
t,. " T am personally aeonainted
Yith Mr. Beck and belieye any
statement he may make to be
true." W". J. Maxweix, Drug
gist and Pharmacist, Avoca, la.
"I have used Ayer's Sarsapa.
rllla for general debility and, as
a blood-purifier, find it does ex
ft.iv as is claimed for it." S. J.
Adams, EzzelL Texaa. u- i.
s Admitted lor Exhibition
A good deal of interest has been mani
fested in the report of the Joint com
mittee on the soldiers home, particularly
as one of the members of the . board of
directors was an Albany man. The re
port in full covers tour columns, too
much for the Democrat to give in full
The following are selections from the re
port which the Democrat gives that its
readers may set the mam facts in a mat
ter that is proving very interesting. The
report was written by Ool. B. F. Alley, a
former resident of this city and brother-
in-law of Mr. t . J. Miller, ot Albany
The report of the board of trustees
covering a period ot eighteen months
from May, 1893, to October, 1894, shows
that there were held during that time
eight meetings of the executive commit
tee ot trie Doam consisting 01 tnree
members, and twenty-two meetings of
the full board, or thirty meetings in all.
We are constrained then to say that it
sliows, if nothing . worse, a lamentable
want of business capacity on the part of
il. I J r . x . . .
uia uoaru ui trustees, 1 our committee
further finds that the sum of five dollars
a day was charged by the members of
the board of trustees for each day's at
tendance on the meetings of the board
n direct violation of section 13 of the
act of 1893, . which reads as follows :
"Said trustees shall not receive any com
pensation for their services, but they
shall be entitled to their actual expense
incurred while attending to the transac
tion of any business by and under the
direction of said board of trustees.
Your committee find that the follow
ing amounts have been received bv dif
ferent members of the board of trustees
for attendance on its meeting: J. W,
million C'Hm ffKavlAO C1RTI. 4! O
Train $195; James Byron $210; A. J.
Bellows $30. We desire it to be under
stood that these charges are in excess of
me regular car tare ana i unman car
tare and otner expenses, inese amounts
being as follows : Charles lckell. $206 :
S. S. Train, $163; James Byron, $51 ; the
latter living twelve miles m the country.
and Messrs. Mullen and Bellows living
in Rose burst. The total amount of thexe
charges being $1,315, o which sum $S95
was paid themselves Dy the board of
trustees in direct violation of law. Your
committee find that Trustee Bellows,
after attending six meetings of the board
and charging per diem for the same, but
coming to the conclusion tnat this charge
was contrary to the spirit and intention
of the law, he thereafter discontinued it.
lie also claims to have returned to the
state, the full amount thus . wrongfully
taken. It will be noticed that the per
diem of S. S. Train as above given, . was
$195. Ue also claims to have made good
to the state the sum of $50, the above
amount being his salary for one quarter,
as secretary of the board of trustees,
which he did not draw. Your committee
notes these facts in justice to Messrs
Bellows and Train.
But your committee cannot fail to note
that, allowing the return to the state of
$50 by Mr. Train, there yet remains the
sum of $150 salary as secretary of the
Doard ot trustees tor three-iourths ot the
year, while it was in evidence before
your committee, that Mr. Train did not
perioral the labor, but that it was per
formed bv the Commandant and Ad
jutant of the home.
These men were not appointed for
their fitness for the position, the prime
object in their appointment being to
locate the home, their qualifications and
fitness being considered of secondary
importance by the power that appointed
Beginning a career of dishonesty with
the other members of the board Mr.
Bellows early saw the injustice of his
course and he did what he could to make
amends "for his wrongdoing. He has
assisted us very materially in obtaining
evidence and information, and has made
a clean breast as far as we are able to
determine of the whole matter.
The Cloverdale School.
The CBoverjlale schonlacross the river,
from Albany, closed its spring term on
last Friday night with appropriate exer
cises. Under the management of Mrs.
A. J. Alphine, of this city, the school
has made marked progress and patrons
were universally pleased. The program
as rendered was a 'good one from be
ginning to end. It was as follows :
bongoi welcome.
"A Bunch of Golden Keys," concert.
'Marying a Poetess", dialogue.
Ida Reese, ".WhatI Know," recitation,
Alice Staal, "Chatter Box," recitation.
The Church Organ, recitation.
"Temptation," dialogue.
Joseph Hopper, "Similie Simulibns,"
Katie Kelly, recitation.
Clyde Hughes, "What I've Learned,"
recitation. - .-.
Florence Dawes, "Guilty or not Gou
ty," recitation.
bong fheoe ana r razees Jvans.
Mary Reese, "Miea Edith Helps Things
Along," recitation.
Ten Ldttle unicfcens, concert.
Clara Hopper, "My Mother's Bible,"
recitation. '
Hear Dent Bells, song.
Phebe Evans, recitation.
Cecil Wygant, recitation. '":
"The Recitation," dialogue, " -, ;
r ' Louiza Hopper, recitation.
"Wiry Does Mamma Stay soLng, "
Clyde Hughes, song.
"The Jiners," dialogue
Josie Hecker, "Fall of tbfc Tay Bridge,"
recitation. .
Lizzie Staal, "Biddy 0arrigants Let
ter." recitation.
"The Clock," Ora and Xfrilla Payna,
Lucy Kelley, "Grandma VBeau," rec
itation. ".
John Reese, recitation. iL
"The Ghost." dialogue. -' . j
"We've got a Bad Cold," song. ,
"The Inventors Wife," recitation.'
" ine lTip to aiaura. uuiiugue. ,
Proebstel and Lamb went to JeSereoi
- .
today on business. ' "
Marriage license has been granted to
. C. Price of Linn county, and "Miss
Amanda Vors of Wells, Benton county,
Oregon. Corvallis Times.
A Eugene boy is heard from. The
Guard says 1 From a letter received by
his father we learn that Arthur v Lowell
has been offered a position by the "Asso
ciated Press to gorto the Hawaiian
Islands as correspondent. He has ac
cepted and will leave shortly for that
place. Since bis entrance at htantora
le has been for the greater part of - his
time editor-in-chief of the Palo Alto
Weekly, a paper published by the stu
dents of that school.
C. W. Watts and Frank Froman are
both candidates for the position of game
warden or protector. -
Twenty three members were admitted
into the U. P. church at Shedd yesterday
as the result ot Airs. Pease's work mere,
A very readable article on bugs appears
on our editorial page. By the way, always
keep your optics on toe editorial page.
