The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, February 22, 1895, Image 1

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Eaters at ike rait at Albany. Or.,
Bteaad-Clasa Mall Hatters
r. r. IBTTISC, PahlUkcra froarletari
NO 2$
for Infants
" Casterl Esw well adapted tocbUdioa that
rxommeBd it as supvior baoy pnwr!ptko
V i t ." II. JL AaoBxr, SL D-.
Ill S Oxford St. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Us ss o? 'Castoria t so untvorsal and
a ar Irtta so well known vast it seems a work
t vnferosaika to endorse it. JPew are tas
' KtXsSll tamllies who do not keep Castoria
"a taoasj-roaoh." .
CUauM SUjrrrs, D. tit,
Best Work
V OfflcfeSlatlonery
Give us your
Tile Oregon
With its borne
3ALEM - - -
me Gray Block, corner Liberty and
MAKES a specialty of Sunnyfside fruit tracts near Salem
Will sell 6, 10 or 20 acre lots at f 50 to $60 p,
aire small caah piyment long timo on balance. Write
i"r particulars. .
Pub. Daily Democrat:
Beginning' .'.
Send the DEMOCRAT to me daily
At 10 cents Per
cents Per Month,
f I TE KEEP constantly on hand a full
- VV coffins. Also burial lobe and
wuicci will Be mnu mi ,
Tbe LewMt
EMBALMING nd the proper
JN n-W : p
4sV -m- mmm
of bed room sets, chsu,, lounges, tc., which I will sell at
''':';vK'OV: -
susniiteed to cure i.u nrou. aiwlmTrnZit TASi i
gurnted to cure ii
-slants, wbica IjaJ to
rive wrKtci rd
iKduui . liatiBuruHHvts as ivr is.
ior Mt iq AOMnj ,orv, tj
and Children.
Cartoria enrts Oolic, Osaipatloiv
Sow Stooatca, Ciairttosa, Eructatteo,
Kills Wonni, gives sleep, aa jvomotaa dl
gostioo, "
Without iajurloas medication.
"For several nn I ana nooomeoM
your Cnoria' and shall always conttnus U
do so at it has amriably jroijerU beneflcia
Emrot F. Pakdbb, Ttf.
lS:h guwet aad Tih ivi. Sew TorV City
Taa Carrara Cokpaxt, T7 llnuu Siaxxr, Krw Yoaa Cm.
A Specialty
Land Co
office at -
State street, branch office In rortlano;t
Week, or at 25
by mail,
and Einbalnieira.
line of tnetalic, clotn and woodcatkeU and
suits, In broadcloth, tln, cashmere, ec,
Living Profits.
care of the dead a pcclalir.
- .vos.::Brihii.
nroudSe"ie!i .ShTj wonrtal rapiady
nriKTS mwnm 0
Inttrmlty. ConUo7pir"n or
BM-Mtc to care or wrWZl V" wi
utsv ua ninr.
Certainly Interesting. "Regarding
the income tax there is one thing about
corporations making returns, which ap
pears not to be generally understood.
While individuals, whose gross income
does not exceed $3,500 are not required
to make returns.covporations must make
returns, no matter how small their in
come is. Corporations which fail to
make such returns, although they may
have no income, are liable to be put to a
great deal of trouble. This will probab
ly result in there beiug less corporations.
In order to limit their responsibility
firms often incorporate. Und r this la w it
looks as if even the Jiodaville Concert
Band wilt have to make a return of its
A Eicn Assay. S. C. Smith, of Blue
River, has received a letter from Geo. A.
Dyson, of Brownsville, w ho is interested
in the Blue River mines, giving the re
turns from an sasay of ore taken from the
McCaulev mine in that district. The
letter states that the assav showed f 172.5HJ
of gold and 2 ounces of silver to the ton.
Mr. Smith states that a number of par
ties interested in mines have written him
regarding the prospects fcr beginning
work, there, and h looks for a lively time
there this season. Parties at Browns
ville and Oregon City will commence
work as soon as the snow disappears
ufficiently. Register.
Suit Fob Divoiick. Mrs. Jennie V.
Gaff yesterday filed suit against Dr. .V.
Gaff, in the state circuit court, charging
cruel and inhuman treatment on the part
of the doctor to swh extent aa to make her
life burdensome. This is the usual form of
complaint in a case like that of Mr. Gaff.
Tbey were married , in the year 1SSS, at
Shedd, Linn county. Oregon. There are
no children as tbe issue of the marriage.
Mrs. Gaff asks for one-third of her hus
band's property, which, under the laws of
this state she is entitled to receive. The
doctor is said to be the owner of several
lots, variously situated. Ortgonian.
New Bocxdam Lises.. Under the new
city charter now in the hand of the legis
lature, all property inside of the toad run
nine from the river north to Wm. Tea
cock's residence, thence east to the school
house road, and thence south to the old
ferry landing, but not including the roads,
will be a part of the city of Albany, and
hereafter on such property Mr Such will
pay Albany taxes.
Card of Thank. The undersigned
I desires to return thanks for the manv
acts of kindness and svmpathv during
the illness and after the death of his N-
loved wife. Ed. K. Hrsros.
The Gaff Case.
