The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 22, 1895, Image 2

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    The Swedes send $1,000,000 out of the
U. S. every year to relatives across the
ocean, which probably equals the celestials-.
Only one more week of the StaU Leg
islature. This Doclittle institution will
adjourn sine die without a friend to
weep for its departure. '
Tha world is full of men trying to have
a good time at some one else's expense.
The man who pays his way nowadays
deserves a six foot credit mark.
It doaen't take very much to live now
adays. Eggs are 10 ceuts,potatoes,25 cts,
flour, 05 cents per sack, meat cheap and
vegetables likewise.
Dolph's chances of election grow
brighter as ihe days go by says a corres
pondent in a democratic exchange That
correspondent must wear calored glasses.
Corporations are now corresponding
with Mr Blackman in order to secure
blanks for a statement of their income.
Not a very palatable thing to be a cor
poration after all. ;
The worst element in any society is
the man who maliciously runs in debt
without any intention, of paying his
debts, or sqirming out of them in such a
wav ai to show his calibre.
There is growing a big Alaskan min
ing craw. - Remember that distance
lends enchantment to the view, and you
can't tell where you are going when
navigating among the glaciers of that
If yoa know anything that is of inter
est bring it into the Democrat office and
we will tell the people about it. That is
what we are for, and people Bay we are
al read y doing it pretty effectively .
A young man was" recently buried in
New York City who spent $100,000 a
y ear for pleasure. Such men are at least
a treat circulating medium, though of
little use Ibr anything else. The pleas-
ore they get is vanity.
Suean B. Anthony's birthday was cel
ebrated Friday. Just how old she is is
hard to tell ; but she must be pretty
aged. Even fifteen years ago when the
editor of the Democrat a few times hang
ed upon Miss Anthony's front gate with
a niece site was fai down the shady side
of life. Wonderful old girl.
Unless the members of the legislature
keep their eyes opsn there will be some
very poor bills crowded through the leg
islature this week. The people are in
no humor to stand much foolishness.
These are not days when extravagance
will be tolerated. Very few of the ap
propriation bills should pass.
A new swindle is being practiced on
farmers in Northwestern Ohio. A Ce
ll na special says: "A gang of swindlers
and sharks are securing big money from
the citizens and farmers. Probably one
of the best swindling games ever brought
to lisht is the 'grapevine came.' The
8wind!erbuva a quantity of cheap grape
vine root, then purchases Ihe large Cali
- foraia grapes at the grocery. He repre
sents the roots to bear these kind of
grapes. The roots are sold for SI each.
The swindlers have made between $40
andSGOaday." -
The St. Louis Globe-Democrat offers
the following plan to abate the tramp
nuisance and at the same time to aid the
rural districts in building better high
ways : A Connecticut statistician places
thts number of professional tramps .in
this country at 40.000, and tiiir cost to
indna'.iious people is not less than $8,
000.000 a vtar. When the movement for
good roads is fairly under way provision
ought to be made for getting soma ' work
out of this army of vagrants. The offer
of o:k with pay.nsually results in their
sudden disappearance.
With the thermometer at 5 degrees be
low zero at Denoison, Tex., and ranging
down to 40 below ' through the cattle
region of the West and' Northwest, the
Chicago Beef Trust wiil have an ex:nse
for giving the meat market another
tviet upward . before spring. World
This sounds as if it meant us ; but North
west when applied in this way and gen
eraliy by A l Untie coast papers means
Minnesota, Dakota and Montana. As a
matter of fact though Washington and
Oregon are the great Northwest.
On the face of it it is a good thing that
Dr. Gaff was indicted for kidnapping
Maggie Smith. There is no donbt in
the mind of the Editor of the Democrat
that the couple wtretkipping for good,
and that the Doctor, was the man inter
ested and not anyone the. He is not
entitled to any respect in the matter,
nor is the girl entitled to any sympathy.
She knew he had a wife and is old
enough to know better than to be inti
mate with another woman's husband.
Such people ehou'd oe ostricised from
good society.
The following from the Lebanon Ex
press ie timely and of the class of items
always leadtble:
While sneaking of the fertility and
adaptability of the eoil in the vicinity of
Lebanor, it might not be out of place to
mention the fact that U.M.Caldwell
raised 329 sacks of carrots from a piece
of ground eighty-eight rods square
which weighed 32,900 pounds. And as
carrots are of the same family as the
sugar beet,it is sufficient guarrantee tbst
they could be produced at a profit to
both the prccucer, individual or corpo
ration that would erect a su&ar factory
in our midst.
There is one New York banker who
reasons in a very logical manner. Upon
being interviewed by the Sun he said:
"I do not look for any serious distur
bance coincident with our finding our
selves upon a silver basis- As the pur
chasing power cf our currency depreci
ates silver ought to advance in price
and it would not surprise me if tho price
of silver and the value of the currency
met each other halfway. I think this
will be accomplished, without any pre
mium being established on gold. In any
event the result will be reached slowly
end without the creatiou of any distur
bance. Oue thing you may rest assured
of, and that Is Ib&t as soon as it is dem
"onMraled that we are on a silver basis,
prices of all staples and securities will
show a marked and, in my judgment, an
extraordinary rapid adrance."
Considering the fact that Mr. Dolph la
yet in Oregon the weather has been re
markably warm.
Good river steamers always mean
lower freights. Let the Elmore steam
safely in low waters. Low freight rateB
are what is wanted by the masses
Dances must be great institutions in
Eastern Oregon. The Mitchell Monitor
runs a big two column, full length, ad
vertisement of a St. Valentine's ball.
The largest apple ever grown in the
Pacific Northwest as far as known, came
from an orchard on the Denny farm near
Lafayette, Oregon. The largest weighed
6 pounds and 2 ouueea.
Mr. X. N. Sleeves, a lawyer, is to be
sent to the penitentiary for fifteen years
for muider. It is so rare'? the case that
a lawyer gets justice that it is plnsing
to see Mr. Steeves facing the music.
Robinson Crusoe, written two hun
dred years ago, contains a description of
Chinamen as true now as it was then.
Defoe sized np the Celestial exactly. He
was utterly worthless as a warrior then
and is worthless today.
Mr Dolph is showing hid calibre by re
maining in Oregon working for his own
interests while drawing $'20 a day for
working for the government. Oregon
has Borne interests at Yaquina Bay and
we would like to have Mr Dolph keep his
eyes upon them.