Parti 3 owning property in Seattle should
nay their taxes now. The Seattle Land
Company attends to such business prompt
ly and iaitBiuiiy. :
According to an Astoria parer Messrs.
Bonner and Hammond, the gentleoten that
have agreed to build a railroad from A fttoria
to rortlana. nave cncounjureu unutptrci
ed difficulties tn their efforts to raise
money for the construction ot tne road.
The Democeat has simply given parts
of the reports of the legislative commitee
a,, ttio cnldier't home management, some
thing every paper in Oregon win prooamy
do, most of them with comments. The
Oregonian is very scathing and says: "The
thiug is more man a ecancuu; it m
gracc, and its promoters should be held op
to the scorn or all decent, patriotic citi
zens.'' - ; . . -
The Northern Pacific ha decided to take
off the Seattle local train and ran only one
train between this city and tbe Sound, the
through train. A definite announcement
to that effect was received at tbe passenger
office in this city yesterday morning. The
new arrangement goes intof ffect iebruary
26. No change is made in the time of the
through train. No, 1 will continue to ar
rive at 8:20 P. M . and No 2 will leav.t
9A.M. It was thought that tho Soutc-
em Pacific would alter its card so as to pro
' ; vide butter connections with the Northern
j Pacific, but Manager Koehler stated yea
i terday that no change would be made
j Oregonian. -
A Ian; tine ol new style outing flannel
st reduced prices at ofa ioung'.
Rev. Driver Challenged. The Ore
gonian says an open challenge has been
Charles Hagner president and Clara
Bailey secretary, to Rev. I.. D. Driver to
debate the Question of Divine Inspiration
of the Scriptures and the doctrine of at-
tonemenc with Mr. V. a. Keynoms, oi
Seattle, Mr. Driver to take the affirma
tive and Mr. Reynolds the negative. The
The committee appointed on behalf of
the First Secular church say that they
h&vo a letter from Colonel Robert F. In-
ger8oll, denying that he ever met Mr,
mittee declared tho statement that Dr.
Driver defeated Mr. Underwood to be
without foundation, claiming that eye
witnesses state that Dr. Driver was
worsted in the debate until ho sought
refuge in unparlimentary language. Key.
Driver has repeatedly referred in Albany
to his debates with Ingersoll and Under
wood, and he undoubtedly had them as
ho states. His integrity has always been
oonsiUereu beyond question. .
Mrs. Pcc.n Dead. A Spokane dispatch
of February 25 says : Mrs. Ruth Pugh,
wife of Asburv Pugh. died this morning
ot nemorrtiage ot tne Dram, sne was
born in 1822, and, with her husband.
came across the plains in 1846, and se
lected a homestead in Washington conn
ty, Or. In 1S51 the family moved to
Linn county, and came to Washington
in 1881. In crossing the plains, the en
tire equipment ofthe family was taken
by Indians. Mrs. Pugh rode on horse
back from Fort Hall to Willamette vat
lev. Mrs. Push waa the mother of eight
children, six of whom were at her bed
side when she died. They are John W.
Pugh, county commissioner of linn
connty. Or., helix M. Pugh, of Spokane;
Mrs. W. M. Stafford, of Fairfield, this
county; F. M. Pugh, formerly sheriff of
Spokane county; Thomas Pugh, of this
county; Mrs. James Frootne, of Athena,
Or. Her husband survives her at the
age of 79. They celebrated their golden
wedding last May. -
Wk.lGo Ahead. An Astoria dispatoh
shows that there is nothing in tho item
trom an Astoria paper about Bonner
Hammond not being able to raise money
to build the Goble road: A letter "re
ceived from an intimate friend ot Bonner
& Hammond, of Missoula, conveys the
information that those gentlemen will
leave Missoula for Astoria at an early
day, and that work will be commenced
on the Goble railroad March 1. Bonner
& Hammond, it is stated, will be accom
panied by a force of engineers. Tne ut
most confidence is expressed in Montana,
the letter states, as to the ability of Bon
ner & Hammond to carry out their con
tract. .
A New Insurance Lodge. A lodge of
Woodmen of the world ia being organ
ized in Albany, and it is known that the
necessary twenty-five charter members
will be secured for it. This lodge is for
insurance purposes. A feature is its care
in admitting member?. 1 he woodmen
have been established fourteen years, the
Pacific coast branch five, now number-
ring 9000 in this jurisdiction. The insur
ance is remarkably cheap. In tne nve
years of the Pacific Coast department the
cost has been from $-5.04 to 8.48per
f 1000. The Salem lodge has over 300
Da. Gaft Still m Jail. Dr. J. V.
Gaff was yesterday for the second time
since his incarceration in the couilty jail
on the charge of kidnapping, allowed to
leave the jail in charge of a deputy sher-
ln to go in Bearcn ot bonds, tie retained
without accomplishing his object and
was again returned to his cell. On Sun
day last the doctor was taken from bis
cell to examine and prescribe for a sick
female patient, which seemed to afford
him considerable pleasure. Sun.
Mrs. Cora Galloway returned this noon
to her home at Salem.
Mrs. Judge Wolverton Icame up from
Salem this noon and is the gueet of Mrs.
vt. jiaston.
Geo. W. McBride is the first native
senator ever elected from the .l acihc
coast. He is now 41 years of age.
Mr. George Savage and a friend, of
Salem, passed through Albany this noon
for Smith's river, where they will trap.
The Womans Missionary society of the
First Presbyterian church gave a tea at
the residence of Mrs. . E. Goff Satur
day afternoon. A program of great in
terest was carried out, the subject be
ing "India and the work oi our mission
ary. Dr. Maud Allen, in that country."
Mrs. E.-W. Langdon sang a solo, a quar
tette was sung by Mrs. A. S. Hart, Mrs.
Prof, l oung, Mrs. J. Althouse and Mrs.
V. M. Lee. a piano duet was beautifully
executed by Miss Maud Crosby and Mias
Marguerite Hopkins. At tne close oi tne
program a delicious lunch was served
and social conversation was enjoyed by
all. There were forty-fire ladies present
and a generous donation was made to
tne funds ot tne society. I
A Bixthoat Gathzbiso.
A very pleasant gathering was held
vefrterdav afternoon in Albany to honor
of one R Albany's most respected citi
zens and Linn county best . known
fioneers, Mr. Martin Payne. Mr.
avne'a residence was tbe seen of fes
tivities for several hours that warmed the
hearts of the thirty-seven, many pioneer
friends, who gathered around hishoepit
able tables. A tea that did credit to the
happy company was served and pro
nounced the best of the season, its ap
preciation being manifested by the
hearty manner in which it was partaken.