The sensation attendant open the firs
report of the elopement of Miss Maggie
Smith and Dr. John V. Gaff, of Albina,
has subsided, particularly as the affair
turns out not to have carried with it so
great It degree of enormity a3 was sup
posed at tne nrst Diusn. .miss Mintii s
own statement to the cnect that the
doctors's treatment of her while they
where absent from the city was purely
and simply cf a platonic nature, has had
the tendency to ease the minds of his
friends, and divest him ot tbe odium or
iginally attached to his conduct, which,
however, to say the least, was very ill
advised. The farther fact, which is pleasant
for the trirl's sake, is that when-
ever the (Hoping couple halted while on
tneir night trom this cut ,they invariably
p&ssea as orouser ana sister, anu occup
ied separate apartments. This certainly
trees a gre&t way to establish the puritv
of Miss Smith's character, and also exon
erate the doctor from such charges as
adultery Xr seduction.
borne prominent lawyers tclav ex
pressed the conviction that Dr. Gaff can
not be held on the charge of kidnaping
nnder the provisions of the statutes. He
did not forcibly seize or inveigle Miss
smith: nor did be confine or imprison
her against her will ; nor did he forcibly
and secretly take her out of the state,
which offenses constitute the crime of
A gentleman who claims to he tamuiar
with the case, said today tliat if it were
necessary Dr. G ff might be able to prove
that it was not he that was infatuated
with the girl, but that he merely . acted
in the interest of another, with whom
Miss Smith was in love. Telegram.
Ibis last paragraph makes it look
little as if there was something in that
Oregon City kissing affair mentioned by
Teachers Examination.
9-5 young men and women, and some of
whom, though arc not so very young
either, and some of whom are younger
than they should be.are being examined
at tbe court house, tor teachers certifi
cates. Here is the list :
Lmma Burkhart, Joseph Bcthune.
Harry Beard, Rusha Buthngton. J 11
Blaker, Susie Bashor, May Bilyeu,
Claude Beard, Winnifred Cutler, Hattie
Cox, Wm It Cook, Mae Casker, Susan
Craft, Ora Crabtree, Annie Crabtrce, J
O Downing, Gertie Davis, Almeda Dun
lap, Mary Gibbe, Edith Glover, Arthur
Gamber, G W Girard, Asa P H irons,
Fannie B Hamilton, Charles Hiett,
Stella Hughes, K S Hughes, Herbert E
Jenkins, W F Jones, r ranees Jennings,
Robert King, V M McKinney, A H
Loofboro, Geo B Leever, Wm J Leever,
Daisy Lee,Ella J Maxwell.G W Munkers,
Mary Morris, Sarah Morrison, Lizzie
McLeod, Ina McCulIough, Hiram Over
ton, Charley Powell, Estclla Parrish,
uarrie reery, idith reery, Alice A y or
ter, A M Rayburn, Esta llamaey, Lizzie
nay, uuve Kobertson, K L, bkeiton,
AnnaC Sorevsen. Ernest C Thurston, w
Eva C White, Mollie Worrell, David
Wolfe, Frank Ward, Ella Walker.
.Old Lisx Good Esoioh. The Scio
Press sensibly says: "Linn county is
not a uad county, after all, to live in,
with taxes at 14 mills. If you will only
think of taxes ranging from 20 to 30
mills in other counties, he is apt to feel
oeucr satisned with old Linn's manage
ment." A couple BrounHvilh' men in
the city good naturedly remarked that
Linn was a pretty good county after all.
The citizens of tliat city as much as they
wuiueu uiviuion irom a local standpoint
are taking the matter philosophically
ana nave no ill teeungs towards those
wiio opposea it ana stood by Old Linn,
as good a county aa there is in Oregon.
Dr G W Mantnn. ohvuirlun and i,irTm
Calls answered promptly In cUy or
country. .
2 Your 9
g Heart's Blood
Is the most important part of V
V your organism. Three-fourths of 99
a w5 buuipiAuiw vj wntca xne syg-
tern is subject are due to impuri- ff
fl10 ?
i iiHininn inrwi v ti r"yr v
For which purpose nothinor can V
ft equal 1V1M It efiectuafly re- f
movesKM-Aataall Impurities,
y cleanses the blood thoroughly y
ava and builds up the general health, m
V Our TreatlKaa Blood tad Skin dims! mll4 V
m - t' to any adoxcM,
V SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, 6a. , V
" Tho Democrat recently published an
extract from a Nebraska paper printed
on wall paper. The editor and a friend
remitted a contribution to tho hurd-up
Nebraska editor, and today received a
private letter acknowledging the same
and the following for publication :
rerhaps a few lines from Nebraska
may lie of interest to you and vour read
ers, 1 will give you the news of this
drought stricken part of the U. S. but
pen can hardly picture it. For the last
two years there has only leen raised a
half crop, while last year it was a total
failure, thereby reducing these neonle to
the verge of starvation, and if it had not
been for the hem of fnenda abroad it
surely would have come to pass. It is
estimated out of 21,000 inhabitants then
1ms lnvtt 12,000 left this county alone.
There was no grass to make hay with,
and the animals have to rustle for them
selves, of course there was some storm
tood put up but that consisted of hay 2
years old and dead, some corn fodder
about 2 foot high, everything was gath
ered that would nrove a substitute. Fuel.
this being a prairie state, and the timlx-r
along the rivers having been cut off and
young timber burnt off or killed ami no
money to buy coal, it w hard to keep
from freexing burning "buffalo chips'
Now mind vou, every body is not like
this, hot say 940 of the settle are, ;
Aid is coming in Very slowly now. " fdr
the reason that tho railroads w ill hanl
no more free. The train from Georgia
is side-tracked together with some 00 r
1 0 cars and the K. K s. will not move a
wheel, for this reason: The legislature
now in session appropriated .)0.000 for
relief, heretofore tho companies have
carried everything free but now as there
is money they want pay for work thev
do. The railroads have been very kind.
This letter don't let vou into tho secret
of the afflicted, while 1 am writing this
there is a bhuard m force, with wind m
strong that it has Mowed the wires
down, no trains are running, ami people
thinly clad, not enough to eat or burn.
some burning their furniture, it m as 1
said before horrible, now this ia honest.