Through the kindness of Senator
Squire the Poet-Intelligencer has dis
tributed 2300 packages of seed. How did
that happen? Must have been tome
jugglery. What right has one paper
to receive favors from the government
of such a character more than another?
The dispatches say that Mr. Gladstone
is ia splendid health. He deserves to
be, grand old man, with sixty years of
clean public life behind him. In these
days when a man's" record is liable to be
rotten in a dozen years it is pleasant to
contemplate the life of one whose career
baa been clean from beginning to end.
There are two ways of getting one's
name in the paper. Doing something
that is commendable, and then yon are
pleased ; doing something that is wrong
and then one is directly the opposite ol
being pleased. The newspaper man is
continually on the rustle for something
to.fill op with, and is quick to put down
whatever is offered wbithont any per
sonal feelings in the matter at ail,
Some people mistake the significance
of the words lady and woman. The bet
ter word ia the latter and it is gradually
displacing the former, in this country
particularly. The Dsxock&t uses it
whenever it can. Lady is peculiarly
English ; woman is American. Lady is
more of a title and is monarchical in its
character. Eastern papers are nsing the
wcrd woman as much as fossible.tbougb
there are special cases where the other
word alone sounds correctly, for instance
in the address, ladies and gentlemen.
In advocating that Crook county will
be better off it bout than with a rail
road the Prineyille Review is certainly
very antiquated. The cry nowadays is
for the latest improvements and inven
tions in every field. The progressive
spirit of tbe closing century is for every
thing that is modern. Tbe Prineville
Review is probably in favor of lighting
by candle, cooking on handirons, mow
ing with a scythe, reaping with a cradle
binding by hand, plowiog with the end
of a pole, riding after oxen and sailing
in dugouts.
With the thermometer hovering near
zero, the Biptist River Brethren, cr
Dunkards, col a whole in tbe ice at
Conestogo creek:, at Earlville. P-7 Sun
day, and baptized Mijs GrofF and Miss
Lizzie Stump, of Bareville. The Rev
John Graybill and the candidates stood
waist deep in tbe icy water, asking and
answering questions ia Pennsylvania
German. Then there were prayers, and
the final plunge of the candidates' heads
under the surface of the stream, until
their entire bodies were submerged.
A San Francisco man says the com
pie Ron of the Nicaraugua Canal wiil add
25 per cent to the value of every piece of
property in that city. If it will do that
for tbe Golden Gat City it will ao at
much for eery city in the Northwest,
as well as for every farm. It will add
from 5 to 10 cents to every buehel of
wheat raised, a fact alone that should
make every resident of the Pacific coast
rustle for any measure that wiil result
in its construction.
The presii dispatches are full of siarv
ing farmers in Nebraska; ruined settlers
in Kansas; freezing pioneers in Oklaho
ma, refugees scrambling out of North
and South Dakota; penniless miners
begging for bread in Iowa, Illinois, Ohio
and Pennsylvania; fruit crops destroyed
all through the south in short all the
sufferings from a terrible winter in tbe
east. Ex. But in the Willamette val
ley we are enjoying mild,serene,Krowing
weather unsurpassed in the world. This
is the garden spot of tbe United States.
The Great Northern's Bulletin says
Washington and Oregon west of the Cas
cades grow great trees and as their for
ests are cleared away and fruit trees are
planted in their stfad they produce fruits
as wonderful in size and excellence as
the forest trees are large and grand. No
country on earth where nature must be
supplemented by artificial irrigation can
produce fruits that can compare with
the f i uits of this country mor than the
stunted tree-growth of such countries
compare with the forest roonarciis of the
Pacific Northwest.' -
liardlv a day passes but what some
incident is given of a standup some
where in the United States. Whether
one man or a dozen thus stood up they
generally submit very meekly. What e he
dare they do. An Albany man tells of
an interesting incident few have ever
heard. He was going through Arizona
several years ago when five or six fully
equipped stockmen got on the train at
Tombstone. Several miles beyond im
mediately" after the train had stopped
spvrs' .r.v5. ' ' " ..;;... i tho car.
As quica ad a linali the stockmen bad
pulled two revolvers a piece from their
belts and bad drawn beads on the would
be train robbers before they knew what
was up. The robbers backed from the
car and disappeared. The Duuocuat
gives these facts as an emphatic editori
al on the power of cool heads and quick
hands at the right time.
The newspapers uie imiui Unance.and
very few of them know just what they
do know on the subject.
The total imports of goods into the
United States in 1891 were $070,312,104,
and the exports $825,103,086.
Immigration to the United States in
130f was 243,983, to 483,770 in 1S93.
Gewiany lead with Italy second and Ire
land third.
Mr. Huntington proposes to wash his
hands of Congress. This will be a ter
rible blow to some of the Congressmen
who are obliged to live on $5,000 a year.
If the Oregonian wishes to elect Mr
Dolph it should come out boldly and op
pose him. Notice the effect its support
of Mr. Williams had.
The young woman of today should keep
her record clean. A good name is the
greatest wealth one can have, and it is pe
culiarly true of women, for she lacks the
advantages a man possesses of overcoming
an error in conduct.
The Oregonian is astonished because
the legislature will not allow Mnltno
man county to run their own business.
According to the theory of that paper
the legislature should pass every local
bill it asked for by the members of the
legislature from the locality interested.
If this were followed there would be
some very peculiar laws passed. But
then the Oregonian generally reasons ac
cording Jo its wishes.
The Drummer.
Oue of the best circulating mediums
of the present day is the drummer.
Many is the institution he keeps going
these days. But for him the trains
would be poorly patronized ; but for him
many hotels would be in the soup ; bnt
for him even tbe barber and boot black
would do much less business. His pres
ence in a city means life. He comet
with a quick, elastic step, puts out his
raw as if he meant it, has a pleasant
opt m it tic smile that inspires one, and if
you will keep him in the right channel
aa polished a gentlemen as was W art
McAlieter. Yon know tbe drummer
when you see him by the cut of bit coat.
He is put up to order, clean and stylish .
Even bis cuffs are alright and there is
not a blemish in bis appearance. The
Democrat Editor has learned to like the
drummer. He knows he is human and
has bis faults ; even editors are that way ;
but altogether his character will com
pare with the average. He knoas the
world better than most men and can
tell what he knows better. Sometimes
he is vulgar, like other men, it were bet
ter were be not; but it is generally be'
cause he it among Romans and tbe
tricks of the trade demand it, but it be
is in a different style of company be will
bj as conservative as the best.