An interesting thing in connection with
tbe affair is the fact that Mr. Payne, in
honor of whoee-78th birthday the party
was given, and Mr. David Froman, aged
73, first met on the day of the birth of
Mr. Isaac Froman. aged 65. Mr. J. W.
LAlthouse, one of the guests, is t days
j "r than Isaac rroman, J. A. Urawlonl
u V nLlMt nrMPIlt Mil? ti V.
VT7, W. C. Bead, 72 ; Jason Wheeler,
7T; and Strauder Froman, 6& On be
half of the guests Judge Hewitt present
ed Mr. Payne with a handwme gold
headed cane, to which Mr. Payne re
sponded! with much feeling. Those pres
ent were: Judge tl. 11. Hewitt ana wiie,
Hon. L. H. Montanye and wife, Roeina
Payne, B. M. Payne, Leslie Payne
J. A. Crawford. Mrs. Lyle. W. O. Read
and wife, David Froman and wife, Isaac
Froman and wife, Strauder Froman and
wife, L. J. Marshall and wile, Key. V.
Poling and wile, Jason wneeier ana
wife, Dr. M. H. Ellis, Miss Bertha Ellis,
Frank Parsons and wife, Mrs. John Par
sons and two daughters, John W. Alt-
house and wife, Mrs. W. Phillips,
Charles Oundiff. "X
Governor Lord has appointed David M.
Dunne, commissary general; H. W. Tolfer,
inspector-general of tbe O. M . u.
A brother editor writes the Democrat
I havs noticed the improvement on your
paper, typographically and editorially. It
is the neatest and newsiest local daily we
The annual meeting of tbe Missionary
Society of the first Pres. church will be
bald at tbe residence ot Mrs. smick wed
aeaday afternoon at three o'clock. All mem
bers are urged to be present, as important
business p to come before tne society. .
. As the legislature adjourned withoul
electing anv of the commissioners as pro
vided under the new laws it is said the old
commissioners will all hold over, and also
game warden and others If - the public it
to be 'afflicted with tbece officers there
should fit least have been a change
It was currently reported on our streets
today that a man had accident I v shot him
self while busting ar Springfield this
morning, bo ton telegraphing to that point
we learn nothing about it. .Let us hops the
report was unioonoad, m we nay had too
many such accidents already for tbe good
of tne country. augene uuara.
Perhaps the oldest hone in the United
States died last week in Upper Willow
creek, in Oregon. Tbe horse lacked just
one month of being forty years old, and
was tbe property of Mr. Kone, a
i..i..iV-,i ti-. w,.;.,t . -
:" ' "3d " Mr.BowaV deZ.v'-d
' . . , . .M ' T
over the death of his old friend, and gave
him a respectable buruu.
- Delays are dangerous - A dollar spent
forilood'sSarBarillaloi may prevent
illness which will be expensive and bard to
bear. Now is the time to take Hood's
u.ia Pilla tira all hvnr ilia. mlivA
' constipation and assist digestion. 25c,
The legislature passed the following
bills, Borne of which have been signed by
tne governor ana outers are in inn nanus
' l . mi , i . , , i
ior signature, tne compilation is ny
the Salem Journal;
45 Creating 9th judicial district com
posed of Grant, Malheur and Harney
counties. M. D. Clifford judge.
41 To appropriate $10,000 for ex
panses of legislature,
135 To authorise certain corporations
to appropriate lands for railroads, skid
roads, tramways and flumes, for operat
ing mines, quarries, timber lands, etc.
162 Creating 6th judicial district nut
of Umatilla and Morrow counties, Judge
Fee to be judge, and governor to appoint
a proaeruung attorney.
' 169 To protect native song birds,
making it unlawful to kill. take, injure.
destroy or navo in possession, sell or
offer for sale, any such bird. Approved
reo. sj.
ai Amencis sc. code civil nro-
ceuure, relating to attacnmvnts.
23 Provides for relocation of county
oeai oi uooa county.
zij rrotect nsn ana game, and pro
vides for appointment offish ami ffanie
warden. Makes closed seasons as follows :
' . T fa
Mountain sheen, between December 1st
and August 1st; grouse, pheasant, Mon
golian pheasant, ouail. nartriiliro. from
December 1st to Santemuer 1st. except
iur ojiwuijiK purposes ; prairie cmcKen,
from October 1st, to July 1st. No game
birds to be killed in greater numbers
i j. . . ' , , .
than 20; prohibits robbing nests of any
game bird, and prohibits sale in open
market. Prohibits killing at any time
of any spotted fawn, or killing deer at
night, or with hounds; fine 2o to $200.
Prohibits killing all large game for hides
at any time. Approved Feb. 23 : not in
effect for three months.
220 Defines boundary to Multnomah
county. '
84 Fixing time for executors and ad
ministrators to report.
196 Amends "soldiers homo act of
189S, approved Feb. 25; in effect.
161 Fixing my of county clerks, re
corders and sheriffs.
226 Amends ballot law. repeals Aus
tralian ballot as at present, but substi
tutes a similar ballot, providing that, in
stead of erasing candidates not desired,
simply making a mark .before name of
candidate wanted.
Prevents title to streets and other
public property, being lost by adverse
occupancy. .;.
ISO froTkles for new sewer from
asylnm and penitentiary to river to cost
$15,000. . .
i 201 To regulate tiractlce of medii-in
and luigeryt create board of fire w,ho
have been physiciaas for seven yean,
three regulars, one electric and one
hotneopaUw-. ,,;,. ;.t ..,
Z2 Provides for :orsauation and
government of irrigatioa district.
2s uenning a felon -
24 Extends tima tot judgment debtors
to rvdeem ia one year'
The bill to amend hr attachment law
makes no importantV change but only
makes the law dearer. Approved Feb.
23. Ko emergency clause.
15 Exempts all land within the
bounds of a county road free from taxa
tion. Approved Feb. 25.
23 Provides for recording assign
ments, transfers and satisfaction of
mortgages to be recorded at full length.
In effect February 23.
156 Provides for building branch in
sane asylum at Union, Or., and appro
priates $1 40,000. Approved and in effect
since February 6. Superwtendent to
have $6 a day.
113 Mikes all streets and alleys in
unincorporated towns public highways.
244 Authorises coonty court of Lane
county to operate free ferry.