Money anl landlords keep the true state
of affairs lack because it is to their in
terest, so the half is never told. Again
thanking you and the old brother, 1 re
main fraternally yonrs.
i adopted this plan ot getting aid, lor
I was terribly hard up. I have a big
amount due me on subscription, some
two years but mostly one year subs.,
which 1 will get this fall if there is any
crop to speak of. I have never applied
ior any ata mat nas come nere, tntnung
perhaps I would not get it, for you know
an editor is supposed to be rich" in this
worlds blessings, but outside oi the
home circle his fortune in pleasant times
is somewhat ragged edged. My children
could not go to school ior the want of
shoes, etc., mvself who was looked too
to keep the pot aboiling, was not in a
shape to do it. I wanted to keep my
paper going, firstly for wliat there might
e in it at another cron and secondly.
because I have too much grit to go ker
There have been It aperB go up the
flume in a radius of 40 tniies since the
hard times struck us, vix: Newa, Arnold ;
Advocate. Anstimo; Reporter, Mema;
Record, Mema; News, Amherst; Dis
patch, Sumner; Herald, Lexington;
Gazette, Lexington ; Curant, Eddyville ;
Reporter. Corard : Leader. Broken Bow :
Independant. Callaray; Journal, Kear
ney; loptci, IvOdl.
The thermometer rainged 33 K-low
sero this morning. F. V. Osurr,
luUiaher Callaway Tribune.
lawyer Tusaing.of Brownsville i in the
Mijsea Helen and Lilly Crawford came
up from Salem this noon.
Hon. Tolbert Carter, of Benton county,
returned to rralem this noon after an ill
ness of several days.
Editor Johnson, of the Corvaliis Ga
zette, was in the city today on his way to
Salem. Mr. Johnson is thoroughly anli
Dolph. Born, in San Francisco, on February
9th, 1SH:, to M r. and M rs. tiibson, a Ijoy.
Mrs. Gibson was formerly Misa Belle
Put man of this city, and her husband is
a reporter on the Examiner.
Mr. Thomas Monteith will retire from
the Albany postotlice tonight with the
good will of our citizens generally.- Mr.
tites will take charge of the oilice to
morrow morning and may be depended
upon to be a faithful public servant of
the people.
rtiere waa a large attendance at the
Valentine social at the W. C. T. U. Hall
last night, particularly of yonng people.
The event was eminently a success. Be
sides the program, games were played.
valentines nut in the P. O. and a lunch
partaken of. Th program consisted of
music by the orchestra composed of Mr.
Pat Farrell, O. C. McFarland and Muss
McFarland, a recitation by Margaret
Cundiff, a well rendered solo by Frank
tlkme, a flute duet executed in an artis
tic manner by J. Fred Yates and J. Clem
Irvine, a guitar duet by Dr. Collins and
O. C. McFarland, encored as it deserved
to be, and a grand march, partners being
selected by the matching ot cards.
On go a is just 36 years of age to day
Ex-(iovernor Chadwich left an estate
valued at about $16,000.
Meetings at Baptist chnrch are well at
tended and growing in interest. All are
invited to attend.
Ths Eaglet passed through Albany for
Eugene yesterday. It is expected to get
there, though its present speed makes the
time very indefinite.
There will be a special communication
of St John's Lodge No. 62 A. F. and A.
M. on rridav eve r eb. l&Lh at V :3U p. m
Work in the M. M. degree.
A car load of fortland men arrived in
Salem this afternoon on a special train for
the pnrpoce of influencing local bills and
probably more particularly to help e'ect
W. W Saunders has been admitted to
the practice of law at Spokan?, Wash., up
on recommendation of . E. Kenton and G.
VV. Belt. Mr. Belt is the district attorney
who prosecuted bun for tho murder ot
Charles Campbell.
Tbe 8alem Post is devoting a good deal
of space to the editor of the journal who is
a member of the legislature. The Journal
meekly says inebaiem rost is (jiving
too niucn ot its valuable space to lruon
sequental matters.
Senator Mitchell, of Oregon, has intro
duced a bill for an amendment to the con
stitution providing for the election of sen'
ators by a direct vote of the people. The
bill has been defeated.
Any effort to change the location of the
county seat of Linn county will be a waste
ot time, it put to a vote not a fourth of
the people of the county wcu!d vote for any
Kind ot a change. Albany is all right.
Most of the residents of the county wish to
come here several times a year regardless
of Albany being the county seat.
Joaquin Miller is growing on his Cali
fornia farm a mile cf roses. lie believes
families live too close together, therefore,
in place of building one large house, he
has erected four small ones one for bis
mother, one for his brothers, ono for his
own use, and the fourth for his guests.
The government engineers at Yaquina
uttm (men cnargnu w in uuiuuncr a ornm
to the south jeffy out into the bay in order
to kill the Yaqmnii bay as a harbor. The
Democrat is desirous of giving all sides
ot questions, and to-morrow --will publish
an article from a source which wo are not
at liberty to divulge giving the object of
tne groin and explaining the situation from
mat siue ot tne question.
The Calhouns play here Friday evening.
x uu uuijr pmues ineysiop at in Uregon are
roruana, saiem and tiUgeno. Albany is
too small a village. Eugene Guard. That
makes us weary. In the first place the
troup is advertised tor seveial other places .
in tbe next place tbe people of a city are
very Reunion, not v give Donuses tor get
l : a i i n ...
img vruups. li mtsm come on tiietr own
To The Issubino Ptnuc The agency
of the Insurance Company of North
America, of Philadelphia. Penn., has
len l.hieed with Mr. J. W. K'hft. of
this city, who w ill act as district sin-cial
agent for Liim and lSenton counties, and
he will attend to the business of the
company in the future in making any
changes necessary for its many imtroiiH
The Insurance Company of North Am
erica should need no introduction to the
public, ns it is the oldest company m the
United States, having just completed its
one hundred and second year. It ranks
second in assets and surplus to policy
holders, both being larger than the Am
erican assets and surplus of any foreign
eomanv. Its capital is three million
dollars, "fully iid up: assets, over nine
and one-half million dollars, and surplus
tn Vinlilcrs over five million dollars.