The drummer has become 'a bueiness
necessity. He is at your counter con
tinually, and yon know all about his
houte. You give him your order, sav
ing you many miles of travel, and you get
the goods you order, if not, you give him
fits on his next trip; so he is paiticu'ar on
that point, and his house enters into the
bargain, or it would soon go out of busi
ness. The old e'yle of the merchant go
ing miles away at a big expense to lay in
a stock of goods is gone. He givea the
order in a small or large dose to suit him
self. He generally orders in homeo
pathic doses and frequently, a big privi
lege in any business run on a limited
capital. The merchant will almost uni
versally epeak a good word fot tbe drum
mer, and be ia appreciated more as be
is known better.
Bicycle Riding.
Everybody is talking about bicycle
riding. It is a great theme nowadays,
An Albany man hts banded the Demo-
ca&T tbe following ideas of a New Jersey
jeweler on the subject :
Let us take," he writes. the young
man who is moderately stout and strong,
and who ie not too hesvilv worked per
haps too lightly- He may be a book
keeper or a natch repairer. He looks
pretty good, has a goxl appetite and no
organic disease, yet bis dyspeptic life is
a misery to him. I advise such a one
to get a bicycle as fast as he can, to ride
easily at first and gradually increase the
speed. There ate diseases chronic cat
arrh for instance which bicycle-riding
will benefit, but precautions against get
ting cold after the exercise must always
be taken. The wheel is excellent for in
digestion, sluggish liver, for producing
healthy action of tbe urinary organs, and
for purifying she blood. It is excellent
for the mind also, as it relieves the
blood. It is excellent for the mind also,
as it relieves tbe sameness of store rou
tine, and puts the .country with" its de
lights within easy reach.
"Let us take the man who is advanced
in years, who has sat at the bench it
may be fifteen years ; or as in my own
ease, forty years. He gradually gets
stiffened np, and even medicine fails fn
the end to remove 'that tired feeling,'
yet doctors proclaim the absence of any
organic disease. This man needs a
wheel (3 rouse up Lis stagnant body, to
make his blood flow quicker, to force
the poisonous waste through the pores
After a time his work wiil again become
a pleasure to him, and he will feel as if
be was twenty years younger. To get
the maximum benefit, the bicycle rider
should use a meat diet largely, masticate
bis food well, abstain from liquids at
meals, and intoxicants always barring
pessibly a glass of port wine on occas
ions. Cold drinks in quantity while
riding are very injurious, and no riding
mornings snouhl be done with an empty
xue selection ot a wneel is aa easy
matter nowadays, so much progress has
been made in bicycle manufacture. Too
light a wheel is as much to be avoided
as too heavy a one, as the danger of col
lapse on bad roads is too great. In fact
lightness bus been overdone. Racing
wheels nave no place on country mud
roads or on cobble-stone pavements. Fir
tbe latter five or six pounds mor
weight ae required. Po not select a
wheel because of its cheapness, and do
be dacieved by glitter in finish. The '94
patterns were good, but it seems to me
too little attention lias been paid to the
running gear. The box holding the
balls should be as hard ns possible to
better resist friction. Cutting by the
balls create much friction, and makes
the wheel run heavy. The cones should
be as hard as possible, too, yet perfectly
true, i ne sprocket wh?cl J fnd too
sot. They easily gucumb to friction.
The chains, too, should be harder as
tbey stretch and caute a noise on the
sprocket wheel teeth. These things
remedied and a thirty or twentv-eight
pound wheel would run almost a) easily
as a twenty -pound ons. and be much
"Only those who have experienced it
can realize how much uf a liie-giver the
bicycle is, and as one of those benefited,
I feel my friendly advine will be appra-
Dolph vs Williams., Feb. 18. Tho entire republi
can opposition vote went to Geo. II.
Williams today. Ik-ginning tomorrow a
live week is expocti'il in the sonatorial
contest almut which there are many
different kinds of rumors. The vtu to
day was: Dolph, 38; Williams, 27;
Weatherford, 1; llare, 10; Kaley, 6; 8
absent and paired.
Lowell Instead of Williams.
Salem, Feb. 19, 1893. There was no
change in tho vote today but there is
tamot a compromise or combination
that will rvsult in tho election of Bomo
one this week. Tho voto today was :
Dolph, 40 ; Lowell, 29 ; Hare, 10 ; Raley,
6; Cogswell, 1. Absent, 4.
"Two Ballots Cast.
Salem, Feb. 50. The senatorial mo
notony was varied today by tho taking
of two ballots. Rumors ol an election
did not materialize. It is said now that
there will be a largo exodus front the
Dolph ranks tomorrow ; but this is only
talk. The vote todav was : Dolph, 4l";
Hare, 10; Williams, "29; lieley, f; But
ler, 1. 2nd lsillot no change. Joint
session adjourned till noon tomorrow.
SUpaarl al Medfanl.
UEDFonn, Or., Feb. 17. Julian Rap
port, the gentleman who is making a trip
around the world on foot in the interest of
a New York paper, passed through Med
ford this forenoon, lie was in good health,
and stated that he was now SI days ahead
of hit schedule time. He seemed confident
of making the trip inside the allotted time
Jaliaeaa Kealra.
Misnkapou., Feb. 17. John S. John
son, the breaker ot uanumocred record
was compelled to lower his colors at Nor
mania rink today to Peter OstlunJ. tbe
champion of Europe, in a race ot 1040
yards, a standing start was made and
Johnson lead until within 20 yards of the
finish, when Oatlund made a wonderful
bunt of speed and won bv ks than two
feet in 2:53 1-5.
kipped Out.
Htrrsii, Or., Feb. 17. O. C. Boyd,
ho has been in the emnlov of the Patter-
ton Publishing Company for the past six
weeks, has "gripped for parts nnkaown.
A warrant is out for his arrest. and if found
he will no doubt be et to Salem, lie
forced three check on the cotnpanT ftr a
total amount of f 55. Two of the checks
were cashed at the bank. The other ene,
for $25, was cached by liobart Km t. a
salooa-keeper here, and refaeed at tke bank.
Tttte e.3cea Baaea to Stoata .