61 Amends road law to allow county
court to construct puncheon or plank
1 Repeals jute mill act.
33 Amends attachment law.
8 Authorise mayors of unincorporat
ed towns to bid in property sold for
74 Raises age of consent to sixteen
75 Amends contagious disease of an
imals act.
112 Requires superintendent ot
asylum to report to county death or
discharge oi patients.
41 Authorises school districts of 25,
000 population and over to borrow
money. Approved Jan. 29.
65 To authorise Governor to appoint
timber land commissioner to select lieu
school lands. Approved Feb. 19.
383 Oeneral appropriation bill. Ap
proved Feb. 23.
83 fixing salaries of county treasur
ers. 221 Authorises Governor to lease to
any firm or person convict labor not to
exceed 10 years, at not lens than 35 cents
a day. Approved Feb. 23 and in effect.
375 Creates office of surveyor of lum
ber in the log for Coos and Lane counties.
2. Creates State Board of Horticul
ture to be appointed by - tbe governor.
secretary ot atateand tteasurer, compos
ed of six members,. appropriates f )000.
Approved Feb pUuta u effect.
-'" '- . ciutm SILLS. '
To authorize city of Astoria to con
demn, purchase or acquire a bridge
across Young's bay, and issue, $100,000
bond therefor. . "
To Vgalixe bonded indeUedneJW of city
of Astoria. J .v ' 4
To amend" charter of- Firry m-e. Mc-
MiBfylUe," Burnt, Dallae (K)Ul Hill,
Jackson county... Sheridan, Mu Angel,
dependence, Oakland, Canyon City,
rortlana. i.wiie v.;icv. Aiamsburg, Burns,
Hvbbard, Wood bum, . Corvallis. ' East
Cottage Grove, Forest Grove, Oregon
City, Athens, Brownsville, Baker City.
county ot unrom added to at tnmciai
district, Hiilsboro, Dundee, Albany,
Senate bills 0, military code,
flft For relief of Iva Temnleton
House bill 880, to legalise remission of
penalty ot Amngton s bondsmen.
renaie oiii oo, uemo roriage um.
House bill 14-, sheriffs mileage bill.
228 Creates office of county auditor of
Muitnoman county.
229 rixea compensation oi justices
and constables in cities of 60,000.
79 To regulate the incorporation and
business of building and loan and sav
ings and loan associations doing a gener
al business.
842 Fixing time holding court first
42 Forming dyke districts on lands
subject to tidal and freshet overflow,
same as drainage law.
45 Amanda pharmacy act and pro
vides pumsiiment under same.
40 Amends act to protect salmon and
other food nsnes.
27 To protect fish in Wallowa lake.
Charter bill 5: Rose burg, Astoria,
Corvallis, correct commission, in Port
land charter, Ashland, amend Portland
charter. i
116 Provides blacksmiths with hen
for cost of shoeing horses.i In effect May
251 Prohibits minors from going into
and visiting places of evil resort, and
prevent and punish any person for re-
o nesting or directing minors to go into
or visit any such place. -
i -liequipes tjvery nre, are sou mar
i;,. i;. .;.it
and boiler Insurance company in this
state to take out .,a license, report its
business annually by statement of its
gross premiums,-and pay two per cent
tax on such gross premiums less losses
paid within the state and premiums ro l
turned, such tax to be in lieu of all taxes
on personal property. in enect aiay zo
A Pbclxiab; Oasb. It will be remem
bered that jusl about two years ago, after
L. Bilyeu had cleared a man in court on
a charge of stealing a watch, his house
was entered one night and his gold watch
and chain and about tlOO in money was
stolen. No trace of the articles or of the
thief could bo found. Yesterday Mr,
Bilyeu received from a friend at a dig.
tance - the charm that was on the chain
. . -m. .. I I . 1 i w ti:i
j U u 1 junmmw vuarui, uu ium mr. xm
. .Veu's name on the back of it. The set-
ffi .aigisis gone, wnere wis cnarm was
. . tin A, - t
fibund, or how his friend came by it, Mr.
Bilyeu does not know, and has written
i l .... t, :....
ior parvivuiwrc, xjuuiic jlvcioiaji .
Governor Lord has vetoed senate bill 197,
known as the pure food law. His meaam
is brief and is in tae following words: "To
the legislative assembly My objection to
senate bill 197 to prevent the sale of un
wholesome food, etc., is tnat its retire
ments are compucaicu auu its provisions
oo meddlesome for the doing of business.
The Time to Spbay. This is the sea
son of the year for spraying trees. What
is best to do it with. Hani Clark, tf
Salem, pays: Dr. J. Reynolds, of Salem,
who is the most advanced Jiorticulturist
in this vicinity, ami grows tho best of
fruit of all sorts without env help from
the state of Oregon, succeeds in making
liiue. sulnhur and salt destroy the mns
oh his apple trees, the fungi on all his
fruit trees, also the various insects that
hav annoyed him in the past, are de
stroyed by the use of this simple rcmpjyaj-!
The ingredients of this spray are: UnA
slacked lime. 30 pounds: powdered mi!.
nhur 20 iounds and ordinary stork milt
45 pound; to lie used with 60 gallons of
water. The way they prepare it is to
place 10 pounds of lime ami 20 pounds of
powdered suipiiur in art iron kettle, with
20 gallons ot water, ana uou m a lively
way for at least two hours, or until the
sulphur is diwolved. Then put the other
20 ponrids of lime in a barrrel, or large
iud mat win ihwi an, ami water enougu
to Black all the lime, then, when dis
solved, add the salt, and water enough
to make the 60 gallons. The prescription
maker says it must be applied luke warm,
but that is not so easily done, , If you
have a sled to haul it about the orchard
on, and work ratner uveiy, you may be
able to get it on before it gets really cold,
but in a wintry sort of a day, such as we
have when the trees are dormant, the
solution won't reach the tree in a very
warm state after beuig reduced to a spray
and passing through the chill air. It
might bo possible to make this more
deadly by adding bluestonc to it, but
those who know say lime,' sulphur and
salt answer all neosswary purpose
Bosses & Hammond's Roapm. The
Telegram says: A cablegram from Lon
don received here last night announces
the successful negotiation of the bonds
of the Astoria & Goble railroad, and ar
rangement for ample funds to build the
road, ltie wording of the cablegram is
indefinite as to the securing of bonds for
the extension of the Oregon I"acitic and
of the Astoria A South Coast, but as in
asmuch as tbe representative who float
ed the scheme m London ha arranged
to leave that city at once it is possible
be has been successful in securing funds
sufficient to float all Bonner it Ham
mond's schemes, which contemplate an
extension of the Oregon Pacific into
Eastern Oregon, and of the Astoria A
South Coast along the route originally
proposed for the road, i This is merely
simulation, however, the only thing
definite being that the money lias l
secured for the t wilding of the lit txJro
(ob la to Astoria. Messrs. B inner A
Hammond, the contractor.-L expect
ed to leave Missoula for Pot 'Sand within
a day or two, accompanied by a corps of
engineers, and work on the fine will be
commenced early in March and be fairly
under headway hy the April I, the date
called for by the "contract for its com
mencement. Already men are said to
be coming in in anticipation of securing
employment on the line, and it is un
likely that so many more will follow
that Portland's unemployed may be aa
great as though the road was not to be
built. If, however, the proposed exten
sions of the Oregon Pacific and Astoria
& South Coast roads are carried out
there will Im work for all unlets other
sections dump an unreasonable number
of men into Oregon.