It has paid policy holders for losses over
eighty-one million dollars. The North
America insures an classes oi projicny,
and by calling on Mr. fH-ntt, in the
Burkhart building, he w ill Ie pleased to
give terms, rates, etc. Mr. 31.11. Mer
rill, special agent and adjuster of this
well known insurance company, is in the
city looking after the interests of the
company in this jiortion of Oregon.
Tub CosriRMATios Arrc.ti.Bo Fbom. -
Three serrate apieais liavc.been made
from the continuation or-tue saw ot ne
Immn Pacific Thev were served on
Tuesday at Corvaliis : Oregon Pacific ami
Wllliauiette auey and t oant raiiroau
companies, by Wallis Nah, attorney ,the
second Dunham.Carrigan.llayden ('omj
anv, S. Bennett. K. C. McShane." E. F.
'learv. Thomas Pavy and William M.
Hoag, by Wallis Nash, attorney, and the
tliirtl.George S. Coe.B. W. Jones, Evert.
Southmavd, Choate and Bamen, A. C.
Trippe, il Q. Washington, A. T. Nation
ami W. 1 Law, holders of receiver's cer- Watson aud Llkins attorneys.
The notices are addressed to "The Far
mers Iuan and Trust tomjany, trustee,
to J. It. Bryson and other of their at
torneys, to 1- Bonner ami A.B. Ham
mond, alleged lest bidders for the pur
chase of the projvrtv of the defendant
corporations and to John Burm-tt, their
attorney, to J. . hallev t. C. lsron-
augh and other holder s of receiver cer
tificates, to W. H. Bartgen, Julin Tway
and manv other employes', creditor of
he defendant corporation.
Oxb or Cook's Victuis. Jack Mahara,
advance agent for Maliara's Mhsstreht, U
coming north arranging for tlw ap-ar-
anceol thwe!. He mas tn
Allianv tliia noon. Mr. Mahara. ac
cording to an exchange was one of the
victims oi uiv rani 01 imc vfc "
Missouri Pacific train at Carrelta, Indian
Territory, on the night of (fc-totT 20.
He wear J a tmlaveon his hca. .h't
fired from the outride, crashed through
the g!as of one of the w indows of the
coach, the ball striking him in the fore
head, taking out a piece of the skull, and
he fell frvm the seat apparently deaL
About six hours after the aucmWed hold
up of the train, physicians arrived to al
miniiter to the wuttndol. He received
alien! 100, and alter lour dar ue rc
coverol conicioune. A tsilrer plate
was inserted, in place of the piece of sull
carriwl away by tlc bullet, and aitt-r
lingering a very sick man fjr three or
four we-ks he aaiu joined hi cmnpany,
since whicfi lie lias not met any more
thrilling and dangvrous expeneaoe. Mr.
Mahara will I worth looking at.
Rathes fEsATio?AU The Adrame
says : it i sai.i that a Pcniiionai nevei
optnent has ben th outcome of the al
ready sensational affair of lite marriage
of EJC. Ruswlt and Misw India Howe,
occurred some time as , and with which
the readers of the Advance are already
familiar. A few days fin Mr. KojwH
rwrivenl through the mail a challenge
from Paul Howe, a I mother of the la-ly
in mu-ti.t!i. to meet him in McOuen'
lane with his Winchester and they would
settle theirtro'iWe. Mr. Rosm!I evident
ly did not relish this mode of adjusting
liis dilBcuUies ami failel to put in an ap-
earanre, but hat a couple oi mend to
be on tlw ground at tne apiuiniei iime,
who found Mr. Howes with his gun and
apparently reaiy lor uattie. me cau-f
of all the trouble is that Mr. Russell is a
Crominent republican and Mr. Ibiwes
a repeatedly declared that hi daughter
should not marry one of that faith. It b
alleged that threats have lecn made and
further levelopments are lookel fr.
Oxoo5 Mapus Sco. It h;is been
generally accented as a fact that maple
svrup could not be produced in this val-
lev, A hit Jllj-Il UIUUU UT I-
wure: The Willamette valley will It-
known in years to come as a maple sugar
country .if all reports are true. In a re
cent issue mention waa made of a 1 i ;ir
risburg man tapping trees w ith gi! re
sults. Now we are informed that a Eu
gene man has tapped a tree and received
over a gallon ot sap. Ne country can
beat ours for variety of products. Tap
ping trees for sap has been tried at va
rious times here with various pharvs of
iuck, dui prooauiy more care w in aiicmi
Notice. All persons who have charge
of children whom they desire to enter
the primary department of the public
schools should send them at the tiegin
ning of the term. Monday. Feb. ISth. It
is absolutely neewwary to have children
in the primary clasa begin near the
same time, and we therefore urge that
all children who will enter this grade, lie
sent in as earlv as possible.
Hiram Tvree, Principal.
Mins Clara Kternburg has returned
from a several weeks vuit in Portland.
Mrs. E. E. Pattock, of Indeiiendence,
is in the city on a visit with her suter
Mrs. O. O. Lee.
Postmaster F. M. Jack and E. C. Stan-
ard, of Brownsville were in the city to-
Brown who was to be hanged today at
lloseburg lor the murder ot young Mn
caul had his execution stayed until an
appei4 can be heard by the supreme court.