Gkatujio, Mish-, Feb. 17. Three ciU
dien, aged 9, 6 and 4 years, respectively,
lost their live in a fire at Lewutos Iat
night. Tbe children bad been put to td
while their father, Eli Seymour, and wife
attended a dance. When they returned
the bouse was in flames. W hen the fire
had been safftcierrtly extinguished to en
ter tbe house, the children were found
dead tide by side ia bed. They bad evi
dently been suffocated without having been
A laat lrwl
New Yokjc, Feb. 17. The iteaaier
City ot St. Augustine, which sailed from
2 fot thi
port, it
now 11 days
there u very
little chance of her ever being berrd of
again. The skip Constance, which arriv
ed from Dunkirk today, reports that Feb
ruary l,ben 20 miles sootheart of andy
Hook, she passed through large Quantities
of new pitch-pine lumber, railroad ties and
square timber, covering tbe surface of the
.toi for miles. No doubt the remain.! of
the St. Augustine.
ACasa4fCC tklary.
Washisctox, Feb. 17. The secretary
of the navy today received the following
dispatch from Admiral Carpenter, com
manding (be Asiatic squadron, dated Cbe
Foo, February 16 :
ine (.bines Meet and the Cbmee is-
land forts at Wei-Hat-w. China, have
turreudered. l ne I iunese admiral and the
Chinese ireDeral committed suicide. Have
tent the United State steam bip Charles
ton to watch the movements.'
State Legislature.
In the senate Go wan O. N. G. bill
was reconsidered and pael. Under it
officers are to be elected tv voters pnt
ject to military duty. lawsont Till
abolishing state boa'nl of equalization
tailed to pass but notice was given of re
consideration. Me iinns hank examiner
bill failed to pats. Steiwer's bill aKliih
ing private seals passed. King's bill re
lating to sale of hinds by guardian paw I.
Raley 's bill for justice "of the peace dis
tricts in incorporated towns paasvit.
Cal breath's bill providing for punishment
for circulating oWene pictures failed to
pan. Smith of Clatsop, regulating the
construction oi dams in streams, so o
not to prevent the migration of nh
passed. Alley, amending law governing
soldiers home passed. .Maxwell, pre
venting the exaction of more than leiral
rate of interest, i I.
In the bouse. Senate bill 1S7. Patter
son's bill providing for the conveying of
prisoners, insane persons, etc., to tlieir
respective institutions by special deputies
uieretrom, amended so that the special
messengers receive no pav lor ecrvioe
Other than their remilar salarv and actual
expense of trip, lout. McOraken, pro-
viuing tor aioiniment ol pilot commis
sioners by the governor, paed. Young,
relative to payment of taxes in nionev
passed. Burke's assewmont and taxa
tion bill passed, with only 3 negative
votes. Smith of Polk, resrulatincsalaries
ot oincers, re-referred, with amendments
to tbe committee on compenpatuai of
state and countv officers. This is the bill
thst was introduced bv Smith todeeroaite
ine emoluments ot certain othcers, but it
came hack from the committee reversed
providing increased salaries in eertmn
cases. rAnnth of Josephine, amending
state eiialization law so as todivide real
estate into five classes citv and town
lots, agricultural ami improve. I lands, un
improved land.M, railroad tracks ami ease
ment in lands connected therewith, tel
egraph lines and easements, passed,
iioothy's bill for an appropriation for a
portage railwav around the dalles of the
Columbia, was lost, 3.1 to 20.
In the senate Haley's bill creating a
state board of medical examiner passed.
Maxwell's bill in reference to fees of
sheriffs and county clerks in certain
counties passed. Denny's bill for a beet
sugar factory at the penitentiary was
read third time. Gowan'sbill for better
organization of tho O. N. (. failed to
Jackson county wants $1000 for reim
bursement on account of defalcation of
treasurer. Next. The Democbat would
like reimbursement for many unpaid
subscriptions. Mctireer's bill regulating
uisiriouiion ot puuue lamis passeu Uie
house. Bill number 379, by ISuker is on
assessment and sale ot land for taxes. A
new bill provides for remission of fine
ami tuBiu uuiumi un . u. rringlon.
The Albany charter bill passed the house.
In the senate Long's bill authorizing
rurussu io purcnase me BiarK street
terry and Morrison bridge, passed. Con
curred in Baker's memorial for forfeiture
of unearned railroad land: King's bill
for organization of irregation districts
passed. Smith's bill for suspension of
annual work on mining claims for 1805
was adopted. Bancrof t s bill providing
for punishment for breaking into rail
road cars passed : also Gowan a in refer
ence to location and relocation of county
seats: and Woodard's for protection of
song birds.
In the house Gate's railroad commis
sion bill was reconsidered and laid on the
table for further consideration. Bills
creating ninth, eighth and sixth dis
tricts I nassed. Nealon's bill to nrnfoet
deer, elk, moose and mountain sheep,
nnflsnil (.ra ! i. ' u Villi tirnf .... . .
irds passed. Lester's bill providing for
extermination of Canada thistles passed.
Curtis' bill regulating licenses, under
w hich county courts and citv officers may
fix rate of license, not to be less tlmn
$400 passed. Also MoGracken's bill
providing general average loss and ad
justment of same.
If you want a good and clean
smoke buy cigars made by our Al
bany cigar factory.
M'aadcrfal arias; Burglary,
San Frakcisco, Feb. 19. Franklin's
pawnshop, which is in the heart of the
business section of the city, on Dupont
street, between Post and Sutler, was robbed
tonight about 8 o'clock. The robliery was
a particularly daring one. 1 be street was
crowded witii people, when a boy dipped
up to the open doors of the pawnshop, and
closing them, slipped a Yale lock through
the stuplo on the outside and locked Frank
lin in. At tho tamo lime a man smashed
the window and seized a tray of diamonds,
Probably 100 people taw the act, and one
man, bolder than the rest, seived the rob
her from behind. With an oath, the rob
ber commanded him to !'t go, at the tame
time firing his pistol. The shot did not
t.ilio effect, but it scared the captor, and he
released his hold. The robber darted to an
alley near by. nnd mounting a horse wat
soon out of tight. The boy also escaped.