Kicirr Fbom the noruEB. The edi
tor of the Jacksonville Times, who was
one of the trustees of the soldiers' home,
savs: The report ot the committee
hich was appointed by the legislature
to investigate the Oregon Soldiers' Home
is one of the mort damnable things that
was ever foisted on a kng-uffering pub
lic. It reeks with fabwhood, rpite and
injustice, and will be shown up in iu
true light in due course of time. The
part played by certain members of the
A. ft. in tnis alleged investigation is
not at all complimentary to them. Ex
cept in minor details it is lased upon
the bald aaeertions of an individual w ho
is errfippkiKXi few hi suwtntmtv. gwed
and general cmwednenw, and who be
came ditiruntlvl because he could not
use the board of tru!- of tbe home for
is unholy designs. The father of the
report is an ignorant, unswrunuJou
crank from Marion count v, who has
been repudiated by his ow n party and
livr upon ttw crumbs which fall from
the table of his political and fraternal
ThatSalaey Kill. .Senate bill 161 in
Pfciercnc to the salaries of cU-rk.hcri2s
and rvcorrii r provides fr a salary ol
fOXX) for Uie cicra of Linn county ; tne
recorder tlSOO, while the recorder of
Marion county gets only 1200 and 7$Q
for a deputy. 'The she nil of linn county
will receive 3000, of Marion aiUOO. Sher
iffs shall aim be paid for boarding pris
oners; shall be entitled to rewarua; to
receive pay for conveying convicts or in
sane to the reflective" imrtitutionj : to re
ceive reasonable expense incurred for
care of property under attachinc or
other proceeding ; alao WHi-ssarT expen-
ses when goieg To another county on
ararnsai busincaav-'This btU baa tecn
signed by the governor.
Din Rr Do It. yierdy afternoon
William Ray, who had "$wt returned
from California, waaarrevted ia hlsteel-
lar at Lebanon by Morgan on
the charge of attemptiijs to murder
Joseph Buhl last October: fH was hel.l
under flOOO bonds and btvught to Al
bany and placed in jail tniti! "the grand
jury taeets. Buhl was coming to Leban
on in October with mnne ho mooay
when be
hel4uponUielrWa't,sJToianingto, the-; prof esed followers of
the ditch near
r Lebaoun. knocked down,
robbed of 1210 and thrown in- the ditch.
He got out of the water and hastened to
a neighbors. Ray wa suitpected and has
been wrtchod since then. The evidence
is claimed to b gool against him.
I Profoundly Grateful
8ymptoms of Cancer Ro
moved Rheumatism -Cured
A Chicago Clergyman's Faith In
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass.:
'Den girti I am profoundly impressed with
jp medical virtues ot Hood's BarsaparUla. 1
Vara threates wltk csusccr, and dis
agreeable erapuons on my nacx ana oibst
sUces. The cancer waa appearing oa my lip.
ProTldtnUl!r I obtained a bottle of Hood's
BarsaparUla, and by the time It was gybe, the
bad snBDtoms had nearly disappeared. , I bave
used four bottles, and I believe It ha r
Saved Ms From Premature) Death.
I am bow almost 73 years of age and I wrh
ltha a tiger. And I kw taat Doed's Sar
saparilla has bad much to do with my vigor and
strength. I recommended tt to my wife, who
bad suffered to much with rheumatlo trouble,
Hood's?31 Cures
as also with female weakness. Ia two years
the ha used about three bottles of Hood's Bar
aparUla, and today, and for the last six
months, she seems like a new being. Wear
Hearty and Robust
a th young people who live with us. 7e do
want the afflloted to know what Hood' Sana
rllla has don for as, and I feel It a duty to let
people know in Wis way ot in noip oDtainea.
Wish gnitarat aeknewiedgement to O. I. uooa
IL rovxs. Out U&nover Street.
Hood'a Pills are the best after- dinner pUU,
assist digesUoa, ear headach. 390, per bos.
John McDowell Shoots III Son-ln
Law John McCalb.
Cobvalus, Or., Feb. 27th, 10:40 a. m.
It is reported froiu" the Summit, a
small station about 25 itiiles west of Cor
vallis in the burnt wood. district just
over the line in Lincoln county, that
John McCalb was shot and almost in
stantly killed by his father-in-law, John
Thero seems to have been- trouble for
some time between McCalb and his wife,
which nnauy enaed vesteraay by flic-
oweu Having nicuaib. arrested on the
narge of assault and battery on his
The trial'cauie off yesterday in Justice
-uKey s court, ot Little r.m, in which
McCalb was acquitted. McDowell and
family went home ahead of McCalb and
the followed with the avowed intention
of taking his children who were with his
wife at his father-in-law's. ' He rode up
to tho McDowell place on" horseback and
called from the gate, asking if his chil
dren were there, to which he was an
swered by McDowell that tbey were. He
thereupon said that he had come for
them and would take them, when Mc
Dowell told hint be could not have them,
and it is understood from reports so far.
that McDowell immediately fired a load
of buckshot, striking McCalb and his
horse, the horse became unmanniHuhU
and threw McCalb off. As hefell he tried
to get up. saying "you have not downed ,
me yet," when McDowell rushed out1
with a' revolver and fired 4hrM
shots all taking effect in McCalb's aide.
aicuoweii ia seventy-three years old.
while McCalb la a vonnor man. l -
Dowell claims he ehotMoCala through
fear that he would be overpowered if he
auowea bun to get toocloaa.
f ? McCalb was not armed and from the
inlormation so far it ia thniurbt that tha
killing was not exactly justtinable. The
last tnree were revolver ahota, The mr.