An enioyabio aienunes party was
held at the opera house last night. Mu
sic was furnished by Brown's orchestra
of Portland. An oyster supjer gotten up
bv Mr F. H. PfciRer was served at the
Revere House.
The Grand iurv at Portland indicted Pr.
I. V. Gaff on the charge of kidnapping. and
he remains m lail- In the meantime Mrs
Uaff is after br interest in the Dr'aestute,
with Dolob. Nixon, Doipn a: Abraiiam as
her attorneys. In the complaint the facts
of the marriage and running off with
Maggie Smith are set forth, tho latter be
ing' the grounds for divorce, and notoriety
and desertion being cons trued as cruel and
inhuman treatment, sneasasior a tr.ira
of all his property.
the cream of Cod-liver Oil, with
Mypophosphitcs, is for
Sore Throat,
Weak Lungs,
Loss of Flesh,
Weak Babies,
Crowing Children,
Poor Mothers' Milk,
in fact, for all conditions call
ing for a quick and effective
nourhhment. Send for Pamphlet. Fret.
8cottBovm..N. Y. auDrugsilts. BOcsiKlil.
The Other Side of the Yaquina
iuy vi'cstion.
Tl , 1 .1 . r . ..
i iuc uiiiiT tiay i wo laouina i;ay men
were rtishing to Salem to secure a me
morial asking the war department to
issue an order preventing the construe'
Hon of a groin into the channel at the
bay, with the innunendo that it was be
ing done to kill the Bav. Ko it looked.
Tho Dkmocbat desiring to give loth
shies of the matter, which the public is
always entitled to, hag secured the fol
lowing version of the reasons for con
structing the groin from a source we are
not privileged to divulge:
Nkwpobt, Feb. 14, ll'. 1st. As to
the groin now bcini? built out from tho
south jetty, at a oint near what is now
and always has U-en shoal water, and
over a stretch of sand that no vessel up
to date has willingly crossed or gone
near, I w ill state that it is not being
milt for the purpose of killint? Yamuna
Bay. After constant study, cxtendincr
over a period of nearly two years, the
oinifrs in ciiarge oi tins work
leeided to build this groin for the wir-
ose of remedying a defect in the chan
nel that had always existed here, and
which during the last two years has be
come worm-, town; the inner bar. I
may stale right here, it was expected
thnt this verv bur would form. Imhiiw
of the converging Jetties, but it was well
anown now to remedy it and therefore
this form was adopted as being the very
Uist for this phuv. This groin is off thf
lar and by contracting the distance at
his place to correspond with it at its
nd it w ill cut out this inner lr, this is
he sole object of the groins and it in a
well eftahhehed practice to acroimlih
this class of remedies.
In regard to the opinion of Yamirta
Bay peotde. I may mat thai the citv
council of Newport held a meeting and
sent a committee to halein on this sub
ject, while tlie meeting was in session.
and during all tliat day and at that time
the engineer was in liis office to give
them an the information in Ins posers-
sion, but it is evident thev did not de
sire it as they did not call upon or send
for him, he also offered to forward at
once any communication they cared to
make direct, but they did not accept
tliis. None of these, w ho 1 understand
are opposed to this place, have visited
the groin, though several of Utem have
be'n liqUCtel to do so. Neither up to
the time of the meeting nor until it was
over and the comtuiUev for Salem had
left not any of those present saw a sin
gle map of the rliannc! at tliat point and
did noi know the ciiannel depth there.
nor do thev in reality know where the
channel is. As to the sand washing Into
he lay il is undoubtedly true tliat most
of if d-jc come from the south ; but not
one ounce of it remains in the bar as it
is carried out on the next ebb tide, so
much is this the caw that below a line
from the government dock at Newport to
the south government ilock and the end
of the jetties, over K3,OC0 cubic yards
of sand has l-t n scoured away since
these works were commenced, in other
words in that area there is ttay over
StW.OJO cubic yards more water than
there was in l.vt).
As to the l.jcati.m of the front ends jA
the jetties I can only state that the jet
ties werv locatol und the en-1 locate 1 by
as abSe a ll v of engineers as can be
gotten for tlua class of work. No point
of the work has been n-i.'iectt-l at the ex-
t-tse of the others, and as to the exten
sion of tlw south jettv Several hundred
feet, 1 will say that il vou will ni Capt.
Symona re-rt for !a-t year viiu
will wc that he recommended it for aOO
fert:but rinfortunatelv the Iwardof armv
r.gine-rs arc not enlowed with the wi-
loni tliat runs to wajde here and thought
lut to wait awhile and see test what
the nesent jetties would accomplish be
fore going haphazard into further move
ment of the lr s-award, ami pvrlia
on the reef. It may las remarked that
the lr s1calily went seawanl in front of
the jetties as long as the south jetty was
being t-uut and it lias gone SW feet since
lvJ but no such rate of movement was
noticed while the north jetty was Wing
built nor ia any noticed now".
Since the present engineer has been in
charge of this work, for the past two
years, he has given constant study night
and day to the problem, and certainly is
as well qualified to judge as tlie many
here, w ho don't know w hat a sub curren t
means. It certainly must seem to anv
fair minded person tliat engineers, ami I
am not seaking of a single individual,
but ail connected with this work, are as
caable of judging what will lie results
as those who never made a study of this
or any other harbor improvement.
it is tut just to say that some w ho
oppose the present plan are honest in
their opiwition, but I am comjnlled to
U-licve that outers have only personal
ends in their opposition and that the
true interest of laquina Bay will not he
found their only motive.