In his haste the robber dropped soma at the
diamonds and the tray, bat got off with
most of the jewels.
ermaaa't lratlonBIIL
Washington, Fib. 19. The house
committee on pensions voted today to
favorably report Representative Hermann's
bill to amend the act of ISltt.granting pen
sions to survivors of the Indian wart of
1832 to 1842; also that men who served 30
days or more in several other wais will be
pensionable at the tame rates, and their
widows also. Tbe wars embraced in the
Proposed amendments are the following:
'he Florida and tieorgia Seminole ludian
war of ls'18-19; the Fever river Indian war
of Illinois of 1827; the Sabine Indian dis
turbances of 116-37: the Cayute Indian
war of 1847-43; the Texas and New Mexi
co Indian war of 1849-65; the California
Indian disturbances of 1 51-52; the Utah
Indian disturbances of 1850 53, and the Or
egon and Washington territory Indian
wars of 1831 to 1356, inclusive.
a Big Deal.
Sax Fuakcisco, Feb. 19. The greatest
wine deal that has ever taken place in the
United States wat consummated today.
It involves tbe sale of lU.OuO.OOO gallons,
and the tease of six of the largest wineries
in tbt state by the California Winetnak
ers' Corporation. The purchaser and less
ee is the California Wiue Association, an
organisation of seren of the principal
wincdealers of San Francisco. The trans
action means that the wine-producers can
hereafter make a profit, and that the big
dcaltrs will he merchants .
a rraaiblilaa a.Ttaaeat.
Washisgtox, FeV 19. Blair cf New
Hampshire introduced in the house teday
a joint resolution, proposing an amendment
to tbe constitution prohibiting the manu
facture, importation, exportation, tranxxr
Ution and tale of alcoholic liquors in the
United States. Th measure was offered
st tbe request of the reneral officers ot tho
Worlds and National VT Oman's Cbrittiau
Ts'ipertnce Unions.
fae SUrar t)aattoa.
WasaixcTox, Feb. 19. At 9 o'clock
tonight, the vna'e adj-jurned after s fruit
k effort oa tbe part ot the kilter men.lead
by Mr. lone, of Arkansas, to pas a bill
for the unrestricte 1 csind of silver. Mr.
Jones himself made the motion to adjourn,
after it bad born iude evider.t that a vet
ing quorum of senators could not be bold
in the tenate rbaiiiber for an all-night
Bajaaa Elrrtrtr rUal.
Cf.xthixi, Waaii., reb. 19. A special
election wat held bare today for the pur
pose of sacerlainisg whether the'eity should
be bonded fr tLa purpose f purchasing
tee ewctnc-Usrrjt runt or not. Ine vote
stood 2&I to ttj in fnrnr nf Utndi
J will partrnae tbe plant Jar tlJ.W), boa 'is
to run -jj year, it is uioajut toe city wiil
be greatly benefited.
Bis SaanrrlUa.
Saj Frascico. Feb. 19. Tee subscrip
tion in aid of the &u Joa-iuin Va'lay rail
road project kaie reached Si 21,300. To
day t incrcafie amounts tot 131. JV). Among
the bi 2 sntKcripUont were: IJord Tern.
KO-OCO; the f-baron ease, tSj.QOd; the
Stockton LumW Company. $i0,0; Wil
liam Iran.
A em Way.
Wasmisgtos. Feb. IS. Tbe fall senate
committee on appropriations decided to re-
pert aa amendment to the snndrv ciru ap
cab- of inJcUednew, of denomi nation of
, CA). to ma for two rears and draw 3 cer
tent int and be go id only for tbe j. ur-
pose oi tur-pijing ine tie5iry oeiictetK-y.
lie proposition is the bill repealing tbe
law lor me laraance ol jaajj wrUbcaiea u
tncaen out and tbe following added aa
provuo to the apptvipriation ft printing
and engraving: "That hereafter no ww-
tien ot this asm shall be expended for
printing l nititi states rat-:a cr trwuorv
notes of larger denomination than tbofcr
that may be canceled or netircd."
Tke Miter Sra Arties.
WasiiisoTi, Feb. I. By a bold par
liamcntary move the silver men of the Hn
ate. under tbe Iedcrhip of J one of Ar
kansu, forced aside ail other pending bu
ines, including appropriation bilU, and,
by a vote of JO to 27. made the bill fi-r the
unrestricted coinage ef silver unfinished
bnainea bufore tbe senate. Hating oc
freded in this. lone ear Mvtii- thai the
I silver bill would be kept before the nat
uutil a final vote waj secured before ad
journment tOtUMTO.
Thtrts-tevea Meae.
Tasciebs, Feb. 1$ The report that
t ie beads of a number of rebels have
been sent to tbe saltan as trophies proves
to be true, confirmation having been re
ceived from Morocco city. From the
scene of ihe first prolonged struggle be
tween the tribes supporting the sai'an's
brother in bis claim to the tlwo-.eaml
the sovernmenl trcon.1. the bea.'i of 37
of the leading rebels were sent lo Jjaltan
Abdul Aziz, at Fez.
Will Heel fer tVare.
Tiks-Tmx, Feb. 14. The Chinese for.
eign offW has requested Mr. Denty, the
United States minister, to suggest to the
Japanese that the peace envoys appoint
ed by the twocountries meet at Pert Ar
thur or Mine place near Tien Tin in or
der to snit the convenience of Li lluna
Chang, one of the Chinese envors.
A a ElertWe Mrllar.
Xkw Yoke. Feb. 19. la scvonlaac-e
With their notice lo ths ajoriation of
o'cctrinil contrnr-tors that they mut be
granted eight heur instead f nine per
dav after Februarv 15. 900 eleciriral work
er J a" ruck today The board of walkinir
delegnbtt aay that if any nonunion men aie
put in tln-ir places other trades will be call
ed out. Thev sav Uiov will call out Si.000
men lr nccesary. .
A Chirp aMuppearaaec .
Skattle, Feb. IS. A. 11. Huifl, chief
of the fire denurtment. bas mVDlcriouslv
disappeared and no trace of him can be
found. He was given orr.l leave of alwence
last Fridav from Mavor l'hclpa and Fire
Commissioner Mun.1, t' go to Taeouia and
attend hia trial in the L nited States conrt
on the charga of obtaining naturalization
papers by fraud, lie wai last scon a few
minutes after 8 o'clock that evening, when
ha left ft. A. ltose iu front of the Rainier
tirand hotel. Hunt's enemies say he has
lied to avoid trial.
We are nrenarod to take un without loss
to the holder, any pulley of the North west
Insurance Co. and renluce it with one in
the ylCtna or tho New Zea'and Insurance
Co S. N. Ktesxk & Co.
HOFFMAN BLY. On Wednesday,
Februarv 20. 1895. at the residence of Mr.