"?.r.hjubeen Bent ioT nd the inquest
nu ic uciu lousy.
i Local Institute At Halscy.
As IukI been previously' announced a
local incut ate was held in Halaey begin
ing at 1:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 22 and
continued until 11:30 the next day.
Promptly at the appointed hour forty
teachers were present besides a large
n!m,fr LUie ltrona.of the Halaey
school. The program was opened by a
well rendered cornet solo by Mr. Cha.
McCuikxighjof Halaey. After some in
Hx'u:Vrr KMrks by Sunt. Rutherford,
Prof. Michner of BrowmmUe read a pa
per on the subject "History." The pa
per was diseoswvl at length bv Profs.
Gibson, TUton, Miav SUxwell, Dr. Chap
man and others.
Next the subject of , "Report cards"
was introduced by Mia MaxweU of Al
bany public school. Miss Maxwell did
not favor the use of report cards. The
subject was diarumed by Profs. Michner,
Reeves, Fnpt. Rutherford and others,
most of whom favored in some way the
use of report cards as a mean of com
munication between teacher and parent.
At 5 o'clock the meeting was adjoorn--d
to mi-rt a: 7 p. m. in the M. E.
church. By 7:30 a large and apprecia
tive audience had awc-mbled at the
church to hear the rendering of the pro
gram. Prof. Reeves called the meeting
to order by announcing a song by the
choir, next followed a select reading bv
Miws Ciara lUrkr-r of Halsey schools',
then a quartet. "River Mouth Rocks."
by WhiiifT, was beautifully rvcited bv
Muw Grack Stafford of llalaey pobhc
schob. Dr. Clupman, Pre, of the
I'ttiwrsity of Oregon, was then intro
duced to the ao!ienre. He spoke for
forty-five minutes on the subject of high
er education showing the poanbiliiie of
an education and what higher education
had done for the country and what it is
doing today. The Ifr. ia t!.-u; n
speaker and hi dirour was highly ap-
imwci i't ine aoaiene. An invita
tion was extended to all ruthiru? trarh.
era and friends to repair to the school
panning wnere a luncji bad Iwen pre
paped by the papila W the school, over
SO were prestmt. The lime till 11:30
o'clock iu spent ia music and conver
sation. Saturday 9 a. m. the program was
ojened W a song "Anwrica" to the
audivnee, then followed a general tfia-
cuwion on "whipping and scolding." A
paper on Geography" was read by Prof.
ater of Ilarraburg, an.1 he discussed
the topic in a thorough and comprehen
sive y thus leaving the impression
among the teachers that be is master of
his profession.
f'up't. Rutherford requested to know
tbe fins; of the teachers regarding the
time and place of holding the next in
stitute, after a general discussion it was
voted to hold the county institute in Al
lny about the first week in April. Sop.
Kotherford deculud to confer with mam
of the teacher 'ptUi county- before
making any lrfibt!mMunceiseaU rr
garling the tune M holding- tha count v
uwiitute, though il IsswbaUadt will be
held as abort sutd.. v-
On tnotioa of Prf'.Michener awl
seconded by Prof. Water a vote of
thanks was arworvlod the teacher and
citisens of Uaiary if their kindness ami
hospitality shown the visiting teachera.
Thus adjourned on of the most profit
able local institute held in Ahis county
during this school j-ear. -
. .,:f;.okviuc.,
ince the .k-gtiaira has adjourned
mere is not muur excitement in town.
I We of it'll sFoAilt-r That the vrA-ll Is
fCtirist will go iir with unbelieyers. in
nieis ana lew ami support men and
measures that are contrary to the teach
ing of Christ. All of our laws are iarar-
able to the wealthy and oppressive to
the jour, uur state legislature la a tarce
andtbetax pavers pay the expense.
Many of the (good?) people of our state
went to Salem last Saturday to soe (ho
last act ot the drama which took ' place
at the lan minute of Saturday. ere
these mens minds all right for God's
service on the next dav, or did some of
them go to a saloon and take a cigar
after the U. S. senator was elected? Our
Christian civilisation seems to be going
backwards. "It took Rome 400 years to
die" and we are Irving to do as Rome
did. Amcrs,
The Modern Invalid
a tastes med'.clnailv. In keeping with
ol ter luxuries icmedr roust he pleas
sn.y iccej'b!e in lorm.purelv wholerome
tn comiKlllon.'t uly bene6cial Ineffciand
entirety free Itom every objectlonablr
quality. If rcill r 111 he consults a p.ltslcan;
il consiipaifd ne usei tne eniie ismiiy
laxative Sirup of r igs.
ARTrt; E.vrKRTAiNatsr. The Y. M
C. AT entertainment committco bave
arranired with Mr. C. C. Hokuo to cive
an cxbibitim l caricature and rapid
drawing to re interawraetl with musical
and liU'rary pfma, at the opera tiouae on
Friday em, March 1, 1895. Watch for
further antaouncementa.- .
"A crick in the back," a pain under the
shoulder blades, water brash, billionsness,
and constipation, are symptoms of disord
ered stomach, kidneys, liver and Dowels.
For all ailment originating in a derange
ment of these organs, take Ayer fills.
The blue bird is hailed as a harbinger of
Snrinff. It ia also a reminder that a blood
purifier is needed to preptre the system for
the debilitating weather to come.- Listen
and you will hear tha birds singing: "Take
Ayer's Sarsaparilla in March, April, May."
Money to loan on farm security. Call on
H. F. Merrill.
Letter Lint.
Foiluwirg is the list of letters reu.tioios.
in the poet ollio at Albany, Lian county
Oregon, eU 20, 15. rersous oaiun ior
those le' ten most aire the date on which
they weiesdvertlsoJ.
Ahcnmacher.AVni. J. 3 Baker, Tod
Coo. Frank
Cousins, Charles
Fenton, F. J.
Goble, S. B.
Jensen, Frank W.
Johnson, Mnud
Kincaid. M. W.
Miller, Ada
McCullnugh, W. A
Nisley, W. O.
Orten, E. J.
Stewart, Mathow
Saiead, U. J.
French, Bill
Hannon, Gertie
Jensen, Andrew
Johnson, John
Moore, C. Gr
McClema, Clyde
Morris, C.
Niisley, Win,
Hand, Bessie
Surlling, Clara
Stetter, Mrs. M.
Sonsmcrs, M rs. M.
Stewart. John
Terhuinie.Mrs Mariah Thompsoni Mr. Q.
Wilson.Mrs. Margaret Williams, Mrs A.