As to whv the north jetty was built
instead of extending the south jettv, it is
the tvlief of engineers that loth jetties
were necesarv, w bile the talent here
lifter, some U-lieving that only the
south jetty should have only been built
and others maintain that only the north
jetty has done any good. Only yester-1
lay an able sea captain asked if tlie en
tire work could have been accomplished
and lietter results secured by - a single
north jettv.
The groin is 12S0 feet from tlie end of
the jettv and 770 feet lack from the
Imov. the channel at the groin la eUU
feet wide before any rock ia reached and
it is over 15 feet below low water level at
the extreme north edge of the channel
the decivst water at the groin and in
front of it is lo feet and it never has lievn
more. The deepest water over which
the groin is built is 12 feet. ' No water or
sand passes through the south jetty at
any point. The distance between the
jetties at the end a 1023 feet and at this
groin it is 1600 feet. X.
February 18th will be the 32ad anniver
saryof the K. of P.
Mr. Gradwohl adirsea his customers to
ouy sugar now. it is likely to go up ac
cording to his judgment.
A local board of insurance agvnts has
wen organized in :alem lor tne purpose
oi stopping tne cutting ot rates.
A bulletin in front of an Albany real
estate etlice reads: Winded 1 or 2 vacant
lots. W ill pay cash. It attracted coniid
erable attention.
. Tlie Y. P. S. C. E. of tho 1st Presbyter
ian church will hsld a sociable on the
evening of "Washington's Birthday," Feb.
22nd, at the college. The proceeds to be
applied to this institution, turtlier not
ices will appear.
The burning of Adiun Rader's two barns.
opposilo Corvaliis, hud week is now said
to have been incendiary. About 11200
worth of property was destroyed. A man
was seen running from one of the cow
barns, making it quite certain that it was
H. Broder's team took a live run this
morning Starting from out near the
daughter house they ran at a terrific rate
until they ran ud against an electric light
pole at Fabers brewery which stopped them.
The bottom of the wagon was well broken
torieccs. .
The Salem Post gets sarcastic as follows:
Mr Paxton. of Multnomah, gave as a rea
son why Linn county should be divided,
that he had been born in Albany. Very
good reason. No wonder Calapooia wants
to be set off from tliat part of the county.
Frank Craft was explaining the action,
etc., of a 32-caliber double action revolver,
to his father Inst Sunday when he accident
ly pulled it off at the wrong time, tlie
weapon beiug discharged; the ball taking
effect in the knee of the old gentleman, s
right leg - Dr. Jones was instantly called
and cut the ball out from the opposite side
of the leg It caused considerable pain.but
will probably nttult in no serious damage.
Lebanon Advance. ' J ;
I Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
Highest of all in Leavening
The annual meeting of the Building &
Loan association was held lat night at
the Oregon Bank Building. A loan of
tioOOwas made to M. Baumgart at 70
mouths intercut in advance.
Ofheers were elected by tlie stockhohl.
ers and lioard as follows': H. 8. Train.
president; II. Bryant, vice president; C.
15. Winn, secretary; E. W. Ingdon,
treasurer; Edward Wa.hlrtirn, A. B.
Woodin, J. P. Wallace. A. J. Hodges. J-
C. Littler, directors. J. N. Duncan, at
torney; O. W. right, P. J. Smiley, E.
Sox, auditors: Dr. J. P. Wallace. E.
W. Langdon ami 11. Bryant, finance
The secretary's rejiort was as follows:
. caau BECBIPTS.
Cash on hand last statement . .t 224 91
Received from tlues
Received from entrance and
I0.4 46
4 58 25
2f-5 72
228 63
1.000 00
M 00
15 00
Received from fines and trans
fer fees
Received from interest.
Received from taxes
Received from loans Rhoda
Received from loans Tisdale. .
Received from rt-tst Maple
Total receipts
13,219 73
4.041 67
7,607 00
310 00
399 80
285 34
227 M
IS 00
9 90
Expense acct...:
Acct Wilson jtropcrty
Acct Eels property.".
Acct Maple property
Ricliard A Phiilir insurance.
Mrs M. E. Farrell, insurance .
Advertising, etc
Furniture and bond box
Acct MelHmahl loan
Total paid out
Balance cash on hand
Cash on hand
Due from nittnUr
Maple real -tatr a-n-t
Harry Wilson real etate acct.
lls real estate acct
A. S. McDonald acct.
Tax acct ufaid taxes
Due from U.rrjwer for in
suratjce 3 00
12 90
255 28
13,182 42
76..V- 00
37 31
9.nj 65
1.127 5S
1JTS 30
927 50
73 00
215 3?.
151 07
103 0
,72 44
12.S72 24
25o 46
Les unearned interest
jt. aivanctayment
Net asm-;.-
Dues and gains adjutel . .
Ixss withdraw a'.' .
13.123 70
69,5S7 74
61,.n!4 81
9,103 70
52 211 II
1st series 4".7 slian- fViM
2nd " 47 " 570
nl " ? " - " 3f-i
4th 21 2A2
5th " 22 ' 2it
6th " 50 " 600
7th " 19 " 22S
Sth "CO S28
9ih " 18 " 216
10th " 2i " 312
Ilsh " 25 " ;
12th H " .
13th " 4 " 21
VW1 11
Expense acct
137 50
316 40
6156 55
2 50
15 00
1103 GO
I ines acct ,
I nteTet earI
Roa.1 Tax
Rent acct Maple proerty. . .
1'rotits on withdrawals. . ."
Profits not divided hvdyear. .
17731 99
I .ess loss on fixtures
Less interest sid . . .
.. ld 00
. . 25 36
35 S6
Total I76B6 63
Grand total 9,597 74
Dr. J.C Littler t 3000
S. W. Robs, stock 500
F. M. Mitchell, stock 600
Mrs. C. F. Washburn 800
Mr. Fliiabeth Andcrsou 400
J. G. Crawford, stock 700
G. W. Hochstedler 1S00
The value of the shares in the various
series as follows :
No. I-....:
105 14
2 .