. N. Woodle. in A limn v. bv Itov. Cotilrv.
Mr, F. C. Huffman, residinir near Al-
anv. and Miks Itoaa Itlv.of Linn countv.
formerly of Kansas.
SPUHGER. On Wednesday moraine
February 20, 1895, in Albany, to Mr. and
Mrs. Frank pipurjtcr a boy,
COI'LEY On February 17, 1895, In
Albany, to Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Copier
a girl. "
McllARGUE. On Monday, February
18, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. James Me
Hargue, a girl.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pawder
werM's Pair Higkcst Medal and Diploma,
I If It's a Sprain, Strain, or
St Jacobs Oil
Will Cure It k,.-
V C! tstt)ttttt
flS and 0. UN. CO'S
To all Pelata
and ine East
ill Foists In the United
The Great Northern Railway is a new transcontinental line- Bant buffet-library
observation cart, palace sleeping and dining cart, family tourist a'eepert and firtt and
second clast coaches.
Hiving a rock ballatt track the Great Northern Railway it free from dut. one of tbe
chief annoyances of transcontinental travel.
Round trip tickctt with stop over privileges and choice of return routes.
t or further information call upon or write,
P. 3. ffhiliey. G. P. & T. A., St. PmI, Jfins.
Or C. C. Donovan. General Agent, 122 Third Street, Portland, Or
Lis. Co. of North America.
Of Philadelphia.
Capital. $3,000,000: asseti,
koldtrs, $3,244,2M.
Oldest stock fire insurance company n the United States.
Losses paid s'nee organizatitn $81, 431,447.
J. W.Senft, district special asent for Linn and Benton
counties, office over Read Peacock & Co.. Albanv. Or.
Star Baker
C'wrCreaatalwIa mm4 Urf t
corns aim, fecffihcb
ei era. to,
"tie-d rrel.
l ata at eM ileal
wrwrrUumt Ika ta kept r a
nrmj aad raocarr store tltgfcaet
aurfeet fnatptM 1st
Calliraoro WIA, - - - Albany, On.
couipUte line of
in all its branches
EMBALMING a specialty.
Reaidpnre er Srd and Calppooia
T CAN GIVE yoa more genuine Insur
ance lor a a i.oo than any other agent In
nny jnoci-iioy who can control pre
iniuma to the amount of f3oo annually
can secure the agency for an Insurance
Co., for tnat reaaon do not think that
every man who writes policies
Is an "insurance man.''
Insure in the SUN, PHOENIX, LON
of New York and have something for
your morey tn case of bonett was.
.Motet taken en farm Intarance,
M f BMneni, Mgr.
Valley adjuster for the Suln (na cfiice of
llighett price paid for all J kinda ol
Fresh bread every day, pies cakes
etc. Speciul orders solicited. .
K. O. T. M
msets every Saturday even n In K.
T. MUall. TUIMDt Knights 'Invited t
attmd. A L Lamb, Com. -
Bruise umwmmw
LINES-The Short Route
Tkroagh Ticket est Male
fct. Louis,
New York,
To and from
Boston, and
States, Canada and Enrona.
Founded in 1792.
S9.5G2X00: surplus to ilicv
Insure your property witk
Joseph V Talt ir. Tht
Old Hartford, THE NEW
AGENCY, or any one of the
otlitr reliable Id line com
panies he represents. Notes
taken and plenty of tin??
giveu for payment on fan.!
insurance. All business plac
ed with him will be prompt
ly attended to. OFFICE JN
Albany, Or
Notice ia herer glca that there U:
be a meeting of the atnekho-'dera of the
Odd Fe:ica Hall Bui dtrg AtaotaUon,
held at their office in Albaav, Oregon, on
Monday the a'.h day ol March, lSo5,at the
nour of 7 o clock p m ot said day, for the
purpose ot eiec'lng seven Dirrciois to
serve for the ensuing year, and to transact
anch other butfnns that rcav come before
saiJ meeting
Dated th!a,the 4th day of F-bruary.iS.
t A liner, J uit'ia Joseph.
Secreury. Piasidrnt
Hereafter Uie rate en the Pont hern
Taciae lewaeen Fortlaad and Albanv
will be 12,Si cents per hnndretl regard'-
iess 01 ci&spincation on all goods except
powder. On lime, wment, nails and
man v other commodities the rate -will
only be cent. A liberal patronage
111 niuKc uie rairs permanent.
NOTICE la harehv irivan that tha an.
oaa! intetiDg of tha alockboldera of tha Al
buy Kniltling Arsociatioa will ba hl.l at
oraolj Oradtrohl. 10 Albany, oa Mon
day. March 1SJ IS93. at 7-3il nm f tk.
lactiwof director, and such other bnai
neaa a mar come before the meetios.
Datad Feb :n, 1S94.
Having had considerable
make a siecialtv of thumtnuni, 1.1:
ami cniKirens nair. llioee trauhlMt
, ;. 1 ? wuro
dandruff, hair falling out or hair not
growing luxuriantly please call on Sat
urday of each week and be benefitted. vui Mm mi tmvu, near rroi
.1.,.,.. J W U ..!.! E . .
'w -J cents tor ladies.
lit Mlttfa 1AM Kll,lauia '
au 'k. V Ua IV! VUI1MIVU
Mas. M. G. HcBrtELU
The copartnershiD Uirmn wm vn,..
ick. fra Strand and A. M. Holt, doing
bunnoss as the Albany Dressed Beef Co.
has this Slst day of Jannsry, 1895, been
f"".11".'."..1180'- A.M. Holt will col
lect all bills and pay Co's. debts. Signed,
Wm. Exkrick,
Iaa Stroud,
A. M. Holt.
Get your
Ferry street, between First and Second.
The best meats of all kinds at lowest
prices always on hand, aa a trial will
convince youj
Notice la hrebr eiv-.-n that the no'ff.
signed has this diy filed in th' Circuit
Court of the state of Oregon for Llnr.
county hi final account a aasignee In
Ihe matte: of the aulf nment of Hecrv
Freeman Pound an Insolvent debtor and
that said account will be hearj and pass
ed on by said court In Its court room In
the court house of Linn county In the
city of Albany. Oreeoo. on the nth dav
of March. iH9i. er so soon thereafter aa
the YurfnecM of laid court wiil permit.
i nis t eo sin, 1095.