T. J. Stitb, P M,
Dr. Fuller is in the city.
; License, lias Ixien issued for tho mar-
'W ?f h- U- Eteh'her and Miss Minnie
Mrs. Gates and two children, of La
fayette, are In the city the guests of her
brother, Mr. Grant Hoberg.
Mrs. J. V. Wilson went to Halaey last
night in response to a ntifl,ntinn t,f i,
iieatn oi ber cousin, Mrs. Hedgpath.
31r. Bartom, of Washington, a half
brother of Sirs. Martin Pavne. is in the
city. lie will go to Waitsburg in a few
At r. Los meetinfr lit. nwt.f f Ti
1 OlIIPS was n.-ninnlral fmm OnA tn lat
lieutenant and C. A. Sears from second
sergeant to second lieutenant.
One of the charitable women t,t Ilia OT
tt. t. informs ua that thcrn art, aav.-ot
families in town who ars actually suffering
for tbe necessities of life, and innwh that
if ti,.. ,l-i: i ii.- -VT., .,
wc uuiMiiuiu iur liic ieuraeaa tinarRrt
sre not sent soon they will not be needed
there, and could be uied with splendid re
sults at borne. Tbe lady underhand the
situation here and we doubt not from her
statement that taSlvina Mints t'nmna
Guard. Which reminds one that rharitv
Try Parker Brt-s.
Tinkle leads in fine photographs.
Old panerx 15 ct a ,nnAn, at iLnn.-
ocbat office. .
' Y. M. C. A. artiiftic entertainniaat ,Fri
day evening. 25 cU, . 1
Come and guess the fan.iiiar fices drawn
Friday eve at the opera botte.
An illustrated recital ion, thoroughly
araoong at the V. M. C. A.
When you want good groceries and first
class beatment call at Parker Bros.
Tbe bill taking out indebtedness on as
sessment did not pass and taxpayers will
continue to be obliged to pjy taxes on what
they owe and own.
Hails Vegetable Kiciiian Hair Renewer
u, onjuestiocably, the best preservative of
the hair. It is also curative of dandruff,
tetter, and all scalp affections.
C' P- Biwlings ha cold hit interest in
the Lebaao i.lectric Light Water
Works to Mr. N. U. Allen, who is now
sole owner of the plant, and will unqoes
tiooably do the square thing by the Mople
Of that city. '
It takes something else baudea a gocd
loealiott, a good skylight, and good in
strument to make a sond nhntrumnh Ti
takes. man who knows bow. 'that is the
reason Tinkle makes the best photograph
ever made in Albany.
A couple Fagece men telegraphed the
Lane representative Saturday evening that
then was the time to act aad vote for Pen
aoyer. They received this answer: -Yoo
attend to your business and we wiU attend
to ours, we do cot propose to be dictated
t by would be botfsea. "
It corf the government over ftoO.OOQ a
yaar to col!ect customs at Portland. It costs
overt iacoo a year to tc collect the cafiurm
at i ariuina. and the ainouct collected at
the latter place prcbably does not amount
to $5 a year. Eagene Gaard. It only
costs tl20O a year to cjiloct the Yaauiaa
cut torn.
A pencnal encounter took place in Port
land yesterday afternoon at 5:15 o '
tween Petatc-r Henry E. UcGinn and
George C. liearj, sheriff of Multnomah
county. Sheriff Sears called McGinn a
sneak, which was resented by a blow, and.
ia rjuirn. me tenner drew a revolver and
struck hi antagonist on the bead with the
weapon. Ihe trouUe rca ever the Botier
bill decreaong tbe sheriffs emoluments.
JtiJfte Denny's Bill.
Editor Democrat:
Whether Judge Penny Bill on the
cigarette question become law or not,
each chartered citv would have to make
its own legislation on the supiect. it can
do that any how, if it feels rightly on the
In w York City, the Supt. of Public
Instruction lias his heart in the right
f lan towards the youth within his reach,
n all the ninety-five grammar schools of
the city the Anti-Cigarette League has
been lately organised and already the
membervhip has mounted to 40.000.
In this city erveral cigarette fiends.
who already realise too tadiy the fell
work of the cigarette, were anxious to
riga the petition to the legislature. They
enow notning protmbiy about tbe scien
tific working of the drug, but they do
know that it has made them feel badly.
and to grow into a strong manhood they
must quit.
Dr.F.'M, Lacgdoo, of Omaha, tavs
"Ciganrttea contain as the priitcipsd poi
sons, Bicotiste, arsenic, and opium ; all
of which are classed among the poisons,
w hich are nerve depressants, and any
thing which inhibits or hinders proper
action of the nerve centers, must inter
fere with the normal action of everv
function of the body. We therefore find
poor circula.'. ion ,im perfect digestion, and
tne ineviiaote result upon tne brain, poor
memory, sndjsick of powerof concentra
tion." .
lie continues "The bovs are to a great
extent ignorant of tbew terrible results
until too late. - They think the cigarette
frooking manly. Why should we allow
a few urea to manufacture and tell this
useless and poisonous thing simply for
tne manay to t made, wnen we do not
hesitate- to seiie valuable stock from, our
herds l cattle for the bare uoeeibility of
danger trom dieea.7
Br all means let us throw every pro
tection 9ound our boys who are to be
our future statesmen and upholders of
our republic. They need strong bodies,
strongs hearts and clean brains."
. , . A 1 KTrnoN MONK.
3 Faiuin.'4-The reault ot tne teacher's
examination W-as the faflnre'of 48 oat of
65 only 17 passing, a follows,?
Third grade. udie Bashor. Margaret
Dun la p. Herbert Junk in, ftusy Lee,
lixxie 5icIeord, Edith Peerv', Alice A.
Porter, Mamie Sedgewiek, Anna Soreu
son, Eva C. White.
becond grade. r. II. weincken, A.
M. Ravburn. E.lith Glover. R. S.
Husbee. A. H. Looflwurrow. Ina Mc-
First grade. Krnest V,. lliurston.
Wood v xx Oboasixed. A camp of
Woodujen of the World was organized in
Ativan t last niirbt by Stato-onranizer f.
J. Mc Henry, and will take the name of
Albany. Another meeting will be held on
Tuesday nicht of next week, when mem
bers will be taken in. Following are the
Brstoaicers: C. E. Hawkins,con4ul; Louis
Vierebk. advLoor; W. H. hamsey, banker.
C. V. Wattaxlerk; Clarence brown.eecort;
J. J. Dubruille, watchman; J. hi. McChea
ney, Secretary; Mr. t'annon. Dr. Davi and
Dr. Mat ton, managers.