5".'.'.'.".!!".!!!'.";!!".X "
6 .-
93 45
S6 68
SO 4
72 69
65 53
55 89
43 62
33 65
31 62
22 18
14 69
6 70
Senator McAlister has jast finished draft
ing a bill providing for an election upon
the question of the relocation of the nstate
capital, tnorta are being waoe to trance
him not to introduce it, Registet, It
would be very foolish to introduce it It
would of course fail, acd should fail. The
present location is all right.
Wednesday night on her way heme from
the Valentine ball MUs Emma Fbeifer lost
a v&hmbla 'diamond Pin. IJist night
notice was nut in the Dbmocbat of the
loss, llurinff the night the pin which had
been found bv Night watch lial. was left
with the clerk at Mr. Pfeifer's, fortunate
in having been f jund by an honest man.
All insurance policies of tbe Northwest
Fire Marine Insurance Company, cover
ing property in Albany or vicinity will be
rewritten in the Royal Exchange assurance
or Connecticut Insurance Co. Unexpired
premiums of Northwest policies will be
credited policies. Bring policies immedi
ately to H. F. MerriL'.
The last cenrns report just received to'
dav shows 63.791 families in Oregon
29,400 own property free from debt, and
9,992 incumbered, and 24,399 families hire
property. The percentage is. i5.
hiring, 38.25. Only ten states exceed the
per centuge on ownership. 74.63 per cent
own property free from incumbrance and
25.37 incumbered property.
An Absolute Cure.
The Original Ablstlne Ointment is
put u? In large twooano tin boxet, and li
aa absolute cure for old sores, bums,
wounds, chapped hand and all skin erup
tions. Will positively cure all kinds of
piles. Ask for the Original Abifttine
Ointment. Fold by Foshsv & Mason at
25 cents per box, by mail So cents.
The Modern Invalid
Has tastes medicinally. In keeping with
ot icr luxuries. A temedy must be pleat
anly acceptable in lorm.purely wholetome
In compoaitlon.ttuly beneficial ineffciand
entirely free from every objectionable
quality, it reuy l ac consuua a p.i)
If constipated he ue the gentle family
laxative Syrup of Figs.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Gold uhiu Witwinter Fair. Saa FraiMiac .
Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Repot
M. Senders went to Salem this noon on
Miss Velle Irving went to Portland this
noon on s visit.
Hon. J. II. Scott, passed thcongh Al-
tany this noon, on his way home from
Ijcenses have been issued for the mar
riage of I C. Brotherton and Maud if.
Wilson, and Hiram Hnmphreyand Ltd la
O. Kincaid.
Mrs. A. O. Southard-Davenport-Ryan-Nelson,
now resides in Butte, Montana,
where she has begun suit for divorce
against her last husband.
Mrs Syfers and children, of ADianv,
are guests at the home of Dr. J. C.
Smith. The lady is being treated by the
Ir. for an optical trouble. Jefferson
Review, ......
I. N. Groves has bought a "btxclumith
shop at Albany and will remove to that
city in a few days. Ike is a first- Law
workman, and the Albany owners of fast
horses can now have them shod by an
experienced man. Jefferson Review.
J. K. Weatherford and wife came up in
a buggy from Albany Uet night to pay a
visit to St. Mary's chapter of the order of
fcastern Star. Mrs. eatberford is grand
matron of the order in this state. Cor
valiis Times.
Fred Page-Tustin, a well-known lawyer
of the state, tor many years located in
Eastern Oregon, has formed a partner
ship with District Attorney U. 31. Brown,
ami will take np his residence in this citv.
Roeeborg Review. Mr. Tustin once re
sided in Albany.
60 years of married life is certainly
worth commenting on. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Palmer, aged S3 and 61 reepect
ively. ot La Grande, recently celebrated
the 60th anniversrry of their marriage.
They have 8 children, 36 grand children,
and 15 great grand children.
' Mr. Jack Mahara, advance agent, is in
the city to make arrangemenu fur the
A ppearance of M abara's minstrels here on
the 23rd. The troup eonsi.t of about
thirty Pfople who travel on their own
train. Thev give a big performance. Mr.
Mahara, mentioned heretofore as having
been frhct in Oklahoma by the Cook
gang, carries the marks to show for tbe
affair. It is a miracle aLruod that he is
in Albany today rustling for a minstrel
VAXiSTtsfB ScurBisc.
A verv rJeasant snrpri? nartv was
tendered Mr. A. D. Barter on Wednes
day evening bv the ladies of Greenkaf
Lodge D. of H. accompanied by a num
ber of the A. O. IT. W. and invited
friends to the number of about fifrv. The
occasion being Mr. Barker's 51st birth
day. Tbe surprise waa genome and the
evening waa passed very pleasantly
with music, reciiatior and conversation
until 10:30 when a delightful luncheon
was spread and an hoar was then spent
in toast from members of the part v.
Mr. Barker was the recipient of a hand
some lii we rrom toe laoies ot tne v. ot
H. as a token of gratitnde for tbe ser
vices he had rendered in assisting in in
stituting the lodge in Albany. This was
presented in a wry pleasant manner by
Sirs. John Jones and was accepted
w ith a few appropriate remarks Iy Mr.
Barker. Tlie parte adjourned at a late
boor all pronouncing tbe occasion a
happy one.
Tinkle leads in photographs.
Old pa pen 15 eti a the Dex-
ocbat othce.
M. I. Anderson has begen suit for di
vorce against S. Anderson.
The central committee of the Po?nlut
will meet at Lebanon on Marcd 14 at li s.