WATa! & lkixs, B H lav jvay
Atty's forassigner. Atilnee.
Notice is hetaby siren to all whom it
may concern that tha rnderaigoeJ 11 P
Froit, haa btes appointed administrator of
tha estate of D V Michael, deceased late
of Uoo eoaoty, O tjron, by the Honorable
Conoty Conrtof Its state of Oregon, fo
Uoo eoaoty. and that he bas filed Eis bona
aa such admiautrator and the same has bees
approved by said court. All (arsons having
claima agauet aaid estate are hereby noti
fied and rroaired to prraeot the same to tbt
od signed at tbe effiee of Whitney &
Newport in Albany, Oregon, or at bis reti
aenee about six miles aontb of Broeavliu,
Oregon, properly verified within six months
from tb data ot th And alt per
sona Indebted to said eatate are reqnired to
make immediate pijmeot of tbe earns to
tbe andersigaed.
Dited at Allany, Oroa. J 10. 1855.
M f Fntrrr. Ad-niatetrafcir.
Whitney ft Kswpcrt, Attya. for Ada.
Assignee's Notice.
Notice ia bercbv given that I have been
duly elect'd by the creditors of Samuel
UmUe.dandjT Smith, buoivanis. In
Hen of Win J Stewart, the awignee nam .
ed by said taaolvant debtors in their deed
of alignment heretofore made ar.d fiscal
in ihe office of the County Clerk of Linn
county, Oregon, and that I bave daly
filed my bo:. d as such aoslznee. therefore
all tbe ci editor uf aaid assignors are bcre-
ov nounea ana required to present their
claims, under oath, to me within three
months from the date hereof, at n-y rei-
oence in ine city ot Aioanv, Uregoo.
Dated thl. Sin day of Fe'o, 1895.
T J CoFFMax, .
A 1 fa lien of Win J Siewart.
Notice is hereby given that I have bees
daly appointed administratrix with the
ill anneied of tbe estate of H. EL Stow.
decease!, and that I have duly qualified as
Deb, therefor, all persons having claims
againtt said estate are hereby notified and
required 10 present ine earn to me witb
tbe proper vouchers at the office of W. R.
fjityea in the city of Albany, I inn cconty.
Oregon, within sis months from tbe date
Dated this 15th day of Feb., 7S5.
- Mas. A. B. Jobssox,
Administratrix with tae will annexed
the legal voters of Khool district No.
5, cf Lisa coanty, elate ol Oregon, that the
annnai scnooi meeting tor tne said district
"til be oeio at lot'aJ ecnool boose to b-
ain at the boor of 730 o'cik on the firtt
Monday, being the ith day of March, A. D.
i'- lota meeting is called for tbe par
pom of rpceinz sad acting npoa tbe an
nual renorta of the directors aad drk of
aid district, ar.d tbe traaaactica ef boti-
toem unal at each meeting.
Dated thia li b day of Feb. 13.
Attest. F. E. Alles
A. E- Bloom. District Clerk
Chairman Board of Directors
... 1. it1i-nhirlafaamj
bob as ati pesia.
raaa, aiaasy
Aorney at La. Albany. Cr
AH legs! matter will reieive prompt at
tentrcm. tSce, V1r Kctiooal Bank
boiMine. np stairs-
Rooms 25 and 33, PtraLaa Clue.
H C Wataoa Luther Elkins
Office First National Bank Building
Business intusted to ns will receive care
inl and prompt at entioa.
Will practice ia all tbe a.if of the
Office First Xat'I Bank baikling. Albany
B. J. L. HILL,
rVreWaaaB4irrw. OFFICE Cotm
tar? anna. Aihaar, Oracoat.
Dr It E Bcer. Dr O K Beers
Physicians and Surgeons
opcciai attention riven ta d tMvt n
o ... . .
aromen. Houra 10 to 11 A M in .
7 to S P M. OrBcea and residence Biuro-
oerg Building, r irst btreet, between Ljoa
DR. C, U. CHAr.IBEg.LIi1
Office on Ferrv St nar w Sr.1 St nfi.
hours, 7 to 9 a ni. 12 to 2 and 6 to S p in
Especial attention iriven ra ehronie mm
and eye diseases.
Attorneys at Law.
Albany, Oregon.
Bank or KCIO,
a cio, osaaiK,
awonwr at la, and Natair Pab.le. Will metio.!!.
all thaeuoita ot Una atata Spacial aUaotioa -Iran ta
eoUaetkmaano' auttorala nrahua Itm..
door to Poatodka, Albaav. Ojra .
-mjuu ... urrau-.
Druggists and Booksellers,
A genu for JohnB, Aldea'a pnbll'tone
aaicn we sell at
pnbUahar1 prtoaa wit
The aopartaanhip between It Vsal, Jf
VTat and S Ltvingatoa Sai bwa diao vad.
Kand r eal wdl eon hoc e the basinets. .
Dated January 1J, 1895. 9 . ;
a ! i -1 mm. 1 1 i Men
tlar ... ......... ...... Ai J Jon
Koike is hereby given that 1 bave filed
ny final account in tbe matter of Ibe es
Ute of Michael Croisant, deceased, in tbe
toonty Court of Linn county. Oregon, and
that aatd conrt baa set Monday the first
day of April, 1895. at the boor of one
o aoca p. m. of said day as tbe lime for
iCT f. " to aid account acd
the settlement of the same. All persons,
therefore, who may he intcres'ted and who
ut DJ oroecuoni to accost ue
oereby notified and ir-rm,M tn tu. h.
same in said conrt on or before the aaid
time set for tbe final settlement of said ac
count. Dated this 15th day of Febrsary, 1895.
W- 'Lw!;' . Ewcntris.
Notics for Publication
US Lr Orncs, Obioos Crrr, Or
' . - . V X27, 1804
Kobe is terabv gjvta that tbe follow
ing earned eeUIer baa Ud bo tic ol hit in
tention to make final proof i tapport of
hie claim, a4 that aaid proof win be saade
before the Coanty Clerk cf Lion Co, at Al
bany. Orecoa. on Feb 16, 1895 j g
Yon; ..HE Xo 8243 for the 8 E K gee
22Tpll3KlE. He names be fellow
02 w.t leases to prove bis eonticooos rest
denae npon and ceitivatioD of, aid land
viz: ii A Downiog. W L Wallace, W c
Clark, all f Laeomb, Oregcn, Cbartes
Downing, ef Staytoa, Or.