Tuat Gams Biix. Mr. Dawson ic
forms Uie Dehcrat that tho so-called
Dawson game bill, on account of which
he has received so many hard hits, was
simply an amendment of the old bill, the
change consisting of the reduction of the
salary to 1 1500. The Democrat, having no
desire to lie other than fair, is glad to
give Mr. Dawson credit in the matter,
which he ia entitled to according to this
statement. Wears informed to-day
that the salary was changed to
2,000 as one of the last acta of the legis
lature, if so, entirely without Mr. Daw
son's knowledge.
Hiftiest Honors World's Fair.
A nits Crap Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
torn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
rtij our stock arrives and yon hare examined it,
W have bought largely of the ;
very Latest styles
And at lowest cash prices.
Tbe goods hav been shipped some time
will be
Ttiaa heretofore
If you want anything nice we will have
Garden and
Flower Seeds
... At
THIS SPACE will be occupied in a
tew day with, prices that will aa
tonieh yoa i we "hare a chance to rest
th etofe building and fixture aad most
sell all the stock eooo aa possible, there
fore will make prices to move the stock
at once, of which will be a great sacrifice.
Yea, if yoa want to know where to trade
come to the ilxecnwa Sale, aa they
never follow or sell as cheap bat sell for
less than all other competition. Oar
price on groceries :
100 lb Granulated Sogar 13.15
19 " " " 1.00
20 " Best Pavon Soap -80
3o" Rolled Oat 1.00
Artarkle CoSee -X4
Clotbine- and Boots and Shoes at 50
cent on Uie If.
Feb. 20, 1SS3.
Yoors for business
H. F. McIawaw.
STSaro Faowax.
Executors Eat. A. B. Mcllwain.
Thm Ta
1 Onstlpatloaw
erdUMry Sjr .
Joraaaior I
th asoet
VaUln Sea.
of tha CTee
aad other
Ldueorery of .
u . it
sae bea en
Oenedbyth fdlBrsclef
tlfla men of
Snrop and
Netjaa Is
Hee st
f ta at.
hr( tn W
dara. One
Mana cores
Deb titty.
and restoK
weak orgsea
P&lna In tta
back, lam
I1HH00J) J
bv dav or
qnickly. Over 1,600 prtvef s n toems ate.
I'raaarareBeet means taopoteBey la h Sist
stem. It to a symptosa or semlnel wvakiMca
and barrenness. It eaa be Stopped In K day
bj the ueeot Hndyaa.
Theaew dbwoTery we aaade Vy theSpertsi.
Msofthaeld AunocaHe Meelcal lastttat.
It Is the strongest vUauatr made. It a very
powerroL bat baimless. Bold for fl 00 a pack.
aco or packSfr for ti.00 (plain sealed boxes).
Wrlttea guarantee givenAwaeor. If too boy
six boxaeand are aot entliely cred,sia aor
will he lent to von fMAf aileharvee.
Send fiir eircalanand tntimoiuaja. Address.
JuacUoB StecktMk, .Warket : KUUSSa
Baa lrrm.mctvf VmU
CoontT Warrants CoogU si.
Sold. J'Gce,Ka.s(oa llwk, Albany
at "
' Alt any, Or.
- JT
j City
and county warrant bough t'and
.,-t'ctvI '" t fVV I
ft I
ir 1
if V
t. i I
ago and will arrive in a few dajs
U for yon.
HERE IS A S5AP for voo. We have
secured a fine lot ot tlie freehet
and best garden seed ever brooght to
AJbapy, and for a short tune only will
sell it at 2c per packet. Come around
and boy garden seed cheaper than von
ever did in your life. We also have
flower seeds, grass seeds, six kinds of
the earliest corn, several varieties oi po
tatoes, clover of all kinds, and in fact
almost anything yoa want in the line of
seeds. What we want cow is customers.
Come and see us.
frrewAs? & Sox Haedwaux Co.
fhe erealest sel'er on the market for
dueasess of the Liver.Kidneysaad Coa
stipatioa. Pleasaat tojake by old or yoosg. No
The root of the Liverine tast is extea-
sirery nsed ia Norway f : r the core of Piles.
Sold by all first class druggists.
Wboksale MacGfaetnrea,
Lebanon. Or
11 too can't escape bavins the nip
yoa can at least core it quickly by tak
ing oar La Grippe Capsules. Since the
unwelcome foreigner became a natural
ised American auicn, he has wrooght
havoc amonr us. Our La Grippe cap
soles is the most potent remedy for Uie
disease yet ofiereo. It's useless to grap
ple with the prip wit hout the aid of med
Krine. There'b no tellirtr how the in
fiosaua mav leave voo, it neglected. An
OBcnred cough is apt to lead to some
thing else. The price ol our La Grippe
Capsules is caolv cents a box. Follow
directions in taking.
ImaiI work a cialv:.
f asJitMirn,-AlbaBy,'Or.
. ruling and extracting of teeth withoa
pain a specialty. .
ts ftxed when la
health by the
wse of
Cod Liver Ca
Unsurpassed as t,
remedy for Con.
enmpuoa. Asth.
na. Brottchtti
Coosaa. Ucbilitv.
aadaHwaatiikKdiscasre. Perfectly tastdcaa.
Thia truly ecieatinc remedy by baHdinc op
aad rcrivla! the body and iee wise wast
tteane. malats and destroxa disease gnua,
coa tains the purtt Cod Liver Oil coablacd
with Beechwood Tar; pleasant aad easy te
take; reasonably and honestly compounded
by a practical pharmacist.
Yoa can get them ONLY BY MAXXt Pre
paid to you oa receipt of 85c. pr box.
Preparrtf motrhr br-
G. G. SHAVER. Cuasnrr.
3th ife State Sta, Cafcaaa, Bta
aad the symptoms will disappear
This yoa wiil accomplish, by using
aa Incomparable remedy for diaeaaea of the
, Throat, Noae, and Mouth. - A certain.
i tuple aad effective care for
Catanm, Her FMr, DiBatawia. Oaiaw Sow Tnjeet, Feat
i Teaaa.
- Eaally nerd, quick to reltere, positWe car,
always ready; small in price. Doot wait
tM yoa most have it ret it wow. - , - -
SENT ONLY BY MAIL, prepaid on receipt
O. O. SHAtSfi, Cbkmist.
State 4 20th St., Chicago, Da,
Chear static nary at Fred Daw-
4'2 HJUII 5 5