We challenge tbe world to duplicate
the weather this afternoon for a February
If yon wish to sabacribe for the Exam
iner leave orders with F. L. Kenton sub
scription agent. He will forward same
promptly without extra charge.
Each of Linn comity's renreseatalives
bas introduced one bill, ecoagh for anv
body to introduce. R, G. Smith of Jose
phine leads the house with 2r. U. r. Pax
ton bas only introduced one. .
CT. W. Bryant and Nelson Ah'ttroui, of
Ashland, and Mai. Canterbury and others
are contemplating tn estabtishment ot a
colony on Thomas Creek, near Jordan, to
be ran on the Bell amy plan.
It takes something ebe besides a eocd
locauao. a good sKyugot, ana good in
struments to make a good chotocrath. 11
takes a man who knows how. "that is the
reason Tinkle makes the best photographs
ever maue in Aiaany.
lne report trom i-hedJ. is taat there was
so much disturbance in the church during
tbe meeting being beld there, that the
gallery had to be closed, and that the dis
turbance is caused by Haisev boys. 11 al-
sey iewa.
The Salem Poet says: Dawson Linn
county's senator, has a bill for the protec
tion ot game, tub and wild fowt. it pro
vides for a "game and fish protector of
course, with a salary cf f2.000 per annum,
together with traveling and other expenses
not to exceed $500 a year. The man who
had tbe trail to introduce such a bill would
make a slaughter house blush for shame,
Brings comfort and improvement anc
tends to personal enjoyment wh?i
rightly used. The many, who live Eh
tor than others and enjoy life more, wi.
less expenditure, by mere jromp-;
adapting the world's best products v
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence ia due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, tbe refreshing end truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the. system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently caring constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable substance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 50 cent bottles, bat it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
aceept any rubstitate if offered.
W.L. Douglas
ft 1 C lMt C f IS THE SWT.
V MLV n W fa tit roa a kino.
U2P ftKllAUlXMkVJm.
3. V POLICE soles.
Orsr Owe KHUoa PcopU wear Um
W. L. Dongas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes arc equally satisfactory
TWjr glva thm kea vain far tb saaoev.
Tlaay saaai c tot say la sty Is mm fit.
Tbsir wmtimg SBalHica ar aaryaw aid.
Tha prices ara anrlnisi, . slsitad M sals.
Frr Si ta Sj saved aver other awakes.
If jtar dcaier caaaot tapflj yoa we can. Sold by
- -Mustang
Caked & Inflamed Udders.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff Joints,
Harness & Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiffy.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mastssx Lbdmeat cooqacrs
Makes nasi or Beast wdl
aa snid wwder poaitiTW wtiUi! naraaiee. tT
aatbarind acanis ocij. tn cwn Wtwk Xr-oorj:
Iasaa of Brain aad Scriw Foanr: Lcaw Haafcood;
Qndaaa; Xsakt Luamn: EtU Dram Lack of
Coa&imce: Viimlw lawair : all Oraics:
Loaa of Poaw of the Gcetncn Onsaa ia euber
sct. raTwi by ormt-mmtm, Ymlhtai Errota, of
Exomaaaw Cao ot Tooaoco. Opn. or Laqaor.
vwtca ioada a llevrr. Conaaapaaoa. - ay
saa Oamia. Bj Bail, fl a box; si tor S&antJa
writtsw cwaraatM to caro or stfaitd innrr.
8aapje packaaw. ootitainir ui dac' tnataaaBt,
nta rail inccrwcunoa. x enna. Us
oaiy aoed to oacat paraoa hj mmiL
3 A CuTnming, sole agent, Albany.
rwB rrrsxa srx. ime
IV. lamM a. c&Jev ml mr
ta. S-teMbcSA.
J A Cummlugaole agent, Albany.
ar.tli.rTinal and ciilr PHEXOH. aafsandr.
tiahhacBrooB tho aavfcac fraca SlAAn aeot Uy
taoaauw aoLt oaif "7
J A Cnmming, sole agent. Altay
Emoifs Enjino-ClBrg.
SrtmdtJ ininHw tcrat for "m ntiw or Sic
B. iacawHi. MraViat f t mmr- cm SMtessasMaV.
jaSgCwt cr rawral SMUXia: Kir Rb
msaatt-am. "noot, KbiI-haw iorAiyr, acm 17.
paasasv. AnUBOa&laa. &UtJat fOT -VicoikO. afj
aMT 111 HIIIM, TtWM.S4aa4Al.43BaS
151 S, Stni AttCM. CHICACQ.
Sold by il druggUU.
Aft. I corpaoutstnotciav
Courses 01 study arranged i
all fraoea of alo-ianw.
Sfrnximi trnmamrntt epn t aaA
or auBatir, obtoon,
TRAXSJLCTa tanarat BaaxiBr aatasa.
I RAW SIGHT OBArTS oaKaw Vara, Saa Ft
Boo and Portlaao, Ore(.
LOAN MONET aa apomnad scearitj.
RBCK1VK aatwaile aubjei lo eoack.
l.vuua liu.a aaad oa ttroraa..
IHTKRKST paid ea tiaaa -iaoaai
,, 8, E.VOCSU
ytca Projkiaot
RAirsACTS a O KN BRA L baaktaa Vaatoaas
AOXM1NT8 KEPr aublwt is aoaek.
BIOHT BXCHANOB aad 11 impale trasot r.
Maw I ora. Saa maelaeo, tnicago aaa rn
jO jtiBOriOXI SaDBoa buorabla
I.W .Lasaaeai1
Ksvaas I . Sox.
f -V-Sv:,!
r i
UL i?"AS per. ESTTVE
yaJa. uc v-J tt