Kotlce is hereby eivea that th- an&er
atgned haa tea daly appointed by the
Coanty Coart of Lion eoanty. Oregon, a"
executor of tbe last wLl and teataaaent of X
C Uteri, deceased. Alt pence baring
claims sgaioet aaid estate are hereby notifi
ed to pteeaet tbe same to the acdroigned
at Scte,Uan eoanty. Or, da'y Ten aed as
by law reqairad witb in a1! monta frem the
date of tbie aotiee.
lUted thia 12th day of Jasoary, 1895.
jKFFcaso Ureas,
Wra Jierfori A Wjatt,
Atrya ftr Execator.
E H Hammer.
Wmls tmsMfm Ififctest,
215 and 217 Davis St. Cor. Commercial,
. - J - Sam Fxasceco, Co.,
We pay tbe lighest market price far
wheat, barley, oaU, potatoes, ap
ples, poultry, hides, wool and gen
eral product;.
It will pay yon to write as and keep post
Liberal advances made on coasigsments.
( San Francisco Prodnce Excb.
( San Francisco Frait Exchange.
fa tit Cboaty Curt cf tie Safg Owrgom or
Ia the mailer cf tve estate ot Oloe
Fry Sr. deceatcd. Cttatioa.
To Nathan S fry, Eschard Fry. Marti
Fry, Cetina, Christy and Frank Smita.
ooar reatdea: ot tae fctate ot fjregoo, and
to all others Vnoara or oakaoarn. interest
ed ia said estate, greeting.
In the name of tbe State of Oeroa too
are hereby cPed and repaired to appear
ia the Coan'y Conrt of the State of Ore
gon, for the Coral y of Linn zt the cjort
room thenof a Abany, ia the County of
Linn, oa ilnad the 4th of March, 1S95,
at one o'clock in the altrraoon of that !
then and there ta show cause if any etid
a hy aa urder ahoa'd aot be tuaed diiect
tng OJaey Fry Jr execator of aaid estate,
to aeli t" fotloariag described real prof
ert r be'ooging ta taii estate, low it :
Tae aouth half of tots 7 and S in b'ock 3
of the eastern addition to tbe ci'y of Al
bany, Oregon. Probable raise of JJjoo.
Also lot No t In bl-ck No 10 ia Soda-Je,
Linn coratv. t goo, probioie nloe
Wttnes the Hooiab?e J X Duccaa,
Jodge of the County Conn of tie Seal
of Oregon, for the Coanty of Linn, arth
the seat of aaid Coart aSued this i&h day
of Jannarjr, 1S95.
Attrst, r KCKDHaJi Uerk.
By F M RasriltD, Depntr.
Im (At Circxil Court for Un Comfy.Stat f
Ia cq.ity.
D li Bocaaer. traaten, pliatiff ta Char
lotte S Cotes aad Saaael Bisnager, d
(eadaata. To Sainarl tVaamger of tie abate auaied
d f codas U: Yoo are lehr teqaired to
spear on tka 1 1 th d i 1 area, 1S95, that
-1 r tha firat dav vl iha at ardi term of
aaidoocrt, U a-arr the eom$Uint filed
aciinat yoa in ths ab jve eaUtiad cum, aad
li job fail to aaer for wast therauf, the
plamblf arill apply to tha court f -r tha re
Istf deataadad ia th e mplaat bcrcja,
lt: Fer a adjraaeat agaisat Charlotte Sf
Cohea for the saoa ct Eight Bandrd aad
Tweaty-ava (CS25.00) Dotiar, tegetaer
with L- ;a taereoa at tha. taia of tea
per cent per annum from the S".h day a
Fabrtary, 1S93, aad the fcrther aaaa a
Oaa Handrtd($100) Doiian ta attorcey
fees ia taia sait, and few the cot: aad dia
buroramta of this saH .
Sad: That the aaaal dec ee bit ba aaad.
for tha sal. of the lot dseribed ia the eoat
piaint, towit: Loceo(l)ia block twenty
three (23) ia tha city cf Albany, Lma
eeanty, Oregon, ia the maaaer pre Tided by
taw. aad that th proceeds of said aale b
ap lied to th paymeot of the aaacaat da
plaiattar, and that said Charlotte S Cohen
at.d Samact Biatinger, aad all penoaaeiaun
iog hv, throoKh r acder thea, rabaeqaeat
to lhJ zecataoa of the BMrtgtg seed
a poo tha oa in plaint, a-ay ba barred aad
forever foracloaed ef til right or cqaity of
redemptioa ia aaid pnvH, and tor saca
other and farther relief aa tj this aoart aaay
teem meet and eqniub'e.
This nma.oas at pablia ted by order e
Hon H H Hewitt Jadii cf 0MitaMst Na
2, of aaid coart. saad. apoa the 30th
day of October, ISM.
' GaAi5,Sii.vtsioyi. Mcarnv & Baonia
Attorneys for plaintiJ
a tU Centy Cwrt of tke Stale a Ortftm
fix (At Cotatfy of Zin
William Raaabaagh and D W
eoraitaera Bbder the firm name of Kara
baogh A Son. Plaintifft.
N B Fry. Defeodut.
To N B Frv. the abova na-nad defend nt.
In the aame ot the atata of Oresca voa axr
hereby ruaired to apcear and aaawxr ths
complaint of plaintiff ia th atov entitled
action, and aoa oa file ia th bov entitlad
oourt oa or before tbe firtt Monday, th 7ih
day ot Jasavy. 1S9S. th. aaid dav being tha
fit st day of th recnlar term of aaid oaa A for
aid month ia this county and ia case joa
shall fail to appear aad answer, the plaia-
una wui take judgment against yoa for
twnty tae dollars ia US gtld coin witb
interest thereon ia Ilk coin at ten ner cent
par annum from January 17ih, IS90, aad for
th farther sum of ten dollv a naaoeabla
attoraoy fee, and their coat and diabar
menU of this action to be taxed. This
tnmmooa ia served by pt.bUeaUoa by
order of Hoa J N Daneaa jndg of aaid
coanty, which order beats date Nov 6,'lSm
Dated Not 6. 1894.
MonTasva & Ha(klxma3i,
, Attys for plintiffJ
Balm, $2.
Small fir, 3.55.
Large fir, $3.C0.
White Maple, 12.75.!
Deliveml to anv .part of town. Lmm
orders at Ramp, grocery store.